Melbourne Jewellers_Diamond Campaign Niniki_2021

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<strong>Diamond</strong> Collection<br />

- <strong>2021</strong> -<br />

Your Australian <strong>Diamond</strong> Specialists

Happily Ever After<br />

Starts Here.<br />

Home is not where you are from it is where you belong.<br />

Some of us travel the whole world to find it.<br />

Others, find it in a person.<br />

– Beau Taplin<br />

002<br />

003<br />

004<br />

2<br />

Cover Ring: $6,999 1.50ct of <strong>Diamond</strong>s in 18ct White Gold. SJ6127. 002. $2,999 GIA Certified 0.30ct <strong>Diamond</strong> in 18ct Rose<br />

Gold. SJ6197. 003. $4,499 GIA Certified 0.50ct <strong>Diamond</strong> in 18ct Yellow Gold. SJ5651. 004. $11,999 GIA Certified 1.00ct<br />

<strong>Diamond</strong> in 18ct White Gold. SJ5656.

Past, Present, Future<br />

My love for you spans<br />

over the lines of my<br />

past, present, and future.<br />

You are what I love remembering,<br />

what I love experiencing, and<br />

what I love looking forward to.<br />

- Steve Maraboli<br />

005<br />

006<br />

007<br />

005. $3,999 0.80ct of <strong>Diamond</strong>s in 18ct Yellow Gold. SJ6125. 006. $4,499 0.80ct of <strong>Diamond</strong>s in 18ct Rose Gold. SJ6126.<br />

007. $6,999 1.50ct of <strong>Diamond</strong>s in 18ct White Gold. SJ6127<br />


“So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s<br />

going to be really hard; we’re<br />

gonna have to work at this<br />

everyday, but I want to do that<br />

because I want you. I want all of<br />

you, forever, everyday. You and<br />

me… everyday.”<br />

– Nicholas Sparks<br />

Now &<br />

Forever<br />

008<br />

009<br />

010<br />

011<br />

4<br />

008. $1,999 0.35ct of Argyle White <strong>Diamond</strong>s in 18ct White Gold. SJ6228. 009. $3,999 0.75ct of Argyle White <strong>Diamond</strong>s in 18ct White Gold. SJ6227.<br />

010. $1,499 0.15ct of Argyle White <strong>Diamond</strong>s in 18ct White Gold. SJ6198. 011. $2,399 0.35ct of Argyle White <strong>Diamond</strong>s in 18ct White Gold. SJ6199.

Argyle diamonds originate from the world renowned Argyle diamond mine,<br />

located in a remote corner of Northwest Australia.<br />

Every Argyle diamond sold is accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity,<br />

to verify it has been tracked from the mine through a Chain of Warranty<br />

so you can be assured that you have purchased a<br />

genuine Australian <strong>Diamond</strong>.<br />

The Argyle diamond mine closed in November 2020<br />

making these diamonds even more special and coveted than ever.<br />

012<br />

013<br />

014<br />

012. $2,699 0.48ct of Argyle White <strong>Diamond</strong>s in 18ct White and Rose Gold. SJ2024. 013. $2,899 0.63ct of Argyle White <strong>Diamond</strong>s in 18ct Yellow Gold. SJ2025.<br />

014. $1,649 0.35ct of Argyle White <strong>Diamond</strong>s in 9ct White Gold. SJ5510.<br />


Uniquely Australian<br />

015<br />

016<br />

017<br />

Remarkably beautiful and naturally captivating,<br />

Dreamtime Australian <strong>Diamond</strong>s originate<br />

from the world renowned Argyle diamond<br />

mine, located in a remote corner of Northwest Australia.<br />

www.dreamtimediamonds.com<br />



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015. $599 0.25ct of Shades of Brown Argyle <strong>Diamond</strong>s in Sterling Silver & 9ct Rose, Yellow & White Gold. SJ5434. 016. $399 0.10ct of Shades of Brown Argyle<br />

<strong>Diamond</strong>s in 9ct Rose Gold. SJ5433. 017. $699 0.07ct of Shades of Brown Argyle <strong>Diamond</strong>s in 9ct Rose & White Gold. SJ3355.

Designed in Dreams<br />

MADE BY US<br />

Bring your beautiful imaginings to life with custom designed jewellery that expresses your<br />

true self in the most pertinent fashion possible.<br />

Our Jeweller, using their expert knowledge will work with you to create a beautiful design<br />

that is also sturdy and practical. Whether it be a ring, or another stunning piece, indulge in<br />

your unique creative vision that, until now, only existed in your dreams.<br />

We will help you select your dream diamond then together we can make amazing happen.<br />


Make every moment extraordinary<br />

018<br />

Limited Edition - Grace<br />

Grace is a unique <strong>Diamond</strong> Limited Edition ring featuring 1.00ct of <strong>Diamond</strong>s.<br />

Only 50 of Grace will be made so don’t wait too long if you are dreaming of having her on your hand!<br />

018. $5,999 Limited Edition Ring Grace with 1.00ct of <strong>Diamond</strong>s in 18ct Rose and White Gold. SJ2020.<br />

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Share with us<br />

We reserve the right to correct any printing errors. Colours may vary due to the printing process. We are unable to accept responsibility for any items in this catalogue that may be unavailable due to circumstances beyond our control.<br />

Items shown in this catalogue have been enlarged to show details more clearly. Please note that not all items are necessarily available in every store. Carat weights are an approximate average and may vary slightly. White Gold has been<br />

rhodium plated to enhance its appearance. The plating finish is not permanent and may need to be reapplied to maintain original finish. Ring re-sizing may incur additional charges. Interest free finance not available in all stores.<br />

All items available at advertised prices till 30/06/<strong>2021</strong>.<br />

0406 239 522<br />

sales@melbourne-jewellers.com<br />

www.melbourne-jewellers.com.au<br />

@melb.jewellers<br />

melbourne.jewellers<br />

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