Rafiq-ul-Haramayn - Ilyas Attar Qadri

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56 Intentions for Pilgrims of Hajj & ‘Umraĥ xiii

not perform it as it should be performed.) (Derived from Kashf-ul-

Maḥjūb, pp. 363)

29. The Beloved and Blessed Prophet ٖ


stayed at six places for Du’ā i.e. Ṣafā, Marwaĥ, ‘Arafāt,

Muzdalifaĥ, Jamra-tul-Aūlā and Jamra-tul-Wusṭā. With the

intention of following the example of the Beloved and Blessed

Prophet ٖ

, I will also be staying and making Du’ā

at these places, wherever possible.

30. During Ṭawāf and Sa’ī, I will avoid pushing and shoving people.

(To deliberately shove someone causing discomfort to him is

the violation of his rights and a sin. The one who has done so

will have to repent of it and seek forgiveness from the one he

has caused discomfort to. Islamic saints have stated, ‘To give

up even the smallest of deeds disliked by Allah is dearer to

me than to perform 500 Nafl Hajj.’)

(Jāmi’-ul-‘Ulūm wal-Ḥukm li-Ibn Rajab, pp. 125)

31. I will attain blessings by keeping the company of the scholars

and saints of Aĥl-us-Sunnaĥ and by beholding them. I will

also request them to make Du’ā for my forgiveness without


32. I will perform worship in abundance. Particularly I will offer

five times daily Ṣalāĥ regularly.

33. I repent of my sins forever and will keep the company of the

righteous only. (It is stated in Iḥyā-ul-‘Ulūm that a sign of Hajj

Mabrūr is that the Ḥājī should give up the sins he used to

commit, stay away from wicked friends, form friendship with

righteous people, give up the gatherings of useless activities and

heedlessness and attend the gatherings of the righteous. Imām

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