Our Pro Tips To Improve Your Facebook Ads (Issue #36)

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1 Practice Growth Playbook Swipe & Delpoy<br />


<strong>Our</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Tips</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>Improve</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Facebook</strong><br />

<strong>Ads</strong><br />

It’s summer (or well it should be anyway), and when our short time in the sun arrives we<br />

know you want to get out and enjoy the weather in the long evenings rather than being sat at<br />

home stressed about why your <strong>Facebook</strong> ads aren’t working.<br />

So, we’ve pulled together some of our best pieces of advice to offer you in your <strong>Facebook</strong> ad<br />

marketing to make sure you’re ticking all the right boxes.<br />

So, let’s get right into the game changing tips…<br />


2 Practice Growth Playbook Swipe & Delpoy<br />

Tip 1 – Switch Up The Creative<br />

A common problem with adverts is that the creative (The images or videos used)<br />

are just not eye-catching enough. This can be due to overuse, or simply by using<br />

an image that is not engaging to the audience.<br />

Try taking new photos and switch out the old ones. Take photos of you adjusting,<br />

this may seem boring to you, but to normal, none-chiro people, an adjustment is<br />

super engaging. Remember to smile in your photos and pick adjusting positions<br />

that look comfortable! If you don’t have an ad using video yet, then why not!<br />

Shoot a quick video using your phone and create a new ad using this video, it<br />

may well outperform your classic carousel ad. Remember, try not to be too rigid<br />

in your videos, smile and speak naturally and the rest will follow.<br />


3 Practice Growth Playbook Swipe & Delpoy<br />

Tip 2 – Change Up the Headline<br />

Headlines are super important when it comes to <strong>Facebook</strong> ads. The first 3 lines of text<br />

are what most of your audience will see and those three lines need to entice them to<br />

read on.<br />

Make sure to call out your local audience (E.G<br />

Attention Inner Circle Members!) and include<br />

something eye-catching such as the saving or<br />

what you can help with (E.G We can help people<br />

with X, Y and Z, find out more on the next<br />

page!).<br />


4 Practice Growth Playbook Swipe & Delpoy<br />

Tip 3 – Switch up your audience<br />

Sometimes your ad isn’t performing because you are not targeting the right<br />

people. Take another look at your audience and think about who your current<br />

clients are and where they come from. If a large majority of your clients come<br />

from outside your current target area maybe try expanding your audience.<br />

Equally, if you already have a large audience, maybe you need to be more specific<br />

and just target affluent areas or people who fit your ideal customer profile (Basic<br />

Halsa Customer <strong>Pro</strong>file: Women aged 35+ interested in health and wellness).<br />

If you have been running ads to ‘’people living in this location’’ maybe changing your<br />

targeting settings to include ‘’People living in or recently in this location’’. This should help<br />

expand your audience to those who do live in your target area but have not updated their<br />

<strong>Facebook</strong> account to state so.<br />


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