HGT Magazine #112 July/August 2021

Haida Gwaii articles, local business information, events, classifieds including real estate ads.

Haida Gwaii articles, local business information, events, classifieds including real estate ads.


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Issue 112

July / August 2021

$5 (INCL. GST)

July / August 2021 1




Monica Caulfield, a professional

astrologer since 2007, is passionate

about helping people develop tools of

awareness and purpose in life.







Craig Carmichael seeks broad

perspectives and connects the

seemingly unrelated to discover and

realize new potentials for better living.




Behind the scenes:

Margo Hearne is a 46-year Masset

resident, naturalist and writer. She

uses her skills to build things.


Dear Huckleberry, an observer of

human conduct and love interactions,

is passionate about finding creative

ways to navigate love, friendships and

familiar relationships


Jamie McDonald lives in Daajing

Giids Queen Charlotte and loves

being on the water, gardening and



Selena Adams has a small crochet

business called Full Moon Crochet.

She loves cooking, baking, crafting,

swimming, photography, biking & card



Jasmine Beachy is a wife and proud

mother of two active boys. She is a

local StrongStart facilitator and has

lived in Gamadiis Port Clements for

15 years.


Lin Armstrong loves reading,

writing, jigsaws, theatre sports and

volunteering at the Thrift Store. She

lives in Daajing Giids with hubby Jack

and cat Lady Bean.


Owner/Editor in Chief: Shellene Patience

Assistant Editor: Shannon Hammond

Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing

Team: Direct Design & Andre Favron

IT: Direct Design

Administrative Assistant/Social Media

Manager: Selena M. Adams

Bookkeeper: J. Pigeon Bookkeeping &



On the cover: Kano Greyson Cowpar from the Yahgulaanas Clan, Son of Shawn Cowpar & Kimberly

Robinson | Photo by Byrd's Eye View Photography

What's inside?


22 28 30


Relationship Advice to Amuse and Educate


All about gulls


New word search puzzle feature!


Musings of a three-year-old

Subscribe: Get the HGT magazine

delivered right to your post box and save

20% off the retail price. On-island for one

year (six issues): $24 plus GST. Off-island:

$33.60 plus GST.

Advertise: Haida Gwaii Trader is

committed to help spread the word of

businesses of all sizes with affordable

options for everyone. Rates start as low

as $40 per month plus GST.


Water is Life


Meet Ase Mor the Corner Store Rapper




Submit: We welcome you to send us your

family-oriented stories, news, illustrations,

cartoons, poems, etc., for publishing


Contact Information: Phone: 250-557-

2088 Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T

1R0 Website: haidagwaiitrader.com

Deadline for the September/October issue: content we layout: August 10 th .

Classifieds and print ready submissions: August 20 th at noon.

The views and opinions expressed by the various authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs or viewpoints of

Haida Gwaii Trader. © 2021 Haida Gwaii Trader. All rights reserved.

2 HG July / August 2021 3

Haida Gwaii Trader Values


We proudly serve the unceded

traditional territory of the

Haida Nation along with all

those who live, work and play

on Haida Gwaii. We offer

affordable advertising for all

local businesses and exemplary

off-island businesses whose

products and/or services are in

limited, local supply.


Our focus is to build, maintain

and enhance bridges between

the Haida people and fellow

islanders of all ages, genders

and income, between nature

and humanity, and between

spirit and ego.


We support basic, equitable

needs shared by all, including

social sustainability, clean air,

water and energy, affordable

housing, wellness, and

nutritious, locally produced


Letter from the Editor

Responsible Tourism -

Benevolent Hearts. Light Feet.

By Shellene Patience

Delectably, summer is here and after more than a yearlong

lock down, Haida Gwaii’s visitor welcome mat has

cautiously and gently been laid back out. Businesses

that rely on tourism to survive are eager to see and

serve all cherished guests.

A heart-felt welcome to everyone who has travelled

here. Safety, wellness, learning, discovery, relaxation

and rejuvenation to you all.

Consideration-worthy, as stated on the Province of BC’s

website, Covid-19/Travel section, “Others might be hesitant to welcome visitors

and people need to respect that.”

Undeniably our world remains in an inconstant state and thus, this travel season is

far from ordinary. Goodness knows we all want and need time to “get away from it

all.” These times require that we do it by treading lightly and thoughtfully. If what

is really going on is ignored, the survival of our species may very well be at risk.

The truth is, pandemic-induced economic and social hardships have resulted in

alarmingly increased rates of complex PTSD, domestic violence, substance use and

related harms.

The devastation caused by BC wildfires is unfathomable.

Utmost consideration and respect is needed for all those who mourn: for those

who have lost loved ones due to COVID-19 and to those who grieve the reveal of

more than one thousand, thus far, unmarked graves of Indigenous children found

on former residential school sites across Canada and beyond.

These times call for radical kindness, and as we return to travel we are also being

called to practice responsible tourism. Now called the new frontier of ecotourism,

responsible tourism is being defined as changing the destinations into a better

place for the host community to live.

“Responsible tourism,” as noted on the Indigenous Tourism BC website, “uplifts

travel experiences that create positive impacts for all involved – not just the

traveller. Responsible Indigenous tourism in British Columbia means that your

travel includes consideration of all which is of value to Indigenous


All visitors are encouraged to sign the Haida Gwaii Pledge at

haidagwaiipledge.ca. One foot gently in front of the other dear


Shellene Patience

Haida Gwaii Transition House

Critically Short-Staffed, Seeking Applicants

Submitted by the Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace

After 22 years of serving Haida Gwaii, the Tlaa Juuh Ldaa

Naay Transition House is struggling to keep its doors open,

and is urgently looking for staff to fill critical gaps in its

24-hour schedule. Operated by the Haida Gwaii Society for

Community Peace, the Transition House has been supporting

vulnerable women since 1998 by offering overnight shelter,

referrals, advocacy, and counselling, as well as a generous

dose of kindness and caring.

“We’ve been here for the women of Haida Gwaii, through

thick and thin, for the past two decades,” says Brie Altrogge,

Executive Director. “But due to pandemic conditions, our

incoming resume flow is slow, and we are having difficulty

absorbing natural staffing fluctuations. At this point we have

too few staff to remain open for 24 hours/day, and we are

asking the community to consider applying to work with us.”

The HGSCP is not the only social services agency under strain

across BC. Many shelters are also extremely short-staffed, due

to public nervousness around COVID-19 as well as readily

available CERB subsidies. However, the HGSCP Transition

House has strict health and safety measures in place, including

a comprehensive Pandemic Response Plan, which have

successfully kept staff free of COVID-19 until now.

“For the past 14 months we have not had a single staff

case of COVID-19, which is a huge success and speaks to

the effectiveness of our health and safety protocols. We

People helping people

Transition House entrance in Masset

have priority access to vaccinations, and we also have separate

housing units where we can quarantine new clients

before they enter the Transition House facility, which creates

further safety for staff,” says Altrogge.

The HGSCP offers on-the-job training for staff, as well as a

variety of flexible part-time positions to suit every situation

and work-life balance requirement. There are also opportunities

to grow into higher level positions. The team operates

from a progressive perspective, and has a vision of making a

true difference in people’s lives. Recently they have developed

a gardening program, which offers staff and clients a chance

to get their hands in the dirt and de-stress while growing

fruits and vegetables for the program.

“We are looking for staff with a non-judgmental attitude, a

willingness to learn, and an ability to remain calm in stressful

situations,” says Altrogge. “Further skills we can develop with

on-the job training. If people want work that has meaning

and value, and contributes to a healthy, safe, and happy community,

it could be a good fit.”

If you have questions or would like to apply, you can contact

the HGSCP at td.hgspeace@massett.ca. The organization has

an inclusive hiring policy, values diversity on the team, and

is particularly encouraging Haida/First Nations applicants

to apply.

4 HG July / August 2021 5


Dear Huckleberry is an advice column aiming to use a bit of sound advice to nurture healing and

growth, while hopefully making you laugh a little too. This column is not a substitute for working

with a licensed counsellor. Please seek professional help if you are struggling.

Dear Huckleberry: We moved to the island a couple of years ago for my husband’s job, but

also because we needed the change for ourselves and for our marriage. And oh boy did we

get big change... we fell in love with the island, the people, and with each other over again.

For two years our life was going perfect. But then Covid happened, and next thing I know my

mother-in-law is coming for an indefinite visit... Because of Covid she lost her job and that led

to her losing her home, so she needs the help, but since she got here it’s been a total

nightmare! She bosses me around, criticizes my food, my appearance and my work. I’m

either angry or sad all the time, I’m afraid to walk around my own house because of her, but

the worst thing is I can’t talk to my husband because I want him to be happy and don’t want to

create problems between them. I wish things were different, but I just don’t know what to do.

– Sincerely, The never good enough wife

Dear (I refuse to call you that) Loving Wife: Let me

begin by saying that I acknowledge your anger and the

pain it’s causing having to deal with this alone. I could

also side with you and tell you that your mother-in-law

is ungrateful and you should kick her out. Or … I could

side with YOU, the YOU that loves your husband and

your life, and show you a different way to see things.

Because, my friend, change is one of life’s certainties,

and usually it comes in ways we need it to come in order

to learn and gain something new. So lets start there.

Put yourself in her shoes... a deadly virus affecting

mostly people her age, the loss of her job and stability,

and the loss of her home and safety. Her life was totally

disrupted and her ability to control it was yanked out

of her hands in a second. This level of powerlessness

and vulnerability forced her into a fight or flight mode.

And she chose to fight. At the same time, you had just

started to feel safe again in your new life, but the fear

of losing it has left you vulnerable to change. You have

been so set on making your husband happy that when

she came into the picture with all her need to regain

control, you weren’t prepared to adapt to the situation,

and it became the easiest target in your mind, a ticking

time bomb that only you can see is about to blow up.

I see your pain, but it doesn’t come from a few mean

comments or attitudes from her. It comes from

somewhere deeper inside you, where insecurities and

fears of rejection and loss are hiding. I strongly suggest

you find a professional to talk to, because you deserve

to feel safe to express your emotions, stand up for

yourself, and have the tools to adapt to any change that

life brings your way…

That being said, when it comes to the immediate

problem, this is my advice: First off, talk to your man –

he can share your load without your world ending. You

deserve that kind of partner and I’m sure he will love

the opportunity to show that to you. And secondly,

make some room for your mother-in-law, not as a visitor

but real room for her to feel safe. She doesn’t like your

cooking? Well she can be the new chef in the house.

She wants to criticize your job, well it’s time for a little

job hunting for her. Let the “guest room” become HER

room. Show her she is not an “indefinite visit” and that

she is welcome to find shelter in the place where you

found shelter too. If, after this, she doesn’t come to you

and apologize for her behaviour, I will help you pack her


Dear Huckleberry: My boyfriend cheated on me and I don’t know what to do. Recently he

confessed that he slept with a woman he met off island on a short trip to the doctor. This news

broke my heart, but didn’t surprise me much. For a while now, the routine of our jobs and

different schedules have created a wall between us. We stopped being intimate in every way,

just showing affection when with friends or in public, so it was long ago when I felt he wasn’t

in love with me anymore. But since his confession he has been assuring me that wasn’t the

case and is begging me to give us another chance. I am not the kind of woman who forgives

a thing like this, but despite the affair, and the lack of communication and this huge wall

between us, I know I love him, and honestly I don’t know if I can or if I should forgive him. Am

I delusional to even consider it?

– Sincerely, Heartbroken and Confused

Dear Heartbroken and Confused: I’m sorry you

are going through this, and I’m even more sorry that

I cannot really answer your question, not with the

certainty you need to trust again. Whether you should

or shouldn’t forgive him isn’t the right question, and

his remorse and your forgiveness won’t be enough

assurance that it won’t happen again. Your relationship

is much more than one betrayal, and deserves to be

examined as a whole. For this reason, and with love

and forgiveness in mind, I think you could benefit from

couples therapy, not because he deserves a second

chance, but because you deserve to grow from this, with

him or without him, and without the scars that a broken

heart usually leaves.

That being said, I’ll give you an analogy I use to

understand infidelity – imagine you two as one, sharing

a body and the organs that keep you alive. Now imagine

that body gets a really bad strain of the flu; you probably

started seeing symptoms of it before you knew for sure

you had the virus -- a sneeze, cold shivers, sore muscles.

All these little signs that were telling you something was

wrong. Infidelity works the same way; it’s not the virus,

but a symptom of something bigger threatening your

love, and surprisingly, it is almost always the only strong

enough catalyst that can push you to look for it and fix

what you never knew was broken.

So, you have two options. You either treat it as a virus,

blame it for the destruction of your relationship, and

wear your breakup story as a Band-Aid while you cough

out a lung. Or, you treat it as the symptom that led

you to find, understand and work on the problem, and

actually save said lung. Either way it’s your lung, it’s your

relationship, and whilst love is not enough reason to

save a relationship, it is enough to try.

The problem underneath can be treated as simply

as changing your routine and giving space for

communication and intimacy, or it could be as

complicated as uprooting deep trauma in order to

understand what’s happening. It can lead you to the

decision to stay together or walk away, and it can teach

you new ways to love each other or new ways to love

yourself. Only the work, if you choose to do it, will

tell you someday if you were delusional to consider

forgiveness, but by then you won’t need that answer.

You’ll understand that, apart or together, you will be fine

either way.

Have a letter you would like to

submit for consideration? Email

dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com or send

mail to Dear Huckleberry ℅ Haida Gwaii

Trader, PO Box 313, Port Clements,

BC V0T 1R0

6 HG July / August 2021 7


A Naturalist’s Almanac

All about Gulls

By Margo Hearne

Mew Gull in summer



CR A B S HUCK E R ? PR OVE I T ! $ 1 0 0 0 PR I Z E !


We see gulls all the time and they are wonderful birds on

which to practice our observational skills. They are excellent

swimmers, graceful in flight and usually forage along the

island beaches.

The larger ‘local’ gulls are called Glaucous-winged Gulls.

They nest on the small rocky islets in Masset and Skidegate

Inlets and are gray to the end of their wingtips. Glaucous

Gulls (whoever named gulls needs a lecture on the limits of

our attention span) are white to the end of their wingtips.

We don’t see many; perhaps one or two will fly by in winter.

Then there are the darker Herring and Thayer’s Gulls. At first

glance there doesn’t seem to be much difference between

them, but Thayer’s have black-and-white wing tips and dark

eyes whereas Herrings have almost all black wingtips and

yellow eyes. Thayer’s winter over, but Herrings rarely do.

They only arrive in spring when the herring arrive; it’s one of

those rare occasions when a bird’s name matches its action.

As we look closely at a gull flock on the beach, a darker

gull might appear. It’s marginally bigger than the others but

is darker gray overall with really black wingtips. It could

be a Western Gull, newly arrived for the gathering storms

that bring in food. It’s why all the gulls are here, really. They

might appear to be just hanging out, but don’t believe it for

a moment. There is always something happening in a flock

of gulls.

Just when you thought you had identification nailed down,

a smaller gull lands. It has a small down-curved yellow bill

and yellowish legs. All the bigger birds mentioned above

have pink or pinkish legs, so these stand out. They are Mew

Gulls - small, delicate and light-weight. In flight they dip

and weave over the water, then drop down to pick on small

floating things. Their voice actually sounds a little like their

name; they have a mewing call which can be heard on the

big, interior island lakes where they nest.

Now an even smaller gull arrives. It has unsettled the flock

and they shift and mutter before giving way. But only for a

moment; the warmth of the together group is retained and

the Black-legged Kittiwake settles in with them. Like the

Mew, it too has a small yellow bill but, like its name, has

black legs. As it sways to land, its black wing-tips that look

as though they have been dipped in ink, are clearly seen. It’s

a relief to know that just by looking quickly at a small gull

as it lands you can tell what it is. There is no other bird on

this coast like it.

While scanning the flock you might notice that, even though

the bigger gulls are all about the same size, their colours are

not as clearly defined and can appear all gray or all brownish.

They are young gulls that haven’t taken up their full-grown,

clear white adult colours. Gull identification can be a lifetime

study and many do just that, but, when it comes to gulls, it’s

okay to be more of a generalist than a specialist and continue

to live a happy life.

Emai l office@hai dagwai i futures.ca for more i nformation.

Mi ni mum 48 contestants.

Beach Gulls

Immature Black-legged Kittiwake

8 HG July / August 2021 9

all things haida gwaii

word search

By Selena Adams

Undertaking Undertaking

After Life Care on Haida Gwaii

By Lin Armstrong

Photos by Matt Pierce

For many of us, funerals and after-life care are not easy topics to

contemplate or even talk about. However, at some point it may

become necessary to give these subjects some serious thought, to

plan for the eventuality and, hopefully, leave instructions. Your

final wishes. So, here’s the tough question.

Matt, who is under contract to the Coroner’s Service, will also help

whoever is officiating at the funeral service to ensure a smooth

transition. Anyone can be appointed officiator. The only cost

incurred would be for the transportation, which segues nicely

into the recent donation of a ‘church truck’.

Is Haida Gwaii to be your final resting place?

If so, you might be needing the assistance of the Haida Gwaii

Funeral Services Society (HGFSS), which is comprised of a dozen

islanders, all volunteers. Incorporated in 2019, the Society is dedicated

to providing dignified care of the deceased.

One of the challenges the Society recently addressed was the

shortage of suitable wood for making caskets sourced on-island.

Taan Forest Products was approached, and donated enough cedar

to make the dimensional lumber for twenty casket ‘kits’ which will

be available to residents through the HGFSS.




































1. Hint: _ _ _ _ _ What has black feathers & flies around


2. Hint: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ What has eight tentacles?

3. Hint: _ _ _ _ What can be green & seen on the forest floor?

4. Hint: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ What is black, white, and gets into your


5. Hint: _ _ _ _ What is slimy & goes “ribbit”?

6. Hint: _ _ _ _ Buck or Doe

7. Mystery word... starts with a “C.”

Answer key (the colour of the mystery word is yellow) can be found at the

back of the magazine after the Community Calendar.

Danny Robertson of North Pacific Timber Corporation has

donated milling of the wood into component parts, which will

then be dried and stored. A nominal fee of $100 will be charged

for the pre-cut and ready-to-assemble coffin ‘kit’ for burial or for

transporting the deceased off-island for cremation.

Matt Pierce of Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte stepped into the role

of Funeral Director when George Westwood took a step back after

securing a Funeral Services Exemption from the Province of BC

allowing for all funeral services except embalming to be carried

out by the HGFSS without a licensed funeral home. Matt is now

one of two official legally certified Undertakers and exempted

Funeral Directors on-island.

Services provided by the HGFSS (without charge) include dressing

the deceased, assisting families in communicating with government

ministries and other officials, working with off-island funeral

homes, helping coordinate transportation of the deceased back to

Haida Gwaii, and 24/7 accessibility for help when needed.

A church truck is an adjustable accordion-style metal

frame on casters that aids the transportation of the casket

to/from the hearse. It locks into four positions, allowing

for a wide range of casket sizes. The donation of the sixty-year-old

device came from George Westwood, who

acquired it with the purchase of a previous hearse. The

church truck was recently refurbished by Greg Martin.

The Society is currently tackling another first for the islands. A

crematorium. Approximately fifty percent of islanders opt for

cremation, which can entail a treacherous trip to Terrace in the

winter with associated costs. The Society is looking for people

interested in forming a committee to investigate the possibility

of establishing a cremation facility on-island.

Lastly, Matt would like to thank everyone who is participating in

the HGFSS, those who have volunteered to help in a time of deep

grief and mourning. A special thank you to long-time assistant

Lisa Bellis.

If you would like to know more about HGFSS services you can

call Matt at 250-559-8686. Remember, the Haida Gwaii Funeral

Services Society is available in your time of need to ensure you or

your loved one can rest in peace.

10 HG July / August 2021 11

By David Archer


Wouldn’t it be nice to know that a few more of next year’s

tuition expenses are covered? The Gwaii Trust Society’s

Continuing Education Grant program provides some

financial relief for many Haida Gwaii students who face

ever-rising fees for tuition and course materials. If you are

planning the next steps in your education, whether your

course is short (less than three months) or long (over

three months), now is the time to apply for a grant.

Emma Mitchell

One recent Continuing Education Grant recipient is

Emma Mitchell, who has just completed her third year

of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at UBC’s

Okanagan campus. Emma is from Tllaal Tlell, and she

received $3750 to cover academic costs in 2020/2021.

Haida Gwaii is Emma’s home, and one of the reasons

Emma Mitchell, shown here in her nursing scrubs, received

a $3750 Continuing Education Grant from Gwaii Trust Society

for the 2020/2021 academic year.

she went into nursing is that she knows there will be

opportunities to work on the islands or nearby.

She also sees the possibility of working as a travelling

public health nurse in underserved communities across

northern B.C. “What I like most about [the nursing]

program is how you’re really hands-on and in it from the

start.” Each year of her degree provides clinical experience,

and this year she has been even more grateful for

the in-person instruction. The nursing classes at UBC

Okanagan were the only ones to gather for lab exercises

during the pandemic.

The grant has made a huge difference in Emma’s life.

“When you’re a student, and not having to stress about

money, it makes it a lot easier to just do what you have

to do,” she says. Often, students entering post-secondary

programs need to leave Haida Gwaii, which means

housing and living expenses are an extra financial burden.

Having funds to cover some tuition fees has been

critical in allowing Emma to live on the mainland and

stay in school. Since she knows people are supporting

her, she also finds that the grant sparks a little extra

motivation to keep her GPA up.

For the summer, Emma is working as a student nurse in

Sechelt, B.C. Next year will be her fourth and final year,

and she plans to graduate in Spring 2022. The Continuing

Education Grant has supported Emma’s schooling

during all three years of her degree, and she has

applied for the grant again this year as well.

Lilsgidee Shawnae Robinson

Lilsgidee Shawnae Robinson from Masset is another

grant recipient. She received a GTS Continuing Education

Grant of $1954.60 for the 2020/2021 school year.

This grant has funded courses for Shawnae’s Business

Administration Diploma Program at Coast Mountain

College. Shawnae and her family come from the

Yahgulaanaas Raven clan of the Shark house. She has

lived in Haida Gwaii most of her life and plans to raise

her future children with the same Haida values she grew

up with.

“This semester has been increasingly challenging for

me financially,” Shawnae says. In fall 2020, she decided

to pursue the Business Administration Diploma Program.

She has faced more change since then. “In addition to

this new transition, I discovered that I was pregnant in the

middle of finals week [in December]. With this great news,

I decided to continue to focus on my educational goals.”

Shawnae then registered for five courses in the winter

2021 semester to ensure she could complete the program

before her upcoming due date in August.

This has been an exciting but challenging year for

Shawnae. It has been difficult to find the financial security

that would allow her to focus on her education. But

the Continuing Education Grant has provided relief, and

Shawnae says she has “raised the bar” in her studies. The

proof is in her grades. Last term, Shawnae earned a 3.998

GPA while managing numerous appointments “and trying

to set [her] house up for this new bundle of joy.”

Shawnae expresses gratitude for the grant. “This grant

represents to me an opportunity to build the capacity of

our Indigenous communities, not to mention enhancing my

prospects that will enable B.C. to meet its future economic

and social development needs. Again, I would like to thank

[Gwaii Trust Society for the] support and assistance, because

of which I will be able to fulfill my educational goals.”

Shawnae’s message for students is simple: “If you qualify

for this education grant, I would highly recommend you


Shawnae Robinson stands with her mother, Crystal Swanson Robinson,

kung-jaadaa, nan’aa sa laa xillawaa (woman in the moon, one

who brings good medicine). Photo credit: Council of the Haida Nation,

Graham Richard

Frequently Asked Questions about the Continuing Education Grant

Who can apply?

Residents of Haida Gwaii, whether you’re a mature

student, recent high-school graduate, or full- or part-time


For the purposes of these grants a resident is defined as

someone who has lived on Haida Gwaii for the past 24

consecutive months. A student who has left Haida Gwaii

to attend school but otherwise maintains their residency

is considered a resident.

How much money is available?

Up to $3,750 a calendar year, or a maximum of five

courses to a maximum of $750 per course. Funding will

be based on the actual cost of your course and materials.

Application deadline

Applications are accepted throughout the year. For long-

Join our Youth Board!

Deadline to apply: August 15, 2021

The Gwaii Trust Youth Board promotes quality youth

programming and a vibrant youth community across all

communities of Haida Gwaii.

For more information visit gwaiitrust.com/youthboard

or contact: joey.rudichuk@gwaiitrust.com / 250 626 5139

term courses your application must be submitted no later

than two weeks into the semester or course. For short-term

courses it must be submitted no later than the day before

the course starts.

Who can I contact at Gwaii Trust?

Contact program coordinator Pam Hill at 250 559 8104 or

email ceg@gwaiitrust.com

Is it hard to apply?

Not at all. “I found it a very straightforward process,” says

Emma Mitchell. “I’ve found everyone I’ve worked with to be

very helpful, and they want you to get your funding [...] I’ve

always been supported when I’ve needed it.”

To review the grant criteria and apply online visit us at


Upcoming Deadlines

Food Soverignty: Sep 1, 4pm

Arts Grant: Oct 1, 4pm

Youth Grant: Oct 1, 4pm

Due the 1st of each month at 4pm (no intake Aug or Dec):

Community Innovation

Arts Workshops

Arts Mentorships


12 HG July / August 2021 13

Queen Charlotte Flowers – Bouquets in the Rainforest

By Shannon Hammond / Photos by Aggie Cangardel

Moon Snail egg case sand collar

Moon Snail showing foot and cephalic

tentacles (top right)

When Daajing Giids Queen

Charlotte’s Aggie Cangardel

decided to sell some of

the extra flowers from her

abundant garden on the local

“buy and sell” last summer,

she wasn’t expecting it to be

a long-term business. But

Aggie Cangardel

when they all sold in a flash,

Aggie realized that there’s

a demand for fresh cut flowers on Haida Gwaii, and so Queen

Charlotte Flowers was born. She even found ways to extend her

offerings into the winter months. “When the growing season

ended and I could extract nothing more from my garden, I

started creating Christmas wreaths with locally foraged and

grown materials. Then a friend reached out to me and asked if I

could order in fresh flowers for a special bouquet, so I did... and

realised that fresh flowers in the depths of winter are a spark of

hope and joy for people.”

Queen Charlotte Flowers has been sparking hope and joy for

residents of Haida Gwaii since its official launch in August of

2020. During the growing season most of the flowers come

from Aggie’s garden. She also sells dried flower arrangements.

Whatever you might need flowers for, whether it’s an event with

many arrangements or a bouquet for someone you love, Aggie

is keen to help. She offers delivery with Port Air Cargo islandwide,

and delivers personally to both HlGaagilda Skidegate and

Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte.

To find out more about Queen Charlotte Flowers,

check out queencharlotteflowers.com, email

queencharlotteflowers@gmail.com, call 778-645-4921,

or look for Queen Charlotte Flowers on Facebook and


As the world’s biggest living marine snail, the Lewis’ Moon

Snail has a huge shell for a snail, with a diameter measuring

2.25-5.5 inches (5.7-14 cm). Their almost round shells

are very thick, with yellows, whites, and pale brown colours

wrapping around the shell. The fleshy mantle almost

covers the snail’s head when it is extended.

Moon Snails get around by gliding on a huge foot covered

in cilia and mucus, and this foot can be up to 12 inches

(30.5 cm) long. A Moon Snail can shrink itself in a number

of different ways – spurting out water, sliding into its shell,

or closing its operculum to seal the opening. However,

they can only stay in their shells for so long, as they need

to come out in order to breathe.

Lewis’ Moon Snail

Submitted by Charlie Pearson

the collar remains quite rubbery and pliable but becomes

brittle when it dries out. The eggs hatch into microscopic

butterfly-like larvae and are released when the egg collar


The range of the Lewis’ Moon Snail covers the Northwest

Coast of British Columbia south to Baja, California. They

live on or in sand and mud to a depth of up to 600 feet

(183 metres) in protected bays and intertidal zones. And

we all have their discarded shells in our homes and gardens

here on Haida Gwaii!

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Specialty Coffees

Crispy Fish N’ Chips

Fish Tacos


Clam that became a

Moon Snail’s meal!

The life expectancy of a

Moon Snail is estimated to

be a few years. They prey on

clams, mussels, and various

other mollusks, occasionally

even preying on other

Moon Snails. They use their

foot to grab and clamp

the clam shell. Then their

radula, or tongue, drills a

hole into the shell. Studies

have indicated that when

Moon Snails drill that hole

in the clam shell, they are also secreting an enzyme called

carbonic anhydrate, which softens the shell for easier

drilling. Once the snail gets through the clam shell, its foot

becomes a siphon to extract and eat the clam.

Evening hours & buckets

of chicken coming soon!

Masset’s Newest!

Moon Snail reproduction is unique and quite fascinating.

Their egg cases can be found in late spring and early summer,

a “collar” of sand and mucus with thousands of eggs

sandwiched between the layers of the collar. When wet,

Operculum - the Moon

Snail’s door

14 HG July / August 2021 15

The World According to Carter

Musings of a Three-Year-Old

By Jasmine Beachy

Summer. These are some of the hardest months I have ever

encountered as a mother. With the long days, the argument

at bedtime is, “but it’s not dark out.” StrongStart (where I

work) was still in full swing as we approached solstice in

June, so a good night’s sleep was still needed. Late to bed,

early to rise. The birds start chirping at 5 am, shortly after

the sun starts making its reappearance. The boys also make

their appearance in my bedroom around this time. Yes, the

days are much longer now.

A couple months back, when it was still dark enough to

put the boys to bed without argument, I was sitting on the

couch about to put Carter to bed. He looked at me and said,

“Mommy, it’s dark. You have to get off the couch because the

people are coming, and they are going to sit on you.” Well,

that’s a little unsettling. What people?

For dessert one night I put whipped cream on fruit for Carter.

He heard the whipped cream can. “Mommy! Are you putting

that on cake?!” I replied no, and he asked why. I said “because

I’ve put it on fruit.” “Only fruit?! Hmph. No fair.”

Carter: “Mommy, remember my Paw Patrol chair?”

Me: “Yes.”

Carter: “Where is it?”

Me: “In the camper.”

Carter: “Remember when I pooped in it at the beach?”

Me: “No I don’t.”

Carter: “Well I did. I don’t ever want to do that again. I

won’t poop in my chair, or mommy’s chair, or daddy’s chair,

or papa’s chair, or uncle’s chair.”

Carter: “Okay Mommy, it’s

time to get up. It’s time to go

to StrongStart.

Me: “No I’m sorry hunny, I

don’t feel well today.”

Carter: “Why? Does your

tummy hurts?”

Me: “Not right now, but it did

a bit last night.”

Carter: “Oh, okay Mommy.

I’ll get you some water and

then it’ll make your tummy

better. Okay?”

Me: “That’s okay Carter, my tummy

doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Carter: “No Mommy, it’s okay.

I’ll get you water to make you feel

better because I just told you that.

Then we will go to StrongStart.”

“DAD! Look out! That bug is trying

to take your blood!” There

was a mosquito flying around

Clint. Thanks for the warning


Clint came home from work one

evening and the boys were colouring.

He said hi to them and

gave them hugs. Carter looked

at him and said, “Why are you

here? Go away. Go into the ocean

so the sharks can eat you. JUST

KIDDING haha.”

Carter: “I love you.”

Me: “I love you too Carter.”

Carter: “And I love Daddy, and

I love Connor, and I love Allison.”

Me: “That’s nice Carter, well they love you too.”

Carter: “Yep, all the people love me. I love my shirt too. It

says Dino Boss.”

Carter and Connor were horsing around and ended up bonking

their heads together. I cuddled and kissed them both to

make it better. Carter said, “Thank you Mommy.” “For what?”

I replied. “For kissing my head.”

It is amazing to sit back and observe what these little people

do and listen to what they have to say. As Carter’s vocabulary

grows, so does his strong personality. Sometimes our

discussions have me crying with laughter, other times he

surprises me. I encourage parents to really listen to what

your kids chatter about and make a note of jotting it down on

some paper or in your phone. You will not be disappointed!

If you have any funny children’s stories to share, send them

to Shellene at HG Trader at info@haidagwaiitrader.com.




• September 7 th & 20 th

• October 4 th & 18 th

• November 1 st & 15 th

*Please note: dependent on the Provincial Health Order, members of the public may not be

able to attend Council meetings physically in person. Alternative means of participation are

available, such as calling (250-557-4295) or emailing (office@portclements.ca) the Village

Office ahead of Council Meetings with questions for the Agenda items to be read out to Council

during the “Questions from the Public and Press” section of the meeting. Meetings are also

accessible through Zoom.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic:

Stay Home, Wash Your Hands, Save Lives.


35 Cedar Ave. West, PO Box 198 • Tues-Fri 9:30am-1pm

250-557-4295 • Need an after hours appointment? Please don’t

hesitate to call or email us. For any after hours public works

emergencies, call 250-557-4272

www.portclements.ca • office@portclements.ca



16 HG July / August 2021 17


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Water Is Life

Gántl’ uu xiinaanga uu iijans | Gandll uu xaaynang.nga uu iijii

Photos and webinar content courtesy of the Haida Gwaii Food Strategy

The Haida Gwaii Food Strategy (HGFS) is an all-island project that involves a number of organizations, including the

Council of the Haida Nation (CHN); Haida Child and Family Services Society; Niislaa Naay Healing House and Xaay

DaGa Dlaang Society: Healthy Haidas Program; Gwaii Trust; Skidegate Band Council; Local Food 2 School/Xaada Foods

Committee; Swiilawiid; Haida Gwaii Museum; and Northern Health.

Now more than ever, people are embracing the vulnerability of Haida Gwaii in regards to the food we eat and the water

we drink. It’s not just about supply, it’s about food quality and food economics. It’s also clear that food sovereignty success

depends a great deal on the ability of our island communities to work together.

In continuing to explore this important topic, on April 22, 2021, Jisgaang Nika Collison hosted the sixth HGFS webinar

titled Gántl’ uu xiinaanga uu iijans | Gandll uu xaaynang.nga uu iijii Water is Life. Topics under discussion were centred

around water, both freshwater and saltwater. Presenters talked about effects of climate change on the ocean and on freshwater

supplies, the economic and cultural importance of water, using water as an energy source, and the importance of

protecting and conserving all of our water resources. Below is some of what was discussed among webinar participants.

Nang Jingwas Russ Jones

“There is potential to redesign fisheries and implement Haida rights based fisheries so

that Haida people can continue to make a living from the ocean. We are lucky to live

in a place where we can still get our food from the ocean. Our home is still largely free

from pollution and industrial development. We need to treat the ocean with respect.

We must protect our waters. We have to carefully manage what we have so it is there for

future generations.”

Xaldáang ‘Láa guudad Marina Jones

“Training up a child in the way they shall go, and they shall never depart

from it. I think of these words when I stand in our smokehouse. We hang our

halibut, our sockeye, our black cod… our children cherish the feed when it’s

done. Always share your knowledge with your children about the importance

of continuing prepping your winter food. Every second on Haida Gwaii we

listen to the orchestra of music – our eagles are singing, our ravens are singing,

our killer whales are blowing while they go by. They are echoing peace and

harmony to our community.”

Layla Reynolds

“Water oh water oh water in the sea, the sea is so vast I can’t help but feel free. Into water

we can dive to see where animals thrive, but don’t forget about the plants - they too are

alive. Water oh water oh water in the rivers, there are so very many and all the food

they deliver. Some rivers run deep and slow; we can only guess where they will go, but

others topple over rocks before going with the flow. Water oh water oh water in the lakes

can be clean and fresh and cure many aches. Home to insects, planktons, amphibians

and fish, that they remain clean and healthy is forever I wish. Water oh water oh water

everywhere on Haida Gwaii... We may have a fair share but we must always remember

to treat it with care.”

Nang Kilslas Trent Moraes

Nang Kilslas spoke of the 2015 drought conditions in Skidegate, and what was done to

mitigate the effects. He emphasized the importance of preparing for future droughts, and

also discussed water as energy. “You wouldn’t think that water is a part of energy but it’s

actually a pretty important aspect of energy. We’ve been working with our energy initiatives

for some time and water is one of the largest renewable resources we have.”

Kihlgula Gaay.ya Severn Cullis-Suzuki

“So, what can we do to support our healthy water systems? I think we can practice our

connections to water. I think Haida beliefs about water are so powerful, and I think that all

citizens of Haida Gwaii could learn from these beliefs and could begin to practice respect

towards the supernaturals that live in the creeks, rivers, lakes, and oceans. Let’s all bring that

into our lives so that we can continue to strengthen our support of the waters and lands. We

have to continue to stay vigilant. We can never take what we have for granted. We have to

stay aware of what’s happening in the world around us, and the lures that will surely come.”

K’aayhlda Xyaalaas Rayne Boyko

“The word reciprocity is always in my thoughts when I think of these issues. Both the oceans

and the freshwater systems are so important for us. It’s a mutual dependence, a cyclical

relationship that provides everything we need, and in return we have to recognize that we

have an inherent responsibility to take care of the waters that we depend on for everything,

as well as practicing our gratitude and giving thanks to the sacredness of water. All life exists

as a byproduct of water. Beyond providing life, water is a huge part of Haida culture, which

has always connected the land and the sea. Our Haida culture depends on water.”

Kihlguulaans Christian White

“The water table is basically underground lakes, and there are many of them, I’m sure,

under Haida Gwaii. And we have also large lakes too. So we have all those resources.

Water is more valuable than oil. We see in the eastern part of the province where fracking

has been going on, and it’s only a matter of time before the water is contaminated. So

we see that we have to protect our freshwater resources. It has a really high value. That’s

something that we have to really look at in the future, the water tables of Haida Gwaii.”

To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

18 HG July / August 2021 19

Get In Touch

Chantal Bacchus

Tourism & Economic Development Manager

Misty Isles Economic Development Society



Join Today!

Though 2021, all costs associated with the

program are on hold due to COVID-19, to better

help out small businesses during this

challenging time.

Update your profile!

Existing Love Haida Gwaii Businesses - now is

the time to review and update your existing

profile. Add your social media accounts, check

your contact information, update your hours of

operation, and anything else you need.

The power of photography

High quality images of yourself, your business

and your products play an essential role in your

marketing efforts. A local photographer, familiar

with the character of your community, will work

with you to capture the spirit of your business.

Tell your story

Working with a professional writer, your online

profile will be created to feature the story of your

business, your journey as an entrepreneur, your

products and services, and to highlight the

ways you give back to your community.

Is my business eligible?

Love Northern BC is open to independently owned, non-franchise businesses that are located in

our participating communities. Love Northern BC as a marketing tool works best for businesses

that are focused on retail goods and services.

20 HG July / August 2021 21

estuAry explorAtion – Teaming with life, sounds, textures and movement, picking an estuary, any

estuary on island and walking around in it is always a great way to explore and observe wildlife on these islands. My favourites

include where the archipelago’s largest river, the Yakoun, flows into Masset Inlet; the Kagan Bay day use area; and

the Mamin estuary. Great place to pick glasswort or sea asparagus.

A to Z Fun on Haida Gwaii

InspIratIon for Your Island summer

Article and Photos by Jamie McDonald

AgAte hunting – Beautiful see-through agates are a type of

microcrystalline quartz. There are at least 10 varieties of agates on Haida

Gwaii… definitely prized treasures for all beachcombers! If you need more

information, be sure to get a copy of Agate Collecting with Dutes: Your Guide

to Finding Agates in Haida Gwaii. Created by Dutes Dutheil, the late founder

of Tll.aal Tlell’s Crystal Cabin Gallery, copies can be purchased at their store

or via their online shop at crystalcabingallery.com.

Sundew plant

CAmping – Haida Gwaii offers such a variety of camping experiences,

ranging from rugged wilderness camping to provincial campgrounds

to glamping in luxurious pre-installed canvas tents at Tll.aal Tlell’s Haida

Gwaii Glamping. My top five camping spots are: Diinal GawGa Gray Bay

and Mosquito Lake on Moresby Island, Misty Meadows Provincial Campground

in Tll.aal Tlell, Hl'yaalang Waagusd North Beach, or any island in

Kagan Bay! These spots each have their own virtues, either being close to

town, by the ocean, in a mystical forest covered in moss, by a lake that’s

wonderful for swimming and fishing… For more information on camping,

visit: gohaidagwaii.ca/what-to-do/camping.

Beach agate finds

Photo by Shannon Hammond

Bog explorAtion – Bogs provide habitat for mammals,

nesting shorebirds, vulnerable amphibians, and distinctive insects. They

also provide habitat for carnivorous plants such as Sundew, which can be

identified by the small drops of digestive juices that sit at the end of each

leaf. Bogs always have such amazing looking miniature trees and an array of

colour and textures to delight all our senses! Go have a look at the Bog on

the Regier Lake hike (1 hour uphill hike in Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte),

along the road between Gamadiis Port Clements and Masset, or up the trail

at White Creek on Tow Hill Road.

Camping at Chaahluu Kaahlii Rennell Sound

DisC golf - Disc golf is a fun and inexpensive activity to do with family or a group of friends. Think golf

rules (getting an object to a target in the least amount of tries), but with a frisbee-type disc. “We have an 18 hole course

set up on Nadu Road,” says disc golf enthusiast Sam Ismay. “Tee boxes are orange or pink flagging tape, and we have tin

wrapped around trees for holes. We also have a map made if you would like a picture or we have print outs at home.” For

more information, contact Sam: ismaysam@gmail.com.

forAge for fooD – Our islands provide so many opportunities

for food foraging! A forest walk can yield berries, as well as spruce

tips, venison, and mushrooms, to name a few. A low tide walk or boat ride

can provide clams, crab, salmon, octopus, mussels, sea asparagus, seaweed,

and more! And once you get home with your foraged food, you can look in

Susan Musgrave’s A Taste of Haida Gwaii to find a recipe showcasing your

food item alongside stories of the islands’ colourful residents. Delicious!

Please note that many of the foraging activities listed above require special

equipment or knowledge, and/or a guide to show you the ropes. Make sure

you are foraging within your skill level!

geoCAChing – Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants

navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that

location. There are a growing number of geocaches on island every year (about 30) as new geocachers get into it and make

new caches. Caches are often placed in locations that are designed to bring people to see something special. The caches

vary in size and in difficulty, some being very easy and some requiring extensive gear or difficult maneuvers to get to them.

According to geocaching enthusiast Bobbi-Lee Chatelaine of Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte, key things to remember are:

always replace the cache exactly where you found it, always leave a treasure if you take one, and clean up after yourself to

help keep those beautiful sites clean and healthy. Go to geocaching.com or download a geocaching app on your phone to

get all the information you need.

hit the hiking trAils – Hiking is definitely

one of the most popular activities on island. Here are some of

my favourites: In Naay Kun Naikoon Provincial Park, the Taaw

Tlldawee Tow Hill trail brings hikers to breathtaking views. If you

don’t feel like climbing up, the Kwahtsiisda Blow Hole trail is a

wheelchair-accessible boardwalk winding through forest to reach

a rocky shoreline. It offers a great view of the dramatic volcanic

cliff as well as great splashes of ocean water if you time it with

the tides. In Gamadiis Port Clements, the fascinating story of the

revered Kiid K'iiyaas K'yuu, a Sitka Spruce with golden needles,

captured in The Golden Spruce book, sets the tone for a hike on a

trail set amid giant cedars and spruce leading to the former home

of the tree. In Tll.aal Tlell, a trek through the forest and sprawling

beaches leads you to a shipwreck called the Pesuta, washed ashore

in 1928. Right by Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte, you can find

the trail to Kuu Jad TlldaGaaw Sleeping Beauty, a steep 2-3 hour

climb leading you to breathtaking viewpoints of the inlet and the

mountain range on the west coast. Check out ehcanadatravel.com/



View from the top of Kuu Jad TlldaGaaw Sleeping Beauty

22 HG July / August 2021 23

iCe CreAm – Nothing says summer quite like stopping in for a nice ice cream cone! Whether you like hard or

soft serve ice cream or frozen yogurt, there are retailers in every community serving your favourite summer lick! Check

out Causeway or Gather in Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte if you are down south. Up north, Charters sells soft serve in

Masset, and along the way Fork in Port (just outside Gamadiis Port Clements) serves frozen yogurt, and Crow’s Nest in

Tll.aal Tlell serves hard ice cream.

JAmming – Go outside somewhere, bring a ukulele, guitar or flute and

play some tunes! Not only is it a great way to relax but you may find some kindred

spirits itching to jam with you.

pit Cooking – This is a method for cooking food buried below

ground. Last summer I had my first direct experience of pit cooking on the

beach by Slatechuck Creek... highly recommended! Step 1 – dig a pit; Step 2 –

make a fire in the pit (1 hour minimum); Step 3 – collect and soak some cedar

boughs and your meat in the salty ocean water; Step 4 – move the fire to a spot

beside the pit; Step 5 – place the wet cedar bows above and below the meat in

the pit and cover with rocks; Step 6 – place the fire on top of the rocks and let it

burn for 1 to 3 more hours; Step 7 – move the fire, dig up your food and savour

it with friends and family!

kAyAking – If you are a fan of peace and quiet, wilderness, and remoteness,

a kayaking trip is definitely a must. “Immerse yourself in these islands

quietly and respectfully, moving gracefully across the water one stroke at a time,”

is what Green Coast, a local kayaking company promotes on its website. With

bike, kayak, and paddle board rentals, Green Coast in Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte

can get you geared up for exploring the wilderness. This company also offers

guided tours. Check them out at gckayaking.com.


Quirky spots – Haida Gwaii definitely is home to some quirky

people and human-made or natural quirky spots! Here are two quirky spots

you should be sure to visit this summer: Just outside HlGaagilda Skidegate,

HlGaa K'aayhllnga Balance Rock is a sight to behold. And in Tll.aal Tlell, Noel

Wotten of Sitka Studio has created an incredible space that he carved out of

the stump of a single tree (for more info: treehugger.com/tiny-house-carved-outsingle-tree-4851454).

Jamie pit cooking deer legs


and longhouse, Gaw Tlagee Old Massett

longhouses – Representing the earliest form of permanent structure

along BC’s west coast, Haida houses or longhouses, a type of long, narrow,

single-room building, can be seen in many places on island. These longhouses,

made from large cedar trees, are incredible to look at. Taking a trip to all the

different ones you can find on island is a great way to spend a summer day! Here

are a few you can start with: Sarah’s Longhouse in Gaw Tlagee Old Masset (also a

gift shop!), Hl'yaalang Hiellen Longhouses on Hl'yaalang Waagusd North Beach

(the drive there is worth it for the drive itself!), and Saahlinda Naay Haida Gwaii

Museum in HlGaagilda Skidegate.

roller skAting – Ladybird’s Boutique in Masset might be able to help with vintage roller skate rentals.

Look for Ladybird’s pop-up shops throughout the summer, or look for Ladybird’s B on Facebook. If you’ve already got

roller skates, you can get a key from the Village of Masset office to skate indoors, or simply skate outdoors.

support fArmers mArkets – What better way to enjoy a lovely summer weekend than by

strolling through the market stands perusing the delicious locally grown or baked food and artisan crafts. There are markets

in four of the islands’ communities: in Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte at Gather on Oceanview Drive, Saturdays from

11 to 2 pm; in Masset on the main drag at their new location across from Delma’s Co-op, Fridays from 11 to 2 pm; in Tll.

aal Tlell behind the fire hall, Sundays from 11 to 2 pm; in K’il Kun Sandspit at the ALM School near the pergola, Sundays

from 11 am to 1 pm.

mountAin Biking – Mountain biking is a fun way to exercise out in nature. Trailforks has compiled The

Best Mountain Biking Trails in Haida Gwaii (trailforks.com). This website has ratings and info for six trails in Masset, K’il

Kun Sandspit, Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte, and HlGaagilda Skidegate. It includes a map, elevation, distance and level

for each trail. There is also a local Facebook page called “Haida Gwaii MTB” for mountain biking enthusiasts. This group’s

goals are to improve and promote public use mountain biking trails on Haida Gwaii, and their page has some good videos

and pictures of mountain biking on Haida Gwaii.

nAture iDentifiCAtion – Anywhere you go on island, nature surrounds you, so what better summer

activity than to go out and learn more about identifying plants on island. Here are my top three free plant identification

apps: PlantNet, iNaturalist, PlantSnap. If you are more into doing plant ID with books, get your hands on Pojar &

MacKinnon’s Plants of Coastal British Columbia.

totem pole AppreCiAtion – Sitting in front of a

totem pole, taking time to look at the details and learning the meaning of

each carved figure is an awesome summer activity! According to the Hello-

BC website, “Carved poles in Haida culture are distinct. While often referred

to as ‘totem poles,’ they are actually heraldic, with carvings representing

the crests and histories of the families for whom the poles were created.”

Commonly used figures include eagles, whales, ravens, frogs, beaver, bears,

and thunderbirds. The complimentary tourist information guides published

by GoHaidaGwaii, which can be picked up at Visitor Information Centres

throughout the island, include an image of most of the monumental poles

found on the islands.

outDoor CinemA – Outdoor movies are truly a unique summer experience for people of all ages. Hosting

an open-air cinema event is a fun, unique way to enjoy your favourite movies under the stars! It’s like going to a drive-in

movie where you don’t need a car. Viewers get all the things they love about going to the movies – popcorn, a great flick,

hanging out with friends – plus the enjoyment of sitting in the great outdoors on a summer night. Simply find a large grassy

area, set up the screen and video projector, and voila… Welcome to the show.

HLGAAGILDA Pole, HlGaagilda Skidegate

uV rAys – Summer days on Haida Gwaii are long… over sixteen

hours of daylight at the peak of summer. Even though northern Canada

generally has the low UVR, there is pretty much always a cool breeze out,

so you gotta watch not to get burnt…and as soon as that sun goes down,

make sure you have an extra layer of clothing around, as it cools down fast.

24 HG July / August 2021 25

VieWing the sun AnD moon rising AnD setting – As the colours in the sky slowly

begin to fade away into night or slowly begin to appear in the early morning, enjoy a moment of peace and tranquility. Some

of the best spots for viewing sunsets and sunrises are Hl'yaalang Waagusd

North Beach, where you can sometimes see both the sun set and the moon

rise at the same time, or on top of one of the mountains like Sleeping Beauty

or Mosquito Mountain (if you are sleeping there), where both sunsets and

sunrises are spectacular. The website timeanddate.com is a good resource

for looking up what’s happening with the sun and moon as they rise and

set.up what’s happening with the sun and moon as they rise and set.

WilDlife WAtChing – Haida Gwaii’s wildlife is so

Sunset on Hl'yaalang Waagusd North Beach

diverse,with Black Bears, Sitka Deer, and a diverse array of birds in the deep

forests. Dwelling in the ocean are whales, orcas, dolphins, porpoises, River Otters, Harbour Seals, and Stellar Sea Lions,

alongside salmon, herring, and rockfish. A rich inter-tidal zone boasts sea stars, anemones, and crabs. Over 1.5 million

seabirds nest along the coast. My favourite bird watching spot is the Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary in Masset.

xAAD kil (also Xaat Kíl, Xaadas Kíl, Xaayda Kil) – Learn about the Haida language with some of

the great resources produced by SHIP (Skidegate Haida Immersion Program), available at the local libraries on island. You

will also notice Haida language street and commerce signs posted in many of the islands’ communities.

yummy yummy in my tummy – After you’ve been exploring the wonders of the islands all day,

what a wonderful array of restaurants you have to choose from. Here are a few of our favourites (all of them have Facebook

pages and/or websites):

Carol will be on Haida Gwaii July 19-23.

Appointments must be made prior to July 16.

Send us your digital images, designs or

artwork and we’ll make quality artcards,

postcards, Tshirts, hoodies, hats, aprons,

pillows, mats, purses, mouse pads, canvas

prints, fine art plexiglass prints . . .





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• Tow Truck

• Charters

• The 626 Fish and Chipper

Tll.aal Tlell

• Crow’s Nest

ZZZ… We have so many amazing and beautiful places to sleep on island! Whether it’s a hammock strung between

two trees in the luscious mossy forest, a mattress strewn on the beach to star gaze, a luxurious tree house up on Hl'yaalang

Waagusd North Beach (Highwater House) or lodging in a longhouse (Hl'yaalang Hiellen), the sound of the waves will be

sure to offer you a peaceful relaxing sleep!

Happy and safe 2021 summer to all!

Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte

• Ocean View Pub

• Gather

• The Phantom Kitchen

• Blacktail

Gamadiis Port Clements

• Fork in Port

• Angela’s Café and Fuel Station

• Bucksnort Café

HlGaagilda Skidegate

• Jags Beanstalk

• Dave’s Take Out




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26 HG July / August 2021 27

What Words Cannot Say

Thank you, Haw’aa/Haawa to all participants

PC: Byrd’s Eye View Photography

Except those with orange dots

Residential School Crisis Line 1-866-925-4419

24 Hour Crisis Line for all people 1-888-562-1214

28 HG July / August 2021 29

Tee Time

Staying the Course

By Lin Armstrong

Photos by Fran Fowler and Laurie Chisholm

This article comes with a warning. Fore! It means be aware

there is a golf ball in play, possibly heading in your direction.

There’s a lot of fore!play happening these days on the golf

course in K’il Kun Sandspit. The eighty acres recently sold

and there are great plans afoot by the new owner. But before

getting to the present let’s go back to how the Willows Golf

and Country Club came to be in the first place.

John Mathers, a Scottish immigrant, came to the islands in

1900 to possibly reopen a coal mine. Instead, he bought into

a clam cannery and oilery at Skidegate Landing and married

his business partner’s niece, Elizabeth Hall. They had

three children, Elizabeth (Jo), Agnes, and William. Agnes

would go on to teach school, first at Dead Tree and later in

small schools located on island. In 1907 the Mathers family

moved to K’il Kun Sandspit and started a potato and sheep

farm. By rowboat, they sold their crops and mutton to people

around Skidegate Inlet, which included a number of logging

camps. Later, the land supported a herd of registered Holstein

cows, making milk available to their customers. When the

Canadian government brought in pasteurization rules, it

was financially impossible for the Mathers to upgrade and

continue supplying milk, despite the fact their milk had the

lowest bacterial count in BC according to a government vet.

Skip to 1972. The farm is about to undergo a metamorphosis.

It began with a knock on the door, and two Crown Zellerbach

Canada Ltd. (CZ) employees entered with a plan. To

John’s amazement they were proposing that a portion of the

farm become a golf course. John’s son William (Bill) agreed.

With the help of equipment from CZ, thirty-five acres were

transformed into nine greens, each with two tee offs, allowing

players to have a full eighteen-hole round. The course was

christened The Willows due to a proliferation of willows on

the creek.

Volunteers fund-raised, helped cut the greens and fairway,

and ran tournaments. Golfers from on and off island enjoyed

the uniqueness of the course for many years. Some golfers

played a round after work and caught the last Kwuna ferry

home. There were friendly Haida Challenge tournaments

between Gaw Tlagee Old Massett and HlGaagilda Skidegate


John Mathers | Photo courtesy HG Museum Archives

Once there was a three-hole Halloween Shoot Out with the

first hole-in-one being awarded a thousand dollars. Pacific

Coastal Airlines donated a round trip to Vancouver for

both the men’s and women’s Long Drive. Golfers from Terrace,

Smithers, and Burns Lake would charter a plane to fly

to the islands on long weekends to play a round or two or

three. Rentals of clubs, carts, pull-carts and membership

sales brought in much-needed revenue.

Bill’s daughter Margaret and her husband Brian Charman returned

in 1998 to the very same house John Mathers (Margaret’s

grandfather) built in 1907. For many years Brian would

work at the airport and then mow the course’s grass until

A fairway on The Willows golf course

Mather’s Sheep Farm | Photo courtesy HG Museum Archives

Fairway, present day

30 HG July / August 2021 31

dark. Golfer Moe Hayes from Prince Rupert came to teach

golf swings in the high school gym.

In 2015 the course was saved from closure with a one-year

lease between the Mathers family and an island resident who

set about renovating the club house. With the lease set to

expire on December 31, and a rumour The Willows might

revert back to a potato farm, Bill Quaas, a long-time resident

of K’il Kun Sandspit, called a Town Meeting.

Subsequently, a three-year lease for 2016 to 2018 was signed,

and the Sandspit Golf Course Society (SGCS) was formed.

Volunteers continued renovating the club house and made

other upgrades, thanks to a Vibrant Communities grant from

Gwaii Trust.

From 2019 to April 2021 the course was maintained, although

not open, by four dedicated members of the SGCS.

Bill Quaas, his sons Evan and Stefan, and Behn Cochrane,

all from K’il Kun Sandspit, volunteered to keep the course

presentable in the hope someone would buy the eighty acres

which included the golf course. Bill Quaas likened the grass

mowing to cutting ten thousand back yards. It would take

ten hours using a forty-year-old gang mower pulled by his

pick-up truck to do all of the fairway, tee boxes and fringes.

Their dedication paid off.

The Ad is Answered

Imagine the surprise when the soon-to-be owner first showed

up in October 2020 to look at the property and found the

course all ship-shape and Bristol fashion! The volunteers

had kept the original pastures and brush from reasserting

themselves onto the course during the years it was inactive.

The new owner is Andrew Purdey from Mill Bay on Vancouver

Island and he has set about putting his own stamp

on the property. First up was the hiring of a site supervisor,

one of the original four volunteers Evan Quaas, who is under

contract to the SGCS to maintain the course. New equipment

has arrived including a near-new gang mower with a large

rough mower attachment and a Kubota tractor. Added to the

growing list of maintenance equipment is a greens mower,

top dresser and sprayer, a ride-on mower, and a water pump

to water the greens. The club house is being fitted with new

wiring. Copper Bay Concrete poured a new floor for the

equipment sheds, and doors have been added. The tee boxes

have been upgraded. The greens are fertilized.

Other ongoing development potential plans include installing

a parking lot in front of the club house, a pickleball court,

and an RV park.

Open for Business

The golf course became active again on May 1, 2021, and on

May 2 volunteer Behn Cochrane arranged a season opener.

The tournament attracted forty-one islanders, the most

golfers in five years. Thirty-one golfers have signed up for

the annual membership. There is also an annual opportunity

to own one of the eighteen holes. This year already, sixteen

of the eighteen holes have been taken up by sponsors at a

thousand dollars a tee. Each tee will bear the name of its

corporate or private sponsor. Retired teacher Dennis Baran

of K’il Kun Sandspit is teaching children and youth to golf

in the hope of inspiring a new generation of golfing enthusiasts.

To that end, the whole of Agnes L. Mather’s (John

Mather’s sister) School recently enjoyed the greens. Twenty

high school students from Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte

arrived in a bus to spend the day on the course.

The other piece of great news concerns a young man named

Armand Bacchus, of Cedar + Salt. Negotiations are underway,

and his restaurant may soon be providing delicious

fare in the club house for those needing sustenance on the


All-in-all it’s a win/win scenario for the community, the islands,

and golfers from near and far.

Have you heard of Bumper Golf? No, it’s not like

polo with drivers wielding their clubs out of the

car window, although that could become a new

extreme sport! Bumper golf is the brainchild of

Gamadiis Port Clements resident Linda Berston

and is a creative way to enjoy the outdoors. While

the community soccer field was not being used

for soccer during Covid, Linda had the idea to

create a touchless game of golf alongside the existing

field. The town council passed the motion

to allow the game to go ahead on July 27, 2020.

To date everyone from kiddies to seniors have

enjoyed this innovative addition to recreation in

the time of Covid.

Fairways were cut alongside the existing field.

There are both greens and rough. Nine “holes”

were added using flags and pool noodles. The

noodles are wrapped around the flag base with

an opening instead of an actual hole. The aim is

to have the ball go between the noodle ends. If

your aim is off, or you hit it too hard, the ball

will bounce off the noodle and you have to take

another shot.

The rules and course layout for Bumper Golf are

posted at the community park alongside the hand

sanitizer. You will need your own club or clubs

and balls. The first four holes are on the flat. Two

tough holes are by the mud bog and former beer


Go and check it out, because when soccer returns

Bumper Golf will disappear.

Golfing on Haida Gwaii! For those of you with the balls.

Golf lesson - putt into the cup

Wedding at Willows

Dixon Entrance Golf Course is also open. It’s about five kilometers east of Masset, located beside the locally-named

Elephant Cage out on Tow Hill Road. The course is run on the honour system from April 1 to October

31, during which time the club house is open. From November 1 to March 31 the golfing is free but the

club house is closed. There are nine holes, each with two tees. Nine holes are $10 and eighteen holes are $20.

Golfers under 17 can use clubs and a pull cart for free.

The Dixon Entrance Golf Course Society (DEGCS), incorporated in 1996, is hoping to bring back Burger Night

on Thursdays. When this popular event rolls out again, the tee off is before 5:30 pm, and for $29 non-members

can eat burgers and fries, and golf for prizes. Members pay $21. Each participant receives a sleeve of three new

balls. Prizes are for closest to hole and longest putt.

For more information call DEGCS Secretary Heather George at 250-559-4517 or President Craig Russ at 250-


32 HG July / August 2021 33



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And more!


Goes Unheard

Weeping Goes Unheard is Lucia Mann's eighth book that

exposes accounts of both personal and social injustice.

“Weeping Goes Unheard” no longer as more and more

voices speak up through a variety of channels. [Lucia] finds

creative ways to engage the public with the hope to convert

passive citizens of Canada – and of the world – into

active participants that enact a change for the greater

good.” – Timea Barbaras, Bestsellersworld.com


Journalist, humanitarian and activist, Lucia Mann was born

in British colonial South Africa in the wake of World War II.

She now resides in British Columbia, Canada.

Print and E-book versions are available on Amazon.ca

All Things Music

Meet Ase Mor the Corner Store Rapper

I remember hearing Ase Mor doing his thing at an Arts

Council show a few years ago. He was pretty new to the

islands, and I was blown away by this lyrical gangster! Fast

forward a few years and every new song he’s posted has been

thoughtful, inviting us to be amazed by the prowess of the

words slipping out of his mouth at incredible speeds, inviting

us to ponder major issues that impact us. I felt it was time to

get to know this artist better.

Jamie (J): Hey buddy, who are you? Where are you from?

Ase Mor (AM): My artist name is Ase Mor the Corner

Store Rapper. I was born in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada,

raised by the filthy gutter, and puked out of the bureaucracy,

one glistening newborn baptized in the sins of the world. I

currently hang my hat in Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte.

J: How would you describe the type of music that you make?

AM: I represent the hip hop culture with my musical style

and entire steez (style). My flow and laid back approach are

inspired by jazz and poetry, while the high energy I’ll harness

in passionate jawns (songs) comes from a deep love for blues

and punk. I want to write past the obvious. I want to affect

you emotionally and tickle your curiosity.

J: What are your influences and what do you mostly write

about in your songs?

AM: Lately, I have been influenced by surrealists like Haruki

Murakami (Japanese author), Salvador Dali (Spanish artist),

and Asesop Rock (American hip hop recording artist and

producer). I don't try to write about anything other than

what my guts intuitively divine from the electric ether. My

muse lives in the misty forest morning, and a black cup of

hot coffee. My muse lives on the lips of her and her and

her; my muse smells like coconut oil and marijuana smoke.

My muse lives in everything, and she's as beautiful as she is

tragic. Mouah!

J: What is your songwriting process?

AM: I usually smoke a little something and vibe to a dope

By Jamie McDonald

Photos of Ase by Jessica Fairweather

beat. If I'm feeling it, that's what's up. If not, I begrudgingly

do something else. Begrudgingly…

J: Tell us a little bit about your music history, how it came

to be, how it’s evolved…

AM: I was always very involved in music. My dad was an

extraterrestrial band leader from the heavenly realms of

Christian lore. I was enslaved by troops of dogmatic soldiers

who protected the frontline of a spiritual war against the

hordes of Leviathan with the vigor of blood thirsty Vikings.

Angelic audio professionals dressed in the holy white robes

of innocent beauty instructed me in the operation of live

mixing equipment while flexing infantry armed with instruments

of great sound emanation taught me drum rhythms

and guitar licks. I began scribing my own hymns of grateful

worship to the untested Lord of ancients until an unknown

skepticism infected my frontal cortex and pumped 100 CCs

of reality into my brain stem causing severe and traumatizing

detachment from the scripture of my forefathers. Ever since

I've been wandering the fray with a pen in one hand, and

34 HG July / August 2021 35

the forever tap of an eternal metronome echoing through

my mind. The world is a stage. All I try to do is follow my

Dharma honestly and without expectation.

J: What are you working on right now?

AM: By the time this article is published I should have

dropped a 17-minute mixtape “plug" Will Russ and I made

called NLPG 2, which is an acronym for Nu’n Like Pops Gang

Deux. It’s a dope little tape where I kick a bunch of funky

boom bap raps to a few heavy beats I love. It'll be the first in

a long series of NLPG tapes. I have two other records slated

for release this year. One is an EP produced by Kadocrates

called “Louder For The People in the Back” featuring the

award winning single “Sauna Sessions.” The other album is a

full length ĺo-fi record mostly produced by DK Lonely with

feature production by DJ K-FLiP and others. Engineered by

Ezza for Choom Gang. I tried to keep the outsourced work in

Niagara so I could tie the boys into the making of it. The title

“Narco Gold" came from the book Narcissus and Goldmund

by Herman Hesse which inspired philosophical growth in

me. This record is a tribute.

J: What instruments do you play or what sounds do you

use in your music?

AM: I play the voice box. I use projected breath to vocalize

English syllables, words, and other random scat noises in my

music to affect the listener’s experience.

J: Where are you headed, what are your aspirations?

AM: One day I'll dive professionally in the warm waters of

Caribbean, supplementing my income with global adventures,

serenading intimate gatherings and large venues alike

Joey Stylez & Northern Crees’ “You Driving Me Crazy (Indian Girl),”

directed by Offner Aurélien, recently won Best Music Video at the

CannesWorld Film Festival.

At the Summer Solstice Indigenous Music Awards, Joey and Carsen

received highly esteemed nominations for Pop/Alternative/Rock Album

of the Year, Radio Song Single of the Year, and Live Musical Performance

of the Year.

Carsen’s brand new single, “Someplace” was just released with Nettwerk

Music Group. “It’s my first single being released with a record label,”

says Carsen. It will be available on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer... all

streaming platforms.

with my razor blade tongue and super handsome style.

J: Where can people listen to your music?

AM: Generally in the ears! These links help: cornerstorerap.

bandcamp.com, youtube.com/cornerstorerap , or search Ase

Mor the Corner Store Rapper wherever you stream music!

You can also add me on Instagram @cornerstorerap

J: Any closing comments?

AM: Don’t believe the stupid criticisms of soft-edged squares

too afraid to grapple with the bull in their own piddly affair

with the mediocre. You are inspired, creative, and loved!

Peace, Ase.

Congrats Carsen Gray and Joey Stylez!

(R to L) Carsen, Joey and their son Matisse

Clothing by Haida artist Jay Bellis

craig’s crossword


By Craig Carmichael

(Herein: I.=Island; I.s=Islands, Archipelago)


1 Gelatin from red seaweed

5 I. in space with seas, lakes, rivers of liquid


9 I.s in the mid Atlantic

14 Robot at a university?

16 Mountain: I. in the ___

17 Thus

18 Crude mineral haul

19 I.s off of Morocco (with yellow birds?)

21 That means

22 Last Siberian Arctic I. refuge of pygmy


23 Twosome

24 Narrative poem

25 Prohibit

27 Southernmost major I. of Haida Gwaii

30 Be unwell

32 Floating I. boat hazard

33 Lemon___

34 State in Australia with Darwin

35 ___ makes the world go round (It’s all you


36 Westernmost province we’re barely in

37 I. in space

39 Goat-god

40 I. in a desert

43 Allan for short

44 Do, Re, Mi, __

45 Tennessee

46 Northern state & dynasty in early China

48 Gotcha!

51 Pacific I.s you’re probably doing a crossword


55 I. of Bounty fame

57 “Mythical” two year old

58 Cry with grief

60 Hunter in the sky

61 Swiss multinational investment bank

64 Largest I, or smallest continent?

67 @

68 Electric discharge

69 Hardware store chain AMS joined

70 ___pus: Duck billed, egg laying mammal

71 State that starts with “oh”, ends with “oh” and

is “hi” in the middle

73 and __ on

75 I. is a nation with Tobago

76 Dog, cat or hamster


2 What? A water channel, out in the Pacific?!? (I.)

3 Abnormal (abbr.)

4 Pathway for cars

6 Exists

7 Thanking? Thinking? (abbr.)

8 “Yes” at sea or in Scotland

9 THE thing to breathe

10 Danish I. with Copenhagen. (And a New one

near Australia.)

11 Bright star in constellation Orion

12 Melanesian I.s north of the Coral Sea

13 Central “amoeba blob” I. between Borneo and


15 Main Japanese S. Pacific naval base of WWII

(AKA “Chuuk”)

20 Kids & teenagers

22 Surrounding typical I.s

26 Negative response

28 I.s in the mid Pacific

29 Material object of worship

31 That thing

35 So, __, Ti, Do

36 Not one or the other nor neither

38 Pound

39 Dad

Answer key can be found after the Community Calendar at the back of the magazine.

41 I. smashed into Asia making tallest mountains

42 International Workers of the World - first big


44 Unflattering term for heavy person

47 I. with statues, where eventually every tree was


48 Postal abbreviation for US island state

49 Circumscribed range of a species: I.s of _____

50 I.s settled by Norse off north coast of Scotland

52 Morning hours

53 Family Doctor

54 Large Northern Volcanic I. settled by Norse

55 I. in space orbiting the sun

56 Low-lying atolls are built of the shells of this

sea life

59 Northern large Island of the Philippines

62 Expression of exasperated discrediting of an


63 Forms a long, thin extension to a land mass

65 Water, falling unbidden from the sky

66 Alternating current

70 3.14159 when baked

72 Another option

74 and so __

36 HG July / August 2021 37

Haida Gwaii Stargazers

Aries (Mar 20 – Apr 19) Whatever you do, dearest Aries, do it with

gusto. Your family is requiring a fair amount of attention from you

right now, so best that when you give of yourself you thoroughly

enjoy it. Get creative. Be the one that shines a light on lightness. Later

you will be asked to organize the masses and plan for the future. But

until then, learn to appreciate the moments. Keywords: savor, delight,

and have a ball.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 19) You might think that you have lower

energy than normal, dearest Taurus, but this is about to change. Take

stock of your life. What is worth your energy and what is not? You

don’t have to say yes to everything. It is perfectly okay to say no to the

experiences that do not feed your soul. When you make this tiny shift,

it opens you up to the possibility of deeper and more meaningful

exchanges. Keywords: speculate, perceive, and appreciate.

Gemini (May 20 – June 20) You have been engaging on many fronts,

dearest Gemini. Many opportunities are coming your way and now

is the time to firm up the three best things. Let the rest go till a later

date. This can be challenging for a Gemini who can see every side of

the story. But when you focus fully on what really matters to you, that

is pure perfection. Keywords: time, freedom, and moment to moment.

Cancer (June 21 – July 21) You are feeling more capable than ever of

having your needs met, dearest Cancer. All you need to do is speak up

for yourself. There’s a great possibility for success and “luck,” and how

that relates to your career. Opportunities are waiting to show themselves

and what you need to do is prioritize your goals, so you know

the direction to head toward. Once you figure that out, it will be easier

to manage your preferences. Keywords: inclination, desire, and options.

Leo (July 22 – Aug 21) Your sensitivity is at an all time high, dearest

Leo. And why shouldn’t it be? You’ve come to the end of a cycle where

you can reflect on the past year and ask yourself, what’s it all about?

What have you learned that you can let go of and what should you

spend more time on in order to perfect it? It’s okay to think of yourself

as a human who makes mistakes just like the rest of us. Forgive

yourself and others, then move on. Keywords: ponder, consider, and

mull over.

By Monica Caulfield


Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 21) The sun is shining on you, dearest Libra, for

all of us to see. What will you do? What will you be? It’s up to you to

make a positive difference in the lives of yourself and your loved ones.

You have a lot of love to go around. Just be sure that you save some for

yourself too. Keywords: fondness, respect, and devotion.

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) This would be the perfect time for you,

dearest Scorpio, to consider going back to school. Or at the very least,

commit yourself to learning something new that you deeply care

about. The love of purpose is making its way to your career field so

any help you can give it by engaging in some meaningful way, will go

a long way toward meeting future goals. Keywords: intent, determination,

and mission.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 20) There is a deep longing in you, dearest

Sagittarius. A yearning to get to the heart of the matter. Perhaps

there are some issues associated with family members, or you have

unfinished business with someone close. You’ve reached that time in

the relationship when honesty is the best policy. Even if it seems like

they do not fully understand. Say what you will, just practice patience

and diplomacy as best that you can. Keywords: integrity, self-respect,

and candor.

Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Family values are coming to the forefront,

dearest Capricorn. Maybe it’s a marriage that needs a little extra

attention or a family member in distress just needs to know that you

care. Whoever is vying for your attention now is only going to get

louder if you ignore their call. So don’t ignore it. Give them the time

they need and the advice they crave. Book some free time into your

schedule so you will have it to give away. Keywords: guidance, aid, and


Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) You are being asked to buckle down and

do the work required of you, dearest Aquarius. It’s like you’ve been on

holiday and now is the time to unpack, wash up and put everything

away. Don’t fret about it. You are just making preparations for the next

phase of your journey. When you clean up your act and stay responsible

to your purpose, you will be ready and able to move forward in

your life with intention. Keywords: desire, determination, and goals.

Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto www.haidagwaiitrader.com, click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will

then guide you each step of the way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline

for new and/or updated classifieds to appear in each issue is noon on the 20th of the month prior to the next publication. (For example, noon on Aug 20th for the Sep/Oct issue.)

*Free classifieds apply to private, personally owned and non-business postings. Ads pertaining to business products, services, employment as well as real estate for sale or for rent are subject to fees.

In the Home & Office

Furniture/Appliances/Electronics/Clothing(not kids or baby)/Jewelery/

Collectables/Books/Music/Computers and Computer Accessories/For Sale-Misc

Crock pot. $25 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Straightening iron. $15 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Tea pot. $15 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Various Neck pillows. $6 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Various Cookbooks. $2 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Kitchen chairs (4). $10 each. Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Wall mounted Shoe Racks. 2 Brand New Wall mounted shoe racks, $20 for the pair. Pick-up @ 223 2nd Ave. $20 Call Terry T at (250)

559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

iMac for sale. Like new. Hardly used at all. Twenty-one-and-a-half-inch desktop iMac computer. Monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Wireless.

Selling as I do not really use it, $1,800. Please leave a message at 250-557-4555 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Reebok luggage bag. $35 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Christmas ornaments. $2 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email Fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Forced Air Furnace. Call for more details. 113 Raven Ave, Old Massett, BC, V0T1M0. $600 Call Lilly Bell at (250) 626-7350 Alternate

phone: 250-626-3559 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Crock pot. $20 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Hair Cutting Comb/Guide. - Good for both professional and home users. - Consistent length and angle. Makes your

haircuts better, easier, and faster. Shows you how much to cut and where to stop. Avoids mistakes. Allows texture point

cutting for a softer finishing look and longer lasting shape than clipper cuts. Longer guides than clippers, from 1/4” to

2 1/2”. Good for cutting longer lengths on top as well. Works good but I am used to using my fingers for cutting. These

have all been disinfected. Sorry no returns/refunds! $30 Call Bev at (778) 260-0271 or email bshannon60@hotmail.com

Reduced Price! Sit-Stand Workstation. Fellows Lotus Sit-Stand Workstation for sale. Great way to shift up your workday,

by changing your position! Work surface is too small for my needs. Selling price is half of what I paid for it. $200 Call

Jennifer Pigeon at (250) 626-7478 or email j.pigeon_bookkeeping@live.com

Doggy stuff. Reversible bed, retractable leads, winter camo coat, raincoat, harness, bowls, hot spot spray, poop bags. You pick up all. This

is a package deal. $25 Call Lin at (250) 559-4620 or email Armstrongs@haidagwaii.ca

Sausage Stuffer. 3lb Weston Sausage Stuffer. Heavy Duty Construction. 3 size attachments. Good condition, like new. $50 Call Terry Tollestrup

at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

Tv mount. $35 Call Regina Williams at (250) 626-9009 or email scouttsy@gmail.com

Womens XL Coat. $60 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email Fletchercollison1964071@gmail.com

Virgo (Aug 22 – Sept 21) Knowing what your aspirations are, dearest

Virgo, is key to all that will follow. So, get out a pen and paper and

make a list of your most important experiences and people to spend

your time with. All the rest that does not land on your list can be

kindly ignored or moved to the back of your bus. What’s key now is

you devote yourself to what you deem as essential. Keywords: relevant,

significant, and vital.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 19) You deserve to have some joy, dearest

Pisces. Let your life provide you with the opportunity of living life

to the fullest. What motivates you toward happiness? Is it creativity?

Recreation? Nurturing a loved one? Let your devotion outweigh your

responsibilities, just for a while. Your aspirations are falling in line

and are there for the offering. Enjoy! Keywords: passion, motivation,

and need.

38 HG July / August 2021 39

In the Home & Office - cont.

In the Yard & Workshop - cont.

Hardtail dirt jumper. Bomber marzocchi shocks on the front with a Truvativ Holzfeller stem. Truvativ Hussefelt triple

butted aluminum DH riser handlebars. Disc brakes with a single sprocket front conversion. Wicked commuter or

downhill bike. $150 Call Jack Nychyporuk at (250) 626-7877 or email Simplej248@gmail.com

Omega Fruit & Veggie Juicer. Brand new (not in box) Omega Fruit & Veggie juicer. Comes with all parts and instruction

manual. Asking $60. Located in Sandspit. Call Kristi at (250) 637-1967 or email Kristinamschmitz@gmail.com

NordicTrack Treadmill. Paid $2900, plus freight about 8 years ago… has low mileage on it. Includes the iPod dock and

your own “personal” Jillian Michaels trainer! Folds up to take up less space when not in use. Will consider reasonable

offers. Manual is included as well. Featuring the very latest in visual technology, this model utilizes a high-resolution

graphical display that animates your screen, giving you more accurate, less machine-like readings. This display tracks

all relevant workout data including your speed, time, distance, pulse, and calories burned. $1,500 Call Shari Howlett at

(250) 559-8272 or email howle@qcislands.net

Tupperware Chip n’ Dip set. Tupperware chip n’ dip set. The lid does double duty as a serving option. The main bowl is 5.6L and the two

dip containers are 470 mL. The dip containers have sealing lids. The serving tray does not seal when used as a lid on the bowl. $10 Call

Kristi Schmitz at (250) 637-1967 or email kristinamschmitz@gmail.com

(7) small plates. $6 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Heat dish heater. $50 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Vinyl Deck Installer. I am arranging to bring a vinyl deck material installer to Haida Gwaii. I am in the phone book if you want info. Call

Gordon Usher at (250) 637-5755 or email Patngord@qcislands.ca

Cookie cutter. $5 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Outbound collapsible cooler. Brand new 24 can capacity collapsible cooler. Ordered the wrong size. $25 Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or

email karefoe@qcislands.net

In the Yard & Workshop

Garden Equipment and Supplies/Hobby Supplies/Tools/Building Materials/

Pet and Pet Supplies

Used chainsaw bars. All Husqvarna mounts range from 33” to 36” in 404 chain size, one is 48”

long, all come with good chains that have lots of life left. Also have some 3/8” bars as well, all 30”

to 36”. I would like to sell bars and chains as a lot but will sell individually. Text, email, or call if

interested. Chris Burns at (250) 626-8968 or email chris421sd@gmail.com

Plants. Geraniums: starting at $4. Indoor plants: starting at $4. Outdoor plants:

starting at $1. View at 404 Oceanview Drive. Call Marla Abbott at (250) 559-

4242 or email abbcon@qcislands.net

Roofing supplies. 2 rolls roofing felt, #15 plain, 430sqf. 2 rolls peel n stick for

metal 3’x65. 1 box of roofing nails 1-1/2” Call Regina Williams at (250) 626-9009

or email scouttsy@gmail.com

Savage 64 auto loader .22 Lr. Selling a Savage model 64 semi auto in .22 lr. This rifle is new and

comes with a Simmons dedicated .22 scope. Rifle has a spring kit and hammer return, spring

upgrade as well as a new trigger. Barrel channel smoothed out for a true free float. Rubber coating

on the stock for a better grip in moist conditions. This is an excellent 75-yard gun with consistent

repeatable results. $400 with scope or $250 rifle only. Call Martin at (250) 637-5606 or email


10MM Rebar. 10MMX 20’ rebar – 35. $12 ea. $420 Call Murray Brown at (250) 626-1111 or email


Tub and Shower Faucet. This is a EuroStream tub and shower faucet set in like

new condition. The package was only opened to look at it. The set was not what

I required for my project. $60 Call Harold Mackay at (250) 626-3305 or email


Mower. Toro 328D mower for sale Excellent condition, only 500 hours. 4 X 4,

Kubota 3 Cly. Diesel Engine. $6500 OBO Call Paul at (250) 626-9164 or email


Propane Tank Heater for Sale. This heater works well and can be used on a 20 lb tank and up. $25 Call Harold Mackay at

(250) 626-3305 or email hkmackay@telus.net

Assorted Powder Fasteners. Listed is Market value at time of purchase. 1.5” Ramset x200pcs= $40. 1.5” Hilti x 220pcs

= $44. 1.5” Remington x 10 packages of 25pcs = $50. 2” Ramset x 360pcs = $69. 2.5” Remington x 200pcs = $52. 2 7/8

Hilti x 50pcs = $12. 3.5” Hilti x 120 pcs = $50. $300 value for all. Must take the whole lot. Pick up @ 223 2nd Ave. $50

Call Terry T at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

Cor-A-Vent. 2 boxes of SV-3 Cor-A-Vent - “From the bottom of your siding to the peak of your roof, Cor-A-Vent protects your home

from damaging moisture from within and from without.” Ordered too much. Paid $100 per box + shipping. 1/2 price for both. $100 Call

Dorothy at (250) 559-8068 or email dorothyandmike@haidagwaii.ca

220v Construction Heaters. I have x 6 for sale. Instant Start 200 CFM 12”x12” 4800w 16000 BTUs. Extension cords available for purchase

with heaters. Pick up @ 223 2nd Ave. $69 Call Terry T at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

DuPont Tyvek Coveralls. Multiple available. Price by the dozen $75, price for a single $10. Size XXL and XXXL. Pick up @ 223 2nd Ave.

Call Terry T at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

Surveyors Kit # 2. Hip Chain x 1. Hip Chain refill string x 6 surveyors vest x 1. Brunton Clino-Master clinometer x 1. Eschenbach-Active

OL Compass x 1. Pick up at 223 2nd Ave. $99 Call Terry T at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org


Newly Arrived for 2021

From the Incoming Tide

Custom Knife/Tool Sharpening

VHF/UHF Handheld

Coms-Li-ion Batteries

Smart Chargers

Button Batteries

Crossbows/Archery Accessories

and More


IF - Night Vision

Red/Green Lasers

Holographic Red Dots

Fiber Optics Red/Green Dots/Chevrons

Fixed 3 and 4 power Illuminated Red/Green Reticle

Variable Power Scopes

6 x 24 x 50 Illuminated Reticle

4 x 16 x 50 Picatinny Rail Body Illuminated Reticle

4 x 12 x 50 Picatinny Rail Body Illuminated Reticle

Bright Zoom Tactical Lights with Remote Switching

25 x 75 x 70 Spotting Scope with iPhone attachment

8 x 50 Binoculars

and More

Available on the Island at The TRADINGPOST


921 3rd Ave

Village of Queen Charlotte

T. 206 259 6013

Website - Islandsretreat.com

Email - Eoffice@haidagwaii.net

grid tied emergency • uninterrupted electrical power supplies • 100

watts to 5000 watts 12 hour run times grid down • off grid uninterrupted

electrical power utilities • solar generation 18 hour run times • during a

6 hour on 18 hours off solar duty cycle • all systems are task balanced

Claire is eight years old and

lives in Gamadiis Port Clements.

40 HG July / August 2021 41

In the Yard & Workshop - cont.

Surveyors Equipment Package. Surveyor’s vest x1. Hip Chains x 2 extra hip chain

string rolls x7. Bear spray x1. Paint Can Belt Holster x 1. Increment Boar x 1.

Tally Counter x 1. 30meter Surveyor’s rope chain x 1. Suunto MC-2 Compass x

1. Make an offer. Must take the whole package. Pick up at 223 2nd Ave. $150 Call

Terry T at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

Electric Line Saw. Bosch electric line saw, works great. Pick-up at 223 2nd Ave.

$249 Call Terry T at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

.270 rifle. Savage Axis in .270 on a Boyd’s laminate thumbhole stock with a Zeiss

Conquest scope, 4.5-14 x 44. Comes with two boxes of ammo and a bore snake.

$500 without the optics, or $900. Call Toney Coffey at (250) 637-1986 or email


Remington 1187 Shotgun. Selling my Remington 1187 semi auto 12-gauge slug

gun. Adjustable cheek piece. Composite stock. Scope rail. Very clean with little

use. Recoil pad. A valid PAL is a must and the buyer must sign a bill of sale. $550

Call William Skinner at (306) 630-4169 or email daymarine@hotmail.com

Savage 99 Rifle. Selling a 1956 Savage 99 lever action rifle in 300 calibers with 18-

inch barrel. Rifling is sharp. Very smooth action is drilled and tapped for scope.

King of deer rifles. Very good cosmetics. Buyer MUST provide a valid PAL

and sign bill of sale. $850 Call William at (306) 630-4169 or email daymarine@


Table Saw. Craftsman Large Table Saw on wheeled locking base. No Fence, good condition. $250

Call Paul at (250) 626-9164 or email d.andp.powers@gmail.com

Lawn Mower. Craftsman 6.5 horsepower, 21” multi-cut, power propelled, rotary

lawnmower. NOT WORKING. Used only 2 or 3 times but stored in a shed for

years. Manual provided. $75 Call Marla Abbott at (250) 559-4242 or email abbcon@qcislands.net

On the Road

In part or complete-Cars/Trucks/Vans/Campers/RV’s/ATV’s/Heavy Equipment

Chev canopy. Chev or GMC white truck canopy fits an 8-foot box, new lock hardware

and lift cylinders, sliding tinted windows, C/W tie down clamps. Very good

condition. $500 Call Paul at (250) 626-9164 or email d.andp.powers@gmail.com

Full set of tires. Rims & tires, 4 bolt 185 / 65R15 M + S 4 tires mounted on steel

rims. 2 studded tires on rim. 2 non studded tires on rim. 1 spare rim. Pick up @

223 2nd Ave. $299 Call Terry T at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org

Headache rack w/lights. Heavy duty aluminum headache rack with brake/signal

lights. 3-piece unit with box rails set up for a saddle type toolbox. $225 Call Alvin

at (250) 559-8797 or email acober@haidagwaii.ca

265/65R18 used tires for sale. 8 used tires from 2016 Chev Silverado. $25 each, sold as a set. Call

David Adams at (250) 626-9049 or email sonia.rice6058@gmail.com

Toyota Echo. New battery, runs good, a little rough inside and out. As is where is,

198,864km. $2800 Call Bonnie at (250) 642-7353 or email bonniepryde@gmail.


2005 Ford E450 StarCraft Bus. 23 Seats, Gas v10. Body frame and interior in good

condition. Has an unknown engine issue where coolant was found in the oil. Needs

a new battery and has not been started in a while but ran when it was parked. Engine

may need to be replaced. Located in Sandspit. Email only please, phone messages

will not be returned. $2000. Email Sandspit Community Society at admin@


15” Tires. Set of 4, 15” A/T Tires, good condition. $200 Call Paul at (250) 626-9164 or email


West End

Auto Sales

2014 Dodge Grand Caravan

92,050km/Stk#6232 $13,995

2004 Dodge Durango

158,200km/Stk#6342 $5,500 AS IS

2014 Dodge Grand Caravan

123,800km/Stk#6291/ Back up camera and

heated seats/steering wheel $9,995


2019 Ford F150 XLT Crew Cab

32,660km/Stk#6356 $41,995

“ No reasonable

offer refused!”


605 Ocean View Dr.

Queen Charlotte


On the Road - cont.

Rav4 Cargo Liner. Cargo Liner - in excellent shape! Very Clean - no damage -

$159.95 new - selling @ half price. https://www.weathertech.ca/en/toyota/2011/

rav4/cargo-liner/rav4-3rd-row/no/ $80 Call foto gwaii at (250) 559-8877 or email


ISO. Good used tires for Subaru Forester P205/65R16. I need at least one! Call

Terence Haymond at (250) 637-1879 or email thaymond@qcislands.net

Full Set Rav4 Winter Tires.Toyo Observe G3ICE, less than 1000km. 225/65R17

106T. Very clean, no punctures ever, balanced on included oil-sprayed rims. In excellent

shape. Check out TOYO website for more info. Selling new for $1012, I am

asking $700. Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com

Motor oil. I have 4 5 L of SAE 5W-30 and 1 5L SAE 5W-20 of motor oil. $20 Call

Dennis Deault at (250) 637-1128 or email ddsgng@gmail.com

2 quads and tires. $1000 for both plus tires...both not running. Been stored in a

shed. Would like to sell all together. Call Carol Brown at 250-6268 or email carol_


2003 Honda CRV AWD. Silver/Cloth interior. Second gen body style 5 SPD, manual transmission,

newer Toyo tires, new front brakes, new front struts, new battery, oil change, roof rack (might include

Thule Roof Box). Reliable K20 engine 4CYL 2.0L 260K KMS, 450 KMS per full tank. Needs

driver’s side front and rear CV axles replaced. Have the parts but no time. COVID measures in

place. The SUV has been cleaned and disinfected. $3800 Call Ronald at (250) 626-7927 or email


Classic Dodge Minivan. 1993 Dodge Grand Caravan SE. Body in good shape, engine

runs, burns no oil, needs tires, brake shoes and pads. Ideal to convert for camping!

$500 OBO. In QC parked beside Meagan’s store. Call Terence Haymond at (250)

737-1879 or email thaymond@qcislands.net

Truck stands. New in the box, tried them but they were too big or high for my wife’s truck. Paid

$80.99 before taxes, asking $60. Call Danny Stewart at (250) 631-3478 or email dstewart@massett.


On the Water

In part or complete-Power Boats/Sail Boats

34 Foot Aluminum Troller. Masset Services is selling our Aluminum fish boat.

Diesel power, full electronics. Borg Warner gear. Needs lots of TLC. Good runner.

Strong hull. Poor cosmetics. BUT not 55,000, only 24,000. On the water in Masset.

Call Bill at (250) 626-3833 or email office@massetservices.com

42 Foot Tollycraft Yacht. Twin 454 Mercury power with Borg Warner Velvet Drives.

Aft cabin stateroom with twin bunks and three-piece enclosed head. Forward bow

stateroom with two-piece enclosed head and double berth large salon. Upper and

lower control stations. Large upper deck. Walk in the cockpit and side entrance.

This vessel requires upgrades to the generator system (not running) refrigeration

(does not cool), starboard engine appears to be seized. Port engine runs strong. A

diesel re-power would be ideal for a long-term plan. Replacement cost today for a

42 foot is 650,000 plus. Surveyed in 2015 at 57,000. Rock solid hull. $22,000 Call

Bill at (505) 25=-3833 or email office@massetservices.com

Troller for Sale - Reduced Price! Price Reduced to $165,000 from $180,000 (CAD)

Akko Chan, 41 ft fiberglass freezer troller, very clean, well-maintained. Brand new

John Deere 240hp engine installed 2017, has 1800 hours on it. New gear, twin disk,

new exhaust, and tail shaft; lots of fishing gear included. Packs 600 gallons of fuel.

More information can be found at https://akkochan.northernrogue.ca/ This vessel

is ready to fish. Call Colin at 250-559-4637 or 250-637-1997. $165,000 Call Colin at

(250) 559-4637 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

42 HG July / August 2021 43

On the Water - cont.

Silver Scout Gillnetter. 29-foot fiberglass gillnetter, 31ft with aluminum pod, Twin 2017 175 Suzuki’s. New fuel tanks,

wiring, Lowrance electronics. Stringers replaced (lots of work done). Honda hydraulic power pack, 2 fish hold. Sleeps 4,

stainless steel wood stove and 4-burner propane with oven. Excellent overall condition, heavy trailer. For inquiries, contact

Merlin Naylor by phone/text: 250-626-7298 More images available, email cajewell96@gmail.com $43,000

10-foot fiberglass skiff. Lightweight 10-foot fiberglass skiff. The beam is about 4 feet. It needs some work. This is a project I

don’t need. $500 Call Jack at (250) 626-3436 or email sales@tostaba.com

Commercial trolling plugs. 43 7inch plugs, 280 6inch plugs, 56 5inch plugs. 1/3 are new in the box, 2/3 are used in good condition. $800

for all. Call Neil at 250 559 4649 or 250 637 1593, or email macdavie@haidagwaii.net

Zodiac and 6 HP Suzuki for Sale. Zodiac Cadet 270 Aero (Soft Bottom) and 2015 Suzuki four stroke 6 HP for sale. Both

have been stored inside and are in very good condition. Everything you need to get on the water. Great for launching from

the beach or anywhere. Also included: fuel tank and fuel line, anchor, high speed air pump, rod holder, oars. $2100 Call

Pat at (250) 266-7060 or email plyles2@yahoo.com

Tuna Rod. Taking up space. Tuna Sticks® feature AFTCO® Roller Guides, a machined aluminum one-piece butt, including anodized

hoods and rings in the rich Penn Gold for a premium look when matched to your Penn International® Reels. The Tuna Stick® modified

parabolic taper can provide leverage for anglers strapped into the fighting chair, while the fast-tip sections provide Stand-up anglers the

recovery power necessary when hooked into large pelagics. Great components, powerful blank materials, and quality craftsmanship built

into a rod that serves equally well in the chair or at the rail. $150 Call Peter at (778) 260-0277 or email houstonpw@hotmail.com

Volvo Penta 151A Marine Engine Parts. This is a reconditioned Volvo Penta 151A cylinder head for sale. $1,500 Call Harold

at (250) 626-3305 or email hkmackay@telus.net

Volvo Penta 151A Bell Housing. This is a Volvo Penta 151A bell housing in good working order. $275 Call Harold at (250)

626-3305 or email hkmackay@telus.net

Northern Rogue


IT Services for Haida Gwaii

Onsite/Remote support for:

• Computer Repairs

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Hardware and

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Insurance for Home.

Auto, Business,

& Recreational

Masset: 250.626.3711

Queen Charlotte: 250.559.8426

Real Estate & Rentals

Residential, Commercial, Lots, For Rent, Rent to Own, Shared Accommodation

FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1660 Old Beach Road. Has picturesque views from

a large living room that overlooks the Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary. On 1/2

acre in the Municipality of Masset. Fully serviced lot. Close to all amenities,

schools, hospitals. New metal roof March 2021. 1st floor is 1284 square feet

with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. Basement has 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, rec

room, laundry room. Includes all appliances and a central vacuum system.

Forced Air Heat Pump and Air Conditioner with a medium efficiency oil

furnace backup. Fill the small tank every 3-4 years. 200 Amp electrical with a

backup generator. All doors and closet doors have been replaced. In the fully

fenced in yard there are 2 sheds, a green house, garden beds, koi pond, 2 fire

pits, apple and plum fruit trees. This yard is well landscaped and up kept. There

is lots of room to park RV’s, boats and quads on trailers. Price $398,500 Call

250-626-5040 or email Ajmuch@mhtv.ca

Essential Worker Accommodations. Long or Short Term - Port Clements and

Masset. Port Clements: Furnished and unfurnished 1 and 2 bedroom apartments.

Newly renovated, including bathroom and kitchen. Sat. internet, TV,

king size beds, laundry and parking is included. Well suited for worker accommodation.

Clean and secure building. Masset: Several renovated housing units.

3 and 4 bedroom units. Furnished or unfurnished. Sat. internet, cable, laundry

and parking are included. Call 250-661-9012 or email dustin@rushworthelectric.ca

Residential Property with Commercial Zoning Residential property with

commercial zoning (qualifies for residential mortgage). 2-two bedroom 800sqf

residences with ocean views and a 1300sqf studio residence. 300sqf art gallery.

Completely renovated, new windows, plumbing, and quality finishing. Large

semi-enclosed outdoor work space, wood-fired sauna. Centrally located at

3120 Oceanview Drive. Property currently generates 25,000 per year in income

after all expenses. Turn Key. For sale by Merlin Naylor, text or call (250) 626-

7298. Price $595,000 Call (250)-626-7298 or email uprootsalvage@gmail.com

Mayer Lake Estates - Exclusive Lakefront Property. Mayer Lake Estates is an

excellent recreational destination located within the boundaries of Naikoon

Provincial Park in beautiful Haida Gwaii., British Columbia. The area is perfect

for fishing, kayaking, hiking, wildlife watching, and canoeing. Just you, your

loved ones, the lake, and nature! Mayer Lake is located approximately 10 kms

east of Port Clements. It is a shallow lake that warms up quickly in the summer

- perfect for paddle sports and fresh water fishing. Whether you wish to

relax among old growth timber stands, or enjoy fishing or paddling on the waters

of Mayer Lake, this property is meant for you. You can choose from 1 of 34

recreational lots that are approximately 25m wide and 65m long with lakefront

access on each lot. There are also 2 lots that have the ability to build a cabin

on. They will be priced at $49,900. The properties are boat access only and will

primarily be used for recreational camping. Lots are available on a first-come

first-served basis. Financing is available with 25% down. For more information

visit www.mayerlakeestates.com. If you have any questions or to reserve your

lot, call Norm at 604-854-0330 or email njdev@shaw.ca Price $19,999

44 HG July / August 2021 45

Organic Produce

Groceries & Dairy







Open Mon-Sat: 10am-5:30pm

3219 Wharf Street

Daajing Giids QC

Real Estate & Rentals - cont.

3 Bedroom House, 1675 Burgess Ave. Masset. Three bedrooms, 1.5 bath

house in a quiet area of Masset. Fresh paint, laminate flooring throughout, updated

interior. Pacific Energy wood stove. Newer metal roof. Woodshed full of

dry wood (2 years’ worth). Greenhouse, walk-in smokehouse. Large level lot,

cement pad with extra parking. Priced to sell. Serious inquiries only please.

Price $185,000 OBO. Email cbwaller@live.ca

Haida Gwaii Live/Work Opportunity. This is a share sale: including 2 lots,

commercial and residential space - total of 7970 s/f, goodwill, equipment, fixtures

and $200k plus of inventory. Owner is available to train and consult for

a new owner. This executive, custom built (2005 and reno 2011) 5 bedroom/3

bathroom (2986 square foot) home with extensive ocean facing decks, plus an

elevator above the 4983 square foot (built 1969) 3rd Generation family Home

Hardware dealership. Spectacular ocean views; stunning sunsets are some

of the many features. Price $1,250,000 Call 250-212-8552 or email marnie@


Queen Charlotte City - Home with Spectacular Views. Iconic Haida Gwaii

3 storey home in Queen Charlotte City. Panoramic views of Skidegate Inlet

from multiple decks and patios. Close to hospital and village necessities. 4

rental opportunities: residence, bachelor suite, cabin and guest cabin. Private

setting. Price $499,000 Call 250-307-2100 or email john@landquest.com

2 Acres Near North Beach. Magnificent 2 acre parcel backing on the Sangan

River and just steps to North Beach. This lot is level and private and offers

several prime spots to build your dream home or recreational getaway. This is

the only one available in this incredible location. Price $289,000 Call 250-218-

9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com

Put Your

Ad Here!

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• Web and print exposure

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Miscellaneous Wanted Items/Lost/Found/ Wanted Information/Real Estate

Truck Cap. Hi I am looking for a cap - 2015 GMC Sierra short box. Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or

email fotogwaii@hotmail.com

WTB - Lot in Tlell. I am looking to buy a lot in either Tlell, Lawn Hill, or possibly

Port Clements. Prefer 2 acres or larger. Can be undeveloped or with a small cabin/

house. Thank you. Call Kevan Daniel at (260) 617-0245 or email kevan_daniel@


Wanted, a small mover to Masset. Looking for someone with a van who would like to help us move

from Queen Charlotte to Masset for a reasonable price. Call Sok & Lee at (778) 229-4676 or email


Hitch Wanted. 3-point hitch for a finish mower (54 – 72”), for a small tractor. Call James at (250)

557-4579 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Ford Parts Trucks Wanted. Used, old Ford F250 or F350 pickups wanted. Years 2002-2007. Can be

dead. We will pick up. Call Stephen at (250) 557-4594 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Wanted: Lathe. Looking for a bowl-turning lathe or large capacity spindle-lathe. 16” or larger,

heavy duty, self-standing, single phase or three phase. Call James at (250) 557-4579 or email


Wanted: Wood Stove. Looking for a used Blaze King or Blaze Queen wood stove. Call Grant at

(250) 557-4658 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Looking to buy a home in Port Clements. I am new to Port Clements and would like to buy a small

home in town. Call Jana at (778) 584-4128 or email jzamyslicka@hotmail.com

Looking for a used iPad mini at a reasonable price. Call fotogwaii@hotmail.com at (250) 559-8877

or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com

ISO Washing Machine. In need of a used washing machine in good condition. Call Joel Brubaker

at (250) 557-4594 or email office@haidagwaiitrader.com

Looking for land. Looking for a small parcel of land, can be anywhere, but hoping for something

secluded. Thx Call Terry at (604) 997-9926 or email terryjcormier@gmail.com

Alan Lavoie search. Want to contact Alan Lavoie, relative to Claude, Leone, Ed Lavoie. Regarding

a sailing journey from 40 years ago. Thanks Call Lisa Marcus at (206) 471-3973 or email sucram2219@hotmail.com

Employment & Training

Help Wanted/Work Wanted/Businesses for Sale/Business Opportunities/

Education/Opportunities/Training Programs or Seminars

Transition House Support Worker, Permanent Regular. Transition House Support

Worker Classification: Transition House Support Worker Rate of Pay: $21.63

-25.19/hr. (JJEP Wage Grid Level 10) Hours: Variable shifts mornings 8:00-16:00;

afternoons 16:00-24.00; evenings 24:00-8:00. The employee is NOT required to use

their automobile in the performance of their duties. This position requires Union

membership; accepted applicant will need to join BCGEU. Qualifications: •Diploma

in a related human services field. • One (1) year related human/social service

experience or an equivalent combination of education, training, and experience. •

Must have a valid certification in Standard First Aid (2-day course) with a CPR-C

component • Food-Safe Certification • Completion of Violence Prevention/De-escalation

course (online) • Completion of Domestic Violence Safety Planning course

(online) • BCSTH Foundations in Violence Against Women Training (online)

completed • BCSTH Introduction to Transition House Work Module 1 (online)

completed • BCSTH Introduction to Transition House Work Module 2 (online)

completed • This position is dependent on a clear Criminal Records Check. Call

Angela Foster, Transition House Director at (250) 626-9163 or email ea.hgspeace@


46 HG July / August 2021 47

Employment & Training - cont.

Employment & Training - cont.

Home is

where the

heart is.


mortgage rates

you’ll love.

Learn more at:


Outreach worker. Type of Work: Part Time Location: Masset, BC Position Type:

Temporary Part-time until Aug 15, 2021 Classification: Victim Service Worker

$23.10 – $26.91 / hour (JJEP Grid Level 11) Position Hours: 10 hours/week Variable

schedule/as needed Job Description: • Provide Support Services to residents of Masset

and Old Massett, as well as any previous Transition House clients island-wide.

• Activities include but are not limited to community education, consultation, and

advice to community agencies on the effects of violence against women. • Follow

up support for former residents of Masset’s Transition House. Transportation

to the Masset Transition House and accompaniment for legal, medical service

appointments. • Assessment and supportive lay counselling for women who have

experienced violence, abuse, or threats. • Liaison between STV and other community

programs. • This position is required to use their vehicle in the course of

their duties. Role and Responsibilities: • Developing networks with related services

(e.g., counseling programs, neighboring transition houses, alcohol and drug, and

other services) to foster a working relationship between services. • Working with

community agencies in a consultative/advisory capacity to identify and address the

service needs of women, including any proposed development of violence against

women programs. • Developing and delivering culturally-appropriate public

education initiatives to raise awareness of the effects of violence against women

towards the prevention of violence against women. • Providing public education to

raise awareness of the services available to women who have experienced violence,

abuse or threats. • Prompting culturally-sensitive support mechanisms based on

the needs of individual women who reside in Masset, Old Massett area. • Providing

supportive counselling individually or in groups for residents or former residents

of the Masset Transition House and women in the surrounding area who have

experienced violence, abuse, or threats and who need support. • Facilitate women’s

understanding of her experience and the emotional and psychological impact of

the trauma resulting from abuse or violent experience. • Assisting women who

have experienced violence, abuse, or threats, through referrals to appropriate

services such as safe, affordable housing, etc. • Providing transportation, accompaniment,

and advocacy, as required, such as for services of the transition house in

Masset, medical emergencies, legal, or social services appointments. • Providing

referral and follow up to women who have accessed Outreach services. • Conduct

appropriate administrative duties. Qualifications and Education Requirements: •

Diploma in a related human / social service field • One (1) year recent related experience

providing services to women who have experienced violence, and providing

outreach or similar services. • Or an equivalent combination of education, training,

and experience. • This position is dependent on a clear Criminal Records Check

(Vulnerable Sector). • This position is required to use their vehicle in the course of

their duties. The successful applicant will have a reliable vehicle at their disposal.

• This position requires Union membership with the BCGEU General Services.

Applications Accepted By: Fax or email: (250) 626-4664 or ea.hgspeace@massett.ca

Subject Line: Outreach Worker position Attention: Executive Director; Mail: Box

811 2132 Collison Ave Masset, BC V0T 1M0 Contact Brie Altrogge at (250) 626-

4664 or ea.hgspeace@massett.ca

Bookkeeper/Financial Coordinator. Job Summary: • Plans, develops, and implements

and oversees the HGSCP Finance Department activities in consultation

with the Executive Director and external auditor. • Provides managerial accounting

support and information to senior management and the Executive Director. • Produces

financial reports and summaries and assists with preparing program budgets

for various HGSCP programs and departments. • Recommends improvements to

internal financial controls, processes, and procedures. • Supervises clerical accounting

staff. • Performs related bookkeeping duties such as coding, recording, posting,

and processing day-to-day transactions. Processes accounts receivable, accounts

payable and payroll. Maintains and updates various accounting and payroll records

as required. This position is not required to use their vehicle in the course of their

duties. Qualifications and Education Requirements: • Certificate or diploma up to

two (2) years in a related field such as accounting principles and procedures, bookkeeping,

payroll, accounting software, or office administration, OR an equivalent

combination of education, training and experience. • Three (3) years recent related

experience, including 1 year of supervisory or administrative experience. • The

successful applicant will be required to join the BCGEU General Services union

membership. • This position is dependent upon a clear Criminal Record Check.

Call Brie Altrogge at (250) 626-4664 or email ea.hgspeace@massett.ca

Community Living Support Workers. Type of Work: Full Time, part-time (multiple

positions) Job Title: Community Living Support Workers Location: Queen

Charlotte City (full time) & Masset (casual/part-time), Haida Gwaii Classification:

Community Support Workers Grid Level/wage rate 10 as per Collective Agreement

($21.63 – 25.19/hour) Job Description: To respectfully support adults with developmental

disabilities in developing skills needed to be active and included in the

community. These skills are to be offered in a manner respectful of the intelligence

and independence already attained by the individuals. Their input will be requested

and highly valued, being used as a cornerstone in the planning of any and all activities.

This team member enhances and supports the quality of life for individuals by

providing the opportunity for full involvement in their community. Note: All duties

will be adapted to include appropriate COVID-19 precautions and protocols. Key

Duties and Responsibilities: • Evaluates client needs and develops short term plans

(weekly and monthly) to meet such needs with the active participation of clients,

their families, and social networks. Reviews and evaluates the individual’s progress

and makes adjustments to programs as required. • Identifies social, economic,

recreational, educational activities in the community that will meet the adult’s

needs. • Maintains liaison with and makes referrals to other agencies, professionals,

government officials and the community. • Provides feedback and support to clients

and/or their families. Qualifications and Requirements: • Diploma in a related

human/social service field is required for the position • Emergency First Aid and

CPR Certifications. • Reliable vehicle and satisfactory driver’s abstract • Clear

Criminal Records Check • One (1) year of training and experience or an equivalent

combination of education, training, and experience • This position requires Union

Membership with BCGEU General Services • This position requires the successful

applicant to use their own vehicle in the course of their duties. Preferred Skills: •

Excellent interpersonal skills. • Good organizational, time and general management

skills • Knowledge of group process and facilitation techniques • Knowledge

of disabilities essential • Must be able to maintain confidentiality. www.hgpeace.ca

Contact: Daniel Kolpatzik, CLBC Contracts Manager. Phone (250) 626-7977, email

ea.hgspeace@massett.ca or clcm.hgspeace@massett.ca

Deckhand Work Available. D & E Towing & Salvage, based in Port Clements, is

seeking a tugboat deckhand. Reliability, good work attitude, and physical stamina

are required for this position. Marine experience or certification is desirable, but

training can be provided. Hours will vary. For more information or to submit your

resume, please email detowing@outlook.com or phone 250-557-4222. Call Dave

Unsworth at (250) 557-4222 or email detowing@outlook.com

48 HG July / August 2021 49

Community Service Listings

Not For Profit Groups/Organizations/Societies

At Your Service - cont.


Handcrafted soap

& body products


Queen Charlotte Community Hall Rentals. The Queen Charlotte Community Hall,

located on Bay Street, has the EA Ross room, main hall, stage, kitchen - all available

for rent. Also available for rent are wooden tables ($5 each per day), wooden chairs

($1 each per day), a complete place setting for 225 people, water goblets and wine

glasses, cups, cutlery, and white or black linen tablecloths, etc. The kitchen is also

available to rent daily for prepping for larger events. Call Reine Pineault at (250)

559-4792 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Port Clements Museum. Reopening July 15th! Open 7 days a week, 10am-4pm.

Current Covid safety measures in place. For more information, please call Brigid

Cumming at (250) 557-4576 or email pcmuseum@qcislands.ca

Alcoholics Anonymous. If you have a drinking problem we can help. If you live in

the North end of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-626-7557. If you live in the South,

call Lou at 250-559-4568. Currently all meetings are virtual. Call John/Lou at (250)

626-7557 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Haida Gwaii Arts Council Writing Competition. We are looking for your voice, experience

& imagination about this strange year living in this unique part of the world.

Your story can be in the format of a short story, essay, memoir, poem, play, song

lyric, or even a screenplay. The writers of the top 3 adjudicated entries and honorable

mentions win the opportunity to work with a professional editor to make their

work publication ready, plus a free professional writing workshop this fall. Entry

incentive: Each local entrant will receive a $10 gift certificate for a local hospitality

business (from Gaw Tlagee Old Massett to K’il Kun Sandspit) Submission Deadline

August 1st, 2021, Workshop & adjudication details to come! Check out our website

www.hgartscouncil.ca for application instructions & contact aweder@telus.net

At Your Service

Business Services/Business Products

Masset Services Pro Detail Shop. CARS, TRUCKS AND SUV’s! BASIC DETAIL:

vacuum all carpets and upholstery, complete interior clean, exterior wash, and polish

all glass and chrome. *Cars: $185 *Trucks & SUV’s: $205 DELUXE DETAIL: includes

all the basic detailing plus all carpets shampooed, all upholstery shampooed,

ozone treatment (removes odors, bacteria, and viruses). Overnight stay is required

for drying. *Cars: $235 *Trucks & SUV’s: $255 ENGINE DETAIL: $40. Call Ron at

(250) 626-3833 or email office@massetservices.com

Gwaii Taxi & Tours – New Shuttle Operator. Coming Soon! Gwaii Taxi is now Haida

Gwaii’s new shuttle operator for transporting passengers from Skidegate and Queen

Charlotte to the Sandspit Airport. Pick up locations will be at the Taaw Naay Gas

Station in HlGaagilda Skidegate and City Centre/Post Office area in Daajing Giids

Queen Charlotte. Gwaii Taxi will also be available to do bus runs to Masset. Watch

for updated schedule information in the Haida Gwaii Trader. Call Bob Stratton at

(250) 559-2380 or email info@gwaiitaxiandtours.ca


Groceries & Liquor

Bakery & Deli

Home & Office Supplies

Gifts & Local Treasures

91 Bayview Dr. Port Clements

Mon-Sat 10-6 | 250-557-4331



• Affordable rates

• Web and print exposure

• Ad design assistance

Call us at 250-557-2088


Dear Huckleberry - Advice Column. Are you or someone you know in need of relationship

advice? Introducing, HGT’s new advice column, Dear Huckleberry! Commencing

with the MarchApril HGT Magazine, we are excited to introduce Dear

Huckleberry, a new relationship advice column. Whether for you, your partner, a

nosy family member or a jealous co-worker, Dear Huckleberry will talk about the

good, the bad, the funny and the ugly with the goal of untangling relationship challenges

of all kinds. A resident of Haida Gwaii, the Dear Huckleberry columnist has

9 years experience in the field of psychology, 5 years in family therapy and 2 years

in Bio decoding therapy. Advice will be built on honesty, surprising vulnerability,

and a splash of funny as well. Contributor Guidelines: • The Dear Huckleberry columnist

and its contributors are 100% anonymous and to keep it that way, all submissions

should not include any identifying information (i.e. no names or places).

Any words or statements that conflict with this guideline will be edited out for privacy

reasons. • Submissions should either ask questions or describe problems and

can be as long as desired. Due to publishing space limitations, if they are chosen

to be featured in a Dear Huckleberry column, they will be edited down to around

100 words. • Dear Huckleberry advice is not intended to replace any individualized

mental health programs. If you or anyone you know is in need of such services,

contact your doctor to discuss what options are available. By submitting your letters/questions,

you agree to waive any and all liability arising from any action taken

or potentially taken in response to or as a result of the advice provided by the Dear

Huckleberry columnist. • Submission deadlines: SeptOct: Aug. 10 th , NovDec: Oct.

10th • Submissions can be sent by email (as a Word document or in the body of

the email) to: dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com or by mail to: Dear Huckleberry c/o

Haida Gwaii Trader, PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0 Call Dear Huckleberry

(c/o HGT) at (250) 557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Grass cutting. Call Fletcher Collison at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com

Last Minute Ads

Too late to fit into their respective categories but squeaked in before we

went to print!

Husqvarna lawn mower. Self propelled ,4 wheel drive $500 Call Fletcher at (250)

626-7606 or email Fletchercollison1964071@gmail.com

DVD - 6 Feet Under. The complete boxed set. used very funny and entertaining. Picture to come

later or just Google it. $90 Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@gmail.com

Zodiac. 1996 15 1/2 foot Futura mark 3 zodiac with centre console with 70 hp

Johnson 2- stroke motor with jet on it, also comes with prop and separate transom

for conversion. On e z loader trailer, recently serviced runs great tons of power! In

Terrace $10,000 Call Malcolm at (250) 615-8915 or email Mollyandmouse@gmail.


Woman XL COAT. $60 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email Fletchercollison1964071@gmail.com




First Nations Economic Development

Employment, Skills & Training

Business Development

Employer Loan Benefit Program


www.tricorp.ca Prince Rupert, BC

Authentic Screen Printing




Call us at 250-557-2088


Representing Haida Gwaii and Northwest BC

290-309 2 nd Ave W



50 HG July / August 2021 51

Haida Gwaii Trader Community Calendar July/August, 2021

Do you have an event you want to advertise?

Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com and post your not-for-profit event FREE OF CHARGE

In Loving Memory

Mallory Lynn Tonner

March 15, 1985 - March 4, 2021

At the Vancouver General Hospital on March 4, 2021 Mallory Lynn Tonner, 35, succumbed to a brain aneurysm

after emergency transport from her home in Masset, BC. Mallory leaves her husband Tim Cote, daughter Nina, son

Tom and mother-in-law Heather Loubier in Masset; parents Paul and Carol Tonner, Deep River, ON; sister Meghan

Wallace (Terry) and their daughters Mallory and Hazel, Masset; brother Matt Tonner (Alison) and their daughters

Carmen, Fiona and Jillian in Rossland, BC; brother-in-law Ivan Loubier (Whitney) and their sons Tim and Ted in

Courtenay-Comox, BC; many uncles, aunts, cousins and a wide network of friends, young and old.

Mallory was born in Deep River where she attended school at St. Mary's and Mackenzie and participated in many

sports and activities, including Trekkers and Tamarack. These experiences nurtured a love for nature and adventure

that stayed with her all her life. For many summers Mallory worked as a safety kayaker on the Ottawa River and it

was there that she met the love of her life, Tim. Mallory completed a BA in languages and political science at the

University of New Brunswick from 2003 to 2007 while also paddling the tidal rivers of New Brunswick. Soon after,

Mallory felt the call to move west where she worked in Vancouver and Squamish and explored the shores, rivers

and mountains of British Columbia with Tim by her side, and with sister Meghan and brother Matt never far away.

Mallory's keen intellect and quiet resolve served her well throughout her life. From September 2012 through Dec

2013, Mallory completed 14 UBC night-school and self-study courses to enable her to submit qualifying applications

to speech language pathology programs at various universities across Canada. Mallory accepted UBC's early offer

of admission in January 2014 and completed her Masters in Speech Language Pathology at UBC in June 2016. She

worked as a speech language pathologist for BC Northern Health in both Terrace and Masset, helping individuals

overcome speech problems with her characteristic patience and understanding.

Mallory's good-humour and generous nature in life continued after her death. In the optional "message to family"

space on the organ donor card she filled out at age 23 Mallory wrote "Take it all! xo". Consistent with Mallory's

wishes, and those of her surviving family, her organs have now improved and saved the lives of many people in need.

We wish to extend our thanks to the medical staff at the Masset Hospital, Vancouver General Hospital, the Medevac

team, and the BC Transplant team, all of whom cared for Mallory and her grieving family with great kindness and


Mallory was effortlessly elegant, indomitable and genuine and gave the world more than she took from it. Mallory's

humour and kindness will live on in her children Nina and Tom. We love you Mallory! xo.

Gaw Tlagee / Old Massett & Masset

Masset Farmers' Market

Fridays / 11am-2pm / Across from Credit Union until

May 14, then across from Delma’s Co-op / Main


Bakers, makers and growers brave the elements year

round to host the Masset Market, offering locally

grown and prepared foods, vegetables, eggs, cheese,

jams, preserves, hot lunches, baking and treats.

Additional artisans diversify the Market offerings from

spring through fall, and include jewellery, soap and

body products, knitted, painted, felted and beach

combed treasures. Look for cut flowers, mushrooms

and berries available in season. Masset Market is

located on Main St and runs every Friday from 11:00

am - 2:00 pm. (Some vendors stay a while beyond 2:00

pm, so it’s worth a look after hours!) New vendors are

always welcome! For more information contact Natalie

at 250-626-3412 or Massetmarket@gmail.com

Wild Camps

Jul 25-29 / 9am-9pm / Old Massett Recreation Centre

/ Old Massett

Introducing WILD CAMPS basketball and life skills

camp, happening in Gaw Tlagee Old Massett for youth

aged 9-19! This camp will be facilitated by three awesome

basketball coaches who operate with the principles

of inclusivity, gratitude, and everyone's potential

to be a better person on and off the court. REGISTER

NOW: julia.weder@haidawellness.org. Haawa so much

to Gwaii Trust Society for allowing this to happen! For

more information contact Julia Weder



Sat, Sep 18 / 9am-4pm / Pure Lake / Highway 16


DATE: Saturday, September 18, 2021 CHECK-IN TIME:

9:00 AM – 9:45 AM LOCATION: Pure Lake RACE START:

10:00 am SHARP COST: $30 per person $90 for teams

of 3 participants A minimum of 20 pre-registrations

are needed by AUGUST 1, 2021 to keep this race

sustainable. So make sure to register before AUGUST

1, 2021 and receive your limited edition AGATE MAN

2021 T-Shirt! COURSE: 500 m Swim – Pure Lake 20 km

Cycle – from Pure Lake Parking lot to Masset Fire Hall

6 km Run – around Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary ENTRY

CATEGORIES: 1. Triathlon – Men’s Solo Swim/Bike/Run

2. Triathlon – Women’s Solo Swim/Bike/Run 3. Relay of

3 – Swim/Bike/Run 4. Group Fun Event – Enter a relay

with as many people as you want placed wherever you

want! Volunteers are a huge part of the success of this

event! If you wish to volunteer and receive a FREE Limited

Edition Agate Man T-Shirt, please send an email to

info@hgerc.com or contact 250-626-5652.

All Islands - Virtual

Alcoholics Anonymous

If you have a drinking problem, we can help. For South

end virtual meeting information call Lou at 250-559-

4568, for North end call John at 250-626-7557

Hlk’yak’ii – To Start a Fire

Until December 24 / Haida Gwaii Museum / #2

Second Beach Road

The Hlk’yak’ii: To Start a Fire art exhibition is part of a

Haida Gwaii grassroots movement to find new, local

and sustainable ways to meet our energy needs and to

move away from our dependence on diesel to generate

electricity. There have been decades of local resistance

against unsustainable energy sources over the years,

but we also recognize our dependence upon them, and

that solutions are required in order to bring change.

Exhibition can be viewed online at haidagwaiimuseum.

ca/hlk’yakii-to-start-a-fire or visit the exhibit in person

at 2 Second Beach Rd., HlGaagilda Skidegate. For more

information call 250-559-4643 or email adminassistant@


K’il Kun / Sandspit

Moresby Market

Sundays(Excluding July 4th & August 1st) / 11am-

1pm / ALM School Walkway / School Road

In compliance with the BCCDC farmers market

guidelines. Our Artisan market features handmade,

homemade, and homegrown goods. This often

includes pottery, hand sewn items, local salt,

baking, preserves, photography, gifts, etc. For more

information contact Amber Faktor at moresbymarket@


Gamadiis / Port Clements

Regular Council Meetings

July 13th, August 4th & 17th/ 7pm-10pm

Village of Port Clements Regular Council Meeting.

Please note that to abide by the Provincial Health

Order, members of the public cannot attend Council

meetings physically in person. Alternative means of

participation are available, such as calling or emailing

the Village Office ahead of Council Meetings with

questions for the Agenda items to be read out to

Council during the “Questions from the Public and

Press” section of the meeting. For more information

contact Village Office at 250-557-4295 or office@

portclements.ca or www.portclements.ca

52 HG July / August 2021 53

Daajing Giids / Queen Charlotte

Tll.aal / Tlell

Queen Charlotte Farmers Market

Saturdays / 11am-2pm / Gather Food / 223

Oceanview Drive

Social distancing, masks and sanitizer or hand

washing before service. Start your week’s grocery

shopping at the market and support local growers

and producers. You can find greens, sourdough,

plants, transplants, locally grown mushrooms, a large

selection of baked goods, kombucha, and much

more. For more information contact Marylynn Hunt at

250-559-8282 or stmarysspring@gmail.com For more

information contact Marylynn Hunt at 250-559-8282 or


HlGaagilda / Skidegate

Wild Camps

Jul 19-23 / 9am-12pm / Hiit’agan.iina Kuuyas Naay/

Skidegate Youth Centre / Front Street

Introducing WILD CAMPS basketball and life skills

camp, the week of July 19-23rd, for youth aged

9-19! This camp will be facilitated by three awesome

basketball coaches who operate with the principles

of inclusivity, growth, and everyone\'s potential to be

a better person on and off the court. REGISTER NOW:

julia.weder@haidawellness.org, or message us. Haawa

so much to Gwaii Trust Society for allowing this to

happen! For more information contact Julia Weder

We would be honoured to hear

from you!

Tlell Farmers Market

Sundays / 11am-2pm / Tlell / at the storage facility

on the driveway to the soccer field just south of the

fire hall

Social distancing, masks and sanitizer or hand washing

before service. Buy Local and keep the money in your

community! Freshly picked produce, home baking,

lunches, coffee, desserts, eggs, bread, preserves,

vegetables in season, berries, sourdough, kombucha,

garden plants and lots more! New vendors are welcome

to sell anything you grew or raised, made or baked.

Buskers and entertainers are also welcome. There is a

cold storage facility on site for vendor convenience.

Charge will be $5 per vendor to cover expenses for

more information contact 250-559-8282 or erc@


Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0

Phone: 250-557-2088

Magazine Submissions

• Letters to the Editor

• Stories

• News

• Photos

• Poems

• Cartoons

Locally inspired


Indoor dining

and heated patio

• Hand crafted


• Beer on tap from

Wheelhouse and

Smither's brewery

• BC and international

wine list

3207 Wharf Street, Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte, BC, V0T 1S0




54 HG July / August 2021 55

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