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SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions

Document Version: 2.2 – 2018-10-22

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions

Typographic Conventions

Type Style



Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles,

pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.

Textual cross-references to other documents.






Emphasized words or expressions.

Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names,

transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when they

are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.

Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages,

names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and

database tools.

Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as

they appear in the documentation.

Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters

with appropriate entries to make entries in the system.

EXAM PLE Keys on the keyboard, for example, F2 or EN TER .



© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions

Typographic Conventions

Document History

Version Date Change

1.6 02-09-2016 Support Package Manager version updated

1.7 02-24-2017 Rollback of SAP Transport-based Correction Instructions

1.8 07-11-2017 Enabling Note Assistant for TCI for SAP_BASIS Lower Releases (700, 701,


1.9 09-19-2017 Updates on bootstrap SAP Notes for SAP_BASIS lower releases (700, 701,


2.0 03-20-2018 Updates on the prerequisite notes for Bootstrap and TCI rollback

2.1 09-14-2018 Minor enhancements.

2.2 22-10-2018 Minor enhancements.

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions

Document History


© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 3


1 SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions ................................................................ 5

1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 5

1.2 What is a Transport-Based Correction Instruction ............................................................................ 5

1.3 Enabling Note Assistant for SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions .......................... 8

1.3.1 Enabling Note Assistant for TCI for Lower SAP_BASIS Releases (700, 701, 702) ......... 9

1.3.2 Enabling Note Assistant for TCI for SAP_BASIS Releases 731 Onwards ........................ 12

1.4 Consumption of SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions ............................................ 15

1.4.1 Implementing SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions for the First Time .16

1.4.2 Reimplementing SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions with Update by

Support Package .................................................................................................................. 17

1.4.3 Implementing SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions with Upgrade ....... 17

1.4.4 Implementing SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions without Import

Authorization ........................................................................................................................ 17

1.5 Enabling the System for SAP Note Transport-based Correction Instruction Rollback .................18

1.5.1 Implementation and Rollback of SAP Transport-based Correction Instruction Using

SNOTE .................................................................................................................................. 20



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SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions


1 SAP Note Transport-Based Correction


1.1 Overview

Up to now, the corrections have been delivered in the following ways:

• SAP Notes automatic correction instructions

• SAP Notes manual correction instructions

• Support packages (SP)

SAP Note transport-based correction instruction (TCI) is a new way to deliver ABAP correction instructions to

customer in a flexible manner. This document provides an overview of TCI and mainly addresses the following


• System Administrators

• Technology Consultants

In the document, manual and automated correction instructions are not differentiated and are both called CI.

The following table gives an overview over the standard delivery methods and the new TCI:

Table 1: Comparison: Standard delivery methods and TCI

SAP Note with Correction Instructions

• Contains very specific, single corrections

• Freely defined dependencies

• CI can be valid for a SP range and can

depend on other CIs

Support Package

• Contains all corrections that were made after a

previous SP shipment

• Corrects the release or the previous SP

• Is imported automatically

• Can be implemented automatically for all

supported objects

• Objects that are not supported must be

implemented manually, requires developer


1.2 What is a Transport-Based Correction Instruction?

Transport- based correction instructions have the following qualities

• ABAP transport with a set of attributes

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions


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• Set of objects of one software component version

• Planned deliveries with assembly and validation

• Created out of correction code line

• Only dedicated functionality affected

• Validity is restricted to a certain SP Range

• Dependencies to other corrections and SPs can be defined

• Integrated into standard correction and upgrade process

TCIs are delivered through an SAP Note.

TCIs support all ABAP objects that have a transport connection. A single TCI consists of exactly one ABAP

transport request and a set of installation attributes. For example, software component version, minimal SP,


The validity of a TCI is defined by the software component version and a range of SP levels. If you import in your

system an SP that exceeds the validity range of an implemented TCI, all corrections of the TCI are imported with

the SP, and the TCI becomes obsolete.


A mixture of different software component versions or code lines is not supported. For this reason, you

receive individual TCIs for each software component version.


The concept described above is depicted in the following figure:



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SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions

Benefits of TCI

SAP Note transport-based correction instructions (TCI) have the following benefits compared to SAP Notes with

correction instructions (CI):

• Fast consumption of consolidated CIs

• No development skills needed for implementation due to an automatic installation process

• Support of all transport-enabled SAP ABAP objects such as DDIC, Table Content, and MIME

• No adjustment activities during SP import and upgrade for SAP standard objects

• Clear functional focus and less side-effects.

• De-implement or roll back TCI (For more information, see SAP Note 2408383).

Availability of TCI in SAP NetWeaver Releases

TCIs are supported with the following SAP NetWeaver releases and products that are based on these releases:

• SAP NetWeaver 7.00 SP09

• SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SP05

• SAP NetWeaver 7.02 SP06

• SAP NetWeaver 7.31 SP01

• SAP NetWeaver 7.40 SP02

• All higher SAP NetWeaver releases from 7.50 onwards

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Requirements of TCI

• You can apply a TCI to one software component version only.

• You furthermore need an additional SPAM access authorization for the import that includes one of the

following SPAM roles:

o SAP_OCS_STD (complete SPAM access authorizations)

o SAP_OCS_TCI_IMPORT (minimal SPAM access authorization for TCI Import)


For more information on a process with an explicit hand-over between the Note Assistant and Support Package

Manager activities, see Implementing SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions without Import


1.3 Enabling Note Assistant for SAP Note Transport-Based

Correction Instructions

By default, the Note Assistant tool cannot consume TCIs. You should prepare or enable the NA tool to consume

the TCIs. To do so, you first must implement relevant SAP Notes that includes TCIs for the NA enablement. These

SAP Notes are called as bootstrap SAP Notes and differ depending on the SAP_BASIS releases.

Enabling the Note Assistant for SAP Note TCI varies for different releases. You can find more information about

enabling the NA for TCI for different SAP_BASIS releases as follows:

• For SAP_BASIS release 700, 701, and 702, see Enabling Note Assistant for TCI for Lower SAP_BASIS

Releases (700, 701, 702)

• For SAP_BASIS release 731 to 751, see Enabling Note Assistant for TCI for SAP_BASIS Releases 731 Onwards.

• SAP_BASIS release 752 SP 00 onwards, bootstrap is enabled by default and no user action is needed in this



o SAP recommends that you use the latest SPAM version always.

o If you are on SPAM Version 70 and above: The bootstrap need not be applied to all the systems, since

the bootstrap can be locked in a transport and can be transported to other systems of your landscape.

Then follow the steps listed in the Define Queue process of (explained later in the document) for your


Once the queue is imported, you are informed to go to the snote transaction and implement the bootstrap

note. Ensure that the status of the SAP Note is completely implemented.

o If you are using SPAM version 69 or below and have already implemented the bootstrap in the

development system, you will have to complete implementing the bootstrap in all the individual systems

of your landscape.

The TCIs are available in the following SPs of respective releases. If a system is in any of the following SPs or

above SPs, then implementing the bootstrap is not needed:



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SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions


Support Packages

700 SP35

701 SP20

702 SP20

731 SP19

740 SP16

750 SP05

751 SP02

752 SP00

753 SP00

1.3.1 Enabling Note Assistant for TCI for Lower SAP_BASIS

Releases (700, 701, 702)


You have performed the following based on the SAP_BASIS releases:


You have …

SAP_BASIS 700 • Updated to Support Package Manager version 70

• Downloaded and implement following SAP Notes

if they are valid:

o SAP Note 975510

o SAP Note 1113339

o SAP Note 1832923

o SAP Note 2344014

o SAP Note 2134534

o SAP Note 2536585

o SAP Note 2606986

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions


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You have …

o SAP Note 2569813

SAP_BASIS 701 • Updated to Support Package Manager version 70

• Downloaded and implement the following SAP

Notes if they are valid:

o SAP Note 1504500

o SAP Note 1532112

o SAP Note 2344014

o SAP Note 2134534

o SAP Note 2536585

o SAP Note 2606986

o SAP Note 2569813

SAP_BASIS 702 • Updated to Support Package Manager version 70

• Downloaded and implement the following SAP

Notes if they are valid:

o SAP Note 1532112

o SAP Note 2344014

o SAP Note 2134534

o SAP Note 2536585

o SAP Note 2606986

o SAP Note 2615270

o SAP Note 2569813


As said above, NA cannot consume TCIs by default. To enable the NA tool for consumption of TCI, you should

implement the bootstrap SAP Note that contains TCI. The following table provides information about the

bootstrap TCI SAP Notes for lower SAP_BASIS releases (700, 701, and 702) along with the relevant TCI packages:

Releases Bootstrap SAP Note TCI Package

700 SAP Note 2446868 SAPK70000PCPSAPBASIS

701 SAP Note 2444141 SAPK70100DCPSAPBASIS

702 SAP Note 2444141 SAPK70200GCPSAPBASIS


Make sure that you import the TCIs for the NA enablement using the Support Package Manager

(transaction SPAM) as described below. You cannot revert the enablement of NA SAP Note.



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SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions


1. Download the Bootstrap TCI:

1. Search and open the relevant bootstrap SAP Note xxxxxxx based on the SAP_BASIS from SAP Support

Portal Home.

For more information on relevant bootstrap SAP Notes, refer to the above table in the context section.

2. Choose Correction Instructions and select SAP_BASIS under the Software Component tab.

3. On the Correction Instruction view, select the relevant software component version and choose


The system provides a SAR file. Save the downloaded SAR file into your directory.

4. Log on into client 000 of the system you want to install the TCI.

5. Upload the bootstrap TCI SAP Note to the system: Call transaction SPAM, then choose Support

Package Load Packages From Front End and navigate to the directory, into which you downloaded

the SAR file (for example, K70003CPSAPBASIS.SAR).

2. Define queue:

1. In transaction SPAM, display the new support packages.

2. From the OCS Package Directory: New Packages view, select the respective bootstrap TCI SAP Note.

3. To define the TCI queue, click the Calculate Queue button.


If you receive the following message "Not allowed Support Package is already applied," the import of TCI is

not required as the required changes are already available in the system.

7. Import the TCI queue: Click the Import queue button to import the TCI queue.

8. Confirming the queue:

Once the queue is imported, you are prompted with the next action - to go to the SAP Note Assistant

(transaction snote) and download(Even if the Note is available download it again) and implement the

bootstrap note. that the status of the SAP Note is completely implemented. Doing this will automatically

confirm the SPAM queue.

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If your system is not connected to the Online Service System (OSS) confirming the queue is not possible.

In this case, you first download the SAP Note from the SAP Support Portal and upload SAP Note xxxxxxx

(for example, SAP Note 2446868 for 700 release) using the Note Assistant tool and then confirm the


3. Verify the SAP Note Status:

Verify if the status of the SAP Note xxxxxxx (for example, SAP Note 2446868 for 700 release) is set

to Completely Implemented.


The Note Assistant tool is now able to consume TCIs for lower releases.


Sometimes the first installation fails with any error message. In this case, call transaction Support

Package Manager (SPAM) again and continue the installation.

Related Links

• For more information on known limitations and issues, see SAP Note 2345669.

• For more information, see Support Package Manager.

1.3.2 Enabling Note Assistant for TCI for SAP_BASIS

Releases 731 Onwards


• Support Package Manager version 70 or higher

• You have the user authorization to SAP_OCS_STD to implement the TCIs.

• You have performed the following based on the SAP_BASIS releases:


You have …

SAP_BASIS 731 • Downloaded and implement following SAP Notes

if they are valid:

o SAP Note 2536585

o SAP Note 2606986

o SAP Note 2615270



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SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions


You have …

o SAP Note 2569813

SAP_BASIS 740 • Downloaded and implement following SAP Notes

if they are valid:

o SAP Note 2536585

o SAP Note 2606986

o SAP Note 2615270

o SAP Note 2569813

SAP_BASIS 750 • Downloaded and implement following SAP Notes

if they are valid:

o SAP Note 2536585

o SAP Note 2606986

o SAP Note 2615270

o SAP Note 2569813

SAP_BASIS 751 • Downloaded and implement following SAP Notes

if they are valid:

o SAP Note 2536585

o SAP Note 2606986

o SAP Note 2615270

o SAP Note 2569813


As said above, NA cannot consume TCIs by default. You should implement SAP Note 1995550 that includes

TCIs for the NA enablement. The SAP Note 1995550 is also termed as bootstrap TCI Note for higher SAP_BASIS

releases (731 onwards). You can implement TCIs with NA similar to SAP Notes. Once the NA is enabled for TCI

consumption, any TCI can be implemented similar to SAP Notes ensuring seamless integration.

The following table provides information about the bootstrap TCI SAP Notes for SAP_BASIS releases 731 onwards

along with the relevant TCI packages:

Releases Bootstrap SAP Note TCI Package

731 SAP Note 1995550 SAPK73100DCPSAPBASIS

740 SAP Note 1995550 SAPK74000FCPSAPBASIS

750 SAP Note 1995550 SAPK750002CPSAPBASIS

751 SAP Note 1995550 SAPK751001CPSAPBASIS

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Make sure that you import the TCIs for the NA enablement using the Support Package Manager

(transaction SPAM) as described below. You cannot revert the enablement of NA SAP Note 1995550 .


1. Download Bootstrap TCI

1. Implement the SAP Note 2344014 and SAP Note 2134534 if it is valid.

2. Search and open the SAP Note 1995550 that contains the Note Assistant enablement from SAP Support

Portal Home.

For more information on relevant bootstrap SAP Notes, refer to the above table in the context section.

3. Choose Correction Instructions and select SAP_BASIS under the Software Component tab.

4. On the Correction Instruction view, select the relevant software component version and choose Download.

The system provides a SAR file. Save the downloaded SAR file into your directory.

5. Log into client 000 of the system you want to install the TCI.

6. Upload the bootstrap TCI SAP Note to the system: Call transaction SPAM, then choose Support Package

Load Packages From Front End and navigate to the directory, into which you downloaded the SAR file (for

example, K70003CPSAPBASIS.SAR).

2. Define Queue:

1. In transaction SPAM, display the new support packages.

2. From the OCS Package Directory: New Packages view, select the respective bootstrap TCI SAP Note.

3. To define the TCI queue, choose the Calculate Queue button.


If you receive the following message "Not allowed Support Package is already applied," the import of TCI is

not required as the required changes are already available in the system.

7. Import the TCI queue: Choose the Import queue button to import the TCI queue.

8. Confirming the queue:

Once the queue is imported, you are prompted with the next action - to go to the SAP Note Assistant

(transaction snote) and download(Even if the Note is available download it again) and implement the

bootstrap note. Ensure that the status of the SAP Note is completely implemented. Doing this will

automatically confirm the SPAM queue.



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SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions


If your system is not connected to the Online Service System (OSS) confirming the queue is not possible.

In this case, you first upload SAP Note 1995550 using the Note Assistant tool and then confirm the


Verify the SAP Note Status:

Verify if the status of the SAP Note 1995550 is set to Completely Implemented.

Follow the steps provided in Enabling the System for SAP Note Transport-based Correction Instruction

Rollback to get the complete functions of TCI.


The Note Assistant tool is now able to consume TCIs for SAP_BASIS releases 731 onwards.


Sometimes the first installation fails with any error message. In that case, call transaction Support

Package Manager (SPAM) again and continue the installation.

Related Links

• For more information on known limitations and issues in TCI enablement SAP Note 1995550, see SAP Note


• For more information, see Support Package Manager.

1.4 Consumption of SAP Note Transport-Based Correction


SAP Note transport-based correction instructions (TCI) are:

• Implemented with the Note Assistant (NA) similar to regular SAP Notes

• Transported through the system landscape (development system and production system) through customer

transport similar to any SAP Notes correction.

The following sections describe different scenarios for consuming TCIs:

• Implementing a TCI for the first time.

• Reimplementing a TCI when doing a support package (SP) update.

• Implementing a TCI during an upgrade.

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions


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1.4.1 Implementing SAP Note Transport-Based Correction

Instructions for the First Time

You want to correct a system defect by implementing a TCI, proceed as follows:

1. Under https://support.sap.com/home.html search for the SAP Note that contains the TCI.

2. Open the SAP Note from the SAP ONE Support Launchpad view.

3. Choose Correction Instructions and select the relevant software component.

4. On the Correction Instruction view, select the relevant software component version and choose Download.

The system provides a SAR file. Save the downloaded SAR file into your directory.

5. To implement the SAP Note with the corresponding TCI in your development system, use the Note Assistant

through transaction SNOTE. In the Note Assistant, proceed as follows:

1. Upload the TCI SAR archive obtained from the step 4 of the procedure. Choose Goto Upload TCI


Alternatively, you can upload the TCI SAR archive (for example, K700005CPSAPBASIS.SAR) through

Support Package Manager or SAINT from front end to your development system (SPAM must be called in

client 000). To do so, call transaction SPAM or SAINT in client 000 and choose Support Package

Load Packages From Front End in transaction SPAM or Installation Package Load Package From

Front End in transaction SAINT.

If Upload TCI is not available, then execute Report RSLANG20 (Refer to SAP Notes 110910 and 48624 ) .

After this step, launch SNOTE and choose Choose Goto Upload TCI

2. Download TCI note from the SAP support portal and unzip the ZIP file.

3. Under the Corrections section, choose Correction Instructions Software Component Download

4. In Note Assistant, choose Goto Upload SAP Note .

5. Start the TCI note implementation. Choose SAP Note Implement SAP Note . For more details, see

Enabling the System for SAP Note Transport-based Correction Instruction Rollback.

6. Export the adjustment transport. For more information, see the Support Package Manager documentation

and SAP Add-On Installation Tool documentation.


Warning about objects without directory entry can be ignored, since TCIs can contain deletions.

7. Import the adjustment transport into your productive system. For more information, see the Support Package

Manager Documentation and SAP Add-On Installation Tool documentation.

You have implemented the TCI in your productive system.

Related Links

Note Assistant

Support Package Manager

SAP Add-On Installation Tool



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SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions

1.4.2 Reimplementing SAP Note Transport-Based Correction

Instructions with Update by Support Package

If you have already implemented a TCI and want to update your system with a support package (SP), proceed as


1. From the SAP Support Portal, download the SP that you want to implement.

2. To implement the SP into your development system or productive system, use transaction SPAM. If the TCI is

still valid for the SP, the TCI is automatically reimplemented in your system.


The TCI package must be available in all systems, so it can be included during the support package


1.4.3 Implementing SAP Note Transport-Based Correction

Instructions with Upgrade

The handling of a TCI during an upgrade is similar to the process described in Reimplementing SAP Note

Transport-Based Correction Instructions with Update by Support Package. When you upgrade your system, the

following default scenario applies:

You have implemented an SAP Note that contains additional TCIs that are valid for the target release.

TCIs that are not implemented yet and that are valid for the target release are automatically implemented. These

TCIs must belong to the SAP Notes that you have already implemented in your system. This supports SAP Notes

with multiple TCIs for different releases.


The TCI SAR archive (for example, K740005CPSAPBASIS.SAR) must be available in the EPS/in the

transport directory folder. You can download the package from the SAP Support Portal. Then, call

transaction SPAM, choose Support Package Load Packages From Front End and navigate to the

directory into which you downloaded the SAR file.

1.4.4 Implementing SAP Note Transport-Based Correction

Instructions without Import Authorization

Implementation of an SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instruction without Support Package Manager

authorization for the import is not possible. You receive a notification that a Support Package Manager queue is

defined, but the import is not possible due to missing authorization. You have now two possibilities to continue:

1. Restart the note implementation with a user with sufficient authorization.

2. Import the Support Package Manager queue directly with transaction SPAM (works in any client). Resume the

SAP Note implementation in the Note Assistant to confirm the Support Package Manager and Note Queue.

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions


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1.5 Enabling the System for SAP Note Transport-based

Correction Instruction Rollback


You have performed the following based on the SAP_BASIS releases:



You have …

o Updated to Support Package Manager

version 70 or higher

o Downloaded and implement following SAP

Notes if they are valid:

o SAP Note 2536585

o SAP Note 2606986

o SAP Note 2615270

• Implement the SAP Note 2446868 even if you

have implemented SAP Note 1995550

For more information on how to implement the

SAP Note 2446868 , see Enabling Note

Assistant for TCI for Lower SAP_BASIS Releases

(700, 701, 702).

SAP_BASIS 701, 702 • Updated to Support Package Manager version 70

or higher

• Downloaded and implement following SAP Notes

if they are valid:

• SAP Note 2536585

• SAP Note 2606986

• SAP Note 2615270

• Implement the SAP Note 2444141 even if you

have implemented SAP Note 1995550

• For more information on how to implement the

SAP Note 2444141, see Enabling Note Assistant

for TCI for Lower SAP_BASIS Releases (700, 701,


SAP_BASIS 731 onwards • Updated to Support Package Manager version 70

or higher

• Downloaded and implement following SAP Notes

if they are valid:

• SAP Note 2536585

• SAP Note 2606986

• SAP Note 2615270



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SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions


You have …

• Implement the SAP Note 1995550 if valid. Follow

the steps in Enabling Note Assistant for TCI for

SAP_BASIS releases 731 onwards.

• Implement SAP Note 2408383.

For more information on how to implement the

SAP Note for SAP_BASIS 731 onwards, follow the

steps given in Enabling the System for SAP Note

Transport-based Correction Instruction Rollback.


Here are some of the scenarios where you cannot roll back all the TCIs in the system:

• If the attributes for TCI rollback are not set to "TRUE," you cannot roll back the TCIs. Then, to delete the TCI

from the system, you must revert your system to the status it had before you implemented the TCI. This

procedure necessarily requires a system backup.

• If the support package manager (SPAM) backup flag is not enabled, you cannot roll back the TCIs.

• If you update the system or if you import a transport request where already the TCI is implemented, you

cannot roll back the TCI.


You can rollback TCI similar to regular SAP Notes from Note Assistant. To do this, you first enable or update

SNOTE for TCI rollback. The steps are as follows:

1. Open the SAP Note 2408383 from the SAP ONE Support Launchpad view.

2. Choose Correction Instructions and select SAP_BASIS under the Software Component tab.

3. On the Correction Instruction view, select the relevant software component version and choose


The system provides a SAR file. Save the downloaded SAR file into your directory.

4. Log on into client 000 of the system you want to install the TCI.

5. Upload the TCI to the system: Call transaction SPAM, then choose Support Package Load Packages

From Front End and navigate to the directory, into which you downloaded the SAR file (for example,


6. Download and implement the SAP Note 2408383. You have enabled the system for TCI rollback.

7. Download and implement the SAP Note 2643757.


If the implementation of the SAP Note 2408383 fails with the following message

LOAD_PROGRAM_INTF_MISMATCH, then implement the SAP Note 2408383 again.

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions


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1.5.1 Implementation and Rollback of SAP Transport-based

Correction Instruction Using SNOTE

You can perform the implementation and rollback of TCI as follows:

Implementation of TCI

1. Go to transaction SNOTE.

Download the SAP Note that you want to implement and download the corresponding TCI file, which is in a

SAR format.

2. Select the SAP Note which you want to implement.

3. Choose the Implement SAP Note button from the Note Assistant: Note Browser view..

Note that whenever the implementation queue contains a TCI, the system displays a dialog box with two new

additional columns (TCI and Rollback Possible) as follows:

The TCI column displays the CIs which contain the TCI or not. The Rollback Possible column checks if the system

can perform the rollback of that TCI.

The Rollback Possible column displays the following flags:

Rollback Flag




TCI rollback is possible

TCI rollback is not possible.


o The rollback of TCI can be performed based on the support package manager and TCI attribute settings.

In the support package manager settings, the backup flag should be enabled.

o The status of the SAP Note should be Completely Implemented.

o The note log gets updated accordingly. You can check the note log for details.



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SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions

Rollback of TCI

1. Go to transaction SNOTE

2. Select the SAP Note which you want to deimplement.

3. Choose the Reset SAP Note Implementation button from the Note Assistant: Note Browser view.

When you deimplement the SAP Note, the system displays a dialog box with any TCIs available in the SAP Note.

The information displayed in the dialog box is available from SAP NetWeaver release 731.

4. Choose the Execute button to roll back the TCI.

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions


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SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions

SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions


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