SDEA Shoptalk May 2021

SDEA Shoptalk May 2021 - all the latest display & design news for retail, leisure & hospitality.

SDEA Shoptalk May 2021 - all the latest display & design news for retail, leisure & hospitality.


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On 19th May members logged on to take part in the Virtual 74th

Annual General Meeting of the Shop & Display Equipment

Association. Attendees heard about the hard work that had been

undertaken over the past year plus all the support given to SDEA

members, as well as the exciting plans for the year ahead. These

include the SDEA App and the launch of the Association’s latest

technological initiative: Creative Virtual Showcases.

During the day’s proceedings Executive Council elections were

carried out with Paul Smart, Business Development Director at

arken P-O-P International being voted President of the Association

for a second term and Mark Chatterton, Managing Director of

Morplan was re-elected Vice President.

The President opened his report with a reminder of how tough the

past year has been for the industry: “What a difficult year for the

SDEA and for most of us in the display industry, in particular those

who work in retail, leisure and hospitality sectors. Keeping our

heads above water has been the name of the game.”

With the SDEA due to hold the new meet-the-buyer event Creative

Design & Display Connections on 23rd September and The

Creative Retail Awards on 14th October, the President closed his

report with a confident outlook: “On a personal note with the 21st

June on the horizon I’m very optimistic and positive about the

remainder of the year.”

Chris Shoebottom, Sales Director of Stylo joined the Executive

Council this year and joins existing Executive Council members:

Ronald Cohen, Chairman of Foxbarn Ltd,

Bob Garton, Managing Director of Glencourt Associates Ltd,

Nick Wraith, Managing Director of Unibox.

The Executive Council will work together over the coming months

bringing fresh ideas and inspiration, securing the future growth of

this highly valued organisation.

If you are interested in joining the Executive Council, please

contact antony@sdea.co.uk or call 01883 348911.

(Paul Smart continues as President of SDEA)

(Mark Chatterton, the Vice President)



The SDEA are excited to announce the launch of their latest

technological initiative – Creative Virtual Showcases. Do you want

to cost effectively show off your showroom, an exhibition stand,

your warehouse machinery or any other area within your facility

24 hours a day, every day of the year? Then Creative Virtual

Showcases is for you.

Using immersive imaging, Creative Virtual Showcases gives your

current and prospective customers 360º virtual tours around your

chosen area, with hotspots detailing your chosen products or

capabilities. All hotspots can be linked to webpages, videos,

images and more.

To amplify the visitors to your Creative Virtual Showcase, they will

all be viewable on the SDEA website, SDEA App and the Retail

Focus website, with a combined visitor number of over 40,000 per

month. For the cost of just one week-long virtual exhibition, you

can have all the benefits year round across several platforms.

Pricing starts at just £1,500 (location dependent), including 20

hotspots/products and hosting for 1 year, with hosting just £30

per annum thereafter.

SDEA members receive an exclusive member-only discount of

£250 on their Creative Virtual Showcases.


t: 01883 348911

e: enquiries@sdea.co.uk

w: www.creativevirtualshowcases.com

Your Creative Virtual Showcase can easily be embedded in any

website page with just a few lines of code. They can also be

downloaded and used as an executable program to enable offline

viewing - for example via a USB stick. This is an extremely useful

function for remote demonstrations or exhibitions away from a

reliable internet connection.

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