Movetia Swiss-European Mobility Programme Swiss Programme to Erasmus+ Statistics higher education 2019/20

The mobility programme within the Swiss Programme to Erasmus+ designed for the higher education level is called the Swiss-European Mobility Programme. SEMP offers Swiss universities and colleges of higher education the opportunity to sponsor students, lecturers and staff for stays abroad in one of 34 European Erasmus+ Programme Countries (outgoing mobility).

The mobility programme within the Swiss Programme to Erasmus+ designed for the higher education level is called the Swiss-European Mobility Programme. SEMP offers Swiss universities and colleges of higher education the opportunity to sponsor students, lecturers and staff for stays abroad in one of 34 European Erasmus+ Programme Countries (outgoing mobility).


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Index<br />

<strong>Swiss</strong>-<strong>European</strong> <strong>Mobility</strong> <strong>Programme</strong> 2<br />

<strong>Mobility</strong> development 4<br />

Student mobility 5<br />

Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic 5<br />

<strong>Mobility</strong> ratio by type of institution and level of study 5<br />

Sending institutions (outgoing mobility) 6<br />

Host institutions (incoming mobility) 7<br />

Countries of destination and origin 8<br />

Subject area 10<br />

Staff mobility 12<br />

Sending institutions (outgoing mobility) 12<br />

Host institutions (incoming mobility) 13<br />

Countries of destination and origin 14<br />

<strong>Movetia</strong> is the national agency for the promotion of exchange, mobility<br />

and cooperation in all <strong>education</strong> sec<strong>to</strong>rs – in Switzerland, Europe<br />

and worldwide. Mandated by the <strong>Swiss</strong> Confederation and the Can<strong>to</strong>ns,<br />

<strong>Movetia</strong> encourages and supports projects in school <strong>education</strong>,<br />

vocational <strong>education</strong> and training, <strong>higher</strong> <strong>education</strong>, adult <strong>education</strong><br />

and extracurricular youth work.<br />


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