2021 Jeonbuk LIFE! Spring Edition

It describes daily life of expats in Jeollabuk-do South Korea. Also I shows and promote the multiple business of JBCIA(Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs) and North Jeolla province.

It describes daily life of expats in Jeollabuk-do South Korea.
Also I shows and promote the multiple business of JBCIA(Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs) and North Jeolla province.


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Charming Jeollabuk-do, South Korea







FOREST p. 18

Find relief from your

stress with "forest

healing" in Jinan.



Gunsan's picturesque

island is filled with exciting

things to see & do.



Spring is here & Gochang's

fields of flowers are

ready to impress.



Just north of Jeonju,

this waterfall is beautiful

in all seasons.

276 Hongsan-ro Wansan-gu,

Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do

phone-al +82-63-280-6112



Jeollabuk-do’s International Magazine

Spring 2021 • Issue 22

Registration No. ISSN: 2508-1284

276 Hongsan-ro Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do

phone-al +82-63-280-6112



Jeonbuk Life Magazine is published by the

Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs (JBCIA).


Publisher JBCIA Secretary General Youngho Lee

Manager Peter Yi

Managing Editor Dianne Pineda-Kim

Copy Editor Bethany McCall


Graphic Designer Aaron Snowberger aaron.kr


Dianne Pineda-Kim, Bree Dunn, Aaron Snowberger, Brittany

Singler, Satabdi Acharya, Bethany McCall, 김나은, 강여정,

김이삭, 안철희, 형분여, 장은정, 김진희, 이소연, 고준호, 강다연,

신지원, 한리나, 윤석훈, 이미원, 김찬권, 왕팡팡


After a year of life under a pandemic, agreeing

to do something “when COVID is over” now

sounds like less of a promise and more of an

avoidance strategy. Yet with vaccine rollouts

underway in many countries and Korea’s plans to widely

administer the vaccine this spring and summer, the end

may finally be in sight. But it’s not a simple matter of

going back to the way life used to be.

In this issue, we look at COVID’s wide-ranging effects

and how its impact will continue to be felt long after

case numbers dwindle. “Untact” and “ontact” are

the new reality everywhere from schools to K-pop

concerts. While social distancing measures have

been instrumental in protecting our physical health,

they’ve also taken a toll on mental health. Articles on

art therapy and forest bathing introduce safe ways

to reduce stress by reconnecting with our creativity

inside and nature outside.


Seong Jin Lee, Sanggon Lee

Jeonbuk Life is a quarterly project of the Jeollabuk-do

Center for International Affairs (JBCIA) which is a specialized

public diplomacy agency established by the Jeollabuk-do

Provincial Government. Our goal is to spread news to

Jeollabuk-do’s international community, as well as to carry

news of Jeollabuk-do throughout Korea and abroad. This

magazine publishes once per season.

※ Jeonbuk is an abbreviation of Jeollabuk-do.

A pause in international travel has put the focus back

on local tourism and shopping, and this issue covers

some of Jeollabuk-do’s best nature spots to enjoy as

the weather warms up, whether you’re looking for

beaches, waterfalls, or springtime blossoms. And read

to find out more about how to buy regional produce

and support local farmers through delivery services

like Slowbox or your neighborhood local food store.

Spring is a season of hope and rebirth. While we’re not

through the pandemic yet, we’re still looking ahead at

ways to heal and adapt to our changed world together.

Jeonbuk Life Magazine


Bethany McCall

JB Life Editor






Peter is a JBCIA Associate

Manager & oversees the

publishing of JB Life. His

passion is international

exchanges around the

world & hanging out

with expats from diverse

countries & cultures.

Dianne Pineda-Kim is an

editor for Groove Korea,

Soompi, and writes about

travel, food, and Korean pop

culture. She has published

two books under Skyhorse

Publishing, NY.

Bree Dunn wants to

help people feel more

connected to our diverse

world, so she enjoys

sharing stories about her

journey as an expat and

focusing on helping others

travel abroad better.

Bethany has experience

as an editor, writer, and

educator. She enjoys

helping people find their

voice in writing because

she believes everyone has

a story to tell.





Aaron is JB Life's graphic

designer as well as a

computer programmer

and educator. He's lived in

Jeonju for almost 15 years.

Brittany Singler is an English

instructor at Jeonbuk

National University. She

enjoys exploring and

writing about her travels.

Writing, reading, hiking, and

the occasional video game

are some of her hobbies.

Satabdi is an international

student studying for her

master's degree in Jeonbuk

National University in the

College of Natural Science.

In her free time, she enjoys

exploring Korea.


A special "Thank you" to

the JBCIA Supporters who

helped translate the article

summaries in this issue:

김나은, 강여정, 김이삭,

안철희, 형분여, 장은정,

김진희, 이소연, 고준호,

강다연, 신지원, 한리나,

윤석훈, 이미원, 김찬권,


If you would like to get

involved and contribute to

the next issue of Jeonbuk

Life magazine, email:




ISSUE 22 • SPRING 2021


wifi Untact, Ontact, Contact p. 6-8

What do these new words mean?

MUSIC Enjoy Untact Events During the Pandemic p. 9

Join people from around the world at a distance.

PAINT-BR Art for the Soul p. 10-13

Art therapy can help combat stress of the pandemic.


CANNABIS Nature's Best (opening) p. 14-15

Jeollabuk-do has it all: mountains, oceans, & flower fields.

TREE Jinan: Forest of Dreams p. 16-17

Find healing in Jinan's hinoki cypress tree forest.

TREE Wanju's Healing Forest p. 18-21

Practice "forest bathing" among 100,000 hinoki cypress.

SHIP Gunsan: Sea of Wonders p. 22-23

Seonyu-do is one of the West Sea's hidden treasures.

SUN Seonyu-do Adventure p. 24-27

Experience this author's day-trip to Seonyu-do.

D Gochang: A Floral Wonderland p. 28-29

Gochang's sprawling fields of flowers are breathtaking.

B Gochang's Mighty Blooms p. 30-31

From bright azaleas in spring to endless spider lilies in fall.

C Wansan Park's Red Flower Hill p. 32-33

Photograph yourself among the bright red & pink.

Water Wanju's Wibong Waterfall p. 34-35

This two-tier waterfall is beautiful in all seasons.

Jeonbuk Life Magazine 4


Apple-Al From Farm to Table in Korea p. 36-37

Slowbox is a local food subscription package.

CARROT The Best Food is Local Food p. 38-41

Jeonju & Wanju Local Food deliver to your door.

LANGUAGE Learn Korean p. 41

V-아/어 보다 "Try it!" • V-(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다 "Can / can't"

Tv Inspirational K-dramas p. 42-43

These fun dramas give you a boost of motivation.


VIDEO 2021 Comprehensive Business Plan p. 44-48

1 Promoting the Globalization of Jeollabuk-do

2 Global Frontier Jeollabuk-do Business

3 Letting the World Know the Charms of Jeollabuk-do

4 Establishing Friendly Jeollabuk-do


Bullhorn 2023 Asia-Pacific Master's Games p. 49

The competition is open for anyone over age 35.

Bullhorn 2023 World Scout Jamboree p. 50-53

Scouts from around the world will visit Jeollabuk-do.






What do these new words mean?

Words & photos by AARON SNOWBERGER

The COVID-19


has brought

about a lot

of changes to the way

the world works. But it’s

not only changed the

pattern of life and work,

it’s also sparked the

creation of several new

(or modified) vocabulary

words to express

different aspects of life

during the pandemic. So

what are some of these

new words, and what

exactly do they mean?

이 새로운 단어들은

무슨 뜻인가?

[번역 : 신지원]

코로나19가 불러온 대유행병은

전 세계에 많은 변화를

가져왔다. 하지만 코로나19

대유행병은 삶과 일의 패턴을

변화시켰을 뿐만 아니라,

대유행병과 함께하는 삶의

다른 측면을 표현하기 위해

새로운(또는 변형된) 어휘들을

창조하는 계기가 되었다.

그렇다면 이 새로운 단어들은

무엇이며, 정확히 무슨 뜻일까?

这 些 新 词 是 什

么 意 思 ?

[ 翻 译 : 왕팡팡]

新 型 冠 状 病 毒 的 全 世 界 爆

发 造 成 了 翻 天 覆 地 的 变 化 。

不 仅 改 变 了 人 们 日 常 生 活

和 工 作 的 模 式 , 而 且 同 时

促 成 了 新 词 汇 ( 或 变 型 词

汇 ) 的 创 造 契 机 。 那 么 这 些

新 词 是 什 么 , 准 确 理 解 是

什 么 意 思 呢 ?

Jeonbuk Life Magazine


Photos used for reference:

❶ Tesco/Homeplus shopping with

smartphones and UPC codes on

the Seoul subway. (Tesco PLC:



❷ Self-ordering machines at a

Gwangju highway service shop.

(Choi Kwang-mo: commons.




❸ Microsoft store robot

assistant in Vancouver, Canada.

(GoToVan: flickr.com/photos/


❹ Robot waiter at Yangfang

Shengli restaurant in China.

(N509FZ: commons.wikimedia.





“Untact” is a compound word made up of

the prefix “un-” and the second syllable

of “contact.” Combined, the two become

untact, meaning “no contact.” The word

first appeared in South Korea in 2017

and refers to any services and economic

activities that take place without direct

communication between people.

The word untact was first coined by

a group of local consumer science

gurus who envisioned “a future where

people increasingly interact online,

and companies replace humans with

machines to immunize themselves

against the effects of rising wages and

a rapidly aging workforce” (Bloomberg).

The concept of untact services was not

widely understood before the pandemic,

but its effects could already be observed

throughout Korean society. With its highly

developed technological infrastructure

and widespread use of smartphones and

other smart devices, Korea has already

been in the process of moving countless

services online; the pandemic merely

sped things along.

For example, most service industries in

Korea had already begun implementing

some form of untact offering. Banking,

taxes, shopping, and food ordering had

already moved online with e-commerce

services and AI chatbots assisting users.

Electronic kiosks and self-checkout

machines began replacing employees

at convenience stores, fast food

locations, movie theaters, and even

in public transportation hubs. South

Korea has also been testing drone and

autonomous robot food deliveries in

some remote locations, as well as robot

waiters in some cafes in Seoul. In fact,

some of the only industries that had not

yet adopted untact services were office

jobs, education, and medicine. But with

increased social distancing, even those

have had to rapidly adapt.

“언택트(Untact)”는 부정과 반대의

의미를 뜻하는 접두사 “un”과 접촉을

뜻하는 단어 “contact”로 구성된

합성어이다. 이 합성어는 2017년에

한국에서 처음 등장했으며, 두 사람

간의 직접적인 소통없이 이뤄지는

비대면 경제활동을 뜻 한다.

언택트 서비스(비대면 서비스)는

편의점에서의 셀프 체크아웃 라인,

공항에서의 전자 키오스크, 또는

사용할 때 앱을 통해 잠금 해제만

하면 되는 자전거 대여 등 제공된

기술과 상호작용하는 고객(사용자)

즉, 단 한 명의 참여자만 있으면 된다.

"Untact" 是 由 表 示 否 定 和 反 对

的 前 缀 "un" 和 表 示 接 触 的 单

词 "contact" 组 成 的 合 成 词 。 该 合

成 词 于 2017 年 在 韩 国 首 次 登 场 ,

是 指 两 人 之 间 没 有 直 接 沟 通 而 形

成 的 非 面 对 面 · 经 济 活 动 。Untackt

服 务 ( 非 面 对 面 服 务 ) 是 指 , 在 便 利

店 自 助 结 算 、 在 机 场 的 自 助 服 务

器 、 或 者 解 锁 骑 行 的 无 桩 共 享 单 车

等 , 技 术 提 供 者 和 与 与 之 对 应 的 客

户 ( 用 户 ), 只 需 一 名 即 可 完 成 。

7 Spring 2021 • Issue 22


Photos from KCON Official Twitter: twitter.com/KCON_official/

“Ontact” has now become the new reality

for many in office jobs, education, and

medicine. Ontact, combining “online” and

“contact,” refers to face-to-face interactions

conducted entirely online. Like untact, it

reduces in-person contact, but ontact still

requires face-to-face interaction. Untact

services only require a single participant:

the user interacting with the technology


At the start of the pandemic, schools

nationwide began implementing some

form of online classes. Initially, these were

conducted in an entirely untact manner,

with students only watching videos and

doing homework online. But as students,

teachers, and administrators adapted,

face-to-face interactions through video

conferencing technologies like Zoom and

even Discord became widespread. Offices

also began conducting meetings and

interviews through video conferencing

software. Some doctors began to provide

video consultations. And most religious

services have moved either fully or partially

online, greatly reducing the number of

in-person attendees. But by far, some of

the most innovative ontact events that

took place last year were conferences and


In April 2020, I was privileged to help lead

the way with the Korea TESOL National

Conference. I built two websites for the

event, a promotional site, and the “live”

site where participants were able to log in

and view a collection of prerecorded or live

streaming presentations. While the videos

could be classified as untact, we also

coordinated several ontact Zoom sessions

and a dedicated Slack channel to provide

users a virtual “hallway” where they could

interact during breaks in the conference.

Later, interactive K-pop concert experiences

drew millions of global fans to virtual online

venues. Hyundai Card sponsored “Fanmade

Live” concerts that allowed viewers to

request songs, costumes, and dance moves

from the participating K-pop performers.

These concerts were performed in physical

venues and streamed on YouTube. CJ

Entertainment and the Korea Creative

Content Agency hosted two similar events

called KCON:TACT that were attended by

nearly 4.5 million global viewers each.

Fan-request features, augmented reality

graphics, and Zoom meet-and-greets

with fan faces sometimes appearing on

screen allowed viewers to feel even more

connected to the stars than during a typical


“온택트(Ontact)”는 “온라인”

과 “접촉”의 합성어로 전적으로

온라인을 통해 이뤄지는 대면

상호작용을 말한다. 화상회의

소프트웨어인 줌과 즉각적으로 채팅

할 수 있는 플랫폼인 디스코드는

참여자들이 온라인상에서

실시간으로 상호작용할 수

있으면서도 사회적 거리 두기를

가능케 하는 인기 서비스로

떠올랐다. 유튜브와 다른 라이브

스트리밍도 연예인과 종교가

지속적으로 참여자와 교류하는

방법으로 떠올랐다.

"Ontact" 是 " 在 线 " 和 " 接 触 " 的

合 成 词 , 皆 是 通 过 在 线 完 成 的

双 向 互 动 。 视 频 会 议 平 台 Zoom

和 即 时 聊 天 平 台 Discord 炙 手

可 热 , 它 们 不 仅 实 现 了 参 与 者

在 网 络 上 可 以 实 时 互 动 , 同 时

可 以 保 持 社 会 距 离 。YouTube

和 其 他 的 现 场 流 媒 体 也 成 了 艺

人 和 宗 教 持 续 与 参 与 者 进 行 交

流 的 热 门 途 径 。

Jeonbuk Life Magazine


Enjoy Untact Events

During the Pandemic

Words & photos by AARON SNOWBERGER


“Contact” was how daily life

was conducted before Covid-

19. And this in-person, faceto-face

lifestyle is what many

people hope to return to when

it ends. However, the process

of automating traditional

manufacturing and services,

and moving more and more

industries online has already

begun, and will now only

continue to accelerate.

“컨택트(접촉: Contact)”는 대부분

사업이 인터넷, 전자상거래, 인공지능,

자동화 등 일상 업무에 있어서 사람간

접촉의 필요성을 덜 느끼게 하는

기술이 나타나기 이전에 사용했던 원래

방식이다. 그리고 비록 대유행병이

언택트와 온택트 서비스를 가속화

시켰지만, 우리가 4차 산업 혁명 동안

따르고 있는 이 추세는 대유행병이

끝난 후에도 이 새로운 단어들과

단어들이 나타내는 생활 방식이 우리

곁에 남아있게 할 것이다.

"Contact ( 接 触 )" 主 要 运 用 于 互 联

网 、 电 子 商 务 、 人 工 智 能 、 自 动 化 等

日 常 业 务 上 , 是 减 少 人 与 人 之 间 接

触 必 要 性 , 防 护 技 术 出 现 之 前 使 用

的 原 有 方 式 。 虽 然 大 流 行 病 加 速

了 Untact 和 Ontact 服 务 , 但 遵 循 第

4 次 产 业 革 命 模 式 , 这 一 趋 势 , 在 大

流 行 病 结 束 后 , 这 些 新 词 语 和 单 词

所 表 现 的 生 活 方 式 仍 会 伴 随 我 们 。

COVID-19 has brought with it many

difficult situations and circumstances.

But the pandemic has also encouraged

a wave of new innovations and many

new online opportunities that wouldn’t have even

been possible a few years ago.

For example, last year I was able to attend

two untact live concerts that were streamed

online from the United States. I also ran four

untact half marathons, one “in” the US, one

“in” Canada, and two in Korea. This year, I’ve

already registered for two international untact

conferences, and I am looking forward to more

untact concerts and races as the year goes on.

In previous years, many of these events would

have been impossible for me to attend in person

because of the cost of event tickets and plane

tickets just to get there. Typically, I would have

needed to spend hundreds to thousands of U.S.

dollars to attend a large international conference

or buy plane tickets to a race. But with these

events becoming untact during the pandemic,

travel costs are reduced to zero, and even ticket

prices have been reduced to just a fraction of the

original cost, often as little as 50 USD or less each.

So although the pandemic has brought

considerable hardship, it also has a silver

lining. I encourage you to investigate the word

“untact” wherever you are and see what kinds

of events, concerts, or races you might be able

to participate in that you otherwise could not.

The results just might surprise you.

팬데믹에서 비대면

이벤트를 즐기세요

[번역: 김진희]

코로나19는 많은 어려운 상황과

환경을 가져왔습니다. 그러나

팬데믹은 몇 년 전에는 불가능했을

새로운 혁신과 많은 온라인상의

기회들도 함께 가져왔습니다.

몇가지 예를 들자면, 저의 경우

작년에 미국에서 온라인으로

스트리밍 된 두개의 비대면 라이브

콘서트에 참석할 수 있었습니다.

또, 네 번의 비대면 하프마라톤에

참여하였습니다. 해가 갈수록 더

많은 비대면 콘서트와 경기들이

열릴 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.

在 大 流 行 享 受 非 对 面 活 动

[ 翻 译 : 이소연]

COVID-19 带 来 了 许 多 困 难 的

情 况 和 环 境 。 但 是 大 流 行 也 带

来 了 几 年 前 不 可 能 的 革 新 和 许

多 网 上 的 机 会 。

比 如 , 说 我 的 话 , 去 年 在 网 上 参

加 了 在 美 国 举 行 的 两 个 非 对 面

现 场 音 乐 会 。 还 有 参 加 了 4 次 非

对 面 半 程 马 拉 松 。 今 年 也 已 经

注 册 了 两 个 非 对 面 国 际 活 动 。

期 待 一 年 比 一 年 开 更 多 的 非 对

面 演 唱 会 和 比 赛 。

9 Spring 2021 • Issue 22

Jeonbuk Life Magazine



Art for the Soul

Several studies prove that art can improve your mental health. Here’s a guide to places in

Jeonju where you can get creative, tune out the world, and tune in to your inner Picasso.

Words & photos by DIANNE PINEDA-KIM

January 20, 2020, marks the day when South Korea

saw its first confirmed COVID-19 case in Daegu, and

it has been a year since then as the nation continues

its battle against the pandemic. We’ve seen its

inevitable string of negative effects, mainly illness and

loss experienced by those directly or indirectly affected

by the virus. There’s also the economic downturn, with

strict regulations on business operations, lockdowns, and

social distancing guidelines being enforced until today.

We read several news articles day in and out about the

extent of the virus’s effects on both the physical and

economic health of nations, but only a few delve deeply

into the pandemic’s effects on mental health. In Korea,

four out of 10 Seoul residents believe their mental health

has deteriorated because of the coronavirus outbreak,

based on an online survey by the Seoul Metropolitan

Government from July to August last year (Yonhap News).

One of the key reasons — aside from job loss, lack of

leisurely activities, and the “inconvenience of wearing a

mask” — is disconnection from family and friends.


Experts say that the intersection of COVID-19 and mental

health is real, as the pandemic’s effects are triggering

mental health conditions or exacerbating existing ones.

“Good mental health is absolutely fundamental to

overall health and well-being,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom

Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health

Organization, on its website: “COVID-19 has interrupted

essential mental health services around the world just

when they’re needed most. World leaders must move

fast and decisively to invest more in life-saving mental

health programs, during the pandemic and beyond.”

예술 : 마음을 위한 예술

[번역: 김나은]

전문가들은 COVID-19의 영향이

정신 건강 상태를 촉발하거나

기존 상태를 악화시키고 있기

때문에 전 세계적 유행병과 정신

건강의 교차점은 실재한다고

말한다. 연구에 따르면, 외로움과

바이러스에 대한 두려움, 전반적인

불확실함은 어떠한 사람들에게

스트레스와 불안을 유발한다.

때문에 이 시기동안 전문적인

도움과 정신건강 개선을 위한

대안을 찾는 것을 매우 권장한다.

미술 치료가 대안 중 하나일 수

있다. '치료 중인 사람들의 자아인식

발달, 감정 탐구, 해결되지 않은

정서적 갈등 해소, 사회성 향상,

자존심 제고 등을 돕기 위해'

예술과 심리가 접목된 학문이다.

여기 전주에서 창의력을 얻을 수

있는 장소들에 대한 가이드가 있다.

艺 术 : 为 了 心 灵 的 艺 术

[ 翻 译 : 강여정]

专 家 表 示 ,COVID19 的 影 响 正

在 引 发 精 神 健 康 状 态 或 恶 化 现

有 状 态 , 因 此 , 全 球 流 行 病 和 精

神 健 康 的 交 叉 点 实 际 上 存 在 。

研 究 表 明 , 孤 独 、 对 病 毒 的 恐

惧 、 整 体 的 不 确 定 感 都 会 给 一

些 人 带 来 压 力 和 不 安 。 因 此 , 在

这 个 时 期 , 我 们 非 常 提 倡 寻 找

专 家 的 帮 助 和 改 善 精 神 健 康 的

方 案 。 美 术 治 疗 可 能 是 其 中 的

对 策 之 一 。 这 是 " 帮 助 治 疗 中 的

人 发 展 自 我 认 识 、 探 究 感 情 、 消

除 尚 未 解 决 的 情 绪 矛 盾 、 提 高

社 会 性 、 提 高 自 尊 心 " 的 艺 术 和

心 理 相 结 合 的 学 问 。

这 里 是 关 于 在 全 州 能 获 得 创 造

力 场 所 的 指 南 。

““Art is unquestionably one of the

purest and highest elements in human

happiness. It trains the mind through

the eye, and the eye through the

mind. As the sun colors flowers, so

does art color life.” — John Lubbock

11 Spring 2021 • Issue 22

According to studies,

isolation, fear of the virus,

and general uncertainty

cause stress and anxiety to

some, which is why seeking

professional help and

finding alternative ways

to improve mental health

are highly recommended

during this time.


Art therapy could be one

of these alternatives.

It is a discipline that

incorporates art and

psychology “to help people

develop self-awareness,

explore emotions, address

unresolved emotional

conflicts, improve social

skills, and raise self-esteem”

(goodtherapy.org). While

this discipline often involves

experts, even people who

don't seek professional help

and those without artistic

experience or natural ability

may still find benefits in

engaging in the creative

process. Painting, sculpting,

pottery, and carving are

common techniques used

in art therapy, while simple

activities like doodling,

scribbling, and making

cards are also proven to

be beneficial. In short, you

don’t have to be good at

art or knowledgeable about

its media types to feel its

wondrous effects on the

mind. Aside from eating

healthy, exercising regularly,

and boosting our immune

systems, it might be good

for us to also consider art as

a way to enrich our mental

well-being — during the

pandemic and beyond.

Jeonbuk Life Magazine


Artik Café is a stunning cafe near Wedding

Street in Jeonju where you can choose

your own creative medium: paint, oil

pastels, or colored pencils to work either

on a blank canvas provided or with the

cafe’s premade illustrations. Perfect for

beginners and those who simply want to

do something unique in Jeonju, this cafe

allows you to reserve a slot in their website

or via DM in their Instagram. They limit the

number of guests and require everyone to

wear masks the entire time, so you can

rest assured that the place follows proper

health and safety protocols. The cafe

stresses that there are no rules when it

comes to creating art, while its casual

settings and minimalist vibe will make you

feel relaxed. In the words of photorealistic

painter Chuck Close, “Inspiration is for

amateurs. The rest of us just show up and

get the work done. If you wait around for

the clouds to part and a bolt of lightning to

strike you in the brain, you're not going to

make an awful lot of work.” When it comes

to art, you don’t have to make your work

perfect. You simply have to begin.


Instagram: @artik_cafe

Address: 전주시 완산구 전주천동로 206, 웨리단길

206 Jeonju Cheondong-ro, Wansan-gu, Weridan-gil

Rate: 10,000 KRW / person (2 hrs)

Hours: 12NN - 9PM



Since the loosening of social distancing

measures, the Jeonju City local government

has opened public facilities including art

halls and museums to continue promoting

arts and culture and to support local artists

in the region. The Sori Arts Center is a huge

complex with buildings where classic musical

performances are usually held. Located near

Jeonbuk National University, the center has

a gallery that is open to the public. I went to

the exhibition entitled 자연스럽개, or Natural

Cat and Dog art collection. Opened since

last December until February 7, the exhibit

advocated for pet adoption and called for

people to never abandon their pets. From

the words of the artist: "The reason why

modern people are with pets is simple. We

experience the healing process naturally

while living with our pets. We may think

that we are responsible for their food and

shelter, but they are the ones who give us

laughter, energy, and positivity.”

There are several other upcoming shows in

the following months, including musicals,

classical music ensembles, and the most

anticipated concert of Korea’s legendary

musician, Lee Moon Sae on March 26-27.

Check the website for details!

SORI ARTS CENTER / 한국소리문화의전당

Address: 전북 전주시 덕진구 소리로 31 소리문화전당

Sori-ro 31 Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do

Website: sori21.co.kr


아르틱 카페는 전주 웨딩 거리 근처에

있는 굉장히 아름다운 카페이다. 이

카페에서는 제공된 빈 캔버스나

사전 제작된 삽화에 작업할 페인트,

오일 파스텔, 색연필을 자신만의

창의적인 도구로 선택할 수 있다.



The Korea Traditional Culture Center is Psychology experts say that anxiety can

the hub for local craft talents in Jeonju. It be reduced when you focus on creating

showcases traditional Korean handicrafts, something with your hands to get your

fabrics, accessories, and hanji (Korean mind off of your imminent feelings of

paper) products. Located near Gaeksa fear or panic. The ClayGround Studio

in Jeonju, the building is unmistakable notes that pottery reduces stress because

thanks to its colorful panels and beautiful “our hands are an outlet for creativity, the

building exteriors. The center also houses sense of touch is of high importance. A lot

regular exhibits you can visit, but if you’re of focus is required while you’re making

more into creating your own DIY art, you pottery, therefore outside distractions are

can explore the stores on the first floor to reduced and no longer stress you out.” In

get some inspiration.

Jeonju, you can experience making your

own homewares with the help of an

instructor at Doogaji Ceramics, which is

located on Jeondong Seongndang Street.

You can book a group or solo session.


Instagram: @doogaji_ceramics

Korea Traditional Culture Center / 한국전통문화전당 Address: 전주시 완산구 전동성당길 26

Website: ktcc.or.kr/

26 Jeondang-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si

Address: 전라북도 전주시 완산구 현무1길 20

Rate: 35,000 KRW / session

20 Hyeonmu1(il)-gil, Pungnam-dong, Wansan-gu,


Art therapy is a discipline that incorporates art and

psychology “to help people in treatment develop selfawareness,

explore emotions, address unresolved emotional

conflicts, improve social skills, and raise self-esteem.”

阿 尔 蒂 克 咖 啡 馆

阿 尔 蒂 克 咖 啡 馆 是 位 于 全 州 结 婚

街 附 近 的 非 常 美 丽 的 咖 啡 馆 。 在

这 个 咖 啡 厅 , 可 以 在 提 供 的 空 画 布

或 事 前 制 作 的 插 图 上 , 自 己 亲 自 来

选 择 制 作 的 油 漆 、 油 彩 色 粉 笔 、 彩

色 铅 笔 作 为 自 己 的 创 意 工 具 。

한국 소리 문화의 전당

한국소리문화의 전당은 전통음악

공연 등이 주로 열리는 건물들이

모여 있는 거대한 복합단지이다.

韩 国 声 音 文 化 的 殿 堂

韩 国 声 音 文 化 的 殿 堂 是 主 要 举

行 传 统 音 乐 演 出 的 建 筑 物 聚 集

的 巨 大 综 合 园 区 。

한국 전통 문화 전당

한국전통문화전당은 전주지역 공예

인재들의 거점이다. 한국의 전통

수공예품, 직물, 액세서리, 한국 전통

종이인 “한지” 제품을 전시하고 있다.

韩 国 传 统 文 化 殿 堂

韩 国 传 统 文 化 殿 堂 是 全 州 地 区 工

艺 人 才 的 据 点 。 在 这 里 展 示 着 韩

国 传 统 手 工 艺 品 、 织 物 、 饰 品 、 韩

国 传 统 纸 张 " 韩 纸 " 产 品 。

“두가지” 도자기 공방

전주 전동성당거리에 위치한

“두가지” 도자기 카페에서는

강사의 도움을 받아 직접 가정용품

제작 체험을 할 수 있다.

" 两 种 " 陶 瓷 工 坊

在 位 于 全 州 全 东 圣 堂 街 的 " 两

种 " 陶 瓷 咖 啡 馆 , 在 讲 师 的 帮

助 下 可 以 直 接 体 验 家 庭 用 品

的 制 作 。

13 Spring 2021 • Issue 22



Whether it’s mountains, ocean, or

endless flower fields, these places

througout Jeollabuk-do have it all.


Jeonbuk Life Magazine




Because of the pandemic,

locals in South Korea

are encouraged to travel

domestically, which in

turn boosted the country’s tourism

industry. More people are turning

to nature and the great outdoors to

escape crowded places and to have

the chance to relax in wide, safe, and

beautiful environments. Gone are the

days when locals would often choose

the major tourist cities in Korea like

Jeju and Busan for leisure travel.

Nowadays, city dwellers are seeking

solace in more rural provinces during

weekends and holidays, reawakening

a new interest in less traveled,

underrated yet deserving places

with many hidden gems, especially

like Jeollabuk-do. If you’re looking

for nature places where you can

recharge, the six spots listed here

are some of the best spots that the

region has to offer.

최고의 자연

[번역: 한리나]

산, 바다, 끝없이 펼쳐진 꽃밭, 전라북도에는

모두 다 있다.

코로나바이러스 확산 때문에 사람들은 이제

국내로 여행을 한다. 이는 국내 여행 산업에

청신호가 되었다. 많은 사람들이 혼잡한 곳을

피하고 넓고 안전하고 아름다운 환경 속에서

휴식을 취하려고 자연과 멋진 야외 활동을 찾고

있다. 충전할 수 있는 자연 명소를 찾는다면

고창, 군산, 진안은 최고의 장소가 될 것이다.

最 高 自 然

[번역: 윤석훈]

不 是 山 就 是 大 海 或 者 无 边 无 际 的 花 园 , 全

罗 北 道 这 些 全 都 有 。

因 为 大 流 行 病 大 家 都 希 望 去 国 内 旅 行 。 所

以 对 国 内 旅 行 产 业 开 绿 灯 了 。 所 有 人 避 免

复 杂 的 地 方 , 将 打 算 安 全 和 风 景 美 丽 的 地

方 休 息 , 从 而 正 在 找 自 然 彩 户 外 活 动 。




15 Spring 2021 • Issue 22


The Forest of Dreams

This trail in Jinan is home to

awe-inspiring hinoki cypress



Jeonbuk Life Magazine


Geoseok-ri, Bugwi-myeon, Jinan-gun, Jeollabuk-do

전라북도 진안군 부귀면 거석리

꿈의 숲

[번역: 이미원]

진안의 이 길은 장엄한

편백나무들로 이루어져있다.

Koreans believe

that forest bathing

can help a person

de-stress, reduce

blood pressure,

boost the

immune system,

and improve

overall feelings

of well-being.

In Korea, “healing” is a term for relaxing your mind,

body, and spirit — whether you choose to go for a

day at a spa or go on a vacation somewhere. But

a more specific term became popular because of

the growing interest in nature. The term is “salimyok,” or

forest bathing, which is equivalent to sunbathing but,

you guessed it, it’s done in the forest.

The book “Forest Bathing: How Trees Can Help You Find

Health and Happiness” by Qing Li is about this particular

practice and tells how trees can promote health and

happiness. Koreans believe that forest bathing can

help a person de-stress, reduce blood pressure, boost

the immune system, and improve overall feelings of


If you’re looking for a place where you can try this

type of healing, Bugwi Cypress Forest in Jinan is most

recommended. It is located in an 8-hectare forest, 1.3

kilometers of recreation and healing forest road, and 1.1

kilometers of walking trail. It’s actually the best choice

for those who are not mountain hiking enthusiasts and

just want to go for an easy, comfortable trail. This place

is becoming popular on Instagram too, as many young

Korean women wear long, colorful dresses to take

pictures in the middle of the towering trees. The end

result looks like a page out of a fairy tale.

한국에서 자연에 대한 관심이

높아짐에 따라 인기를 얻고

있는 단어가 있다. 그것은 바로

삼림욕이다. 이러한 힐링(치유)

할 수 있는 곳을 찾고 있다면

진안 부귀의 편백숲은 가장

추천할 만한 곳이다. 이곳은 1.3

km의 휴양과 치유숲길, 1.1km

의 산책로가 있는 8만 평방미터

면적의 숲에 위치한다. 이곳은

사실상 산악 등반에 익숙하지

않고 가볍고 편안한 길을 찾는

사람들에게 최고의 선택지이다.

이 지역에서 피크닉을 즐기는

것은 허용되지만, 쓰레기를

버리고 오지는 말자!

梦 幻 森 林

[번역: 윤석훈]

副 题 : 镇 安 的 这 条 路 是 成 为 雄

伟 的 柏 树 。

简 略 : 在 韩 国 随 着 对 大 自 然 的

兴 趣 增 加 , 有 一 个 词 收 到 人 气 。

那 就 是 森 林 沐 浴 。 如 果 你 正 在

寻 找 可 以 治 愈 的 地 方 , 镇 安 富

贵 柏 树 森 林 是 最 推 荐 的 地 方 。

它 坐 落 在 一 个 80,000 平 方 米 的

森 林 中 , 拥 有 1.3 公 里 的 休 闲 和

治 愈 森 林 步 道 和 1.1 公 里 的 步

道 。 对 于 不 太 熟 悉 爬 山 和 寻 找

轻 便 舒 适 路 径 的 人 来 说 , 这 实

际 上 是 最 佳 选 择 。 这 个 地 区 允

许 野 餐 , 但 不 要 丢 扔 垃 圾 !

It’s a great way to reconnect with nature and get away

from the hustle and bustle of the city and the busy


NOTE: Having a picnic in the area is allowed, but please don’t leave

any trash behind!

17 Spring 2021 • Issue 22


Wanju's Healing Forest

Jeonbuk Life Magazine


Enjoy 100,000

hinoki cypress

trees in the




Words & Photos by


In the wintertime

sea of brown, bare

branches after other

trees have dropped

their fall foliage, Korea's

cypress trees (pyeonbaek,

known in English by their

Japanese name, hinoki

cypress) offer a welcome

bit of greenery. These trees

can be found throughout

the country and are

recognizable by their

scalelike evergreen leaves,

slim trunks, and often

towering heights of up to 35

meters. You might see a few

cypress trees lining a local

walking trail, or thousands

carpeting a mountainside.

Jeollabuk-do has no

shortage of places to

enjoy cypress trees, and

this January I traveled

to Sanggwan Pyeonbaek

Forest in Wanju, easily

accessible from nearby

Jeonju by bus. From the

Wonjuklim bus stop on the

main street, a single-lane

road leads past pensions

and cafes on a 30-minute

walk to the forest.

완주 치유의 숲

[번역: 김진희]

완주에 있는 상관 편백 숲은 자연

속에서 치유하고 교감하기에

이상적인 곳이다. 편백나무(

히노키나무)는 일년 내내 초록의

싱그러움을 선사하는 것은

물론, 피톤치드를 배출함으로써

알레르기 증상을 완화하고

스트레스를 줄이며, 공기의 질을

높이고 질병까지 퇴치하는 등

건강상의 이점도 제공해주고

있다. 상관 편백 숲은 십만 그루의

편백 나무들 사이에 벤치와 평상이

있는 등산로와 휴식공간을 갖추고

있다. 전북지역에는 편백 나무를

볼 수 있는 다른 곳들도 많이 있다.

전주에는 전북대 캠퍼스 탐방로를

따라 가다 보면, 건지 산에

조성되어 있는 편백 숲을 발견할

수 있다. 익산에는 배산 주변의

오솔길을 따라 가면 편백 나무

아래 쉼터에 다다를 수도 있고, 좀

더 멀리 가면 두동편백마을까지

여행 할 수 있다. 그리고 군산 월명

공원을 탐방하다 보면, 또 다른

편백 나무 숲을 바라볼 수 있다.

이 놀라운 나무들은 우리에게



불확실성의 시기에, 때때로 가장

좋은 치료법은 단지 멈춰서

完 州 治 愈 的 森 林

[ 翻 译 : 이소연]

在 完 州 的 上 关 扁 柏 森 林 是 在 自

然 中 治 愈 和 交 感 的 理 想 空 间 。

柏 木 ( 扁 柏 树 ) 常 年 绿 绿 的 , 因

为 排 放 植 物 杀 菌 素 , 缓 解 过 敏 、

减 压 、 提 高 空 气 质 量 、 疾 病 防 治

等 等 , 提 供 健 康 上 的 好 处 。 上 关

扁 柏 森 林 有 十 万 棵 扁 柏 树 中 的

等 山 路 。 那 儿 有 长 凳 、 凉 床 、 还

有 休 息 空 间 。 全 北 地 区 还 有 很

多 地 方 能 看 到 扁 柏 树 。

在 全 州 , 沿 着 全 北 大 学 的 探 访

路 走 , 能 找 到 在 乾 止 山 造 成 的

扁 柏 森 林 。 走 进 益 山 杯 山 小 路 ,

能 达 到 柏 树 下 的 休 息 处 , 再 走

远 一 点 , 能 旅 游 到 杜 洞 扁 柏 村 。

这 些 惊 讶 的 树 木 告 诉 我 们 。 受

到 压 力 或 者 在 想 到 是 不 确 定 性

的 时 期 , 偶 尔 最 好 的 疗 法 是 只

是 停 下 来 大 的 深 呼 吸 。

심호흡을 하는 것이라고.

19 Spring 2021 • Issue 22

Cypress forests

have gained

particular renown

for the practice of

“forest bathing,”

drawing visitors

who want to


the benefits of

forest air while

appreciating the

natural scenery.

Jeonbuk Life Magazine

Ample free parking is also available closer

to the forest entrance, which includes a

tourist information center, convenience

store, and public restroom.

As soon as you pass the information center,

you continue on a paved path flanked by a

single row of cypress trees on each side until

you reach a fork in the road that opens to

an expansive cypress forest resting area on

the left. The resting area features wooden

benches and raised platforms, perfect for

a few minutes’ break before embarking on

your hike or for a leisurely picnic. You can

even enjoy a nap there — don’t be surprised

to see other forest visitors with a mat or cot

drifting off to sleep as they breathe in the

fresh forest air.

Cypress forests have gained particular

renown for the practice of “forest

bathing,” drawing visitors who want to

experience the benefits of forest air while

appreciating the natural scenery.


As the Sanggwan Pyeonbaek Forest

information center explains, cypress trees

give off phytoncides, or antimicrobial

substances that protect the trees from

things like rot and insect infestations —

but they also have benefits for humans,

too. The website Phytoncide Korea

summarizes some of the domestic

research into phytoncides’ ability to

alleviate allergy symptoms, reduce stress,

improve air quality, and even fight disease.

While many plants produce phytoncides,

coniferous trees like the cypress

generate them in higher concentrations.

Cypress trees generally give off the most

phytoncides first thing in the morning and

during the summer, but even on my late

morning January trip the forest air was

palpably aromatic and refreshing.

While the resting area is a destination

in itself, it’s only the beginning of the

forest. Sanggwan Pyeonbaek Forest was

first planted in 1976 and now consists

of 100,000 hinoki cypress trees, along

with other coniferous trees like pine and

cedar. From the resting area you can

continue along the wider paved road at

a gentle incline, or you can head up the

steeper footpath (follow the signs for

오솔길). As the footpath leads you up the

mountainside, it does not offer many

spectacular views below; rather, its charm

lies in bringing you deeper into the forest

so you can feel truly surrounded by the

trees’ majesty, like a storybook character

exploring an enchanted forest — or like

a film hero, as the forest was a shooting

location for the 2011 historical action

movie War of the Arrows.

There are a few smaller resting areas

along the footpath where you can stop

and enjoy more forest bathing. We were

the only hikers on a Sunday morning and

appreciated the chance to remove our

masks and take in the air as we reached

each resting area, but be sure to wear

a mask and observe social distancing

guidelines when other groups are present.

After you finish your hike, you can also

spend time at one of the cafes along the

road to the forest. Cafe and bakery Para

Mi offers a selection of sugar-free and

gluten-free treats, while Cafe Adlib has

huge indoor and outdoor seating options

perfect for social distancing while sipping

one of their handcrafted drinks. Along

the main street just north of the bus stop

you can find Garden Cafe Mother with

manicured garden views and a large menu

including sandwiches and fruit drinks.

Sanggwan Pyeonbaek Forest is an ideal

destination for healing and reconnecting

with nature, but there are plenty of places

throughout Jeollabuk-do to hike among

cypress trees.

❶ In Jeonju, a cypress

forest can be found on

Geonjisan following

the Jeonbuk National

University campus trail.

❷ In Iksan, follow the

trails around Baesan

to reach a resting area

beneath the cypress

trees, or journey to

Dudong Pyeonbaek

Village for a more

remote experience.

❸ And look out for

another cypress forest as

you explore Wolmyeong

Park in Gunsan.

These remarkable trees

remind us that in times

of stress or uncertainty,

sometimes the best

remedy is just to stop

and take a deep breath.

21 Spring 2021 • Issue 22


Sea of Wonders

Seonyudo Island is one of the

West Sea’s hidden treasures



Main Image by WIKIMEDIA (칼빈)

Image: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%EA%B5%B0%EC%8


136, Seonyubuk-gil, Okdo-myeon, Gunsan-si, Jeollabuk-do

전라북도 군산시 옥도면 선유북길136번길

경이로운 바다

[번역: 이미원]

If you’re in need

of recharging

your mind and

stimulating your

senses, Gunsan

is a place that

you will surely

never forget!

For travelers in Korea who are craving a one-stop

place that combines nature, history, and a city

vibe but want a more accessible option, Gunsan

is the best place to be. It is home to historical

attractions that are not only educational destinations but

also bittersweet reminders of the past. Not only that,

Seonyudo, a beautiful island surrounded by mountains,

lies in the heart of this county. Legend has it that it is

here where Taoists gained their miraculous powers. What

is quite a miracle, however, are the endless attractions

offered by not only Seonyudo, but also the 63 islands

that are close to it.

Seonyudo is famous for 10 Ri beach, which has fine

crystal sand and a breathtaking view of the sunset

that colors the entire waters with a golden light. One

of the unknown attractions is the rock beach just a few

minutes’ drive away from the 10 Ri beach. You can hear

the calming sound of rocks crashing onto each other as

the waves pull them back and forth.

Several activities are available here for those who seek a

little more adventure, such as zip line, banana boat, electric

scooter, mudflats, clam digging, and so much more!

If you’re in need of recharging your mind and stimulating your

senses, Gunsan is a place that you will surely never forget!

NOTE: Enjoy the sun and sea, but don’t forget to register your name in

one of the local government tents that gather visitor contact data and

check temperatures as measures to guard against COVID-19. Last but

most important, do not leave your trash by the shores! Any littering will

end up getting washed in the water. It’s easy to find trash bins around

there, but if not, make sure to keep trash for proper disposal later.

산들에 둘러싸인 아름다운 섬,

선유도는 군산의 중심에 위치한다.

전설에 따르면 도교 신자들이

이곳에서 기적의 힘을 얻었다는

말이 있다. 그러나 진정한 기적은

선유도를 비롯한 가까이 모여

있는 63개의 섬들이 제공하는

수많은 명소들이라고 할 수 있다.

선유도는 고운 수정 모래와 바다

전체를 황금빛으로 물들이는

석양이 장관인 명사십리( 明 沙

十 里 ) 해수욕장으로 유명하다.

알려지지 않은 명소들 중 하나로는

명사십리 해변에서 차로 몇 분

거리에 위치한 바위 해변을 들

수 있다. 태양과 바다를 즐기되,

코로나 바이러스19의 확산 방지를

위해 지방자치단체에서 설치한

텐트에 방문자 이름과 연락처,

측정한 체온 등의 정보를 기록하는

것을 잊지 말자. 마지막으로 가장

중요한 것은 해변에 쓰레기를

남기고 가지 말자!

令 人 惊 讶 的 大 海

[번역: 윤석훈]

简 略 : 仙 游 岛 是 群 山 怀 抱 的 美

丽 小 岛 , 位 于 群 山 的 中 心 。 据 传

说 , 道 家 信 徒 在 这 里 发 现 了 神

奇 的 力 量 。 不 过 真 正 的 奇 迹 可

以 说 是 仙 游 岛 和 其 他 63 个 岛 屿

提 供 的 众 多 景 点 。 仙 游 岛 以 其

美 丽 的 水 晶 砂 和 明 沙 十 里 海 滩

而 闻 名 , 那 里 的 日 落 将 整 个 海

洋 染 成 金 色 。 未 知 的 景 点 之 一

是 位 于 明 沙 十 里 海 滩 只 有 几 分

钟 车 程 的 石 滩 。 享 受 阳 光 和 大

海 , 请 别 忘 记 记 录 , 为 防 止 冠 状

病 毒 传 播 , 游 客 在 当 地 政 府 安

装 的 帐 篷 上 的 名 字 和 联 系 , 测

量 的 体 温 信 息 。 最 后 最 重 要 的

是 , 不 要 在 沙 滩 上 留 下 垃 圾 !

23 Spring 2021 • Issue 22


Seonyudo Adventure

Image by Pxhere: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1598634

The Gogunsan

archipelago is

known for its

clear sea, shallow

water, small

mountains, & white

sandy beaches.

Words & photos by


Last year, I spent a

lot of time from

the late spring

to late autumn

traveling to different places.

One stop was in Seonyudo,

where I enjoyed the ocean,

a mountain rising up out

of the water, hiking, small

islands connected by

bridges that are excellent

for biking, and the bright

sun on my face, all rolled

up into one weekend.

Seonyudo is a beautiful

island in Okdo-myeon,

Gunsan. It lies in the heart

of the Gogunsan-Yeoldo

archipelago and consists

of some 20 islands. It is

known for its clear sea,

shallow water, small

mountains for trekking,

white sandy beaches, and

the beautiful surroundings.

When you visit, you can also

go to the nearby islands of

Munyeodo, Jangjado, and

Daejangdo in one trip as

there are bridges linking

the four islands. The area

is perfect for a solo trip as

well as going with friends

and family.

주말 선유도 바닷가 -

그립고 재미있는 곳

[번역: 형분여]

선유도는 한국의 서쪽해안,

전라북도 군산에 위치하고 있는

아름다운 섬으로, 고군산군도를

이루는 육십 여개가 넘는 섬 중

하나이다. 육지와 다리로 연결된

선유도는 자동차로 쉽게 접근이

가능하며, 여객선을 타고 갈수도

있어 관광객이 연중 많이 찾는

곳이다. 선유도를 비롯한 네 개의

섬 또한 서로 다리로 이어져 있고

이를 모두 둘러보려면 꽤 넓고

시간이 걸리기 때문에 이곳에서는

자전거 하이킹이 인기이다.

선유도해수욕장은 해넘이를 보는

곳으로도 유명하다. 선유도에서

하루를 온전히 보낼 수 있다면,

바닷가에서 캠핑하며 아름다운

별들을 감상하는 것을 강력

추천한다. 오토바이나 스쿠터,

자전거 그리고 그 밖의 다른

수상스포츠를 즐길 수 있으며,

조개잡이나 선상낚시, 가까운

봉우리 등반하기 같은 다양한

활동을 즐길 수 있다. 이곳에서

교통, 숙박, 음식은 편리하게

이용할 수 있다.

周 末 仙 游 岛 海 边 -- 想

念 又 有 趣 的 地 方

[번역: 강다연]

仙 游 岛 位 于 韩 国 的 西 海 岸 , 属 于

全 罗 北 道 群 山 的 一 个 美 丽 的 小

岛 , 是 构 成 古 群 山 群 岛 的 六 十

多 个 岛 屿 之 一 。 通 过 跨 海 大 桥

与 陆 地 相 连 接 的 仙 游 岛 , 交 通

很 方 便 。 可 以 乘 坐 汽 车 , 巴 士 ,

也 可 以 乘 坐 游 船 前 往 。 因 此 , 这

里 是 游 客 经 常 光 顾 的 地 方 。

包 括 仙 游 岛 在 内 的 四 个 小 岛 ,

通 过 大 桥 相 互 连 接 。 如 果 想 全

部 参 观 这 几 个 小 岛 , 需 要 花 很

多 的 时 间 , 因 此 , 在 这 里 骑 自

行 车 兜 风 是 最 受 欢 迎 的 方 式 。

仙 游 岛 海 水 浴 场 以 看 日 落 而 闻

名 。 如 果 想 在 仙 游 岛 度 过 一 整

天 , 我 们 强 烈 推 荐 你 在 海 边 露

营 , 晚 上 还 可 以 欣 赏 美 丽 的 星

星 。 在 这 里 , 可 以 租 赁 摩 托 车 ,

踏 板 车 , 自 行 车 以 及 其 他 水 上

运 动 设 备 。 还 可 以 享 受 挖 贝 类 ,

船 上 钓 鱼 , 欣 赏 美 丽 的 山 峰 等

各 种 体 验 活 动 。 在 这 里 , 交 通 ,

住 宿 , 餐 饮 等 都 很 方 便 , 可 以 尽

兴 游 玩 。

25 Spring 2021 • Issue 22

The turquoise blue

waters and quality

waves have long

made the beaches

of Gogunsan

a getaway for

people who

need a break

from city life.

There is plenty to do on the beaches,

from soaking up the sun and building

sandcastles to surfing and other water

sports. The turquoise blue waters and

quality waves have long made the beaches

of Gunsan a getaway for people who need

a break from city life. The water is so clear

you can see the bottom when it is even

4 or 5 meters deep. The pristine sand

of the beach sets the perfect mood for

relaxation. Bathrooms and showers are

available for rinsing off. The beach is full

of colorful stones in different sizes.

There are small mountains for hiking. As I

climbed one nearby mountain, the view of

the beach and islands was excellent. From

there it was beautiful gazing at how the

bridges connect islands, with blue seas

full of green small islands, and clusters

of local people’s homes with colorful


Seonyudo has a lot of excellent stores

where you can get various seafood as

well as barbeque and Korean traditional

foods. There are shops grilling fresh fish

and seafood. Food is cheap here. Clam

soup is famous here.

There is a scenic spot along the sea

connected by a bridge for enjoying the

beautiful view of the sunset and sunrise.

Walking along the beach, you’ll be in awe of

the stunning views and towering cliffs. This

is a great place to check out later in the day,

when the temperatures drop and you can

enjoy the sun setting behind the mountain.

Riding a bike along the beach is always

nice to do, especially if you are near one

with so much beautiful scenery. You can

rent a bicycle or scooter for a reasonable

price. A scooter rental costs just 15,000-

20,000 KRW for two hours.

Jeonbuk Life Magazine


A bike is very handy and two hours is

enough time to enjoy the scenery, but

don’t forget to take a helmet because the

road has turns as well as ups and downs.

If you want to go fishing, you can rent all the

materials from seaside shops. You will find

hundreds of people catching fish when you

enter the beach side. You can experience

catching clams for 4,000-6,000 KRW.

To reach Seonyudo, you can go either by

ferry or by a double decker bus. By ferry

it takes 30 to 40 minutes and you will

pass several small islands along the way.

Normally from a double decker bus, if you

sit in the upper deck you can enjoy the

scenic view.

The beach is very crowded during peak time

(mainly summer). In autumn, the beach

has fewer people compared with the peak

season and you can enjoy your time freely.

How does camping on the beach under

a starry night sky sound? Amazing, of

course. On the beach side there are

enough places to pitch your tent and

spend the night out. The on-site barbeque

is calling your name — bring your own

charcoal, fuel, and grill or get everything

you need from shops near the beach.

Whether you are 6 or 60, if you’re an

adventure lover then there’s nothing

quite like a zip line across the sea. From

the very first glance I didn’t realize that it

was a zip line because I’d never seen one

in person before. It is the longest overocean

zip line in Korea. You can enter near

Myeongsasimni beach’s entrance. The

Seounyu Sky Sun Line is 700 meters long

and 45 meters above the sea.

Seonyudo is very convenient for lodgings.

There are a few hotels and rental houses

that offer stays with reasonable prices.

27 Spring 2021 • Issue 22


A Floral Wonderland

These sprawling fields of blooms in

Gochang are breathtaking reminders

of how truly beautiful our world is


Photos by: SEONG JIN KIM

Jeonbuk Life Magazine


154 Hagwon Farm Road, Gongeum-myeon, Gochang-gun

전북 고창군 공음면 학원농장길 154

꽃의 낙원

[번역: 이미원]

고창의 넓게 펼쳐진 꽃 들판은

우리의 세상이 얼마나 아름다운지

깨닫게 한다.

In Gochang, you

can make the

dream of endless

fields of flowers

a reality and set

foot in a beautiful

gift of nature.

Imagine this: winding fields of flowers as far as the

eye can see, with blooms swaying in the wind and

colorful petals decorating the ground. It’s a distant

place that one can only dream of. In Gochang, you

can make this dream a reality and set foot in a beautiful

gift of nature. The Borinara Hagwon Farm, or 보리나라

학원농장, is about an hour and a half drive from Jeonju. It

is known for its barley farm and nature park that is filled

with flowers that bloom in different seasons: sunflowers

and buckwheat flowers in summer, cosmos and pink

muhly in fall, and a wide variety of blooms in spring.

보리나라 학원농장은 전주에서

차로 약 한 시간 반 걸린다. 이곳은

보리농원과 계절마다 피는

꽃들로 가득해지는 자연공원으로

잘 알려져 있는데, 여름에는

해바라기와 메밀꽃, 가을에는

코스모스와 핑크 뮬리, 봄에는

다양한 꽃들이 피는 것을 볼 수

있다. 사진을 찍을 때는 꽃에서

떨어져서 찍도록 한다. 그리고

고창의 상쾌한 공기를 즐겨보자.

단, 자연을 존중하는 것을 잊지

말고, 꽃봉오리들을 밟아 상처

내는 일이 없도록 주의하자.

花 之 乐 园

[번역: 윤석훈]

高 敞 广 阔 的 花 田 让 我 们 想 起 了

我 们 的 世 界 多 么 美 丽 。

You can find this field in K-dramas like “Goblin,” “Tale of

Nokdu,” “My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho,” and “Bridal Mask.”

Just a few minutes’ walk from the barley fields is the pink

muhly section, where stunning wispy grass in different

shades of pink will take your breath away. The color

combination of pinks and purples change depending

on where the sunlight hits them, and this otherworldly

scene brings a feeling of warmth and beauty of nature.

It’s like stepping into a fairy tale where, instead of the red

and yellow colors of fall, everything is painted a pretty

shade of pink.

大 麦 国 学 院 农 场 离 全 州 开 车

一 个 半 小 时 。 这 里 很 出 名 大 麦

农 园 和 充 满 四 季 花 卉 的 天 然

公 园 。 你 会 看 到 夏 天 时 向 日 葵

和 荞 麦 花 、 秋 天 时 波 斯 菊 和 粉

黛 乱 子 草 、 春 天 时 各 种 鲜 花 盛

开 。 拍 照 时 , 请 远 离 花 朵 。 还 有

享 受 高 敞 的 新 鲜 空 气 。 但 是 , 请

别 忘 记 尊 重 自 然 , 请 注 意 不 要

踩 伤 害 花 朵 。

In another section of the farm, one can easily see the

bright yellow and orange colors of cosmos, one of the most

recognizable flowers in Korea. It comes in different colors of

yellow, orange, white, purple, and pink. Cosmos is the Greek

word for harmony, and just by looking at these beautiful

beds of blooms, you will feel calm, happy, and free.

NOTE: Frolic away, take pictures, and enjoy the fresh air, but be sure to

respect Mother Earth and remember not to step on or cause damage

to the blooms!

29 Spring 2021 • Issue 22


Gochang's Mighty Blooms

Jeonbuk Life Magazine


Our jaws

dropped at

the brilliant

red spread of

flowers in all


Words & Photos by


Last fall, my family went

to Gochang for the first

time to visit Seonun

Mountain. By chance,

the weekend in late September

when we went was peak season

for the mountain's famous red

spider lilies (꽃무릇). As soon as we

entered the Provincial Park, our

jaws dropped at the brilliant red

spread of flowers in all directions.

Red spider lilies are lovely in and

of themselves, but to see millions

in full bloom, with the early fall

sun reflecting brilliantly off their

petals, the vision is breathtaking.

Gochang is not only famous for

Seonunsan's red spider lilies

in the fall, it is also famous for

bright pink and red azaleas

surrounding Gochang fortress

in spring. Gochang Eupseong is

a sprawling fortress wall that

once surrounded 22 government

buildings and a small forest.

Visitors can walk around the

1.6-kilometer long wall, which

stands at 4-6 meters in height,

and view the surrounding city

from an excellent vantage point.

The views are impressive yearround,

but significantly more

spectacular in the spring when

the azaleas are in full bloom.

고창 별책부록

[번역: 형분여]

지난 가을, 나는 가족을 데리고

고창 선운사에 처음으로 갔다.

그 당시에는 몰랐지만 우리가

차를 몰고갔던 9월 말은 현지에서

꽃무릇이 절정인 때였다. 차에서

내려 도립공원으로 들어서는

순간, 우리는 입이 떡 벌어졌다.

선운사와 등산로 앞쪽으로

새빨갛게 핀 꽃무릇밭이 눈부시게

쫙 펼쳐져 있는것이 아닌가!

꽃무릇은 그 자체로도 예쁘지만,

가을햇살을 받아 눈부시게 빛나는

꽃들이 수백미터에 걸쳐 사방으로

펼쳐져있는 모습을 보니 숨이 턱

막힐 뿐이었다.

고창은 꽃무릇으로만 유명한 것은

아니다. 봄이되면 시가지 중심에

있는 고창읍성 주변에 화사한

분홍과 붉은 철쭉이 피는 것으로

유명하다. 고창읍성은 관아를

비롯한 22개의 건물과 작은 요새를

둘러싸고 뻗어있는 성곽이다.

관광객들은 전체 1.6km 길이의

성벽둘레를 걷거나 4-6미터 높이의

성벽꼭대기에서 시내전경을 볼 수

있다. 경관은 연중 인상적이지만,

성벽바깥쪽으로 진달래가 한창필

때인 봄에 특히 장관이다.

高 敞 附 录

[ 翻 译 : 장은정]

去 年 秋 天 , 我 带 着 家 人 第 一 次

去 了 高 敞 禅 云 寺 。 我 们 并 不 知

道 , 在 九 月 末 我 们 驱 车 前 往 的

当 时 , 正 是 当 地 石 蒜 花 盛 开 的

高 峰 期 。 从 车 上 下 来 , 走 进 道 立

公 园 的 瞬 间 我 们 惊 讶 地 张 大 了

嘴 巴 。 顺 着 禅 云 寺 和 登 山 路 前

面 望 去 , 那 片 红 得 耀 眼 的 不 正

是 争 相 绽 放 石 蒜 花 ! 虽 然 石 蒜

花 本 身 也 很 漂 亮 , 但 看 到 在 秋

日 的 阳 光 下 , 数 百 米 长 的 绚 丽

花 朵 绵 延 向 四 面 八 方 , 此 景 美

得 令 人 窒 息 。

高 敞 郡 不 仅 以 石 蒜 花 而 闻 名 。

一 到 春 天 , 位 于 市 中 心 的 高 敞

邑 城 周 围 绚 丽 绽 放 的 粉 红 色 与

红 色 的 杜 鹃 花 也 非 常 有 名 。 高

敞 邑 城 是 围 绕 官 衙 等 22 个 建 筑

物 和 小 要 塞 建 成 的 城 郭 , 游 客

们 可 以 顺 着 全 长 1.6 公 里 的 城

墙 步 行 游 览 , 或 是 登 上 4-6 米 高

的 城 墙 最 高 处 观 赏 市 内 全 景 ,

这 里 的 景 色 每 一 天 都 给 人 们 留

下 深 刻 印 象 , 但 在 城 墙 外 金 达

莱 盛 开 的 春 天 却 尤 为 壮 观 。

31 Spring 2021 • Issue 22


Wansan's Red Flower Hill

These truly unique flowers offer a

stunning backdrop for any photo

Words & Photos by BRITTANY SINGLER

Main Photo by SANGGON LEE

Jeonbuk Life Magazine


These nearly


flowers are a

shocking shade

of red, with

a sprinkling

of white and

pink flowers


the park.


perfect place for flower enthusiasts and couples

is a hill in Jeonju's Wansan Park called “Flower

Hill.” There, you can see amazing ruby red

flowers in the spring, from April to late May.

These nearly face-sized flowers are a shocking shade of red,

with a sprinkling of white and pink flowers throughout the

park. This park, opposite Hanok Village and up a large, steep

hill, is just behind the Jeonju City Library. After climbing a

set of rickety stairs past the library, you will come upon a

hilly path into Wansan Park. The flowers include a kind of

cherry blossom as well as azaleas.

Once you make your way up the hill, the view is astonishing.

Bright red flowers, made even brighter by the sun shining

through their delicate petals, leap into view. The flowers

bloom on midsize trees that form an ocean of red for you

to swim through. If you go early enough, you can evade

the crowds of couples swarming into this forest for

photoshoots. These truly unique flowers offer a stunning

backdrop to any photo. Continuing further into the red

forest, you may sometimes find a striking contrast of whitepetaled

flowers against the ruby red ones, or light pink and

purple trees standing to one side along a path. Bright green

leaves and new grass add to the gorgeous contrast in this

spectacular display surrounding you.

Along the main path, there are hiking trails. You can

continue meandering through the flower forests seeking

perfect photo opportunities, or simply relax under the

trees. The vibrant colors of red, mixed with pink, purple,

and white, offer an unforgettable spring experience. The

flowers are arranged in a truly unique small forest that you

can explore, so make sure to visit this small park in Jeonju

during your spring travels.

전주: 완산칠봉 꽃동산

[번역 : 형분여]

꽃을 사랑하는 사람이나 연인들에게

전주시 완산공원에 있는 “꽃동산”은

완벽하기 이를데 없는 장소 일것이다.

봄이되면 4월과 5월사이에 선홍색 꽃들이

피어 굉장한 광경을 연출하는데, 거의

얼굴크기만한 꽃들이 각기다른 붉은색을

자랑한다. 만약 이 마법에 걸린듯한 붉은

숲속으로 몰려드는 연인들의 인파를

피하고 싶다면, 서둘러 아침 일찍 갈것을

추천한다. 선홍색의 꽃잎은 선명한

초록잎, 흰색, 보라색꽃들과 대비를

이루며 놀랍도록 아름다운 광경을

선사한다. 전주로 봄여행을 계획한다면

이 곳을 꼭 가보길 바란다.

全 州 : 完 山 七 峰 花 园

[ 翻 译 : 장은정]

对 于 喜 爱 花 卉 的 人 或 恋 人 来 说 , 位

于 全 州 市 完 山 公 园 的 “ 花 园 ” 可 以 说

是 最 完 美 的 场 所 。 每 当 春 日 4~5 月

之 际 , 红 艳 艳 的 花 朵 争 相 绽 放 构 成

一 幅 十 分 壮 观 的 景 象 。 似 脸 庞 般 大

的 花 朵 绽 放 出 各 具 特 色 的 红 色 争 奇

斗 艳 。 花 园 中 以 樱 花 和 杜 鹃 花 为 主 ,

如 果 想 避 开 红 色 花 海 中 沉 浸 在 热 恋

之 中 的 恋 人 们 , 建 议 大 家 早 晨 去 . 鲜

红 的 花 瓣 , 嫩 绿 的 叶 子 , 白 色 、 紫 色

的 花 朵 形 成 鲜 明 的 对 比 , 构 成 惊 艳

地 美 丽 景 色 。 如 果 您 打 算 到 全 州 春

游 的 话 , 这 里 绝 不 容 错 过 。

33 Spring 2021 • Issue 22


Wanju's Wibong Waterfall

Jeonbuk Life Magazine


Just past

Soyang, Wibong

Falls looks


from spring

to autumn.

Words & photos by


Wibong Falls

is a two-tier


located in

the eastern part of Wibong

Fortress. The waterfall

looks beautiful from spring

to autumn. In this period,

anyone can see the two-tier

form and it has a lot of water.

In late autumn and winter,

it is almost dried up or even

completely dry. The waterfall

then flows as a river through

the village. On both sides of

the river there are several

pensions and picnic places.

After 2-3 kilometers, it goes

to a water reservoir.

From the bus road, one can

go on foot as well as by car.

The road leading toward

the falls is full of maple

trees, and in autumn the

color of the leaves makes

it even more beautiful. The

mountains in this place

in autumn change to a

colorful bed full of green,

red, and yellow, and when

the sunlight falls on the

mountain it’s amazing.

완주의 위봉 폭포

[번역: 김이삭]

위봉 폭포는 위봉산 동쪽에 있는

2단 폭포다. 봄부터 가을까지

펼쳐지는 이 폭포는 아름답기

그지없다. 이 기간 동안에는

누구나 많은 물이 흐르는 폭포의

2단 형태를 볼 수 있다. 늦가을과

겨울에는 거의 물이 없어지거나

심지어 물이 아예 말라버린다.

그러면 폭포는 마을을 통해

강으로 흐른다. 강 양쪽에는 여러

소풍 장소와 펜션들이 있다. 2-3

킬로미터를 더 가면 저수지까지


버스 도로부터 자동차를 타고 갈

수 있을 뿐만 아니라 걸어서도 갈

수 있다. 폭포로 이어지는 길은

단풍나무로 가득하고, 가을에는

단풍의 색이 길을 더욱 아름답게

만들어 준다. 가을이 되면

이곳의 산들은 초록색, 빨간색,

노란색으로 다채롭게 변화하고,

햇빛이 비춰질 때는 더 아름답다.

完 州 的 威 凤 瀑 布

[번역: 안철희]

威 凤 瀑 布 是 位 于 威 凤 山 东 侧 的

二 层 瀑 布 。 从 春 天 到 秋 天 飞 流

而 下 的 瀑 布 美 丽 无 比 。 在 这 期

间 , 无 论 是 谁 都 可 以 欣 赏 到 倾

泻 而 下 的 二 段 瀑 布 。

深 秋 和 冬 天 的 时 候 几 乎 看 不 到

水 , 甚 至 会 完 全 干 涸 。 那 时 候 水

就 会 通 过 村 庄 流 向 江 河 。 河 两

岸 有 各 种 郊 游 场 所 和 山 庄 。 再

走 2-3 公 里 , 就 能 到 水 库 了 。

从 公 交 道 可 以 坐 汽 车 去 , 也 可

以 步 行 去 。 通 往 瀑 布 的 道 路 上

满 是 枫 树 , 秋 天 枫 叶 的 颜 色 让

道 路 更 加 美 丽 。 一 到 秋 天 , 这 里

的 山 就 会 变 成 五 颜 六 色 , 在 阳

光 的 照 射 下 更 加 艳 丽 。

35 Spring 2021 • Issue 22

From Farm to Table in Korea

Slowbox helps you support small,

family-owned farms with ease.

Words by BREE DUNN

Images from slowbox.kr

Too often when

we shop, there

is a disconnect


production and

consumption, lost

in a distant and

often unethical

supply chain.

한국 농장에서 식탁까지

[번역: 김찬권]

슬로우박스가 소규모 자영농을 지지하는 당신을 쉽게


슬로우박스는 제철 유기농 농산물을 한국의 구석구석으로

보내는 배달 서비스 이다.슬로우박스사는 소규모

자영농과 일반인들 사이를 이어주는 역할을 하는

지역사회지원농업(CSA) 의 개념에서 발달해 왔다. 각

작물을 생산하는 농부들에 대한 정보가 구매 과정에서

고객에게 공유됨으로서, 이들에 대한 친근감 향상에도

긍정적 영향을 준다. 생산과 공급에 대한 연결고리

없이 종종 우리는 소비 하고 있다. 이 과정에는 간혹 비

윤리적인 공급자의 생산 과정도 포함되어 있다.

그들의 이야기는 로컬쇼핑이라는 관점의 중요성을 시사

하고 있으며, 우리는 농부라는 직업과, 이들이 나의 가족에게

미치는 직접적 영향에 대해 연결고리를 매칭할 수 있다. 농부

중 한 명인 김종화씨는 이렇게 말한다, “ 농사를 시작하게

된 가장 큰 이유는 바로 우리 아이들 때문이었습니다.

둘째를 가졌을 때, 그때 당시 직업을 유지하면서 동시에

아이를 키우는 것은 어려운 상황이었습니다. 농업은 예부터

자연스러운 것이었고, 농토는 우리 아이들이 뛰어놀고 먹을

것들이 자라야 하는 곳이기에 유기농법 재배가 불가피한

상황이었습니다. 우리는 김종화씨의 농산물을 구매하고,

그들을 지지하는 단순한 소비자가 아니라, 우리 몸에 좋은

식재료를 먹으며 우리 가족의 건강함 까지 얻을 수 있다.

从 韩 国 的 农 场 到 餐 桌

[번역: 안철희]

Slowbox 会 帮 助 支 持 小 规 模 个 体 户 的 你 。

Slowbox 是 把 当 季 有 机 农 农 产 品 送 到 韩 国

各 个 角 落 的 加 入 方 式 。Slowbox 公 司 是 在

小 规 模 个 体 户 和 普 通 人 之 间 起 到 连 接 缝 隙

作 用 的 " 地 区 社 会 支 援 农 业 (CSA)" 下 发 展

起 来 的 。

谁 是 农 夫 ? 农 夫 们 的 故 事 通 过 人 们 在 网 上

共 享 购 买 过 程 而 广 为 人 知 。 我 们 经 常 在 生

产 和 消 费 的 分 离 和 距 离 的 无 知 以 及 非 伦 理

性 的 供 给 过 程 中 看 到 市 场 。 他 们 所 收 集 的 故

事 对 地 区 的 市 场 有 着 重 要 的 关 注 , 我 们 可 以

清 楚 地 了 解 农 夫 的 职 业 观 点 和 这 种 职 业 对

家 人 的 直 接 影 响 。 农 夫 金 钟 华 这 样 说 道 :" 开

始 种 田 的 最 大 理 由 就 是 为 了 我 们 的 孩 子 。 有

了 第 二 个 孩 子 以 后 , 一 边 维 持 农 活 , 同 时 一

边 抚 养 孩 子 是 非 常 困 难 的 。 因 为 农 田 不 仅 是

孩 子 们 玩 耍 的 地 方 、 而 且 是 我 们 食 物 生 长 的

地 方 , 所 以 农 活 必 须 以 自 然 亲 和 性 或 有 机 农

法 来 开 始 。" 与 其 说 我 们 是 为 支 援 这 些 有 购

买 力 的 家 庭 , 不 如 说 是 为 了 我 们 自 己 吃 到 对

身 体 有 益 的 食 物 。

Jeonbuk Life Magazine


Slowbox is a subscription package that will make you feel good.

Slowbox is a subscription

package that delivers organic

and seasonal agricultural

products to the homes of

residents across Korea. The company

was developed under the CSA

(Community Supported Agriculture)

to bridge the gap between small,

family-owned farms and the public.

Slowbox has five color themes, which

indicate diverse and lively colors of

Korean rural scenery. Their branding

is based on Korean traditional oh-gansaek

(5 secondary colors): dark blue,

purple, green, scarlet, and sulfur. The

main color is green, representing the

start of life.


The stories of the farmers are shared

online to bring familiarity to the

buying process. Too often when we

shop, there is a disconnect between

production and consumption, lost in

a distant and often unethical supply

chain. The farmers’ collective stories

put into perspective the importance

of shopping locally. Our career choices

are often tied to sociocultural aspects,

much like farmer Kim Jong-hwa, who

stated, "The biggest reason we started

farming was our kids. When I had a

second child, it was so hard to hold

down a job and raise children at the

same time. I didn't want to leave my

children with other people anymore.

So we decided to turn to farming

and spend more time with our kids.

It was natural, or even inevitable to

start organic farming because these

fields are where our kids play all day

and our foods are growing." Similarly,

farmer Lee Hong-geon stated that

he began farming organically for the

sake of the health of his family, whose

allergies were very severe. There is an

undeniable link between farmers who

choose the occupation as a benefit for

their families and buyers purchasing

the produce to better the health of

their loved ones.


Everything can be done online

through Slowbox’s website. First,

you choose between a small or

grand size basket; the small serves

up to two people, while the grand

serves up to four. Then you decide

what goes into the basket. You can

choose between basic vegetables,

seasonal vegetables, tofu, fruit, eggs,

or processed goods. The delivery

can be done weekly or biweekly for

up to three months at a time. Final

orders take place every Monday, are

dispatched by Wednesday, and then

arrive to your doorstep on Thursday.

Upon arrival, the baskets also include

recipes to help you make the most

use of the baskets. Then, you can

obtain points from sharing your

recipe creations on social media.


Slowbox’s mission is to continue the

education around local farmers and

create experiences that their customers

will remember forever. They organise

four visits to the producer farms every

year. They are also partnered with

WWOOF (World-Wide Opportunities

on Organic Farms), which began

in England in 1971 and connects

organic farms with volunteers.

Photo by BREE DUNN

Homepage: slowbox.kr

Instagram: @slowboxkorea

Hours: Orders finalized every Monday

37 Spring 2021 • Issue 22


The Best Food Is Local Food

Jeonju Food Market and Wanju Local Food are some of the finest local food stores

in the nation, and each has its own unique story

Words & Photos by AARON SNOWBERGER

There are over 200 direct local In recent years, local food stores have increased

food stores operating nationwide both in number and in popularity, for good reason.

in Korea. Local food stores can be These stores are some of the most important

categorized into two distinct types: food stores in Korea, providing same-day fresh

those stores that follow a shop-in-store model agricultural products to residents in a small, local

and operate within larger marts, such as service area (usually less than 100 kilometers).

Local Food Nonghyup stores found in Hanaro The enactment of local food initiatives combined

Mart, and those stores that are independent, with adequate nutrition, safety, and freshness

standalone, direct-to-consumer stores. standards can have far-reaching positive effects

on a region.

Jeonbuk Life Magazine




Carbon emissions

Pesticides / presevatives

Preservation of:

Native biodiversity

Soil health





Speed from farm to table

Health benefits



Job growth

Job stability

Household income

Local economic prosperity

Capital flow

Local Food Benefits

First, there are environmental

benefits from reducing carbon

emissions with shorter delivery

distances, growing non-GMO

products with fewer pesticides and

other chemicals compared with

commercial farming, and preserving

local biodiversity and soil health.

Second, consumers benefit. Much

local food is available within a day or

two of harvest, and many stores also

offer an online shopping mall and

free delivery service.

Last, local food has wide-ranging

benefits for farmers. By increasing

the flow of capital to rural areas,

local food initiatives create new

jobs, stabilize existing jobs, and

encourage a younger generation of

farmers to take up the reins from the

older generation. Rural tourism has

also become popular, with many city

dwellers sampling local foods in local

restaurants and taking farm tours to

see how food makes it from the farm

to their table.

Jeonju Food Market and Wanju Local

Food are some of the finest local food

stores in the nation, and each has a

unique story along with a large range

of products and an online shopping

mall. So if you live in Jeollabuk-do,

shop local with local food stores (in

person or online) to support the

local economy and get the freshest,

healthiest food in your home — and

in your stomach.

39 Spring 2021 • Issue 22

Section: Culture


Jeonju Food Market has operated in Jeonju since

December 2015 after the city developed its “Jeonju Food

Plan 2025” that September to kick off the initiative. Since

then, Jeonju Food Market has expanded to supply fresh

food from local farmers to over 1,000 public institutions,

including 137 Jeonju schools, delivering over 1,000 tons

of agricultural products annually.

According to a Yonhap News report, on July 16, 2020, Jeonju

announced that it would expand its Jeonju food delivery

service from 10 neighborhoods to all areas of Jeonju for

more convenience. The service provides twice daily same-day

deliveries of fresh agricultural products for online orders

through its website (jjfoodmarket.co.kr). Deliveries are

handled through one of two branch locations including the

Jeonju Stadium branch and the Songcheon-dong branch with

no delivery fees. The city expanded its delivery manpower

from late August in order to meet a higher demand during

the pandemic and expanded service area.

The city also

pledged to

increase the

number of fresh

farming products

and processed

foods from around

60 varieties to

over 100.


Wanju Local Food was the nation’s first direct local food

store, established in June 2012. The original store has

since expanded to become Wanju Local Food Cooperative,

including 12 direct local food stores such as Nonghyup

locations in Yongjin, Bongdong, Sangsang, Soyang, and

Gosan. The cooperative also runs a farmhouse restaurant,

online shopping mall (happystation.kr), and a farming

experience tour.

In a Jeonbuk Ilbo article dated November 3, 2020, Wanju

Local Food was ranked No. 1 in the 2020 National Local

Food Index conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture,

Food, and Rural Affairs. Of the 159 locations evaluated on

criteria such as local food production, job creation, and

consumption, only 13 were selected as excellent; among

those, Wanju Local Food alone received the highest S

(superior) grade. Wanju Local Food now operates the

nation’s largest number of standalone local food stores

and has the highest sales record of all stores over the

past 10 years.

Jeonju Local Food:


Wanju Local Food


Jeonbuk Life Magazine


가장 좋은 음식은 지역 음식이다

[번역: 고준호]

전국에는 200 개가 넘는 로컬 푸드 직매장이 운영되고

있다. 로컬 푸드 직매장은 크게 하나로 마트에 있는

농협처럼 “숍인 스토어”를 모델로 하여 대형 마트 내에서

운영되는 유형 그리고 독립된 형태의 매장으로 소비자와

직접 거래하는 유형으로 구분할 수 있다.



고창에 가 본 적이 있어요?

Have you ever been to Gochang?


로컬 푸드 직매장은 한국에서 가장 중요한 식품 매장 중

하나로 보통 100km 이내 있는 소규모 지역 시민들에게

당일 신선한 농산물을 공급해주는 서비스를 제공하며,

적절한 영양, 안전 및 신선도 기준과 결합 된 지역 식품

이니셔티브의 활성화는 지역에 광범위한 긍정적인

영향을 미침으로서 최근 몇 년 동안 로컬 푸드 직매장의

수와 인기가 모두 증가했다.

더 나아가 탄소 배출량, 운송 비용의 감소로 인한 환경

적 혜택, 더 신선하고 건강한 식품의 가용성으로 인한

소비자 혜택을 넘어서 지역 식량에 대한 관심을 증가로

지역으로의 자본 흐름이 증가하여 현지 농부와 지역

경제에 많은 혜택을 주고 있다. 전주 남부 시장과 완주

로컬 푸드 직매장은 전국에서 가장 좋은 직매장 중

하나이다. 두 직매장은 각각 고유의 배경이 있으며, 다양한

제품, 그리고 온라인 쇼핑몰 서비스를 제공한다.

最 好 的 菜 是 本 地 菜

[ 翻 译 : 강다연]

全 国 有 超 过 200 个 当 地 食 品 直 销 店 。 当 地 食 品 直 销 店 大

致 可 以 分 为 两 种 类 型 , 一 种 是 像 位 于 Hanaro 超 市 的 农

协 一 样 , 以 “ 商 店 ” 为 模 型 , 在 大 型 超 市 内 运 营 。 另 一 种

是 独 立 形 态 的 卖 场 , 直 接 与 消 费 者 进 行 交 易 。

当 地 食 品 直 销 店 是 韩 国 最 重 要 的 食 品 卖 场 之 一 , 一 般

是 以 向 100 公 里 以 内 的 小 规 模 地 区 市 民 提 供 当 天 新 鲜

的 农 产 品 的 服 务 模 式 , 当 地 食 品 结 合 了 适 当 的 营 养 ,

安 全 及 新 鲜 度 标 准 的 优 点 , 对 当 地 产 生 了 广 泛 的 积 极

的 影 响 。 所 以 近 几 年 当 地 食 品 直 销 店 的 数 量 和 人 气 都

有 所 增 加 。

不 仅 如 此 , 低 碳 排 放 量 , 运 输 费 用 的 减 少 带 来 的 环 境 方

面 的 改 善 , 利 用 更 新 鲜 , 更 健 康 的 食 品 , 消 费 者 对 地 区

粮 食 的 关 心 增 加 了 , 使 地 区 的 资 本 流 动 增 加 , 给 当 地 农

民 和 地 区 经 济 带 来 了 诸 多 实 惠 。

全 州 南 部 市 场 和 完 州 本 地 食 品 直 销 店 是 全 国 最 好 的 直

销 店 之 一 。 两 个 直 销 店 各 有 固 有 的 背 景 , 提 供 多 种 产 品

和 网 上 购 物 服 务 。

Grammar Patterns

V-(으)ㄴ 적이 있다/없다

"have done"

This pattern is used to express having had a previous

experience. As a question, combined with -아/어 보다, it

can be used to ask, "have you ever...?"

V-(으)ㄹ 만하다

"worth doing"

This pattern is used to recommend something that is

"worth doing" to someone else.

Practice 1

고창에 가 본 적이 있어요?

Have you ever been to Gochang?

네~ 선운산에 간 적이 있어요.

Yes~ I've been to Seonun Mountain.

그래요? 난 거기 간 적이 없어요.

Really? I've never been there.

꽃이 너무 예뻐서 가 볼 만 해요.

The flowers are really beautiful, so you should go sometime.

Practice 2

전북에서 가 볼 만한 곳을 좀 추천해 주세요.

Can you recommend any places in Jeollabuk-do worth visiting?

고창읍성에 가 본 적이 있어요? 봄이라서

진달래 꽃이 아름다울 거예요.

Have you ever been to Gochang Fortress?Since it's spring,

the azaleas will be really pretty.

감사해요! 거기 가면 먹을 만한 음식이 뭐예요?

Thanks a lot! If I go there, is there any food worth eating?

고창은 장어가 유명하고 먹을 만해요.

Eel dishes in Gochang are famous and worth trying.

41 Spring 2021 • Issue 22




Genre: Comedy, Romance, Youth Drama

Episodes: 16 • Duration: 85 min

Period: Oct 17 - Dec 6, 2020

TV Rating: 15+ • Viewer Rating: 8.1


Genre: Coming-of-age, Youth Drama

Episodes: 16 • Duration: 70 min

Period: Jan 31 - Mar 21, 2020

TV Rating: 15+ • Viewer Rating: 8.5


Genre: Business, Friendship, Drama

Episodes: 20 • Duration: 80 min

Period: Oct 17 - Dec 20, 2014

TV Rating: 15+ • Viewer Rating: 8.7

This series revolves around a

group of youth who, because of

their poor economic situation and

average education background,

are considered by Korean

society in general as having less

chance of “making it big.” But

because of their ingenuity and

street smarts, they clinched a

spot inside the best technology

and business incubator called

Sanbox in Seoul. Will Seo Dal-mi,

Nam Do-san, and the rest of the

crew be able to stand out in the

fierce competition? And will their

start-up business survive in the

midst of the growing pains of

youth and love? Watch it to find


This drama is the classic case of

the battle between the haves

and have-nots. Park Sae-ro-yi is a

son of a middle-class employee

who spent decades working for

Korea’s biggest food company,

Jangga. But unjust circumstances

will force Sae-ro-yi to build his

own business to avenge his

father’s death and to prove

that integrity and perseverance

always win against money. You’ll

enjoy the thrills of watching a

group of inexperienced youths

as they learn the ins and outs

of starting a business, while

fighting society’s prejudices and

the threat of a big, monopolizing


Jang Geu-rae’s dream when

he was young was to become

a professional baduk (Korean

board game played with black

and white stones) player. But

real life happened, and without

a college degree and armed only

with a high school equivalency

certificate, Geu-rae gets hired

at a large trading company

as an intern. He tries to deal

with his everyday challenges

by using strategies he learned

in baduk. This is a critically

acclaimed K-drama that shows

the realities of working in the

Korean corporate world and the

admirable attitude of this youth

who overcame it all.

Stories about the struggles & triumphs of young workers & business starters

Jeonbuk Life Magazine


These K-Dramas will give you that extra boost of confidence, motivation, & hope in any given situation



Genre: Comedy, Romance, Melodrama

Episodes: 16 • Duration: 60 min

Period: Jul 27 - Sep 15, 2018

TV Rating: 15+ • Viewer Rating: 8.2


Genre: Comedy, Romance, Drama

Episodes: 16 • Duration: 60 min

Period: Sep 16 - Nov 11, 2015

TV Rating: 15+ • Viewer Rating: 8.1

Show information from: mydramalist.com


Genre: Comedy, Romance, Youth Drama

Episodes: 16 • Duration: 75 min

Period: Dec 9 - Feb 4, 2021

Rating: 15+ • Viewer Rating: 8.5

While South Korea is considered a

hub of plastic surgery and cosmetic

industries, this drama aims to show

the other side of enhancing your

physical attributes: that surgery

can't instantly improve your selfesteem.

The story follows Kang

Mi-rae, a college student who got

surgery to gain acceptance by her

peers after being bullied for her

appearance during her childhood.

But then she is branded as a

"Gangnam Beauty," a derogatory

term referring to someone

superficial and obsessed with

plastic surgery. Here, she goes on

a journey toward self-acceptance

and realizing that she needs to

work on her inner self to become

truly happy.

Kim Hye-jin was popular in

her childhood years for being

the prettiest girl in school. But

puberty happened, making her

“lose all her beauty,” which made

her insecure about meeting

her childhood sweetheart

after being separated for many

years. She ends up working in

the same company as he does,

and with her talent, skills, and

determination, she is able to

captivate his heart. The drama

shows her transformation from

being unsure of herself to being

an independent, confident

woman who rose from the ranks

of an intern to an expert editor.

This is a popular youth drama

adapted from a webtoon that

tells the story of Lim Ju-gyeong,

a high school student who gets

bullied and becomes an outcast

because of her appearance.

Before moving to another place

and transfering to another

school, she learns how to apply

makeup to drastically change her

looks. She keeps her real identity

from her classmates, all the while

not knowing that her childhood

friend has loved her for her true

self — with or without makeup!

Stories about building self-confidence

43 Spring 2021 • Issue 22

English : 한리나 • 中 文 : 윤석훈

2021 Comprehensive Business Plan

of the Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs



전북 국제화 진흥사업

全 北 国 际 化 进 行 事 业

1 Operating Saemangeum Hangul School Overseas

1 해외 새만금 한글학당 운영

1 运 营 海 外 新 万 金 韩 文 学 堂

Our center will lay the foundation for expanding

Jeollabuk-do’s private exchanges in the future by

supporting the operation of Saemangeum Hangul

School and utilizing Korean textbooks containing

Jeollabuk-do contents in sister-friendly and emerging

exchange areas.

• By supporting the operation of the Saemangeum Hangul

School, the center will promote the attractiveness of

Jeollabuk-do and use the school not only to expand private

international exchanges but also to attract foreign students

through securing a base for Korean language education

자매우호 지역, 해외 신흥교류

지역 등에 새만금 한글학당

운영지원과 전라북도 콘텐츠가

포함된 한국어 교재 활용으로

향후 전라북도의 민간교류 확대

기반을 마련합니다.

• ‘새만금 한글학당’ 운영지원으로

전라북도의 매력 홍보, 한국어

교육 거점 확보를 통해 향후 민간

국제교류 확대 및 외국인 유학생

유치기반 지역으로 활용

姐 妹 友 好 区 、 海 外 新 兴 交 流 地

区 等 , 以 新 万 金 韩 文 学 堂 运 营

支 援 和 使 用 包 含 全 罗 北 道 内

容 的 韩 语 教 材 , 为 将 来 奠 定 基

础 扩 大 全 罗 北 道 的 民 间 交 流 。

• 以 ‘ 新 万 金 韩 文 学 堂 ’ 运 营 支 援

宣 传 全 罗 北 道 的 魅 力 , 通 过 确 保

韩 语 教 育 基 础 , 将 来 使 用 扩 大 民

间 国 际 交 流 及 吸 引 国 际 留 学 生 的

基 础 。

2 Nurturing Future Global Leaders

2 차세대 글로벌 리더 양성 사업

2 下 一 代 国 际 化 领 导 培 养 事 业

The centers’ aim is providing the provincial youth

with an opportunity to grow a world-class talent

representing Jeollabuk-do and fostering a global

mindset by enhancing their interest in international

organizations and diplomatic and international affairs.

• Hold a Model UN Conference for youth in the province

• Run a field trip program for international organizations

regarding diplomacy

• Customized class for understanding international exchanges

• Host a Dream and Hope Camp for residents of Qingdao, China

• Korean-Asian Youth Leader Exchange Promotion Project

도내 청소년들의 국제기구

및 외교·국제문제에 대한

관심도를 높여 전라북도를

대표하는 세계 속의 인재로서

성장할 기회를 제공하고 글로벌

마인드 함양을 목표로 합니다.

• 전라북도 청소년 모의 유엔 회의 개최

• 외교 관련 기구 견학프로그램 운영

• 찾아가는 국제교류 이해 교실

• 중국 칭다오 청소년 꿈·희망 캠프 운영

• 한-아세안 청년리더 교류 진흥사업

我 们 提 高 道 内 青 少 年 对 国 际

组 织 及 外 交 · 国 际 事 务 的 兴

趣 , 提 供 代 表 全 罗 北 道 的 全 球

人 才 成 长 的 机 会 , 并 旨 在 培 养

国 际 化 思 维 。

• 举 行 全 罗 北 道 青 少 年 模 拟 联 合

国 会 议

• 运 营 外 交 关 联 组 织 参 观 项 目

• 找 去 的 国 际 交 流 了 解 教 室

• 运 营 中 国 青 岛 青 少 年 梦 · 希 望 营 地

• 韩 - 东 盟 青 少 年 领 导 交 流 振 兴 事 业

Jeonbuk Life Magazine


전라북도국제교류센터 2021년 종합 사업계획

全 罗 北 道 国 际 交 流 中 心 2021 年 综 合 事 业 计 划

3 Globalization Empowerment Project for Residents

3 도민 국제화 역량 강화사업

3 道 民 国 际 化 能 力 增 强 事 业

The center will train and secure fluent foreign

language speakers available for international events

and international exchange projects, providing an

opportunity to join various world culture experiences

such as the 2023 Asia-Pacific Masters Games and the

2023 Saemangeum World Scout Jamboree.

• Manage a ‘Special Team for Jamboree’ to secure translation and

interpretation services for international events

• Operate language exchange lounges for languages such as

German, Vietnamese, Spanish, and French

• Operate World Culture Day, including events such as a world

culture photo exhibition

2023 전북 아시아 태평양 마스터스

대회 및 2023 새만금 세계

스카우트 잼버리 등 국제행사와

국제교류사업에 활용 가능한

외국어 구사자 양성과 확보,

다양한 세계 문화체험 기회를

제공하는 행사를 운영합니다.

• 국제행사 통·번역 봉사단 확보를

위한 잼버리 특별반 운영

• 독일어·베트남어·스페인어·

프랑스어 등 언어교류라운지 운영

• 세계 문화 사진전 등 세계 문화의

날 운영

2023 年 全 北 亚 太 大 师 赛 及

2023 年 新 万 金 世 界 童 子 军 大

会 等 等 、 培 养 和 确 保 可 以 在

国 际 活 动 而 国 际 交 流 事 业 使

用 的 外 语 讲 者 , 运 营 提 供 各

种 各 样 的 世 界 文 化 体 验 机 会

的 活 动 。

• 运 营 童 子 军 大 会 特 殊 班 , 为 确 保

国 际 活 动 口 译 · 翻 译 服 务 团

• 运 营 语 言 交 流 休 息 室 , 例 如 德

语 · 越 南 语 · 西 班 牙 语 · 法 语 等

• 运 营 世 界 文 化 日 , 包 括 世 界 文 化

摄 影 展 等

4 Operation of KOICA (Korea International Cooperation

Agency) for Young Professionals (Public Competition)

4 (공모) KOICA 영프로페셔널


4 ( 公 募 ) 运 营 韩 国 国 际 合 作

机 构 青 年 职 业 管 理

The center promotes global talent training by giving

young Korean talents opportunities to join and

enhance job competency in official development

assistance (ODA).

• Internship for the Youth in the Province (two winners

participated during the second half of 2020 and the first

half of 2021).

국내 청년 인재들의 국제개발협력

(ODA/공적개발원조)사업 실무

참여 및 직무역량 강화 기회

제공으로 글로벌 인재 양성을


• 도내 청년인턴 운영(2명, 20년

하반기/21년 상반기)

为 国 内 青 年 人 才 提 供 参 与 国

际 发 展 合 作 (ODA/ 官 方 发 展

援 助 ) 事 业 并 增 强 职 务 能 力 ,

促 进 培 养 全 球 人 才 。

• 运 营 道 内 青 年 实 习 生 (2 人 ,20 年

下 半 年 、21 年 上 半 年 )

45 Spring 2021 • Issue 22



글로벌 프론티어 전북사업

全 球 边 境 全 北 事 业

5 Jeonbuk-styled Official Development Assistance (ODA)

5 전북형 개발협력사업

5 全 北 型 开 发 合 作 事 业

By promoting development cooperation projects

using Jeollabuk-do’s strengths such as agriculture and

traditional culture, the center assists underdeveloped

countries, enhances internationalization of Jeollabuk-do,

and expands opportunities for companies and personnel

in the province to enter overseas markets.

• Create and expand a friendship village in Đắk Lắk Province,


• Nurture ODA professionals

전라북도의 강점 분야인 농업,

전통문화 등을 활용한 개발 협력

사업을 추진함으로써 저개발국의

발전을 도모하고 전라북도 국제화

강화와 도내 기업 및 인력의 해외

진출 기회를 확대합니다.

• 베트남 닥락성 우정마을 조성 확대

사업 운영

• 국제개발협력(ODA) 전문가 양성

利 用 全 罗 北 道 优 势 的 农 业 和 传

统 文 等 进 行 开 发 合 作 事 业 , 促

进 不 发 达 国 家 的 发 展 , 并 增 强

全 罗 北 道 国 际 化 和 扩 展 道 内 企

业 及 人 力 国 外 进 发 。

• 运 营 开 展 扩 建 事 业 、 以 建 立 越 南 多

乐 省 友 谊 村

• 培 养 国 际 开 发 合 作 (ODA) 专 家

6 Overseas Emerging-Exchange Expansion Business

6 해외 신흥교류 확대사업

6 海 外 新 兴 交 流 扩 展 事 业

By operating the Korean cultural experience program,

the center will increase interest in and enhance the

image of Jeollabuk-do, make a friendly environment

with private institutions in exchange countries, and

expand the international network of Jeollabuk-do.

• Run the overseas Korean cultural experience and

performance program

• Establish and expand a new civil exchange network

한국 문화체험 프로그램을 운영하여

전라북도에 대한 관심 유도 및

이미지 제고와 국제교류 지역 민간

기관과의 우호 환경을 조성하고

신흥교류 국가와의 교류사업

추진으로 전라북도의 국제적

네트워크 확장을 도모합니다.

• 해외 한국 문화체험 및 공연

프로그램 운영

• 신규 민간교류 네트워크 구축 및


运 营 韩 国 文 化 体 验 项 目 , 引 起 对

全 罗 北 道 的 兴 趣 及 提 高 形 象 , 并

与 国 际 交 流 地 区 的 民 间 组 织 建

立 友 好 的 环 境 。 还 有 通 过 促 进

与 新 兴 国 家 的 交 流 事 业 来 扩 展

全 罗 北 道 的 网 络 。

• 运 营 海 外 韩 国 文 化 体 验 及 表 演 项

• 建 立 和 扩 展 新 的 民 间 交 流 网 络

Jeonbuk Life Magazine




전북 매력 알리기 사업

宣 传 全 北 魅 力 事 业

7 Exchange Project for Sister-Friendly Regions Overseas

7 해외 자매우호 지역 교류사업

7 海 外 姐 妹 友 好 领 域 交 流 事 业

The center seeks to promote regional friendship

and activate civil exchanges in Jeollabuk-do through

various exchange activities for youth including culture

and sports programs with current and prospective

sister-friendly areas.

전라북도 자매우호 지역 및 자매우호

교류 추진대상 지역과 청소년·문화·

스포츠 등 다방면의 교류 활동으로

지역별 우호 증진 및 전라북도

민간교류 활성화를 도모합니다.

与 全 罗 北 道 姐 妹 友 好 地 区 及 姐

妹 友 好 交 流 促 进 对 象 的 地 区 , 通

过 青 少 年 · 文 化 · 运 动 等 多 样 的

交 流 活 动 , 增 进 各 地 区 友 谊 及 促

进 全 罗 北 道 民 间 交 流 激 活 。

• Civil exchange events with sister-friendly areas in the

U.S.A, Japan, and Russia

• Culture, food, and sports exchange with private

organizations in sister-friendly areas

• 미국, 일본, 중국, 러시아 등의 자매우호

지역과 민간교류 행사 운영

• 자매우호 지역의 민간단체와 문화,

음식, 스포츠 등의 교류 시행

• 与 美 国 、 日 本 、 中 国 、 俄 罗 斯 等 姐 妹

友 好 地 区 运 营 民 间 交 流 活 动

• 与 姐 妹 友 好 地 区 的 民 间 组 织 , 文 化 、

饮 食 、 运 动 等 的 交 流 实 施

8 Jeonbuk-Themed Field Trip Programs

8 전라북도 테마답사

8 全 罗 北 道 主 题 探 索

Inviting foreigners living in Korea and abroad to a field trip

program exploring and experiencing various attractions

in 14 cities and counties will enhance the global image

of Jeollabuk-do and promote the charms of Jeollabuk-do

by producing contents to introduce the various charms

of Jeollabuk-do to the Spanish-speaking world.

• Run a themed field trip showcasing various aspects

of Jeollabuk-do and its traditional culture according to

seasonal and regional characteristics

• Producing contents showing culture, nature, food, and

travel by inviting a Spanish-speaking influencer

국내·외 외국인 등을 초청하여

전라북도 14개 시·군의 다양한 명소를

탐방하고 체험하는 테마답사를 시행,

스페인어권에 전라북도의 다양한

매력을 소개하는 콘텐츠를 제작하여

전라북도의 글로벌 이미지 제고와

매력전북 홍보에 노력합니다.

• 계절 및 지역적 특성에 따른 다양한

전라북도의 모습, 전통문화를 소개하는

테마답사 진행

• 스페인어권 인플루언서를 초청하여

전북의 문화, 자연, 음식, 관광 등을

소개하는 콘텐츠 제작

邀 请 国 内 外 的 外 国 人 等 , 实 施 主

题 探 索 、 以 参 观 和 体 验 全 罗 北 道

14 个 市 县 的 各 个 景 点 。 通 过 创 建

在 西 班 牙 语 国 家 介 绍 全 罗 北 道

的 各 种 魅 力 的 内 容 , 提 高 全 罗 北

道 的 国 际 化 形 象 和 努 力 宣 传 魅

力 的 全 北 。

• 按 照 季 节 和 地 区 特 点 介 绍 全 罗 北 道

的 样 子 、 传 统 文 化 , 实 施 主 题 探 索

• 邀 请 西 班 牙 语 国 家 的 网 红 , 创 作 介

绍 全 北 的 文 化 、 自 然 、 饮 食 、 旅 游 等

内 容

9 Jeollabuk-do Public Diplomacy Project

In preparation for the 2022 Pre-Jamboree, 2023 Jeonbuk

Asia-Pacific Masters Games, and 2023 Saemangeum

World Scout Jamboree, the project will enhance the

public diplomatic skills of provincial residents and boost

the awareness of foreigners in and out of the province

on international events hosted by Jeollabuk-do.

9 전라북도 공공외교 프로젝트

2022 프레잼버리, 2023 전북

아시아태평양 마스터스 대회, 2023

새만금 세계 스카우트 잼버리를

대비하여 도민의 공공외교 역량 강화와

전북이 주최하는 국제행사에 대한

도내외 외국인의 인지도를 제고합니다.

9 全 罗 北 道 公 共 外 交 项 目

为 2022 年 事 前 童 子 军 大 会 , 2023

年 全 北 亚 太 大 师 赛 , 2023 年 新 万

金 世 界 童 子 军 大 会 做 准 备 , 增 强

道 民 的 公 共 外 交 能 力 和 对 全 北

主 办 国 际 活 动 提 高 道 内 外 外 国

人 的 意 识 。

• Establishment of the Jeollabuk-do Public Diplomacy

Cluster to discover customized new businesses overseas

• Selection of private organizations that want international

exchanges in the province

• Establishment of international exchange infrastructure

and information provision

• 국제행사를 대비한 전북 공공외 교단을

운영하여 도민의 국제역량 강화

• 전북 공공외교 클러스터를 구축하여

해외 현지 맞춤형 신규사업 발굴

• 도내 국제교류 희망 민간단체 선정 및

국제교류 인프라 구축 및 정보 제공

• 为 国 际 活 动 做 准 备 , 运 营 全 北 公 共

外 交 团 增 强 岛 民 的 国 际 能 力

• 建 立 公 共 外 交 集 群 , 发 现 海 外 定 制

的 新 事 业

• 选 定 道 内 国 际 交 流 希 望 的 民 间 组 织

及 建 立 国 际 交 流 基 础 设 施 及 提 供 信 息

47 Spring 2021 • Issue 22




프렌들리 전북사업

友 好 全 北 事 业

10 Publication of English Magazine, ‘JB LIFE,’

Introducing Jeollabuk-do

10 전라북도 영문 홍보잡지 ‘JB

LIFE!’ 제작

10 全 罗 北 道 英 文 宣 传 杂 志 ‘JB

LIFE!’ 出 版

Publish and provide a magazine containing the life

and information of Jeollabuk-do for foreigners living

in Korea and abroad from the viewpoint of foreigners

to naturally inform them of the charms of Jeollabuk-do

and various information, such as major international

events in the province.

• Quarterly seasonal publication of an English magazine

(including Korean and Chinese translations)

• Supply information about life in Jeollabuk-do from the

viewpoint of foreign residents

국내·외 외국인들을 위해 도내 거주

외국인의 시각으로 보는 전라북도

생활과 정보를 담은 잡지를

발간하여 자연스럽게 전북의

매력을 알리고 도내 주요 국제행사

등 다양한 정보를 제공합니다.

• 연 4회 계절별 영어잡지 발행(

한국어, 중국어 번역본 수록)

• 도내 거주 외국인의 시각으로 접하는

전라북도 생활과 다양한 정보 제공

为 国 内 · 外 外 国 人 出 版 了 一 本

杂 志 , 包 含 道 内 居 住 外 国 人 角

度 来 看 的 全 罗 北 道 生 活 和 信

息 。 自 然 传 达 全 北 的 魅 力 和 重

大 国 际 活 动 等 提 供 各 种 信 息 。

• 一 年 4 次 , 季 节 性 英 文 杂 志 出 版 ( 包

括 韩 语 、 中 文 翻 译 )

• 提 供 道 内 居 住 外 国 人 角 度 来 接 触

的 全 罗 北 道 生 活 和 各 种 信 息

11 Support Project for Jeonbuk-Friendly Foreigners

11 전북 친화 외국인 지원사업

11 全 北 友 好 外 国 人 支 援 事 业

Create a happy and harmonious Jeollabuk-do by

providing opportunities for foreigners in the province

to settle comfortably and to participate as a part of

the community through a customized support project.

• Support project for the foreigner community

• Union Festival for foreign workers

• Operate foreign representatives and volunteer group

• Foreigners' video contents contest

도내 거주 외국인 유형별 맞춤형

지원사업으로 지역사회 내

외국인들의 안정적인 정착을

지원하고 공동체의 일원으로

참여할 기회를 제공하여 살기

좋은 전라북도 이미지를 구축하고

글로벌 인지도 제고를 도모합니다.

• 외국인 동호회 지원사업

• 외국인 근로자 화합의 마당 개최

• 외국인 대표 봉사단 운영

• 외국인 영상 콘텐츠 공모전 개최

以 道 内 居 住 外 国 人 类 型 定 制 支

援 事 业 , 并 支 援 地 区 社 会 内 外

国 人 的 稳 定 定 居 。 提 供 作 为 社

区 成 员 参 与 的 机 会 , 建 立 居 住

良 好 的 全 罗 北 道 形 象 , 促 进 提

高 国 际 化 意 识 。

• 外 国 人 小 组 支 援 事 业

• 举 行 外 国 人 劳 动 者 和 谐 场 院

• 运 营 外 国 人 代 表 服 务 团

• 举 行 外 国 人 视 频 内 容 竞 赛

Jeonbuk Life Magazine





World Scout




2hr 30min



Activity Course


Parking Lot 2

Parking Lot 1

Shade Area (vines)

Assembly Hall Parking Lot 3

Global Youth Leader Center (Operations HQ)

Renewable Energy Theme Park

2023 Saemangeum

World Scout Jamboree Aerial View

Jeonbuk Life Magazine


nnel Area




by City and County

Modern city + the early 19th century

Extreme sports(zipline)

Modern cultural heritage

Renewable energy, hologram,

futuristic automobiles

Glittering treasure of Jeonbuk

Shrines of four regions

Mireuksa Temple

(World Heritage)

Iksan jewelry tour & experience

Slow City with tradition & history

Hanok village treasure hunt

Palbokdong time travel

Hydrogen-fueled car exp

Waves of ripened grains on the horizon

Agricultural exp at

Byeokgolje Reservoir




25th World Scout Jamboree Host city



Julpo Bay Adventure Zone

Marine activities (windsurfing,

banana boat, jet ski, etc.)

Brownsea Island camping (Weedo)

Jikso Stream Nature Adventure

(rock climbing, water activity)






Fortress built with natural stones

Dolmen site

(World Heritage)

Mountain activity (cycling)

Aerial activity (paragliding)

Magnificent view of autumn colors

Climate, astronomy,

finding stars in the sky


Jeonbuk Life Magazine


A city of community culture

Eco-adventure Awards

Noltopia experience

Jinan Plateau: the roof of Korea

History + ecological exp

at Maisan Mountain

Ecofriendly healing + exp

of the clean-air forest

Slow food (red ginseng)



World Scout


supported by

14 cities

& counties

of Jeollabuk-do

Sacred place for Taekwondo



Taekwondo exp +

Poomsae certification course

Slow food (Meoru Wine Cave)

Water leisure activity (rafting)





Origin of Korean cheese: Imsil cheese!

Disaster management &

safety science experience

Extreme sports(shooting)

Slow food (Cheese Theme Park)

Jangsu Gaya: the kingdom of iron

Eco visit: Tteunbongsaem Spring,

the source of Geumgang River

Story of the Gaya confederacy,

the kingdom of iron

paradise of fermentation

Barefoot walking

Slow food (soybean pastes)

City of culture & arts at Jirisan

Gwanghallu Pavilion,

Namwon Yechon (history &

tradition experience )

Jiri Mountain eco visit + Pansori



Section: Culture

The most "Korean" province,


A city cherishing a thousand years of history - Jeonju

A place creating a new culture while keeping its original flavor and taste!

Listen to the various stories of Jeollabuk-do made for a thousand years.















1. Which city was the

birthplace of the

Joseon Dynasty?


2. Which town is best

known for its wide

open plain that shows

a unique view of the

horizon in Korea?

3. Which county

surrounds Jeonju

and is the center

of local foods?

4. Which city sees both

the Geumgang and


Rivers flowing

through it?

5. Which county

includes one

of Korea's ten

natural wonders?

6. Which city is

located the shortest


distance from


7. Which city

is famous

Hong Kong

for Pansori,

Chunhyang's, and

Heungbu's stories?


8. Which town is best

known for Naejang


9. Which county is

scattered with

mountains ranging

over 1000m?

10. Which county

is famous for

Maisan Mountain?

11. Which county sees

millions of tourists

per year for skiing

and other outdoor


12. Which

county is most

well-known for

its cheese?

13. Which

county is famous

for its red pepper

paste and mineral


14. In which

county was a

stone fortress built

"just in case" of

Japanese invasion?

Quiz Answers: 1. Jeonju 2. Gimje 3. Wanju 4. Iksan 5. Buan 6. Gunsan 7. Namwon

8. Jeongeup 9. Jangsu 10. Jinan 11. Muju 12. Imsil 13. Sunchang 14. Gochang

276 Hongsan-ro Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do • +82-63-280-6112

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