Rafiq-ul-Haramayn - Ilyas Attar Qadri

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Rafiq-ul-Haramayn 27

‏[رَم ۡ ل]‏ 5. Raml

Raml implies walking with small steps at a slightly increased pace

whilst moving the shoulders and stiffening the chest.

‏(طَ‏ وَاف)‏ [circumambulation] 6. Ṭawāf

To circumambulate the Ka’baĥ 7 times is called Ṭawāf. One round

is called a ‘Shauṭ’ while its plural is referred to as ‘Ashwāṭ.’

‏[مَطاف]‏ 7. Maṭāf

The specific area where Ṭawāf is performed.

ال ۡ قُد ُ و ۡ م]‏ 8. Ṭawāf-ul-Qudūm


‏[طَ‏ وَاف

The very first Ṭawāf performed on arriving in Makka-tul-Mukarramaĥ

is called ‘Ṭawāf-ul-Qudūm’ that is Sunnat-ul-Muakkadaĥ for those

making the intention of Hajj Ifrād or Hajj Qirān.

ُ ‏َة]‏ 9. Ṭawāf-uz-Ziyāraĥ

‏[طَ‏ وَاف الز ‏ِيَار

It is also called Ṭawāf Ifāḍaĥ. It is an essential pillar of Hajj. It

can be performed from the Ṣubḥ-e-Ṣādiq of 10 th Żul-Ḥijjaĥ till the

sunset on 12 th Żul-Ḥijjaĥ. However, it is preferable to perform it on

the 10 th of Żul-Ḥijjaĥ.

ال ۡ وَدَاع]‏ Ṭawāf-ul-Wadā’ 10.


‏[طَ‏ وَاف

This is also called ‘Ṭawāf-ur-Rukhṣat’ and ‘Ṭawāf-e-Ṣadr’. This

Ṭawāf is performed after Hajj before departing from Makka-tul-

Mukarramaĥ. It is Wājib for every Āfāqī Ḥājī (the definition of an

Āfāqī Ḥājī is given ahead).

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