.link - The Technical Board Magazine

The IIT Guwahati Technical Board is proud to announce the release of the 2020-21 edition of its annual magazine - .link! In its pages, .link encloses the fragrance of the 2020-21 year in all its glory, unpredictability, and passion. Flip through to take a tour of the year and see what your favourite clubs, events, and competitions were up to!

The IIT Guwahati Technical Board is proud to announce the release of the 2020-21 edition of its annual magazine - .link!
In its pages, .link encloses the fragrance of the 2020-21 year in all its glory, unpredictability, and passion. Flip through to take a tour of the year and see what your favourite clubs, events, and competitions were up to!


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Techniche & Udgam

conducted online

“Promoting technology,

creativity & innovation.”

Techincal Board, IIT Guwahati

A Tale of Two Tenures

Yogesh Yadav

Genereal Secretary 2020-21

Shrey Jain

General Secretary 2019-20.

I feel immense pride to see the amazing work that Technical Board has

done over the past few years and I hope we keep hearing about the

great achievements from students & clubs. My association with the

board has given various perspectives to think about one’s career and

goals to achieve during the under-graduation as well as post


I remember the day of Techevince’2020, it felt great to see students

turning up, various professors came, finally, the director came and we

inaugurated this magazine. However, owing to the evolving pandemic

situation in the world we had to stop the event in the afternoon. On the

next day, we received a mail to vacate the hostel and return home in 3

days. I never knew we weren’t returning to campus again and I won’t get

a chance to congratulate & thank everyone who worked with us.

Apart from being in the pandemic restrictions, we’ve heard some great

achievements this year as well, mainly, hosting the Inter-IIT Tech meet. I

was recently going through a study highlighting the major institutes

giving some of the most successful start-ups to India and I look forward

to seeing IITG on that list soon.

Lastly, I would like to thank the core team of TechBoard who have

carried forward the legacy and wishing everyone my best in their future

endeavors. As highlighted below, I hope our board witnesses various

collaborations with other student groups or alumni groups to create

something exceptional for society and achieve heights as always.

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working

together is success." --Henry Ford

I was extremely honoured and delighted to serve the Technical Board

over the years, both as the Overall Co-ordinator and the General

Secretary. I have been inspired, nervous, delighted, anxious, at times

highly strung and sometimes on hitting a roadblock, even frustrated, in

my journey. This journey however, was one of the greatest experiences

of my life and has taught me more than I had ever imagined it would.

This is a place where I got to learn so much from technical knowledge to

time management skills and where I got acquainted with some of the

best people on campus.

I’m extremely proud of what the board has achieved over the past

year, especially considering the dire and difficult circumstances it had to

endure. In such a situation, my admiration goes out to the efforts of all

the club secretaries who have put in herculean efforts throughout the


During the start of this tenure, we struggled with a lot of ambiguity,

confusion and chaos. We had to shift club culture from its offline mode,

which encouraged discussions, exploration and growth, into the online

mode, while still maintaining all these values, and I am proud to say the

board managed to achieve this task.

During my tenure, we successfully collaborated with 5 organizations

and have tried to motivate and open new doors of ideas, opportunities

and innovation for the upcoming freshers & torchbearers. We also

managed to pull off the mammothian task of conducting the first virtual

Inter IIT! Of course this wouldn’t have been possible without the

constant support of the rest of the Technical Board, and I am confident

that they will be able to take themselves to newer and more inspiring


I am excited to see where the new Technical Board will take

themselves and I cannot feel any more comfortable handing over the

torch to the new team, which comprises of very capable hands.

I wish the new Technical Board all the success in the world!

In this Issue

Clubs & 4i




Aeromodelling Club

Astronomy Club

Organizing Inter-IIT

Inter-IIT Contingent

Automobile Club

Coding Club

Consulting &

Analytics Club

Design Club


Electronics Club

Finance &

Economics Club


Quiz Club

Robotics Club

Prakriti Club

4i Lab

Events &







Team Udgam

Team Techniche



The Technical Board

The Editorial Team

Aeromodelling Club


he Aeromodelling Club is a student body that works on developing

various new technologies in aerial vehicles. We primarily focus on

drones, aiming to make them smarter and easier to operate. We also

work with hobbyists on planes and First Person View Drones for fun.

The club aims to advance drone technology to empower people and

revolutionize sectors like agriculture and disaster management amongst


The pandemic has suddenly thrown us away from our

club room to homes and put forward new challenges for

us to overcome. Thanks to a great team and club

members who took up the challenge of continuing our

development in these tough times. Being a hardware

based club and having no access to hardware was the

biggest hurdle but we overcame that and now are

capable of developing and designing our own planes and

simulating their performance in a virtual environment.

~Ajinkya Bhandare

Drone swarm for Inter-IIT 2020.


The Team.



Ornithopter (from Greek ornithos "bird" and pteron "wing") is an

aircraft that flies by flapping its wings. Its main goal is to imitate the

flapping-wing flight of birds, bats, and insects. Usually, these

prototypes are built on the same scale similar to their real flying

creatures. CAD model of prototype-1 successfully completed.


Reaper, the surveillance drone, was the clubs first attempt at designing a

drone. The design was inspired by the General Atomics MQ9 “Reaper”.

Everything from the airfoil to the aspect ratio was independently

determined. The design was further refined after various field tests - the

designing of a v-tail being one of the major challenges. After three

prototypes the final airframe was constructed and flown successfully

during Techevince and the live FPV feed was also displayed on a monitor.

This project provided a great insight to the members about the

challenges faced during designing a drone and has laid groundwork for

further projects.

Various propellors used

in R/C aeroplanes.

Best Club


Technical Board

IIT, Guwahati


Silver Medal


Inter-IIT Tech Meet


Silver Medal


Inter-IIT Tech Meet


Reaper project showcase during Techevince’20.

1 | Clubs & 4i 2

Astronomy Club



hen the lights go off and the campus sleeps, the nocturnals of IIT

Guwahati at Equinox spend their nights under the starlight. Peering

through the night sky and learning the wonders of the universe is our

favourite pastime. Partnering with a wonderful set of telescopes, we

navigate through the skies. A lot happens under the roof too, as we host

weekly discussions on the fundamentals of astronomy and astrophysics.

Our club is the only pure science club in IIT Guwahati and many of our

members are avid science and research enthusiasts.

Being a part of Equinox has been one of the best

experiences on campus. I met people who shared my

enthusiasm for spending hours peering through the night

sky. The discussions about Astronomy and the exchange

of ideas were certainly the best moments, and I wouldn't

change any of those.

~Tapan Mayukh

The Stargazers of IIT Guwahati.

We also made a web

based visualization

tool for displaying the

High and Low Energy

X-ray catalogue,

observed by AstroSat,

India's first dedicated

multi wavelength

space telescope.

Ongoing Projects

Astronomical spectroscopy is our observational project, where a

diffraction grating attached to a telescope will be used to perform the

spectroscopy of different stars and nebulae. By analysing the data we

can conclude properties like the star’s temperature, type, methane

atmosphere of Uranus and Neptune, the sun’s composition and possibly

the redshift of a Quasar.

Our other project comprises of data analysis. We analyse existing data

available on exoplanets and extract details based on the transit model

of exoplanet detection. Also, data on stars is being analysed to fit them

into the HR diagram and make predictions on their stellar evolution



elescope observations and then the analysis of their results has always

been a major part of the activities of the club. With the limitations

imposed by the lockdown, we had to turn to online methods. Multiple

hands-on sessions were arranged to equip the members with softwares

such as Universe Sandbox and Nasa Virtual Skyview Observatory. These

were then used to bridge the gaps and continue with the observatory

activities of the club.

Image of the Moon

captured by the Equinox


Image of Jupiter

captured by the

Equinox team.



Silver Medal

ISRO's Web Based

Visualization Tool for

Astrosat Observations

Inter-IIT Tech Meet


Astronomy Quiz. Kriti’19

3 | Clubs & 4i 4

Automobile Club

IITG Racing


he Automobile Club of IIT Guwahati comprises of young, hardworking

individuals with a shared passion for automobiles. Our love for the latest

technologies and innovations in the realm of automobiles drives us to

design and fabricate vehicles of our own. We take part in various

national competitions like Formula Bharat, SUPRA SAE, SAE NIS


Formula Bharat

At the end of an eventful and a challenging tenure, I wish

to acknowledge the efforts and support of the core team,

our mentor seniors and the constant support from my

helpful juniors. I thank everyone in the team for making

my tenure successful.

~Kumar Kartikey

We are currently working on a Formula-style car for participating in the

next Formula Bharat competition. The design of the project has been

completed and the manufacturing is slated to start once the campus



eing a hardware-oriented club working during the pandemic was hard

for us. Despite that, club members have shown determination and we've

organized various software hackathons and have completed the major

design process of our new car "Tachyon 3.0". Two new batches were

inducted into the club in the course of the pandemic, which was

undoubtedly not easy.

Left to right : Concept A & Vision F.

Vision F

Vision F is an electric

vehicle with a carbon

fibre body. It has a max

speed of 175 kmph

Vision F.

In collaboration with the Electronics club, we have organized a concept

challenge in which participants have to design a powertrain package for

an Electric vehicle.This event is currently going on and 15 finalists will be

shortlisted to participate in the FSEV competition scheduled to happen

from 30 July to 1st August.

So far, we used to make CAD models of our car but since the last year

our newly formed design team has also worked on poly models for

concept generation and better visualization. We've made two concept

cars which you can see on our club website. We have completed the

major design portion of our Formula Student car. We organized

workshops for softwares like Solidworks, MATLAB, and ANSYS for

freshers. Projects were given at regular intervals for better

understanding and practice of softwares. We organized lectures on

various subsystems of cars exclusively for club members.

Concept A

Concept A is a combustion

vehicle car with

a carbon fibre body

which can reach speeds

upto 110 kmph with a

KTM 390cc engine.

Concept A.

5 | Clubs & 4i 6

Coding Club

B eing the coding club of a technical institution, we do pretty much

everything and anything related to coding. Coding events, workshops,

hackathons that is, 48 hours non stop coding, contests are just to name

a few. We believe in coding our problems away.

Arriving at the orientation of the club during my first

year, I was amazed at the wide range of opportunities

and fields we can explore in the name of “coding”. Hence,

it was a great honor to accept the role of Secretary and

take the club to unscaled heights in the middle of the

pandemic with the help and support of all my club


~Ritwik Ganguly

Tech Stack used for

Interview Tracker :





Tech Stack used for

Research Assistant :





Interview Tracker

Interview Tracker is an application to

crawl websites like LeetCode &

InterviewBit & gather information on

questions solved on a particular

topic/category and display a

performance graph. Users can set a

threshold on the minimum number of

questions to be solved from each topic

and compare his/her strengths and

weaknesses and track his/her


~headed by Sourav Goel

& Jatin Dhingra.

Code Wars

The club proudly conducted its first-ever competitive programming

tournament on a Discord server. It allowed two programmers to have a

one-on-one face-off, solving 4 to 5 problems in a stipulated time. It was

a programming competition, with the excitement of a knockout


Coding Club Orientation.



Gold Medal

Saptang Labs's

Network Security


Inter-IIT Tech Meet


Research Assistant

Research Assistant is a chatbot that

can accept a long article or document,

analyze the content and answer

questions based on it. We developed

and deployed a web-based portal. This

is helpful when we need answers fast

but don’t have time to scan/read the

whole document.


The club collaborated with Dare2Compete on behalf of IIT Guwahati to

organize Codejitsu, an online competitive programming challenge as part

of the Online Hackathon Festival (OHF) Season 2. The Festival was a

national level competition that involved almost 30+ hackathons, with

participation from IIT’s, NIT’s and other premier institutes.

Silver Medal

ISRO's Web Based

Visualization Tool for

Astrosat Observations

Inter-IIT Tech Meet


2 Finalists Teams

Grand Finale

Smart India Hackathon


~headed by Yashwanth M.

The pandemic-caused online semester had its pros and cons in the

journey of our club. With the benefit of being a software club, we could

continue our activities smoothly. Attendance in our lectures and

competitions were high. However, club meetings in the online mode

didn’t have the same close-knit feeling as earlier. We achieved most of

our objectives set at the beginning of our tenure. Hopefully, we

contributed to the overall technical development of the campus as well.

7 | Clubs & 4i 8

Consulting &

Analytics Club

This was an unconventional tenure full of challenges that

none of us had seen before - and at the same time a very

enriching experience for my leadership and team

management skills. We achieved new heights, fulfilling

our mission to empower the people in the community

with knowledge through free and open resources.

~Gaurav Agarwal

The Consulting and Analytics Club of IIT Guwahati is a student body

aimed at helping students explore the world of management consulting

and data science. It is a collective for like-minded individuals operating

through a ‘knowledge-session’ approach. The club encourages

application of knowledge thus gained by participating in competitions

and by working on live projects. The club has also organised a multitude

of international-level events in collaboration with various corporate

partners. Club members have won laurels at events at national and

international levels, having represented the institute in Business Case

Studies, Data Analytics competitions and countless other case study


Strategy Storm

The flagship social business case competition of the club, Strategy

Storm 2020 was conducted over 3 days fueled by caffeine, networking

and partying. The event saw participation from countries like Canada,

Indonesia, Thailand, Italy, and almost all IITs/NITs/IIMs, putting it

among the largest case competitions worldwide.

The Team.

Club Activities

The club also conducted

a variety of

intra- club events. 9+

data science, ML, and

NLP projects catering

to different innovative

applications were

ideated and worked on

by the first-year


Hackathons were

organised on both consulting

and analytics

fronts. While ‘viz.it’

catered to visualisation

of the academic grade

dataset of IITG

students, ‘Do It Like

Tesla’ was a marketing

case study hackathon.

Summer Analytics

Strategy Storm’20.

A free primer course on data science, the bootcamp covering data

science essentials saw a participation of 4500+ from 18+ timezones -

from students to experienced working professionals.

Cascade Cup

Organised for the first time in association with Trell, the Cascade Cup

was a national-level data science hackathon. The event brought in INR

1.5 lacs of sponsorships, and is only set to touch newer heights - as is

the legacy of the club.



33rd rank worldwide in

Creative Shock.

Top 60 out of 4500+

participants in IIM-A’s

Armageddon consulting

strategy competition


ith the lockdown forcing everyone inside, the last tenure was an

exercise in patience and persistence, and our powerhouse of a team

made it possible to disseminate knowledge with even more gusto than

before. Members were inducted into focus groups for both the C and

the A of the club, with detailed discussion sessions within each. Events

were planned with a massively expanded reach, and the club culture

remained intact via calls and competitions. It is safe to say that the

lockdown did not lock-down the spirit of the C&A club.

9 | Clubs & 4i 10

Design Club

White Space

White Space Design club offers a place for the students of IIT

Guwahati to explore their interests in design. The main focus of the

club is on exploring fields of design, conducting workshops for

students, setting up design competitions and providing members real

life experiences through projects. It is a place where people from

various fields can come together to collaborate on a project of their



This club was founded with a vision to create a safe

space within campus for all students to explore the

different fields of design in collusion with the different

kinds of expertise students from various departments

bring in.

~Shagun Maskara


The Government e-marketplace (GeM) approached us for a long term

relationship that would mainly focus on website redesigning. A team

was formed consisting of a healthy mixture of seniors and juniors so

that the work information could be passed on once the seniors passed

out. In the last few months the design team has worked closely with

the GeM representative and their coding team to make improvements

on the existing website.

The institute NIPER Guwahati, approached the club for a redesign

project of their website. A design team was assigned for the same that

worked in close contact with the NIPER team and the coding club of IIT

Guwahati to achieve that goal.

Virtual Trip

Virtual trip was an online challenge followed by a tutorial session for

the challenge that included four fields of design namely;

Graphic design

UI/UX design

Product Design


This challenge was a set of four problem statements, one for each field

and all revolving around the same theme. We provided resources for

basic information on that particular field along with the problem

statement over the period of 12 days. Once the challenge was over we

conducted a tutorial workshop for each field with a team of four

mentors who walked the people through the process of attempting such

a challenge after explaining some basic concepts of the particular field.

The Team.

DFRAME was a

collaboration with

Udgam, we

released a UI/UX

challenge during

the Annual


Summit of IIT


We conducted a

virtual workshop

where 3D

modelling experts

taught the basics of

blender to an

audience of about

50 consisting of

people both from in

and out of



This year was the first edition of Tashkil, an annual event consisting of a

series of keynotes and panel discussions featuring IITG Alumni. The

theme in this edition was “Career in Design” and the event consisted of

four alumni with various career approaches who gave insightful keynote

speeches each followed by a panel discussion. The event was a huge

success, with registrations crossing 500 followed by amazing turnout

and further discussion. This event introduced the club to the prominent

members of the Design community of India.

How do you build an entrepreneurial mindset?


Be (more)



Get (more)


Observe Learn Create


Build (more)


11 | Clubs & 4i 12

E - Cell


t E-Cell IIT Guwahati, we crave and explore the constantly evolving

world of entrepreneurship and start-ups. We host various webinars,

podcasts and book summaries, innovative games, brainstorming

sessions, and competitions to spread the essence of entrepreneurship.

We also host the most prominent annual entrepreneurial summit of the

northeast, “UDGAM,” an event centered around entrepreneurship.

E-Cell has always been more a family than a club for me.

Rather than working from home, the past year was more

of working away from home - E-Cell Room. Leading a

diverse bunch of people seemed daunting but I

thoroughly enjoyed it. It was this ever encouraging group

of people and the challenges and setbacks we overcame

together, that made this one hell of a year. I can

undoubtedly say I have grown as much as I have learnt.

Words cannot come close to what an overwhelming

experience it has been.

~Akshat Gupta


& E-Cell

Flyzy is a

startup by

E-Cell alumni

Deepak Meena and

Hansraj Patel which

has been recognized by

Startup India &

Ministry of Education.

Y Combinator at IIT Guwahati

We were honored to conduct a discussion on

“Breaking the Myths about Starting up “ with

Michael Seibel, the CEO of Y Combinator. The

other panelists were IIT Guwahati Alumni. Y

Combinator is an American seed money startup

accelerator. It has launched over 2,000 companies,

including Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch, and Reddit.

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunt, a treasure hunt event conducted by E-Cell IIT Guwahati,

is one of freshman year’s most memorable and anticipated events.

This year, the entire event took place virtually. It is probably the first

event for freshers to explore campus, promote entrepreneurship, and

develop logical reasoning and out-of-the-box thinking.

Zero to One

Zero to One is a series of sessions which include analyzing a startup,

identifying the current problem, ideating possible solutions, and pitching

the startup based on problem and solution. This activity is done for the

team itself to give them an insight into the startup world.

E-Cell Heads 2020-2021

LensHood is a

startup by


Yalamati and

E-Cell alumni - Mukesh

Babu, got selected to

the MIT Innovation


Edvizo, is an

IIT Guwahati

alumni startup

which received

150 thousand dollars

funding from IP

Ventures, the judges of

Disrupt, the pitching

battle conducted under


Udaan Rojgar

is a campus

startup which

got selected for Misfit

round 2 from the

northeast zone

through E-Cell.

Workshops & Lecture Series

This year, E-Cell conducted many Webinars and Panel Discussions to

promote Entrepreneurship even in this online scenario. We had speakers

like Ex-VP Paytm, Mr.Saurabh Jain, Markus Buck, Co-founder of

DueDash, and an Ed-tech panel with 100X entrepreneurs.

Content Initiative

Everyone can read, but we create content that makes you read on and

on and has the power to enlighten you to the next level. We at E-Cell

give you all that you want to know about startups, entrepreneurs, and

their common goals. With 1000+ pages worth of content, 200K+

impressions, 21K+ accounts reached, and three posts featured by huge

organizations that went viral.

Useful for writing

down Ideas

Useful for

thinking new Ideas

13 | Clubs & 4i 14

Electronics Club


he Electronics club aims to provide a platform to explore the world of

electronics through hands-on experience. We strive to aid students in

acquiring practical knowledge and taking part in innovative projects

which help them contemplate, discuss, debate and tackle real-life

challenges. Teamwork and bonding is what runs our club and helps us


Being a club that extremely relies on the physical

presence of people, I felt a bit nervous when I first heard

that a hardware club was going online. I felt that this

would restrict the interactive sessions that would've

been possible earlier and felt that the online mode would

tarnish the legacy and reputation that the club has

garnered over the years. It was then that I realized that

it is easy to manage events when things fall in place, but

the true test is during the rainy times. With a team filled

with enthusiastic people whose vision resonated with

mine, my team filled with second and third year students

organized various workshops, had several projects

completed and held event sessions too. As days went by,

the extensive time we spent as a team together bound us

as one and now today I am proud to call myself a

member of this family.

~Keerthivasan S K

Our Projects

Face Recognition in

Real Time using

computer vision

Although we spent the year far-apart, the journey we have shared

together has been hell of a ride and made amazing memories.

We came up with some of the cool projects that could be implemented


We developed various innovative projects like Advanced Encryption

System,Forward Error Correcting (FEC) code, using FPGA and Verilog,

and Sales Forecasting and Face Recognition in Real Time using

computer vision, ColorIt which uses a deep learning-based approach to

colour black and white images.

This just being a glimpse of some of the projects, but not all.

The Team.


he recent months have been demanding for all of us due to the

pandemic. Even through these difficult times where everyone was stuck

at their home, we remained in contact with one-another virtually and

worked hard to provide the IITG fraternity a platform to discuss

innovative ideas and nurture their electronics skills via projects and

online interactive sessions. The pandemic might have restricted our

movement but not our team bonding and progression. As a result, we

have launched our first ever "Far from Club- AtMegaman" program with

an aim to teach and motivate our fellow mates.

Hands-on Devices.

15 | Clubs & 4i 16

Finance &

Economics Club

To begin with, we, at the Finance & Economics Club, share an equal zeal,

love and passion for learning the various aspects of the fascinating and

extensive world of economics and finance. From the popular stock

market trading to the complicated mathematics of risk management,

from the debates on economic ideologies to the synergies of tech giants

joining hands, we explore everything, we study everything. With every

passing year, we not only try to inculcate more horizons but deliberately

work towards bettering this community. FEC is a relatively new club

which definitely becomes evident from the way we function. At FEC, we

have each member contributing in their own unique ways, everyone

feels a sense of responsibility because everyone here has that one idea

they believe would take the club to greater heights.


Well, first of all, my tenure started in

strangecircumstances, with covid all around of course.

We were all alone at our homes, unlike the normal times.

This definitely called for a complete transformation of

every existing idea. Our club saw a huge rise in the team

count this year. From 9 in the past year, we grew to over

70 after an indeed interesting recruiting session. We also

conducted our first flagship series of webinars, even

hosting the deputy governor of RBI as one of the

speakers. We conducted multiple sets of Pan-IIT

competitions, along with some wonderful industry

collaborations. We tried to dwell upon every possible

direction and covered a lot in the process. It was for sure

a lifetime experience!

~Tushar Bohra

FEC Capital, a student-run mutual fund with an AUM (Asset Under

Management) of ₹50,000 is about to release soon. It will be India’s first

student-run mutual fund. Under the domain of quant, we develop and

backtest numerous trading strategies and algorithms, all followed by

academic discussions, intra-club competitions, and hackathons.


FEC co-hosted the Pan IIT Crypto Trading Competition accross 8

different IITs. IIT Guwahati ranked 4th among the top 8 IITs in the final

standings of the competition. We also organized a campus trading

competition, to promote the culture of stock trading and investing

among the campus students. Hosted an AMA with the experts from

D-Street to solve the difficulties faced during the sessions.

The Team.




PM Live

IIM Ahemdabad




Impetus 2.0


We also publish a weekly equity research report named InFocus. It is

aimed at breaking down one of the most happening stocks of the week.

As for November, our selections gave a whooping 15% returns above

the index for 3 months.


WE launched FEC Masterclass, our flagship event aimed at giving

exposure to the students from the pioneers of the industry. We

achieved to leave an impact on 2,000+ unique individuals from 50+

organisations, with a phenomenal feedback from speakers as well as

participants. We also co-hosted FinFest along with the Finance clubs of

IIT Bombay, Delhi & Kharagpur.

2019 club orientation.

17 | Clubs & 4i 18


IITG.ai is a platform for the AI community of IITG to discuss, learn and

collaborate on advancements in the field of AI. Within a short span, we

grew from just 4 members to nearly 50 and we only look forward from

here. We create a culture of contribution to the dynamic, fast-changing

world of AI research.


During my time at IITG.ai, I got to learn, work, connect

with a wide range of people including my own peers,

seniors, and various mentors and I shall forever be

grateful for that. It was indeed a pleasure to lead IITG.ai.

~J. Neeraja

he Inter IIT Tech Meet 9.0 proved to be a golden time for the club. 2

of the 3 high-prep events were pertaining to Artificial Intelligence, and

hence, fell under our domain. As expected, IITG.ai did amazingly well in

both of those events.

The Team.



Gold Medal


Automatic Headline

and Sentiment


Inter-IIT Tech Meet


Silver Medal

BOSCH's Traffic

Sign Recognition

Inter-IIT Tech Meet


The first event was Bridge2i Automated Headline and Sentiment

Generator. The event required us to build an automated system for

segregation of text into mobile tech and non-mobile tech classes and

further identifying the mobile brands associated and finding the


sentiment with the

brand. The team

won the gold medal

with 92% test

accuracy in Mobile

Tech classification

and 94% test

accuracy in Brand


Inter-IIT’21 Bridge2i Team.

Machine Learning Research


MLRW was a long-time vision of the club members- a dream for a

research-intensive weekend where prodigious people would come and

present their ideas. The inaugural MLRW commenced on 4th March

2021. It featured webinars from industry experts and leading professors

from prestigious institutions such as IITs, Google AI, and Microsoft

Research Labs. At the same time, it was also a platform for the club

members to present their research amongst their peers. Finally, an image

colorization hackathon was also organized. Overall, MLRW proved to a

supremely enriching for the AI community and has set the precedent for

more such events to happen in the future.


at IITG.ai

Image captioning using

Bahdanau attention.

The Output States : “A

person is jumping off a

high high in the air.”

Bacteria Taxonomy

Classification via

Bacteria 16-sRNA


The second event was Bosch traffic sign recognition. The event

required us to enhance and modify the German traffic signal dataset,

build a baseline model on the same, and then create a UI for adding

data to the dataset and analyze the baseline model’s performance on

the new, enhanced

dataset. The team

won a silver medal

in this event with

the baseline model

being 99.51%


Inter-IIT’21 Bosch Traffic Sign Team.

19 | Clubs & 4i 20

Quiz Club



cumen, the quiz club, is one of the oldest clubs on the campus. The

club nurtures and propagates a culture of quizzing in the institute and

aims to evoke and sharpen quizzers’ innate logical reasoning skills. At

our core, we like to think of ourselves as a group of all-knowing


I consider myself lucky to be a part of the quiz club

where our focus is that everyone is welcomed, and we

have opportunities for people interested in anything

quizzing, from business to pop culture.

~Revanth Turlapati

Anatomy of

a Question

Quiz Month

What looked like a bleak year for the club amidst the pandemic saw a

turn of fortunes starting April 8th. We were messing about on our

Facebook group, lamenting the cancellation of QuizWeek, when

someone suggested an online QuizWeek. Before we knew it, posters

were made, quiz topics were claimed, and schedules were drafted.

Holding QuizWeek online gave us the advantage of opening it up to

everybody. Anyone could volunteer and host a quiz on their favourite

topic. We discovered new avenues, ranging from Design and Star Wars

to Conspiracy and even NSFW!

The Team.

Q)What word traces its

origin to the Italian

Word for ‘forty days’,

which stipulated the

time period of

something to 40


What started as a week turned into a month as more and more people

showed up, eager to put their hidden trivia and intellect to use. For a

month, through those 32 quizzes, Acumen reached thousands of people

who discovered how much fun quizzing could be. In the end, that's

what it was all about. QuizMonth encapsulated the finest bits of

Acumen in a month-long fiesta of knowledge.

The pandemic was brutal on the quiz club. After all, in the age of tech,

the answer to any question is just a Google search away. Despite the

entire club racking their brains to figure out how to curb cheating in

online quizzes, we found no solution. Eventually, quizzes went ahead as

usual, with the participants being trusted to uphold the ‘spirit of


Surprisingly, this resulted in some fantastic quizzing from our entire

community- from quizzing veterans to bored freshers. Winners had great

rewards in store for them, but more than the rewards, the quizzes were

about a release- a much-needed distraction from the terse atmosphere

COVID had constructed.

Q)Finding out this

meme’s name has been

left as an exercise to

the readers.

Ans)Loss is a strip from

the webcomic Ctrl +

Alt + Delete. It

garnered a legacy as

an internet meme for

its minimalistic

representations of the

basic visual structure.

Ans)The question

provides an insight

into the mind of

quizzers. We love

hidden easter eggs,

and generally, the

questions refer to

something which is

topical or common

knowledge. The quizzer

zones into the key

words in the questionhere,

'forty days'. So, a

major clue + really

obvious topical answer

is the basis of your

guesswork, and there

you go, the answer

stares at you right in

your face, 'Quarantine'!

Quiz Team in action during the Inter IIT Cult Meet.

21 | Clubs & 4i 22

Robotics Club


e are a group of tech enthusiasts who believe in a bigger vision of

knowledge through exposure. From small utilities to fully-fledged

multifunctional bots, we have potential to pull it off right from scratch.

The only prerequisite to join us is a mind ready to grab all we have to

offer and a dedication to build the unimaginable.

As everything went online, my tenure was no exception

to it. Organizing events, formulating courses, and

building projects that too without hardware wasn’t easy

in the online mode. However, these odds didn’t deter our

zeal, and the whole team adapted appreciably well to

the situation. Workshops and hackathons at the national

level and initiation of our own Mars Rover Team-

YUVAAN were a few of the many milestones we

achieved, and the total credits go to my team. In

conclusion, I would say this tenure had a lot in there to

learn and think non-conventionally for a while.

~Himanshu Singh


This year with YUVAAN – “the Mars rover”, we

marked the beginning of our reach into space

technologies. Space tech is an aspect of robotics

still under research that has found a way into our

“ecosystem”.The primary endeavor of Yuvaan was

to understand what goes inside the core of a

hyped space expedition program. It is aimed to be

a powerful portrait of intricate technology that

becomes a man-made eye, hand, and even

laboratory, miles and miles away from us.

The Team.



Gold Medal

RuTag’s Agrobot

Inter-IIT Tech Meet


Silver Medal

DIC’s Terrace

Farming Robot

Inter-IIT Tech Meet


Silver Plaque for DIC’s

Terrace Farming Bot,



Invicta was a workshop-hackathon event in the domain of Image

Processing and Computer Vision conducted by the Robotics club. We

saw over 450 hackathon participants and over 500 workshop attendees.


Agrobot is an all in one utility robot capable of performing some very

basic yet non-trivial agricultural tasks like ploughing ,seeding and


Agrobot designed and built for Inter-IIT Tech Meet’21.

23 | Clubs & 4i 24

Prakriti Club

4i Lab


he Techno-environmental club of IIT Guwahati, also known as the

EcoTech Club, is a student body that focuses on technological

advancements with sustainable development. We also deal with how

scientific developments can be utilized for the betterment of the

environment. Some of our recent projects were Ml-based. In one of the

projects to help farmers, we predicted the optimum crop after analyzing

the soil and climatic conditions.

4i lab is an initiative undertaken by various IITs, established with the goal

of conducting applied research in engineering technologies relevant to

industrial and societal tasks, and to understand the science, engineering

and social role of technology and how it can shape our future. The four

I’s stand for Ideation, Innovation, Incubation, and Implementation.

At IIT Guwahati the initiative aims to empower everyone in the campus

with the opportunity to put forward their ideas, knowledge, and

creativity which can be used effectively to solve real-world problems

innovatively and efficiently with the use of technology. It also provides

resources to incubate and implement these projects, translating

scientific achievements into societal and commercial gain.

Prof. Karuna Kalita

Dept. of Mechanical


Incharge, Ideaspace

Prof. Pankaj Biswas

Dept. of Mechanical


Faculty Coordinator

Solar Street Light

Our latest project was started to replace all the street lights with solar

power-based street lights. The solar panel was dynamic for maximum

efficiency, so the sun rays are always perpendicular to the surface. With

this as a one-time investment, the annual electricity cost will be

decreased drastically.

With the current pandemic situation, shifting everything to an

online mode was very difficult. Getting no access to the

resources while working with the hardware projects was the

biggest challenge. But as said, "fighters are born in extreme

conditions," the team's fighting spirit was never down. Thanks to

our seniors for supporting us in a challenging situation. they

never let our morale down at any point of time. Also, kudos to

all team members for not giving up. It was a wonderful

opportunity to get associated with this club.

25 | Clubs & 4i

~Aman Bansal

Prakriti Club at Techevince’20.



A social initiative

started by the club

three years ago.

Our team visits the


schools of

Numaligarh to

teach them about



advancements used

daily. This escalates

their interest in




Automated Robot for Library Enhancement is an effort to make an

automated mobile robot capable of managing books in the institute

library (picking and placing them in the correct racks) using an arm

placed on a mobile robot. It is a very cumbersome task to locate a

particular book and put it back on the same rack. There is also a big

scope of human errors if done by humans and it becomes difficult to

correct these errors. ARLE is primarily being developed to manage

libraries but its use can be extended to warehouses, shops, inventories

and restaurants.

~headed by Akhil Soni.

Prof. Harshal Nemade

Dept. of Electronics &

Electrical Engineering

Faculty Coordinator

Prof. Chandan Karfa

Dept. of Computer

Science & Engineering

Faculty Coordinator

Prof. Arnab Sarkar

Dept. of Computer

Science & Engineering

*Now in IIT KGP



Our aim is to build a social interactive humanoid which can communicate

with other human beings like a normal person and do all the tasks a

human can with better precision. We do this with the integration of

various amazing technologies like computational neuroscience, Artificial

Intelligence, speech recognition, compliant grasping manipulation,

cognitive robotics, robotic navigation, & perception. Project Raman is a

powerful android robot being designed in the form of an adult human

with the a whole variety of features and abilities. It can detect and

locate objects, faces and recognize faces. Raman can retrieve chat

responses based on

classification and clustering

algorithms for pre-programmed

questions and Artificial

Intelligence will answer general

questions. It can plan path,

avoid obstacles and understand

the surrounding environment.

Raman has hands that are

capable of performing some

physical tasks. It has a 6-wheel

base for the locomotion. Raman

has 3D object localization and

tracking as well as trajectory


~headed by Vidya Sagar Vepa.


Underwater Vehicles can be used as survey

platforms to map the seafloor or characterize

physical, chemical, or biological properties of

the water. Our ROV, Antahsagari, is capable of

underwater motion in three directions. SLAM

(Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping) is

used for guiding marine movement and

real-time mapping of its surroundings. ROS

forms the underlying framework for

integrating various subsystems at the

software level, it receives raw data from each

sensor, which is then processed by different

components of the project for path planning

and detection.

~headed by Suman Kumari.





To navigate in such an

environment, it maps

the local environment

by using a depth

camera and by

localizing itself on the



simultaneously, which

is known as SLAM. It

maps its own path

using SLAM, and even

avoids obstacles in its




Our next aim is to send

a bio satellite in the

lower earth orbit to

study the behaviour of

microbes in the upper

atmosphere( A.K.A the

lower earth orbit).


The 1st phase consists

of a balloon satellite

which aims to

understand the

behaviour of certain

microbes in the lower


tely 20-30 kms above

ground level).


4i Lab is the perfect place to inculcate innovation,

imagination and growth in their truest sense. It's a place

where your creation, no matter how insignificant it may

be at one point, can live on to become something big

and impactful. The projects and ideas conceived here

evolve with time. Being the 4i Lab coordinator has given

me a chance to meet and guide many innovative minds

on campus, and for that, I am forever grateful. With the

constant support of professors, project heads, seniors

and alumni, we have grown strong over time, kindling the

spirit of innovation and technology within us.

~Mrinal Kanti Mahato

To fly autonomously, drones need to

know their position in the environment,

and hence need GPS. But in closed

indoor environments finding GPS is very

hard. In such cases, navigation of UAV is

not possible.

InNDrone is a completely autonomous

drone which can navigate itself in an


indoor environment without using GPS.

To simplify our task by integrating all the sensor data and performing

work accordingly, we are using ROS (Robotic Operating System), since it

contains prebuilt packages which we can build upon to achieve the task.


~headed by Prodduturi Sankeerth Reddy.

Nucleus satellite program aims at making IIT Guwahati the first institute

from Northeast India to have a dedicated space program and to aid its

future space needs. This program is divided in specific phases namely

HABSAT & Lower Earth Orbit (LEO) Cubesat.

~headed by Bikram Baruti.

27 | Clubs & 4i 28


Organizing Inter-IIT


atered towards advancing technology and human lives via innovation

and creativity, the Inter IIT Tech Meet is an annual tech competition

whose 9th edition was hosted by IIT Guwahati. The meet aims to share

knowledge and promote networking while bolstering innovative thinking

in the domain of real-life challenges through its competitive format.

Inter IIT Tech Meet has held a special

place in my heart and the opportunity

of being the Overall Coordinator of the

Meet, was thrilling. I highly value the

interactions, the enriching experience

of leadership, the ability to deal with

conflict, the learning of technical skills

and the exposure to new innovative

ideas, that organizing the Inter IIT Tech

Meet has provided me.

~Mohnish Kumar

Overall Coordinator

I remember the time when Inter IIT

Tech Meet was really hard to imagine

being conducted online during

pandemic without compromising the

vision of Tech Meet. I am thankful to

my team, without whom we would not

have made it this big. I hope our

technical board will always take the

lead to create the platforms to

enhance technology and innovation.

~Yogesh Yadav

Overall Coordinator

Pandemic, Paranoia & Possibilities

Technology, Vision & Hope

The Tech Meet works to collaborate with leading government-funded

agencies, multinational corporations and private companies to better

understand problems faced worldwide. It caters to the advancement of

science, technology and humanities.

Inter-IIT Tech Meet’21 Organizing Head Team




IIT Kanpur

GC Winner

Total Score : 2407

IIT Guwahati had the honour of taking up the challenge of transforming a

conventionally offline conference into a completely virtual format while

preserving the competitiveness associated with an Inter IIT event. The

college's extremely accomplished organizing team worked extremely hard

leading to and during the entire event to pull off a one-of-its-kind

technological meet.

With the pandemic looming large over the heads of people all around the

country, the 9th Inter IIT Tech Meet was very fittingly focused in and

around building a self-reliant, progressive India as we bounce back on

our feet. In times of paranoia, the possibility of rejuvenating the spirits of

citizens and bringing about impactful changes was everything this year's

tech meet stood for.

The 9th Inter IIT Tech Meet serves to be a syndicate of the brightest

minds to create innovative solutions that encapsulate a progressive India.

It aims to build a self-reliant India by capitalizing on the country's

cultural and intellectual diversity.


IIT Bombay

GC Runner Up

Total Score : 2242

The meet hopes to encourage analytical thinking, lateral solution

building, strong communication, and a tolerance for diverse viewpoints.

It hopes to promote different perspectives, effective teamwork, and

empathetic and creative ideation.


IIT Kharagpur

GC Third Position

Total Score : 2158

Overall Coordinators Yogesh Yadav and Mohnish Kumar.

29 | Inter-IIT 30

Inter-IIT Contingent

Technical Board IIT Guwahati is all about the ideology that learning is a

continuous and never-ending process. A small dent in this process will

have a significant impact causing a domino effect.

After being hard hit by a pandemic, it was important for the clubs to

ensure proper learning would ensue so that the future batches would

not face any problems. Though participating in a massive competition

like the Inter IIT Tech Meet during these challenging times is difficult, all

the clubs did well to keep the culture going.

Participating in the Inter-IIT Tech Meet Each

myself, I always dreamt of leading the

IITG contingent someday. And when I

got the chance, it was an

overwhelming journey, filled with

sleepless nights, never-ending meeting

calls and euphoria of finishing overall

4th. Kudos to all the participants and

club members whose combined efforts

made this feat possible!

~Lavish Gulati

IIT Guwahati Contingent Leader

and every club has been part of

this Inter IIT Tech Meet in one or

another way, & the Technical Board

has been back on full throttle ever

since. This year’s Tech Meet was a

fun-filled fantastic journey for each

participant who worked in teams and

made sure to give it their best shot. I

hope the upcoming batches keep on

learning and performing even better to

create innovative solutions that

positively impact society.

~Sri Harsha Vadathya

IIT Guwahati Contingent Manager

Bagging Fourth Place

IITG's contingents for this year's Inter IIT Tech Meet braved through one

of the toughest meets in recent years and came out with their heads held

high, doing the entire college proud. With three golds and three silvers,

IIT Guwahati stands 4th overall in the 9th Inter IIT Tech Meet.

Inter-IIT Tech Meet’21 IIT Guwahati Contingent Team

9.0 Inter-IIT

IIT Guwahati

GC Fourth Position

3 Golds & 3 Silvers

Total Score : 1952

The participants did well to work hard day and night to pull through and

do well in this year's competition. The 4th-year participants were

incredibly fantastic and spent their guiding and working on projects

despite the meet happening in their last two months on campus.

Medals Secured

Bridgei2i's Automatic Headline &

Sentiment Generator

High Prep Module


RuTAG's Agrobot Design Innovation


Mid Prep Module


Saptang Labs's Network Security


Low Prep Module


BOSCH's Traffic Sign Recognition


High Prep Module


DRDO's Vision Based Obstacle

Avoidance Drone

Mid Prep Module


ISRO's Web Based Visualization

Tool for Astrosat Observations


Mid Prep Module




8.0 Inter-IIT 2019

GC Fourth Position

3 Golds & 4 Silvers

Organized by

IIT Roorkee

7.0 Inter-IIT 2018

GC Fifth Position

1 Gold & 3 Bronze

Organized by

IIT Bombay

Left to Rigt. Contingent Manager & Contingent Leader.

31 | Inter-IIT 32




renched in age-old rivalry, fierce competitiveness, & blazing passion,

Kriti is one of the calendar year's most enthralling events. Kriti has been

massively successful in bringing the unexposed into tech and has served

as a great launching pad for brewing innovation among the IITG

fraternity's newest members- the freshers. Over a month, Kriti puts

hostellers through a conflux of challenging competitions ranging from

gaming to marketing strategy, and it's hard to find an event more

successful in uniting people.


he Annual Entrepreneurship Summit of IIT Guwahati, which is held to

bring together the academic community, new-age entrepreneurs,

industry leaders, and investors on a common platform. This flagship

event of E-Cell, IIT Guwahati was conceptualised to develop and spread

the spirit of entrepreneurship among the youth of the North-East, and

India in general thus earning itself the reputation of being the largest

E-Summit in the north-east. To foster an environment that is conducive

to entrepreneurship, we at Udgam organize lectures, events and

workshops to create a platform for young minds to realize their potential

and showcase their bright ideas in front of the public and industry.

Kapili bagged the first

position while securing

the Visionary cup and

Business cup.

Barak stands second.

Manas got the third


Kapili Hostel Wins Kriti’19

Brainiac Cup

2019 Winner - Barak Hostel

Clubs that


With events ranging from quizzing to hackathons, the Brainiac cup has

always required that extra little something from its participants.

Business Cup

2019 Winner - Kapili Hostel

Money matters and the people who manage money are MVPs. This cup

is focussed around the cutthroat and competitive world of business.

Da Vinci Cup

2019 Winner - Manas Hostel

The endless world of automation opens up a world of exciting

possibilities, and that's precisely what the Da Vinci cup is all about.

Visionary Cup

2019 Winner - Kapili Hostel

With an eye on sustainable development, the Visionary cup promotes

thinking in an environmentally responsible manner.

Coding Club

Consulting & Analytics


Quiz Club

Consulting & Analytics

Finance & Economics


Aeromodelling Club

Automobile Club

Electronics Club

Robotics Club

Astronomy Club

Coding Club

Technical Board





Going Virtual

Owing to the current scenario of the global pandemic of Covid-19, for

the very first time, the thirteenth edition of UDGAM was organised

completely virtually. All the organising team meetings were held online,

and the event was planned virtually. The keynote lectures, panel

discussions, competitions and live events took place virtually on an

online platform. Regardless, it turned out to be the most successful

edition so far because of the organising team’s dedicated work, planning

and the audience’s enthusiasm.

The Team.

Jimmy Wales

Founder, Wikipedia.

“Simply having rules

does not change the

things that people

want to do. You have

to change incentives.”

33 | Events & Competitons



It is the biggest Internfair of North-East India. On one hand it provides

an amazing platform for startups to find interns and on the other, it gives

an opportunity for the first and second year students of IIT Guwahati to

get a chance to intern at a startup and explore more of startup culture.

42+ startups registered to hire interns. The event saw 800+ CV

applications, and 200+ successful interviews were conducted.

Udgam 2021 was completely different from the previous

editions and posed several challenges. Events had to be

restructured, the entire team working from home. We

saw this as an opportunity and made the best out of it,

used collaborative tools, leveraged virtual to become

global. The best thing about Udgam is, everyone’s ideas

are valued and get implemented. Udgam 2021 in one

line for me “Overcoming challenges with innovation

while having fun”.

~Anish Gupta, Convener, UDGAM’21





Fun Events




Intern Fair



4 Lakh+ Prize Pool.

6500+ LinkedIn page


2000+ Contenders for

the finals.

600+ Live audience


280+ Startups


100+ Workshop


40+ Sponsors.

15+ Speakers.

9 Events.

9 Days.



Founder VC at 100X.VC

Angel Investor &

Advisor with a keen

interest in B2B

emerging technology


Product Management Expedition, a management competition, is aimed

at giving aspiring product managers and tech-enthusiasts a platform to

innovate and work on a real industry problem.

1180+ registrations

Slack Community of 450+ members.


The classic pitching battle saw a stark increase in the number of startups

participating with 240+ startup applications in UDGAM’21. Alongside

prizes worth 1.5 lakhs and investment opportunities to winners, top

finalists were also provided with mentorship, incubation, and business



LS and workshops

Aims to bring professionals and entrepreneurs from the top of the

boardroom ladder to share their entrepreneurial insights and

experiences with the attendees equally enthusiastic about making a


A UI/UX Challenge blending creativity and business relevance. It’s aim is

to develop the designer's innovative quotient by flexing their design

muscle to find technical solutions. In collaboration with White Space,

DFrame was a huge success with a total of 160+ design enthusiasts

participating in this event.

The speakers line up included Sandeep Jain (founder at GeeksForGeeks),

Sarbvir Singh (CEO at PolicyBazaar), Bindeshwar Pathak (founder at

Sulabh International), Sairee Chahal (founder & CEO at Sheroes) and

many such experienced speakers.

The highlight was Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, engaging the

attendees and taking us all through his life journey. We also had the

Original Shark of SharkTank, Kevin Harrington onboard!

Hari T.N

Head HR, Big Basket.

“Life is an open book

exam, and we cannot

apply the close book

principle in it.”

Live Events

Business Quiz, Virtual

Stock Market, Tweet

Contest, and many

more fun games on our

social media handles.

Kevin Harrington

Original Shark,


Bindeshwar Pathak

Founder, Sulabh


Rohit Kapoor

CEO , OYO (India &

SouthEast Asia)

Sarbvir Singh



35 | Events & Competitons 36




hat better way for a technical institute to show off its achievements

than an entire exhibition? Techevince puts all of IITG's technological

passion, innovation, and creativity under the limelight and gives a stage

to the college's tech rockstars to perform on. Techevince is a

culmination of some of the entire academic year's best technological

projects and the brilliant minds behind them.


he Annual Techno-Management festival of IIT Guwahati is an emotion

in itself, made of sleepless nights and unforgettable memories. A forum

where learning meets fun, Techniche provides the perfect environment

to nurture inquisitiveness within the youth. Packed with numerous

events, competitions, workshops, and initiatives, we boast of having

something to pique everyone's interest. Techniche 2020 was no

exception, wherein we built India's first virtual Techno- Management fest

from the ground up, faced with the unforeseen situation of the

pandemic, courtesy of the relentless efforts of the team.


Bipedalism is a form of terrestrial locomotion where an organism moves

by means of its two rear limbs or legs. A machine that usually moves in

a bipedal manner is known as a biped, meaning "two feet". Our project

BIPED has 10 degrees of freedom is a bot designed to walk on flat

surfaces. Theoretically, biped refers to walking, running &

hopping. However due the complexity, we limited ourselves to

walking. We are a team of 13 members and we divided the tasks into

four phases.

~Project by Robotics Club

BIPED Model.

Student Grade Prediction

When students step into college, they experience a completely new

arena of opportunities and experiences, from the disciplined

environment of school and coaching institutes, thisnew home tries to

bring a holistic development in them , but in the process do they

loosen up their studies?

Student Grade Prediction aims to predict and analyse the grades of

students against multiple features of interest , both comprising of their

past life and the one they are presently a part of. It helps to get a

better idea as to what are the major reasons for the varied distribution

of grades among students and also reveals trends which otherwise are


~Project by Consulting & Analytics Club

37 | Events & Competitons

Lecture Series, Pronites & Nexus

The legacy of keynotes and impeccable performances by maestros of

diverse fields, LS and Pronites is an escape to elevate oneself with a

plethora of knowledge while being immersed in the depths of creativity,

rhythm, and a drive to let loose.

Nexus is a management conference under Techniche. It aims to provide

holistic insight into the corporate world by organizing various events

such as keynote speeches, hackathons, workshops, exhibitions, and

panel discussions.



Virtual Campus!

Lecture Series


Director &

Cinematographer for

Game of Thrones &

Breaking Bad



ROBOTICS is the largest robotics competition organization team in

North-Eastern India, with participation from more than 100 different

institutes and organizations pan India, we aim to inculcate a tradition of

collective learning.

TechExpo is well known for exploring young innovative minds and

inspire students across the nation. We present some of the most

exemplary projects which benefit everyone.

Conducting various competitions with technical, management, and

fun-social regimes to challenge the participants' minds, TechOlympics

aspires to provide a perfect platform to inculcate a culture of

out-of-the-box thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork amongst the


Techniche has always been a significant part of my

college life. Being the Convener was a lot of fun and

quite unexpected. Even though we faced the pandemic,

our team of 250 members worked tirelessly with utmost

dedication and enthusiasm to make the impossible

possible. Conducting Techniche online was filled with

many unforeseen and new challenging problems, but we

always had the support of each of our team members to

overcome everything. It was a great learning experience,

and everything that I got from college, great friends,

personality, I owe it to Techniche.

~Raghav Aggarwal

Convener, Techniche ’20

Techolympics Robotics Lecture Series Workshops

Organizing Techniche

Techexpo Funniche After The








Guwahati Half


'Technothlon: the ultimate test of logic' is an international school

championship conducted for the students of class 9th to 12th to 'inspire

young minds.'

Technothlon questions are innovative, challenging, and connected

through a grand theme. This year, the HAUTS category's questions had a

Lion King theme, while the Junior category's questions were themed

around Toy Story.


Case interviews, Data

Analytics, Applied

Investing, and DS &

Algorithms workshops

conducted by the

Workshops Team.


Visit us at




Techniche Initiatives

are run year-round to

create a positive

impact and help

Techniche do its part

for society.

“Not an error.”

Techniche celebrates

Pride Month.

A massive all India event like Techniche needs lots and lots of high

functioning teams behind the scenes to succeed. While Techniche's

individual modules have their own teams, some teams are required to

bring it all together.

The PR & Branding and Marketing teams make sure that Techniche is

known to the outside world and funded through sponsorships,

respectively. Team Web-Ops takes care of web-related operations, and

their role was accordingly critical this year with the event being online.

Team Media acts as the face of Techniche, puppeteering what the event

looks like to the outside world, and finally, team Creatives use their

creative thinking to wrap it all up and develop designs for the fest.

The 2019 Techniche Team.

39 | Events & Competitons 40


Team Techniche



































Intern Fair



















Relations Head

PR & Branding

Relations Head



PR & Branding

Relations Head


Events Head














Relations Head



41 | Teams 42

Meet the Technical Board

Dr. Chivukula

V. Sastri











Astronomy Club,





Automobile Club

IITG Racing

Associate Professor


Techincal Board

General Secretary

Technical Board









Consulting &

Analytics Club




Finance &

Economics Club















Joint Secretary

Design Club,

White Space



Joint Secretary

Design Club,

White Space
















External Relations

& Outreach Head

Sai Sreyas





















Core Team



Overall Coordinator

4i Lab








Quiz Club,







43 | Teams 44

The Editorial Team











Special Thanks to

Manav Yadav

Meghana Manivannan

Janvi Kale

Aditya Joshi

Durgansh Mishra

Digisha Verma

Shambhawi Bhure


Saumya Goyal

Akshat Sinha

Shreya Singh

Swapnil Srivastava

Utkarsh Chaturvedi

Tanmay Joshi

Yash Joshi


45 | Teams

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