HGT Magazine #110 March/April 2021

Haida Gwaii articles, local business information, events, classifieds including real estate ads.

Haida Gwaii articles, local business information, events, classifieds including real estate ads.


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Raising the Roof for Mama Bon!



Farm to Table


Benefit the Community

Citizen's Corner – Ideology is Not a Four Letter Word

The World According to Carter – Musings of a Three-year-old

HG Funeral Service Society – Certified for Death with Dignity

+All Things Music – Meet Sandlanee Gid Raven Ann Potschka

Issue 110

March / April 2021

$5 (INCL. GST)

March / April 2021 1



Monica Caulfield, a professional

astrologer since 2007, is passionate

about helping people develop tools of

awareness and purpose in life.





Craig Carmichael seeks broad

perspectives and connects the

seemingly unrelated to discover and

realize new potentials for better living.


Margo Hearne is a 46-year Masset

resident, naturalist and writer. She

uses her skills to build things.


12 20


On the Cover: Bonnie and daughter, Winnie Olson | Photo by Rhonda Hall

Dear Huckleberry, an observer of

human conduct and love interactions,

is passionate about finding creative

ways to navigate love, friendships and

familiar relationships


Jamie McDonald lives in Daajing

Giids Queen Charlotte and loves

being on the water, gardening and



Neil Lore is an amateur philosopher,

politician, athlete, coach, and

musician who grew up in Port,

graduated in Masset, and now lives in

Gamadiis Port Clements


What's inside?


Ideology is not a four letter word.


Musings of a three-year-old.



Certified for death with dignity.


Meet Sandlanee Gid Raven Ann Potschka.




Behind the scenes:

Jasmine Beachy is a wife and proud

mother of two active boys. She is a

local StrongStart facilitator and has

lived in Gamadiis Port Clements for

15 years.


Owner/Editor in Chief: Shellene Van der Beke

Assistant Editor: Shannon Hammond

Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing

Team: Direct Design, Andre Favron & Dominic


IT: Haida Gwaii IT and Direct Design

Administrative Assistant/Social Media

Manager: Selena M. Adams

Bookkeeper: J. Pigeon Bookkeeping &


Subscribe: Get the HGT magazine

delivered right to your post box and save

20% off the retail price. On-island for one

year (six issues): $24 plus GST. Off-island:

$33.60 plus GST.

Advertise: Haida Gwaii Trader is

committed to help spread the word of

businesses of all sizes with affordable

options for everyone. Rates start as low

as $40 per month plus GST.

Deadline for the May/June issue: content we layout: April 10 th .

Classifieds and print ready submissions: April 20 th at noon.

Submit: We welcome you to send us your

family-oriented stories, news, illustrations,

cartoons, poems, etc., for publishing


Contact Information: Phone: 250-557-

2088 Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T

1R0 Website: haidagwaiitrader.com

The views and opinions expressed by the various authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs or viewpoints of

Haida Gwaii Trader. © 2021 Haida Gwaii Trader. All rights reserved.

2 HG March / April 2021 3


Letter From the Editor - Positive Things About Negative Space

By Shellene Van der Beke


Dear Huckleberry is an advice column aiming to use a bit of sound advice to nurture healing and

growth, while hopefully making you laugh a little too. This column is not a substitute for working

with a licensed counsellor. Please seek professional help if you are struggling.

Haida Gwaii Trader Values


We proudly serve the unceded

traditional territory of the

Haida Nation along with all

those who live, work and play

on Haida Gwaii. We offer

affordable advertising for all

local businesses and exemplary

off-island businesses whose

products and/or services are in

limited, local supply.


Our focus is to build, maintain

and enhance bridges between

First and Second Nations

people of all ages, genders and

income, between nature and

humanity, and between spirit

and ego.


We support basic, equitable

needs shared by all, including

social sustainability, clean air,

water and energy, affordable

housing, wellness, and

nutritious, locally produced


Naively, as it pertains to the content we publish in this magazine, I have said

to the HGT production team many times, “There’s too much white space.”

For some strange reason, blank space in the magazine trips me up. I get this

rather anxious and empty feeling and a voice in my ear whispers, “Fill. It. Up.”

Thank goodness for my wonderfully patient and talented team. Slowly

but surely they are teaching me that negative space, as an element of art

and design, is actually essential. It’s about boundaries, balance, and giving

subjects/objects space to breathe.

As it relates to us “hoomans,” I think it is safe to say that this past year has

seen an exponential increase in the negative and blank spaces that are

around us. Isolation, uncertainty and grief have many people feeling, well,

yes… like they are being tripped up by an expansive, hovering fog of

anxiety and emptiness.

With age, as layers of my youthful naiveté shed, I ponder the plausibility

that the negative and blank spaces around us, much as it pertains to art

and design, must also be…essential. Life pauses can help us to define

boundaries. Widening of personal spaces can help us nurture and value

balance. Even aspects of isolation can support us and our environments

with gifts of room to breathe.

Perhaps it’s not the presence of negative space around

us that’s the hardest to accept, but rather the truth of its


Keep on keeping on, dear readers. Let’s all gently help each

other to embrace the space.

Thank you, Haw’aa Exiting Contributors!

All of us here at Haida Gwaii Trader would like to thank Jane Langton for her

heart-centered and spirit-lifting articles and Lori Macfarlane for her delightful to

read articles and kind, warm and genuinely funny cartoons. We wish you both all

the very best and welcome you back anytime.

Dear Huckleberry: I am a queer femme woman

falling in love with this girl that I work with. I am

openly gay with my family and some friends, but

not everyone knows. I am confused as to what I

want and the consequences it may bring me to

follow up on this crush, especially because she

isn’t gay. She is awesome and we have always

been great friends, but lately it feels different and

I feel she might be into me too… I don’t want to

have any regrets, what do you think I should do?

Dearest, yours is a question about bravery and that is

sexy! So if you show her this side of yourself, you have

one foot in the door already.

But let’s be clear, this girl you are crushing on can be

your future wife or just another crush; the difference

between each is irrelevant right now, and your first

move should be to summon the courage to answer the

only question that really matters here, the question

upon which we all base our lives, and which moves us

forward: “Who are you?”

We are the ideas we stand for and the values we

uphold. We are the people we love and the stories we

cherish, but it’s up to you to tell the world the answer

to that question. Not society, not your family, your

friends or even the opinions of a beautiful girl with

whom you are falling in love.

Whatever your plans are about opening your feelings

to her, just tell the truth. Tell it to everyone that will

hear it, whatever the consequences. Remember the

undying words of Dr. Seuss, “those who matter don’t

mind, and those who mind don’t matter.”

Take it from your anonymous, friendly island

relationship advisor, there is nothing more liberating

than everyone knowing exactly who you are.

Dear huckleberry: So let’s start with admitting

that I suck at relationships. I haven’t had a

boyfriend for years and dating is hard; every time

I meet a guy there is something wrong with him.

My friends say I’m a perfectionist and I expect

the best in everyone without giving them a real

chance, but I have standards and I don’t want to

settle for less. Why is that so wrong?

Well Dearest, truth is we all suck at relationships in one

way or another. We either have too many options or too

few, we are all carrying the baggage of experience and

trauma that makes us weary and closed up to anything

that is new. So first of all, cut yourself some slack. We are

all in the same boat surrounded by hungry sharks.

Saying you are a perfectionist is a fancy way of saying

you are afraid, and you are right to be! How can any

person fulfill all the check boxes that we have for our

ideal, safe, perfect partner?

The first step to finding that relationship you are

looking for is accepting vulnerability to the flaws and

imperfections in others and in yourself. By no means

am I saying you have to settle for a troll living under

a bridge, or to accept the unrequited affections of a

Facebook stalker, NO!

Your standards should be defined by your moral

compass, ethics, and your own definition of happiness,

not by the fear that perfectionism stands for. Your

standards are who you are, and what you offer is what

you should expect from a relationship. You have every

right to desire a beautiful, dreamy love story, but I assure

you even in fairy tales the princess has to take a risk. In

other words, get out of this “I Suck at relationships” boat

and go swim with the sharks. You might find they are

not as bad as you’ve imagined.

Have a letter you would like to

submit for consideration? Email

dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com or send

mail to Dear Huckleberry ℅ Haida Gwaii

Trader, PO Box 313, Port Clements,

BC V0T 1R0

4 HG March / April 2021 5

Old Massett Office

162 Raven Avenue


Skidegate Office

226 Front Street



Are you as happy as we are to leave 2020 behind? While

we all continue to practice safe distancing, wearing

masks, and isolation when needed, we are working hard

to continue to meet the needs of our islands. In 2020 the

Gwaii Trust developed the Covid-19 Emergency Response

grant and the Haida Gwaii Staycation grant, committing

nearly $900,000 to supporting residents and

communities of Haida Gwaii impacted by the pandemic.

While the Staycation Grant is on hold during the islandwide

state of emergency (more information below), the

Covid-19 Response grant continues in 2021 with a focus

on applications that support mental health. For more

information on these or any of our grants visit gwaiitrust.

com or contact the office nearest you for support.


In an ongoing effort to make the application process

more straightforward and streamlined for all residents

of Haida Gwaii we are happy to be able to share some


All applications may now be accessed through our grant

management system. You'll find a link to the application

on each grant page on our website. Be sure to also review

the updated 2021 application guides located on each

grant page for up-to-date deadlines and grant criteria.

The Winter Holidays and Community Events grants are

now one grant, the Community and Holiday Events Grant.

This grant provides up to $16,000 annually to each Gwaii

Trust community to help support open and accessible

community events and to help communities celebrate

the holiday season. In the past this has included support

for gift cards and hampers during the holiday season, and

a number of awesome community events throughout the

year such as Skidegate Days and the Tlell Fall Fair. For

more information on this grant contact Meghan Cross,

meghan.cross@gwaiitrust.com, 250 559 5806, or visit


For our grants that require equity, we are pleased to

share that there has been a standardization of equity this

year: individual residents 25%, local nonprofits 25%, and

local governments 50%. This means an equity reduction

for nonprofits from 50% to 25%, which will impact

Community Innovation, Arts, Haida Language, and Kids

Camps grants.



Out of concern for the safety and wellbeing of all

residents of Haida Gwaii the Staycation Grant has been

put on hold until the Haida Gwaii State of Emergency

travel restrictions are lifted. For current information

on emergency restrictions visit the Council of the Haida

Nation at haidanation.ca. For current information on the

status of the Staycation grant, keep your eyes on our

Facebook page or visit us at gwaiitrust.com.



The deadline for the Youth Centred Communities Grant

is May 1st at 4pm. $10,000 is available for each Gwaii

Trust Community to help support the operations of

community-based youth centres or activities for youth.

Core funding is eligible, providing a predictable source

of revenue for youth centres. Starting this year, any

leftover funds from the grant will automatically be

transferred to the Youth Grant to help support other

youth programming within our communities.

For more information on this grant contact Dana Bellis,

project.officer@gwaiitrust.com, 250 626 3918, or visit


6 HG March / April 2021 7

Everyone has an ideology, but few of us understand what

that means or how we might describe our own ideologies.

This article will explain what an ideology is, give a few

examples, help you examine your ideological beliefs, and

give you some tips on how to engage with others.

Ideologies, or “isms,” determine which facts we think

are relevant, which actions we find appropriate or

inappropriate, and who we believe should be punished or

rewarded. Having an ideology does not make us good or

bad – humans simply need a basic set of beliefs in order to

function in the world.

Most facts are not part of anyone’s ideology. It is a fact

that birds have two wings, but nobody uses that fact to

justify an action.

Other facts do form part of some ideologies. It is a fact

that some humans have different coloured skin than

others. Some ideologies find this fact to be important

while others do not.

Now that we know what an ideology is, how do we find

out what ours is? This is harder than it sounds. The

best way to start is to think of a rule for society that you

strongly believe in, then ask yourself, “why do I believe

that?” Continue asking yourself this question, and

eventually it will “bottom out” in something like “I believe

it will make the best society.” Eventually, you will end

Citizen's Corner

By Neil Lore

Ideology is Not a Four Letter Word

up with a bunch of assumptions about how government

should be, what society is, which humans have good

lives, how resources should be divided, who should be

rewarded or punished, and what form those rewards and

punishments should take.

An ideology is sort of like an ocean – there are many

different types of fish that swim through it, and we should

not expect all those who believe an ideology to think

alike. With that in mind, here is a simplified example of

Liberalism, which was the dominant ideology of the West

until the late 1970s.

Governments exist to promote the general good. Society can

best be understood as a collection of individuals. People

will have good lives when they are free to do whatever they

want, provided it does not harm someone else.

Note that none of these statements can be proven true or

false. That said, if we believe these things, certain actions

will appear to be justified and correct. We will strongly

value individual rights such as freedom of speech, religion,

and travel. We are likely to end up with permissive

attitudes regarding divorce, abortion, and sexuality,

because we value the individual above the family. We are

likely to end up with a welfare state, because taking care of

the poor is part of “promoting the general good.”

Now we’ll contrast that with a simplified Neoliberal

ideology, which has been the dominant ideology in the

West since the late 1970s.

Governments exist to protect the free market. Society can

best be understood as a group of consumers. People will

have good lives when they work hard, make good choices,

and are free to decide how to spend their money.

If we believe these things, how will they shape our political

positions? We will want as few government regulations

as possible, because things like pollution taxes, minimum

wage laws, unions and “red tape” in general distort the

free market, reduce its efficiency, and leave individual

consumers with less money to spend on the things they

want. Charity is harmful to the poor; if we remove the

incentive for them to work hard they will become lazy and

entitled. Because people become wealthy by working hard

and making good decisions, wealth is a sign of virtue, and

poverty is a sign of vice.

Okay, we know how to find our ideology, and we

have some examples of specific ideologies. How do we

communicate with people who hold different ideologies,

or even those with a similar ideology with whom we still

can’t find much common ground? If we aren’t careful, we

can end up “talking past” one another. We can agree on

the individual facts, yet disagree about what those facts

mean, and which actions are appropriate. I recommend a

five step approach:

1) Understand the other person’s point of view as

charitably as is possible.

2) Empathize with them.

3) Respectfully give them relevant information that they

have a chance to accept.

4) Give them time and space to think.

5) Rinse and repeat.

When we engage with other people’s ideas, we should first

understand, then evaluate. If you understand a person’s

ideology, you can see the world from their point of view

and predict their actions. Calling someone names is not

going to change their mind, but if you can meet them

where they are and empathize with them, you have a

chance to nudge them to consider different ideas. And

because you have opened yourself up to understanding

their beliefs, you might also be nudged to consider

different ideas. Don’t try to change someone’s mind, but

rather try to increase their knowledge base and yours, then

give time and space for both you and them to think about


We’re smarter than we might think we are...

Some Common Political


(courtesy of dummies.com)

ANARCHISM: Can be grouped around

socialistic or individualistic strains. Anarchists

believe that the state and forms of compulsory

government are harmful or unnecessary to

people’s lives.

COMMUNISM: Communists believe that

the capitalist system is damaging to the

interests of the masses, and that workers

must unite and overturn it by revolutionary

means. Communists also believe in the state

ownership of all land, natural resources and


CONSERVATISM: Conservative thought

is coloured by the belief that – over time –

history has produced institutions and modes

of government that function well, and which

should be largely preserved for the future. They

also believe that political change should be

organic and gradual, rather than revolutionary.


concern is protecting and improving the

condition of the natural environment. Many

believe there is a need for much greater

regulation of humans’ interaction with the

environment, as well as aspects of our lifestyles

that are environmentally unsustainable.

FEMINISM: The belief that society and the

political system is patriarchal. Feminists seek

to improve the political and, particularly, the

social and economic position of women.

SOCIALISM: Socialists are motivated by the

desire to improve the quality of life for all

members of society. They believe in a political

system characterised by strong state direction

in political and economic policy. Another key

idea is the redistribution of resources to redress

inequalities inherent in a free-market economy.

8 HG March / April 2021 9


Springing into Sprouts

by Manzanita Snow

A Naturalist’s Almanac

Bees on the Beach

Article and photos by Margo Hearne

It’s a little-known secret that year-round vegetables can be

grown in a jar! Sprouted seeds and grains are nutritious, delicious,

and very economical to grow on your windowsill or

countertop. A warm location is best, and a place where your

mini farm will not be overlooked and forgotten.

Bombus on Honeysuckle, Graham Island

Most seeds of beans or peas sprout very quickly. Alfalfa seeds

are raring to go! A full-grown crop takes five days or less. I rotate

mine so there are two crops in succession – no running out!

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Soak the seeds in a canning jar with water for a few hours

or overnight (soaking times vary for different types of

seeds) in a warm spot. Use one level teaspoon for alfalfa

seeds, three level tablespoons for mung beans. As you do

more sprouting with different seeds, you’ll get a feel for

how many seeds will fill your jar with delicious sprouts.

2. Rinse the seeds well over a fine sieve.

3. Put the seeds back in the canning jar using the canning

ring and a layer of cheesecloth stretched under the ring.

You can also buy screens especially designed for jar sprouting

(for where to buy them, see below).

4. (This is the tough part.) Remember to rinse your seeds

twice a day in lukewarm water. This is important because

un-rinsed seeds will soon smell sour and can even make

you sick.

5. When grown about half an inch long with green tips, put

them in the fridge. Use them up within three to four days.

Sprouts can be used in so many ways...to add some crunch and

flavour to your favourite sandwich fillers, atop a green salad,

tossed into stir-fried meals, or added as toppings for pretty

much any meal.

Seeds suitable for sprouting include wheat, barley, chia, alfalfa,

raw shelled sunflower seeds, raw shelled pumpkin seeds, beans,

peas, lentils, radish, broccoli, kale, and clover. You can also buy

mixtures designed especially for sprouting. Untreated seeds

can be purchased at Bayview Market in Gamadiis Port Clements,

Isabel Creek in Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte, online at Vesey’s

Seeds in Nova Scotia and Mumm’s in Saskatchewan. West Coast

Seeds in Vancouver also has sprouting seeds and some wonderful

sprouting supplies such as screens and specialized sprouting

rings to fit any wide mouth canning jar.

If jars aren’t your thing, sprouting trays that have drainage holes

are available at Vesey’s. And an electric drill could turn almost

any plastic tray into a grow unit. Cover loosely and watch for the

tiny roots that announce your success as a Super Sprouter!

Last year (2020) was a good year for bumble bees on Haida

Gwaii. The Corona strictures had not affected them and we

watched from a distance as they moved from flower to flower

along the beach, their gentle buzzy drone almost the only

sound on this unusually quiet July afternoon. The silence was

refreshing, the winds that had blown all year had ceased and

the bees were taking advantage of the calm. They had a long

winter ahead of them.

We had noticed in previous years that the bee’s main source

of nectar and pollen were beach flowers on the high shingle.

Unfortunately, their favourite, Sea Bluebell mertensia maritima,

had been swept away by winter’s extreme high tides and rough

seas. Fortunately, Seabeach Sandwort Honckenya peploides

was prolific and we watched from a distance as the bees droned

through the plants, collected pollen for the hive and sipped

nectar for themselves. They were lovely in their little fuzzy coats;

they didn’t need our disturbance. They had been busy since early

June and would continue working until the weather got colder.

What were these bee species? They were the Western Bumble

Bee, Bombus occidentalis, though these populations seem to

separate from island to island. The Moresby Island bees appear

to have different colouring from those on Graham Island, the

two main islands on this lovely archipelago. Could the little ones

be Bombus melanopygus or Bombus bifarius? The former, seen

on Graham Island, has on its back (from head down) yellow,

black, thin yellow and black, then orange; the latter, seen on

Moresby Island, has (from head down) black, and a ‘black ink

spill’ which runs down through its yellow and orange back. We

still have a lot to learn about Bombus populations here.

Bumble bees are making a comeback. They were once used

commercially in greenhouses to pollinate flowers. Then they

began to die. According to James Strange (one of several coauthors

and a researcher at the USDA’s Pollinating Insects

Research Unit at Utah State University) the Nosema parasite,

which spread through the commercial population, might have

been a factor in their decline. He explained that trying to better

understand the impact of Nosema on Bombus occidentalis is

difficult because laboratory studies are hard to do. But as he

continued, “the population seems at least to be re-emerging

where it hadn’t been seen in the last 10 years…there is some

resilience in the population of Bombus occidentalis. They do

seem to be coming back.” The Department of Biology at the

University of Ottawa is also working in partnership with other

organizations to gather more information. If you see any bumble

bees, let them know at bumblebeewatch.org.

Busy Bombus on Sea Bluebells, Moresby Island

Alfalfa Mung Bean Kale

Bombus on Sea Bluebells, Moresby Island

Bees are essential for pollinating the foods we eat, and like

most wild species, need our help. Pesticides, insecticides, and

predators all take their toll. The good news is that we are more

aware than ever of their necessary place in the world and are

taking action to keep them safe. Things are changing; where

once these little creatures were stepped on or swatted, they are

now being photographed and recognized. As the late Mahatma

Gandhi said, “whatever you do will be insignificant. It is very

important that you do it.” Even for the little Bombus as it goes

about its own particular pursuits.

10 HG March / April 2021 11

The Bonnie Project

Raising the Roof for Mama Bon!

By Jamie McDonald

On January 10th, 2021, Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte’s

Winnie Olson, Bonnie Olson’s daughter, decided

to start a private group on Facebook (unbeknownst

to her mom) asking everyone to help her

mother, whose house was in need of major repairs.

The message started with this:

“Hey all you wonderful folks,

This group was created because, although she does not

like to admit it openly to people, my amazing Mother

(Bonnie Olson) is struggling. She has been living in a

house that is literally falling apart around her and it

is greatly affecting her physical and mental health…3

of her windows on the west side of the house are now

completely rotted out and her only layer of protection

from the elements is a few tarps and some staples

which gave way in the last storm. Unfortunately, some

major new leaks have sprung up in the roof in the last

few days as a result of our endless monsoon and things

are only getting worse.”

I happened to be working at Gather when, a week

or so later, Winnie and a few close friends of her

mother’s had a get together to tell Bonnie… and it

was such an amazing moment… to see the emotion

in everyone’s faces when it was announced that they

had reached $37,000 in donations within 4 days

of that post. They had one of those “sweepstakes

winner” giant cheques printed for her that said “for

karmic balance.” Now for any of you who know

Bonnie, she’s been contributing to this community’s

karmic balance for some time now.

PC Rhonda Hall

PC Rhonda Hall

About Bonnie

I had a little sit-down chat with Bonnie to get to

know her a little better and hear her story.

“I was an anarchist kid, protesting the system all

the time and wanted to raise my child differently,

with a greater connection to the land. That’s why

I very consciously chose to move here, having had

a pretty crazy life and wanting to reconnect in a

different way. Things that feed my spirit are the

land, ocean and being surrounded by a diversity

of creative people. I also love music and art.”

Many people know Bonnie from Queen B’s Cafe,

which she started and ran fifteen years ago. Back

then she was a single mother “trying to figure it

out,” but was still active in the community. “It always

felt good to give back,” she says. Queen B’s

helped Bonnie to develop trusted connections with

some of the diverse members of her community,

many of whom were instrumental in the growth

and success of the business.

Bonnie definitely knows how to respect her home

community... “One of my core values and a major

motivator for me to do community work stems

from the belief that when you live on ancestral

territory that’s not yours, you should help improve

the community you are in, and not extract and take

things from it. I am always asking myself: Are you

improving, helping, supporting? Your footprint

should be subtle, supportive and aligned…never


It was these strong community values that led Bonnie

to start the food bank in Daajing Giids Queen

Charlotte about nine years ago, along with fellow

community member Rachel Cameron. Food security

has always been an important issue for Bonnie.

In addition to her work with the food bank, she has

also been working as a Victim Services/Outreach

Coordinator with Islands Wellness Society for the

past eleven years, work that has taught her a lot

about self care and setting healthy boundaries so

she can not only take care of herself but also model

such behaviour for her clients.

“[Bonnie] is a gem and one of the reasons this

community is such a special place to live.” -

Sheila Gordon, Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte

“This is so beautiful to see everyone's love for

dear Bonnie.” - Midori Campos, Masset

“Someone needs to take care of the caretakers.”

- Carla Lutner, Miller Creek

“Love Bonnie! She helps everyone!” - Jo-Anne

Holder MacMullin, Daajing Giids Queen


“Bonnie is such a lovely soul and has put other

people first for so long.” - Dana Myshrall, Daajing

Giids Queen Charlotte

“… [Bonnie] has opened her home for so many

in all the years that she has lived here, this is a

wonderful way to give back to her!” - Kiki van

der Heiden, Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte

12 HG March / April 2021 13

About the House

Aside from Gamadiis Port Clements and K’il Kun

Sandspit, Bonnie has lived all over Haida Gwaii.

She bought her house in Daajing Giids Queen

Charlotte after living there as a renter for a few

years. The plan was that her dad (who helped her

buy the house) would assist with the renovations

that were needed even then. Very sadly, Bonnie’s

father died very suddenly only two months after

the house purchase, and never had the opportunity

to work on the house with his daughter.

That was ten years ago, and since then Bonnie

has raised three of her own kids (Winnie, Roan,

and Taj) and helped raise and foster many others

in her increasingly dilapidated home. “My home

was always open for those in need,” says Bonnie.

“I never had the time to do the maintenance work

that needed to be done because feeding and helping

support my community were my priority.”

When she thought about repairing the house, Bonnie

had a hard time figuring out where to start. “My

house was in such a state, I felt I would blow away

during the storms last month, and it even started

leaking in my main room. I haven’t been able to

use my chimney for five years, but couldn’t fix it

without fixing the whole roof, and had no money

to fix the roof. The windows and roof leaking have

led to the walls being compromised.”

For the past few years, Bonnie has been quietly

aware that with the rise in rental prices, even if she

sold the house for someone else to fix up she still

might not be able to afford a rental home. “I’ve put

so much energy into this community, have spent

most of my life here, and was reflecting on how I

could afford to stay here... and then this amazing

gift fell upon me.”

“I can’t think of a more deserving individual…

[Bonnie] has done so much for so many people.”

- Morgan Claryssa, Nelson

“It’s time for Bonnie to make a withdrawal

from the karma bank.” - Jason David Rupke,

HlGaagilda, Skidegate

“…that house was a home for me for a bit. Mama

Bonnie deserves the world.” - Jessica Erin Scaife,


“This lady is quite literally a hero to many.” -

Mecca Huston, GuuhlGa Skidegate Landing

“Bonnie gives so much to our communities, and

I hope she can now welcome all this love back.

Haw’aa Winona for reaching out and allowing us

to give back!” - Janet Rigg, Tll.aal Tlell

“Let’s not stop at a new roof. This Goddess deserves

a lot more than simply keeping the rain off

the house.” - Tinger Von B, Halifax

“I can’t imagine a heart more deserving of a warm

safe home.” - Niisii Joy, HlGaagilda Skidegate

Jason Rupke hard at work

About Receiving

I don’t know about you, but I have no trouble giving,

just as Bonnie expressed; it makes me feel good to

give. Receiving, on the other hand, is much more

of a challenge…

About receiving her gift from the community, Bonnie

relays, “I am feeling great! The gift of the project

Winnie started is just amazing. I can replace my roof

and make my home comfortable and warm. More

than anything though, it is allowing me to feel I can

be settled in this community and not have to leave.

I didn’t think these feelings would arise. It’s a weird

feeling when you’ve spent half your life here and

Ross Plourde gettin’ er done

PC Winnie Olson

suddenly realize you may be priced out and have

to leave. This show of community support is a huge

gift of grounding for me. But having the information

about the state of my house made public was hard. I

had to traverse this weird line of living in gratitude

and not shame. You can choose to be on the bridge

of gratitude or of shame. I’ve chosen the first.”

Bonnie says she cries every day reading people’s posts

on social media. Many people in the community

have offered up words of kindness and support, some

stopping her on the street to express their appreciation

and tell her about everything they are doing

Winnie Olson and Ross Plourde,

The Bonnie Project begins

14 HG March / April 2021 15

to help. She says if she had been approached about

doing such a fundraiser, she would have said no.

“I work with people who can’t always feed themselves

and go through bits of homelessness… I consider

that I live better than 90% of the world population

and didn’t feel I

“This show of community

support is a huge gift of

grounding for me.”

- Bonnie Olson

could ever complain

about the state of my

house. In processing

this gift, I made

peace with that and

acknowledged that

it’s okay for your

community to know

your struggles, and it’s okay to just feel the love and


Work has now begun on repairing Bonnie’s house.

She says it’s a bit chaotic, but good to see it happening.

“I will be able to feel safe in my home and supported

by my community. In this year of people feeling so

Thank You, Haw’aa Message from Bonnie

To ALL you amazing humans near and far I wish you to know how deeply this has

affected me. Your support, in whatever way you have shown it, has me completely

Gobsmacked. I was just added to this group of secret schemers and reading your

thoughts, stories and posts has me ugly crying again. Like deep sobs of appreciation and

gratitude. Haida Gwaii life has always been a gift. Coming here half a lifetime ago as a young

single mama was one of the best and biggest leaps into the void. I have been so fortunate to

live here on this land, the lessons of community acceptance have been so vast, the family I

have found here, the experiences I have been honoured by are so deep and rich. Without

all of you sharing yourselves and your lives and (to all my Haida friends and family) your

territory, I would never have become who I am. We have shared births, deaths, art, food,

lessons, and most importantly LOVE. For all you are and all you do and for what is to come,

haw’aa, haw’aa, haw’aa. You have brought so much light and hope to me.

I would like to express a special thank you to my daughter, Winnie Olson, as well as Ross

Plourde and Jason Rupke – who are coordinating everything. And a huge Haw’aa to everyone

who has donated time or financial support.

I feel very humble and deeply moved on a cosmic level. Xoxo

disconnected and tapped out, I feel so connected and

supported. And maybe it wouldn’t have happened

without this [pandemic] crisis. This feels like the

hugest payback ever. How did I get so lucky?! All

the investment in energy has been given back to

me 8,000%. I feel

loved and validated.

I feel hopeful

and invigorated,

imagining and

dreaming things

up that I always

thought wouldn’t

be possible. My

personal goal before I check out of this life is for

everyone on Haida Gwaii to be clothed, fed and

housed. So, I leave you with this question - paying

it forward – how can we sustainably help folks out

in this way? Let’s reflect on this and come together

to help all community members feel connected, supported

and safe.”

If you haven’t yet but are interested in doing so, there are raffles going on to continue the fundraising (announced

on the Facebook group page). If you want to support this project, you can donate by sending an e-transfer to:

winona.olson21@gmail.com (Password-roof), or contact Winnie Olson for more information.

Anyone else’s three-year-old tell you to “just relax” when you get

rightfully a little upset when your one- and-a-half-year old body

slams you, farts on your face and then laughs at you? Asking for

a friend.

They say children teach adults many things. Things like curiosity,

awe and pleasure in the simplest of happenings. Things

like expressing how we feel vs. keeping things so bottled up,

that every day is a new day and much like my son Carter’s pithy

perspectives, as shared in this article, humour.

For example, I was going downstairs one morning and Carter

says to me, “Where are you going?” I told him that I was going

downstairs for a minute. He says to me, “No, you get back up

here right NOW.” To which I replied, “No, I’ll be right back.” He

then says to me with some sort of imaginary authority, “Mommy.

You get back up here now. I’m going to count to three.

1..2..3. OK! That’s it, you’re getting a timeout!” Not how it works

dear, sweet child.

Carter: (Calling from the living

room as I’m making breakfast)

“Mommy!! Did you hear me


Me: (Shaking my head) “No

Carter, I did not.”

Carter: “It’s REAL stinky. I tootits

in the house.”

Carter loves his water and ice.

If the little king’s ice cubes melt

he asks for more. Today I put

some ice cubes in his apple

juice. He brought me his cup

and said, “I don’t like this juice.

I want just juice. Dump it down the sink.” So I did. I asked him if

it was the ice cubes that he didn’t like. He said, “No, I don’t want

ice cubes in my juice. Do better Mommy.” Umm, pardon me??

How do you even respond to that? This kid kills me.

Carter: “Hey Mommy?”

Me: “Yes Carter?”

Carter: “This is the best food I’ve ever gotten. Thank you


(I served him microwaved hot dogs…on bread. Not even a hot

dog bun.)

Carter wasn’t listening when I asked him to clean up his toys. I

ask him, “Why aren’t you listening?” He replied, “Because that’s

my job.”

Carter: “This is OUR house.”

Me: “Yes it is.”

Carter: “It’s a BIG house. Look at it.”

Me: “Yes.”

Carter: “Mommy! look at that TV. It’s a big TV. It’s a big, ENOR-


Me: “Well, not really.”

Carter: “Yes Mommy, it IS enormous. I love that enormous TV.

We are so lucky. I love our big house.”

Saturday morning, hopeful

for a sleep in. Carter enters

our room and states, “Um,

excuse me guys? It’s time to

get out of that bed.”

Me: “Carter! Why is your

room a mess again? You

just cleaned it last night!”

Carter: “Mommy, you’re


Sometimes my children

drive me bananas, but they

are just the best part of my

life. If you have any funny

children stories to share,

send them on over to

Shellene at HG Trader at


Carter and Connor Beachy

16 HG March / April 2021 17

HGFSS Funeral Director, George Westwood | PC Shellene Van der Beke

funeral homes. Without George’s efforts, this possibility would

not exist. “If I’ve done nothing else in my life, I’ve done this. It is

a piece of history.”

Matt Pierce will be joining George in practicing as a funeral

director with exemption from licensing, and there are about a

dozen other volunteers working with the HGFSS as well. Even

with their new legal status, the Society plans on remaining a

volunteer driven organization, as this will keep them focused on

providing dignified care rather than on making a profit.

If you’re wondering about how George and HGFSS volunteers

might approach their funeral care, here’s what George has to

say about death, “If you don’t grasp and fight, getting out will

be a walk in the park.”

Certified for Death

with Dignity

By Shellene Van der Beke and Shannon Hammond

Despite this big win for the HGFSS and for all of BC, George

plans on working to make these exemptions Canada-wide. If

you are interested in helping with this endeavour, please feel

free to contact our MP, Taylor Bachrach, at taylor.bachrach@parl.

gc.ca and let him know you think it’s important for all remote

Canadian communities to have the ability to legally provide

funeral services.

A huge congratulations to George and the Haida Gwaii Funeral

Service Society! One heck of a job well done.

Though many people might not like thinking about death,

how we care for our dead is an especially important part of

how we live and grieve as families and communities.

As volunteer Funeral Director of the Haida Gwaii Funeral

Service Society (HGFSS), George Westwood knows a lot

about the certainty of death, and the importance of being

able to provide a dignified exit from the world for the person

who has died and those who grieve the death. While

functioning as undertaker and coroner service provider for

the past thirty years, George has been helping Haida Gwaii

residents get through this difficult but vital experience.

Because the population of Haida Gwaii is too small to support

a full-fledged funeral home, George and others in the

HGFSS have had to operate outside of the legal parameters

for death care in British Columbia. That is, until now.

Spearheaded by George, several years of lobbying and

discussions with government officials have now made it

possible for remote BC communities to apply for a “Funeral

Services Exemption,” which essentially means that

all funeral services except for embalming can be legally

practiced without a licensed funeral home. As George

describes, “Basically, before this, if you in any way shape or

form acted like a funeral director with or without pay, you

were in violation of three Provincial Acts.”

The HGFSS is the first group in BC to have been granted

this exemption. It’s just one piece of paper from the government,

but it represents a landmark change in the ability

for remote communities of BC to provide funeral services

without having to circumvent the law or travel to far away

Carter and Connor Beachy

Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust (AGLT)

Public Notice

As required under section 35, subsection “b” of the AGLT Deed of Trust, the following

documents have been made available for public viewing:

1. AGLT Operations Report for the year ending Dec 31, 2020

2. AGLT Annual Statement of Financial Position for the year ending Dec 31, 2020

Both reports can be found online at www.aglt.ca or through either of the two local

Gwaii Trust Society/Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust offices.

For questions regarding either of these reports or any other information regarding AGLT, contact:

Carla Lutner, Chief Operations Officer, Gwaii Trust Society/Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust


Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust

PO Box 588, Masset BC, V0T1M0

Old Massett: 1.250.626.3654

Skidegate: 1.250.559.8883

18 HG March / April 2021 19



Farm to table on Haida Gwaii

Photos and webinar content courtesy of the Haida Gwaii Food Strategy

The Haida Gwaii Food Strategy (HGFS) is an all-island

project that involves a number of organizations,

including the Council of the Haida Nation (CHN);

Haida Child and Family Services Society; Niislaa

Naay Healing House and Xaay DaGa Dlaang Society:

Healthy Haidas Program; Gwaii Trust; Skidegate

Band Council; Local Food 2 School/Xaada Foods

Committee; Swiilawiid; Haida Gwaii Museum; and

Northern Health.

Now, more than ever, people are embracing the

truth of how vulnerable Haida Gwaii is in regards to

the food we eat. It’s not just about supply, it’s about

food quality and food economics. It’s also clear that

food sovereignty success depends a great deal on the

ability of our island communities to work together.

Exploring this important topic, on February 4th,

2021 the HGFS’s fourth webinar series, hosted by

Jisgaang Nika Collison, featured presentations from

some of our most knowledgeable and hard-working

local farmers. This included Don Richardson, Kevin

Brown on behalf of the Lavoie Family Farm, Lynda

Dixon, Ruth Wheadon, Miranda Barnhardt, and

Elizabeth Condrotte. Topics discussed included what

island food meant to each participant and what is

needed to strengthen our local food industry.

Now, more than ever, people are embracing the truth of how

vulnerable Haida Gwaii is in regards to the food we eat.

“Every inhabitant on Haida Gwaii would benefit if our ferry was

an essential highway. This in turn would give every farm the potential

to become financially viable in the long term and it would

lower input costs for all residents.” – Don Richardson, Richardson

Ranch, Tll.aal Tlell

“The 2011 Misty Isles Economic Development Society [agriculture]

report states that ‘1.3 acres is required to provide a healthy

balanced diet for each person in BC.’ We believe that that is an

underestimate due to our climate and soil on Haida Gwaii. We

may need up to 8000 acres [1.6 acres per person] of land to be

designated to grow enough food for 5,000 people.” – Kevin Brown

on behalf of the Lavoie Family Farm, Sewall

“Most of us growing food here are pretty much dedicated to the

lifestyle of it… we’re not taking a lot of money home but we’re

really passionate about the work and the food and how you raise

your children on the land. It doesn’t matter what you get paid in

the end, it’s a super valuable experience.” - Lynda Dixon, Maude

Island Farm, Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte

“I really liked having the different school groups and the elders

come out for their farm tours. The energy and enthusiasm of everyone

who came was amazing. Some of them had never held a

chick or a baby duck or even seen a live pig or sheep, so I thought

that was very special, and we hope to be able to do that again.

Maybe we can, just in a different way in the future.” – Miranda

Barnhardt, Rainy Days Gardens, Tll.aal Tlell

Richardson Ranch, Tll.aal Tlell

Maude Island Farm , Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte

Rainy Days Gardens, Tll.aal Tlell

The Lavoie Family Farm, Sewall

20 HG March / April 2021 21

“Farming isn’t something you get rich on in a monetary

sense, but it’s something that you get rich on from lovely

local food and getting to provide it to your community

and contribute to your community.” Ruth Wheadon,

Baru Farm, Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte

“We need to control our own food sources - the production

and the distribution - and not to have to go and ask

outside sources. We also need the communication, commitment

and cooperation of all islanders to make it work

so that we have food security.” – Elizabeth Condrotte,

Tlell Bay Farm, Tll.aal Tlell




• Roasts

• Steaks

• Ground

• Short Ribs

• Halves

• Quarters

Special cuts also




• Roasts

• Chops

• Sausage

• Bacon

• Spare Ribs

Raised with no hormones

and non-medicated feed

Ruth and Barry of Baru Farm

Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte

“Farm to Table” panelists answer the question, “What does the island

need to be food independent in fifty years from now?”

• An all islands food strategy that supports an

integrated economy and includes both wild and

cultivated food

• B.C. Ferries needs to be made a part of the

highway system

• More nutrition programs utilizing local food

• A local, agricultural extension agent to support

farmers and help with food endeavors of

all kinds – test plots, soil testing, combining our

freight needs and lobbying government on our

behalf (for subsidized freight, reducing the non

resident hunter bag limits of deer, making local

dairy possible and getting more local products

into our grocery stores and restaurants)

Elizabeth Condrotte of Tlell

Bay Farm, Tll.aal Tlell

• Renewable, clean and sustainable energy

• More producers and more consumers of local


• More local food mentors and apprentices

• Affordable and available land – support young

people in getting access to land and dedicate

land to plant crops for seeds that do well here

(build a local island seed bank)

• A communal place to process food

• More greenhouses (maybe start with neighborhood

greenhouses that grow for local stores)

• More education (on the land and in the classroom),

cooperation and communication

If you would like to get involved with or offer your support

to the Haida Gwaii Food Strategy, email hgfoodstrategy@gmail.com

Next HGFS webinar, “Nourish & Flourish – Hearing From Municipalities,” March 16th, 2021

To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com




• April 6 st & 19 th

• May 3 rd & 17 th

*Please note: to abide by the Provincial Health Order, members of public cannot attend Council

meetings physically in person. Alternative means of participation are available, such as calling

(250-557-4295) or emailing (office@portclements.ca) the Village Office ahead of Council

Meetings with questions for the Agenda items to be read out to Council during the “Questions

from the Public and Press” section of the meeting.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic:

Stay Home, Wash Your Hands, Save Lives.


35 Cedar Ave. West, PO Box 198 • Tues-Fri 9:30am-1pm

250-557-4295 • Need an after hours appointment? Please don’t

hesitate to call or email us. For any after hours public works

emergencies, call 250-557-4272

www.portclements.ca • office@portclements.ca


250-557-4727 • Mon-Sat 8-8 (Closed Sundays)

66196 Hwy. 16, Port Clements

Our quality products can be found at

Causeway Convenience Stores (both QC and Masset locations)

22 HG March / April 2021 23

Haida Gwaii

Clean Oceans Benefit the Community

By: Xaayda Gwaay.yaay Tang.Gwan Tll Skunxa HlGang.gulxa XaaydaGaay

The Haida Gwaii Clean Oceans Working Group (Xaad Kil translation pending)

What led to the creation of the group?

Haida Gwaii is part of a global struggle to keep people healthy during COVID-19, and limiting travel is a key step.

In a normal year, tourism brings an estimated $16 million to Haida Gwaii. Tourism businesses have shown great

understanding and resilience during this uncertain and extremely challenging time. Many are looking for ways to

adapt, to take on COVID-safe activities that benefit the communities, land, and waters where they work.

With support and direction from the Council of the Haida Nation and All-Islands Protocol Table, a new working

group was formed last fall to find funding that could put local tourism operators to work on a large-scale cleanup

of marine debris from Haida Gwaii shorelines.

In December the B.C. government announced a $9.5 million Clean Coast, Clean Waters Initiative Fund (CCCW),

intended to support such cleanups across the coast.

Guided by experienced marine tourism and transportation operators in collaboration with the Council of the Haida

Nation, the Misty Isles Economic Development Society, and BC Parks, as well as a technical advisor from Gwaii

Haanas, our volunteer working group has now submitted a proposal for over $2 million to the CCCW.

What is the working group?

The Xaayda Gwaay.yaay Tang.Gwan Tll Skunxa HlGang.gulxa XaaydaGaay Haida Gwaii Clean Oceans Working

Group advocates for local Haida Gwaii economic relief through the removal of human-made marine debris, derelict

vessels, and any other project that results in cleaner oceans.

Photos: Prior Marine Debris Clean-up

Our goals are to:

• Work with the Haida Nation in every stage of project planning and


• Provide opportunities for collective action by local Haida Gwaii businesses

interested in projects that will lead to cleaner oceans.

• Encourage and support local hiring for any and all projects.

• Promote best practices in marine-debris collection and disposal.

• Coordinate such projects, and make sure there is no overlap with

similar community projects underway.

• Boost the Haida Gwaii economy as we recover from the impacts of

the COVID-19 pandemic.

What are we working on now?

With an application deadline of February 15, 2021, the group has been

meeting weekly to work on two related proposals for the Clean Coast,

Clean Waters Initiative Fund: the Haida Gwaii Marine Debris Cleanup

and Haida Gwaii Derelict Vessel Removal projects. Together, these two

projects are expected to remove eight to ten derelict boats and well over

100 tonnes of marine debris from our shorelines.

With a combined budget of over $2 million, these are major projects

that will deliver much-needed jobs and revenue to Haida Gwaii tourism

operators and other local businesses hit hard by COVID-19.

In the long term, the scientific data and local experience gained throughout

this year-long initiative will guide Haida Gwaii’s future response to

the ongoing problems of marine debris and abandoned vessels.

There will also be opportunities to build marine debris recycling infrastructure

that can help Haida Gwaii limit the amount of marine debris

that goes into our local landfill, and better process waste before it is

shipped and recycled at other designated locations in the province.

Photos supplied by the Haida

Gwaii Clean Oceans Working


How can I get involved?

If the projects receive funding from the Clean Coast, Clean Waters Initiative Fund, there will be

multiple opportunities for community members to get involved. Local contractors and service

providers can help with cleanup and removal efforts. There will also be opportunities for individual

employment on many of the projects, and support for organized beach cleanups.

To watch for opportunities and find out more, please contact MIEDS at admin@mieds.ca or follow

Misty Isles Economic Development Society (@misty.isles.ec.dev) on Facebook.

24 HG March / April 2021 25

Good Deeds by Good People

Saving a Saw-whet

By Shellene Van der Beke

Just when the suffering of this crazy world feels like it’s nearly too much, a story comes along that warms the heart,

body and soul. Good people doing good deeds. People like Gaw Tlagee Old Massett’s Alanna Wilson, Masset’s Trishann

Turner, Gwaii Animal Helpline volunteers Leila Riddall and Lorrie Joron, Pacific Coastal Airlines, and Delta’s OWL

Orphaned Wildlife. The deed? The rescue, rehabilitation, and release of one of our threatened Haida Gwaii Saw-whet

owls (Aegolius acadicus).

unwrapped the towel. The little dude jumped up in my hands! Trishann and I stood in the middle of an empty highway in

the dark screaming around (lol). Definitely shocked us both he was ALIVE!

HGT: Wow! Who did you contact/call/visit after that?

AW: I put the towel and owl back on the ground, adjusted him and wrapped him up again. Told Trishann she had to get in

the car and hold him on the way into town. As soon as we got a cell signal, we got a hold of Gwaii Animal Helpline’s Leila

Riddall, we explained what happened, she gave us her address and we dropped him off. After OWL Orphaned Wildlife sent

the owl back up, Leila had Lorrie Joron picked him up and

contacted me to meet up and release him.

From the time this little Saw-whet crossed paths with

Alanna and Trishann to the day it was released on January

24, 2021, nearly two months of care involving around a

dozen people and organizations took part in saving its life.

Worth it? You tell me. Look into this magical creatures’ eyes

and…is that a hell yes I hear?

Growing to be a mere seven inches long, our charming little Saw-whets are one of the smallest owl species in North

America. Their asymmetrical ears - one facing upwards, the other down – partly account for their especially adept

hunting skills. They live in dense streamside thickets or the branch cavities of conifers, and skillfully store some of

their hunted bounty as a winter reserve. Frozen mice, small birds and even insects are later retrieved and thawed out

by laying on them, much like they’d do while hatching eggs.

The rearing of their young is a co-parenting endeavour. The male hunts while the female incubates and broods, but

once the owlets are just over two weeks old, the female leaves and it is the male who then tends to them until they

leave the nest.

As these charmingly wide-eyed nocturnal birds of prey are on the threatened species list, their extinction would be

nothing short of a tragedy.

Thanks to a group of amazing people, one of these little feathered treasures lives on!

Kudos, good people. Indeed, a darn good deed was done. I

have to say it: mic drop.

~ To watch the Jan. 24th Haida Gwaii Saw-whet release

video or share your comments and support, be sure to

check out the Gwaii Animal Helpline’s Facebook page. ~

In the care of Leila Riddall_waiting for it's journey to OWL

It was late last November that Alanna Wilson (AW) and her friend, Trishann Turner were driving north

on Highway 16…well, Alanna tells it best:

AW: Trishann and I were taking our usual drive out to Pure Lake and back on

the night of November 25, 2020 around 6:20pm. We were on our way back

into Masset when I saw something light-coloured move from my left side. It all

happened so quickly, I didn’t even have time to think, let alone hit my brakes.

Something hit my windshield on the driver’s side. It definitely startled Trishann

and I with a loud smack. I looked at her and said, “OMG what was that!?” She said,

“I don’t know.” We drove down the road another 1/4 mile. I said, “Should we just

turn around and check?” She said yes. We turned around and drove slow until we

found this tiny little thing in the middle of the road. “OMG, I think it’s a baby owl!” I

said as I got out of the car.

HGT: Was the owl conscious? Did you have something to wrap it in?

Release day with Lorrie Joron (L) and Alanna Wilson

AW: He was unconscious for a few minutes. He was not moving when we found

him, we assumed he was dead. I poked him gently a few times and said, “Well, I

feel like this is a bad omen, we can’t just leave it in the middle of the road.” Then I

remembered a couple of towels my cousin had left in my trunk. I grabbed one, put

him in the towel and wrapped him up. I then stood in front of my headlights and

Stunned, Stunned, the rescue the rescue begins_photo by Alanna by Alanna Wilson Wilson

Return to the wild_photo by Lorrie Joron

26 HG March / April 2021 27

Be a part of a regional

marketing program

Though 2021, all costs associated with the

program are on hold due to COVID-19, to

better help out small businesses during this

challenging time.

Connect with your local

Community Champion today!

Jennifer Rutt

Executive Director

Misty Isles Economic Development Society



Update your profiles

Existing Love Haida Gwaii Businesses - now is

the time to review and update your existing

profile. Add your social media accounts, check

your contact information, update your hours

of operation, and anything else you need.














Balance Rock











start at


8 x 10










Phone: 778-230-9871

1201 Oceanview Drive, Queen Charlotte info@haidagwaiidesigns.ca www.haidagwaiidesigns.ca

The power of photography

High quality images of yourself, your business

and your products play an essential role in

your marketing efforts. A local photographer,

familiar with the character of your community,

will work with you to capture the spirit of your


Tell your story

Working with a professional writer, your

online profile will be created to feature the

story of your business, your journey as an

entrepreneur, your products and services, and

will highlight the ways you give back to your


Is my business eligible?

Love Northern BC is open to independently owned, non-franchise businesses that are located in

our participating communities. Love Northern BC as a marketing tool works best for businesses

that are focused on retail goods and services.

Don’t Forget to Get your BC Recovery Benefit!

A one-time, tax-free payment of up to $1,000 for

eligible families and single parents and up to $500 for

eligible individuals. You will need your:

2019 Notice of Assessment

Social insurance number

Driver’s licence number

Mailing address

Direct deposit information

Call 1-833-882-0020. They will email you to tell you if

you qualify. Deadline: June 30, 2021

28 HG March / April 2021 29

Sandlanee Gid Raven Ann Potschka

Sandlanee Gid, Raven Ann’s Haida name, means

Daughter of the Dawn or She who wipes darkness away

with light. And through her singing, dancing, textiles,

photography, clothing and jewelry design, Raven Ann

does just that! If you don’t already know this wonderful,

multi-disciplinary artist personally, you may recognize

her from being an MC or facilitating events around

Haida Gwaii. You may also have seen her in Masset at

Ladybird’s Boutique, which she owns and operates

while simultaneously raising her amazing twins.

A bit of history…





“I was born in Prince Rupert and given up for adoption

at the age of 2,” says Raven Ann. “We moved to Prince

George and then to Crescent Beach/White Rock. I

moved to Vancouver at around 20, and from age 24

‘til now, I have been living in between Vancouver and

Haida Gwaii.”

Raven Ann says she’s been in choirs and plays since she

was in elementary school, both on stage and behind

the scenes. At one point while living in White Rock, she

was on a TV show called Mestiza, where she did sound

and also acted on screen. “When I moved to Vancouver

I got involved with the Friendship Centre and joined a

Haida singing group. I started doing solo performances

Photos courtesy of Sandlanee Gid Raven Ann Potschka

at Talking Stick festivals (check them out at fullcircle.

ca) around Vancouver. It was intimidating, but I like

to do things that scare me. I like to start things, and

fill in where there are gaps. I am a bridge builder. I

like challenging things about bodies and image and

representation. I feel I can do that on stage. I want to

give people the chance to get on stage and represent

all gender expressions.”

I had the opportunity to chat with Raven Ann on the

phone and discuss her experience of being featured at

the Haida Gwaii Coffee House on January 15 th . “Doing

the Coffee House was really difficult for me. Usually

these things flow for me but it just wasn’t this time, so

I ended up submitting some older materials. I wasn’t

feeling creative or beautiful so I just recorded two

Haida songs dressed in my track suit.”

I think we all can relate to that, the lack of “oomph”

these days… however, I really appreciated Raven Ann’s

candor in sharing her struggles. Sometimes she makes

it look so smooth and easy that as an outsider, you

couldn’t guess what struggles she is going through…

and that made me feel more connected to her, because

as my friend Jay Myers sings, “My struggles are in your


As Raven Ann describes, “I think people are happy to

see me perform regardless! Contributing to the coffee

house in the last year has really lit the fire under me and

helped motivate creativity. We all know and support

each other (talking about the other performers) and

the fact that we can’t meet in person has been hard,

so the opportunity to create and participate through

an online platform has been great. I’m usually the only

Haida person contributing, and that’s the major reason

I do it – I am pushed to trailblaze and show people,

especially Indigenous women, that they can do it, that

there is great value in trying, practicing and doing it,

even though it doesn’t turn out perfectly every time.”

In the hopes of engaging, encouraging, and supporting

body positivity, self love and healthy sexuality, free

from stigma, Raven Ann also founded the sultry, sassy

and classy 626Burlesque. “We’ve performed at various

venues on Haida Gwaii in the past few years.”

What’s next for Raven Ann?

“I want to be able to create my own songs and I feel

so grateful to artists like Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson

(who put out a Jazz Haida album) who blend ancient

stories with contemporary music, re-imagining

traditional singing. My dream for this year is to do an

Indigenous Futurism set with a loop machine I was

gifted. My voice, rattles, drums, and dancing with

elaborate costumes and smoke. Music that is grounded

in tradition, sitting in culture but re-imagined into

something futuristic. I also am looking forward to

touring and performing at Indigenous festivals

throughout Canada when it is safe to do so. In the

meantime, I will be seeking a voice coach, learning how

to use the loop machine, and sewing my epic regalia.”

Expressing Music

Via TikTok

Raven Ann shares, “I set up an account in

February last year and I love it! It’s my favorite

social media app right now. I share a lot of

things about wellness, healing, expression and

how we move through things in life, on being

40, Indigenous, a woman, recently divorced,

a business woman….you can do funny sound

bites…it’s up to 1 minute so you can be really

creative. https://linktr.ee/Ladybird_ra “

Other local music


David Archer released

“Primordial,” an

instrumental single written

and recorded in Daajing

Giids Queen Charlotte on

January 29, 2021. The track

combines his original music

as a composer and pianist with field recordings

of Haida Gwaii’s natural environment. It is part

of an album to be released later this year. You

can see the cover art and hear the music @

David Archer.net

Carsen Gray has recently released her video for

the song “Little One.” This is a gorgeous song,

and the video features her father on piano

and some lovely shots of Haida Gwaii ocean

and land. You can see the video and read more

about the song at aestheticmagazinetoronto.


Will Russ, aka Tycoon, just released a new

album called “The Elements Of Fire,” which

he produced and created all of the music

for. Brothers DJ Hotwings/Cheese and Pot

C, who are from Vancouver but live in Japan

collaborates as MC’s. “Our group name is Hydra

Gwaii, like a three headed monster,” said Will.

The album will be released on their record label

called BlocSonic on April 9th.

30 HG March / April 2021 31


1. Puzzled

7. Exists

8. Obscure word for “door”

9. What chickens do at night

11. Liquid Ice

12. Destination address

13. Huge sea creatures that migrate through

Hecate Strait annually

16. The Devonian: The Age of ___

19. Most fitting place to film something, in ___

20. Delicacy often captured by wading out at low


23. Where it happens

24. Supports the upper part

26. Volcanic world orbiting Jupiter

27. Identity

28. Capturing sea food for sport or profit

29. Greek letter commonly denotes “micro-” (µ-)

30. Narrow valley passage

34. Upcoming Timeslot

35. Strike and not miss

37. Device to stop water or conduct electricity

38. A state always desired but not always found

among nations

40. Work cow

41. Grain for work horse

42. Addressee

45. Volcanic prominence on the north shoreline

47. Hard work

49. Opposite of 47 across

51. Older spelling of “stead”

52. Abnormal wood growth used to make

decorative features

53. Precious element 44, ruthenium

54. Raptor common on our coasts

55. Cool, marvy!

56. Cheese that smells 32 down

57. The negative start of the north

59. Twist the truth

60. Recent times have been this: ___


1. Amazes

2. Eggs

3. Numbskull

4. Garden soil

5. Even match

6. Smidgen

7. Information Technology

10. Perpetual energy source nearly absent in

mid winter

14. Popular active pastime

15. Tame or vanquish

16. Suitable for a purpose

17. Popular wave riding sport

18. Inclusive-OR logic: One, the other or ___

Puzzle Page

19. Buildup of sediments at northeast corner

of Moresby Island

20. Buildup of sediments at northeast corner

of Graham Island

21. Bump or tooth on a cam or gear

22. Intent

25. Liquid deposits of prehistoric life

31. Control character denoting the end of a

line (a CR or LF)

32. Rancid, unpleasant sort of odour

33. ___ Simpson or Kidman

35. Exclamation of “I was right!”

36. Iridescent blue winged duck. No, it’s

green! No, blue!


By Craig Carmichael

Answer key can be found at the Community Calendar at the back of the magazine.

38. Energy being put to use

39. Release air from lungs

43. Playful aquatic mustelidae

44. Feature between parallel valleys

46. Exists in the present

48. The five vowels in alphabetical disorder

50. Simple, easily beguiled fellow

52. Nota ___ - footnote “N.B.”

53. Wheel guide for trains

55. Illness seemingly replaced by CoViD-19

in 2020

58. Aboard

Haida Gwaii Stargazers

By Monica Caulfield

Aries (Mar 20 - Apr 19) Whether you realize it or not, dearest Aries,

where you put your attention will eventually bear fruit. You are

walking on a new frontier with twists and turns and the sooner you

can pay attention with laser beam focus, the better off you will be in

the long run. Your decisive nature will shine through.

Keywords: reflect, purpose, and ambition.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 19) Many feelings that you’ve been storing

below the surface are rising to the top, dearest Taurus. It’s time

to reflect on the meaning of them, along with finding a reason to

forgive and forget. Well maybe not forget, but you catch my drift.

You have devoted substantial amounts of time finalizing plans and

saving ideas for a rainy day. It’s now raining. Celebrate a life that

is worth living and break out the good china. Keywords: mindful,

creative, and breathe.

Gemini (May 20 – Jun 20) You’ve been out in the public eye and

now’s the time to reap what you have sowed, dearest Gemini. What

have you presented to the world that cannot be denied? Good for

you to allow the world to see where you shine. Now take that momentum,

enjoy the benefits you’ve provided yourself and begin to

shift into high gear. Keywords: intention, ambition, and target.

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 21) I know that you like to hide out at home,

dearest Cancer, even though this time is asking you to step out and

step up. Wherever you are, it’s key to understand that doing your

business with a huge dollop of fun attached to it will not only enhance

your experience but also bring you more success overall. So

put yourself out there with a huge smile on your face.

Keywords: delighted, amused, and beaming.

Leo (Jul 22 - Aug 21) I wonder if you are feeling a bit restless, dearest

Leo, for another much needed adventure? You are yearning to

learn something new or participate in a foreign culture. It could be

as simple as making a friend from a foreign land or learning to cook

Egyptian food. What is key is embracing a tradition that is meaningful

to you now. Keywords: cultivation, perception, and practice.

Virgo (Aug 22 - Sept 21) It’s time to take a deep, strong look at

your life, dearest Virgo. Not what you are accustomed to doing,

but what is meaningful to you now. Make a list of what is working

for you and what needs some work to continue. I bet you will find

that lots of issues can be alleviated, just by acknowledging them. It’s

okay that they need to be improved on. That’s right up your alley!

Keywords: consider, interpret, and test.


Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 21) Take a solid look at your health, dearest

Libra. What improvements can you make that can be the right call?

Spring is springing and now is a great time to evaluate where you

are in space. Encouraging yourself to commit to whatever you know

internally is the wave of your bright future. Keywords: respond,

focus, and strive.

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Lighten up and let go, dearest Scorpio.

You are entitled to a much needed break and I ask you to take it.

What is it that gives you joy? Learning new things? Playing in the

water? Mentoring young children? Hiking with your friends? Ask

yourself where you gather peace and happiness, then move in that

direction. It’s important that you rejuvenate yourself with fun.

Keywords: highlight, delight, and smile.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 20) You’ve been experiencing a fair

amount of distraction, dearest Sagittarius. Many issues coming at

you all at once, demanding answers ASAP. Focusing may have been

an issue. It’s time now to put that to the side, and embrace some

alone time at home. Even if you live in a large family, sneak away

somewhere and give yourself permission to do some deep breathing.

Breathe into the belief that it’s all going to work out in the end.

If it’s not worked out, it’s not the end. Go with this thought until

you reach the peace within. Keywords: hearth, heart, and helpful.

Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) The long winter is over, dearest Capricorn.

Now it’s time to commit to your wants and needs and work

hard to reach your goals. This is the perfect opportunity for you, as

any good Capricorn loves to write a list and check off the items, one

by one. The more grounded you feel, the bigger accomplishments

are right around the corner. Enjoy the work! I know you will.

Keywords: purpose, organize, and plan.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) If you have determined your purpose,

dearest Aquarius, now you get to figure out how to make it happen.

This is the phase where you research and organize and follow

through in order to prove your commitment. It may feel like hard

work but it’s work you said you wanted to see flourish. So practice

gratitude that you have the chance to change the world. Or at least

change your world. Keywords: persevere, restore, and believe.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 19) Gather your strength and determination,

dearest Pisces, and feel elated while you express yourself. Your

typical sensitivity may be taking a back seat right now as you move

forward in life. It’s your turn to have some of the things you want

and need. And it’s okay to ask for them. The world will not explode

because you finally want your own way. It’s easier than you think, so

go for it. Keywords: assertive, understanding, and courage.

32 HG March / April 2021 33

In the Home & Office - cont.

Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto www.haidagwaiitrader.com, click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will

then guide you each step of the way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline

for new and/or updated classifieds to appear in each issue is noon on the 20th of the month prior to the next publication. (For example, noon on Aug 20th for the Sep/Oct issue.)

*Free classifieds apply to private, personally owned and non-business postings. Ads pertaining to business products, services, employment as well as real estate for sale or for rent are subject to fees.

In the Home & Office

Furniture/Appliances/Electronics/Clothing(not kids or baby)/Jewelery/

Collectables/Books/Music/Computers and Computer Accessories/For Sale-Misc

Barn door track and hardware. 8’ double track for sliding barn doors (doors not included) with all hardware. Heavy duty, stainless steel.

Never used. Just wanting to get my investment back. $450 Call Toni Smith at (250) 626-5472 or email tintintooni@gmail.com

Furnace. Oil fired furnace with double roof jack. Down draft type, very good condition. $800 Call Dave at (250) 637-1454 or email drellis@qcislands.net

Office Desk. Sweet 80s retro style, with distressed look vibe! Very functional. All drawers open and close smoothly. $75

Call Jason at (250) 637-1366 or email jason@fullmoonphoto.ca

iMac for sale. Like new, hardly used at all. 21 & 1/2 inch desktop iMac computer. Monitor, keyboard and mouse. Wireless. Selling as I

don’t really use it. Please leave a message at 250-557-4555. $1,800 Call Dave at (250) 557-4555 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

100-amp Siemens Electrical Panel. USED 100-amp Siemens. Full compliment of breakers. Extremely good condition. Priced new at

$1,400, asking $400. Call John at (250) 637-1100 or email john@amsltd.ca

Freezer for sale. 15 cu ft Frigidaire freezer (48” long), in excellent condition. New price over $800+ freight. As is, where

is (pmq basement). $600 Call Toni Smith at (250) 626-5472 or email tintintooni@gmail.com

Pet Wellbeing Product. I have two unopened/sealed Pet Wellbeing ‘Throat Gold’ (Exp 03/24) that I no longer need. I

used this naturopathic supplement for a few years with my asthmatic cat and it seemed to make a difference in his respiratory

health. This product can be used with dogs or cats. Half price at 25$/ bottle, OBO. Call Allison at (250) 626-3553

or email kozakallison@hotmail.com

Rolling Hard Case - Heavy Duty. Formerly used for transporting photography gear, but I replaced it with a giant Pelican

Case. It’s very sturdy and high quality. Comes with lots of extra padding to customize to your needs. Outside dimensions

are 30” long, 22” wide, 15” tall. $50 Call Jason at (250) 637-1366 or email jason@fullmoonphoto.ca

Vintage Aladdin Mantle Lamp - Washington Drape. Power outages suck - unless you’ve got an Aladdin! These lamps run

on kerosene, but they’re super bright - about as bright as a 40-watt bulb - but without the stink of a regular flat wick kerosene

lamp. This Aladdin is a vintage Washington Drape, and is ready to burn. The glass was made sometime between

1941 and 1953. The burner is a slightly more modern, made in England, model 23. $150 Call Jason at (250) 637-1366 or

email jason@fullmoonphoto.ca

Twin bed frame and pillow top mattress. Brand new, never used, white colour. $475 obo. Location 313 Lawn Hill Road.

Call Joanne at (250) 559-8698 or email joperr.fineline@gmail.com

OR Flurry Full Zip Jacket. Very cozy Outdoor Research fleece/wool jacket. Size M, black. Brand new, never worn (I ordered

the wrong size). Asking what I paid (rounded down a few $), sold out online. In Sandspit. $75 Email Phil Winter

at pwinter86@hotmail.com

Oak roasting plank. Gourmet chef item. Place a roast on it and put both into the

oven to roast! Note the pool for the juices to flow into. $15 Call Toni Smith at

(250) 626-5472 or email tintintooni@gmail.com

Comfy furniture set. Oversized sofa (chair and ottoman no longer available). Seat

cushions replaced in last few years - good condition. Some wear on fabric in a

few places. Moving, too big for our new place. $500 Call Terrie Dionne at (250)

559-7751 or email dionnemunt@gmail.com

In the Yard & Workshop

Garden Equipment and Supplies/Hobby Supplies/Tools/Building Materials/

Pet and Pet Supplies

Aermotor 1/2 HP Submersible Well Pump. Series A+ Gallons per minute 12 1/2 hp Part# 02221-

00SS. 1675 Burgess Ave. $325 Email Cody at cbwaller@live.ca

Locks. All items are new keyed passage sets, $5 each. Keyed dead bolt, $5 each. Lock boxes with

pass code, $5 each. Call Bret Johnston at (250) 626-7250 or email fishmasset@gmail.com

GE Washer and Dryer, HE. Approximately 10 years old, works like new. Moving, do not need in new place. $500 Call

Terrie Dionne at (250) 559-7751 or email dionnemunt@gmail.com

34 HG March / April 2021 35

In the Yard & Workshop - cont.

Venting Parts. All new parts. B vent: pipe, 1-6”X5ft, 1-6”X3ft, b to c adapters,

2-6”, 1-5”, 1-4” chimney hat. Storm collars: 1-6”, 2-5”, 1-4”. Firestops: 1-4”, 5-5”,

4-6”. Glav c vent: 6-8”X90, 1-10”X90, elbows, 1-8” tee, 1-6” tee 2-8” thimbles,

ext. Termination wall vent: 1-7”, 2-6” roof termination vent: 1-5” used. 1 - 8”

power vent. $60 Call john at (250) 637-1100 or email john@amsltd.ca

Landing nets. Large landing nets with small mesh netting. Only 1 left, $25. Call

Bret Johnston at (250) 626-7250 or email fishmasset@gmail.com

Milk Goats. High quality dairy goat kids available in March! From excellent

milking bloodlines. Great opportunity to get into goats for the first time or

improve your herd with off-island bloodlines from Hillside Dreams Dairy and

Snapdragon Dairy. $150 Call Laura at (250) 637-1347 or email laura@slacktideenterprises.com

Think Chicks! It’s time to order chicks. Order (by for/ pick up) by Feb 28 th / April

9 th , April 1st / May 7 th , May 21 st / June 25 th Call Leslie, Syd, Miranda, or Ron at

(250) 557-4276 or email rfeeds@qcislands.net

Rem 700 Stainless 7mm Tactical. A beautiful Rem 700 stainless heavy barrelled 7mm Tactical. I

have used the exact same gun in .300 Win Mag as a guide gun for over 25 years. This was purchased

as a last of the line gun and is worth over $1,500 new. Has custom stock, and comes with

mounts, only for $1,000. The scope itself is a Zeiss Rapid Z 1000 and is worth $1,300, but could be

included for $800, or on its own. So, gun $1,000, scope $800. Gun and scope are brand new, only

test fired at range. Valid PAL required for purchase. Call Vaughan New at (250) 622-7567 or email


Refrigeration gauges. Used set of refrigeration gauges and hoses. $50 Call John at (250) 637-1100

or email john@amsltd.ca

West End

Auto Sales

2002 Jeep Liberty

257,100km/Stk #6348 $5,995

2014 Hyundai Santa Fe

81,000km/Stk #6349 $18,995

2014 Dodge Grand Caravan

123,800km/Stk #6291 $9,995

2014 Ford Escape SE

123,650km/Stk #6350 $14,795

“ No reasonable

offer refused!”


605 Ocean View Dr.

Queen Charlotte


In the Yard & Workshop - cont.

G1s Marine Grade Plywood. 4’x8’ marine grade plywood for sale. Original price $2,600, sale price

$1,700 FIRM. Only being sold as a lot, not individually. Pick up only. Please call Haida Gwaii

Society for Community Peace at (250) 626-4664 or email ea.hgpeace@massett.ca

Savage .22 Long Rifle - Tactical. Great target gun for shooter practice and/or

teaching the little ones about firearms. Gun is a Savage .22 Long with accu trigger,

tactical stock, and med heavy barrel. Gun is in brand new condition with a

Sweet .22 (brand name) scope thrown in for free with the gun purchase. This is a

closet cleaner blowout deal! Valid PAL required for purchase. $450 Call Vaughan

New at (250) 622-7567 or email goldenboyoutfitters@gmail.com

Rem Model 887 Nitro Tactical Shot Gun 3 1/2 Inch. Brand new pump shotgun as

described above with break factory installed. This gun has a fully covered body

and is tri-nitrite coated to survive in the most rugged conditions. I purchased as

new, and actually had a friend give me his identical shotty before passing. I have

chosen to keep the older one and sell the new unit. This unit is not affected by

the 887 recall and gun is also no longer made. Valid PAL required for purchase.

$500 Call Vaughan New at (250) 622-7567 or email goldenboyoutfitters@gmail.


On the Road

In part or complete-Cars/Trucks/Vans/Campers/RV’s/ATV’s/Heavy Equipment

Studded tires. Still good condition, set of 4 tires 255/70R 17. I bought some new

ones with rims for the truck, don’t need these ones. Make me an offer. $150 Call

Danny Stewart at (250) 631-3478 or email skocumshakers@massett.ca

2004 Dump Truck - Mack Granite, Tandem Axle. High lift gate. Mack transmission.

New rubber all around. 455k. Very well maintained. CVI inspection. $35,000. For

more information call Dave Ellis at (250) 637-1454 or email drellis@qcislands.net

2011 Rav4 All Weather Floor Liner. Front and rear set. In great shape. Minimal wear

- drivers side only. This is a full set. Sells new for $260 plus tax and shipping. I’m

asking $150. Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com

ISO R18 rim. Looking for an R18 rim. Call Fin at (250) 889-9426 or email finbonesmith@gmail.


Rav4 Cargo Liner. In excellent shape. Very clean-no damage. Sells new for $159.95,

I’m selling @ half price, $80. Call foto Gwaii at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@


RAV4 Winter Tires. Full set of tires, Toyo Observe G3ICE, less than 1,000km.

225/65R17 106T. Very clean, no punctures ever, balanced on included oil-sprayed

rims. In excellent shape. Check out Toyo website for more info. Sells new for

$1,012, I’m asking $700. Please call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@


1997 Blue Bird bus. 179,000 km, runs great. Partial conversion to mobile home. $14,500 Call Captain

Stewart-Burton at (250) 626-9699 or email skilaawart@gmail.com

On the Water

In part or complete-Power Boats/Sail Boats

Tolly Craft for Sale. 1977 42’ Tollycraft. Aft cabin. Two state rooms. Twin 454 power (one engine

not operable), velvet drive transmission, needs TLC. Huge potential. $22,000 Call Ron at (250)

626-3833 or email office@massetservices.com

Boat seat slide. Helm seat slide with lock, condition as new. $50 Call Bret Johnston at (250) 626-

7250 or email fishmasset@gmail.com

36 HG March / April 2021 37

On the Water - cont.

Real Estate & Rentals - cont.



Call us at 250-557-2088


Sailboat for sale. JJ Taylor 26’ Contessa. Small but capable, full keel, outboard Mercury

9.9 hp very few (50-150 hours), pull and electric start, 30 L inboard fuel tank

available, could easily have inboard installed, prop and shaft still in place. Marine

batteries, sails in good condition, roller furling, well set up for single-handed, depth

sounder, marine radio. Last bottom paint June 2020, zinc in good shape. Needs

some work inside to make it cozier but has small marine wood stove and water

tank. $4,800 Call Chloe at (250) 689-5855 or email chloebourassad@gmail.com

160’ 5/16 BBB anchor chain. 65 ft in good condition, the rest is a little corroded but still sound.

Open to offers. Pick up only. $200 Email David at Windjamm@protonmail.ch

Troller for Sale - Reduced Price! Price Reduced to $175,000 from $180,000 (CAD)

AKKO CHAN, 42 ft fibreglass freezer troller, very clean, well-maintained. Brand

new John Deere 240hp engine installed 2017, new gear, twin disk, new exhaust, and

tail shaft; lots of fishing gear included. Packs 600 gallons of fuel. This vessel is ready

to fish. $175,000. Call Colin at 250-559-4637 or 250-637-1997, or email info@


Halibut rods. 5 Halibut rods: 2 Penn Slammer, 2 Beef Stick, 1 Ugly stick. $60 Email Cody at cbwaller@live.ca

Real Estate & Rentals

Residential, Commercial, Lots, For Rent, Rent to Own, Shared Accommodation

Seaside Golf Course with Development Potential. Imagine your own golf course

with 1 km of oceanfront on 80 acres. Located in the friendly community of

Sandspit, on Moresby Island, Haida Gwaii. There are numerous uses or potential

development opportunities. It is also a great holding or estate property.

342 School and Copper Bay Roads, adjacent to the Sandspit Airport. Listed

by John Armstrong – LandQuest Realty Corporation 250 307 2100 or email


Mayer Lake Estates - Exclusive Lakefront Property Mayer Lake Estates is an

excellent recreational destination located within the boundaries of Naikoon

Provincial Park in beautiful Haida Gwaii., British Columbia. The area is

perfect for fishing, kayaking, hiking, wildlife watching, and canoeing. Just you,

your loved ones, the lake, and nature! Mayer Lake is located approximately

10 kms east of Port Clements. It is a shallow lake that warms up quickly in

the summer - perfect for paddle sports and freshwater fishing. Whether you

wish to relax among old growth timber stands or enjoy fishing or paddling

on the waters of Mayer Lake, this property is meant for you. You can choose

from 1 of 34 recreational lots that are approximately 25m wide and 65m long

with lakefront access on each lot. There are also 2 lots that have the ability to

build a cabin on. They will be priced at $49,900. The properties are boat access

only and will primarily be used for recreational camping. Lots are available

on a first-come first-serve basis. Financing is available with 25% down. Price

$19,999. For more information visit www.mayerlakeestates.com Call 604-854-

0330 or email njdev@shaw.ca

Insurance for Home.

Auto, Business,

& Recreational

Masset: 250.626.3711

Queen Charlotte: 250.559.8426

2135 Teal Boulevard, Masset BC. Almost 2000 square feet of pristine living

space. Complete renovation just being completed includes heat pump, in-floor

heating in both bathrooms, granite counter tops, custom made cedar stairway,

two large decks, 5 bedrooms, all new energy efficient appliances, over-sized

tub in main bathroom, new tin roof, new windows downstairs and new exterior

doors, LED lighting throughout entire house, nice combination of laminate

and tiled flooring, new plumbing and electrical. Price $350,000. Call Kim at

250-626-7210 or 250-626-5169 or email k.mushynsky@mhtv.ca

DL1821 Kumdis Island. Masset Inlet, 111 acres near the eastern shore of

Kumdis Island, in Masset Inlet. Price $245,000 Call 888-286-1932 or email


2 Acres Near North Beach. Magnificent 2-acre parcel backing on the Sangan

River and just steps to North Beach. This lot is level and private and offers

several prime spots to build your dream home or recreational getaway. This is

the only one available in this incredible location. Price $289,000. Call 250 218

9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com

Essential Worker Accommodations‚ Long or Short Term - Port Clements

and Masset. Port Clements: furnished and unfurnished 1- and 2-bedroom

apartments. Newly renovated, including bathroom and kitchen. Sat. internet,

TV, king size beds, laundry and parking is included. Well suited for worker accommodation.

Clean and secure building. Masset: several renovated housing

units. 3- and 4-bedroom units. Furnished or unfurnished. Sat. internet, cable,

laundry and parking are included. Various prices. Call 250-661-9012 or email


FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1660 Old Beach Road. Has picturesque views from

a large living room that overlooks the Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary. On 1/2

acre in the Municipality of Masset. Fully serviced lot. Close to all amenities,

schools, hospitals. 1st floor is 1,284 square feet with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom.

Basement has 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, rec room, laundry room. Includes

all appliances and a central vacuum system. Forced Air Heat Pump and Air

Conditioner with a medium efficiency oil furnace backup. Fill the small tank

every 3-4 years. 200 Amp electrical with a back up generator. All doors and

closet doors have been replaced. In the fully fenced in yard there are 2 sheds, a

green house, garden beds, koi pond, 2 fire pits, apple and plum fruit trees. This

yard is well landscaped and up kept. There is lots of room to park RV’s, boats

and quads on trailers. Price $398,500 Call 250-626-5040 or email Ajmuch@


Commercial Zoned Lots of Downtown Masset. Two commercially zoned lots

available to purchase in downtown Masset! Located at 1568 and 1574 McLeod

(behind the Legion) these dry, flat, and easy to clear lots have views of the

inlet and lots of potential. With all utilities either at or near the property line,

this is a hassle-free property that is ready to go. The two lots combined = 66’

x 122’. Please contact seller via email as they are out of cell contact frequently.

Call 778-231-3632 or email genofeve1@gmail.com Price $52,500

Smillies Guest House - Port Clements. A fabulous opportunity to live on the

amazing Graham Island on Haida Gwaii. This waterfront property in Port

Clements could be your dream holiday home or gear up for next year as a B

& B or vacation rental. This property has 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, and includes

2 totally separate suites with full bath and outside decks. The buildings

and land have been immaculately maintained; present owners could even look

after things for an absentee owner. Price $695,000. Call 250-218-9776 or email


38 HG March / April 2021 39

Real Estate & Rentals - cont.

Wanted - cont.

Residential / commercial complex. Queen Charlotte Residential and commercial

building, two 800sqft residences with ocean views and 1,300sqft commercial

studio space. 300sqft art gallery. Building has been completely renovated,

including new windows, plumbing, and quality finishing. Large semi-enclosed

outdoor workspace, wood-fired sauna. Centrally located next to shopping

hospital and boat dock. Property currently generates $25,000 per year in

income after all expenses including taxes, Hydro and loan interest. Turnkey.

3120 Oceanview Drive. Price $595,000 Call 250-626-7298 or email uprootguesthouse@gmail.com

Home in Masset: 3 Bedroom, 1 and 1/2 Bathroom on quiet cul-de-sac. Clean,

bright, move in condition. Includes fridge and stove, new laminate flooring

in living room. Close to library, school, town, on quiet cul-de-sac. Price

$169,000. Call 250-226-6886 or email health112@gmail.com


Miscellaneous Wanted Items/Lost/Found/ Wanted Information/Real Estate

Looking for a used iPad mini at a reasonable price. Call fotogwaii@hotmail.com at (250) 559-8877

or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com

Welder. Looking for a good used arc-mig welder, mask, misc. tools, materials etc. for approx.

$1,000 or less. Cash or professional work trade available. Email Cody at cbwaller@live.ca

Feline. A kitten is preferable, but might take a cat, depending on its disposition. Call Jennifer

Pigeon at (250) 557-2456 or email j.morris.pigeon@gmail.com

Wood Stove. Looking for a used Blaze King or Blaze Queen wood stove. Call Grant at (250) 557-

4658 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Employment & Training

Help Wanted/Work Wanted/Businesses for Sale/Business Opportunities/

Education/Opportunities/Training Programs or Seminars


ISO wall mount Dickinson diesel heater. Hey folks, wondering if anyone has a second-hand wall

mount Dickinson diesel heater for sale or trade. Call Frances at (250) 637-1759 or email Haidagwaiiseasalts@gmail.com

Looking to buy an electric bike. Looking to buy an electric bike if there is one for sale. Call Sarleana

at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison1964071@gmail.com

Searching for Rental. Responsible, reliable couple seeking rental in Sandspit from March onward.

References available. Call Peter Fleck at (250) 221-2267 or email Ptrflck@googmail.com

Truck Cap. Hi, I’m looking for a cap - 2015 GMC Sierra short box. Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or

email fotogwaii@hotmail.com

Ford Parts Trucks. Used, old Ford F250 or F350 pickups wanted. Years 2002-2007. Can be dead.

We will pick up. Call Stephen at (250) 557-4594 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Exercise bike. Looking for an exercise bike that someone wants to sell. Call Nita McKenzie at

(250) 626-5400 or email nitamck93@gmail.com

Hitch Wanted. 3-point hitch for a finish mower (54 – 72”), for small tractor. Call James at (250)

557-4579 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Lathe. Looking for a bowl-turning lathe or large capacity spindle-lathe. 16” or larger, heavy duty,

self-standing, single phase or three phase. Call James at (250) 557-4579 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Stolen - two game cameras. If anyone hears about game cameras being sold on island if you could

please let me know. I had two stolen in the past couple months. Call Chris Ashurst at (250) 626-

9003 or email chris.ashurst@gmail.com

Authentic Screen Printing


Employment Opportunity. Position: Data Entry Clerk. Business: J. Pigeon Bookkeeping

& Accounting Services. Location: Haida Gwaii. Supporting local businesses

since 2013, Jennifer now requires the right person to help keep up with demand.

Job Type: Part-time, Permanent; Leading to Full-time. Schedule: Somewhat flexible,

especially once training is complete. Application Deadline: Until Position is Filled.

Expected Start Date: April 5, 2021. Salary: $18- $25 per hour to start, depending

on experience. Please send resumes to j.pigeon_bookkeeping@live.com with cover

letter. For more information, call Jennifer Pigeon at (250) 626-7478

Community Living Support Worker - QCC. Community Living Support Worker –

Part Time 20 hrs/week. Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace (HGSCP) is a

multi-service agency constantly evolving in its commitment to our islands’ individuals,

families and community. We are currently seeking a permanent Part-Time 20

hours per week Community Living Support Worker in Queen Charlotte. Staff will

be part of a team helping adults with developmental disabilities to develop skills to

achieve greater independence and community involvement on a 1 to1 basis. Staff

will deliver personalized program planning to individuals based on the unique

interests and needs of each individual. The programs for individuals emphasize

employment and volunteering, recreation, social engagement, life skills, and health

and wellness. Reporting to the Community Living Contract Manager, this position

provides care and support to clients in a community environment. All actions

must reflect the values of the organization. Staff will need to be active members

in the community according to the needs, wishes and abilities of the person being

served. All duties will be adapted to include appropriate COVID-19 precautions

and protocols. Please apply if you are a leader who is creative, flexible, personable

and compassionate. Qualifications & Requirements: • Diploma in a related human/

social service field • One year of training and experience or an equivalent combination

of education and experience. • Class 5 Drivers License (Reliable Vehicle, Drivers

abstract) • First Aid with CPR • Clear Criminal Record Check • Reliable vehicle

and satisfactory driver’s abstract. • This position requires Union Membership with

BCGEU General Services • This position is required to use their vehicle in the

course of their duties. Compensation: Per BCGEU wage grid $20.52 – $23.90/hour.

Mileage will be paid according to the Collective Agreement and approved budgets.

Closing date: This position will remain open until filled. For a full job description

or to submit an application please contact: HGSCP Community Living Contracts

Manager, Daniel Kolpatzik at (250) 626-7977 or email clcm.hgspeace@massett.ca

40 HG March / April 2021 41

Employment & Training - cont.

Employment & Training - cont.


the line

Complete your

banking and insurance

transactions safely

and comfortably.

Email us at


Bookkeeper/Financial Coordinator. Job Summary: Plans, develops, and implements

and oversees the HGSCP Finance Department activities in consultation with the

Executive Director and external auditor. Provides managerial accounting support

and information to senior management and the Executive Director. Produces

financial reports and summaries and assists with preparing program budgets

for various HGSCP programs and departments. Recommends improvements to

internal financial controls, processes, and procedures. Supervises clerical accounting

staff. Performs related bookkeeping duties such as coding, recording, posting,

and processing day-to-day transactions. Processes accounts receivable, accounts

payable and payroll. Maintains and updates various accounting and payroll records

as required. This position is not required to use their vehicle in the course of their

duties. Qualifications and education requirements: • Certificate or diploma up to

two (2) years in a related field such as accounting principles and procedures, bookkeeping,

payroll, accounting software, or office administration, OR an equivalent

combination of education, training and experience. • Three (3) years recent related

experience, including 1 year of supervisory or administrative experience. • The

successful applicant will be required to join the BCGEU General Services union

membership. • This position is dependent upon a clear Criminal Record Check.

Call Brie Altrogge at (250) 626-4664 or email ea.hgspeace@massett.ca

Casual Community Living Support Workers. Community Living Support Workers

– North End/Masset Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace (HGSCP) is a

multi-service agency constantly evolving in its commitment to our Islands’ individuals,

families and community. We are currently seeking Community Support

Workers in Masset/North End Haida Gwaii. Staff will be part of a team helping

adults with developmental disabilities to develop skills to achieve greater independence

and community involvement on a 1 to1 basis. Staff will deliver personalized

program planning to individuals based on the unique interests and needs of each

individual. The programs for individuals emphasize employment and volunteering,

recreation, social engagement, life skills, and health and wellness. Reporting to

the Community Living Contract Manager, this position provides care and support

to clients in a community environment. All actions must reflect the values of the

organization. Staff will need to be active members in the community according to

the needs, wishes and abilities of the people being served. Please apply if you are a

leader who is creative, fun, flexible, personable, and compassionate. This is a casual/

on-call position. Qualifications & Requirements: • Diploma in a related human/

social service field • One (1) year of training and experience or an equivalent combination

of education, training, and experience. • Class 5 Drivers License (Reliable

Vehicle, Drivers abstract) • First Aid with CPR • Clear Criminal Records Check.

Compensation: Per BCGEU wage grid Level 10 $20.52 – 23.90/hour. Mileage will

be paid according to the Collective Agreement and approved budgets. This job is

dependent upon a successful Criminal Record Check. All duties will be adapted

with appropriate COVID-19 protocols and precautions. For a full job description

or to submit your resume and application please contact Daniel Kolpatzik, Community

Living Contracts Manager, at (250) 626-7977 or email clcm.hgspeace@


FREE Mental Health Virtual Course. Are you supporting a family member who has

a mental illness? Strengthening Families Together is a ten-session course for families

and friends who have a loved one with ANY mental illness. The course provides

information, tools, and support to help people cope with the challenges they

face. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Through the course, participants will learn: • about

different types of mental illnesses • about medications and treatments for mental

illness • how to cope with and support a loved one who is living with a mental

illness. Next Strengthening Families Together begins: Tuesdays 7:00pm to 8:30 pm

via zoom, April 13th to June 15th, 2021. This is FREE for participants anywhere in

the Northwest Region. Class size is limited, and registration is required. For more

information and to register: Call: 250-847-9779 or cell 250-917-8337 Email: bulkleyvalley@bcss.org

B.C. Schizophrenia Society www.bcss.org

PEACE Child and Youth Program Coordinator. Haida Gwaii Society For Community

Peace. Job Title: PEACE Child and Youth Program Coordinator. Hours: Parttime

18.5 hours per week. Rate of Pay: $31.87 to $36.53 (Para-professional Wage

Grid Level 13). Start Date: Immediate. This position requires Union membership;

accepted applicant will need to join BCGEU. The employee is NOT required to use

her automobile in the performance of her duties. Job Summary: This program provides

individual and/or group counselling for children male or female ages 3 to 18

who have experienced sexual assault, violence or abuse. Qualifications and Experience:

• Training and education in a directly related field including family systems

and child development theories (e.g. Undergraduate degree in a related field and

Children Who Witness Abuse Certificate, Early Childhood Education Certificate

or other applicable Post-Secondary Education.) • Must have sound knowledge and

understanding in the area of violence against women and children from a feminist

perspective. • Background and skills should include a minimum of 2 years of recent

supervised children’s counselling, or an equivalent combination of education,

training and experience. • Other assets would be: Art and play therapy experience,

direct counselling experience with women who have experienced abuse, analysis

and knowledge and training in trauma counselling, and Knowledge of First Nations

Culture and Haida Gwaii communities. • A satisfactory criminal record check is

required. Please contact ea.hgspeace@massett.ca for complete job description. To

be considered, please submit cover letter, resume and 3 current references from supervisors.

email: ea.hgspeace@massett.ca, mail: Haida Gwaii Society for Community

Peace; P.O. Box 811, Masset, B.C. V0T 1M0; hand deliver: 2132 Collison Avenue

(across from the Library). Call Brie Altrogge, Executive Assistant at (250) 626-4664

or email ea.hgspeace@massett.ca

Employee Opportunity. Northern Savings Credit Union has an opening for a full

time Receptionist for our Masset branch. Member Service: • Processes wide range

of financial transactions while offering a suite of deposit products. • Ensures

inbound telephone calls are answered promptly. • Presents a professional image

to members and internal customers. • Other duties may be assigned periodically.

Minimum Qualifications - Education: • High School diploma is a requirement

Experience: • Previous financial services experience is an asset. Skills: • Demonstrated

sales and service skills. • Ability to prioritize and organize work within time

constraints. • Ability to communicate and liaise professionally. Call Santa Slubowski

at (250) 627-3658 or email info@northsave.com

Seeking New Board Members. The Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace is

seeking new Board Members for our Board of Directors. Join us in our mission of

a peaceful and safe community for all. The Haida Gwaii Society for Community

Peace operates the Transition House and offers programs that promote well-being

for women and children. Attend meetings virtually and contribute to making our

community a better place! Gain new skills and grow your resume at the same time.

Board Member online training provided. For more information, please contact the

HGSCP Administration Office at (250) 626-4664 or email ea.hgspeace@massett.ca

42 HG March / April 2021 43

Employment & Training - cont.

Community Service Listings

Not For Profit Groups/Organizations/Societies

Transition House Support Worker, Part-Time. Transition House Support Worker

Classification: Transition House Support Worker. Rate of Pay: $20.52 -23.90 / hour

(JJEP Wage Grid Level 10). Hours: Temporary part-time 0.46 FTE from Feb 1,

2021 - Nov 1, 2021 (or until return of incumbent). Shifts are mornings 8:00-16:00;

afternoons 16:00-24.00; evenings 24:00-8:00). The employee is NOT required to

use their automobile in the performance of their duties. This position requires

Union membership; accepted applicant will need to join BCGEU. Job Summary:

Provide support, security, information, education, crisis intervention and referrals

to residents and Help-line callers. Also responsible for the general upkeep and daily

operation of the Transition House. Qualifications: • Diploma in a related human

/ social service field: One (1) year related human/social service experience or an

equivalent combination of education, training and experience. • Must have a valid

certification in Standard First Aid (2-day course) with a CPR-C component • Food-

Safe Certification • Completion of Violence Prevention/De-escalation course (online)

• Completion of Domestic Violence Safety Planning course (online) • BCSTH

Foundations in Violence Against Women Training (online) completed • BCSTH

Introduction to Transition House Work Module 1 (online) completed • BCSTH

Introduction to Transition House Work Module 2 (online) completed. Preferred

Skills: • Good written and verbal communication skills. • Ability to be effective with

clients. • Able to monitor clients and household for safety and security. • Ability to

adhere to directives while allowing clients their autonomy. • Able to deal appropriately

with upset, angry or demanding clients. The Haida Gwaii Society for Community

Peace is strongly committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace that empowers

all employees to reach their full potential. All members of our organization share a

responsibility for developing and maintaining an environment in which differences

are valued and inclusiveness is practiced. The HGSCP welcomes applications from

those who will contribute to the diversity of our workplace. The HGSCP must, however,

comply with federal immigration requirements. All qualified candidates are

encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be

given priority. Please contact td.hgspeace@massett.ca for complete job description.

To be considered, please submit cover letter, resume and 3 current job references.

This position will remain open until filled. Email: td.hgspeace@massett.ca Mail:

Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace; P.O. Box 811, Masset, B.C. V0T 1M0. In

Person: 2132 Collison Avenue, Masset (across from the Library). Call Angela Foster,

Transition House Director at (250) 626-9163 or email ea.hg speace@massett.ca

Employee Opportunity. Northern Savings Credit Union has an opening for a full

time Receptionist for our Masset branch. Member Service: • Processes wide range of

financial transactions while offering a suite of deposit products. • Ensures inbound

telephone calls are answered promptly. • Presents a professional image to members

and internal customers. • Other duties may be assigned periodically. Minimum

Qualifications - Education: • High School diploma is a requirement Experience: •

Previous financial services experience is an asset. Skills: • Demonstrated sales and

service skills. • Ability to prioritize and organize work within time constraints. •

Ability to communicate and liaise professionally. Call Santa Slubowski at (250) 627-

3658 or email info@northsave.com

Port Clements Museum. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the museum is closed until further notice. You can still come

by and enjoy the many outdoor exhibits! For more information, please call Brigid Cumming at (250) 557-4576 or email


Alcoholics Anonymous. If you have a drinking problem we can help. If you live in the North end of Haida Gwaii call John

at 250-626-7557. If you live in the South call Lou at 250-559-4568. At this time all meetings are virtual. Call John/Lou at

(250) 626-7557 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Queen Charlotte Community Hall Rentals. The Queen Charlotte Community Hall, located on Bay Street, has the EA Ross

room, main hall, stage, kitchen - all available for rent. Also available for rent are wooden tables ($5 each per day), wooden

chairs ($1 each per day), a complete place setting for 225 people, water goblets and wine glasses, cups and cutlery, and

white or black linen tablecloths, etc. The kitchen is also available to rent on a daily basis for prepping for larger events. Call

Reine Pineault at (250) 559-4792 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

At Your Service

Business Services/Business Products

Masset Services Pro Detail Shop. Cars, trucks and SUV’s! Basic detail: vacuum all carpets and upholstery, complete interior

clean, exterior wash and polish all glass and chrome. *Cars: $185 *Trucks & SUV’s: $205 Deluxe Detail: includes all the

basic detailing plus all carpets shampooed, all upholstery shampooed, ozone treatment (removes odours, bacteria, and

viruses). Overnight stay is required for drying. *Cars: $235 *Trucks: $255 Engine Detail: $40 Call Ron at (250) 626-3833

or email office@massetservices.com

Rough Cut Lumber for Sale. Spruce, hemlock, and pine. Stripped and stacked. 2x8, 2x10, 2x6, 2x4, 1x8, 1x6. 10-20 foot lengths. Price: 90

cents per board foot. Delivery is available. Call Charles at (250) 557-8563 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Tax Time! It’s that time of year… Individual Tax Returns for as low as $55 (plus GST). Call 250-626-7478 or email j.pigeon_bookkeeping@live.com

to book your appointment or determine how best to get your information to me. Located

just north of Port Clements, I also travel bi-weekly to Skidegate/Queen Charlotte and occasionally to Masset and can pick

up information from you. Emailing information is also a great option - please inquire! Call Jennifer Pigeon at (250) 557-

2456 or email j.pigeon_bookkeeping@live.com

Last Minute Ads

Too late to fit into their respective categories but squeaked in before we

went to print!

Truck Bed Extender. Off a Ford F-150 2003 short box in good condition, attaches and extends your truck bed to the end

of the tailgate. Can easily be flipped over back into truck bed when not in use. $75 Message or text Cathy Camp at (250)

626-7734 or email gumboot@massett.ca

Women’s XL Organic Cotton Denim Jacket. Dark olive color, heavy stretch denim. I pre-washed and dried it and it

shrunk just enough to not fit me. I would still say it is XL Original price $89, I paid $70. Only $55! Call or text Cathy

Camp at (250) 626-7734 or email gumboot@massett.ca

EXTERIOR DOOR AND FRAME. Lightly used metal 3' exterior door. Left hand opening. Insulated. 6 panel. Frame,

threshold and weather stripping. $200 Call Jill at (250) 637-1038 or email mistybru@qcislands.net

50 Foot Pilot House Ketch For Sale. Kode Isle Roberts 50 fiberglass pilot house ketch, built 1998. Roller

furling main and genny 30 GT, 33 short tons Representing displacement Haida DH 100 Gwaii Isuzu and turbocharged, Northwest 230 HP BC275


fuel in 3 tanks and 300 gallons fresh water. Hydraulic anchor winch, Rocna 44 anchor, 4 new house batteries

size 31, solar panels, 2 8D starting batteries, 24V starter and Goldstar 16 mile radar. Wagner MK 4 autopilot,

WMS 150 autopilot with KVH auto compensating compass, Furuno video sounder, Marineteck GPS and a

Garmin GPS. Two Standard VHF radios. Hull 924 sideband radio, 1500290-309 watt sine 2wave nd Ave inverter, W Force 10

propane range, fridge, Propane detector, 2 toilets, 1 shower, hot water tank, 250-622-2413 8 man life raft, 6 immersion suits,

spare alternators, starter and injectors $60,000 Call Jeremie at (778) 260-0350 taylor.bachrach@parl.gc.ca

email jhyatt@qcislands.net

44 HG March / April 2021 45

Haida Gwaii Trader Community Calendar March/April, 2021

Do you have an event you want to advertise?

Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com and post your not-for-profit event FREE OF CHARGE

Gamadiis/Port Clements

Regular Council Meetings

Mondays, April 6 & 19 and May 3 & 17 / 7pm-10pm

Village of Port Clements Regular Council Meeting.

Please note that to abide by the Provincial Health

Order, members of the public cannot attend Council

meetings physically in person. Alternative means of

participation are available, such as calling or emailing

the Village Office ahead of Council Meetings with

questions for the Agenda items to be read out to

Council during the “Questions from the Public and

Press” section of the meeting. For more information

contact Village Office at 250-557-4295 or office@

portclements.ca or www.portclements.ca


Haida Gwaii Museum at Kay Llnagaay

#2 2nd Beach Road, HlGaagilda Skidegate / By

appointment art exhibitions are coming soon! “Connected

Realm” by visual artist Maryanne Wettlaufer, April 17 – July

17, 2021. All Island Art Show, May 1 – June 5, 2021. To book a

viewing appointment (starting March 31, 21) call 250-559-4643.

Watch for more information on the HG Museum website at

haidagwaiimuseum.ca, Facebook/Instagram pages or islandwide


Gaw Tlagee/ Old Massett & Masset

Masset Farmers' Market

Fridays / 11am-2pm / Across from the Credit

Union / Main Street.

Bakers, makers, and growers brave the elements

year-round to host the Masset Market, offering locally

grown and prepared foods. Some vendors stay beyond

2pm, so it’s worth a look after hours. New vendors

always welcome! For more information call 250-626-

3412 or email Massetmarket@gmail.com

Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting

If you have a drinking problem, we can help. For north

end virtual meeting information call John at


Daajing Giids/Queen Charlotte

Taoist Tai Chi ® Queen Charlotte

All classes are cancelled until further notice.

For more information contact Charlie at 250-559-8252

or haidagwaii@taoist.org or www.taoist.org

QC Farmers' Market

Saturdays / 11am-2pm / At Gather Food for winter

months / 223 Oceanview

Start your week’s grocery shopping at the market

and support local growers and producers. For more

information contact Marylynn Hunt at 250-559-8282 or


Alcoholics Anonymous

If you have a drinking problem, we can help. For south

end virtual meeting information call Lou at


46 HG March / April 2021 47

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