Four Easy Ways To Take Your Emails To The Next Level
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4<br />
TO TAKE<br />
Ryan Rieder<br />
Dr. Ryan Rieder (DC), founder of DC Practice Growth and the<br />
New Patient Avalanche System, owns and operates 8 offices<br />
with over 100 team members that serve thousands of clients<br />
every week. His marketing strategies brought in over 10,000<br />
new patients for his offices in 2018 alone, and $7 milliondollars’<br />
worth of revenue. He now helps Chiropractors all<br />
over the world grow their practices with his tried and tested<br />
strategies. His Chiropractic marketing book is a #1 best-seller<br />
on Amazon and has sold thousands of copies worldwide,<br />
growing practices across the globe.<br />
Live Speaking: Ryan has been on some of the biggest<br />
stages in the business, marketing and Chiropractic worlds,<br />
spreading his in-depth knowledge and experience<br />
Marketing Strategy: He is in the game! His tried and tested<br />
marketing blueprints, that get his 8 offices over 11,000<br />
new patients each year, have been shared and taught to<br />
his students with insane results<br />
Business Growth: Ryan has helped hundreds of business<br />
owners all over the world on their journey to becoming<br />
financially free<br />
<strong>The</strong> New Patient Avalanche system is a collection of business and<br />
marketing strategies and principles I have collected over my 8<br />
years of running Chiropractic Business's. It details, in depth, the<br />
significant steps that I took to grow to 8 clinics, turning over $7<br />
million dollars every year.<br />
This book gives insight that only a couple of chiropractic business<br />
owner on the planet could possibly give you.<br />
<strong>To</strong> be clear, this book is a complete guide, outlining my exact<br />
moves. It is unashamedly business and is centred around<br />
growing your clinic.<br />
<strong>Four</strong> <strong>Easy</strong> <strong>Ways</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>Take</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Emails</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Next</strong> <strong>Level</strong><br />
Email marketing makes up for it’s unglamorous image with impressive Return On<br />
Investment, but to maintain it’s effectiveness we must adapt these key points…<br />
<strong>The</strong> popularity of email as a marketing tool tends to be swings and roundabouts. New<br />
technologies are ALWAYS coming along and stealing the limelight as Marketers experiment<br />
with Chatbots, Social Media platforms and much more. But time and time again, email<br />
marketing has proven its effectiveness as a core communication and sales tool.<br />
Research has shown that 73% of customers prefer to use email when communicating with<br />
businesses. However, with anything that’s worth having, there are also opportunities to get<br />
email marketing wrong. <strong>The</strong> challenges of this communication channel, means that it is vital<br />
to get the message to the right person at the right time. So, in this article I will be giving you<br />
my top tips on how to future proof your marketing.<br />
1. Set Goals<br />
Before you start putting fingers to keyboard, it is important to set the right goals for what you<br />
want to achieve out of your email campaign. This could be Reactivating clients or acquiring<br />
new clients. <strong>The</strong> outcome of the campaign has to align with what your marketing strategy is.<br />
For example Strategy: Acquiring 50 new patients a week through marketing channels.<br />
Whilst deciding on the goals of the campaign, it is important to set Key Performance<br />
Indicators (KPI’s) so that you are able to measure the success of the campaign and able to<br />
create benchmarks for future ones too.<br />
NOTE: It can be tempting to set goals based on achieving numbers - open rates/ click rates.<br />
However, setting goals based on a desired outcome from the email - more leads - can be<br />
more useful and can be more impactful.<br />
© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd
2. Let em’ go<br />
<strong>The</strong>re is no hiding that email is also seen as a main culprit when it comes to spam and<br />
misuse of customer data.<br />
As Marketers, we must recognise that in order to maintain and build relationships and trust<br />
with our receivers. This involves sending quality content to those who want it but also<br />
knowing when it’s like to let go of the disengaged. Because there is nothing worse than<br />
putting time and effort into an email for it to go into someone's spam OR WORSE Opt-out.<br />
It’s not all doom and gloom, you have served your purpose on their customer journey<br />
now...LET THEM GO.<br />
3. Judge an email by it’s subject line<br />
<strong>The</strong> saying ‘Don’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover’ is thrown around a lot, but when it comes to<br />
email marketing, Subject Lines are the KEY to open-rates.<br />
Would you want to read an email from a future you that has a naff subject line? Didn’t think<br />
so! This is the FIRST thing that the receiver is going to read, make it catchy and grab their<br />
attention, the rest will take care of itself.<br />
4. Look the part<br />
It’s all well and good to have a fool-proof email strategy and campaign, but if it doesn’t look<br />
the part, what is the point?<br />
Wouldyoureadanemailthat<br />
lookedlikethis?Ididn’tthinkso<br />
Somakesurethatyouremaildoesntgetdeleted.<br />
When writing out your email, ALWAYS subconsciously check the image-to-text ratio and say<br />
to yourself ‘does this make me want to keep reading?’. If the answer is no, then it’s time to<br />
have a mix up of the aesthetics.<br />
My top tips when it comes to designing your emails are:<br />
● Have an email header which relates to the topic of the email - if you are writing a<br />
series of emails such as a New Year campaign or a Newsletter make sure that your<br />
email header is consistent so that your reader knows what email series it is a part of.<br />
© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd
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Utilise the functions when designing - Whenever I am designing an email, I make<br />
sure that they look A). Consistent and B). Aesthetically pleasing.<br />
○<br />
This means abiding by the rules of the style of email of which you are writing.<br />
■<br />
For example, a Seinfeld email would generally just be words on a<br />
page, no frills. Just. text. - However, it is important to make sure that<br />
the words on the page are digestible and intriguing for the reader. You<br />
can do this by putting it into paragraphs and Bolding significant words<br />
to draw attention and engage.<br />
○<br />
Make sure that you have LOTS OF SPACE between paragraphs. As a reader<br />
your eyes automatically go to white spaces, so, make sure that the eye is<br />
guided to the juicy information by putting in spacers and images.<br />
With these four easy tips, your emails will get the recognition you deserve and NOT<br />
go into the Junk Folder! Like anything, if you take the time and work on it, good<br />
things will come from them!<br />
<strong>The</strong> Information provided by Rieder Wellness Ltd is for general informational and educational purposes only and should be<br />
used as a model or guideline to base your work on and tweak where necessary.<br />
You should not rely solely upon the material or information as a basis for making any business, legal or any other decisions,<br />
and should ensure that any information you use sits in line with your own /governmental current legislative guidelines and<br />
procedures.<br />
Rieder Wellness Ltd accepts no responsibility and any reliance you place on such material is therefore strictly at your own risk.<br />
© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd