August 2021 Dimensions Magazine.Final

Sprenger Midwest's August Dimensions Sprenger Midwest's August Dimensions


D I G I T A L M A G A Z I N E F R O M S P R E N G E R M I D W E S T A U G U S T 2 0 2 1 CEDAR SHINGLES SIMPLIFIED Plus, Congratulations to Scott Knutson on his Retirement!

D I G I T A L M A G A Z I N E F R O M S P R E N G E R M I D W E S T<br />

A U G U S T 2 0 2 1<br />


Plus, Congratulations to<br />

Scott Knutson on his Retirement!

About<br />

CEDAR<br />


Set your imagination loose with Fancy Cuts. Let your ideas take shape for the perfect accent to a<br />

bay window, front entry or gable end. Different shapes can be combined for endless<br />

possibilities, giving you the chance to develop your own signature look and custom cedar siding<br />

designs.<br />

Each Fancy Cuts shingle is<br />

100% clear, 100% edge<br />

grain Western Red Cedar.<br />

Natural variations in color and grain<br />

give each shingle its own unique<br />

look. All Fancy Cuts are precision<br />

cut and sanded.<br />

Buy individual Fancy Cuts shingles<br />

to mix-and-match patterns or<br />

create an original design.<br />

Fancy Cuts are packaged 96 pieces to the carton. One carton covers 25 sq. ft. when shingles are<br />

installed at the 7-1/2" exposure recommended for exteriors. For interior accents, a carton of<br />

Fancy Cuts covers 33 square feet when applied with a 10" exposure.<br />

Eight patterns are also available on a custom order basis in convenient 8-foot panels with 5"<br />

exposure. It's never been easier or more convenient to have the hand-crafted appearance of<br />

Fancy Cuts.



1-800-843-3797<br />




For over 50 years, Shakertown has been<br />

beautifying and protecting homes across<br />

North America. That's a claim few other<br />

siding materials can make. With a track<br />

record that extends a half a century, our<br />

history speaks for itself.<br />

Made with 100% clear vertical grain<br />

heartwood cedar, nothing else compares<br />

to the rich appearance and outstanding<br />

performance of our cedar shingle panels.

<strong>August</strong><br />

Products<br />


On behalf of<br />

everyone at<br />

Sprenger Midwest,<br />

we would like to<br />

thank you, Scott, for<br />

your 25 years of<br />

outstanding,<br />

dedicated service to<br />

your customers, this<br />

industry and our<br />

company.<br />

Congratulations on<br />

your retirement and<br />

best wishes for<br />

many happy<br />

adventures in the<br />

next phase of life's<br />

journey.<br />

- Your Friends at<br />

Sprenger Midwest<br />

Scott Knutson<br />

Senior Account Manager, Sprenger Midwest<br />

Retires July 29th, <strong>2021</strong>

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