Dwight Hall 2020 Year In Review

The year 2020 presented Dwight Hall with unique challenges in its pursuit of public service and social justice throughout the pandemic. With the partnership of students, staff, faculty, and community organizations, the Hall sustained and grew its commitment to change through COVID-19. Gain a glimpse into the ways Dwight Hall shapes people who serve all sectors of society and a sense of the exciting and powerful work of the Hall in the larger community. Change Happens Here.

The year 2020 presented Dwight Hall with unique challenges in its pursuit of public service and social justice throughout the pandemic. With the partnership of students, staff, faculty, and community organizations, the Hall sustained and grew its commitment to change through COVID-19.

Gain a glimpse into the ways Dwight Hall shapes people who serve all sectors of society and a sense of the exciting and powerful work of the Hall in the larger community.

Change Happens Here.


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<strong>2020</strong> YEAR IN REVIEW

2 change happens here<br />

established<br />

1886<br />

At <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>, we believe in change.<br />

We believe that change is possible. That change is worth<br />

fighting for. And that in these uncertain times, change has<br />

never been more important.<br />

mission<br />

To nurture and inspire<br />

students as leaders<br />

of social change and to<br />

advance justice and<br />

service in New Haven<br />

and around the world.<br />

core values<br />

• Commitment to<br />

the Common Good<br />

• Compassion<br />

•<br />

• Diversity<br />

Growth and Learning<br />

• Partnership<br />

•<br />

• Reflection<br />

Students at the Core<br />

That’s why we do everything we can to make social change<br />

a reality. And why we are dedicated to shaping those who will<br />

one day shape the world.<br />

Through public service, leadership development, and the<br />

pursuit of social justice, we are on a mission to bring<br />

about meaningful and lasting change in the New Haven<br />

community, and the entire world.<br />

From our Yale Prison Education <strong>In</strong>itiative, that is designed<br />

to change the lives and experiences of those incarcerated by<br />

offering for-credit liberal arts courses, to our recently<br />

founded Muslim Leadership Lab, that was created to change<br />

the future of American Muslim leaders.<br />

And with more than 85 student-run member groups that<br />

engage 4,000 students each year, no matter what<br />

change you want to bring about in the world, there really<br />

is no better place to get started than <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>.<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>. Change Happens Here.

Letter from the Board Chair and Executive Director<br />

3<br />

Dear Friend,<br />

The year <strong>2020</strong> was one of terrible loss and grief. The health and economic toll caused by<br />

the COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating, especially to the most vulnerable members<br />

of our society, which highlights the vast inequity in the United States and around the<br />

world. <strong>In</strong> our hometown of New Haven, we have seen the crisis disproportionately affect<br />

communities of color and the economically disadvantaged. Amidst the suffering, anxiety,<br />

and disruption, however, <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> has been a source of hope and creative response that<br />

reminds us even in the worst of times that places like the <strong>Hall</strong> bring out our best. Throughout<br />

its 135-year history, <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> has seen many times of sorrow and uncertainty, yet has<br />

always served as a place that renews our commitment to address inequality and injustice,<br />

to make a difference in the world.<br />

Since the pandemic engulfed the world last winter and the University went into lockdown in<br />

March <strong>2020</strong>, <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> students demonstrated their commitment and determination by<br />

adapting their service and advocacy to respond to the crisis. The Student Executive Committee<br />

allocated its remaining budget to seed a fundraiser to purchase hundreds of Chromebooks<br />

for New Haven Public School students to facilitate their schooling from home. The Yale Prison<br />

Education <strong>In</strong>itiative switched from in-person instruction in Connecticut correctional facilities to<br />

correspondence courses, providing an essential lifeline to incarcerated students. And in response<br />

to a request for assistance from the New Haven Public School District, <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> organized<br />

and staffed a parent homework helpline to provide resources to local families and support to<br />

hardworking New Haven teachers.<br />

Change can and must happen, including and especially in the worst of times. For more than<br />

135 years, <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> has brought people together to transform the world and each other<br />

for the better. During periods of crisis and great need like these, we have enduring faith in the<br />

value of institutions like the <strong>Hall</strong>. Change happens here.<br />

Yours in Service,<br />

Bradford Williams ’10<br />

Board Chair<br />

Peter Crumlish ’09 m.a.r.<br />

Executive Director & General Secretary

4 change happens here<br />

2019–<strong>2020</strong> ACADEMIC YEAR BY THE NUMBERS<br />

4,053<br />

Total Student<br />

Volunteers<br />

85,449<br />

Total Student<br />

Volunteer Hours<br />

11,572<br />

Community Members<br />

& Students Reached<br />

via Events, Workshops,<br />

& Trainings<br />

$291,961<br />

Funds Raised by Student Groups and Programs for<br />

Capacity Building in New Haven & Beyond<br />

$2,279,795<br />

Funds Directly Returned to<br />

New Haven Residents<br />

via Support from Volunteer<br />

<strong>In</strong>come Tax Assistance<br />

$2,740,000<br />

Aggregate <strong>In</strong>-Kind Volunteer<br />

Contribution for New Haven &<br />

Other Communities<br />

29<br />

Distinct <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong><br />

Programs and Fellowships<br />

85<br />

Student-Led<br />

Member Groups

Program Principles<br />

5<br />

Yale student leaders and <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> have played essential roles in incubating Y2Y New Haven and working to end youth homelessness<br />

in New Haven. This year, Y2Y New Haven, a collaboration with students from across New Haven and Youth Continuum, celebrated the<br />

groundbreaking of a new student-led overnight facility for young adults in greater New Haven. The state-of-the-art facility is scheduled<br />

to open in Fall 2021, featuring an on-site resource center, job training, and mental health facilities for youth experiencing homelessness.<br />

ENGAGE<br />

Forging trusted<br />

partnerships with New<br />

Haven communities,<br />

organizations, and<br />

activists through<br />

purposeful and engaged<br />

student service<br />

GROW<br />

Developing students’<br />

intellectual, moral, civic,<br />

and creative capacities to<br />

the fullest with experiential<br />

learning, internships,<br />

fellowships, mentorships,<br />

and workshops<br />


Supporting nascent,<br />

student-led and<br />

community-directed<br />

projects, and<br />

transforming ideas<br />

into macropartnerships<br />

for public good.<br />

Bolstering the work of 85 studentled<br />

organizations, including Camp<br />

Kesem, Black Student Alliance<br />

at Yale, and Y2Y New Haven, as well<br />

as supporting the Student Executive<br />

Committee’s Spring and Fall Virtual<br />

Days of Service and the Operation<br />

Chromebooks campaign for New<br />

Haven Public School students<br />

Remaining committed to student<br />

engagement throughout COVID-19,<br />

including the creation of Community<br />

Response Fellows and Family<br />

Support Fellows to sustain students<br />

who are already working with<br />

community organizations or chose<br />

to serve their own family over having<br />

a resident college experience<br />

Housing signature programs<br />

like the Muslim Leadership<br />

Lab, which collaborated with<br />

the Yale Muslim Students<br />

Association to co-host the only<br />

national student-organized<br />

and -initiated get out the<br />

vote event for Muslim student<br />

associations across the country

6 change happens here<br />


Sasha Thomas ’22<br />


From Dallas, Texas, Sasha Thomas is<br />

a Junior at Yale College majoring in<br />

Global Affairs and serves as the Junior<br />

Co-Coordinator. At <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>,<br />

Sasha oversees <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>’s Student<br />

Executive Committee programming<br />

and infrastructure and advises fellow<br />

Yale students on community service<br />

and social justice landscapes. Sasha<br />

aspires to work at the intersections of<br />

economic development and global<br />

health and aims to understand how<br />

economic interventions can improve<br />

efforts related to poverty alleviation,<br />

economic growth, and access to<br />

healthcare resources.<br />

José Garcia ’22<br />



From Orlando, Florida, José is a<br />

Junior at Yale College majoring in<br />

Ethnicity, Race, and Migration,<br />

and minoring in Education<br />

Studies. He currently serves as the<br />

<strong>In</strong>stitutional Service Coordinator.<br />

José manages external relationships<br />

between <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> and local<br />

community partners and executes<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>’s one-time service<br />

opportunities for students, including<br />

First-<strong>Year</strong> Day of Service and<br />

Spring Day of Service. <strong>In</strong> the future,<br />

José is intent on continuing his<br />

work with community partners and<br />

expanding shared activism and<br />

allyship in New Haven.<br />

Co-Coordinators<br />

Daud Shad ’21<br />

Sasha Thomas ’22<br />

<strong>In</strong>stitutional Service Coordinator<br />

José Garcia ’22<br />

Communications Coordinator<br />

Wei Li ’22<br />

Outreach Ambassadors<br />

Max Ackerman ’21<br />

Xiao Zheng ’22<br />

Data Coordinator<br />

Cam Do ’22<br />

Financial Coordinator<br />

Mauricio Gonzalez-Sanchez ’22<br />

Volunteer Corps Coordinator<br />

Akhil Rajan ’21<br />

Membership Coordinators<br />

Noa Rosinplotz ’22<br />

Naomi Shimberg ’22<br />

Shawn Thacker ’23<br />

New Member Coordinator<br />

Hannah Kiburz ’22<br />

New Haven <strong>In</strong>terns Coordinator<br />

Lauren Lautermilch ’22<br />

Advocacy Network Coordinator<br />

Savannah Crichton ’22<br />

Peace <strong>In</strong>itiative Coordinator<br />

Nicholas Sulich ’22

Student-Led Member Groups<br />

7<br />


Nurturing & <strong>In</strong>spiring Students as Leaders of Social Change<br />

AIDS Walk New Haven<br />

AIESEC<br />

Alzheimer’s Buddies<br />

American Red Cross<br />

at Yale<br />

Black Solidarity<br />

Conference<br />

Black Student Alliance<br />

at Yale<br />

Black Students for<br />

Disarmament at Yale<br />

Bridges ESL<br />

Camp Kesem<br />

Campus Girl Scouts<br />

Circle of Women<br />

CityStep<br />

Coalition of Allyship<br />

Advocates<br />

Code Haven<br />

Community Health<br />

Educators<br />

Crisis Text Line at Yale:<br />

A Student Partnership<br />

DEMOS<br />

Elmseed Enterprise Fund<br />

Engineers Without<br />

Borders Yale University<br />

Student Chapter<br />

Environmental Education<br />

Collaborative<br />

Every Vote Counts<br />

FIRST at Yale<br />

Flyte Scholastics<br />

Harbor Scholars:<br />

A <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Program<br />

at Yale<br />

Hear Your Song<br />

Hypertension<br />

Awareness & Prevention<br />

Program at Yale<br />

Immigrant History Project<br />

J.M. Bolin Program<br />

Living History Project<br />

MathCOUNTS<br />

Matriculate<br />

MEChA de Yale<br />

Migration Alliance<br />

at Yale<br />

Miracle League Dance<br />

at Yale<br />

Moneythink<br />

Music Makers<br />

New Haven REACH<br />

New Haven Urban<br />

Debate League<br />

PALS<br />

Period. at Yale:<br />

A Student Organization<br />

Prisme LGBT+ in<br />

New Haven<br />

Public Health Coalition<br />

Reproductive Rights<br />

Action League at Yale<br />

RISE: Refugee and<br />

Immigrant Student<br />

Education<br />

Rotaract Club<br />

SheCode<br />

Special Needs<br />

Undergraduate Swim<br />

Lessons<br />

Special Olympics<br />

Unified Sports<br />

STEM & Health Equity<br />

Advocates at Yale<br />

Student Partnerships<br />

for Global Health<br />

Students for Sensible<br />

Drug Policy<br />

Students for Yemen<br />

Summer Science<br />

Research <strong>In</strong>stitute<br />

Synapse<br />

Teaching Peace <strong>In</strong>itiative<br />

The Urban Philanthropic<br />

Fund (UP Fund)<br />

The Yale Undergraduate<br />

Ethics Bowl<br />

Thi(NK)<br />

Ulysses S. Grant<br />

Foundation<br />

Urban Improvement Corps<br />

Volunteers Around<br />

the World<br />

Yale Animal Welfare<br />

Alliance<br />

Yale Children’s Theater<br />

Yale Code4Good<br />

Yale Effective Altruists<br />

Yale EMS<br />

Yale Genetics Club<br />

Yale Hunger<br />

and Homelessness<br />

Action Project<br />

Yale <strong>In</strong>terpretation<br />

Network<br />

Yale Muslim Students<br />

Association<br />

Yale Student Mental<br />

Health Association<br />

Yale Students for<br />

Prison Divestment<br />

Yale Students for Veterans<br />

Yale Undergraduate<br />

Association for African<br />

Peace & Development<br />

Yale Undergraduate Legal<br />

Aid Association<br />

Yale Undergraduate<br />

Mindfulness<br />

Yale Undergraduate Prison<br />

Project (YUPP)<br />

Yale Undergraduate<br />

Science Olympiad<br />

Yale Undergraduate<br />

Students for UNICEF<br />

Yale Undergraduates<br />

at Connecticut<br />

Funbotics<br />

Girls on the Run<br />

Global Brigades<br />

Women Everywhere<br />

Believe Yale Chapter<br />

Y2Y New Haven

8 change happens here<br />


The organization currently supports 29 leadership<br />

development programs and initiatives. <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong><br />

fellowship programs feature more than 100 individual<br />

placements annually. <strong>In</strong> response to student needs<br />

during the pandemic, <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> created two<br />

new fellowship programs. The Community Response<br />

Fellows program, serving five students, supports<br />

students who are already active within the social sector<br />

and the communities they serve by providing a cohort of<br />

peers, a financial incentive, and professional platforms<br />

for reflection, communication, and personal development.<br />

The Family Support Fellows program currently sustains<br />

34 students, who chose to serve their own family over<br />

having a resident college experience.<br />

Changemakers-in-Residence<br />

Community Mental Health Fellows<br />

Co-Op After School<br />

The Jane & William E. Curran ’49 Distinguished<br />

Mentor Program<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Community Commons<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Community Response Fellows<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Early Childhood Education Fellows<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Family Support Fellows<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>In</strong>stitutional (Days of) Service<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Public School <strong>In</strong>terns<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Socially Responsible <strong>In</strong>vestment Fund<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Summer Fellows<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Urban Fellows<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Volunteer Corps<br />

Emerging Project Sponsorship<br />

First-<strong>Year</strong>s in Support of New Haven<br />

FOCUS on New Haven<br />

Graduate and Professional Service Support<br />

Jones-Zimmermann Academic Mentoring Program<br />

The Rev. John G. Magee ’06 Fellowship Program<br />

Muslim Leadership Lab<br />

New Haven Civic Allyship <strong>In</strong>itiative<br />

New Haven <strong>In</strong>terns<br />

New Membership Network<br />

Student Executive Committee<br />

Workshops and Skills Trainings<br />

Yale Harbor Scholars<br />

Yale Prison Education <strong>In</strong>itiative<br />

YANA-<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Summer Fellows<br />


Grace Jin ’20,<br />

a YANA–<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong><br />

Summer Fellow,<br />

recently earned her<br />

undergraduate degree<br />

in Global Affairs.<br />

Grace’s eight-week<br />

fellowship focused on<br />

developing editorial<br />

strategy and online content for GetUsPPE,<br />

a grassroots organization founded by emergency<br />

room physicians in March <strong>2020</strong> to get personal<br />

protective equipment to frontline health<br />

workers at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic.<br />

am inspired by physicians at GetUsPPE who<br />

“I used their political voice, mobilized to fight for<br />

health equity and hold leadership to account<br />

for an antiracist pandemic recovery. As I continue<br />

to pursue a career in medicine, I am committed to<br />

the role of health workers in leading evidence-<br />

based research, health justice advocacy, and access<br />

to care for the most marginalized populations.<br />

— grace jin ’20

Fellowships<br />

9<br />


Launched in 2018, the Community Mental Health Fellows<br />

program provides field experience for Yale undergraduates<br />

with a passion for urban community mental health issues,<br />

and expands the capacity of the Connecticut Mental Health<br />

Center Foundation (CMHC) to provide comprehensive<br />

treatment for people who have mental illness and/or<br />

addictions, have little or no income, and are uninsured or<br />

underinsured. Currently, fourteen <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Community<br />

Mental Health Fellows are gaining real world experience in<br />

the medical discipline. Dr. Michael Sernyak, CEO of CMHC,<br />

remarks, “The <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> program allows us to include<br />

undergraduates in the very important work of providing<br />

the highest quality healthcare to the citizens of New<br />

Haven. <strong>In</strong> this program, we hope to introduce the leaders<br />

of tomorrow to the real-world challenges of providing<br />

healthcare in a very complex social environment.”<br />

Lexi Hopkins ’20 served as a <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong><br />

Community Mental Health Fellows Student<br />

Coordinator at CMHC. Lexi seeks to use her<br />

Community Mental Health Fellowship experience<br />

as an anchor to her career in pediatric psychiatry.<br />

Lexi continues to trailblaze through her exploration<br />

and research of the intersections between<br />

community mental health and public health, where<br />

she currently serves as a research therapist at<br />

the Yale School of Medicine Program for Obesity,<br />

Weight and Eating Research (POWER).<br />

Rosa Shapiro-Thompson ’20 served<br />

as a <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Peter Muehrer Fund Summer<br />

Fellow at the Connecticut Mental Health<br />

Center. Rosa joined Dr. Sarah Fineberg’s clinical<br />

research team focused on Borderline Personality<br />

Disorder, trained in psychiatric interviewing<br />

with Dr. Fineberg, and assisted in adjusting<br />

clinical trial protocols to operate safely during<br />

the COVID-19 pandemic. Rosa is now continuing<br />

this work and training as a full-time research<br />

assistant at CMHC.

10 change happens here<br />


Founded in 2016 by alumna Zelda Roland ’08, ’16 ph.d., and James Jeter, the inaugural Tow Foundation Fellow,<br />

the Yale Prison Education <strong>In</strong>itiative (YPEI) is a program that brings access to rigorous for-credit Yale liberal<br />

arts courses and other programming to incarcerated students in Connecticut prisons. As of Fall <strong>2020</strong>, the program<br />

has facilitated over 80 unique enrollments in Yale College credit-bearing courses for 36 incarcerated students,<br />

with over 70 faculty members and graduate students extending access to their on-campus research and teaching<br />

to students in prison classrooms.<br />

Supporting Prison Education through COVID-19<br />

Overcoming the remote challenges<br />

of COVID-19, YPEI has<br />

remained committed to serving<br />

incarcerated students by sending<br />

and receiving coursework by<br />

mail and fostering independent<br />

studies and workshops led via<br />

correspondence by Yale faculty<br />

and students. Offerings during the pandemic have<br />

included a remote Creative Writing Workshop,<br />

a reading seminar on War and Peace, and collaborations<br />

with on-campus seminars in American Studies and<br />

Ethnicity Race & Migration.<br />

“During a time when everything seems lost,<br />

YPEI has been the constant certainty needed to<br />

make it through this pandemic. . . I want to<br />

help change the world we live in, and Yale is<br />

giving me that opportunity. I am forever grateful<br />

to each member of the YPEI team for their<br />

persistence and assistance. They made me feel<br />

like I matter, like my life matters.<br />

—kyle, an incarcerated ypei student<br />

Students in Action<br />

YPEI’s core team, currently<br />

consisting of 12 Yale<br />

undergraduate and graduate<br />

students, manages the YPEI<br />

Transcription Network, assists<br />

in strategizing coursework,<br />

provides research support,<br />

and acts as peer editors with<br />

incarcerated students.<br />

Minh Huynh Vu ’20, a recent Yale College graduate<br />

and current Yale Ph.D. student in American Studies<br />

and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies,<br />

served as a YANA-<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Summer Fellow<br />

leading engagement projects with the Yale Prison<br />

Education <strong>In</strong>itiative.<br />

“This summer, through adapting to COVID-19 and<br />

re-tailoring our programming, engaging in a staff<br />

reading group on Angela Davis’s Freedom is a Constant<br />

Struggle, and attending events and talks with the<br />

YPEI team—I was able to expand my understandings<br />

of the prison system, and therefore of abolition,<br />

too—connecting it to past historical periods and also<br />

the contemporary movements of #BlackLivesMatter<br />

and defunding the police. I plan to bring these<br />

experiences into my own academic research as<br />

I begin the ph.d. program this fall.<br />

—minh huynh vu ’20, ’26 ph.d.

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Programs<br />

11<br />


The New Haven Civic Allyship <strong>In</strong>itiative is a new platform to help students thoughtfully engage with local issues in an<br />

effort to redirect resources to New Haven community leaders. The goal of the <strong>In</strong>itiative is to realize equity and justice<br />

for New Haven residents by supporting and advancing the front-line organizing and advocacy work of local leaders and<br />

addressing community needs in the areas of criminal justice reform, reentry, and detention; immigration; income<br />

inequality; and other issue areas.<br />

Advancing Grassroots Advocacy in the Elm City<br />

The <strong>In</strong>itiative creates an intersection for Yale students<br />

and community activists looking to merge experiences<br />

and dialogue on how to build community trust,<br />

concern, and respect. The program creates a space for<br />

conversations surrounding allyship that are authentic<br />

and outside of the traditional academic framework.<br />

The inaugural Fall <strong>2020</strong> cohort is comprised of 18<br />

Yale undergraduates.<br />

The program was founded in <strong>2020</strong> by James Jeter,<br />

the former Tow Foundation Fellow with the Yale<br />

Prison Education <strong>In</strong>itiative and alum of the Wesleyan<br />

Center for Prison Education at Cheshire Correctional<br />

<strong>In</strong>stitution, where he spent nearly 20 years. The <strong>In</strong>itiative<br />

is co-led by James, Advocate-<strong>In</strong>-Residence Joseph<br />

Gaylin ’19, and <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Director of Community<br />

Outreach & Engagement Johnny Scafidi ’01.<br />

“<strong>In</strong> creating the Civic Allyship <strong>In</strong>itiative, it is important<br />

that we give Yale students a grassroots filter to their<br />

view of New Haven. We want students to get to know<br />

the community through community leaders.<br />

—james jeter, advocate-in-residence<br />

Mobilizing with Community Leaders<br />

The New Haven Civic Allyship<br />

<strong>In</strong>itiative is hosting a series<br />

of virtual workshops featuring<br />

community leaders, activists,<br />

and local organizers. These<br />

gatherings often attract 75 or<br />

more community leaders<br />

and students. The <strong>In</strong>itiative<br />

has become a hub for Yale<br />

students looking to engage in dialogue on how one<br />

can partake in advocacy work, including environmental<br />

justice, prosecutorial patterns in New Haven,<br />

urban historiography, multigenerational impacts<br />

of incarceration, solitary confinement, and more.<br />

“I have always known that our criminal justice system<br />

is fundamentally unjust, but I had never truly<br />

realized the extent and lived impact of this injustice —<br />

especially within the New Haven community — until<br />

participating in the Civic Allyship program. The Civic<br />

Allyship initiative is allowing students a window<br />

into that history and a hands-on opportunity<br />

to grapple with it and make change for the better.<br />

—iman jaroudi ’22, new haven civic allyship<br />

initiative cohort member

12 change happens here<br />

May Day 1970:<br />

Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of a Weekend of<br />

Action, Solidarity, and Transformative Engagement<br />

and staff, and sponsored discussions with neighborhood<br />

leaders, representatives of the Black Panther Party, and<br />

members of the Chicago Seven. Significant sleeping space<br />

was made available on the second floor, in the hallways,<br />

and in staff and student organization offices. The <strong>Dwight</strong><br />

<strong>Hall</strong> staff successfully organized and deployed 250<br />

Yale Student Marshalls as a peaceful non-violent buffer<br />

between the Connecticut National Guard and 25,000<br />

demonstrators on the Green.<br />

Black Students at Yale leaders Ralph Dawson ’71 (left) and Kurt Schmoke ’71<br />

(right) pictured protesting the New Haven Black Panther trials, disrupting Senator<br />

Edward M. Kennedy’s (lower right) speech on Earth Day and environmental issues<br />

at a Yale Political Union meeting in Commons, April 22, 1970. photograph by<br />

stephen west, originally published in yale alumni magazine/courtesy<br />

of manuscripts and archives, yale university library.<br />

Tens of thousands of Yale students, civil rights activists,<br />

professors, Black Panther Party leaders, and community<br />

members descended on the New Haven Green to<br />

have their voices heard in Spring 1970. <strong>In</strong> 1969, members<br />

of the New Haven Black Panthers murdered fellow<br />

Panther Alex Rackley, whom they suspected of being<br />

an informant. Black Panther Party New Haven chapter<br />

leader Ericka Huggins, party co-founder Bobby Seale,<br />

and other Panthers were charged with murder,<br />

kidnapping, and conspiracy. Denouncing their arrests,<br />

the Panthers called on supporters nationwide to join in<br />

New Haven on May Day 1970 to protest the trials.<br />

Fifty years later, in the wake of the murders of Breonna<br />

Taylor, George Floyd, and Ahmaud Arbery, victims of<br />

anti-Black violence, the <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Student Executive<br />

Committee urged immediate action from its fellow<br />

Yale students against systemic racism, police brutality,<br />

and white supremacy.<br />

“ Nothing will change unless WE ALL fight<br />

for change. Systemic racism devastates<br />

lives every day, as evidenced by disproportionate<br />

rates of incarceration and COVID-19 deaths<br />

in Black communities. <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> is<br />

committed to opposing systemic racism, and<br />

its violent outputs, in all of its forms.”<br />

—<strong>2020</strong> dwight hall student executive committee<br />

As the focal point for the Panther<br />

demonstrations, Yale opened its<br />

doors to rally attendees.<br />

During the May Day 1970 weekend<br />

demonstrations in New Haven,<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> was the epicenter of<br />

student planning and response<br />

to the events on the New Haven<br />

Green. <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> provided<br />

space for numerous workshops<br />

and planning meetings for Yale<br />

students, faculty, administrators,<br />

New Haven Black Panther Party member in front of the crowd of approximately<br />

1,500 attendees at a Woolsey <strong>Hall</strong> rally, April 13, 1970. photograph by john t.<br />

hill, originally published in yale alumni magazine / courtesy of<br />

manuscripts and archives, yale university library.

Alumni Spotlights<br />

13<br />

Dr. Mary C. Pearl ’72, ’76 m.phil., ’82 ph.d.<br />

A <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> student leader in the 1970s, Dr. Mary C. Pearl ’72, ’76 m.phil., ’82<br />

ph.d., was part of a collective effort among <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> students to stand in<br />

solidarity and safeguard the experience of protestors who traveled to New Haven<br />

for the 1970 May Day demonstrations. Dr. Pearl shared, “Classmates and I<br />

(Kurt Schmoke ’71, Nancy Ryan ’71, ’75 j.d., and many others) created a day care<br />

center for children of demonstrators at Davenport College. Many parents left<br />

their young kids with us before they went to the Green.”<br />

Dr. Pearl currently serves as the dean of William E. Macaulay Honors College.<br />

Formerly, she served as the founding dean and administrative vice president of Stony<br />

Brook University Southampton. Before joining Macaulay Honors College, Pearl,<br />

a conservation biologist, was for many years the president of the Ecohealth Alliance,<br />

the international research organization that pioneered tracing wildlife and human<br />

disease emergence in relation to environmental change.<br />

President Kurt L. Schmoke ’71<br />

Kurt Schmoke, a member of the Yale Class of 1971, Yale Medal <strong>2020</strong> Recipient, and<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> alumnus, is the current president of the University of Baltimore, former<br />

dean of Howard University School of Law, and former mayor of Baltimore.<br />

During his time at <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>, Schmoke was a principal student figure in the<br />

May Day events of 1970. Protestors from around the country traveled to New Haven<br />

to decry the arrest of Black Panther leaders, and Schmoke became the first student<br />

to ever appear before the assembled faculty. Schmoke asked Yale faculty to be<br />

responsive to the protests happening in New Haven, and most importantly, to the<br />

emotions of Black Yale students. Throughout the May Day demonstrations,<br />

Schmoke and other students organized food services and childcare for demonstrators<br />

in New Haven. With Mary Pearl, Sam Chauncey ’57, and others, Schmoke went<br />

on to help found the Calvin Hill Daycare Center that remains in operation today<br />

at 150 Highland Street in New Haven.<br />

Dr. David L. Warren ’70 m.div., ’70 m.u.s.<br />

David Warren has dedicated his life to advocating for students, education, and<br />

opportunity. During May Day 1970, he played an important role, later reflecting,<br />

“<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> staff coordinated with the University to provide granola meals for<br />

demonstrators on Old Campus, and to assist the City in managing the presence<br />

of 25,000 protestors. The leadership and work of the <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> staff and<br />

student volunteers were a significant factor in assuring a peaceful non-violent<br />

May Day rally, with minimal damage to New Haven and Yale property.”<br />

He founded the <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Summer Fellows program in 1968 and served<br />

as general secretary of <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> from 1969 until 1977. Dr. Warren went on<br />

to a distinguished career as chief administrative officer for the City of New Haven,<br />

president of Ohio Wesleyan University, and recently retired as president of the<br />

National Association of <strong>In</strong>dependent Colleges and Universities, which he led<br />

for more than 25 years.

14 change happens here<br />


<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> values gifts from each supporter. The individuals, foundations, businesses,<br />

agencies, and university offices below contributed between July 1, 2019 and June 30, <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Denotes 1886 Society: 10+ consecutive years of giving<br />


Contributions of $10,000 and above;<br />

or gifts of $1,000 or more for students/<br />

alumni within 10 years of graduation<br />

Anonymous<br />

Ms. Sarah W. Baron, m.d. ’04 &<br />

Mr. Jeremy S. Kahan ’04<br />

CC Capital<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Eifler ’70<br />

Mr. David R. McKinnis ’87 &<br />

Dr. Elizabeth R. McKinnis ’89<br />

Dr. Peter R. Muehrer ’82<br />

Ms. Deborah Rose ’72, ’77 m.p.h., ’89 ph.d.<br />

The Sassafras Foundation, <strong>In</strong>c.<br />

Stonesthrow Fund of Fidelity Charitable<br />

Mr. Bradford R. Williams ’10<br />


Gifts of $2,500–$9,999; or<br />

contributions of $250–$999<br />

for students/alumni within<br />

10 years of graduation<br />

Mr. Peter G. Crumlish ’09 m.a.r. &<br />

Ms. Sara Armstrong<br />

The Jane and William Curran<br />

Foundation, <strong>In</strong>c.<br />

Ms. Deborah J. Freedman ’82 &<br />

Mr. Ben A. Ledbetter<br />

Ms. Sandra Lee ’97<br />

The Lovett-Woodsum Foundation, <strong>In</strong>c.<br />

Mr. John R. Meeske ’74 & Ms. Nancy R.<br />

Woodington ’74, ’76 m.div., ’82 ph.d.<br />

Ms. Zoe G. Mercer-Golden ’13<br />

Public Welfare Foundation<br />

Mr. Daniel J. Shen ’14<br />

Mr. Timothy M. Tompkins ’86<br />

Mr. Jackson Willis ’20<br />


Contributions of $1–$2,499<br />

Anonymous (3)<br />

Mr. Donald B. Abbott ’63<br />

Mr. John R. Abelson ’78 &<br />

Ms. Kendall J. Rafter<br />

Ms. Abdah H. Adam ’21<br />

Mr. John R. Adler ’84 & Ms. Sherri Levine<br />

Prof. Jean-Christophe Agnew ’92 m.a.h.<br />

Dr. John M. Agosta ’76 &<br />

Ms. Margaret M. Miller ’76<br />

Ms. Nancy Alexander ’79, ’84 m.b.a. &<br />

Mr. Phillip G. Bernstein ’79, ’83 m.arch.<br />

Mr. Victor B. Alfandre ’88<br />

Mr. James M. Altman ’71, ’75 j.d. &<br />

Ms. Ellen L. Schecter<br />

Mr. Richard G. Ammerman, m.d. ’64<br />

Mr. Gregory E. Andrews ’71<br />

Ms. Bethany L. Appleby ’89<br />

Ms. Emily K. Arntson ’10<br />

Mr. Justin B. Ash ’07<br />

Dr. Hugh Auchincloss Jr. ’71, ’72 m.a.<br />

Mr. Michael A. Avery ’66, ’70 ll.b.<br />

Mr. Harold W. Baldwin ’63<br />

Ms. Megan A. Barnett ’97 j.d.<br />

Ms. Susan L. Barr ’79<br />

Prof. Beatrice S. Bartlett ’80 ph.d.<br />

Prof. & Mrs. Richard W. Beals ’60, ’64 ph.d.<br />

Mr. Andrew F. Beck, m.d. ’02<br />

Ms. Bianca A. Beck ’23<br />

Mr. William R. Becklean ’58<br />

Dr. Allison Jatlow Beitler ’86<br />

Mr. Richard D. Belin, Esq. ’71<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Bell ’65<br />

Ms. Abie Benitez, Ed.D.<br />

Mr. Peter B. Bensinger ’58<br />

Ms. Meredith J. Berlin ’87<br />

Dr. Nancy Berliner ’75, ’79 m.d. &<br />

Prof. Alan J. Plattus ’76<br />

Mr. Timothy Bertaccini ’77<br />

Mr. Steven T. Berry ’97 m.a.h. &<br />

Ms. Lauren Pinzka<br />

Ms. Barbara L. Bettigole ’78<br />

Mr. Saqib N. Bhatti ’04<br />

Mr. Donald A. Bickford ’66<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David C. Bigelow ’49<br />

Prof. Murray Biggs<br />

Mr. Brian W. Bills ’12<br />

Mrs. Pamela Bisbee-Simonds &<br />

Dr. Bruce D. Simonds<br />

Mr. Jason M. Blau ’08 &<br />

Ms. Diana Mosca Blau ’08<br />

Mr. Stephen B. Blum ’74<br />

Mr. Terry W. Boehlke ’68<br />

Ms. Victoria Bok ’83<br />

Mr. Alan E. Boles Jr., Esq. ’69, ’73 j.d.<br />

Mr. F. Richard Bowen ’70<br />

Mr. Lewis C. Bowers, II ’75, ’83 m.p.p.m.<br />

Mr. Bruce E. Bradley ’67<br />

Mr. John C. Bradley ’81 &<br />

Ms. Elizabeth H. Bradley ’96 ph.d.<br />

Mr. Robert Bradner ’53<br />

Mr. Bruce F. Brand ’67<br />

Mr. Joseph L. Berkman-Breen ’12<br />

The Rev. Harold M. Brockus ’59<br />

Ms. Janet E. Brooks ’79<br />

Mr. Charles E. Browne ’65<br />

Dr. C. Scott Brunger, ph.d. ’68<br />

Mr. John W. Buckman ’83 m.a.h.<br />

Mr. Robert D. Bulkeley ’64<br />

Ms. Jessica J. Bulman-Pozen ’02, ’07 j.d. &<br />

Mr. David E. Pozen ’02, ’07 j.d.<br />

Mr. Andrew L. Bundy ’76<br />

Prof. & Mrs. Frederick P. Bunnell ’55, ’58 m.a.t.<br />

Ms. Alisha N. Butler ’09<br />

Dr. Michelina M. Cairo ’00<br />

Hon. Guido G. Calabresi ’53, ’58 ll.b., ’62 m.a.h.<br />

& Mrs. Anne Tyler Calabresi<br />

The Rev. Donald K. Campbell, II ’48, ’53 b.d.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Campbell ’68<br />

Mr. Warren M. Campbell &<br />

Ms. Mary U. Campbell<br />

Ms. Katherine E. Carmain ’24<br />

Mr. Louis B. Casagrande ’69 &<br />

Mrs. Julie P. Casagrande<br />

Ms. Valerie J. Chang ’84<br />

Mrs. Shulamith S. Chernoff<br />

Mr. Joshua Chodosh ’76

Acknowledgments<br />

15<br />

Mr. Eric J. Chow ’96<br />

Dr. Martin Christ ’82, ’88 m.f.s.<br />

Ms. Emily Y. Chu ’99<br />

Prof. & Mrs. Clifford E. Clark Jr. ’63<br />

Ms. Frances T. Clark<br />

Mrs. David C. Clovis ’56<br />

Mr. Erich L. Cluxton ’65<br />

Mr. Larry Coben ’79<br />

Mr. Frank B. Cochran ’69 ll.b. &<br />

Ms. Stephanie FitzGerald<br />

Mr. Henry J. Cody, p.e. ’74<br />

Mr. Adam P. Cohen ’77<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Colgate ’68<br />

Mr. J. Michael Collaco, m.d. ’96 &<br />

Ms. Aarti Shah<br />

Dr. Joseph F. Collaco<br />

Mr. Robert B. Congdon Jr. ’72<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Connolly ’73<br />

Ms. Kathryn Cooney<br />

Ms. Julie Copeland ’71<br />

Mr. Daniel Cotton ’91<br />

Mr. Carl L. Crew Jr., m.d. ’68<br />

Mr. Edmund G. Crotty ’66<br />

Ms. Nancy E. Cunningham ’92<br />

Prof. Dennis E. Curtis ’66 ll.b. &<br />

Prof. Judith Resnik ’97 m.a.h.<br />

The Rev. Teresa Mithen Danieley, d.min. ’98<br />

Prof. Stephen L. Darwall ’68, ’08 m.a.h.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. F. Davis Dassori Jr.,<br />

Esq. ’63, ’68 ll.b.<br />

Ms. Mary E. Davis ’90 j.d.<br />

Mr. James E. Delano Jr. ’65, ’70 m.d.<br />

The Rev. & Mrs. William H. Dent Jr. ’58<br />

Ms. Susan L. DeSilver ’79<br />

The Rev. Jeanne Devine ’72, ’76 m.div.<br />

Ms. Anya Dhawan ’23<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Dickinson ’60<br />

Mr. David L. Dodson ’77, ’81 m.p.p.m., ’81 m.div.<br />

Mr. Marc Dohan ’84 & Ms. Marion Magill<br />

The Rev. & Mrs. George F. Dole, ph.d. ’52<br />

Mr. Mark R. Dollhopf ’77 &<br />

The Rev. Marjo E. Anderson ’80 m.div.<br />

Prof. Michael R. Dove ’97 m.a.h.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Draper, Esq. ’75<br />

Mr. Jeffrey D. Dubin ’85<br />

Mr. & Dr. Eugene C. Durman ’68<br />

Ms. Orianne Y. Dutka ’02<br />

Ms. Diane M. Dwyer, m.d.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick S. Edelman, m.d. ’70<br />

Mr. Todd E. Edelman ’90 &<br />

Ms. Marisa O. Nightingale ’90<br />

Mr. Donald B. Edwards ’64<br />

Mr. R. Kemerer Edwards ’49<br />

Mr. William D. Eggers ’66<br />

Mr. Edward H. Elliman ’85 m.e.s.<br />

Mr. Aurelio Emanuelli Freese ’88, ’91 j.d. &<br />

Ms. Maria I. Castaner Barcelo<br />

Ms. Ellen G. Estes ’63 ll.b. &<br />

Mr. Frank W. Estes ’63<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Ewell Jr. ’66<br />

Mr. David P. Ewing ’62<br />

Ms. Jean Kim Fairweather ’84<br />

Ms. Ziwei Fang<br />

Mr. Jess T. Fardella ’73<br />

Ms. Melissa Ferraro-Borgida, m.d. ’88<br />

Mr. Robert A. Fertik ’79 &<br />

Ms. Antonia E. Stolper ’79<br />

Mr. Philip J. Fickling ’68<br />

Mr. Richard S. Field &<br />

Ms. Lesley K. Baier ’82 m.phil.<br />

Ms. Karin E. Finberg ’93, ’02 ph.d., ’03 m.d.<br />

Ms. Carla Finkelstein ’90<br />

Ms. Alison S. Fitzgerald ’90<br />

Ms. Nancy J. Fitzgerald ’77<br />

Mr. Ray P. Foote Jr. ’56<br />

Prof. John V. Fopeano ’50<br />

Mr. Joseph S. Freeman ’66<br />

Mr. Peter L. Freeman ’71<br />

Mr. Gregory L. Fullerton ’72<br />

Mr. Cory G. Gaffney ’99<br />

Dr. Charles P. Gagarin ’71<br />

Ms. Anne H. Galvin ’07<br />

Ms. Sarah D. Gamzon ’23<br />

Ms. Alison L. Gardy ’88<br />

Ms. Susan H. Garet ’76 m.div.<br />

Mr. Robert M. Garfinkle, Esq. ’68<br />

Lt. Col. Charles J. Gaspar Jr. ’65<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Getman ’64<br />

Mr. David H. Gibson, m.d. ’78 &<br />

Ms. Lizanne M. Cox<br />

Ms. Elizabeth A. Giman ’24<br />

Dr. Doreen S. Gluckin ’71 &<br />

Dr. Richard A. Kanter<br />

Ms. Judith E. Goldberger ’92<br />

Mr. John R. Goldin ’77 ph.d.<br />

Mr. Brian P. Goldman ’05 &<br />

Ms. Zoe L. Palitz ’05<br />

Mr. Jeremiah Goldstein ’80<br />

Ms. Linda C. Goldstein, Esq. ’81, ’85 j.d.<br />

Ms. Juana M. Gomez ’82<br />

Mr. Henry A. Goodman ’72<br />

Ms. Julie L. Goran ’00<br />

Ms. Aliza S. Gordon ’08<br />

Mr. Eric A. Gordon, ph.d. ’66<br />

Mr. Joseph W. Gordon ’78 ph.d. &<br />

Mr. Mark Bauer<br />

Mr. Stanley F. Greenberg ’72<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Greiner ’66<br />

Mr. Douglas M. Griggs ’64<br />

The Rev. Bonita D. Grubbs ’84 m.a.r., ’85 m.p.h.<br />

Mr. Evan C. Guillemin ’87<br />

Ms. Avni Gupta-Kagan ’00, ’05 j.d. &<br />

Mr. Joshua D. Gupta-Kagan ’00<br />

Mr. Alfred E. Guy Jr.<br />

Ms. Jodi L. Halpern ’82, ’89 m.d., ’93 ph.d.<br />

Mr. Steven D. Handler, m.d. ’68 &<br />

Ms. Cynthia B. Solot<br />

Prof. & Mrs. Robert E. Handschumacher ’64<br />

m.a.h.<br />

Ms. Masarath N. Haque-Khan ’95<br />

Mr. Merlin H. Harper Jr. ’72<br />

Mr. Jack K. Hasegawa & Ms. Nancy K. Polk<br />

Mr. Harold M. Hastings ’67<br />

Dr. Carrie A. Hatcher-Kay ’89<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas D. Hawthorne ’71, ’75 m.a.<br />

Mr. Benjamin G. Healey ’04, ’12 m.b.a., ’12 m.e.m.<br />

Mr. Sean B. Hecht ’88<br />

Mr. Nicholas Herman ’68<br />

Mr. William J. Heron Jr. ’63<br />

Ms. Rachel E. Herschenfeld ’88<br />

The Rev. Ellen M. Hiatt ’79 m.div.<br />

Mr. Peter V. R. Hicks ’64<br />

Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hill, m.d. ’53<br />

Mr. and Ms. Harald Hille ’66, ’70 m.phil.<br />

Mr. Michael J. Hirschhorn ’81 &<br />

Ms. Jimena P. Martinez<br />

Mr. C. Talbott Hiteshew Jr. ’50<br />

Mr. & Ms. Alan R. Hoffman ’66<br />

Mr. Richard P. Holloway ’63, ’65 b.e.<br />

Mr. S. Roger Horchow ’50<br />

Mr. Daniel J. Horner ’83<br />

Mr. Robert A. Horwitz ’68, ’76 ph.d. &<br />

Ms. Carla M. Horwitz, ph.d.<br />

Mr. Winchester F. Hotchkiss ’52<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Howard ’68<br />

Prof. & Mrs. Roger E. Howe ’74 m.a.h.<br />

Mr. William Clay Howe ’68, ’79 m.phil.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Howland, m.d. ’63<br />

Mr. & Ms. Richard I. Hoyer ’61, ’66 m.i.a.<br />

Ms. Han-Ya A. Hsu ’04<br />

Mr. John S. Hughes, m.d. ’08 m.a.h.<br />

Ms. Laura Huizar ’06, ’12 j.d.<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Rodney J. Hunter ’62

16 change happens here<br />

Ms. Louise Kwei-Yung <strong>In</strong>g ’74<br />

Prof. Vicki C. Jackson ’72, ’75 j.d.<br />

Mr. Selby C. Jacobs, m.d. ’61, ’72 m.p.h.<br />

Ms. Karin T. Jacobson ’95<br />

Mr. Alexander B. Johnson, III ’61<br />

Mr. Jeffrey A. Johnson, ph.d. ’74<br />

Dr. Philip Avery Johnson ’63<br />

Mr. James M. Johnstone, Esq. ’55, ’60 ll.b.<br />

Mr. John A. Jones ’58, ’59 m.s.<br />

Mr. Ralph C. Jones Jr. ’64<br />

Ms. Alison Bailey Kaar ’80 &<br />

Mr. John F. Kaar<br />

Mr. Christian E. Kaefer ’67<br />

Mr. Allan N. Karlin ’69<br />

Mr. Joel Katz ’65, ’67 m.f.a. &<br />

Ms. Trish Thompson<br />

Ms. Katherine R. Kaufman ’86<br />

Dr. Stephen R. Kaufman ’81<br />

Dr. Richard D. Kayne ’76 m.d.<br />

Ms. Georgia L. Keohane ’94 &<br />

Mr. Nathaniel O. Keohane ’93<br />

Ms. Madeline S. Kerner ’07<br />

Mr. Charles H. Kieffer, ph.d. ’74<br />

Mr. Jeffrey S. Kim ’87 &<br />

Mr. Curtis Chin<br />

Mr. William R. Kincaid ’88<br />

Mrs. Janice Kirby<br />

Mr. Richard W. Klein Jr., Esq. ’67<br />

Mr. & Ms. Alex Knopp<br />

Mr. Daniel F. Koehler ’00<br />

Ms. Dara K. Kovel ’91, ’06 m.b.a. &<br />

Mr. Robert S. Cox<br />

Mr. Marvin E. Krakow ’70, ’74 j.d.<br />

Mr. Hugo E. Kranz Jr. ’59<br />

Mr. Joshua A. Kretman ’05<br />

Ms. Sharon M. K. Kugler, Chaplain<br />

Mr. Dale Kutnick ’72<br />

Mr. Allister J. Lam ’96<br />

Ms. Louise Davis Langheier ’03<br />

Ms. Samantha A. Larkin ’23<br />

Prof. Richard B. Larson ’75 m.a.h.<br />

Ms. Emma F. Ledbetter ’10<br />

Mr. Brian C. Lee ’88 &<br />

Ms. Abigail L. Trillin ’90<br />

Ms. Anika Singh Lemar ’01<br />

Mr. Peter S. Levi ’86<br />

Dr. Edward R. Levy ’87<br />

Mr. Mark H. Leymaster ’75 j.d.<br />

Mr. Jeffrey B. Liebman ’89 &<br />

Ms. Eve B. Rittenberg ’90<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Lincoln ’50<br />

Prof. Gerald F. Linderman ’56<br />

Mr. William E. Littlefield Jr. ’70<br />

Ms. Rachel J. Littman ’91<br />

Ms. Katherine L. Loewald ’81 &<br />

Mr. Michael K. H. Hu<br />

Mr. Justin R. Loring ’04<br />

Mr. Henry S. Lovejoy, III ’74<br />

The Rev. S. Campbell Lovett ’82 m.div.<br />

Mr. Jeffrey A. Lovold, m.d. ’66<br />

Mr. Barry P. Luke ’80 & Mrs. Teresa W. Luke<br />

Mr. Kenneth K. Y. Luke ’62<br />

Ms. Tram L. Luu ’91<br />

Ms. Serena Ly ’20, ’21 m.p.h.<br />

Mr. Mark H. Lynch ’66<br />

Mr. & Ms. Samuel W. Madeira Jr., m.d. ’68<br />

Professor David S. Malkus ’68<br />

Ms. Laura M. Manville ’06<br />

Mr. William R. Massa, Jr.<br />

Mr. Nicholas D. Massoud ’20<br />

Mr. Steven D. Masters ’81<br />

Ms. Deanna M. Matsumoto ’84 &<br />

Mr. Tor H. Ormseth ’84<br />

Mr. David S. May, m.d. ’69<br />

Mr. Robert A. Mayans ’73<br />

Mr. Oscar H. Mayer ’65<br />

Mr. Theodore V. H. Mayer ’74<br />

Ms. Ellen Mayock ’81 m.b.a.<br />

Ms. Melissa Mazzeo ’20 m.b.a., ’20 m.e.m.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David M. McCarthy, m.d. ’67<br />

Mr. Hugh R. McCombs, Esq. ’68<br />

Mr. Stephen J. McCorkle ’68<br />

Ms. Sarah W. McKenzie ’93<br />

Mr. Peter W. McKinnis ’91<br />

Ms. Linda C. McKoy ’77 &<br />

Mr. Samuel M. Maruca ’77<br />

Mr. Robert K. McLellan ’73, ’78 m.d., ’78 m.p.h.<br />

Ms. Deborah Meek<br />

Ms. Katherine N. Mele ’85 &<br />

Mr. Joseph P. Mele, m.d. ’85<br />

Mr. & Ms. John R. Merrick, Esq. ’62, ’63 m.a.t.<br />

Ms. Claudia R. Merson<br />

Mr. Calvin M. Mew ’69<br />

Ms. Molly Meyer<br />

Mr. Thomas C. Meyer ’11<br />

Mr. Anthony R. Michel ’59<br />

Ms. Francine Miller<br />

Mr. Wentworth E. Miller ’69, ’77 j.d.<br />

Mr. & Ms. Richard A. Moggio ’67, ’71 m.d.<br />

Mr. Morad Mokhtari<br />

Mrs. Dana L. Molina ’95 &<br />

Mr. Alberto C. Molina ’93<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Moore ’63, ’66 m arch.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John H. More ’64<br />

Mr. Danny P. Morris ’90<br />

Mr. Hunter Morrison, III ’70<br />

Ms. Susanne M. Murphy ’72 m.a.<br />

Mr. Martin L. Murray ’61<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Murray ’68<br />

Ms. Shannon Mykins<br />

Ms. Sarah A. Naftalis ’09<br />

Mr. Noah R. Neal ’12<br />

Mr. Matthew R. Neely ’91<br />

Mr. Scott N. Newman ’77 &<br />

Ms. Wendy Newman<br />

The Rev. & Mrs. Orville N. Nilsen ’49<br />

The Rev. Dr. Paula B. Nordhem ’86 m.div.<br />

Professor Thomas C. Nowak ’65<br />

Mr. Scott H. Ochiltree ’67<br />

Mr. Timothy E. O’Meara, m.d. ’00<br />

Dr. Jack H. Ostroff ’76<br />

Ms. Laura Pabo<br />

Mr. Sasha N. Page ’84<br />

Mr. Derek A. Paley ’97<br />

Dr. Meredith K. Pang ’65<br />

Ms. Susan L. Papa &<br />

Mr. David Schatz ’80, ’80 m.s.<br />

Ms. Anne L. Penniman ’80<br />

Mr. Ethan L. Perry ’95<br />

Mr. McKim C. Peterson, m.d. ’70<br />

The Rev. Susan M. Pfeil ’94, ’02 m.div.<br />

Mr. Charles A. Pillsbury ’70 &<br />

The Rev. Alice de V. Perry ’80 m.div.<br />

Dr. Mark J. Polisar ’84<br />

Mr. David J. Pollay ’87<br />

Mr. Stanley G. Possick, m.d.<br />

Mr. David M. Pritzker ’62 &<br />

Mrs. Charlene Pritzker<br />

Prof. Alexander Purves ’58, ’65 m.arch.<br />

Ms. Diane K. Quan ’95<br />

Mr. Jerrel K. Ralph ’53<br />

Mr. William C. Rands, III ’65<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Asghar Rastegar ’88 m.a.h.<br />

Mr. William A. Redden ’14<br />

Mr. Steven D. Redfield ’80<br />

Mr. Jacob A. C. Remes ’02 & Ms. Mari<br />

Armstrong-Hough ’16 m.p.h.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund L. Resor ’74, ’80 m.p.p.m.<br />

Mr. Christopher S. Rhee, Esq. ’94, ’97 j.d.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon P. Riblet ’65<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Rice, m.d. ’64<br />

Mr. R. Thomas Rich ’72<br />

Prof. John Ringwald ’65

Acknowledgments<br />

17<br />

Ms. Ann M. Ritter ’01 & Mr. Leo Korein<br />

Mr. Peter E. Rivard ’76<br />

Mr. John H. Rixse ’63<br />

Mr. James S. Roberts ’66<br />

Mr. Daniel T. Roble ’68<br />

Mr. Philip A. Roden ’62<br />

Mr. Thomas W. Roderick ’64<br />

Ms. Cristina M. Rodriguez ’95, ’00 j.d.<br />

Professor Jose E. Rodriguez ’55<br />

Professor Gordon M. Rogoff ’52<br />

Ms. Arianne A. Romney ’06<br />

Dr. Michael J. Rosanova ’72, ’80 ph.d.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Rosenberg,<br />

Esq. ’63, ’67 ll.b.<br />

Ms. Michelle J. Rosenthal ’05 &<br />

Mr. Isaac M. Klausner ’05<br />

Mr. Ralph A. Rossi, m.d., ’84 m.p.h.<br />

Ms. Randi I. Roth ’79<br />

Ms. Constance L. Royster ’72<br />

Mr. Richard L. Rubens, ph.d. ’68<br />

Prof. David M. Rudenstine ’63, ’65 m.a.t. &<br />

Dr. Zina Steinberg<br />

Ms. Holly Russell ’88<br />

Ms. Deborah M. Sabater ’99<br />

Mr. Humbert V. Sacco, Jr. ’55<br />

Mrs. Sandra E. Sanneh ’93 m.a.<br />

Mr. Jonathan Sarna ’79 ph.d. &<br />

Ms. Ruth Langer<br />

Ms. Nao Satoh ’12<br />

Mr. Johnny Scafidi ’01 &<br />

Ms. Paige M. Nelson ’04 m.a.r.<br />

Ms. Eliza S. Schafler ’09<br />

The Reverend James A. Scherer ’46<br />

Mr. John P. Schley ’61<br />

Ms. Deena J. Schneider ’71<br />

Mr. Jacob B. Schramm ’86<br />

Prof. T. Paul Schultz ’74 m.a.h.<br />

Mr. Jonathan M. Scolnik ’03 &<br />

Ms. Rebecca Barker<br />

Dr. Robert P. Sedgwick Jr. ’69<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry N. Selness ’63<br />

Ms. Deborah Frank Shabecoff ’88<br />

Dr. Richard H. Shafer ’66 &<br />

Dr. Mary Ann Brunstetter-Shafer ’73 m.d.<br />

Ms. Sarah Hirschhorn Shapiro ’84<br />

Mr. Jeffrey G. Sharp, ph.d. ’73<br />

Mr. Brian L. Shera, Jr. ’56<br />

Ms. Karen J. Siegel ’02 & Mr. Charles Natt<br />

Mr. Bruce W. Sielaff ’59 m.arch.<br />

Mr. Daniel F. Silk ’11<br />

Ms. Carol S. Silverman ’86<br />

Mr. Richard A. Silverman ’66<br />

Ms. Marisa G. Silverstein ’92 &<br />

Mr. Zachary B. Silverstein ’90<br />

Mr. Marco B. Simons ’01 j.d.<br />

Dr. Anurag K. Singh ’95<br />

The Rev. & Mrs. Peter W. Sipple ’62<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Smith ’65<br />

Ms. H. Suzanne Smith ’86<br />

Mr. Richard K. Snyder<br />

Rabbi Ruth H. Sohn ’76<br />

Mr. Daniel H. Solomon ’86, ’92 m.d. &<br />

Ms. Mindy Berman<br />

Mr. T. Reginald Solomon ’98<br />

Mr. Peter H. Spendelow ’74<br />

Mr. Robert M. St. John, Esq. ’54, ’59 ll.b.<br />

Mr. Earl H. Staelin ’62<br />

Ms. Jenny R. Staelin ’92 &<br />

Mr. Paul H. Staelin ’93<br />

Mr. Lawrence H. Staib ’90 ph.d.<br />

Mr. Benjamin I. Staub ’06<br />

Mr. Keith W. Stavely ’64, ’69 ph.d.<br />

Mr. Jon E. Steffensen, Esq. ’68<br />

Ms. Janet B. Stein ’81<br />

Ms. Theresa A. Stephen ’92<br />

Mr. Mark L. Stivers ’91<br />

Mr. Samuel N. Stokes ’63<br />

Mr. Shepard B. Stone<br />

Mr. Lee M. Strieb ’86<br />

Prof. H. Shelton Stromquist, ph.d. ’66<br />

The Reverend Charles M. Stuart ’50<br />

The Reverend and<br />

Mrs. Walter M. Stuhr Jr. ’54<br />

Ms. Maureen Sullivan-Drury<br />

Dr. Roslyn Elms Sutherland ’63 m.s.n. &<br />

Mr. Donald W. Sutherland<br />

Mr. John F. Sutton ’55, ’56 m.a.t.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Swanson, III ’69<br />

Prof. Scott G. Swanson ’73<br />

Mrs. Patricia E. Sweet<br />

Mr. Philip C. Taff ’07<br />

Mr. John I. Takayama, m.d. ’80<br />

Ms. Sahoko V. Tamagawa ’84<br />

Ms. Brenda S. Taylor ’84<br />

Mr. Jett D. Thomas ’48<br />

The Rev. Kenneth J. Thomas, ph.d. ’53<br />

Ms. Sasha Thomas ’22<br />

Mr. Douglas C. Tifft ’79<br />

Mr. Jeremy Travis ’70 &<br />

Ms. Susan A. Herman<br />

Ms. Heather E. Trim, m.d. ’83<br />

Mr. Thaddeus F. Tuleja ’66 &<br />

Ms. Andree Nolen<br />

Mr. Stephen C. Updegrove, m.d., m.p.h. ’74 &<br />

Ms. Kathleen M. Hayes ’98 m.s.n.<br />

Mr. Richard L. Vanasse ’83 m.a.r.<br />

Mrs. Cassandra D. Vaughan ’87<br />

Ms. Eve Vogel ’87<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Boris G. Von York ’59<br />

Ms. Mai-Anh T. Vu ’09<br />

Mr. Thomas J. Wacht ’65<br />

Ms. Janna M. Wagner ’95<br />

Ms. Victoria M. Wang ’86<br />

Dr. & Mrs. David L. Warren ’70 m.div., ’70 m.u.s.<br />

Ms. Laura A. Weinberg ’85<br />

Mr. G. Harold Welch Jr. ’50<br />

Mr. Alexander West<br />

Mr. Marvin P. Wexler ’69, ’73 j.d.<br />

Dr. James M. Whitehead ’67<br />

Mr. James C. Whitney ’64, ’68 m.u.s., ’68 ll.b. &<br />

Mrs. Elizabeth B. Whitney<br />

Mrs. Elaine S. Wickstrom<br />

Mrs. Deborah Widiss ’94, ’99 j.d. &<br />

Mr. Douglas Goldstein, ph.d ’92<br />

Mr. William H. Wiese m.d. ’60<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Wik ’68, ’77 ph.d.<br />

Mr. David Wilkins & Ms. Serena Crawford<br />

Mr. Henry G. Will, Esq. ’62, ’65 j.d.<br />

Ms. Martha L. Williams ’84 &<br />

Ms. Honora M. Willcutts<br />

Mr. Richard A. Wines ’68<br />

Mr. Michael J. Wishnie ’87, ’93 j.d. &<br />

Ms. Catherine J. Edwards ’87<br />

Mr. Robert S. Withers ’69<br />

Mr. Stephen Wizner & Mrs. Rachel Wizner<br />

Mr. Richard B. Wolf, ph.d. ’69<br />

Ms. Amy D. Woolever ’95<br />

Dr. Mary L. Woolsey ’80<br />

Mr. Vladimir Wozniuk ’82 m.a.r.<br />

Mr. Timothy M. Wright ’88<br />

Ms. Marian V. Wrobel ’86<br />

Prof. Robert J. Wyman ’80 m.a.h.<br />

Mr. Thomas M. Yamin ’60<br />

The Rev. J. Philip Zaeder ’58, ’62 m.div. &<br />

Mrs. Sylvia L. Thayer<br />

Ms. Emily J. Zuckerman, Esq. ’74<br />


AmazonSmile Foundation<br />

AMC & Associates<br />

Sylvia Bingham Fund<br />

The Charlotte Foundation<br />

Christensen-Dunn Early Foundations Fund

18 change happens here<br />

CohnReznick<br />

The Henry F. English Fund at the Community<br />

Foundation for Greater New Haven<br />

Google, <strong>In</strong>c.<br />

Lostand Foundation, <strong>In</strong>c.<br />

Network for Good<br />

Racemaker Charitable Fund of the Northern<br />

Trust Charitable Giving Program<br />

The Jane Shepard Fund at the Community<br />

Foundation for Greater New Haven<br />

The Travers Family Foundation<br />

The Willow Creek Charitable Foundation<br />


Mr. Joshua Chodosh ’76 in memory<br />

of two extraordinary human beings,<br />

Herb and Jean Cahoon who both<br />

gave so much to the <strong>Hall</strong><br />

Mr. Michael A. Fotos, III ’78 &<br />

Ms. Claudia F. Lindsey in memory<br />

of Herb Cahoon<br />

Mrs. Janice Moore in honor of husband<br />

Roswell O. Moore ’47<br />

Connecticut Mental Health<br />

Center Foundation<br />

Connecticut State Department of Education<br />

After-School Grant Program<br />

Hartford Foundation for Public Giving<br />

Yale Alumni Nonprofit Alliance<br />

Yale Club of New Haven<br />

Marie and John Zimmermann Fund<br />


Morse College<br />

Office of New Haven Affairs<br />

Office of the President<br />

Yale College Dean’s Office<br />


Herb Cahoon Campus and<br />

Community Fund<br />

William and Jane Curran<br />

Distinguished Mentor Fund<br />

Early Childhood Education Fund<br />

David Magee Fund<br />

Peter Muehrer Fund<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Socially Responsible<br />

<strong>In</strong>vestment Fund<br />

Summer Fellows Fund<br />


California Wellness Foundation<br />

The Coleman Foundation, <strong>In</strong>c.<br />

The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey<br />

MacArthur Foundation<br />

McKinsey & Company, <strong>In</strong>c.<br />

Microsoft Matching Gifts<br />

Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program<br />



Ms. Faria Abedin<br />

Dr. Muna AbuSulayman<br />

Mr. Mohsin Ansari<br />

Mr. Saeed A. Bajwa, m.d. & Ms. Zakira S. Bajwa<br />

Mr. Mohammed H. Dandia &<br />

Ms. Rukhsana H. Dandia<br />

Mr. Arshad Fasih<br />

John Fetzer <strong>In</strong>stitute<br />

Mr. Owais Gilani ’11 m.phil., ’14 ph.d.<br />

Mr. Rashid Haq, m.d. & Ms. Zeenat Haq<br />

Mr. Abdul-Rehman Malik & Ms. Fareena Alam<br />

Muslim Center of Greater Princeton<br />

RISE Together Fund, a Proteus Fund initiative<br />

Dr. Ehtisham U. Siddiqui & Ms. Sadia Siddiqui<br />

Dr. Abdul Kareem Uduman<br />



Anonymous (34)<br />

Max Abelson ’06<br />

Diana Estefania Estrada Alamo ’20 m.p.h.<br />

Emma Allen ’10<br />

Ala Alryyes<br />

Grace Ambrossi ’20<br />

Keerthana Annamaneni ’20<br />

Holly Lyman Antolini<br />

Nicholas Antosca ’04<br />

Mark Aronson<br />

Julie Averbach ’22<br />

Victoria Baena ’21 ph.d.<br />

Katherine Ballaine ’13<br />

Bard College<br />

Emily Bazelon ’93, ’00 j.d.<br />

Melissa Bender<br />

Francesca Beretta ’24 ph.d.<br />

Anne F. Berke ’16 ph.d<br />

Dana Eckstein Berkowitz<br />

Ria Berkus<br />

Elana Bildner ’06<br />

Simone Blaser<br />

Avis Bohlen<br />

Emmanuelle Bortko ’12<br />

Samuel Chamino<br />

Jade Chowning ’19<br />

Jeanne Chowning<br />

Andrew Clark<br />

Classical Association of Connecticut<br />

Classical Association of New England<br />

Adriana Colón Adorno ’20<br />

Ronald Colonna<br />

Community Foundation for<br />

Greater New Haven<br />

Neil P. Currie<br />

Brett Davidson ’16<br />

Dylan Davidson ’25 g.s.a.s.<br />

Danielle De Jesus ’21 m.f.a.<br />

Mira Debs ’16 ph.d.<br />

David Dodson ’77, ’81 m.p.p.m., ’81 m.div.<br />

Lucy Duran Camacho ’22<br />

Rebecca Eisenbrey ’09<br />

Eisenman Studio llc<br />

Elizabethan Club of Yale<br />

Deborah Elkin ’95 ph.d.<br />

Eilaf Elmileik ’18<br />

Gayle Engel<br />

Willa Ferrer ’24<br />

Mark Fopeano<br />

Sarah Gale ’20<br />

Meredith Gamer ’15 ph.d.<br />

Nune Garipian ’20<br />

Andrew Giering ’11 j.d.<br />

Ryan Gittler-Muñiz ’20<br />

Christopher Glazek ’07 b.a./m.a.<br />

Brent Godfrey ’08<br />

Miriam Gohara<br />

Constanza Gowen-Segovia<br />

Donasia Gray ’22<br />

Amber Green ’21<br />

Aaron Greenberg ’19 ph.d.<br />

George Greenfield<br />

Lori Gruen<br />

Nabil Harb ’21 m.f.a.<br />

Hartford Foundation for Public Giving<br />

Samantha Hennessey ’08<br />

Elea Hewitt ’22<br />

Hung Ho ’20<br />

Katherine Hu ’21<br />

Kinsale Hueston ’22<br />

Lucy Hunter ’21 ph.d.<br />

Jennifer Jimenez ’23<br />

Hector Jimenez

Acknowledgments<br />

19<br />

David Joseph-Goteiner ’14<br />

Ethan Karetsky ’14<br />

Helen Kauder<br />

Trip Kirkpatrick ’93<br />

Ruth Kremen<br />

Liza Kuritsky<br />

Andrew Law ’08<br />

Sophia Lear ’08<br />

Prof. Pamela Lee ’88, ’18 m.a.h.<br />

Suzanna Lee ’08<br />

Anika Singh Lemar ’01<br />

Demar Lewis ’23 ph.d.<br />

Serena Lin ’23<br />

Juliet Liu ’14<br />

Allegra Long ’08<br />

Prof. Lisa Lowe ’07 m.a.h.<br />

Vladimir Lozano<br />

Jenny Madero<br />

Sarah Mahurin ’11 ph.d.<br />

Paula Markman<br />

Liliana Marmolejo ’19<br />

Catherine Mayer<br />

Rita W. McCleary<br />

Steven McDonald<br />

Patricia Melton ’83<br />

Mara Mikialian<br />

Leah Mirakhor<br />

John Morace<br />

Michelle Morgan ’17 ph.d.<br />

Ernest Moritz<br />

Daniel Moscoso ’23<br />

Mark Murray<br />

Hannah Zeavin Musser ’12<br />

Tony Nelson<br />

NewAlliance Foundation<br />

Lynn Novick ’83<br />

Mark Oppenheimer ’96, ’03 ph.d.<br />

Landon Osborn<br />

Pearson<br />

Penguin Random House<br />

Jenny Pengsavath<br />

Prof. John Peters ’17 m.a.h.<br />

Dominic Phillips ’19 m.f.a.<br />

Phil Pinto & Laura Tomaselli<br />

Prof. Stephen Pitti ’91, ’05 m.a.h.<br />

Ariana Plaza ’23<br />

Miranda Popkey ’09<br />

Matt Pritchard<br />

Martin Quinn<br />

Stephanie Redden<br />

Isabelle Rhee ’22<br />

Adin Ring ’23<br />

Warren Robertson<br />

Henry Robinson ’19<br />

Amy Roland<br />

Natasha Roland<br />

Julia Rooney ’18 m.f.a.<br />

Jan Roth ’72<br />

Randi Roth ’79<br />

Constance Royster ’72<br />

Andrea Ruiz Alvarez ’23<br />

Diana Saavedra ’20<br />

Katherine Anne Salinas ’22<br />

Abigail Sandler ’21 m.arch.<br />

Chloe Sarbib ’12<br />

Johnny Scafidi ’01<br />

Olivia Scheck ’09<br />

Simone Seiver ’17 b.a./m.a., ’21 j.d.<br />

Enid Shapiro<br />

Anna Shechtman ’20 ph.d.<br />

Jo Ann Singer<br />

Kathryn Slanski<br />

Katherine Sloss<br />

Virginia Sloss and Richard Pollet<br />

Prof. Caleb Smith<br />

Isaac Spanjer ’23<br />

A.L. Steiner<br />

Ari Stern<br />

Kendall Teare ’17<br />

Samuel Teller<br />

Meghan Titzer ’06<br />

Nebojsa Todorovic ’22 ph.d.<br />

Victor Torres ’22<br />

Quan Tran ’16 ph.d.<br />

Annie Trowbridge ’21 m.a.r.<br />

Pablo Uribe ’18<br />

Valley Community Foundation<br />

Sarah Vasey<br />

Cynthia Villa-Lopez<br />

Minh Huynh Vu ’20, ’26 ph.d.<br />

Alice Wang ’08<br />

Charlotte Weiner ’17<br />

Samantha White ’22<br />

Julia Wick<br />

Peter Wicks<br />

Rob Wiesenberger<br />

David Wilkins<br />

Alexandria Williams<br />

Taryn Wolf<br />

Sara Worth ’21 j.d.<br />

Sunny Xiang<br />

Yale Center for the Study of Race,<br />

<strong>In</strong>digeneity, and Transnational Migration<br />

Yale College Class of <strong>2020</strong> Alternative<br />

Senior Class Gift<br />

Yale Graduate and Professional<br />

Student Senate<br />

Yale Graduate School of Arts<br />

and Sciences<br />

Yale School of Art<br />

Bonnie Yochelson<br />

Doran Young<br />

Max Young<br />

Richard Zacharias ’19 j.d.<br />

Michelle Zacks<br />

Natalya Zak<br />

Suzanna Zak ’19 m.f.a.<br />

Vanessa Zhang ’21<br />

Jesse Zwick<br />


Jack Bardales ’18 YPEI in honor of<br />

the students at MacDougall-Walker<br />

Correctional <strong>In</strong>stitution<br />

Charlotte Finegold ’17 in honor<br />

of the men incarcerated at<br />

Northern Correctional <strong>In</strong>stitution,<br />

who are currently denied any<br />

access to education<br />

Michelle Kuo in honor of<br />

Zelda Roland and James Jeter<br />

Jeremy Powell in honor of<br />

Zelda Roland<br />

Simone Seiver ’17 b.a./m.a., ’21 j.d.<br />

in honor of Zelda Roland<br />

Your generosity helps Yale students<br />

forge community connections<br />

and supports aspiring leaders who<br />

serve all sectors of society.<br />

Thank you!

20 change happens here<br />

RESPONSIVE AND RESOURCEFUL: Student Executive Committee<br />

& <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Supporters <strong>In</strong>crease Educational Access in New Haven<br />

through the Operation Chromebooks Campaign<br />

<strong>In</strong> spring <strong>2020</strong>, <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> students immediately responded to the New Haven<br />

Public School District’s need to close the digital divide faced by students who could<br />

learn from home and those who could not during the coronavirus pandemic.<br />

The <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Student Executive Committee launched the Operation Chromebooks<br />

campaign to extend lifelines to third through eighth grade New Haven Public School<br />

students. The effort raised more than $28,000, providing hundreds of essential<br />

educational devices for middle schoolers otherwise unable to participate in virtual<br />

education. The Student Executive Committee extends its appreciation to these<br />

supporters and partners.<br />

Anonymous (25)<br />

Africa Plan Foundation<br />

Dr. Giselle Anatol ’92<br />

Mr. David Bach, ph.d ’99 &<br />

Ms. Almudena Villanueva<br />

Mr. Nicholas Bartz ’10<br />

Prof. and Mrs. Richard W. Beals ’60, ’64 ph.d.<br />

Ms. Pamela E. Bloomfield<br />

Ms. Michele Bonanno<br />

Ms. Caitlin Brown ’24<br />

Ms. Berclee Cameron<br />

Ms. Liza Cariaga-Lo<br />

Mr. Ashwin Chetty ’21<br />

Mr. Sean Cochran<br />

The Community Foundation for<br />

Greater New Haven<br />

Ms. Kate Cooney & Mr. Ed Rugemer<br />

Mr. Peter Crumlish ’09 m.a.r. &<br />

Ms. Sara Armstrong<br />

Ms. Sarah Cussler ’92 &<br />

Dr. Jeffrey Brock ’92<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Student Executive Committee<br />

Rev. Adam Eckhart ’98, ’01 m.div.<br />

Mr. Donald B. Edwards ’64<br />

Mr. Andrew Ehrgood ’84, ’93 m.phil. &<br />

Ms. Jane Lee ’94 m.b.a.<br />

Ms. Marley Finley ’20<br />

Mr. Mark Fopeano<br />

Dr. Gerald Friedland<br />

Mr. Patrick Gallagher &<br />

Ms. Julianna Burrows<br />

Ms. Kelli Ray Gibson ’20 m.a.r.<br />

Mr. Andrew Giering ’11 j.d.<br />

Mr. John R. Goldin ’76 m.phil., ’77 ph.d.<br />

Mr. Joseph W. Gordon ’78 ph.d. &<br />

Mr. Mark Bauer<br />

Ms. Suzannah Holsenbeck ’05<br />

Prof. Matthew Jacobson &<br />

Prof. Daphne Brooks<br />

Ms. Hannah Kiburz ’22<br />

Ms. Kristen Kim ’05<br />

Mr. Donald Kirshbaum<br />

Ms. Dara Kovel ’91, ’06 m.b.a.<br />

Ms. Larissa Nguyen ’21<br />

Ms. Serena Ly ’20, ’21 m.p.h.<br />

Mr. Abdul-Rehman Malik<br />

Mr. Jean Mauro ’58<br />

Mr. David R. McKinnis ’87 &<br />

Dr. Elizabeth R. McKinnis ’89<br />

Prof. Lesley Meng<br />

Ms. Zoe Mercer-Golden ’13<br />

Ms. Claudia Merson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Moore ’63, ’66 m.arch.<br />

Dr. Hani Mowafi & Ms. Rhonda Roumani<br />

Ms. Kaetochi Okemgbo ’11<br />

Ms. Jenny Pengsavath<br />

Ms. Andrea Pizziconi ’01<br />

Mr. Matt Porath<br />

Ms. Isabelle Rhee ’22<br />

Mr. Andrew Richards ’21<br />

Ms. Christa Rotolo<br />

Ms. Constance L. Royster ’72<br />

Ms. Jean A. Rozett<br />

Ms. Nao Satoh ’12<br />

Mr. Johnny Scafidi ’01<br />

Ms. Eliza Spinna ’23<br />

Mr. J. Lloyd Suttle ’69, ’75 ph.d.<br />

Mr. Shawn Thacker ’23<br />

Mr. Chris Venables<br />

Ms. Alissa Wang ’19<br />

Mr. David Wilkins<br />

Prof. Stephen Wizner<br />

Dr. Mary Woolsey ’80<br />

Yale College Council<br />

Yale Community for<br />

New Haven Fund<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Student Executive Committee launching the “Operation<br />

Chromebooks Campaign” virtually in May <strong>2020</strong>.

Financials<br />

21<br />

FISCAL YEAR <strong>2020</strong> (JULY 1, 2019 – JUNE 30, <strong>2020</strong>: UNAUDITED)<br />


<strong>In</strong>dividual & Foundation Contributions (unrestricted) 335,401<br />

Program <strong>In</strong>come & Restricted Gifts 422,207<br />

State Grant (Co-Op After School Program) 169,660<br />

University Contributions 161,000<br />

Endowment Operating Support 440,360<br />

Other <strong>In</strong>come (including fees, bank interest) 33,566<br />

Total Revenue $1,562,194<br />


Program<br />

Community Engagement 175,177<br />

Co-Op After School Program 171,008<br />

Leadership & Professional Development 409,290<br />

Macropartnerships & Emerging Projects 294,582<br />

Yale Prison Education <strong>In</strong>itiative 138,819<br />

Administration & Management 217,484<br />

Development 110,358<br />

Total Expenses $1,516,718

22 change happens here<br />


Peter Crumlish ’09 m.a.r.<br />

Executive Director<br />

& General Secretary<br />

Mark Fopeano<br />

Director of Programming<br />

& Evaluation<br />

Joseph Gaylin ’19<br />

Advocate-<strong>In</strong>-Residence, New<br />

Haven Civic Allyship <strong>In</strong>itiative<br />

Paul Bryant Hudson<br />

Co-Op After School<br />

Program Director<br />

Jessica Jaskot<br />

AmeriCorps Public Ally for<br />

Community Partnerships<br />

and Volunteer Engagement<br />

James Jeter<br />

Advocate-<strong>In</strong>-Residence, New<br />

Haven Civic Allyship <strong>In</strong>itiative<br />

Jami LaRue<br />

Communications & Alumni<br />

Engagement Associate<br />

Demar F. Lewis IV ’23 ph.d.<br />

2019-<strong>2020</strong> Reverend John G.<br />

Magee ’06 Fellow<br />

Abdul-Rehman Malik<br />

Director, Muslim Leadership Lab<br />

Claudia Merson<br />

Education Advisor<br />

Morad Mokhtari<br />

Finance Manager<br />

Brianna Olamiju ’21 m.d.<br />

2019-<strong>2020</strong> Graduate<br />

Service Fellow<br />

Jenny Pengsavath<br />

Administrative Assistant<br />

Zelda Roland ’08, ’16 ph.d.<br />

Director, Yale Prison<br />

Education <strong>In</strong>itiative<br />

Johnny Scafidi ’01<br />

Director of Community<br />

Outreach & Engagement<br />

David Wilkins<br />

Director of Philanthropy

Leadership Team<br />

23<br />


Bradford R. Williams ’10 | Board Chair<br />


Madeline Kerner ’07<br />

David Dodson ’77, ’81 m.p.p.m., ’81 m.div..| Vice Chair<br />

Carl M. Eifler ’70 | Chair of <strong>In</strong>vestments<br />

Dara Kovel ’91, ’06 m.b.a. | Treasurer<br />

Sandra Lee ’97 | Secretary<br />

Peter Crumlish ’09 m.a.r. | Executive Director<br />

Abdah Adam ’21 | Student Member<br />

Dr. Sarah W. Baron ’04<br />

Dr. Abie Benitez<br />

Kate Cooney, ph.d.<br />

José E. Garcia ’22 | Student Member<br />

Madeline S. Kerner ’07<br />

Hannah Kiburz ’22 | Student Member<br />

Lauren Lautermilch ’22 | Student Member<br />

Zoe Mercer-Golden ’13<br />

Randi Roth ’79<br />

Anika Singh Lemar ’01<br />

Eliza Spinna ’23 | Student Member<br />

Benjamin Staub ’06<br />

Sasha Thomas ’22 | Ex Officio Member<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> extends its appreciation to<br />

Megan Barnett ’97 j.d., Pamela George,<br />

Laura Huizar ’06, ’12 j.d., Serena Ly ’20, ’21 m.p.h.,<br />

Daud Shad ’21, John Taylor, Tim Tompkins ’86,<br />

and Jackson Willis ’20, who completed<br />

their service in <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Madeline Kerner ’07 gained leadership<br />

skills and became committed to<br />

public service as a <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> student<br />

in the mid-2000s. Her service as an<br />

undergraduate ultimately led Madeline<br />

to a role as co-founder and current<br />

CEO of Matriculate. She reflects,<br />

“My student experience at <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong><br />

helped me begin to understand the<br />

complexities of leading a team focused<br />

on social impact and listening and<br />

learning from the broader community.<br />

I am grateful to have the opportunity<br />

to continue my involvement as a<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Board member and to see<br />

student-run member groups like<br />

Community Health Educators thriving.”<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>2020</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>In</strong> <strong>Review</strong><br />

Contributing Writers: Peter Crumlish ’09 m.a.r., Jami LaRue, David Wilkins<br />

Photography: front cover, top left, Victoria Bosman 2017; middle left, Lingyuang Yang 2017; bottom right and page 10,<br />

Kendall Teare 2018; page 22, Demar Lewis photograph, courtesy of Flynn Larsen 2019 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation<br />

Design: Yale Printing and Publishing Services

Change Happens Here<br />

dwighthall.org<br />

Peter Crumlish ’09 m.a.r.<br />

Executive Director<br />

(203) 432-2428<br />

peter.crumlish@yale.edu<br />

David Wilkins<br />

Director of Philanthropy<br />

(203) 432-2021<br />

david.wilkins@yale.edu<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> at Yale<br />

67 High Street<br />

P.O. Box 209008<br />

New Haven, CT 06520

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