Practice Growth Playbook Issue #35

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ISSUE <strong>#35</strong><br />


The Home Of Big Clinic Ideas And New Patient Influx<br />




... and how to avoid feast and famine<br />

when it comes to investing in your<br />

business<br />

There is a fundamental and crucial difference between<br />

investing and spending. Most people don’t really conceptualise<br />

nor understand the key differences because<br />

we’re programmed to “feel” like both are essentially the<br />

same thing due to one key factor. In most cases (but<br />

not all), investing and spending will feel the same i.e.<br />

money will leave the account and therefore there will<br />

be “less”.<br />

The crucial difference being, if you know what you’re<br />

doing, you never feel like investing is actually the same<br />

as losing money. For me, losing money is missing out<br />

on a big opportunity because I didn’t do the basics or<br />

didn’t take that risk I knew would pay off.<br />

At the core of it all, the reason that most don’t “invest” in<br />

the future by spending more on “advertising”, “people”<br />

“processes” or real-estate for example is ONLY because<br />

they are still acting like an “animal”. I don’t mean that<br />

disrespectfully. I mean that literally, human beings have<br />

to consciously fight our fear based “must eat now” or<br />

modus operandi. Quite simply we live like “animals”<br />

only having enough for the “now” if, god willing, there<br />

is “enough”.<br />

It’s biology. It’s the part of you that wants to “hoard” your<br />

money while “the times are good” because the animal<br />

instincts in you is “feast or famine”.<br />

This all might seem like an over simplified point, BUT<br />

DON’T BE FOOLED…. most people don’t realise<br />

how REAL and easy it is for all of us to fall into this<br />

trap and most of the time …. you don’t even know that<br />

it’s happening.<br />

Here are 2 key concepts that will help you invest in the<br />

future and not wake up one day, 10 years from now and<br />

realise that you never thought past the week ahead…<br />


In my opinion, this almost exclusively comes from<br />

hanging around with the right people. You need to understand<br />

that people are investing in real “assets” that<br />

are constantly “thrown” in your face. That’s why masterminds<br />

are so important. The key awareness you will<br />

you get from those is that “push” is at times a “healthy<br />

paranoia”.<br />

I’m a big fan of a little healthy paranoia. The founder<br />

of Intel, Andrew Grove, famously said, ONLY THE<br />

PARANOID SURVIVE. I think that there is a lot of<br />

truth in that statement.<br />

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The paranoia I’m talking about shows up in the successful way<br />

that business titans are always looking to the future. An air of “I’m<br />

not nearly there” seems to constantly be pushing their actions no<br />

matter their level of success.<br />

Of course, the risk of this is that at times these very people might<br />

be accused of not “living for the now” or have sentences like<br />

“when is enough, enough?” thrown at them, often by well-meaning<br />

yet frankly clueless “loved ones”.<br />

At the start of the pandemic, just as many industries were closing,<br />

I was lucky enough to be a part of a small group of people that<br />

was invited to a group call with Robert Kiyosaki and his Rich Dad<br />

Advisors.<br />


<strong>#35</strong><br />

I will never forget one of the very first realisations I got from<br />

the call. Not a single one of them looked even remotely “in fear”.<br />

When asked why that was, Robert and his advisors answered with<br />

almost the identical response which was a version of “we have<br />

been preparing and telling people to prepare for this for the last<br />

30 years”. Simply put they were READY, because they thought<br />

long term.<br />

Another form of AWARENESS is the statistical fact that “cash” is<br />

the worst asset to KEEP. Don’t misunderstand that last statement<br />

for meaning that cash is not important. In fact, it’s just about the<br />

most important thing. When it comes to surviving a crisis, being a<br />

high cash producing business (which you are) is almost exclusively<br />

determines who survives and who sadly doesn’t.<br />

Positive cash flowing business is essential … but converting that<br />

cash into ASSETS is just about the most important thing you<br />

can do for your long-term security. To put into context just how<br />

poorly cash maintains its value, please consider the fact that while<br />

the British Pound, is the strongest performing fiat currency of all<br />

time, it has lost 99% of its value since inception. Essentially cash<br />

is useless over time.<br />

The goal therefore for most reading this would be to first convert<br />

your time into cash (e.g. see patients) then convert your cash (or<br />

petrol as I like to call it) into assets (team, systems, advertising,<br />

content and real-estate) that produce cash without your time.<br />

Delayed Gratification<br />

Let me level with ya. Investing in the future, is downright boring.<br />

It takes unprecedented levels of self-discipline. The type<br />

of self-discipline I’m talking about is fighting the almost overwhelming<br />

urge for immediate gratification.<br />

Delayed gratification is a well-known phrase that’s often bandied<br />

about, but actually embracing it is extremely hard. I believe it’s<br />

even harder for “us”, being self-employed, high cash producing<br />

businesses. Not only are we high cash producing, but we are also<br />

extremely “fast” cash producing businesses.<br />

Just think about the extremely fast 360-degree delivery of the<br />

fruits of our “labour”. One only needs only look at a Facebook advert,<br />

for example. From the time of “conception” as a thought, to<br />

having that advert up and running and producing leads can be as<br />

little 6-hours, then the first patient from those leads could conceivably<br />

be in the practice within 24 to 48 hours. That means that<br />

a mere thought (if you have the skills) can result in more “money”<br />

or customers within as little as 48 hours. THAT’S INSANE …<br />

and has spoilt us akin to a spoilt child that simply asks and gets<br />

what he wants immediately.<br />

The thought of our “investment” be it time or money, only showing<br />

a return in 1 year, 5 years or 10 years, is so innately foreign to<br />

most but especially foreign to the “self-employed” who buy their<br />

very nature are “doers”, and have very little experience, or “faith”<br />

that they need to invest NOW for MASSIVE future returns. Instead,<br />

they revert to their normal “work hard” now and see money<br />

“now” comfort blanket.<br />

The speed that you can see the fruits of your labour in a practice is akin to that<br />

of a speed boat. Fast off the mark, easy and fast to change direction and makes<br />

it back to the point of departure fast. It’s often relatively inexpensive and takes<br />

relatively little “fuel” i.e. time or money to run. Speed boats are fun and exciting<br />

and feel good immediately. Is it worth having a speed boat AKA great cash producing<br />

practice? … HELL YEAH.<br />

But the truth is that one should have speed boats working for us AND big tankers<br />

that take A LOT longer to get going and turn and stop and eventually get<br />

back to the point to of departure. But when they do “come home” they carry<br />

more “return” than 50 speed boats. Slow and boring …. but big returns and crucially<br />

require less of your time.<br />

Building a team and culture TAKES TIME and MONEY<br />

Writing content TAKES TIME and MONEY<br />

Creating process and procedures TAKES TIME and MONEY<br />

Training your team TAKES TIME and MONEY<br />

Investing in your growth TAKES TIME and MONEY<br />

Growing personally TAKES TIME and MONEY<br />

Investing in real estate TAKES TIME and MONEY<br />

Just because you lose sight of the tanker from the shore …. doesn’t mean it’s not<br />

doing its job and it’ll eventually return to shore bearing a big return.<br />

You’re not an animal, your able to THINK past the end of the day, week, month,<br />

year and decade… DO SO!<br />

WITH LOVE,<br />

<strong>Issue</strong> <strong>#35</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>#35</strong><br />

1<br />

5<br />

10<br />

14<br />

18<br />

20<br />

24<br />

26<br />

What do “animals” and practice owners<br />

have in common?<br />

How Andy Jackson revamped his stagnant<br />

practice to earn 118k in a single<br />

month & purchase 3 new properties<br />

Freshly Consistent, Not consistently<br />

Fresh<br />

Email Marketing vs<br />

Social Media<br />

The B.E.L.T. Method & Why It Works So<br />

Well?<br />

How Laura Cole helped her practice<br />

owner to earn 18k a month just from<br />

new clients<br />

Why You Should Do a KOLBE A INDEX<br />

for You and Your Team?<br />

Keep Your <strong>Practice</strong> Growing With Our<br />

Expert Tips For Your Quarterlies<br />

5<br />

20<br />

Scan Here To Take You To<br />

Our All New Membership<br />

Site With Digital Versions<br />

Of Everything!

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<strong>Practice</strong> <strong>Growth</strong> <strong>Playbook</strong> 5 <strong>Practice</strong> <strong>Growth</strong> <strong>Playbook</strong><br />

Save The Date<br />

Conversion Alchemy<br />

Course Starts Weekly - June 15th (8PM UK / 2PM CDT)<br />

Inner Circle Q&A’s<br />

Start Time 8PM UK / 2PM CDT<br />

Wednesday 2nd, 16th & 30th June<br />

Tech Thursday<br />

Thursday 10th June - 12:30PM UK / 6:30AM CDT<br />

Thursday 24th June - 6:00PM UK / 12PM CDT<br />

Call The Team Day<br />

Start Time 1PM UK / 7AM CDT<br />

Wednesday 2nd, 16th & 30th June<br />

CA Training Call<br />

Friday 25th June - 12:30PM UK / 6:30AM CDT<br />

How Andy Jackson revamped his<br />

stagnant practice to earn 118k in<br />

a single month & purchase 3 new<br />

properties<br />

As the saying goes, ‘you can’t teach an old dog new<br />

tricks’. Well, in the case of established Stockport<br />

chiropractor and tennis lover<br />

Andrew Jackson, 51, it was a simple case of<br />

doing more and focusing on spending money in the right<br />

places. We spoke to the Inner Circle member to find out about<br />

his journey.<br />

For those who don’t perhaps know you, would<br />

you please tell us a bit about your practice?<br />

I started a little bit like Ryan. I was a gung-ho graduate from<br />

college. With a friend I did spin the bottle with about four<br />

cities, Leeds, Manchester, and Liverpool. And it ended up in<br />

Manchester. And then we just decided to go up North and set<br />

up some practices. We set up five clinics in 2001, well none<br />

to the standard of Ryan’s but one got to 500 patients a week<br />

pretty quickly which was amazing, but I have to say this for<br />

Lancashire they’re incredible salt-of-the-earth people, but we<br />

had no idea what we were doing and they bought into our<br />

plans and stuck with us.<br />

You’ve been an Inner Circle Member since Oct<br />

2018. What made you want to join?<br />

Q&A With Andy Jackson By Dan K<br />

was crying, and it really made me think that I needed<br />

to get my act together and do something. And then<br />

around the same time Ryan, who I’d known for a few<br />

years, started doing his New Patient Avalanche course<br />

and I signed up. It was amazing and I’ve had ZERO<br />

REGRETS.<br />

How’s your journey been since then?<br />

It’s been an incredible journey so far. Like I said, we<br />

had no idea what we were doing when we started out,<br />

meaning so much of it was gained through skills as<br />

we went. Somewhere along the way we just stopped<br />

doing the simple things and that’s the first thing we<br />

did upon signing up. Before we were going ‘Oh,<br />

Long story short my business partner went back home to<br />

Norway; I took on two of the clinics and just tried and run<br />

it with a few associates. I’ve had some great associates, top<br />

draw people, and some really average ones. Even with all the<br />

top-of-the-line equipment they still see 60 patients a week.<br />

Eventually, we kind of got stuck in this limbo where nothing<br />

was increasing how we wanted it.<br />

We then signed up to a tax scheme from a well-established<br />

accountant, they told us they would save us loads, all legally,<br />

but then in 2017 we got stuck with a £390,000 retrospective<br />

tax bill from HMRC and that was a killer. We were doing okay<br />

as a practice but that’s a tough pill to swallow. My other half<br />

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we’ve got the quarterly coming, let’s do some<br />

newsletters. We’re quiet this week let’s do some<br />

adverts, or we’re super low on visits let’s start<br />

giving out some health passes’. Everything was<br />

reactionary, but Ryan got it back into my head<br />

that we need to be doing the simple things<br />


Sometimes you have a bumper month soon<br />

after signing up like we<br />

had and then it might<br />

go back down again. I<br />

found that at first it was<br />

very slow and steady, but<br />

you can see the results<br />

starting to form weeks<br />

after implementing<br />

some of Ryan’s strategies.<br />

Simply, all the calls that you guys at<br />

DCPG put on are amazing sources of intel.<br />

Ashamedly I’m not on enough of them<br />

live with my tennis being in the week, but I<br />

always watch them back the next day. They<br />

literally teach you everything from marketing<br />

strategies to content creation and practice<br />

guidelines and leadership skills. I honestly just<br />

‘Somewhere along<br />

the way we just<br />

stopped doing the<br />

simple things’<br />

feel so appreciative of all the help and support that’s helped me<br />

reach this current level. I know there’s more to come too.<br />

Were you sceptical before signing up?<br />

No, not at all. Because if you compare with how much you can<br />

do and earn after joining it’s actually very cheap. I’d seen Ryan<br />

do a 45-minute video of what the whole NEW PATIENT<br />

AVALANCHE was about before I signed up and it was a nobrainer.<br />

I’ve made so many mistakes you<br />

wouldn’t believe trust me. From those<br />

five clinics we made a load of cash early<br />

on and burnt it all in 2007 by buying<br />

properties all over the world. Me and my<br />

colleague probably lost £500,000 from<br />

the financial crash and added to my<br />

other bill you can see the mistakes start<br />

to pile up. But you live and learn and<br />

carry on. I think that I’m also a bit like<br />

Ryan in the sense that I make decisions<br />

quickly, I don’t sit around or over think things too much. I knew<br />

we needed the help, signed up to the Inner Circle and I’ve never<br />

looked back.<br />

Why did you choose Ryan as a coach?<br />

Back in the day I used to come down south from my clinics and<br />

observed some peers, Ryan being one of them. Even<br />

then I knew he was up to something special.<br />

A few of my friends had signed up to this other<br />

management course, but I just couldn’t see eye-toeye<br />

with it due to the methods because they ended<br />

up closing their practices down. These coaches said<br />

“You can build a million-dollar practice and it’s so<br />

easy to do it” but they had actually sold their clinics<br />

while they were teaching it. And I thought, well, if<br />

it’s that easy, why didn’t you have your clinic running<br />

while you’re teaching? And so, I never did their calls.<br />

But then Ryan is there offering his courses while he<br />

was running nine clinics, and you’re thinking bloody<br />

hell, this guy’s a genius to do that because it’s hard<br />

enough working and having associates and doing all<br />

that kind of stuff, but managing people, it’s always the<br />

hardest thing, but to have nine clinics and do that.<br />

So, it was kind of a no brainer to follow someone<br />

like that. So that’s kind of where my journey started.<br />

It was a kick up the ass. I needed to kind of sharpen<br />

my axe and then get my thumb out a little bit. Ryan<br />

definitely gave me that kicking and push I needed.<br />

He didn’t take any excuses or vague details. He wants<br />

action and to know your results. How he knows all<br />

the details of everyone he coaches is a mystery. I can’t<br />

figure it out.<br />

What’s been your most impressive win so<br />

far?<br />

I think the first time we did a screening after signing<br />

up we did remarkably well. I think we got like 40 new<br />

patients from an outside event. I know Ryan always<br />

preaches about just getting the five patients from all<br />

the spinal screening sign ups, but that event was like<br />

opening the Willy Wonka sweetie shop. Everyone<br />

seemed to want to get inside our practice.<br />

Also recently in March 2021, we just had our<br />

record revenue for March, our biggest takings we’ve<br />

ever seen for that time of the year. We turned over<br />

£118,000 for the month, which I’m super proud<br />

about. When I started with Ryan, I was probably<br />

getting about £70-80,000 a month which isn’t bad<br />

really, but it just shows that even from a decent base<br />

Ryan can still get you to improve.<br />

3 Recommendations For<br />

People To Grow Their <strong>Practice</strong><br />

1. First one’s an obvious one. JOIN<br />



just saying that, I genuinely believe it.<br />

Just doing those two things can change<br />

your whole outlook on the chiropractic<br />

business.<br />

2. Read the book Traction on<br />

start-up growth and Ryan’s<br />

NPA BOOK. You get a<br />

more detailed view of<br />

all the best teachings<br />

from readings at<br />

your own pace. A<br />

great supplement<br />

to the thrill and shock<br />

of the live calls.<br />

3. Trust someone to guide you while also<br />

being decisive in your decision making. I’ve<br />

said this a lot but we’re all clueless about<br />

some part of our business. The sensible<br />

thing is HAVING SOMEONE WHO<br />


AND CALL YOU OUT ON IT.. It’s the<br />

best way to improve. Your employees and<br />

associates won’t always do it, I mean you<br />

pay their wages and it’s an uncomfortable<br />

conversation for them. Sometimes we all<br />

need a good kick up the arse when we’ve got<br />

our blinders on.<br />

<strong>Issue</strong> <strong>#35</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>#35</strong>


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M A R K E T I N G B O O T C A M P<br />

JUNE 5TH 2021 | 9AM - 5PM<br />

I guess it’s still business, but we’ve also just<br />

purchased a few properties. One’s a hotel with a<br />

boutique-vibe that we’re going to convert into a<br />

practice space. It’s a great site with five suite rooms<br />

in the upstairs which we can rent out. My wife and<br />

I also bought another town house, so things are far<br />

more stable in terms of having assets and cash in the<br />

bank.<br />

How does the Ryan Rieder Inner Circle<br />

Facebook Group help you run your<br />

practice?<br />

You’ve got a lot of really qualified people in there,<br />

always willing to lend a hand to help. You can easily<br />

post something about an issue you’re having in terms<br />

of chiropractic in general or staffing or associates,<br />

Which Of Ryan’s Teaching Have Stuck With You The Most?<br />

“If You’re Not Growing You’re Dying”<br />

You’ve got to set and hit targets. Form strong<br />

organisational planning within the business with<br />

weekly aims, quarterly targets and regular EOS<br />

meetings and team member rocks for accountability.<br />

and you’ll get this quality feedback from these guys all<br />

from their own past experiences. It’s also a place where<br />

you can vent your frustration, and everyone always<br />

sympathises cause literally whatever issue you think<br />

is strictly isolated to you really isn’t. Someone in the<br />

group will have gone through it and they’re just a few<br />

clicks away.<br />

What’s your practice aims for the rest of the<br />

year?<br />

I’d love to keep being around £110,000 to £115,000<br />

a month. Obviously, we’ve done a bit better than<br />

that in March but we want to now see that top level<br />

consistency in order to hit those targets regularly. Once<br />

we’ve got there then we can try and push everything<br />

upwards again.<br />

Know what’s happening in your business, that’s a big<br />

one from Ryan. We were clueless in the beginning<br />

and somehow got relatively successful, but it doesn’t<br />

last. You have to be on top of things even if you’re<br />

not directly involved in every action.<br />

FAST<br />








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Freshly Consistent,<br />

Not consistently Fresh<br />

Online strategies such as Facebook and<br />

Instagram have become ever more prevalent<br />

and necessary in order for chiropractic<br />

Businesses to survive and thrive. At Halsa,<br />

we have been running these online strategies for 4 years<br />

now and still maintain incredible, consistent results, but<br />

how do we do it?<br />

Marketing sustainably is the key to creating long lasting<br />

strategies that deliver results again and again. Our secret<br />

to achieving years of quality results is by being Freshly<br />

Consistent … NOT Consistently Fresh. Creating a<br />

new marketing strategy that delivers consistent results<br />

is HARD. It requires a bunch of good ideas, months of<br />

testing, lots of time and a sizeable budget. When we find<br />

a strategy that works and is profitable, it is important that<br />

we manage it correctly to ensure we can use it again and<br />

again. We do this through being Freshly Consistent.<br />

So, what does Freshly Consistent actually mean?<br />

Being freshly consistent is all about utilising the same<br />

proven strategies repeatedly but altering small details<br />

each time. This keeps things looking and feeling fresh to<br />

your customer, whilst providing assurance of results for<br />

the business by maintaining the underlying core process.<br />

Being Freshly consistent is much more beneficial and<br />

attainable for chiropractors than trying to be ‘Consistently<br />

Fresh’. Consistently fresh is the idea that you have<br />

to completely change up your strategy each time you<br />

run a campaign, with the hope that this will keep your<br />

business ‘relevant’. The truth is, people usually opt for<br />

this strategy out of fear that audiences will become tired<br />

of their old strategies. For the most part, this is not the<br />

case. Yes, it’s true that over time the market changes and<br />

adapts. However, this doesn’t happen overnight and is<br />

a slow, constant process. By making small consistent<br />

changes to proven strategies, you are much more likely<br />

to stay on ‘trend’. If you try to be ‘consistently fresh’, you<br />

will find yourself chasing your tail, never knowing what<br />

kind of results to expect, struggling for time, failing to<br />

By Daniel Harris, Marketing Manager<br />

maintain consistent frequency and will have many failed<br />

campaigns before stumbling across one that actually works<br />

for you.<br />

Basically … it’s OK to be boring!<br />

Marketing seems complicated and can appear intimidating.<br />

But for chiropractors all you need to make sure you do is be<br />

consistent by rinse and repeating strategies that are proven<br />

to work and be profitable. A huge benefit of being a part of<br />

the Inner Circle or Done for you service is that you do not<br />

have to invest the time and money into making the mistakes<br />

needed to form new strategies. Just sit back, relax and allow<br />

us to make the mistakes for you!<br />

Over years of advertising in Halsa, many of our favourite<br />

strategies remain the same at their core. It is true that if you<br />

were to compare our ads from four years ago to today, they<br />

would appear wildly different, but this is through years of<br />

being freshly consistent, not through drastic changes in<br />

an attempt to predict the market or stay relevant. Some of the<br />

core online strategies that have worked for us for years and<br />

continue to work for us are:<br />

• Facebook Lead Generation Advert<br />

• In House Spinal Screenings<br />

• Health Talk Event<br />

Simply put, if a chiropractic business is willing and<br />

able to consistently run these three marketing campaigns<br />

online, they should never have a new patient<br />

problem.<br />

I speak to chiropractors every day about their clinics marketing<br />

and have consulted hundreds of individual practice<br />

owners. Each and every time I hear the same phrases:<br />

1) ‘’I don’t have time to focus on marketing’’<br />

2) ‘’I occasionally market and get great results, but I<br />

can’t maintain consistency’’<br />

3) ‘’I don’t have the skills and expertise to market<br />

effectively’’<br />

If you’re reading this, the likelihood is you fall<br />

into one of these categories or have done at some<br />

point in your career. The truth is none of these<br />

are good excuses not to market. When running a<br />

business, marketing is your food and water, it feeds<br />

the business and your business won’t survive without<br />

it. So, if any of these statements sound like you,<br />

you need to find more time for marketing.<br />

That can be achieved by:<br />

1) Finding time to do it yourself - This can<br />

be rewarding and attainable in the short term, but<br />

if you are a practitioner, I would advise against<br />

this approach. Marketing is not your genius zone<br />

and you need to dedicate as much time as possible<br />

into your craft and to leading the business. As your<br />

business grows, your time will be stretched, and<br />

you will inevitably fail to maintain consistency in<br />

your marketing.<br />

2) Hire someone onto your team to do your<br />

marketing for you - A solid option but also<br />

problematic for a few reasons. One, it is very hard<br />

to find true marketing expertise, especially when<br />

it comes to our small niche (chiropractic). Two, a<br />

full-time marketing hire is very costly and for many<br />

small clinics, they will not bring in an adequate return on<br />

investment to make it viable. To hire a full-time marketer<br />

who already has paid ads experience, you are realistically<br />

looking at a 25K+ Salary. You can hire someone straight<br />

out of Uni for a lot cheaper, but it will be several months of<br />

coaching before they are at all capable.<br />

3) Create a ‘’Super CA’’ - This is a good option for<br />

many practices. Using the resources supplied within the<br />

inner circle, if you have a CA who has shown an interest<br />

and aptitude for marketing, it is feasible to train them up<br />

and have them help with the marketing alongside their<br />

CA responsibilities. The main downside with this strategy<br />

is time management for the CA and also the threat that<br />

they can simply leave your business whenever they<br />

choose, setting you back to square one.<br />

4) Hire someone externally to take care of your<br />

marketing - Within chiropractic it is no secret that 99% of<br />

‘agencies’ deliver poor results and are to be avoided. However,<br />

we do offer an agency in the form of our ‘Done for<br />

you service’. Within this service Ryan’s personal team and<br />

the people behind Halsa’s marketing will take care of all<br />

your digital paid advertising for you. This costs less than<br />

half the price of hiring a full-time marketing person<br />

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and guarantees quality results and industry expertise.<br />

Putting my usual modesty aside, I do feel like this is<br />

a great option for the majority of Chiropractic practices<br />

and if you are interested in finding out more, please reach<br />

out to me via email at daniel@dcpracticegrowth.com<br />

Check Out These Results<br />


AND<br />


Success in business feels like it should be an exciting<br />

roller-coaster ride, but in reality, success is often boring.<br />

By utilising strategies that have already been thought<br />

out, tested and proven, you take all the guesswork out<br />

of your marketing. Allowing you to forecast results,<br />

spend more money, achieve better results, and save time!<br />

Creating campaign ideas from scratch is incredibly time<br />

consuming and for many chiropractors, is just not feasible.<br />

However, taking the same proven strategy and giving<br />

it a small facelift will dramatically decrease your time<br />

spent on marketing, allowing you to market much more<br />

consistently and really build some momentum within<br />

your practice. So next time you are having a meeting<br />

about your marketing or planning your next campaign,<br />

please focus your energy on being Freshly Consistent<br />

… Not Consistently Fresh!<br />

F A C E B O O K A D ' S<br />

G O O G L E A D ' S<br />

Daniel H.<br />

E V E N T S<br />


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Email Marketing vs<br />

Social Media<br />

By Lucie Beales, CRM Manager<br />

Facebook this, TikTok that, WE GET IT. There<br />

are more ways to market to our clients these<br />

days, but that doesn’t mean that email marketing<br />

is redundant, moreover it isn’t dead.<br />

There are more than 4.6 billion internet users on<br />

the planet, of which 80% of them have a social media<br />

account of some shape or form. Actually, on average 5.5<br />

social media accounts - huge right?<br />

But, here’s the thing…<br />

Nearly all of them have an active email account.<br />

So, what’s a marketer to do? Inside this month’s article,<br />

I will be explaining how email marketing is very much<br />

alive and how social media marketing is a great partner<br />

in your marketing.<br />

Let’s get started...<br />

Is email<br />

marketing dead?<br />

Emails are in our lives every day.<br />

From retail receipts to apologies, to<br />

appointment reminders, there are so<br />

many reasons in which you can use<br />

email marketing for not only brand<br />

awareness but a cost effective way to<br />

get conversions!<br />

Research shows that 81% of people say that email<br />

marketing is a successful way to acquire new customers,<br />

compared to 51% who think the same about social<br />

media.<br />

Thus making email marketing 40 times more effective<br />

for acquiring new customers than either facebook,<br />

instagram or twitter. Email marketing 1 - 0 Social<br />

Media.<br />

The reason as to why email marketing is just that bit<br />

more effective is because there is a high majority of people<br />

who read the emails in their inbox, compared to the low<br />

number of people who see your social media activity.<br />

To put this into perspective, you are 6 times more likely<br />

to get click-throughs from an email campaign than you<br />

are from a tweet, and a message is 5 times more likely to be<br />

seen in an email than in a Facebook post.<br />

“Email marketing drives more conversions than any other<br />

channel”<br />

When it comes to sales, research concluded that email<br />

marketing drives more<br />

conversions (66% in<br />

fact) than any other<br />

channel, including<br />

social media. The<br />

average order value<br />

from an email is more<br />

than three times higher than<br />

that of social media.<br />

But to give credit where credit is due,<br />

social media is still an effective form of<br />

marketing. In fact, social media and email<br />

marketing are a great coupling for not only<br />

driving brand awareness but to also get your<br />

messaging out there by aligning content and<br />

clever scheduling.<br />

Why Social Media?<br />

Over the last 10 years, social media visitors have grown at<br />

an exponential rate. Moreover, the number of social media<br />

‘If you want your audience to see your content<br />

on social media, put some money behind it to<br />

give yourself the best chance to engage with<br />

your audience’<br />

users currently stands at 3.81 billion.<br />

About 90% of marketers claimed that social media<br />

generated immense exposure for their business.<br />

Social networks are now a substantial part of every<br />

marketing strategy, and the benefits of using social<br />

media are so great that not implementing the costeffective<br />

resource could be detrimental to your<br />

profits.<br />

It is clear that social media is not just a phase, but it<br />

is a channel, just like email, that can be used in your<br />

marketing to reach your target audience. In fact, 83%<br />

of marketers say that social media is actually very<br />

valuable to their business.<br />

With these stats in your mind, blasting your social<br />

media audience and getting incredible organic reach<br />

seems like a nice walk in the park, right?<br />

Wrong.<br />

In 2019, for users to set their eyes on your carefully<br />

crafted social pages and posts, you had to invest money.<br />

Without doing so, there wouldn’t be any reach...and with<br />

no reach means there’s no engagement.<br />

This is not to say that there is no place for organic social<br />

posts - there is! They’re just a far cry from how effective<br />

they used to be.<br />

But, it makes sense…<br />

Social feeds can only show so many messages at a time.<br />

The social media platforms have just decided to prioritise<br />

content that’s supported by cash…unlike email marketing<br />

where you do not have that same opportunity to put<br />

money behind your email campaigns.<br />

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Email marketing 1 - 1 Social Media<br />

The bottom line is, if you want your audience to see your content on social media, put some money behind it to give<br />

yourself the best chance to engage with your audience.<br />

So who won?<br />

Like in any good game, the marketing mix is no different. It isn’t about who wins, it’s about taking part in getting the<br />

overall success.<br />

Social Media and Email Marketing shouldn’t be arch enemies, in fact they are a match made in heaven. When<br />

working collaboratively, you are able to push the same messaging to an ever wider audience.<br />

So the takeaway from this article is, Email marketing is very much alive and present in marketing and isn’t something<br />

that should be forgotten about. Same goes for social media, it shouldn’t be feared or overlooked because the results<br />

from using them singularly or collaboratively are truly amazing.<br />


Lucie<br />

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The B.E.L.T. Method &<br />

Why It Works So Well<br />

By Kieran Bland, Marketing Assistant<br />

To put it simply The BELT Method is an online<br />

marketing strategy that delivers leads, sales,<br />

and results. Founded by Facebook expert<br />

Curt Maly, he wanted to find a way in which<br />

you can funnel a potential<br />

prospect by going through<br />

a chain of Facebook ads, in<br />

a way they may not even<br />

suspect! The BELT Method<br />

takes you on a customer<br />

journey through 4 different<br />

KEY stages; Belief, Engage,<br />

Lead and Transact. Each<br />

stage having their own importance as a customer moves<br />

down the marketing funnel. Remember the main focus<br />

here is we’re transitioning a person from STRANGER to<br />

BUYER with Facebook Ads.<br />

Stage 1: Belief<br />

Let’s start with Belief, this is at the top of the funnel so our<br />

main aim here is to relay trust to our audience, especially<br />

when it comes to the health industry.<br />

The person you’re targeting may or may not be aware<br />

that they have a problem and that there may or may not<br />

be a solution to that problem, or that your product/service<br />

could solve that problem. We want to be able to help them<br />

to begin believing that there is a problem and it can be<br />

solved.<br />

We achieve this objective by targeting them in a series of<br />

video ads on Facebook. This could be an educational video<br />

talking about the potential problems a customer could be<br />

having, this gives them the ability to relate to the information<br />

you’re talking about, which allows you to target<br />

them later in the funnel process.<br />

‘Your brand should be<br />

constantly visible to people so<br />

they know exactly what you do<br />

as a company.’<br />

Stage 2: Engage<br />

NOTE: this video doesn’t need to be ‘salesy’ as we’re<br />

trying to engage the audience in the brand/information<br />

we’re providing<br />

so we can<br />

later target<br />

them.<br />

By using the engage strategy, you’re literally helping<br />

the audience by engaging them in your content, your<br />

brand should be constantly visible to people so they<br />

know exactly what you do as a company. The best<br />

way of achieving this is by engaging people by talking<br />

around the subject, not just about one specific<br />

topic. The engaging stage should strengthen your<br />

brand positioning and solution in the prospect’s eye<br />

through education and sometimes entertainment.<br />

At this stage within your customer journey your<br />

customer has been made aware of a problem that<br />

your product/service can solve (from the BELIEF<br />

ads you’ve done). This way allows the engage section<br />

to continue giving them information on the problem<br />

and your solution to that problem which in turn will<br />

grow your customers’ trust with your brand.<br />

Once again, you can target people in videos to nurture<br />

and develop that customer relationship which<br />

builds trust with potential buyers. You can also create<br />

ads which target people who are more likely to click<br />

a link to a landing page you’ve created, this may be<br />

people<br />

that have watched 75% or more of<br />

a video you’ve previously advertised.<br />

That way targeting people who are more<br />

inclined to engage with your business as<br />

they’ve established more time with your content.<br />

Stage 3: Lead<br />

Some of you will be familiar with this stage as this<br />

is a key element to the chiropractic marketing we<br />

do on our Done For You service. The lead section is<br />

the element where the prospect should be product/<br />

service-focused and your messaging should offer<br />

your prospects support, solution and the ability to<br />

actually BUY from you. It’s your job to ‘lead’ them to<br />

your sales presentation or offer.<br />

Content should be product/service focused, and<br />

help users engage with your brand, enter your sales<br />

funnel, and ultimately BUY from you with an offer<br />

you’re advertising.<br />

NOTE: You’ll want to target people that have directly<br />

engaged with your content already in the previous<br />

funnel steps to get the ‘Hottest Leads’ possible meaning<br />

they’ll be more inclined to engage with your offer as<br />

they’ve been exposed to your brand previously through<br />

the Belief and Engage steps of the BELT Method.<br />

Stage 4: Transact<br />

The Transact stage serves up strong calls-to-action<br />

and special offers to the segment of the audience<br />

that is ready to take action and make a purchase<br />

decision on your Facebook ad.<br />

At this stage, the prospect (who you’ve targeted all<br />

the way down the funnel) should be ready to make a<br />

purchase decision.<br />

By now, the prospect has visited your site,<br />

your sales page, and possibly initiated a transaction<br />

with you. We are now re-targeting them to<br />

close the sale and finalising their customer journey<br />

down the BELT Method funnel.<br />

You want to ensure you’re taking a prospects contact<br />

information at this point through a Facebook<br />

lead form. Thus giving you the chance to contact<br />

them directly and book them into your clinic to<br />

get their journey to better health started and then<br />

being converted into a new patient - that’s the<br />

ideal!<br />

To Conclude<br />

So hopefully by reading this article, it’ll give you<br />

more advice on how you can initiate a customer<br />

journey through a marketing funnel. Essentially<br />

it’s a lot of re-targeting from previous stages but<br />

eventually helping those prospects turn into people<br />

who will buy from you. It’s key that we always<br />

ensure we build trust in businesses as it’s the main<br />

factor of a customer’s journey as they go deeper<br />

and deeper into the funnel process.<br />

Try out this method by creating some video ads<br />

for yourself and re-target people as they move<br />

down the funnel. These are the first steps to getting<br />

your BELT Method into action.<br />


Kieran<br />

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How Laura Cole helped her<br />

practice owner to earn 18k a<br />

month just from new clients<br />

Q&A With Laura Cole By Dan K<br />





We’re proud to launch a brand-new<br />

column for our ever-changing<br />

newsletter, From the Front Desk is a<br />

deep dive into the running of the hardworking<br />

practices of our Inner Circle. We’ll be speaking<br />

to both practice managers and CAs to get the low-down<br />

of what’s been going in inside your clinics and within<br />

your teams since joining the DCPG community. It’s a<br />

fantastic opportunity to hear from the people who hold<br />

things together and keep our members on their toes.<br />

For our inaugural article we elected to speak to<br />

Laura Cole, <strong>Practice</strong> Manager at South Street<br />

Chiropractic under Julien Barker down in Devon.<br />

Laura, who joined Julien’s team in July 2020 was thrust<br />

into the jaws of an unpredictable pandemic where the<br />

world let alone the chiropractic industry was struggling<br />

to stay on its feet. Although, it didn’t take long for the<br />

former dental nurse to understand the pain points of the<br />

clinic.<br />

For those that do not know you or Julien would you<br />

please tell us a little bit about your practice?<br />

So mostly over the last 10 years the practice has just<br />

been Julien working with one other associate, he’s grown<br />

slowly over time but I’m really proud to say that since I’ve<br />

joined, WE’VE GOTTEN A LOT BIGGER. We’ve<br />

hired two associates, got three more on the CA side of<br />

things that weren’t here before I came in. I was his first<br />

practice manager he’d ever hired too, so it really has been<br />

a big shift in a really short space of time. We’ve gone from<br />

this really small bunch to a growing team. There have<br />

been a lot of lessons along the way.<br />

When Julien hired me, he knew I had management<br />

experience from my previous roles in dentistry, so I<br />

was really able to help ease us out of the first lock-down<br />

after so much change for every chiropractic clinic in<br />

the country. We put in all the PPE and social distancing<br />

measures to start getting the practice up and running<br />

and then bring in the new associates and CAs.<br />

So, Julien signed up for the Inner Circle at the start<br />

of Feb this year. What was that decision like being<br />

practice manager? Did he discuss it with you?<br />

I’d like to think that I helped Julien make that decision.<br />

It was really a case of results being nowhere near where<br />

they should have been and making some hard choices.<br />

You know based in the Southwest we’ve got a lot of<br />

farmers and rural-based employment around us. So,<br />

we are always going to the market towns and shopping<br />

centres to do spinal screenings, but we really struggle<br />

with knowing how to market ourselves and getting new<br />

clients in. Besides word of mouth, we had no system for<br />

referrals.<br />

We did okay last November, same again in December,<br />

and then January and February were painfully quiet.<br />

Over those two months we only got 10 new clients and<br />

to tell the truth things were really looking a bit dire<br />

especially after taking on all those extra team members.<br />

It was getting to the stage where Julien was beginning to<br />

start to think about letting some people go, and not to<br />

be dramatic but I put my foot down. I really passionately<br />

argued the case that we couldn’t do that. I’d worked<br />

so hard to recruit all these amazing people who were<br />

settling into our team and I was like ‘We’re not going to<br />

just let them go and have to go through all this again<br />

down the road. Let’s find another solution.’ That’s what<br />

led us to you guys at DCPG, Julien already had some<br />

friends who were in the Inner Circle. He’d already had a<br />

few chats with them and heard incredible things about<br />

Ryan and your team. The level of support we knew was a<br />

big factor.<br />

We booked in our call with Elizabeth and decided then<br />

and there we wanted in. We heard everything we needed<br />

to, and it was very much a case of ‘Okay, here’s the card<br />

information’. I suppose if you’re sceptical of joining you<br />

could sit there and ponder the decision, but we didn’t<br />

have that liberty. It was a case of making a call of action<br />

and taking a gamble. In the end joining the Inner Circle<br />

wasn’t a gamble at all.<br />

Did you see an immediate change in Julien and<br />

yourself whilst doing the New Patient Avalanche<br />

course?<br />

Most definitely. It was a bit of a whirlwind signing up<br />

because after that call with Elizabeth we were on the live<br />

NPA course module 1 with Ryan and everyone else. I<br />

actually watched the previous year’s video the same day<br />

beforehand because I wanted to know what the structure<br />

was and how it all worked. I remember sending Julien a<br />

message telling him to buckle up and get ready to take<br />

notes because it was going to be a brain explosion. That<br />

same night we were up past midnight firing messages<br />

back and forth about what we could implement first<br />

and how to do it. To say we were inspired by the course<br />

and Ryan would be an understatement.<br />

I was never really overwhelmed but I knew there<br />

was a lot to get done. As Ryan always says, “You’re<br />

not going to get everything done, especially not<br />

straight away” so we really had to prioritise things for<br />

the short term, medium and long and work through<br />

them systematically. We’re still doing it now.<br />

In terms of the calls, the Facebook ads one that<br />

Daniel Harris did was incredible, just to be able<br />

to see how it was physically done step-by-step was so<br />

handy. When I went and did our own ads I got that<br />

video up and played it as I filled everything in. I can’t<br />

stress enough how much that video helped.<br />

So, besides the Facebook ads, what other<br />

procedures have you been able to implement so<br />

far?<br />

I created morning and evening check-lists for our<br />

associates and reception and we make them physically<br />

tick them off every day to ensure it gets done. We<br />

also devised a new way to handle the client’s reporter<br />

findings appointment. We found that because we were<br />

asking them to bring someone in with them to hear<br />

the information too, that it was really tricky to get<br />

people booked in, especially with social distancing<br />

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rules and timings. So, we started filming those<br />

appointments and uploading them privately to<br />

YouTube and sending them a link. I had to come<br />

up with the script for the associates and everything<br />

and we bought two iPad minis to record it all, but that’s<br />

been really popular and helped us with congestion of<br />

appointments and having to book two people in.<br />

Do you have any figures you’re proud of at the<br />

clinic since joining?<br />

We’ve had some big wins recently actually. I mean<br />

between July 2020, when I joined, and February 2021<br />

when we signed up to the Inner Circle we averaged<br />

around 16 new clients a month. For March we got 43<br />

new clients and took in around £17,500 just from new<br />

client revenue. In April we had 50 new clients and took<br />

in £18,000 from them alone. Our accountant recently<br />

just told us that these months were the two most<br />

profitable months we’ve ever had.<br />

What’s the blockage in the practice at the<br />

moment?<br />

Space and team size for sure. We don’t have an office<br />

space, so I do a lot of my work from home just because<br />

if I’m sat on reception, you just don’t have the time or<br />

quiet space to get the hard bits done. So, I really want to<br />

get my own office put in, so we have that separate space<br />

to do admin and all those bits. The other thing would<br />

be that Julien wants to drop down from three days a<br />

week to two and wants to hire another associate, but I<br />

know that our massage therapist is already struggling<br />

for capacity because we only have one. So that’s another<br />

conversation between us, trying to figure out who to<br />

hire when.<br />

Why do you think it’s important for other practice<br />

managers to attend the Inner Circle calls?<br />

I think it really depends on your practice owner;<br />

Julien very much fits the model of being a free<br />

visionary. It sounds awful and we laugh about this, but<br />

I just know that if Julien did them alone, I wouldn’t get<br />

a fraction of the information I get from actually being<br />

on the calls. He pays for the membership, it’s his clinic,<br />

he’s the chiropractor you know, he’s the main man. But<br />

he can’t do it alone and it’s not his personality type.<br />

Working out how to complement each other is a skill<br />

of itself.<br />

Also, you know, let’s face it when it comes down<br />

to it, the practice managers are the ones who<br />

implement these new procedures so it can only help<br />

by having us on the calls. So, if you have a practice<br />

manager that you can count on then get them<br />

involved. It can only help them, especially if they’re<br />

eager for the challenge and want to develop and<br />

grow.<br />

What have been your three favourite teachings?<br />

- “If everything’s a priority, nothing’s a priority”<br />

- “The three things that you’re going to achieve”<br />

– we’ve started on a Monday having the team do their<br />

own three things for the week and it’s great to have mini<br />

goals to accomplish.<br />

- To report our measures and report on increases<br />

– you need to know what’s going on financially in<br />

the practice<br />

What would you say to someone serving a<br />

practice owner who’s thinking of joining?<br />

It helps nearly every aspect of your life through a<br />

great support system. It’s an investment really, like<br />

how you need invest in your body, health and future,<br />

Inner Circle makes all the different parts of the<br />

business and team grow and get better.<br />

Since joining, Julien’s dropped a day of adjustments,<br />

which means he has more quality time at home with<br />

his family. Everyone in the team is happier, we’re<br />

more dynamic and making financial gains from the<br />

new procedures.<br />

The DCPG team is always there to help with<br />

questions and struggles. Without you guys we really<br />

would be a very different clinic right now. So even<br />

know it might feel like a gamble to join, I can ensure<br />

you won’t regret it.<br />

If you’re interested in finding out more about Ryan’s<br />

Inner Circle please get in contact with our Client<br />

Coach, Elizabeth Hack at<br />

elizabeth@dcpracticegrowth.com<br />

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Why You Should Do a KOLBE A<br />

INDEX for You and Your Team<br />

As part of EOS® (the operating system we use<br />

at DCPG) trust building is considered an important<br />

area, and at our recent yearly meeting<br />

we discussed ways in which we could build on<br />

the trust within our team, particularly as there were<br />

4 new members in an already new ‘ish’ team. Our<br />

aim was to complete at least 2 of the trust building<br />

exercise options given, (they had several to choose<br />

from) and unfortunately the ‘Social Fun’ option went<br />

straight out the window as we were in lockdown at<br />

the time in the UK. So we decided to go with reading<br />

the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team, and do our Kolbe<br />

Profiles as part of our goals for the next quarter.<br />

1-3<br />

4-6<br />

7-10<br />

What is Kolbe?<br />

Kolbe was started by a woman called Kathy Kolbe<br />

whose father created the first cognitive assessment<br />

used in business many years ago. She grew up<br />

researching what drives human performance and<br />

in doing so, created the first connotative assessment<br />

of its kind. She is now considered one of the world’s<br />

leading authorities on human instinct.<br />

Unlike your usual psychometric or personality<br />

tests, Kolbe is different because it’s designed to measure<br />

the conative faculty of the mind, which is the actions<br />

that you take that result from your own natural<br />

instincts and Kolbe is one of the only programs that<br />

works in this way. It means that you cannot really<br />

fake a Kolbe test and they use algorithms that can<br />

pick up on inconsistencies, because of the types of<br />

question and answers it gives you. If done properly,<br />

your results very rarely change, whereas some other<br />

psychometric profiles can change over time, Kolbe<br />

rarely does and if it does, it’s usually after some sort of<br />

life changing<br />

event.<br />

By Megan Dhillon, Operations Manager<br />

So What Does It do?<br />

Kolbe helps you to understand and build<br />

on your instinctive strengths, understanding<br />

your core self and by knowing what<br />

your own score is, it enables you to unlock<br />

productivity for yourself at work or life in<br />

general. Even parents have been known to<br />

use it to better connect with their children.<br />

There are 4 different types of Kolbe<br />

assessments, and the most popular is the<br />

KOLBE A INDEX, which we completed as<br />

a team. This one is the Instinctive Strengths<br />

Assessment.<br />

With the KOLBE A<br />

it looks at our creative<br />

instincts that drives<br />

our energy to make<br />

or do specific actions.<br />

This isn’t anything to<br />

do with our passive<br />

feeling and thoughts and is very separate,<br />

and they show an innate pattern that is<br />

unique to each person. They call this the<br />

individual unique method of operation /<br />

modus operandi or MO. So everyone has<br />

a distinct MO and knowing what this is, is<br />

super helpful. Basically, your personality<br />

can change over time, and skills can always<br />

be taught, however instincts are hardwired<br />

into every individual.<br />

The Assessment<br />

'It enables you to<br />

unlock productivity<br />

for yourself at work<br />

or life in general'<br />

The KOLBE A is an online assessment<br />

that can be done anywhere, but<br />

ideally you want to be somewhere<br />

quiet and uninterrupted, and it takes<br />

approx. 30 minutes. They ask a series<br />

of questions, 36 in total, that require<br />

a most / least likely response, so there<br />

is no wrong or right way of answering<br />

and you answer the question using<br />

the one that best describes you. Once<br />

completed, you get your results or your<br />

‘MO’ immediately (which approx. 5%<br />

of the population will match) and the<br />

great thing, is that it takes you through<br />

situations.<br />

your results in lots of<br />

detail and tells you<br />

what your strengths<br />

are and how you<br />

can play to them,<br />

but also understand<br />

your weaknesses<br />

better and in certain<br />

How You Are Scored?<br />

Scoring is done across 4 connotative<br />

areas, Fact Finder, Follow Thru,<br />

Quick Start and Implementer and<br />

you are scored out of 10 in each area.<br />

A score between 1 – 3 means Prevent,<br />

and this is an important strength<br />

as it indicates a behaviour which shows<br />

how you won’t act or will to prevent a<br />

problem.<br />

Scores between 4 - 6 mean Respond,<br />

and how you are willing to act<br />

or respond to opportunities and means<br />

you are more accommodating and can<br />

work with both Prevent and Initiate<br />

team members. This is an important<br />

strength as you help hold the team<br />

together.<br />

Scores between 7 – 10 are Initiate,<br />

and means you are more likely to<br />

initiate solutions.<br />

A lower score in any area is not considered<br />

a weakness at all<br />

Fact Finder<br />

This looks at the way we gather and share information.<br />

Someone who scores within the<br />

Initiate section means they are<br />

more likely to collect lots of data<br />

and gather as much info as possible<br />

until they start a task, whereas<br />

someone who scores within<br />

Prevent is happier to work on<br />

tasks with a brief overview of<br />

facts and information and are<br />

likely to get bogged down with<br />

too much information. Those<br />

that score 7-10’s tend to be<br />

My Kolbe score<br />

strong leaders or managers.<br />

Follow Thru<br />

Is the way you organise and how much planning you need.<br />

If you score higher, you tend to finish projects and see them<br />

all the way through, and need the systems in place to help<br />

you achieve this. If you score lower, you are more likely to<br />

do it your own way and are less bothered about structure<br />

and work better this way, and are able to delegate better than<br />

others.<br />

Quick Start<br />

Is aimed at how much risk and uncertainty<br />

we can handle. People that score<br />

higher are more experimental, are seen<br />

as innovators, like to improvise, tend to<br />

do things in urgency, and are less risk<br />

averse. Whereas, someone that sits within<br />

the lower score range are less likely to<br />

rush tasks and tend to work more calmly<br />

avoiding disruptions and chaos.<br />

Implementer<br />

Measures the way we seek tangible solutions and work in<br />

the physical space. Engineers tend to be higher scoring in this<br />

area as they need to see and know how things work. If you<br />

are a low scoring Implementer, you can visualise how physical<br />

objects work, without physically having to see or touch<br />

them, whereas if you are higher scoring you are the kind of<br />

person that prefers to create something physical.<br />

Our Results<br />

So our team<br />

results were<br />

really interesting<br />

individually and it<br />

was nice to see that<br />

as individuals we<br />

definitely balanced<br />

out as a team.<br />

Kieran, Cheyenne,<br />

Lucie, Elizabeth and Dan K’s scores were mostly accommodating<br />

across all 4 areas, so their strengths fit in perfectly to<br />

help keep the team balanced. Whereas Ryan, Jack, Dan, and I<br />

had lower and higher scores that go well together as a whole,<br />

maintaining the balance.<br />

'It was nice to see<br />

that as individuals<br />

we definitely<br />

balanced out as a<br />

team'<br />

What was really interesting was that Ryan and I were almost<br />

complete opposites. If when you look at it from<br />

a Visionary (Ryan) and Integrator (myself) perspective,<br />

Ryan is the one with lots of ideas, a true<br />

Quick Start, running the day-to-day parts of managing<br />

a business isn’t his forte, his follow through<br />

is less, and he very much needs specifics, not the<br />

full details of everything as he understands business<br />

much better this way.<br />

I, on the other hand, scored very low in Quick<br />

Start, and had much higher scores in Fact Finding<br />

and Follow Thru, which is ideal as an Integrator<br />

whose strengths are running the day to day part<br />

of the business, and follow through. Ryan is less risk averse, whereas<br />

I will consider the risks of any new ideas so together we have a good<br />

balance between us and knowing each other’s scores makes us very<br />

compatible, if we ensure when we work together that we take into<br />

account these scores.<br />

As an example, when I first started, Ryan asked me to present him<br />

some information, and me being me, had all the facts and numbers<br />

written down, and for Ryan this was hell. He came back to me<br />

immediately and asked me to simplify, and I did, and he had a much<br />

better understanding of what I was presenting. As an opposite, Ryan<br />

now knows, if he gives me a task it’s in his best interest<br />

to give me more information and detail to<br />

work with, so that I can go away and complete the<br />

task. Yes, it means he has to do more then keep it<br />

simple, however to save us both time, it prevents<br />

me from going back and forth asking him for<br />

more context and details in order to complete a<br />

task. If you each know how the other works you<br />

can simplify or give more in each area that we<br />

work on across all 4 connotative areas.<br />

So Why Do It As A Team?<br />

Not only does it let you understand yourself better, by knowing<br />

other people’s scores it enables you to understand them and work<br />

with them better. Your weaknesses and strengths offset each other’s,<br />

and different Kolbe scores work well together and play off each other<br />

in a team and you can use this as a great tool when hiring to work<br />

to your full potential together. By knowing your KOLBE A<br />

INDEX, you can be more productive, work better as a team<br />

and be stress free!<br />

Ryan’s Kolbe score<br />

If you would like to consider doing your own KOLBE A<br />

INDEX, for yourself and your team you can find out more<br />

here https://www.kolbe.com/kolbe-a-index/ or reach out to<br />

me to find out more – megan@dcpracticegrowth.com<br />


Megan<br />

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26 <strong>Practice</strong> <strong>Growth</strong> <strong>Playbook</strong> 27 <strong>Practice</strong> <strong>Growth</strong> <strong>Playbook</strong><br />




By Elizabeth Hack, Client Success Coach<br />

Do you want to be more productive in the next 90 days?<br />

Do you want more buy in from your team?<br />

Would you like to stamp out any festering issues?<br />

Yes? Then it’s time to book your next Quarterly meeting into<br />

your diary!<br />

As the Client Success Coach I get the privilege to speak<br />

and work with practice owners around the world, and so many of the<br />

issues that are shared with me can be resolved by simply pulling the<br />

team out of the business for the day to work on the business.<br />

I know for most owners this strikes fear into their souls but TRUST<br />

ME , it is worth it!<br />

During this article this month, I am going to build out and highlight<br />

the process of running a smooth and effective Quarterly Meeting.<br />

Please note, when it comes to business structure nothing anyone<br />

teaches is new, in fact, what we base our guidance on is a blend of<br />

Gino Wickman’s Traction, Verne Harnish’ Scaling up and Dan Bradbury’s<br />

Mastermind training. They all model one another but the main<br />

point is that THEY WORK!<br />

Quarterly Meetings should happen every 90 days in your business<br />

- Ideally in alignment with the quarters of the year. We recommend<br />

the first week of January, April, July and October. Pre-setting your<br />

quarterlies is the way to set yourself up for success. The purpose of a<br />

Quarterly meeting is to dust ourselves off from the previous quarter,<br />

get on the same page, solve issues and plan for the next 90 days. These<br />

Meetings are all day events ( 9am - 4pm) and for best results should<br />

be held off site.<br />

“Why every 90 days?” I hear you cry! Well, it has been proven via<br />

studies of both people and businesses across the globe that 90 Days is<br />

about as long as humans can focus.<br />

We are able to picture long term<br />

goals but the actionable items to<br />

move us towards that goal, must<br />

be broken down into 90 Days<br />

segments to achieve it. If a team<br />

does not reconnect every 90 days<br />

then this is where we find businesses<br />

getting off track, losing focus,<br />

achieving less successes and often a<br />

breakdown in the team culture.<br />

Have you already booked your<br />

quarterlies in for the rest of the<br />

year?<br />

“Quarterly Rocks create a 90-Day World for<br />

your organization, a powerful concept that<br />

enables you to gain tremendous traction.<br />

How do they work? Every 90 days, your<br />

leadership team comes together to establish<br />

its priorities for the next 90 days based on<br />

your one-year plan.”<br />

- Gino Wickman, Traction: Get a Grip on Your<br />

Business<br />

“Who attends the quarterly meeting?” Is a common question I get asked.<br />

This isn’t necessarily a simple answer either, in his book Traction, Gino<br />

Wickman recommends bringing only your leadership team to Quarterlies.<br />

However, what I tend to find is that, depending on the size of<br />

your clinic, it can be appropriate to ask your whole team to attend. If you<br />

want to cut it down then I recommend bringing the people that sit in<br />

the key seats in your business (Visionary, Integrator, Operations, Sales/<br />

Marketing and Finance).<br />

Pre Quarterly Prep Work<br />

Great, you’ve booked your date in the<br />

diary - what next? Ideally as the Visionary<br />

you will have your Integrator<br />

take care of tools that we provide you<br />

as part of the Ryan Rieder Proven<br />

Process. I am fully aware this isn’t<br />

always the case but at your next quarterly,<br />

hopefully we can resolve this!<br />


• Print and Prepare 1 x of each document for each person attending:<br />

1. Your current 1 Page Business Plan ( Vision Reality Document ) *if you do not have a current one you will work on creating one at<br />

your next meeting<br />

2. Blank Version of 1 Page Business Plan (Vision Reality Document)<br />

3. Copy of your Organisational Chart (if you have one)<br />

4. Last Quarters Rock Sheet (if you have one)<br />

5. An up to date Scorecard reflecting the yearly and Quarter’s numbers<br />

• Plan an Active Lunch - there will be no time for team to head out and get their own so we normally organise a team lunch in advance<br />

• Healthy Snacks for the day<br />

• An item to be the 'elephant in the room' can be as simple as a stapler but I recommend a small toy<br />

• Prepare your team to come prepared with:<br />

1. What they would like to achieve as a practice in the next 90 days<br />

2. Any business issues they know of<br />

3. Notepad and Pen<br />

• Schedule in a clarity break away from the business for you to decide on your vision over the next 1,3, and 5 years (You will be sharing<br />

this at the meeting)<br />

• Get prepared to predict revenue, profit, sales and any other key measurables for the next 90 days. (Knowing your current figures helps<br />

with this process)<br />

• Flipchart / whiteboard and Pens<br />

• Prepare Room Day Before and arrange for team to arrive 15 mins early for a prompt start time<br />


Acknowledgment - Thank the team for being here, “the secret to success is to show up” as Ryan likes to say!<br />

Objectives - explain the reasons you are getting together - to get the team singing from same hymn sheet<br />

Rules for the Day<br />

•Offline – No Mobile’s / Screens - we will be having regular breaks to check devices<br />

•All Break together - If one person needs to stop we all stop<br />

•Play 100% - We are all in and we don’t always need to agree<br />

•Be Open – Introduce the ‘Elephant in the Room’ as your tool - this gives the holder of the ‘Elephant in the Room’ the permission to<br />

really say what is on their mind with no judgement or backlash.<br />

•Notetaker - Allocate a notetaker for the day. The Visionary is not allowed to be the notetaker for the day - Ideally your Integrator/<br />

Operations Manager will be the person for this job. They will be in charge of the vision reality document, issue list and to-do’s.<br />

•Permission to Interrupt - “It is important we stay on track today - do i have everyone's permission to interrupt you if we are going off<br />

track?”(Show of hands)<br />

•Hard Stop? Does anyone have a hard stop time we need to work to? (Notetaker takes this time down) e.g. someone needs to to out<br />

the door to pick up their spouse at 4:30pm<br />

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2 CHECK IN - 15 MINS<br />

This is a quiet writing exercise, ask your team to take a few minutes to write down:<br />

1. 1 Personal Win<br />

2. 1 Professional Win<br />

3. What has worked well in the last business quarter<br />

4. What has not worked in the last quarter<br />

Once everyone has finished writing, ask for a volunteer to share all 4 of their responses then go around the room clockwise from<br />

this person.<br />

The Notetaker will listen to the answers and is to make a list of the “not working” pointers - these will later help you<br />

build your issue list.<br />


1. Done/Not Done (80%) - using the Rock’s Sheet from last Quarter go through each rock and decide whether it was ‘Done’<br />

or ‘Not Done’ (no other answer counts). Count the amount of ‘Done’ Rocks as a percentage. The aim is to have at least 80% of<br />

rocks complete.<br />

2. <strong>Issue</strong>s list from Not Done Rocks - this is where we have an opportunity to air any issues or problems encountered with<br />

achieving the rocks that had been set. Add these to the issue list you have already started building<br />

3. Review the Quarter as a Whole - What else happened this quarter that is noteworthy - ask questions here, we want the<br />

good and the bad to come out. Any issues that arise need to go on the list<br />

4. Grade Quarter 1-5 - Give the team 30 secs to write down what they would grade the Quarter on a scale of 1 to 5. 1 Being<br />

the worst 90 days in business they could have imagined, 5 being the best productive and fulfilling 90 days they could have in<br />

business. Now do a team share. The point of this exercise is to understand whether the team has similar perceptions of how<br />

the quarter went.<br />

5. Put Quarter in a Box - If it has been a great quarter, schedule a celebration day to recognise the achievements made then<br />

we metaphorically box the quarter up and not look at it again. If it has been a terrible quarter, commit to making the next 90<br />

days much better, put it in your metaphorical box and remove it from your mind.<br />

It is time to start afresh - no more time looking back, this is the turning point of your meeting to only focus on the future. A clean<br />

slate for the taking!<br />

Coffee Break (10 mins) - everyone breaks at the same time and commits to be back in the room and<br />

ready to start at the agreed time.<br />


A Vision Reality Document outlines your vision and the plan for your organisation to confirm that everyone is still 100 percent<br />

on the same page. Inner Circle Members have examples and blank versions of this document ready to use in their Members<br />

Portal.<br />

The Visionary is integral during this segment, the clearer they are able to define the vision for the business the more opportunity it<br />

creates for the team to completely re-engage, as well as helping everyone to get completely refocused.<br />

For those that have not yet done a Vision Reality Document the topics that this document covers are:<br />

• Core Values<br />

• Purpose/ Passion/ Mission<br />

• 5-10 Year Big Hairy Audacious Goal<br />

• Marketing Blueprint<br />

• 3 Year Target<br />

• 1 Year Target<br />

• 90 Day Action Plan<br />

• <strong>Issue</strong>s List<br />

Whilst reviewing each segment of the Vision Reality Document with the team this is where we actively encourage the concerns,<br />

obstacles, ideas and opportunities to be brought to the surface. All the issues / challenges that come up are to be added to<br />

the <strong>Issue</strong>s List the notetaker is building. They are not to be solved now, just noted down.<br />

The Bigger the issues list the healthier your business (sounds crazy right?!). We want for there to be issues and I have found over<br />

my time that you would expect to find 30 issues on average by the end of a quarterly meeting. Here at DC <strong>Practice</strong> <strong>Growth</strong>, we are<br />

happy to report one quarterly meeting brought up 63 issues!<br />


There is a lot of variety that can be worked on in this segment. Usually Inner Circle Members reach out to me prior to their quarterly<br />

meeting so we can identify what is going to bring them the most value for that Quarter’s meeting. Below is a list of the tools/<br />

trust building exercises that you may want to consider:<br />

• Organisation Chart<br />

• Core Values<br />

• Scorecard revision<br />

• SWOT Analysis<br />

• Personality Tests such as Kolbe (Check out Megan’s article for more information on Kolbe) DISC or Myers-Briggs<br />

• Strengths Finder<br />

• Personal Histories Exercise<br />

• Five Dysfunctions of a Team<br />

Lunch in house (45 Min) - Time to come back agreed on - Lunch is to be eaten together and make it fun!<br />

We love getting take out like Nando’s for our days<br />


This is where we crack open the Flip Chart/ Whiteboard! Wahoo! First of all we set the Date of the next Quarterly so we know how much time frame we have<br />

to achieve these rocks in.<br />

Written exercise to come up with 3-7 business rocks - give the team 5 minutes to quietly write down (No discussion yet) what they think the most<br />

important priorities are for the business to have a record quarter. Before they start writing, remind them that less is more and that we are aiming to have 3-7<br />

team rocks.<br />

Get all the ideas up on a board - We call this brain dumping - no discussion, just literally writing out each person’s ideas visually on the board - there will<br />

be between 3-7 ideas per person at the meeting - don’t worry we will cut them down!<br />

Discuss and reduce the amount of Rocks - As we brain dumped, there may be multiple rocks that are very similar, there may be some that create polarising<br />

views and there are some that will be perfect for the job. During this segment heated discussions are encouraged! We cut down our number of company<br />

rocks by playing a game that Gino Wickman Refers to in Traction called: Keep, Kill, Combine. You go through each idea and as a team decide if it will stay<br />

(keep) , if it will be taken off the list (kill) or merged with another that is similar (combine)<br />

It is important to note here, that although one idea may not necessarily be important enough as a company rock it can be taken on as a personal rock.<br />

S.M.A.R.T. Rocks - Once you have decided on your 3-7 Company Rocks make sure they are easy to define so you know what they look like when they are<br />

done. You can do this by making sure they are Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant and Time-Based. Remember you want to choose Achievable Rocks as<br />

next quarter you will again be trying to hit an 80% success rate!<br />

Assign Ownership - Three Rules here:<br />

1. Only one person can be accountable for each rock (others may assist in getting it done of course)<br />

2. One person can take multiple rocks<br />

3. Visionaries do not need to take a Rock should they wish not to<br />

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30 <strong>Practice</strong> <strong>Growth</strong> <strong>Playbook</strong><br />

Personal Rocks - Once the three to seven priorities for the company are clear, each individual Leadership Team member sets what their one to three most<br />

important individual priorities are for the next quarter. These again need to be S.M.A.R.T Rocks.<br />

Approval - once outlined the team is to quickly review and decide whether they agree that if these rocks are to be achieved that it will push the business to<br />

have a record next quarter. Once this agreement has been made absolutely no new outside ideas or distractions are allowed to be added to the business’ focus<br />

and it is up to the team to stay attentive and true to their rocks.<br />

Coffee Break 15 mins - You are going to need a celebratory coffee after all that work!<br />


Time to share all the issues that have arisen throughout the day.<br />

• Notetaker using the whiteboard/Flip Chart writes up all the issues that they have taken down from the day<br />

• Team is asked to add any further issues they make want to discuss to the list<br />

• Clean up the issues list using Keep, Kill, Combine Game<br />

• Pick Top 3 <strong>Issue</strong>s to work on - This is a first come first served process - we want the team to raise their voice and fight for the<br />

issues they want to solve. The First three issues to be brought forward are numbered 1,2,3.<br />

• Start with <strong>Issue</strong> Number 1 - Define what the issue really is, discuss openly as a team, if you are able to come up with a solution,<br />

great! This will create To-Do’s which the notetaker will keep track of and you move onto issue labeled number 2, if a<br />

solution cannot be found then the issue is to simply stay on the <strong>Issue</strong> list for future resolution.<br />

• When time is up (You may get through 16 issues or maybe only 1! There is no rule here, just the safe space to openly problem<br />

solve together) the notetaker will communicate the To-do’s so everyone knows what they need to get done.<br />

8. CONCLUDE - 10 MINS<br />

You made it ! To round off the day we like to conclude and hear back from our team how they felt the day has been. This is a<br />

quiet written exercise followed by a group share and the questions we are answering are:<br />

• What I feel like saying?<br />

• How do you feel?<br />

• Rate the quarterly meeting (1-5) 1 being ‘it was the worst meeting I’ve ever been to’ and 5 being ‘Amazing meeting - I am<br />

pumped for the next 90 days and know my purpose in the business<br />


• Recap To-Do List - make sure the to-do's are to-done in the next 7 days<br />

• Update your tools with the new Quarters Information<br />

• Vision Reality Document<br />

• <strong>Issue</strong>s List<br />

• Organisational Chart<br />

• Rock Sheet<br />

• Scorecard<br />

• Schedule your first action on your Rocks within 48hrs.<br />

• Send out the diary placeholder for the next quarterly<br />

• Share your Quarterly wins on our Inner Circle Facebook Group!<br />

If you have any further questions or queries regarding<br />

quarterly meetings please do not hesitate to reach out to<br />

me on elizabeth@dcpracticegrowth.com.<br />

I love helping you grow and bring your team together!<br />


Elizabeth<br />


Grow your practice and leadership mindset with DCPG<br />

across our range of journey tiers<br />


This is our entry level membership that includes access to our busy and supportive<br />

Facebook group, a monthly newsletter packed with articles and interviews to inspire and<br />

inform about Chiropractic, digital version links, a monthly training audio, a Swipe &<br />

Deploy pack to implement into your practice, and one GUEST PASS ticket to attend a<br />

Mastermind event! (venue fee still applies)<br />

To join contact: elizabeth@dcpracticegrowth.com<br />



This is where the MASSIVE GROWTH REALLY BEGINS. As an Inner Circle<br />

member you get access to an arsenal of tools to help grow your practice, in addition<br />

to all the PGP perks you also get: one-on-one coaching calls with our Client<br />

Success Coach, access to Marketing Bootcamp presented by Ryan’s team, lifetime<br />

access to New Patient Avalanche, bi-weekly Q&A calls with Ryan, bi-weekly<br />

calls with Ryan’s team, monthly CA training calls, monthly Infusionsoft training<br />

calls, access to 3 LIVE IN-PERSON Mastermind events per year (venue fee still<br />

applies), Done For You print newsletter and Done With You book (one-time flat<br />

book fee applies).<br />

* It’s not uncommon for members to double, triple or quadruple their practices on this membership*<br />

To join contact: elizabeth@dcpracticegrowth.com<br />


(application only)<br />

Our exclusive membership. This is LIMITED to APPROXIMATELY 10 MEMBERS<br />

per class who get to experience an INTIMATE and PERSONAL SESSION with RYAN<br />

and his mentors ALONE for 2 DAYS at least 3 TIMES A YEAR. ENROLLMENT for<br />

the Platinum Masterminds only happens ONCE A YEAR.<br />

To join the waiting list please contact: elizabeth@dcpracticegrowth.com<br />


This is one of our supplement services for our Inner Circle members, offering to do your<br />

Facebook, Google and Eventbrite advertising for you. We teach you the steps of setting<br />

up your ads in case you wanted to learn for yourself or we’re happy to run them for you<br />

full time. Our team runs ads for clients every single day!<br />

To find out more contact: daniel@dcpracticegrowth.com<br />



COURSES -<br />

Ryan’s hands-on webinar courses<br />

teaching you the lessons he’s learnt<br />

running his multi-million earningpractices<br />

featuring leadership and<br />

mindset insights, content creation,<br />

marketing, patient engagement and<br />

business financials. Take notes and<br />

prepare to have your mind blown!<br />






SESSION)<br />

* To purchase a foundation<br />

standalone course you do not<br />

need to be an Inner Circle<br />

member*<br />

** Inner Circle members still<br />

need to purchase all foundation<br />

standalone courses prior to first<br />

module<br />

To purchase a foundation<br />

standalone course contact:<br />

elizabeth@dcpracticegrowth.com<br />

<strong>Issue</strong> <strong>#35</strong>

32 <strong>Practice</strong> <strong>Growth</strong> <strong>Playbook</strong><br />

Return of the<br />

chiropractor<br />

16th/17th<br />

JuLy 2021<br />

With Robert cialdini<br />

and John Smit<br />

Author of ground<br />

breaking book<br />

influence<br />

<strong>Issue</strong> <strong>#35</strong><br />

former South African<br />

Rugby Captain and<br />

world cup winner

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