SJC Towards 2024 Strategic Plan
SJC Towards 2024 Strategic Plan
SJC Towards 2024 Strategic Plan
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Towards 2024
St Joseph’s College: Towards 2024 Strategic Plan / 1
St Joseph’s College Toowoomba enjoys a
rich heritage as a result of its transformation
from a Christian Brothers all boys school, to a
co-educational College in the Edmund Rice tradition
in 1983. Our College Mission Statement calls us to
provide a liberating education that is inspired by
Christian principles that permeate all aspects of
College life. In this way we provide every avenue
for our young people to be respectful of the truth,
open to reality, community orientated, and willing to
strive to grow as individuals who make the most of
their unique gifts. As an active learner at St Joseph’s
College, each student is challenged to demonstrate
endeavour by striving to achieve to their personal
level of excellence in the areas of faith, academia,
culture, and sport.
We are immensely proud of the opportunities
that are afforded to students here at St Joseph’s
College. With wide ranging co-curricular, cultural,
and sporting programmes, our students are given
the freedom to explore their interests and talents
beyond the classroom. This coupled with excellence
in learning and teaching, and faith formation
and prayer life, enables us to partner with you in
developing young people who are prepared for the
challenges and possibilities of a dynamic world.
The staff of St Joseph’s College have a deep passion
for ensuring that each student is provided with the
opportunity to engage in an exceptional, holistic
Catholic education. This passion is combined with
a commitment to the ongoing development of
modern educational facilities, and the allocation of
resources to improve student outcomes, making St
Joseph’s College an inspiring school community in
which to belong.
In 2020 St Joseph’s College began a process
of strategic planning for the years 2021 to 2024.
This process considered factors such as the
College’s history, its commitment to its Edmund
Rice Charism, its understanding of the needs of its
students and their families, and its response to the
ever-evolving education landscape. The St Joseph’s
College: Towards 2024 Strategic Plan builds on the
considerable achievements of the students and staff
of the College and we look forward with hope to the
continued fulfilment of Edmund Rice’s vision for
providing a liberating education for young people.
John O’Brien
Chair St Joseph’s College Board
Kort Goodman
College Principal
St Joseph’s College: Towards 2024 Strategic Plan / 3
St Joseph’s College acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands from across Queensland. We pay our
respects to the Elders past, present and emerging, for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and
hopes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across the state.
St Joseph’s College was established on the eastern
side of Toowoomba in 1956, by the Christian
Brothers, at the request of Bishop W. M. Brennan.
The campus plans were drawn in July 1955, with
The Foundation Stone being laid on the 15th
December 1955 and 116 boys attending in January
1956. In June 1982 Bishop Kelly announced that
St Joseph’s College would become a Catholic
co-educational College in 1983 and in January that
year, 27 girls commenced studies in Year 8. In the
decades that followed, the College consolidated
and gained a reputation in the district for providing
a holistic, inclusive, and engaging education in the
Edmund Rice tradition. As a part of the Toowoomba
Catholic Schools Diocese, St Joseph’s College is a
co-educational Catholic school for approximately
900 young people in Years 7–12.
Almost two hundred and thirty years since Edmund
Rice commenced his first school for boys in
Waterford, Ireland and over one hundred and fifty
years since Brother Ambrose Treacy stepped onto
the dock at Station Pier in Melbourne, Catholic
schools in the Edmund Rice tradition continue to
share the prophetic mission of the Catholic Church
in doing the work of Jesus.
Operating within an increasingly challenging national
and global context where the Church has less
authority and the demand for Catholic
education continues to be strong, we
strive to ensure that the charism of
Edmund Rice is lived out faithfully.
This Edmund Rice charism of
liberation, compassion and
presence drives us and
draws us into closer
relationship with
Christ, with each
other, and with
the earth
4 / St Joseph’s College: Towards 2024 Strategic Plan
St Joseph’s College has four key values that underpin
all aspects of College life: respect, endeavour,
compassion, and dignity.
In living out these key values, The Joey’s Way
provides all members of the College community
with specific imperatives. Each imperative is further
linked to a dimension of Edmund Rice spiritualitythinking
(head), feeling (heart) and acting (hands).
The Joey’s Way is our way of bringing to life the
touchstones of a Catholic Education in the Edmund
Rice tradition: Liberating Education, Gospel
Spirituality, Inclusive Community and Justice and
The Strategic Planning process is integral to
achieving the College’s vision and mission. St
Joseph’s College is intending to adopt a fouryear
strategic planning cycle in alignment with
the Toowoomba Catholic Schools Diocese School
Renewal and Improvement Procedure.
The development of the St Joseph’s College:
Towards 2024 Strategic Plan has taken place under
the guidance of the Toowoomba Catholic Schools
Office, critical friend and educational consultant
Dr Judy Smeed, and the St Joseph’s College
leadership team. Input from the above groups and
the College Board, College P&F, students, parents,
and staff has resulted in the establishment of the
strategic intents and initiatives that will be pursued
over the next four years.
The St Joseph’s College: Towards 2024 Strategic Plan
acknowledges the importance of individual growth
for our young people, while setting aspirational
targets and benchmarks. The strategic intents are
presented according to the domains outlined in
the Toowoomba Catholic Schools Diocese School
Renewal and Improvement Procedure. The domains
are: Teaching and Learning; Mission and Identity;
School Renewal and Improvement; and Stewardship
and Strategic Resourcing. In alignment with The
Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration,
St Joseph’s College continues to promote
excellence and equity in a manner that
enables all students to become confident
and creative individuals, successful
learners, and active and informed
community members.
St Joseph’s
St Joseph’s College is an educational community
focused on the Spirit of Jesus.
St Joseph’s College
Faith Education:
Christian principles permeate all aspects of
College life. St Joseph’s endeavours to create an
atmosphere where Christian Spirit and values take
precedence, so that students’ gifts of faith may
be nurtured, internalised, and integrated with the
culture of our times.
Intellectual Goals:
St Joseph’s College cultivates intellectual values
in students and promotes integrity, respect for the
truth, openness to reality, and respect for scholarly
Personal Development:
We help students grow as
individuals, by allowing them to
discover their unique gifts and develop
positive self-esteem. This ensures that
recognition is given to many aspects of
personal growth, so academic achievement is
not seen to be the only means of success.
Community Orientation:
Parents, students and staff of St Joseph’s College
form a Catholic Christian Community in which they
demonstrate care and respect for each other. An
awareness of the total human family will be fostered
through involvement in the wider community.
St Joseph’s College: Towards 2024 Strategic Plan / 7
The St Joseph’s College: Towards 2024 Strategic
Plan acknowledges the importance of individual
growth for our young people while setting
aspirational targets and benchmarks.
Input from staff, students, parents, and the wider
community has resulted in the establishment of our
strategic intents and strategies to be continually
strived for over the next four years.
St Joseph’s College: Towards 2024 draws on the shared
vision for providing an exceptional co-educational
experience that:
> > Engages our community with our Edmund Rice
Charism through developing a personal faith
and willingness to Serve Him in Others.
> > Acknowledges that we are all learners and as
a staff, we seek continual improvement and
growth in teaching and learning, enabling
our students to graduate from St Joseph’s
College as caring, capable, and positive
contributors to society.
> > The College empowers young
people to pursue their passions
and aspire to excellence
to meet the demands of
their future pathways.
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St Joseph’s College: Towards 2024 Strategic Plan / 9
Teaching and Learning
As an aspirational learning community, St Joseph’s
College embraces a culture of learning to empower
young people to pursue their passions and meet
the demands of their future pathways.
Key Improvement Strategies:
In relation to Teaching and Learning practices, the
College will:
> > Develop and implement a St Joseph’s College
Teaching and Learning Framework that
incorporates high impact teaching strategies
and target teaching to ensure there is an impact
on every learner.
> > Foster a culture of teaching and learning that
aspires to excellence and agency for both
students and staff.
> > Continue the student academic care tracking
programs across the school to monitor progress
towards measurable improvements.
> > Utilise evidence to inform targeted programs
and track impact.
> > Share responsibility and accountability between
teachers and the Enhanced Learning Team to
maximise student learning and differentiation
through Planning for Personalised Learning.
> > Monitor and extend high potential learners.
> > Use digital tools that improve learning and
continue to respond innovatively to the changing
needs of learners through the implementation of
the eLearning plan.
> > Achieve:
100% of students
graduate with a QCE
100% of students graduate
with a pathway
90% ATAR above 60.
28% ATAR above 90.
In relation to the National Assessment Program
for Literacy and Numeracy, the College will achieve:
At least 3% above the National Mean in all
domains in Year 9 of NAPLAN
Show continual growth in all domains from
Year 7 to Year 9 NAPLAN.
10 / St Joseph’s College: Towards 2024 Strategic Plan
Teaching and Learning
St Joseph’s College delivers a rigorous, diverse,
and inspiring curriculum to challenge students to
pursue their passions and aspire to excellence.
Key Improvement Strategies:
In relation to curriculum structure and provisions
the College will:
> > Commit to developing a rigorous and robust
Professional Learning Community.
> > Continually review the current curriculum
offerings and structure.
> > Ensure all teaching and learning programs
address improvement in literacy and numeracy.
> > Initiate a career education program ensuring that
all students graduate with a pathway.
> > Develop strong connections between academic
and student engagement team.
> > Use Impact Cycles to improve student learning
> > Aspire to high student participation in all
co-curricular activities.
> > Aspire to excellence in co-curricular activities.
St Joseph’s College maximises engagement in
learning and the wellbeing of students to grow as
valued members of our community.
Key Improvement Strategies:
The College will enhance staff understanding and
exploration of Relational Pedagogy through:
> > Implementing Relational Pedagogy and the use
of the Ignatius Room.
> > Developing a sustainable method of gathering
student voice to maximise engagement and
> > Knowing our learners through student
engagement data.
> > Implementing a mentoring program for our
at-risk learners.
> > Continuing to develop and implement year level
specific programs based around The Joey’s Way
> > Using The Joey’s Way as a model of pedagogy to
maximise student engagement in learning.
> > Embedding The Joey’s Way curriculum,
built around the ACARA Personal and Social
The College will attain 95% student attendance rate.
St Joseph’s College: Towards 2024 Strategic Plan / 11
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Mission and Identity
St Joseph’s College embed research-based
religious pedagogy and curriculum aligned praxis
to ensure our learners are actively engaged, and
critical thinking religious citizens.
Key Improvement Strategies:
To promote the role Religious Education plays within
the St Joseph’s College community the College will:
> > Engage with best practice pedagogy in Religious
Education through the Illuminate Project.
> > Support staff to acquire the relevant knowledge
to engage with scripture and the Pedagogy of
> > Support staff to use high impact teaching
strategies in Religious Education.
> > Use student voice to inform the development of
curriculum and classroom teaching.
> > Support staff to increase involvement in mission
> > Implement praxis experiences and connect
service learning to the curriculum and key
content descriptors.
As part of the life and mission of the Catholic
Church, St Joseph’s College deeply commits to the
formation of staff and students in the Jesus story
and Edmund Rice charism. The St Joseph’s College
community is empowered to critically inquire and
explore faith in action for a lifelong engagement.
Key Improvement Strategies:
To develop and implement a clear, relevant, and
meaningful staff formation plan aligned to our strategic
goals and staff voice, St Joseph’s College will:
> > Educate staff and students in the Edmund Rice
> > Join the Edmund Rice Education Australia
association to make connections and take
advantage of opportunities from the wider
> > Respond to staff needs in empowering them
with the skills to engage with the Pedagogy of
Encounter and Dialogue.
To nurture a distinctive and contemporary Catholic
Identity, the College will:
> > Be a leading example of recontextualising our
faith through the Joey’s Way.
> > Clearly focus on the Edmund Rice Charism through
prayer and celebration, assembly, classroom
prayer and reflection, and Joey’s Way lessons.
To provide for the formation of students in the Joey’s
Way, our way of living out faith and the Edmund Rice
charism, the College will:
> > Introduce explicit formation lessons within the
Joey’s Way curriculum.
> > Embed scripture and the story of Edmund Rice in
the Joey’s Way elaborations.
> > Educate staff and students on the process of
restorative practices and its alignment with our
Catholic Identity and Edmund Rice charism.
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14 / St Joseph’s College: Towards 2024 Strategic Plan
Continual Renewal
St Joseph’s College fosters enduring connections
and engagement with and beyond our community
by focusing on collaborative partnerships and
innovative strategies to enhance educational
Key Improvement Strategies:
To engage with the community and foster
partnerships to provide opportunities for our
students, the College will:
> > Ensure continued communication that is open
and transparent while creating opportunities for
parent and student voice.
> > Develop Alumni connections for the purpose of
creating social and mentoring opportunities for
current students.
> > Engage the community in leading and
contributing to the St Joseph’s College
Enrichment Program.
> > Strengthen the promotion of the profile of St
Joseph’s College.
> > Nurture and develop the positive and
active engagement of parents.
> > Enhance communication strategies.
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16 / St Joseph’s College: Towards 2024 Strategic Plan
Strategic Resourcing and Stewardship
St Joseph’s College provides an inspiring, nurturing,
and supportive learning environment that promotes
excellence and wellbeing. Staff are committed to a
shared vision of learning through collaboration to
build capacity for student outcomes.
Key Improvement Strategies:
To build capacity, self-efficacy, and the wellbeing of
staff the College will:
> > Ensure all staff are part of a Professional Learning
Team (PLT).
> > Ensure all staff will develop individual Professional
Growth Plans (PGP).
> > Implement formal recruitment, induction, and
professional growth processes to cater for all
> > Foster a positive, connected working environment
for staff.
> > Support leadership development.
> > Ensure a ‘cross-training’ model in the workforce
to promote sustainability.
> > Deliver high-quality staff professional learning.
Through responsible and sustainable planning
and resourcing, St Joseph’s College optimises
exceptional educational experiences. To operate
as wise stewards of all College resources in
accordance with our mission, St Joseph’s College
delivers innovative and agile resourcing, systems,
and practices.
Key Improvement Strategies:
To ensure the College remains well-resourced and
sustainable, the College will:
> > Maintain appropriate stewardship around
finance, governance, and resourcing.
> > Investigate the sustainability of College resources.
> > Continue to review human resource structures
and roles to ensure sustainability.
> > Work towards providing excellent facilities.
> > Keep abreast of technological advancements
and improve the efficiency and effectiveness
of the use of ICT across the College, through
developments in infrastructure and staff capacity.
> > Review and develop a new College Master Plan.
> > Manage the maintenance of school resources
and property.
> > Apply for grants.
> > Ensure marketing and enrolment practices
strongly affirm the College as a leading
co-educational Catholic school in Queensland.
St Joseph’s College: Towards 2024 Strategic Plan / 17
Realisation of the St Joseph’s College:
Towards 2024 Strategic Plan
Whilst the St Joseph’s College: Towards 2024
Strategic Plan reflects significant consultation within
the broad College Community, it is important to
appreciate that the strategic context in which the
College operates is constantly changing. Federal
and State Governments, the Toowoomba Catholic
Education Schools Diocese, the broader Church,
and an increasing number of groups- such as the
Queensland College of Teachers- all make demands
on schools. These demands must be accommodated
within the planning cycle, while the College responds
creatively to local circumstances.
In collaboration with parents, students and staff the
College Leadership Team is responsible each year
for the development, implementation and reporting
of Annual Action Plans.
Each Annual Action Plan drawn from the St Joseph’s
College: Towards 2024 Strategic Plan will require
that the College reflect anew on its situation
and adapt to an ever-evolving educational
environment. As a result, the College
plans to maintain and further develop a
regular process of consultation and
evaluation with stakeholders.
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St Joseph’s College: Towards 2024 Strategic Plan / 19
(07) 4631 8500
PO BOX 577, Toowoomba QLD 4350
54 James Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350
20 / St Joseph’s College: Towards 2024 Strategic Plan