North Canterbury News: July 22, 2021

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48,000<br />

Thursday,<strong>July</strong><strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong> | Issue955 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

readers!<br />

Strength in numbers ... Frankie Ryder, (back left), Aspen Weibel and Emily Weibel, front with working dogs Fig (rear) and Letty, park up<br />

in Amberley in support of Groundswell’s AHowl of Protest.<br />


Ahowl of aprotest ... Lisa Bushrod’s<br />

four­year­old huntaway, Bob, joins in the<br />

chorus of protest at the Rangiora<br />

Groundswell protest.<br />


Howl of aProtest abeginning<br />



The convoys of tractors, utes, and trucks,<br />

along with hundreds of dogs that rolled<br />

in to <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> town’s last<br />

Friday in support of AHowl of aProtest,<br />

is just the beginning of acampaign to<br />

drive change, says an organiser.<br />

Hurunui’s Jamie McFadden says if the<br />

Government does not acknowledge by<br />

August 16, that the regulatory system<br />

down on the farm is unsustainable and<br />

unworkable, then further action will<br />

follow.<br />

‘‘We need change. We have reached<br />

the point where the regulatory system is<br />

unsustainable,’’ says Mr McFadden, the<br />

chair of the Rural Advocacy Network<br />

which has aligned itself with the<br />

Groundswell movement, which has its<br />

roots in Southland.<br />

‘‘The Freshwater legislation is<br />

unworkable, Significant Natural Areas<br />

(SNAs) regulations are unworkable, and<br />

the Government will never be able to<br />

force them on the people of Hurunui<br />

again. Neither the council (Hurunui<br />

District Council), or the community will<br />

tolerate that,’’ says Mr McFadden.<br />

‘‘These regulations all fall under the<br />

Resource Management Act (RMA), the<br />

whole of which needs reviewed,’’ he<br />

says.<br />

The Government has indicated a<br />

review of the RMA, and it needs to<br />

address farmers concerns about the<br />

unrealistic regulations being imposed<br />

on them.<br />

People on the ground, putting in the<br />

hard yards and who had solutions,<br />

needed to be consulted to find workable<br />

ways of achieving the outcomes the<br />

Government, and farmers, wanted to<br />

achieve.<br />

In the meantime the cost of trying to<br />

meet regulations was getting ‘‘all out of<br />

whack’’ financially, and emotionally,<br />

and the turn out last Friday showed the<br />

rural community was fed up, said Mr<br />

McFadden.<br />

Continued Page 2<br />

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NEWS<br />

2 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

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Readership: 47,000 weekly<br />

Circulation: 30,150copiesdelivered<br />

to EVERY farm, RD, lifestyle block<br />

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Massive turnout in Nth Canty<br />

From Page 1<br />

Mr McFadden says the Governmentneeds<br />

to go back to the drawingboard over the<br />

RMA, and find out ‘‘whatisworking on the<br />

ground, and what isn’t’’.<br />

Meanwhile he is keen to establish a<br />

Groundswell movementin<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

with co­ordinatorscovering thekey<br />

geographical areas.<br />

Convoys of tractors rolled into Kaikoura,<br />

Cheviot, Culverden,Amberley and<br />

Rangiora last Friday, alongwith utes,<br />

vans,trucks, contracting equipment and<br />

dogs,gridlocking towns duetothe sheer<br />

volume of vehicles.They stoodshoulderto­shoulder<br />

with their urban cousins,<br />

whiletrafficheld up by the convoys tooted,<br />

drivers wavedand people lining the<br />

streets yelledsupport. Even preschoolers<br />

and retired folkstood in support.<br />

In Rangioraabout 350 tractors and utes<br />

rolled through the central business district<br />

(CBD)causingtraffic jams in HighStand<br />

Ashley St and attractinggroupsof<br />

onlookers four and five deep in places.<br />

About1000 protesters, many with their<br />

farm dogs,headed to the front lawn<br />

outside the Waimakariri District Council<br />

service centre for speeches by farmer,<br />

Dave Winter, of Clarkville,and<br />

Waimakariri District Deputy Mayor<br />

Neville Atkinson.<br />

An organiser of Rangiora’s protest, Craig<br />

McAllister,ofCust, said the size of the<br />

protest and the support the organisers had<br />

received wasoverwhelming.<br />

‘‘We didn’t know whattoexpect, but it<br />

showsthe concern everyone has. We have<br />

made alot of changes but we keepgetting<br />

bombarded with more,’’hesaid.<br />

‘‘A littlerecognition for what we have<br />

done would go along way.’’<br />

Mr Winter, when asked to MC Rangiora's<br />

Howl of aProtestsaid he was surehewas<br />

‘‘thesacrificial lamb’’ ratherthan ‘‘the<br />

chosen one’',but was happy to speak at the<br />

protest.<br />

‘‘It is our futureweare trying to secure,’’<br />

he said.<br />

From theback of aute Mr Winter<br />

queried why everyone,young and old, was<br />

there. ‘‘Becausewehave all had agutsful,’’<br />

he said.<br />

He ended his speech withastatement<br />

from Groundswell NZ outlining the<br />

concernsabout ‘‘the unworkable<br />

environmental policies’’ the protest was<br />

focused on and ‘‘the workable solutions’’<br />

Groundswell NZ was keen to promote.<br />

The protest hadbeen organised in ‘‘a<br />

spirit of co­operation, non­confrontation<br />

and no intentional disruption,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘We encourage people attending the<br />

Howl to support localbusinessesand<br />

engage with peopleinapositive way.’’<br />

Mr Atkinsontold the protestershehad<br />

not seensomany farmers in town on a<br />

Friday before and the council supported<br />

what theywere doing.<br />

‘‘This is your day.Weare with you and<br />

we willhelp you where we can,’’ he said.<br />

Earlier in the day, asmaller groupof<br />

The Widest Music Variety<br />

Tight fit ... Atractor makes its way along High Street, in Rangiora’s central business<br />

district, during the Howl of aProtest last Friday.<br />


protesters met at the Rangiora A&P<br />

Showgrounds where retired veterinarian<br />

Dave Martin, of Ashley, andMatt Kerr, a<br />

lifestyle blockowner and helicopter pilot<br />

of Swannanoa, saidthey joined the protest<br />

becausethey were ‘‘brassedoff’’with all<br />

the regulations which were‘`punitive and<br />

impractical’’.<br />

They wanted to see more consultation.<br />

‘‘Farmers need morevoice and the<br />

Government needstolisten.’’<br />

In Amberley hundredsoftractors, utes,<br />

along withtrucks, contracting equipment,<br />

and people and theirdogs turnedout.<br />

Jessie Moffatt, aged 15, astudent whose<br />

parentsfarm at Okuku, spoke,reminding<br />

the huge crowd thatfood did not come<br />

from thebackroom of the supermarket.<br />

‘‘It starts in the paddocks.Itstarts on the<br />

farm withthe farmers producing aproduct<br />

they can be proud of.No­one in the world<br />

cares morefor theirproperty, produce,<br />

animalsand environmentthan farmers,’’<br />

she said.<br />

‘‘The governmentgoes on about how we<br />

need to start planting moretrees, yet want<br />

us to fence off our waterways with wooden<br />

posts. See the issuethere?’’<br />

The costofputting up fences was going<br />

to be hundredsand thousands, money<br />

farmerswould have to find from ‘‘our own<br />

hard­earnedmoney less all the taxes’’.<br />

‘‘By putting up thesefencesthe<br />

governmentthinks that they are savingthe<br />

environment, but really it is goingtocause<br />

awhole load of even worse issuessuch as<br />

flooding, pest infestation,deforestation,’’<br />

Jessie said.<br />

Farming was alifestyle,requiring long<br />

hours. It was the country’s largest industry<br />

and New Zealandwas built on agriculture.<br />

‘‘I am appalled to witnessthis<br />

governmentslam farmers for climate<br />

change issues withunrealistic taxes and<br />

unworkable working and environmental<br />

regulations.<br />

‘‘I,along withGroundswell NZ, and all<br />

farmers,have the right to stand up for our<br />

way of life to stopthe government’s<br />

unrealisticideals.’’<br />

‘‘We worksodamn hard and what do we<br />

get in return? Yet another tax and yet<br />

more unrealistic laws,’’ Jessie said.<br />

Waimakariri MP Matt Doocey, who<br />

joined the Rangioraprotest, says the<br />

Government’s environmental regulations<br />

were the latest kick in the teeth for the<br />

ruralsector.<br />

‘‘I was proud to standwith our local<br />

farmers today —they are an integral part<br />

of our community’’ he said.<br />

‘‘Itwas greattosee so many residents<br />

out in supportofthem too. It is clear this<br />

is an important issue and peopleacross<br />

the board are justifiablyangry about.”<br />

Mr Doocey, the National Party’s first<br />

mental health spokesperson, says the<br />

farming community had beenhit time and<br />

again, and worked hard to adjust to<br />

constantly changing rulesand regulations.<br />

The impacts on theirwellbeing fromthe<br />

uncertainty and stress was documented,<br />

and more change wouldinevitably create<br />

even more anxiety.<br />

Continued Page 17 -photos<br />

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Opportunity knocks in Kaikoura<br />


The Kaikoura Community Op Shop<br />

Trust is doing what it does best —raising<br />

funds for its community.<br />

The op shop volunteers have set agoal<br />

of raising nearly $120,000 to support<br />

emergency services in Kaikoura as part<br />

of its ‘‘volunteers for volunteers’’<br />

project.<br />

Earlier this month the volunteers<br />

came together for their annual midwinter<br />

afternoon tea to present the<br />

Kaikoura Search and Rescue team with<br />

aLeica Calonox Sight Thermal Night<br />

Vision Camera worth $7100, in the first<br />

part of its latest fundraising target.<br />

‘‘As one of our volunteers told the<br />

Search and Rescue guys, ‘that’s nothing,<br />

it’s only aweek and ahalf of sales in our<br />

shop’,’’ op shop co­ordinator Lynda<br />

Scott says.<br />

The op shop trust is well on the way to<br />

raising the rest of the nearly $120,000<br />

target, to buy a$47,500 monitor /<br />

defibrillator for the <strong>Canterbury</strong> West<br />

Coast Air Rescue Trust’s Kaikoura<br />

service and $65,000 for anew van for the<br />

Kaikoura Volunteer Fire Brigade.<br />

‘‘We are so proud that we can help<br />

these amazing volunteer organisations<br />

that are on call 24/7 and provide such a<br />

wonderful service to the Kaikoura<br />

community,’’ Lynda says.<br />

‘‘We believe our volunteer’s efforts<br />

will reflect the great respect we have for<br />

other volunteer organisations.<br />

‘‘The trust expects these goals will be<br />

achieved by the end of this year.’’<br />

The op shop was first opened in 2014<br />

to help the community to raise funds for<br />

Community effort ... Kaikoura Community Op Shop volunteers Wendy Beaven (left),<br />

Marlene Ingram, Jeanne Harvey, Caroline Bartlett and Gwen Maka are doing their bit to<br />

support local emergency services.<br />


the Kaikoura Hospital, raising $140,000.<br />

It was so successful, the trust decided<br />

to keep going to raise funds for other<br />

causes.<br />

Since then $100,000 has been raised<br />

for Kaikoura St John, $45,000 for the<br />

hospital’s deck garden, $100,000 for the<br />

Kaikoura Community Pool and $300,000<br />

for the Mayfair Theatre (across two<br />

projects).<br />

Afurther $25,000 was given to the<br />

Kaikoura High School for its junior<br />

playground and the trust has also raised<br />

funds for the roof replacement and fit<br />

out of the op shop, which is in the old<br />

Cuddon Building on Beach Road, and<br />

owned by the Kaikoura District Council.<br />

Lynda says the op shop is run entirely<br />

by volunteers, with 53 volunteers in all,<br />

and is open Monday to Friday 10am to<br />

4pm and Saturdays from 10.30am to 2pm.<br />

‘‘It’s totally voluntary and our<br />

overheads are low, so all the funds go<br />

back into the community.’’<br />

Roading projects on track despite flood<br />


The recentflood event has caused some<br />

delays to roading projects aroundthe<br />

Waimakariri district, but work is<br />

continuing apace, council staff say.<br />

Several projects in Southbrook,<br />

Woodend and Kaiapoiare either<br />

completed, nearing completion or getting<br />

underway.<br />

In Southbrook, upgrade work on Flaxton<br />

Road and the installation of the<br />

roundabout are now complete, but<br />

contractorsare awaiting warmerweather<br />

before laying the final asphalt surface,<br />

whichislikely to be in the spring.<br />

Staffare working on the design of traffic<br />

lights and will begin engaging with<br />

affected residents soononproposalsfor<br />

safety improvements on SouthbrookRoad<br />

in the vicinityofSouthbrook and Rangiora<br />

New Life schools.<br />

The council has money budgeted in the<br />

<strong>2021</strong>/31 Long TermPlan for designwork in<br />

the <strong>2021</strong>/<strong>22</strong>financial yearand for<br />

constructionwork next year, which is<br />

subjecttoWaka Kotahi New Zealand<br />

TransportAgency (NZTA) funding<br />

approval.<br />

East and west Rangiora bypasseswere<br />

proposed in the LTP and are still in the<br />

pipeline,withsomeplanningunder way.<br />

The easternlink route is being protected<br />

by applying for adesignation on the<br />

underlying land as partofthe proposed<br />

District Plan, which will be consulted on<br />

later in the year.<br />

The council is also looking into<br />

protecting acorridorfor anorth­western<br />

link between RiverRoad and Lehmans<br />

Road.<br />

Staff anticipatethat bothofthese<br />

projects will be constructed overthe next<br />

10 to 15 years.<br />

In Woodend, the Rangiora /Woodend<br />

cycle way extension was completedon<br />

<strong>July</strong> 5and opened for public use.<br />

In Kaiapoi,the commutercycleway was<br />

due to have be completed at the end of<br />

June, but has beendelayed with work<br />

close to completion.<br />

It is expected to be open to the public by<br />

the end of <strong>July</strong>.<br />

The proposed Kaiapoi recreational<br />

cycleway willbeconsidered as part of the<br />

wider CycleNetwork Plan for the district,<br />

withcouncil staff due to engage with the<br />

public laterinthe year.<br />

Construction work on Kaiapoi’s‘‘shovel<br />

ready’’ projectgot under way lastmonth in<br />

Sneyd Street, withworkdue to begin on<br />

Beach Road next week.<br />

Extensive potholing, minor works and<br />

property purchases as partofthis project<br />

havebeen completed.<br />

Alarge pipe supply contracthas been<br />

confirmed, with other tendersbeing<br />

considered for workinthe vicinity of Otaki<br />

Street,Akaroa Street, Porter Placeand<br />

Chapman Place.<br />

The ‘‘shovel ready’’ project is expected<br />

to be completed by the end of next year.<br />

The May 31 floodevent caused<br />

considerable damage to roads around the<br />

district, withcouncil staffinthe processof<br />

working out ‘‘a coarseestimate’’ of costs<br />

which willbediscussedwith NZTA and<br />

the council.<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

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Makeadifference<br />

Join the Regional WaterManagement Committee<br />

We arecurrentlyseeking applicants to join the Committee<br />

as communitymemberstohelp make adifference.<br />

The Committee supportswater management solutions to protect the<br />

mana of <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s precious freshwater now and intothe future.<br />

Formoreinformation, head to ecan.govt.nz/regional-committee.<br />

Applications close 26 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2021</strong>.

NEWS<br />

4 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Oxford Bird Rescue now acharitable trust<br />

In care ... One of the raptors being cared for by the owners of the Oxford Bird Rescue<br />

Charitable Trust, Scott and Tracey Bowman.<br />



OxfordBird Rescue has become a<br />

charitable trust and its new statusis<br />

expected to help with running costs.<br />

All donations to the centre willnow<br />

be tax deductible with donors getting33<br />

percent of their donation back.<br />

The charitable trust status also<br />

enables the centretoaccessgrantsthat<br />

were previously unavailable to them.<br />

Beforethe trustwas established<br />

OxfordBird Rescue’s owners, Scott and<br />

TraceyBowman, mainly fundedthe<br />

shelter with theirown money.<br />

Afew Givealittle campaignsfor<br />

specific requirements,fundsfrom the<br />

sale of the centre’s annual bird<br />

calendar and donations had also<br />

helped.<br />

Scott said they had tried to convert<br />

the centre to acharitable trust several<br />

times,but withoutthe help of alawyer<br />

it had proved too difficult.<br />

However that changedafter lawyer<br />

StevenMoe, of Christchurch’s Parry<br />

Field Lawyers, was shown the Oxford<br />

Bird Rescue's Facebook pagebyhis<br />

owl­loving daughter.<br />

‘‘He reached out to us and offered his<br />

and the firm'sservices to create our<br />

charitable trust pro bono,’’ Scott said.<br />

‘‘The cost of establishingacharitable<br />

trust can be anywhere from $3000to<br />

$5000 so thiswas an extremely generous<br />

offer and without them it would have<br />

taken along time to savethat money.’’<br />

The centreisrun under aspecific<br />

Department of Conservation<br />

rehabilitation permit that allows Scott<br />

and Tracey to care for native and<br />

endemic wildlife for up to three<br />

months.<br />

‘‘The end goal is to always to release<br />

these birds back into the wild. Where<br />

possible we try to put them backinto<br />

their home territory and try to get the<br />

rescuers to do the release so theycan<br />

see the resultoftheir kindnessand<br />

efforts.’’<br />

The centreisnow caringfor 11<br />

harrier hawks, one falcon,six little owls<br />

and one morepork.<br />

‘‘Winter always sees an influx of<br />

harrier hawkswith theirnatural<br />

hunting prey like hares and rabbits<br />

scarceand hardertocatch,’’ Scott said.<br />

The harrier hawksrely alot moreon<br />

carrion (decaying fleshofanimals) on<br />

highways during winter whichputs<br />

them directly in harm’sway.<br />

‘‘Manyharriers are killedorseverely<br />

injured by vehiclestrike,’’Scott said.<br />

‘‘We are always keen to see people<br />

move carrionoff the road whenever it is<br />

safe to do so as thisgives hawksasafe<br />

meal out of harm's way.’’<br />

Scottand Tracey have alsonoticed<br />

more hawks sufferingfrom lead<br />

poisoning after eating shot carrion.<br />

The lead from the shotgun pellets or<br />

bullets ends up being ingested by the<br />

hawksand then contaminates their<br />

bloodcausing clenched talons, seizures<br />

and eventually death.<br />

‘‘Birds come to us from members of<br />

the public, vet clinics, other bird<br />

rescues and we also do the<br />

rehabilitation for both the Christchurch<br />

and Dunedin wildlife hospitals,’’ Scott<br />

said.<br />

‘‘Vetlife New Zealandoperate a<br />

wildlife fund for us without which what<br />

we do would be almost impossible.<br />

Vetlife Oxford have anumber of avian<br />

experienced vets and do the bulk of our<br />

vet work but we have built up<br />

relationships with anumber of othervet<br />

clinics thattake in birds and do<br />

assessments to determine what is wrong<br />

and whether the injuries are fixable.’’<br />




Voting is now open for the <strong>2021</strong> <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Business Awards People’s Choice Award.<br />

Tool logs local incidents<br />

Aproblem solvingtool, Snap, Send, Save,is<br />

becoming apopular way of alerting the<br />

Hurunui District Council to issue faced by<br />

ratepayers.<br />

People can log local incidents that<br />

require closerattentionbythe council.<br />

The number of reports being received by<br />

council are growing.<br />

Last year it received 725 Snap, Send,<br />

Solve reports, the most common being<br />

animalnuisances and litter/rubbish.<br />

Councilcompliance and waste manager<br />

Andrew Brown says the reports are agreat<br />

way of recording non­urgentissues.<br />

‘‘Reports provide aphoto and GPS<br />

locationthat gives council staff<br />

perspective and the ability to assess the<br />

urgency of the matterathand.”<br />

People can send reports through at any<br />

time of the day, to be actioned during work<br />

hours.<br />

If something needs urgent attention,<br />

people are advised to call council so it can<br />

be attended to promptly.<br />

Your vote puts you in the draw to WIN aMini Group<br />

Pass from Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools &Spa.<br />

Cast your vote now at<br />

www.northcanterbury.co.nz/choice<br />

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New Brighton<br />

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Habit Health Rolleston<br />

9Masefield Drive<br />

Rolleston<br />

0800 800 288

New challenges for Tracy<br />


NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

5<br />

Tracy Tierneyhas had plenty of<br />

experience at juggling dual roles.<br />

The WaimakaririDistrict<br />

Council planning and regulation<br />

manager transferred from the<br />

TimaruDistrict Council at the<br />

end of February, where she filled<br />

the same role and previously<br />

servedasaTimaru district<br />

councillor.<br />

‘‘It was interesting seeing it<br />

from both sides,’’ Ms Tierneysays.<br />

She has also takenonthe roleof<br />

alocal Civil Defencecontroller, a<br />

role she also heldwith the<br />

TimaruDistrict Council.<br />

It meansshe has had abusy<br />

first few months in Rangiora,<br />

getting to know her new district<br />

and then responding to the May 31<br />

flood event.<br />

‘‘They’vehad plentyofpractice<br />

up herewith earthquakes, but<br />

they haven’t had afloodtodeal<br />

with for awhile, but there’s been<br />

afew in Timaru.<br />

‘‘We had the Rangitata flood in<br />

December 2019 wherewelost all<br />

communication.<br />

‘‘There was no road access, no<br />

nothing ­all the thingswethought<br />

could go wrong,did.<br />

‘‘But peopleare incredibly<br />

resourceful and get on with it.’’<br />

Timaruisasimilardistrict to<br />

Waimakaririwith a<br />

geographically spreadout rural<br />

community, though the bulk of the<br />

population of 42,000 is centred<br />

aroundthe main town of Timaru.<br />

‘‘It’sgreat to be in this district,<br />

as it’s ahigh growtharea and<br />

presents new challenges,’’ Ms<br />

Tierney says.<br />

‘‘Buildingconsents and<br />

New challenges ... Tracy Tierney is enjoying her new role.<br />

resource consents are all up,<br />

whichshows there’slots of<br />

activity going on.’’<br />

In the 12 monthstoJune 30, the<br />

council processed602 resource<br />

consents, up from 398 for the<br />

2019/2020 financialyear.<br />

‘‘In terms of this calendar year,<br />

we are already at the number of<br />

consents that we had receivedat<br />

the end of Novemberlast year.<br />

Essentiallyweare roughly four<br />

months ahead of where we were<br />

at this time lastyear,’’ Ms Tierney<br />

says.<br />

Development is continuing at<br />

the WaimakaririBusinessPark in<br />


SmithStreet, Kaiapoi.<br />

Whilethe resource consent has<br />

been on holdawaiting more<br />

information,itisnow coming<br />

through,MsTierneysays.The site<br />

will include large formatretail<br />

spaces and smaller retail /service<br />

spaces along sidePlacemakers.<br />

‘‘We are not aware of any<br />

confirmed tenanciesasthis isn’t<br />

required as part of the consenting<br />

process currently.’’<br />

Consents for new houses are<br />

continuing the boom, with 329<br />

consents issued in the first three<br />

months of this year, compared<br />

with 172 in 2020 and 206 in 2019.<br />

Family fun ... Wade Golding, of Fernside, enjoying aday out<br />

with his family in FAB 50S, the 1955 Ford Mark 1Zephyr<br />

Convertible owned by his Dad, Murray Golding, during the<br />

Rock`n’Wheels meet 2019.<br />


Rock‘n’ Wheels<br />

Fathers are in for atreat in<br />

Amberley on September 5.<br />

The Rock’n’Wheels<br />

Charitable Trust is holding<br />

its annual Father’s Day car<br />

show at the Amberley<br />

Domain.<br />

‘‘If it’s got wheels,and you<br />

love it, bring it along,’’says<br />

trustmember andevent<br />

organiser Katrina Platt.<br />

The event will havelive<br />

music, food and drink,<br />

entertainment, and ahuge<br />

line up of vintage, classic,<br />

and moderncars,<br />

motorbikes, scooters,<br />

tractors,trucksand more.<br />

Katrina says interest is<br />

high in the event that was<br />

scuttled at the lastminute<br />

last yearbecauseofa<br />

forecast wind storm.<br />

That followed acouple of<br />

falsestartsbecauseofCovid­<br />

19 and level 2restrictions.<br />

But the Trust, buoyed by the<br />

support of vehicle<br />

enthusiasts, is keen to have<br />

another crack at celebrating<br />

the 10th anniversary of<br />

Rock’n’Wheels.<br />

‘‘Peoplejust want<br />

somewheretogoand enjoy<br />

being with othercar and<br />

motorbikeenthusiasts,’’<br />

Katrina says.<br />

Six community groups<br />

haveswung in behindthe<br />

Trust to lend ahand with all<br />

proceeds going back to them.<br />

There are no outside food<br />

vendors, Katrinasays.<br />

Registration is $10for the<br />

driver and one passenger.<br />

Extra passengers are $5<br />

each. Public entry for<br />

spectators is $5 per adult,<br />

withchildrenunder 15 free.<br />

The gatesopen at 8.30am.<br />

Say hello<br />

to an actual<br />

human.<br />





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6 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

In the Electoratewith<br />

MattDoocey<br />

MP forWaimakariri<br />

Authorised by MattDoocey,Level1ConwayLane,188 High Street,Rangiora.<br />

Better mental-health<br />

outcomes above politics<br />

School holidays bringtheir challenges<br />

to all parents, andmywifeand Iare no<br />

different.<br />

Ifyousee me trying to speak at,or<br />

attending,acommunityevent, or<br />

meeting residents, with mychildren<br />

swinging off myarms, pleasebepatient<br />

in realising thatIam probably on dad<br />

duty.<br />

Thank youtoeveryone who tuned in<br />

forthe important Parliamentary debate<br />

ahead of thelaunch in Parliament of<br />

theZeroSuicideAotearoareport.<br />

I’veoftensaidthat oneofthe biggest<br />

driversfor my gettingintopolitics wasa<br />

desire to make realchange forbetter<br />

mental­health outcomes, and Iwas<br />

unashamedly emotionalwhen Ispoke<br />

in Parliament aheadofthe report’s<br />

launchbythe Cross­PartyMental<br />

Health andAddiction Wellbeing Group.<br />

Iadvocated foracross­party<br />

approach to mental health becauseI<br />

believe mental healthshouldstand<br />

above politics.<br />

There’s no reason why we can’t have<br />

thelowestsuicide ratesinthe world<br />

andanessential factortothatwillbe<br />

political will.<br />

AsNational’sfirstMentalHealth<br />

spokesperson andfirstSuicide<br />

Preventionspokesperson, andan<br />

executive member of thecross­party<br />

group, the Zero Aotearoa report gives<br />

me hope we canstartthe changethat’s<br />

needed.<br />

Waimakariri residentshavethrough<br />

theirrates investedover$100million<br />

over thepast20years in upgrading our<br />

waterinfrastructure.<br />

It’snosurprise, then, that our<br />

communitiesare concerned about the<br />

future of the management ofthose<br />

assetsunder thegovernment’swater<br />

managementreforms.<br />

While somecouncilscould welcome<br />

amalgamation of water management<br />

under acentralisedentity, others,like<br />

Waimakariri, mightsee fewerbenefits<br />

in footing thebill forpoorer­performing<br />

councils.<br />

While there isacase forchange in<br />

howwemanageour water across the<br />

country, Ibelievethe risk is too high<br />

under thisproposed model thatthe<br />

voice of districts like Waimakariri will<br />

be lost.Our council needs to opposethis<br />

modelpublicly andunequivocally by<br />

optingout.<br />

I’murging our roading authoritiesto<br />

pick up the pace in implementing safety<br />

works on Lineside Road.<br />

Manywillbeawareofanother<br />

serious crash attheintersectionwith<br />

Mulcocks Road. Last year,Iwas<br />

reassured that appropriate actionwas<br />

beingtaken.<br />

Residentswould be fairinthinking<br />

this sounds liketheWoodendBypass,<br />

wherethatcommunity satthrough<br />

repetitive safety consultationsandstill<br />

no bypasswas delivered.<br />

It’s concerning to hear councils<br />

across NewZealand areshort $420<br />

million offunding fromNZTAto<br />

maintain roads, whileNZTAitself is<br />

short$340milliontomaintainstate<br />

highways —creating a$760million hole<br />

in fundingfromthegovernment.<br />

These shortfallsarelikely to impact<br />

ourlocal roads. Despite Cantabrians<br />

payingtheir Road User Charges, we are<br />

missing outonvital roading<br />

infrastructure whileAucklanders<br />

celebrate the announcement of a$785<br />

nice­to­havecycling bridge.<br />

Waimakariri<br />

Focus from Dan Gordon, Mayor<br />

Assets community owned<br />

Last week Iattended the Local<br />

Government New Zealand Conference in<br />

Blenheimwith Councillors Philip<br />

Redmond and Paul Williams and CEO Jim<br />

Harland.<br />

The Government’s Three Waters<br />

Reformsdominated the conference —<br />

especially its announcement of a$2.5<br />

billion funding package. The share for<br />

Waimakariri was $<strong>22</strong>m conditional on<br />

opting into the reform programme. This<br />

announcement was disappointing.<br />

Our water­related assets are owned by<br />

the community and have avalue of $602<br />

million. Over the last 20 years we’ve<br />

invested over $100minwater<br />

infrastructure. So it’s not aparticularly<br />

equitableoffer.<br />

Also disappointing was the lack of a<br />

detailed response to the questions the<br />

sector, on the claimed efficiencies by the<br />

Government on 3Waters Reform, made.<br />

Despite the added incentiveof$<strong>22</strong>m we<br />

still do not believe the Government has put<br />

astrongcase for reform for our<br />

community. It is clear from conferencewe<br />

are not on our own.<br />

Our position remains, basedonthe<br />

limited information presentedsofar, we<br />

do not join the Government’s reform<br />

programme at this point. We are not<br />

convincedthere are benefits for the<br />

Waimakariri community and we need to<br />

consult with you before reachingaformal<br />

decision.<br />

The Government now wants to know our<br />

council’sposition by the end of September.<br />

Previously we had been told December.<br />

We now need to presentthe best<br />

information we can obtain in the coming<br />

months.<br />

We will be in touch in the coming weeks<br />

and holding community meetings for you<br />

to find out more information and get back<br />

to us with your thoughts. It is important for<br />

the councillors and myself to hear from<br />

you (after all the 3Waters assets belong to<br />

you!) before we makeaformal decision<br />

and advise the Government of our<br />

decision.<br />

While in Blenheimfor the conference,I<br />

attended the Howl of aProtest by<br />

Groundswelland stood side­by­side with<br />

other<strong>Canterbury</strong> Mayors in supportofour<br />

farmers and rural community.<br />

Ihear there were large crowds in<br />

Rangiora and Kaiapoi and our council was<br />

well representedbyDeputy Mayor Neville<br />

Atkinson and other councillors who<br />

welcomedall who attended and passed on<br />

the support of the council.<br />

Farmers are the backboneofour<br />

economy. Their message to the<br />

governmentistoslow the reform<br />

programme down –from the National<br />

PolicyStatement on Freshwater,RMA<br />

Reform, SNA’s, to Ute Tax and 3Waters<br />

Reform.<br />

We back this message and made our<br />

viewsclear to Government Ministers.<br />

Hopefullyitgets through. Fundamentally I<br />

don’tthink any one is opposed to<br />

discussing new ideas and ways of doing<br />

things. Rushed reformwithout adequate<br />

time to consider the consequencesand<br />

without listeningtothose affected, is in no<br />

one’sinterest.<br />

The resource consent application for<br />

Taggarts Earthmovingtoconstruct a<br />

quarry at the Rangiora Racecourse has<br />

been declined. The decision from<br />

commissioners is in line with the<br />

recommendation from the external<br />

planning officerfor both ECanand the<br />

Waimakariri District Council who also<br />

recommended the consent be declined.<br />

The community clearly expressed their<br />

thoughts and I’m sure are breathing asigh<br />

of relief. Ultimately,whetherTaggarts<br />

appeal the decision is amatter for them<br />

and Rangiora Racecoursebut Iwould<br />

strongly urge both partiestocarefully<br />

consider the community opinion that has<br />

been clearly expressed in opposition.<br />

Dear Editor,<br />

On Friday, <strong>July</strong> 16, my heart sang as I<br />

listened in to radio talk­back hearing<br />

hundreds of tractors, utes, tradies, hunters<br />

and dogs howling their protest throughout<br />

cities and towns of New Zealand against<br />

the tyranny and avalanche of unmandated<br />

law changes this government is forcing<br />

upon us all.<br />

Idon’t know any farmers; have been on a<br />

farm only afew times in my whole life, and<br />

though acity dweller, Ihold their heart<br />

beat close to me.<br />

Farmers are my brother and sister and I’m<br />


This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Jul <strong>22</strong> Jul 23 Jul 24 Jul 25 Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 28<br />

Rise 7:51am<br />

Set 5:19pm<br />

Best 10:28am<br />

Fair<br />

Times 11:00pm<br />

Set 6:00am<br />

Rise 2:55pm<br />

Gentle Sbecoming<br />

moderate SE<br />

Rise 7:50am<br />

Set 5:20pm<br />

Best 11:32am<br />

Fair<br />

Times<br />

Set 7:07am<br />

Rise 3:58pm<br />

Moderate Wturning<br />

SE<br />


insulted by our Prime Minister’s highhanded<br />

controlling, ideologicallydriven<br />

laws she is burdening the best members of<br />

New Zealand’s society with –our farmers.<br />

NZ farmers work in all weathers and<br />

excruciatingly long hours, face down<br />

endless challenges and have done so for<br />

many generations and can be relied upon<br />

to deliver their meat, milk and veges. Our<br />

governmentcan’t seem to deliver athing –<br />

Rise 7:49am<br />

Set 5:21pm<br />

Best 12:03am<br />

Good<br />

Times 12:34pm<br />

Set 8:03am<br />

Rise 5:10pm<br />

Moderate SW turning<br />

SE<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 7:48am<br />

Set 5:<strong>22</strong>pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

1:04am<br />

1:32pm<br />

Set 8:47am<br />

Rise 6:24pm<br />

Moderate Sturning<br />

SE<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 7:47am<br />

Set 5:23pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

except increased demands on New<br />

Zealand citizens.Iam appalledbythis<br />

government’s naked agenda to build<br />

personal reputationsand ideological<br />

platforms up on New Zealand’s global<br />

identityasanhonest, hardworking<br />

agricultural nation producing some of the<br />

best meat, milk and wool in the world. No<br />

government has the right to change our<br />

identity.<br />

2:00am<br />

2:26pm<br />

Set 9:23am<br />

Rise 7:37pm<br />

Moderate SE<br />

becoming fresh E<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 7:46am<br />

Set 5:24pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

2:51am<br />

3:15pm<br />

Set 9:51am<br />

Rise 8:48pm<br />

Moderate E<br />

Good<br />

Rise 7:45am<br />

Set 5:25pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

3:38am<br />

4:00pm<br />

Set 10:16am<br />

Rise 9:55pm<br />

Moderate SE turning<br />

E<br />

At last, amighty New Zealand force is<br />

standingup­Our farmers.<br />

Alongside them the tradies, the hunters<br />

and business owners telling our<br />

government to back off with their<br />

unworkable environmental and economic<br />

regulations which are threatening not only<br />

farmerslivelihoods, their futures, and<br />

their land, but the very backbone of who<br />

New Zealand is as anation. True<br />

leadership for New Zealand has come via<br />

howling dogs, tractors, utes and trucks.<br />

Yours, MaxineNisbet, Auckland<br />

(Abridged‘‘ Editor).<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

NE 0.9 m E0.8 m E0.6 m E1.1 m NE 1.7 m NE 2.0 m NE 1.6 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

1<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 2:20am 2.3 8:32am 0.4 3:17am 2.4 9:30am 0.4 4:13am 2.4 10:27am 0.3 5:09am 2.4 11:23am 0.3 6:04am 2.4<br />

6:58am 2.4 12:48am 0.4 7:51am 2.3 1:38am 0.4<br />

Mouth<br />

2:56pm 2.5 9:14pm 0.4 3:52pm 2.6 10:10pm 0.4 4:46pm 2.6 11:04pm 0.3 5:39pm 2.6 11:57pm 0.3 6:31pm 2.5 12:16pm 0.3 7:23pm 2.5 1:07pm 0.4 8:13pm 2.4 1:57pm 0.5<br />

Amberley 2:20am 2.3 8:32am 0.4 3:17am 2.4 9:30am 0.4 4:13am 2.4 10:27am 0.3 5:09am 2.4 11:23am 0.3 6:04am 2.4<br />

6:58am 2.4 12:48am 0.4 7:51am 2.3 1:38am 0.4<br />

Beach<br />

2:56pm 2.5 9:14pm 0.4 3:52pm 2.6 10:10pm 0.4 4:46pm 2.6 11:04pm 0.3 5:39pm 2.6 11:57pm 0.3 6:31pm 2.5 12:16pm 0.3 7:23pm 2.5 1:07pm 0.4 8:13pm 2.4 1:57pm 0.5<br />

2:29am 2.3 8:41am 0.4 3:26am 2.4 9:39am 0.4 4:<strong>22</strong>am 2.4 10:36am 0.3 5:18am 2.4 11:32am 0.3 6:13am 2.4 12:06am 0.3 7:07am 2.4 12:57am 0.4 8:00am 2.3 1:47am 0.4<br />

Motunau 3:05pm 2.5 9:23pm 0.4 4:01pm 2.6 10:19pm 0.4 4:55pm 2.6 11:13pm 0.3 5:48pm 2.6<br />

6:40pm 2.5 12:25pm 0.3 7:32pm 2.5 1:16pm 0.4 8:<strong>22</strong>pm 2.4 2:06pm 0.5<br />

2:31am 2.3 8:43am 0.4 3:28am 2.4 9:41am 0.4 4:24am 2.4 10:38am 0.3 5:20am 2.4 11:34am 0.3 6:15am 2.4 12:08am 0.3 7:09am 2.4 12:59am 0.4 8:02am 2.3 1:49am 0.4<br />

Gore Bay 3:07pm 2.5 9:25pm 0.4 4:03pm 2.6 10:21pm 0.4 4:57pm 2.6 11:15pm 0.3 5:50pm 2.6<br />

6:42pm 2.5 12:27pm 0.3 7:34pm 2.5 1:18pm 0.4 8:24pm 2.4 2:08pm 0.5<br />

2:25am 1.8 8:33am 0.3 3:<strong>22</strong>am 1.8 9:30am 0.3 4:18am 1.8 10:26am 0.3 5:14am 1.8 11:23am 0.3 6:10am 1.8 12:04am 0.3 7:04am 1.8 12:58am 0.3 7:58am 1.8 1:50am 0.4<br />

Kaikoura 2:58pm 2.0 9:18pm 0.3 3:55pm 2.0 10:14pm 0.3 4:50pm 2.0 11:09pm 0.3 5:45pm 2.0<br />

6:38pm 2.0 12:18pm 0.3 7:31pm 1.9 1:12pm 0.3 8:23pm 1.9 2:05pm 0.4<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />



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NEWS<br />

8 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />


2401725<br />

MattDoocey<br />

MP for Waimakariri<br />

Kaiapoi Office<br />

03 3270514•kaiapoi@parliament.govt.nz<br />

137 Williams Street<br />

RangioraOffice<br />

03 3107468•waimakariri@parliament.govt.nz<br />

Level 1Conway Lane,188 High Street<br />

Ienjoy holding constituent<br />

clinicsinOxfordand in<br />

Belfasttobeaccessible;<br />

pleasering my officeifyou<br />

would liketomeetwith me.<br />

Authorised by Matt<br />

Doocey, Parliament<br />

Buildings, Wgtn.<br />


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Fund enables new tourist link<br />

Kaikoura is to receive nearly $2 million<br />

for the government’s Tourism<br />

Infrastructure Fund.<br />

The Kaikoura District Council has<br />

welcomed the announcement from<br />

Tourism Minister Stuart Nash that it<br />

will receive $1.9 million to develop a<br />

link pathway from the Kaikoura iSite<br />

along the Esplanade and Fyffe Quay to<br />

the seal colony at Point Kean.<br />

‘‘A pathway connecting key points of<br />

interest in Kaikoura has been<br />

considered by the community over a<br />

number of years,’’ chief executive Will<br />

Doughty says.<br />

‘‘Now, with this level of financial<br />

support from central government we<br />

can make this happen.’’<br />

The link pathway will connect<br />

drawcards such as the Kaikoura<br />

Museum, iSite, Memorial Gardens,<br />

Dolphin Encounter, Mayfair Theatre,<br />

the Sudima Hotel and proposed<br />

redevelopment of the old pool site at<br />

Gooches Beach.<br />

The pathway will continue past<br />

Wakatu Quay, the historic Fyffe House,<br />

Jimmy Armers Beach and the seal<br />

colony at Point Kean.<br />

It will also create aconnection to<br />

West End from the many<br />

accommodation providers, which are<br />

also situated along the proposed<br />

pathway.<br />

It is hoped the link pathway will<br />

enhance the Kaikoura foreshore for our<br />

community and visitors.<br />

The pathway will make it safer to<br />

access Point Kean and lessen short car<br />

trips in the district, reducing the<br />

community’s climate change impact.<br />

‘‘The link pathway will benefit our<br />

local community and be another<br />

Linking together ... Anew track will link the Kaikoura town centre to the seal colony<br />

at Point Kean.<br />


drawcard for Kaikoura,’’ Mayor Craig<br />

Mackle says.<br />

‘‘At the moment people drive between<br />

attractions along the Esplanade, but<br />

this pathway will encourage more<br />

people to get out of their cars and spend<br />

more time here.<br />

‘‘Once we get people out of their cars,<br />

they can really enjoy what Kaikoura has<br />

to offer.’’<br />

The link pathway funding will also<br />

upgrade the existing under­utilised<br />

walking track from the Esplanade up to<br />

the Kaikoura Lookout, which has a<br />

360­degree panoramic view of both<br />

sides of the Kaikoura Peninsula.<br />

‘‘We are very grateful to Minister<br />

Nash for following through on his<br />

commitments made back in March,<br />

supporting Kaikoura as one of the five<br />

districts most impacted by Covid­19<br />

border closures,’’ Mr Mackle says.<br />

‘‘I’d like to thank the team at the<br />

council for developing such astrong<br />

application, we now have an amazing<br />

opportunity here to do something very<br />

special for the community and town.’’<br />

The council will work closely with Te<br />

Runanga oKaikoura and key<br />

community groups over the coming<br />

months to develop the design.<br />

The aim will be to blend in with the<br />

natural landscape, treading lightly<br />

while showcasing the incredible<br />

environment. The project will be<br />

delivered over atwo year period.<br />

Festival to brighten up Kaikoura'swinter<br />




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Recycled Hilux &Hiace Parts<br />

The Kaikoura community is<br />

hoping for better luck in<br />

hosting awinter festival next<br />

month.<br />

Last year’s inaugural<br />

Kaikoura Community Winter<br />

Festival became aspring<br />

festival after Covid­19<br />

intervened last August and<br />

the region was plunged into<br />

Alert Level 2.<br />

The Kaikoura District<br />

Council is hoping for better<br />

luck with afestival planned<br />

for August 5to8.<br />

There is afocus on<br />

activities that everyone can<br />

take part in from outdoor ice<br />

skating through to aBingo<br />

event hosted by drag queens.<br />

The event is the creation of<br />

Kaikoura District Council<br />

events co­ordinator Joanna<br />

York.<br />

‘‘Local events are agreat<br />

way to bring everyone<br />

together. Alot of work goes<br />

into organising events from<br />

everyone involved, so it would<br />

be great to see this<br />

celebration well supported by<br />

our community.’’<br />

The Kaikoura Museum and<br />

Fyffe House are joining the<br />

festivities with night tours,<br />

the Mayfair Theatre is hosting<br />

aWilly Wonka Tea Party to<br />

coincide with the 50th<br />

anniversary of the Willy<br />

Wonka and the Chocolate<br />

Factory movie.<br />

All four local primary<br />

schools will be involved,<br />

creating planets for ascaled<br />

down Solar System Walk.<br />

The walk will begin at the<br />

clock tower with athree<br />

metre sun created by Hapuku<br />

School and finishes at<br />

Gooches Beach.<br />

Acurling competition will<br />

be held on the outdoor iceskating<br />

rink on Saturday<br />

afternoon.<br />

There will be prizes and it<br />

promises to be afun event for<br />

competitors and spectators<br />

alike.<br />

The ice­skating rink will be<br />

hosted in the Kaikoura<br />

Memorial Hall if the weather<br />

is bad.<br />

‘‘The family friendly event<br />

will start relatively small, but<br />

it is hoped to build the<br />

festival each year, eventually<br />

becoming awell­known and<br />

locally driven celebration<br />

that the whole town can be<br />

proud of, and that brings<br />

visitors to the district,’’ Ms<br />

York says.<br />

To book in your curling<br />

team, contact joanna.<br />

york@kaikoura.govt.nz. For<br />

more details and the festival<br />

schedule go to the website<br />

www.kaikoura.govt.nz and or<br />

like the Kaikoura District<br />

Council page on Facebook.<br />

TheNavyBand is bringing it’s famously<br />

entertaining concerttoChristchurch for<br />

One-Night-Only.<br />

TheBand will be presenting stunning<br />

overtures, classic militarymarches, virtuosic<br />

soloists and our famous Big Band.<br />

Navy In Concert-Christchurch<br />

Tuesday, 27 <strong>July</strong> 7pm- JamesHay Theatre<br />

We knowthataudiences of all ages will find<br />

something to taptheir toes to and leave<br />

with asong stuck in their heads.<br />

TicketsfromTicketek<br />

Adults$20 Seniors$15 Students$15 Children$10<br />

Booking Fees Apply

Kaikōura District Council <strong>News</strong><br />

Kaikōura Community<br />

WinterFestival<br />


Night atthe Museum -Kaikōura Museum<br />

5:30 -6:30pm. Free Entry (limited numbers -please ph3197440)<br />


Ice Skating Rink -West End Carpark (Memorial Hall if wet)<br />

10am until 6pm. Gold Coin Entry<br />

Fyffe House byLamplight -Fyffe House, 62 Avoca Street<br />

6pm. Gold Coin Entry (bookings essential -please ph3195835)<br />

Drag it Out Balls and Bingo -Upstairs atthe Lobster Inn<br />

Starts 7pm. FREE (please book -joanna.york@kaikoura.govt.nz)<br />


Ice Skating Rink -West End Carpark (Memorial Hall if wet)<br />

10am until 8pm. Gold Coin Entry<br />


Get ateam together (starts at 3pm, please book)<br />

Willy Wonka Tea Party and Movie -Mayfair Theatre<br />

Tea Party @6pm, Movie @7:15pm. Cost TBC<br />


Ice Skating Rink -West End Carpark (Memorial Hall ifwet)<br />

10am until 2pm. Gold Coin Entry<br />

Willy Wonka Tea Party and Movie -Mayfair Theatre<br />

Tea Party @2pm, Movie @3:15pm. Cost TBC<br />


For more information, fundraising opportunities and to book contact Jo<br />

0<strong>22</strong> 061 4558 or email joanna.york@kaikoura.govt.nz

NEWS<br />

10 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

IN BRIEF<br />

Bloom appeal<br />

Bloom Hearing in Rangiora is collecting<br />

blankets and clothingfor those affected by<br />

the recent flooding on the West Coast.<br />

Bloom, whichhas aclinic in Westport, is<br />

asking people to drop off clean, dry goods at<br />

Unit 10, 6­9 Cones Street, Rangiora<br />

between 8.30amand 5pm.<br />

It hopes to send the blankets and clothing<br />

over this week to help peopleinWestport.<br />

Steaming along ... The A428 steam engine passing Frog Rock.<br />

Allan finally gets his prized ride<br />

While clearingout hisgaragebefore<br />

moving house, Allan Grant foundsome<br />

old paperwork.<br />

It wasaletter of congratulations.He<br />

had won araffle prize of asteam<br />

locomotive drivers experience for use<br />

at the WekaPassRailway,dated<br />

November 18, 1997.<br />

There was no expirydate.<br />

Allan contacted thesocietyearlylast<br />

yeartosee if he could redeemthe<br />

prize, andwhile the driver's<br />

experiencecouldnot be undertaken<br />

for safetyreasons, he wasinvited to<br />

jointhe volunteer engine crewfor a<br />

footplateride­not usuallyavailable<br />

for members of thepublic.<br />

Planstoredeem theprize in 2020<br />

were cancelledinlightofthe<br />

lockdown.<br />

On <strong>July</strong> 18, 23 years and7months<br />

later, Allan finallygot his ride.<br />

Sincesharing the story on social<br />

media, the formersecretary of the<br />

charitable society PhilipRowan<br />

contacted society members to tellthem<br />

the raffle, heldatthe 1997 ‘Waipara<br />

Vintage Festival', wasafundraising<br />

exercise to leaseorbuy asecond steam<br />

engine to use on the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

heritage railway.<br />

‘‘TheWeka Pass Railway didnot<br />


proceed with theintended leaseof(the<br />

locomotive)becausethe owners, from<br />

Te Anau Ithink, would notagree to a<br />

long term lease.’’<br />

TheWeka Pass Railway hasbeen<br />

operating forover 30 years,taking<br />

touriststhrough vineyards, olive<br />

groves, andlimestoneformations.<br />

The13km railway andhistoric<br />

vehicles are preserved,maintained<br />

andoperated by afamily of committed<br />

volunteers.<br />

Scenic train ridescan be booked at<br />

wekapassrailway.co.nz<br />

Privatetrain charters are also<br />

available.<br />

Lions appreciation<br />

The PegasusTown Lions Club has<br />

presented acertificate of appreciationto<br />

Wayne Curragh for his donation to Lions<br />

KanTabs and Kidney Kids NZ.Wayne, the<br />

owner of Pineacres Holiday Park,donated<br />

cans collected at the park to the Lions<br />

KanTab initiative and gave apersonal<br />

donation, to the Kidney Kids New Zealand<br />

charity. The PegasusTown Lions Club<br />

donated atotal of $1000,includingWaynes<br />

contribution,toKanTabs and Kidney Kids<br />

NZ. The club’s sharecame from various<br />

fundraising efforts.<br />

By­election<br />

Karen Armstronghas been voted on to<br />

the Hurunui District Council, representing<br />

thewest ward. Ms Armstronghad aclear<br />

majority of 397 voteswhen voteswere<br />

countedlast Friday in the by­election. The<br />

voter turnout was 39.86 percent. The byelectionfollowed<br />

the resignation of Lynda<br />

Murchison at the end of April.She was<br />

electedtothe west ward in October,2019.<br />

Karen Armstrong has lived in Waikari for<br />

17 years, where she is involved in many<br />

community groups, including the Hurunui<br />

Community Committee which she has<br />

chairedsince 2017.Results were:Karen<br />

Armstrong766, Ross Carer369, Richard<br />

Roe 117, Jeff Walker 85. Informalvotes 2.<br />

Lake coleridge<br />

It’s right here in Selwyn!<br />

LakeColeridgeisaworld away from the city and filled with<br />

adventureorquiet to escape for aweekend. ExploreNew<br />

Zealand’sfirst hydroelectric power station, or takeahorse trek<br />

throughthe scenic passes. Farmtours, golfingorarcheryare<br />

available nearbyorhead to the mountainstoski Mt Olympus –<br />

don’t forget to bring your togs for the famous Mt Ohot tub.<br />

Stay anight or weekend at one of the canopycamping placesor<br />

high countrystations.<br />

Share your Lake Coleridge photos<br />

and tag us selwyn.nz<br />

Visit selwyn.nz

THE<br />

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23 JULY–1 AUGUST<br />











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2013 Toyota Corolla Fielder<br />

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2014 Nissan X-Trail 20X 7Seater<br />

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2010 Lexus IS250<br />

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2014 Honda Fit Hybrid FPackage<br />

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Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />

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12 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Garage sale trail to draw bargain hunters<br />


The Great OxfordGarageSale Trail is<br />

backnext month.<br />

Bargainhuntersare expected to<br />

convergeonOxford on Sunday, August<br />

1, with 39 garage salesregistered for<br />

the annualevent, Oxford Promotions<br />

Action Committee chairperson Barry<br />

Cuttance says.<br />

‘‘Wehaveacouple of thousand<br />

people in Oxford on the day and the<br />

supermarkethas saidthey get some of<br />


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The Widest<br />

Music Variety<br />

<strong>2021</strong>055<br />

the biggest salesprior to Christmas.’’<br />

Thisyear all of the registered garage<br />

sales are being held within the town<br />

boundary,with residents from outside<br />

the town able to set up astallnext to<br />

the OxfordFarmers’ Market.<br />

The main objective of the annual<br />

event, being held from9am to 2pm, is to<br />

attract peopletoOxfordtosupport<br />

local businesses.<br />

‘‘The good thingaboutitfrom our<br />

perspective is if people haveagood<br />

experience we hope theywill come<br />

back,’’ Mr Cuttance says.<br />

‘‘Wework in conjunction with the<br />

farmers’market and the reason we<br />

haveitonthe first Sunday of the month<br />

is to coincide withthe craft market.<br />

‘‘Wewant to make it as beneficial as<br />

possible,tobenefit as many people in<br />

Oxford as we can.’’<br />

Garage sale trail maps willbe<br />

available fromthe Pearson Park<br />

pavilionfrom 9am until 11amfor agold<br />

coindonation.<br />

‘‘Insome years we’ve had the maps<br />

available online,but people would be<br />

turning up at garage sales too early,’’<br />

Mr Cuttance says.<br />

From11am the maps willbeleft<br />

sittingbeside abig pine tree on Main<br />

Street next to the OxfordFarmers’<br />

Market.<br />

There is plenty to do in Oxford on the<br />

day,with the farmers’ market and craft<br />

market being held,the Oxford Museum<br />

openinthe afternoon and local parks<br />

and playgroundsfor family fun.<br />

Local shops and cafes willalso be<br />

openthroughout the day.<br />

The Oxford Community Men's Shed<br />

willalso be sellingits wares on the day<br />

to raisesome funds.<br />

While he cannot be sure what will be<br />

for sale on the day, Mr Cuttance says<br />

there is sure to be plenty of bargains.<br />

‘‘They say ‘oneman’s junkisanother<br />

man’s treasure’.<br />

‘‘It’s agood thing forpeople who are<br />

Garage sale ... There is sure to be plenty of bargains on offer at the Great Oxford Garage<br />

Sale Trail.<br />


getting old or wanting to downsize and<br />

there’s alwayssome really good stuff<br />

which people have lying around.’’<br />

The event has been running for a<br />

number of years and has proven to be a<br />

popular drawcard,bringing people<br />

fromfar and wide to Oxford for aday in<br />

the countryand in search of bargains.<br />

For more information, like Oxford<br />

Promotions NZ on Facebook,phone<br />

027­4898369 or email<br />

greatoxfordgaragesale@gmail.com.<br />

Destination ... Oxford is expected to be<br />

busy for the annual garage sale trail as<br />

people travel from far and wide.<br />

Tune in nowtolisten on<br />

104.9 for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

103.7 for Hanmer Springs<br />

andKaikoura<br />

Community board awards three grants<br />

Swannanoa VolunteerFire Brigade<br />

was one of three groups awarded<br />

grantsatthe recent Oxford­Ohoka<br />

Community Board meeting.<br />

The board issued grants at its <strong>July</strong><br />

meetingtothe fire brigade, the West<br />

Eyreton School and the Oxford Arts<br />

Trust.<br />

The fire brigade was awarded$500 to<br />

help with the cost of holdinganopen<br />

day on August1and to assistwith the<br />

cost of uniforms for junior crew.<br />

There was alot of positivity and<br />

praisefor the efforts of the volunteers<br />

and the board wasespecially<br />

supportiveofthe open day, board<br />

chairperson Doug Nicholl says.<br />

‘‘Wecan’tsay thanks enoughtoall<br />

the dedicated volunteers in the fire<br />

service out there who give up so much<br />

to keep our community safe.<br />

‘‘Theopen day in particularisagreat<br />

opportunity to bring people together,<br />

increase awareness and<br />

understanding of the brigade. We’re<br />

happytosupport the event and hope<br />

the community rally around them as<br />

well.’’<br />

TheWestEyreton School was<br />

awarded $454.87 towards the cost of<br />

Lego and new books for its community<br />

schoollibrary.<br />

The schoolcannot wait to add the<br />

classic children’sfavourite,Lego,to<br />

the line­up at the library for the first<br />

time.Budding bookworms willalso<br />

have agreatnew selection of stories to<br />

read and enjoy.<br />

Athird grant of $500 wasawarded to<br />

Oxford Arts Trust towards the costof<br />

shelving, cupboards and furniture for<br />

safelystoringceramics materials and<br />

artworks.<br />

Without asafe place to store finished<br />

pieces, clay, pigments and some of<br />

their more hazardous chemicals, the<br />

ceramics workshops would not be able<br />

to take place.<br />

Sunday 1 st August <strong>2021</strong><br />

9.00am to 2.00pm<br />

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greatoxfordgaragesale@gmail.com.<br />

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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

AHowl of aProtest in Nth <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

17<br />

Making apoint ... Organisers of the Rangiora Howl of aProtest, Ken Robinson, of<br />

Summerhill, left, Shelly Drummond, Andrew Mehrtens, of Oxford, with Craig McAlllister, of<br />

Cust.<br />


Rolling stock ... Tractors head north on State Highway 1atAmberley. Several hundred<br />

tractors, utes, trucks, joined supporters at the Brackenfield Shopping centre car park.<br />

Making astand. .. Retired vet, Dave Martin, of Ashley, left, with his dogs Jazz (front) and<br />

Shaun, and Matt Kerr, alifestyle block owner and helicopter pilot, of Swannanoa, durng the<br />

nationwide Howl of aProtest.<br />

Addressing the<br />

crowd ... Craig<br />

McAllister, of<br />

Cust, left, with<br />

Dave Winter, of<br />

Clarkville,<br />

speaking to the<br />

large crowd on<br />

the lawn of the<br />

Waimakariri<br />

District Council’s<br />

service centre in<br />

Rangiora.<br />

Community support ... The Amberley Pre­School and Prep School turned out to support<br />

the farmers of their community.<br />

Local supporters ... Ahuge number of supporters turned out to welcome the convoys into<br />

Amberley.<br />

Jessie Moffatt ... The 15­year­old told the<br />

crowd in Amberley farmers prided<br />

themselves on their land and produce.<br />

Large crowd ... Asmall part of the huge<br />

gathering in Rangiora.

NEWS<br />

18 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Learning experience ... The full orchestra on stage during an evening concert at the<br />

Kaiapoi High School Performing Arts Centre.<br />


Students inspired<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Academy of Music<br />

senior students have been inspiredtotake<br />

part in the Christchurch Symphony<br />

Orchestra's (CSO) Big PlayOut next month.<br />

The orchestrahas invited pianists and<br />

orchestralmusiciansofall levelstojoin<br />

them for aday of music at the CSO Centre<br />

in the Christchurch Town Hall on Sunday,<br />

August 15.<br />

The day will includepiano recitals,<br />

sectional learning workshops and amass<br />

performance conducted by the CSO’schief<br />

conductor Benjamin <strong>North</strong>ey.<br />

It follows studentsfrom the Academy<br />

working with the CSO memers duringa<br />

collaboration held at the Kaiapoi High<br />

School Performing Arts Centre last month.<br />

Academy musical director,Alexandra<br />

Watson said the students really<br />

appreciated working with the CSO and<br />

were inspired by thatexperiencetotake<br />

part in the BigPlay Out.<br />

Four members of the CSO,PabloRuiz<br />

Henao, conductor and principalbass<br />

trombone, Sarah McCracken,assistant<br />

concertmaster, AnthonyFerner, Emeritus<br />




Howdoyou know your bodyhas healed itself after an<br />

illness?Mostpeoplewill rely on their symptoms improving<br />

as an indicator of howwelltheyare healing,<br />

andrightfully so.Symptomswill improve andeven<br />

disappearwhenthe bodystartstoheal itself.However,thisdoesn’t<br />

mean that thecause of theproblem<br />

is no longerpresent,inwhichcasethe symptoms may<br />

recur.<br />

Forexample,Candidacan causeabdominal problems<br />

such as bloating,diarrhoea andabdominal pain. It<br />

is averyresilientmicrobe, andevenaftertreatment,<br />

it mayremaininthe gutinaninactive statewithout<br />

causingsymptoms, andovertime, symptoms graduallyreturn.<br />

The Marvel Health Scan examines theentirebodyin<br />

minutedetailand canmonitor therateofhealingin<br />

thebody’sorgans.Thescancan tell,for instance,if<br />

principal flute, and David McGregor,<br />

principal clarinet, plus NCAMtutor, Aidan<br />

Stewart, percussion, ran sectional learning<br />

workshopswith NCAM students at Kaiapoi<br />

over two days.The weekend culminated in<br />

aconcert on Saturday June 19. Alexandra,<br />

says the collaboration was agreat<br />

experience for thestudents and the CSO’s<br />

input was greatly appreciated.<br />

‘‘It wasawonderful weekend and has<br />

given our students confidence and<br />

exposed them to orchestral life.’’<br />

Theconcert began withperformances by<br />

the WindEnsemble, aChoir Trio, Cello<br />

Ensemble, Junior Academy Orchestra and<br />

the Senior Academy Orchestra.<br />

It concluded with the Orchestral<br />

Weekend Orchestra playingThe Socerer’s<br />

Apprentice(Dukas), Farandole(Bizet),<br />

HungarianDance No.5 (Brahms) and The<br />

CircleofLife (John/Rice). Alexandra says<br />

the studentsare looking forward to taking<br />

part in the Big PlayOut and their End Of<br />

Year ShowcaseConcertinthe main<br />

auditoriumofthe Rangiora Town Hallon<br />

Saturday,November 20.<br />

CandidaorE-coli is no longerpresent or if inflammation<br />

has reducedinthe stomachand intestines.<br />

The scan canalsorevealthe rate of improvement or<br />

deterioration of aregionorsysteminthe body.<br />

The Marvel Health scan is unique becauseitrecognisesand<br />

searches forharmful environmental factors<br />

that promote diseases. It checks thebodyfor nutrient<br />

levels,environmental toxins, harmful electromagneticinfluences,<br />

food sensitivities andpredisposition<br />

to geneticdisorders.<br />

Marvel Health only recommendscience-based naturalremedies<br />

supportedbypublished medical journals<br />

andtrialledclinical studies.<br />

After thescan, thedoctors andhealthcare specialists<br />

at Marvel Health will studythe report andrecommend<br />

targeted science-based naturaltreatmentsand<br />

lifestyle changestosupportthe body’shealing.<br />

Total Health MOT<br />

Lions long service recognised<br />

Two RangioraLionsClubmembers<br />

withacombined service of 100years<br />

havereceived special service awards.<br />

Robin Smith andJohn Hodgson were<br />

presentedwith 50­yearchevron badges<br />

to recognise theirlong servicetoLions<br />

International during the Rangiora<br />

club’s board changeovermeeting<br />

earlier this month.<br />

Robin joined Rangiora Lions in 1971<br />

and transferred to theRangiora<br />

Pakeke Lions in 2003before returning<br />

to the RangioraClubin2016.<br />

He hasbeen involvedinmany<br />

projects and was particularly<br />

commendedfor visiting overseasclubs<br />

duringhis travels.<br />

His knowledge of Lions and the<br />

historyofthe RangioraLionshas also<br />

beenagreat asset to the club.<br />

Johnbegan hisLions membership<br />

withthe Dannevirke Lions in 1971and<br />

transferred to other Lions Clubsashe<br />

moved to newlocations. He joined the<br />

RangioraPakeke LionsClubin2011<br />

Disclaimer: The inspection from the scan is not asubstitute for medical inspections. It is not designed to state the final diagnosis<br />


Whole Body Diagnostic Scan,<br />

Report, Consultation and Therapy<br />

All included: • Detailed Examination of All Organs & Systems • Diseases Present and Complications<br />

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• Detection of Lead, Mercury & other Environmental Toxins • Body Composition Analysis<br />

Unit 13/6 Cone Street, Rangiora | 293 Durham Street, Awly Building, Christchurch<br />

CALL TODAY 03 669 5410 www.marvel.health<br />

beforemoving to RangioraLions in<br />

2016.<br />

Johnhas servedinexecutive<br />

positionsatbothcluband district level.<br />

Bothmen havealready receiveda<br />

Melvin JonesFellowship which is the<br />

highest acknowledgement givenby<br />

Lions Internationaland theyhavealso<br />

beenmadeLifeMembersofLions after<br />

being nominatedfor the honour by the<br />

Rangiora Club.<br />

Rangiora Lions president TiniLawry<br />

saidthe lifemembershipnominations<br />

wereunanimous fromthe Lions Board.<br />

‘‘Itisaprivilegetohave these<br />

members in the club,’’ shesaid.<br />

‘‘Their wisdomand experience<br />

contributes greatly to our club,and<br />

gives us valuable insights into the<br />

history of projects andservice.’’<br />

The RangioraLionsBoard for <strong>2021</strong><br />

was also confirmed at the meeting, with<br />

Tinicontinuingaspresidentfor a<br />

second year, whileDene Cookhas<br />

taken on the roleofsecretary.<br />

EV chargers being installed<br />

Meridian Energyhas begun installing<br />

electric vehicle(EV) chargers in public<br />

car parksinHiltonStreet, Kaiapoi, this<br />

week as the EV charger rollout continues<br />

acrossthe WaimakaririDistrict.<br />

The charging stations are being<br />

installed in fourcar parks and willbe<br />

identical to those alreadyupand running<br />

in the council car parkbehindthe Trevor<br />

Inch MemorialLibrary in Rangiora.<br />

The car parkswill not be available for<br />

parking duringthe charger installation,<br />

which is expected to takeatleast aweek.<br />

Once work is finished the car parks will<br />

be solely for the use of charging EVs.<br />

The EV chargers are part of an ongoing<br />

agreement between the counciland<br />

Meridian Energy to create publicly<br />

accessibleEVcharging stations on<br />

council land at agreedlocations in<br />

Rangiora, Kaiapoi, Woodendand Oxford.<br />

Meridian Energycoverthe bulk of<br />

installation costs while the council<br />

licences access to the land and<br />

contributes asmallportion to make the<br />

car parks ready.<br />

The dual­socketed <strong>22</strong>kw AC charging<br />

stations can deliverupto120kmoftravel<br />

per hour of charging, dependingonthe<br />

vehicle makeand model.<br />

The type of charger Meridan is<br />

installing in Kaiapoi, is typically foundat<br />

locations wheredrivers will be parked<br />

for longer durations such as cafes,<br />

libraries,communityfacilities and retail<br />



FOR LESS<br />





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Ash<br />

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Lennox<br />

Dining Chair<br />

WAS $429<br />

$<br />

399<br />

Ackley Dining Table<br />

WAS$389<br />

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369<br />

Lenox Round Dining Table<br />

WAS $119<br />

$<br />

109<br />

Lennox<br />

Collection<br />

TheFlow<br />

Collection<br />

Buffet Small $629 $589<br />

Buffet Large $879 $819<br />

Hall Table $209 $199<br />

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0800 268 264<br />

Lamp Table $289<br />

Coffee Table $529<br />

Console Table $529<br />

King $839 $779<br />

Super King $899 $839<br />


Free music lessons<br />

Afree music education<br />

programme, run by the<br />

Rangiora SalvationArmy,is<br />

giving children the<br />

opportunity to tell their<br />

stories through music.<br />

The Just Brass<br />

programme teaches<br />

students to read music, play<br />

instrumentsand performin<br />

public, and earlier this<br />

monththe Rangiora<br />

Salvation Army heldanendof<br />

­term community concert<br />

to showcase the musical<br />

skills of the children, aged<br />

from six to 13, involved in<br />

the programme.<br />

The Just Brass<br />

programme is aworld­wide<br />

initiativebut was<br />

established in Rangiora<br />

during 2018 by the Rangiora<br />

Salvation Army corps<br />

officer and brass band<br />

enthusiast,Major Nigel De<br />

Maine.<br />

The aim of the<br />

programme is to give<br />

children who may be<br />

strugglingatschoolasense<br />

of belonging while also<br />

teachingthem about team<br />

work and providing them<br />

with aplacewherethey can<br />

feel valued. The children<br />

are given an instrumentto<br />

look after andpracticewith,<br />

and on Mondays theyhave<br />

tuition at schoolwith tutor<br />

Barrett Hocking, thenafter<br />

school they have band<br />

practice at the Rangiora<br />

Salvation Army<br />

headquarters in Ashley<br />

Street.<br />

Childrenare<br />

Just Brass ... Nigel De Maine (right) gives amusic lesson.<br />

recommendedfor the<br />

programme by schools but<br />

there is also outside interest<br />

in the programme.<br />

‘‘We currently have21<br />

children involved with the<br />

programme and two parents<br />

are alsolearningtoplay<br />

alongside their children,’’<br />

Nigel said. Term threewill<br />

see ninechildren moving<br />

from Just Brass to forma<br />

JuniorBand.<br />

Ashgrove School, in<br />

Rangiora, is one of two<br />

schools which havepupils<br />

takingpart in the<br />

programme.<br />

Principal,Leon Van't<br />

Veen­ Gibbon,attended the<br />

end of term concert which<br />

was held at the Rangiora<br />

SalvationArmy’sofficeon<br />

<strong>July</strong> 5, and said the school<br />


was fortunate to be involved<br />

withthe programme.<br />

“Learning through the<br />

artsteachesdiscipline,<br />

determination,and<br />

creativity.How luckyare we<br />

at Ashgrove, to haveJust<br />

Brass offered to our<br />

students.<br />

‘‘They are thriving on the<br />

opportunities to telltheir<br />

stories through music.<br />

Hearingthem play together<br />

is music to my ears,”hesaid.<br />

The Just Brass<br />

programmeismade<br />

possible largelyby<br />

donations fromthe Dormer<br />

family, Foodstuffs South<br />

Island and individuals<br />

within thecommunity. For<br />

moreinformation aboutthe<br />

programme contact Nigel<br />

at: 03 313 2370.<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

21<br />

Made NC marks milestone<br />

A‘‘chefs’ tour’’ is the latest<br />

achievements by Made <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> since it kicked off one year<br />

ago.<br />

The tour took place on Monday (<strong>July</strong><br />

19) and saw aselected number of<br />

Christchurch’s food and beverage<br />

industry professionals whisked around<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> to meet the region’s<br />

producers on their own turf and<br />

showcase their produce.<br />

In the past 12 months, Made <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> has launched on to the<br />

scene as New Zealand’s only unifying<br />

provenance brand and has established<br />

athriving collective of producers and<br />

supporters representing all things<br />

made, grown, caught and reared in the<br />

region.<br />

Aproject delivered by Enterprise<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> (ENC), Made <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> was made possible thanks<br />

to Ministry of Business, Innovation and<br />

Employment funding.<br />

The Made <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> website<br />

was launched in February, bringing<br />

the brand’s compelling stories to the<br />

fore, raising awareness and appeal for<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> products both<br />

regionally and nationally.<br />

The website directory and<br />

interactive map list Made <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> members and supporters,<br />

which include producers, restaurants,<br />

cafes and retailers.<br />

The distinctive mark is now visible<br />

on anumber of supermarket shelves<br />

and member products, including the<br />

famous King’s Truffle Butter, produce<br />

from Pihi Farms and goods from Make<br />

it Raw.<br />

Producer collaborations to date<br />

include an exclusive <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

wine list at Christchurch’s Mona Vale<br />

Restaurant and the inclusion of<br />

Alissa Wilson<br />

Athena olives and olive oil on the<br />

cellar door menu at Black Estate.<br />

Aunique beer dubbed ‘Skip to the<br />

End’ has also been created as afun<br />

collaboration between Derelict<br />

Brewery and Garry River Farm, using<br />

wild Siberian cherries in the specialty<br />

brew.<br />

ENC food and business development<br />

manager Alissa Wilson is thrilled with<br />

brand’s progress to date.<br />

‘‘So far we have very much achieved<br />

what we set out to achieve.<br />

‘‘We have engaged agrowing number<br />

of local producers and supporters and<br />

we hope to continue to grow this<br />

engagement along with the awareness<br />

of the Made <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> brand<br />

and the incredible offerings from our<br />

region.’’<br />

In addition to the ‘‘chefs’ tour’’ plans<br />

are in place for aMade <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> taste trail, to be launched<br />

in February, where locals and visitors<br />

will have the chance to explore and<br />

taste what this thriving region has to<br />



The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

23<br />

Spring is in the air ... Early season lambs are expected to begin popping up around the<br />

region soon.<br />


New born lambs easy<br />

targets for dog attacks<br />

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty<br />

to Animals (SPCA) is urging dog owners,<br />

particularly those living near lifestyle<br />

blocks, to take extra care and keep track<br />

of their pets at all times, as early lambing<br />

season gets under way.<br />

Every year sheep and lambs are<br />

injured or killed by roaming dogs in<br />

attacks that are not only traumatic for<br />

animals and people involved, but are<br />

often completely avoidable through<br />

responsible dog ownership.<br />

With 175,000 lifestyle blocks<br />

nationwide and rural properties<br />

continuing to grow in popularity, SPCA<br />

scientific officer Dr Alison Vaughan says<br />

it’s important for dog owners –<br />

particularly those living in rural areas –<br />

to make sure their dog is secured and<br />

unable to roam.<br />

‘‘This is akey part of responsible pet<br />

ownership ­making sure you know where<br />

your animal is at all times and that you<br />

have them under control, whether that’s<br />

on aleash when out walking or in a<br />

fenced yard or inside your property,’’<br />

says Dr Vaughan.<br />

Those with stock on lifestyle blocks,<br />

including sheep, lambs, goats and<br />

alpacas, should remain vigilant of<br />

roaming dogs and regularly check on<br />

their animals.<br />

Dogs running around ewes can cause<br />

extreme stress, which can trigger<br />

miscarriage in those that are pregnant<br />

or, for ewes who’ve already birthed<br />

lambs, can cause them to abandon or<br />

starve their lambs.<br />

‘‘By walking in areas where there are<br />

no dog restrictions and keeping your dog<br />

on aleash, you avoid the chance that your<br />

dog may cause stress to these animals or<br />

attack,’’ says Dr Vaughan.<br />

With several known attacks already<br />

this year, lambing season is atimely<br />

reminder for dog owners to be aware of<br />

Manufacturers &Suppliers<br />

of quality Stockfeed<br />

for many animals.<br />

Where quality doesn’t cost, it pays.<br />

Your animals will love you for it!<br />

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• Equine, Cat &Dog Wormers.<br />

• Calf &Lamb milk powders.<br />

• Cat &Dog biscuits.<br />

Opening hours<br />

For enquiries<br />

Mon to Fri 8:00am -6:00pm Phone: (03) 327 5127<br />

Sat 8:30am -12:00pm Mobile: 027686 19<strong>22</strong><br />

Closed Sundays and Public holidays<br />

Website: clarkvillestockfeeds.com<br />

143 Neeves Road,<br />

Clarkville, Kaiapoi RD1<br />

2364625<br />

Easy targets ... Spring lambs can become<br />

targets for dogs on the loose.<br />

their responsibilities under the Dog<br />

Control Act 1996.<br />

Owners of dogs caught harassing sheep<br />

are liable for ahefty fine, as well as<br />

compensation for any loss of stock.<br />

The Act also protects the right of<br />

farmers to shoot adog disturbing their<br />

stock in certain circumstances and gives<br />

courts the power to order destruction<br />

(euthanasia) of the dog.<br />

Some public walks through properties<br />

with farmed animals may also be<br />

temporarily closed during lambing<br />

season to protect these vulnerable<br />

animals.<br />

Owners should refer to their local<br />

council website for areas with dog<br />

restrictions.<br />

Anyone concerned about dogs roaming<br />

near lifestyle blocks or farm animals<br />

should contact their local council.<br />

Courtesy SPCA<br />

2387148<br />

Calf Bedding Material<br />

Premium Woodchip<br />

suitable for many applications<br />

Minimum delivery 30m 3<br />

For price and availability please<br />

contact Steve Murphy Limited<br />

Email<br />

steve@sml.co.nz<br />

Phone 03 327 9181<br />


Calves cannot change<br />

agood or abad start<br />

Statistics showed us that<br />

approximately 62% of<br />

heifer calves die in the<br />

first three weeks of life.<br />

It is, therefore, crucial<br />

that our calf rearing<br />

programme offers these<br />

young animals the best<br />

beginning.<br />

Scours is the main<br />

reason for death in<br />

calves during those 21<br />

days, with 61%<br />

occurrence, followed by<br />

pneumonia with 25% of<br />

cases and the remaining<br />

14% attributed to other<br />

causes.<br />

The digestive system of<br />

anew­born animalis<br />

essentially sterile, but it<br />

quickly getsinvadedby<br />

billionsofbacteria,both<br />

friendly and harmful,<br />

from the environmentin<br />

which it is being reared.<br />

Any calf management<br />

programme should<br />

concentrate on<br />

optimising gut health,<br />

establishing the right<br />

rumen microbes, and<br />

minimising disease<br />

robbingchallenges.<br />

With the exclusion of<br />

antibiotics in many<br />

markets worldwide, the<br />

need for probiotic<br />

ingredients is increasing.<br />

All­Lac® Paste from<br />

Alltech®Inc., is a<br />

probiotic that provides<br />

billionsoflive lactic acid<br />

bacteria which helps to<br />

colonise thegut with<br />

beneficial bacteria to<br />

help establish afull<br />

digestive function. This<br />

then makes it harder for<br />

any bad bacteria to get a<br />

foothold.<br />

Another important<br />

factor to achieve the best<br />

possible start for heifer<br />

replacements is to<br />

maximise weight gain<br />

from day one.<br />

Actigen® (Alltech Inc.)<br />

is anatural alternativeto<br />

antibiotics. It targets and<br />

eliminates nasty<br />

pathogens such as<br />

salmonella and e.coli<br />

improving gut health, as<br />

well as enhancing the<br />

animal’s own immune<br />

Alltech® <br />

thiscalving season<br />

• <br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

• Actigen - <br />

<br />

<br />

• Alltech Calf Pak –aunique supplement containing<br />

Bioplex minerals, Actigen,Yea-Sacc TS and vitamins<br />

<br />

• NaturClean – <br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Alltech (NZ) Limited<br />

PO Box 69 170 |Glendene |Auckland 0645 |New Zealand<br />

newzealand@alltech.com | <br />

alltech.com/newzealand<br />

Healthy start ... Calf rearing programmes need to<br />

ensure heifers have the best possible start in life.<br />

system.<br />

This means that<br />

animals are healthier<br />

and perform better<br />

naturally. This is<br />

endorsed in research by J<br />

Heinrichs et al. (2013),<br />

where heifercalves fed<br />

with Actigen, gained an<br />

average of 106 grams per<br />

day more up to weaning<br />

than the control group.<br />

Feed to gain ratio also<br />

improved considerably,<br />

meaning that the calves<br />

eat less and yet put on<br />

more weight during the<br />

same period.<br />

The Alltech Gut Health<br />

ManagementProgramme<br />

for calves focuses on<br />

supporting animal<br />

performance by<br />

promoting good bacteria,<br />

building immune<br />

defences and maximising<br />

growth and efficiency.<br />

Other research reveals<br />

how those heifers fed<br />

Actigencontributed<br />

significantly more milk<br />

in their first lactation.<br />

The number of days ill,<br />

due to diarrhoea or<br />

respiratory disease<br />

during the first four<br />

monthsoflife, has been<br />

shown to have anegative<br />

association with 305­d<br />

matureequivalent and<br />

Matt Cassineri.<br />

actual milk, fat, and<br />

protein production in the<br />

first lactation.<br />

Stanton et al. (2012)<br />

found that calves with<br />

respiratory disease at<br />

two to four months of age,<br />

had first test milk yields<br />

reduced by 1.1 ±0.6 kg.<br />

For more information<br />

on the Alltech Calf<br />

ManagementProgramme<br />

or research on calf<br />

solutions, contact Alltech<br />

area sales managerMatt<br />

Cassineri on 027­2084606<br />

or matt.<br />

cassineri@alltech.com.<br />

<br />

<br />


NEWS<br />

24 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Magic and mayhem<br />

‘‘It’s been awild ride,’’ is<br />

how director PaulJohnson<br />

describes preparingfor the<br />

Hartley School of<br />

Performing Arts’latest<br />

production.<br />

The school’s senior /<br />

intermediate production of<br />

AMidsummer Night’s Dream<br />

­Rewritten,performed at<br />

the Rangiora TownHall last<br />

week,saw the cast takethe<br />

audienceonawild ride,<br />

from the heart of Athensto<br />

an enchanted wood<br />

inhabited by two rival<br />

groups of fairies.<br />

The show went seemlessly<br />

from the opening scene in<br />

the heart of Athens, where<br />

we meetthe humans in their<br />

Edwardian style and were<br />

introduced to the customary<br />

love stories, before coming<br />

upon the haplessplayersin<br />

atheatretroupe.<br />

Despite the best efforts of<br />

director Quince (playedby<br />

Abigail Chessum), you<br />

wonder how on earth is this<br />

motley troupeever going to<br />

pull anything off.<br />

In scene fourwewere<br />

thrust into aclearing in the<br />

wood near Athens, where<br />

the performing of the song<br />

Sk8erBoi heralded the<br />

entryofthe punk rockfairy<br />

king Oberon(Daniel Lees).<br />

Oberon enlists the<br />

trickster Puck(Michelle<br />

O’Brien) to help him play a<br />

trickonthe ‘‘sugary sweet,<br />

K­pop’’ fairy queen Titania<br />

Trickery ... Titania (Iona Main, right) is tricked into falling<br />

in love with Bottom (Oliver Burns), who’s head was turned<br />

into adonkey’s head.<br />


(Iona Main).<br />

Puck makes Titania fall in<br />

love with the hapless player<br />

Bottom(Oliver Burns), who<br />

by now had adonkey’s head<br />

thankstoPuck’strickery.<br />

Along the way the starcrossed<br />

lovers Hermia<br />

(Hannah Thompson) and<br />

Lysander (Braydn<br />

Siegenthaler),and Helen<br />

(CaseyMontgomery)and<br />

Demetrius (Felix Horwarth)<br />

got caught up in the trickery,<br />

as they get lostinthe woods<br />

at night.<br />

Despite the fairy royalty<br />

and aDuke’sweddingin<br />

Athens, the true stars of the<br />

show turn out to be the<br />

tricksterPuck andthe<br />

misunderstood Bottom,who<br />

turns out to be atalented<br />

actor, when he’snot the butt<br />

of others’ jokes.<br />

ForshowdirectorPaul<br />

Johnson, it has been awild<br />

ride, after directing the<br />

Kaiapoi HighSchool<br />

production of The Addams<br />

Family earlier this yeartoA<br />

Midsummer Night’s Dream<br />

as awinter escape.<br />

Well done to the cast and<br />

crew on another fine season<br />

of shows.<br />

Cooking classes offered<br />

Multicultural cooking classes offer the<br />

chance to connect with Waimakariri’s<br />

different cultures through food.<br />

The Global LocalsofWaimakariri<br />

(Glow) group has organised the cooking<br />

classes to be held in Kaiapoi and<br />

Rangiora, beginning on Monday (<strong>July</strong> 26),<br />

to give local residents the chance ‘‘to<br />

learn to cook different and interesting<br />

dishes from other cultures’’.<br />

Glow is organising the10week<br />

multicultural cookingclass series in<br />

partnership with the Waimakariri<br />

District Council’s community team.<br />

WaimakaririDistrict Council<br />

community development facilitator<br />

Carolyn Boswellsays classes cost $20<br />

each to cover the cost of ingredients.<br />

Four of the classes will be<br />

demonstrations, while the rest will be<br />

‘‘hands­on’’.<br />

‘‘It’s all very exciting and you get to try<br />

some delicious food and take away new<br />

recipes.’’<br />

Jo Seagar will teach classes on Italian<br />

cuisine on Wednesday (<strong>July</strong> 28) and<br />

‘‘entertaining on abudget’’ on September<br />

1, with both classes being held at<br />

Rangiora New Life School between<br />

5.30pm and 7.30pm.<br />

Classes get under way with Dutch<br />

cuisine on MondayatKaiapoi High<br />

School from 5.30pm.<br />

Other classes include Russian,French,<br />

Filipino, Singaporean, Indian, Japanese,<br />

Thai and Swedish cuisines.<br />

Classes are limited to 20 people, so<br />

booking is essential.<br />

For more information like theGlobal<br />

Locals of Waimakariri ­Glow page on<br />

Facebook.<br />

To book, go to https://events.humanitix.<br />

com/tours/multicultural­cooking­classseries­<strong>2021</strong>.<br />

If cost is aconcern, phone Carolyn on<br />

027­2933407 or email:<br />

globallocalsofwaimakariri@gmail.com<br />

to discuss apossible discount.<br />

Crusade on! :Celebrating 25 years of the Crusaders by<br />

Matt McIlraith<br />

The Crusadersare not just another sports team.Join<br />

the crusade as Matt McIlraithtakes you inside the club's<br />

first25years, dissecting the key moments,the successes<br />

and the rarefailures, complete with each season's<br />

analysis, biographies of all 245 players, and the fivehead<br />

coaches,aswell as statistics from all 370 games the team<br />

played.<br />

Griefonthe Run: How active<br />

grievinghelped me cope with<br />

devastating loss, by Julie<br />

Zarifeh<br />

What happenswhen your life<br />

is rocked by unimaginable loss<br />

and grief?How do you survive<br />

and how do you keep going?<br />

JulieZarifeh shares the tragic<br />

storyoflosing her 27­year­old<br />

son, Sam, in awhitewater<br />

rafting accident just sixteen<br />

days afterher 60­year­old<br />

husband, Paul, died of<br />

pancreaticcancer.<br />

Kate Edger:The Lifeofa<br />

Pioneering Feminist, by Diana Morrow<br />

In 1877, Kate Edger became thefirstwomantograduate<br />

from aNew Zealand university and wentontobecome a<br />

pioneer of women's education in New Zealand. She also<br />

worked tirelessly to mitigate violence against women and<br />

children, fortifying their rights through legislation. Later<br />

in life she workedfor the LeagueofNations.<br />

Vision behind exhibition<br />

Along­term vision for an exhibition of<br />

artwork celebratingMatariki hasbeen<br />

realisedinKaiapoi’s Art on the Quay<br />

Gallery.<br />

The Nga Kakano oMatariki ­The Seeds<br />

of Matariki exhibition, is the<br />

collaborative work of the children and<br />

staff at Honeybeez Preschool and<br />

Nursery in Kaiapoi. The initial vision<br />

for the exhibition alsocame from one of<br />

the centre’s early childhood teachers,<br />

artist Steve Biggins, of Waikuku.<br />

‘‘The ideafor the art exhibition came<br />

about from conversations with fellow<br />

kaiako (teachers) about aproject that I<br />

did up in Whangarei, displaying art in a<br />

gallery from the preschool tamariki<br />

(children) Itaughtthere and how I<br />

would love to do it again,’’ Steve said.<br />

He contacted the Art on the Quay<br />

Gallery manager Jackie Watson 13<br />

months ago about space in the gallery<br />

for apossibleexhibition.‘‘The next free<br />

space just happened to be this month<br />

(<strong>July</strong>), coinciding with Matariki which<br />

was perfect for our centre with our<br />

strong focus on te reo and Maori<br />

culture.’’<br />

Each teacher at the centre<br />

concentrated on one of the nine<br />

Matariki stars for the exhibition<br />

project, using interactive learning to<br />

encourage the children to create<br />

artwork from within that focus.<br />

For example,the teacher who focused<br />

on Waita, the star associated with food<br />

harvested from the sea and its link to<br />

kaimoana (seafood), gathered some<br />

mussels, cooked them with the tamariki,<br />

ate them with them, then used the shells<br />

in their artwork.<br />

Each of the teachers also used the art<br />

projects to educate the children, aged<br />

between 10 months and five years, about<br />

the Matariki stories, myths, legends and<br />

concepts.<br />

Steve said it was exciting for the<br />

tamariki and their whanau to have their<br />

art work displayed in apublic gallery.<br />

Not all of the 46 young artists who<br />

contributed to the exhibition attended<br />

the opening, on <strong>July</strong> 15, but the families<br />

who did were amazed at how different<br />

the artwork looked displayed in the<br />

gallery space and not just on the fridge<br />

at home.<br />

‘‘It is great to expose the tamariki to<br />

new ways of displayingtheir hard mahi<br />

(work) and giving them some<br />

acknowledgement for how creative they<br />

are,’’ he said.‘‘This is the firsttime a<br />

gallery space has been used to display<br />

their work, but it will not be the last<br />

time.’’<br />

Do youservice the Ruralsectorand want<br />

help to reach your customers?<br />

Contact us today to find out howwecan help you.<br />

Email info@ncnews.co.nz or phone 03 314 8335<br />

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Discover<br />

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Brand new, luxury apartments available now.<br />

Oceania’s newarchitecturally-designedvillage, TheBellevue,isset in beautiful gardens,close<br />

to your favouriteshopsat<strong>North</strong>lands and Merivale,aswell as the city centre and the airport.<br />

Localresident, Kate Fraser,recently movedtoThe Bellevue and lovesthe convenienceof<br />

apartmentliving. “When Iwalked in the door,Iknewimmediately Iwas going to livehere.”<br />

On atypical dayyou could startout with abarista-made coffee and atreat at the café,<br />

getinyour stepsatthe gym, then join neighboursfor agame of pool before moving to<br />

happy hour.“The village has afeeling of aresorthotel. Ithought—itreminds me of that<br />

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TheBellevueisnow open, so come in foracoffee andsomething delicious from the chefto<br />

getatastefor why Kate lovesliving here.<br />

Fixed weekly fee for life -Guaranteed.<br />

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Getintouchwith Brenda today on 0800 333 688.<br />

21 Windermere Road, Papanui, Christchurch<br />


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Offers and product prices advertised here expire<br />

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Spring shows set to return<br />


<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s spring shows are on<br />

track to make awelcomed return.<br />

The Rangiora Show and Selwyn<br />

Spring Show are on tracktoreturn<br />

in Octoberafter becoming<br />

casualtiesofCovid­19last year,<br />

while the Amberleyand Courtenay<br />

(Kirwee) A&P shows are also<br />

expected to go ahead.<br />

The New Zealand Agricultural<br />

Showisalso expectedtoreturn in<br />

November.<br />

<strong>North</strong>ern(Rangiora) A&P<br />

Associationsecretary Julia<br />

Dockerillsays the committee is<br />

‘‘pleased to be running the show<br />

thisyear’’ at the Rangiora<br />

Showgrounds on October <strong>22</strong>­23,<br />

after it was forcedtocancel last<br />

year’s Labour weekend showdue to<br />

Covid­19 uncertainty..<br />

She says the committee is<br />

working on somenew ideas and<br />

‘‘changingupour formatalittle’’<br />

ahead of the show’s return.<br />

The Amberley A&P Show did go<br />

ahead lastyear at the Amberley<br />

Domain, and secretary Amy<br />

Broomhall says ‘‘everything is on<br />

track for Saturday,October 30, and<br />

we are busyorganising for another<br />

great show day’’.<br />

The Ellesmere A&P Association<br />

was forced to cancelits 150th<br />

anniversarycelebrations at the<br />

Selwyn SpringShow last year, but<br />

president AndrewBennysays<br />

planning has begun for the show’s<br />

returnatthe LeestonShowgrounds<br />

on October16.<br />

‘‘Planning is under way again.<br />

We’re just carrying on from where<br />

we left off last year.<br />

‘‘Wehaven’t quite gonedown the<br />

sponsorship trackyet, but we’re<br />

Starting young ... Anna Gartery (left) and her pet lamb Rolly, her brother<br />

Sam with his lamb ‘‘It's ya Boy Benji’’ and Amelie Bels, and Marble. All<br />

competed at the Rangiora Show in 2019.<br />


hopingwewill get agood response,<br />

being our 150th.’’<br />

While the committeemissed out<br />

on having ashow in its 150thyear<br />

last year,itplanstomark 150years<br />

in style at this year’sshow, he says.<br />

The Ellesmere Vintage<br />

Machinery Club will play abig part<br />

in the celebrations with adisplay<br />

and organising avintage machinery<br />

parade, while Clydesdale horse<br />

classes willbeback at the showand<br />

the popularwork horses will<br />

feature in the grand parade.<br />

The Courtenay A&P Showdid<br />

managetogoahead at the Kirwee<br />

Domainlast year and secretary<br />

Anna Seatonsays planning is on<br />

track for thisyear’s show on<br />

November20and she has amazed<br />

at the support from sponsors.<br />

Sibling act ... Brother and sister act<br />

Liam and Abigail Chessum<br />

performed during the community<br />

concert at the 2019 Rangiora Show.<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Dairy awards<br />

Planning is under way for the<br />

20<strong>22</strong>New Zealand Dairy<br />

Industry Awards.<br />

Theawards programme<br />

allows entrants to connect,<br />

learn and grow as individuals<br />

across theboard from<br />

trainees and newentrants to<br />

the industry through to<br />

experienced sharefarmers.<br />

Awardsgeneralmanager<br />

Robin Congdonisthrilledto<br />

confirm Meridian has<br />

renewed itssponsorshipfor<br />

the next threeyears along<br />

withaname change to the<br />

merit award.<br />

‘‘National sponsors play a<br />

key roleand it is great to have<br />

their ongoing support. Some<br />

of our sponsors have been<br />

associated with the awards<br />

since their inception more<br />

than30 years ago,’’ he says.<br />

‘‘Over this time,wehave<br />

found arealbenefitfrom<br />

sponsorship is the<br />

relationships that develop<br />

between entrantsand<br />

sponsor representatives as<br />

theynetwork,worktogether<br />

and learn from each other.<br />

‘‘Meridian are fantastic<br />

supporters of the dairy<br />

industry and thename<br />

change of the merit awardto<br />

the Meridian Environmental<br />

SustainabilityAward will<br />

continue to drive<br />

environmental best practice<br />

and excellence,’’hesays.<br />

Meridian agribusiness<br />

national sales manager Dave<br />

Greenwoodsays<br />

sustainabilityisatthe core of<br />

everything done at Meridian.<br />

27<br />

‘‘Wewanted themerit<br />

award to reflect the<br />

importanceofsustainability<br />

in thedairy industry.<br />

‘‘Wethinkit’s important to<br />

support and giveback to the<br />

ruralindustryand our<br />

sponsorshipofthe awards is a<br />

greatway to do this.’’<br />

‘‘Weare proud thatwehave<br />

re­signed thissponsorship for<br />

the next three yearsand look<br />

forwardtosupporting the<br />

entrants on their journey.’’<br />

Mr Congdon says the<br />

Meridian teamalways turns<br />

up with enthusiasm and<br />

energy.<br />

‘‘Weappreciatethesense of<br />

fun and the vibrancythe team<br />

brings withthem.<br />

‘‘Weare looking forward to<br />

seeing whatthe nextthree<br />

years will bring and of course<br />

the ever­popular Meridian<br />

socks.’’<br />

TheNew ZealandDairy<br />

Industry Awardsare<br />

supportedbynational<br />

sponsors DeLaval, Ecolab,<br />

Federated Farmers,<br />

Fonterra, Honda, LIC,<br />

Meridian Energy, and<br />

Ravensdown, along with<br />

industry partner DairyNZ.<br />

Entries willopen forthe<br />

20<strong>22</strong>New Zealand Dairy<br />

Industry AwardsonOctober<br />

1, withregistrations of<br />

interest able to be made now<br />

at dairyindustryawards.co.nz.<br />

An announcementonthe date<br />

and location of the 20<strong>22</strong><br />

NationalAwards gala dinner<br />

is expected by the endof<br />

August.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>,weneedtotalkabout our changing climate. We knowthis isn’t an easy topic. Or asmall one.<br />

Butwehavetostartsomewhere,sowe’re starting here–with our region. Learn moreatitstimecanterbury.co.nz<br />

It’stime, <strong>Canterbury</strong> is climatefriendly-learn more on our website.<br />

It’s time to talk about climate change, <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

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Waipara River ... The Waipara River was the focus of arecent meeting.<br />

Rivercare group formed<br />


Willows, weeds, flood prevention and<br />

communication, were just some of the<br />

issues raised at ameeting to weigh up<br />

forming aWaipara Catchment Rivercare<br />

group.<br />

Rima Herber, an ecologist, called the<br />

Waipara meeting, and received support<br />

to get agroup under way, facilitate it, and<br />

seek funds for resources and projects.<br />

‘‘As facilitator, my role will be to work<br />

in the interests of the Waipara<br />

Catchment Rivercare Group and to work<br />

to ensure any input from governing<br />

bodies is on the terms of the group.<br />

‘‘Catchment groups around the country<br />

have found that having afacilitator is<br />

crucial to their success,’’ she says.<br />

Around 25 people attended the<br />

meeting, with participants including<br />

Hurunui Mayor Marie Black and<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan)<br />

councillor Grant Edge.<br />

Rima says John Holmes, from the<br />

Hurunui District Landcare Group, who<br />

spoke at the meeting, said funds were<br />

available from the catchment group<br />

provided members of the Landcare<br />

group and associated members were<br />

involved.<br />

There was abig focus on willows in the<br />

river bed, with some saying they impeded<br />

the flow in the recent heavy rainfall, and<br />

caused significant flooding and damage<br />


to landowners’ property.<br />

There was also concern at the amount<br />

of water willows sucked up during the<br />

summer heat with one estimate showing<br />

‘‘at least half acumec of the summer<br />

river flow is lost due to the huge numbers<br />

of willows’’.<br />

Rima says the group wants to know<br />

more about awillow programme being<br />

started by ECan in the river, such as how<br />

far down the river this will go, what<br />

methods of control are being used and<br />

what will happen to the biomass.<br />

She says there were also questions on<br />

why sheep were no longer being used for<br />

weed control in the river, and some<br />

landowners bordering the river, who<br />

were controlling willows and other<br />

weeds, wanted to know if what they were<br />

doing was permitted.<br />

Historical poor management and poor<br />

relationships with ECan and the<br />

Hurunui District Council, leading to lack<br />

of trust, damage to the environment and<br />

the wildlife by inappropriate vehicle use<br />

in the river bed, and riparian areas all<br />

came up for discussion.<br />

It was agreed Rima should be paid a<br />

part­time wage to ensure the group<br />

remained active and saw projects<br />

through.<br />

She says the next step will be to hold a<br />

formal meeting in late <strong>July</strong> to decide on<br />

the structure of the group and to start<br />

clarifying priorities.<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong> 29<br />

Migrant visa rules relaxed<br />

Federated Farmers has welcomed the<br />

government decision to extend the<br />

essential skills visa for migrant staff<br />

working in the dairy sector.<br />

The government is increasing the<br />

duration of essential skills visas and<br />

streamlining the application process to<br />

make it easier for both employers and<br />

visa holders while the border remains<br />

closed.<br />

‘‘These valued staff are offering just<br />

what their visa says, essential skills to the<br />

New Zealand dairy industry,’’ Federated<br />

Farmers employment and immigration<br />

spokesperson Chris Lewis says.<br />

‘‘Since the original lockdown Feds and<br />

Dairy NZ have been in constant contact<br />

with the government explaining how<br />

important those valued staff on essential<br />

skills visas are to our industry.<br />

‘‘We need them helping with calving<br />

and putting cups on cows now more than<br />

ever with the border still closed and low<br />

domestic unemployment.’’<br />

Maximum duration of essential skills<br />

visas for jobs paid below the median<br />

wage will increase from one year to 2<br />

years, while for those in jobs paid above<br />

the median wage the visa duration will<br />

remain at three years.<br />

The application process for renewing<br />

essential skills visas will also be<br />

simplified for workers remaining in their<br />

existing roles.<br />

‘‘Alongside the need for the current<br />

exception process for bringing new<br />

workers across the border, keeping hold<br />

of those good people already here<br />

working in our industry has been the<br />

other key part of the message from Feds<br />

and Dairy NZ,’’ Mr Lewis says.<br />

‘‘We don’t want these people taking<br />

their good skills and work habits and<br />

exiting the country because of visa<br />

uncertainty, and this is an important step<br />

to help keep them here.<br />

‘‘We are doing what we can to attract<br />

Kiwis to the industry, but all provincial<br />

employers feel like they are fighting over<br />

the same scraps of the labour force pie at<br />

the moment.’’<br />

The requirements for all employers<br />

and workers to move to the ‘‘Accredited<br />

Employer Work Visa’’, which was due to<br />

come into effect on November 1, will be<br />

delayed until the middle of next year.<br />

Migrant staff ... New rules are expected to<br />

make it easier to retain and recruit migrant<br />

staff.<br />


‘‘Farmers and their workers have got<br />

enough to worry about at the moment<br />

without getting their heads around this<br />

new visa system,’’ Mr Lewis says.<br />

‘‘We just want to get on with the<br />

business of farming and anything that<br />

helps ease the current labour woes is a<br />

good step, so Federated Farmers would<br />

like to thank the government for listening<br />

to the concerns of our farmers on this<br />

one.’’<br />

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SPORT<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

31<br />

Hurunui locks in semi-final spot<br />

RUGBY<br />



The clash at Culverden last<br />

Saturdaybetween Hurunuiand<br />

Oxford was always going to be a<br />

vitalone in determiningwhich<br />

teamsmade it through to the<br />

semi­finals.<br />

Saracensand Kaiapoihad<br />

already lockedinhome semifinals,<br />

but Oxford, Ashley and<br />

Hurunui were locked in athreeway<br />

battle for the remaining two<br />

semi­final placesinthe Luisetti<br />

Seeds<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> rugby<br />

competition.<br />

With Oxford and Hurunui<br />

bothfinishing on 19 points,<br />

Hurunui takes the third ranking<br />

by virtueofhaving beaten<br />

Oxford in theirmost recent<br />

match.<br />

Saracenswill host Oxfordand<br />

Kaiapoi will hostHurunuion<br />

Saturday.<br />

Finalpoints after the roundrobin:<br />

Saracens 31,Kaiapoi 30,<br />

Hurunui 19, Oxford 19, Ashley<br />

17, Glenmark­Cheviot16, Ohoka<br />

10, Woodend 1.<br />

Superb defence<br />

The field at Culverden was<br />

tackyafterrecentrain and<br />

outstandingdefence by both<br />

Hurunui and Oxford ensured<br />

the match was alow­scoring<br />

one.<br />

Matt Roberts put Oxfordin<br />

frontwith an early penalty, but<br />

halfway through the first spell<br />

Hurunui wingerSam Grigg<br />

finished off agood movement<br />

with what proved to be the only<br />

try of thematch.<br />

Most of the game was played<br />

between the two <strong>22</strong> metre lines.<br />

The only pointsadded in the<br />

second halfwere four penalties<br />

–threebyHurunui’s Digby<br />

Heardand anotherbyRoberts<br />

for Oxford.<br />

DannyBrookerand young<br />

prop JeremyYorke excelled in<br />

the Oxford forwardpack, while<br />

Cale Dobby, WillPears and Tom<br />

Williams all carried wellina<br />

Hurunui forward effort<br />

stiffened by the insertion of<br />

Crusader Luke Romano at halftime.<br />

Romano’s value to the team<br />

was minimisedwhen he was<br />

sent to the sin bin for a<br />

dangeroustackle.<br />

Two centurions ... Referee Gavin Cate and Kaiapoi front rower<br />

Luka Tootoo marked important milestones at the weekend.<br />


Jamie Stackhouse at No 12<br />

was aking­pin in Hurunui’s<br />

effectivedefensive line.<br />

Scoreboard:Hurunui 14 (Sam<br />

Grigg try,DigbyHeard 3<br />

penalties)beat Oxford 6(Matt<br />

Roberts 2penalties).<br />

Ashley deniedby<br />

Kaiapoi.<br />

Needing to beat the more<br />

highly­rankedKaiapoi side to<br />

ensure aplace in the semifinals,<br />

Ashley came out firing.<br />

Ashleywent at apointa­minute<br />

pace for the first 10<br />

minutescourtesyofatry by<br />

Naaria Wilson Bairds with<br />

Korbyn Grayadding the<br />

sidelineconversiontoan<br />

earlier penalty kick.<br />

But from this point on<br />

Kaiapoi clawedback the<br />

ascendancy andbyhalf­time<br />

wingers, Kimeon Reade and<br />

Reuben Tiwekahad both<br />

scored tries in the corner, one of<br />

whichwas converted by Taine<br />

Jacobs­Lawson.<br />

Thefirst 10 minutes of the<br />

second­half was allKaiapoi.<br />

As the Ashleyerrorrate<br />

climbedinresponsetothe<br />

pressureKaiapoi was applying.<br />

The home team added three<br />

more tries to JarredGilmore,<br />

Tiweka and LoganBell.Two of<br />

these wereconverted by Jacobs­<br />

Lawson and Kaiapoi had shot<br />

out to an unassailable31­10<br />

lead.<br />

Kaiapoi’s benchwas not as<br />

effective as usual and it failed to<br />

add any morepoints.<br />

In the final two minutes<br />

Ashley scoredtwo consolation<br />

tries whichnot only restored<br />

some respectability to the<br />

scoreline, but also gained a<br />

bonus point.<br />

But it wasnot enoughtostop<br />

Hurunui fromleap­frogging<br />

Ashley on the points table, with<br />

the latternarrowlymiss out on a<br />

semi­final spot.<br />

Matt Couch was the pick of<br />

the Ashleyplayers while the<br />

Duckworth brothersboth toiled<br />

away industriously in the front<br />

row.<br />

For Kaiapoi, Tiweka<br />

continued his goldenrun of<br />

form, thistime fromthe wing<br />

position ratherthan his<br />

customary place at fullback and<br />

Codey Grimes hadanother<br />

strong game at half­back.<br />

Another feature of the match<br />

wasthat it was the 100th time<br />

that referee Gavin Cate had<br />

controlled adivision 1fixture<br />

and he did so with his usual<br />

efficiency. This mark was<br />

matched by hard­working<br />

Kaiapoi propLuka Tootoo, who<br />

also broughtuphis 100 games in<br />

this match.<br />

Scoreboard: Kaiapoi 31<br />

(Reuben Tiweka2,Kimeon<br />

Reade, JarredGilmore, Logan<br />

Belltries, Taine Jacobs­Lawson<br />

3conversions) beat Ashley24<br />

(Naaria Wilson­Bairds,<br />

Matthew Kippenberger, Josh<br />

Duckworth tries, KorbynGray 1<br />

penalty and threeconversions).<br />

Run AwayWin<br />

Glenmark­Cheviot didn’tlet<br />

recentresults deter it from<br />

delivering acomprehensive<br />

victory over Ohoka, 42­7at<br />

Cheviot Domain.<br />

The visitorswere never let<br />

into the game with Glenmark­<br />

Cheviot showingthe greater<br />

intentofthe two sides.<br />

Glenmark­Cheviot’s pack<br />

generated structured defence<br />

and the loose forward trioof<br />

Matt McKellar,Jacob Vincent<br />

and Johnny Slossensured<br />

quality ball at the break down<br />

and theeducated boot of Brook<br />

Retallick was never far away.<br />

Blindsideflanker Vincent<br />

wasthe benefactor of quality<br />

ball scoring two tries forthe<br />

home side.<br />

Ohoka’s Bernard Ryan<br />

battled up front,whileskipper<br />

Ryan McCallumran strongly for<br />

the visitors.Ohoka did manage<br />

to cross the line later in the<br />

game with awell worked try to<br />

five­eight Patrick McCallum,<br />

but it was unabletomatch the<br />

class of the home side.<br />

Scoreboard:Glenmark 42 (Jacob<br />

Vincent2,Matt Mckellar, Ben<br />

O’Carroll,Jordie Gray,Max<br />

Murray tries, Brook Retallick 7<br />

conversions) beat Ohoka7<br />

(PatrickMcCallumtry, Scott<br />

Allin 1conversion).<br />

Saracenstoo good<br />

Saracens had no difficultyin<br />

cementing its top spot in the<br />

competition rankings with a<br />

comfortable 60­3win over<br />

Woodend.<br />

Woodendhas struggled in the<br />

back end of this season. It had to<br />

default its match the previous<br />

weekend, but at leastlast<br />

Saturday Woodend fronted up<br />

against the competition leader<br />

and gaveitashot.<br />

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24 th <strong>July</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

Division 1-Ellesmere &<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>(SectionA)<br />

Saracens VOxford,02:45 PM,Sbk1.<br />

Kaiapoi VHurunui, 02:45 PM, KaiOv.<br />

Division 1-Ellesmere &<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>(PlateSection)<br />

Ashley VWoodend, 02:45 PM, LobLr1.<br />

Glenmark Cheviot VOhoka,02:45 PM, Omi1.<br />

Ellesmere&<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Div 2(SectionA)<br />

Kaiapoi GOLDSVGlenmark Cheviot, 01:00PM, KaiOv.<br />

Kaikoura VHurunui,02:45 PM,Kaik.<br />

Ellesmere&<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Div 2(SectionB)<br />

Ashley VWoodend,01:00 PM, LobLr1.<br />

Ohoka VAmberleySeniors, 02:45 PM,Mand1.<br />

Ellesmere &<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Div 2(SectionC)<br />

SaracensVOxford,Team 1DefaultWin.<br />

1stXVRound Robin<br />

Christ’s College1st XV VRHS 1stXV, 02:45PM, CCUper.<br />

Under18<br />

Waihora VOxford,12:30 PM, TT:2.Kaiapoi VRHS 2nd XV,<br />

01:00 PM, Kai1.Hurunui VHornby Vikings, 01:00PM, Cul<br />

2.<br />

Under 16<br />

Dunsandel-Irwell Combined VRHS Gold,12:00 PM,Darf2.<br />

MCRU AlpsVRHSGreen, 01:00PM, Tinw 1.<br />

U12-U13 -<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Only<br />

SectionA<br />

Amberley Black VSaracens, 11:00 AM, Amb 2. Woodend<br />

VAshley, 11:00 AM, Wood 2. Kaikoura Blue VGlenmark<br />

Cheviot, 12:55 PM, Kaik1. Hurunui Blue VKaiapoi Gold,<br />

10:30 PM, Cul1.OxfordRFC BYE.<br />

SectionB<br />

Oxford VHurunui Black, 12:00 PM, Ox 2.Saracens V<br />

Kaiapoi Blue, 11:00 AM, Sbk1. Woodend VAshley, 12:15<br />

PM,Wood 2. Ohoka Black BYE.<br />

Under 11<br />

Kaikoura VGlenmark Cheviot, 10:10 AM,Kaik1c.KaiapoiV<br />

Ashley Blue, 11:00 AM, Kai 2a. Ashley Green VWoodend,<br />

11:00 AM, Lob 4b. Amberley Black VOhoka Black, 11:00<br />

AM, Amb 3a. Ohoka Red VSaracens Red, 11:00 AM,<br />

Mandj5a. Saracens Blue VOxford, 11:00 AM, SBJnr7.<br />

Hurunui BlackBYE.<br />

Under 10<br />

Glenmark Cheviot VOhoka Black, 12:10 PM,Omi2a.Oxford<br />

VAshley,12:10 PM,Ox3a. AmberleyBlack VSaracensRed,<br />

12:10 PM, Amb3a. Ohoka RedVHurunui Black, 12:10PM,<br />

Mandj7. Saracens Blue VWoodend, 12:10 PM, SBJnr7.<br />

Kaiapoi BYE.<br />

Under 9<br />

Kaiapoi GOLDVAmberley Black, 10:00 AM, Kai 2b.Hurunui<br />

Black VAshley Green, 10:00 AM, Cul3b. Oxford VOhoka<br />

Black, 10:00 AM, Ox 3a. Ashley Blue VKaiapoi BLUE,<br />

10:00 AM, Lob 4a. Ohoka Red VSaracens Blue, 10:00<br />

AM, Mandj4a. Kaikoura VWoodend, 10:35 AM, Kaik1a.<br />

Glenmark Cheviot BY.<br />

Under 8<br />

Hurunui Black VWoodend, 11:00 AM, Cul6. Amberley<br />

Black VGlenmark Cheviot, 11:05 AM, Amb 1a. Oxford V<br />

SaracensBlue, 11:05AM, Ox 2a.Ashley Blue VOhoka Red,<br />

11:05 AM, LobLr3. Ashley Green VSaracens Red, 11:05<br />

AM, Lob 4a. Kaikoura VOhoka Black, 11:40 AM, Kaik1a.<br />

Kaiapoi BYE.<br />

Under 7<br />

Hurunui Black VGlenmark Cheviot Blue, 10:00 AM, Cul5.<br />

Amberley Black V Ohoka Black, 10:05 AM, Amb 3a.<br />

Glenmark Cheviot BlackVWoodend Black, 10:50 AM,Chev<br />

1a. Oxford VSaracens Orange, 10:50 AM, Oxford: Ox3b.<br />

Saracens Red VSaracens Blue, 10:50 AM, Sbk3a. Ohoka<br />

Red VAshley Blue, 10:50 AM, Mandj6. Ashley Green V<br />

Kaiapoi, 10:50 AM,Lob Jnr 2.<br />

Under 6<br />

SectionA<br />

Kaiapoi BLUE VHurunui Blue, 10:00 AM, Kai 3. Woodend<br />

Black V Glenmark Cheviot Blue, 10:00 AM, WoodJ4a.<br />

Woodend White V Woodend Green, 10:00 AM, Wood<br />

3a. Kaiapoi GOLD VAmberley Black, 10:00 AM, Kai 1a.<br />

Glenmark Cheviot Black VHurunui Black, 10:05 AM, Omi1a.<br />

SectionB<br />

Ohoka Green VOhoka Red, 10:00 AM, Mand: Mand 3a.<br />

Kaiapoi WHITE VSaracens Orange, 10:00 AM, Kai 2a.<br />

Ashley BlueVOxford Red, 10:00AM, LobLr3. Saracens Blue<br />

VSaracens Red, 10:00 AM, Sbk3a. Ohoka Black VAshley<br />

White, 10:00 AM, Mandj5a. Ashley Green VAshley Gold,<br />

10:00 AM, LobLr6.<br />

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Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd|Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

For all draw information and updates<br />

please keep up to date with<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rugby<br />


Rangiora Toyota<br />

Percival St, Rangiora<br />

(03) 313-8186<br />

www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

Proudly supportingsport<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Mixed results for Rangiora Div 1women<br />

HOCKEY<br />

RangioraHockey Club's CBK<br />

division one women's team<br />

continues to be hamstrung by<br />

itsinability to score goals.<br />

The team is playing some<br />

great hockey,but alack of goal<br />

scoring is frustratingall<br />

involved.<br />

Lastweekend theteamfaced<br />

adouble headerasthey caught<br />

up on agamethatwas rained<br />

outinlateMay.<br />

On Saturday it faced Marist,<br />

the only teamRangiora beat in<br />

round one.<br />

While Rangioradominated<br />

possession, it was unable to<br />

find the net, withMarist<br />

scoring twobreakout goals<br />

against the runofplay.<br />

On Sunday the women faced<br />

offagainst Southern United,<br />

the only teambelowitonthe<br />

table.<br />

This timethe team did score<br />

twogoals, and hadchances to<br />

score afew more, to come away<br />

withawell deserved win.<br />

Thedivision1Rangiora CBK<br />

men's teamalso played Marist<br />

in thelatest round of<br />

competition, hoping to repeat<br />

itsroundone victory over the<br />

green and whites.<br />

With three goalsapiece,the<br />

teams couldnot be separated<br />

at full time, withthis result<br />

makingitanear impossible<br />

taskfor them to climbinto the<br />

top four withjust ahandful of<br />

games left in regularseason.<br />

With it beingthe middle<br />

weekend of theschool holidays<br />

there werenogames in the<br />

junior,platinumorSunday<br />

superleaguesplayed last<br />

weekend, or inthe mid­week<br />

women’scompetition on<br />

Tuesday.<br />

Both Rangiora Hurunui<br />

Hares and Hawks did play the<br />

Tuesday prior, withthe teams<br />

comingawaywithawinand a<br />

loss respectively.<br />

Amid­week men's<br />

competitionround wasalso<br />

completed on Monday night.<br />

Up against the unbeaten<br />

Marist Gooses theRangiora<br />

Allsorts (B team) battled hard<br />

tostill be in it at 3­0 by theend<br />

of thethird quarter.<br />

Butthe unrelentingMarist<br />

attackgradually woredownthe<br />

Allsort's defence to let three<br />

moregoalsinduringthe final<br />

quarter.<br />

Rangiora'smid­week open<br />

men's Ateam continuestolead<br />

the table afteracomfortable<br />

4­2 win over Avon Gold, but<br />

player injury and absence has<br />

plagued theteamin recent<br />

weeks so it will be looking to<br />

re­establish aconsistent lineup<br />

andlift its gamewith<br />

severalkey matches coming<br />

up.<br />

Results<br />

Division 1: Men ­Rangiora<br />

CBK 3(Lachlan Miller1,Max<br />

Buckley 1, Luke Pedley 1) drew<br />

with Marist Mulisha 3.<br />

Women ­Rangiora CBK 0lost<br />

to Marist 2. MVP:Mikayla<br />

Goodman.<br />

Rangiora CBK2(Krystalena<br />

Roberts1,ClaudiaPetrie 1)<br />

Hockey action ... The CBK Rangiora division 1men's team in action during aprevious match against Avon,<br />

enjoyed awin at the weekend.<br />


beat Southern United0.MVP:<br />

ClaudiaPetrie.<br />

Mid­Week Open: Men ­<br />

Rangiora A4beat Avon Gold 2.<br />

RangioraAllsorts 0lost to<br />

Marist Gooses 6.<br />

Women ­Rangiora Hurunui<br />

Hares3(Holly Robertson 1,<br />

Keighley Robertson 1, Rose<br />

Johnston 1) beat HSOB/<br />

Burnside 1. MVP: Rose Hurley.<br />

RangioraHurunui Hawks 0<br />

losttoSouthernUnited 3.<br />

Goal scorer ... Keighley<br />

Robertson, playing in an earlier<br />

round, scored for the Rangiora<br />

Hurunui Hares in arecent midweek<br />

open women’s match.<br />


Rangiora Golf Club<br />

9HoleCompetition ­Stroke /Jingles:<br />

Ladies:Annie Cameron21, Lyn Leech<br />

20,Carol vanHout 18 c/b, Sarah<br />

Rutherford 18.<br />

Men: Ross Gillespie 20, Robert<br />

Madden 19 c/b, John Gregan 19,<br />

Stephen Bell 18, Bruce Pugh 16 c/b.<br />

Rangiora Bridge Club<br />

Oxford Pairs: <strong>North</strong>/South: Noreen<br />

Thompson/Fern McRae 1, Tom Rose/<br />

Rona Maslowski2,Veronica Hall/<br />

Dawn Simpson3.<br />

East/West:Margaret Fraser/David<br />

McRae1,Jack Lyons/Ken Johns 2,<br />

Anne Dorrans/Robyn Dawson3.<br />

Winter Pairs: N/S: JennyRoper/Tricia<br />

Riddolls 1, Lynda Grierson/Jeanette<br />

Chatterton2,Ken Johns/Jan Roose 3.<br />

E/W: Judith Driver/JackLyon1,Anne<br />

Anderson/Linley Thomas2,Marion<br />

Lomax/Elizabeth Alabaster3.<br />

Junior Night: N/S: AnnetteCaldwell/<br />

Gail Dunlop 1, Ian Rouse/Isabel<br />

Goodhew 2, Kate Whitehead/Anne<br />

Bagrie 3.E/W: Wayne Hutchings/<br />

Stuart Atkinson 1, Lindsey Sigglekow/<br />

ValAtkinson 2,Desley Simpson/Judith<br />

Robinson 3.<br />

Premier Pairs:N/S: BrianPresland/<br />

Colin Dooling 1, Linda Hanham/<br />

Stephanie Galbraith 2, Judy Bruerton/<br />

Sue Solomons 3. E/W: Kevin Kuch/<br />

Carole Anderson1,Lesley Smith/<br />

BeverleyParlane 2, Dawn Simpson/<br />

Gaynor Hurford 3.<br />

Waimakariri Gorge Women's Golf<br />

1st Eclectic,18holes: MTeAwa,72, 1;<br />

JBlatchand and KBattersby, 73 equal<br />

2; SMardon, 75, 3; KBush, 76,4;W<br />

Mehrtens, 78 5.<br />

9Holes: JSmith, 31, 1; SFarrar,35, 2;<br />

PRivers, 39, 3.<br />

Amberley Golf ClubResults<br />

<strong>July</strong>17:BFitzgerald,­1; LRobertson<br />

­2, KGussette ­2,NRhynd ­2.Twos:R<br />

Denby, SThomas, BBalderstone.<br />

Excel Design LongestPutt: J<br />

Cumming.<br />

Midweek men, <strong>July</strong> 14: JWigley35,S<br />

Johns 35, DEsler 34, KRayner34.<br />

Twos: IRouse BGill JWigley.<br />

Midweek women: BPettigrew 72,J<br />

Bishop77, DYates 81.<br />

Longest Putt: JBishop.<br />

Nine holders: JEvans <strong>22</strong>,VCrooks 19.<br />

AmberleySmallbore Rifle Club<br />

DQuigley 100.5,KBrown99.4, K<br />

Quigley99.3,OMitchell 97.3, P<br />

Wisheart 96.5,CRhodes93.0, C<br />

Kelland90.2, TBoyce 88.0, WParker<br />

87.1,ARoxburghSnr 84.0, ARoxburgh<br />

76.1,ORoxburgh64.0.<br />

Everyonewelcomewith gear supplied.<br />

More productsin-store and online!<br />




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Four<br />

Four<br />

SeasonsRealty<br />

Seasons Realty<br />


Premium Price!<br />

FOR<br />

SALE<br />

FOR<br />

SALE<br />

FOR<br />

SALE<br />

7Bloomfield Street, Leithfield<br />

4 2 1 2<br />

View at harcourts.co.nz/RG9481<br />

12 Springbrook Close, Rangiora 3Highfield Lane, Rangiora<br />

4 2 2 2<br />

View at harcourts.co.nz/RG9471<br />

5 2 2 2<br />

View at harcourts.co.nz/RG9468<br />

5CoronationStreet, Rangiora<br />

321P GeorgesRoad, Amberley<br />

40A Percival Street, Rangiora<br />

In today’smarket,when lowsupply meets high demand,it’simportant that you<br />

appoint the best consultant to achievethe best possible result.<br />

Phone me forafree, no obligation market appraisal. Ilook forwardtodelivering<br />

youyour SOLD sticker very soon!<br />

KAREN<br />

WARD<br />

021 <strong>22</strong>1 7027 |03313 6158<br />

karen.ward@harcourts.co.nz<br />

harcourtsfourseasons.co.nz<br />

Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd|Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

Karen<br />

Four Seasons Realty

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Cust 538 Ashley Road<br />

Rangiora 31 Melford Close<br />

AVery Special Lifestyle Block<br />

Stunning viewsfrom this well sheltered 4ha block on the corner of<br />

Ashleyand Bowicks Road. Stock water race along the Eastern<br />

boundary. Large 3bay haybarnwith adjacentconcrete pad.Old<br />

pastures ideal for horses. Deer fencedboundary. Fantastic area for the<br />

horse lover with amazing road riding and nearbyisthe Ashley River.<br />

Well established tree shelter on the nor/westside. Lots of potential<br />

building sites to take advantage of the views.Lifestyle blocks like this<br />

one don't come up very often, it's amust to view.For Sale By Auction:<br />

on site,Friday 13th August 2pm.<br />

Auction 2.00pm, Fri 13th Aug, <strong>2021</strong>,<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL93336<br />

Janice Clyma<br />

M 027 434 7090<br />

So much space -ahidden gem!<br />

Hiddeninasought after cul-de-sac,thisfive bedroom brick homehas<br />

enough space for twofamilies!Built in the 2000s, it combines modern<br />

materialswith the comfort of being located in aquiet established<br />

streethandy to all Rangiora amenities.Enjoy all day sun in the large<br />

open plan family room, diningand breakfastbar area, or retreat to the<br />

spacious second lounge for relaxation.Apellet fire, heat pumps and<br />

double glazing ensureabsolutecomfort. All five bedroomsare large<br />

with double wardrobes, with the masterbedroomfeaturinganensuite<br />

with shower, toilet andlarge bath. There are threetoilets for comfort<br />

and aseparatelaundry with lots of storage.<br />

5 2 2 4<br />

Auction 4.00pm, Fri 30th Jul, <strong>2021</strong>,<br />

(unless sold prior), On site<br />

View Sun 25 Jul 1.00 -1.45pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU87554<br />

Kirstyn Barnett<br />

M 021 312 230<br />

Yourpropertywillbe<br />

in goodhands with<br />

aProperty Manager<br />

fromPropertyBrokers<br />

Canyou risk nothavingaProperty Manager?<br />

Areyou familiar with thelatest legalrequirements of<br />

theResidential TenanciesAct andthe Healthy Homes<br />

Act,aswellasthe penaltieslandlords face?<br />

Do youknowwhat your obligations areforinsulation?<br />

Asbestos? SmokeAlarms?And Health&Safety?<br />

Do youhavethe time to checkrentpaymentsfor your<br />

property,address maintenance issues immediately,<br />

have keys cut,and attend viewings?<br />

Call todayfor achatorano obligation,<br />

free rental market appraisal.<br />

Dale Quaife Property Manager<br />

M 021406 686 | P03 31380<strong>22</strong> | Edquaife@pb.co.nz<br />

PB050077<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />



The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

35<br />

Rangiora Early RecordsSociety<br />

The role of the Rangiora Early Records<br />

Society in helping create abook about<br />

the <strong>North</strong>ernA&P Association's history<br />

will be the focusofatalkbyPhilip<br />

Worthington at ameeting of the society<br />

at the Rangiora Museum, Good Street,<br />

Rangiora,onThursday, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, at<br />

7.30pm. Mr Worthington will give a<br />

powerpoint presentation. All welcome.<br />

Donation please from non­members.<br />

Rangiora CommunityPatrol<br />

The anniversary celebration planned<br />

for Sunday, <strong>July</strong> 25, has beencancelled<br />

due to unforeseen circumstances.<br />

Classic cars<br />

The 7th monthly classiccar gathering<br />

will be held on Sunday, <strong>July</strong> 25. Don't<br />

ever be put off if the weather is<br />

inclement, as Hamish has the big log<br />

fire lit up in the Better Half kitchen and<br />

Bar, and it is lovely and cosytoenjoy a<br />

cup of coffee, beer, or evenhave brunch<br />

or lunch. We don't expectbig numbers<br />

during the winter,but oncethe weather<br />

begins to warm up, we will see<br />

attendance numbers increase. Corner<br />

SH1 and Ashworths Beach Road,<br />

Leithfield. Suggested timeisfrom<br />

about 10am, to about 2pm. However,<br />

Better Half opens at 9am for those<br />

wishingtostart the day off with a<br />

cooked breakfast.<br />

KiwianaQuiz Night<br />

Ashley Rakahuri School quiznight,<br />

doors open at 6pm and quiz starts7pm.<br />

Cost is $120 per teamofupto6.Register<br />

your teamatpta@ashley.school.nz.<br />

Cash or eftpos for the bar.Spot prizes,<br />

auctionand raffles.<br />

Lost and found -police<br />

The following property is reported to<br />

the Police as being lost in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> ­have you seen it?<br />

Adidas sunglasses in Bill Bass case, a<br />

gold Samsung Galaxy J2 Prointan<br />

leather case, ablack motorcycle saddle<br />

bag containing wet weather gear /<br />

puncture repair gear and tools, ablack<br />

Samsung S10 Plus in clear rubber case,<br />

adark brown wallet with claspand a<br />

blackvinyl wallet with change purse<br />

on the outside.<br />

The following property is waiting to<br />

be claimed:<br />

Ablue and yellow Mongoose<br />

mountain bike (Kaiapoi).<br />

Buying?<br />

Selling?<br />

Trade?<br />

Find it<br />

all here<br />

when you<br />

advertise<br />

in our<br />

classified<br />

section.<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda on<br />

313 2840<br />



AND BE THE<br />



FIRST<br />

Advertise with<br />

us and get<br />

noticed<br />

today!<br />

Phone us today on 03 314 8335 or email<br />

sales@ncnews.co.nz to find out how we can help!<br />

Public Notices<br />

MainPowerNew Zealand Limited<br />

Notice of Annual Meeting<br />

The Annual Meetingof shareholdersof<br />

MainPowerNew Zealand Limitedwillbe<br />

held at MainPower headoffice,172 Fernside<br />

Road, Rangiora onThursday 19 August<strong>2021</strong><br />

commencing at 5:30 p.m.<br />

Duetothe ongoing coronavirus pandemic,<br />

this may be subject to change.Pleasecheck<br />

ourwebsitefor anyupdates.<br />

An invitationisextended to all<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>residents to attend.<br />

0800309080 | mainpower.co.nz<br />

Public Notices<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

Alexandra Asset Holdings<br />

Ltd has made application<br />

to the District Licensing<br />

Committee at Rangiora<br />

for the renewal of an Off<br />

Licence in respect of the<br />

premises situated at 52<br />

Main St, Oxford known as<br />

Fresh Choice Oxford.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to<br />

be conducted) under the<br />

licence is Supermarket.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be)<br />

sold under the licence are<br />

Monday to Sunday 7am to<br />

10pm.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

215 High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of<br />

the licence may, not later<br />

than 15working days after<br />

the date of the publication<br />

of this notice, file anotice<br />

in writing of the objection<br />

with the Secretary of<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee<br />

at Private Bag 1005,<br />

Rangiora.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than amatter specified in<br />

section 131 of the Sale<br />

and Supply of Alcohol Act<br />

2012.<br />

This is the second<br />

publication of this notice.<br />

This notice was first<br />

published on 15 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

2399939v2<br />

VOTE<br />

NOW!<br />

PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD <strong>2021</strong><br />


For thefirsttime, the Kiwi Gardener<br />

BirdPhoto Competitionincludesa<br />

People’s Choice Award,where your<br />

votematters themost. The winner<br />

will have theirbirdpride of placeina<br />

stunning 20<strong>22</strong> calendar.<br />




*Terms andconditions apply, votingends August11, <strong>2021</strong>.<br />


KAREN<br />



What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

Flood Affected Farms<br />

Rural Support <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> are urging farmers<br />

impacted by one of the recent flood events to reach<br />

out for help.<br />

Farmers who have completed the Farm Recovery<br />

Assessment Survey from the May/June flooding, but<br />

have sustained new damage, should contact the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Flood Recovery Coordinator so<br />

that theycan updatethe assessment.<br />

Anyone who has not yet had an assessment survey<br />

completed forthis event,orhas been impacted forthe<br />

first timein<strong>July</strong>,should alsocontactthe Coordinator.<br />

Farmers who think they might have aninsurance<br />

claim should contact their insurer todiscuss what<br />

support may be available through their insurance<br />

policy, and anyone in acrises situation are asked<br />

to call the Rural Support Trust on0800 787 254.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Flood Recovery Coordinator<br />

can be contacted on021 0277 3370 or email<br />

alixbush.ncrst@outlook.co.nz<br />

EV Charging Stations Coming Soon to Kaiapoi<br />

Meridian Energy have begun the installation of<br />

EV chargers inpublic carparks at 70 Hilton Street,<br />

as the EVcharger rollout continues across the<br />

Waimakariri District.<br />

The charging stations are being installed in four<br />

carparks and will be identical to those already<br />

up and running in the Council carpark behind the<br />

Trevor Inch Memorial Library inRangiora.<br />

The EV chargers are part of an ongoing agreement<br />

between theWaimakariri District Council andMeridian<br />

to createpubliclyaccessible EV chargingstations on<br />

Council land at agreed locations in Rangiora,Kaiapoi,<br />

Woodend and Oxford.<br />

Meridian cover the bulk of installation costs while<br />

theCouncillicence accesstothe land and contribute<br />

asmall portion to make the carparks ready.<br />

Success forIANZ RE-accreditation<br />

The Waimakariri District Council’s Building<br />

Consent Authority (BCA) Team will soon achieve<br />

re-accreditation following its latest two-yearly<br />

independent assessment.<br />

IANZ (International Accreditation New Zealand)<br />

assessors recently spent four days onsite with the<br />

BCA Team auditing procedures and compliance<br />

against regulations.<br />

Building Unit Manager Warren Taylor said he was<br />

pleased with theresult, butmoresowiththe auditors<br />

acknowledgmentthattheCouncil has ‘a very high<br />

performing and functioning team’.<br />

The latest assessment highlighted asmall number<br />

of minor tasks to complete to reach accreditation<br />

and once these are signed off, it will bethe seventh<br />

consecutive accreditation for the Council since it<br />

was first assessed in2008.<br />

The Great<br />

At Kaiapoi Domainand<br />

Pearson Park, Oxford<br />

For more information go to:<br />

www.kidsfest.co.nz/event/the-great-fairy-huntnt/the<br />

*Facepainting subject to weather.<br />

Check the Beyond The Faerie Tree<br />

Facebook page for updates.<br />

Saturday 10 <strong>July</strong> -<br />

Sunday 25 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

Free<br />

Face Pa inting<br />

Free<br />

Face Painting<br />

RuralTales<br />

with Snowdrop at<br />

the Kaiapoi Domain<br />

Friday 23 <strong>July</strong><br />

11.00 am -1.00 pm<br />

Join us to hear local author Tim Fulton talk about<br />

hisnew book Kiwi Farmers’ GuidetoLife. Timwill<br />

be joined by George Black, who recently ran<br />

‘100kminGumboots’,toraise moneyfor farmers<br />

going throughtough times.<br />

FRIDAY<br />

30 <strong>July</strong><br />

›RangioraLibrary •7pm<br />

Find out more<br />

libraries.waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

03 311 8901<br />



Hear about the science behind the new tsunami<br />

evacuation zones and learn practical thingsyou can<br />

do at home to be better prepared in this series of free<br />

public meetings.<br />


The Science Behind the Tsunami Zones |How Likelyisa<br />

Tsunami |Overview of the New Zones |Responding to a<br />

Tsunami Event |Having aPlan at Home |Q&A Time<br />


Kaiapoi<br />

Wednesday28<strong>July</strong>, 7pm<br />

Kaiapoi High School<br />

Woodend<br />

Thursday 29 <strong>July</strong>, 7pm<br />

WoodendCommunity Centre<br />

Pines Beach/Kairaki<br />

Wednesday4August,7pm<br />

The Pines Beach/Kairaki Community Hall<br />

Online<br />

Wednesday11August,7pm -Watch onFacebook &Youtube<br />

facebook.com/WaimakaririDistrictCouncil<br />

youtube.com/waimakaririDC<br />

Keep your<br />

organics and<br />

recycling<br />

loose.<br />

Recycling and organics<br />

should be loose in<br />

the bin, not in bags.<br />

Plastic bags belong<br />

in the rubbish. That<br />

includes compostable<br />

or biodegradable bags<br />

or packaging.<br />

—<br />

Find out more<br />

collection tips at<br />

rethinkrubbish.co.nz<br />



<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

37<br />

Upcoming Council<br />

meetings<br />

The following meetings will be<br />

held in August <strong>2021</strong>.All meetings<br />

will be held in the Function Room,<br />

(upstairs) Rangiora Town Hall,<br />

303 High Street, Rangiora, unless<br />

otherwise stated.<br />

CWMS Waimakariri<br />

Water Zone Committee<br />

Monday 2August at3:30pm.<br />

Mahi Tahi Joint Development Committee<br />

Tuesday 3August at9am<br />

Council<br />

Tuesday 3August at1pm.<br />

Oxford-Ohoka Community Board<br />

Wednesday 4August at7pm in the<br />

Ohoka Community Hall, Mill Road, Ohoka.<br />

(The Public Forum section of the agenda<br />

will occur from 7-7.20pm.)<br />

Woodend-Seon Community Board<br />

Monday9Augustat6pm at thePegasus<br />

CommunityCentre, 8TahunaStreet,Pegasus.<br />

Audit and Risk Committee<br />

Tuesday 10August at9am.<br />

Rangiora-Ashley Community Board<br />

Wednesday 11August at7pm.<br />

Kaiapoi-Tuahiwi Community Board<br />

Monday 16 August at 5pmin Meeting Room 1,<br />

at the Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre,<br />

176Williams Street, Kaiapoi.<br />

District Planning and<br />

Regulation Committee<br />

Tuesday 17August at1pm.<br />

Community and Recreation Committee<br />

Tuesday 17August at4pm.<br />

Mahi Tahi Joint Development Committee<br />

Tuesday 24August at 9am.<br />

Council<br />

Tuesday 24August at 1pm<br />

Utilities and Roading Committee<br />

Tuesday 24August at 3:30pm.<br />

All meetings are open to the public.<br />

Agendas are available two working<br />

days prior to meeting.<br />

Agendas and minutes for meetings<br />

can be found onthe Council's website:<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz.<br />

Sarah Nichols<br />

GovernanceManager<br />


Proposed Change 1to Chapter6of the <strong>Canterbury</strong>Regional Policy<br />

Statement–Decision of theMinisterforthe Environmentand Operative<br />

Date<br />

Clause20and Clause 90 of Schedule1, Resource ManagementAct 1991<br />

(RMA)<br />

The<strong>Canterbury</strong>Regional Council (Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong>) givespublic<br />

notice that the Minister forthe Environmenthasapproved Proposed<br />

Change 1toChapter 6ofthe <strong>Canterbury</strong> Regional Policy Statement<br />

(CRPS) underthe Streamlined PlanningProcess.<br />

TheMinister’s decision,dated28May <strong>2021</strong>,can be viewed on the<br />

Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong>website at www.ecan.govt.nz/chapter6CRPS.<br />

Proposed Change 1toChapter6of the CRPS will become operativeon28<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

Please notethat underthe StreamlinedPlanningProcess there areno<br />

rights of appeal to theEnvironment Court.<br />

Full detailsregarding this change to theCRPS, includingcopies of the<br />

reportspreparedunderclause83(1) of theRMA,the operativeCRPS<br />

<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>website atwww.ecan.govt.nz/chapter6CRPS.<br />

If youdonot have access to apersonalcomputer,copiesofthe<br />

Minister’s decision andthe operativeCRPSincorporating Proposed<br />

Change 1toChapter6can be accessed online at public libraries.<br />

For all enquiries, pleasecontact CustomerServiceson0800324636 or<br />

email ecinfo@ecan.govt.nz.<br />

Dr Stefanie Rixecker<br />


<br />

Please contact<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

with anyqueries: 0800 324 636<br />

Public Notices<br />


Declaration of Result<br />

The finalresult forthe by-election thatclosed at middayonFriday16<strong>July</strong><br />

<strong>2021</strong>is:<br />

West Ward (1 vacancy)<br />

VotesReceived<br />

ARMSTRONG, Karen 768<br />

CARTER, Ross 377<br />

ROE,Richard E 118<br />



Karen ARMSTRONG is declaredelected.<br />

The voter returnwas 40.10%,being 1,351 votes.<br />

Anthony Morton<br />

Electoral Officer<br />

PO Box 3138,Christchurch 8140<br />

www.hurunui.govt.nz<br />

0800666 928 iro@electionz.com<br />

Kaiapoi Christadelphians<br />

“The Key of knowledge...” (Luke 11:52)<br />



Are we concerned where the World is heading?<br />

Can we believe statements made by media to be<br />

the truth? The Bible is an ancient book ,writing<br />

of World events through the ages, presenting a<br />

sure word of prophecy. How can webesure of<br />

this? If aprophecyhas been fulfilled, we can have<br />

assurance that it will happen again as predicted.<br />

Compare the scattering of Israel and it’s return to<br />

it’s ancient land. Therefore we can expect that a<br />

power <strong>North</strong> of Israel will rise to sweep over the<br />

Middle East causing devastation, and involving<br />

the whole World in it’s endeavours. Today is the<br />

day of opportunity.<br />

DVD presentation -Sunday 25 th <strong>July</strong>,7.00pm<br />

Kaiapoi Community Centre -Sewell Street<br />

For information -phone 03 352 5453<br />

website -bibletruthandprophecy<br />

2401736<br />


NOTICE<br />

Rangiora Players are<br />

calling for cast for<br />

"The Ghost Train",<br />

agenre-defining comedy<br />

suspense thriller by<br />

Arnold Ridley,<br />

directed by Dimitri Gibara,<br />

performances in November.<br />

Full audition information<br />

from our website as listed<br />

below. To book an audition<br />

call Mark, 313-3441.<br />

http://rp.nz/auditions<br />

TIMEBANK Waimakariri<br />

AGM, 7pm Tuesday the<br />

17th of August, Rangiora<br />

War Memorial Hall. Followed<br />

by apresentation on<br />

’What is in your food?’.<br />

Members and the Public all<br />

welcome!<br />

Gardening<br />

2401721<br />

A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />

to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />

work. Also spraying. Free<br />

quotes. Ph 03 312 0668 or<br />

021 111 43<strong>22</strong>.<br />

Thursday,August 2, 2018 | Issue 808 | www.ncnews.co.nz<br />



www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

Visit now toview the paper online &more!<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Landfill -<br />

Operator/Driver<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Waste Services provides resource<br />

recovery, waste transport and waste disposal<br />

services in <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Waste Services is seeking a<br />

fit, versatile team player, preferably with<br />

heavy plant operating experience, willing to<br />

learn all aspects of waste disposal and civil<br />

construction works at the Kate Valley Landfill<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>. The position is part ofa<br />

dedicated team involved in the operational<br />

aspects of earthworks construction and waste<br />

disposal, in asafe andenvironmentally secure<br />

manner.<br />

If you areanexperienced multi-skilled operator,<br />

driver or relatively new to the construction<br />

industry, thenwewouldliketohearfrom you<br />

Youwill need thefollowing attributes:<br />

• Possess appropriate licences tooperate<br />

heavymachinery–Classes 1&4.<br />

• Ideally have experience in the operation<br />

of heavy earth moving machinery.<br />

• Bephysically fit.<br />

• Bereliable and trustworthy.<br />

• Haveinitiative andapositiveattitude.<br />

• Haveawillingnesstolearn.<br />

• Enjoy working as part of a productive<br />

team.<br />

• The ability and willingness to work within<br />

the variable timeframes required by the<br />

CWS operation.<br />

• Apositive, friendlyattitude andoutlook.<br />

The closing datefor applicationsis5.00 pm on<br />

Monday 26 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2021</strong>. To obtain an application<br />

form andjob description, please contact:<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>WasteServices<br />

PO Box 142, Amberley 7441<br />

Attention: Linda Chandler<br />

or email: lindac@cws.co.nz<br />

or telephone03359 1800<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>Waste Services has aZero<br />

Tolerance to drugs and alcohol in the<br />

workplace and undertakes preemployment<br />

andrandom testing.<br />

Public Notices<br />



38 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Situations Vacant<br />

You’ll fit<br />

Right in.<br />




• 0.5 FTE Registered Nurse position available -full range of<br />

shifts<br />

• Registered with the Nursing Council of New Zealand with a<br />

current APC<br />

• Ability to work both autonomously and as asole charge<br />

practitioner<br />

Waikari Hospital, located on an idyllic country hillside, is a10bed<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> DHB rural hospital which caters for Long Term Care,<br />

respite, palliative, and transitional patients for Hurunui residents.<br />

At the <strong>Canterbury</strong> DHB we believe that health is ultimately all about<br />

people. What’s important around here is the way we care for and<br />

respect others, the responsibility taken for delivering outcomes, and<br />

going about our work with integrity.<br />

Ko ngā tāngata, te mātua mahi<br />

Putting people atthe heart ofall we do<br />

Applications are only accepted online so please visit our<br />

website at www.cdhbcareers.co.nz complete an application.<br />

Applicants will be progressed as they apply, soifthis sounds like<br />

you, please apply now!<br />

Find out moreabout us at cdhbcareers.co.nz<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />



FROM $10 TO $100,000<br />

Collections, EstateLots, SingleItems<br />

payuptofollowing prices:<br />

Old Hotel Beer Signs, DB, Speights, etc. $300.<br />

Petrol Pumps $10,000. Oil Bottles, Petrol Oil Hand<br />

Pumps, Enamel advertising signs $3,000. Metal<br />

tractor seats $100. ArcadeGames, Pinball,Flipper<br />

Ball Games, One Arm Bandit Poker Machines<br />

$1,000. Ships Lights andBrass Port Holes $500.<br />

Ships Wheels $2,000. Glass Buoys, Life Rings,<br />

Oars, small Clinker Dinky $1,500. Joinery and<br />

Builders Tools, Glue Pots, Oil Cans, Scribes, Levels,<br />

Plum Bobs, Screwdrivers, Chisels, Lath, Brace<br />

Bits, Screws, old boxes screws, Vice Workbench,<br />

TacHammers, Levels. Gold and Silver Jewellery,<br />

Sovereigns $700. Gold $2,500 ozs. Bracelets,<br />

Chains, Silver Tea Service $5,000. Candlestick,<br />

Statutes, marble and bronze $3,000. Paintings,<br />

2401755<br />

Oak Gilt frames, Furniture.<br />

Old Toys, Dinky, tin<br />

plate, wound-up Money Boxes, collections, etc.<br />

PhoneMurray anytime<br />

021441 400<br />

Personal<br />

Country Lady Looking For Love<br />

Adowntoearth lady with agood senseof<br />

humour &aninfectioussmile.<br />

This lady is full of life, love &laughter, who<br />

enjoys cooking, fishing, campingand the<br />

outdoors. To meet,Pleasecall<br />

0800 446 332 quote code 57<br />

SEMI RETIRED kind,<br />

caring man looking for a<br />

loving relationship.<br />

Seeking agenuine, caring<br />

woman in her 70’s, light<br />

drinker. Ph 020 4129 5331.<br />

For Sale<br />

239<strong>22</strong>00<br />

HONEY 4kg bucket<br />

cooking honey, $30 special.<br />

Available at Gracebrook,<br />

Amberley. Telephone 03<br />

314 7076.<br />

JOBS JOBS JOBS. Want<br />

local work? We service all<br />

industries, Administration,<br />

Construction, Manufacturing,<br />

Labouring Roles and<br />

more. Register with us.<br />

Phone Tina 03 310 7285.<br />

Elevate Recruitment, 113A<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

$$$<br />

Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />

Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />

machineryand farm clean<br />

ups, old vehicles etc.<br />

100% locally owned.<br />

Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />

027 695 0480.<br />

2312759<br />

Educational<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary up to<br />

NCEA level 3. In centre<br />

(Rangiora) or interactive<br />

online from your home.<br />

Each student on an individually<br />

tailored programme.<br />

Kip McGrath Rangiora has<br />

been serving the local community<br />

for 30 +years. Give<br />

us acall (03 313 3638) or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online https://www.kipmcgrath.<br />

co.nz/rangiora<br />

Firewood<br />

DRY WATTLE two years<br />

old, $700 6m2. Dry old<br />

man pine, $550 6m2.Phone<br />

03 312 8726 Rangiora.<br />

SPLIT Old Man Pine 3.7m<br />

@$260, Split Hardwood<br />

Mix 3.7m @$360. Mobile<br />

021 993 497 Paul.<br />

2393749<br />

Travel &Tours<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

PUT YOUR<br />

HAND UP<br />




Being aCAB volunteer is challenging and rewarding.<br />

If you’re:<br />

• agood listener<br />

• willing to learn<br />

• confident using acomputer<br />

• happy to research client enquiries<br />

then you are apotential CAB volunteer<br />

We provide our volunteers with extensive and<br />

ongoing training, and amentorship programme.<br />

Formore information phone us on 03 313 88<strong>22</strong>,<br />

email northcanterbury@cab.org.nz or visit our<br />

website www.cab.nz/location/cab-north-canterbury<br />

Applications close on 26 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Coromandel East Cape Napier Taupo<br />

11 days,departs Tues 12th October<br />

$2,990 pp twin share<br />

DayTrip Arthur’s Pass<br />

Wed18th August $25pp<br />

DayTrip Cheviot Hills<br />

Wed15th September $25pp<br />

Call Reid Tours 0800 446 886<br />

Email: reidtours@xtra.co.nz www.reidtours.com<br />

Driver –Truck and Trailer<br />

We currently have an opportunity for an experienced class<br />

5driver to join our friendly team based in Christchurch.<br />

In this role you will ensure the safe and efficient operation<br />

of ahook lifttruck and trailer unit (training provided).<br />

There is more to collecting waste than you might think, we<br />

offer late model trucks, set up with modern technologies<br />

and we all take pride in delivering an essential service to<br />

local residents and business.<br />

We can offer you.<br />

• A place on our fast-growing team where your safety<br />

and compliance with driving rules is paramount<br />

• Ongoing training and development<br />

• A feeling of pride in delivering an essential service to<br />

our community and working for an organisation that is<br />

innovative and value focused<br />

• Latest technologies on board trucks<br />

• Opportunities to grow and expand your driving career<br />

To be successful in this role you need to have;<br />

• Avalid class 5licence with relevant driving experience<br />

• Relevant transportindustryknowledge and experience<br />

• You will need to be physically fit and have the ability to<br />

work both autonomously and as partofateam<br />

Benefits.<br />

In return weoffer you an opportunity to be part ofagreat<br />

team committed to providing acomprehensive one stop<br />

service to meet abroad range of facility, waste, recycling<br />

and industrial needs of our clients.<br />

About Us.<br />

Waste Management NZ Limited is New Zealand’s leading<br />

resource recovery, recycling and waste management<br />

provider. We’re committed to safeguarding our beautiful<br />

environment through sustainable management of our<br />

valuable resources. Put simply, sustainability is what we<br />

do.<br />

We are leaders in the transportindustryinNZand recently<br />

announced our move to electric trucks as part ofour<br />

commitment to sustainability.<br />

To apply.<br />

The closing date for applications is Monday 2August<br />

<strong>2021</strong>.<br />

Please note -wedonot always work to fixed closing<br />

dates and may start considering applications as they are<br />

received, so we encourage you to apply early.<br />

Apply online www.wastemanagement.co.nz or to obtain an<br />

application formand job description, please contact:<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>Waste Services<br />

PO Box 142, Amberley7441<br />

Attention: Linda Chandler<br />

Or email: lindac@cws.co.nz<br />

Or telephone: 03 359 1800<br />

WM is an EEO employer and promotes drug and alcohol-free<br />

workplaces.<br />

Only applications from those with the legal right to work in New<br />

Zealand will be considered for this position..<br />

2400805<br />

Livestock<br />


&Wild Game<br />

Meat Processing<br />

313 00<strong>22</strong><br />

2309602MEAT2U.NZ<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

ANY old cars, anything pre<br />

1990, unfinished Hot Rods,<br />

Classic Cars. Please call<br />

027 258 8366.<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 258<br />

8366.<br />

WANTED to buy Ford,<br />

Holden, Chrysler or<br />

Chev’s, Classic cars. Any<br />

other types considered, any<br />

condition. Please phone<br />

Tony 027 313 5000.<br />

Motorcycles<br />

SOUTH PACIFIC Motorcycle<br />

Services. Local family<br />

business since 2003. All<br />

types of service and repairs,<br />

all makes and models. Collection<br />

service available.<br />

Please phone 03 312 0066<br />

office@motorbiketours.co.nz<br />

www.motorbiketours.co.nz.<br />

Pets<br />


for smaller dogs. We look<br />

after your dog in our home.<br />

"No kennels". Phone today<br />

03 314 6110.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />


cutting with quality and<br />

removal work. Free quotes.<br />

No job too small. Ph 027<br />

442 <strong>22</strong>19, Fax 03 359 6052<br />

or A/H 03 359 4605.<br />


arbour work, pruning, tree<br />

removal. Affordable &<br />

friendly service. Telephone<br />

021 111 43<strong>22</strong>.<br />

ARBORIST qualified.<br />

Copper Beech Tree<br />

Services. Tree removal,<br />

pruning, height reduction,<br />

hedge trimming, shaping,<br />

tree planting, firewood.<br />

Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />

Edwards 027 259 6741<br />

copperbeechtreeservices@gmail.com<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />

BUILDERS Father &Son<br />

team. Amac Builders are<br />

available to help you with<br />

your building needs. High<br />

standards, low overheads.<br />

No job too small. Check us<br />

out on fb. Amac Builders<br />

Ltd. Ph 027 318 4400.<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

tiled shower restoration,<br />

mouldy silcone, shower<br />

glass & we can even<br />

recolour your old grout!<br />

For all your tile and grout<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a<br />

free, no obligation quote.<br />

Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />


Sew Good Services. For all<br />

your alterations, repairs,<br />

dressmaking, curtains.<br />

Phone 327 5535.<br />

KITCHEN, bathroom,<br />

renovations,decking,<br />

pergolas,fencing. Honest<br />

reliable licenced builders.<br />

Ph Don 027 727 9162.<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

25 + years experience.<br />

Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />

waterblasting. For a free<br />

quote, please ph Steve 03<br />

314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph 021<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />

Log Fires<br />

Pellet Fires<br />

Heat Pumps<br />

Sales<br />

Service<br />

Installations<br />

Free Quotes<br />

03 343 1651<br />

472 Blenheim Rd<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant,<br />

exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />

PAINTER. Qualified local<br />

professional, Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />

RANGIORA Rubbish<br />

Removal and RRR skips.<br />

Wheelie bins any frequency<br />

and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />

concrete<br />

9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />

bins for any use, rubbish,<br />

greenwaste, building sites<br />

or just cleanups. Give us a<br />

phone call 313 6957 or for<br />

skips 021 313 255.<br />

ROOFER. All roof repairs,<br />

roof painting, water blasting,<br />

moss treatment,<br />

repointing, gutter cleans &<br />

snow straps. And more.<br />

Free quotes. Phone Nathan<br />

027 516 6609.<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 0261 or email heather.<br />

norstar@gmail.com.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />

Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

health check. — Ph. 03-<br />

423-3713or021-267-4025.<br />




Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />

horse, all types of animals.<br />

Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />

shelters, runs.<br />

30+ years contract fencing.<br />

Steve is available to help with<br />

your design &planning.<br />

Ph office03312 4747<br />


Forall your painting &<br />

plastering requirements<br />

Local with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 023<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or 021 128 9867<br />


Movemen Ltd<br />

2Men &agood sized truck.<br />

From $150 plus GST per<br />

hour.Kaiapoi based.<br />

Call Gerard<br />

027 668 3636<br />


Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Contact Geoff at<br />

Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />

03 310 8541 or email<br />

geoff@maxval.co.nz.<br />

•Interiorand exterior<br />

painting<br />

•Small-medium size/<br />

repaints<br />

•Minorplasterrepairs<br />

•Timberwindowrepairs<br />

Ph: 0800 462 758 Ph/txt: 021314 319 Mark Taylor<br />

Email: jackiemarktaylor@yahoo.co.nz<br />

Long established local company<br />

www.taylorbuildingmaintenance.co.nz<br />

2091848<br />

<strong>22</strong>20615<br />

2362002<br />

2343272<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

027 216 0000<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />


Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

Guide<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Appliance Repairs<br />

Builder<br />

Builder<br />

Builder /Carpenter<br />



High quality carpentry and building services inthe<br />

local area, with competitive rates and quotes.<br />

F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />

ASKO,Ariston, LG,Classique,<br />

Haier, Samsung and more....<br />

“For best resultsbesuretouseauthorised service”<br />


Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />

1913020<br />

• New Builds<br />

• Light Commercial /Re-strengthening<br />

• Renovations<br />

• Bathrooms<br />

• Farm Buildings<br />

• House Lifting Re-piling<br />

• Shop Fit Outs<br />

2397995<br />

40+ years experience<br />

027 <strong>22</strong>2 5078<br />

markw.hills@xtra.co.nz<br />

• Fencing &Decking<br />

• Kitchen Renovations<br />

• Bathroom Renovations<br />

• Alterations<br />

• General maintenance<br />

Todd Gould<br />

Qualified Carpenter<br />

Licensed Building Practitioner<br />

0<strong>22</strong> 170 1715<br />

tagcarpenters@gmail.com<br />

Butchery<br />

Chiropractic Services<br />

Computer Repairs<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

1680439<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 312 4709<br />

Dr Jess Ross<br />

ACC RegisteredDrChiropractic<br />

Monday &Thursday |03313 0350<br />

Injury, accidents and maintenance<br />

Libi McKinnon Physiotherapy<br />

privatephysio@xtra.co.nz<br />

027 868 2574<br />

ACC Registered Provider | Tuesday&Friday<br />

Select Health<br />

51 Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />

2344089v2<br />

Bruce Evans<br />

131 Ohoka Road<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

03 327 3111<br />

021 293 6331<br />

compucare@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.compucare.co.nz<br />

Computer Repairs &upgrades<br />

Prompt professional services<br />

<strong>22</strong>76525v2<br />

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Come along this weekend<br />

and check out over 800<br />

artworks from 125 artists<br />

all under one roof including<br />

painting, ceramic, woodwork,<br />

photography, textiles and<br />

more. PLUS for something<br />

a little different Have-A-Go<br />

yourself at weaving, felting,<br />

pottery and moreonSaturday<br />

all at the Kaiapoi Club.<br />

www.kaiapoiartexpo.co.nz<br />

Thank You!<br />

to our<br />



SILVER<br />



GOLD<br />


Kaiapoi-Tuahiwi |Rangiora-Ashley<br />

Oxford-Ohoka |

Introducing four artists who<br />

have entered every Kaiapoi Art<br />

Expo since its inception.<br />

Paul Smith<br />

An intuitive artist, Paul uses<br />

collage to create harmonious<br />

blends of colour and texture.<br />

He uses unusual materials such<br />

as tissue paper and amedium<br />

called gelli plate to create<br />

unique abstract artworks that<br />

grace homes throughout the<br />

country.<br />

Transparent washes of colour<br />

reveal images and patterns<br />

created by Paul with all manner<br />

of tools, even credit cards come<br />

in handy for scraping of colour,<br />

and adding atouch that may<br />

or may not meet his exacting<br />

<br />

In the last four weeks he created<br />

six works but four of them<br />

failed to meet his level of satisfaction<br />

and were destroyed.<br />

Of course, all is not lost as they<br />

can always be painted over at a<br />

later date.<br />

“I like to keep painting and<br />

keep my stocks up in case I<br />

get requests for apainting,” he<br />

says.<br />

“I’m always producing something.<br />

In winter my trips to the<br />

studio are pretty short as it’s in<br />

the garage and quite cold.<br />

“But even 10 minutes changing<br />

this bit there, adding that<br />

there is enough.”<br />

Paul likes change and resists<br />

the galleries who like to<br />

pigeonhole artists so they know<br />

what they are getting.<br />

“I don’t wanttoget stale, I’m<br />

constantly developing styles<br />

and techniques and changing,”<br />

he says.<br />

<br />

<br />

His work sells at Artbox gallery<br />

in Christchurch, the Culverden<br />

Gallery and at Arts in Oxford.<br />

Paul has aplea to artlovers;<br />

“Buy art from living artists, the<br />

dead don’t need the money.”<br />

Karin Werner<br />

of Loburn has won the People’s<br />

Choice Award previously for<br />

her equine paintings. Using<br />

watercolour, Karin has captured<br />

the magical moment of a<br />

new foal with its mother which<br />

certainly has the potential to be<br />

apopular pick for the People’s<br />

Choice Award.<br />

Karin’s love of horses and<br />

drawing have always been<br />

major themes in her life.<br />

“Starting on the wallpaper<br />

with crayon at an early age,<br />

I’ve since progressed to more<br />

suitable surfaces and materials,<br />

and now work mainly in oils,<br />

watercolours, pastels and pencils,”<br />

she says.<br />

“My subjects still include<br />

horses and my own chestnut<br />

mare has featured in quite a<br />

few paintings and has earned<br />

her keep as amodel. Ialso<br />

enjoy painting our awesome<br />

South Island landscapes. Portraits<br />

of pets and more recently<br />

people’s classic vehicles are<br />

other subjects Idepict representationally,<br />

but more imaginary<br />

and interpretive work, or<br />

designs also interest me.”<br />

Karin is mainly self-taught,<br />

but she has found life drawing<br />

classes and painting en plein air<br />

have improved her observation<br />

and painting skills.<br />

Amember of the Waimate,<br />

Ashburton and Rangiora Art<br />

Societies.<br />

www.karinwerner.co.nz<br />

Elizabeth Ross<br />

started as aporcelain artist and<br />

<br />

detail required for that medium.<br />

It wasn’t until 2007 that<br />

she started painting on canvas<br />

transferring her well honed<br />

skills to anew medium. The<br />

resulting depictions of birds,<br />

<br />

meticulously executed.<br />

Many pieces of her porcelain<br />

art have found their way<br />

overseas and now her paintings<br />

too. In 2018 her landscape<br />

painting of Lake Mathesonwas<br />

acommission from avisiting<br />

American and it now hangs in<br />

the Ronald Reagan Memorial<br />

Hospital in LA.<br />

Locally her works sells in<br />

Culverden Gallery, Oxford and<br />

at Artarama.<br />

Painting is alife saver for<br />

Elizabeth who although con-<br />

<br />

<br />

spending her time creating art.<br />

Ruby Whitty<br />

grew up in England and trips to<br />

London’s Tate Gallery inspired<br />

her from age eight.<br />

Ruby too started in another<br />

medium, that of folk art which<br />

she enjoyed for many years,<br />

decorating wooden boxes of all<br />

shapes and purpose. Now she is<br />

making the unusual move from<br />

paint to pencil and some of the<br />

works for sale in the Expo will<br />

be pencil drawings.<br />

With family in California,<br />

Perth, Tasmania, and UK, she<br />

is often sent photos they would<br />

like her to turn into paintings.<br />

“They all have my work on<br />

their walls. On my last trip I<br />

took my art folder and said<br />

‘Help yourselves.’”<br />

Ruby sells her work on Trade<br />

Me and Facebook and the last<br />

six went to buyers in the <strong>North</strong><br />

Island.<br />

She is self-taught and is<br />

known for her still life paintings,<br />

but recently moved to<br />

an abstract style focusing on<br />

pipes, industrial pipes of all<br />

sizes with amechanical look<br />

about them. One of her entries<br />

for the Expo, shown here, is<br />

Cornwall, apainting from a<br />

family photo.<br />

Like Elizabeth, painting is an<br />

escape for Ruby, who spends<br />

most of her time at home as<br />

she does not drive and her only<br />

trips from home are on her<br />

mobility scooter.<br />

She enjoys driving it around<br />

the former red zone nearby<br />

and along the stop banks of<br />

<br />

subject material to paint.

Corcoran French supports<br />

local <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> artists<br />

and the work they create.<br />

Local artists matter<br />

in our community<br />

because they provide<br />

asense of creativity<br />

and an opportunity<br />

to look at the world<br />

around us from<br />

another perspective.<br />

Aparticular mention we want togive is to the Waimakariri Arts Trust.<br />

Kaiapoi Office 137 Williams Street<br />

(03) 327 8159 •info@cflaw.co.nz<br />


They’ve initiated some great projects here inKaiapoi. The Trust has worked<br />

with local artists and business sponsors to produce the Kaiapoi Art Expo<br />

over the past 15 years and it’s agreat opportunity to see the work of our<br />

local budding and experienced artists.<br />

In addition, the Trust has initiated some great projects for local<br />

communities, such as the Kaiapoi mural, artist studio visits in Art week,<br />

“have ago” as part of the Art Expo, the School Art Expo as well as<br />

contributions to other community projects in the Waimakariri area.

SALE<br />




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