64 Ways To Grow Your Chiropractic Business (In The New Economy)

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<strong>64</strong> WAYS TO<br />

IN THE NEW<br />




<strong>64</strong> Immediately Actionable Steps <strong>To</strong> Get<br />

<strong>New</strong> Patients And <strong>Grow</strong> <strong>Your</strong> Practice <strong>In</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Economy</strong><br />

A little bit about me - Dr Ryan Rieder<br />

I co-founded what is now one of the largest private providers of<br />

<strong>Chiropractic</strong> in the world. <strong>To</strong>day we have 8 offices and serve over 3000<br />

people every single week and have an annual turnover of nearly 7<br />

million dollars.<br />

Last year alone we generated over 10 000 new patients using many of the<br />

strategies listed below. I have gone on to share the stage with people like<br />

Robert Kiyosaki and Jay Abraham and today help practice owners<br />

around the world add six figures to their practices, with many of them<br />

having doubled their practices (again using many of the strategies<br />

below).<br />

I have an ​Elite Mastermind Program​ for practice owners that want to<br />

take their practices to the next level and many resources such as my<br />

<strong>New</strong> Patient ​Avalanche Online Program​ and also my ​FREE Book​. You<br />

can get further information at ​www.dcpracticegrowth.com​ or email us<br />

at ​info@dcpracticegrowth.com<br />

WARNING!<br />

<strong>The</strong> list below is not intended to be a complete and comprehensive guide<br />

to “everything” you can do to build a great practice. This does exist and<br />

it's almost 2000 pages long and if you want it just email us at<br />

info@dcpracticegrowth.com​ but honestly that’s not the best place to<br />

start.<br />

Just get through the next 13 pages and I promise you that that alone can<br />

create a huge shift. <strong>The</strong> points below are intended to give you some<br />

incredible ​GOLDEN NUGGETS​ that can and have added six figure’s to<br />

many practices I work with. All of them are strategies that we have used<br />

and tested extensively ourselves SO I KNOW THEY WORK!<br />

One piece of advice before you start reading... COMMIT TO READING<br />

THE ENTIRE THING (it’s only 15 pages) ... I know for a fact that if you<br />

just did that and actually implement it, you WILL grow!

<strong>64</strong> <strong>Ways</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>Grow</strong> <strong>Your</strong> Practice<br />

1. Run an internal referral incentive in your practice.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se work brilliantly. Referrals are by far one of the greatest ways to<br />

build a practice and some of the best customers you will ever work with,<br />

yet nobody spends enough time planning for them. Tip: always try to<br />

make your “campaigns”, multi-step and multi-media where possible<br />

i.e. email, print, texts, calls etc. For more info grab my free book at<br />

www.dcpracticegrowth.com<br />

2. Hold a weekly health workshop in your practice to existing<br />

members and new starters.<br />

(​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JROjcqDcOjs&t=802s​)<br />

This, if done frequently and consistently can be an incredible retention<br />

strategy as well as drive referrals if you encourage guests and family<br />

members to also attend.<br />

3. Give all attendees that come to workshops “gifts” on arrival​.<br />

This leverages the law of reciprocity or “giving first”. Statistics show<br />

that someone is more likely to “give back” after receiving something<br />

first. (for more on this read “<strong>In</strong>fluence: <strong>The</strong> Psychology of Persuasion”<br />

by Robert Caldini. Also covered in depth in my online course “​<strong>New</strong><br />

Patient Avalanche​” and my ​FREE book​)<br />

4. Give all attendees voucher and “golden tickets” or other equivalent<br />

pass along material.<br />

This is old school, but it still amazes me to this day how few practices<br />

have a pass along voucher or something physical to hand to loved ones<br />

and friends. TIP: Don’t be cheap with the finished product<br />

5. Record a personalised video to each person who registers to attend<br />

your events to increase show-up percentage.<br />

<strong>In</strong> my ​<strong>New</strong> Patient Avalanche Program there is an entire chapter<br />

dedicated to strategies to get people to “show up” to the event once<br />

registered. It's worth going to the extra effort because without “extra

effort” your show up rates will be severely affected costing you untold<br />

sums of money.<br />

6. Send an online “survey” to each person who registers to attend<br />

your events to increase show-up percentage.<br />

Any “engagement” prior to an event also increases show up rate. It can<br />

be positioned as a way to make sure they “get the most out of the event”<br />

Tip: Max three questions e.g 1) What One question would like answered<br />

at this event? 2) What would make the event a success for you? 3) On a<br />

scale of 1-10 how important is “health” for you and your family?<br />

7. Phone and text all attendees to remind them to attend but also ask<br />

each time if they would like to bring a guest.<br />

Not only will this increase show up rates but crucially stimulate more<br />

attendees. Tip: Script it and be persistent.<br />

8. Offer a new patient voucher at the end of your workshops to guests<br />

or family members<br />

Easier said than done right. I literally have a full two day program<br />

teaching docs how to do this effectively called “​<strong>New</strong> Patients From<br />

Talks Bootcamp​” which you can enquire about on my website<br />

www.dcpracticegrowth.com but for now simply taking this advice will<br />

make you tens of thousands of dollars... ALWAYS MAKE AN OFFER<br />

9. Send reminder texts for every appointment<br />

Yes, every single appointment. This is a no brainer and I am still so<br />

surprised how many docs choose to “save money” by not doing this.<br />

Usually the entire monthly text “cost” is paid for by simply getting one<br />

person that would have otherwise missed an appointment to come in<br />

had it not been for your text!<br />

10. Host a patient appreciation day and ask patients to bring a friend<br />

<strong>The</strong>se work brilliantly for two very important reasons. <strong>The</strong>y strengthen<br />

relationships and therefore retention with existing members and also<br />

serve as a less “intimidating” way for your patients to bring a friend or<br />

family member to the practice.<br />

11. Contact local companies to offer a “lunch and learn” event<br />


If only it were “that easy” right? I can pretty confidently say that to my<br />

knowledge I have been responsible for more “lunch and learns” within<br />

companies than just about anyone on the planet. We cover this in depth<br />

within ​<strong>New</strong> Patient Avalanche Program and my “​<strong>New</strong> Patient From<br />

Talks Bootcamp​” but without oversimplifying it, yes a lot of the time it<br />

starts with simply picking up the phone. Tip: Be persistent and be<br />

prepared to phone as many times as it takes.<br />

12. Demonstrate the fact that you do “lunch and learns” in your office<br />

“media”<br />

You will organically get invitations by simply posting photos on social<br />

media and featuring your most recent event in your print newsletter (you<br />

do one right?) or e-mail communications. Most of the time people<br />

simply don’t know that you do them.<br />

13. Send an email to your patient list offering “lunch and learns”<br />

If you have been disciplined with displaying the fact that you do these<br />

consistently and frequently then this email could be one of the highest<br />

return on investment emails you have EVER sent. Please understand<br />

that just getting into one company could be a 6-figure event. Let’s say<br />

you go to that company 3 times a year for the next 5 years and get 10 new<br />

patients every time (150 new patients) of which a conservative 50%<br />

become paying customers and let’s say your lifetime value of a<br />

customer is say $1000 dollars then that ONE EMAIL could be worth $75<br />

000 dollars. If your lifetime value is say, $2000 then you just made six<br />

figures ($150 000) from one email. YOU’RE WELCOME ! ​(go to<br />

www.dcpracticegrowth.com to find out when my next event “​<strong>New</strong><br />

Patients From Talks Bootcamp​” event is)<br />

14. Produce a regular print newsletter<br />

Yes PRINT, old school paper sent in the mail. And send it to at least your<br />

most loyal customers or highest spending customers, both active (to<br />

retain) and inactive (to reactivate). Its worth mentioning that you should<br />

change an element or ad an insert that differentiates the two letters so<br />

that one speaks directly to the “active” patients vs the other to the<br />

“inactive” customers. I believe in this so much that when you join my<br />

“​<strong>In</strong>ner Circle Elite Program​” we actually DO IT FOR YOU. How to<br />

structure the content in these and who to send to is all covered in both<br />

my ​FREE book and taught in depth during my ​<strong>New</strong> Patient Avalanche<br />

Online programme​.<br />

15. Hand your print newsletter to local businesses.

That’s the beauty of print, it actually has value. And has another added<br />

benefit compared to say e-mail. It has one of the highest “shelf lives” of<br />

just about any media us local businesses can produce with the exception<br />

of a book (you do have a book right?)<br />

16. Write a book and display it everywhere<br />

Please remember whether you like it or not, your patients perceptions of<br />

you matter. It drives them to do business with you but statistically even<br />

their results are positively affected if they perceive you as “the expert”<br />

which a book almost immediately helps with. I believe so heavily in this<br />

that when someone joins my ​<strong>In</strong>ner Circle Group ​we have a “Done with<br />

you” book service to become an author within 3 months.<br />

17. Contact local fairs and farmers markets to host a screening stall<br />

(where regulation allows)<br />

Screenings WORK! I’m not saying they’re easy or in fact that they are<br />

glamorous but you cannot deny that they absolutely work. <strong>In</strong> fact Google<br />

and Amazon have immense budgets set aside for this type of marketing<br />

(they call it “field marketing”) that supersede that of their online budget.<br />

It’s worth reading that fact again. Old school screenings are kind of the<br />

original “pop up” store.<br />

18. Hire a screening team<br />

Remember that if something is worthwhile doing...it's worthwhile<br />

doing whether you do it OR NOT. During the process of growing our 8<br />

practices and approximately $7 million in turnover per year we have<br />

done countless screening events over the past 10 years. I myself have not<br />

personally attended ​one in the last 5 years at least. But still THEY<br />

WORK. Whether it’s your associates or team or you hire specifically for<br />

this, remember that THEY WORK, whether you WANT or LIKE doing<br />

them or not. Find a way, get your team to do them or hire a team are both<br />

great options that have made me millions of dollars in collections.<br />

19. Run seasonal-themed events in your practice i.e. Christmas,<br />

Halloween<br />

I am a huge advocate of “seasonal” or “holiday” campaigns . As a rule of<br />

thumb you should ALWAYS have one planned or be doing one. <strong>The</strong>re are<br />

three main elements to doing this successfully that are covered in depth<br />

in my programs ​(​<strong>New</strong> Patient Avalanche Online Program or My ​FREE<br />


20. Order a fish bowl<br />

Yip that’s it...just order one... or multiple for that matter. <strong>The</strong>y will<br />

make you a ton of money.<br />

21. Run a Fish bowl campaign to enter for a lunch and learn<br />

You're probably asking what a fish bowl campaign is. Well it sounds<br />

simple right. Place a fish bowl on your front desk (or another business's<br />

front desk) and use it... How? Primarily to get people to “enter” or leave<br />

their details by filling in a form and putting it in the bowl. Honestly these<br />

are incredible if done correctly.<br />

I love these so much that I dedicated an entire section to this in my<br />

online course ​. My biggest lesson is that the failure and or success of<br />

these have nothing to do with the “fish bowl” and everything to do with<br />

following a checklist (in my ​book​) and getting the team fully committed<br />

to the campaign. It’s also very important to measure and report the<br />

results often.…<br />

22. Design a poster to promote a corporate wellness competition,using<br />

your fish bowl<br />

Design a poster that promotes and clearly lays out the steps that need to<br />

be followed to enter in the corporate wellness competition as well as the<br />

lucky draw prizes that you stand to win if you enter. Tip: Don’t be cheap<br />

with the lucky draw prize (​more on this in my ​free book​)<br />

23. Design a registration form or “entry form” for a corporate<br />

wellness competition using your fish bowl<br />

I prefer getting people to fill in a little form to enter as opposed to getting<br />

them to drop in just a business card. Of course this is not always<br />

possible, especially if this isn’t happening in the practice, for instance<br />

the fish bowl is in another business (advanced strategy). <strong>The</strong> main<br />

reason I prefer it is that it allows you to gather more info that is<br />

incredibly beneficial to knowing. For example; where they work, how<br />

many employees, appropriate HR name or contact to call within the<br />

company if they win the “lunch and learn” for their business. This is all<br />

invaluable information that you cant always get from a <strong>Business</strong> card.<br />

(​Full examples of all this material is available for you to model and<br />

“swipe and deploy” as part of the ​<strong>New</strong> Patient Avalanche Course​)<br />

24. Get a patient to complete a testimonial form!

You're probably thinking “how is that a practice growth strategy?”. <strong>The</strong><br />

only reason anybody may be thinking that is if they don’t understand<br />

what actually happens to a patient when they fill one in. <strong>Business</strong><br />

statistics now show that simply getting someone to give you a<br />

testimonial increases their retention in any business.<br />

25. Film a patient testimonial and upload it to Facebook or website<br />

(where regulation allows)<br />

Besides the positive effect stated above of getting someone to give you a<br />

testimonial in any shape, another reason that you should be doing as<br />

many as possible is that it leverages the power of social proof. I know an<br />

industry leader in the consulting world that has over 4000 video<br />

testimonials on his website. You obviously do not need that many but<br />

understanding the significant psychological effects testimonials have<br />

on a patient's perception of you, your service and their result is<br />

significant. This is because it raises their belief in you.<br />

26. Create a Facebook Page for your practice<br />

A Practice <strong>Business</strong> Page helps build your community presence and<br />

extends your reach of potential clients. It’s pretty self-explanatory but<br />

boy I can’t tell you how many practices I’ve worked with that haven’t yet<br />

done this!<br />

27. Host monthly competitions to increase reviews on<br />

Facebook/Google<br />

Our most successful competition we have run is where we promote a<br />

hamper on our social sites to be won, simply by liking, sharing and then<br />

leaving a review on one of our social pages. <strong>The</strong> strategy is to then<br />

‘randomly’ select a winner (but make sure it’s someone who lives within<br />

10KM and isn’t a patient), who then comes to collect the prize from your<br />

practice, and then you have an opportunity to offer them a new patient<br />

appointment, usually free (or discounted if you prefer).<br />

28. Create an <strong>In</strong>stagram page<br />

For the same reason you should have a Facebook Page, <strong>In</strong>stagram is a<br />

platform with huge potential, which you would be crazy not to use!<br />

29. Post weekly motivational content from your social pages<br />

<strong>The</strong> big take away here is that this content does not need to “move the<br />

world” or “go viral” to qualify you feeling “prepared” enough to do it.

Quite honestly organic reach from page posts have been on steep decline<br />

year on year. This essentially means that fewer and fewer people are<br />

seeing it anyway BUT the last thing you want is somebody stumbling<br />

across your page and seeing the digital equivalent of tumble weeds on<br />

your page. It screams amateur.<br />

30. Post weekly “top tips” videos from your social pages<br />

We live in an age where you are irrelevant if you are not sharing,<br />

capturing, producing and creating A LOT of content.<br />

31. PPE your social posts to get more interactions and engagement.<br />

Page Post Engagement (google it) is a far more targeted way to<br />

essentially “boost” your content and get it seen by a highly targeted<br />

audience of your choice.<br />

32. Promote on-going practice campaigns using Facebook Live for<br />

engagement<br />

<strong>The</strong>se days “amateur” type videos done live get up to three times the<br />

engagement than “professional” green screen type videos.<br />

33. Run lead generation adverts to your local community with a new<br />

patient offer<br />

We have generated literally thousands of new patients over the years<br />

using this strategy and my inner circle clients and <strong>New</strong> Patient<br />

Avalanche students have generated tens of thousands of new patients<br />

with this strategy. BUT be warned. You cannot be a one trick pony when<br />

it comes to Facebook. While these adverts may work quite nicely to get<br />

new patients through the door when you first do them, they quickly<br />

reach advert fatigue which will cause your cost per lead and cost per<br />

acquisition (you do know what those are right?) to quickly rise.<br />

34. Get a robust Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM)<br />

and upload your patient list i.e. <strong>In</strong>fusionsoft, Hubspot, MailChimp<br />

Emails Emails Emails… most practices don’t send nearly enough (bare<br />

with, more on that later), but first you will need to get your database<br />

organised in such a way that you can communicate effectively. It means<br />

you can pick and choose specific segments of the list to send emails and<br />

offers to (all covered in my ​free book and ​<strong>New</strong> Patient Avalanche<br />

programme​) . Some of your front desk operating systems will do a<br />

“okay” job at this but in my experience you're better off doing this with a<br />

proper CRM like ones listed above. <strong>The</strong> best case is a system that has an

API (google it) that will drag the information across automatically from<br />

your operating system into your CRM<br />

35. Send a weekly email about “nothing” to your list<br />

(​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZD6HDPE7mA​)<br />

You should be sending at least a weekly email to your list basically about<br />

“nothing”. <strong>The</strong> term or strategy was first coined by Russel Brunson<br />

(click funnels). He calls these Seinfeld emails because if you really look<br />

at what the sitcom Seinfeld was about, it was pretty much about<br />

“nothing” or more accurately actually just about everyday life. That’s<br />

the point, your life is way more interesting to your patients than you may<br />

think. <strong>Your</strong> exercise class, your last meal, your family challenges, your<br />

recent holiday etc. <strong>The</strong> point is to tell a story then in some way tie in a<br />

lesson that relates to the practice, getting healthier, getting adjusted or<br />

coming to the practice.<br />

36. Set up a 30, 60, 90 reactivation email campaign.<br />

<strong>The</strong> single biggest sin us business owners are guilty of is poor or<br />

completely absent follow up. At the VERY least a patient who hasn’t<br />

been in for 90 days should be getting a “we miss you” type<br />

communication.<br />

37. Set up an automated internal referral email campaign<br />

Simply set your system a task to send an email sequence asking for a<br />

referral or sending a referral voucher at some point in the customer<br />

journey. <strong>The</strong> two options are; At point of highest “pleasure” or result.<br />

This would require someone to initiate the sequence if they display<br />

satisfaction or at a pre-determined point in the customer's journey, like<br />

at their 24​ th​ visit.<br />

38. Phone call, texts and emails reminders for all new patients.<br />

Do not be casual with this. I was once taught that casualness leads to<br />

casualty. If going the extra mile prevents just one new patient from not<br />

showing up who then goes on to receiving care from you for 5 years and<br />

then refers all their family in… it may be worth tens of thousands of<br />

dollars!<br />

39. Set up a new patient welcome sequence<br />

This is often referred to as an indoctrination sequence. <strong>The</strong> term often<br />

puts people off but don’t underestimate the power of this. It is nothing<br />

more than a sequence of emails or videos that educates and manages

expectation and can even seed referral opportunities. More crucially it is<br />

set up to happen automatically.<br />

40. Send welcome packs in the post to new patients.<br />

Yip, in the post, snail mail, paper and ink. <strong>The</strong>re is still no form of media<br />

that is better positioned to consume larger amounts of content than<br />

print. <strong>In</strong> your welcome pack you are also going to be thinking of ways to<br />

set yourself up for a win prior to the initial consultation. Testimonials,<br />

celebrity testimonials and I even have clients that post their book to each<br />

and every new patient prior to them coming in. Brilliant.<br />

41. Send your top spenders a monthly newsletter in the post<br />

I have already spoken about the importance of sending a print<br />

newsletter out but I really need to reiterate that if you only sent it to one<br />

group you absolutely need to be sending something in the post to your<br />

top spenders, both active and inactive/drop-offs. Give it a year and you<br />

won’t be able to imagine what it does for your business.<br />

42. Create a continuity programme or membership programme (if<br />

regulation allows)<br />

This is very dependent on whether you're even allowed to do this in your<br />

state or country. If you are then you should absolutely consider a<br />

membership option. <strong>The</strong>re are a couple of main types that you may<br />

experiment with, one is a simple option for say an amount of care per<br />

month say 1, 2 or 4 adjustments per month. <strong>The</strong>n the other option is<br />

more of an “elite” membership or “members benefits” option. For<br />

example say $19 a month gets you members discounts, options to skip<br />

line and get straight on the bench, a members newsletter, members<br />

discounts at local stores etc etc. Critically both have pros and cons which<br />

we discuss in depth in the more ​advanced training​.<br />

43. Send your patients a card on their birthday<br />

If you're not sending each and every person on your database a birthday<br />

card I highly recommend you start. <strong>To</strong> be clear, a birthday card is NOT<br />

just a Birthday card. Most practices owners are frankly either too lazy or<br />

flat out complacent to do the next few steps but I’m going to briefly<br />

explain. <strong>The</strong>re are at least 4 different “types” of birthday cards. 1) High<br />

spends active 2) High spend in-actives/drop-offs 3) the rest active 4) the<br />

rest inactive. <strong>The</strong>re is a lot more detail that needs to be communicated to<br />

make this effective but that is not appropriate for the remit of this article

as it requires significant detail. ​(all covered in ​<strong>New</strong> Patient Avalanche<br />

Online course​ and ​Book​)<br />

44. Send your active top spenders or most loyal patients a substantial<br />

gift on their birthday<br />

If someone has spent thousands of dollars supporting you and your<br />

practice it should be (but normally isn’t) a given that they not only<br />

deserve a birthday card but should be prioritised and made to feel<br />

special by sending them something more substantial in the post.<br />

Actually spend some money on them, they surely deserve it. Do this and<br />

you just watch both your patient visit average and your referral<br />

skyrocket<br />

45. Send your in-active or drop-off top spenders or most loyal<br />

patients a substantial gift on their birthday.<br />

Without doubt this has to be a segment of your database that once again<br />

should be prioritised and made to feel special by sending them<br />

something more substantial in the post. This is however a different<br />

“message” than you would send to for example an active patient as it has<br />

a significant reactivation element to it. <strong>The</strong>refore careful thought should<br />

go into not only the “media” (email, print, gift, text) but also the<br />

messaging or copywriting to make an attempt to reactivate this “lost”<br />

patient.<br />

46. Always have an update list of “top spenders” active and inactive<br />

Have you heard of pareto’s principle ? You may better know it as the<br />

80/20 rule which in effect states that 80% of your revenue will come<br />

from just 20% of your customers. Trust me this is true, I’ve done the<br />

stats in my business across 8 practices and in one test I randomly<br />

checked if this was true across 12 million dollars revenue and it was<br />

pretty much spot on. That meant that over 9 million dollars came from<br />

just 20% of the customers. So as a rule of thumb you should at the very<br />

least know who they are and then you can decide how to market to them<br />

for both reactivation and retention strategies<br />

47. Host an in-house screening event for your practice<br />

This may be the first time you have heard of this. This is the “lazy”<br />

man’s screening. It is essentially an “open house”. We use Facebook<br />

adverts to drive people to register for a free postural screen within the<br />

practice. We often get anywhere between 50 and 150 people register to<br />

attend this in a single day. Again I am leaving out significant detail as a<br />

lot of thought to follow-up and manual processes need to take place to

actually get them to show up once they have registered. Learning how to<br />

advertise this and run the advert is just the first (but very important)<br />

step. You can easily get 50 paid new patients in a single day doing this<br />

effectively, I explain this in detail during my ​<strong>New</strong> Patient Avalanche<br />

Programme<br />

48. Run a new patient advert in your local newspaper<br />

Print advertising still had a place. Crucially if you know what you are<br />

doing and know your numbers. <strong>In</strong> my experience to make this work<br />

these days you need to embrace two elements. 1) is to be prepared to pay<br />

significantly more to acquire leads from this source (but it is often worth<br />

it) and 2) have a way to monetise the lead rather quickly or the numbers<br />

won’t work. For example, the Velocity Of Return (VOR) will make this<br />

new patient source will often be too slow if you don’t have a strategy for<br />

offering patients an opportunity to pay in advance for a care plan or a<br />

larger “package” up front.<br />

49. Start a health podcast for your patients and promote it online for<br />

subscribers<br />

Content is king.<br />

50. Start a YouTube channel and begin a “health show” series,<br />

promoting new episodes to your patient list<br />

Content is king<br />

51. Get business connections on Linked<strong>In</strong> to create relationships for<br />

corporate wellness days<br />

This is just one of the strategies to get contact details of the correct<br />

contact person in a particular business you are trying to get into for a<br />

lunch and learn. Please be aware that there are entire books written<br />

about the subject of “getting past the gatekeeper” to do business to<br />

business sales (B to B) which is what this is. Typically speaking practice<br />

owners are terrible at this because most of the time the only “sales”<br />

experience they have ever had is <strong>Business</strong> to consumer (B to C). This is a<br />

different skill set all together and needs extra thought ​(all covered in my<br />

<strong>New</strong> Patent Avalanche program ​and ​free book at<br />

www.dcpracticegrowth.com​ )<br />

52. Create relationships with local businesses to create joint-ventures<br />

i.e. offers and promotions

This is very helpful when you are looking to add extra “value”, especially<br />

on the front end. A good example of this would be approaching a local<br />

gym owner who would be comfortable with you giving each of your new<br />

practice members a free 2 month trail at his gym and in exchange he<br />

offers each new gym member a “free” exam (they could just pay for<br />

x-rays for example).<br />

53. Upgrade your website<br />

Actually invest in your website. Many people ignore this and think that<br />

once its setup you can just “leave it”. This is not true and one of the<br />

reasons we even offer a “done for you website” to our ​<strong>In</strong>ner Circle<br />

membership​.<br />

54. Take all prices off your website<br />

I know this is going to sound crazy but you have got to trust me here .<br />

Take them off asap. We now live in a “shoppers” economy where people<br />

will jump from site to site comparing prices and oftentimes making a<br />

decision on what service provider to use solely on the lowest price. This<br />

was created by the rise of amazon and comparison sites, they are<br />

everywhere. DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME. <strong>In</strong>stead take off prices all<br />

together. We want people to enquire if they want a session, not give them<br />

all the answers.<br />

55. Add a Price enquiry button or tab on your website<br />

I cannot even begin to tell you just how many people either call or fill in a<br />

form with all their details on our “price enquiry” form on our website.<br />

Just think about this for one second. If you previously displayed your<br />

prices, they might have simply left your site never enquiring, making a<br />

decision solely on price. Now they have to “enquire” and crucially you<br />

get all their details. Now you can not only get back to them and devise a<br />

well thought out sales script ​(covered in ​<strong>New</strong> Patient Avalanche<br />

Programme​) ​you can also schedule automated emails to follow up.<br />

GOLD!<br />

56. Add a 50% off new patient special tab on your website<br />

I can’t begin to tell you just how many people fill this from in on our<br />

website EVERY SINGLE DAY! Remember that you no longer display<br />

your prices on your website, right? If that is the case then the 50% off<br />

form they need to fill in to get it actually theoretically has no set value<br />

because you haven’t even shown how much a full exam is. Think about<br />

that for a second. That is how powerful a sentence like 50% off can be.

57. Offer free health report downloads on your website<br />

Content is King. <strong>Your</strong> job as the marketer of your practice is to offer<br />

people an opportunity to take progressive steps towards using your<br />

service. Studies show that most people are NOT ready to use your<br />

service when they first come into contact with you virtually or in person<br />

so information is often the “bridge” a lot of people need to feel<br />

comfortable enough to make that step. <strong>Your</strong> job is to offer a risk free way<br />

for someone to take a step into your world.<br />

Free doesn’t have to be the “service” and in fact I would highly<br />

recommend not giving the service away for free. <strong>In</strong>stead, offer many<br />

free information options on your website, in exchange for their details.<br />

For example, Free reports on whatever subject you feel comfortable<br />

with e.g. Migraines, arthritis ect. This is typically called a “lead<br />

magnet”. Once you have their details then you can “follow-up” via<br />

phone and send them a series of automated emails ​(phone script and<br />

emails all covered in ​<strong>New</strong> Patient Avalanche Online programme​)<br />

58. Create exit pop-ups on your website<br />

This is one of those “annoying” things that come up on your screen when<br />

you try to leave a website. Yes I know what the “experts” might tell you<br />

about how these are “out of fashion” but every single day we get tons of<br />

people that fill in a form for a “free report” or “50% off offer” as a direct<br />

result of that pop up.<br />

59. Offer free telephone consultations on your website (SNEAKY<br />


At the time of writing this we are in the midst of a Coronavirus<br />

lockdown, which is one of the strangest periods of our lifetimes.<br />

<strong>In</strong>terestingly I am seeing a surge of practice owners now offering<br />

“telehealth” options. I have been offering something like that for a while<br />

BUT here is the trick. I have never actually done a single “telephone<br />

consult”. It is simply there as lead generation and then they are called<br />

once they have filled in a form with their details and almost 100% of the<br />

time when called and using correct scripts (taught in my ​programmes​)<br />

they go on to book the paid consultation in the practice.<br />

60. Google ads<br />

Google AdWords is a great way to generate new clients and put your<br />

brand in front of the people that need it most. By targeting primary<br />

'search terms' such as ''chiropractor near me'' or ''sciatica treatment'',

you can show up among the first set of Google results and generate<br />

website clicks for as little as $0.50. How much would you pay for website<br />

visits from people who are actively searching for your service and ready<br />

to buy?<br />

61. Hold a weekly team meeting (with correct structure)<br />

I know what you're thinking …BORING. Yip that’s right. Success is all<br />

about doing the boring stuff. That’s the discipline required to be<br />

successful. If you can't even do a simple 90 minute meeting every single<br />

week then chances are you're probably not doing the more complicated<br />

stuff.<br />

62. Hold quarterly meetings with your team to plan marketing and<br />

business strategies<br />

(​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR5JWutUNBE​)<br />

Every great business does it. Every 90 days we get together with my<br />

leadership team and run through a series of key elements like reviewing<br />

our core values, reviewing our goals for that quarter, looking at key<br />

metrics, reviewing and updated organisation charts and much much<br />

more. We teach this in depth to our ​<strong>In</strong>ner Circle Members​. <strong>To</strong> enquire<br />

please email ​info@dcpracticegrowth.com<br />

63. Have a weekly “scorecard”<br />

<strong>The</strong>se are a set of key metrics that could fit on a single page that can very<br />

quickly tell you the health of the business at a glance.<br />

<strong>64</strong>. Facebook pixel<br />

Make sure that at the very least you have a Facebook pixel installed on<br />

your website. This way you can retarget website visitors on Facebook<br />

with testimonials, videos or offers. ​This is covered in depth my ​<strong>New</strong><br />

Patient Avalanche programme<br />

I hope that this was helpful. For more information on how we could<br />

work together please contact us at ​info@dcpracticegrowth.com​ or go to<br />

www.dcpracticegrowth.com​ to grab my ​free book​ or subscribe to my<br />

youtube channel​ to get free practice growth tips.

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