MT760 Bank Guarantee – Bank Guarantee Process – BG Providers in Dubai

This slideshare presentation describes how successfully Bronze Wing Trading facilitated Bank Guarantee from our own European Bank Accounts on behalf of a US trader to import Nitrile Gloves from Malaysia. If you are looking to get a Bank Guarantee without blocking your cash funds, contact us today! And to know more our recent success, read the full story here: https://importletterofcredit.com/mt760-bank-guarantee-import-nitrile-gloves/ For more info: Email Us: support@importletterofcredit.com Call Us: +971-4-5519699 Call/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761

This slideshare presentation describes how successfully Bronze Wing Trading facilitated Bank Guarantee from our own European Bank Accounts on behalf of a US trader to import Nitrile Gloves from Malaysia. If you are looking to get a Bank Guarantee without blocking your cash funds, contact us today! And to know more our recent success, read the full story here: https://importletterofcredit.com/mt760-bank-guarantee-import-nitrile-gloves/

For more info:
Email Us: support@importletterofcredit.com
Call Us: +971-4-5519699
Call/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761


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Bronze Wing Trading’s Success:

Import Nitrile Gloves from

Malaysia Using Bank


Presented By,



Successful Issuance of Bank Guarantee MT760

Bronze Wing Trading, the International Bank

Guarantee Providers in Dubai Have Facilitated

Bank Guarantee on behalf of a US Buyer to

import Bulk Quantity of Nitrile Gloves from a

Malaysian Supplier.

Read our Success Story – Click Here

Our Client’s Requirement

Our Client from US decided to import 75,000 Boxes of

Nitrile Boxes from a Malaysia Supplier to Meet the

Scarcity of PPE Supplies in the Market Due to COVID-19


To Conclude this Deal, the Buyer Required Bank Guarantee,

So They Contacted Bronze Wing Trading L.L.C. with their

BG Request!

How We Served the BG Requirement of our Client

After Signing the Service Agreement and Receipt of Required

Charges, We Structured their BG Transaction with our Bank By

Blocking our Bank Limit & Provided the BG Draft for their


After the Draft Approval, We Instructed our Bank to Issue the

Required Bank Guarantee to the Malaysian Supplier’s Bank Account

via SWIFT MT760.

To Know more About our BG Issuance Process, Click Here!

Nitrile Gloves Deal Concluded Successfully!

Finally, With the Issued Bank Guarantee, the

Supplier started the Shipment of Nitrile Gloves

to the Buyers Destination Port as Agreed in the


How to Get Bank Guarantee?

If You Require Bank Guarantee to Sign New

Contracts or Projects,

Contact Us Today!

We Can Facilitate the Issuance of BG MT760

from European Bank Accounts without


Apply Now!

Contact us today!!!

Email Us: support@importletterofcredit.com

Call Us: +971-4-5519699

Call/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761

Visit: https://importletterofcredit.com/

Contact Us Now & Get the

Bank Guarantee Issued

Within 48hrs!

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