HGT Magazine #111 May/June 2021

Haida Gwaii articles, local business information, events, classifieds including real estate ads.

Haida Gwaii articles, local business information, events, classifieds including real estate ads.


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Morex's Many Hats


15 to 12 - Back to Thriving



Affordable Housing

Solutions for Haida Gwai

Dear Huckleberry - Relationship Advice to Amuse and Educate

A Naturalist's Almanac - In Praise of the Tiny Tree

Haida Gwaii Food Strategy - Nourish and Flourish on Haida Gwaii

+All Things Music - Meet David Archer

Issue 111

May / June 2021

$5 (INCL. GST)

May / June 2021 1



Monica Caulfield, a professional

astrologer since 2007, is passionate

about helping people develop tools of

awareness and purpose in life.







Craig Carmichael seeks broad

perspectives and connects the

seemingly unrelated to discover and

realize new potentials for better living.


Behind the scenes:

Margo Hearne is a 46-year Masset

resident, naturalist and writer. She

uses her skills to build things.


Dear Huckleberry, an observer of

human conduct and love interactions,

is passionate about finding creative

ways to navigate love, friendships and

familiar relationships


Jamie McDonald lives in Daajing

Giids Queen Charlotte and loves

being on the water, gardening and



Neil Lore is an amateur philosopher,

politician, athlete, coach, and

musician who grew up in Port,

graduated in Masset, and now lives in

Gamadiis Port Clements


Jasmine Beachy is a wife and proud

mother of two active boys. She is a

local StrongStart facilitator and has

lived in Gamadiis Port Clements for

15 years.


Lin Armstrong loves reading,

writing, jigsaws, theatre sports and

volunteering at the Thrift Store. She

lives in Daajing Giids with hubby Jack

and cat Lady Bean.


Owner/Editor in Chief: Shellene Van der Beke

Assistant Editor: Shannon Hammond

Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing

Team: Direct Design, Andre Favron & Dominic


IT: Haida Gwaii IT and Direct Design

Administrative Assistant/Social Media

Manager: Selena M. Adams

Bookkeeper: J. Pigeon Bookkeeping &


What's inside?

12 22


On the Cover: Some of the Morex team: Bryan Smith (Back left), Alex Fields and Armand Bacchus

and in front, Oliver Popley | Photo (taken by setting up a tripod and a timer) by Alex Fields


Relationship Advice to Amuse and Educate


In Praise of the Tiny Tree


Nourish and Flourish on Haida Gwaii


Meet David Archer

Subscribe: Get the HGT magazine

delivered right to your post box and save

20% off the retail price. On-island for one

year (six issues): $24 plus GST. Off-island:

$33.60 plus GST.

Advertise: Haida Gwaii Trader is

committed to help spread the word of

businesses of all sizes with affordable

options for everyone. Rates start as low

as $40 per month plus GST.




Submit: We welcome you to send us your

family-oriented stories, news, illustrations,

cartoons, poems, etc., for publishing


Contact Information: Phone: 250-557-

2088 Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T

1R0 Website: haidagwaiitrader.com

Deadline for the July/August issue: content we layout: June 10 th .

Classifieds and print ready submissions: June 20 th at noon.

The views and opinions expressed by the various authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs or viewpoints of

Haida Gwaii Trader. © 2021 Haida Gwaii Trader. All rights reserved.

2 HG May / June 2021 3

Letter from the Editor

Contentedly Isolated

In Memoriam

By Shellene Van der Beke

Haida Gwaii Trader Values


We proudly serve the unceded

traditional territory of the

Haida Nation along with all

those who live, work and play

on Haida Gwaii. We offer

affordable advertising for all

local businesses and exemplary

off-island businesses whose

products and/or services are in

limited, local supply.


Our focus is to build, maintain

and enhance bridges between

First and Second Nations

people of all ages, genders and

income, between nature and

humanity, and between spirit

and ego.

Recently, as I sat gazing upon the magnificent sea,

appreciatively breathing in the warm and saltysmelling

air and comforted by the sound of the

plunging breakers, I had an epiphany: I really dig


What happened next fascinates me. The following

words that popped into my head were, “There, I’ve

said it.” Then get this, the, “I’ll be there for you…”

theme song for the long-running sitcom, “Friends”

played in my head. I used to love that show. Now I

see it a bit differently in that I think Hollywood way

over-glamourized that whole, “joined at the hip to a gaggle of friends” theme.

Truth be told, once many people are out of school, the long-term, glued together

nearly twenty-four-seven friend-pack is not the be all and end all of a happy life.

Am I to think of myself as lonely, a loner or worst, a loser because I enjoy

moments of solitude? Not.

Spending time alone actually has many known benefits like helping us get in

touch with what we genuinely want, what we don’t want, and what authentically

makes us happy versus what the “group” wants. It also leads to better focus,

creativity and decision making. It can also connect us with nature and the

Divine…to name a few. For me, social distancing, other than missing a few key

family members and friends, hasn’t really moved my mercury.

One note about this one hundred and eleventh issue dear reader: there

are a couple of pieces in it that pushed the boundaries of my

Editor in Chief comfort zone. Please don’t hesitate to contact

the contributing authors if you have any feedback about their

respective articles. That is why we list their emails in the Table of


Submitted by Dale Lore

William Adone


Sunrise: March 5 th , 1949

Sunset: March 22 nd , 2021

Bill Beldessi was a long time resident of K’il Kun Sandspit. A Free Mason

for many years, Bill was elected as the Master of the QCI Lodge 189 serving

from September 1999 to August 2000. For many years, Bill worked

in the logging industry all around BC.

Bill did a lot to move our islands forward from the late 1980’s until his

retirement around 2012. He helped with the planning of the Sandspit Harbour,

was a founding member and Vice Chair of the Island Community

Stability Initiative, and served as the Haida Heritage Site/Conservancies

and Land Use Planning Manager for the Council of the Haida Nations’

Haida Gwaii Strategic Land Use Planning Department.

On top of that, Bill also served several terms as the North Coast Regional

District’s (NCRD) Moresby Island Regional Director.

“The Board will forever be grateful to Bill for his contributions to the NCRD

and for those to his community and constituents. We will fondly remember

his quick wit and joyful demeanor.” – Chair Barry Pages, NCRD


We support basic, equitable

needs shared by all, including

social sustainability, clean air,

water and energy, affordable

housing, wellness, and

nutritious, locally produced


One foot gently in front of the other

dear souls.

Thank you Dominic Legault!

“I even love the ads,” a Haida Gwaii Trader (HGT) customer once

shared. “They’re so beautiful to look at!” The artist behind a

good many of the business ads we have published over the

years is Dominic, one of our very talented graphic designers.

Now heading off to the vegetable patch, Dominic is reducing

his time at the computer and increasing his time in the garden.

You will be missed Dom. Delicious green living tops and solidly deep life roots to you

and yours! - HGT Team

Bill mentored and helped many people grow into important roles over the

years. He was a community activist who worked long and hard for both

K’il Kun Sandspit and the island community as a whole.

Many things we take for granted today, he had a hand in helping to create.

Predeceased by Della, his first wife of over thirty years, Bill was survived

by Sharlene who was married to Bill for the last years of his life. He will

be sorely missed by many of us, and by these islands he worked so tirelessly


Rest in peace Bill, you earned it.

PC: Chris Bellamy

4 HG May / June 2021 5


Dear Huckleberry is an advice column aiming to use a bit of sound advice to nurture healing and

growth, while hopefully making you laugh a little too. This column is not a substitute for working

with a licensed counsellor. Please seek professional help if you are struggling.

Dear Huckleberry: I was married for five years, and two years ago she found out from a friend that I had been

cheating on her and immediately asked for the divorce. I really believed that she was THE ONE, despite my

mistakes. I am devastated by the destruction my actions created; I went away to rehab, spent countless hours

in therapy and in men’s groups, and have done a lot of inner work on myself. I’m now in a new relationship. But

the thing is, I still have random thoughts about my ex-wife just about every day, like a ghost that won’t go away.

What can I do to get the closure I need? I just want to be who I was without having to carry this huge guilt and

pain everywhere I go, especially into my own future.

Dear Huckleberry: I’m at a chicken foot fork in the road of my life. After my marriage of twenty years, I’ve been

dating this last year and have made strong connections with three men. One is platonic, loving, deep and dear.

The other two fill needs I didn’t know I had and even though they are polar opposites of each other they are both

equally compatible with me. I love all three. I don’t want to choose. I want them all in my life as a person would

have one as a life partner - dear, loved and together. I have enough love to give, but the problem is finding a way

to ask them to bury insecurities or jealousy that would crop up at the idea of a polyamorous relationship.

Oh dear, that is a chicken foot fork dilemma and a very

interesting one. Let me just begin by saying that the

courage it takes to start again after twenty years of

marriage under your belt is impressive enough, but

to do it in a way that you are actually asking for what

you want without the idea of settling for anything less

than happiness and that you are even opening up for

modern ideas such as polyamory, is inspiring.

That being said, when it comes to choosing who to love

we humans are full of contradictions and opposing

ideas that lead our lives at all times, especially when

looking at the possibility of a new love. We want tough

but sweet, we want intellectual conversation yet

sometimes simple and silly ones, we want open hearted

men who can cry at the end of a movie and yet we are

so attracted to the stoicism of a tearless one. So, when

you say you found three very different men that make

you want to spend your life them, and you are having

trouble choosing between them, I understand. Our

hearts have space to love different people in different

ways but with similar intensity, and we have the

responsibility to handle those feelings in such a way that

we honour the people who are provoking said feelings.

So the first thing I must say is: be HONEST. Open your

heart to these men, give yourself to them with the full

understanding that you are still processing your feelings

and creating a new you.

Polyamory is a really interesting concept of love. I am

not an expert on its practice or its outcome so I won’t

pretend to know, but what I do know is that this practice

is for people that want to experience it, not for us to

turn our indecision into an experiment.

So dearest, the first thing to determine here is if you

actually love these men for who they are, or are they just

the representation of things you want in a relationship

but haven’t been able to find in an all-in-one combo

package. The second thing I would consider is if you are

ready to decide for one of them or all of them.

There is no shame in enjoying your single life a bit

longer, getting to know your new self a little deeper.

You might discover that among the pretty gifts each

guy brings to your table, there are others that are quirks,

faults, regrets, baggage that only time and honest

conversations will shine a light on, and will weigh in on

your decisions.

I won’t lie to you, by no means am I saying that with

honesty you will get exactly what you want, but you

will allow yourself and them to see the options this

relationship presents to them. Maybe they will feel

overjoyed with the idea and jump right into it, or maybe

they won’t, but do not make the mistaken assumption

that it’s just because of insecurities or jealousy;

sometimes it is just because they don’t want to be in

it, or their experience has taught them not to settle

for anything else. Whatever they decide is the right


So please, don’t waste your energy in trying to convince

them or understand the thousands of reasons why

you can’t. Just focus on you, on learning your process,

knowing yourself, knowing who you are allowing into

your life and why. Once you figure that out, everything

else will fall into place.

My dear friend, I feel your pain. The wreckage of our

lives, especially when we are the ones to blame for the

damage, is not a pretty sight. I wish I could tell you that

it will go away with time, and that your new love will

heal those old wounds and erase the scars. To some

degree, it’s all true - time and love do help with healing,

but I want to give you something you can hang onto


The truth is, life brings change like the waves in the

ocean. Sometimes it’s calm and peaceful, almost

unrecognizable, the kind of change we work for or pray

for. Sometimes the waves are rougher, we are forced

to fight against them, to overcome them, they make

us stronger and wiser and are the obstacles we have to

go through to succeed. And sometimes we get hit by a

tsunami that changes us forever. These are the lessons

we face to grow and evolve into who we are meant to

be. The way we act after these waves determine who

we really are. So yes, dear friend, a tsunami hit you, and

you survived. Not only that, but you pulled yourself out

of the flood and brought yourself back. Do you really

expect to be the same man after all of that?

You have baggage because you have lived and learned,

and now it’s with you like a tattoo of what you lost.

But it doesn’t have to hurt, and you don’t have to live in

fear of the ghost that lives in the shadows of your new

love. In fact, you should welcome it into your light.

Your story with your ex-wife is not only the story of

how your mistakes broke you, but it is also how you

were brought together in the beginning, the man she

helped you become, and the life goals you pushed her

to achieve. It’s the dreams you shared and the growing

experiences that you went through. And part of your

story is that losing her taught you not to ever gamble

with your heart, to seek help when you need it and most

importantly, you learned to love again and better, that

even when you least believed it someone new chose to

love you.

She might have been the one, but sometimes “the one”

doesn’t mean the one you will have and hold forever.

She might be the one to teach you about love and loss,

the one that will stay in your heart so you never forget

to cherish those feelings. Your new love can also be the

one, the one that helped you heal, the one that taught

you second chances are real, the one that gets to love

the man you became. It’s your choice, to focus on what’s

broken or on what will never be.

Now, you want the big secret to find closure and move

on, but the truth is there is no secret. Finding closure

implies a complete acceptance of what has happened

and an honouring of the transition away from what’s

finished to something new. In other words, every time

a thought of your ex-wife comes into your mind just

thank her for the experiences, for the growth, for the

chance you have at a new beautiful relationship, and

wish her the happiness and love you know she deserves.

That’s it. Closure is forgiveness for yourself and for her,

it’s an invitation to start anew even with the scars and

the baggage. It’s the acceptance that life is change. And

just like the ocean and its never-ending waves, change

is forever coming, forever scarring. Though potentially

scary, that’s okay.

Have a letter you would like to

submit for consideration? Email

dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com or send

mail to Dear Huckleberry ℅ Haida Gwaii

Trader, PO Box 313, Port Clements,

BC V0T 1R0

6 HG May / June 2021 7

People do not have fixed identities – we are always in

a constant process of becoming. To explain what that

means, let’s start by talking about how identity forms.

Starting at infancy, we receive a lot of spoken and

unspoken messages about what it means to be “good”

and “bad,” well before we are able to know what those

words mean. We are never really formally taught

what they mean; instead we unknowingly absorb

meanings for these words from our parents, teachers,

Citizen's Corner

By Neil Lore

How We Help Each Other Become Ourselves

peers, bosses, and the media. If we are consistently

punished for a certain behaviour, or if we see villains

in movies doing it, we learn that it is “bad.” If our

peers like certain behaviours, or if we see our role

models living those behaviours, we learn that they are


We also learn about ourselves by comparison. If we

are taller than most people we think ourselves to be

tall. If we win most of the races we enter we think

ourselves to be fast.

Finally, we learn about ourselves from how others

treat us. If people mistreat us, we must be bad. If

people respect us, we must be good. This effect is

magnified when the mistreatment or respect is

witnessed by our peers – when people watch others

being treated a certain way without objecting, they

are reinforcing that behaviour.

Okay, we’ve talked about how our identities form.

What does it mean to be “always in a constant process

of becoming?”

Once we have developed our own workable

definitions of “good” and “bad,” we use them to

evaluate our choices and their results, which gives us

a new way to become – by choosing. When we make

good choices, we see ourselves as good, and vice versa.

As adults, this is the most direct way in which we

become new versions of ourselves. We are shaped by

both our active choices (those we consciously initiate)

and our reactive choices (how we react in the moment

to the actions of another). For instance, if we give

generously, we become more generous. If we react

with anger, we become angrier. This is a cumulative,

lifelong process – one choice doesn’t undo the weight

of the choices we have made in our past, but it can

begin to reverse that momentum, and with sustained

effort over time we can change our own identities.

We will never stop making choices. Therefore, we

cannot choose to stop changing.

So, why did I bother telling you all of that? Because I

think it is important for us, here on Haida Gwaii, to

be mindful of this. As others play a role in forming

our identities, we are doing the same for them. How

we treat other people today plays a role in who we

become and who they become tomorrow.

One of the most self-defeating things we can do is

mistreat one another. If a person sees themselves as

stupid, will they try to solve society’s problems? If

we convince someone they are worthless, will they

become effective allies?

This is politically relevant on Haida Gwaii because

Canada’s inaction on issues like climate change and

systemic racism will not be solved by voting. They will

be solved by people uniting to create solutions and

forcing those with power to implement them. Who

will those people be?

If not us, then who?

Everyone has a reason to want the money that could

be made by harvesting the resources of these islands.

Few people have a reason to want to preserve these

islands. Our neighbours aren’t perfect, but they are

one of the best sources of allies we have. If we mistreat

them today, who will change society tomorrow?

If we alienate them today, who will stand with us


People do not have fixed identities – we are always

in a constant process of becoming. If we are patient,

we can, over time, create allies who could have been

enemies – by being mindful of how we treat one


The Purpose of this


The goal of Citizen’s Corner is to translate

political ideas into understandable language

while being fair, avoiding offense, and using the

fewest words possible. There will be times when

I don’t manage this perfectly, and if you feel

I’ve gotten something wrong or left something

out, please let me know. I am at neillore@

gmail.com, I have a pretty thick skin, and I’m

still learning too.

I don’t have “the Truth” and am not here to

convince you of anything. I have been lucky

enough to find some nifty tricks to help sort

“strong ideas” from “weak ideas” and I would

like to share them with you so that you will be

better able to share what you know with me.

Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from


8 HG May / June 2021 9

Old Massett Office

162 Raven Avenue



Skidegate Office

226 Front Street


A Naturalist’s Almanac

In Praise of the Tiny Tree

Article and photos by Margo Hearne

$63,000 to Arts Programs




COVID-19 Emergency Response

Grants to support organizations

who are serving those most

affected by the pandemic

Haida Gwaii Staycation Grants

to support Haida Gwaii tourism

and individual mental health


High School Bursaries

Continuing Education Grants to

help islanders pursuing postsecondary


$370,000 for Continuing Education

The k’ay Pacific Crabapple grows freely on Haida Gwaii,

especially near freshwater lakes and creeks. Together with

hlaaya wild cranberries, sgidlùu huckleberries, sk’awgaan

salmonberries and k’aaxu ts’alaangga cloudberries, they have

been picked and preserved on island for generations. The

berries provide both a tasty, tangy dessert and an important

source of vitamin C through the long winter months.

According to Nancy Turner in Plants of Haida Gwaii people

would spend days and days out at Tow Hill in October picking

k’ay. “Sometimes they’d pick the stem off and preserve the

apple in a barrel. Other times they’d cook the apples, just

simmer them, and put them in a barrel. Wintertime they’d

take the juice out. It tastes like apple cider. Then they’d whip

up grease and mix the apples with grease and sugar.” (Florence

Davidson as quoted on page 45 in Plants of Haida Gwaii, N.J.

Turner, 2004).

Crabapples were generally stored in water in bentwood cedar

boxes and topped with a layer of oil. Stored in this fashion

they kept well, becoming softer and sweeter as the winter

progressed. They were considered a high-class food, served

to chiefs and special guests.

These tiny k’ay fruits are still an important food for both

humans and wildlife. While they don’t seem to be as plentiful

as they once were – introduced deer eat the saplings and

beavers gnaw through the stem – they are still necessary for

the survival of some species, especially during spring and

fall migration.

As well as feeding humanity the plants provide important

habitat for almost all perching birds throughout the year,

including Pine Grosbeaks. They nip the buds in spring and

eat the apples when they ripen in fall. Pine Grosbeaks are

one of the most beautiful birds on island with a sweet, rich

twitter. They usually travel in small groups and, if its mild

enough, will winter over. Sapsuckers, flickers and Hairy

Woodpeckers also feed in and around crabapples.

Cedar Waxwings are especially fond of the fruit and will

feed quietly in one tree before moving to the next. American

Robins, Varied Thrushes, and Hermit Thrushes also eat the

apples, especially during fall migration after other berries

have faded. Townsend’s and Orange-crowned warblers eat

insects that are attracted to the leaves, wrens will shelter at the

base, and both Fox and Song Sparrows will find shelter. While

birds are opportunistic and will take advantage of what’s

around, in some cases their loyalty to a place becomes ‘locked

in,’ and where they once found rich food, they will expect it

to be there again. K’ay is important to them especially during

the howling Autumn equinox gales.

You can tell where the apples grow. Their leaves in fall

provide a bright splash of yellow/gold against the dark forest,

especially at Mayer Lake in Naay Kun Naikoon Provincial

Park. These small trees, one of the few island hardwoods,

need our protection before introduced beavers cut them all

down. They are too precious to lose.

$400,000 to Major Contributions

$56,000 to Community Innovation

$90,000 for Kids Camps

$268,600 for Youth Programs

$226,000 for Food Security

$120,000 for Haida Language programs

$80,700 for Community and

Holidays Events

Pine Grosbeak enjoying k'ay

10 HG May / June 2021 11

Pandemic Pivot Safe Mode

Morex’s Many Hats

by Shellene Van der Beke | Photos courtesy of Morex

What is one word that describes the impact COVID-19 has

had on K’il Kun Sandspit’s Moresby Explorers (Morex), one

of many struggling Haida Gwaii tourism businesses? Well,

according to Morex Co-Owner Oliver “Ollie” Popley, that

word is, “Desperation.”

I had the honour of email-chatting with Ollie recently about

how the pandemic has affected his business and how he and

his team are managing to make ends meet.

Ollie and his business partner Alex Fields purchased Morex

in 2018 . They employ twenty five people in the summer

and five in the winter. As Ollie shares, “We had one season

of running the business before we had to shut down. The

majority of our guests plan ahead and we’re usually booked

up for six months in advance.” He went on to explain that all

of Morex’s guests are required to pay a twenty-five percent

deposit, which helps to cover staff wages over the winter

months as well as providing cashflow to repair vehicles,

boats and buildings. “When COVID hit, we had just finished

investing in the next season and now had hundreds of guests

requesting refunds.” Talk about a challenging position to

be in. “We watched as Air Canada refused refunds and we

decided we didn’t want to be that kind of business.”

ties and came up with a plan on how to survive, including

applying for a couple of loans from the federal government.

“Our guests have been incredible,” Ollie continues. “We have

received so many emails and calls of support. Over seventy-five

percent of our guests accepted a trip credit, which

enabled us to stay afloat while the loans came through and

allowed us to invest in some other small start-ups. We would

not have survived without the support from our guests and

we are extremely grateful for their ongoing patronage and


Good Food, Plants,

and Construction

Morex’s current staff is made up of four full-time and two

casual positions. They continue to offer their core products

and services such as two and four-day trips - great staycation

getaways for “within the same bubble” locals. They also still

rent kayaks and sell various gear via their retail store located

at 365 Beach Road in K’il Kun Sandspit, and via their online

store at moresbyexplorers.square.site. They have also been

providing marine transportation services for the Council of

the Haida Nation, Parks Canada, Department of Fisheries

and Oceans, and Environment Canada.

As their regular roster of products and services is not enough

to pay all of the bills, the Morex team got creative, and are

now working their entrepreneurial tails off to stay afloat.

Back in October 2020, Morex’s Office Manager Chantal

Bacchus and her brother Armand started the Cedar + Salt

restaurant that offers delicious affordable take-out meals to

the K’il Kun Sandspit community. If you aren’t lucky enough

to live nearby, a day trip would be worth it… mmm… try out

their Cheeseburger Mac n’ Cheese, Shrimp Tacos, Buttermilk

Fried Chicken, and Ginger Beef, to name a few.

Next, long-time Morex Guide Bryan “anything-he-touchesturns-green-and-sprouts-roots”

Smith donned a new hat as

Manager of Rainbow Gardens and Nursery (RGN). What

started as a greenhouse project three years ago that provided

Bryan Smith of Rainbow

Gardens and Nursery

fresh, local, summertime produce for the Morex boat tours, is

now so much more. Located at the same location as Morex’s

gear store and open Thursday to Saturday from 2-8pm, RGN

now offers a variety of vegetables, herbs and flowers available

for sale to the community. Free delivery on island! Check

out their table at the Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte Farmers’

Market on Saturdays between 11am and 2pm.

And there’s yet one more egg in one more basket. As the tour

operation business sees Morex well stocked with tools and

equipment and as most of the staff have a background in construction,

forestry or landscaping, Morex Construction (MC)

After many understandably sleepless nights, Ollie and Alex

and the Morex team pulled up their neoprene kayaking boo-

Morex Co-Owners Alex Fields

(L) and Oliver Ollie Popley

Cedar + Salt's sister and brother

duo, Chantal and Armand Bacchus

Hand painted signs by local

artist Jenna Keshavjee

12 HG May / June 2021 13

Notice of Advisory Planning Committee

Volunteer Vacancies for Graham Island and

Moresby Island Advisory Planning


The North Coast Regional District (NCRD) is seeking volunteers to sit as a member of the

Graham Island Advisory Planning Commission and Moresby Island Advisory Planning

Commission. These commissions are five to eight member committees that are appointed

to a two-year term by the NCRD Board. The Advisory Planning Commissions’ mandate is

to advise the Board on matters respecting land use, community planning and/or proposed

bylaws, as referred to them at the discretion of the Board. The NCRD is seeking

individuals from Electoral Areas D and E to serve on a two-year term.

Questions about this committee can be directed to Daniel Fish, Chief Administrative

Officer by phone at (250) 624-2002 or by email at cao@ncrdbc.com.

Ollie Popley working

hard on the Chop Saw

Expressions of interest must be in writing and submissions should include a short

biography that, in part, outlines your background and related interests. This opportunity

will remain open until positions have been filled.

is yet another pandemic pivot enterprise underway. “We have

been completing roofing contracts, installing siding, building

fences, child play structures, trails, etc,” Ollie says. “We didn’t

advertise, but it seems word travels fast and we now have

a four week waiting list. It seems with people’s inability to

spend money leaving the island, they are investing in their

homes.” MC is so busy, more experienced staff are joining

the construction team soon to help with the workload.

Whew. I don’t know about you, dear reader, but I am getting

tired just reading about how busy these folks are. I asked Ollie

how he and his team stay motivated. His response made me

smile and warmed my heart.

“We’re driven by our love for the natural world and the values

shared by many people on Haida Gwaii. We believe two

of the most needed values for the multitude of issues facing

humanity are mutual understanding and respect. These

values are so abundant in Gwaii Haanas. We see Morex as a

platform to display these values to visitors, a responsibility

we don’t take lightly and often feel burdened by. It’s ambitious

to believe a tourism provider can have an impact on

society, or the environment, and especially one with a large

environmental footprint. However, it’s a direction we are

moving towards and it’s what keeps us going.”

With this as the foundation of their company culture, it

doesn’t surprise me to see that Moresby Explorers has earned

a five out of five rating (132 reviews) on Trip Advisor and

the same on Facebook (82 reviews). Kudos Ollie, Alex and

the rest of the Morex team for your impressive perseverance,

ingenuity and accomplishments.

Shopping local is no longer just a marketing slogan; for

many businesses on Haida Gwaii, it’s a matter of open or

closed doors.

By Mail: Daniel Fish, Chief Administrative Officer

c/o North Coast Regional District

14-342 3 rd Avenue West,

Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1L5

By Email: cao@ncrdbc.com

By Fax: Daniel Fish, Chief Administrative Officer

c/o North Coast Regional District

(250) 627-8493

Drop Off: 14-342 3 rd Avenue West,

Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1L5

Check out the Morex’s many products and services at www.moresbyexplorers.com.

For more information, email info@moresbyexplorers.com or give them a call at

250-637-2215 or toll free at 1-800-806-7633.

14 HG May / June 2021 15

The COVID Itch


On the Wall @ Queen B’s

“Catz & Dogz”

by Shellene Van der Beke

Wow is Haida Gwaii ever alive with art these days! At HlGaagilda Skidegate’s

Haida Gwaii Museum at Kay Llnagaay, there are three exhibitions running

(by appointment only, call 250-559-4643) including Maryanne Wettlaufer’s

“CONNECTEDREALM” (until July 17 th ), the ever popular “All Islands Art Show” (until

June 5 th ) and the Hlk’yak’ii To Start a Fire (June 21 st – Dec 24 th ).

But that’s not all. Just one town down the road, starting on May 8 th , be sure to

check out yet another way-cool art show called “Catz & Dogz” at Queen B’s Café in

Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte.

Ever an avid supporter of local art, Queen B’s will be displaying this “our favourite

pets” exhibition featuring “Catz” by Tll.aal Tlell’s Alex Rinfret and “Dogz” by Gamadiis

Port Clement’s Manzanita Snow. All pieces are available for sale.

“Everything for the pet/art admirer: paintings, stitchery and pencil crayons in vast

array. Drop in for a fancy feast for the eyes and a crazy-good take out meal.” –

Manzanita Snow

We are so fortunate to have such wonderful eateries like Queen B’s Café that, bless

their hearts, have remained open while adhering to COVID-19 restrictions.

A wide variety of mouth watering Queen B take-out options are available for

both breakfast and lunch…served Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm, and

Saturday between 10am and 3pm. Enjoy your snacks/meals socially distanced

on their patio where you can also take in the lovely view of the Queen Charlotte


Queen B’s Café is located at 3208 Wharf Street in QC and can be reached by calling

250-559-4463. Ask them about their catering services!




• June 7 th & 21 st

• July 12 th

• August 3 rd & 16 th

*Please note: to abide by the Provincial Health Order, members of public cannot attend Council

meetings physically in person. Alternative means of participation are available, such as calling

(250-557-4295) or emailing (office@portclements.ca) the Village Office ahead of Council

Meetings with questions for the Agenda items to be read out to Council during the “Questions

from the Public and Press” section of the meeting. Meetings are also accessible through Zoom.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic:

Stay Home, Wash Your Hands, Save Lives.


35 Cedar Ave. West, PO Box 198 • Tues-Fri 9:30am-1pm

250-557-4295 • Need an after hours appointment? Please don’t

hesitate to call or email us. For any after hours public works

emergencies, call 250-557-4272

www.portclements.ca • office@portclements.ca



16 HG May / June 2021 17


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66196 Hwy. 16, Port Clements

Our quality products can be found at

Causeway Convenience Stores (both QC and Masset locations)



Locally caught fish

Garlic harvest

Nourish and Flourish on haidai gwaii

Photos and webinar content courtesy of the Haida Gwaii Food Strategy

The Haida Gwaii Food Strategy (HGFS) is an all-island project that involves a number of organizations, including the

Council of the Haida Nation (CHN); Haida Child and Family Services Society; Niislaa Naay Healing House and Xaay

DaGa Dlaang Society: Healthy Haidas Program; Gwaii Trust; Skidegate Band Council; Local Food 2 School/Xaada Foods

Committee; Swiilawiid; Haida Gwaii Museum; and Northern Health.

Now more than ever, people are embracing the vulnerability of Haida Gwaii in regards to the food we eat. It’s not just

about supply, it’s about food quality and food economics. It’s also clear that food sovereignty success depends a great

deal on the ability of our island communities to work together.

In continuing to explore this important topic, on March 16, 2021, Jisgaang Nika Collison hosted the fifth HGFS webinar

featuring local Haida Gwaii leaders. Topics under discussion were centred around creating growth in Haida Gwaii’s

food economy, both in terms of feeding the local population and in terms of growing and harvesting food for increased

financial security. Below is some of what was discussed among webinar participants.

Dluujuu Mayor Kris Olsen, Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte

“Everything depends on everything else. I really believe in island pride, island wide. All

of us coming together and working together. Continuing to work with our local food

processors is important, and making sure the resources can be purchased easily by locals.

We need to be encouraging our farmers markets.”

Gid Uuwans Dana Moraes, HlGaagilda Skidegate

“As Haidas we’ve always been able to live off the land year round. We say that when the

tide is out the table is set and we have a traditional food wheel where we can harvest

specific things throughout the year and survive very well off of that. We want to have

outdoor fish drying racks for community use, not just an exhibit. Run programs, teach

our community and youth and visitors. Fishermen in the village would fish for the

community, always share their wealth. We have so many amazing programs and organizations

working on food security and food programs on Haida Gwaii. So much amazing

work has already happened; we don’t need to reinvent the wheel, we just need share our

knowledge together and figure out how to best work together.”

Kil Tlaa’sgaa Brodie Swanson, Gaw Tlagee Old Massett

“I would like to see prescribed wildberry patches, promoting wildberry growth. A Richmond

based company called Rich Berry Group, they started in 1978 and were dubbed the

cranberry ‘Kings of Canada,’ and a primary grower for Ocean Spray. A little known fact

about Rich Berry Group is they started by transplanting Haida wild cranberries and that’s

how their empire started.”

Terry Carty, Masset

“The logical thing for us is to join closer with our agricultural opportunities, and see that

the economics benefit all our communities. As a community, as a municipality, we have to

grow to enable people not only as a community at large but as households; we have to make

a little more effort. Hopefully it means somewhere down the road getting greenhouses, to

provide starters for people to put in. We need to go the extra mile to find that key ingredient

that really helps a lot – money.”

Johanne Young, Taaw Tlldawee Tow Hill

“I feel like in many ways COVID has amplified the practices and ideals that needed our

attention. We have many hobby farmers, home gardeners, hunters, and gatherers. The

pandemic has promoted community outreach and made our community stronger.”

Emmy O’Gorman, K’il Kun Sandspit

“I have a focus on knowledge sharing as an economy. I really believe we need to step in

and put more effort into mentorship and teaching youth. Knowledge is power. I constantly

have locally grown, locally harvested, locally caught and hunted food coming into the

schools. That is because of the efforts of the greater communities. I think we can grow

enough berries to sell off island commercially, and have enough for locals too.”


To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

18 HG May / June 2021 19

2021 Scholarship Recipient

Congratulations Elijah Gladstone!

Submitted by the Scholarship Foundation of the Pacific

Kyahlin.nang GidGadxa Elijah Gladstone

Each year, in conjunction

with Simon Fraser University

(SFU), the Scholarship Foundation

of the Pacific (SFotP)

awards a new scholarship

to a deserving student on

Haida Gwaii. Earned through

outstanding academic

achievement in high school,

a qualifying essay program

and arduous interview process,

each prestigious award

includes tuition, airfare,

meal/accommodation plan

plus all books and fees.

Working closely with SFU and through the generous support of individual

and corporate benefactors such as the Gwaii Trust Society, the

SFotP has created a SFU endowment funds to support the scholarships.

In addition, three significant fundraising events per year augment

their financial campaign – a golf tournament in March, a sturgeon

fishing trip in October, and our Langara Fishing Adventures Trip

in August. “We just finished a 50/50 draw with the proceeds going to

the scholarship and we had a great support from Haida Gwaii,” reports

SFotP Executive Director Beverley Kniffen.

Since 2001, the Foundation has awarded sixteen scholarships. Each

of these students have distinguished themselves with the majority

maintaining a 3.5 GPA, three having been named to the Dean’s List

and one having been named to the National Dean’s List.

This year’s scholarship has proudly been awarded to HlGaagilda Skidegate’s

Kyahlin.nang GidGadxa Elijah Gladstone. “I am really looking

forward to attending Simon Fraser University this coming September

to start my degree in Biology,” Elijah shares. “Once that is completed, I

plan to go back to Haida Gwaii to work as a marine or terrestrial biologist,

or perhaps continue my education and get a degree in law.”

The scholarships have had a significant impact on the communities of

Haida Gwaii. The program is well known throughout the Islands, and

the students often begin preparing themselves to compete for the

scholarships from the time they enter Grade 8. The students, school

administrators, and parents appreciate that these are rare opportunities

and as such, the scholarships are highly sought after and highly


Please Help Keep the

Scholarship Going

The Foundation’s goal is to award a full

scholarship each year. With the downturn

in the traditionally strong logging

and fishing industries, many coastal

communities are struggling with high

unemployment rates. As a result, graduating

high school students from these

communities have extremely limited

opportunities to pursue post secondary

education and realize their educational

and career goals.

Your gift will help ensure that the best

and brightest from these areas are sufficiently

prepared to provide the leadership

these communities will need in

the future. If you would like to donate

by cheque please send your donation

to: Scholarship Foundation of the Pacific,

6 - 3415 Chancellor Place, West

Kelowna BC, V4T 2S9, or you can go to

the SFP website at www.sfotp.com and

donate using PayPal. You’ll be provided

with a charitable tax receipt for the full

amount of your donation.

Thank You Haw’aa

Join Today!

Work with a professional writer and Full Moon

Photography to capture the spirit of your

business, your journey as an entrepreneur and

your products and services. Highlight the ways

you give back to your community.

BONUS - Sign Up Fees Deferred Until 2022!!

Good Feels Fitness

Daajing Giids


Is my business eligible?


Good Feels Fitness philosophy is all about finding

movement that feels good in your body. Creator, trainor

and empowerment coach Chloe is ready to meet you at

any fitness level and lead you into a space of joyful

movement. With experience ranging from one-on-one to

group and yoga fitness classes, Chloe's got you covered.

Get in touch today to team up on your goals!

Get In Touch

Chantal Bacchus

Tourism & Economic Development Manager

Misty Isles Economic Development Society



Update Your Profile!

Existing Love Haida Gwaii Businesses - now is

the time to review and update your existing

profile. Add your social media accounts, check

your contact information, update your hours of

operation, add some new photos and anything

else you need.

Richie's Whole Shebang

Daajing Giids

QUEEN CHARLOTTE richard@richieswholeshebang.ca

Richie's Whole Shebang is your one call handyman service

that can help you out with "everything and anything" day

and night. Owner Richard has experience with computers,

electronics, maintenance, landscaping and handyman

work. He's flexible and creative and happy to do custom

work. Got a project that needs a hand? Richie's your guy!

Love Northern BC is open to independently owned, non-franchise businesses that are located in

our participating communities. Love Northern BC as a marketing tool works best for businesses

that are focused on retail goods and services.

20 HG May / June 2021 21

Kirk Thorgeirson

15 to 12 – Back to Thriving

By Shannon Hammond

Photos by Selena Adams | Moonlight Photography

People all over Haida Gwaii know

Kirk Thorgeirson as a community-minded

person and the

hard-working owner of TLC

Automotive Services in Masset.

When Kirk fell ill with Covid-19 in

February and eventually medevaced

to Prince George for hospital

care, many folks were concerned and stepped up to

help out. We caught up with Kirk recently to get the

full story of his brush with Covid.

But first, a little back story... As some readers will

already know, the Thorgeirson family has a long history

on Haida Gwaii. Kirk’s grandparents Eugene

and Mae Simpson came to the islands in 1916, and

worked hard in the fishing industry. They started one

of the first crab canneries in BC (at Naden Harbour),

and operated a number of other canneries in the

Masset area as well. Their son Sam Simpson and his

wife Jessie carried on with this pioneering work ethic,

and among many other things Sam was instrumental

in forming the Delmas Food Co-op in an effort to

combat the high price of food.

Kirk was born in Victoria on January 30, 1960, to

parents Jack and Faith Thorgeirson. Jack was in the

navy, so they travelled around during Kirk’s early

years, eventually moving back to Haida Gwaii permanently

in 1964. Kirk has been a long-time resident

of Masset, along with his wife Marilynne of

thirty-three years and his four stepchildren. Now

grown, two of the kids still live on Haida Gwaii while

the other two are spread across Canada.

Kirk’s business TLC has sold gas to many a resident

of Haida Gwaii and tourist alike. Many a vehicle

has been fixed there too. But the garage was around

long before Kirk was its owner. Back in his youth

while working for Delmas Co-op, Kirk also began

working at what was then Collison Motors, owned

by Dave Mathieson. “I was always a backyard mechanic

working on my own vehicles,” says Kirk. “I

couldn’t afford to have the garages work on them.”

As he moved forward from being a mechanic in his

backyard, Kirk learned the “tricks of the trade” from

Red Seal tech Stephen Grosse, who mentored him in

his early days at Collison Motors. Eventually, when

Dave wanted to retire, Kirk learned about the business

end of running the garage, and negotiated to

purchase it, changing the name to TLC.

Those who might have observed Kirk during one

of his fifteen hour work days will know that he has

a solid work ethic. Kirk cites his grandparents as

strong influences in the development of this work

ethic, describing when they lived in the basement

of his parents’ house. “Weekends were consumed

by firewood getting, clam digging, hunting... my

grandparents were always thinking ahead on food

gathering, was kind of like living in the pioneer days

I guess.” He also learned a thing or two from Emily

Goertzen, who was the head cashier at Delmas Co-op

while Kirk worked there as a grocery packer. “Her

expectations of my work ethics were high, and she

let me know when I was not meeting them.”

When Kirk first started to feel sick with Covid-19 he

thought it was just a cold. He drank lots of fluids and

22 HG May / June 2021 23

didn’t really feel too bad. He kept working, thinking

“it will be better the next day,” while all the while it

was getting worse. He was getting weaker, and started

to have trouble walking. As Kirk describes, “by

the time I hit the hospital my kidneys were shutting

down as well as my heart and liver being affected.”

He commends the Northern Haida Gwaii Hospital

in Masset for acting quickly to get him the care

he needed, and regrets not paying attention to his

symptoms sooner. “All I can say is don’t ignore the

symptoms like I did. A month later and I’m still getting

over this.”

During his time in hospital, Kirk was kept going by

text messages from friends and the “constant support

from Dr. Walker of the Masset Hospital, talking me

through my fears and frustrations.” And of course

his family was always there for him, even from a


Now that he’s come back from this, Kirk is living life

a little differently than he was before. “I cut back my

crazy hours to twelve hours a day, I eat a healthier

diet now since I lost 25 pounds and would like to

maintain that. Other than that life is normal for me,

though I do have a newfound appreciation for life.”

When asked what he would like to share with readers

about Covid, Kirk says that we all need to “maintain

our friendships... Covid is straining people to the

maximum with all the restrictions, but stay safe and

follow the rules. I was very careful and still I got

Covid bad and was very lucky.” Kirk would like to

extend a heartfelt “Thank You” to everyone in the

community who stepped in to help while he was


You’ll find Kirk still working hard at TLC, even if

he has “shortened” his work days. As he says, “I love

what I do for a living. I love my interactions with my

friends the customers.” Despite the long work days,

Kirk loves the relaxed lifestyle, friendliness, and hospitality

embedded in the culture of Haida Gwaii. “I

always think of the residents of Haida Gwaii as being

my friends first, then my customers.” The residents of

Haida Gwaii are happy to be your friends too, Kirk!

We’re really glad you made it through your experience

with Covid and survived to continue sharing

this Haida Gwaii life with us.

Community Appreciation

for Kirk

“You have always put the community first

without asking for anything in return (I

know and appreciate what you quietly did

for myself and my family when we left).

Remember to think of yourself too, the

community needs you healthy.” – Tony

Tyler, former resident of Masset, now lives

in West Pubnico, Nova Scotia

“We appreciate all that you do.”

– Laurence Bell, Gaw Tlagee Old Massett

“Kirk is that happy friendly face that

always reminds me, ‘It’s so great to live

in Masset!’” – Joan Neely, Masset

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for more information

24 HG May / June 2021 25

New Digs on the Block

Affordable Housing Solutions for Haida Gwaii

By Lin Armstrong

Photos by Jane Langton, Debbie Gardiner, and Lin Armstrong

It is not what you might think it is and likely not what you have heard. The newly completed building is not a shelter and

not a treatment centre. It is also not a conventional apartment complex. The rental units are open to people who live on

Haida Gwaii and there will definitely not be a need to import people from off island to fill the suites.

Kal Naay Alder House is actually a supportive housing complex for those experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness

on Haida Gwaii. The complex opened quietly on March 22, 2021 when the first of nineteen residents moved into

this innovative solution to homelessness.

The name Kal Naay Alder House in Xaayda Kil was given to the building by members of the Skidegate Haida Immersion

Program (SHIP) after they were asked for suggestions by the Queen Charlotte Heritage Housing Society (QCHHS). The

selected name is in keeping with other tree names for projects by the QCHHS and was chosen for the alder tree’s properties

of regeneration and new growth.

Finished exterior of Kal Naay Alder House

An Idea Takes Root

Back in 2017, then Mayor Greg Martin of Daajing Giids

Queen Charlotte had been speaking regularly to other mayors

in British Columbia who were voicing concern about

the increasing numbers of rental units being taken off the

housing market, many to facilitate Airbnbs. The new trend

and rising housing costs were contributing to an alarming

up-tick in homelessness.

To address the worsening issue, the Province of BC proposed

to invest $291 million to build over two thousand modular

housing units across British Columbia. The funding was for

Building BC: Supportive Housing, an initiative to specifically

address homelessness. Besides providing a safe place to

live, the funding program would allow for the provision of

around-the-clock staffing to help those who were homeless

or at risk of becoming homeless, and those in critical need

of housing to maintain successful tenancies.

Mayor Martin introduced this information for the Village

of Queen Charlotte (VOQC) Council to consider. Council

agreed to support the initiative.

A prerequisite to securing any government funding was a

Needs Assessment. To garner the data needed, a forum was

held in the Community Hall for islanders to discuss the

housing situation on Haida Gwaii. The contract to explore

Haida Gwaii’s homelessness issue was given to Co+Host, an

on-island facilitation collective. The outcome of the Needs

Assessment and the 2018 forum showed a clear need for

access to safe, secure, permanent housing options on Haida

Gwaii, and answered two key questions:

What is the current affordable housing need and supply?

What are the emerging housing needs and the anticipated affordable

housing supply?

Co+Host concluded that the top causes of homelessness on

Haida Gwaii are (1) lack of housing, (2) unemployment, (3)

poverty, and (4) low wages. Not surprisingly, the largest demographic

was single adults of all ages. Thirty percent of

participants in the forum said their rent was expensive and

they often struggled to make their rent. Thirty-three percent

said their current housing was unstable. They did not know

whether their housing was to be put up for sale or converted

to an Airbnb. Twelve percent said their rentals had already

been converted to Airbnb and they were needing to find

another place to rent.

Based on these findings, funding was secured from the Province

for nineteen units. A property transfer from Provincial

Land provided a plot west of City Centre and across from the

site where the new Fire Hall was to be built. BC Housing now

owns the building, and an operating agreement has been

granted to the QCHHS with the understanding there is to

be zero penalty to the Society for empty units.

Building the Building

The first pre-fabricated units arrived in spring of 2019. ATCO

was delivering modulars province-wide for the homeless initiative.

Some of the units had lost their weather wrapping

en route to the coast. The units then sat in Prince Rupert

waiting for the weather to cooperate.

Upon arrival on Haida Gwaii, assembly of the units proceeded.

Each of the units was numbered to facilitate the

construction. Plumbing and electrical were aligned for easy

hook-up. The roof went on.

And then there was the mould.

It was discovered that some of the units had succumbed to

the BC coastal winter weather while waiting on the mainland.

The build company attempted to remediate the mould

issue for months. By then the ill-fated building had been

dubbed by locals Mouldy Manor and Faulty Towers.

Frustrated by the delays and a cascade of problems, Mayor

Martin and QCHHS Executive Director Barb Rowsell

met with North Coast MLA Jennifer Rice and Selina Robinson,

NDP Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

for the provincial government. Shortly after the meeting,

BC Housing issued a stop work order. The units were removed

to Ticker’s yard at the west end of town.

Forlorn units awaiting

their fate

26 HG May / June 2021 27

Finished exterior of Kal Naay Alder House

Enter Horizon North

The Dexterra Group company Horizon North had already

completed similar builds in other locations throughout the

Province, including Prince Rupert. Specializing in workforce

accommodation, construction, installation and logistics, the

company has experience in assembling pre-fabricated social

housing units dubbed by the company “LEGO for adults.”

Just when it looked like the project was ready to proceed,

the pandemic hit; work on Kal Naay Alder House was halted

and the off-island crew sent home. All of the new health

protocols had to be adopted and adhered to in order for the

crew to return and complete the build. After considering the

best way forward and with permission from the Council of

the Haida Nation, it was decided that the Horizon North

crew could be their own bubble, working and living together

over the months it took to assemble the new modular units.

The Application Process

During the construction phase, people hoping to reside in

Kal Naay Alder House submitted applications to the QCH-

HS. Anyone on Haida Gwaii who was homeless or at risk

of becoming homeless could apply. All applications were

assessed by a round table of community health care professionals

and BC Housing representatives using the Vulnerability

Assessment Tool (VAT). The higher the VAT score the

more need for a permanent, safe, foundational space. Some

of the applicants had already faced being homeless, unable

to find any accommodation they could afford. Others had

unsuitable accommodation containing problems posing a

threat to their health. Still others were unable to purchase

housing in a volatile market, and some had been unable to

continue with the maintenance their residence needed.

Of the more than two dozen applicants, nineteen people were

identified as most at risk and were offered a unit. Acceptance

required that they read, understand and confirm they would

adhere to a participant’s agreement, which includes access

to Support Workers who will be helping residents maintain

their residency. Most of the units are rented to people who

just need a safe and secure place to reside.

What’s Inside


Nineteen of the units are single accommodation, including

two with “low barrier” wider doors and bigger shower

stalls for wheelchair access to accommodate residents with

disabilities or mobility issues. Each suite has a bed, table

and chairs, comfy chair, settee, a kitchenette with cooking

unit and fridge, as well as a separate bathroom with shower.

There is a generous closet to hold the resident’s belongings.

Residents are able to bring personal items other than furniture.

Belongings must be pared down to three totes and

a bicycle if needed. One pet is also welcome. There isn’t a

limit on the amount of time one is able to stay in the accommodation,

as this is their permanent, safe and secure

housing. Rent is charged at the provincial shelter rate for

those receiving social assistance. Utilities are included. Residents

have access to a laundry room, spacious lounge with

views of the harbour and inlet, community dining area, and

health care room.

The goal is to create a community within the building. The

generous lounge space allows for the residents to gather

while maintaining safe spacing for meals, entertainment

and conversation. The kitchen will provide the makings of

a cold breakfast, and serve a full meal at suppertime. Quiet

time is from 10 pm to 7 am. A Support Worker is on hand

overnight, as the building is staffed 24/7.

Under the participant agreement, each resident has access

to a Program Support Worker who helps them to fill out

an individual support plan with boxes to tick for support

requests. Residents can request support with finances, nutrition,

hygiene, health, safety, self care, employment and

education, substance use and harm reduction, as well as

hobbies and personal enjoyment.

Guest Policy

In the first three months of the residence being inhabited,

there are no guests allowed to visit due to Covid-19 protocols.

After three months and upon arrival, guests will be greeted

by a staff member, their temperature taken, and asked the

standard Covid-19 questions regarding their health. They

are then asked to sign in. Guests, who must be over 19, are

permitted to visit from 7 am to 10 pm. There are to be no

overnight guests. Residents are responsible to make sure

their guests adhere to these protocols.

Supports Available for

Residents Using Substances

“The building programming will be based on a harm

reduction approach which includes the Support Worker

connecting residents with those outside life skills programs

so as to provide people with safe use options, wellness

check-ins, and working with individuals to identify

and connect with desired community supports and/or

treatment resources.” qchousingsocieties.org


Interesting note - all of the staff with their various skills were

already on island.

A Program Manager oversees day-to-day operation of the

residence, and supports the rest of the staff. There are two

cooks who prepare food for residents in the on-site commercial

kitchen, one working from noon to seven pm on weekdays

and one from noon to six pm on weekends. Residents

are able to help themselves to a variety of breakfast makings.

They also receive a freshly prepared evening meal.

The Program Support Staff consists of eight individuals with

skills garnered from working in homeless shelters in the

downtown East Side of Vancouver and Victoria, women’s

shelters, support for women and youth experiencing abuse,

Room with bay view

Lounge viewLounge view

Health Room


28 HG May / June 2021 29

homeless youth, Ministry of Child and Family Development

(MCFD), mental health and addictions, and people with developmental

disabilities. The team includes a Bachelor of Social

Work candidate.

What’s Next

Former Mayor Greg Martin is now the Chair of the QCH-

HS, and remains a strong proponent of new housing initiatives.

Previous and current VOQC Councillors and Dluujuu

Mayor Kris Olsen continue in their support along with the

hard-working board members of the QCHHS.

Because there still remains an urgent need for affordable

housing on Haida Gwaii, the next project has already

been identified, and the QCHHS board is currently looking

for funding. Once funding is secured the plan is for a

three-building complex consisting of ten units.

For more information about Kal Naay Alder House, visit the

QCHHS website at www.qchousingsocieties.org/alder-housekal-naay.

Commercial Kitchen

Provincial Housing News

Through the HousingHub division of BC Housing, the

Province is providing $2 billion of development financing

to facilitate the construction of housing for middle-income

families. Developers will apply for a low interest

loan through HousingHub, and must in turn commit to

provide affordable rents and home prices to the tenants

and prospective homeowners. When construction is complete

and developers begin to repay their loans, this money

is reinvested by HousingHub to create additional development

opportunities under this 10-year program. For

more information, visit HousingHub online at bchousing.


Dining area

Other Community Housing

Projects on Haida Gwaii

North Coast Regional District (NCRD): Evan

Putterill, North Coast Regional Director for Area E

and resident of K’il Kun Sandspit, says that conducting

a housing Needs Assessment is a top priority in

the NCRD strategic plan. A study is in the works

for later this year, and will cover all four electoral

areas (Moresby Island, rural and unincorporated

areas, and two mainland areas). As Evan says, “It

[the study] will give us the information necessary to

take informed action on the housing front, including

the possibility of accessing funding for programs or

housing projects.”

Port Clements: Manzanita Snow, President and

Founder of the Port Clements Housing and Restoration

Society (PCHRS), relays that the society has

completed a Needs Assessment using Co+Host, and

is now waiting for Port Clements Village Council to

identify the land for the project before an application

for funding can be sent in. The land will also need

to be shovel-ready (at the stage where workers can

be employed and construction begun), which is a

prerequisite for BC Housing funding. It will be the

Province of BC that decides how many units will be

funded based on the Needs Assessment. Ms. Snow is

hopeful the building will be ready within two years.

Masset: Trevor Jarvis, outgoing Chief Administrative

Officer with the Village of Masset, says that the

Village has completed a Needs Assessment with the

Whistler Centre for Sustainability. The results of this

Needs Assessment will be used “to inform future

housing policy and development in general, which

may include housing projects for specific groups or


The challenges of motherhood are real but also rewarding.

When I dreamt of having children, I thought of the snuggles

and cuddles from a cute little baby. That honeymoon period, as

I call it, is short lived. Nothing could prepare me for the vocal

expressions of personality that Carter exudes.

Lately Carter has been displaying frustration. For example, I

shut off the TV to have some family time. He got very mad. “No,

NO you can’t! Don’t shut off my TV, you can’t!” Nothing short of

dramatic. I told him that it’s not just his TV and that he doesn’t

need to watch it all the time. To which he argued “YES IT ARE

MY TV!” I told him that he didn’t buy it, therefore it’s not his. His

rebuttal was “no we didn’t buy it.” Not sure what his argument

was at this point.

We have been struggling with potty training lately, so naturally

a lot of our conversations are based around poop. It’s a sensitive

topic for Carter, to say the least. One morning my husband Clint

told Carter that he wanted him to poop on the potty. Carter

indignantly told him “no I’m not.” Clint emphatically said to him

that “yes you are.” Carter walked past his brother Connor, looked

at him and said, “Connor, feed him to the sharks.”

During spring break, I tried to sleep in when I could. My boys

had other plans. One morning I was trying to sleep in past

6am, and the boys both came into my room. Connor climbed

up and Carter was jumping on and off my bed making gorilla

noises. I was trying my hardest to lie as still as possible, thinking

they would leave me alone. Not a chance. Connor decided he

was going to pull my hair and bum drop my head repeatedly.

I yelled to stop but at that point he was having so much fun

doing it he laughed hysterically while Carter cheered him on.

“Get her Connor!

Take her out! GO

CONNOR!” I have

never missed my

husband more.

Carter (R) and brother Connor (L)

Me: “Carter, go

bug your dad, you

always bug me.”

Carter: “No, I’m

not bugging him

because then he

will bug me, so I’m

going to bug you.”

Carter: “I can put

my own Pull Up


Me: “Oh, can you?”

Carter: “Yup! I can do anything I want to! I can put my socks on,

my shirt, and my pants.”

Carter: “Connor’s my best friend and you’re my…nothing.

*takes a moment to think* you’re...beautiful. Yup Mommy! That’s

what you are, beautiful.”

One morning I was cuddling with Carter in his room. I hugged

him and told him that I love him and to never grow up. He told

me that he loved me too and

that he would never grow up.

I laughed and told him that

“it’s okay, one day you will be

big and strong like Daddy.” He

looked at me with a worried

look on his face and said “no,

I don’t want to be big and

strong like Daddy, I’ll break my

bed!” I told him, “that’s okay

hunny, you will get bigger

beds as you get bigger.” He

replied, “but I like my bed.”

Me: “Carter, please pick up

your toys off the floor.”

Carter: “Why Mommy?”

Me: “Because they are all over

the place and I’m tired of this


Carter: “Oh, because you’ll trip

on them?”

Me: “Yes.”

Carter: “Well Mommy, just

walk around them.”

What I’ve learned about

children is that you just never

know what is going to come

out of their mouths and I love

it. They are little comedians

and they don’t even know it.

If you have any funny stories

to share about the kids in your

life, send them to Shellene

of HG Trader at info@haidagwaiitrader.com.

30 HG May / June 2021 31

About David

All Things Music:

Meet David Archer

David Archer is an Alberta raised

composer, writer, musician, and

creator. His main musical instrument

is the piano. “I’ve been

playing my whole life,” said David.

“I grew up in Red Deer, and

studied music at the University

of Alberta with the idea of writing

music for film.” David and

his partner work remotely, and David Archer

PC: Dayna Syzyndrowski

moved up here from Vancouver

in 2018 to change up their living

environment and give island life a try.

By Jamie McDonald

Photos courtesy of David Archer

David suffers from a chronic illness called Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic

fatigue syndrome (MECFS). “The year

before we moved up here, I had a lot of fatigue, and dealing

with that was very intense”, says David. “It has gotten better

since, but it’s still something I deal with on a daily basis and

my energy levels are constantly changing.” Since their relocation,

David developed an interest in making music that

can help us tell better stories about the land we are on and

the people around us. “That means showing how interconnected

we are. And I also think music can help people cope

with change. We’re going to go through a lot of change in

the coming years due to the climate emergency,” said David.

Some composers do something called a “sound walk.”

The purpose is to listen attentively and notice what you

hear. Try going out and doing that next time you are

out and about. What did you hear?

About his music

David has composed music for many types of ensembles,

including orchestras, choirs of all skill levels, instrumentalists,

and vocalists. For most of his career he has written scores for

other groups to perform, especially choral ensembles. Now

he is producing his own music in his studio in Daajing Giids

Queen Charlotte. “I would describe the music I’m making now

as ambient soundscapes with classical sensibilities. I record

improvisations and also notate written music to record later.”

David talked to me about

how he creates his music.

“First of all, I’m always

writing notes. Then I go

through all my notes and

decide which ideas I may

use later and which I’m

tossing away. Some of

these ideas become a track

I want to make and I work

on giving shape to that

musical idea.” He mentioned

a great analogy -

Recording a stream

it’s like having seeds and

making them grow using

all the techniques you have. “In the studio, if I’m working

on notated music, I’ll tape different pages up on the wall,

draw diagrams of what the shape of the piece may be, sketch

out post its and move them around…eventually, I’ll choose

what works and that’s how a piece emerges. I just want my

music to be beautiful and honest. There are definitely some

composition techniques involved, a little bit of chaos, some

planning and a lot of generating ideas.” David also has a phone

and computer full of sound recordings. The first time he used

field recordings was in 2018 with the song “Labyrinth.” “I’m

attracted to sounds of the ocean and of birds,” said David. “I

take the microphone with me everywhere.” He’s been building

up a library of sounds from field recordings and using

them in music creation. “I like the idea of treating natural

sounds as music.”

What’s in the works

David is working on a new instrumental album that will

meld original piano music with sounds of Haida Gwaii’s

biosphere. He hopes to release it later this year. There is one

track released called Primordial, which we announced in

the last issue of the Haida Gwaii Trader magazine. The full

album will have 10 tracks on it.

Another project in the works is a June performance for the

HG Arts Council variety show (see www.hgartscouncil.ca for

upcoming information). He expects to submit 3 new tracks

for this performance, going back to the theme of interconnectedness

and our connection to the land. He is having fun

meshing together piano and sounds of nature for these tracks.

David co-directs the Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte based

Gwaii Singers choir with Dr. Gordon Horner. He has written

a new piece for the group called “One Breath.” He looks

forward to teaching the choir this piece once the pandemic

restrictions are over and it is safe to gather.

Furthermore, he looks forward to attending a composer’s

workshop this June in an online event called Climate Intelligence

and Action for Artists, hosted by the Gabriela Lena

Frank Creative Academy of Music.

Music is a spiritual experience

and a lifelong endeavour

for David, and

he plans to continue expanding

his body of work.

However, his main goal is

to make a life where he can

continue to make music,

and he is definitely winning

at that right now!

David and “sea hands”

He is writing a newsletter

called “Music, ideas and

rest,” about the things that inspire him, what’s keeping him

going, updates to projects he’s working on, and what it’s like

to be an artist with a chronic illness.

You can find and subscribe to David’s newsletter and listen

to his music on his website at Davidarcher.net.

Other Local Music News

William “Tycoon” Russ is finishing up his

album Persevere. Entirely self-produced, the album

has a very funky west coast sound. It’s an album

based on the knowledge William has gained in the

last twelve years of his life as he’s journeyed from

rock bottom to becoming the person he’s always

wanted to be. It’s about Perseverance through all

troubles in life, and overcoming the negatives that

can hold us down. By sharing his journey, he seeks

to inspire others on their own journeys of self-discovery,

acceptance and understanding. You can find

William “Tycoon” Russ on Bandcamp, Spotify, and

Apple Music. Album cover by William “Tycoon”


The Pseudos, Haida Gwaii’s newest instrumental

spaghetti surf band consisting of members from

Tow Hill band Rusty Mould and the Sugar Agates

(Jay Meyers, Fin Smith, Marcus Alexander and Seb

Dalgarno) are set to release a full length album

of original tunes influenced by 60's instrumental

surf rock and music from spaghetti western films.

Release date will be sometime in the summer of

2021. The Pseudos have received a generous grant

from Gwaii Trust that will enable them to record and

produce their album, which they plan to distribute

on vinyl and cassette. The band would like to offer a

heartfelt “Haa’wa” to everyone who has supported

this project! You can get a taste of their music at


Band drawing by Jay Myers.

32 HG May / June 2021 33

Puzzle Page


By Craig Carmichael

Answer key can be found after the Community Calendar at the back of the magazine.

Congratulations to HlGaagilda

Skidegate’s Jessica

Fairweather for winning the

Haida Gwaii Trader’s “Local

Food Picture” contest!

Jessica’s “first ocean fish” picture

which features an impressive Lingcod

she caught, won her a $25 Support

Local BC E-Gift Card! Thank you

everyone who submitted a photo.


1 Hard parts of reefs

4 Incoming tide

9 One of your stomach muscles

11 ___culture

12 Small boat for short trips

14 A ridge of sediment in shallow water

15 Symbol for tin

16 Electric Vehicle

17 Garden weeding tool

18 Things at ocean beaches are timed to this

20 State comes from being in water


1 Wet sand gets ___ onto bare feet

2 Primitive floating conveyance

3 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, __, Ti, Do

5 There is often a short one to get

from the road to the beach

6 __ of Bashan

7 Mineral in the raw

8 A sport popular where the water

is deeper and clear

9 Lightweight lava full of air bubbles

10 A smaller piece of wood on the beach

12 Fertile soil

22 Insecticide banned for persisting too long

23 Batting average standard

25 A popular beach activity

29 Make a note about it

30 1/2 a pair of boat movers

32 The beach is beautiful when this rises

34 Texas Instruments

35 Delaware or German URL suffix

37 Route to get there

38 Young beach visitor

39 What the nicest beaches are made of

13 Fuel popularly collected off the beaches

14 Light to guide mariners

15 Most popular hot day beach pastime

19 Doing business as

21 Adjust the sail

24 Family of small shore birds

26 Exist

27 Point where things branch from

28 Sideways scuttler

31 Artificial intelligence

32 ___ Std. Time - in the Rockies

33 Playful animal at home in the water

41 Emergency room

42 A type of cake

44 This will bring the water higher

45 URL suffix for Russia

47 Big clay water jug

49 Beach gets wider as the tide ___

52 A type of reef long thought to be extinct

until a live one was found in Hecate Strait

53 Pinnacle

34 Gooey black stuff, sometimes found


36 Goddess of love

39 Waves and tide make for this.

40 This water is found farther from shore

43 Clay vessel

44 The beach presents vistas to ___

46 The way to the sky

48 Us

50 exist

51 Metal sheathed electrical wire

34 HG May / June 2021 35

Haida Gwaii Stargazers

Aries (Mar 20 – Apr 19) Some hard fought truths are now coming to

the forefront, dearest Aries. Especially around your home and family.

You are like a mama bear protecting your bear cubs while simultaneously

wanting them to learn some valuable lessons on their own.

Provide fun activities, mental stimulation and sound advice to all

that come into your orbit. This will provide you with a good dollop of

peace. Keywords: clan, easy going, and tribe.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 19) Whether you believe it or not, dearest Taurus,

this is your day. Your day to make your intentions known. Your

day to have your own way. Your day to make a difference that best

suits your desires. Your day to shine. Later, when you buckle down

and do the hard work required to fulfill your goals, you can be grateful

that you had this time to relax into the warmth of your dreams.

Keywords: self-starter, dedication, and target.

Gemini (May 20 – June 20) You are traveling from confusion to

purpose, from dreaming to reality and from vision to motivation,

dearest Gemini. It’s interesting to watch you go from zero to 80 miles

per hour in record breaking time but of course, you are used to that.

Hold on to your hat and ride the wave into your next great success.

Keywords: reflection, devotion, and focal point.

Cancer (June 21 – July 21) You are being pulled back and forth,

dearest Cancer. From your mission in life that wants to be heard, most

likely in a quite unique way, and your dream state, where you would

prefer to be planted indefinitely. How can you pay attention to your

career and still feel creative and innovative? This is the question that

asks you to answer. Keywords: ambition, design, and momentum.

Leo (July 22 – Aug 21) Past experiences are giving you clues, dearest

Leo, in order to set you on the correct path. You are motivated to

succeed in the way that you are accustomed to. Use your past achievements

to help you determine the new direction to head. You have

many roads to choose from. This time pick the ones that feel familiar.

Keywords: eagerness, aim, and endeavor.

Virgo (Aug 22 – Sept 21) Whether you like it or not, dearest Virgo,

and I would guess that you don’t, it’s time to be in the public eye. They

are looking at you, to you and through you. Plan for this, knowing

that whatever you do, whatever you say, is on display for all to hear

and see. You may learn from someone that you are not being as innovative

as they want you to be. Don’t worry about this, it too shall pass.

Keywords: spotlight, exposure, and hobnob.

Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 21) The meaning of life is trying to make itself

known to you, dearest Libra. What are your darkest thoughts and how

can you shine a light on them in order to heal? Here’s a bit of advice

to help you answer those probing questions; get active, have some adventures,

do something out of the ordinary, risk failure to see success

By Monica Caulfield


just around the corner. Metaphorically jump off the bridge into the

crisp flowing water. First make sure that there is plenty of water for

you to swim though. Keywords: psychological, faith, and trust.

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) You are being asked to help out, be

compassionate to someone in need, and practice forgiveness, dearest

Scorpio. Are you up for the task? Loved ones need your undivided

attention and if you accommodate them, you will find that it is your

highest calling. What makes for a happy life? A life of communicating

on many levels with many types of people is high on the list. Show

someone that you care. Keywords: diplomacy, protection, and belief.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 20) I know that your freedom loving heart

wants to live life to the fullest, 24-7, dearest Sagittarius and nobody

can blame you for that. Just bear in mind, that before you get in your

van and drive away for unknown adventures, there’s some work that

needs to be completed. You must plan for your trip, write lists of items

to be purchased, pay your bills in advance, find the perfect house

sitter and make sure you have enough gas and oil in your rig. All this

organization comes first, before you are truly ready to set yourself

free. Feel free to orchestrate with gusto!

Keywords: sort-out, arrange, and assemble.

Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) You may feel that “family” is slowing

you down, dearest Capricorn, but may I say that it might be the

time to slow down, if only briefly? The perfect opportunity is here to

commune with loved ones, and you are allowed to have fun doing

so. It doesn’t have to feel like a bummer. Its ultimate purpose might

be to learn something new about your younger self or share some

experiences that will make someone else’s day. Keywords: family-tree,

understanding, and empathy.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) You are the idea person, and you are on

a roll, dearest Aquarius. How can you juggle all those thoughts and

keep them all straight? Even though you are famous for doing just

that, it’s even more critical to pay attention NOW. Otherwise, at the

end of the day all you will be left with is passing thoughts that were

never acted on. It’s fun to talk about them but more rewarding to

manifest them into reality. Keywords: networking, interconnected, and


Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 19) What is rising in you, dearest Pisces, is a

glimmer of hope. Hope for a better day, hope for your future and

hope for the world. But in order to get there, you are asked to make

a stand, not the easiest thing that you do. We want to hear from you;

what you value, what you believe in and what you are willing to stand

up to and stand up for. It’s time to make a positive shift in your life

and the lives of your loved ones. What will it be? Keywords: passionate-purpose,

self-assured, and motivated.

Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto www.haidagwaiitrader.com, click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will

then guide you each step of the way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline

for new and/or updated classifieds to appear in each issue is noon on the 20th of the month prior to the next publication. (For example, noon on Aug 20th for the Sep/Oct issue.)

*Free classifieds apply to private, personally owned and non-business postings. Ads pertaining to business products, services, employment as well as real estate for sale or for rent are subject to fees.

In the Home & Office

Furniture/Appliances/Electronics/Clothing(not kids or baby)/Jewelery/

Collectables/Books/Music/Computers and Computer Accessories/For Sale-Misc

20th century tech camcorder. I have a Hitachi VM-E220A 8mm Camcorder in good condition. It comes with a battery

pack (weak), charger and power supply, 3 spare cassettes, a camera bag. $110 Call Sam at (250) 637-5653 or email purplesolution@gmail.com

Kohler elongated bidet toilet seat. Brand new - Never installed. Experience a new level of cleansing for daily comfort and confidence. This

advanced bidet toilet seat with cleansing functionality uses naturally soothing water as a refreshing, hygienic alternative to toilet tissue.

Easy-to-use controls let you adjust the water spray for temperature and pulsating motion--all at the touch of a button. Other amenities

include a heated seat, adjustable warm-air flow for drying, and built-in odor control. $300 Call Elisabeth Rayer at (250) 626-9343 or

email elisabethrayer46@gmail.com

Smaller Flat screen TV and Sirius Radio, with boom box. Sharp brand Flat screen TV, 18” - $25 excellent condition. Sirius Radio with

boom box - $50 excellent condition. Call Vernon Byberg at (250) 631-3055 or email vernonbyberg@gmail.com

End table. $40 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email Fletchercollison1964071@gmail.com

Straightening iron. $15 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Tea pot. $15 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Neck pillow. $6 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Kitchen (4) chairs. $40 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Wall mounted Shoe Racks. 2 Brand New Wall mounted shoe racks, $20 for the pair. Pick-up @ 223 2nd Ave. $25 Call Terry T at (250)

559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

iMac for sale. Like new. Hardly used at all. Twenty-one-and-a-half-inch desktop iMac computer. Monitor, keyboard & mouse. Wireless.

Selling as I don’t really use it. Please leave a message at 250-557-4555. $1,800 Call Dave at (250) 557-4555 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Mini Smoke Detector. New smoke detector with a five-year lithium battery. Small in size, only two inches in diameter. Comes with

mounting hardware. $20 Call Sam at (250) 637-5653 or email purplesolution@gmail.com

D-LINK WIRELESS N 150 HOME ROUTER. $60 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email Fletchercollison1964071@gmail.com

Heavy glass bowls. Four anchor hocking glass bowls, convection and microwave safe. Tallest is 6”. $40 Call Toni Smith at (250) 626-5472

or email tintintooni@gmail.com

Cushions. 1 small bolster, 1 cushion, 2 large covers (for shams?), brand new, $15. Call Toni Smith at (250) 626-5472 or email tintintooni@


36 HG May / June 2021 37

In the Home & Office - cont.

In the Home & Office - cont.

As new casserole dishes. Three 8”x8” baking dishes with lids, two are 2.5” high, one is 4” high. $45 Call Toni Smith at

(250) 626-5472 or email tintintooni@gmail.com

Hair Cutting Comb/Guide. - Good for both professional and home users. - Consistent length and angle. Makes your

haircuts better, easier and faster. Shows you how much to cut and where to stop. Avoids mistakes. Allows texture point

cutting for a softer finishing look and longer lasting shape than clipper cuts. Longer guides than clippers, from 1/4” to 2

1/2”. Good for cutting longer lengths on top as well. Works well but I’m used to using my fingers for cutting. These have

all been disinfected. Sorry no returns/refunds! $30 Call Bev at (778) 260-0271 or email bshannon60@hotmail.com

Sit-Stand Workstation for Sale. Fellows Lotus Sit-Stand Workstation for sale. Great way to shift up your workday, by

changing your position! Work surface is too small for my needs. Selling price is half of what I paid for it. $300 Call Jennifer

Pigeon at (250) 626-7478 or email j.pigeon_bookkeeping@live.com

Mini Stereo Amp. This amp was built by a Hong Kong audiophile. It is a Class T integrated amp built with high quality

passive components. It delivers 6 watts on 8 ohm and 9 watts on 4-ohm speakers. The dimensions are 76mm x 46mm x

114mm. $150 Call Sam at (250) 637-5653 or email purplesolution@gmail.com

Heater. Works good, $30. Email Cody at cbwaller@live.ca

Glass snack trays. Four 8” Apple shaped glass plates, with apple blossom design embossed on back. $25 Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or

email tintintooni@gmail.com

Root Touch Up. $10 each - 7 available to cover gray between colors. This is for medium, dark brown and black hair. Sorry no returns/refunds!

$10 Call Bev Shannon at (778) 260-0271 or email bshannon60@hotmail.com

Womens XL COAT. $60 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email Fletchercollison1964071@gmail.com

8GB PC3 DDR3 1600MHz 204-pin SoDimm RAM. 2 x Hynix 4GB RAM $50 Call Sam at (250) 637-5653 or email purplesolution@gmail.


Various Cookbooks. $2 each. Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Cookie cutter. $5 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Double mountaineering boots. Scarpa Vega double mountaineering boots size

M9. Near new condition, warm, step in crampon compatible. New cost $475,

asking $100. Call Jeremie at (778) 260-0350 or email jhyatt@qcislands.net

Heat dish heater. $50 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@


Purse. $5 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

In the Yard & Workshop

Garden Equipment and Supplies/Hobby Supplies/Tools/Building Materials/

Pet and Pet Supplies

Assorted Powder Fasteners. Listed as market value at time of purchase. 1.5”

Ramset x200pcs= $40 1.5” Hilti x 220pcs = $44 1.5” Remington x 10 packages

of 25pcs = $50 2” Ramset x 360pcs = $69 2.5” Remington x 200pcs = $52 2 7/8

Hilti x 50pcs = $12 3.5” Hilti x 120 pcs = $50 $300 value for all. Must take the

whole lot. Pick up @ 223 2nd Ave. $100 Call Terry T at (250) 559-4595 or email


Vortex Diamondback HP 4-16x 42mm. Brand new with lifetime unconditional

warranty, XD extra low dispersion glass 4x zoom Side focus / Parallax adjustment.

Currently sells at Cabela’s for $549 plus PST and GST ($614.88 total).

Link http://www.cabelas.ca/product/83256. $375 Call Perry at (250) 857-4740 or

email perry.molnar@mail.com

Cooler. $30 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email Fletchercollison@hotmail.


Hair Dye. Black - Sorry no returns/refunds! $5 Call Bev Shannon at (778) 260-0271 or email bshannon60@hotmail.com

Kitchen/bathroom sink faucet Sprayer Set. Various uses, suitable for washing pets and hair, etc. Can attach to kitchen or bathroom sink.

Sucker wall-mounted, convenient to install, with adapter to connect water tap and sprayer. Stretchable long flexible white hose allow

you to adjust the length. This has been disinfected. Sorry no returns/refunds! $40 Call Bev Shannon at (778) 260-0271 or email bshannon60@hotmail.com

Jewelry box. $15 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Queen bed with headboard. 8” Sealy back saver mattress, 8” box spring, metal frame, plus very new headboard. $600

Call Toni Smith at (250) 626-5472 or email tintintooni@gmail.com

Sausage Stuffer. 3lb Weston Sausage Stuffer. Heavy Duty Construction. 3 size attachments. Good condition. $90 Call Terry Tollestrup at

(250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

Ottoman coffee table, brand new. Just received this last week from City Furniture, brand new. Selling it as it is not the size I thought it was

for my space. Size 38” x 40”, the top is firm with upholstery style and accented with buttons. Grey in colour. Shelf below, same size as top.

Very sturdy. Pick up in Skidegate. E-Transfer pls. Message me. I am not posting my real name and phone number because contact information

here is out there for the whole world to see. However, the email can be used for contact. $500 email Xilgwaay@gmail.com


Newly Arrived for 2021

From the Incoming Tide

Custom Knife/Tool Sharpening

VHF/UHF Handheld

Coms-Li-ion Batteries

Smart Chargers

Button Batteries

Crossbows/Archery Accessories

and More


IF - Night Vision

Red/Green Lasers

Holographic Red Dots

Fiber Optics Red/Green Dots/Chevrons

Fixed 3 and 4 power Illuminated Red/Green Reticle

Variable Power Scopes

6 x 24 x 50 Illuminated Reticle

4 x 16 x 50 Picatinny Rail Body Illuminated Reticle

4 x 12 x 50 Picatinny Rail Body Illuminated Reticle

Bright Zoom Tactical Lights with Remote Switching

25 x 75 x 70 Spotting Scope with iPhone attachment

8 x 50 Binoculars

and More

Available on the Island at The TRADINGPOST


921 3rd Ave

Village of Queen Charlotte

T. 206 259 6013

Website - Islandsretreat.com

Email - Eoffice@haidagwaii.net

grid tied emergency • uninterrupted electrical power supplies • 100

watts to 5000 watts 12 hour run times grid down • off grid uninterrupted

electrical power utilities • solar generation 18 hour run times • during a

6 hour on 18 hours off solar duty cycle • all systems are task balanced

38 HG May / June 2021 39



Call us at 250-557-2088


In the Yard & Workshop - cont.

Cor-A-Vent. 2 boxes of SV-3 Cor-A-Vent - “From the bottom of your siding to the peak of your

roof, Cor-A-Vent protects your home from damaging moisture from within and from without”

Ordered too much. Paid $100 per box + shipping. 1/2 price for both. $100 Call Dorothy at (250)

559-8068 or email dorothyandmike@haidagwaii.ca

Chainsaw winch. Runs perfect in good condition, comes with spare master-links

etc. $475 Email Cody at cbwaller@live.ca

Weed Whacker. Remington Russler weed whacker for sale. Bought last season,

still runs great. Upgraded this year. $100 OBO. Call Owen Jones at (250) 626-

3431 or email oj@massett.ca

100’x100’ Blue Poly Tarp. Blue Poly Tarp 100’x100’ In good condition, always

stored inside. $399 Call Terry T at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.com

220v Construction Heaters. Instant Start 200 CFM 12”x12” 4800w 16000 BTUs.

Extension cords available for purchase with heaters. Pick up @ 223 2nd ave. $75

Call Terry T at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

DuPont Tyvek Coveralls. Multiple available, price by the dozen. $100 price for a single $12 size XXL

and XXXL. Pick up @ 223 2nd ave. Call Terry T at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

Surveyors Kit # 2. Hip Chain x 1 Hip Chain refill string x 6 Surveyors vest x 1

Brunton Clino-Master clinometer x 1 Eschenbach-Active OL Compass x 1. Pick

up at 223 2nd ave. $199 Call Terry T at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.


Cooler. $40 Call Fletcher Collison at (250) 626-7606 or email Fletchercollison1964071@gmail.com

Think Chicks! Please have your orders in for the next Chickment by May 21st for pick up June

25th ish. Call Leslie, Syd, Miranda, or Ron at Ranch Feeds, (250) 557-4276 or email rfeeds@


Barn door track and hardware. 8’ sliding shed/barn door double track, with all hardware. Heavy

duty, stainless steel. New, never used. Designed for exterior use. Only want my investment back...

Not exactly as picture shown. $450 Call Toni Smith at (250) 626-5472 or email tintintooni@gmail.


G1s Marine Grade Plywood. 4’x8’ (feet) Marine grade plywood for sale, original price $2,600,

selling for $1,700 FIRM. Only being sold as a lot, not individually. Pick up only. Please call Haida

Gwaii Society for Community Peach at (250) 626-4664 or email ea.hgspeace@massett.ca

Surveyors Equipment Package. Surveyor’s vest x1 Hip Chains x 2 extra hip chain

string rolls x7 bear spray x1 Paint Can Belt Holster x 1 Increment Boar x 1 Tally

Counter x 1 30meter, surveyor’s rope chain x 1 Suunto MC-2 Compass x 1. Make

an offer. Must take whole package. Pick up at 223 2nd ave. $240 Call Terry T at

(250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

Electric Line Saw. Bosch electric line saw, works great. Pick-up at 223 2nd ave.

$350 Call Terry T at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

4000psi Pressure Washer. Power jet 2 - one-hundred-foot hose. $1,900. Call

Fletcher Collison at (250) 626-7606 or email Fletchercollison1964071@gmail.


On the Road

In part or complete-Cars/Trucks/Vans/Campers/RV’s/ATV’s/Heavy Equipment

Studded tires. Still good condition, set of 4 tires 255/70R 17. I bought some new

ones with rims for the truck, don’t need these ones. Make me an offer. $150 Call

Danny Stewart at (250) 631-3478 or email skocumshakers@massett.ca

2013 FJ Cruiser. Will deliver, $46,999. Call Paul Moran at (604) 802-6507 or email


West End

Auto Sales

2004 Dodge Durango

158,200km/Stk#6342 $5,500 AS IS

2018 Ford Escape 4WD

119,000km/Stk #6352 $23,995

2014 Dodge Grand Caravan

92,050km/Stk#6232 $13,995

2015 F150XLT

136,000km/Light bar on the front and tonneau

cover on the box/Stk#6344 $27,995 $29,995

“ No reasonable

offer refused!”


605 Ocean View Dr.

Queen Charlotte


On the Road

In part or complete-Cars/Trucks/Vans/Campers/RV’s/ATV’s/Heavy Equipment

Tandem bike. Excellent condition, well maintained Bike Friday, Two’s Day model.

This tandem folds for easy transporting in your vehicle. It also disassembles into

two suitcases for air travel. We have taken it on planes and have toured extensively

in Cuba on this amazing tandem. It’s a great way to see a country and meet new

people. This is a quality tandem. We originally paid 3,400 USD when we purchased

it new. You can look forward to many adventures on this tandem bike! $1,800 Call

Susan Wright at (250) 557-8555 or email Susan.v.wright@me.com

Full set of tires. Rims and tires, 4 bolt 185 / 65R15 M + S 4 tires mounted on steel

rims. 2 studded tires on rim. 2 non studded tires on rim. 1 spare rim. Pick up @

223 2nd ave. $400 Call Terry T at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

2015 VW Jetta. This is a great car for family. Lots of trunk space, new winter tires on

rims, trailer hitch, and roof rack. Super clean- has been a reliable vehicle well maintained

by one owner. Call Shannon at 250-626-9027- for more details or a viewing.

$8,500 Call Shannon Greenwood at (250) 626-9027 or email momsnbabe@gmail.


Southland 7x14 Cargo Trailer. We are selling our 7x14 Southland Royal Cargo Trailer. Rear ramp

door along with a side door. Weight capacity 7000lbs. Built in electric brakes. Bought new for

$9,100 and only used for one move (less than 2,000 km). Call me for more details. $8,000 Call

Katie W at (587) 876-0162 or email Pearsonekatie@gmail.com

2018 BMW X1. Platinum silver exterior, black leather interior, heated seats, Pano

sunroof. 4-cylinder turbo, all wheel drive, heads up display, touch screen, heated

seats / steering wheel. Lane departure assist, auto tail gate, auto wipers, interior ambient

lighting, run flat tires. Sport/comfort/economy drive modes and dual climate

control. $28,500 Call Tim at (250) 637-1155 or email divamaid@hotmail.com

2011 Rav4 All Weather Floor Liner. Front and rear set. In great shape. Minimal

wear - drivers side only. This is a full set. Sells new for $260 plus tax and shipping.

I’m asking $150. Thanks for looking! $150 Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or email


2005 Ford E450 StarCraft Bus. 23 Seats, Gas v10. Body frame and interior in good

condition. Has an unknown engine issue where coolant was found in the oil. Needs

a new battery and has not been started in a while but ran when it was parked. Engine

may need to be replaced. Located in Sandspit. Email only please, phone messages

will not be returned. $2,000 Email Sandspit Community Society at admin@


Rav4 Cargo Liner. Cargo Liner - in excellent shape! Very Clean - no damage -

$159.95 new - selling @ half price $80 Call foto gwaii at (250) 559-8877 or email


2002 Toyota Sienna Mini Van. 7 seats, good condition, runs well. Back door and

one side door sometimes don’t open. 243 714 km. $2000 obo. Located in Sandspit.

Email only please! Phone messages will not be returned. $2,000 Email Sandspit

Community Society at admin@sandspitcommunitysociety.com

FULL SET RAV4 Winter Tires. FULL SET RAV4 Winter Tires Toyo Observe G3ICE,

less than 1000km. 225/65R17 106T. Very clean, no punctures ever, balanced on

included oil-sprayed rims. In excellent shape. Check out TOYO website for more

info. Selling new for $ 1012.00 I’m asking $700 Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or email


Motor oil. I have 4.5 L of SAE 5W-30 and 1 5L SAE 5W-20 of motor oil. $20 Call Dennis Deault at

(250) 637-1128 or email ddsgng@gmail.com

40 HG May / June 2021 41

On the Water

In part or complete-Power Boats/Sail Boats

Wanted 17.5 Daigle (eagle craft) Aluminum boat. Looking for one of the old QCI Special Daigle 17.5 aluminum boats. Interested in just

the hull alone or with outboard/trailer. Will consider something similar. Call Jon Brown at (250) 327-2907 or email wandermere@hotmail.com

8-feet trolling poles. Trolling poles $100 Call Fletcher Collison at (250) 626-7606 or email Fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Troller for Sale - Reduced Price! Price Reduced to $175,000 from $180,000 AKKO CHAN, 42 ft fiberglass freezer troller,

very clean, well-maintained. Brand new John Deere 240hp engine installed 2017, new gear, twin disk, new exhaust, and

tail shaft; lots of fishing gear included. Packs 600 gallons of fuel. This vessel is ready to fish. Call Colin at 250-559-4637 or

250-637-1997 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Tuna Rod. Taking up space. Tuna Sticks® feature AFTCO® Roller Guides, a machined aluminum one-piece butt, including

anodized hoods and rings in the rich Penn Gold for a premium look when matched to your Penn International® Reels. The

Tuna Stick® modified parabolic taper can provide leverage for anglers strapped into the fighting chair, while the fast-tip

sections provide stand-up anglers the recovery power necessary when hooked into large pelagic. Great components, powerful

blank materials, and quality craftsmanship built into a rod that serves equally well in the chair or at the rail. $150 Call

Peter at (778) 260-0277 or email houstonpw@hotmail.com

Tolly Craft for Sale. 1977 42’ Tollycraft for sale. Aft cabin. Two state rooms. Twin 454 power (one engine not operable), velvet drive transmission,

needs TLC. Huge potential. $22,000 Call Ron at (250) 626-3833 or email office@massetservices.com

50-foot pilot house ketch for sale. Kode Isle Roberts 50 fiberglass pilot house ketch, built 1998. Roller furling main and

genny 30 GT, 33 short tons displacement DH 100 Isuzu turbocharged, 230 HP 275 gallons fuel in 3 tanks 300 gallons fresh

water. Hydraulic anchor winch Rocna 44 anchor 4 new house batteries size 31 Solar panels 2 8D starting batteries, 24V

starter Goldstar 16 mile radar Wagner MK 4 autopilot WMS 150 autopilot with KVH auto compensating compass Furuno

video sounder Marineteck GPS Garmin GPS, two Standard VHF radios, Hull 924 sideband radio 1500 watt sine wave

inverter Force 10 propane range, fridge propane detector 2 toilets, 1 shower, hot water tank, 8 man life raft, 6 immersion

suits, spare alternators, starter, injectors $60,000 Call Jeremie at (778) 260-0350 or email jhyatt@qcislands.net

Insurance for Home.

Auto, Business,

& Recreational

Masset: 250.626.3711

Queen Charlotte: 250.559.8426

Real Estate & Rentals

Residential, Commercial, Lots, For Rent, Rent to Own, Shared Accommodation

SOLD! 2135 Teal Boulevard, Masset BC. Almost 2000 square feet of pristine

living space. Complete renovation just being completed includes heat pump,

in-floor heating in both bathrooms, granite counter tops, custom made cedar

stairway, two large decks, 5 bedrooms, all new energy efficient appliances,

over-sized tub in main bathroom, new tin roof, new windows downstairs and

new exterior doors, LED lighting throughout entire house, nice combination

of laminate and tiled flooring, new plumbing and electrical.

“We got a fair number of inquiries from our ad in the HG Trader, and it allowed us to get inquiries

from people off island who were planning on (or thinking about) moving here. This was particularly

important in 2020 and 2021 due to Covid as people were less mobile and therefore needed to rely on

things like this to review and potentially make remote decisions.” - Kim Mushynsky, Masset

SOLD! DL1821 Kumdis Island, Masset Inlet. 111 acres near the eastern

shore of Kumdis Island, in Masset Inlet. Listed by Ed Handja – Coast Realty

Call 888-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com

Private Offices for Rent – QC. Located in central Queen Charlotte, close to

all amenities. $400 per month, includes internet. Call 250-626-5594 or email


FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1660 Old Beach Road, 1/2 acre serviced lot, 1284

square feet, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Includes all appliances, central vacuum and

all window coverings. Forced air heat pump/air conditioner, with medium

efficiency oil furnace as backup. Small oil tank filled every 3-4 years. 200-amp

electric service with a backup generator New doors and closet doors. Fully

fenced in yard that has 2 sheds, a green house, garden beds, koi pond, 2 fire

pits and fruit trees. Price $398,500 Call 250-626-5040 or email Ajmuch@mhtv.


2 Acres Near North Beach. Magnificent 2-acre parcel backing on the Sangan

River and just steps to North Beach. This lot is level and private and offers

several prime spots to build your dream home or recreational getaway. This is

the only one available in this incredible location. Price $289,000 Call 250-

218-9776 or email John@johnincomox.com

Revenue Property, QC. Residential and commercial opportunities are unbeatable

for this revenue property. Will be coming to the market this spring,

potential buyers are welcome to reach out to get further information, serious

buyers only please. Emails or texts only please: charlotteray@me.com #250-

589-9912 or joshrayrealestate@gmail.com #250-686-6131

3 Bedroom House. 1675 Burgess Ave. Masset. Three bedrooms, 1.5 bath

house in a quiet area of Masset. Fresh paint, laminate flooring throughout, updated

interior. Pacific Energy wood stove. Newer metal roof. Woodshed full of

dry wood (2 years’ worth). Greenhouse, walk-in smokehouse. Large level lot,

cement pad with extra parking. Priced to sell. Serious inquiries only please.

Asking $289,000 OBO. Call or email cbwaller@live.ca

42 HG May / June 2021 43

Real Estate & Rentals - cont.

Real Estate & Rentals - cont.


Ocean View Cedar House. 3 bdrm house on 2 lots with a tiny office/

guest cabin, a 1 bdrm cabin and a bachelor apartment. Options for rentals

or accommodating family. Main house has a wood stove and heat pumps,

hardwood floors, south facing bay windows, high ceilings and open concept

layout. Yard is fenced, with vegetable gardens, a greenhouse, chicken coop and

garage. Both rental cabins are wired/plumbed and are fully self-contained.

Property borders forested crown land and offers an excellent view of the

ocean. Price $495,000 Call Bobbi-Lee Chatelaine at 250-637-1567 or email


Essential Worker Accommodations Long or Short Term - Port Clements

and Masset. Port Clements: Furnished and unfurnished 1- and 2-bedroom

apartments. Newly renovated, including bathroom and kitchen. Sat. internet,

TV, king size beds, laundry and parking is included. Well suited for worker

accommodation. Clean and secure building. Masset: Several renovated housing

units. 3- and 4-bedroom units. Furnished or unfurnished. Sat. internet,

cable, laundry and parking are included. Call 250 661 9012 or email dustin@


Detached House/Single Family. 3122-3124 1st Avenue Queen Charlotte

Looking for your own piece of paradise or an Airbnb. This rustic home features

a bright open concept, with tons of natural light and breathtaking views

of Skidegate Channel. Fully renovated in 2020, new Blaze King wood burning

fireplace, Murphy bed, new windows, updated electrical work, new septic and

more. Enjoy the spa-like bathroom with heated floors and jacuzzi tub. Located

in the heart of Queen Charlotte Village, walking distance to all amenities and

minutes away from the ocean. Price $649,900 Call 604 845 0953 or email jeff.


SOLD! Seaside Golf Course with Development Potential. Imagine your

own golf course with 1 km of oceanfront on 80 acres. Located in the friendly

community of Sandspit, on Moresby Island, Haida Gwaii. There are numerous

uses or potential development opportunities. It is also a great holding or estate

property. 342 School and Copper Bay Roads, adjacent to the Sandspit Airport.

Listed by John Armstrong - LandQuest Realty Corporation. Call 250-307-

2100 or email john@landquest.com

1 Bedroom Plus Den and 10 Acres in Tlell for Sale. Enjoy your morning coffee

on the wrap around deck surrounded by nature, watching the sun rise over

Hecate Strait. 10 pristine acres featuring over 500 feet of sandy beach within

the boundaries of Naikoon Provincial Park in Tlell. The freehold property

hosts a near completion 1,000 square foot off grid home, nestled at the forest

edge atop the dune. The home sits on full foundation built to B.C. Code. The

152-foot drilled well draws water from an aquifer to the house, and a large

volume septic system is in place. Both a re provincially approved. The land is

accessed from Beitush Road along the Tlell River. This land has been loved

for over 30 years by one owner and now looks for its next caretaker. Price

$1,500,000 Call: 250-360-6184 or email: sailpiraeus@gmail.com

Authentic Screen Printing


Mayer Lake Estates. is an excellent recreational destination located within

the boundaries of Naikoon Provincial Park in beautiful Haida Gwaii, British

Columbia. The area is perfect for fishing, kayaking, hiking, wildlife watching,

and canoeing. Just you, your loved ones, the lake, and nature! Mayer Lake is

located approximately 10 kms east of Port Clements. It is a shallow lake that

warms up quickly in the summer - perfect for paddle sports and freshwater

fishing. Whether you wish to relax among old growth timber stands or enjoy

fishing or paddling on the waters of Mayer Lake, this property is meant for

you. Lots are available on a first-come first-serve basis. Financing is available

with 25% down. For more information visit www.mayerlakeestates.com If you

have any questions or to reserve your lot, call Norm at 604-854-0330 or email


House for Sale - Price Reduced! 1127 Wilson Street, Masset. 3-bedroom family home, 2 bath. In a

quiet neighbourhood has a deck off the front of house and a covered deck off the side of the house.

Has a new greenhouse, 12’ by 20’, built last year. Also has a shed that is 8’ by 12’ and another smaller

shed for garden tools. Has a metal roof and wood heat as well as a heat pump. Price $219,000

Call Hank or Deb at 250 626 8948 or email htaggart@island.net


Miscellaneous Wanted Items/Lost/Found/ Wanted Information/Real Estate

Looking for rental 1-2 bdr cabin or home. A mature couple is looking to rent a cabin or a house,

1-2 bedroom. Working, quiet, no smoking, no parties, very clean, responsible. Please email your

offer and photos. Tlell, Queen Charlotte, Skidegate, or Port Clements. Call Colin at (250) 241-

8404 or email serenityhealingproducts@gmail.com

Truck Cap. Hi I’m looking for a cap - 2015 GMC Sierra short Box Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or

email fotogwaii@hotmail.com

Fencing Replacement or Repair. Somebody to replace or repair fence in Queen Charlotte. Call

Shellene at (250) 637-1870 or email bill@citires.ca

Ford Parts Trucks Wanted. Used, old Ford F250 or F350 pickups wanted. Years 2002-2007. Can be

dead. We will pick up. Call Stephen at (250) 557-4594 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Hitch Wanted. 3-point hitch for a finish mower (54 – 72”), for small tractor. Call James at (250)

557-4579 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Wanted: Lathe. Looking for a bowl-turning lathe or large capacity spindle-lathe. 16” or larger,

heavy duty, self-standing, single phase or three phases. Call James at (250) 557-4579 or email


Wanted: Wood Stove. Looking for a used Blaze King or Blaze Queen wood stove. Call Grant at

(250) 557-4658 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Seeking a Marine Radio. Hi All. I am looking for a working Marine Radio for my boat. I don’t have

any preference to a manufacturer, but it must be in working condition. Thanks for reading this ad

and I look forward to hearing from anyone who has a radio for sale. Call Matthew Bolton at (778)

260-4693 or email fungophile@gmail.com

Looking for a used iPad mini. at a reasonable price Call fotogwaii@hotmail.com at (250) 559-8877

or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com

Firewood needed. In search of Firewood. Split or in round delivered to Port Clements,

does not have to be seasoned, green or wet is fine. Call Germain Vigneault at

(250) 557-4240 or email germain@qcislands.net

Wanted table saw. Let me know if you have one you would like to sell. Call Chris Burns at (250)

626-8968 or email chris421sd@gmail.com

44 HG May / June 2021 45


Anything that just needs a new home!

Employment & Training - cont.

Home is

where the

heart is.


mortgage rates

you’ll love.

Learn more at:


FREE! Music CD’s. Alternate, rock, metal. Please take all. Call Vernon Byberg at (250) 631-3055 or

email vernonbyberg@gmail.com

FREE! Toilet. Upgraded. Old one still works. Single flush. Call Dorothy at (250)

559-8068 or email dorothyandmike@haidagwaii.ca

FREE! Movies. Free DVD and VHS tapes of block buster movies and kid shows. No cherry picking

please. Take whole box of DVD and/or VHS tapes. Call Vernon Byberg at (250) 631-3055 or email


FREE! 4ft x 4ft approx Window. As is, where is. Pick up @ 223 2nd ave. Call Terry T at (250) 559-

4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

FREE! Wet firewood. Mixed species. Not great but it’s free. Call Colin at (250) 626-7631 or email


Employment & Training

Help Wanted/Work Wanted/Businesses for Sale/Business Opportunities/

Education/Opportunities/Training Programs or Seminars

Housekeeper Wanted. Busy family is seeking housecleaning assistance. -Willing to provide all essential

tools and communicate further needs. -Willing to negotiate a fair wage. One day a week to

start. Located centrally near Tahayghen Elementary School in Masset. Email or call to find out if

this is a fit for you. Have a great day! Call Ricki-Lee at (778) 991-4225 or email Petersen.rickilee@


Deckhand Work Available. D & E Towing & Salvage, based in Port Clements, is seeking

a tugboat deckhand. Reliability, good work attitude, and physical stamina are

required for this position. Marine experience or certification desirable, but training

can be provided. Hours will vary. For more information or to submit your resume,

please call or email Dave Unsworth at (250) 557-4222, detowing@outlook.com

Transition House Support Worker, Permanent Regular. Worker Classification:

Transition House Support Worker. Rate of Pay: $21.63 -25.19/hr (JJEP Wage Grid

Level 10). Hours: Variable shifts mornings 8:00-16:00; afternoons 16:00-24.00;

evenings 24:00-8:00). The employee is NOT required to use their automobile in the

performance of their duties. This position requires Union membership; accepted

applicant will need to join BCGEU. Qualifications: •Diploma in a related human/

social service field • One (1) year related human/social service experience • Or

an equivalent combination of education, training and experience. • Must have a

valid certification in Standard First Aid (2-day course) with a CPR-C component •

Food-Safe Certification • Completion of Violence Prevention/De-escalation course

(online) • Completion of Domestic Violence Safety Planning course (online) •

BCSTH Foundations in Violence Against Women Training (online) completed •

BCSTH Introduction to Transition House Work Module 1 (online) completed •

BCSTH Introduction to Transition House Work Module 2 (online) completed •

This position is dependent on a clear Criminal Records Check. Call Angela Foster,

Transition House Director at (250) 626-9163 or email ea.hgspeace@massett.ca

Executive Assistant. Job Description: Provides a variety of administrative and secretarial

assistance in office. Produces reports from a variety of information sources and

databases. Maintains various records, files and related filing systems. May track office

or program expenditures. Qualifications and Education Requirements: • Grade 12 or

equivalency. • Graduation from a recognized secretarial program (1 year in length)

• Three years recent related experience • Or combination of education, training and

experience. Role and Responsibilities: • Answers phones and /or in person inquiries

and routes or records to appropriate staff members if required. • Responds to routine

queries with regard to organization and services. Call Brie Altrogge at (250) 626-

4664 or email ea.hgspeace@massett.ca

Community Living Support Worker. Job Title: Community Living Support Workers.

Location Queen Charlotte City, South End, Haida Gwaii. Level/Salary Range:

Classification: Community Support Workers Grid Level 10 ($21.63 – 25.19/hour)

as per Collective Agreement). Date Posted: January 13, 2021. Job Description: To

respectfully support adults with developmental disabilities in developing skills

needed to be active and included in the community. These skills are to be offered

in a manner respectful of the intelligence and independence already attained by

the individuals. Their input will be requested and highly valued, being used as a

cornerstone in the planning of any and all activities. This team member enhances

and supports the quality of life for individuals by providing the opportunity for full

involvement in their community. Note: All duties will be adapted to include appropriate

COVID-19 precautions and protocols. Key Duties and Responsibilities: •

Evaluates client needs and develops short term plans (weekly and monthly) to meet

such needs with the active participation of clients, their families and social networks.

Reviews and evaluates the individual’s progress and makes adjustments to programs

as required. • Identifies social, economic, recreational, educational activities in the

community that will meet the adult’s needs. • Maintains liaison with and makes

referrals to other agencies, professionals, government officials and the community.

• Provides feedback and support to clients and/or their families. Qualifications and

Requirements: • Diploma in a related human/social service field is required for the

position • Emergency First Aid and CPR Certifications. • Reliable vehicle and satisfactory

driver’s abstract • Clear Criminal Records Check • One (1) year of training

and experience or an equivalent combination of education, training, and experience

• This position requires Union Membership with BCGEU General Services • This

position requires the successful applicant to use their own vehicle in the course of

their duties. Preferred Skills: • Excellent interpersonal skills. • Good organizational,

time and general management skills • Knowledge of group process and facilitation

techniques • Knowledge of disabilities essential • Must be able to maintain confidentiality.

Applications Accepted By: Fax or email: (250) 626-4662 or clcm.hgspeace@

massett.ca Call Daniel Kolpatzik, CLBC Contracts Manager at (250) 626-7977 or

email ea.hgspeace@massett.ca

Transition House Support Worker, Permanent Regular. Worker Classification: Transition

House Support Worker. Rate of Pay: $21.63 -25.19/hr (JJEP Wage Grid Level

10). Hours: Variable shifts mornings 8:00-16:00; afternoons 16:00-24.00; evenings

24:00-8:00). The employee is NOT required to use their automobile in the performance

of their duties. This position requires Union membership; accepted applicant

will need to join BCGEU. Qualifications: •Diploma in a related human/social service

field • One (1) year related human/social service experience • Or an equivalent combination

of education, training and experience. • Must have a valid certification in

Standard First Aid (2-day course) with a CPR-C component • Food-Safe Certification

• Completion of Violence Prevention/De-escalation course (online) • Completion

of Domestic Violence Safety Planning course (online) • BCSTH Foundations

in Violence Against Women Training (online) completed • BCSTH Introduction

to Transition House Work Module 1 (online) completed • BCSTH Introduction to

Transition House Work Module 2 (online) completed • This position is dependent

on a clear Criminal Records Check. Call Angela Foster, Transition House Director at

(250) 626-9163 or email ea.hgspeace@massett.ca

46 HG May / June 2021 47

Employment & Training - cont.

At Your Service

Business Services/Business Products

PEACE Child and Youth Program Coordinator Hours: Part-time 18.5 hours per

week. Rate of Pay: $31.87 to $36.53 (Para-professional Wage Grid Level 13). Start

Date: Immediate. This position requires Union membership; accepted applicant

will need to join BCGEU. The employee is NOT required to use her automobile

in the performance of her duties. Job Summary: This program provides individual

and/or group counselling for children male or female ages 3 to 18 who have experienced

sexual assault, violence or abuse. Qualifications and Experience: • Training

and education in a directly related field including family systems and child development

theories (e.g., Undergraduate degree in a related field and Children Who

Witness Abuse Certificate, Early Childhood Education Certificate or other applicable

Post-Secondary Education.) • Must have sound knowledge and understanding

in the area of violence against women and children from a feminist perspective. •

Background and skills should include a minimum of 2 years of recent supervised

children’s counseling, or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience.

• Other assets would be: Art and play therapy experience, direct counseling

experience with women who have experienced abuse, analysis and knowledge

and training in trauma counseling, and Knowledge of First Nations Culture and

Haida Gwaii communities. • A satisfactory criminal record check is required. For

complete job description please contact: ea.hgspeace@massett.ca To be considered,

please submit cover letter, resume and 3 current references from supervisors. email:

ea.hgspeace@massett.ca, mail: Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace; P.O. Box

811, Masset, B.C. V0T 1M0, hand deliver: 2132 Collison Avenue, (across from the

Library) Call Brie Altrogge, Executive Assistant at (250) 626-4664 or email ea.hgspeace@massett.ca

Community Service Listings

Not For Profit Groups/Organizations/Societies

Queen Charlotte Community Hall Rentals. The Queen Charlotte Community Hall,

located on Bay Street, has the EA Ross room, main hall, stage, kitchen - all available

for rent. Also available for rent are wooden tables ($5 each per day), wooden chairs

($1 each per day), a complete place setting for 225 people, water goblets and wine

glasses, cups and cutlery and white or black, linen tablecloths, etc. The kitchen is

also available to rent on a daily basis for prepping for larger events. Call Reine Pineault

at (250) 559-4792 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Port Clements Museum. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the museum is closed

until further notice. You can still come by and enjoy the many outdoor exhibits! For

more information, please call Brigid Cumming at (250) 557-4576 or email pcmuseum@qcislands.ca

Alcoholics Anonymous. If you have a drinking problem we can help. If you live in

the North end of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-626-7557. If you live in the South

call Lou at 250-559-4568. At this time all meetings are virtual.

Masset Services Pro Detail Shop. CARS, TRUCKS AND SUV’s! BASIC DETAIL:

vacuum all carpets and upholstery, complete interior clean, exterior wash and polish

and pol-ish all glass and chrome. *Cars: $185 *Trucks & SUV’s: $205 DELUXE

DETAIL: includes all the basic detailing plus all carpets shampooed, all upholstery

shampooed, ozone treatment (removes odors, bacteria, and viruses). Overnight

stay is required for drying. *Cars: $235 *Trucks & SUV’s: $255 ENGINE DETAIL:

$40 Alternate email: office@massetservices.com Call Ron at (250) 626-3833 or

email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Bookkeeping Services Available Focus on what you do best....and leave the bookkeeping

to us! J. Pigeon Bookkeeping & Accounting Services is now accepting new

clients.Want a clear picture of your business? Tired of doing your own bookkeeping?

Starting a new business and need help? Jennifer and staff would be happy to

help! Please contact Jennifer via email at j.pigeon_bookkeeping@live.com or call


Last Minute Ads

Too late to fit into their respective categories but squeaked in before we

went to print!

2007 Komfort Trail Blazer t291lbs. This 30’ trailer is fully insulated, master bedroom

at the front end and two sets of double bunk beds at the back end. In between is

the kitchen, living room and bathroom, with a large slide that that allows for easy

movement in the trailer. Stove, microwave, fridge, AC and heat, awning, stereo and

skylights. Sleeps 8 total. Requires a slide cover. Minor repair required (kitchen sink

leaks when its turned on (new facet = $60). Great rental investment or home for you

while you build your permanent home on your new property or just live in it! Price

$19,999. Call Miranda at 778-914-2000 or email rainydaysgardens@gmail.com

Summer Job: Administrative Clerk. Hourly Rate: $15.20 (Approx. 15hrs / week)

Deadline: May 10th, 2021 Please send resume and cover letter to Shellene Patience:

info@haidagwaiitrader.com Or PO Box 313 Port Clements BC V0T 1R0. Requirements

& Skills: -Interpersonal -Computer skills -Good customer service -Full time

student -Efficient communication -Age 15-30 -Responsible for own transportation

-Access to a computer -Interest in learning about business administration and local

media industry Job description: -Data entry -Working with office programs such

as word, excel and SAGE accounting -Account management -Answering phone

and emails -Opportunities to learn basic aspects of magazine production skills that

include interviewing, writing, editing, graphic design, desktop publishing, printing

and retail magazine delivery. Call Shellene Patience at (250) 557-2088 or email


Deep freeze for Sale. 15 cu ft Frigidaire freezer (48” long), in excellent condition.

Costs $800+ freight if new. As is, where is (my pmq basement) $500 Call Toni Smith

at (250) 626-5472 or email tintintooni@gmail.com

Representing Haida Gwaii and Northwest BC

290-309 2 nd Ave W



48 HG May / June 2021 49

Haida Gwaii Trader Community Calendar May/June, 2021

Do you have an event you want to advertise?

Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com and post your not-for-profit event FREE OF CHARGE

Gamadiis / Port Clements

Regular Council Meetings

Mondays, May 17, June 7th & 21st, July 12th / 7pm-


Village of Port Clements Regular Council Meeting.

Please note that to abide by the Provincial Health

Order, members of the public cannot attend Council

meetings physically in person. Alternative means of

participation are available, such as calling or emailing

the Village Office ahead of Council Meetings with

questions for the Agenda items to be read out to

Council during the “Questions from the Public and

Press” section of the meeting. For more information

contact Village Office at 250-557-4295 or office@

portclements.ca or www.portclements.ca

StrongStart -School District No.5

Haida Gwaii

Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday, 9am-12pm until

June 24 / Multipurpose Building, 14 Park Street Port

Clements (Access through outer Strong Start Room

door: field side)

This is a free program for preschoolers with their

caregivers. Registration is required. *Due to COVID19

restrictions this is not a drop-in program. Please

contact Jasmine Beachy at jbeachy@sd50.bc.ca or call

the school at 250-557-4333

Gaw Tlagee / Old Massett & Masset

Masset Farmers' Market

Fridays / 11am-2pm / Across from Credit Union until

May 14, then across from Delma’s Co-op / Main

Street / Masks and hand washing required before


Bakers, makers and growers brave the elements year

round to host the Masset Market, offering locally

grown and prepared foods, vegetables, eggs, cheese,

jams, preserves, hot lunches, baking and treats.

Additional artisans diversify the Market offerings from

spring through fall, and include jewellery, soap and

body products, knitted, painted, felted and beach

combed treasures. Look for cut flowers, mushrooms

and berries available in season. Masset Market is

located on Main St and runs every Friday from 11:00

am - 2:00 pm. (Some vendors stay a while beyond 2:00

pm, so it’s worth a look after hours!) New vendors are

always welcome! For more information contact Natalie

at 250-626-3412 or Massetmarket@gmail.com

Daajing Giids / Queen Charlotte

Queen Charlotte Farmers Market

Saturdays 11am-2pm/ Gather Food / 223

Oceanview Drive

Social distancing, masks and sanitizer or hand washing

before service. Start your week’s grocery shopping at

the market and support local growers and producers.

You can find greens, sourdough, plants, transplants,

locally grown mushrooms, a large selection of

baked goods, kombucha, and much more. For more

information contact Marylynn Hunt at 250-559-8282 or


All Islands - Virtual

Alcoholics Anonymous

If you have a drinking problem, we can help. For South

end virtual meeting information call Lou at 250-559-

4568, for North end call John at 250-626-7557

Haida Gwaii Recreation Annual General


Thu, May 20 / 5pm-7pm / Online Event / Zoom (email

coordinator@hgrec.com for link)

We invite members of the public to virtually attend

Haida Gwaii Recreation's 2021 Annual General Meeting

scheduled for Thursday, May 20th at 5pm! This past

year has challenged the recreation sector across the

Province and locally. Learn about our recreation &

leisure programming island-wide, see how we've

adapted in 2020 to COVID-19, and hear about our

plans for the upcoming year. Want to be a HG Rec

Commissioner/Board Member? We have 1 vacancy for a

member-at-large. Please send an Expression of Interest

to coordinator@hgrec.com by April 30th, 2020. For more

information contact Haida Gwaii Recreation at 250-626-


Gladue Rights 101

Wednesday, May 26, 6:30-7:30pm / Online event

Haida Gwaii Legal Project Society, Literacy Haida Gwaii,

Justice Education Society and Legal Aid BC present

GLADUE RIGHTS 101. This free webinar will provide

a guide on Gladue Rights as a form of traditional

Indigenous justice and a restorative

justice process. This webinar is ideal

for service providers, high school staff

and students, and anyone interested

in the justice system. To register, use

your phone camera to scan our QR

Code or email skidegate@hgadvocate.

Tll.aal / Tlell

Tlell Farmers Market

June 6 through September / Sundays 11am-2pm /

Tlell / at the storage facility on the driveway to the

soccer field just south of the fire hall.

Social distancing, masks and sanitizer or hand washing

before service. Buy local and keep the money in your

community! Freshly picked produce, home baking,

lunches, coffee, desserts, eggs, bread, preserves,

vegetables in season, berries, sourdough, kombucha,

garden plants and lots more! New vendors are welcome

to sell anything you grew or raised, made or baked.

Buskers and entertainers are also welcome. There is a

cold storage facility on site for vendor convenience.

Charge will be $5 per vendor to cover expenses. For

more information contact 250-559-8282 or erc@


K’il Kun / Sandspit

Moresby Market

Sundays 11am-1pm May/June through to the end

of August/ ALM School walkway

In compliance with the BCCDC farmers market

guidelines. Our Artisan market features handmade,

homemade, and homegrown goods. This often

includes pottery, hand sewn items, local salt, baking,

preserves, photography, gifts, etc.

HlGaagilda / Skidegate



April 17-July 17 10am-5pm/Haida Gwaii Museum

Haida Heritage Centre at Kay Llnagaay Skidegate

An extraordinary exhibition of paintings created

during the COVID-19 lockdown – a reflective journey

of local resilience expressed by the stunning natural

landscape we call home: Haida Gwaii. Viewings by

appointment. For more information call 250-559-4643

or www.haidagwaiimuseum.ca

All Island Art Show

May 1-June 5 9am-5pm / Haida Gwaii Museum &

online / 2, 2nd Beach road

This show will be held simultaneously at the Haida

Gwaii Museum and online. In person visits are limited

and must be by appointment, with household/

bubble members only. Please phone 250.559.4643

for bookings. Please note that bookings for May 1st

& 2nd will be reserved for artists & their households/

bubbles. These bookings will be made after April 18th.

The link to the online gallery and opening event will

be posted as of May 1st on the All Island Art Show

Facebook page. For more information contact Jamie at

514-238-7953 or allislandartshow@gmail.com or www.


50 HG May / June 2021 51

Literacy Haida Gwaii Proudly Presents

our 9 th Annual PGI Fundraiser – a virtual extravaganza!


BUY YOUR E-TICKETS AT https://literacyhaidagwaii.crowdchange.ca/1523

Before June 18, 2021 - $20; After June 18, 2021 - $25

Purchases made before June 18, 2021, will be entered in a random draw. We will give

away copies of Louise Penny and Rick Mercer’s books and music CDs by fiddler Ashley

MacIsaac, Indigenous Indie duo Twin Flames, and roots/folk singer Stephen Fearing.

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