Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League 2020 Annual Report

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<strong>2020</strong> Financials<br />

Our promise is to work diligently,<br />

Saving lives.<br />

REVENUE*<br />

Contributions, Grants, Events & Retail * $9,574,806<br />

Programs $1,308,760<br />

Investment Income $1,253,396<br />

TOTAL REVENUE $12,136,962<br />


Programs $8,986,984<br />

General & Administrative $743,364<br />

Fundraising & Marketing $761,171<br />

TOTAL EXPENSES $10,491,519<br />


Cash & Investments $37,921,020<br />

Property & Equipment, Net $67,703,903<br />

Other Assets $28,255,532<br />

TOTAL ASSETS $134,276,114<br />

skillfully and lovingly for the animals.<br />

308<br />

86 cents of every dollar supported our<br />

programs and services for the animals<br />

in <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

86 % 7 %<br />

Building a more<br />

humane community.<br />

Together.<br />

Lost Pets Reunited<br />

with Their Grateful<br />

Guardians<br />

TOTAL LIABILITIES $2,231,094<br />

Net Assets without Donor Restrictions $49,468,001<br />

Net Assets with Donor Restrictions $82,577,019<br />

TOTAL NET ASSETS $132,045,020<br />


General & Administration<br />

Fundraising & Marketing<br />

Programs & Services<br />

*Due to IRS 990 reporting requirements, unrealized investment gains and changes to the fair market value of restricted assets are not included<br />

in revenue, as reported above. <strong>Peggy</strong> <strong>Adams</strong> <strong>Animal</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>League</strong> is an annual beneficiary of a charitable foundation trust that distributed<br />

$2,486,354 in <strong>2020</strong>. We extend our warmest thanks for the continued generous support of so many caring friends here in our community and<br />

beyond. Thanks to you, we are saving lives and building a more humane Palm Beach County.<br />

7 % Non-Profit of the Year<br />

In March of 2018, <strong>Peggy</strong> <strong>Adams</strong> <strong>Animal</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>League</strong> launched a capital campaign to build a new Pet Adoption Center. This building,<br />

which will allow us to potentially save twice as many animals, has been completed and opened to the Public as of March 2021. Per financial<br />

accounting standards, donations and pledges to the capital campaign are included in Revenues from Contributions, Grants, Events & Retail,<br />

along with revenues supporting our annual operating fund. Cumulative capital campaign funds received are reflected within the Net Assets<br />

with Donor Restrictions.<br />

A Joyful Reunion – A Long Time Coming!<br />

None of the work we do is more important than reuniting lost animals with their loving<br />

families. In <strong>2020</strong>, we witnessed 308 joyous and tearful reunions at <strong>Peggy</strong> <strong>Adams</strong>. The most<br />

amazing, emotional and heartwarming example of this happened on September 9 th when we<br />

called Sasha’s dad to tell him we had found his beloved dog. He had been searching for Sasha<br />

for six years. The beautiful photograph above of Sasha and her dad says it all.<br />

25 <strong>Peggy</strong> <strong>Adams</strong> <strong>Animal</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>League</strong> • <strong>Peggy</strong><strong>Adams</strong>.org <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2020</strong> 26

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