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20 SIENNA SOLSTICE <strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>III</strong> 21<br />

Horror Vacui<br />

Yuan Changming<br />

Looking up to the darkish infinity of the outer space, I see how a<br />

star has been growing only to die, in (holographic) parallel with a<br />

cell within my body & come to know my protobeing & the cosmos<br />

as one & the same: just as I is the cosmos, so the cosmos am I.<br />

Even in this very moment<br />

My mind is full<br />

Of struggling presences<br />

Such is<br />

Always the case:<br />

It is infused with<br />

I stop to squeeze out<br />

But it always returns<br />

To occupy the vacated room<br />

The moment its door opens<br />

whims & wishes<br />

Each bubbling perception<br />

in a bloated form of wonder<br />

Which has held part of me<br />

Country of the Moon<br />

Watercolor on paper 11”x17” - 2020<br />

Sebastian Petersen<br />

You long to become mindful<br />

Of a spiritual vacuum<br />

Yet it never allows for<br />

The briefest moment<br />

of emptiness

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