Financial centre Liechtenstein - Thinking in generations
The image brochure about the Liechtenstein financial centre. Find out more about the location in the Alpine region, the advantages of the locational advantages and the services.
The image brochure about the Liechtenstein financial centre.
Find out more about the location in the Alpine region, the advantages of the locational advantages and the services.
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Spotlight: susta<strong>in</strong>ability<br />
Spotlight: susta<strong>in</strong>ability<br />
Innovation and susta<strong>in</strong>ability<br />
at the f<strong>in</strong>ancial <strong>centre</strong> <strong>Liechtenste<strong>in</strong></strong><br />
How new technologies<br />
promote susta<strong>in</strong>ability<br />
In a world of <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g digital-physical conver-<br />
holders and one which is focused on common<br />
IXO, a company that has been based <strong>in</strong> Liechten-<br />
Each real-world asset <strong>in</strong> a network is given a digital<br />
gence, <strong>Liechtenste<strong>in</strong></strong> is seiz<strong>in</strong>g the opportunity<br />
goals. The Office for <strong>F<strong>in</strong>ancial</strong> Market Innovation<br />
ste<strong>in</strong> s<strong>in</strong>ce 2018, has been lead<strong>in</strong>g the mission<br />
tw<strong>in</strong> that is tokenised with the rights to the<br />
to comb<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong>novation and tradition for value-<br />
and Digitalisation is play<strong>in</strong>g a central role <strong>in</strong><br />
to develop a Web3 Internet of Impacts. After all,<br />
future economic, social and environmental value<br />
based development that is fit for the future<br />
this. It is actively promot<strong>in</strong>g the exchange be-<br />
the future form of f<strong>in</strong>ance for susta<strong>in</strong>ability<br />
it will generate. Data is automatically evalu-<br />
and to shape this proactively. Our goal is to lead<br />
tween authorities, <strong>in</strong>dustry and <strong>in</strong>ternational<br />
and climate impacts will be digital, <strong>in</strong>telligent<br />
ated and verified us<strong>in</strong>g causal AI. Impacts can<br />
the way and show how technological <strong>in</strong>nova-<br />
players and is moderat<strong>in</strong>g this exchange and<br />
and decentralised. This led IXO to develop<br />
be digitally certified immediately and issued<br />
tion can susta<strong>in</strong>ably support the development<br />
translat<strong>in</strong>g it <strong>in</strong>to specific, practical solutions.<br />
a trustworthy operat<strong>in</strong>g system for f<strong>in</strong>anc<strong>in</strong>g,<br />
as impact tokens, such as digital carbon credits.<br />
of our f<strong>in</strong>ancial sector and our economy as well<br />
measur<strong>in</strong>g, report<strong>in</strong>g and verify<strong>in</strong>g social, climate<br />
Each connected device generates digital cash-<br />
as strengthen trust <strong>in</strong> the digital world.<br />
Implementation <strong>in</strong> the field<br />
and environmental impacts at a local level.<br />
flows <strong>in</strong> real-time that can be re<strong>in</strong>vested <strong>in</strong>to new<br />
The early promotion of technologies such as block-<br />
networks. This results <strong>in</strong> doubl<strong>in</strong>g cycles of<br />
Innovation as driv<strong>in</strong>g force of the future<br />
cha<strong>in</strong> - one example be<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>novative TVTG -<br />
The Layer-1 blockcha<strong>in</strong> and trustworthy AI models<br />
growth for scal<strong>in</strong>g these green physical resource<br />
Innovation is the key to the further development<br />
demonstrates <strong>Liechtenste<strong>in</strong></strong>’s commitment to digi-<br />
were specifically built for this purpose. Liechten-<br />
networks. Us<strong>in</strong>g high-<strong>in</strong>tegrity digital f<strong>in</strong>ance<br />
of the f<strong>in</strong>ancial <strong>centre</strong> <strong>Liechtenste<strong>in</strong></strong>. Not only<br />
tal <strong>in</strong>novation. With an eye to the future, it is<br />
ste<strong>in</strong> has provided an ideal jurisdiction from which<br />
allows the economic ga<strong>in</strong>s to be shared with local<br />
should technologies such as blockcha<strong>in</strong> and AI be<br />
now a matter of creat<strong>in</strong>g a coherent <strong>in</strong>frastructure<br />
to f<strong>in</strong>ance, develop and commercialise this<br />
distributors and users of these green technolo-<br />
<strong>in</strong>troduced, they should also be <strong>in</strong>tegrated<br />
as well as the general conditions for the digital<br />
ambitious <strong>in</strong>novation. <strong>Liechtenste<strong>in</strong></strong>’s Blockcha<strong>in</strong><br />
gies. This <strong>in</strong>genious <strong>in</strong>vention creates a digital fly-<br />
<strong>in</strong>to the economy and society <strong>in</strong> a mean<strong>in</strong>gful<br />
(f<strong>in</strong>ancial) economy. This <strong>in</strong>volves the <strong>in</strong>tegration of<br />
Act govern<strong>in</strong>g trusted technologies provided<br />
wheel for climate f<strong>in</strong>anc<strong>in</strong>g and is important to<br />
and efficient way. We are at the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of<br />
different technologies and requires jo<strong>in</strong>t efforts<br />
IXO with the regulatory clarity it needed to push<br />
speed up progress towards the Global Susta<strong>in</strong>able<br />
an era <strong>in</strong> which technological convergence is pre-<br />
as well as a shared vision among all stakeholders.<br />
susta<strong>in</strong>able digital f<strong>in</strong>ance, while work<strong>in</strong>g with<br />
Development Goals and to achieve the net-zero<br />
dicted to br<strong>in</strong>g about with<strong>in</strong> a decade a level<br />
We have the opportunity to utilise the syn-<br />
regulated f<strong>in</strong>ancial <strong>in</strong>stitutions and <strong>in</strong>ternational<br />
targets of the Paris Agreement.<br />
of momentum and scope of development that has<br />
ergies between blockcha<strong>in</strong>, AI and other disruptive<br />
agencies such as UNICEF, UNCDF and the ITU.<br />
not been seen over the last 100 years. This<br />
technologies to create the basis for a susta<strong>in</strong>able<br />
To scale up the workforce that is needed to distri-<br />
vision of the future <strong>in</strong>volves AI f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g ground-<br />
economy that is fit for the future.<br />
S<strong>in</strong>ce establish<strong>in</strong>g its home base <strong>in</strong> <strong>Liechtenste<strong>in</strong></strong>,<br />
bute and service these green physical <strong>in</strong>fra-<br />
break<strong>in</strong>g solutions to global challenges,<br />
IXO has become the lead<strong>in</strong>g digital operat<strong>in</strong>g<br />
structure networks, IXO also provides digital tools<br />
where not only <strong>in</strong>telligence but also ethical val-<br />
Prospects<br />
system for power<strong>in</strong>g decentralised physical <strong>in</strong>fra-<br />
for youth to build their skills and offers job op-<br />
ues are crucial. These technologies need to<br />
As a pioneer, <strong>Liechtenste<strong>in</strong></strong> comb<strong>in</strong>es regulatory<br />
structure networks. These networks of green<br />
portunities. IXO is work<strong>in</strong>g with the <strong>Liechtenste<strong>in</strong></strong><br />
be carefully managed and organised so that they<br />
foresight, leadership and solutions for the fu-<br />
technology devices are needed to meet the grow-<br />
Bankers Association, the University of Liechten-<br />
foster economic growth and have a positive<br />
ture <strong>in</strong> sett<strong>in</strong>g standards for <strong>in</strong>novation and susta<strong>in</strong>-<br />
<strong>in</strong>g need for energy, water purification, e-mobility,<br />
ste<strong>in</strong> and UNICEF to design digital green bonds<br />
impact on society.<br />
ability. Our approach shows how a harmonious<br />
soil health monitor<strong>in</strong>g, food security or digitally<br />
f<strong>in</strong>anc<strong>in</strong>g that will stimulate youth-led green<br />
comb<strong>in</strong>ation of technology and regulation can cre-<br />
enabled education. To further <strong>in</strong>vest <strong>in</strong> grow<strong>in</strong>g<br />
economic growth, us<strong>in</strong>g the Internet of Impacts.<br />
The crucial role of regulation<br />
ate the foundation for a secure, efficient and<br />
its ecosystem of technology <strong>in</strong>novators build-<br />
In light of such rapid technological developments,<br />
trustworthy digital age.<br />
<strong>in</strong>g this new Internet, IXO founded the Internet<br />
Dr. Shaun Conway,<br />
an appropriate strategic orientation as well as<br />
of Impacts DAO, us<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>Liechtenste<strong>in</strong></strong><br />
Founder of IXO blockcha<strong>in</strong><br />
forward-look<strong>in</strong>g regulation are essential <strong>in</strong> order<br />
Dr. Clara Guerra,<br />
Venture Cooperative (LVC) legal form, which is<br />
Internet of Impacts<br />
to navigate the newly emerg<strong>in</strong>g space for <strong>in</strong>-<br />
Head of Unit SFID<br />
designed for br<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g together <strong>in</strong>vestments<br />
novation and at the same time ensure trust and<br />
of work, non-cash contributions and capital contri-<br />
security <strong>in</strong> the digital age. This is why Liechten-<br />
butions from both private <strong>in</strong>dividuals and legal<br />
ste<strong>in</strong> has opted for an agile governance model<br />
entities, <strong>in</strong> order to develop <strong>in</strong>novations.<br />
based on collaboration between various stake-<br />
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