PDMB Variations

PDMB Variations researches the potential innovation of the typical (PEMB) pre-engineered metal building using parametric modeling, tapping into the inherent intelligence of this highly optimized system and ultimately delivering a new level of customization. We believe that pre-engineered metal buildings have not lived up to the potential of their promise and that PDMB Variations offers new possibilities for this banal typology. PDMB Variations researches the potential innovation of the typical (PEMB) pre-engineered metal building using parametric modeling, tapping into the inherent intelligence of this highly optimized system and ultimately delivering a new level of customization. We believe that pre-engineered metal buildings have not lived up to the potential of their promise and that PDMB Variations offers new possibilities for this banal typology.


RESEARCH DESIGNParametric Modeling30 x 60chamfersymmetrical80 x 100cross-cutasymmetricalcompressshed100 x 200OPERATIONThree formal strategies or operations; chamfer,cross-cut and compress were compiled fromsketchbook studies and building observations.PROFILEPEMB, pre-engineered metal buildings havea variety of shapes depending on themanufacturer. For this project, the threemost common profiles were used;symmetrical, asymmetrical and shed.SIZEPEMB, pre-engineered metalbuildings come in standard andcustom sizes. For researchpurposes a small, medium and largescale were selected.

DATA COLLECTIONParametric Generated Variationssymmetrical asymmetrical shed112variations30x60chamfer + cross-cut + compressCOMBINED OPERATOIONS30x60408variations80x10080x100924variations100x200100x200The primary and secondary structural spacing for PEMB, pre-engineered metal buildings vary. Tostandardize the research process, rigid frames were determined to be 20’-0” on center and that secondarystructural components like wall girts and roof purlins were 5’-0” on center. A plan grid with pointcoordinates was established for each building size. Grasshopper was used in the parametric process tocreate 3D forms based on size, profile and operation. The lines on the plan-point graph show the numberof possible variations per building size.plan-point graph


Parametric Generated Variations

symmetrical asymmetrical shed




chamfer + cross-cut + compress











The primary and secondary structural spacing for PEMB, pre-engineered metal buildings vary. To

standardize the research process, rigid frames were determined to be 20’-0” on center and that secondary

structural components like wall girts and roof purlins were 5’-0” on center. A plan grid with point

coordinates was established for each building size. Grasshopper was used in the parametric process to

create 3D forms based on size, profile and operation. The lines on the plan-point graph show the number

of possible variations per building size.

plan-point graph

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