i03 Reflection

AZN Zine - Issue 03: Reflection

AZN Zine - Issue 03: Reflection


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By Amanda Young

Her ability to scope out her grandkids’ favorite snacks translates

easily into more than just a gift of giving food. It is woven into the

details of handwritten cards and anecdotes from simpler times. It is

found in the way she remembers those that have passed, and the

way she continues sharing their legacy to make us all relive their stories

time and time again.

This ability to see a moment in its details

is the kind of beauty I admire.

There is something so beautiful about pushing pause on the life

reel to remember a detailed moment from yesterday. It does not abide

by the fast-paced algorithm characteristic of the information-flooded

society we live in. But it is the type of beauty that is often only seen in

hindsight. Missing it can lead to bittersweet memories, but seeing it

leads to an enriched view on life.

My grandma holds so much beauty in the posture she takes

towards loving others. When she remembered the way my face lit up

after eating an Okinawan sweet potato manju, I found a casing with

three perfectly untouched manjus waiting for me every time I went

over afterwards. When I sent her a blog post, she would respond back

by email with words laced in love and carefully chosen praise.

If the world associated beauty with this type

of posture, I could only imagine the type of

relationships we would be able to reconcile.

Details are sometimes deemed unnecessary. They clog our writing,

our speeches, our PowerPoints. We are always told to keep things

brief and to the point. There is a time and a space for brevity and

simple memos. But what about those that write flowery things not for

the sake of filling space but for the sake of sharing a single moment’s

emotion? We lose a fuller story of unseen beauty when we cut the

“unnecessary details.” Beauty is more than just a physical icon or an

awe-struck moment; it is the stepping off the mindless train of distraction

to love with careful attention to the details.

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