PDMB Variations
PDMB Variations researches the potential innovation of the typical (PEMB) pre-engineered metal building using parametric modeling, tapping into the inherent intelligence of this highly optimized system and ultimately delivering a new level of customization. We believe that pre-engineered metal buildings have not lived up to the potential of their promise and that PDMB Variations offers new possibilities for this banal typology.
PDMB Variations researches the potential innovation of the typical (PEMB) pre-engineered metal building using parametric modeling, tapping into the inherent intelligence of this highly optimized system and ultimately delivering a new level of customization. We believe that pre-engineered metal buildings have not lived up to the potential of their promise and that PDMB Variations offers new possibilities for this banal typology.
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION80X100 Case StudyThis workflow facilitated the evaluation of 312 designs to find a balancedsolution between the relationship of floor area efficiency and solarinsolation on the building envelope during the peak load hours. Once thedata had been aggregated onto the Thread platform, a narrow range ofthe output metrics was determined along with a map of the parameterinputs of the selected design solutions.This workflow differs from an optimization workflow. Instead oftargeting individual objectives within the model it used the Colibriiterator to log and categorize the data within the model to explore in adata rich environment.solar insolationbalanced solutionfloor area efficiencycloud-based visualization dashboard
PROGRAMATIC EXPLORATIONCase studies of varying scales, profiles & operations30x60+shed+chamferRESIDENTIAL80x100+symmetrical+compressCONGREGATIONAL100x200+asymmetrical+cross-cut+compressEDUCATIONALEvaluation of 3D generated formsinspired designs that combinedmultiple operations+
- Page 1 and 2: PDMB VARIATIONS(PDMB) Parametric De
- Page 3 and 4: PROBLEMOpportunityRoof Purlinchamfe
- Page 5 and 6: DATA COLLECTIONParametric Generated
- Page 7 and 8: CHAMFER+ASYMMETRICALData Catalog30
- Page 9 and 10: CROSS-CUT+SYMMETRICALData Catalog30
- Page 11 and 12: CROSS-CUT+SHEDData Catalog30 x 60Ri
- Page 13 and 14: COMPRESS+ASYMMETRICALData Catalog30
- Page 19 and 20: CONGREGATIONAL CASE STUDY80x100 + S
Case studies of varying scales, profiles & operations
Evaluation of 3D generated forms
inspired designs that combined
multiple operations