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Vol. 64




The official publication of Men for Missions


God’s Call

Table of Contents


3 Answering God’s Call

By Kent Eller

MFM Global Executive Director

4 Radically Changed

By Doug Tankersley

MFM Director for Latin America

5 Changed for the Better

By Paul Chance

Regional Director

6 Send Me!

By Carl Poynter

Regional Director

8 Rock Bottom at the Top of

the Mountain

By Al Gaines

Regional Director

9 What Do You Want to Do?

By Garth Cartledge

Regional Director

2021 World

Ministry Teams

Due to the ever-changing nature of travel during the Covid-19

pandemic, you can find our updated team list at


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10 I am Blessed

By Steve Rehner

Director of Small Business Development

12 Tribute to Max E. Edwards

By Warren Hardig

MFM Global Ambassador

13 Louisiana Work Team


By Josh Krumencher

U.S. Ministry Team Specialist

14 Because One Said Yes

By Nathan and Saron Wiechmann

16 Thank You, Gene Bertolet

By Warren Hardig

MFM Global Ambassador


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63 4 No. 1/2021

ACTION magazine is a unique missions-focused

publication that tells the story of Men for Missions.

As our people share their experiences, you can

better grasp the magnitude of God’s use of laymen

throughout the world and also keep informed of

major events, which impact OMS, MFM, and the

Great Commission.

Executive Editor | Kent Eller

Office Editor | Mykaela Alvey

Managing Editor | Bill Heubner

Graphics | Seth Grandidge

Consultant | Gene Bertolet

Founder | Dr. Dwight Ferguson

Cover | MFM Evangelism in Haiti


Executive Director | Kent Eller

Global Ambassador | Warren Hardig

Director of Business Development | Steve Rehner

Latin America Regional Director | Doug Tankersley


Canada | Keith Burns

United Kingdom | Alan Russell

United States | Grant Zerbe


U.K. National Director | Alan Russell

30 Longhries Road, Newtownards Co. Down N Ireland

Canada | Marlowe Janke

101, 120 Country Hills Landing NW, Calgary, Alberta,

Canada T3K 5P3

Canadian Office Administrator | Charlotte Kroes

Box 265, Mount Forest, ON N0G 2L0

Cuba | Allen Quesada

Liberia | George Ville

Medellin, Colombia | Jonathan Tobón

United States | Bill Evans

P.O. Box A, Greenwood, IN

Director of Ministry Teams | Jenna Guerrier

U.S. Ministry Team Specialist | Josh Krumenacher

Director of Follow Up | Keith Smith


South Central | Gene Pollic

Southeast | Paul Chance

Northwest | Mike Miner

Northeast | Carl Poynter

Great Plaines | Al Gaines

Carolinas | Garth Cartledge

If you would like the E-Mail address of an OMS

missionary, direct your inquiry to the U.S. MFM office at


Follow us on:

facebook, pinterest, instagram - @menformissions


ACTION (ISSN 07440375) is published three times annually by Men for

Missions, a ministry of One Mission Society (OMS), 941 Fry Road, P.O.

Box A, Greenwood, IN 46142-6599, USA. All correspondence and

changes of address (please include old address label) should be sent to


God’s Call

By Kent Eller

MFM Global Executive Director

Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard

all night and haven’t caught anything. But

because you say so, I will let down the nets.”


n the first sermon of 2021, our pastor

preached on Peter’s story in Luke 5 and

gave us a great challenge for the year. In this

passage, Jesus got into Peter’s boat to speak

to the crowd and taught from the boat. When he

finished speaking, he said to Peter, “Put out into

the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”

Peter answered that they had been fishing all

night and hadn’t caught anything, but, “because

you say so, I will.” Our pastor’s challenge for

2021 was if Jesus asks, will you say YES?

As I thought about all the people who have

been involved with Men for Missions since

1954, I started thinking how many of them said

yes to Jesus when He called, even when it

didn’t seem to make much sense. The challenges

seemed very real. I don’t have the money, I’m

not sure I can get time off from a job, it might be

costly, challenging, or family and friends think

I’m crazy, but then they answered, “because

you say so, I will.”

It shows a growing faith when we trust Jesus,

even when it’s not our personal preference.

Even when everything screams it is not the right

time to take a trip, Jesus calls someone to go

on a short-term missions trip to build a medical

clinic or radio station in Haiti, to evangelize in

Colombia, to teach business ethics and morals

in Russia, to build a camp in Brazil, or to do

evangelism for a month in Ecuador.

In this ACTION magazine, you get

the chance to read stories of many

of our MFM Regional Directors

and friends that have been on

MFM teams with us. You

will see how God called,

and they said yes.

I always think of

what would have

happened had

I not said yes.

What would I

have missed

out on by

not stepping

out in faith

in Jesus?

What decisions


we make

that might

affect future


In these

uncertain times, I

pray that when Jesus

calls, whatever

it may be, we will have

the faith to say, “because

you say so, I will.”

Luke 5:5 NIV


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the Greenwood address above.





By Doug Tankersley

MFM Director for Latin America


n 1990, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior

and began to receive invitations to go on a

short-term mission trip. However, I had all the

excuses why I shouldn’t go: I had small children,

I had no time off of work, it was too expensive, it

was too dangerous, I couldn’t leave my family, etc.

I had also previously convinced myself that if I ever

did go on a short-term mission trip, I wanted it to

be on a work team where I could use my hands

and not have to share my testimony or the Gospel

face-to-face. I believed I might mess that up and

confuse people.

In 2000, I was attending a men’s Bible study

that was covering the book of James. At the same

time, I received another invitation to go on a shortterm

mission trip from the team leader who had

never given up on inviting me. I was told that this

trip would be the most difficult trip of my life, both

physically and spiritually, and that I would return

home radically changed. We would be hiking into

five remote villages in the jungles of Guatemala

to EVANGELIZE in unreached areas. It was not a

work team!

During the Bible study, the words in James 1:22

seemed to become emboldened and lift off the

page, saying: “Do not merely listen to the word,

and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” As I

read those words, I was reminded that Jesus told

us to “go and make disciples of all nations,” so

how could I say no? I knew with

complete confidence that God

was calling me to “Go.” So, I

Meeting with national pastors

in Guatemala.


MFM teams will use whatever transportation is needed to

share the Gospel.

said yes, joined the team, and had the opportunity

to share my testimony and the Gospel before a

group of people for the very first time.

On this trip, I also had the opportunity to see

a glimpse of Jesus in action as I witnessed the

on-field missionary and national pastors with

their authentic compassion for seeing the lost

souls saved. And it was also on that trip that I felt

the Lord calling me to surrender my plan for His

agenda. I returned home changed, knowing that I

was being called to full-time service for the Lord,

but I had no idea what that meant. During the next

couple of years, I prayed for the Lord’s leading,

focused on building our local church’s short-term

mission program, and led a team to Guatemala.

In 2004, my wife Cindy also felt the Lord calling

her to serve Him full-time. We didn’t know if any

mission would accept us since we were in our 40s

and working in secular jobs, but Kent Eller (MFM

Global Executive Director) said we should consider

One Mission Society. We began the application

and interview process, and we were ecstatic when

OMS accepted us. By 2005, we were raising support

as career missionaries and had become the

talk of our small hometown as people wondered

why in the world we would give up everything

and move our family overseas. In 2006, we excitedly

left our seemingly secure secular jobs, sold

everything we owned, and moved our family to live

and serve full-time in Ecuador.

Since that time, we have

been on a wild ride with the

Lord and remain amazed that

God could use us in Ecuador,

Colombia, and now serving

with Men for Missions in Latin

America. Short-term mission

trips are indeed a lifechanging

journey. Pray about

Doug Tankersley on his first shortterm

mission trip to Guatemala.

joining a short-term mission

team. You just might come

home radically changed.




By Paul Chance

Regional Director


made a profession of faith

when I was eight years

old. My family and I were

regular attendees at church.

After high school, I enlisted in

the Army. But during my time

in the service, I drifted away

from The Lord and hung out

with the wrong crowd. The Holy

Spirit constantly convicted me,

and, in my heart, I knew I was

not where I needed to be, but

I still rebelled. I got married my

second year in the service and

failed to listen to my parents’

advice warning me that we were

not made for each other. We

had a daughter during my time

in the military, but our marriage

was very unhappy. After my four

years of service, we moved back

home, and it wasn’t long before

my wife filed for divorce.

Praying with church members in Japan


I had to move back

in with my parents

and was at a very low

point in my life. During

this time back home,

my mom introduced

me to her best friend,

Jesus. I realized that

my profession of faith

at eight years old was

genuine, but I did

not truly understand

my need for a savior and what

that meant. I asked for forgiveness

and put my faith in the Lord

through Jesus, my Savior. During

that time, I asked God to send

me the woman he had purposed

for my life. Shortly after, I met my

wife Diana, and God has blessed

us with 36 years of wonderful


One day I sat listening to a report

being given by members of

our church who recently returned

from a short-term mission trip.

It was like God was speaking

directly to me, saying, “Paul, you

have been a pretty good guy,

but you haven’t done the very

first thing I asked my disciples

to do.” That was to go and share

the Gospel with the world. On

the way home that evening, I

mentioned it to Diana, and she

said that she felt the same way.

I said that I would go on the

next trip if she would go with

me. That started our missionary


Diana and I went on the next

mission trip our church had, and

God changed our lives forever.

We were so impacted by what

God had done that we went on

five more trips and eventually

entered full-time mission service

with One Mission Society. After

serving in Ecuador, The Lord

led us to serve with Men for

Missions. God changed my life

for the better. Don’t just take my

word for it. Go on a short-term

trip and see how it will be your

life-changing journey.

An MFM’er is always ready

to share the Good News of

Jesus Christ.

Sharing the Gospel with the Evangecube will often draw a

crowd .of interested young people




y life-changing journey began on a shortterm

mission trip with Men for Missions

in November of 2009, the day after

Thanksgiving. It was my first international mission

trip, and I had committed to spend two weeks at an

orphanage in Jérémie, Haiti.

I went with John Barber from our church, an

associate staff member with MFM, and Gene Pollic,

a Men for Missions Regional Director . . . little

did I realize how this trip would completely modify

my future plans. Although I was a solid Christian

in my faith, I was also a successful businessman

of 18 years who was earning a sizeable yearly salary,

driving a company vehicle, dining at the finest

Also, I heard the

voice of the Lord,

saying, Whom shall I

send, and who will go

for us? Then said I,

Here am I; send me.

By Carl Poynter

Regional Director

Isaiah 6:8

Carl and Theresa Poynter on one of their

many trips to Haiti.

restaurants, playing golf with clients, vacationing

with family, parking new cars in my garage, chasing

money, and striving for the American dream. I

returned from Haiti a different person, a changed

man who almost immediately lost all focus for

worldly riches. When I was in Haiti, God spoke

to me and put a calling on my life to forsake all

and follow Him (Matthew 4:19). One month after

returning home, on January 12th, 2010, a great

earthquake would strike in Haiti. I began taking

more trips into Haiti that year. I even led a couple

of teams myself, where our focus was on helping

an orphanage, building water filtration units, and

helping with the aftermath that a 7.0 earthquake

had left behind.

In early 2010, my wife and I applied to be fulltime

missionaries with OMS, and to our surprise,

in just a short couple of months, we had been accepted

as career missionaries. The two of us and

our two young boys would be moving to Spain.

However, I can say that our life was thrown

directly into a whirlwind. This whirlwind was something

much bigger than us, something only God

could do. During our deputation period (funding for

our ministry), we began traveling the U.S. Seeking

out prayer partners, we went from state to state.

Our family lived out of a van, staying in our tent at

campgrounds or different people’s homes. This

really allowed us to live a life of faith as an example

in front of our boys. But despite taking several trips

to Spain, God changed our course mid-stream.

During our two years of funding and traveling the

states, I found myself back in Haiti every couple of


In November of 2012, Kent Eller (MFM Global

Executive Director) asked us to consider becoming

regional directors with Men for Missions. What got

my attention most is when Kent said, “You do realize

the world is much larger than just Haiti?”

He was telling us that if we were willing to Do,

Go, and Give, God could and would use us in

many other places, along with Haiti. We accepted

the role with Men for Missions, and our years as

regional directors have been a blessing. I have

had the privilege of travelling the U.S. and going

to Spain on a couple of trips. I have taken multiple

teams to Haiti, Colombia, Japan, and even visited

the Dominican Republic.

One of the greatest blessings for our family was

living in Haiti from 2015-2016. We hosted teams

and had the lead role of constructing the Bon Repos

church project and being one of the construction

team leaders for Homes for Haiti. We then had

the opportunity to move to northern Haiti in 2018

to help with the Cowman school project. I would

close by saying the words shared with me from

a dear Men for Missions brother, Tex Clark. “God

doesn’t care about your abilities. He cares about

your availability.” Is God calling you? Will you be


Yes-Here am I; Lord, Send me!


Children are drawn to the joyful hearts of MFM teams

around the world.

The Poynter family in 2010 on a trip to Spain.

Carl and Theresa hosted many teams during the Bon

Repos project




By Al Gaines

Regional Director



rowing up in Minnesota, we didn’t talk

much about Jesus or go to church as a

family! My Dad, uncles, and grandfathers

never went to church, so I didn’t think it was

important enough for me to go or even talk about

church things. I idolized my Dad growing up and

wanted to be like him because he was a real man!

My Dad and relatives liked to drink, so I thought

all men drank. Anger came with Dad’s drinking,

and I didn’t like that. But because Dad was angry, I

thought it was just the way I was supposed to be!

As a teen, I did pretty much what I wanted

to do and didn’t make very wise choices. Even

after marrying my wife, Sandy, in 1979 and having

three kids, I hadn’t changed very much from my

teen years. And my anger was making my life a

mess! Nothing seemed right at home with Sandy

and the kids! My job was awful! Everything that I

tried ended in failure. I was on the edge of losing it

all, and I didn’t want that to happen.

I remember being on a hunting trip in

Wyoming in the fall of 1991, and I was just totally

disgusted with life. I was on top

of a mountain, and I felt like I’d

finally hit rock bottom! I gave

God permission to take over my

life! I told God that I needed His

help to hold my life together, and

I would serve Him if He could

help me.

From that defining

moment, God started to change

me little by little. My anger began

to go away, I quit drinking,

Sandy and the kids started to

like having me around again, and

I began to enjoy them more. My

job became satisfying, and life

was starting to improve day by

day. We took a considerable risk; we left our small

country church and started attending a Christian

Missionary Alliance Church in town.

I watched the men of the new church and

realized that they were different. I wanted what

they had, but I wasn’t sure what it was. It took

a little while, but I realized they had a personal

relationship with Jesus Christ! As I learned more

about Jesus by paying attention in church and

going to a Tuesday morning men’s Bible study, I

was challenged to be more like Jesus.

My family, coworkers, and friends didn’t

understand this radical change in me, and most

still don’t! I now understand what Jesus said one

night to the Pharisee, Nicodemus, about being

born again. Jesus has undeniably changed my life,

and nothing will ever change that.

In the fall of 2015, I went WAY, WAY out of

my comfort zone and took an evangelism trip to

Medellin, Colombia, with Men for Missions. That

trip changed my life from the inside out! I joined

the staff of Men for Missions in 2017, so I could

continue to help tell the world about the love of

Jesus Christ!

Al Gaines and team on a USA based work trip.

What Do You

Want to Do

By Garth Cartledge

Regional Director


ou might think that a job

promotion would be a

good thing, but that was not

so in my case. Let me explain.

I was a firefighter at a mediumsized

department in suburban

Indianapolis. Over the years,

I had risen through the ranks

to become a Battalion Chief,

and I was very happy with this

job. One day, the fire chief

informed me that I was being

‘promoted’ to Assistant Chief of

the department. I had to trade in

my fire truck for an 8 to 5 desk

job. I was not cut out for desk

work. I’m too hands-on. I made

a gallant effort to be good at this

job, but my heart wasn’t in it.

After two years of grumbling,

my wife asked me, “What job do

you want to do?” I didn’t have

an immediate response, but after

a couple of days of thought and

prayer, I had an answer. I told her

I wanted to ‘talk to people.’ Her

response was lacking in grace.

She replied, “Good luck getting

paid for that.”

A couple of days later, I was

sitting at my desk at work, and

I received a weekly email update

from Bill Evans (MFM U.S.

National Director). Typically Bill

describes what’s happening at

From firefighter to MFMer, Garth Cartledge answered God’s call.


Men for Missions, gives some

trip highlights, and presents

some prayer requests. But this

one was different. In this one,

Bill told of some job openings

at One Mission Society. One of

those jobs was Regional Director.

I replied to Bill’s update and

asked, “What does a Regional

Director do?” Bill’s immediate

and short response was, “Garth,

they talk to people.”

Sometimes God speaks to

us in a still small voice. In this

instance, I believe the Lord sent

me an email. He just used Bill’s

account. I knew that after 22

years my firefighting career

was over.

So, what would

have happened

if I had just

shrugged it off

and deleted Bill’s

email response?

I wouldn’t have

been a part of

over 40 mission

trips, I wouldn’t

have made great

friends who are

national partners

with MFM, and

I wouldn’t have

had the humbling

experience to

share the love

of Jesus with a

couple thousand

people. I’m very

happy I replied

to Bill’s email

that day.


God has blessed the Rehner family through multiple generations.

with this memory for decades. I could never tell

anyone about this abuse until 50 years later when

I was 60, and I was finally able to tell my wife and

others about this traumatic incident in my life. Am

I blessed?

When I was 12, my parents brought us back

to the U.S. for a time of home-assignment. We

moved to East Lansing, MI, where my dad began

a doctorate at Michigan State, and I started 7th

grade. We missed Colombia, but we knew that

we would be going “home” as soon as my dad

finished his studies. My parents had to travel to

visit friends and speak in churches that were part

of their financial and prayer support team. On April

19th, 1970, my parents were returning with another

couple from meetings in Franklin, PA, my dad’s

hometown. The small private plane they were

in crashed in a cornfield outside of Lansing, MI,

killing all four occupants. Life turned upside down

in an instant. As orphans, we immediately knew

that we would not be returning to our beloved

Colombia, and the future was completely rewritten.

Am I blessed?

Most all of us have to go through tough times

in life. I assume you have been through dark days

also. I have chosen to take God at His word. He

loves me, and the circumstances which come my

way, or in which I find myself, do not determine the

love He has for me.

When I was 27, God blessed me with my wife

Pam, and God has blessed us with four kids,

Emily, Daniel, Jonathan, and Allison. We served as

missionaries in Costa Rica for nine years while the

kids were growing up, and we continue to serve

the Lord with Men for Missions at OMS. We now

enjoy six grandchildren as the kids have started

their own families. I am blessed.

Life has not all been a bowl-full of cherries for

me, but I know God has walked with me each

step of the way. God has blessed me with His

faithfulness through it all, and I will take every

opportunity I get to shout from the mountaintops

that God is faithful. I encourage you to trust Him

through any and all circumstances because He is

Faithful, and I know . . . I was blessed, and I am


I am


By Steve Rehner

Director of Small Business Development


ome of the first words I likely heard were,

“Hola, como esta, Esteban?” (How are

you, Steve?) When I was three, my parents, Wally

and Betty Rehner, followed the Lord’s leading to

serve as missionaries with One Mission Society.

Up until I was 12, I grew up in South America, first

in Ecuador and then in Colombia, along with my

older brother Tim and my younger sister Helen. We

had a wonderful and close family. I was blessed.

My parents were Godly witnesses to the Gospel

of Jesus Christ, both in word and deed. I knew

they loved me, and they encouraged me to know

their Lord and Savior. I know I asked Jesus into my

heart at a very young age, seeking the forgiveness

of my sins. As a pre-teen, it became clear to me

that there were still unyielded areas of my life. After

my dad gave the message one Sunday night, I

responded to his invitation to come to the altar and

give my life completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. I

was blessed.

I loved growing up in South America. I loved

the Spanish culture and the people. I was fluent in

Spanish, so I could communicate with everyone,

and I had wonderful parents and siblings who

loved me. We did not have a lot of money, but

I never missed a meal, always had clothes to

wear, and always had a warm bed to sleep in at

night. We rarely saw our extended family, but the

missionary community we were a part of was a

loving substitute. I was blessed.

I was 10, and it was a day like any other on

the Seminary compound where my dad and mom

taught and where we and the other missionaries

lived. But it was not destined to be a day like

any other! An older missionary kid, home from

college for the summer, asked me to go into a

deserted house with him, and he abused me

sexually. Like so many other children, I could not

tell my parents about the abuse, and I had to deal

Steve and Pam Rehner, along with an MFM work team, on a trip to Colombia.


Tribute to

Max E. Edwards




By Josh Krumencher

U.S. Ministry Team Specialist

By Warren Hardig MFM TRIBUTE

MFM Global Ambassador


ax Edwards. Where do we begin to pay

tribute to a man who touched so many

lives in several countries and cultures? At one

time, Max had a goal and desire to be the biggest

farmer in Randolph County, Indiana.

I knew Max for nearly 50 years. He was always

a part of the Oriental Missionary Society (now One

Mission Society) and Men for Missions. Max had

Jesus in his heart, and he wanted everyone to

know Him and have peace in their hearts.

Max was a hard worker, and I often think of

Proverbs 14:4 as Max’s verse, “Where no oxen

are, the manger is clean, but much revenue

comes by the strength of the ox.” He was not

afraid to pay the price for integrity. Max was

honest and transparent, and the motives of

his heart were pure.

After the Edwards family arrived in Brazil,

South America, as missionaries, we began

sending Men for Missions teams to help with the

work. Without fail, the team participants always

came home “Edwardized.” Max and Dixie

won their hearts. Perhaps it was from

all of the homemade ice cream

or from building a dormitory at

a youth camp, or most likely,

it was from seeing Brazilian

youth having their lives

changed by the Gospel of

Jesus Christ. Whatever it

was, they came home

Edwards fans.

Max’s picture and said with great pride, “That is

my missionary.” Whether in Brazil, Africa, Mexico,

or the Eastern United States, the world was Max’s

parish. He drove those Park Avenue Buicks over

90,000 miles a year.

Max provided a lot of humor for those of us

around him. His transparency could get him in

trouble, but his honesty would get him out of

it. Stories of Max’s linguistic skills, or the lack

thereof, provided humor for all of us who watched

Max navigate different cultures. Best of all, there

are many changed lives because Max came and

talked to them about Jesus.

In the School of Life, Max’s

main concern was that he

made A’s and B’s with God.

I cannot imagine the joy in

Heaven as all the people

from different nations

greeted their friend,

Max, who had faithfully

committed to Do, Go, and

Give whatever the Lord asked

and was obedient to

the end.

Men for

Missions Global



to Max



n August 26, 2020, amid the COVID-19

pandemic, Hurricane Laura, a category 4

hurricane pushed its way across Louisiana’s

southwest region. A few months later, in early

October, another category 4 hurricane, Hurricane

Delta, made its way through the same path.

They both left devastation in their wake, with

hundreds of churches and thousands of homes

and businesses destroyed. According to the U.S.

Department of Agriculture, these are the most

destructive storms to hit Louisiana’s coast since

1856. The storm will eventually be classified

as one of the top five storms to have hit the

continental U.S.

The storms decimated the Lake Charles community.

Many people have been laid off and jobs

have been eliminated. The world, specifically the

U.S., has been distracted, and the media outlets

have barely spoken of the devastation in Lake

Charles, Louisiana. Franklin Graham said, “The

media aren’t covering it, but so many families in

Louisiana are still reeling from Hurricane Laura,

whose 150 mph winds and torrential downpours

did significant damage to homes and businesses.”

MFM is proud to be recruiting and sending

work teams to help this dismayed, forgotten community

and to offer hope through the storm. We

partner with the Fuller Center Disaster Rebuilders,

whose primary focus is on low-income families

and those who did not have insurance. Work

teams have been mudding out houses, tarping

roofs, removing downed trees and debris, and,

most importantly, sharing the hope of the Gospel

with those they are helping.

Thanks to a generous donor, we have funds to

assist teams with travel expenses. FCDR provides

lodging, a cooking area for teams, tools, and

worksites. By God’s grace, MFM is looking forward

to coming alongside the least of these in Louisiana

and sharing the Gospel to those deeply impacted

by these disasters.

Would you prayerfully consider joining a

team in 2021? Contact Josh Krumenacher at


A Fuller Center Disaster Recovery team renovating a

destroyed home.

As I traveled

through Iowa, I saw

many pictures of

Max and the work in

Brazil. One evening

my host pointed at

The flooded front yard of a Louisiana home

One of the many piles of debris left over from the hurricanes.


Because One

Said Yes


By Nathan and Saron Wiechmann


One Mission Society missionaries sowed

evangelistic seeds into the hearts of my

grandparents Daniel and Julia, in a small town

in Colombia, many years ago. The missionaries

were traveling by the river, living on a ship called

El Cruzado. They stopped in every town near the

river and offered medical care and something

more important, the Gospel. After the seeds were

planted, my grandparents became the founders of

the first Christian church in their town.

My parents met at that church. They were

involved with the youth ministry. Later, by God’s

grace and with thanks to ministries like OMS and

Compassion International, they would finish their

studies and go to the Biblical Seminary in Medellín,

Colombia. They got married and started pastoring

a church in Medellín. I am the oldest of three kids,

and today we are the fruit of that evangelism.

Thanks to that heritage, I grew up in a family that

encouraged me to seek and serve God with all my


I am a graphic designer. When I first started

my studies, God called me to do mission work.

At that time, it didn’t make sense to me. How

can a Graphic Designer be a missionary? In

2010, I started working as a volunteer in the

Missions Department of IGLEICO, the OMSrelated

denomination in Colombia. In 2013, I

had the opportunity to serve at the OMS World

Headquarters in Indiana as an intern for six

months. While there, I saw a bigger picture of

what God is doing, not just in Colombia but

worldwide, and what role I could play in the Great


I returned to Colombia with a better vision and

a more profound passion for God, and my English

was so much better. Shortly after my return, an

evangelism team from MFM arrived in Medellín,

and they needed people translating for them. I

signed up, which was my first time translating

for door-to-door evangelism in my hometown. I

translated for MFM Regional Director Carl Poynter

that week, and it was amazing to witness God

in action. That was also Nathan’s first trip to

Colombia. When we met, I had no idea what God

was orchestrating for us at that moment. But

looking back now, I can see how He was working

on us individually, preparing us for the right time to

be together.


My grandparents came to know the Lord at

an OMS missions conference. My grandpa only

decided to go to the missions conference because

the location had a place where he could go

fishing. So, he brought his boat. The funny thing

is, he never put the boat in the water. The Lord

grabbed his heart that first day, and he made a

life-changing decision not just for himself but for

his family.

I am one of nine children and was brought up

in the church. But it wasn’t until college when I

started to make my faith my own. That’s when I

realized that every decision I made wasn’t just to

please my parents on earth but also my heavenly


At church one Sunday, Bill Heubner, Managing

Editor of ACTION magazine, announced he was

going to Colombia in two weeks. He wanted to

know if anybody was interested in coming with

him. I asked him if it was even possible to have

plane tickets, paperwork, and logistical details

ready on time. Two weeks later, I was in Colombia

on a bus next to Carl Poynter, who asked me if I

had ever thought about going to Haiti. I told him: “I

am just trying to wrap my mind around Colombia,

but my grandpa went to Haiti quite a few times

doing missions.”

At the end of that week, Carl and I felt like

brothers. God revealed to me the joy of sharing the

Gospel with an unbeliever. That trip changed my

perspective on life and the value of every decision,

for here and for eternity. Since then, God allowed

me to spend a year in Haiti helping and serving

the church and those most in need, ministering to

both their physical and spiritual needs. Just like

Isaiah said to the Lord, “Here I am. Send me,” we

all have opportunities to say yes to God’s call. If

we answer as Isaiah did, great blessings will come.

I can’t imagine where I would be today if I had said

no to even one of the calls.

Saron and Nathan:

We met in 2013 for the first time sharing the

Gospel in the streets of Medellín, but it wasn’t until

2018, in the U.S., when God used Kent Eller (MFM

Executive Director) and Bill Evans (MFM National

Director) to connect us again, and we started

dating. We got married in Colombia in February,

2019, embracing the legacy we received from

our parents and grandparents, serving the Lord

together, and feeling ready to say “Yes!” anytime

He calls.

We are thankful for opportunities

to serve others, like the missionaries

God used to show our grandparents’

truth. We are so blessed to have

grandparents who said yes to the

Lord and parents who shared that

legacy with us. Oftentimes, we

don’t realize how a decision can

impact our own future and future

generations. Even though God

calls us individually, and it is our

choice to say yes to Him, our

heritage plays a big part in who

we are today. How

will the legacy you

leave impact future


for God’s


El Cruzado: The boat OMS missionaries used to

evangelize villages along the Cauca river in Colombia.

Saron’s grandparents have left a lasting legacy for God

in Colombia.

From a first meeting on an MFM mission trip to

Colombia to a wedding a few years later, God’s hand

was at work in the Weichmann’s lives.


Thank You

Gene Bertolet

By Warren Hardig

MFM Global Ambassador

The first Men for Missions dinner I attended was in Albion, Illinois. I had

never heard of MFMI until that evening in November. As I was seated for

dinner, I noticed two or three pieces of literature to the right of my plate. The

piece that really caught my eye was the ACTION magazine, which listed ten

Men for Missions crusades to eight different countries. Now, we call them

ministry teams.

For your



Simply check the list of MFM

teams and the reply coupon in

this issue.

Men for Missions (MFM) has

arranged a full slate of teams to

go to the mission field to work,

observe, witness, and pray (page

2). Utilization of laymen is critical

to OMS as it seeks to expand its

ministry throughout the world.

For the past several years, OMS

has been a part of more than one

million decisions for Christ each

year. We now serve in 77 countries,

with more than 120,000

churches planted through the

efforts of OMS and its national


Many laymen are now forming

teams to go to the mission field.

You can be part of this great

movement of laymen as they

seek to honor Christ by giving

personal obedience to the Great


Call MFM at (317) 881-6752,

or contact the national director in

your country (page 2), for latest

team destinations, dates, and


Tax receiptable gifts may

be mailed to MFM, P.O. Box A,

Greenwood, IN 46142-6599.

That night, my interest was aroused at the thought of ministry in another

country, and I signed up to go to Haiti. Eight weeks later, my life was changed.

Now, and for over 50 years, the ACTION magazine has been my favorite


I later found out that ACTION was the work of Gene Bertolet, a young, talented,

and successful graphics artist. Gene had been an employee of a major

manufacturer and inventor in Indianapolis. The owner once commented that

Gene’s patent drawing and drafting skills were among the best he had seen.

Gene left the business world in obedience to God and joined the Oriental

Missionary Society, today called One Mission Society. Gene’s drawing board

became his pulpit as he spread the Gospel through countless pieces of literature

for OMS and MFM, proclaiming God’s message to the multitudes in many

countries. Gene is a strong, Bible-believing Christian with a sense of purpose.

He has often said, “I don’t want to reach a ripe old age and look back on life

with regret, realizing I’d missed it.”

Gene’s prayer ministry using a world atlas for

a prayer guide has enabled him to impact people

worldwide. His personal walk with the Lord, which

is guided by being marinated in God’s Word,

has helped Gene lead several individuals into a

personal relationship with Jesus Christ by the Holy

Spirit’s guidance. Prayer is a matter of life and death

to those who are drawn to the Lord. Gene’s vision

and witness to the lost are vital.

Gene dedicated over 50 years of outstanding

ministry to OMS and MFM. Even as he has stepped

back from his graphic design role, he continues to pray

for the nations of the world, and he is attentive to any

hungry heart needing spiritual help. Countless lives

have been changed directly or indirectly by Gene

Bertolet’s life and witness.

Thank You on behalf of Kent Eller, the Men

for Missions Global Cabinet, all the

readers of ACTION magazine,

and all those who have supported

a real missionary,

Robert Gene Bertolet.

MFM thanks Gene Bertolet for his many years of dedication to Men for Missions and

the Gospel of Jesus Christ.



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