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Thursday,<strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>,<strong>2021</strong> | Issue938 |<br />
LEAVE<br />
YOUR<br />
OPENING MID-<strong>2021</strong><br />
LEGACY<br /><br />
Plan<br />
gets<br />
Hart<br />
racing<br />
OxfordArea Schoolprincipal Mike Hart has<br />
provided ashortbut vivid description of how<br />
the master planfor his school’s$10 million<br />
redevelopment is taking shape: Awesome.<br />
The revamp will be the biggest development<br />
on OxfordArea School’s Bay Road site in<br />
nearly150 years.<br />
Athfield Architects and project manager<br />
RDT Pacific presentedamasterplan to the<br />
board of trustees on Monday evening.<br />
‘‘It looks awesome, but it needstogotothe<br />
Ministry (of Education) before we can share it<br />
with the community,’’ he says.<br />
OxfordArea Schoolwas established in 1978,<br />
with OxfordDistrict High School merging<br />
with neighbouringprimaryschools.<br />
Next yearmarks 150 years since the district<br />
high schoolwas first established, in 1872.<br />
‘‘There are buildingsonthe site thathad a<br />
life before being partofOxfordArea School,<br />
so the opportunitytodesignand develop<br />
modern classrooms to teach students in the<br />
21st century is veryexciting,’’MrHart says.<br />
The master plan willset avisionfor the next<br />
50 years,allowing for the growth of the school<br />
on the fourhectare site, before the more<br />
detailed designphase begins.<br />
Mr Hart says the redevelopment is likelyto<br />
see several classroom blocks replaced, along<br />
with the school’sadministration blockand<br />
library. Redevelopment of the school’s<br />
science block is long overdue,hesays.<br />
Continued Page 2<br />
Downhill ride ... This promotional image for the Hanmer Springs flyride superimposes aflyride user on to an image of the<br />
village’s alpine surroundings.<br />
Flyride moved further west<br />
Aflyrideproposed for HanmerSprings<br />
will whisk passengers downa500<br />
metre course on Conical Hillinlittle<br />
over aminute.<br />
Aresource consenthas beenlodged<br />
with the Hurunui District Council for<br />
the gravitybasedride, which will be<br />
able to cater for up to 60 passengersan<br />
hour.<br />
The proposal has been given several<br />
tweaks afterapublicmeeting in August<br />
lastyear, but it has still attracted<br />
concerns about noise and carparking<br />
on social media in recentdays.<br />
The consent application revealsthat<br />
the ride would be shifted fromthe<br />
south side of ConicalHill to the west<br />
side, awayfromresidentialareas,<br />
because of noiseand privacy concerns.<br />
There is no provision for car parking,<br />
withthe applicant, Hanmer Springs<br />
Thermal Pools and Spa,saying it is not<br />
abletoput acar park on reserveland.<br />
However, it intends to market the<br />
ride as awalk from the villagetothe<br />
top of Conical Hill, highlighting<br />
estimated walk times, and with booking<br />
timesfor allrides.<br />
Thereisatracknetwork in the area,<br />
giving peoplethe option to continue<br />
theirwalk, or takethe flyride to the<br />
bottom.<br />
Therewill be sevenpoles alongthe<br />
route, supporting the cable track<br />
system and passenger trolleys.<br />
Continued Page 2<br />
Guarantee #2<br />
Your base weekly fee isfixedfor<br />
the entire time youoccupyyour<br />
townhouse or apartment* and<br />
our deferred managementfee is<br />
capped at 20%. *Some conditionsapply.<br /><br />
NEWS<br />
2 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Grow<br />
customers,<br />
sales and<br />
profits<br />
with <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />
best read<br />
newspaper<br />
Vet was astrong family man<br />
Dr Gerald Alexander Lawson Stone, a<br />
stalwart of the Rangiora community and a<br />
valued and respected veterinarian,has<br />
died, aged83.<br />
Dr Stone, who had movedback to<br />
<strong>North</strong>land in recent years,died while<br />
swimmingatOmokoroa Beach.<br />
He was an accomplished rugbyplayer<br />
and coach, acouncillor on both the<br />
RangioraDistrict Council and later the<br />
Waimakariri District Council, and a<br />
Commodore of the Waimakariri Sailing<br />
Club. The legacy of his time with the<br />
councilwas the Rangiora Sports Centre.<br />
Dr Stonegrew up in rural <strong>North</strong>land, in<br />
Kaipara Flats,along with two brothers and<br />
asister.<br />
He went to SacredHeart College in<br />
Auckland,where he played and captained<br />
the SacredHeart1st XV. He gained a<br />
bursaryscholarship from the Veterinary<br />
Services Councilin1957 to study<br />
veterinaryscience at SydneyUniversity.<br />
He was selected and played rugby for<br />
Australian Universities and New South<br />
Wales. It was here he met his wife, Jennie,<br />
afellowstudent. They married in 1962.Dr<br />
Stone graduated in 1961,and returned to<br />
New Zealand with Jennie. He took up a<br />
position in Dannevirke.His work for the<br />
Dr Gerald Stone<br />
next 10 years took him to Napier, where he<br />
played rugby for HawkesBay at atime<br />
when it held the RanfurlyShield for<br />
several seasons.<br />
In 1970, the family moved to Rangiora,<br />
whereDrStone joined the practiceofDr<br />
Richard Hopkirk. Drs LindsayFraser,<br />
BruceTaylorand Dave Martin joined<br />
later. Hopkirk Stone Taylor Fraser Martin,<br />
in various permutations over the years,<br />
became awellrecognised and respected<br />
localveterinaryservice.<br />
Theclinic for many years operated from<br />
purposebuilt premisesclosetothe Stone<br />
family home in Rangiora.<br />
Dr Stonewas aloyalmember of theNew<br />
Zealand Veterinary Association<br />
throughout his career,believing strongly<br />
in the collegiality of the profession.<br />
Thecoupleraised seven children,<br />
William, Edward, Charlie,Mathew,<br />
Prudence, MaryAnne and Daniel.They<br />
were knownasawonderful family with<br />
sound values, and an ethical framework of<br />
love, affection and good humour.<br />
Unfortunately, Edwardwas lost at 21.<br />
Dr Stonecoached many of his children’s<br />
school sports teams in rugby andcricket,<br />
andbuilt acricket net with aconcrete<br />
pitch, and later atennis court,onthe<br />
lawns of the family home.<br />
Thecouple moved to Waikuku Beach<br />
while Dr Stone was still practicing. They<br />
later moved to Wellington to be nearer<br />
their grandchildren, and finally on to<br />
Omokoroa in <strong>North</strong>land.Heissurvived by<br />
hiswife, six children, 15 grandchildren,<br />
and one greatgrandchild.<br />
Acelebration of Dr Stone’s life will be<br />
heldat4.30pmonFriday, April 9, at the<br />
RangioraRSA, Victoria Street.All are<br />
welcome.<br />
Readership: 47,000 weekly<br />
Circulation: 30,150 copies delivered<br />
to EVERY farm, RD, lifestyle block<br />
and home inWaimakariri, Hurunui<br />
&Kaikoura every Thursday.<br />
news<br />
Robyn Bristow<br />
Managing Editor<br />
027 312 1581<br />
robyn.bristow<br /><br />
Reporters<br />
Neil Clarkson, David Hill,<br />
Shelley Topp.<br />
advertising<br />
DaynaBurton<br />
Sales Co-ordinator<br />
027 312 0089<br />
dayna.burton<br /><br />
AmandaKeys<br />
Advertising<br />
027 536 6224<br />
amanda.keys<br /><br />
Kerryn Clark<br />
Advertising<br />
021 586 138<br />
kerryn.clark<br /><br />
RichardMcCombie<br />
Advertising<br />
022 024 3092<br />
richard.mccombie<br /><br />
getintouch<br />
Editorial<br /><br />
Advertising<br /><br />
Graphic Design<br /><br />
Distribution/Deliveries<br />
03 314 8335<br />
Rangiora: 03 313 2840 /03314 8335<br />
14 Ashley St, Rangiora<br />
Christchurch: 03 364 7460<br /><br />
2353083<br />
School master plan off to the Ministry of Education<br />
From Page 1<br />
‘‘It’s quite exciting to be able to<br />
redesign aschool and essentially swap<br />
out old prefab classrooms with<br />
purposebuilt classrooms.<br />
‘‘It will be astaged build because the<br />
school has to continue to operate, so<br />
once we know the priorities, aphased<br />
approach of building will take place so<br />
Flyride to include several switchbacks<br />
From Page 1<br />
The ride changes direction at each of<br />
the seven poles, which provide the<br />
tension and anchoring for the flyride<br />
system.<br />
The applicant is asking that the ride<br />
be allowed to operate from 10am to 6pm,<br />
but consent is sought to extend the hours<br />
during the summer from 9am to 7pm.<br />
Alicence will be sought from the<br />
council to allow the flyride to operate in<br />
the reserve, as commercial activities are<br />
not allowed on Conical Hill under the<br />
Conical Hill Reserve Management Plan<br />
without permission.<br />
The applicant has offered acondition<br />
to ensure the protection of the Rough<br />
Gecko habitat, the South Marlborough<br />
Grass Skink and other lizards.<br />
it doesn’t impact on students’ learning.’’<br />
The school roll is sitting at 520 and is<br />
expected to grow.<br />
‘‘We finished last year with 520<br />
students and we started with 520 this<br />
year, with in excess of 40 new students.<br />
‘‘The largest part of the school is the<br />
year 7to10s, which is more than 200, so<br />
it looks really promising for the future.’’<br />
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While it is too early to say what the<br />
redevelopment will look like, Mr Hart<br />
says the school’s observatory will<br />
feature in the redesign.<br />
‘‘We will be making use of the natural<br />
environment, the surrounding hills,<br />
and acknowledging the night sky, and<br />
the observatory is very much apart of<br />
our planning.’’<br />
Further west... An artist’s impressionofthe configuration of the proposedflyride.<br />
2095268<br />
Kaiapoi Lodge<br />
Residential Care<br />
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6Cass Street, Kaiapoi<br />
Ph 03 327 7235
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Tom cuts loose with new venture<br />
Abricklayer who decidedhe<br />
wanted to be abarber has<br />
opened anew men’s<br />
haircutting business in<br />
Rangiora.<br />
Tom’sChop Shop, owned by<br />
Tom Weddell, of Rangiora,<br />
opened about three weeks ago<br />
in Good Street.<br />
The formerbarber at<br />
Dappermen, amen’s clothing<br />
and grooming shop in<br />
Rangiora, was born in Britain<br />
but came to New Zealand to<br />
live as achildwith his family<br />
and grew up in Rangiora.<br />
Tom is enjoying owning his<br />
own business and is employing<br />
four staff, threefulltime and<br />
one parttime.<br />
He says he has had great<br />
support from the community<br />
for his new enterprise,<br />
especially fromhis rugbyplaying<br />
mates from the Ashley<br />
and Ohoka clubs,where he<br />
previouslyplayed.<br />
Tom alsohas clients coming<br />
from Christchurch to get their<br />
hair cut.<br />
He is pleasedwith the shop’s<br />
fitout andlocation, closeto<br />
New enterprise ... Barber Tom Weddell, owner of the new Rangiora business Tom’s Chop Shop, with<br />
customer Spencer Joannou, from Linwood.<br />
HighStreet,with good shops<br />
and cafesnearby, and Good<br />
Street on the Waimakariri<br />
DistrictCouncil’s radar for an<br />
upgrade.<br />
Although Tom was a<br />
bricklayer for three years, he<br />
decided on acareer change<br />
after finding he wasn’t<br />
enjoying life as atradie.<br />
Haircutting appealedtohim<br />
so he wenttoAucklandtotrain<br />
3<br />
for 12 months as abarber at the<br />
Cut Above Academy of<br />
hairdressing, makeup and<br />
barbering. He is pleased he<br />
made the career changeand<br />
couldnot be happier.<br />
New owner takes the reins at Willoughbys<br />
Erica Willoughbyhas sold Willoughbys,<br />
her namesake Rangioracraft and wool<br />
business.<br />
The new owner, KatherineMcLeod,<br />
from West Eyreton, is akeenknitter and<br />
also has awealth of knowledge about<br />
yarns and crafts.<br />
Katherinesays she feels honoured that<br />
Erica has entrusted her with the business.<br />
She says she is lookingforward to running<br />
Willoughbysand takes over theHigh<br />
Streetenterprise next Monday, on her 50th<br />
birthday.<br />
‘‘Thisismybest present ever,’’ she says.<br />
Erica bought the former Wool Shop,<br />
owned by Bev Brain, in May 2019 and<br />
joinedwith her sisterinlaw Alta Brits to<br />
bring their ideas for aboutiquecraft store<br />
and creative space to life.<br />
Erica says the success of the business is<br />
the result of two years of passionand hard<br />
work fromthe whole team, but she has a<br />
special word of thanks for her sisterinlaw.<br />
“Thankyou for sharingmypassion, I<br />
wouldn’thave done this without you. The<br />
past two years have been absolutely<br />
amazing,’’ she says.<br />
‘‘The knitting and craftingcommunity<br />
have been so supportiveand loyal. Iknow<br />
that Katherine will continue my legacy<br />
and make Willoughbys adestinationyarn<br />
shop.’’<br />
Change of ownership ... The new owner of Wiilloughbys, in Rangiora, Katherine McLeod,<br />
left, with Alta Brits and Erica Willoughby, and staff members Jodie, Jo, Kim and Louise.<br />
Erica made the difficult decision to sell<br />
the shop because of healthissues she and<br />
Altaare facing, but she willcontinue<br />
teachingcrochet classesatWilloughbys<br />
and will alsobethere to help when<br />
necessary.<br />
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NEWS<br />
4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Back in action ... The cast of the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Musicals’ production of Joseph and the Amazing<br />
Technicolor Dreamcoat are working hard to bring the show to life one year late.<br />
Show to be staged in mid-May<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Musicals is<br />
back on track with its show,<br />
Joseph and the Amazing<br />
Technicolor Dreamcoat.<br />
The show, originally<br />
scheduled for May 2020, was<br />
cancelled because of Covid19.<br />
President Grant Hartley<br />
Brown is confident the <strong>2021</strong><br />
production will be top notch,<br />
with rehearsals starting earlier<br />
this year. Youth and male<br />
auditions were held to replace<br />
those unable to continue.<br />
The auditions attracted some<br />
talented people, including some<br />
who have returned from<br />
performing overseas.<br />
‘‘I’m looking forward to<br />
putting 2020 firmly behind us,<br />
and enjoying great <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> theatre again,’’<br />
Grant says.<br />
‘‘Rehearsals are proceeding<br />
exceptionally well, and with the<br />
extra time to rehearse, the cast<br />
will be at the top of their game.’’<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Musicals<br />
was officially established in<br />
1964, with earlier iterations<br />
reportedly established in the<br />
1920s.<br />
The group regularly puts on<br />
one or two shows ayear,<br />
operates costume and technical<br />
equipment hire, and runs<br />
singing groups.<br />
Joseph and the Amazing<br />
Technicolor Dreamcoat will play<br />
at the Rangiora Town Hall from<br />
May 13 to 29, with evening shows<br />
and matinees. Ticket sales open<br />
on April 1from Iticket online,<br />
and will also be available from<br />
Stan’s 7Day Pharmacy and the<br />
Kaiapoi iSite.<br />
In brief<br />
Mollie honoured<br />
The late Mollie Anderson’s<br />
passion for recyclingisbeing<br />
honoured withthe opening of<br />
areuse storeinAmberley to<br />
be named Mollie’s Place.The<br />
project is backed by the<br />
Amberley District Resident’s<br />
Association.Itwill be run by<br />
volunteers, andsitedin<br />
central Amberley. Mrs<br />
Anderson was an iconof<br />
early recycling in the<br />
Hurunui district. Thereis<br />
still work to do before it is<br />
officially opened. The<br />
associationsaysitisgrateful<br />
for the support of Richard’s<br />
Second Hand Shop, NEST,<br />
the Nor’wester and the<br />
owners of the retail building<br />
in whichitwill be housed.<br />
Lostand found<br />
The following property has<br />
beenreported to thepolice<br />
as lostin<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>:<br />
Abrown wallet, Ray Ban<br />
sunglasses in afawn case,<br />
$195cash between Rangiora<br />
New Worldand Earnley<br />
Street, Rangiora, ablack<br />
leather “Unit” wallet, a<br />
Pulsar Helion casewitha<br />
thermal imagingmonocular<br />
(Okuku), an orange/brown<br />
wallet(Hanmer), aDuro<br />
Phone Easy black and grey<br />
cellphone,awhite wallet<br />
(Amberley), ablackleather<br />
foldover wallet, abrown<br />
leather wallet, aSamsung<br />
Galaxy Note 10 in apurple<br />
walletcase, ablack leather<br />
wallet, andaUnidenhand<br />
held CB black radio. The<br />
followingproperty is waiting<br />
to be claimed: Ablackbag<br />
containingmotorcyclerelated<br />
property (Hanmer<br />
Springs).<br />
Exhibition<br />
Anew exhibitionbyHenry<br />
Turner, an awardwinning<br />
artist with areputation for<br />
stunning,detailed work,has<br />
been installed at the Arts in<br />
Oxford Gallery.‘‘Likemany<br />
artists, Ilike to explorethe<br />
nature of things or strange<br />
ideas by painting,’’the<br />
<strong>25</strong>yearold says. His workis<br />
influencedbythe classics of<br />
philosophy and mythology,<br />
hisdeep knowledge of art<br />
history, and hisown life<br />
experience. The exhibition,<br />
entitled Henry Turner<br />
Heaven Drawings,will be on<br />
display until Sunday,<br />
May2.<br />
Road show<br />
The Alpine Fault Magnitude<br />
8(AF8) roadshow willvisit<br />
Hanmer Springs andAmuri<br />
Area School next month. It is<br />
aimedathelping people<br />
prepare forabigquake on<br />
the fault line. The Roadshow<br />
will be at the Hanmer<br />
Springs Pavilion on Tuesday,<br />
April 6, at 7pm, and stops at<br />
AmuriArea School the next<br />
day.<br />
for all your Gardening Supplies!<br />
StayingSafe<br />
arefresher coursefor older drivers<br />
This FREE classroom based course will help you re-familiarise yourself with<br />
traffic rules and safe driving practices. It will also increase your knowledge about<br />
other transport options and help you remain independent for longer.<br />
DATE: Monday 29<strong>March</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
TIME: 10am -2.30pm<br />
VENUE: MainPower Oval, 216 Eastbelt Rangiora<br />
RSVP: Wendy Fox, Age Concern <strong>Canterbury</strong> on 03 331 7808<br />
Weedmat<br />
1m x20m rolls<br />
$26.70ea<br />
Plywood<br />
Untreated non structural<br />
2400 x1200 12mm<br />
$51.50ea<br />
Sunlite Roofing<br />
Lightblueavailable<br />
1.8m $13.50ea<br />
2.4m $17.97ea<br />
3m $22.48ea<br />
Tree Stakes<br />
Treated or untreated<br />
1.5m&1.8m available<br />
Bird Netting<br />
13mm x1.8m<br />
Sold by the metre<br />
Allprices GST inclusive.<br />
Specialsavailable until10 th April<strong>2021</strong>. T&C’sapply<br />
82 Carters Road, Amberley<br />
T: 03 314 8311 |<br />
© ACNZ together with NZTA<br />
Hours: Monday -Friday 7am -5pm<br />
Saturday 8am -12.30pm<br />
Art atherapeutic outlet<br />
Therapeutic art classes in Kaiapoi<br />
are helping cancer patients and their<br />
supporters copewith the ups and<br />
downsofthe treatment process.<br />
The <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Therapeutic Art Class is organised<br />
by the Cancer Society <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Centre and run by coordinator<br />
Lynette Coltonand<br />
volunteer art tutor Sandy<br />
Gottermeyer.<br />
The two womenbegan their<br />
involvementwith the Cancer<br />
Society’s therapeuticart classesin<br />
Christchurch.<br />
Sandygot involved with the Cancer<br />
Society eightyearsago when her<br />
sister died from cancer.<br />
‘‘My sister had enjoyed the classes<br />
they held and Iwanted to give back,’’<br />
Sandysaid.<br />
‘‘I heldagarden tea partyatmy<br />
houseand raisedmoney for the<br />
society.Ioffered some art classes for<br />
the advanced class. Ilove helping<br />
and givingthese people the knowledgetocreatetheir<br />
wonderful art.’’<br />
Lynette beganher connection with<br />
the Christchurch group last<br />
September, while she was going<br />
through chemotherapy. She bonded<br />
with her classmates who<br />
‘‘understood and accepted what I<br />
was going through’’.<br />
However, the class proved too big<br />
to run under Covid19 lockdown<br />
restrictions, so it was decided to split<br />
it and establish anothergroupin<br />
<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>,with classes at the<br />
Kaiapoi Baptist Church every<br />
Monday from 10amtonoon.<br />
Lynette saysthere is astrong<br />
camaraderie among the group<br />
attending the free classes, and new<br />
Feelgood factor ... <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Therapeutic Art Class members,frontrow, from<br />
left,Ken Marsh,Barbara Matthews and Lynette Colton. Backrow, from left, are art tutor<br />
SandyGottermeyer,Lynda Glenn, Kaz Berry and MarietWise.<br />
participants are welcome.<br />
‘‘We would lovemore people to<br />
become involved.’’<br />
Artiststaking part in the<br />
Christchurchand Kaiapoi classes<br />
have collaborated for an exhibition<br />
of their work, Art Escapes,which is<br />
on show at the Eastside Gallery in<br />
the Linwood Communication Arts<br />
Centre in Christchurch until April1.<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
In brief<br />
5<br />
Community chats<br />
Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> will hold<br />
conversations with <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
communities to improveits understanding of<br />
their needs and provide support. The draft Long<br />
Term Plan, Essential Freshwater planning, and<br />
how to keep connected to rural communities will<br />
all be on the agenda at Kaikoura, Oxford and<br />
Waipara. The KaikouraTown Hall is the venue<br />
in the first of the Community Conversation<br />
series and runs from 12.30pmto2pm on<br />
Tuesday, <strong>March</strong> 30. Oxford will follow in<br />
the A&P room at the town hallfrom 6.30pm<br />
to 8pm.<br />
Warninglifted<br />
The health warning for algal bloom in the Ashley<br />
River/Rakahuri at the AshleyLoburn Bridge at<br />
Cones Road has been lifted. The <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
District Health Board’sCommunity and Public<br />
Health unit says recent cyanobacteria surveys<br />
have shown the cover of potentially toxic algae<br />
(benthic cyanobacteria)has reduced and is now<br />
below levels of concern to public health.<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> medical officer of health Dr Cheryl<br />
Brunton says ECan’s monitoring of the river has<br />
now finished for the summer.<br />
Backcountry tour<br />
Anew fourwheeldrive experience is being<br />
offered by theLions ClubsofHawardenWaikari<br />
and Amuri. The tour of HossackStation travels<br />
up the Hanmer River and over into the Clarence.<br />
It will be held on Sunday, April 11. The muster<br />
is at 9.30am at the Hanmer Springs Airstrip, on<br />
River Road. It costs $75 plus abooking fee per<br />
person, with all proceeds going to local<br />
community projects. Numbers are limited. Atthegate<br />
registrations will be $80 avehicle, and<br />
will be accepted only if there are vacancies. To<br />
register, visit the ‘‘Hossack 4WD” Facebook<br />
6 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Claire McKay<br />
Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> Councillor<br />
Shows are local treasures<br />
The cycle of autumn show days in the<br />
Hurunui district is now complete.<br />
Each event provides agreat<br />
opportunity for the Hurunui<br />
community to come together.<br />
Iwas so impressed with the Amuri<br />
Show Committee.<br />
Despite being hampered by the<br />
unique and unpredictable passage of<br />
the coronavirus, they reacted positively<br />
with acommunity barbecue and good<br />
oldfashioned fun for the children.<br />
It was agreat day thanks to the<br />
initiative of this year’s presidents, Don<br />
and Annie McLean.<br />
In Cheviot, it was another community<br />
event with successful sponsorship and<br />
community support.<br />
Presidents Don and Kate Anderson<br />
were instrumental in showcasing talent<br />
from across the district —music and<br />
singing was not only entertaining, but<br />
top class.<br />
The final show, on Saturday at<br />
Hawarden, hosted by Jim and Ramona<br />
Sidey, was agreat occasion, with<br />
everything that suggests participation<br />
on show day is as strong as ever.<br />
Iespecially enjoyed seeing so many<br />
children entering the show, and Ihope<br />
that it inspires them to alifetime of<br />
support and community participation.<br />
Nigel Latta spoke at apresentation in<br />
Omihi hosted by the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Warning over<br />
toxic algae<br />
Ahealth warning has been issuedafter<br />
evidence of potentiallytoxic bluegreen<br />
algae (planktonic<br />
cyanobacteria) was found in Lake<br />
Pegasus.<br />
Evidence of cyanobacteriawas also<br />
found on several beachshorelines as<br />
accumulations of scum.<br />
People should avoid the area and<br />
animals, particularlydogs, should not<br />
be allowed near the water until the<br />
warning has beenlifted. Animals that<br />
show signs ofillness after coming into<br />
contactwith algal mats or scum should<br />
be taken to avet immediately.<br />
Lake Pegasus is being monitored<br />
weekly.<br />
This<br />
Week<br />
Sun<br />
Fishing<br />
Guide<br />
Moon<br />
Wind<br />
Swell<br />
Pegasus Bay<br />
Tide Chart<br />
3<br />
2<br />
1<br />
Rural Support Trust.<br />
He spoke of the fact that we are social<br />
beings and we need to come together to<br />
share experiences in times of peace<br />
and times of stress. This aids our<br />
wellbeing.<br />
We now have agreater<br />
understanding between the health of<br />
our brain, and the link to socialised<br />
behaviour.<br />
Show days and other community<br />
events not only support our personal<br />
wellbeing, but also support the<br />
wellbeing of our community.<br />
We are lucky to live in an<br />
environment that provides relative<br />
safety and significant community<br />
support. Let’s work together to keep it<br />
that way.<br />
The council is busy preparing for the<br />
Long Term Plan. This is our planning<br />
framework for the next 10 years and<br />
beyond.<br />
Your elected members are keen to<br />
hear from you as we set the direction<br />
for the future.<br />
Our aim is to seek as much<br />
community participation and comment<br />
as possible as your voice is important to<br />
us. We will be coming to your<br />
community to share and receive your<br />
support or suggestions.<br />
Enjoy the autumn colours, and take<br />
care.<br />
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />
Mar <strong>25</strong> Mar 26 Mar 27 Mar 28 Mar 29 Mar 30 Mar 31<br />
Rise 7:36am<br />
Rise 7:38am<br />
Rise 7:39am<br />
Rise 7:40am<br />
Rise 7:41am<br />
Rise 7:42am<br />
Rise 7:43am<br />
Set 7:32pm<br />
Set 7:30pm<br />
Set 7:28pm<br />
Set 7:26pm<br />
Set 7:<strong>25</strong>pm<br />
Set 7:23pm<br />
Set 7:21pm<br />
Ok<br />
Best 10:<strong>25</strong>am<br />
Best 11:18am<br />
Best 12:10pm<br />
Best 12:36am<br />
Best 1:27am<br />
Best 2:19am<br />
Best 3:12am<br />
Fair<br />
Good<br />
Ok<br />
Ok<br />
Ok<br />
Ok<br />
Times 10:51pm<br />
Times 11:44pm<br />
Times<br />
Times 1:02pm<br />
Times 1:53pm<br />
Times 2:45pm<br />
Times 3:40pm<br />
Set 2:38am<br />
Set 3:48am<br />
Set 5:03am<br />
Set 6:19am<br />
Set 7:36am<br />
Set 8:54am<br />
Set 10:13am<br />
Rise 6:02pm<br />
Rise 6:35pm<br />
Rise 7:04pm<br />
Rise 7:31pm<br />
Rise 7:58pm<br />
Rise 8:<strong>25</strong>pm<br />
Rise 8:56pm<br />
Gentle SEbecoming Gentle Sbecoming Gentle SW becoming Gentle SW becoming Gentle Sbecoming Gentle Sbecoming Gentle Sbecoming<br />
moderate E<br />
moderate E<br />
moderate E<br />
moderate SE<br />
moderate SE<br />
moderate E<br />
moderate E<br />
SE 0.8 mturning<br />
NE 1.3 m NE 1.4 m E1.1 m E0.8 m E0.9 m E0.8 m SE 0.7 m<br />
3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />
Plan feedback sought<br />
Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s draft Long<br />
Term Plan (LTP), covering the next 10<br />
years, is out for consultation until<br />
April 11.<br />
The consultation document outlines<br />
all activity that is proposed, along with<br />
the proposed funding to achieve the<br />
strategic direction developed by the<br />
elected council.<br />
Option 1isthe preferred proposed<br />
option, while Option 2isaparedback<br />
version that provides for all statutory<br />
work, precommitted Covid work and<br />
public transport improvements.<br />
Both options outline an increase in<br />
activity and therefore funding. Rates<br />
provide about 55 percent of the funding,<br />
with the balance being userpays or<br />
grants.<br />
Proposed Option 1requires an extra<br />
$29 million from ratepayers, an increase<br />
of 24.5% on last year. Option 2requires<br />
about $21 million, an increase of 18%.<br />
The increase for each ratepayer will<br />
be different depending on the services<br />
received, and in dollar terms varies from<br />
less than $100 to several thousand<br />
dollars. These are significant increases,<br />
not only in the current pandemic<br />
environment but in any situation.<br />
The information you need to<br />
understand the aims and rationale<br />
behind this proposed increase can be<br />
found at<br />
The 40page consultation document<br />
outlines proposed work and funding,<br />
with the fuller 300page supplementary<br />
information adding another layer of<br />
detail.<br />
The rates calculator compares the<br />
impact of each option on your property.<br />
The second rates tool is abubble or line<br />
tool, depending on the device from<br />
which you are accessing it.<br />
It drills down into each portfolio work<br />
programme proposed in Option 1ineven<br />
greater detail of activity, funding<br />
amount and funding source.<br />
The consultation document and<br />
submission form identifies areas where<br />
specific feedback is sought.<br />
Additional feedback and any<br />
alternative suggestions on affordability,<br />
activities, funding and how quickly to<br />
achieve desired outcomes is welcome.<br />
Longterm plans should be carefully<br />
balanced to meet the region’s future<br />
needs, to consider the desires of the<br />
wider community and, most of all, to be<br />
affordable.<br />
Does this LTP resonate with you?<br />
It is important that people provide<br />
feedback by way of asubmission to help<br />
shape the LTP’s final form and funding.<br />
We need to hear your views.<br />
It is critical that Environment<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> gets this right. Iamhappy to<br />
help you understand the LTP. Contact<br />
me at or<br />
on (027) 486 4023.<br />
The need to stay safe in our own homes<br />
area commander, NZ Police, <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rural<br />
Last Saturday night one of our police<br />
team received moderately seriousstab<br />
wounds while attending afamily harm<br />
incident.<br />
Incidents such as these are astark<br />
reminderofthe highrisk environmentin<br />
whichthe police areoftenaskedto<br />
operate.<br />
Thankfully,the officerwill make afull<br />
recovery.<br />
Iamoften asked by my boss, “whatis<br />
your greatest worrykeeping youupat<br />
night?”.<br />
For me, it is these eventswhere one of<br />
our team is hurt, or worse still, doesn’t<br />
come home to their family.<br />
Conflictinthe home is our major<br />
demand, accounting for half of police<br />
time.<br />
The secondarea of demand involves<br />
times of crisis faced by those suffering<br />
from mental healthissues, which make<br />
up 20 percent of our calls.<br />
We continuetowork hardwith the<br />
assistanceofother partners in the<br />
community to ensurethat everyone feels<br />
safe, and is safe, in their own home.<br />
However, we cannot achieve this on our<br />
own and we willalwaysneedthe helpof<br />
the community.<br />
We simply can’tbeeverywhere in the<br />
districtormeet everyone’sexpectations<br />
of us.<br />
We use evidence and intelligence,not<br />
social media or rumours, to deploy our<br />
resources.<br />
We look to thecommunity for the<br />
complete picture of whatishappening in<br />
our community.<br />
105 is our nonemergency reporting<br />
number and 111 remains for emergency<br />
calls.<br />
Staysafe at home, on the roads and in<br />
the community.<br />
0<br />
Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />
Waimakariri 2:23am 2.2 8:41am 0.7 3:12am 2.3 9:27am 0.6 4:01am 2.4 10:15am 0.5 4:50am 2.4 11:04am 0.4 5:40am 2.5 11:56am 0.4 6:32am 2.5 12:<strong>25</strong>am 0.3 7:28am 2.5 1:19am 0.3<br />
Mouth<br />
2:46pm 2.2 8:56pm 0.6 3:34pm 2.2 9:47pm 0.6 4:23pm 2.3 10:39pm 0.5 5:14pm 2.4 11:32pm 0.4 6:07pm 2.5<br />
7:02pm 2.5 12:49pm 0.3 7:58pm 2.6 1:43pm 0.3<br />
Amberley 2:23am 2.2 8:41am 0.7 3:12am 2.3 9:27am 0.6 4:01am 2.4 10:15am 0.5 4:50am 2.4 11:04am 0.4 5:40am 2.5 11:56am 0.4 6:32am 2.5 12:<strong>25</strong>am 0.3 7:28am 2.5 1:19am 0.3<br />
Beach<br />
2:46pm 2.2 8:56pm 0.6 3:34pm 2.2 9:47pm 0.6 4:23pm 2.3 10:39pm 0.5 5:14pm 2.4 11:32pm 0.4 6:07pm 2.5<br />
7:02pm 2.5 12:49pm 0.3 7:58pm 2.6 1:43pm 0.3<br />
2:32am 2.2 8:50am 0.7 3:21am 2.3 9:36am 0.6 4:10am 2.4 10:24am 0.5 4:59am 2.4 11:13am 0.4 5:49am 2.5<br />
6:41am 2.5 12:34am 0.3 7:37am 2.5 1:28am 0.3<br />
Motunau 2:55pm 2.2 9:05pm 0.6 3:43pm 2.2 9:56pm 0.6 4:32pm 2.3 10:48pm 0.5 5:23pm 2.4 11:41pm 0.4 6:16pm 2.5 12:05pm 0.4 7:11pm 2.5 12:58pm 0.3 8:07pm 2.6 1:52pm 0.3<br />
2:34am 2.2 8:52am 0.7 3:23am 2.3 9:38am 0.6 4:12am 2.4 10:26am 0.5 5:01am 2.4 11:15am 0.4 5:51am 2.5<br />
6:43am 2.5 12:36am 0.3 7:39am 2.5 1:30am 0.3<br />
Gore Bay 2:57pm 2.2 9:07pm 0.6 3:45pm 2.2 9:58pm 0.6 4:34pm 2.3 10:50pm 0.5 5:<strong>25</strong>pm 2.4 11:43pm 0.4 6:18pm 2.5 12:07pm 0.4 7:13pm 2.5 1:00pm 0.3 8:09pm 2.6 1:54pm 0.3<br />
2:28am 1.7 8:45am 0.5 3:15am 1.8 9:30am 0.5 4:03am 1.8 10:17am 0.4 4:53am 1.9 11:06am 0.4 5:45am 1.9 11:57am 0.3 6:38am 1.9 12:<strong>25</strong>am 0.3 7:34am 1.9 1:21am 0.2<br />
Kaikoura 2:51pm 1.6 8:58pm 0.5 3:37pm 1.7 9:47pm 0.4 4:26pm 1.7 10:38pm 0.4 5:17pm 1.8 11:31pm 0.3 6:10pm 1.9<br />
7:05pm 1.9 12:51pm 0.3 8:01pm 1.9 1:46pm 0.3<br />
*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />
Strength<br />
in numbers<br />
Howwe’re rolling outthe COVID-19 vaccine<br />
We have secured enough dosesofthe Pfizervaccine foreveryone<br />
16 yearsand over in Aotearoa.Any vaccine’sstrengthisinnumbers.<br />
Themoreofuswho getvaccinated, thestrongerand saferwe’ll allbe.<br />
It will give us morefreedom in ourdaily lives,and moreoptions forour<br />
whānau,our businessesand our country. Becausewhenwerollupour<br />
ownsleeves,we’re helping to protectall of us.<br />
Here arethe keyfacts about thePfizer vaccine:<br />
It’s safe<br />
It hasbeen approved by our own<br />
Medsafeexperts.It’salsoalready<br />
been usedsuccessfullyall around<br />
theworld by millions of people,<br />
andbythousands here in<br />
NewZealandtoo.<br />
It’s effective<br />
The Pfizervaccineis 95%<br />
effective when youreceive<br />
both doses.<br />
It’s free<br />
Thevaccine will be free for<br />
everyone in thecountry. We have<br />
securedover10million dosesof<br />
thePfizer vaccine. That’s enough<br />
forall of NewZealand.<br />
NewZealand’s vaccination rollout plan<br />
Therolloutplanfor thePfizer vaccineissimple. Everyone in thecountryaged16and over fallsinto<br />
one of four groups.Firstly,we’ll protect thosemostatriskofpicking up thevirus in theirworkplaces<br />
–and then thosemostatriskof getting seriously illordyingfromCOVID-19.<br />
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4<br />
Border and MIQworkers<br />
Frontlineworkers and<br />
people in high-risk areas<br />
65+and peoplewith<br />
underlyinghealth<br />
conditionsordisabilities<br />
Everyone else<br />
aged16and over<br />
More strength.Morefreedom. More options.<br />
We’lllet youknowwhenit’syour turn forthe vaccine. Untilthen, please<br />
keep using theNZCOVID Tracerapp,and stay homeifyou’resick.<br />
Highest standards achieved<br />
through trust and respect<br />
In November 2016 the historic<br />
24-stand Highfield Woolshed near<br />
Waiau was all but destroyed in a7.8<br />
magnitude quake.<br />
Built in 1876 it was the heart of the<br />
<strong>North</strong>cote family’s farming business,<br />
and also apartofthe wider Waiau<br />
community having hosted many<br />
weddings, shows and community<br />
celebrations.<br />
Walls becameseparatedfrom the<br />
roof, and asection collapsed. The<br />
structure also shifted off its piles and<br />
was about 600mm out of level.<br />
The skills of local construction<br />
company,BGBeaven Builders, and<br />
heritage architect Dave Pearson, saw<br />
the woolshed restored to its former<br />
glory.<br />
The sympathetic restoration of<br />
the woolshed and the high standard<br />
of workmanship, within budget,<br />
was rewarded at the New Zealand<br />
Commercial Project Awards, 2020,<br />
with BG Beaven Builders Ltd, the<br />
project team partner,was awarded<br />
aSilver,and also won the Special<br />
Award, for excellence in workmanship<br />
construction practices and innovation<br />
in the Heritage /Restoration Project.<br />
Throughout the project Barney<br />
Beaven and histeam, treated the<br />
building with care and respect,<br />
providing solutions to the many<br />
challenges posed by such aunique<br />
restoration project.<br />
They communicated with the<br />
<strong>North</strong>cote family,finished the job to<br />
the highest standard of workmanship.<br />
The award winning construction<br />
company,which for over 42 years has<br />
been Rotherham-based, has extended<br />
its business into the Kaikoura<br />
district due to growing<br />
demand for its<br />
services.<br />
Barney Beaven<br />
began building<br />
woolsheds as<br />
a21-yearold.<br />
The<br />
company has<br />
expanded far<br />
beyond farm<br />
buildings<br />
and provides<br />
everything<br />
from repairing<br />
weatherboards<br />
to building<br />
$2 million<br />
architecturally<br />
designed<br />
Outdoor<br />
Living<br />
The historic Highfield Woolshed was restored to it’s former glory by<br />
BG Beaven Builders . Photo Supplied<br />
homes.<br />
BG Beaven can<br />
getplans drawn<br />
up for clients<br />
from reputable<br />
companies it<br />
sub-contracts to,<br />
and its project<br />
managers can<br />
provide pricing<br />
and guide clients,<br />
while also ensuring<br />
builds meet all the<br />
building standards, rules and<br />
regulations.<br />
Barney and his wife Wendy<br />
remain thefoundation of the<br />
business, and are deeply involved<br />
in their community.<br />
The couple and their business<br />
is trusted and respected, a<br />
reputation that grew in the<br />
aftermath of the 7.8 quake.Barney<br />
and Wendyprovided solace<br />
to many whose homes, farm<br />
buildings and other infrastructures<br />
were hit by the quake, which had<br />
its epicentre in Waiau.<br />
Let Brett give you afree quote to<br />
get those interior jobs booked in and<br />
completed over the winter months.<br />
Landscaping<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Free Quotes<br />
Phone 027 537 2733<br />
or 03 327 6850<br /><br />
23<strong>25</strong>172v1<br />
Residential and Commercial<br />
Installation, Repairs, Maintenance &Alterations<br />
Services we offer for all door types:<br />
New Garage doors: Sectional, Roller,Tilt &<br />
Cedar<br />
Partsand Maintenance<br />
Door Upgrades<br />
Supply and install automatic door openers for<br />
sectional tilt &roller doors<br />
Phone 027 207 6128 |03310 6577<br /><br /><br />
2<strong>25</strong>7749v1<br />
<br />
<br />
Don’t know where to start orhow to do it?<br />
Gardens &Lawns doing their own thing –<br />
not your thing?<br />
Property maintenance falling behind?<br />
No time for life on alifestyle block?<br />
Regular maintenance or one off work<br />
No job too big or small<br />
Call Al Today!<br />
P: 021 249 9495 |<br /><br />
23<strong>25</strong>634v1<br />
Day Bros<br />
Painters and Plasterers rs are<br />
able to<br />
handle your whole job -Nomore dealing with<br />
two different trades!<br />
We offer free quotes and service <strong>Canterbury</strong>wide.<br />
Residential and commercial<br />
properties.<br />
We specialise in: painting<br />
plastering roof spraying<br />
specialised coating system<br />
airless spraying water blasting<br />
Local, family owned business who has been in business<br />
for over 30 years. Members of master painters.<br />
Please contact Brett on 0275 340 878<br />
Email:<br /><br />
2324391v6<br />
Need aQuality Builder in Kaikoura, Hanmer<br />
&Hurunui? Full Builds, Extensions and Repairs<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
We have offices based in Rotherham and Kaikoura.<br />
Jobs Large and Small<br />
We are happy to help!<br />
Contact us today for a<br />
quote or to discuss<br />
your next project<br />
Your local authorised Husqvarna Dealer:<br />
7models to choose from<br />
including the below models<br />
$<br />
2,549 $<br />
3,899 $<br />
6,699<br />
23<strong>25</strong>750v2<br />
BGBeaven Builders<br />
03 315 6346<br /><br /><br />
275Flaxton Road,Southbrook<br />
Ph: 3136640|<br />
Let’s Talk<br />
aboutthe next<br />
10 years...<br />
DraftLongTermPlan<br />
<strong>2021</strong>-2031<br />
Over thenext10years theCouncil is focusedonmakingsurewe<br />
keep up with growth,Covid-19economicrecovery,climatechange/<br />
sustainability,and theimpactofthe ThreeWatersReview.<br />
Specificallythe Council areasking forfeedbackon:<br />
• New community facilities for Pegasus and north Woodend (Ravenswood)<br />
• Upgrades tothe Rangiora Library and wider civic area<br />
• Parking in Rangiora –including acar park building.<br />
Let’s Talk. Draft Long Term Plan <strong>2021</strong> -2031<br />
NEWS<br />
10 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
PET<br />
WEEK<br />
Purina Fancy Feast<br />
85g Range<br />
Puhoi Valley Yoghurt<br />
450g<br />
ANY<br />
5FOR<br />
$<br />
4 99 ea<br />
Whiskas<br />
Temptations<br />
85g<br />
$<br />
2 99 ea<br />
Quality<br />
Bakers<br />
Nature’sFresh<br />
Bread 700g<br />
$<br />
3 49 ea<br />
Terrier race winners ... Tim Kellywith his son, Darcy,aged 6, and their Jack Russell<br />
terrier puppyPeppa, at the Hawarden A&P Show last Saturday afternoon. PHOTOS: SHELLEY TOPP<br />
Dogs play major role at<br />
Hawarden A&P Show<br />
Dogs finally had their longawaited<br />
theme day at the Hawarden A&P Show<br />
last Saturday.<br />
Canines played abig role in the<br />
114th annual show.<br />
Ayear after Covid19 prevented the<br />
last show from going ahead,<br />
presidents Jim and Ramona Sidey<br />
decided to revisit their 2020 theme,<br />
‘‘Who Let The Dogs Out?’’<br />
The show featured all sorts of dogs,<br />
including <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Dog<br />
Training Club canines, working dogs,<br />
family pets, dogs herding ducks, and<br />
those taking part in the popular<br />
terrier race.<br />
There was even aWho Let The Dogs<br />
Out Again/Our Community photo<br />
exhibition, featuring images from the<br />
competition which had been judged<br />
before last year’s show was cancelled.<br />
During lockdown, competition<br />
organiser and professional<br />
photographer Lucy HunterWeston,<br />
who is also on the show’s executive<br />
committee, created an online<br />
exhibition of the photos for the<br />
Hawarden A&P Show website.<br />
The photographs are still up on the<br />
website, and she also included prints<br />
of the images at this year’s show.<br />
She hopes to eventually create a<br />
book of the photos for the community.<br />
Saturday’s show was also abig day<br />
out for new secretary/treasurer<br />
Angela Cooper.<br />
‘‘It is my first year in the role and<br />
there is alot to learn,’’ she said last<br />
Saturday.<br />
It was ahectic day for her, and she<br />
didn’t get outside much to enjoy show<br />
activities and displays. However, she<br />
still enjoyed her day.<br />
Show pictures, page 13<br />
Pams FreshIceberg<br />
Lettuce or Sweet<br />
TemptationTomatoes<br />
500g Prepack<br />
Product of New Zealand<br />
$<br />
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5 00 FreshNZSkinless<br />
Chicken Breast Fillets$<br />
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Classy wheels ...<br />
Motoring fun<br />
during the grand<br />
parade.<br />
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Specials available South Island only from Monday 15th <strong>March</strong> until Sunday 28th<br />
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licence. Wine and beer purchasesrestricted to persons aged 18 years old andover.<br />
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Find what you are looking<br />
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Retirement living in the<br />
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So, whether you are keen to play bowls,<br />
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Images are artist impressions and subject to change
FLASH<br />
STO C K TAKE<br />
5<br />
TH<br />
APRIL<br />
WAS $2229<br />
$<br />
2069<br />
Blue<br />
Raisin<br />
Valley Corner<br />
WAS $2299<br />
$<br />
2129 AmazonRecliner<br />
Suite<br />
3RR +1R+1R Seater<br />
WAS $1799<br />
$<br />
1599<br />
Vana<br />
3+2<br />
WAS$2799<br />
$<br />
<strong>25</strong>99<br />
Flint Full Electric<br />
3RR +1R+1R<br />
Luna Corner<br />
Suite<br />
WAS $2659<br />
$<br />
2459<br />
HawthornRecliner<br />
Suite<br />
2RR +1R+1R<br />
Also available as 3RR<br />
WAS $1999<br />
$<br />
1849 Bramwell<br />
3+2<br />
WAS $1929<br />
$<br />
1789<br />
Luna 3Seater $859<br />
$859 $799<br />
Luna 2 Seater $719 $669<br />
WAS $1999<br />
Raglan Egg<br />
Chair<br />
Marley /<br />
CoveChair<br />
$ WAS $149<br />
1399 $<br />
429<br />
$<br />
79<br />
Willis Chaise<br />
Outdoor Set<br />
WAS $599<br />
Swivel<br />
Chair<br />
Storm<br />
Charcoal<br />
WAS $789<br />
$<br />
739<br />
REDUC<br />
Marlow Chair &Stool<br />
Grey PU<br />
Beige PU<br />
Black PU<br />
WAS $2499<br />
$<br />
1859<br />
Milford<br />
2.5+1+1+Table<br />
Outdoor Set<br />
WAS $1999<br />
$<br />
1359<br />
Tekapo<br />
3+1+1+Table +Bench<br />
Outdoor Set<br />
WAS $1999<br />
$<br />
1559<br />
Nelson<br />
3+1+1+Coffee<br />
Outdoor Set<br />
WAS $759<br />
$<br />
699<br />
Aspen<br />
Collection<br />
Ackley<br />
Barstool<br />
Lennox<br />
Collection<br />
Queen Slat Bed $979 $869<br />
ComfortPlus Queen Mattress<br />
$1039 $969<br />
Bedside Cabinet $299 $<strong>25</strong>9<br />
Lowboy 6Drawers $849 $749<br />
Tallboy 6Drawers $829 $739<br />
Mirror $189 $169<br />
WAS $129<br />
$<br />
109<br />
Buffet Small $629 $589<br />
Coffee Table $219 $199<br />
Hall Table $199 $189<br />
Lamp Table $169 $159<br />
Round Dining Table $389 $369<br />
3Year Warranty<br />
Continuous Spring<br />
Pilllow Top<br />
Coiled Fibre<br />
Wave Foam<br />
ComfortFoam<br />
FROM<br />
$<br />
279 Single $299 $279<br />
King Single $349 $329<br />
Double $399 $369<br />
Melody Mattress<br />
Queen $439 $399<br />
King $469 $439<br />
5Year Warranty<br />
Pocket Spring<br />
EuroTop<br />
Quilt Fibre<br />
Wave Foam<br />
ComfortFoam<br />
FROM<br />
$<br />
499<br />
King Single $539 $499<br />
Double $679 $629<br />
Queen $759 $709<br />
Cloud Rest Mattress<br />
King $839 $779<br />
Super King $899 $839<br />
10 Year Warranty<br />
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LatexFoam<br />
Pillow SoftFoam<br />
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FROM<br />
$<br />
1299<br />
ComfortLatexMattress<br />
Queen $1399 $1299<br />
King $1509 $1399<br />
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12<br />
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MONTHS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
13<br />
Show crowd enjoys aday in the sunshine<br />
Off they go ... The start of the popular<br />
terrier race at the Hawarden A&P Show last<br />
Saturday.<br />
Clever canine ... KateBrandramAdams, of Hawarden, with<br />
her 19monthold golden labrador, Sam, winner of theopen<br />
obedienceclass section for dogs at the show.<br />
Winners ... Dave Pringle, of Lincoln, rural manager with one of the show’s<br />
sponsors, ASB Bank, and Dorset Down sheepbreeder, Helen Lang of Glasnevin,<br />
northofAmberley, withthe show’s championmeatbreed ram which Helenbred<br />
with her husband, Jimmy Lang.<br />
Talented duo ... Young Cheviot rider Lily<br />
DampierCrossley,aged 12, with Kabo Calico,<br />
the ReserveChampion Novice pony.<br />
Welcome ... Show copresident Jim Sidey underneath an<br />
archway created by AGS Earthmoving, of Waikari.<br />
Carousel curiosity ... Dustin Harlen, aged 2, of Culverden,<br />
watches the horses go around on acarousel.<br />
Woollen ... Ross McGuckin, general manager of Yaldhurst<br />
Wools, withbiodegradablewoollencasketsmade in Britain<br />
and distributed in New Zealand by ExquisiteWool Blankets.<br />
Don'tforgettohaveyour say<br />
Steppingupfor thefuture of our regionnow… means asking morefromall of us.<br />
Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> needs your input intothe draft Long-Term Plan <strong>2021</strong>-31, whichoutlines the proposed actions<br />
that will help shape our region’s future. Make asubmission at
NEWS<br />
14 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Celebrating diversity ... Some of the large group of people who attended the annual<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Pride Picnic in Rangiora’s Victoria Park last Sunday. PHOTO: SHELLEY TOPP<br />
Picnic amatter of pride<br />
4DAYS ONLY<br />
Rangiora’s Victoria Park proved a<br />
popular place for apicnic and to<br />
celebrate diversity last Sunday<br />
afternoon.<br />
The park was the venue for <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Pride’s annual Pride<br />
Picnic, with live music throughout the<br />
day from Christchurch guitarist Oliver<br />
Jay Heperi, and pizza, icecream and<br />
coffee available on site.<br />
Cynthia Spittal, who chairs the<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Pride committee,<br />
said alarge crowd attended, including<br />
members of Qtopia, asocial support<br />
network for gay, lesbian, bisexual,<br />
transgender, intersex, takataapui,<br />
fa’afafine and all diverse/questioning<br />
(rainbow) young people in <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
The crowd also included members<br />
of the Christchurch and <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Pride community, the<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Heroes Rugby Club, a<br />
minivan of young people from<br />
Hurunui, and other locals.<br />
Take afurther<br />
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Hikoi planned for Easter<br />
Ahikoi tapu(sacred journey)of<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>school children will reenact<br />
Jesus’ journey toCalvarynextThursday<br />
as part of aspecial Eastercelebration.<br />
About 270 childrenfrom St Joseph’s<br />
School in Rangiora,Rangiora NewLife,<br />
andStPatrick’sinKaiapoi willjointhe<br />
hikoi.<br />
Their journeyisbased on the<br />
Christian values of their schools, andisa<br />
wayfor allthree to celebrate Easter<br />
together. Itwillbesimilar to theStations<br />
of theCross, remembering Jesus’<br />
journey to Calvaryfromhis<br />
See us now to arrange you FREE, NO OBLIGATION<br />
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condemnation by Pontius Pilatetohis<br />
entombment.Due to timeframes it will<br />
stoponlyfivetimes,for ashort reflection<br />
or prayer.<br />
Thehikoi will travel from St Joseph’s<br />
School to RangioraNew Life Schoolin<br />
Southbrook,downthe Paschendale<br />
Walkway along Lineside Road, and<br />
under thebridge toKaiapoi, where it<br />
willstopfor lunchatthe CamRiver.<br />
It will meet with thejuniors from St<br />
Patrick’s at Trousselot Parkand finish at<br />
St Patrick's Schoolatabout2.15pmfor<br />
the finalblessingand washingofthefeet.<br />
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If youfind alower priceonanidentical stocked productlocally,wewill beatitby15%<br />
If youfind the same productfromanother Mitre10store or Mitre10website, we’ll match thatprice. Excludes trade and special<br />
quotes,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The in-storepricemay be lowerthan thatadvertised.
Splash outonyour<br />
newhomewith<br />
Summerset!<br />
Summerset on Cavendish has arange of twoand<br />
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Youmay want to get anew lounge suite,finally buy that<br />
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To findout more,ortotakeatour ofour stunning show<br />
homes, book aprivateappointment with Deborahor<br />
Cath todayon03 7413340.<br />
Book aprivate<br />
appointment<br />
SummersetonCavendish<br />
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Casebrook<br />
To book aprivate appointment<br />
contactDeborahorCathon<br />
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†Licence to occupy.<br />
*Terms and conditions apply.Ask the SalesTeamfor moredetails.<br />
To learn morevisit<br />
Forthe latest criteria and information on visiting our villages<br />
please call the village,orvisit<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
19<br />
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Closed Sundays and Public holidays<br />
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143 Neeves Road,<br />
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23646<strong>25</strong><br />
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Dave Trayner, 9ABay Road, OXFORD<br />
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Farming in the<br />
blood ... Show<br />
president Marie<br />
FitzPatrick has<br />
been successfully<br />
juggling alot of<br />
commitments in<br />
the leadup to the<br />
Oxford A&P Show.<br />
She is pictured<br />
with Joe Fouhy<br />
from the<br />
Glenworth Angus<br />
Stud, in the<br />
Manawatu, at a<br />
Timperlea Angus<br />
on farm sale.<br />
Marie amaster at multi-tasking<br />
RunninganAngusstud,raising<br />
anewborn child andpreparing<br />
foranA&Pshowis allina<br />
day’swork for Marie<br />
FitzPatrick.<br />
The 28yearold is set to<br />
becomeone ofthe youngest<br />
show presidents when she<br />
presides over the Oxford A&P<br />
Show on Saturday, April 3.<br />
“Things do take abitlonger<br />
whenyou're ayoung mumand<br />
afarmer,but weare getting<br />
good atmultitasking,” Marie<br />
says.Having an engineer<br />
husband at home to take care<br />
of the farm machinery<br />
certainly helps. Andrew<br />
FitzPatrickwasraised on a<br />
sheep andbeeffarm at Fairlie.<br />
“I have averysupportive<br />
husband who has been able to<br />
look after the farm, and the<br />
machinery is getting alot<br />
bettertreated,”she says.<br />
“I canstill do thestock work,<br />
but Ican’t quite fit it all in.”<br />
❛Our show has areally good committee, which is<br />
very supportive and quite young in comparison to<br />
other committees. ❜<br />
Baby Margaretwillbebarely<br />
eightweeks old on show day,<br />
but has alreadybeenpresent<br />
forscanningattwo weeksold,<br />
weaningatfourweeks,and<br />
was“outandabout” at anonfarm<br />
heifer competition at six<br />
weeks. “She will know thatthe<br />
Angusisthebestbytheendof<br />
it,” Marie says.<br />
The family’sfarm, Timperlea<br />
Angus,has 120 studcowsand<br />
will host thethird onfarmbull<br />
sale in October.<br />
“It’svery exciting. It’s been<br />
very well supported and we’ve<br />
had some really good averages;<br />
and everyone seems to be<br />
pleased withourbulls.”<br />
Marie andAndrew also<br />
winter graze dairy cows for her<br />
—Marie FitzPatrick<br />
sisters and keep enough sheep<br />
“to train the dogs”.<br />
“Withthebaby around, the<br />
dogs are getting alotless<br />
attention thantheynormally<br />
do,soweneededthesheep to<br />
keep them busy.”<br />
Marie’s sisters, Victoriaand<br />
Hazel, andtheir respective<br />
partners GlenTraynerand<br />
Matt Clark, sharemilkfor their<br />
parents, Clarenceand Linda<br />
Timperley.<br />
TheTimperleyfamilywillbe<br />
well representedinthe crops<br />
andbaleageclasses,and the<br />
baking and jam classes, while<br />
Marie’s nieces will be<br />
competing in the highland<br />
dancing section, organised by<br />
her sister, Victoria.<br />
“The hay and baleage<br />
competition is going to be hotly<br />
contestedbyour family to see<br />
who’s going to win.<br />
“We’re all going to the show,<br />
so mum is on grandparent duty.<br />
Between us there’s seven<br />
grandkids.”<br />
Marieis partofayouthful<br />
presidentialteam,with senior<br />
vicepresident Letitia<br />
Schroeder (whowould have<br />
been president last year) and<br />
Steve Macauley bothunder40.<br />
“Weare really lucky. Our<br />
showhas areally good<br />
committee, which is very<br />
supportive and quiteyoungin<br />
comparison to other<br />
committees, so we will<br />
hopefully haveabit more<br />
longevity.<br />
“And we have an amazing<br />
secretaryin ChristineRoberts,<br />
who doesn’t want any more<br />
young mumsfor awhile.But<br />
we arereally luckytohaveher<br />
as sheruns it like awelloiled<br />
machine.”<br />
Dairy cattle to make awelcome return to show<br />
Dairy cattle will make a<br />
welcome return to the Oxford<br />
A&P Show on Saturday, April<br />
3.<br />
While beef cattle made a<br />
return for the 2019 show, dairy<br />
cattle classes are being offered<br />
for the first time since the<br />
Mycoplasma bovis outbreak<br />
nearly four years ago,<br />
executive officer Christine<br />
Roberts says.<br />
‘‘We are really grateful for<br />
the support that we’ve<br />
received from dairy exhibitors<br />
that have put their trust in us<br />
and are coming back to the<br />
show.’’<br />
The relatively low numbers<br />
of dairy cattle means there<br />
will be plenty of room to<br />
spread out the cattle, to ensure<br />
no nosetonose contact.<br />
Dairy cattle classes were<br />
planned for last year’s show,<br />
which was cancelled because<br />
of Covid19.<br />
This year’s dairy cattle<br />
judge is making the trip down<br />
from the <strong>North</strong> Island, while<br />
the beef cattle judge is coming<br />
up from Southland.<br />
Farm<br />
Smarter<br />
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OXFORD<br />
A&PSHOW<br />
Saturday 3 rd April <strong>2021</strong>1<br />
Special Features of this years show<br />
PaddocktoPlate Marquee<br />
SilentAuction<br />
LocalButcher and SouthernSmokersBBQTeam<br />
cooking upastorm!<br />
Shearing –celebrating50years at Oxford Show<br />
• RoyalA&P SocietyNationalYoungJudges Final<br />
• Freestyle NZ Motorbike Stunt Riders<br />
• Baby and Miss/Master Junior<br />
• Dog Agility presentation<br />
• Highland Dancing<br />
• Terrier Race<br />
• Vintage Machinery<br />
• Woodchopping<br />
2364629<br />
We specialise in superior fencing<br />
craftsmanship which adds long<br />
term value to your property<br />
investment. Fencing in the greater<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> area. Free Quotes<br />
Steve is available to help with your<br />
Planning & Design<br />
PHONE: 03 312 4747<br />
MOBILE: 027 312 4747<br /><br /><br />
<br />
SEEYOU<br />
THERE<br />
FORALL<br />
GRANDPARADE 2.15pm<br />
- Lolly Scramble<br />
Gatesopen8am<br />
EntryCosts:Adults$15,<br />
Children15yrsand<br />
Under&VehiclesFree<br />
Oxf<br />
xfordShowgrounds,BayRdOxf xford<br />
2266193<br />
20 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
High Country Canvas<br />
Specialised in<br />
Canvas Manufacturing<br />
New and Repairs Welcome<br />
Don’t Pack and Store It All<br />
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Get your Repairs Done Now<br />
Phone Darrin Lord<br />
312 50<strong>25</strong> (027) 238 1624<br />
177 Mt Thomas Road, RD 1, Rangiora 7471<br />
Phone: 0274 343 119 | Email:<br />
Web:<br />
“FARMERS”<br />
•Baling<br />
•Silage<br />
•Hay<br />
•Cultivation<br />
•Seeding<br />
•Heading<br />
•Beet and<br />
Maize<br />
Planting<br />
2202228<br />
Elite<br />
Specialising in all<br />
Bathroom Renovations<br />
Full Bathroom alterations<br />
We supply all trades<br />
Your one stop shop<br />
Phone 03 312 1280 |Mobile 021 898 380<br />
Contact Steve Murray 027 434 3119<br />
……..New Zealand Rural Contractor Of The Year 2002…….<br />
WE’LL<br />
SEE YOU<br />
AT THE<br />
OXFORD<br />
A&P<br />
SHOW!<br />
2362953<br />
2366431<br />
8am: Royal Agricultural<br />
Society(RAS)cattle<br />
paraders final.<br />
8.15am: Dog trialsstart in<br />
Pearson Park.<br />
8.30am: Judging begins for<br />
horses,ponies, donkeys,<br />
mules andalpacas.<br />
8.45am: GP Hall entries to<br />
be staged. Postentries<br />
close.<br />
9am: GP Hall closesfor<br />
judging.<br />
9.30am: Scout den closes<br />
for judging.Judgingbegins<br />
for angora, mohair and<br />
dairy goats,junior judging,<br />
highland dancing, sheep<br />
and shearing.<br />
10am: Judgingcommences<br />
for pet dogs, pet sheepand<br />
lambs, grainand seeds,<br />
hay and silage,poultry and<br />
woodchopping.<br />
10amto2pm: Silent<br />
auctioninthe hospitality<br />
marquee (make an offer!).<br />
10.30am: Children’s<br />
entertainment: Balloon<br />
twisting.<br />
11am: RoyalAgricultural<br />
Society(RAS)dairy cattle<br />
judging final.<br />
11amto12.30pm: Shane<br />
Frahm andSouthernBBQ<br />
cookupastorm.<br />
11.30am: Children’s<br />
entertainment: Magic<br />
show.<br />
12pm: Sheep<br />
championship awards.<br />
12.15pm: Dog agility<br />
performance.<br />
12.30pm: Shearing—50<br />
years at Oxford show.<br />
12.45pm: Children’s<br />
entertainment: Stilt<br />
walking.<br />
1.15pm: Baby andjunior<br />
showentries taken.<br />
1.30pm: RASdairy cattle<br />
paraders final. Babyand<br />
junior showjudging.<br />
1.45pm: Terrier race.<br />
2pm: Supreme awards.<br />
Children’sentertainment:<br />
Balloon twisting.<br />
2.20pm: President’s<br />
speech.<br />
2.30pm: GrandParade/<br />
lolly scramble.Horse<br />
jumping continues.<br />
4pm: Prize money paidout<br />
at sections,not from the<br />
secretary’s office.<br />
All day: Children’s<br />
entertainment: Josh<br />
Grimaldi,magician,<br />
performing between the<br />
highland dancingand wool<br />
sheds.Felting,folk artand<br />
bonsaitree<br />
demonstrations in the GP<br />
Hall. Art &craftstalls,<br />
FreestyleNZ motorbikes,<br />
Pedalmania,trade sites,<br />
food stalls,vintage<br />
machinery, emergency<br />
services displays.<br />
Eftpos availableatthe<br />
secretary’s office.<br />
ELMWOoD AG<br />
(Mowing through to Cartage)<br />
Balage 1m -1.5m Hay 1m -1.6m<br />
(Full Culitvation Service)<br />
6m Roller Drill &6mDirect Drill<br />
Avon City Ford<br />
CnrMain South Rd andEpsom Rd,Sockburn |CHRISTCHURCH |0800655 551<br />
RangioraServiceCentre |78Ivory St |03313 7059 |<br />
Rut Buster for HIRE<br />
2202690<br />
PHONE: Bill 027 485 8012 ~EMAIL:
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
21<br />
Show bounces back after Covid disruption<br />
There willbesomething for<br />
everyone at this year’sOxford<br />
A&P Show.<br />
The Oxford A&P Association is<br />
looking forwardtoits annual<br />
showreturningonSaturday,<br />
April 3, in its 116th year, after<br />
lastyear’s showwas cancelled<br />
becauseofCovid19.<br />
‘‘Entries overallare on apar<br />
withprevious years,’’executive<br />
officer ChristineRobertssays.<br />
‘‘Some sectionsare up and<br />
someare similar,and we are<br />
verypleased that people have<br />
supported us, as wellasthe<br />
sponsors whohave come on<br />
board.’’<br />
Among the mainattractions<br />
willbethe Royal Agricultural<br />
Society’s (RAS) young judgesand<br />
paraders national final, the<br />
freestyle motor bikes, the<br />
paddocktoplatedemonstration,<br />
and thedog terrier race.<br />
Proceedingsget underway on<br />
Friday,with competitors lining<br />
up in the RASyoung judges<br />
competition, with thebeef,<br />
fleeceand sheepjudging<br />
sections.<br />
Thebeef paraders anddairy<br />
cattle judging and paraders<br />
sectionswill follow on Saturday.<br />
Thepaddocktoplate<br />
demonstrationfrom11amon<br />
Saturdayisamustsee, with<br />
local butcherShaneFrahm<br />
preparing themeatwhich will<br />
be cooked up on thebarbecue by<br />
nationalbarbecuecompetition<br />
finalistsSouthern BBQ,ready<br />
fortastetesting at 12.30pm.<br />
TheProperty Brokersyoung<br />
achievers’awardwillrecognise<br />
ayoungpersoninthe Oxford<br />
community makingasignificant<br />
contribution in sport and/orthe<br />
community.<br />
Regular attractions include<br />
shearing, woodchopping,<br />
highland dancing,trade sites,<br />
artsand craft sites, afoodcourt,<br />
homeindustries<br />
demonstrations, working<br />
exhibitsand livestock, including<br />
sheep, cattle,alpacas anddeer.<br />
Local classic andvintagecar<br />
and machinery enthusiastsare<br />
alsoorganising avintage display,<br />
Christinesays.<br />
The sheep sectionhas been<br />
wellsupported,with 320pens of<br />
sheep. It willfeature the South<br />
Suffolk breed.<br />
The shearing sectionwill<br />
celebrate51years at theshow,<br />
after lastyear’s 50year<br />
celebrationswere put on ice.<br />
Dairy cattle classes make a<br />
welcome returnafteranabsence<br />
becauseofMycoplasmabovis,<br />
alongsidethe beef cattleclasses.<br />
Dog trialswerefirst<br />
introducedinthe mid1930sand<br />
are alwayspopular, with 28 dogs<br />
competingfrom8.15amon<br />
Saturdaymorning.<br />
Recentarrivals willbelining<br />
up in the baby show, while twoto<br />
fouryearolds will competein<br />
the Missand Master Junior<br />
Oxford contests.<br />
Horse and pony classesare<br />
alwayskeenly contested, with<br />
classesalsofor donkeysand<br />
mules.Thereisalsoastock and<br />
stationhorse competition.<br />
Classeshave beenorganised<br />
for alpacas, grain andseed, hay<br />
Plenty to see and do ... Oxford Area School’s kapa haka group entertained the crowd at the last show, in<br />
2019. PHOTO: FILE<br />
and silage,poultry and goats<br />
(angora, mohairand dairy).<br />
The Galloway Society is<br />
holdingits annualconferencein<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> over Easter<br />
weekend, withmembers<br />
attendingthe show.<br />
There willalso be classes for<br />
cooking,flowerand decorative<br />
arranging, fruit andvegetables,<br />
homecrafts, photography, folk<br />
art,potatoes, root crops,<br />
preserves, wineand cheese,<br />
woodcraftand jewellery.<br />
Theywill allbeinthe GP<br />
Hall.<br />
Felting and bonsai<br />
demonstrationswill be further<br />
attractions in the GP Hall,<br />
alongsidethe arts andcraft<br />
displays.<br />
While entries for most sections<br />
haveclosedaheadofthe show,<br />
those for the root crops,<br />
(exp 31/8/22)<br />
11am to midnight Friday, Saturday,<br />
11am to close Sunday &Monday to 9pm<br />
Open from 11am Saturday &Monday<br />
BISTRO<br />
5.30pm to 9pm Friday, Saturday &Sunday<br />
5pm to 9pm Friday &Saturday<br />
5pm to 8pm Sunday &Monday<br />
potatoes, fruit and vegetables,<br />
jewellery, woodwork and folk art<br />
willbeaccepted until 9am on the<br />
day.<br />
The OxfordA&P Association’s<br />
116th annualshow willbeheld<br />
on Saturday, April3,atthe<br />
Oxford Showgrounds,26Bay<br />
Road, Oxford.Entry is $15 for<br />
adults, with no cost for children<br />
aged15and under. Car parking<br />
is free.<br />
Alcohol sales available to members, guests &Affiliates<br />
Food sales available members &non-members<br />
2366180<br />
160 High Street, Oxford<br />
Ph 312 4411<br /><br />
22 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Groundspreading Specialists<br />
• Variable Rate Application • On/Off Farm Alerts<br />
• Weekly Nitrogen Application<br />
• Specialised Mixes • Lime • Proof of Placement<br />
Wishing OxfordA&P asuccessful <strong>2021</strong> show<br />
2364781<br />
by Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />
4 generations of Family Butchers since 1957<br />
•Traditional old<br />
fashioned Bacon &<br />
Ham curing<br />
“We sell only the very<br />
best NZ grown meat”<br />
•Home Kill<br />
Wishes Marie and her committee<br />
all the best for the day<br />
44 Main Street, Oxford.<br />
Ph 312-4205 ah 312-4709<br />
Hours Mon -Fri 6am -5.30pm, Sat 7am -12pm<br />
•Excavator, Truck Trailer &Grader Hire<br />
•Driveways, Farm Tracks<br />
•Water Race &Site Clearing etc<br />
•Shingle Supplies<br />
Phone0272649261<br />
Tracmap GPS Guidance<br />
174 High Street, Oxford<br />
Ph 312 3593 • 021 312 080<br /><br /><br />
2364631<br />
2365260<br />
Oxford RFC<br />
School expands farm programme<br />
Oxford AreaSchool’s<br />
agricultural programme<br />
continues to grow.<br />
PrincipalMike Hart says the<br />
school is offering anew<br />
practical onfarm courseas<br />
part of an expanded<br />
programme.<br />
The new course builds on the<br />
agricultural opportunities<br />
offered, including competing<br />
in the New Zealand Young<br />
Farmers’ AgriKidsand junior<br />
youngfarmer competitions, the<br />
school’s own futurefarmer<br />
contest,and the Oxford A&P<br />
Show.<br />
‘‘We are very excited to be<br />
able to offer anew NCEA level<br />
1course with amix of theory<br />
and practical work,’’ Mr Hart<br />
says.<br />
The course has been<br />
prepared by teacherJoseph<br />
Burston and is supported by a<br />
localfarmer, who has madehis<br />
woolshed and part of his farm<br />
available.<br />
‘‘We are very lucky to have a<br />
passionate teacher in Joseph<br />
Burston,who is also afarmer of<br />
goats,’’ Mr Hartsays.<br />
‘‘He has come up with his<br />
own vision and planneditout<br />
and organised it. It takes the<br />
passion of ateacher to make<br />
thesethingswork becauseit<br />
takesalot of extra hours.’’<br />
The woolshed willbeused as<br />
aclassroom, with students able<br />
to apply their lessons into<br />
making decisions aroundwhat<br />
cropstoplant, stock to buy and<br />
whether to repair fences.<br />
‘‘It’s vital thatstudents can<br />
applytheir knowledge and that<br />
they make gooddecisions as<br />
theirlegacywill be passedon<br />
to next year’s group.’’<br />
Oxford AreaSchoolwon last<br />
year’s Tasman region AgriKids<br />
competition, which became an<br />
online contestbecause of<br />
Covid19.<br />
Mr Harthopedtosee the<br />
2366353<br />
Bowen Therapy<br />
Gentle, healing touch for every age<br />
&stage of life<br />
Reg Prof. Bowtech Pract<br />
Johanna Lettink<br />
Oxford Clinic ph 312 1316<br />
ph 021 269 0371<br />
flexible times,<br />
22 years professional experience<br />
Champions ... Oxford Area School pupils, from left, Charlize Smith, Jonty Glassford and Ella Smith<br />
competed in the 2019 Tasman region AgriKids contest at the Amuri A&P Show, before going on to win<br />
last year’s online competition.<br />
school line up in this year’s<br />
Tasman regionAgriKids and<br />
junior young farmer contests<br />
being held at the Malvern A&P<br />
ShowinSheffieldthis<br />
Saturday. The school’s future<br />
farmer competition is<br />
expected to returnlaterinthe<br />
year, afterbeing cancelled last<br />
year. Agricultural<br />
opportunities flow right<br />
through the school, with year 1<br />
to 6students spending part of<br />
termone preparing entriesfor<br />
the OxfordA&P Show.<br />
Mostofthe school is<br />
expected to be involved in the<br />
showinsome capacity, Mr Hart<br />
says.<br />
Winner ... Jacob<br />
Paulin was the last<br />
Oxford Area School<br />
future farmer<br />
competition winner<br />
in 2019. PHOTO: FILE<br />
South Suffolk breed on show<br />
SouthSuffolk sheep will feature in a<br />
strong sheep section at theOxford A&P<br />
Show on April 3.<br />
Section convenor Ivan Evans is thrilled<br />
to have 320 pensfilled withsheep, as the<br />
Oxford A&P Association looks to makea<br />
comebackafter last year’s show was<br />
cancelledbecause of Covid19.<br />
‘‘It’s brilliant. It shows people still have<br />
abit of interest in sheep. Iwas expecting<br />
240 to <strong>25</strong>0 sheep,sothat’s exceptional,<br />
really. We are very, very lucky that we’ve<br />
had such good entries.’’<br />
About 50 South Suffolk sheep willbe<br />
lining up to be judged by Gore farmer<br />
Trevor McCall.<br />
‘‘It’s fantastic to haveajudge travelthat<br />
far to support our show,’’MrEvans says.<br />
Afurther20gift lambs have been<br />
entered—‘‘quitegood considering<br />
Oxford doesn’thave alot of sheep these<br />
days, as there’s alot of dairying’’.<br />
APerendale sheep studbreeder,Mr<br />
Evans will be entering 20odd sheep<br />
himself, including prime lambs, flock<br />
sheep and stud sheep.<br />
Proud to support the 116 th<br />
annual Oxford A&P show.<br />
To help with your hunger needs on show day,<br />
we will be found in the food courtsupplying<br />
excellent Kiwi hot BBQ food and running the<br />
good old chocolate wheel to supportyour<br />
Easter chocolate fix.<br />
Rugby season is upon us and we welcome any<br />
new players for the <strong>2021</strong> season. Please contact<br />
Matt Riley on 0274 548 778 for any queries.<br />
2366652<br />
Proud to support the<br />
Oxford A&P Show<br />
Main Street, Oxford Ph 312 4305<br />
Opening Hours 7am –9pm, 7Days<br />
oxford<br />
Owned and<br />
operated<br />
by locals
Enjoy the taste of<br />
freshly produced<br />
real milk in a<br />
glass bottle<br />
•$3.00alitre<br />
•Great milk -Great price •Sold on farm<br />
•Purchase 1litre bottlesfromdispenser<br />
or bringyour own container<br />
•Cash Only -365 Days<br />
SelfService –7am to 9pm<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
23<br />
Do you haveason ason or daughter<br />
interested inhorse riding?<br />
✭ Courses everyweekend.<br />
✭ 2, 5&7daySchool Holiday courses.<br />
✭ Private lessons available<br />
Monday toFriday<br />
✭ One day /one night $90 child<br />
✭ Opportunity to compete on our horses.<br />
✭ ½day lessons and treks available.<br />
Young judges ... Cattle paraders and young judges, such as Caitlin Rhodes, of Sefton,<br />
who was aregular agegroup competitor in recent years, will be put through their paces<br />
at the show.<br />
Young judges step up<br />
New Zealand’s top young judges are set<br />
to converge on the OxfordA&P Show.<br />
The annualshow is hosting the Royal<br />
AgriculturalSociety (RAS) youngjudges<br />
and paraders competitions, which are<br />
normally held at the HawkesBay A&P<br />
Association’s Royal Show.<br />
Last October’s Hawkes Bay Royal<br />
Show was supposed to host the<br />
Australasian youngjudges and paraders<br />
finals,but it was cancelled becauseof<br />
Covid19, RAS executiveofficer Debbie<br />
Cameron says.<br />
Instead,the competition was<br />
transferred to Oxford and features the<br />
Auction aims to raise funds<br />
Asilent auctionisone of the new<br />
innovations at the Oxford A&P Show.<br />
The show committee has organiseda<br />
silentauction at the annual show on<br />
Saturday, April3,toraise funds to offset<br />
some of the losses from lastyear, when<br />
the show was axed becauseofCovid19.<br />
Show president MarieFitzPatrick<br />
says she has been overwhelmed by the<br />
support from local businesses.<br />
“We need to try to raise some money<br />
for the show becausewe’ve had to use<br />
quiteabit of our funds after cancelling<br />
last year’sshow.<br />
“We’vehad someamazing things<br />
donated from localbusinesses. We’ve<br />
got 22 items in all,from accommodation<br />
to flights,feed packs and beauty packs.<br />
“We are really grateful to the<br />
businesseswho havedonated and we<br />
look forwardtoseeing how the auction<br />
goes.”<br />
Members of the public will be able to<br />
record their bid in the hospitality<br />
marquee between 10am and 2pm,with<br />
the winning bids announced in the main<br />
1921-<strong>2021</strong> celebrating<br />
100 years in business<br />
top young judges and paraders from<br />
across New Zealand’ssix show districts.<br />
Youngjudges will compete in the beef<br />
and dairycattle,sheep and fleece<br />
judging sections overtwo days, while<br />
youngbeef and dairy cattleparaders<br />
will perform on show day.<br />
Competitions begin on Friday<br />
morning, April 2, with the beefjudging<br />
competition being heldatAndrew<br />
Stokes’ Carleton Road property, while<br />
fleece and sheep judging will take place<br />
at the Oxford Showgrounds in the<br />
afternoon.<br />
On showday there willbedairy cattle<br />
judging, along with the dairy and beef<br />
cattle paraders at work.<br />
ring after the grand parade.<br />
“It’s goingtobeagood day and now<br />
that thingshave settled down we are<br />
pretty confident it will go ahead.<br />
“We’ve got some reallyinteresting<br />
things happening this year, which is<br />
quite cool.”<br />
The barbecuetastetestinginthe<br />
hospitality marquee is sure to be a<br />
winner, along with the freestyle<br />
motorbikes, Marie says.<br />
Fellow mum SarahReed, of<br />
Culverden, is coming down to judge the<br />
baby competition and putting up some<br />
Grumpy Merino merchandise as prizes.<br />
But Marie’s newborndaughter,<br />
Margaret, will not be in the running.<br />
“Sarah’smyfriend,soitwould be a<br />
little bit biased to put Margaret in.”<br />
Marie says everything is ready to go<br />
and all the show committee needs now<br />
is some fineweather on show day.<br />
“The Oxford showwill be better than<br />
ever. There’smore entries acrossthe<br />
board and lots more activities for<br />
families.”<br />
Please contact Jason:<br />
116 Harewood Road, Oxford<br />
Business or A/H Ph: (03) 312-4016<br />
Fax: (03) 312-4048<br /><br />
2364626<br />
2223191<br />
2360728<br />
2367443<br />
027 630 2230<br />
56 Ashley Gorge Road<br /><br />
Betterfor you and the environment<br />
711Island Rd View Hill, OXFORD 7495<br />
03 312-4309<br />
Come along &meet the<br />
Vallance team at Trade site #34<br />
New products on display -Equipment &Parts specials<br />
CF Moto Quads &CFMoto side by sides<br />
Tractors for sale<br />
03 313 6465<br />
Oxford Area School is acornerstone school in agrowing<br />
community, educating students from Year 1-13. We are<br />
proud of our whānau atmosphere with younger and older<br />
students growing, learning and shining together.<br />
We are proud of our Agriculture programme and its links to the community.<br />
Our Agriculture students take their learning to the farm. Based in awool shed on a<br />
neighbouring farm, our students learn theory behind agriculture and then apply that knowledge<br />
in apractical application. From learning how to run afarm and pasture care, to animal care<br />
and soil health, our students learn all aspects of agribusiness. Our Agriculture programme also<br />
includes our ‘Future Farmers’ annual competition which is well supported by our local business<br />
community and our involvement in the popular Agrikids and our own junior Agriculture club.<br />
We are now accepting new enrolments for <strong>2021</strong> and 2022.<br />
For more information about our school, ortoorganise aschool<br />
tour please contact the school office<br />
Email: |Phone: 03 312 4197.<br />
24 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Shearers have asecond crack at celebrating<br />
Oxford’s veteran shearers are hoping for<br />
second time lucky as they look to<br />
celebrate 50 years of shearing.<br />
The Oxford A&P Show was scheduled<br />
to mark 50 years of shearing at the show<br />
last year, until the event was cancelled<br />
because of the pandemic.<br />
Shearing was first introduced to the<br />
Oxford A&P Show in 1971, with 24<br />
shearers and three blade shearers<br />
lining up.<br />
Among those first competitors was<br />
Colin King, alefthanded shearer who<br />
went on to win the Golden Shears three<br />
times. He later became Kaikoura MP<br />
from 2005 to 2014, while Alex Macdonald<br />
went on to win aworld blade shearing<br />
title in Ireland.<br />
Shearing judge Noel Hanley says<br />
some of the original shearers are hoping<br />
to do ademonstration during lunchtime<br />
at this year’s show, including Mr King<br />
and Roddy Kidd, who instigated the<br />
competition.<br />
An amateur artist, Mr Kidd created a<br />
display board listing all 56 shearers in<br />
the Oxford district from 1965 to 1975 for<br />
last year’s show, which will be hung in<br />
the showgrounds shearing pavilion.<br />
With shearing entries closing on the<br />
day, Mr Hanley says it is always ‘‘a bit of<br />
an unknown’’ how many shearers will<br />
compete, but he noted other shows<br />
around the region had been well<br />
supported this season.<br />
‘‘Usually, Oxford clashes with the<br />
Auckland Easter Show or the New<br />
Zealand Shearing Championships in Te<br />
Kuiti, but we’re not clashing this year.<br />
‘‘So with Oxford on the Saturday and<br />
the Mackenzie Highland Show on the<br />
Monday, hopefully it might bring afew<br />
<strong>North</strong> Islanders down.’’<br />
The Auckland Royal Easter Show has<br />
been cancelled because of Covid19,<br />
while the Te Kuiti Shears are being held<br />
the following weekend.<br />
‘‘With alot of events called off,<br />
shearers just want to get out and<br />
compete. It’s agood way for them to<br />
connect with other shearers and<br />
different gangs around the country, and<br />
line up work for other times of the year,’’<br />
Mr Hanley says.<br />
Characters remembered ... Roddy Kidd<br />
with the display board that lists all 56<br />
shearers in the Oxford district from 1965 to<br />
1975. It will take pride of place in the<br />
shearing pavilion at the showgrounds.<br />
Blade shearing ... Noel Hanley gives asheepshearing<br />
demonstration.<br />
Back in the day ... Roddy Kidd competes in the first Oxford A&P<br />
Show shearing competition in 1971.<br />
ti<br />
Come along and see us on Show day<br />
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321 High Street, Rangiora | 03 941 3175 |<br />
10 year /160,000km Powertrain Warranty(whichever comes<br />
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Warranty(whichevercomes first) (non transferable).<br />
Stock available for immediate delivery<br />
Come see us at<br />
Site 685-686<br />
*Arriving late April<br />
Pro4X * ST-X ST SL<br />
The New Nissan Navara range is HERE. It’s tougher and more rugged than<br />
ever before with an enhanced level of safety,comfort and advanced technology.<br />
Models available todrive away today! Contact ustoday tobook in atest drive.<br />
RANGIORA NISSAN, 321 High Street, Rangiora<br />
Ph: 03 941 3175<br /><br />
26 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
• WOF • Service<br />
• Wheel Alignment<br />
• Tyres<br />
• Automotive Repairs<br />
Community cuppa ...<br />
Waimakariri Mayor Dan<br />
Gordon addresses<br />
residents about the<br />
Long Term Plan at a<br />
recent gathering, known<br />
as Ronel’s Community<br />
Cuppa, in the Pegasus<br />
Community Centre.<br />
56 Main <strong>North</strong> Road, Woodend<br />
03-312 7703<br /><br />
Howwould you<br />
liketobeour<br />
neighbours?<br />
Office spacetolease<br />
ContactKerryon<br />
027 210 8647<br />
2269513<br />
Big push for new community hub<br />
Pegasus needs its own communitycentre<br />
to support agrowing population, says<br />
Rhonda Mather.<br />
Withapopulation now in excess of 3500,<br />
Pegasus is ‘‘far outstripping predictions’’,<br />
the Pegasus CommunityCentrevolunteer<br />
says.<br />
While the townhas atemporary<br />
communitycentre, comprising two leased<br />
shops in the town centre, the Waimakariri<br />
DistrictCouncil is proposing apurposebuilt<br />
centre in the <strong>2021</strong>/31 Long Term Plan.<br />
‘‘There’s alot of young families and<br />
retiredpeopleinthe community,’’ Rhonda<br />
says.<br />
‘‘Our longterm goalwas always to have<br />
our own community centre and our<br />
submissionlast yearaskedfor the council<br />
to put some land aside.<br />
‘‘Weare pushing to get it completed in<br />
threeyears and we are asking people to<br />
make asubmission.’’<br />
The council proposes to set aside$4.5<br />
million in the LTP to buy land in the<br />
<strong>2021</strong>/22 financial year, and the<br />
constructionofa385 squaremetre<br />
community centre is expected to begin in<br />
2024.<br />
Rhonda says the temporary community<br />
centre is staffed by apool of 26 volunteers<br />
rostered for two hours,three daysaweek.<br />
The centreisabusy place, with236<br />
visitors to thecentreinthe last three<br />
months alone —and that doesn’t include<br />
groupbookings and the 12 regular user<br />
groups.<br />
Acommunity bookcase withfree books<br />
and jigsawpuzzles is available at the<br />
centre, while Rangiora’s Hope Community<br />
Trustbegan offering weekly counselling<br />
sessions this month.<br />
Despite perceptions, the centreisrun<br />
entirely by volunteers,with no paid staff.<br />
But the team is set to receiveaboost,<br />
with agroupofuniversitystudents about<br />
to do afiveweek internship under the<br />
guidance of volunteer Pegasuscommunity<br />
connector Ronel Stephens.<br />
‘‘Theywill help us put together some<br />
activities. Aschool holiday programme is<br />
somethingthat is lacking in Pegasus,so<br />
that’sone of theoptions,’’ Rhonda says.<br />
Ronel’s Community Cuppa is apopular<br />
event in the centre, and it has received a<br />
boost with a$500 grant from the Woodend<br />
SeftonCommunity Board.<br />
‘‘Ronel is abit of alegend in our<br />
community and there’sareason it’scalled<br />
Ronel’s Community Cuppa, because it<br />
wouldn’t be the samewithouther,’’<br />
Rhondasays.<br />
‘‘It’sbeen going for four years, as longas<br />
the centre has been open, and Ronelwas<br />
footing the bill herself to start with.’’<br />
MARCH<br />
SALE<br />
IN MARCH<br />
Tractor Shed<br />
7m x 6m x 3.6m<br />
$<br />
7,519 *<br />
$<br />
654<br />
incl GST<br />
Kitset price does not include permit, foundation or assembly of the building. Pricing is based on lowest snow load and<br />
wind zone and will vary dependent on your location in New Zealand. Buildings shown in this mailer are non-habitable.<br />
Flat Roof Double Garage<br />
9m x 6m x 3m with Sectional<br />
Door & Ranchslider<br />
$<br />
14,595 *<br />
$<br />
1,051<br />
incl GST<br />
Storage & Lock-up<br />
16m x 7m x 2.7m, 3 Roller<br />
Doors, PA Door & Window<br />
$<br />
20,309 *<br />
incl GST<br />
$<br />
1,669<br />
Heritage Barn<br />
10.5m x 11m x 2.7m<br />
3 Sectional Doors<br />
$<br />
26,060 *<br />
$<br />
2,213<br />
incl GST<br />
HC TLS2072 *Terms &Conditions apply. See website for details.<br />
VisitusatTotalspan <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> 127Main<strong>North</strong> Road, Woodend Phone: 03 3100247 Email: 0800 TOTALSPAN TOTALSPAN.CO.NZ
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
27<br />
Head students<br />
... Woodend<br />
School’s <strong>2021</strong><br />
head students<br />
have received<br />
theirbadges,<br />
including arts<br />
captains Ashley<br />
Kerr,rear left,<br />
and Liam<br />
Dalton, head<br />
boy Adam Bell,<br />
head girl<br />
Tallulah Leggett,<br />
sports captains<br />
Millie Belland<br />
Nico Wilson,<br />
and cultural<br />
captains<br />
Charlotte<br />
MacGillivray,<br />
frontleft and<br />
PoppyArcher.<br />
Growing roll for school<br />
• Dry Firewood • Barks • Compost • Aggregates<br />
Open 7days |Delivery &Courtesy trailers available<br />
48 Chinnerys Rd, Woodend Ph (03) 312 2003<br />
Email:<br />
2355871<br />
Woodend School has started<strong>2021</strong> with<br />
agrowing rollasitattractsnew<br />
students fromthe Ravenswood,Two<br />
Roadsand CopperBeach subdivisions.<br />
The growth is positive for the school,<br />
but it createsabalancingact as staff<br />
work to best place the new students<br />
whileminimising disruption to<br />
learning spaces.<br />
Woodend School has new head<br />
students thisyear, withAdam Bell and<br />
Tallulah Leggettappointed as head<br />
boy and girl.<br />
Arts captains are Ashley Kerrand<br />
Liam Dalton,while MillieBell and<br />
Nico Wilsonare sports captains, and<br />
Charlotte MacGillivray and Poppy<br />
Archer are cultural captains.<br />
The schoolisalso busy revamping its<br />
play areas,with ‘‘really cool painted<br />
games’’ having been addedtothe<br />
concrete spaces.<br />
The project has been led by parent<br />
Sue Roxboroughand, already, some of<br />
the younger students are making good<br />
use of the new spaces.<br />
• General Dentistry<br />
• Hygienist<br />
• Dental Therapy<br />
• Periodontal Therapy<br />
• Minor Oral Surgery<br />
• Family Dentistry<br />
• Cosmetic Dentistry<br />
• Facial Pain<br />
• Oral Medicine<br />
Specialist<br />
• Oral Cancer Detection<br />
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•Ample parking, easy<br />
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•Clinicians all New<br />
Zealand trained<br />
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Community Services<br />
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2286891<br />
PAGPegasus Dental<br />
54 Pegasus Main St Pegasus<br />
03 920 4003<br /><br />
PAGSilverstream Dental<br />
4/42 Silverstream Boulevard Silverstream<br />
03 9<strong>25</strong> 8003<br /><br />
Nightout ... Families gathered for a‘‘meet the teacher’’ nightatPegasus Bay School.<br />
Relaxing evening for families<br />
Pegasus Bay School’s annual ‘‘meet the<br />
teacher’’ community night was held<br />
recently and was ‘‘another awesome<br />
night’’, principal Jared Kelly says.<br />
Food trucks, acoffee van and aboard<br />
of trustees sausage sizzle ensured<br />
families could have anight off cooking.<br />
There was ‘‘a chilledout livemusic<br />
vibe’’ thanks to Chris Gudsell, and Sport<br />
Suzie was on site to entertain the<br />
children while parents met the teachers.<br />
‘‘After so many event cancellations<br />
and restrictions due to Covid, it was<br />
really great to welcome our parent<br />
community in to catch up,’’ Mr Kelly<br />
said.<br />
BloomfieldCourt<br />
Homelysettingproviding<br />
personalised care,delicious<br />
home cooked meals &rooms<br />
with alovelygarden outlook.<br />
Privatelyowned and<br />
operatedwithin the heartof<br />
<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
We are incredibly proud of our<br />
Nursery room at Little Wonders<br />
Pegasus. Catering for our<br />
under two year old children,<br />
the nursery room prides<br />
itself on creating asafe,<br />
comfortable and home-like<br />
atmosphere with nurturing<br />
teachers. Our experienced<br />
teachers have agenuine<br />
passion for the learning and<br />
development of infants and<br />
toddlers; and together create an<br />
engaging environment where your<br />
child can flourish and thrive.<br />
We love spending lots of time outside in our expansive outdoor area<br />
which incudes vegetable gardens, ahuge sandpit and two friendly<br />
resident bunnies that love all the attention they receive from the children.<br />
Our weekly music and movement sessions from Hey Dee Ho Music<br />
delight us with their interactive fun and educational music, instruments<br />
and dance.<br />
We provide delicious Healthy Heart approved meals and snacks made<br />
with care by our in house cook.<br />
Relationships are at the heart of our Nursery, and we understand that<br />
children learn and grow best when they form strong relationships with<br />
their teachers. Come in and see how your Under two year old loves the<br />
learning that we can provide.<br />
134 Rangiora-Woodend Road,Woodend<br />
Forfurther information phone Lyn-Nurse Manager 03 312 7088<br />
Email:<br />
2349302<br />
Extended opening hours 7am to 6pm<br />
154 Infinity Drive, Pegasus | Phone 03 662 9060<br /> or find us on Facebook.<br />
Email<br />
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Sale excludes Manchester and Accessories.
Shear determination<br />
drives Troy’ssuccess<br />
As ateenager growing up in Southland<br />
two decades ago, Troy Pyper had one<br />
goal —torepresent New Zealand in<br />
shearing.<br />
Mr Pyper, now settled in Cheviot, has<br />
been selected for three transTasman<br />
shearing test teams and has shorn sheep<br />
around the world.<br />
‘‘My advice to young shearers starting<br />
out is to make agoal and make it happen.<br />
Whatever you do, you’ve got to have a<br />
goal; otherwise you’re just coasting.<br />
‘‘It’s alittle bit of hard work, but it’s<br />
definitely worth it and it takes you<br />
places. It’s taken me around the world.’’<br />
Growing up around shearers, his<br />
mother was ashearer’s cook and his<br />
uncle and cousin were both professional<br />
shearers.<br />
‘‘My cousin said ‘you never really start<br />
shearing until you’re 30 years old’, so I<br />
went overseas and had some fun and<br />
then Icame back.’’<br />
After shearing professionally for just<br />
three months, Mr Pyper met ayoung<br />
Welsh shearer who invited him to work<br />
in Wales.<br />
That was 20 years ago and, as a<br />
teenager, he won the senior final at the<br />
Royal Welsh Show.<br />
On his way back, Mr Pyper worked in<br />
Western Australia, where he was<br />
introduced to Merinos.<br />
‘‘I jumped off the plane, Iwas just 18 or<br />
19 years old, and Icaught abus and went<br />
up to aplace called Dongara.<br />
‘‘That experience in Western<br />
Australia shaped me as ashearer,’’ Mr<br />
Pyper says.<br />
While there he received mentoring<br />
from an experienced shearer who had<br />
represented both New Zealand and<br />
Australia in shearing tests.<br />
Of all the breeds he has shorn, Merino<br />
is his preferred sheep.<br />
Last October, Mr Pyper won the New<br />
Zealand Merino Championship at<br />
Waimate, which earned him selection in<br />
the New Zealand test team to face<br />
Australia for the third time.<br />
The test has not taken place because of<br />
Sheardelight... <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> shearer<br />
Troy Pyper,left, celebrates afterwinning the<br />
Amurishears earlier this month with his<br />
Covid19, but he was part of the national<br />
team which defeated Australia at the<br />
Golden Shears last year, having<br />
previously been part of aNew Zealand<br />
team which lost on Australian soil.<br />
Over the years, Mr Pyper has won 32<br />
open finals including four in Australia,<br />
the New Zealand Corriedale<br />
Championship at the <strong>Canterbury</strong> A&P<br />
Show in 2015 and 2018 and the New<br />
Zealand longwool title at Lumsden last<br />
year, as well as two appearances in the<br />
Golden Shears final.<br />
His personal bests are 670 crossbred<br />
lambs shorn in aninehour day and 500<br />
ewes in 9hours, but he hopes to pass 600<br />
ewes and 700 lambs.<br />
Now living in Cheviot with his partner,<br />
Ripeka Ferris, Mr Pyper says he enjoys<br />
being close to the beach.<br />
‘‘You’ve got to work and have abit of<br />
leisure as well. Ienjoy abit of fishing<br />
and surfcasting and Ijust love<br />
everything about the beach. It’s my local<br />
supermarket.’’<br />
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Calf Bedding Material<br />
Premium Woodchip<br />
suitable for many applications<br />
Minimum delivery 30m 3<br />
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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
CommunityConversation series<br />
withEnvironment<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Apublic conversation to exchangenewsand views<br />
on topicsofinteresttothe community.<br />
Proposed topics for discussion:<br />
• DraftLong-Term Plan <strong>2021</strong>-31<br />
• Essential Freshwater<br />
• Topics youwouldliketodiscusswith us<br />
• Howwe should keep connectedtorural communities<br />
Please register your interest by emailing<br />
Tuesday30<strong>March</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
12.30pm to 2.00pm, KaikōuraMemorial Hall<br />
6.30pm to 8.00pm, OxfordTown Hall (A&P Room)<br />
Wednesday31<strong>March</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
6.30pm to 8.00pm, WaiparaMemorial Hall<br />
Taking action togethertoshape athrivingand<br />
resilient <strong>Canterbury</strong>, nowand forfuturegenerations.<br />
Toitū te maraeoTāne, toitū te maraeoTangaroa,toitūteiwi.<br /><br />
2<strong>25</strong>8760<br />
2191656<br />
29<br />
• Post Driving<br />
• Stock Fencing<br />
• Stockyards<br />
• Post and Rails<br />
• Lifestyle etc<br />
Ph Andy Horn<br />
021 214 1201 or<br />
(03) 314 9460
NEWS<br />
30 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Ideas grow into business enterprises<br />
The Covid19 experience has prompted<br />
locals to explore new opportunities.<br />
Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
business manager Miles Dalton has<br />
been flooded with enquiries since last<br />
year’s lockdown, as local residents have<br />
taken the opportunity to reexamine<br />
their goals.<br />
More than 100 enquiries have been<br />
received from people interested in<br />
going out on their own over the last 12<br />
months.<br />
He is working with 27 projects likely to<br />
lead to new businesses and several are<br />
expected to create jobs.<br />
Waipara resident John Dingle has<br />
taken the plunge, launching anew<br />
business, New Life Washing Machines,<br />
in September.<br />
‘‘I’ve had thoughts of being my own<br />
boss for anumber of years, but it was<br />
Repairs ... John Dingle, of Waipara, has<br />
created abusiness out of giving new life to<br />
washing machines.<br />
that time of being at home around Covid<br />
that prompted me.<br />
‘‘I had the time to fiddle with abroken<br />
washing machine we had at home<br />
during the lockdown and it just went<br />
from there.’’<br />
After seeking advice from friends, he<br />
sat down with an accountant and<br />
registered acompany name, but soon<br />
realised there was alot more to it.<br />
Thanks to Ministry of Social<br />
Development funding, ENC has been<br />
able to offer afree business startup<br />
course and Mr Dingle was lucky enough<br />
to get on the course.<br />
‘‘It was really helpful and filled in alot<br />
of gaps and opened my eyes to what a<br />
business is about, and knowing all the<br />
resources that are available to help you.<br />
‘‘And now I’m able to get ongoing<br />
support from Miles.’’<br />
Mr Dingle is buying old washing<br />
machines and giving them acleanup<br />
and service to onsell with athreemonth<br />
warranty.<br />
Nutritionist Alyssa Wright has been<br />
quietly working away at setting up her<br />
own business, Youtrition, since the<br />
lockdown.<br />
She says completing ENC’s business<br />
course has been abig help.<br />
‘‘There’s alot more to it that Ididn’t<br />
even think about.<br />
‘‘It has helped to answer my questions<br />
and it’s not so daunting now. It’s just<br />
taken alot longer than Ithought to do it<br />
properly.<br />
‘‘It’s alot of hard work, but knowing<br />
there’s someone you can talk to makes a<br />
big difference.’’<br />
Ms Wright is looking to develop an<br />
online presence with videos and recipes<br />
to raise her profile so she can offer<br />
individualised nutrition services.<br />
Both Mr Dingle and Ms Wright are<br />
continuing to work in paid employment<br />
while their businesses become<br />
established.<br />
They encourage others to take the<br />
plunge, provided they do their<br />
homework first.<br />
‘‘I would say to anybody who has an<br />
idea, to go and talk to abusiness adviser<br />
or someone who is in business already,<br />
and once you’ve gathered some<br />
information, go to an accountant so see<br />
what’s required,’’ Mr Dingle says.<br />
New opportunities ... Alyssa Wright is looking to turn her nutrition expertise into a<br />
business venture.<br />
Ms Wright cautions: ‘‘Don’t try to do it<br />
all on your own.<br />
‘‘Seek as much help as you can and<br />
take your time.’’<br />
There are several options for setting<br />
up abusiness, depending on what<br />
prospective business owners want to<br />
achieve, including charitable trusts,<br />
social enterprises or commercial<br />
enterprises.<br />
Have your say.<br />
Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> and your local Council will be undertaking public consultation on Long-Term<br />
Plans during <strong>March</strong> and April.Beinvolvedinthe futureofwhereyou liveand make sureyou have asay.<br />
Long-Term Plansset out Council priorities over a10-year timeframe andare updated every threeyears.Your views<br />
areimportant,and consultation is your chance to have asay on thework Councilsintend to do,and keyissues<br />
affecting your localareaand the wider <strong>Canterbury</strong>region.<br />
To find out more, including when and how to makeasubmission,visit your local council website, andthe<br />
Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong> website at
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
31<br />
Movieafternoon<br />
Hacksaw Ridge willbeshown at the<br />
Woodend movie afternoon at the<br />
Methodist ChurchonWednesday,<br />
April7,at1pm. Hacksaw Ridge is a<br />
2016 biographicalwar film directed by<br />
Mel Gibson and written by Andrew<br />
Knight and Robert Schenkkan.Itis<br />
basedonthe 2004 documentary, The<br />
Conscientious Objector.Afternoontea<br />
to follow.<br />
Agold coin donation would be<br />
appreciated. Phone 312 2094with any<br />
queries.<br />
Saferplates<br />
The Rangiora Community Patrol will<br />
be installing tamperresistant Safer<br />
Plates screwsfor agold coin donation<br />
per vehicle, on Sunday, April 18, from<br />
10.30am to 2.30pm, at the Rangiora<br />
High Schoolgym car park, in East Belt.<br />
Guinea pig show<br />
Vanessa Burtt,from Wairarapa, will<br />
be the main judge at aguineapig show<br />
at 38 Rangiora Woodend Road on<br />
Sunday,April 18. Doors are open from<br />
10am to 2pm, withgold coin entry.<br />
Dressyour guinea pig in a Lest we<br />
Forget theme. Publicpets must<br />
register at 11am ($5). Enquiriescan be<br />
made to Jenny on (021) 145 7245. Look<br />
out for the blue/green flag.<br />
Free motorcycle courses<br />
Free motorcycle classes willbeheld in<br />
Culverdennext month. Ateam of<br />
experienced instructorsfrom<br />
Ruapuna RacewaybasedOrnsby<br />
Motorcycle Training will helpriders<br />
develop skills to ride defensively and<br />
incident free. Goldlevel classesare on<br />
Saturday, April 10, bronzelevel on<br />
Saturday, April 17, and silver on<br />
Saturday, April 24. There is one<br />
further class at silver level in<br />
Amberley on Saturday, June 12. Make<br />
abooking at<br />
Cooking lesson<br />
... Rangiora<br />
Scouts Group<br />
members, kea<br />
Charlotte<br />
Ramsay, left,<br />
aged 8, with<br />
cubs Riley<br />
Kelso, 9, centre,<br />
and Charlie<br />
Herud, 8, make<br />
Irish potato<br />
bread on St<br />
Patrick’s Day on<br />
Wednesday last<br />
week.<br />
St Patrick'sDay marked<br />
Cubs from the RangioraScout<br />
Groupcelebrated St Patrick’s Day<br />
by making Irish potato bread.<br />
The cubs usedatraditional<br />
recipe takenfrom an Irish<br />
souvenir tea towel owned by the<br />
scoutgroup’skea leader, Rangiora<br />
resident MichelleMcCullough,<br />
who was bornin<strong>North</strong>ernIreland,<br />
but has livedinNew Zealand for 20<br />
years.<br />
Michelle’s daughter, Charlotte,<br />
aged 8, is akea memberofthe<br />
scoutgroup.<br />
Last week’scooking lessontook<br />
placeatthe Rangiora Scout den in<br />
Church Street, wherevisitorsare<br />
greeted withthe special scout’s<br />
lefthanded handshake.<br />
It is aformal way of greeting<br />
used by scoutsworldwide, as a<br />
token of friendship.<br />
The Rangiora ScoutGroup’s<br />
cubs leader, AkelaJudy Evans,<br />
who was born in Wales but now<br />
lives in Sefton, says the cubs in the<br />
group meet on Tuesday and<br />
Wednesday evenings.<br />
St Patrick’s Day fell on the right<br />
day for them to mark the event.<br />
It alsoprovided the cubs with a<br />
chance to learnaboutIrish history,<br />
the patron saints and the nation’s<br />
cooking.<br />
The Rangiora Scout Group<br />
includes keas (five to eight yearolds),<br />
cubs (eightto11yearolds),<br />
scouts (11 to 14 year olds) and<br />
venturers (14 to 18 yearolds), of<br />
both genders.<br />
People wishing to find out more<br />
can contact Rangiora ScoutGroup<br />
leader GregHeaven by emailat<br /><br />
Just Ignore Him,byAlan<br />
Davies<br />
In thiscompelling<br />
memoir, comedianand<br />
actorAlan Davies recalls<br />
his boyhood with vivid<br />
insight and devastating<br />
humour. Shifting<br />
between his 1970s<br />
upbringing and his life<br />
today, Davies moves<br />
poignantlyfrom<br />
innocence to experience<br />
to the clarityofhindsight,<br />
always with akeen sense<br />
of the absurd.<br />
The Wild Silence, by Raynor<br />
Winn<br />
Thisisanincredible followup<br />
to oneofthe mosttalkedabout<br />
books of the decade.<br />
Now,lifebeyond The Salt Path<br />
awaits. As they returntofour<br />
walls, the sense of home is<br />
illusive and returningto<br />
normality is proving difficult<br />
—untilanincredible gesture<br />
by someone whoreads their<br />
story changes everything.<br />
Promise Me,Dad, by Joseph R.<br />
Biden<br />
From President Joe Biden, Promise Me Dad is his<br />
deeply moving memoir<br />
aboutthe year thatwould<br />
foreverchange both a<br />
family and acountry.<br />
These titlesare<br />
available in Waimakariri<br />
and Hurunui libraries.<br />
Find out more about<br />
recent additions by going<br />
to the librarycatalogue at<br /><br />
or<br />
or contact your local<br />
library.<br />
The new Jaguar F-PACE isavailable now. Aperformance SUV unlike any other, now restyled to be even more assertive, even<br />
more distinctive. The all-new premium interior features the best incontemporary design, and next generation infotainment<br />
system includes the latest connected technologies. The extensive new engine range now includes Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle<br />
and Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicle. Every journey can feel extraordinary. The new Jaguar F-PACE. Easy tolove, hard toforget.<br />
To book atest drive, please contact Archibalds.<br />
Archibalds |38Tuam Street, Christchurch |021 907 961 -Darren Griffith<br /><br />
*Terms and conditions apply. The standard Scheduled 5Year Servicing is included. Speak to Archibalds for more details or visit
32 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Finalists decided<br />
in tight matches<br />
Sefton and Darfield will compete<br />
for country cricket’s premiership<br />
this weekend after both won<br />
enthralling semifinals on<br />
Saturday.<br />
Two CRV Ambreed Country<br />
Premier One Day 2020/21<br />
competition semifinal matches<br />
came down to the wire.<br />
At Sefton Domain, visiting<br />
Ohoka batted first and made 237/7<br />
thanks to half centuries from<br />
opener Daniel Lyons (69 runs off<br />
84 balls) and Harry Fitzpatrick (59<br />
off 83).<br />
There were afew late lusty<br />
blows from Austin Hamilton,<br />
whose unbeaten 36 off just 23<br />
balls meant Ohoka went into the<br />
change of innings with adecent<br />
total and full confidence.<br />
Sefton’s run chase was<br />
stuttering at 97/4, before Lance<br />
Taylor (49 off 84) and Seals club<br />
legend Nigel Granger (51 off 47)<br />
put their finals hopes back on<br />
track.<br />
But Ohoka still held the upper<br />
hand going into the final overs,<br />
with time running help.<br />
Enter Tim Muir to the batting<br />
crease, whose big hitting turned<br />
the match with the flash of his<br />
blade.<br />
Muir smashed astaggering 42<br />
runs off just 18 balls, including<br />
three sixes, to help Sefton snatch<br />
asensational twowicket win on<br />
the penultimate delivery,<br />
stunning ashocked Ohoka, which<br />
appeared to have the game in the<br />
bag.<br />
Sefton will play this weekend’s<br />
final against Darfield, which also<br />
came out on the right side of a<br />
close and quality match against<br />
LeestonSouthbridge.<br />
Darfield batted first at Leeston<br />
Park and, thanks to contributions<br />
throughout its order, made 209 in<br />
its allotted 45 overs.<br />
Half centuries from brothers<br />
Harry and Sam Chamberlain set<br />
up LeestonSouthbridge, which<br />
appeared to be cruising for<br />
victory. But when Harry, a<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Aplayer, was trapped<br />
lbw by Zak Foulkes, who grabbed<br />
four wickets with the ball, the tide<br />
started to turn.<br />
Ben Chamberlain then took up<br />
the challenge, making arunaball<br />
28 before he was out in the<br />
43rd over, still with 21 runs<br />
needed for victory.<br />
In the end, Leeston<br />
Southbridge fell seven runs short,<br />
missing out on achance to add the<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Country T20 title to<br />
the season’s achievements.<br />
Short scoreboards<br />
Ohoka 237/7 (D Lyons 69, H<br />
Fitzpatrick 59, AHamilton 36no,<br />
PMiller 26; MCampbell 2/54) lost<br />
to Sefton 238/8 (N Granger 51, L<br />
Taylor 49, TMuir 42no, MSmith<br />
27; AHamilton 4/24, RMariu 2/48).<br />
Darfield 209 (N Jenkins 45, L<br />
Foulkes 40, ACollins 36, R<br />
Foulkes 23; DNeal 3/22, DMunro<br />
3/41) beat LeestonSouthbridge<br />
202/9 (H Chamberlain 59, S<br />
Chamberlain 53, BChamberlain<br />
28; ZFoulkes 4/26, RHughes 3/36).<br />
Budding talent ... Rangiora High School is lookingforward to aquality seasonofsenior rugby.<br />
School gears up for rugby season<br />
The new coach for Rangiora<br />
High School’s 1st XV, Glen<br />
Christini, is in charge of a<br />
new group of senior boys this<br />
year.<br />
His vast experience and<br />
knowledge of the game will<br />
be complemented by Brad<br />
McKenzie and Ben Prain,<br />
who have maintained their<br />
roles as assistants.<br />
The school’s rugby season<br />
opened with trials for alarge<br />
and competitive senior boys’<br />
squad.<br />
It is anticipated from the<br />
talent on offer that there will<br />
also be astrong Boys’ second<br />
XV, which will be coached by<br />
Andy Riley.<br />
Former Boys 1st XV coach<br />
and <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rugby<br />
manager Craig Mullan has<br />
taken over the Girls’ 1st XV<br />
with <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
stalwart Greg Moriarty.<br />
The large squad has<br />
welcomed girls from the<br />
Hurunui district to its team,<br />
and all are enjoying training<br />
under the coaching team.<br />
There is also alarge squad<br />
of junior boys who have<br />
begun some early morning<br />
training sessions.<br />
The junior coaching group<br />
is strong and working hard to<br />
deliver aquality programme.<br />
This Saturday, the Rugby<br />
Club is holding its<br />
fundraiser, Between the<br />
Posts, with guest speaker<br />
Brendan Laney. The<br />
Rangiora High School Staff<br />
Band, Side Hustle,will play.<br />
There will be alive<br />
auction, asilent auction, and<br />
mystery balloons.<br />
It will be held at the high<br />
school from 7pm. Tickets, at<br />
$35, are available by phoning<br />
Sarah on (027) 496 4549.<br />
When you think of your<br />
immune system, you<br />
probably think ofhow the<br />
body fights viruses and<br />
bacteria. But the immune<br />
system performs amuch<br />
more significant role than<br />
that. Your immune system<br />
regulates inflammation,<br />
and unregulated<br />
inflammation isthe cause<br />
of nearly every disease.<br />
Inflammationdescribes the<br />
body’sresponsetoaninjury.<br />
Therefore,inflammation has abeneficial<br />
purpose in thebody. It helps thebody<br />
repair itself.Theproblem is when<br />
inflammation becomesuncontrollable,<br />
when theimmunesystembecomes<br />
dysfunctional.<br />
At Marvel Health,Our Full-body<br />
Scan examines thebodyindetailto<br />
determinethe hiddencausesofaweak or<br />
dysfunctional immunesystem.<br />
The humanbodystrivesfor homeostasis<br />
or balancetosurvive,and theimmune<br />
systemplays acrucial part in this process.<br />
The immune systemisresponsible for<br />
detecting anythingforeign entering the<br />
bodyand capableofcausingchronic<br />
inflammation anddisease.<br />
Marvel Health Identifies thehidden causes<br />
of diseases, includingmicrobes such as<br />
bacteria,viruses andfungi;food allergies,<br />
environmental contaminants,nutrient<br />
deficiencies,electromagneticinfluences and<br />
severalother causes of inflammation.<br />
The Scan thoroughlyexamines all thebody<br />
organs,includingthe organs that regulate<br />
thebody’simmunity, such as theThymus,<br />
Spleen,Lymphatic Tissue andBlood Tissue.<br />
Ourdoctors andSpecialists will review<br />
thereports generatedfrom theScanand<br />
recommendtherapies andlifestyle changes<br />
to supportthe body’shealingprocess.<br />
Book AScanToday 03-669-5410<br /><br />
Unit 13/6 Cone Street, Rangiora, <strong>Canterbury</strong>, 7400<br />
293 Durham Street, Awly Building, Christchurch, 8013<br />
Theinspections from the scan is not asubstitute for medical inspections. It is not assigned to state the final diagnosis<br />
Amberley Smallbore Rifles<br />
DQuigley99.5,KQuigley 98.6,MQuigley<br />
97.6,KBrown97.5, WParker 96.5,G<br />
Wright96.2, CRhodes95.2, OMitchell<br />
95.1,MParker 93.0,BParker 90.0,IFrazer<br />
85.0,RMorgan 48.0. With the new season<br />
just starting,everyone is welcome to come<br />
andhaveago. Allgear supplied.<br />
WaimakaririWomens Golf<br />
<strong>March</strong> 11, LGU &Putting (Aoteraroa<br />
Cup, Coronation Medal,Veterans<br />
Trophy): 18 holes: Silver: LAnderson73,<br />
NWeavers 77. BronzeI:LSteele 68, T<br />
Craig 77,WMehrtens 82. Bronze II: S<br />
Gillespie 84, KBush84, SKing 86.<br />
Putting: JBlatch26. Coronation Medal: L<br />
Anderson +.03, Aotearoa Cup: LSteele<br />
4.7. Veterans Trophy: NWeavers +4.3.<br />
9Holes: JJenkins 38,SFarrar 39.<br />
Putting: JJenkins 16.<br />
Bingo Bango Bongo, 18 holes: MTeAwa<br />
61,RPilbrow 60,IBeetsHuchshorn 55,L<br />
Anderson 53, BThompson 52,PRivers51,<br />
TCraig 51.<br />
9Holes: JJenkins33, VMcKenzie 27, S<br />
Farrar<strong>25</strong>.<br />
American Foursomes, 18 holes: R<br />
Pilbrow andTCraig 69,KRedwood and H<br />
Chamberlain71. Nine holes: RBeeny 35.<br />
Rangiora Golf Club<br />
9Hole, Stroke/Putting: Ladies: Sarah<br />
Rutherford 13,Carol Van Hout 16 c/b<br />
ColeenWhite16, Jenni Brook 17. Men:<br />
Ross Gillespie 14, JohnGregan 15 c/b,<br />
Ross McQueen 15,c/b ColinBowman 15.<br />
Rangiora Bridge Club<br />
ThomasPairs:N/S ColleenAdam/Sarah<br />
Waldron 1, Sam Gurney/Tony Quinlan 2,<br />
Dawn Simpson/Jeanette Chatterton3.<br />
E/W: Bunty Marshall/Heather Waldron1,<br />
Nita Sheasby/Andrea Dempsey 2, Barry<br />
Price/IvyPrice3.<br />
Autumn Pairs: N/S: Helen Phillips/<br />
Helen Thornburgh1,JeanetteChatterton/<br />
Dawn Simpson2,Ken Johns/SueMcIlroy<br />
3. E/W: Robin Hassall/Linda Hanham 1.<br />
LizDuke/Gaynor Hurford 2, Colin<br />
Dooling/Catherine Boddy Richard<br />
Luisette/Ann Blackie equal 3.<br />
Monday Teams:HardToBeat(David<br />
McRae/FernMcRae/Judith Driver/Jan<br />
Roose)1,DarkHorse 2, MixedGrill3.<br />
PlatePairs: N/S:Fern McRae/David<br />
McRae 1, Maria Evans/Owen Evans 2,<br />
Victor Paul/Sue McIlroy3.E/W: JillAmer/<br />
Andrew Findlay 1, Shirley Symns/Dawn<br />
Simpson2,RichardPeter/Steve Noad 3.<br />
Kaiapoi Borough<br />
School PTA’s AGM<br />
to be held on the<br />
12 th of April at 6.30pm<br />
in the school staff room.<br />
New members wanted<br />
2362449<br />
Got atrade<br />
or wanting<br />
to buy or<br />
sell<br />
something?<br />
Advertise<br />
in our<br />
classified<br />
section<br />
Phone<br />
Amanda on<br />
313 2840<br />
Public Notices<br />
THE 88 (Rangiora) Squadron<br />
Air Training Corps,<br />
will be holding their AGM<br />
on the 1st April <strong>2021</strong> at the<br />
Crac club rooms starting at<br />
7pm until 7.30pm. All welcome.<br />
Public Notices<br />
Senior<br />
Citizens<br />
DayOut<br />
with Companion<br />
Driving Service.<br />
WedMar 31<br />
Geraldine for<br />
lunch atBarkers<br />
Restaurant.<br />
Our price of $69.00<br />
includes<br />
lunch and free<br />
pickup/drop off.<br />
2368321<br />
Ph Peteron<br />
0800 453 873.
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong><br />
Villa on Ivory<br />
7/17 Ivory Street, Rangiora<br />
The centrally located over 60’s villa is handy to shops, and all of the town’s facilities, putting it<br />
in aperfect location.<br />
It has 2bedrooms, with awalk in ensuite style bathroom which serves both bedrooms.<br />
The interior is designed for easy living with everything at your fingertips.<br />
This is aclean modern villa, double glazed and finished in timeless Oamaru Stone.<br />
There is asingle attached garage, separate driveway. Asmall garden completes this sunny<br />
villa.<br />
There are some Body Corp expenses and these are available on request.<br />
For Sale -<br />
By Negotiation<br />
For more information<br />
contact:<br />
Bev Wright<br /><br />
027 434 2486<br />
Property Brokers Ltd<br />
Website ID # RU82199<br />
Open Home: This Sunday from 3:00pm to 4:00pm<br />
Arealchange in<br />
real estate.<br />
The Property Brokers and Farmlands partnership means<br />
great things forprovincial real estate*<br />
Together our combinedstrengths complement<br />
eachother to createbigger networks,more<br />
buyers and better results.<br />
For more informationcall0800367 5263<br />
orvisit<br />
Proudtobetogether<br />
2367193<br />
*Farmlands will continue to administer its property management portfolioand its West Coast real estatesites, pendingCommerce Commission clearance.<br />
Property BrokersLtd Licensed REAA 2008
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Rangiora 204 Flaxton Road<br />
Cust 128 Terrace Road<br />
Flaxton Manor -Immaculate<br />
Architecturally-designedtomaximiseboth the natural light and views<br />
of thegarden, this beautifulresidence is located minutes from the<br />
heart of Rangiora. This immaculately presentedpropertyhas beena<br />
very successfulB&Bbusinessinthe past, as well as astunning<br />
boutiquewedding venue.FlaxtonManor offersa488m2two-level<br />
dwelling,togetherwithaself-contained two-bedroom unit, aseparate<br />
70sqmthree car garaging plus an additional commerciallaundry. The<br />
Manorhas four bedrooms, large office, two bathrooms andapowder<br />
room.Three of the bedrooms are on the upper level from the feature<br />
staircase,situatedinthe impressive entrance foyer. Potentialisendless<br />
here.<br />
6 3 4 3<br />
For Sale Buyers $2,300,000+<br />
View By appointment<br />
Web<br />
Maurice Newell<br />
M 027 240 1718<br />
Hamish Anderson<br />
M 027 678 8888<br />
Subdivide or Land Bank<br />
An excitingopportunity has becomeavailable to develop this 37.4 ha<br />
property subject to survey and title.Ascheme plan application is about<br />
to go to the Council foraten lot subdivisiononthe terrace overlooking<br />
Cust. Our vendorsare selling lots 2-9only. Once approved and titledit<br />
will allow five to eight years to complete the development, or you<br />
could take advantage of the unprecedented demand for lifestyle<br />
properties at the moment and sell the blocksprior to title. Thesoil is<br />
described as ClaremontorMairaki moderately deep silt loam which<br />
can be very goodfor grass growth andtree establishment. For short<br />
DeadlineTreatyfinishing Wednesday 7th April at 4.00pm.<br />
Deadline Sale closes Friday 2nd April,<br />
<strong>2021</strong> at 4.00pm, (unless sold prior)<br />
View By appointment<br />
Web<br />
Maurice Newell<br />
M 027 240 1718<br />
Hamish Anderson<br />
M 027 678 8888<br />
Waikuku Beach 29 Cross Street<br />
Your property will be in<br />
good hands with aProperty<br />
Manager from Property Brokers<br />
Canyou risk nothaving aPropertyManager?<br />
Areyou familiar with thelatest legalrequirements of theResidentialTenancies<br />
Actand theHealthy HomesAct,aswellasthe penalties landlordsface?<br />
Do youknowwhatyour obligations arefor insulation?Asbestos?<br />
SmokeAlarms?And Health &Safety?<br />
Do youhavethe time to checkrentpaymentsfor your property,<br />
addressmaintenance issues immediately, havekeyscut,<br />
andattend viewings?<br />
Call todayfor achat<br />
or anoobligation, free<br />
rental marketappraisal.<br />
Beach in Reach<br />
Looking for authentic Kiwiana? Thensay g'day to this fabulouslittle<br />
bach,the perfectplacetokick-backand start livingthe dream!Still in<br />
its originalcondition,this home represents the ultimate reno<br />
opportunity! Whether it's alick of painttoinvigorate it, or afull makeover<br />
to transform it, thishome lends itself to amyriad of possibilities.<br />
Let your visionmaterialisethrough two bedrooms,abathroom, and<br />
sun-kissedlivingspaces.The expansive rearlawn is ablank canvaswith<br />
scope for atrampoline, backyard cricket, or aproductive garden.<br />
There's roomfor all yourtoys with astudioand enough off-road<br />
parking to suit multiple cars, aCampervan and/or Boat.<br />
2 1 1<br />
Auction 6.00pm, Thu 8th Apr, <strong>2021</strong>,<br />
On Site<br />
View Sun 28 Mar 1.00 -1.30pm<br />
Wed 31 Mar 5.00 -5.30pm<br />
Web<br />
Sally Davies<br />
M 027 359 5509<br />
Dale Quaife<br />
Property Manager<br />
M 021406 686<br />
P 03 3138022<br />
E<br />
Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |<br />
Stage 3 & 4<br />
Coming Soon<br />
“Explorewhatmakes<br />
Townsend Fields the<br />
Natural Choicefor living.”<br />
Please talk to me regarding options in future stages.<br />
ChristineTallott<br />
027 4906042 |03313 6158<br />
Four Seasons Realty<br />
Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd|Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br /> |027 4906 042 |<br />
real estate<br />
We arecurrently experiencing “really strong”sales with demand<br />
from returning expats,<strong>North</strong> Islandinvestors,first-home buyers<br />
andlocals lookingtoupgrade or changepace. Nowmorethanever<br />
youneedthe serviceofasalesconsultant who willwork foryou to<br />
achieve thebest possiableresult.<br />
Phone me forafree no obligation market appraisal.<br />
Four Seasons Realty<br />
Four Seasons Realty 2017Ltd |Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />
Arealprofessional with<br />
over$105 million dollars<br />
achieved sales.<br />
Liz<br />
Liz<br />
Lewis<br />
027 4530952 |03327 5379<br />
What’s happening in your<br />
community…<br />
Speed Limit Changes Coming<br />
Road users are encouraged to pay attention as<br />
speed limits are changing inand around Tuahiwi,<br />
the southern part of Kaiapoi, and in northern<br />
Rangiora next week.<br />
New speed limits of 60 km/h and 80 km/h were<br />
agreed by Council aer consultation with the public<br />
and will be in place from Wednesday 24 <strong>March</strong>.<br />
Waimakariri District Council Road Safety Co-ordinator<br />
Kathy Graham says the increases in traffic, growth<br />
in population, as well as the sports stadium and<br />
new cycle pathsmeant that lowerspeeds need to<br />
be implemented.<br />
“Therehave been alot of changes in and around<br />
these roads and we want to makesure thateveryone<br />
usingthe road is as safe as they canbe.” Kathysays.<br />
Police Sergeant Colin Stewart and his team deal<br />
daily with road users who either make mistakes<br />
or the wrong choices when driving -oen with<br />
serious consequences.<br />
“The speed you are travelling atdirectly impacts<br />
the outcome if you have tobrake suddenly, take<br />
evasive action or are unfortunate enough tohave a<br />
crash,” Colin says. “Speed always plays apart and<br />
can be the difference between someone walking<br />
away from acrash or not.”<br />
Police will be monitoring the areas where the new<br />
speed limits come into effect.<br />
The following speed limits will change on<br />
Wednesday 24 <strong>March</strong>:<br />
Southern Kaiapoi –the following roads reduce<br />
to 60km/h<br />
• Main <strong>North</strong> Road, Old Waimakariri Bridge to<br />
Neeves Road<br />
• Main <strong>North</strong> Road, Neeves Road to Kaiapoi<br />
urban limits<br />
• Tram Road, Main <strong>North</strong> Road to 180m past the<br />
eastern intersection of Greigs Road<br />
• Doubledays Road<br />
• Neeves Road, east of SH1<br />
• Wrights Road<br />
Tuahiwi –the following roads reduce to 80km/h<br />
• Turiwhaia Road<br />
• Greens Road<br />
• TePouapatuki Road<br />
• Church Bush Road<br />
• PaRoad<br />
• Revells Road<br />
<strong>North</strong>ern Rangiora<br />
• Golf Links Road, Kippenberger Avenue to<br />
Coldstream Road, reduces to 80km/h<br />
• Golf Links Road, Coldstream Road to end<br />
(unsealed section), reduces to60km/h<br />
• Coldstream Road, from Smarts Road to the<br />
eastern end of sport stadium, reduces to 80km/h<br />
• <strong>March</strong>mont Road, entire length,reduces to 80km/h<br />
• Smarts Road, entire length, reduces to 80km/h<br />
• Tulls Road, entire length, reduces to 80km/h<br />
Good Street Dra Concept Plans Ready for<br />
Community Feedback<br />
The Rangiora-Ashley Community Board endorsed<br />
concept plans for improvements to Good Street at<br />
their meeting last week.<br />
Public engagement takes place between Monday<br />
12 April and Sunday 9May, and the Board are<br />
eager to hear what businesses and the wider<br />
community think about the dra plans.<br />
The Council has $50,000 available in this financial<br />
year to support the concept design, and afurther<br />
$585,000 has been set aside in the <strong>2021</strong>-22<br />
financial year to complete the improvements.<br />
“We’re really excited to see Good Street<br />
improvements now coming to fruition. We look<br />
forward to hearing what people would like to<br />
see in the area and what they think of the initial<br />
concept plans," says Board Chair Jim Gerard.<br />
Staff visited local business owners and tenants in<br />
September last year to gather initial design ideas<br />
to inform the dra concept plan.<br />
Following engagement, the plan will be updated<br />
before afinal version is endorsed by the Board for<br />
the Council to adopt in July.<br />
Family information<br />
evening -all welcome<br />
Learn about scams and howtostay<br />
safefinancially<br />
•Information formigrants, newcomersand all membersof<br />
the community<br />
•Let the kids be entertained with games and activities<br />
in the library<br />
•Havesome free pizzawith your family<br />
Friday 26 <strong>March</strong>, 5-7pm<br />
RangioraLibrary<br />
No bookings needed. Formoreinformation contact<br />
CAB <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>on03313 8822.<br />
This evening session is funded by Immigration New Zealand.<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
The Council isfocused on making sure<br />
we keep up with growth, Covid-19<br />
economic recovery, climate change/<br />
sustainability, and the impact of the<br />
Three Waters Review.<br />
Specifically we are asking for feedback on:<br />
• New community facilities for Pegasus and<br />
north Woodend (Ravenswood)<br />
• Upgrades to the Rangiora Library and<br />
wider civic area<br />
• Parking in Rangiora –including acar<br />
park building.<br />
We are holding anumber of events where<br />
people can come and ask aquestion directly<br />
about the dra Long Term Plan.<br />
We hope to see you there.<br />
• Kaiapoi –Outside Ruataniwha<br />
(176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi)<br />
Friday 26 <strong>March</strong>, 2–5pm<br />
•Oxford A&P Show<br />
Saturday 3April, 9am onwards<br />
•Ohoka Farmers Market<br />
Friday 9April, 9am–12pm<br />
Find out more<br />
Need to report<br />
an issue?<br />
Use the free Snap Send Solve app to tell<br />
Waimakariri District Council about it.<br />
Visit our website to find out more<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
37<br />
Upcoming Council<br />
meetings<br />
The following meetings will be<br />
held in April <strong>2021</strong>. All meetings<br />
will be held in the Function Room,<br />
(upstairs) Rangiora Town Hall,<br />
303 High Street, Rangiora, unless<br />
otherwise stated.<br />
Council<br />
Tuesday 6April at 1pm.<br />
Oxford-Ohoka Community Board<br />
Wednesday 7April at 7pm atthe<br />
Mandeville SportsCentre,<br />
431 Mandeville Road, Mandeville.<br />
(The Public Forum section of the<br />
agenda will occur from 7pm to 7.20pm.)<br />
Woodend-Seon Community Board<br />
Monday 12 April at6pm at the Pegasus<br />
Community Centre, Main Street, Pegasus.<br />
Rangiora-Ashley Community Board<br />
Wednesday 14April at 7pm.<br />
Kaiapoi-Tuahiwi Community Board<br />
Monday 19 April at5pm at the<br />
Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre,<br />
176Williams Street, Kaiapoi.<br />
Mahi Tahi Joint Development Committee<br />
Tuesday 20April at9am.<br />
Land and Water Committee<br />
Tuesday 20April at1pm.<br />
Utilities and Roading Committee<br />
Tuesday 20April at3.30pm.<br />
Multi Sports Facility Steering Group<br />
Thursday 22 April at10.30am.<br />
Allmeetingsare open to thepublic.<br />
Agendas areavailable twoworking days<br />
priortothe meeting.<br />
Agendas and minutes for meetings<br />
can be found onthe Council's website:<br /><br />
Sarah Nichols<br />
Governance Manager<br />
Have you signed up for<br />
the Waimakariri District<br />
Council <strong>News</strong>letter?<br />
Tojoin visit:<br /><br />
$$$<br />
Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />
Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />
machineryand farm clean<br />
ups, old vehicles etc.<br />
100% locally owned.<br />
Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />
027 695 0480.<br />
2312759<br />
Pets<br />
Gardening<br />
A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />
to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />
work. Also spraying. Free<br />
quotes. Ph 03 312 0668 or<br />
021 111 4322.<br />
Wanted To Buy<br />
BUYING estate type old<br />
china, crystal, collectables,<br />
vases. Ph 027 350 3963, or<br />
313 1878.<br />
Public Notices<br />
Organ<br />
Recital<br />
An Afternoon with<br />
Jeremy Woodside<br />
With Special Guest<br />
Katherine Doig<br />
(Soprano)<br />
SUNDAY 28<strong>March</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
at 2pm<br />
St John the Baptist<br />
Anglican Church<br />
351 High St, Rangiora ·<br />
$10 at door<br />
Poultry<br />
ROOSTERS to give away.<br />
Born Nov 30 2020, small to<br />
medium breed. 2black and<br />
white spec, 2white, ph or<br />
txt 021 861 732.<br />
for smaller dogs. We look<br />
after your dog in our home.<br />
"No kennels". Phone today<br />
03 314 6110.<br />
Travel &Tours<br />
Hokianga Cape Reinga<br />
BayofIslands<br />
9days-Departs 15th May<br />
$2<strong>25</strong>0ppincluding flights<br />
Chatham Island<br />
2nd to 9th November<br />
Call Reid Tours 0800 446 886<br />
Email:<br />
NOTICE<br />
For Sale<br />
Leader ValleyAutumn Colours<br />
-Wed 21stApril, $<strong>25</strong><br />
Mt Cook -Sat 10th April, $55<br />
Waipapa Station<br />
-Sat 24th April, $45<br />
2365827<br />
Rangiora Players are<br />
calling for cast for "How<br />
Does Your Garden<br />
Grow?” acomedy set in<br />
astruggling hotel, written<br />
by Geoff Bamber,<br />
directed by Peter<br />
Edwards, performances<br />
in July. Full audition<br />
information from<br />
our website as listed<br />
below, to book an audition<br />
call Mark 313 3441.<br /><br />
HONEY 4kg bucket<br />
cooking honey, $30 special.<br />
Available at Gracebrook,<br />
Amberley. Telephone 03<br />
314 7076.<br />
Entertainment<br />
performing at the Balcairn<br />
Hall on Saturday 10th April<br />
<strong>2021</strong> at 8pm. Acclaimed as<br />
NZ’s finest finger-style<br />
guitarist. Family friendly,<br />
alcohol free event, raffles<br />
and famous free country<br />
supper. Tickets $<strong>25</strong>.00<br />
(cash) from Sally Macs in<br />
Amberley, Stan’s 7 Day<br />
Pharmacy in Rangiora, Sefton<br />
Garage and online at<br /><br />
Call Reid Tours 0800446 886<br />
Email:<br />
Livestock<br />
&Wild Game<br />
Meat Processing<br />
313 0022<br />
2309602MEAT2U.NZ<br />
RAM Hogget East Friesian,<br />
excellent condition,<br />
$160. Phone 0274 347 833.<br />
TEXEL Romney Cross<br />
young rams suitable for<br />
breeding. Ph 021 626 449<br />
or 03 385 4966.<br />
For Lease<br />
Industrial sheds for<br />
manufacturing or storage/warehouse<br />
with<br />
yard space Newnham<br />
St Rangoira . Unit 1<br />
shed 18 x 12 metres &<br />
480 m2 yard ,Unit 212x<br />
9metres &590 m2 yard .<br />
Both have single & 3<br />
phase power ,water &<br />
alarms .Lease Terms<br />
Negotiable .<br />
Phone Allan on<br />
0274342831<br />
To Let<br />
WOODEND two storey, 4<br />
bdrm, dble garage, secure<br />
section house, $500 pw. No<br />
dogs, avail May, please<br />
phone 022 137 9209.<br />
Board &Residence<br />
WANTED live in position<br />
in return for home help &<br />
driving appointments.<br />
Please ph 021 1461 245.<br />
Cars For Sale<br />
1985 NISSAN LAUREL<br />
$10,000 Ad# 35449<br />
Nissan Laurel c32 1985. 2.400<br />
GL 6cly. 2owners. 220,000<br />
kms, radio/cassette/electric<br />
windows, towbar. 4-speed<br />
auto, handbook, rego and<br />
wof. No rust. New Zealand<br />
new. No trades.<br />
Search<br />
for more details.<br />
Cars Wanted<br />
ANY old cars, anything pre<br />
1990, unfinished Hot Rods,<br />
Classic Cars. Please call<br />
027 <strong>25</strong>8 8366.<br />
CASH 4CARS<br />
and 4WD'S<br />
Phone<br />
Automotive<br />
Parts<br />
03 313 7216<br />
CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />
wanted for dismantling or<br />
repair. Phone 027 <strong>25</strong>8<br />
8366.<br />
WANTED to buy Ford,<br />
Holden, Chrysler, or<br />
Chev’s, classic cars. Any<br />
condition. Please phone<br />
Tony 027 313 5000.<br />
Motorcycles<br />
MOTORBIKE servicing<br />
and repairs, quality service,<br />
affordable rates. South<br />
Pacific Motorcycle<br />
Services, Mandeville.<br />
Phone 03 312 0066. Or visit<br /><br />
Educational<br />
TUITION available. Primary<br />
and secondary up to<br />
NCEA level 3. In centre<br />
(Rangiora) or interactive<br />
online from your home.<br />
Each student onanindividually<br />
tailored programme.<br />
Kip McGrath Rangiora has<br />
been serving the local community<br />
for 30 +years. Give<br />
is acall (03 313 3638) or<br />
book your free assessment<br />
online https://www.kipmcgrath.<br /><br />
Situations Vacant<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Citizens Advice Bureau <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
is looking for volunteers<br />
Can you…<br />
Solve problems? Do you…<br />
Enjoy client liaison? Are you…<br />
Ready to keep learning? Do you…<br />
Value confidentiality?<br />
Interested? Do you have a…<br />
Confident telephone approach and<br />
Excellent internet research skills?<br />
At CAB we aim to give the best SERVICE<br />
to everyone who needs our help.<br />
Come and join us?<br />
Application formavailable on<br /><br />
or collect from our office in the Rangiora Library,<br />
141 Percival Street, Rangiora. Tel: 03 313 8822.<br />
Applications close on Thursday,1April <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
2359359<br />
Public Notices<br />
Kaiapoi Christadelphians<br />
“The Key of Knowledge ..“(Luke 11:52)<br />
There are a multitude of idols classed as<br />
‘gods’. How does this compare with the Bible’s<br />
statement that there is ONE God and no-one else<br />
beside him. Therefore he must be supreme. All<br />
Bible claims are supported by evidence, proving<br />
his existence, and providing hope and confidence<br />
in the promises recorded by his prophets. What<br />
book can compare with the Scriptures in giving<br />
an answer to all the questions of life?<br />
DVD presentation -Sunday 28th <strong>March</strong>, 7.00pm<br />
Kaiapoi Community Centre, Sewell Street<br />
Forinformation -phone 03 352 5453<br />
Website -bibletruthandprophecy<br />
Do you love construction and all things DIY? Are you able<br />
to offer some working knowledge or experience from the<br />
building industry? Is your customer service second to<br />
none?<br />
Our business is growing! We areseeking 2motivated team<br />
players to join our hard-working Drive Thru team. This is a<br />
fast paced, fun environment that relies on teamwork and<br />
the ability to multi-task.<br />
Both roles are full time and include weekend days.<br />
The ideal candidates will require:<br />
•Apassion for providing excellentcustomer service,<br />
helping customers with their projects or with their trade<br />
enquiries<br />
•Knowledge of timber,hardware andbuilding products<br />
•Tobefitfor oftendemanding physical work as heavy<br />
lifting is adaily partofthis job<br />
•Awillingness to learn, with great time management and<br />
areal “can do” attitude<br />
•Astrong health and safety focus, ensuring company<br />
policies are followed at all times<br />
McAlpines Mitre 10 Mega is one of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />
largest businesses.<br />
McAlpines have an active drug &alcohol policy, apreemployment<br />
drug test and medical will be required.<br />
Written applications including your CV should be<br />
forwarded to: Trade Drive Thru Team Member Position,<br />
McAlpines Mitre 10 MEGA, Private Bag 1003, Rangiora<br />
7440 or email<br />
2368462<br />
38 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
At Karanga Mai Young Parents’ College in Kaiapoi, the part-time van<br />
driver position involves working directly with the Director and VanCoordinator<br />
to provide areliable and safe transport service to and from<br />
school for students and their children.<br />
The successful applicant will be required to cover shifts when other<br />
drivers are unavailable. Youwill need to be flexible and able to work<br />
at shortnotice. The hours will varydepending on the circumstances.<br />
For ajob description please contact the college on<br />
03 327 8386 or email<br />
You’ll fit<br />
Right in.<br />
Twomonths fixed term -Waikari<br />
Community Hospital, <strong>Canterbury</strong> DHB<br />
Waikari Community Hospital is looking for atwo month fixed-term,<br />
0.5FTE Registered Nurse to work in their 10 bed, community hospital.<br />
For more information, please call Helen West on 021 717 152, or<br />
visit our careers website:<br />
Findout moreabout us at<br />
Rangiora High School<br />
Kāiawhina /Learning<br />
Assistant<br />
(Support Staff Position)<br />
We are seeking to appoint aKāiawhina to undertake<br />
learning support work in general classrooms for 8<br />
weeks next term. This is afixed term position working<br />
24hrs/wk from 17 May <strong>2021</strong> to 9July <strong>2021</strong>, covering<br />
for astaff member on leave. Previous teacher aide<br />
experience preferred, but not essential.<br />
Please see our website for an application pack<br /><br />
Applications close on 29 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
2367763<br />
Situations Vacant<br />
Relief Van<br />
Driver<br />
LABOURING, Sawmill,<br />
Factory and Traffic control<br />
work available. Contact<br />
Superior Personnel 313<br />
6180, unit 1/6Cone Street<br />
Rangiora.<br /><br />
Firewood<br />
BEECH mix firewood<br />
$140 per cube, delivered.<br />
Facebook Pricecon firewood.<br />
Phone 021 458 <strong>25</strong>8.<br />
DRY Wattle & Old Man<br />
Pine. 6m load Wattle $700,<br />
Old Man Pine $550. Phone<br />
03 312 8726.<br />
2367876<br />
Trade&Services<br />
ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />
Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />
& operated. Covering all<br />
areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />
Professional, guaranteed,<br />
service. Firebox<br />
repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />
0800 661 244.<br />
AFFORDABLE concrete<br />
cutting with quality and<br />
removal work. Free quotes.<br />
No job too small. Ph 027<br />
442 2219, Fax 03 359 6052<br />
or A/H 03 359 4605.<br />
arbour work, pruning, tree<br />
removal. Affordable &<br />
friendly service. Telephone<br />
021 111 4322.<br />
BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />
Tree felling, topping,<br />
shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />
removed, stump grinding,<br />
branch chipping.<br />
Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />
327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />
Log Fires<br />
Pellet Fires<br />
Heat Pumps<br />
Sales<br />
Service<br />
Installations<br />
Free Quotes<br />
03 343 1651<br />
472 Blenheim Rd<br /><br />
Air Con <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
are looking for an<br />
experienced domestic<br />
Heatpump Installer to<br />
join our small team on a<br />
full-time basis.<br />
To be successful in this<br />
role you must have<br />
experience in domestic<br />
heatpump installations<br />
and ideally have good<br />
knowledge of fault<br />
finding on multiple<br />
branded air conditioning<br />
units. You'll need to<br />
be enthusiastic, physically<br />
fit and a team<br />
player, who is able to<br />
work efficiently unsupervised.<br />
As you will be in<br />
daily contact with customers,<br />
you must be<br />
able to always communicate<br />
effectively<br />
and professionally.<br />
A full, clean drivers’<br />
licence is essential.<br />
To apply, please email<br />
c.v. with references to:<br />
admin@airconnorth<br />
canterbury<br />
or drop in and see us at<br />
18 Albert Street,<br />
Rangiora.<br />
Trade&Services<br />
ARBORIST qualified.<br />
Copper Beech Tree<br />
Services. Tree removal,<br />
pruning, height reduction,<br />
hedge trimming, shaping,<br />
tree planting, firewood.<br />
Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />
Edwards 027 <strong>25</strong>9 6741<br /><br />
BRICK &blocklaying. All<br />
types of work undertaken,<br />
repairs. Phone Hamish<br />
0272 386 003 or 313 5678.<br />
tintawindow<br />
advanced film solutions<br />
99% uv block<br />
fade protection<br />
heat control<br />
reduce glare<br />
<strong>25</strong> Years Experience<br />
privacy films<br />
frosting designs<br />
non-darkening films<br />
Workmanship Guaranteed<br />
Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />
UV<br />
block<br />
BUILDING & concrete<br />
work. Decks, fences, paths,<br />
patios and drives. Small<br />
projects not aproblem. Ph<br />
021 228 3864 to discuss.<br />
Le’ Concrete Placing.<br />
Please phone Peter Hackett<br />
027 408 5319 for all your<br />
concrete ideas.<br />
FIRE GUARDS Custom<br />
made with safety latch.<br />
Phone 021 169 9066. E:<br /><br />
Reg Tradesman<br />
Interior,exterior.<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Painters<br />
specialising in decorating for<br />
over 65 at adiscount rate.<br />
Free quotes.<br />
Covering Nth Canty,Oxford,<br />
Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Amberley.<br />
Rob 03 327 7899<br />
or 027 432 3520 2227597<br />
DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />
Professional tile cleaning,<br />
tiled shower restoration,<br />
mouldy silcone, shower<br />
glass & we can even<br />
recolour your old grout!<br />
For all your tile and grout<br />
issues call Grout Pro for a<br />
free, no obligation quote.<br />
Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />
PAINTER. Qualified local<br />
professional, Int / Ext,<br />
roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />
text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />
KITCHEN, bathroom,<br />
renovations, decking,<br />
pergolas, fencing. Honest<br />
reliable licenced builders.<br />
Ph Don 027 727 9162.<br />
METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />
Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />
Wrought Iron,<br />
Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />
General Metalwork. No job<br />
too big or too small. Ph 021<br />
265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />
Find us on facebook/<br />
Glenmark Metal Worx.<br /><br />
Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />
03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />
Trade &Services<br />
PAINT & wallpaper<br />
services. Wayne Bryant,<br />
exterior, interior. Qualified<br />
tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />
313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />
PAINTER & Decorator.<br />
<strong>25</strong> + years experience.<br />
Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />
waterblasting. For a free<br />
quote, please ph Steve 03<br />
314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />
POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />
parts &sales for over 40<br />
years. All main brands serviced.<br />
Grossman Trade<br />
Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />
Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />
ANCE, lawns, chainsaw &<br />
scrub cutting, fencing,<br />
painting &minor building<br />
repairs. Ph 022 137 9209.<br />
RANGIORA Rubbish<br />
Removal and RRR skips.<br />
Wheelie bins any frequency<br />
and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />
9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />
bins for any use, rubbish,<br />
greenwaste, building sites<br />
or just cleanups. Give us a<br />
phone call 313 6957 or for<br />
skips 021 313 <strong>25</strong>5.<br />
ROOFER All roof repairs,<br />
roof painting, water blasting,<br />
moss treatment,<br />
repointing, gutter cleans &<br />
snow straps. And more.<br />
Free quotes. Phone Nathan<br />
027 516 6609.<br />
For all your printing<br />
requirements. T-shirts,<br />
Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />
polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />
Please phone Heather 03<br />
313 0261 or email heather.<br /><br />
SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />
Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />
crutching, drenching,<br />
tailing, feet trimming &<br />
health check. — Ph. 03-<br />
423-3713 or 021-267-40<strong>25</strong>.<br />
drenching, feet trimming.<br />
For Lifestyle blocks. Call<br />
Stu 027 315 6916.<br />
STONEMASON, Brick<br />
and Blocklayer. Earthquake<br />
repairs, grind out and<br />
repoint, River/Oamaru<br />
stone, Schist, Volcanic<br />
Rock, paving, all alterations<br />
new and old. Quality<br />
workmanship. Visit<br /> or ph<br />
027 601 3145.<br />
027 216 0000<br />
Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Contact Geoff at<br />
Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />
03 310 8541 or email<br /><br />
Trusted Trades &<br />
Professional Services<br />
2362002<br />
Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />
horse, all types of animals.<br />
Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />
shelters, runs.<br />
30+ years contract fencing.<br />
Steve is available to help with<br />
your design &planning.<br />
Ph office03312 4747<br />
2091848<br />
Forall your painting &<br />
plastering requirements<br />
Local with 30 years<br />
experience<br />
All workmanship<br />
Guaranteed.<br />
Phone 021 344 023<br />
2220615<br />
Bill’s Liquid<br />
Waste<br />
You dump it...<br />
Blair pumps it...<br />
Blair Tavendale<br />
Ph 03 314 9371<br />
0275 379-694<br />
Memorial Services<br />
LAWSON STONE 28th<br />
June 1938-16th February<br />
<strong>2021</strong>. A celebration in<br />
remembrance of Gerry<br />
Stone will be held at<br />
4.30pm on Friday 9th April<br />
at the Rangiora RSA, Victoria<br />
Street, Rangiora.<br />
Please join us as we<br />
remember Gerry.<br />
In Memoriam<br />
ROBERT born 17th January<br />
1964, passed away 12th<br />
<strong>March</strong> 2011, 46 years at<br />
Ashburton. Look at your<br />
photo every day, still can’t<br />
believe afit, young man has<br />
been taken away from us.<br />
Miss you so much. Eric,<br />
Marian, Kevin, Lea,<br />
Daniel, Annabel.<br />
Guide<br />
22<strong>25</strong>862<br />
Pride &Quality Painting<br />
&Decorating Services<br />
20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />
service. For all your painting<br />
needs, phone: Martin 310<br />
6187 or 021 128 9867<br />
Movemen Ltd<br />
2Men &agood sized<br />
truck. From $157 per hour<br />
(incl gst). Kaiapoi based.<br />
Call Gerard<br />
027 668 3636<br />
2316549<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email<br />
Automotive &Recovery<br />
Builder<br />
Butchery<br />
Construction &Concrete<br />
2070788<br />
• WOF Cars &Trailers<br />
• Vehicle Servicing &<br />
Repairs<br />
• Tyres &Punctures<br />
• Jump Starts<br />
•<br />
Towing &Salvage<br />
• Courtesy Car Available<br />
Ph Aaron Rowlands<br />
0272 588 366<br />
13 Stone Eyre Place,<br />
Swannanoa<br />
Eftpos available Mon –Fri 8am –5pm, Sat 9am –1pm<br />
OxfordButchery<br />
Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />
We cankill&process yourstock<br />
FourGenerations of Frahms<br />
since 1957<br />
Ph 312 4205<br />
Oxford<br />
1680439<br />
Number one<br />
old-fashioned bacon<br />
&ham curing.<br />
A/H 312 4709<br />
All Construction & Concrete Work<br />
•Driveways, patios &paths<br />
•Bridges and Culverts<br />
•Floors, foundations<br />
•Sheds and buildings<br />
•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />
•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />
•Excavation and cartage<br />
•Precast concrete<br />
•Insulated panels<br />
Daryl Power<br />
027 230 9401<br /><br /><br />
2273277<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email
Trusted Trades &<br />
Professional Services<br />
Guide<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email<br />
Ear Health<br />
Excavation &Cartage<br />
Garry WMechen<br />
Registered Clinical DentalTechncian<br />
Phone (03) 313-9192<br />
38a Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />
* I S<br />
HOURS<br />
8.30am -12noon<br />
- Monday to Friday<br />
A V C<br />
For a/h repairs<br />
phone (03) 310-3044<br />
Plumbing<br />
For all<br />
general<br />
aspects of<br />
plumbing<br />
Discounts for over<br />
65 years old<br />
Fast friendly service<br />
All work guaranteed<br />
Aaron McCartney<br />
Certifying Plumber<br />
Cell 027 366 9091<br />
A/H 03 310 2137<br />
Free Call:<br />
0508 44EVER<br />
EMAIL:<br /><br />
2172994<br />
● Filtration –whole house, kitchen tap<br />
● Domestic maintenance<br />
● Gas fitting –servicing, new,<br />
renovations<br />
● Gas hot water installs<br />
● Gas cookers and Gas fires<br />
● Kitchen /Bathroom renovations<br />
● Backflow testing and installs<br />
● New housing plumbing and gas<br />
2365549<br />
Plumbing &Gasfitting<br />
Discount forSuper Gold card holders!<br /><br />
0800 H2O LPG<br />
2089195v2-4/4-S<br />
4 2 6 574<br />
Landscaping<br />
Landscaping -Fencing<br />
& Earthworks<br />
03 313 9375 •027 369 3974<br /><br /><br />
2136148<br />
Scaffolding<br />
•Edge protection<br />
•Working platform<br />
Phone<br />
0274 366 901<br />
Plans for pricing<br />
• Ear Health checks.<br />
• Wax removal using Microsuction<br />
• Removal of foreign bodies<br />
• Basic hearing aid care<br /><br />
Clinics in Rangiora, Amberley and Kaiapoi<br />
Rest homes/retirement villages, booking by prior arrangement.<br />
Bookings: Online |Phone 020 4124 <strong>25</strong> <strong>25</strong><br />
Email | Ear Care <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
2324849<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> wide<br />
1783878<br />
• ACC provider<br />
• WarVeteran provider<br />
• No medical referral<br />
required<br />
Lawn &Garden Care<br />
Lawn Mowing<br />
Water Blasting<br />
Gardening<br />
Spraying<br />
Pruning and Trimming<br />
Lawn Care<br />
Rubbish Removal<br />
Compost, Worms, Bark<br />
and Stone Chip Delivery<br />
Mark Borck<br /><br />
Free Quotes<br /><br />
027 2214 936<br />
0800 674 733<br />
Advertise your trade or service in our<br />
Trusted Trades &Professional Services<br />
Phone Amanda today and see how we can help get your business<br />
noticed 03 313 2840 oremail<br />
2358470<br />
Seamless Spouting<br />
Seamless Spouting<br />
Supply and Install<br />
of Seamless Gutters<br />
10 year no leaks<br />
guarantee<br />
• Continuous spouting made on site,<br />
large colour range available<br />
• High grade and thicker material used<br />
• Repair or replace any type of gutter<br />
• Undertake all insurance work<br />
• Independently owned and operated<br />
• Competitive pricing<br />
Servicing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Districts<br />
Call Danie 021 875 462<br />
Excavation &Cartage Ltd<br />
• HORSE ARENAS -Cheap 0-6mm Screened sand<br />
• Screened Soil • Boulders -Large suitable for soak holes<br />
Dean Hurley -Managing Director<br />
Hurley Excavation &Cartage Ltd<br />
Ph 0274 336 993 |<br />
Mechanical &Pipe Systems<br />
•Upto2”pipethreading &fitting<br />
•Oil lubricationpumprepairs&systems installation<br />
•BulkDieselTank polishing (filtering)<br />
•Industrialservicing andmaintenance<br />
•Based inWaimakaririregion<br />
✓ Mowing<br />
✓ Edging<br />
✓ Trimming<br />
2360356<br />
Tony 027 243 5337<br /><br />
Mowing &Gardening<br />
✓ Blowing<br />
✓ Pruning<br />
✓ Cleanups<br />
CALL US NOW: 027 294 8279<br />
elitemowingandgarden<br />
2359362<br />
And much<br />
more ...<br />
YOU<br />
COULD<br />
BE<br />
HERE<br />
Advertise<br />
your business<br />
in our Trades<br />
and Services<br />
Phone<br />
Amanda Keys<br />
on<br />
03 313 2840<br />
2352471<br />
2346458<br />
Scrap Metal<br />
•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />
Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />
Ph (03)338 7000<br />
Mike0274 818544 •Robbie 0274 818 027<br />
Locally owned and operated<br />
1902273<br />
Trellis<br />
Proud specialists in enviro-friendly<br />
timber manufacturing trellis from<br />
premium Macrocarpa &treated Pine<br />
2351878<br />
•Trellis •Outdoor Living<br />
•Outdoor Furniture •Gates<br />
550 Oxford Road, Fernside |<br />
Ph 027 575 4511 |<br />
Windows & Doors<br />
• New & Used<br />
• Timber & Aluminium<br />
• Windows & Doors<br />
8am-5pm Weekdays<br />
8am-2pm Saturday<br />
215 Waltham Rd, Sydenham<br />
Ph (03) 379 6159<br />
Fax (03) 962 1012<br />
ncn1242200aa<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email
RangioraToyota<br />
WANTED<br />
Quality used late<br />
modelToyotas.<br />
Contactus today<br />
if you’relooking<br />
to sell!<br />
2013Prius CI-Tech<br />
•1.5LPetrolHybrid, Leather<br />
•Alloys, NZ New $<br />
•28,100kms<br />
17,995<br />
2009 MazdaDemio<br />
•1.5LPetrolAuto<br />
•Alloys, ReverseCamera<br />
•91,350km<br />
$<br />
8,995<br />
2003 Toyota Echo<br />
•1.3LPetrol5-Speed Manual<br />
•3-Door, NZ New,<br />
•102,500kms<br />
2006 Toyota Vitz<br />
•1.3LPetrolAuto<br />
•NZRadio, 5-Door<br />
•94,750km<br />
$ •Alloys, NZ New<br />
4,995 $<br />
6,995<br />
$<br />
8,995<br />
2010 Peugeot207 XT<br />
•1.6L PetrolAuto, 5-Door<br />
•118,900kms<br />
2018 Toyota Yaris GX<br />
•1.3LPetrolAuto<br />
•ReverseCamera, Bluetooth<br />
•40,400kms<br />
$<br />
18,995<br />
2018 Corolla Sedan GX<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />
•Bluetooth, ReverseCamera<br />
•45,800kms<br />
$<br />
21,995<br />
2009 Corolla GX Sedan<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto, NZ-New<br />
•Multiple Airbags<br />
•132,850kms<br />
$<br />
8,995<br />
2015 Corolla GX Hatch<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto, Bluetooth<br />
•CruiseControl<br />
•98,500kms<br />
$<br />
14,995<br />
2016 Ford Fiesta Trend<br />
•1.5LPetrol5-SpeedManual<br />
•Alloys, NZ-New,<br />
•70,650kms<br />
$<br />
13,995<br />
2012 Prius-C Aqua<br />
•1.5LHybrid Petrol, Alloys<br />
•Camera, ClimateAir<br />
•43,000kms<br />
$<br />
14,995<br />
2015Corolla Sedan GX<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto, Bluetooth<br />
•ReverseCamera&Sensors<br />
•62,000kms<br />
$<br />
18,995<br />
2019 CamryHybrid GX<br />
•2.5LPetrolHybrid, Alloys<br />
•SafetySense,Camera<br />
•16,<strong>25</strong>0km<br />
$<br />
36,995<br />
2019 CamryGXHybrid<br />
•2.5LPetrolHybrid, Alloys<br />
•Bluetooth, Safety Sense<br />
•15,<strong>25</strong>0kms<br />
$ 36,995<br />
2013 Nissan Altima TI<br />
•2.5LPetrolAuto, Leather<br />
•Satnav,360 Camera, Alloys<br />
•90,300kms<br />
$<br />
15,995<br />
2018 Corolla GX Hatch<br />
•2.0L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />
•Satnav,Bluetooth,Camera<br />
•78,850kms<br />
$<br />
22,995<br />
2011 Toyota Wish Z<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto, 6-Seater<br />
•Sunroof,Alloys, Camera<br />
•82,300kms<br />
$<br />
15,995<br />
2014 Honda CR-V SportLtd<br />
•2.4LPetrolAuto, AWD<br />
•Leather,Sat/Nav<br />
•68,700km<br />
$<br />
29,995<br />
2019 Toyota RAV4 GXL<br />
•2.5LPetrolAWD,Latest Model<br />
•Satnav,SafetySense<br />
•41,400km<br />
$<br />
41,995<br />
2018 Toyota C-HR AWD<br />
•1.2LTurboPetrolAuto<br />
•Toyota Safety Sense,Satnav<br />
•Only 29,700km<br />
$<br />
31,995<br />
2010 Mitsubishi Lancer VRX<br />
•2.4LPetrolAuto<br />
•Alloys, Leather<br />
•80,750kms<br />
$<br />
12,995<br />
2018 Highlander GX<br />
•3.5LPetrol, 8-speed auto<br />
•7-seater, Bluetooth<br />
•Camera, 56,100km<br />
$<br />
42,995<br />
2018 Highlander GX<br />
•3.5LPetrol6-speedauto<br />
•Bluetooth, camera<br />
•Cruise control, 55,800km<br />
$<br />
42,995<br />
2018 LandCruiser PradoVX<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel<br />
•7-seater, Leather, SatNav<br />
•77,000km<br />
$<br />
74,995<br />
2018 Audi RS3<br />
•2.5LPetrolTurbo, 294Kw<br />
•RSExhaust, Only 7,300km<br />
•RSInterior Package<br />
NOW<br />
WAS$91,995<br />
$<br />
89,995<br />
2018 Highlander GXL<br />
•3.5LPetrol8-Speed Auto<br />
•Leather,Satnav<br />
•59,500km<br />
$<br />
44,995<br />
Signature<br />
CLASS<br />
2017 017Isuzu D-max LS<br />
•3.0L TurboDiesel Auto, 4WD<br />
•Bluetooth, Alloys<br />
•65,550kms<br />
2014 Hilux SR5 4WD<br />
•3.0L TurboDiesel<br />
•5-Speed Manual, Satnav<br />
•Camera, 74,800kms<br />
2017 LandcruiserPrado VX<br />
•2.8L turbodiesel<br />
•Leather,Satnav, Camera<br />
•43,400km<br />
2013Holden Commodore<br />
Calais-V<br />
•6.0L V8 Petrol,Leather<br />
•Satnav,Keyless,Sunroof<br />
2018 Highlander GXL<br />
•3.5LPetrolV6<br />
•7-seater, leather, Sat/Nav<br />
•70,100km<br />
$<br />
44,995<br />
$<br />
39,995<br />
$<br />
71,995<br />
$<br />
37,995<br />
$<br />
43,995<br />
Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 313-8186any time •<br />
Signature<br />
CLASS<br />
2359954<br />