IF 20|21
innovative film austria - the catalogue
innovative film austria - the catalogue
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Published by
Federal Ministry
Republic of Austria
Arts, Culture,
the Civil Service
and Sport
2020 Vienna Austria
Federal Ministry
Republic of Austria
Division for
Arts and Culture
Film Department
Barbara Fränzen – Director
Concordiaplatz 2
1014 Vienna Austria
Brigitte Mayr
Carlo Hufnagl – Film Department
Eve Heller
Renée von Paschen
Editorial Deadline
October 2020
Graphic Design
up designers berlin-wien
Walter Lendl
Schmidbauer GmbH, Oberwart
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Produced according to the guidelines of
The Austrian Ecolabel “Office, Paper, Printing”
Schmidbauer Druckerei GmbH • UW 897
INNOVATIVE FILM 8 Innovative Films Made in Austria
– Exploring Terra Incognita
by Secretary of State Andrea Mayer
INTRODUCTION 13 Sources of Wonder
by Jurij Meden
FACTS + FIGURES 18 Films Funded 2013–2019
19 Most Frequent Festival Screenings 2017–2020
20 Outstanding Artist Awards 2016–2020
20 Austrian Art Awards 2016–2020
21 Thomas Pluch Screenplay Awards 2016–2020
AWARDS 2019 27 Hannes Böck
AUSTRIAN ART 32 Martina Kudláček
AWARD 2019
FILMS 40 Fiction
44 Documentary
55 Fiction Short
58 Documentary Short
62 Avant-Garde Short
FILMS IN PRODUCTION 71 Fiction in Production
80 Documentary in Production
110 Avant-Garde in Production
115 Fiction Short in Production
124 Documentary Short in Production
132 Avant-Garde Short in Production
YOUNG TALENTS 146 Start-Up Grants for Young Film Artists
PIXEL, BYTES & FILM 152 New Film Formats Funding Initiative
CONTACT ADDRESSES 160 Production Companies
161 Sales
161 Directors
INDEX 166 Films
167 Directors
168 Photo Credits
innovative film
Innovative Films Made in Austria –
Exploring Terra Incognita
One might think that it takes the effects of a
pandemic to see with all clarity how indispensable
the arts and culture are for our society. The
performing and visual arts – including film as an
artistic medium – are an integral part of our lives.
The projects, events and institutions associated
with these art forms also represent an important
economic factor. Recent months have clearly
shown how rapidly and easily our everyday life –
both work and leisure – can be derailed, and our
customary social fabric thrown off balance when
arts and cultural events cannot be attended and
experienced collectively.
The fact that filmmakers have reacted to the Covid-related restrictions in their
own way is encouraging – and at the same time not surprising. For film and video
artists, it is a daily practice and challenge to enter terra incognita in terms of both
content and form. They take on changed perspectives, sense the unex pected and
integrate things that are irritating and sometimes disturbing into their artistic
work. Their approach and their works of art invite us to rediscover our everyday
lives. Film and video create images that may never have been seen before. They
are capable of rearranging the familiar in order to provide new insights or tell new
stories, provoking a possible change of perspective. The resulting, specific
artistic strategies and approaches to that which is not expected offer the
audience a wide range of opportunities to research, rethink and reassess our
changed living and working conditions. Film and video can provide orientation in
a time of increasing digitization of our society, a process that has only gained
momentum due to the pandemic.
For many years, innovative Austrian films have been very successful worldwide
with their incomparable visual signature. This is a fact that makes me extremely
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With this in mind, this Innovative Film catalog introduces the audience to
a broad selection of new works created in the past year with the support of
the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport.
The 15 th edition of the catalog serves as an ambassador for innovative
film-making across national borders in both analog and digital forms, actively
contributing to its international visibility and dissemination.
I wish you an informative and inspiring read and many extraordinary terra
incognita adventures at the cinema – the undisputed linchpin of film art.
With best wishes
Andrea Mayer
Secretary of State for Arts and Culture/Federal Ministry
for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport
English translation by Eve Heller
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Sources of Wonder
Jurij Meden
From the perspective of an artist, the entire history of art is, to a significant extent,
a history of the organized support of the arts. From the perspective of the
consumer of art, the entire history of art is, to a significant extent, a history of
wonder. This wonder is of a kind only art can provide – it cannot be found, for
example, in religion, food or sex. Innovative Film Austria stands at the threshold
of an ancient cultural tradition: It generously caters both to the adventurous
artist hungering to experiment with audiovisual media, as well as the adventurous
viewer, hungry for wonder of a kind s/he hasn’t experienced before.
After he had relocated from Rome to Milan in 384, Saint Augustine encountered
Bishop Ambrose, a wise man responsible for Augustine’s eventual
embrace of Christianity. In Confessions, Augustine remembers observing a
peculiarly wondrous trait displayed by his beloved and respected mentor:
“I could not ask him questions I wished to ask, in the manner I wished to ask
them, because so many people kept him busy with their problems that I was
prevented from talking to him face to face. When he was not with them, which
was never a very long time, he was reviving his body with the food it required or
refreshing his mind with reading. When he read, his eyes scanned the page and
his heart explored the meaning, but his voice was silent and his tongue was still. All
could approach him freely and it was not unusual for visitors to be announced. So
often, when we came to see him, we found him reading like this in silence – as
he never read aloud. We would sit there quietly, for no one had the heart to disturb
him when he was so engrossed in study. After a time we went away again,
guessing that in the short while he was free from the turmoil of other men’s
affairs and able to refresh his own mind, he would not wish to be distracted.”
Augustine met Ambrose well over 1,000 years before the European invention of
printing technology, in 1450 AC. Despite the fact that children today continue to
learn to read by reading aloud, it is still easy to forget – or, better yet, hard to
imagine – that an act as simple as reading in silence wasn’t always as “natural”
as we perceive it to be today. Back when books were a rare commodity and the
ability to read a rare privilege, most people equated the technology of reading
with vocalizing. Ambrose reading with a “silent voice” and “still tongue” was a
source of profound wonder – even for an intellectual like Augustine who was already
a teacher himself back when he first met Ambrose.
Roughly 1,500 years after Augustine’s encounter, Chris Marker stirringly portrayed
Soviet master filmmaker Aleksandr Medvedkin in The Last Bolshevik and
reported how the young Medvedkin joyously cried upon first discovering how
placing two images together could produce a third meaning.
Medvedkin shed his tears of wonder at approximately the same moment in history
when people all over the world started escaping into the darkness of movie
palaces en masse – millions cried in front of the silver screen and continue to do
so to this day. Perhaps the technology of exhibiting moving images on big public
screens never really drove any Parisians to leave the theater in fear of being run
over by the train arriving at La Ciotat station (by now cinema’s “founding myth”
has been entirely debunked). But the cinema did serve and still serves as a constant
source of wonder – a source of tears and laughter. Hours spent in the darkness
of a movie theater are hours of wonder, while occasionally punctured by an
interval of tedium.
Thanks to Jean-Luc Godard’s iconic close-up of Anna Karina, and Abbas
Kiarostami’s close-up of Juliette Binoche, it is easy to picture the face of
a viewer glistening with tears in the darkened movie theater, illuminated
only by the soft light reflecting off the silver screen. Now imagine the
same face perusing moving images outside the sanctuary of cinema – in
front of YouTube. Instead of a shadowy and sublime image of stillness and
wonder, it is easy to picture the harshly lit face of someone picking their
nose, masturbating, or nervously skipping through hundreds of streams:
hours of tedium, occasionally punctured by an interval of wonder.
“Anyone who has wasted hours surfing the Internet knows that technology can
encourage bad habits,” Ted Chiang laconically remarked in his 2013 story The
Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling. But on the same page, he conceded that the
true benefits of (any) new technologies have yet to be discovered. We can be certain
of one thing: Having experienced two different technological standards only
seems to provide an ideal perspective for evaluation and comparison. It doesn’t.
I am not an authority on the subject compared to someone born into the age of
new technological standards simply because I experienced the widespread migration
from analog to digital cinema and the subsequent widespread migration from
cinema viewing to home streaming.
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The true benefits of new technologies will only be discovered by generations
that are unbiased and less judgmental, namely people who are perhaps already
completely – and inevitably – transformed by these same new technologies.
We are standing at the edge of a precipice shifting before our very eyes, accelerated
both by predictable factors such as commercial interests, as well as seemingly
unpredictable events, such as viral pandemics. There is only one thing that
remains certain: Whatever transformation or wonder lies beyond our horizon, it
only can and hopefully will be facilitated by the persistence of progressive forces,
such as Innovative Film.
Jurij Meden (b. 1977) is a Slovenian film scholar, writer, programmer and
award-winning experimental filmmaker currently working as curator and
head of the film program at the Austrian Film Museum in Vienna, while also
serving as co-director of the Nitrate Picture Show and editor-in-chief of
KINO! (www.e-kino.si). Meden previously worked as a curator at the George
Eastman House and the Slovenian Cinematheque, and as adjunct professor
of experimental film and video art at University of Nova Gorica School of
Arts Department. In addition to his curatorial and filmmaking activities,
Meden has written and co-written more than 250 publications on cinema.
Revised in English by Eve Heller
facts + figures
Films Funded
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Fiction films 6 8 3 9 3 0
Documentary films 47 21 29 17 22 10
Avant-garde films 16 37 38 12 18 15
Full-length films 39 24 19 18 19 10
Short films 30 42 51 20 24 15
Total films 69 66 70 38 43 25
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Facts + Figures
Festival Screenings
Most Frequent Festival Screenings of Films Produced 2017–2020*
Director Film of festivals
Thomas Renoldner don’t know what (2019) 77
Elsa Kremser, Levin Peter Space Dogs (2019) 56
Lukas Marxt Imperial Valley (cultivated run-off) (2018) 51
Johann Lurf ★ (2017) 43
Rainer Kohlberger keep that dream burning (2017) 32
Johann Lurf Cavalcade (2019) 29
Martin Reinhart, Virgil Widrich tx-reverse (2019) 29
Herwig Weiser Haus der Regierung (2018) 25
Siegfried A. Fruhauf Thorax (2019) 24
Rainer Kohlberger
*Deadline September 30 th , 2020
It has to be lived once
and dreamed twice (2019) 20
The Film Department of the Arts and Culture Division bestows, upon recommendation of
an expert jury, yearly or biennial Outstanding Artist Awards and an Austrian Art Award.
The endowment of the Outstanding Artist Award (normally, two are given in different
genres), comprises € 10,000 per award. Persons recommended for an Outstanding Artist
Award must have produced at least three outstanding and innovative works.
The endowment of the Austrian Art Award is in the amount of € 15,000. Persons recommended
for an Austrian Art Award must have produced at least five innovative works that
have been internationally recognized and reviewed.
Outstanding Artist Awards
2016 Susanne Jirkuff (avant-garde)
Händl Klaus (documentary)
2017 Sudabeh Mortezai (documentary)
Mona Willi (film)
2018 Katrina Daschner (avant-garde)
Daniel Hoesl (fiction)
2019 Ruth Kaaserer (documentary)
Hannes Böck (cinematographer)
2020 Antoinette Zwirchmayr (avant-garde)
Sandra Wollner (fiction)
Austrian Art Awards
2016 Friedl vom Gröller-Kubelka (avant-garde)
2017 Brigitta Burger-Utzer (film)
2018 Siegfried A. Fruhauf (avant-garde)
2019 Martina Kudláček (documentary)
2020 Norbert Pfaffenbichler (avant-garde)
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Facts + Figures
Thomas Pluch Screenplay Award
This award is dedicated to Thomas Pluch (1934–1992), screenwriter, author, and cofounder
of the ARGE Drehbuch (screenplay working group) – since 2002 the Drehbuchverband
Austria (Screenplay Association Austria).
The Thomas-Pluch-Drehbuchpreis (initiated in 1992 by two writers) was first awarded
in 1993. The goal of the award is to aid screenwriters in achieving the recognition they
deserve, and to support talented young writers. The main award is endowed with
€ 12,000, the Thomas Pluch Special Jury Award with € 7,000, and the Thomas Pluch
Award for Short or Medium-Length Fiction Films with € 3,000.
Every year since 2004, international juries select the best screenplays realized as
Austrian film productions. The award money is made available from the Film Department
of the Arts and Culture Division, and the awards are presented in the context of the
Austrian film festival Diagonale in Graz.
Thomas Pluch Screenplay Awards
2016 Main Prize: Elisabeth Scharang for Jack
Special Jury Award: Stefan Hafner and Thomas Weingartner
for Wenn du wüsstest, wie schön es hier ist
Award for Short or Medium Length Feature Film:
Maria Luz Olivares Capelle for Forest of Echoes
2017 Main Prize: Händl Klaus for Kater
Special Jury Award: Monja Art for Siebzehn
and Tizza Covi for Mister Universo
Award for Short or Medium Length Feature Film:
Nora Friedel for Mimikri
2018 Main Prize: Kathrin Resetarits for Licht
Special Jury Award: Clemens Setz, Sebastian Brauneis,
Nicholas Ofczarek for Zauberer
Award for Short or Medium Length Feature Film:
Timothy Bidwell for Der Ausflug
2019 Main Prize: Christian Frosch for Murer - Anatomie eines Prozesses
Special Jury Award: Gregor Schmidinger for Nevrland
Award for Short or Medium Length Feature Film:
Albert Meisl for Die Schwingen des Geistes
2020 Main Prize: Johanna Moder for Waren einmal Revoluzzer
Special Jury Award: Sandra Wollner for The Trouble With Being Born
Award for Short or Medium Length Feature Film:
Stefan Langthaler for Fabiu
artist award
Ruth Kaaserer
Born in Kitzbühl, Austria in 1972, Ruth Kaaserer grew up in Munich. She studied
sculpture at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts under Michelangelo Pistoletto.
In 2001, she set up an exhibit in an abandoned country movie theater in Lower
Austria together with Almut Rink. They subsequently released a book entitled
Kino ohne Land – No place for a cinema, including texts about alternative
cinema. Since 2002 Kaaserer has been traveling regularly to the USA where
in 2014 she produced Tough Cookies, her first feature-length documentary
film. Her documentary film Gwendolyn (2017) about weight lifter and retired
Assyriologist Gwendolyn Leick, was widely screened at festivals and garnered
numerous accolades. Kaaserer currently lives and works in Vienna.
Films (Selection)
2017 Gwendolyn (DCP, 85 min)
2014 Tough Cookies (DCP, 80 min)
Awards and Honors (Selection)
2019 Outstanding Artist Award – Documentary Film, Federal Chancellery
of Austria
2018 Franz Grabner Award, Diagonale
2017 Erste Bank ExtraValue Film Award, Viennale
We have chosen to honor documentary
filmmaker Ruth Kaaserer for the impressive
maturity of her work up until now and the
steady hand she exhibits in the choice and
realization of her stories. In the making of her
films, Ruth Kaaserer takes her very own time
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to listen and to watch. Her finely woven dramaturgy
creates living worlds inhabited by protagonists who
teach us: Everything is a matter of attitude.
Kaaserer stages scenes in front of the camera
with empathy, intelligence and a multi-facetted
sensibility. In so doing, she has developed a style
that combines documentary modes with a visual
vocabulary familiar to us from fiction. The result
is nothing less than: especially worth seeing!
English translation by Eve Heller
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Hannes Böck
Born 1974 in Vienna. 1994–1996 apprenticeship in photography, Vienna; 1997–
2003 studies at Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, master class in Conceptual
Art under Renée Green; studies at Berlin University of the Arts, Heinz Emigholz
Experimental Filmmaking Class; 2005 graduated from Academy of Fine Arts in
Vienna, master class under Marina Grzinic; 2011–2014 senior artist at Academy of
Fine Arts in Vienna, in film and video.
Main fields of research include technologies of film and video production in art
and experimental film, historical visual languages in narrative and experimental
cinema, visual language in scientific image production. Discourses on film aesthetics,
visual studies and historical criticism provide central points of reference
in Böck’s films and photo series.
Films (Selection)
2019 Sammlung Bau- und Schmuckstein Altes Rom (16 mm, silent, 15 min)
2013 5 Skulpturen (16 mm, silent, 9 min)
2012 Las Encantadas (16 mm, 10 min)
2011 Niches Cut Into Bedrock (16 mm, 10 min)
2008 New Hefei (16 mm, 10 min)
Prizes and Scholarships (Selection)
2019 Outstanding Artist Award – Innovative Film, Federal Chancellery of Austria
2009 Studio Scholarship Mexico City
Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture, Austria
2006 Studio Scholarship Nanjing, China
Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture, Austria
2004 Work Scholarship, Federal Chancellery of Austria
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The jury distinguishes Hannes Böck for outstanding
achievement as cinematographer, film and image
processor in the field of innovative film. Over the
course of many years, his precise visual composition
and editing work has contributed to the success of
innumerable Austrian productions created by a wide
array of artists including Antoinette Zwirchmayr, Constanze
Ruhm, Dorit Margreiter and Florian Pumhösl.
It is impossible to imagine the field of innovative film
without Hannes Böck, and likewise, his sensitive way
of understanding the most various of artistic processes.
His consistently static images appear electrified.
It is as if he breathes life into the surfaces, architecture
and landscapes he films, capturing images
that exhale an extraordinary calm and clarity that
we encounter onscreen. Similarly, his montage work
captivates by virtue of a slowness that instinctively
finds the right rhythm, abstract images often seeming
to communicate with one another as if engaged
in a natural dialog.
English translation by Eve Heller
austrian art award
Martina Kudláček
Born in 1965, Martina Kudláček lives in Vienna, working on film, video, photography,
and artistic research projects as well as archival projects. She received
her MFA in Cinematography and Documentary Film Directing from the Film and TV
Academy FAMU in Prague, Czech Republic. 1997–1998 Kudláček did a fellowship
at the Academy of Media Arts, Cologne. 2017 she obtained a PhD from the
Department for Theater, Film and Media Studies at the University of Vienna.
Kudláček serves as screenplay writer, director, and often producer and camera
person on her award-winning films, widely screened at international festivals,
cinematheques, museums and universities.
Her work focuses on biographies and the history of avant-garde film. Titles such
as In the Mirror of Maya Deren (2001), Notes on Marie Menken (2005) and Fragments
of Kubelka (2012) have become standard works integral to the teaching of
film history. Between 2007 and 2012, Kudláček taught at FAMU in Prague and
lectured internationally.
In 2004, she was distinguished with the “Film Preservation Award” by Anthology
Film Archives in New York, having worked on several projects with its director,
Jonas Mekas. Additionally, Kudláček took part in archival projects for the Austrian
Film Museum in Vienna, the Národní filmový archiv in Prague, the Theater
Research Collection Schloss Wahn in Cologne, the Helnwein Archive, the Len Lye
Foundation of New Zealand, as well as private collections.
Her curatorial projects include important exhibitions at Fotogalerie Wien, as
a founding member of the Collective, and since 2015 she has taken part in
curatorial collaborations at the Jacobs Museum in Zürich, as well as curating the
Maya Deren Exhibition in 2018 at documenta 14 in Kassel, Germany.
Kudláček is currently working on a film about Austrian avant-garde filmmaker
Kurt Kren and heading a project in collaboration with Anthology Film Archives to
restore the Haitian film footage of filmmaker Maya Deren.
Films (Selection)
2012 Fragments of Kubelka (DCP, 232 min)
2006 Notes on Marie Menken (35 mm + DCP, 97 min)
2001 In the Mirror of Maya Deren (35 mm, 103 min)
1996 Aimless Walk – Alexander Hammid (16 mm, 50 min)
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1995 L’amour fou – Ludvík Šváb (16 mm, 50 min)
1994 Positivita (S-16 mm, 40 min)
1997 The Last Heroes (16 mm, 30 min)
Prizes and Distinctions (Selection)
2019 Austrian Art Award – Film, Federal Chancellery of Austria
2017 Hubert Sielecki Award for Artistic Film, Austria
2008 Outstanding Artist Award for Film Art, Federal Chancellery of Austria
2004 Film Preservation Award, Anthology Film Archives, New York
2002 Dance Screen Award for Best Documentary, Monaco
2001 Vienna Film Award, Viennale
1996 Special Recognition Award Trilobit - by FITES, Prague
1995 Main Prize DokumentArt in Neubrandenburg, Germany
Main Prize for Best Director FAMUfest, Prague
1994–95 VISIONS/European Documentary Film Workshop
1994 Special Recognition Award Trilobit – by FITES, Prague
1990 Carl Mayer Screenplay Award, Graz
Internationally acclaimed film director, screenwriter
and film producer Martina Kudláček is singlehandedly
enriching the world of cinema with her invaluable
series of documentary films dedicated to some
of the greatest artists of the 20th century, including
avant-garde film pioneers Maya Deren and Peter
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A wonderful aspect of her contribution includes
unsung work behind the scenes. Kudláček’s
painstaking research has rescued filmic gems on
the brink of turning to dust, including information
and moments of beauty that shed a nuanced light
on her subject, art history and world culture.
She has recorded countless hours of interviews for
posterity with renowned scholars, filmmakers and
other individuals contemporary to her subjects –
many no longer with us – creating a treasure trove
of primary source material for future archives.
In a day and age of funding increasingly
driven by ignorance and short-sighted
profit, Kudláček’s aesthetically crafted and
highly informative documentary portraits
communicate an understanding that will
speak to future generations for ages to come,
here in Austria and the rest of the world.
English translation by Eve Heller
Ordinary Creatures
Thomas Marschall
The Trouble With Being Born
Sandra Wollner
Ordinary Creatures Thomas Marschall
4K CinemaScope 1:2.39
Dolby SR
75 min
Thomas Marschall
Anna Mendelssohn
Key Cast
Anna Mendelssohn
Joep van der Geest
Camera Martin Putz
Editor Stefan Fauland
Daniela Praher
Daniela Praher
“Keep your eyes on the road, your hands on the wheel.”
Martha and Alex should have taken Jim Morrison’s
advice to heart. But during their drive through an idyllic
landscape, they are primarily occupied with themselves.
Only when real life comes crashing into their
small self-involved world in the shape of a little dog and
its grim owner, things start really happening – more
than they could have asked for. A devious road movie
full of hefty surprises.
Thomas Marschall *1974 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Fronteira Brasil (2010 short d) Faces of
the Frontier (2010 d) Nekronautische Übungen (2007 short d)
October 2020 Vienna
Diagonale’20 –
The Unfinished
Daniela Praher
40__ 41
The Trouble With Being Born Sandra Wollner
German (Eng sub)
2K 4:3 Dolby 5.1
94 min
Screenplay Roderick
Warich, Sandra Wollner
Key Cast Lena Watson
Dominik Warta
Ingrid Burkhard
Camera Timm Kröger
Editor Hannes Bruun
Producers Lixi Frank
David Bohun, Andi G
Hess, Astrid Schäfer
Viktoria Stolpe
Timm Kröger
Panama Film (AT)
The Barricades
ZDF – Das kleine
Filmakademie Baden-
Württemberg (DE)
Elli is an android and lives with a man she calls her
father. They drift through the summer together. They
swim in the pool during the day and at night he takes
her to bed with him. She shares his memories and
anything else he programs her to recall – memories
that mean everything to him but nothing to her. But
one night she sets off into the woods to follow a fading
echo … The story of a machine and the ghosts we all
carry within us.
Sandra Wollner *1983 Leoben Austria
Films (selection) Das unmögliche Bild (2016 f)
Viktor (2015 short f) Uns geht es gut (2013 short f)
Premiere February
2020 Berlinale – Berlin
International Film Festival
Panama Film
Bitte warten ...
Pavel Cuzuioc
Daniel Hoesl
Julia Niemann
Gli appunti di Anna Azzori
Constanze Ruhm
Glory to the Queen
Tatia Skhirtladze
Anna Khazaradze
Room Without a View
Roser Corella
Der schönste Platz auf Erden
Elke Groen
Sigmund Freud. Jude ohne Gott
David Teboul
This Land Is My Land
Susanne Brandstätter
Bitte warten ... Pavel Cuzuioc
English (Eng sub)
DCP 2K 1:1.85
Dolby 5.1
86 min
Pavel Cuzuioc
Samira Ghahremani
Pavel Cuzuioc
Pavel Cuzuioc
An audiovisual allegory on communication – the film
Please Hold the Line follows cable technicians in Eastern
Europe, as they visit their customers. Each client
they call on provides a glimpse into their own individual
universe. With so many tools for communication, we
still inhabit a modern-day Tower of Babel: an ordered
discordance of personalities and perspectives.
Pavel Cuzuioc *1978 Republic of Moldova
Films (selection) Secondo Me (2016 d) Raisa (2015 short f)
Digging for Life (2011 d)
Premiere June 2020
Sheffield Doc/Fest
Documentary Festival
Pavel Cuzuioc
44__ 45
Davos Daniel Hoesl, Julia Niemann
(Eng sub)
DCP 1:1.85 Dolby Stereo
100 min
Concept Daniel Hoesl
Julia Niemann
Camera Andi Widmer
Editor Gerhard Daurer
Georg Aschauer
Daniel Hoesl
Julia Niemann
European Film
Much of what drives our world becomes paradigmatic
in Davos: Farmers work as they did centuries ago, in
contrast to a global elite that operates without being
tied to a particular place – virtually without touching
the ground. Davos is a film about our fractured world,
about equilibrium and contrast in our society, about the
impact of the powerful on the many.
Daniel Hoesl *1982 St. Pölten Austria
Films (selection) Winwin (2016 f) Soldate Jeannette (2013 f)
The Madness of the Day (2011 short f)
Julia Niemann *1987 Deggendorf Germany
Premiere April 2020
Visions du Réel
International Film Festival
Nyon (online edition)
European Film
Gli appunti di Anna Azzori
Constanze Ruhm
(Eng sub)
DCP 2K 1:1.85
Dolby Digital
72 min
Constanze Ruhm
Hannes Böck
Jessyca R. Hauser
Hannes Böck
Constanze Ruhm
February 2020
Berlinale – Berlin
International Film
The film refers to the Italian underground movie Anna
(Grifi/Sarchielli), which documents a few months in
the life of the homeless and pregnant girl Anna. The
directors who she meets in Piazza Navona in the Spring
of 1972 offer her help. In exchange they make Anna
the main character of a film project which oscillates
between documentation and (re-)staging, empathy
and exploitation. Gli appunti di Anna Azzori is based on
Anna’s “fictitious notes” and is conceived as a feminist
reply to Grifi’s and Sarchielli’s production.
Constanze Ruhm *1965 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Panoramis Paramount Paranormal – Three
Times a Film (co-director 2017 a-g) Kalte Probe (co-director
2013 f) Crash Site/My_Never_Ending_Burial_Plot (2010 f)
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Glory to the Queen
Tatia Skhirtladze, Anna Khazaradze
(Ger/Eng sub)
DCP color/b&w
stereo 82 min
Concept Tatia Skhirtladze
Ina Ivanceanu
Camera Sebastian Thaler
Editor Petra Zöpnek
Karin Berghammer (AT)
Anna Khazaradze, Nino
Chichua, Linda Jensen (GE)
Sarita Matijević (RS)
Alexander Dumreicher-
Ivanceanu (AT)
berg hammer film (AT)
1991 Productions (GE)
Playground produkcija (RS)
Amour Fou Vienna (AT)
During the Cold War, four legendary female chess
players from Georgia revolutionized women’s chess
across the globe and became Soviet icons of female
emancipation. The film reveals their interwoven biographies
and is both a rare look into the present lives
of chess stars Nona Gaprindashvili, Nana Alexandria,
Maia Chiburdanidze and Nana Ioseliani, as well as a
chronicle of their lasting legacy.
Tatia Skhirtladze *1976 Tbilisi Georgia
Films (selection) Illusion (2017 a-g) One Year (2014 short d)
Anna Khazaradze *1991 Tbilisi Georgia
Films (selection) Kaba (2015 short f)
Who is Shizuka Yokomizo? (2013 short d)
Premiere September 2020
CinéDOC Tbilisi
International Documentary
Film Festival
berg hammer film
Room Without a View Roser Corella
(Eng sub)
HD 16:9
Dolby SR
73 min
Roser Corella
Ginés Olivares
Florian Kläger
The film chronicles the dire reality of foreign domestic
workers in Middle Eastern countries, such as Lebanon. By
combining a multitude of perspectives, it offers intimate
insights into the private lives of employers, agents and
maids. Exposing modern forms of slavery, it also reflects
on the role of women and domestic work at large in
capitalist societies.
Roser Corella *1978 Barcelona Spain
Films (selection) Grab and Run (2017 d) Prisoners of Kanun
(2014 short d) Machine Man (2011 short d)
Roser Corella
Florian Kläger
moving mountains films
moving mountains films
48__ 49
Der schönste Platz auf Erden Elke Groen
German (Eng sub)
Dolby Digital 5.1
87 min
Elke Groen
Stephan Bechinger
Arash T. Riahi
Sabine Gruber
Elke Groen
Golden Girls
There is a small town in Austria called Pinkafeld that
gained adverse publicity as a “Nazi village” during the
presidential election of 2016, when a majority of its
citizens voted for their famous neighbor, the right-wing
candidate Norbert Hofer. What do people really think
in regard to their homeland, refugees and populism?
The Most Beautiful Place on Earth shows a society in
transition, a microcosm reflecting Europe’s zeitgeist.
Elke Groen *1969 Gmunden Austria
Films (selection) Bojo Beach (2017 short d)
Optical Sound (co-director 2014 a-g) NightStill (2007 a-g)
Premiere September
2020 Musikverein Graz
Diagonale’20 – The
Golden Girls
Sigmund Freud. Jude ohne Gott David Teboul
DCP Dolby Digital
97 min
Concept David Teboul
François Prodromidès
Voices Johannes
Birgit Minichmayr
André Jung
Camera Martin Roux
Caroline Detournay
Richard Copans
Ebba Sinzinger
Anne Cohen-Solal
Vincent Lucassen
Les Films d’Ici (FR)
Arte France (FR)
Sigmund Freud developed psychoanalysis in turn-of-thecentury
Vienna, where he continued to practise until
1938, when he was forced into exile and escaped to
London. An intimate portrait – told from the perspective
of his daughter Anna and based on Freud’s correspondence
and writings – A Jew Without God is also a
questioning of “home” and “Jewish identity.” Previously
unpublished archival footage presents one of the most
influential figures in the 20 th century not only as a keen
thinker, but also as a private person in many facets.
David Teboul *1967 Paris France
Films (selection) mon amour (2019 d)
Bardot, la méprise (2014 d)
Boris Mikhailov, I’ve Been Here Once Before (2009 d)
Premiere September
2020 Diagonale’20 –
The Unfinished
50__ 51
This Land Is My Land Susanne Brandstätter
English (Ger/Eng sub)
Dolby 5.1
105 min
Susanne Brandstätter
Joerg Burger
Susanne Brandstätter
Michaela Müllner
Sound Design
Wolf-Maximilian Liebich
Susanne Brandstätter
“What the hell happened to my country?” After Donald
Trump’s election, this is a burning question to the
American filmmaker who’s lived most her life in Austria.
With the critical distance of a European and an insider’s
eye, she gets close to some Trump voters in Ohio:
a microcosm of a deeply divided USA. Following the
golden rule “don’t argue, listen ...,” the documentary
explores polarization and why people stick to
their political opinions – no matter what. So the film
is a plea for an objective, yet courageous debate.
Susanne Brandstätter *Los Angeles USA
Films (selection) The Future’s Past – Creating Cambodia
(2012 d) Rule of Law (2006 d) Checkmate – Strategy
of a Revolution (2004 d)
September 2020
BelDocs Belgrade
Documentary Film
Susanne Brandstätter
Casting Tapes
Ulrike Putzer
Matthias van Baaren
fiction short
54__ 55
Fiction Short
Casting Tapes
Ulrike Putzer
Matthias van Baaren
Casting Tapes is a filmic picture puzzle:
a theatrical film about an actress on the one
hand, and a documentation about acting on
the other.
Ulrike Putzer *1982 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Hände zum Himmel
(co-director 2013 short d)
Elephant Skin (co-director 2009 short f)
Matthias van Baaren *1977 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Hände zum Himmel
(co-director 2013 short d)
Die Falten des Königs (2011 short d)
German (Eng sub)
HD 16:9
23 min
Concept/Producers Ulrike Putzer
Matthias van Baaren
Key Cast Lisa Furtner
Naemi Latzer, Sandra Lipp
Camera Harald Traindl
Editor Nooran Talebi
Premiere July 2020 Vienna
dotdotdot – Open Air Short Film Festival
Contact Ulrike Putzer
Matthias van Baaren
Am Gang
Claudia Dermutz
Children’s Film
Amina Handke
Veronika Barnaš
Was eine Familie leisten kann
Sybille Bauer
Am Gang
Claudia Dermutz
Children’s Film
Amina Handke
Am Gang is a film about the communal
stairs and hallways of an apartment
building. Or rather, about its inhabitants. It
shows what a silent onlooker in the hallways
of a house might notice about the life of
the building’s residents. Moments of the
tenants’ lives are captured (in image and
in sound) that are felt in the peripheral
space of the hallways and make up its
character. Scraps of thought, associations,
interpretations and expanding on them –
that is the focus of the film.
Claudia Dermutz *1978 Friesach Austria
Films (selection) 30 some things (2012 short d)
3 Stockwerke lang (2010 a-g)
Ohne Einander (2008 short f)
German (Eng sub)
HD 16:9
Dolby SR
25 min
Concept Claudia Dermutz
Camera David Auner
Editor Christin Veith
Christine Ajayi
Claudia Dermutz
The story of the first three or four years in a
child’s life and its key moments, told from
a child’s perspective. A central aspect of
early childhood, nonverbal communication
and its gradual broadening into language, is
conveyed by filmic means, by accompanying
a child and its development, its interaction
with its environment. We experience the
child’s first utterances, moods, emotions
and needs. Long-term observation reveals
some special features of this period of life.
Amina Handke *1969 Berlin Germany
Films (selection) Academy Album. A Guide in
52 Miniatures (a-g, d 2018) Mother of Mother
(2015 short d) Hysteria 2.0.0 v01 (2014 a-g)
Appropriated Beggars (2013 multichannel a-g)
German (Eng sub)
2K 1:1.85
Dolby Stereo
27 min
Concept Amina Handke
Camera Leena Koppe
Binsar Panjaitan
Editor Oliver Neumann
Amina Handke
Producers Oliver Neumann
Sabine Moser
Production FreibeuterFilm
Contact FreibeuterFilm
58__ 59
Documentary Short
Veronika Barnaš
Was eine Familie leisten
kann Sybille Bauer
Riding follows the production and operation
of the temporary spectacle that is the fair
over the course of one season in presentday
Austria. It provides insight into the
mechanisms of the fairground – the rides
and their mechanical aesthetics, and the
travelling showpeople’s work in front of and
behind the scenes of the fair. Movements of
the showpeople, their rides, and the visitors
constitute the film’s central theme.
Veronika Barnaš *1978 Vienna Austria
German (Eng sub)
HD 16:9
Dolby SR
30 min
Veronika Barnaš
Karin Hammer
Bernhard Hammer
July 2020 Vienna
dotdotdot – Open Air Short Film Festival
Veronika Barnaš
A seemingly happy family crumbles under
the weight of keeping up appearances: The
mother – a young, attractive, social climber
– is overburdened. The father – eloquent, a
good provider and soulmate – withdraws into
himself when he is diagnosed with Parkinson’s
disease. The child – author and director
of the film – starts to exhibit “problematic”
behavior early on. She is the one in the family
who exhibits symptoms of the family’s
dysfunction. The memories about this girl tell
of emotional abuse and childhood isolation
while looking toward an unwritten future.
Sybille Bauer *1989 Linz Austria
Films (selection) Kein halbes Leben (2018 d)
My condition is good but temporally limited.
(2016 short d) Mariedl (2014 short d)
German (Eng sub)
HD 1:1.85
Dolby SR
30 min
Concept/Producer Sybille Bauer
Camera Judith Benedikt
Klemens Koscher
Editor Lisa Zoe Geretschläger
Norbert Pfaffenbichler
All the Stops
Josef Dabernig
Manfred Schwaba
Antoinette Zwirchmayr
Katrina Daschner
A proposal to project in Scope
Viktoria Schmid
Thomas Steiner
We have more than beds to dream in
Bernd Oppl
Where Is Lotte?
Petra Zöpnek
avant-garde short
Norbert Pfaffenbichler
All the Stops
Josef Dabernig
This aesthetically and substantively bleak
experimental film plays host to a cast of
masked actors in strictly window-less
interiors. The nightmarish story establishes
an uncanny and threatening atmosphere.
The film borrows upon various surrealist
avant-garde films, as well as classical
science fiction and horror movies.
Norbert Pfaffenbichler *1967 Steyr Austria
Films (selection) Invest in Failure (2018 f, a-g)
A Messenger From the Shadows (2013 f, a-g)
Mosaik mécanique (2007 a-g)
No dialog
4K 4:3
Dolby Stereo
62 min
Norbert Pfaffenbichler
Key Cast
Stefan Erber
David Ionescu
Martin Putz
Norbert Pfaffenbichler
Mansion – church – hairdressers, mansion –
church – bar, mansion – church – cemetery.
In the rhythm of household chores and
social engagements, a musician works her
way, conducting a handful of helpers like
her own little chamber orchestra.
Josef Dabernig *1956
Kötschach-Mauthen Austria
Films (selection) Heavy Metal Detox (2019 a-g)
Stabat Mater (2016 a-g)
Zlaté Piesky Rocket Launch (2015 a-g)
No dialog
DCP 1:1.85
16 min
Josef Dabernig
Camera Christian Giesser
Music Christoph Herndler
Sound Design Michael Palm
Producer Josef Dabernig
Co-Producer steirischer herbst ’20
Premiere September 2020
Paranoia TV, steirischer herbst ‘20
Josef Dabernig
62__ 63
Avant-Garde Short
Manfred Schwaba
Antoinette Zwirchmayr
From the spring of 2018 to the spring
of 2019, Austrian filmmakers Manfred
Schwaba and Antoinette Zwirchmayr – who
up to this point had maintained a faithful,
intense “letter friendship” – switched to
an unusual, artistic and intense method of
communication. Their letters adopted the
form of short analog films, shot on silent
16 mm, edited mostly “in camera,” to be
(hand-)developed by the receiver rather than
by the sender. (Neil Young)
Manfred Schwaba *1973 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) 52 Films or: My First Garden
(2017 a-g) Tagebuch bis erster Schnee (2017 a-g)
Atlantic35 (2016 a-g)
Antoinette Zwirchmayr *1989 Oberndorf Austria
Films (selection) The Shadow of Utopia (2018
a-g) Josef – My Father’s Criminal Record (2016 d)
The Pimp and His Trophies (2014 d)
No dialog
16 mm
60 min
Antoinette Zwirchmayr
Manfred Schwaba
Manfred Schwaba
Antoinette Zwirchmayr
Katrina Daschner
Pomp is the eighth part of a series based on
Arthur Schnitzler’s Traumnovelle. Circular
choreography, the dome of the sound stage
in Düsseldorf, a heavenly ceiling resembling
the firmament and universe: The pompous
circular choreography mixes with heavenly
projections. Finger dances in gold satin
gloves, brimming carafes of champagne
in pyramidal cones, performers in catsuits
who emerge from the same colored
background. Everything turns. Pure pomp.
Katrina Daschner *1973 Bad Kissingen Germany
Films (selection) Plum Circus (2019 a-g)
Pfauenloch (2018 a-g) Pferdebusen (2017 a-g)
No dialog
DCP 2K flat
8 min
Concept Katrina Daschner
Camera Hannes Böck
Editors Hannes Böck
Katrina Daschner
Producers Katrina Daschner
Anna Spanlang
Production Lady Chutney Production
Premiere May 2020
International Short Film Festival Oberhausen
Sales sixpackfilm
A proposal to project in
Scope Viktoria Schmid
Thomas Steiner
In a cinema the screen needs to become
invisible in order to serve as a window to the
world. In Viktoria Schmid’s series A proposal
to project, the screen is allowed to fulfill a
different purpose. It is the main protagonist.
The screen in Scope-format is set up at the
Curonian Split’s seashore, in Lithuania, in a
landscape corresponding with the qualities
of the screen’s wide-screen-format. The film
shows the screen for the duration of one day:
The sun and trees perform a subtle interplay
of light and shadow while the sea and wind
create the surround sound of the 35 mm film.
Viktoria Schmid *1986 Neuhofen/Ybbs Austria
Films (selection) W O W (Kodak) (2018 a-g)
A proposal to project (in 4:3) (2016 a-g)
It’s a Dance (2014 a-g)
No dialog
35 mm CinemaScope 1:2.35
Dolby Digital
8 min
Concept/Editor Viktoria Schmid
Camera Vilius Mačiulskis
Premiere January 2020
International Film Festival Rotterdam
Tovo is an animated film which makes experimental
use of analog and digital technologies,
going beyond the usual constricts
of the genre. A hiking path is repeatedly
followed, and interventions in the form of
drawings are imposed on certain landmarks.
Abstract images come into being with the
help of recapitulation and superimposition.
The film formulates visual concepts and invites
us to take part in this thinking process.
Thomas Steiner *1956 Wels Austria
Films (selection) Fluide (2018 a-g)
Lap of Luxury (2016 a-g) Theresia (2013 a-g)
No dialog
DCP 2K flat
8 min
Thomas Steiner
Werner Puntigam
Premiere October 2020
Crossing Europe Linz
64__ 65
Avant-Garde Short
We have more than beds
to dream in Bernd Oppl
Where Is Lotte?
Petra Zöpnek
The setting for this film is provided by a model
of a waiting room, resembling what one
might encounter in an airport. A black cloud
begins to spread out in the waiting room.
It is ink that mixes in with the model in the
water. The chaotic process of its diffusion
meets with the organized structure of the
waiting room, gradually dissolving it entirely.
Bernd Oppl *1980 Innsbruck Austria
Films (selection) Substanzaufnahme
(co-director 2016 a-g) Hotel Room (2011 short f)
Flock (2010 short f)
No dialog
6 min
Bernd Oppl
Andreas Kurz
Premiere March 2020 Kunsthalle Graz
as part of Diagonale’20 – The Unfinished
Bernd Oppl
Homage to Lotte Hass (1928–2015), the
“first lady of diving.” This experimental film
is a memorial leap. Underwater models
stand in for Lotte, or rather: They jump in for
her. They jump into the Old Danube and go
searching, in a state of floating, before they
rise again, transformated, in the Red Sea.
Their body parts and limbs flicker, become
blurred. The movements of all the divers, of
water, air and mysterious plants turn into a
collective action.
Petra Zöpnek *1969 Vienna Austria
Films (Selection) Mädchen in Rot und Gold
(2006 a-g)
No dialog
Dolby 5.1
9 min
Realisation Petra Zöpnek
Key Cast Underwater models, Old Danube
and Red Sea
Music GIL CHÉRI (= Gilbert Handler, Petra Zöpnek)
Sound Design Gilbert Handler
Premiere September 2020 Varna, Bulgaria
In the Palace - International Short Film Festival
Petra Zöpnek
films in production
Milena Czernovsky
Lilith Kraxner
Die brennende Nacht
Johannes Hammel
Folgenlos – A Film Without
Jakob Brossmann
Soldat Ahmet
Jannis Lenz
Christoph Schwarz
Swimming Pool
Filip Antoni Malinowski
Verabredung im Herbst
Sebastian Brauneis
in production
70__ 71
Fiction in Production
Beatrix Milena Czernovsky, Lilith Kraxner
(Eng sub)
16 mm DCP 1:1.33
Dolby Surround
approx. 95 min
Milena Czernovsky
Lilith Kraxner
Key Cast Eva Sommer
Katharina Farnleitner
Marthe de Crouy-Chanel
Antonia de la Luz Kašik
Beatrix ends up spending the summer alone in a house.
Unobserved for the first time, she starts observing
herself and is confronted with her intimacy but also her
insecurities. While different characters enter and leave
the world she created for herself, she begins to let go
of societal expectations and allows herself to follow her
impulses. We see Beatrix between boredom, amusement
and loneliness accompanied by the unfolding
drama of everyday situations.
Milena Czernovsky *1993 Graz Austria
Lilith Kraxner *1995 Pichling Austria
Lara Bellon
Milena Czernovsky
Lilith Kraxner
Completion 2021
Milena Czernovsky
Lilith Kraxner
Die brennende Nacht
Johannes Hammel
4K+S-8 mm
approx. 75 min
Johannes Hammel
Key Cast
Nikolaus Habjan
Karl Fischer
Susi Stach
Johannes Hammel
The Burning Night is an experiment with dolls and
actors, presenting an elderly homeless man suffering
from complete memory loss as he pursues his
doppelganger. All that he can find of the unknown
man is an old suitcase with an id card, an audiotape
machine and the recordings of his diary. As if under
the spell of a daydream, the homeless man starts to
take on the identity of his doppelganger: The homeless
man dreams himself up. He dreams of the wife he
has lost, he watches her together with her new lover.
He dreams of old business trips and his past life.
Johannes Hammel *1963 Basel Switzerland
Films (selection) Buildings (2015 a-g) Rooms (2013 a-g)
Folge mir (2010 f)
Completion 2022
72__ 73
Fiction in Production
Folgenlos – A Film Without Consequences
Jakob Brossmann
(Ger/Eng sub)
2K+4K 1:1.85
Dolby SR
approx. 73 min
Friedrich von Borries
Jakob Brossmann
Key Cast Albert Meisl
Katharina Meves
Milo Rau
Camera Fabian Spuck
Serafin Spitzer
Editor Lisa Zoe
On the set of a fiction film, the team struggles with
the provoking theses of writer Friedrich von Borries:
Humans, and especially artists, should strive for
a life without consequences. A film about ecology,
revolution, the power of art, the beauty of failing
and a farewell to success.
Jakob Brossmann *1986 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Gehört, Gesehen (2019 d) Lampedusa in
Winter (2015 d) #unibrennt – Bildungsprotest 2.0 (2010 d)
Clemens Schaeffer
Friedrich von Borries
Jakob Brossmann
Finali Film & Wortschatz
Produktion (AT)
Completion 2021
Jakob Brossmann
Soldat Ahmet Jannis Lenz
(Eng/Ger sub)
HD 16:9
Dolby Stereo
approx. 75 min
Jannis Lenz
Key Cast
Ahmet Simsek
Jakob Fuhr
Jannis Lenz
Roland Stöttinger
Nooran Talebi
Ahmet slides between worlds – as a professional soldier
in the Austrian army, national champion in boxing
and son of Turkish immigrants, he tries his hand at
the world of drama. Giving free rein to his emotions
turns out to be more difficult for Ahmet than expected.
Soldier Ahmet is a film that wanders between the worlds
of documentary and fiction – just like its protagonist.
Jannis Lenz *1983 Filderstadt Germany
Films (selection) Battlefield (2020 a-g)
Wannabe (2017 short f) Schattenboxer (2015 f)
David Bohun
Lixi Frank
Panama Film
Completion 2021
Panama Film
74__ 75
Fiction in Production
Sparschwein Christoph Schwarz
(Eng sub)
2K+4K 1:1.85
Dolby Digital
approx. 70 min
Christoph Schwarz
Georg Geutebrück
Christian Schwab
Marie-Thérèse Zumtobel
Christian Schwab
The filmmaker Christoph Schwarz is broke. Might he
artistically exploit this emergency situation and shoot a
documentary chronicling how he goes on a money strike
for a year? But what should he do about the director’s
fee to which he is entitled? Should he throw it into a
campfire and let it burn in a bold anti-capitalistic gesture
or should he buy a vacation house in Austria’s Waldviertel
after all? Piggy Bank is a self-ironic meta-documentary
about the economic potential of a money strike.
Christoph Schwarz *1981 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Die beste Stadt ist keine Stadt (2019 short d)
CSL (2018 short d, f) LDAE (2017 short d, f)
Christoph Schwarz
ARGE Schwarz
Completion 2022
Christoph Schwarz
Swimming Pool Filip Antoni Malinowski
(Eng sub)
4K 1:1.85
Dolby SR
approx. 95 min
Filip Antoni Malinowski
Key Cast Jasmina Polak
Mateusz Król
Konrad Stein
Frank Brummundt
After the sudden separation from her boyfriend Marek,
conscientious Polish lifeguard Julia (30) finds refuge
and meaning in life in a patriotic militia. She quickly
becomes a leader in the male-dominated association,
but at the same time has to realise that the gap
between the actions of the troop and her moral values
is constantly growing ...
Filip Antoni Malinowski *1982 Poznań Poland
Films (selection) Guardians of the Earth (2017 d)
Resettlement (2012 d)
Jürgen Karasek, Filip
Antoni Malinowski
Marcin Wierzchosławski
Gregor Streiber
Friedemann Hottenbacher
Soleil Film (AT)
Metro Films (PL)
Inselfilm (DE)
Completion 2022
Contact Soleil Film
76__ 77
Fiction in Production
Verabredung im Herbst Sebastian Brauneis
(Eng/Ger sub)
2K+4K 1:1.85
Dolby Digital
approx. 109 min
Sebastian Brauneis
Key Cast
Marlene Hauser
Julia Franz Richter
Lukas Watzl
Sebastian Brauneis
Antonia Adelsberger
Sebastian Brauneis
The opposite of “good” is “well-meant.” An Autumn
Rendezvous is a film about love and its moods of
departure. A film of great longing about great longings.
A melodrama about the little lies in relationships
that are supposed to “protect” the other person
from being hurt, but which in reality arise from one’s
own cowardice and only make things worse. And yet,
everyone is left with a smile in the end.
Sebastian Brauneis *1978 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) 3Freunde2Feinde (2020 f) Zauberer (2017 f)
Shadows – Cien w futrach (2008 short f)
Sebastian Brauneis
Studio Brauneis
Completion 2021
Studio Brauneis
Alterlaa – 27 Storeys
Bianca Gleissinger
Auf der Suche nach
der gestohlenen Zeit
Konrad Wakolbinger
Aus der Wunderwelt
Alice Durst
Christian Neubacher
Before I Die
Juri Rechinsky
Carla Lonzi – Ein Porträt
zweiter Ordnung
Constanze Ruhm
Luise Müller
Dreaming Dogs and Barking Men
Elsa Kremser
Levin Peter
Hans Hochstöger
Lukas Ladner
it works 20
Fridolin Schönwiese
Just Be There
Caspar Pfaundler
Aleksey Lapin
Kurt Kren
Martina Kudláček
The Life of Sean DeLear
Markus Zizenbacher
Alireza Ghanie
My Room
Monika Stuhl
Nur ein Augenblick
Joerg Burger
Order in Chaos – Chaos in Order
Pavel Cuzuioc
Clara Trischler
Read My Breasts
Anja Salomonowitz
Rösl’s Suitcase
Elizabeth Lennard
Stories From the Sea
Jola Wieczorek
Tagebuch eines Optimisten
Rainer Frimmel
Tizza Covi
Die Tagträume des Nikolaus Habjan
Johannes Hammel
Vor dem Verschwinden/Izginjanje
Andrina Mračnikar
Thomas Fürhapter
Dariusz Kowalski
Left to Die
sebastian j. f.
in production
Alterlaa – 27 Storeys
Bianca Gleissinger
HD 16:9
Dolby Stereo
approx. 90 min
Bianca Gleissinger
Klemens Koscher
Kai Eiermann
My return to utopia. Alterlaa is a sentimental film with
a regional background: A look behind the scenes of
the mystified microcosm in the ambitious Alterlaa
housing project in Vienna, an object of controversy for
40 years. What’s the truth behind it all? Is it a success
story, or has it driven people around the bend? We can
only shrug our shoulders since we know both are true.
Bianca Gleissinger *1990 Vienna Austria
Ralph Wieser
Mischief Films (AT)
Egoli Tossell Film (DE)
Completion 2021
Mischief Films
80__ 81
Documentary in Production
Auf der Suche nach der gestohlenen Zeit
Konrad Wakolbinger
2K 1:1.85
approx. 90 min
Konrad Wakolbinger
Martin Putz
Oliver Neumann
Sabine Moser
In Search of the Stolen Time: How have our modern
concepts of working hours and temporality developed
in mutual interaction since the Middle Ages? The
idea that “time is money” is both ever-present and
unquestioned. The film discusses how and why this
formula has become so powerful, and what it does to
us as individuals and as a society.
Konrad Wakolbinger *1969 Wegscheid Germany
Films (selection) Wir sind die Mutanten (2013 d)
Completion 2021
Aus der Wunderwelt
Alice Durst, Christian Neubacher
(Eng sub)
Dolby Stereo
approx. 105 min
Alice Durst
Christian Neubacher
Completion 2021
Christian Neubacher
Two filmmakers follow the footsteps of a journey: a film
about a trip into the past. In 1827 a giraffe was captured
in Nubia and shipped to Venice via Cairo. From there it
made its way to Vienna on foot, setting off an outright
giraffe-mania in the Imperial capital. Out of a Wondrous
World: Historical paintings, letters and newspaper
articles guide the filmmakers along their way, the film
emulating illusion-producing technologies of times past
– a game and a dance with the times ensue.
Alice Durst *1973 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Fluchtschicht (2012 a-g) Arena (2008 a-g)
autoconstruction city (co-director 2006 a-g)
Christian Neubacher *1972 Salzburg Austria
Films (selection) Optical Sound (co-director 2014 a-g) East Man
(2009 a-g) Muß ma immer lachen (2002 short d)
82__ 83
Documentary in Production
Before I Die
Juri Rechinsky
Ukrainian (Eng sub)
2K Digital
Dolby Stereo
approx. 90 min
Juri Rechinsky
Angelika Spangel
Florian Brüning
Thomas Herberth
Completion 2021
On fathers and sons: a road movie about 40-yearold
Grisha, who takes his 80-year-old father, Ivan,
who never was abroad, on a car trip from Krivoy Rog,
Ukraine, through Central Europe, in search for the
grave of Ivan’s father. Grisha recently found out that his
grandfather, counted as missing in combat since Ivan
was one year old, died in a Nazi labour camp in territory
of today’s France in 1944, together with 22,000 other
Ukrainian prisoners of war. Before I Die deals with the
difficulties of overcoming the fear of your parents dying
and how to make peace with them.
Juri Rechinsky *1986 Turkmenistan
Films (selection) Ugly (2017 f) Sickfuckpeople (2013 d)
Why so Happy (2012 short d)
Carla Lonzi – Ein Porträt zweiter Ordnung
Constanze Ruhm
(Eng sub)
4K 1:1.85
Dolby Stereo
approx. 100 min
Constanze Ruhm
Key Cast
Gemma Vannuzzi
Judith van der Werff
Josefin Platt
Camera Hannes Böck
Editors Hannes Böck
Constanze Ruhm
This film – A Second-Order Portrait – is part of a
planned series dedicated to the history and present of
feminism(s). It focuses on Italian author and feminist
Carla Lonzi and on her role as one of the leaders of the
Italian feminist revolt in the 1970ies and 1980ies. At
the core of its narrative resides an unfinished project
of Lonzi which was interrupted by her untimely death
in 1982, and which the film wants to revisit in order to
complete it in a speculative manner.
Constanze Ruhm *1965 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Gli appunti di Anna Azzori (2019 d)
Panoramis Paramount Paranormal –
Three Times a Film (co-director 2017 a-g)
Crash Site/My_Never_Ending_Burial_Plot (2010 f)
Constanze Ruhm
Anže Peršin
Stenar Projects (PT)
Completion 2022
Constanze Ruhm
84__ 85
Documentary in Production
Luise Müller
German (Eng sub)
HD 1:1.85
approx. 85 min
Luise Müller
Maria Lisa Pichler
Lukas Schöffel
Daniel Fill
Maria Lisa Pichler
Dariush is a 40 year old member of an inland ship’s
crew at the port of Hamburg. His daily life consists
in a full time job, a long term relationship and Punk
concerts on weekends. Dariush is currently awaiting
criminal charges. He is the subject of an ongoing investigation
in Italy concerning the “facilitating of illegal
immigration.” During 2016 and 2017 he worked on rescue
ships. He is facing 20 years imprisonment. The film
accompanies Dariush for a year.
Luise Müller *1989 Frankfurt/Main Germany
Films (selection) Staub (2017 short d)
Maria Lisa Pichler
Catrin Freundlinger
Completion 2021
Maria Lisa Pichler
Dreaming Dogs and Barking Men
Elsa Kremser, Levin Peter
Russian (Ger/Eng sub)
2K CinemaScope 1:2.35
Dolby Digital 5.1
approx. 75 min
Elsa Kremser
Levin Peter
Yunus Roy Imer
Elsa Kremser
Levin Peter
Three stray dogs, four tramps and a limousine with out
wheels – in the midst of a run-down industrial landscape,
not far from the center of Moscow. A “pack of
strays” – dogs and men, living off whatever they can
find and what has been left behind in seemingly idyllic
circumstances. Yet, a building is rising unpre ventably
in the background, and soon it threatens to engulf the
“forgotten garden” where the group is living.
Elsa Kremser *1985 Wolfsberg Austria
Films (selection) Space Dogs (co-director 2019 d)
Mr & Mrs N (2014 short d)
Levin Peter *1985 Jena Germany
Films (selection) Space Dogs (co-director 2019 d)
Beyond the Snowstorm (2016 d) Sonor (2010 short d)
Completion 2021
86__ 87
Documentary in Production
Hans Hochstöger
(Ger/Eng Sub)
4K 1:1.85
Dolby Stereo
approx. 85 min
Hans Hochstöger
Richard Bayerl
Christin Veith
Completion 2021
Hans Hochstöger
On the night of May 2, 1945, five days before the end
of World War II, 228 Hungarian Jews were murdered
in the small Lower Austrian community of Hofamt
Priel by perpetrators unnamed to this day. Witnesses
recognized local helpers, but the murderers were never
found, nor was there a trial. The massacre is one of
the last so-called “Endphase Crimes,” and maybe the
last that we know so little about. Everyone – survivors,
relatives of the victims, but also the families of the
perpetrators and local witnesses – have to deal with a
terrible memory and have been silent about the events
for more than 75 years.
Hans Hochstöger *1982 Melk Austria
Eva-Maria Lukas Ladner
German (Eng sub)
2K 1:1.85
approx. 80 min
Lukas Ladner
Gregor Perle
Lisa Zoe Geretschläger
Arash T. Riahi
Peter Drössler
Sabine Gruber
Daniel Dlouhy
Lukas Ladner
Golden Girls
Bunny Beach Films
Due to childhood polio, Eva-Maria has been sitting in
a wheel chair for as long as she can remember. Her
whole life she has been fighting an uphill battle to be
accepted as a full-fledged member of society. Today,
having reached the end of her 30ies, she dares to take a
courageous step: She has decided to become a mother.
Chronicled by one of her assistants, this film provides
unusually intimate insight into living outside the norms
of conventional family planning.
Lukas Ladner *1991 Innsbruck Austria
Films (selection) Like Sun in an Empty Room (2018 short f)
Treibgut (2017 short f)
Ritter ohne Fehl und Adel (2014 short d)
Completion 2021
Golden Girls
88__ 89
Documentary in Production
it works 20 Fridolin Schönwiese
German (Eng sub)
HD 16:9
Dolby Stereo
approx. 90 min
Fridolin Schönwiese
Joerg Burger
Johannes Hammel
Karina Ressler
Sound Design
Michael Palm
Fridolin Schönwiese
The short film it works released in 1998 documented
four handicapped children as they went about their
everyday work routines. 20 years later, these children
have grown into wonderful 30-year-old men and
women who now stand in the prime of their lives. This
film finds a personal and filmic intimacy much like its
precursor, while questioning how socially normative
concepts determine who is or is not considered
handicapped nowadays.
Fridolin Schönwiese *1967 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Kopie aus dem Bundesarchiv (2015 a-g)
The Five Cardinal Points (2011 d)
Volver la Vista – The Gaze Back (2006 d)
Completion 2021
Fridolin Schönwiese
Just Be There Caspar Pfaundler
DCP 2K 1:1.85
Dolby Digital
approx. 105 min
Caspar Pfaundler
Completion 2021
Caspar Pfaundler
Just Be There, the first part of the “dance rehearsal
documentary film-project” takes place in the Vienna
State Opera: Manuel Legris, the director of the Vienna
State Ballet is the dancer in a new choreography of
Patrick de Bana with Nina Polakova, a first soloist
of the company. The focus lies on the creative
process between the choreographer and the dancers.
Sometimes philosophical, sometimes a confrontation
with practical problems of movements – rehearsals
are always a breathtaking work. The film ends with the
last rehearsal on stage for the Nurejew Gala 2019. No
interviews, no commentary and probably no subtitles –
the body language says enough.
Caspar Pfaundler *1959 Innsbruck Austria
Films (selection) Die Melancholie der Millionäre (2018 d)
Gehen am Strand (2013 f) Schottentor (2009 f)
90__ 91
Documentary in Production
Krai Aleksey Lapin
(Ger/Eng Sub)
DCP 2K 1:1.37
Dolby Digital
approx. 120 min
Aleksey Lapin
Adrian Campean
Florian Brüning
Thomas Herberth
Completion 2021
A filmmaker is shooting a fictional film with his team
in the village of his forefathers near the Russian-
Ukrainian border. He attempts to make a movie
that is “fresh and clean-cut in terms of methods and
aesthetic tricks,” however he encounters hurdles
in the real world, influencing the lives of the village
people, and the truth becomes mingled with lies. As
a consequence, the author has to disappear from
the artwork. A new fiction begins, where causality
and predictability are exclusive cases. Legends are
legitimized and fictional film becomes documentary.
The village has transformed itself into a stage.
Aleksey Lapin *1988 Tomsk Russia
Films (selection) 100 Euro (2018 short f)
Geschichte 2000 (co-director 2017 short f)
Rhythmus 59 (co-director 2016 short f)
Kurt Kren Martina Kudláček
approx. 100 min
Martina Kudláček
Johannes Hammel
Wolfgang Lehner
Henry Hills
Completion 2021
The film explores the biography, myths, world view and
art work of Austrian artist Kurt Kren (1929–1998), a
major figure in avant-garde film from the 1950ies until
his death, beloved of the generations that followed him
both for his accomplishments and his sensibility, whose
work sharply resonates in many of the most radical art
move ments of the late 20 th century, from Actionism to
Martina Kudláček *1965 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Fragments of Kubelka (2012 d) Notes on
Marie Menken (2006 d) In the Mirror of Maya Deren (2001 d)
Martina Kudláček
92__ 93
Documentary in Production
Left to Die sebastian j. f.
4K 1:1.85
Dolby Stereo
approx. 90 min
Lukas Gnaiger
sebastian j. f.
Cronos Film
Left to Die is the story of 72 African refugees adrift in
a dinghy in the Mediterranean Sea, without food or
water, for 14 days. They are on their way from Libya to
Lampedusa when they run out of fuel. A military helicopter,
a NATO warship and several fishing boats spot
the vessel drifting helplessly in the sea but abandon
the men in the dinghy to their fate. When the boat is
washed ashore on the Libyan coast two weeks later,
only nine of the 72 passengers on board are still alive.
sebastian j. f. *1969 Austria
Films (selection) War on Terror (2011 d)
The War on Drugs (2007 d) info wars (2004 d)
Completion 2021
Cronos Film
The Life of Sean DeLear Markus Zizenbacher
(Eng sub)
DV 16:9
Dolby Stereo
approx. 90 min
Markus Zizenbacher
Kurdwin Ayub
Aleksey Lapin
Sebastian Schreiner
Completion 2021
This film aims to preserve the legacy of the fabulous
Sean DeLear, cross-dressing punk singer and party
maven, through time and space. He is living art and
acted out a variety of art forms from music and fashion
to film and theater. Before he died in September
2017, all of his belongings – photos, videos, dresses
– were sent from his hometown L. A. to Vienna. It’s
an inspiring collection of flashbacks through time
and provides insight into this exceptional personality,
who was a cultural boundary-breaker, transcending
sexuality, race, age, genres, scenes … everything.
Markus Zizenbacher *1986 Oberpullendorf Austria
Films (selection) Deep Work (2019 short f) Geschichte 2000
(co-director 2017 short f) Rhythmus 59 (co-director 2016 f)
Markus Zizenbacher
94__ 95
Documentary in Production
Mirrors Alireza Ghanie
(Ger/Eng sub)
HD 16:9
Dolby Digital
approx. 85 min
Alireza Ghanie
Kave Shahlou
Alireza Ghanie
Alireza Ghanie
How does the theater of life go on when a renowned
actor and theater director in an Islamic country resolves
to acknowledge her transsexuality, regardless of any
social implications, and decides to undergo sex change
surgery to become a man? The film accompanies the
protagonist’s extraordinary life circumstances, his selfconfident
fight against discrimination as well as his
positive creative spirit and power to make a new life for
himself according to his own design.
Alireza Ghanie *1959 Tehran Iran
Films (selection) Networking (2014 short d)
Lessons From Bam (2005 short d) Windspiel (2002 f)
Completion 2021
Alireza Ghanie
My Room Monika Stuhl
(Ger sub)
HD 16:9
Dolby Stereo
approx. 90 min
Monika Stuhl
Joerg Burger
Monika Stuhl
Completion 2021
Monika Stuhl
Nothing exceptional to report. The starting point for
one is the ultimate achievement for the other. Lorenzo,
Matteo, Barbara, Dagmara and Carla live in Perugia. They
either suffer from a mental handicap or a psycho logical
disturbance. They live in a settlement called Prisma,
together with people whose normalcy is calculated to
be contagious. Behavioural disturbances such as anorexia
and self-mutilisation permanently improve in this
environment. But the “normal” people also experience
Monika Stuhl *1964 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Nicht fern. Nicht nah. (1995 short d) Wohin
verschwindet das Meer bei Ebbe? (1992 short f) Mit an
Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit (1990 short d)
96__ 97
Documentary in Production
Nur ein Augenblick Joerg Burger
(Ger sub)
HD 1:1.85
Dolby SR
approx. 80 min
Joerg Burger
Joerg Burger
Completion 2021
What is time? What is the essence of our times? What
happens to time after it has passed? To which extent
does our perception of time determine the decisions
we make in our daily lives? What is the relationship
between past, present and future? How long does a
moment take? The film A Moment in Time assumes the
form of an essay on the phenomenon of time and the
approach to its philosophical, existential and scientific
Joerg Burger *1961 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Elfie Semotan, Photographer (2019 d)
Un solo colore (2016 d) Focus on Infinity (2014 d)
Joerg Burger
Order in Chaos – Chaos in Order Pavel Cuzuioc
Russian (Eng sub)
DCP 2K 1:1.85
Dolby Digital 5.1
approx. 90 min
Pavel Cuzuioc
Pavel Cuzuioc
Completion 2021
A portrait film of a group of scientists who live and
work at the Special Astrophysical Observatory, located
in an isolated Russian village in the Caucasian Mountains.
Faced with the magnitude of the universe, the
protagonists seek meaning through science and philosophy,
in order to deal with the mundane realities of
their terrestrial existence. This film charts the intersection
of astrophysics and existentialism.
Pavel Cuzuioc *1978 Republic of Moldova
Films (selection) Bitte warten ... (2020 d)
Secondo Me (2016 d) Raisa (2015 short f)
Pavel Cuzuioc
98__ 99
Documentary in Production
Paraísos Clara Trischler
Spanish (Ger/Eng sub)
16:9 HD
approx. 90 min
Clara Trischler
Carolina Steinbrecher
Marie-Thérèse Zumtobel
Miriam Ortiz
Marielle Pohlmann
Thomas Herberth
Florian Brüning
Horse&Fruits Vienna
(AT)/Munich (DE)
An indigenous Mexican village turns into a ghost town
as most of its inhabitants have migrated to the US:
How does it feel like to live on the other side of the
American Dream? The villagers of El Alberto develop
an unusual solution: They slip into the roles of border
guards and human traffickers to re-enact the traumatic
crossing for paying tourists who can thus experience
being a migrant for one night.
Clara Trischler *1986 Korneuburg Austria
Films (selection) Zuhause ist kein Ort (2016 short d)
Das erste Meer (2013 d) Wir haben keinen Himmel,
auf den wir warten sollten (2007 short f)
Completion 2021
Read My Breasts Anja Salomonowitz
(Eng sub)
4K CinemaScope 1:2.39
approx. 90 min
Anja Salomonowitz
Martin Putz
Eleonora Camizzi
Arash T. Riahi
Peter Drössler
Sabine Gruber
Golden Girls
Read My Breasts is a documentary film about the Ukrainian
activist Inna Shevchenko, famous founder of the
feminist group FEMEN. Her political actions changed
our world, yet her battle in the nude yielded contradictory
results – even leading to torture. And so it is that
this film is also about disappointment and trauma. Inna
has experienced much of our harsh world. But she does
not give up. A film about modern feminism.
Anja Salomonowitz *1976 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Dieser Film ist ein Geschenk (2019 d)
Die 727 Tage ohne Karamo (2013 d) Spanien (2012 f)
Completion 2022
Golden Girls
100__ 101
Documentary in Production
Rösl’s Suitcase Elizabeth Lennard
2K+4K 1:1.85
approx. 80 min
Elizabeth Lennard
Peter Janecek
PLAESION Film + Vision
Completion 2021
Truth and lies. Disconnected letters tell the broken
story of the effect the Nazi’s annexation of Austria had
on the Viennese. A young lady will be a linchpin in this
filmed investigation. Interwoven with home movies and
recordings of three generations of women – from 1938
thru my own coming of age in the Sixties and Seventies
– the film tells the story of my quest to find out what
really happened and unearth my father’s secrets.
Elizabeth Lennard *1953 New York USA
Films (selection) Talking House: Eileen Gray & Jean Badovici
(2016 short d) The Stein Family, the Making of Modern Art
(2011 short d) Tokyo Melody: A film about Ryuichi Sakamoto
(1985 short d)
PLAESION Film + Vision
Stories From the Sea
Jola Wieczorek
(Ger/Eng sub)
3K 1:1.85
approx. 90 min
Jola Wieczorek
Serafin Spitzer
Rubén Rocha
The Mediterranean has always played a central role in
our world. It is crossed, made use of, enjoyed, feared
and loved every day, every night. Stories From the Sea
portrays people aboard three vessels who experience
the Mediterranean Sea as a place of longing, a place of
work, or a scene of human encounters. The all-encompassing
blue waters, unceasing waves and distant horizon
are elements that link the protagonists, regardless
of their motivation to go out to sea.
Jola Wieczorek *1983 Poznań Polen
Films (selection) O que resta (2015 short d)
List do Polski (2015 short d) Època Baixa (2013 short d)
Jola Wieczorek
Fahrenheit Films
Completion 2021
Jola Wieczorek
102__ 103
Documentary in Production
Tagebuch eines Optimisten
Rainer Frimmel, Tizza Covi
HD 16:9
approx. 80 min
Rainer Frimmel
Tizza Covi
Rainer Frimmel
Rainer Frimmel
Vento Film
Emile Zuckerkandl (1922–2013) was the only
grandson of the famous Austrian journalist, Berta
Zuckerkandl. After years fleeing from the Nazi
regime, he managed to build a major scientific
career in the US. The memories of the 90-yearold
paint a vivid picture of 20 th -century history
with all its highs and lows. An Optimist’s Diary.
Rainer Frimmel *1971 Vienna Austria
Tizza Covi *1971 Bolzano Italy
Films (selection) Mister Universo (2016 f)
The Shine of Day (2012 f) La Pivellina (2009 f)
Completion 2021
Vento Film
Die Tagträume des Nikolaus Habjan
Johannes Hammel
German (Eng sub)
Dolby Digital 5.1
approx. 90 min
Johannes Hammel
Additional Camera
Reinhard Mayr
Jan Zischka
Johannes Gierlinger
Sophie Reiter
Johannes Hammel
The Daydreams of Nikolaus Habjan is a long-term
project. Over the next two years, director Johannes
Hammel will have the opportunity of accompanying
artist extraordinaire, Nikolaus Habjan. This film
is intended to give close- up views of the artist’s
diverse fields of work, as well as an encompassing
overview of his creative œuvre to the present,
including puppetry, theater and opera directing,
and whistling – the vast professional spectrum of
the 33-year old artist, who seems to be at home
in almost all genres of the theater and opera.
Johannes Hammel *1963 Basel Switzerland
Films (selection) Buildings (2015 a-g)
Jour sombre (2011 a-g) Folge mir (2010 f)
Completion 2021
104__ 105
Documentary in Production
Vor dem Verschwinden/Izginjanje
Andrina Mračnikar
(Eng Sub)
4K 1:1.85
Dolby SR
approx. 110 min
Andrina Mračnikar
Judith Benedikt
Gerhard Daurer
Vor dem Verschwinden/Izginjanje (Before Dissapearing)
is an essayistic documentary about the continuous
disappearance of the Carinthian Slovene ethnic group
in the southernmost province of Austria. A film about
language and identity and the question of resistance or
Andrina Mračnikar *1981 Hallein Austria
Films (selection) Ma Folie (2015 f) With Death as the Only
Certain Fate (2007 d) Andri 1924–1944 (2004 short d)
Jürgen Karasek
Danijel Hočevar
Soleil Film (AT)
Vertigo Film (SI)
Completion 2021
Soleil Film
Zusammenleben Thomas Fürhapter
multiple languages
(Ger sub)
HD 16:9
Dolby Stereo
approx. 90 min
Thomas Fürhapter
Judith Benedikt
Thomas Fürhapter
Dieter Pichler
How is Vienna’s culture mediated to migrants? The
documentary feature entitled Living Together follows
new migrants from different countries, beginning
with their first step into a new country. What
expectations do migrants have of Vienna? What
information and values are communicated to them in
the “integration courses” and what are not?
Thomas Fürhapter *1971 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Die dritte Option (2017 d)
Michael Berger. Eine Hysterie (2010 d) Planes (2006 a-g)
Ralph Wieser
Mischief Films
Completion 2021
Mischief Films
106__ 107
Documentary in Production
Zwischennutzung Dariusz Kowalski
German (Eng Sub)
2K CinemaScope 1:2.35
Dolby Stereo
approx. 90 min
Dariusz Kowalski
Martin Putz
Dieter Pichler
Dariusz Kowalski
The documentary film Zwischennutzung centers on a
building that once housed the “Spitzauer-Weiser” meat
factory in Simmering, Vienna’s eleventh district. Here
the factory serves as a collective setting and narrative
hinge connecting protagonists and their fields of work.
This filmic essay depicts the image of a site in the flux
of temporary use and in the process of disappearing.
A critical light is shed on economic mechanisms of
eviction in urban spaces.
Dariusz Kowalski *1971 Krakow Poland
Films (selection) Seeing Voices (2016 d) Richtung Nowa Huta
(2012 doc) Optical Vacuum (2008 a-g, d)
Completion 2021
Dariusz Kowalski
News From Home. News to Home.
Borjana Ventzislavova
Was soll man machen – Vor Entzücken?
Astrid Johanna Ofner
in production
News From Home. News to Home.
Borjana Ventzislavova
English (Ger sub)
HD 16:9
approx. 85 min
Borjana Ventzislavova
Borjana Ventzislavova
News From Home. News to Home. pays homage to
Chantal Akerman’s documentary film News from home.
Akerman made her film at the age of 26, showing
scenes of New York filmed in 1976 while reading her
mother’s letters aloud. Inspired by this film, 43 years
later I would like to present a different New York
and a different mother-daughter relationship. The
physical and mental distance allows for a film about
change, love and alienation – a document about a
piece of zeitgeist made from a different perspective.
Borjana Ventzislavova *1976 Sofia Bulgaria
Films (selection) Real Games (2020 a-g) Migration Standards
(2011 short d) It Isn’t Healthy (2013 a-g)
110__ 111
Avant-Garde in Production
Was soll man machen – Vor Entzücken?
Astrid Johanna Ofner
German (Eng sub)
S-8 mm/HD 16:9
approx. 75 min
Astrid Johanna Ofner
Key Cast
Sylvie Rohrer
Astrid Johanna Ofner
Astrid Johanna Ofner
The Raven Films
A poetic film essay about a woman and a room. The
woman is Rosa Luxemburg, in her prison cell during
the First World War. She writes letters comforting her
friend Sophie Liebknecht whose husband is likewise
under arrest. At the same time, Luxemburg smuggles
slips of paper out of prison, aiming to establish
Germany’s first Communist Party. What Should One Do
– In Light of Rapture?
Astrid Johanna Ofner *1968 Linz Austria
Films (selection) Die Strände (2019 a-g) Abschied von
den Eltern (2018 a-g) Tell Me on Tuesday (2007 a-g)
The Raven Films
Das andere Ende der Straße
Kálmán Nagy
Dominik Brauweiler
Dear Darkness
Antoinette Zwirchmayr
Sebastian Schmidl
Die guten Plätze
Florian Kogler
Ingo und Maja
Jan Prazak
Mein Satz
Amina Handke
Maximilian Fürst
Rosa im Schloss
Wolf-Maximilian Liebich
Lukas Valenta Rinner
Dominik Galleya Tendl
Clemens Niel
Was man empfindet, ist Angst
Rebecca Hirneise
Where Is Ida?
Petra Zöpnek
fiction short
in production
114__ 115
Fiction Short in Production
Das andere Ende der Straße
Kálmán Nagy
Dominik Brauweiler
When 9-year-old Ábel is attacked by a
classmate, Ábel’s father decides to visit the
boy’s parents to put an end to the constant
harassment. The conversation does not go
as hoped and confronts father and son with
a moral dilemma.
Kálmán Nagy *1992 Veszprém Hungary
Films (selection) Olyan Dolgok – Such Things
(2020 short f) Elias (2018 short f)
Wandertrieb (2017 short d)
Hungarian (Ger/Eng sub)
2K 1:1.85
Dolby SR
approx. 25 min
Screenplay Kálmán Nagy
Camera Manuel Prett
Editor Lea Sorgo
Producer Alisa Frischholz
Completion 2021
Contact Kálmán Nagy
Lene and Timo have retreated to a house at
the seaside. Here it feels like they are the
only two people in the world. But something
unspoken is clouding their time together.
They are there for one another, but they are
also equally distant from one another, while
connected by the hope that far away from
everything else life could be easy forever.
At a hidden cove, Lene and Timo ultimately
find the courage to disappear entirely.
Dominik Brauweiler *1981 Bonn Germany
Films (selection) Vagabond (2020 short f)
German (Eng sub)
RAW 2K CinemaScope 1:2.35
Dolby SR
approx. 25 min
Screenplay Dominik Brauweiler
Andreas Schiessler
Key Cast Thomas Schubert
Anna Suk
Camera Andreas Habermaier
Editor László Váncsa
Producer Dominik Brauweiler
Completion 2021
Contact Dominik Brauweiler
Dear Darkness
Antoinette Zwirchmayr
Sebastian Schmidl
White, grey, and black rooms of a shared
past and divided present; dreams and fantasies
surrounding one’s own life, and the
lives of the others: Three women who were
once best friends meet after twenty years
and dismantle the facades of their existential
constructs layer by layer. But ultimately,
they part ways before their lives fall apart.
Antoinette Zwirchmayr *1989 Oberndorf Austria
Films (selection) Ocenao Mare (2020 a-g)
The Shadow of Utopia (2018 a-g)
The Pimp and His Trophies (2014 d)
16 mm 1:1.37
approx. 29 min
Screenplay Angelika Reitzer
Antoinette Zwirchmayr
Key Cast Susanne Wuest
Veronika Glatzner, Teresa Rotschopf
Camera Leena Koppe
Editor Lisa Truttmann
Producers Klara Pollak
Antoinette Zwirchmayr
Production AZ Productions
Following an act of violence, two sisters
team up to take revenge on the person
who seems to be the culprit, while they find
themselves being pulled deeper and deeper
into the darkest areas of their minds.
Sebastian Schmidl *1986 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Unsquare (2019- short f)
Liebling (2015 short f)
Brigitte-Brigitte (2011 short f)
German (Eng sub)
DCP CinemaScope 1:2.39
Surround 5.1
approx. 30 min
Screenplay Sebastian Schmidl
Key Cast Anna Suk
Camera Victoria Herbig
Producers Victoria Herbig
Sebastian Schmidl
Completion 2021
Contact Sebastian Schmidl
Completion 2021
Contact Antoinette Zwirchmayr
116__ 117
Fiction Short in Production
Die guten Plätze
Florian Kogler
Ingo und Maja
Jan Prazak
Markus is a sound engineer at a small theater
in Carinthia. He has moved into his
aunt’s holiday cottage in order to write a
play. With exacting powers of observation
and linguistic prowess, he creates a revealing
drama involving the people around him.
Markus’ friends find him in a disheveled
and unkempt state, which seriously worries
them. As they recognize the parallels
between themselves and the characters in
Markus’ play, they begin ruthlessly taking
Florian Kogler *1989 Graz Austria
Films (selection) Night (2019 short f) The Book of
Sabeth (2019 short d) Correction (2014 short f)
German (Eng sub)
2K 1:1.85
Dolby Stereo
approx. 30 min
Screenplay Florian Kogler
Key Cast Tom Feichtinger
Irina Sulaver, Merlin Sandmeyer
Camera Andi Widmer
Editor Nooran Talebi
Producers Shirin Hooshmandi, Florian Kogler
Marius Mertens, Nooran Talebi, Andi Widmer
60-year-old Maja moves into a shared flat
with others. In the flat, she becomes acquainted
with her flat-mate Valentin, a student
in his late 20ies, who hasn’t yet learned
to make his own way in life. Initially skeptical,
they learn to appreciate each other, and
an unusual friendship comes into being.
Jan Prazak *1991 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Another Life (2019 d)
Die Bewegung der Sterne (2018 short f)
Baumstämme im Schnee (2016 short f)
Dolby SR
approx. 30 min
Screenplay Jan Prazak
Key Cast Ingo Geiger
Claudia Martini
Camera Johannes Höß
Editor Barbara Seidler
Producer Flora Mair
Completion 2021
Contact Jan Prazak
Completion 2021
Contact Florian Kogler
Mein Satz
Amina Handke
Maximilian Fürst
Out of the blue, 77- year-old “I” loses her
language. She reacts with different strategies
of assimilation or resistance to
attempts to make her function or to tranquilize
her. It becomes evident that she, just
like the world around her, is caught in language
regulations and commonplaces. Accordingly
vague and ambiguous is the rea lity
around “I”: Could everything be staged?
Amina Handke *1969 Berlin Germany
Films (selection) Children’s Film (2020 short d)
Wishing Cast (2016 a-g)
Mother of Mother (2015 a-g)
German (Eng sub)
Dolby Stereo
approx. 60 min
Screenplay Amina Handke
(based on Kaspar by Peter Handke)
Key Cast Libgart Schwarz
Caroline Peters, Helga Illich
Camera Marianne A. Borowiec
Editor Amina Handke
Producers Amina Handke
Nora Friedel
Production Familiendrama
Completion 2021
Travels depicts a day in the life of four
people whose paths have or will cross. In
fragments, we observe the protagonists,
as they attempt to give their lives new
direction. The four short episodes show
how we all experiment in our own ways
with relationships, livelihoods, our emotions
as well as those of others, actions and
reactions and how these decisions create
and influence our behavior and social fabric.
Maximilian Fürst *1988 Lustenau Austria
Films (selection) Entschuldigung (2017 short f)
Drama (2016 short f) Lebenslauf (2014 short f)
German (Eng sub)
2K 1:1.85
Dolby Stereo
approx. 30 min
Screenplay Maximilian Fürst
Key Cast Sandra Lipp
Werner Brix, Claudia Martini
Camera Sophia Wiegele
Editor Philipp Mayer
Producer Claudia Joldes
Completion 2021
Contact Maximilian Fürst
Contact Amina Handke
118__ 119
Fiction Short in Production
Rosa im Schloss
Wolf-Maximilian Liebich
Lukas Valenta Rinner
Rosa is a young student who returns home
from abroad in the wake of her parents’
suicide. Wandering the silent halls of the
castle, she searches for a way to adjust and
how to deal with the legacy of her parents.
The longer she lingers here, the more the
castle comes to life and mirrors her fears.
Everyday matters present difficult hurdles,
until she finally realizes she must leave in
order to move on.
Wolf-Maximilian Liebich
*1984 St. Veit/Glan Austria
Films (selection) Die Unvollendeten
(2019 short d) #schulausflug (2016 short d)
Das Labyrinth unter der Sonne (2012 short f)
German (Eng sub)
Dolby Digital
approx. 30 min
Screenplay Wolf-Maximilian Liebich
Key Cast Jessyca Hauser
Camera Laura Ettel
Editor Lucia Johow
Producer Ivet Castelo
Completion 2021
Contact Wolf-Maximilian Liebich
Housing park Alterlaa: the suburban habitat
of a social utopia, which is slowly disappearing.
Günter, the eternal loser, survives, since
he has even managed to mess up his bid to
end his own life here. In his darkest hour
comes a moment of enlightenment. A game
against the mortality of life: Ruletista!
Lukas Valenta Rinner *1985 Salzburg Austria
Films (selection) Die Liebhaberin (2016 f)
Parabellum (2015 f)
Brief an Fukuyama (2010 short f)
German (Eng sub)
S-16 mm/DCP 1:1.85
approx. 20 min
Lukas Valenta Rinner
Lukas Valenta Rinner
Nabis Filmgroup
Completion 2021
Nabis Filmgroup
Dominik Galleya Tendl
Clemens Niel
Dive: Elias is searching for a way to belong
in a male dominated environment of young
gangs, his father’s youthful friends, and
German rap music. But just how far will he
go to realize his longing?
Dominik Galleya Tendl *1989 Brixlegg Austria
Clemens Niel *1991 Graz Austria
Films (selection) Oben Bleiben (2019 short f)
German (Eng sub)
2K 1:1.66
Dolby SR
approx. 16 min
Screenplay Dominik Galleya Tendl
Clemens Niel
Key Cast Elijahs Neuwirth
Camera Clemens Niel
Editor Joachim Iseni
Producers Shari Ehlers
Manuel Defregger
Completion 2021
Contact Dominik Galleya Tendl
Clemens Niel
Was man empfindet, ist
Angst Rebecca Hirneise
The film presents an episode from Hanna’s
life. She is in a relationship with a man who
suffers from intense compulsive disorders.
The short story of What You Feel Is Fear
in tends to convey how psychological disabilities
impact family. A special feature of
the film’s production strategy lies in the fact
that the actors do not receive a copy of the
screenplay. However, the written script does
include a basic story, narrative density and
tempo which the film endeavors to sustain.
Rebecca Hirneise *1984 Mühlacker Germany
Films (selection) Alltag (2018 short f) Huone 4.11B
(2014 short f) Alter Flugplatz (2013 short d)
German (Eng sub)
Dolby 5.1
approx. 20 min
Screenplay Rebecca Hirneise
Key Cast Elsa Mourlam
Camera Sophia Wiegele
Editor Florian Kecht
Caroline Liebhart
Completion 2021
Rebecca Hirneise
120__ 121
Fiction Short in Production
Where Is Ida?
Petra Zöpnek
Ida Pfeiffer (1797–1858) was a globetrotter,
an adventuress, a travel writer, and a
collector of natural produce. She journeyed
240,000 kilometers by sea and 32,000
kilometers across 4 continents. The 13 books
she wrote about her travels were translated
into 7 languages. Who today has ever heard
of this Biedermeier lady from Vienna’s
seventh district? Back in the day she was a
famous celebrity and a role model for many
women. This film reveals her path.
Petra Zöpnek *1969 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Where Is Lotte? (2020 a-g)
Mädchen in Rot und Gold (2006 a-g)
German (Eng sub)
Dolby 5.1
approx. 40 min
Key Cast Susanne Berger
Christian Pulker, Bernhard Bastien
Realisation Petra Zöpnek
Music GIL CHÉRI (= Gilbert Handler, Petra Zöpnek)
Sound Design Gilbert Handler
Completion 2021
Contact Petra Zöpnek
Augusts Orte
Valérie Pelet
Entlang der Körper
Antoinette Zwirchmayr
Europe, Can You See Me?
Katharina Simunic
Fify Ibrahim hört auf!
Fify Ibrahim hört auf?
Gabriele Mathes
Frauenfragmente: Gini und Resi
Sophie Gmeiner
HLS/Hasenleiten Stories
Lotte Schreiber
A Pile of Ghosts
Ella Raidel
Sanatorium Druzhba
Harald Hund
Those Next to Us
Bernhard Hetzenauer
Simon Spitzer
Martin Putz
documentary short
in production
Augusts Orte
Valérie Pelet
August’s Places is a film that follows escape
routes used by people and animals to places
along the Austrian border. It presents an interplay
between spoken text and film images,
with the off-screen narrator organizing and
drawing connections between research documents,
images and interviews, notations and
sounds. Her voice consciously adds a personal
note. She unifies local events and personal
memories in the dizzying heat of August.
Valérie Pelet *1981 Rum Austria
S-16 mm 2K scan
approx. 45 min
Valérie Pelet
Completion 2021
Contact Valérie Pelet
124__ 125
Documentary Short in Production
Entlang der Körper
Antoinette Zwirchmayr
Europe, Can You See Me?
Katharina Simunic
“With the intensity of a dream, to pass
through what has been, in order to
experience the present as the waking world
to which the dream refers!”
(Walter Benjamin, Paris Arcades, 1927–1929)
Antoinette Zwirchmayr *1989 Oberndorf Austria
Films (selection) Am frostigen Atlas (2020 a-g)
Josef – My Father’s Criminal Record (2016 d)
The Pimp and His Trophies (2014 d)
16 mm 1:1.37
approx. 30 min
Antoinette Zwirchmayr
Camera Leena Koppe
Producers Klara Pollak
Antoinette Zwirchmayr
Production AZ Productions
Completion 2021
Antoinette Zwirchmayr
The closure of the so-called Balkan Route
has resulted in unthinkable suffering
over the years. Bosnia-Herzegovina
is a focal point of this humanitarian
catastrophe. Grave human rights abuses
are daily perpetrated there, both within
and outside EU borders. This documentary
film treats the precarious situation of
refugees from various perspectives while
re-contextualizing images of a state of
emergency far removed from main stream
media coverage.
Katharina Simunic
*1993 Waidhofen/Thaya Austria
2K 16:9
Dolby Stereo
approx. 40 min
Concept/Editor Katharina Simunic
Camera Jonathan Meiri
Voice Katharina Schöch
Completion 2021
Katharina Simunic
Fify Ibrahim hört auf!
Fify Ibrahim hört auf?
Gabriele Mathes
A documentary film about a small shop
expected to soon go bankrupt in a public
housing project on the western outskirts
of Vienna. Fify Ibrahim manages a grocery
store for “the little people,” the inhabitants
of the housing project. Why shouldn’t this
shop shut down like its two predecessors
that were located here? Do my neighbors
understand what they will be losing if Fify
Ibrahim really closes the store down?
Gabriele Mathes *1960 Wels Austria
Films (selection) Gefühl Dobermann
(2015 short f) Flaschenpost (2012 a-g, f)
Eine Million Kredit ist ganz normal,
sagt mein Großvater (2006 short d, a-g)
HD 1:1.85
approx. 30 min
Gabriele Mathes
Hermann Lewetz
Completion 2021
Gabriele Mathes
Gini und Resi
Sophie Gmeiner
After Resi (59) was able to lead her life largely
autonomously despite her mental disability,
she has been living in the local retirement
home in her hometown of Kössen, Tyrol for
a few years now. The unconventional Gini
(61) is Resi’s sister and guardian, but also her
closest ally from the family. Their indestructible
humor holds the two sisters together,
even though in Resi’s life there would have
been every reason to lose heart. In March
2020 Resi died of corona disease.
Sophie Gmeiner *1992 Kufstein Austria
Films (selection) Frauenfragmente: Galila
(2019 short d)
German (Eng sub)
2K 1:1.85
mixed media (16 mm+iPhone)
Dolby Stereo
approx.30 min
Concept/Editor Sophie Gmeiner
Camera Simon Dallaserra, Sophie Gmeiner
Producers Sophie Gmeiner
Simon Dallaserra, Nils Schröder
Production Schiefer Film (DE)
Completion 2021
Contact Sophie Gmeiner
126__ 127
Documentary Short in Production
HLS/Hasenleiten Stories
Lotte Schreiber
A Pile of Ghosts
Ella Raidel
HSL/Hasenleiten Stories portrays a resi dential
housing settlement located on the
southeastern outskirts of Vienna, an area
known as Hasenleiten. Miniature plot lines
are developed with the assistance of children
and adolescents on site and interweave
with documentary observations of the
settle ment, which was constructed between
1937 and 1951. The filmic narrative continually
oscillates between the past and the
present while focusing on the children and
the supervisors of the local youth center.
Lotte Schreiber *1971 Mürzzuschlag Austria
Films (selection) Sabaudia (2018 a-g) Manchmal
also denkt man, weil es sich bewährt hat.
Wittgensteins Haus. (2016 a-g, short f)
Tlatelolco (2011 d)
German (Eng sub)
HD 16:9
Dolby SR
approx. 25 min
Lotte Schreiber
Camera Johannes Hammel
Laura Ettel
Completion 2021
A Chinese ghost town. The last hotel, which
has been condemned for demolition like the
rest of the town, is still standing. The owner
Charles imagines himself in the scene of a
Hollywood classic. The vexing interplay of
documentary and fiction, in which construction
workers, investors and real estate agents
appear, takes place in contemporary China,
where cities are built entirely on speculation,
dictated by the fictions of capitalism.
Ella Raidel *1970 Gmunden Austria
Films (selection) Double Happiness (2014 d)
Play Life (2012 a-g) Subverses, China in
Mozambique (2011 d)
Chinese (Eng/Ger sub)
HD 16:9
Dolby Stereo
approx. 65 min
Concept/Producer Ella Raidel
Key Cast Yakira Cang, Yang Ke
Camera Djordje Arambasic
Karel Picha, Vincent Zheng
Editor Daniel Hui
Completion 2021
Contact Ella Raidel
Contact Lotte Schreiber
Sanatorium Druzhba
Harald Hund
Those Next to Us
Bernhard Hetzenauer
Sanitorium Druzhba is a documentary that
uses a Soviet-era building as a starting point
to delve into the current situation in Crimea
after its annexation by Russia. The building
serves as a symbol alluding to the broken
relationship between Russia and Ukraine.
Its utopian modernist architectural style is
employed as a metaphor for a seemingly
utopian alliance between the two countries
nowadays. Occasionally generating an
assessment divergent from that of Western
media, the film examines the currently
defunct rapport between the two nations.
Harald Hund *1967 Grieskirchen Austria
Films (selection) Iranium (2017 short d) Apnoe
(2011 a-g) Mouse Palace (co-director 2010 a-g)
Russian (Eng sub)
HD 16:9
approx. 55 min
Harald Hund
Completion 2021
Contact Harald Hund
In breathtaking words, Germán López Rosales
describes his experience of a human smuggling
operation from the Mexican-American border
to San Antonio, Texas. Locked up inside the
cargo area of a tractor-trailer, ten of the
39 migrants died due to heat and lack of water.
Cinematic images of vast, idyllic landscapes
shot in the border area of Tamaulipas/Texas
accompany Germán’s narration and create a
strong contrast to his intimate portrayals.
Bernhard Hetzenauer *1981 Innsbruck Austria
Films (selection) The Birthmark (co-director 2019
short d) La sombra de un dios (2017 short d) And
There Was Fire in the Center of the Earth (2013 d)
Spanish (Eng/Ger sub)
S-16 mm DCP 1:1.85
Dolby SR
approx. 20 min
Concept Bernhard Hetzenauer
Camera Caroline Spreitzenbart
Editors Bernhard Hetzenauer
André Siegers
Production Bernhard Hetzenauer (AT)
Marko Mijatovic (DE)
Completion 2021
Contact Bernhard Hetzenauer
128__ 129
Documentary Short in Production
Simon Spitzer
Martin Putz
The essay film Metamorphosis gives us an
ambient impression of the nightlife in a city
disco. The guests provide the focus for
documen tary observations and the resulting
investi gation of a subculture, as well as the
exploration of a discotheque’s performative
stage. The film is mostly without spoken dialog
and has an ambient sound design, in part.
Simon Spitzer *1988 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Federspiel: Morsen (co-director
2017 short f) Holz einräumen (2014 short f)
Die Leute von Stiege 5 (2012 short d)
No dialog
RAW 2.5K HD 1:1.85
Dolby Stereo
approx. 15 min
Concept/Producer Simon Spitzer
Camera Laura Ettel, Simon Spitzer
Editor Norbert Pfaffenbichler
Completion 2021
Contact Simon Spitzer
Wind itself is inaudible. All we hear is the
sound emanating from its encounter with
obstacles. Wind is invisible, what we see are
its effects, what we perceive we intimate.
The wind itself remains a phantom, like the
cinematic principle of picture and sound,
creating sensations in our minds. The story
of wind will be told through people who
encounter and work with this phantom element
in various ways. The film contrasts
their intentions and tells about the primordial
human effort to direct nature.
Martin Putz *1967 Vienna Austria
(Eng sub)
DCP 1:1.85
Dolby SR
approx. 30 min
Concept/Camera Martin Putz
Editor Petra Zöpnek
Producer Martin Putz
Martin Putz Filmproduktion
Completion 2021
Martin Putz Filmproduktion
Albert Sackl
Der antifaschistische Zoo
Meinhard Rauchensteiner
Auf dem Grund
des Wäschekorbes
Adele Razkövi
Cargo Carriers
Conny Zenk
Eginhartz Kanter
Laura Nasmyth
From Endlessness to Infinity
Karl-Heinz Klopf
Geschichten eines Jungen,
einer Frau und eines Soldaten
Franziska Pflaum
Peter Kutin
Florian Kindlinger
Krisztina Kerekes
Nachts im Bach
Gudrun Krebitz
Never Meant to Be Seen
Elke Groen
Timotheus Tomicek
One Year
Johann Lurf
Out of Sight
Eve Heller
Josephine Ahnelt
re-GEO/ristrutturare qualcosa
Michaela Schwentner
Straight vs. Curved
Johannes Schiehsl
Annja Krautgasser
Tehran Recyclers
Nikki Schuster
Train Again
Peter Tscherkassky
Karoline Riha
avant-garde short
in production
Albert Sackl
14/15 is a 16 mm short that will be shot
in 52 locations over the period of a year.
Once a week, the camera will be set up for
the day using a special single-frame timelapse
mechanism. The constant oscillation
between two laterally displaced perspectives
will create a kind of three-dimensional
effect. This setting will be used for a range of
interactions between several protagonists.
Albert Sackl *1977 Graz Austria
Films (selection) Steifheit 1-3/7 (2018 a-g)
Im Freien (2011 a-g)
Vom Innen; von aussen (2006 a-g)
No dialog
35 mm/16 mm 1:1.37
approx. 30 min
Albert Sackl
Completion 2021
Albert Sackl
132__ 133
Avant-Garde Short in Production
Der antifaschistische Zoo
Meinhard Rauchensteiner
Auf dem Grund des
Wäschekorbes Adele Razkövi
After 1945, predominantly apolitical sculptures
were initially erected in Vienna’s public
housing projects– mainly animals. The film
shows 17 of these sculptures, combined
with monologs, dialogs, poems and songs. A
final montage sequence shows the “Children
of Vienna,” accompanied by André Heller’s
song of the same name, as kids climb around
on so-called play sculptures.
Meinhard Rauchensteiner *1970 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Papa Roma (2020 a-g)
Mk. 10,25 (2018 a-g) Herbst (2016 a-g)
HD 1:1.85
approx. 15 min
Meinhard Rauchensteiner
Daniel Zimmermann
dz-productions (CH)
Completion 2021
At the Bottom of the Laundry Basket shows
the state of the emotional dilemma that the
protagonist finds herself in, as an artist and
mother caught between domestic routines and
creative artistic processes. A comparison and
fusion of the structures, in which she finds
herself in daily life: the monotone repetition of
the same routines versus total concentration
on her current activity in the creative flow.
Adele Razkövi *1977 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Croax (2012 a-g)
Looking for Love (2010 a-g) La Andaluza (2008 f)
No dialog
DV 16:9
Dolby Stereo
approx. 8 min
Adele Razkövi
Completion 2021
Adele Razkövi
Meinhard Rauchensteiner
Cargo Carriers
Conny Zenk
Eginhartz Kanter
In the perfect picture of a dreamy landscape
and well-known architecture, noise fields
break through the idyllic surroundings. The
special soundscape of the island is created
by the prohibition of any kind of vehicle. For
the transport of all goods, “carrying guys,”
independent workers with special carts, are
employed. By means of experimental camera
work, field recording and contemporary
Chinese poetry, the tension between historical
world cultural heritage, tourism, work
and life is negotiated.
Conny Zenk *1985 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) selfieDreamer (2020 a-g)
reglos (co-director 2018 a-g)
Labadi Rising (2014 a-g)
2K+4K 1:1.85
Dolby SR
approx. 15 min
Concept/Animation Conny Zenk
Camera Mr. Stone (cargo carrier)
Georg Hartl
Interview Bunny Tsai
Conny Zenk
Completion 2021
The Rush of Memory deals with personal
reminiscence and the associated topic
of false memories. The thematic starting
point for this experimental essay film is the
former GDR and the aftermath of this state.
Shot on expired 16 mm film, the coarsegrained
black-and-white images give rise to
an imagery in which various temporalities –
today and yesterday – seem to mix.
Eginhartz Kanter *1984 Leipzig Germany
Films (selection) noisescapes (2019 a-g) taking
away (2018 a-g) papermovements (2013 a-g)
German (Eng sub)
16 mm/DCP 1:1.37
approx. 30 min
Eginhartz Kanter
Eginhartz Kanter
Katharina Gruzei
Completion 2021
Eginhartz Kanter
Contact Conny Zenk
134__ 135
Avant-Garde Short in Production
Laura Nasmyth
From Endlessness to Infinity
Karl-Heinz Klopf
EXT. follows the experience of a figure
trying to draw a line between an imagined
reality and her actual reality – her attempt
to transcend a dark, fluid internal world by
projecting herself into various scenarios in
an imagined, material external world.
Laura Nasmyth *1984 Cambridge UK
Films (selection) Le Liquide (co-director 2019 a-g)
8:30 (2017 f) 1:1 (2012 a-g )
No dialog
2K 1:1.85
approx. 25 min
Concept Laura Nasmyth
Elio Gervasi
Key Cast Uma Shannon
Camera Matthias Helldoppler
Editor Laura Nasmyth
Franziska Zaida Schrammel
Laura Nasmyth, Elio Gervasi
Production Con Art Film
Completion 2021
Contact Con Art Film
An experimental reflection on a piece of
furniture entitled “Nesting Table,” designed
in 1935 by the Austrian/American artist,
architect and visionary, Friedrich Kiesler:
The film investigates the object, space,
architecture and filmic perception within a
kaleidoscopic universe. Computer animation
coupled with live action footage transforms
the historical context of Kiesler’s piece of
furniture, lifting it into the present day.
Karl-Heinz Klopf *1956 Linz Austria
Films (selection) Testa (2018 a-g) A Tropical
House (2015 short d) Tower House (2013 short d)
German/English (Eng/Ger sub)
HD 16:9
Dolby SR
approx. 15 min
Karl-Heinz Klopf
Camera Martin Putz
Editors Karl-Heinz Klopf
Tatia Skhirtladze
KlopfKurz Vienna
Completion 2021
Karl-Heinz Klopf
Geschichten eines Jungen,
einer Frau und eines
Soldaten Franziska Pflaum
Stories of a Boy, a Woman and a Soldier:
We travel back in time and dive into their
memories. Individual scenes come together
to form a story that increasingly interweaves
the fates of all three protagonists: When
Reza’s parents are killed in a bomb explosion,
he decides to leave Afghanistan and
go to Germany. German soldier Matthias is
no longer able to cope in his homeland after
being deployed to Afghanistan. Stefanie,
a caretaker in Berlin, cannot comprehend,
why her son became a soldier.
Franziska Pflaum *1987 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) So schön wie du (2014 short f)
Draußen der Wald (2014 short f)
German/Dari (Eng Sub)
photo film
RAW 2K CinemaScope 1:2.35
Dolby SR
approx. 22 min
Screenplay Franziska Pflaum
Key Cast Ali Reza Ahmadi
Christina Große, Nico Ehrenteit
Camera Niki Waltl
Editor Friederike Hohmuth
Producer Maximilian Haslberger
Production Amerikafilm (DE)
Completion 2021
Heat Peter Kutin
Florian Kindlinger
Through the unorthodox use of modern image
and sound recording technology, Heat enables
an unusual view behind the facades of
a classical orchestra. From the recorded material,
which is created in close cooperation
with the musicians, the artist duo composed
and arranged an abstract short film, which
makes the unknowns within the “machine”
tangible. By means of a thermal imaging camera
it is possible to visualize minimal temperature
fluctuations and to record residual heat.
Peter Kutin *1983 Leoben Austria
Florian Kindlinger *1984 Salzburg Austria
Films (selection) The Fifth Wall (2018 a-g)
Desert Bloom (2015 a-g) E# – from a glacial
tune (2014 a-g)
No dialog
approx. 16 min
Realisation Peter Kutin
Florian Kindlinger
Musicians Manu Mayer, Matthias Loibner
Maiken Beer, Meaghan Burke, Igor Grosz
Completion 2021
Contact Peter Kutin
Florian Kindlinger
Contact Amerikafilm
136__ 137
Avant-Garde Short in Production
Krisztina Kerekes
Nachts im Bach
Gudrun Krebitz
Interweaving is an experimental dance film
constituted by uncut long takes intended to
convey a concept of interconnectivity, embodying
how the inner and outer worlds of
human beings are reciprocally determined.
Over the course of this little exploratory journey,
several dancing couples tap their repertoire
of movements to engage in a dialog of
unexpected body language that they unfold
in natural as well as urban spaces. A dance
of relational dynamics based on openness
and vulnerability.
Krisztina Kerekes *1978
Sepsiszentgyörgy Romania
Films (selection) Leben für den Tod (2018 short d)
Spur (2012 short d) jeux infinit (2002 a-g)
No dialog
HD 16:9
approx. 20 min
Concept Sabine Parzer
Krisztina Kerekes
Camera Krisztina Kerekes
Editor Joana Scrinzi
Producer Krisztina Kerekes
It’s nighttime. Arda is sitting in the river,
accompanied by orchestral music. She
seems to be talking to herself: “Gentlemen
– as per usual I’ve ended up in a situation I
don’t understand or know anything about.
However, I won’t lead on how clueless I am.
I’m always operating in the dark, things tend
to turn out beautifully this way.” Out of this
darkness two moons come racing towards
her and I will tell you a secret: These moons
are your eyes.
Gudrun Krebitz *1983 Graz Austria
Films (selection) The Magical Dimension (2018
a-g) Exomoon (2016 a-g) Achill (2012 a-g)
DCP 16:9
approx. 10 min
Gudrun Krebitz
Completion 2021
Gudrun Krebitz
Completion 2021
Contact Krisztina Kerekes
Never Meant to Be Seen
Elke Groen
Timotheus Tomicek
Never Meant to Be Seen is a film about the
nameless beauties of 35 mm films. Their
brief appearances at the start of each film
reel may have given them the hope that this
could be the start of a movie career but are
actually used for laboratory density tests.
The so called “China girls” or “girl heads,”
being looped, can wink, laugh and start to
talk with women’s dialogs from movies of
their period. The initial small talk leads into
a discussion what the idea of lascivious
posing for a material test is about.
Elke Groen *1969 Gmunden Austria
Films (selection) The Most Beautiful Place
on Earth (2020 d) Bojo Beach (2017 a-g)
Optical Sound (co-director 2014 a-g)
No dialog
35 mm CinemaScope 1:2.35
Dolby SR
approx. 8 min
Realisation Elke Groen
Production groen.film
The film nothing is a parable about laziness,
serenity, inactivity, passivity, lethargy,
comfort, indifference, listlessness, inaction,
apathy, detachment, sluggishness. By
means of a convoluted narrative structure,
the complex theme staged in the context of
our zeitgeist is worked into a filmic allegory
Timotheus Tomicek *1978 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) A Portrait of Marlene Dumas
(2016 a-g) Katrin in Rom (2015 a-g) Jeff Wall
(2008 d)
German (Eng sub)
RAW 4K CinemaScope 1:2.35
approx. 15 min
Timotheus Tomicek
Klaus Speidel
Completion 2021
Timotheus Tomicek
Completion 2021
Contact groen.film
138__ 139
Avant-Garde Short in Production
One Year
Johann Lurf
Out of Sight
Eve Heller
The film documents a reservoir and its surroundings
over the course of a single year:
A static mounted camera records 24 hours
for 365 days without interruption. Exposure
times initially last only a few seconds per
image, but their duration steadily increases.
At first the sun moves across the sky very
slowly, but soon it quickens. By the end of
the film the sun appears as a long luminous
band of light.
Johann Lurf *1982 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Cavalcade (2019 a-g)
★ (2017 a-g) Vertigo Rush (2007 a-g)
No dialog
35 mm CinemaScope 1:2.35
Dolby Digital
approx. 20 min
Johann Lurf
Completion 2022
Johann Lurf
The Währinger Friedhof in Vienna is a forgotten
Jewish cemetery marked by gravestones
eroding behind a high stone wall. The lives
of people interred and their offspring overlap
with the rise of photochemical imaging, analog
photography and film. Out of Sight is a cinematic
song of remembrance and an elegy to
fading histories woven out of imagery as technologically
disparate as pin-hole photos, glass
negatives and CinemaScopic film footage.
Eve Heller *1961 Northampton USA
Films (selection) Creme 21 (2013 a-g)
Self-Examination Remote Control (2009 a-g)
Ruby Skin (2005 a-g)
No dialog
35 mm CinemaScope 1:2.35
b&w stereo
approx. 22 min
Concept/Editor Eve Heller
Camera Hans Selikovsky
Eve Heller, Peter Miller
Completion 2021
Contact Eve Heller
Josephine Ahnelt
re–GEO/ristrutturare qualcosa
Michaela Schwentner
A personal Super-8 and Super-16 mm
reflection about the filmmakers 13+ year
long friendship with the designer of the
Viennese minimalist clothing label PUR.
Sometimes rough, sometimes ambivalent,
always in admiration for the craft and its
philosophy. The designer herself prefers
to stay absent from the screen. An
examination of a conceptual obsession.
Josephine Ahnelt *1987 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Winter Bees (2018 a-g)
Venus & Periphery (2016 a-g) Tic Tac (2011 a-g)
German (Eng sub)
HD 16:9
approx. 8 min
Concept Josephine Ahnelt
Camera Serafin Spitzer
Editor Sebastian Schreiner
Completion 2021
Josephine Ahnelt
re–GEO/ristrutturare qualcosa is a poetic
approach to the Swiss germanist and
sculptor Georgette Klein (1893–1963), about
the (re)construction of her house in the
form of a sketch, her artistic work and her
contradictory personality, with an eye to her
numerous diary entries and letters.
Michaela Schwentner *1970 Linz Austria
Films (selection) zwischen mir und der welt/
aufräumen (2020 short d) personne (2016 a-g)
Penelope/In the scenery/Reflecting/Relations
(2013–2015 a-g)
German/French/Italian (Eng sub)
4K 1:1.85
Dolby Stereo
approx. 45 min
Michaela Schwentner
Key Cast Vivien Löschner
Aurelia Burckhardt, Nina Vobruba
Camera Martin Putz
Michaela Schwentner
Completion 2021
Contact Michaela Schwentner
140__ 141
Avant-Garde Short in Production
Straight vs. Curved
Johannes Schiehsl
Annja Krautgasser
What initially begins as a purely geometrical
visual argument grows into a bitter struggle
between sense and sensuousness. By means
of wild metamorphoses, Curved attempts to
break through Straight. At the height of the
argument, it becomes clear the battle is in
fact the inner conflict plaguing our protagonist
Straight, who in the end must decide if
he prefers to sink into an ocean of sensuousness
or ossify in the boredom of sense.
Johannes Schiehsl
*1984 Wiener Neustadt Austria
Films (selection) Sternenjäger (2016 short f)
366 Tage (2011 short f) Zoopraxiscope (2009 a-g)
No dialog
HD 16:9
approx. 5 min
Concept Johannes Schiehsl
Producers Johannes Schiehsl
Benjamin Swiczinsky, Conrad Tambour
Thomas Meyer-Hermann
Production NÖT Die Trickfilmer (AT)
Studio Film Bilder (DE)
The film Valley Scenes concerns the mythology
and mysticism of Paganism. The here
and now becomes interwoven with the fear
of the unforeseeable – and also with the
ephemeral. The film is based on a Rhaetian
song that is a significant literary historical
document from Medieval times. To this very
day, it holds a mirror to our own societal imbalances
of power and gender inequalities.
Annja Krautgasser *1971 Hall/Tyrol Austria
Films (selection) Kriegsszenen (2020 a-g)
Dachszenen (2019 a-g) Waldszenen (2015 short f)
No dialog
HD 1:1.85
Dolby Stereo
approx. 25 min
Annja Krautgasser
Camera Martin Putz
Completion 2021
Annja Krautgasser
Completion 2021
Contact NÖT Die Trickfilmer
Tehran Recyclers
Nikki Schuster
Train Again
Peter Tscherkassky
Tehran Recyclers portrays the diverse
cultural, social and urban fabrics of this
city by means of experimental animation.
The viewer is guided to urban hideouts
where little creatures dwell. These are
digitally composed with collected trash and
typical local products. The clatter of the
limbs of these creatures interacts with the
soundscapes of Tehran.
Nikki Schuster *1974 Steyr Austria
Films (selection) animistica (2018 a-g)
Mexico Recyclers (2016 a-g) absent (2015 a-g)
No dialog
HD 16:9
approx. 6 min
Nikki Schuster
Production Fiesfilm (DE)
Completion 2021
Nikki Schuster
18 years after producing his third film,
3/60 Bäume im Herbst, Kurt Kren shot his
masterpiece, 37/78 Tree Again, in the USA.
18 years after creating my third darkroom
film, L’Arrivée, as an homage to the Lumière
brothers and their film, L’Arrivée d’un train
en gare de La Ciotat (1895), I have embarked
on Train Again, the third film in my “Rushes”
series, as an homage to Kurt Kren that
simultaneously taps into a profoundly loaded
motif in film history. (Peter Tscherkassky)
Peter Tscherkassky *1958 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) The Exquisite Corpus (2015 a-g)
Coming Attractions (2010 a-g)
Outer Space (1999 a-g)
No dialog
35 mm 1:1.37
Dolby SR
approx. 20 min
Peter Tscherkassky
Peter Tscherkassky
Eve Heller
Completition 2021
Peter Tscherkassky
142__ 143
Avant-Garde Short in Production
Karoline Riha
Video_70 accompanies Muehlengesang 3,
a piece of music by Alejandro del Valle-
Lattanzio, and is intended to visualize the
lifting of the veil, which prevents the view
behind the world’s facade.
Dextro.org (= Walter Gorgosilits)
*1968 Mödling Austria
Films (selection) Video_67B (2015 a-g)
Video_65 (2015 a-g) Video_64 (2014 a-g)
No dialog
HD 16:9
Dolby Stereo
approx. 14 min
Completion 2021
Videoletter is a hybrid experimental animation
based on a visual dialog with Columbian
filmmaker Cecilia Traslaviña. It is an audiovisual
collage of digital and analog images,
which were recorded using different means
to become rhythmically and structurally
merged into a loose narration. Abstracted
sequences alternate with figurative sequences
as we accompany our protagonist
on her journey.
Karoline Riha *1977 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Spring (2020 a-g) Seen Unseen
Scene (co-director 2018 a-g) Der Mann mit dem
bunten Ballon (co-director 2017 a-g)
No dialog
HD 16:9
approx. 20 min
Karoline Riha
Cecilia Traslaviña
Karoline Riha
Completion 2021
Karoline Riha
scholarships for
young talents
Life on the Horn
Mo Harawe
Rafael Haider
Vom ersten letzten Sommer
Malina Nwabuonwor
Who’s That Bird?
Manu Molin
Zwischen Bildern
Franzis Kabisch
Established in 2009, the Federal
Coordination Office for the
Promotion of Young Talent awards
five Start-Up Grants for Young
Film Artists a year, selected by
an expert jury. The program offers
not only financial support but also
professional guidance by experts
in the field, thereby aiming to
create favorable conditions for the
young filmmakers to develop their
146__ 147
Scholarships for Young Talents
Life on the Horn
Mo Harawe
Rafael Haider
It has been over the course of several decades
that Europeans, above all the former
colonial power Italy – have been dumping
illegal toxic garbage in the ocean at the
Horn of Africa, allegedly in exchange for
arms shipments to local warring parties.
Since the 2004 earthquake and subsequent
tsunami devastated the region, the Somali
coastal area is contaminated. The film tells
this story elliptically, near wordlessly, finding
precise and highly sensitive images to
register this chronic violence – in gazes,
gestures, landscapes.
Mo Harawe *1992 Mogadishu Somalia
Films (selection) 1947 (2020 short f) Die
Geschichte vom Eisbär, der nach Afrika wollte
(2018 short f) Ein letztes Mal (2016 short f)
Mo Harawe
Werner has been working 20 years as a
sales person for the Mandl printing company
and feels he is not adequately challenged.
The past few months he has been
attending a course on team-building and
mediation where he believes he has discovered
his calling. At the Mandl company
he now sees unresolved conflicts and inefficient
team-work everywhere he looks. He
convinces his boss Alice to allow him to
organize a collective team-building weekend.
Creating more conflicts than it solves,
the weekend culminates in a struggle for
Rafael Haider *1989 Oberndorf Austria
Films (selection) Das erste und das letzte Mal
(2018 short d) Esel – Carry on (2015 short f)
Rafael Haider
Vom ersten letzten Sommer
Malina Nwabuonwor
Who’s That Bird?
Manu Molin
A village, a young girl from the city, her
strange family, her dying grandfather, a lady
funeral director, a precocious young boy
proposing bizarre solutions and a clumsy bull
terrier who is perhaps the incarnation of the
hellhound Cerberus himself: This is a curious
story about first encounters with death,
told in small episodes across the course of a
Summer. About the first last summer.
Malina Nwabuonwor *1994 Linz Austria
Malina Nwabuonwor
Experimental Animation
Charlotte (10), who is under great pressure
to perform, feels left alone by absent parents
who confine her in the corset of a precisely
planned everyday life. When the kakapo, an
owl parrot that has been declared extinct,
unexpectedly enters her life, she discovers
her courage and learns to enjoy life with fun.
Aroused by this special friendship, Charlotte
not only turns her life upside down, but also
helps her friend to find his home. This throws
the everyday life of her stressed parents
completely off track and ultimately turns the
whole city upside down.
Manu Molin *1983 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Eiskarl (co-director 2014 short
animation) Sabine (2010 short f) Emily Winter
(2007 short animation)
Manu Molin
148__ 149
Scholarships for Young Talents
Zwischen Bildern
Franzis Kabisch
Experimental Documentary
The documentary film project Between Images
concerns how abortion is represented in
movies and TV shows, from silent films of the
1920ies through Hollywood classics like Dirty
Dancing, to the long-running German soap
opera Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten, first
broadcast in 1992. The film portrays women
who themselves have had abortions and
shows them together watching, questioning
and commenting on found footage scenes
presenting stereotypes, clichés as well as
empowering moments. Between Images
follows a non-linear narrative about abortion,
representation, and the power of images.
Franzis Kabisch *1990 Münster Germany
Films (selection) A Film About the Desire to Make
It Work (2018 short f, a-g) Deklinationen, or: Can I
inherit my dead parents’ debts? (2016 a-g)
Ein Film (2012 a-g)
Franzis Kabisch
pixel, bytes
& film
Digital change is continuously
influencing the production and
reception of contemporary art, and
due to ever increasing possibilities
in the field of digital image
production, this especially impacts
the field of audio-visual art.
The ongoing availability of new technologies
allows for and encourages
new approaches to the moving
image across space and time, and it
results in highly innovative formats
that examine and expand the notion
of narration as well as challenge a
critical inventory of the latter.
It is for this reason that in 2011 the
Film Department of the Division
for Arts and Culture initiated an
annual funding program for New
Film Formats, entitled Pixel, Bytes
& Film. This program supports a
selection of experimental audio-visual
projects dealing with digital media
and related image production, and
exploring the boundaries of film and
audio-visual art.
Since 2015, the initiative has been
work ing in cooperation with Austrian
public broadcasting TV channel ORF III,
to make the program artworks accessible
to a broader audience while also
providing participating artists exclusive
access to technical infrastructure and
archives of ORF III.
Additional cooperating partners in this
year’s edition of the program include
stakeholders and start-up’s in Austria’s
XR scene, such as sound:frame, Junge
Römer – Creative Production Studio,
XR Vienna, and arx anima, further promoting
and deepening the exchange of
knowledge and skills between the arts
and creative industry.
Meanwhile, go-international – a funding
source to provide Austrian support for
entering global markets, offered by the
Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
(WKÖ) – has contributed to help make
the program visible internationally.
In October 2019, the following nine
projects were selected for funding.
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Pixel, Bytes & Film
Brut & Parasit
Ganaël Dumreicher, Carla
Veltman, Martin Eichler
Documentary Fiction
The bark beetle kills trees. Its massive proliferation
is a consequence of the man-made
climate catastrophe and monoculture as
opposed to nature. Trekking a landscape
impacted by change, we follow the beetle
through the ongoing process of destruction
till the insect arrives at the door of our own
habitat. Scenarios are constructed employing
3D laser scans of real locations and
constructed atmospheres; the bark beetle
symbolizes our potential future as it enters
our own homes.
Carla Veltman *1996 Schwaz/Tyrol Austria
Martin Eichler *1996 Brno Czech Republic
Ganaël Dumreicher *1996 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) Voy (2020 music video)
Matteboyz (2017 music video)
Indianopolis (2014 d, a-g)
Civil Dusk
David Uzochukwu
Experimental Documentary
Civil dusk: evening twilight. The film introduces
a civil era in Uzochukwu’s relationship
with his father, reconsidering post-colonial
notions of (be)longing. A homesick Igbo
father turns to sand amidst his European
family, as he raises a house in his Nigerian
family village from afar. He thereby follows
a tradition rooted in the Biafran War. What
ground is solid enough to build on?
David Uzochukwu *1998 Innsbruck Austria
Films (selection) Götterdämmerung
(co-director 2020 short f)
David Uzochukwu
Ganaël Dumreicher
The Entropy Gardens
Leonhard Lass
Gregor Ladenhauf
Virtual Reality Experience
The Entropy Gardens by DEPART (= Lass/
Ladenhauf) is a unique VR experience that
puts visitors inside a constantly changing
horticultural environment. Investigating one
of the most archetypical artforms, it challenges
its myths, aesthetics and modes of
perception by combining poetry and generative
coding to construct a spellbinding and
surreal utopian place. Formally it consists
of an audiovisual 3D environment that combines
“realistic” natural elements with abstract,
computational forms. It is populated
by structures that resemble plants, organic
and anorganic matter and evolve through
interactions with their environment.
Leonhard Lass 1978 *Linz Austria
Gregor Ladenhauf *1978 Vienna Austria
Films (selection) The Transient Shadows
(2020 animated short) The Lacuna Shifts
(2017 virtual reality experience) The Eidolon
Splits (2015 interactive installation)
Anna Lerchbaumer
Andreas Zißler
Avant-Garde Fiction
HYPERmnesia is the dissection of the screen
surface.This is not text but pixels behind
glass. This is where HYPERmnesia begins:
a sensual exploration of a world in which
memory, landscape and their pictorial
medialization collapse. A hike, a scanning of
a forest surface, a high-resolution recording
of the past and its threads, pipes and
pipelines into the future. The further one
moves through the thicket, the stronger the
suspicion grows that one is only moving on
a screen.
Anna Lerchbaumer *1989 Innsbruck Austria
Andreas Zißler *1989 Bad Aibling Germany
Films (selection) search-me-as.jpeg
(2020 video installation)
Anna Lerchbaumer
Andreas Zißler
Leonhard Lass
Gregor Ladenhauf
154__ 155
Pixel, Bytes & Film
Infra-Ordinary Palm Trees
Marlies Pöschl
Make You Need Me
Samuel Traber
360° VR Film
Infra-Ordinary Palm Trees is a virtual reality
project about the outsourcing of old age. It
is a displaced “Heimatroman” or homeland
novel about a village that looks like every
other Swiss village. On the one hand, the
film shows everyday life in a nursing home
for European seniors in Thailand, on the
other hand it shares the inhabitants’ memories
of their home in Europe. The project
combines documentary scenes with staged
sequences to allow temporal layers to coexist
side by side.
Marlies Pöschl *1982 Salzburg Austria
Films (selection) Aurore (2019 short d, a-g)
Cinema Cristal (2017 a-g)
Sternheim (2011 short d, f)
Marlies Pöschl
360° VR Music Video
In a scary utopia we follow electronic trash
on its way to a gigantic space dump. We are
in a rocket transporting old TVs, mobiles,
computers and toys. In zero gravity the
broken screens start to flicker, play the
song and seem like an A.I. singing to you.
“I can make you want me, but I can’t make
you need me...” The rocket opens and all
the trash floats in an orbit of waste cycling
the earth.
Samuel Traber *1986 Leutschach Austria
Films (selection) Würmlas Wände (2020 short d)
Botanic Matters (2020 animation)
In, Out - 5kHD (2019 music video)
Samuel Traber
Susanna Flock
The Soul at Work
Ursula Mayer
Avant-Garde Short
Boiled eggs, omelette, sunny-side up eggs,
poached eggs, egg-in-a-glass, scrambled
eggs, custard royale, beaten egg-whites:
While protagonists in an eating show (aka
Mukbang) consume dishes made solely of
eggs, the film touches on the ambivalence
of the world – a world increasingly interconnected
via new technologies and pressed
ever closer together, yet characterized by a
growing loneliness.
Susanna Flock *1988 Graz Austria
Films (selection) I don’t exist yet (2020 a-g)
Fetish Finger (2016 a-g)
Susanna Flock
Documentary Fiction
Speculative scenarios of the future are
gener ated through an interplay between
shots of transwoman Valentijn de Hingh and
the production of her digital double. The
“cyborg” serves as a point of departure for
initiating discussions about post-human embodiment
and new technologies. The avatar
here stands in as a generative metaphor for
the development of feminist discourse within
technological contexts.
Ursula Mayer *1970 Ried/Innkreis Austria
Films (selection) The Fire of Knowledge Burns
All Karma to Ashes (2019 HD endless loop crossmedia)
Atom Spirit (2017 a-g) Medea (2013 a-g)
Ursula Mayer
156__ 157
Pixel, Bytes & Film
Wenn die Welt zu Ende
geht, werde ich dich geliebt
haben. Gloria Gammer
Avant-Garde Fiction
Andy uploads his mind to “Digital World,”
just before the real world goes up in flames
and his fleshly body dies. His consciousness
gets stuck in Digital World. Nothing is like
before: He is unable to relate to his feelings
and has to realize that his thinking is slowly
changing too. When the World Comes to an
End, I Will Have Loved You.
Gloria Gammer *1985 Linz Austria
Films (selection) 2268, Früher (2019 short d)
Tingle Tingle (2019 short d) The Red Face and
Five Stars (2012 short d)
Gloria Gammer
contact addresses
Production Companies
Feurigstraße 62
10827 Berlin/Germany
+49 172 966 03 85
berg hammer film
Karin Berghammer
Tandelmarktgasse 8/16
1020 Vienna/Austria
+43 699 171 189 69
Con Art Film
1050 Vienna/Austria
Cronos Film
Schwindgasse 11/2
1040 Vienna/Austria
+43 1 961 05 22
Daniela Praher
Große Sperlgasse 32-34/5
1020 Vienna/Austria
+43 650 341 74 60
European Film Conspiracy
Gumpendorfer Str. 10-12/23
1060 Vienna/Austria
Turmburggasse 2-8/5/2
1060 Vienna/Austria
+43 720 34 65 10
Golden Girls Filmproduktion
Seidengasse 15/20
1070 Vienna/Austria
+43 1 810 56 36
Neubaugasse 52/36
1070 Vienna/Austria
+43 1 944 18 93
Johannes Hammel
Film- und Videoproduktion
Schönbrunner Straße 14a/19
1050 Vienna/Austria
+43 699 110 064 13
Zieglergasse 63/2
1070 Vienna/Austria
+43 1 924 06 63
Joerg Burger Filmproduktion
Gartengasse 18/21
1050 Vienna/Austria
+43 699 104 586 47
Martin Putz Filmproduktion
Neubaugasse 7/63
1070 Vienna/Austria
+43 676 338 84 39
Mischief Films
Goethegasse 1/Hof 2/Stg. 4
1010 Vienna/Austria
+43 1 585 232 423
moving mountains films
Lenaustraße 14
12047 Berlin/Germany
+49 176 823 229 56
Nabis Filmgroup
Michael-Walz-Gasse 18c
5020 Salzburg/Austria
+43 650 230 30 44
NÖT Die Trickfilmer
Landstraßer Hauptstr. 98/3/21
1030 Vienna/Austria
+43 680 500 89 73
Panama Film
Geusaugasse 31/4
1030 Vienna/Austria
+43 1 945 51 13
Pavel Cuzuioc Filmproduktion
Kohlgasse 9/13
1050 Vienna/Austria
+43 699 171 050 24
PLAESION Film + Vision
Schlosshofer Straße 8/4/3
2301 Groß-Enzersdorf/Austria
+43 660 213 69 66
Rasumofskygasse 21
1030 Vienna/Austria
+43 660 477 33 46
160__ 161
Contact Addresses
Soleil Film
Linke Wienzeile 142/13
1060 Vienna/Austria
+43 699 123 974 78
Studio Brauneis
Tongasse 9/14
1030 Vienna/Austria
+43 699 171 506 90
Susanne Brandstätter
Florianigasse 60/14
1080 Vienna/Austria
+43 676 500 78 49
The Raven Films
Josefstädter Straße 16/6-7
1080 Vienna/Austria
+43 676 938 97 67
Vento Film
Leitermayergasse 33/20
1180 Vienna/Austria
+43 1 406 03 92
Pfeilgasse 32/1
1080 Vienna/Austria
+43 1 595 29 91
Neubaugasse 45/13
1070 Vienna/Austria
+43 1 526 09 90-0
Josephine Ahnelt
1020 Vienna/Austria
Matthias van Baaren
Veronika Barnaš
1090 Vienna/Austria
Sybille Bauer
1090 Vienna/Austria
Dominik Brauweiler
53115 Bonn/Germany
Jakob Brossmann
1020 Vienna/Austria
Milena Czernovsky
Josef Dabernig
1030 Vienna/Austria
Claudia Dermutz
8813 St. Lambrecht/Austria
Ganaël Dumreicher
1070 Vienna/Austria
Philipp Fleischmann
Susanna Flock
1030 Vienna/Austria
Maximilian Fürst
1040 Vienna/Austria
Gloria Gammer
12057 Berlin/Germany
Alireza Ghanie
5020 Salzburg/Austria
Sophie Gmeiner
10247 Berlin/Germany
Rafael Haider
1010 Vienna/Austria
Amina Handke
1060 Vienna/Austria
Mo Harawe
1100 Vienna/Austria
Eve Heller
Bernhard Hetzenauer
4048 Puchenau/Austria
Rebecca Hirneise
1060 Vienna/Austria
Hans Hochstöger
1030 Vienna/Austria
Harald Hund
Franzis Kabisch
1080 Vienna/Austria
Eginhartz Kanter
4020 Linz/Austria
Krisztina Kerekes
3423 St. Andrä-Wördern/
Florian Kindlinger
Karl-Heinz Klopf
1020 Vienna/Austria
Florian Kogler
1020 Vienna/Austria
Dariusz Kowalski
1160 Vienna/Austria
Annja Krautgasser
1100 Vienna/Austria
Lilith Kraxner
Gudrun Krebitz
Martina Kudláček
Peter Kutin
Gregor Ladenhauf
1050 Vienna/Austria
Leonhard Lass
1070 Vienna/Austria
Anna Lerchbaumer
1070 Vienna/Austria
Wolf-Maximilian Liebich
1080 Vienna/Austria
Johann Lurf
1010 Vienna/Austria
Gabriele Mathes
1140 Vienna/Austria
Ursula Mayer
1070 Vienna/Austria
Manu Molin
1120 Vienna/Austria
Kálmán Nagy
1190 Vienna/Austria
Christian Neubacher
Clemens Niel
4020 Linz/Austria
Malina Nwabuonwor
4113 Sankt Martin/Austria
162__ 163
Contact Addresses
Bernd Oppl
1040 Vienna/Austria
Valérie Pelet
1170 Vienna/Austria
Caspar Pfaundler
1020 Vienna/Austria
Franziska Pflaum
1030 Vienna/Austria
Maria Lisa Pichler
c/o Luise Müller
1090 Vienna/Austria
Marlies Pöschl
1020 Vienna/Austria
Jan Prazak
1080 Vienna/Austria
Ulrike Putzer
1060 Vienna/Austria
Ella Raidel
1060 Vienna/Austria
Adele Razkövi
3192 Hohenberg/Austria
Karoline Riha
2103 Langenzersdorf/Austria
Constanze Ruhm
3002 Purkersdorf/Austria
Albert Sackl
1200 Vienna/Austria
Sebastian Schmidl
Fridolin Schönwiese
1030 Vienna/Austria
Lotte Schreiber
1150 Vienna/Austria
Nikki Schuster
10243 Berlin/Germany
Manfred Schwaba
1230 Vienna/Austria
Christoph Schwarz
1090 Vienna/Austria
Michaela Schwentner
1040 Vienna/Austria
Katharina Simunic
1160 Vienna/Austria
Simon Spitzer
1200 Vienna/Austria
Monika Stuhl
1050 Vienna/Austria
Dominik Galleya Tendl
4020 Linz/Austria
Timotheus Tomicek
1080 Vienna/Austria
Samuel Traber
8010 Graz/Austria
Peter Tscherkassky
1010 Vienna/Austria
David Uzochukwu
12045 Berlin/Germany
Borjana Ventzislavova
1040 Vienna/Austria
Jola Wieczorek
4812 Ohlsdorf/Austria
Conny Zenk
1150 Vienna/Austria
Andreas Zißler
Markus Zizenbacher
1080 Vienna/Austria
Petra Zöpnek
1080 Vienna/Austria
Antoinette Zwirchmayr
1050 Vienna/Austria
Index Films
All the Stops...........................................62
Alterlaa – 27 Storeys.....................80
Am Gang.....................................................58
Das andere Ende
der Straße................................................115
Der antifaschistische Zoo.......133
Auf dem Grund
des Wäschekorbes.........................133
Auf der Suche nach
der gestohlenen Zeit.......................81
Augusts Orte........................................124
Aus der Wunderwelt.......................82
Before I Die..............................................83
Bitte warten .........................................44
Die brennende Nacht.....................72
Brut & Parasit......................................153
Cargo Carriers.....................................134
Carla Lonzi – Ein Porträt
zweiter Ordnung.................................84
Casting Tapes........................................55
Children’s Film......................................58
Civil Dusk.................................................153
Dear Darkness.....................................116
Dreaming Dogs and
Barking Men............................................86
Entlang der Körper.........................125
The Entropy Gardens...................154
Europe, Can You See Me?.......125
Fify Ibrahim hört auf!
Fify Ibrahim hört auf?...................126
Folgenlos – A Film
Without Consequences................73
Gini und Resi........................................126
From Endlessness
to Infinity..................................................135
Geschichten eines
Jungen, einer Frau
und eines Soldaten........................136
Gli appunti di Anna Azzori.........46
Glory to the Queen...........................47
Die guten Plätze.................................117
HLS/Hasenleiten Stories..........127
Infra-Ordinary Palm Trees........155
Ingo und Maja......................................117
it works 20...............................................89
Just Be There..........................................90
Kurt Kren....................................................92
Left to Die.................................................93
The Life of Sean DeLear..............94
Life on the Horn................................147
Make You Need Me.......................155
Mein Satz..................................................118
My Room....................................................96
Nachts im Bach.................................137
Never Meant to Be Seen..........138
News From Home.
News to Home. ..................................110
Nur ein Augenblick...........................97
One Year...................................................139
Order in Chaos –
Chaos in Order.....................................98
Ordinary Creatures...........................40
Out of Sight...........................................139
A Pile of Ghosts.................................127
A proposal to project
in Scope......................................................64
Read My Breasts..............................100
Rösl’s Suitcase....................................101
Room Without a View....................48
Rosa im Schloss.................................119
Sanatorium Druzhba.....................128
Der schönste Platz
auf Erden....................................................49
Sigmund Freud.
Jude ohne Gott.....................................50
Soldat Ahmet.........................................74
The Soul at Work..............................156
Stories From the Sea...................102
Straight vs. Curved.........................141
Swimming Pool....................................76
Tagebuch eines
Die Tagträume
des Nikolaus Habjan....................104
Tehran Recyclers..............................142
This Land Is My Land......................51
Those Next to Us.............................128
Train Again..............................................142
The Trouble With
Being Born.................................................41
Verabredung im Herbst...............77
Vom ersten letzten
Vor dem Verschwinden/
Was eine Familie
leisten kann.............................................59
Was man empfindet,
ist Angst....................................................120
Was soll man machen –
Vor Entzücken?....................................111
We have more than
beds to dream in................................65
Wenn die Welt zu Ende
geht, werde ich
dich geliebt haben. .......................157
Where Is Ida?........................................121
Where Is Lotte?....................................65
Who’s That Bird?...............................148
Zwischen Bildern..............................149
166__ 167
Index Directors
Ahnelt Josephine..............................140
Baaren van Matthias.......................55
Barnaš Veronika..................................59
Bauer Sybille...........................................59
Böck Hannes..........................................27
Brandstätter Susanne....................51
Brauneis Sebastian..........................77
Brauweiler Dominik........................115
Brossmann Jakob...............................73
Burger Joerg............................................97
Corella Roser.........................................48
Covi Tizza.................................................103
Cuzuioc Pavel..............................44, 98
Czernovsky Milena............................71
Dabernig Josef......................................62
Daschner Katrina...............................63
Dermutz Claudia.................................58
Dumreicher Ganaël........................153
Durst Alice................................................82
Eichler Martin......................................153
Flock Susanna....................................156
Frimmel Rainer...................................103
Fürhapter Thomas...........................106
Fürst Maximilian................................118
Gammer Gloria...................................157
Ghanie Alireza.......................................95
Gleissinger Bianca............................80
Gmeiner Sophie.................................126
Groen Elke....................................49, 138
Haider Rafael.......................................147
Hammel Johannes.................72, 104
Handke Amina...........................58, 118
Harawe Mo.............................................147
Heller Eve.................................................139
Hetzenauer Bernhard...................128
Hirneise Rebecca.............................120
Hochstöger Hans...............................87
Hoesl Daniel............................................45
Hund Harald..........................................128
Kaaserer Ruth........................................24
Kabisch Franzis..................................149
Kanter Eginhartz...............................134
Kerekes Krisztina.............................137
Khazaradze Anna...............................47
Kindlinger Florian.............................136
Klopf Karl-Heinz.................................135
Kogler Florian.......................................117
Kowalski Dariusz..............................107
Krautgasser Annja...........................141
Kraxner Lilith...........................................71
Krebitz Gudrun...................................137
Kremser Elsa..........................................86
Kudláček Martina.....................32, 92
Kutin Peter..............................................136
Ladenhauf Gregor...........................154
Ladner Lukas..........................................88
Lapin Aleksey.........................................91
Lass Leonhard....................................154
Lennard Elizabeth.............................101
Lenz Jannis...............................................74
Lerchbaumer Anna.........................154
Liebich Wolf-Maximilian.............119
Lurf Johann.............................................139
Malinowski Filip Antoni................76
Marschall Thomas.............................40
Mathes Gabriele................................126
Mayer Ursula........................................156
Molin Manu............................................148
Mračnikar Andrina..........................105
Müller Luise.............................................85
Nagy Kálmán.........................................115
Nasmyth Laura...................................135
Neubacher Christian.......................82
Niel Clemens........................................120
Niemann Julia........................................45
Nwabuonwor Malina.....................148
Ofner Astrid Johanna......................111
Oppl Bernd...............................................65
Pelet Valérie..........................................124
Peter Levin...............................................86
Pfaffenbichler Norbert..................62
Pfaundler Caspar...............................90
Pflaum Franziska..............................136
Pöschl Marlies.....................................155
Prazak Jan................................................117
Putz Martin.............................................129
Putzer Ulrike...........................................55
Raidel Ella................................................127
Rauchensteiner Meinhard.......133
Razkövi Adele......................................133
Rechinsky Juri........................................83
Riha Karoline........................................143
Rinner Lukas Valenta....................119
Ruhm Constanze......................46, 84
Sackl Albert...........................................132
Salomonowitz Anja........................100
Schiehsl Johannes............................141
Schmid Viktoria...................................64
Schmidl Sebastian...........................116
Schönwiese Fridolin........................89
Schreiber Lotte..................................127
Schuster Nikki....................................142
Schwaba Manfred.............................63
Schwarz Christoph...........................75
Schwentner Michaela..................140
sebastian j. f..........................................93
Simunic Katharina...........................125
Skhirtladze Tatia.................................47
Spitzer Simon......................................129
Steiner Thomas....................................64
Stuhl Monika..........................................96
Teboul David...........................................50
Tendl Dominik Galleya................120
Tomicek Timotheus.......................138
Traber Samuel.....................................155
Trischler Clara.......................................99
Tscherkassky Peter.......................142
Uzochukwu David............................153
Veltman Carla......................................153
Ventzislavova Borjana..................110
Wakolbinger Konrad........................81
Wieczorek Jola....................................102
Wollner Sandra......................................41
Zenk Conny............................................134
Zißler Andreas.....................................154
Zizenbacher Markus.......................94
Zöpnek Petra...............................65, 121
Antoinette..........................63, 116, 125
Photo Credits
pages 2–3, p 16–17, 59 r.
© Sybille Bauer
p 6–7, 137 l. © Krisztina Kerekes
p 8 © BMKÖS © Peter Lechner/HBF
p 10–11, 140 l. © Josephine Ahnelt
p 22–23 © Ruth Kaaserer
p 25 © Lisa Truttmann
p 28 © Philipp Fleischmann
p 30–31 © Martina Kudláček
p 33 © Robert Newald
p 36–37, 38–39, 41, 52–53, 68–69,
112–113 © Sandra Wollner/
Panama Film
p 40 © Martin Putz/
Daniela Praher Filmproduktion
p 42–43, 56–57, 78–79,122–123
© Katharina Müller
p 44, 98 © Pavel Cuzuioc
p 45 © Daniel Hoesl/
European Film Conspiracy
p 46 Constanze Ruhm
p 47 © Sebastian Thaler/
berg hammer film
p 48 © Roser Corella/
moving mountains films
p 49 © Elke Groen/groen.film &
Golden Girls Filmproduktion
p 50 © David Teboul/WILDart FILM
p 51 © Joerg Burger/Susanne
Brandstätter Filmproduktion
p 55 © Ulrike Putzer & Matthias
van Baaren
p 58 l. © Claudia Dermutz
p 58 r. © Amina Handke & Leena
p 59 l. © Veronika Barnaš
p 60–61, 64 r., 108–109, 130–131
© Thomas Steiner
p 62 l., 164–165 © Norbert
p 62 r. © Josef Dabernig
p 63. l. © Antoinette Zwirchmayr
& Manfred Schwaba
p 63 r. © Katrina Daschner
p 64 l. © Viktoria Schmid
p 65 l. © Bernd Oppl
p 65 r. © Petra Zöpnek
p 66–67, 107 © Dariusz Kowalski
p 71 © Milena Czernovsky
& Lilith Kraxner
p 72 © Johannes Hammel
p 73 © Jakob Brossmann
p 74 © Panama Film
p 75 © Christoph Schwarz
p 76 © Soleil Film
p 77 © Sebastian Brauneis
p 80 © Bianca Gleissinger/
Mischief Films
p 81 © Konrad Wakolbinger
p 82 © Alice Durst &
Christian Neubacher
p 83 © Juri Rechinsky/
Horse&Fruits Filmproduktion
p 84 Hannes Böck
p 85 © Luise Müller
p 86 © Elsa Kremser & Levin Peter/
p 87 © Hans Hochstöger
p 88 © Lukas Ladner/Golden
Girls Filmproduktion & Bunny
Beach Films
p 89 © Fridolin Schönwiese
p 90 © Caspar Pfaundler
p 91 © Aleksey Lapin/
Horse&Fruits Filmproduktion
p 92 © Kurt Kren/sixpackfilm
p 93 © Cronos Film
p 94 © Markus Zizenbacher
p 95 © Alireza Ghanie
p 96 © Monika Stuhl
p 97 © Joerg Burger
p 99 © Clara Trischler/
Horse&Fruits Filmproduktion
p 100 © Martin Putz/Golden Girls
p 101 © Elizabeth Lennard/
PLAESION Film + Vision
p 102 © Jola Wieczorek
p 103 © Rainer Frimmel &
Tizza Covi/Vento Film
p 104 © Johannes Hammel
p 105 © Andrina Mračnikar/
Soleil Film
p 106 © Thomas Fürhapter/
Mischief Films
p 110 © Borjana Ventzislavova
p 111 © Astrid J. Ofner
p 115 l. © Kálmán Nagy
p 115 r. © Dominik Brauweiler
p 116 l. © Antoinette Zwirchmayr
p 116 r. © Victoria Herbig
p 117 l. © Florian Kogler
p 117 r. © Jan Prazak
p 118 l. © Amina Handke
p 118 r. © Maximilian Fürst
p 119 l. © Wolf-Maximilian Liebich
p 119 r. © Lukas Valenta Rinner/
Nabis Filmgroup
p 120 l. © Clemens Niel
p 120 r. © Sonia Borkowicz
p 121 l. © Petra Zöpnek
p 124 © Valérie Pelet
p 125 l. © Antoinette Zwirchmayr
p 125 r. © Katharina Simunic
p 126 l. © Gabriele Mathes
p 126 r. © Sophie Gmeiner
p 127 l. © Lotte Schreiber
p 127 r. © Ella Raidel
p 128 l. © Harald Hund
p 128 r. © Bernhard Hetzenauer
p 129 l. © Simon Spitzer
p 129 r. © Martin Putz
p 132 © Albert Sackl
p 133 l. © Meinhard Rauchensteiner/
p 133 r. © Adele Razkövi
p 134 l., 158–159 © Conny Zenk
p 134 r. © Eginhartz Kanter
p 135 l. © Laura Nasmyth
p 135 r. © Karl-Heinz Klopf
p 136 l. © Niki Waltl
p 136 r. © Peter Kutin
& Florian Kindlinger
p 137 l. © Krisztina Kerekes
p 137 r. © Gudrun Krebitz
p 138 l. © Elke Goen
p 138 r. © Timotheus Tomicek
p 139 l. © Johann Lurf
p 139 r. © Eve Heller
p 140 r. © Michaela Schwentner
p 141 l. © Johannes Schiehsl
p 141 r. © Annja Krautgasser
p 142 l. © Nikki Schuster
p 142 r. © Peter Tscherkassky
p 143 l. © Dextro.org
p 143 r. © Karoline Riha
p 144–145, 147 l. © Mo Harawe
p 147 r. © Rafael Haider
p 148 l. © Malina Nwabuonwor
p 148 r. © Manu Molin
p 149 © Franzis Kabisch
p 150–151, 154 l. © DEPART/
Leonhard Lass & Gregor
p 153 l. © Ganaël Dumreicher
p 153 r. © David Uzochukwu
p 154 r. © Anna Lerchbaumer
p 155 l. © Marlies Pöschl
p 155 r. © Samuel Traber
p 156 l. © Susanna Flock
p 156 r. © Ursula Mayer
p 157 © Gloria Gammer
All photos edited by
Walter Lendl