WWBA April 2021 Newsletter - M

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Westchester Women’s Bar Association<br />

APRIL <strong>2021</strong><br />

<strong>WWBA</strong><br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Hosts Black History Month Program<br />

The Impact of COVID-19 and George Floyd on<br />

the Insurance Industry<br />

Janeen M. Thomas<br />

O<br />

n February 25, <strong>2021</strong>, the <strong>WWBA</strong> Diversity and Inclusion Committee, along<br />

with Guy Carpenter and Marsh & McLennan Companies, hosted a discussion<br />

on “The Impact of COVID-19 and George Floyd on the Insurance Industry”<br />

in recognition of Black History Month. David Priebe, Chairman of Guy Carpenter<br />

was the featured keynote speaker. Vivian Wesson, Chief Intellectual Property<br />

Counsel gave remarks. Janeen<br />

Thomas, Partner at Lewis Brisbois,<br />

served as moderator. The event was<br />

well attended, and included a surprise<br />

appearance by Marsh CEO<br />

David Bidmead.<br />

Mr. Priebe opened his presentation<br />

by addressing COVID-19,<br />

noting that as the pandemic continues,<br />

the true costs associated with<br />

COVID-19 from a risk management<br />

perspective become clearer and<br />

clearer. There are lessons to be<br />

learned, especially in the area of<br />

cyber coverage as more people<br />


APRIL <strong>2021</strong><br />

Read Across America Goes<br />

on Virtually in Yonkers<br />

(page 4)<br />

An Interview with<br />

Janeen M. Thomas<br />

(page 5)<br />

“Giving Back” – Career<br />

Transition Task Force<br />

(page 6 )<br />

Upcoming Events<br />

(page 10)<br />




<strong>April</strong> 6, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />

news<br />

www.wwbany.org<br />

continued on page 7 ➥<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> FOUNDATION<br />


<strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2021</strong><br />



<strong>April</strong> 14, <strong>2021</strong><br />



SERIES<br />

<strong>April</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />



It is <strong>April</strong> now,<br />

flowers are emerging,<br />

birds are singing,<br />

and those of us<br />

who like to garden<br />

are hoping that the<br />

last hard freeze is<br />

behind us (though<br />

as I type these words<br />

there is still snow on<br />

the ground, so my<br />

Hon. Lisa<br />

Margaret Smith<br />

words are hopeful rather than actual).<br />

The Jewish celebration of Passover has<br />

begun, it ends <strong>April</strong> 4, which happens<br />

to be Easter in most Christian churches<br />

in the United States, with Greek Orthodox<br />

Easter falling on <strong>April</strong> 19, whereas<br />

Russian Orthodox Easter will be on May<br />

2. Ramadan begins <strong>April</strong> 12 and lasts<br />

to May 12.<br />

<strong>April</strong> celebrations are myriad, and<br />

I’ll mention just a few of the non-religious<br />

ones – <strong>April</strong> Fool’s Day is, of<br />

course, on <strong>April</strong> 1, along with National<br />

Burrito Day. <strong>April</strong> 2 is Autism Awareness<br />

Day. <strong>April</strong> 4 is National Hug a<br />

Newsperson Day, while <strong>April</strong> 5 is Deep<br />

Dish Pizza Day. For participants in our<br />

February Step Challenge, <strong>April</strong> 7 is<br />

National Walking Day. <strong>April</strong> 10 is National<br />

Siblings Day, so call, text, or email<br />

your brothers and sisters on that day.<br />

<strong>April</strong> 12 is National Grilled Cheese day,<br />

<strong>April</strong> 15, along with being Tax Day, is<br />

National High Five Day. <strong>April</strong> 19 is Bicycle<br />

Day, <strong>April</strong> 22 is Earth Day, and<br />

<strong>April</strong> 25 is World Penguin Day. <strong>April</strong><br />

28 is the World Day for Safety and<br />

Health at Work (tell your bosses), <strong>April</strong><br />

29 is Duke Ellington Day, and <strong>April</strong> 30<br />

is Arbor Day, so plant a tree! <strong>April</strong> is<br />

continued on page 3 ➥<br />

Page 1<br />

The Westchester Women’s Bar Association is a Chapter of the Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York

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<strong>WWBA</strong> Member <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

APRIL <strong>2021</strong><br />

Published Monthly by the<br />

Westchester Women’s<br />

Bar Association, a Chapter of<br />

the Women’s Bar Association<br />

of the State of New York<br />

~ 2020/<strong>2021</strong> Officers and Directors ~<br />


President-Elect AMANDA C. FRIED<br />

Vice Presidents<br />


Treasurer<br />


Corresponding Secretary JENNIFER ROBINSON<br />

Immediate Past ast President<br />


Elected Directors Westchester Board<br />



State Directors Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York<br />




Executive Director ELISABETH CAMPOS<br />

© Copyright <strong>2021</strong> Westchester Women’s Bar Association. All rights reserved.<br />

The opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) only and do not reflect the official position of the Association.<br />

Editor-in-Chief: Jennifer Robinson • Designed and Printed by IPM Media Group, Inc. (516) 809-0501<br />

2020-<strong>2021</strong> <strong>WWBA</strong> Committee Chairs<br />

S T A N D I N G C O M M I T T E E S<br />

By-Laws ................................................................................... Kim Berg<br />

Corporate & Commercial .......................... Lisa M. Bluestein, Virginia Trunkes<br />

Criminal Law ................... Elizabeth Gazay, Hon. Sandra A. Forster, Amy Puerto<br />

Families, Children & the Courts .................... Joy S. Joseph, Lauren Morrissey<br />

Amanda Rieben<br />

Grievance/Ethics .......................................................... Deborah A. Scalise<br />

Judicial Screening ..................... Hon. Sandra A. Forster, Kimberly C. Sheehan<br />

Judiciary .............................................................. Hon. Linda S. Jamieson<br />

Lawyering & Parenting ................................... Joelle M. Burton, Jennifer Gray<br />

Legislation ............................. Natanya L. Briendel, Angela Morcone Giannini<br />

Matrimonial .......................................... Robin D. Carton, Dolores Gebhardt<br />

Lonya A. Gilbert, Andrea Friedman<br />

Annual Dinner ............... Robin D. Carton, Amanda Fried, Andrea B. Friedman,<br />

Jennifer L. Gray, Jennifer Netrosio-Johnson, Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith<br />

Annual Dinner Souvenir Journal .................. Andrea B. Friedman, Allison Sloto<br />

Appellate Practice .......... Lisa M. Denig, Hon. Sondra M. Miller, Heather Gushue<br />

Archive & Historian .............................................................. Susan L. Pollet<br />

Awards ....................................... Elizabeth Barnhard, Deborah Farber-Kaiser<br />

Bankruptcy ............................. Wendy Marie Weathers, Susan Mills Richmond<br />

Breast Cancer Awareness ............... Adrienne J. Orbach, Hon. Sandra Forster<br />

Collaborative Law ........ Kathleen Donelli, Hon. Sondra M. Miller, Lynn J. Maier<br />

Community Outreach .............. Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith, Deborah A. Scalise<br />

Construction Law ................................................................... Aisling Brady<br />

Continuing Legal Education ................................................ Ann M. McNulty<br />

Cyber Law ....................................................................................... TBD<br />

Diversity and Inclusion ........................ Jacqueline Hattar, Stephanie Melowsky,<br />

Janeen Thomas<br />

Domestic Violence ....................... Marian Genio, Beth Levy, Stacey Neumann<br />

Education .................. Allison Morris, Julie P. Passman, , Susan Mills Richmond<br />

Elder, Health Law & Reproductive Rights ....................... Elizabeth A. Cumming,<br />

Moira Laidlaw<br />

Employment Law ........................................................ Kim Berg, Sara Kula<br />

Environmental & Land Use ........................ Lucia Chiocchio, Jennifer L. Gray,<br />

Katherine Zalantis<br />

Gender Dynamics .............................................. Hon. Terry Jane Ruderman<br />

Holiday Party and Boutique ........ Dolores Gebhardt, Jennifer Netrosio-Johnson<br />

Immigration .............................. Karin Anderson Ponzer, Elizabeth Mastropolo<br />

Insurance ........................................... Michelle Kolodny, Julie A. Mickiewicz<br />

Intellectual Property ............................ Elizabeth M. Barnhard, Theresa Nugent<br />

Judgment Enforcement & Collections ..... Daniel F. Florio, Jr., Michael Giannini<br />

Litigation .................................. Angela Morcone Giannini, Jacqueline Hattar,<br />

Rebecca McCloskey<br />

A D H O C C O M M I T T E E S<br />

Membership ............................... Sherry Bishko, Marian Genio, Kristen Motel<br />

Networking ...................................................................................... TBD<br />

New Lawyers ..................................................... Katie Wendle, Kristen Motel<br />

Professional Development ............. Susan Edwards Colson, Stephanie Melowsky<br />

Programs ........................................... Natanya L. Briendel, Amanda C. Fried<br />

Public Relations ................................................................... Lisa M. Denig<br />

Real Property ................. Anne R. Aicher, Allyson Lanahan, Robbin E. Sweeney<br />

Sponsorship .................................. Lucia Chiocchio, Susan Edwards Colson,<br />

Deborah Farber-Kaiser, Marian Genio<br />

Taxation .................................................................. Patricia Rusch Bellucci<br />

Trusts & Estates ...................................... Lonya A. Gilbert, Nancy J. Rudolph,<br />

Karen J. Walsh<br />

Long Range Planning ..................................... Lisa M. Denig, Linda Markowitz<br />

Mediation ..................... Hon. Sondra M. Miller, Abby Rosmarin, Lisa M. Denig<br />

Mentor ................................................................ Kim Berg, Sherry Bishko<br />

Past Presidents ..................................................... Angela Morcone Giannini<br />

Practice Management ............................................... Wendy Marie Weathers<br />

Pro Bono ................................................... Marian Genio, Natalie Sobchak<br />

Social Media ....................................................................... Kristen Motel<br />

Technology/Website ................................. Donna E. Frosco, Theresa Nugent<br />

Wellness ........................... Jennifer Netrosio-Johnson, Susan Mills Richmond<br />

Women in Leadership ................................................... Adrienne Arkontaky<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong><br />

Representatives<br />

Network of Bar Leaders ................................................... Angela Morcone Giannini<br />

Pace Board of Visitors .............................................................................. Lisa Denig<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Foundation President ........................................................... Susan S. Brown<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Representative Director to the WCBA Board ....................... Dolores Gebhardt<br />

WBASNY Judicial Screening Committee .. Lisa M. Bluestein, Gail M. Boggio (Alt.)<br />

WBASNY Nominations Committee .............. Lisa M. Bluestein, Gail M. Boggio (Alt.)<br />

WBASNY Awards Committee ............................................................ Deborah Scalise<br />

WBASNY Health Law/Reproductive Rights Committee ........................... Shari Gordin<br />

WBASNY Fundraising Committee .................................................. Andrea Friedman<br />

WBASNY ERA/Women’s Civil Rights Committee ..... Kim Berg, Susan Mills Richmond<br />

WBASNY Labor and Employment Law ....................................................... Kim Berg<br />

WBASNY Legislation Committee .................................................... Natanya Briendel<br />

WBASNY LGBTQ+ Committee ...................................................... Adrienne Orbach<br />

WBASNY Domestic Violence Committee .............................. Susan Pollet, Alayne Katz<br />

WBASNY Press and Public Relations ................................ Angela Morcone Giannini<br />

WBASNY Children’s Rights ...................................................................... Joy Joseph<br />

WBASNY Long-Range Planning ..................................................... Linda Markowitz<br />

WBASNY Professional Ethics, Discipline and Practice Committee ...... Deborah Scalise<br />

WBASNY Diversity Committee ........................................................... Janeen Thomas<br />

9th Judicial District Representative .................................... Angela Morcone Giannini<br />

Page 2<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News

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President’s Message<br />

from page 1<br />

“It is my hope that<br />

each of you has found,<br />

or will find, your own<br />

way to Give Back to<br />

the community.”<br />

also National Humor Month, National<br />

Poetry Month, Records and Information<br />

Management Month, and Sexual Assault<br />

Awareness Month, among many others.<br />

As you can see, we could celebrate<br />

something every day in <strong>April</strong> if we chose to<br />

do so. My hope is that you celebrate being<br />

a member of <strong>WWBA</strong>, and that you do<br />

so by finding a way to “Give Back.” During<br />

my speech for my virtual installation<br />

on June 17, 2020, I defined my goal for<br />

my year as <strong>WWBA</strong> President like this:<br />

My goal for <strong>WWBA</strong> for this upcoming<br />

year is for us to give back<br />

to our community, and to our society,<br />

in every way possible, with an<br />

emphasis on being inclusive, transparent,<br />

and thoughtful in everything<br />

we do, including being particularly<br />

thoughtful about our use<br />

of language, and the larger impact<br />

of the things that we do and<br />

say, not just what we do and say<br />

with the <strong>WWBA</strong>, but also what we<br />

do and say as a part of the legal<br />

profession. We can and must be a<br />

part of the solution to the turbulence<br />

that currently affects our<br />

world. We will accomplish this goal<br />

by doing what we already do, by<br />

giving continuing legal education<br />

programs for our legal community,<br />

by supporting and educating<br />

young people in ways including<br />

our existing Law Day and Read<br />

Across America programs, by serving<br />

as mentors for law students<br />

through the <strong>WWBA</strong> mentor program,<br />

by supporting the provision<br />

of meals for our hospital workers, .<br />

. . and by making sure that these<br />

efforts are always totally inclusive<br />

and transparent.<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> members have done a great<br />

continued on page 9 ➥<br />

Editor’s Note<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />

“The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the<br />

universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.”<br />

~ Rachel Carson<br />

May we honor the Earth <strong>April</strong> 22, <strong>2021</strong> and every day!<br />

Making Dates and Getting Published<br />


❑ Deadline for newsletter submissions is the 12th of the month prior to publication (submissions<br />

received after the deadline are subject to the discretion of the editor).<br />

❑ Send submissions as email attachments to Jennifer Robinson at secretary@wwbany.org.<br />

❑ Articles should be 1,000 words or fewer. Remove all pagination, headers, footers or other<br />

formatting, other than bold, underline or italics. Authors are encouraged to submit photographs<br />

for publication with their submissions and include a short biographical statement with<br />

their submissions.<br />

❑ Materials submitted allow the <strong>WWBA</strong> a limited copyright and full permission to reprint the<br />

material in any <strong>WWBA</strong> publication or on its website without additional consent.<br />

❑ Photographs must be high-resolution (150 dpi or more) and the subject and all persons in<br />

each photograph must be fully identified.<br />


❑ First visit the <strong>WWBA</strong> website: www.wwbany.org and click on the calendar at the home page to<br />

view scheduled programs. Conflicts in scheduling will be assessed on a case by case basis, with<br />

priority for early submissions.<br />

❑ Contact Jennifer Robinson at secretary@wwbany.org to schedule a <strong>WWBA</strong> sponsored or cosponsored<br />

program, including committee meetings, CLE programs, etc.<br />

❑ Once you have reserved the date with Jennifer Robinson, proceed with planning your program<br />

and creating your flyer.<br />

❑ Flyers must be approved by the Programs Committee. In advance of the 12th of the month,<br />

please send your flyer to the Program Committee Co-chairs for review and copy the Executive<br />

Director. Once approved, please send your final flyer to the Executive Director, Elisabeth Campos<br />

and the President for publication on the website calendar and the newsletter calendar. The<br />

final flyer will also be emailed to the membership.<br />

❑ We will also consider publicizing programs from outside organizations that may be of interest<br />

to our members.<br />

❑ Post-event: You may report on the success of your program and provide photographs of the<br />

speakers and participants that can be included in an upcoming newsletter. Send your submission<br />

to Jennifer Robinson, following the guidelines above.<br />

A d v e r t i s i n g R a t e s<br />

Full Page Display Ad<br />

5-10 Issues - $525.00 per issue<br />

1-4 Issues - $575.00 per issue<br />

Half Page Display Ad<br />

5-10 Issues - $275.00 per issue<br />

Contacts<br />

Jennifer Robinson, Corresponding Secretary and <strong>Newsletter</strong> Editor-in-Chief: secretary@wwbany.org<br />

Natanya L. Briendel, Programs Committee Co-Chair: tanyabriendel@gmail.com<br />

Amanda C. Fried, Programs Committee Co-Chair: afried@cartonrosoff.com<br />

Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith, President: president@wwbany.org<br />

Ann M. McNulty, CLE Chair: ann.m.mcnulty@morganstanley.com<br />

Elisabeth Campos, Executive Director: executivedirector@wwbany.org<br />

Quarter Page Display Ad<br />

5-10 Issues - $165.00 per issue<br />

1-4 Issues - $180.00 per issue<br />

Business Card Ad<br />

5-10 Issues - $60.00 per issue<br />

1-4 Issues - $300.00 per issue<br />

1-4 Issues - $75.00 per issue<br />

Classified – office space, furniture/equipment, employment & situation wanted (up to 5 lines)<br />

Members - $50.00 first issue; $25.00 each succeeding issue; Non-Members - $75.00 per issue<br />

Back Cover (3/4 page)<br />

5-10 Issues - $650.00 per issue; 1-4 Issues - $700.00 per issue<br />

Deadline for all ads is the 12th of the month prior to publication. Ads are subject to space limitations.<br />

Contact Jennifer Robinson at secretary@wwbany.org for any questions regarding advertising.<br />

Page 3

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COVID-19 Cannot Dampen the <strong>WWBA</strong>’s Deep Commitment<br />

to Read Across America at Yonkers Public Schools<br />

Julie P. Passman<br />

Every year, at the beginning<br />

of March, the <strong>WWBA</strong><br />

participates in Read Across<br />

America. This year was no<br />

exception. Like all of us who<br />

have adjusted our annual<br />

celebrations during COVID-<br />

19, the Eugenio Maria de<br />

Hostos MicroSociety School<br />

safely reimagined Read<br />

Across America. Rather than<br />

hosting <strong>WWBA</strong> guest readers<br />

in-person to read<br />

storybooks with the students,<br />

the Hostos School crafted a<br />

remote program.<br />

As virtual guest readers,<br />

President Lisa Margaret<br />

Smith, Vice President<br />

Jacqueline Hattar and Recording<br />

Secretary Julie<br />

Passman created prerecorded<br />

read-aloud videos<br />

using a storybook of their<br />

choice. The videos allowed<br />

Hostos School teachers to<br />

continue the Read Across<br />

America signature guest<br />

reader program with their students<br />

in a safe environment.<br />

Anna Maria D’Onofrio, a<br />

second-grade teacher at the<br />

Hostos School, shared with<br />

Jacqueline Hattar that her<br />

Page 4<br />

Julie P. Passman<br />

Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith<br />

students were so thrilled with<br />

the storybook read aloud videos<br />

from <strong>WWBA</strong> members,<br />

and she was so grateful for<br />

the <strong>WWBA</strong>’s commitment to<br />

the Hostos School students.<br />

The Hostos MicroSociety<br />

School, encompassing pre-<br />

K through Grade 8, is designed<br />

to create a microcosm<br />

of the real world, where each<br />

student has a valuable role<br />

in running the school. Students<br />

are entrepreneurs and<br />

other professionals who earn<br />

“Micro” currency. Hostos students<br />

elect officials who run<br />

the school government, and<br />

students serve as judges and<br />

arbitrators who resolve disputes<br />

and as Peace Officers<br />

who ensure school<br />

safety. Even the<br />

youngest students<br />

are well on their<br />

way to becoming<br />

engaged citizens<br />

by preparing resumes<br />

and participating<br />

in<br />

MicroSociety job<br />

interviews and job<br />

fairs. The<br />

MicroSociety program<br />

is purposefully<br />

aligned with<br />

the academic curriculum,<br />

so that student<br />

learning is relevant<br />

to the real world and<br />

students are excited and prepared<br />

to be our future leaders.<br />

Jacqueline Hattar, who<br />

has graciously served as a liaison<br />

between the <strong>WWBA</strong><br />

and Read Across America in<br />

the Yonkers Public Schools<br />

since 2007, coordinated the<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong>’s participation in this<br />

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Member<br />

FDIC<br />

Jacqueline Hattar<br />

year’s virtual Read Across<br />

America celebration of reading.<br />

This year, <strong>WWBA</strong> members<br />

missed the traditional<br />

warm welcome we have received<br />

in past years from the<br />

Hostos School principal as<br />

well as the enthusiastic greetings<br />

from Hostos School student<br />

ambassadors dressed<br />

continued on page 8 ➥<br />

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Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />

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An Interview with Janeen M. Thomas<br />

Susan L. Pollet<br />

Chair of the Archive and<br />

Historian Committee<br />

Q: When and why did you<br />

become involved in the<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong>?<br />

A: I was first introduced to the<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> by my friend and<br />

former colleague, Jackie<br />

Hattar, via an invitation to the<br />

2016 Annual Dinner and Installation<br />

of Officers. The entire<br />

event was such a delight<br />

and I found it incredibly refreshing<br />

to be in the company<br />

of such a friendly, dynamic<br />

and supportive group of<br />

women. This energy drew me<br />

in.<br />

“Given the immediate pivot to<br />

a remote work structure<br />

occasioned by the pandemic,<br />

employers now have tangible<br />

evidence whether a remote<br />

workforce is sustainable for<br />

their operations.”<br />

mittee. This event, which was<br />

scheduled for March 2020, had<br />

to be postponed due to the<br />

onset of the coronavirus pandemic<br />

at that time. On July 22,<br />

2020, I hosted another panel<br />

discussion, also sponsored by<br />

the <strong>WWBA</strong>’s Diversity and Inclusion<br />

Committee, via Zoom,<br />

on Police Reform: New York’s<br />

Executive Order for Necessary<br />

Change. Sitting on the distinguished<br />

panel for this program<br />

was Dr. Jim Bostic, TH.DS.,<br />

Minister, Author and Executive<br />

Director of the Nepperhan<br />

Community Center in Yonkers;<br />

Jason Myles Clark Esq., Immediate<br />

Past President, Metropolitan<br />

Black Bar Association and<br />

Deputy, New York State Attorney<br />

General’s Harlem Regional<br />

Office; the Hon. Kitley S. Covill,<br />

Esq, Westchester County Legislator;<br />

and Prof. Randolph<br />

McLaughlin, Of Counsel,<br />

Newman Ferrara LLP and professor<br />

at Pace University Law<br />

School. Maria L. Imperial, CEO<br />

of the YWCA of White Plains<br />

and Central Westchester served<br />

as moderator.<br />

In addition to program<br />

planning, I am honored and<br />

privileged to have been installed<br />

as one of the State Directors of<br />

the <strong>WWBA</strong>, and have enjoyed<br />

representing the <strong>WWBA</strong> at<br />

WBASNY statewide meetings,<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />

Q: Which <strong>WWBA</strong> activities<br />

have you participated in?<br />

A: Besides attending every<br />

Annual Dinner since 2016<br />

and even “attending” this<br />

year’s virtual Installation Ceremony<br />

by Zoom due to the<br />

coronavirus pandemic, I<br />

have attended various programs<br />

hosted by the <strong>WWBA</strong>’s<br />

Diversity and Inclusion committee<br />

as well as the Holiday<br />

Party. In October 2019, I was<br />

honored to join the Board of<br />

Directors as Co-Chair of the<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong>’s Diversity and Inclusion<br />

committee. In this role,<br />

I, along with my co-chairs,<br />

Jackie Hattar and Stephanie<br />

Melowsky, organized a Panel<br />

Discussion on Diversity & Inclusion<br />

in the Legal Profession:<br />

Perspectives from the<br />

Bench and the Bar, featuring<br />

the Honorable Cheryl Chambers,<br />

Justice of the Appellate<br />

Division, Second Judicial<br />

Department, and Mirna<br />

Martinez-Santiago, Esq.,<br />

Founder and CEO, Girls<br />

Rule the Law, Inc. and Chair,<br />

New York State Bar<br />

Association’s Diversity Comand<br />

planning future programs<br />

for the <strong>WWBA</strong>.<br />

Q: Tell us about your legal<br />

background.<br />

A: I am a 2001 graduate of the<br />

George Washington University<br />

Law School, and the first attorney<br />

in my family. Since earning<br />

my law degree, my sister and two<br />

cousins have earned theirs,<br />

making me a trailblazer in my<br />

own right. My legal career began<br />

about two weeks before the<br />

tragedy of 9/11 as an Assistant<br />

District Attorney with the Brooklyn<br />

District Attorney’s Office. At<br />

that time, there were approximately<br />

500 attorneys at the DA’s<br />

office. There seemed to be a<br />

mass exodus of attorneys from<br />

the DA’s office in the aftermath<br />

of 9/11 with approximately 200<br />

attorneys leaving in a short period<br />

of time. As a very young<br />

attorney, I asked my colleagues<br />

where everyone was going, and<br />

was told most were transitioning<br />

into insurance defense. So, like<br />

many of my colleagues, I found<br />

a position at a boutique insurance<br />

defense firm in lower Manhattan,<br />

and my civil litigation<br />

career began. Since then, I have<br />

focused on insurance coverage<br />

litigation with a focus on professional<br />

and commercial general<br />

liability. I also handle employment<br />

practices and civil<br />

Janeen M. Thomas<br />

rights litigation in state and<br />

federal court and before administrative<br />

agencies.<br />

Q: Tell us about your legal<br />

practice, including what you<br />

like most about it and what<br />

you find most challenging.<br />

A: What I both like most<br />

about my practice and find<br />

most challenging is its diversity.<br />

There are no dull moments<br />

as an insurance coverage<br />

attorney because no<br />

two insurance policies are<br />

alike. On any given day, I may<br />

find myself evaluating coverage<br />

of a first party property<br />

claim or evaluating additional<br />

insured coverage or priority<br />

of coverage under an occurrence<br />

based commercial general<br />

liability policy and investigating<br />

prior knowledge with<br />

respect to a claims made errors<br />

and omissions policy. In<br />

sharp contrast to my insurance<br />

coverage practice, where<br />

an insurance company (that<br />

is largely used to the rigors of<br />

litigation) is the client, I represent<br />

businesses and their<br />

owners, officers and/or directors<br />

in employment and civil<br />

rights cases. Through this<br />

work, I get the opportunity to<br />

continued on page 7 ➥<br />

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Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith<br />

In 1996, a group of <strong>WWBA</strong> members went to Washington,<br />

D.C., to be sworn in to the Bar of the Supreme<br />

Court. Three of the participants were Cherry Krassner,<br />

Susan Uram, and then-<strong>WWBA</strong> President Susan Pollet.<br />

We recently learned that Susan Uram passed away in<br />

February. Cherry Krassner, who was a founding member<br />

of <strong>WWBA</strong>, passed away in 2002. Susan, the <strong>WWBA</strong><br />

Archivist and Historian, has written a poem in honor of<br />

Cherry and Susan, and as a way of remembering the<br />

swearing-in, which included meeting Justices Ruth Bader<br />

Ginsburg and Sandra Day O’Connor at a reception<br />

after the oath-taking event.<br />


Susan Pollet<br />

◆ ◆ ◆<br />

A photograph of a swearing in,<br />

In the Supreme Court of the USA<br />

Nine women lined up after meeting RBG,<br />

RBG and Sandra Day, for a brief but memorable stay<br />

Twenty-Five years ago turned into,<br />

Into a certificate bouncing on and off walls<br />

Two of the women lawyers now dead, one long, one short<br />

Short time ago, struggling with nine full names to recall<br />

The obit said one had died just two months ago,<br />

Ago, suddenly but peacefully, an advocate for the child<br />

During her career, a devoted mother and grandmother<br />

Grandmother to many, with friends and activities, she often smiled<br />

Two women Justices, the first woman serving still here, but retired<br />

Retired but RBG gone, both having lived more lives than many<br />

We all came together, the nine, and the two, touching hands,<br />

Hands, swelling pride, never forgotten, their work for all humanity<br />


<strong>WWBA</strong> Launches Career<br />

Transition Task Force<br />

Janeen M. Thomas<br />

Owing to the economic crisis and food insecurity challenges<br />

faced by people in our community, the <strong>WWBA</strong> has<br />

launched a Career Transition Task Force to implement a<br />

Career Transition Program (“CTP”) designed to facilitate<br />

job opportunities for those gravely impacted by the pandemic.<br />

Through partnerships with talent acquisition professionals<br />

across various lines of employment, the CTP will connect<br />

job seekers to companies with the shared mission of<br />

helping unemployed people pivot into new careers.<br />

This is both a critical and timely mission as it has been<br />

reported that 2.3 million women have left the labor force<br />

since the onset of the pandemic. CNBC recently reported<br />

that these numbers may be even higher. https://<br />

www.cnbc.com/<strong>2021</strong>/03/05/unemployment-rate-understates-whats-going-on-especially-for-women.html.<br />

Although<br />

women have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic,<br />

the CTP is not limited to women or those in the legal<br />

profession, but will serve all populations with emphasis on<br />

people who have become unemployed during the pandemic.<br />

Further to <strong>WWBA</strong> President Judge Lisa Margaret Smith’s<br />

theme for this year of “Giving Back,” the <strong>WWBA</strong> is calling<br />

upon its members to volunteer their time reviewing candidate<br />

resumes, providing constructive feedback and facilitating<br />

mock job interviews over Zoom to improve a<br />

candidate’s chance of successful job placement. The <strong>WWBA</strong><br />

will also be collecting gently used suits and professional<br />

attire for those job seekers who may need to update their<br />

wardrobe. ◗<br />

Should you have any questions or wish to join the Career Transition<br />

Task Force, please do not hesitate to contact task force Chair Janeen<br />

Thomas (janeenmarie@gmail.com) or the <strong>WWBA</strong> Executive Director<br />

(executivedirector@wwbany.org).<br />

Jamie O’Connell<br />

Wealth Director<br />

701 Westchester Avenue<br />

White Plains, NY 10604<br />

T 914 299 3050 F 955 498 2839<br />

jamie.o’connell@bnymellon.com<br />

www.bnymellonwealth.com<br />

Page 6<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News

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An Interview with Janeen M. Thomas<br />

from page 5<br />

really know the people behind<br />

a business, and what they<br />

value and hold their hand as<br />

needed through the litigation<br />

process, which I find incredibly<br />

rewarding.<br />

Q: How do you think the legal<br />

profession will change in<br />

this time of the coronavirus<br />

pandemic, and how do you<br />

believe it will impact women<br />

in the profession and in the<br />

community?<br />

A: There have been remarkable<br />

changes to the legal profession<br />

since Governor<br />

Cuomo declared a state of<br />

emergency in New York on<br />

March 7, 2020 due to the<br />

coronavirus pandemic. We<br />

saw many courts transition to<br />

a virtual environment, and<br />

schedule Zoom trials. The<br />

greatest change, however,<br />

which will likely lend to more<br />

permanency, is the remote<br />

workforce. Given the immediate<br />

pivot to a remote work<br />

structure occasioned by the<br />

pandemic, employers now<br />

have tangible evidence<br />

“Many people attend church entirely<br />

stressed out with the weight of the<br />

world on their shoulders. Sometimes,<br />

all it takes is a smile to make a person<br />

feel like everything will work out.”<br />

whether a remote workforce is<br />

sustainable for their operations.<br />

I anticipate that many businesses,<br />

including law firms, will<br />

not renew their commercial<br />

leases or, perhaps, reduce the<br />

space leased as a cost saving<br />

measure to the extent their employees<br />

can stay productive<br />

while working remotely.<br />

Wealth (or lack thereof) will<br />

determine the extent to which the<br />

coronavirus pandemic impacts<br />

women in the profession and in<br />

the community. Last Spring,<br />

women with children who require<br />

supervision were, in many<br />

cases, charged with the unenviable<br />

task of home schooling<br />

their children when schools<br />

transitioned to remote learning.<br />

Then, once schools began to<br />

reopen, parents had to decide<br />

whether to send their children<br />

into a school environment in<br />

light of the ongoing pandemic.<br />

The sustainability of home<br />

schooling while working a full<br />

time job is questionable at best.<br />

Women who need help managing<br />

these dual duties, without<br />

the financial means to do<br />

so, will suffer the greatest impact,<br />

and may have some difficult<br />

choices to make.<br />

Q: When you are not practicing<br />

law, what are your activities<br />

in the community pre- and postcoronavirus<br />

pandemic?<br />

A: Before the pandemic, I enjoyed<br />

going to church at The<br />

Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral<br />

of New York where I serve as an<br />

usher. Because my church is still<br />

operating remotely in light of the<br />

coronavirus pandemic, I really<br />

miss my church family. I am<br />

known as the friendly usher because<br />

I always greet the parish-<br />

ioners with a warm and<br />

friendly smile. Many people<br />

attend church entirely stressed<br />

out with the weight of the<br />

world on their shoulders.<br />

Sometimes, all it takes is a<br />

smile to make a person feel<br />

like everything will work out. I<br />

truly miss being of service to<br />

others that way. Given the<br />

new normal occasioned by the<br />

coronavirus pandemic, I’ve<br />

had to pivot to Zoom and<br />

FaceTime for personal interaction.<br />

Before the pandemic,<br />

I would have been the last<br />

person on a video call. Because<br />

of the pandemic, I’ve<br />

grown outside of my comfort<br />

zone.<br />

Q: What advice would you<br />

give new lawyers entering the<br />

profession?<br />

Your legal career does not<br />

define you. However, you can<br />

and will define your legal career.<br />

The people you meet on<br />

the way up are the people you<br />

will see on the way down.<br />

People will always remember<br />

how you made them feel. Be<br />

kind. ◗<br />

The Impact of COVID-19 and George Floyd on the Insurance Industry<br />

from page 1<br />

work from home. In addition,<br />

there will be increased scrutiny<br />

and tightening of certain policy<br />

provisions going forward, which<br />

will likely impact policy renewals.<br />

The reinsurance market has<br />

taken a closer look at the communicable<br />

diseases exclusion,<br />

which initially had very broad<br />

language, since COVID-19 is<br />

a highly contagious respiratory<br />

pathogen. The concern was to<br />

make sure that losses which are<br />

not intended to be excluded from<br />

coverage remain unambiguously<br />

covered.<br />

Mr. Priebe’s discussion of<br />

climate change was especially<br />

insightful. It was noted that by<br />

2100, a mere 80 years from<br />

now, the equator will be uninhabitable<br />

due to life threatening<br />

high temperatures. Climate<br />

pressures pose an unprecedented<br />

challenge to the insurance<br />

industry and stability of the<br />

U.S. market.<br />

Mr. Priebe noted that climate<br />

change has increased the<br />

frequency of natural catastrophes<br />

from weather related<br />

events, as evidenced by the recent<br />

snowstorm and resulting<br />

power outage in Texas, which in<br />

turn are contributing to an increase<br />

in uninsured losses. He<br />

explained that gaps in insurance<br />

coverage (occasioned by the difference<br />

between the amount of<br />

insurance on a risk versus the<br />

actual economic loss) from<br />

large-scale catastrophic events<br />

will continue to have significant<br />

financial impacts. The challenge<br />

for the insurance industry will be<br />

to explore ways to close these<br />

gaps, and develop processes for<br />

identifying climate change-related<br />

risks and their financial implications.<br />

Regarding social justice issues<br />

highlighted by the tragic<br />

death of George Floyd, Mr.<br />

Priebe reinforced Guy<br />

Carpenter’s commitment to diversity,<br />

equity and inclusion-a<br />

sentiment shared by other insurance<br />

industry leaders.<br />

While <strong>2021</strong> is likely to be<br />

another year of profound<br />

change, the insurance industry<br />

will continue to evolve in order<br />

to address emerging risks occasioned<br />

by the pandemic, climate<br />

change and social justice<br />

issues. ◗<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />

Page 7

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Chapter News and Announcements<br />

Announcements & Notes on Members<br />

❑ <strong>WWBA</strong> State Director and Diversity and Inclusion Committee Co-Chair Janeen M.<br />

Thomas has recently been added as a Partner at Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP,<br />

a national law firm with more than 40 specialties and a multitude of sub-specialties.<br />

She is based out of their New York office, where her practice focuses on insurance<br />

coverage litigation and miscellaneous professional liability matters. ◗<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Recipe of the Month<br />

Shared by Lisa Margaret Smith<br />

At our recent Board meeting we had a brief discussion about recipes, and someone<br />

suggested that we include a recipe of the month in the newsletter. This is the<br />

inaugural recipe, although you have to locate it online. If YOU have a recipe you<br />

would like to share, especially something you have created so we would not have to<br />

worry about violating copyright laws, please share it with us for next month’s newsletter!<br />

I grew up in upstate New York, well away from the ocean, and food transportation<br />

then was not like it is today, so most of the fish I ate was in the form of frozen fish sticks<br />

or tuna fish sandwiches (with an occasional freshwater fish). As a result I never learned<br />

to cook fish, and am leery of ordering it in a restaurant. I know fish is a healthy food, so<br />

I have tried to find fish recipes that I can cook, and that taste good. I do like salmon,<br />

but my husband usually does not, so when I saw a cook’s report that her fish-hating<br />

husband liked this recipe for salmon, I decided to try it. I was not disappointed, my<br />

husband agreed, and we now eat salmon regularly, using this recipe. The recipe is<br />

quick to complete, there are no unusual ingredients or utensils required. The salmon<br />

comes out with a balance of sweet and savory, a little bit of spice, and it has crunch<br />

from the bread crumbs. You may adjust the amount of cayenne to your own tastes, and<br />

dried parsley flakes can be used in place of fresh parsley, though of course fresh is<br />

better. The salmon may be in one piece or sliced to 4 serving size pieces before cooking,<br />

rather than after as the recipe directs, and that makes it easy to tell that the salmon<br />

is done. The recipe comes from Food Network Kitchen, and may be found online at The<br />

Best Baked Salmon Recipe | Food Network Kitchen | Food Network. Out of respect for<br />

copyright laws I have not duplicated the recipe here, but you should be able to find it<br />

online at the address noted above.<br />

Happy cooking! ◗<br />

Become a New<br />

Member Today<br />


<strong>WWBA</strong> MEMBERSHIP TODAY<br />


JUNE 1, 2020 TO MAY 31, <strong>2021</strong>.<br />


<strong>WWBA</strong> Membership includes<br />

membership to the Women’s Bar<br />

Association of the State of New York<br />

(WBASNY).<br />

January 31, <strong>2021</strong> is the closing date in<br />

order to count the <strong>WWBA</strong> members<br />

towards our certification to WBASNY and<br />

assure our number of delegates.<br />

Renewing before this date will allow our<br />

Westchester Chapter (<strong>WWBA</strong>) to continue<br />

to be a strong presence in our statewide<br />

organization (WBASNY) while you will<br />

enjoy its many benefits, events,<br />

newsletter and CLE programming.<br />

COVID-19 Cannot Dampen the <strong>WWBA</strong>’s Deep<br />

Commitment to Read Across America at<br />

Yonkers Public Schools<br />

from page 4<br />

in festive Cat in the Hat attire; we also missed discussing our careers with the<br />

students, hearing all of their career aspirations and being uplifted by the students’<br />

joy and love of books and learning. Yet, as virtual guest readers, we<br />

were incredibly grateful to play a role in promoting the students’ love of reading<br />

and contributing to their academic and professional success in a manner<br />

that protected the wellbeing of the Hostos School community. The <strong>WWBA</strong> was<br />

honored to continue our deep and longstanding commitment to Read Across<br />

America and the Hostos School, which reflects our strong commitment to “Give<br />

Back” to our communities.<br />

As always, the Westchester Women’s Bar Association treasures our relationship<br />

with our friends at the Hostos School. We look forward to returning in<br />

person for Read Across America 2022! ◗<br />

Hélène Côté, Sherry A. Bishko,<br />

Elisabeth Campos<br />

It is easy to renew by going to the<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Website at www.<strong>WWBA</strong>NY.org.<br />

You can use a credit card or<br />

PayPal to make payment.<br />

Page 8<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News

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Westchester Women’s Bar Association New Members<br />

The Westchester Women’s Bar Association proudly welcomes our newest members:<br />

<br />


FamilyKind, Ltd.<br />

lfriedland@familykind.org<br />


Student<br />

<br />

President’s Message<br />

from page 3<br />

deal to give back this year; we have volunteered at the Hillside<br />

Food Pantry, we have contributed to providing supplies for displaced<br />

pets, we have supported voter registration and get out the<br />

vote efforts, we have, as noted in my installation remarks, helped<br />

to feed hospital workers, we have continued our mentor program<br />

for law students, we have participated in the Read Across America<br />

program, and of course we have organized myriad CLE and<br />

other programs for the legal community. We are currently sponsoring<br />

and supporting a Career Transition Task Force to provide<br />

a wide variety of assistance to people in the community, especially<br />

women, who have lost jobs in the pandemic, to help provide<br />

them with the resources to seek a job, and then to connect<br />

them with those who may need additional employees. We have<br />

provided judges and coaches for Mock Trial and Moot Court<br />

events, we have served as panelists for <strong>WWBA</strong> events as well as<br />

events put on by other Associations. I have also contributed to<br />

my local food pantry, as I am sure many of you have, and I have<br />

regularly visited and corresponded with a 90-year-old shut-in. It<br />

is my hope that each of you has found, or will find, your own way<br />

to Give Back to the community.<br />

My request to each of you as we enjoy the spring weather is<br />

that you find one more way to Give Back to the community before<br />

our fiscal year ends on May 31. If you have young children, offer<br />

to read to their class, and if you don’t have young children then<br />

contact your local school to see if there is some way you can be of<br />

service; if you are on a <strong>WWBA</strong> committee suggest and organize a<br />

program, CLE or not, to further educate our membership; join the<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Career Transition Task Force, your task could be helping<br />

one person update her resume, or you could participate in organizing<br />

and contacting potential employers, the commitment you<br />

make would be up to you; we can all donate to a local food<br />

pantry; contact your local senior citizens’ organization and volunteer<br />

to drive a senior to a doctor’s appointment, or to the store<br />

(fully masked, of course); contact your local garden club and volunteer<br />

to donate flower seeds or bulbs-better yet, find out where<br />

you can plant them in your community; telephone a senior citizen,<br />

it can be a friend, a relative, or someone in your neighborhood;<br />

be creative, but find ways to Give Back. We are all fortunate to<br />

have friends and colleagues at <strong>WWBA</strong> who support us with their<br />

advice, their friendship, and their support. Many others in our<br />

communities do not have the same benefit. That gives us an opportunity<br />

to Give Back in a wide variety of ways. In honor of <strong>WWBA</strong>,<br />

please take the opportunity to Give Back just one more time.<br />

Happy Spring to all! ◗<br />

February Heart Health Step<br />

Challenge<br />

Lisa Margaret Smith<br />

In January <strong>2021</strong>, I invited <strong>WWBA</strong> members to participate<br />

in a Step Challenge during the month of February,<br />

which was Heart Health Month. Twelve of our members<br />

accepted that challenge, and each of them is to be congratulated<br />

for their efforts. The top stepper, Julie Passman,<br />

accomplished an amazing number of steps-more than<br />

750,000, which was more than twice as many as the next<br />

highest walker. Each of the walkers received as a special<br />

reward two <strong>WWBA</strong> mugs. We are pleased to have members<br />

walking for their health, and we encourage each of<br />

you to find time to walk, whenever you can, as a way to<br />

protect your heart health. Here is the list of the <strong>WWBA</strong> walkers,<br />

with the number of heart healthy steps identified for the<br />

top three steppers:<br />

Julie Passman (782,152)<br />

Sara Meyers (355,444)<br />

Lisa Denig (298,884)<br />

Deborah Farber-Kaiser<br />

Elizabeth Barnhard<br />

Avril Roberts<br />

Linda Markowitz<br />

Amanda Fried<br />

Ann McNulty<br />

Susan Mills Richmond<br />

Adrienne Orbach<br />

Elizabeth Marcus<br />

According to the Mayo Clinic, as of February 9, <strong>2021</strong>,<br />

“Heart disease and stroke continue to be the most dangerous<br />

threats to a woman’s health. In the U.S., 1 in 4 women<br />

die from cardiovascular disease.” This is true even in the<br />

age of the Coronavirus. ◗<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />

Page 9

<strong>WWBA</strong> Schedule of Upcoming Events<br />

COMMITTEE DATE/TIME PLACE TOPIC RSVP (also online at www.wwbany.org)<br />

Elder Law 4/06/21<br />

12:30 pm to<br />

1:30 pm<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Foundation – A<br />

Fundraiser<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Board of Directors<br />

and General Membership<br />

Meetings<br />

4/07/21<br />

6:30 pm<br />

4/14/21<br />

5:30 pm to<br />

7:30 pm<br />

Zoom “Article 81<br />

Guardianships:<br />

Conducting the Virtual<br />

Hearing” – Presented<br />

by Court<br />

Attorney/Referee<br />

Joseph M. Accetta,<br />

Esq.<br />

Webex<br />


Honoring the Women<br />

of the United States<br />

Supreme Court – a fun<br />

and educational<br />

program presented<br />

gameshow style – 0.5<br />

CLE Credit in<br />

Professional Practice<br />

Zoom<br />

“A Continuing Lecture<br />

Series on Diversity and<br />

Inclusion in the Legal<br />

Profession:<br />

Perspectives from the<br />

Bench and the Bar”<br />

Registration Online at<br />

www.wwbany.org or Email<br />

executivedirector@wwbany.org<br />

FREE! Participants are encouraged<br />

to donate to the <strong>WWBA</strong><br />

Foundation.<br />

Registration by 4:00 p.m. on<br />

4/06/21 Online at<br />

www.wwbany.org or email<br />

executivedirector@wwbany.org<br />

Free for <strong>WWBA</strong> Members and<br />

Invited Guests.<br />

Registration by 4:00 p.m. on<br />

4/13/21 Online at<br />

www.wwbany.org or email<br />

executivedirector@wwbany.org<br />

Leading Lady Lawyers<br />

Lunch Series<br />

4/21/21<br />

12:30 pm to<br />

1:30 pm<br />

Zoom<br />

“Attorney for the Child:<br />

A Primer on Preparing<br />

and Practicing”<br />

Registration Online at<br />

www.wwbany.org or Email<br />

executivedirector@wwbany.org<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> is a chapter of WBASNY, which is an approved provider of CLE credit. Full and partial scholarships for CLE programs based<br />

on financial need are available. For information on the guidelines and procedures for applying, please contact the person running<br />

the program. All requests are strictly confidential. All programs are for transitional credit unless the program states otherwise.<br />

Unless otherwise indicated, events are for <strong>WWBA</strong> members and invited guests only.<br />

The opinions expressed by any program presenter are the presenter’s own, and do not reflect<br />

the official position of the <strong>WWBA</strong>.<br />




Connect<br />

with<br />

us<br />

THE <strong>WWBA</strong> MEMBERSHIP PERIOD FOR<br />

2020-<strong>2021</strong> BEGINS ON JUNE 1, 2020.<br />


ODAY AT<br />

WWW.<strong>WWBA</strong>NY<br />

.<strong>WWBA</strong>NY.ORG<br />


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