The Art of Being Human- A Textbook for Cultural Anthropology, 2018a

The Art of Being Human- A Textbook for Cultural Anthropology, 2018a The Art of Being Human- A Textbook for Cultural Anthropology, 2018a

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

First Edition<br />

Michael Wesch

Michael Wesch<br />

First Edition<br />

Copyright © 2018 Michael Wesch<br />

New Prairie Press,<br />

Kansas State University Libraries<br />

Manhattan, Kansas<br />

Cover design by<br />

Ashley Flowers<br />

Electronic edition available online at<br />

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons<br />

Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike<br />

4.0 International License<br /><br />

ISBN-13: 978-1-944548-13-1<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />


For reminding me that<br />

falling and failing<br />

is fun and fascinating.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />


<strong>The</strong> following chapters were written to accompany the free and open<br />

Introduction to <strong>Cultural</strong> <strong>Anthropology</strong> course available at<br />

This book is designed as a loose framework <strong>for</strong> more and better chapters in<br />

future editions. If you would like to share some work that you think would<br />

be appropriate <strong>for</strong> the book, please contact the author at<br /><br />


Michael Wesch<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Praise from students:<br />

"Coming into this class I was not all that thrilled. Leaving this class, I almost cried because I<br />

would miss it so much. Never in my life have I taken a class that helps you grow as much as I did<br />

in this class."<br />

"I learned more about everything and myself than in all my other courses combined."<br />

"I was concerned this class would be <strong>of</strong>f-putting but I needed the hours. It changed my views<br />

drastically and made me think from a different point <strong>of</strong> view."<br />

"It really had opened my eyes in seeing the world and the people around me differently."<br />

"I enjoyed participating in all 10 challenges; they were true challenges <strong>for</strong> me and I am so thankful<br />

to have gone out <strong>of</strong> my com<strong>for</strong>t zone, tried something new, and found others in this world."<br />

"This class really pushed me outside my com<strong>for</strong>t zone and made me grow as a person."<br />

"I expected to learn a lot about other people in this class but I ended up learning a lot about<br />

myself, too."<br />

"I came into this class with little understanding, and came out with a massive knowledge <strong>of</strong> the<br />

world, and myself."<br />

"This class allowed me to rethink who I am, what I am, and what I want to be by looking at<br />

'who we are' as people."<br />

"It changed my way <strong>of</strong> thinking about life, situations, and others around the world."<br />

"This class is absolutely life changing."<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Ten Lessons / Ten Challenges<br />

Lesson 1: Fieldwork<br />

Questions, Connections, and Trying New Things<br />

Challenge 1: Talking to Strangers<br />

10<br />

27<br />

Lesson 2: Culture<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Seeing<br />

Growing Up Among the Nacirema<br />

Challenge 2: Fieldwork <strong>of</strong> the Familiar<br />

29<br />

52<br />

63<br />

Lesson 3: Evolution<br />

Who are we? <strong>Human</strong> Evolution<br />

<strong>The</strong> (Un)Making <strong>of</strong> the Modern Body<br />

Challenge 3: <strong>The</strong> 28 Day Challenge<br />

65<br />

86<br />

105<br />

Lesson 4: Language<br />

<strong>The</strong> Power <strong>of</strong> Language<br />

Challenge 4: Word-Weaving<br />

107<br />

129<br />

Lesson 5: Infrastructure<br />

Tools and <strong>The</strong>ir <strong>Human</strong>s<br />

Mediated Culture<br />

Challenge 5: <strong>The</strong> UnThing Experiment<br />

131<br />

153<br />

169<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Lesson 6: Social Structure<br />

Love in Four Cultures<br />

Becoming Our Selves: Identity, Race, and Gender<br />

Challenge 6: Get Uncom<strong>for</strong>table<br />

171<br />

191<br />

213<br />

Lesson 7: Superstructure<br />

Big Questions about Morality<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dynamics <strong>of</strong> Culture<br />

Religion and the Wisdom <strong>of</strong> the World<br />

Challenge 7: <strong>The</strong> Other Encounter<br />

215<br />

237<br />

251<br />

271<br />

Lesson 8: Globalization<br />

How does the world work?<br />

Challenge 8: Global Connections<br />

273<br />

305<br />

Lesson 9: “<strong>The</strong> Good Life”<br />

Creating “<strong>The</strong> Good Life”<br />

<strong>The</strong> Power <strong>of</strong> Storytelling<br />

Challenge 9: Meaning Making<br />

307<br />

320<br />

335<br />

Lesson 10: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong>re Are No Accidents: <strong>The</strong> Paul Farmer Story<br />

If Paul Farmer is the Model, We’re Screwed Golden<br />

Challenge 10: Write your Manifesto<br />

337<br />

347<br />

357<br />


Michael Wesch<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />


Welcome to anthropology.<br />

If you're like me, you have no idea what you're in <strong>for</strong>. I didn't<br />

even know what anthropology was when I first enrolled. Many<br />

people have stepped into anthropology classes expecting to fulfill a<br />

simple requirement by memorizing a few key words and regurgitating<br />

them on the exams, only to find themselves radically shaken and<br />

trans<strong>for</strong>med by the experience.<br />

One way to organize a book about anthropology – the study <strong>of</strong><br />

all humans in all times in all places – would be to tell the entire<br />

human story, attempting to give equal space to each moment <strong>of</strong> our<br />

history.<br />

We might start the book 12,000 years ago, a time when everybody<br />

everywhere was living in basically the same way, by <strong>for</strong>aging, hunting,<br />

and fishing <strong>for</strong> food. If the book were roughly the size <strong>of</strong> the one<br />

you're holding now, each page would cover about 50 years. <strong>The</strong> book<br />

would begin with a description <strong>of</strong> our pre-agricultural ancestors,<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

people who lived in small bands with populations that rarely<br />

exceeded 50 people. Somewhere around page 15, somebody plants<br />

the first seeds, we start domesticating animals, and people start to<br />

settle in larger, more stable villages.<br />

But change is slow. Halfway through the book, we're still using<br />

stone tools. Just past the middle <strong>of</strong> the book, writing emerges, along<br />

with the domestication <strong>of</strong> the horse and the invention <strong>of</strong> carts and<br />

chariots. <strong>The</strong> first empires emerge in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and<br />

China. And in the next chapter the Greeks, Romans, Mayans, Aztecs,<br />

and Ottomans take us to the brink <strong>of</strong> the final chapter.<br />

With 10 pages left in the book (500 years in the past) you notice<br />

that the book is almost over, and yet almost nothing <strong>of</strong> the world that<br />

you know and take <strong>for</strong> granted exists. Most people have never<br />

ventured more than 10 miles from home. College does not exist. <strong>The</strong><br />

United States does not exist. Most people would not be able to read<br />

this book.<br />

A flurry <strong>of</strong> activity ensues. Packed into those final pages are the<br />

stories <strong>of</strong> European colonial empires spreading to touch nearly every<br />

corner <strong>of</strong> the globe. <strong>The</strong> Renaissance, Re<strong>for</strong>mation, Enlightenment,<br />

the birth <strong>of</strong> nations, an ever more complex legalistic bureaucracy,<br />

new concepts <strong>of</strong> the family and childhood, educational re<strong>for</strong>ms, and<br />

the idea <strong>of</strong> human rights emerge. With just four pages left the<br />

Industrial Revolution appears, along with the rise <strong>of</strong> science,<br />

medicine, and other new technologies.<br />

<strong>The</strong> everyday lives <strong>of</strong> people in these last few pages are<br />

fundamentally different than all those be<strong>for</strong>e. And not just because <strong>of</strong><br />

the technologies they use, but because <strong>of</strong> the questions they ask. For<br />

the first time in human history, the average person has to continually<br />

ask themselves three questions that almost no human in that long<br />

history be<strong>for</strong>e has had to ask:<br />

Who am I?<br />

What am I going to do?<br />

Am I going to make it?<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

For almost all <strong>of</strong> human history, no one asked these questions,<br />

because the answers were already known. We were who we were, we<br />

would do what our parents did, and our future was not in our own<br />

hands. Modernity brought with it a world <strong>of</strong> choices, and with<br />

choices come questions and an obligation to answer them.<br />

And the questions go far beyond ourselves, <strong>for</strong> the second-to-last<br />

page signals an irresolvable climax. We build technologies that allow<br />

us to send messages at the speed <strong>of</strong> light. Automobiles start taking us<br />

faster and farther, dramatically changing the way we live and how we<br />

build our cities. We even learn to fly. By the end <strong>of</strong> the page, we can<br />

cross oceans in a matter <strong>of</strong> hours. But such progress is set against a<br />

backdrop <strong>of</strong> two ghastly world wars that killed nearly 100 million<br />

people. As you turn the final page, it must be apparent that this story<br />

cannot possibly resolve itself and end well.<br />

On the last page you find that humans are more prosperous than<br />

ever, but there is a worrying and perplexing set <strong>of</strong> problems and<br />

paradoxes emerging. For while the final few pages have brought us<br />

tremendous technological advances and higher standards <strong>of</strong> living,<br />

they haven't brought us more happiness. In fact, even though we are<br />

more connected than ever, we feel less connected. We have more<br />

power to do and be anything we desire, yet we feel more<br />

disempowered. Our lives are saturated with the artifacts <strong>of</strong> an<br />

absolute explosion <strong>of</strong> human creativity, and yet we struggle to find<br />

meaning.<br />

<strong>The</strong> last page also describes a world <strong>of</strong> unparalleled global<br />

inequality and a precarious environmental situation. Our population<br />

is more than 20 times what it was at the start <strong>of</strong> the chapter, but the<br />

richest 225 humans on earth have more wealth than the poorest 2.5<br />

billion people combined. Nearly one billion people make less than<br />

$1/day. <strong>Human</strong>s produce more than enough food to feed everyone<br />

in the world, yet hundreds <strong>of</strong> millions are starving, even as we<br />

collectively spend over $1 trillion per year preparing to fight one<br />

another.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

<strong>The</strong> final pages describe how we created an astounding global<br />

economy running on nonrenewable fossil fuels, but on the last page,<br />

it becomes apparent that all those resources will be gone by the third<br />

page <strong>of</strong> the epilogue. Furthermore, the use <strong>of</strong> these fuels has changed<br />

the chemistry <strong>of</strong> our planet, leading to a rise in global temperature,<br />

rising sea levels, expanding deserts, and more intense storms. Perhaps<br />

most dramatic, it is in these final pages that we human beings have<br />

attained the ability to literally end the book altogether and annihilate<br />

ourselves. We might do it at the push <strong>of</strong> a button, launching a nuclear<br />

war; or we might do it slowly and painfully, through environmental<br />

collapse. Whether or not the story continues will largely be up to<br />

choices we make.<br />

Three new questions emerge:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Who are we?<br />

What are we going to do?<br />

Are we going to make it?<br />

<strong>Anthropology</strong> is the discipline that attempts to answer these<br />

questions about humans and their place in the world. By practicing<br />

anthropology, you might just find a few answers to those other three<br />

questions (Who am I? What am I going to do? Am I going to make it?) and<br />

learn a little bit more about yourself and your own place in the world.<br />

<strong>The</strong> answers to such questions might not be what you expect. In<br />

fact, the answers to these questions will only open up new questions,<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

and you will soon find yourself on a sort <strong>of</strong> quest, question after<br />

question after question. <strong>Anthropology</strong> doesn't just seek to answer<br />

questions; it leads us to discover new questions that we have not even<br />

considered be<strong>for</strong>e.<br />

You might, as I did, come to cherish these questions. Yes, they<br />

will turn you inside out and upside down. You may spend a few<br />

sleepless nights questioning your most basic ideas, ideals, values, and<br />

beliefs. But you might also come to see these questions as great gifts<br />

that reveal worlds and ideas you cannot yet imagine.<br />

Anthropologists look <strong>for</strong> answers not just in books and data but<br />

out in the world itself, by making connections with people across vast<br />

cultural differences. This is a necessary part <strong>of</strong> understanding the<br />

entirety <strong>of</strong> the human condition. We have to understand the diversity<br />

that makes up the human experience.<br />

It is experience itself that lies at the heart <strong>of</strong> anthropology.<br />

<strong>Anthropology</strong> opens the doors <strong>of</strong> the world to you so that you can<br />

experience more. In order to experience more, you will have to step<br />

outside your com<strong>for</strong>t zone and experience difference. And when you have<br />

experienced difference, you will be able to come back to more<br />

familiar settings and experience differently. Why do we want to<br />

experience more, experience difference, and experience differently?<br />

Because our experiences become an integral part <strong>of</strong> who we are.<br />

When we experience more, we can be more.<br />

In sum, <strong>Anthropology</strong> is not only the science <strong>of</strong> human beings,<br />

but also the art <strong>of</strong> asking questions, making connections, and trying<br />

new things. <strong>The</strong>se are the very practices that make us who we are as<br />

human beings. <strong>Anthropology</strong> is the art <strong>of</strong> being human.<br />

This art is not easy. You will have to overcome your fears, step<br />

outside your com<strong>for</strong>t zone, and get com<strong>for</strong>table with the<br />

uncom<strong>for</strong>table. "<strong>Anthropology</strong> requires strength, valor, and courage,"<br />

Nancy Scheper-Hughes reminds us. "Pierre Bourdieu called<br />

anthropology a combat sport, an extreme sport as well as a tough and<br />

rigorous discipline. … It teaches students not to be afraid <strong>of</strong> getting<br />

one's hands dirty, to get down in the dirt, and to commit yourself,<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

body and mind. Susan Sontag called anthropology a 'heroic'<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>ession."<br />

What's the pay<strong>of</strong>f <strong>for</strong> this heroic journey? If you're like me, you<br />

will discover in anthropology new questions and new ideas. You will<br />

try, as I did, to make them your own. But you can't own ideas. I did<br />

not have the ideas; the ideas had me. <strong>The</strong>y carried me across rivers <strong>of</strong><br />

doubt and uncertainty, where I found the light and life <strong>of</strong> places<br />

<strong>for</strong>gotten. I climbed mountains <strong>of</strong> fear. I felt their jagged edges,<br />

wiped their dust from my brow, and left my blood in their soil. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

is a struggle to be had, <strong>for</strong> sure. You may not find the meaning <strong>of</strong><br />

life, but you might just have the experience <strong>of</strong> being alive.<br />

Above all, the art <strong>of</strong> being human takes practice. As such, I<br />

present this book not as a typical textbook, full <strong>of</strong> bold-faced terms<br />

<strong>for</strong> you to memorize and regurgitate on exams. <strong>The</strong>re will be some <strong>of</strong><br />

that, as there are always new concepts and terms to learn as you step<br />

into a new way <strong>of</strong> thinking. But above all, there will be a simple idea<br />

at work: that anthropology is not just a science. It's a way <strong>of</strong> life, and<br />

<strong>for</strong> most people, a new way <strong>of</strong> thinking that will open them up to<br />

being the best human beings they can be. So we proceed in<br />

recognition <strong>of</strong> that simple truth:<br />

You cannot just think your way into a new way <strong>of</strong> living.<br />

You have to live your way into a new way <strong>of</strong> thinking.<br />

<strong>The</strong> course will proceed through ten lessons, representing the<br />

Ten Big Ideas that you can learn by studying anthropology. Laid out<br />

together in sequence, they read almost like a manifesto:<br />

1. People are different. <strong>The</strong>se differences represent the vast<br />

range <strong>of</strong> human potential and possibility. Our<br />

assumptions, beliefs, values, ideas, ideals – even our<br />

abilities – are largely a product <strong>of</strong> our culture.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

2. We can respond to such differences with hate or<br />

ignorance, or we can choose to open up to them and ask<br />

questions we have never considered be<strong>for</strong>e.<br />

3. When we open up to such questions, we put ourselves in<br />

touch with our higher nature. It was asking questions,<br />

making connections, and trying new things that brought<br />

us down from the trees, and took us to the moon.<br />

4. It is not easy to see our assumptions. Our most basic<br />

assumptions are embedded in the basic elements <strong>of</strong> our<br />

everyday lives (our language, our routines and habits, our<br />

technologies).<br />

5. "We create our tools and then our tools create us." 1<br />

6. Most <strong>of</strong> what we take as "reality" is a cultural<br />

construction ("real"-ized through our unseen,<br />

unexamined assumptions <strong>of</strong> what is right, true, or<br />

possible.)<br />

7. We fail to examine our assumptions not just because they<br />

are hard to see, but also because they are safe and<br />

com<strong>for</strong>table. <strong>The</strong>y allow us to live with the flattering<br />

illusion that "I am the center <strong>of</strong> the universe, and what<br />

matters are my immediate needs and desires."<br />

8. Our failure to move beyond such a view has led to the<br />

tragedy <strong>of</strong> our times: that we are more connected than<br />

ever, yet feel and act more disconnected.<br />

1 Quote from John Culkin, 1967<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

9. Memorizing these ideas is easy. Living them takes a<br />

lifetime <strong>of</strong> practice. Fortunately, the heroes <strong>of</strong> all time<br />

have walked be<strong>for</strong>e us. <strong>The</strong>y show us the path.<br />

10. <strong>The</strong>y show us that collectively, we make the world.<br />

Understanding how we make the world – how it could be<br />

made or understood differently – is the road toward<br />

realizing our full human potential. It is the road to true<br />

freedom.<br />

Each lesson concludes with a challenge that will allow you to<br />

"live your way" into this new way <strong>of</strong> thinking. You will talk to<br />

strangers, do fieldwork, get com<strong>for</strong>table with the uncom<strong>for</strong>table, try<br />

new things, break habits, reach out across great distances to discover<br />

how you are connected to other people all over the planet, encounter<br />

and come to appreciate people radically different from you, and<br />

ultimately come back home to see yourself as a new kind <strong>of</strong> person, a<br />

hero in your own way, ready to be the best human you can be.<br />

You don't have to journey alone. Go to and<br />

share your challenges and progress with others. It's the perfect place<br />

to ask questions, make connections, and try new things. It's a place to<br />

practice the art <strong>of</strong> being human.<br />

See you there,<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Wesch<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Lesson One<br />

Fieldwork<br />

People are different. <strong>The</strong>se differences represent the vast range <strong>of</strong><br />

human potential and possibility. Our assumptions, beliefs, values,<br />

ideas, ideals – even our abilities – are largely a product <strong>of</strong> our<br />

cultures.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />




About 20 years ago, I was sitting in a university lecture hall with<br />

almost 500 other students waiting <strong>for</strong> our first lecture in<br />

anthropology class. We all had our reasons <strong>for</strong> being there, and most<br />

<strong>of</strong> them ended with the word "requirement." <strong>The</strong>re was the "Social<br />

Sciences 3 <strong>of</strong> 4" requirement, the "45 hours <strong>of</strong> General Electives"<br />

requirement and the "60 hours at our university" requirement, among<br />

many others. For me, it was the "International Overlay" requirement.<br />

I had no idea what anthropology was or why it was required. All I<br />

knew was what I had learned as I looked up "anthropology" in the<br />

dictionary just be<strong>for</strong>e rushing <strong>of</strong>f to class.<br />

<strong>Anthropology</strong>, n. <strong>The</strong> study <strong>of</strong> all humans in all times in all places.<br />

A smartly dressed, white-haired, bearded pr<strong>of</strong>essor entered the<br />

room and showed us what appeared to be a strange ink blot test on<br />

the screen, asking us what we saw. We stared up at these apparently<br />

random splatters <strong>of</strong> ink that we were supposed to decipher like<br />

children looking <strong>for</strong> shapes in the clouds.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

I felt proud <strong>of</strong> myself when I recognized that the splatters were<br />

the shapes <strong>of</strong> the continents and that we were looking at the world<br />

upside down, to which the pr<strong>of</strong>essor challenged, "Is it really upside<br />

down? <strong>The</strong> world is a sphere. Who decided that north is up?" He<br />

then showed us a map popular in Australia (Mc<strong>Art</strong>hur's Universal<br />

Corrective Map) with Australia standing proudly at the top and center<br />

<strong>of</strong> the world. It struck me that this map was no less true than the one<br />

I knew, which placed the United States and Europe standing proudly<br />

at the top and center.<br />

He then proceeded to convince us that it wasn't just the world<br />

that we had upside down, it was bananas too. We had been peeling<br />

them wrong our entire lives. Monkeys and many cultures on the<br />

planet know that the best way to peel a banana is not from the stem,<br />

but rather "upside down." Even the most stubborn banana opens<br />

easily from this end, and you can then immediately throw away the<br />

fibrous and inedible black tip and use the stem as a handle.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n he turned our whole lives upside down, challenging our<br />

most basic taken-<strong>for</strong>-granted assumptions in virtually all aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

our lives, moving from the economic realm and on to family, society,<br />

politics, art, and religion. He challenged our views on success, love,<br />

and even happiness. Ultimately, he would challenge us to consider<br />

how even our most basic everyday activities – shopping, driving,<br />

eating – are connected to all humans everywhere, and gave us<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>ound and un<strong>for</strong>gettable reminders <strong>of</strong> the impacts we might have<br />

on others.<br />

He framed the course around a very simple idea: that our beliefs,<br />

values, ideas, ideals, and even our abilities are largely a product <strong>of</strong> our<br />

cultures. He introduced three seemingly simple yet tremendously<br />

powerful terms to help us explore this idea:<br />

Ethnocentrism: holding one's own beliefs, values, ideas, ideals,<br />

and assumptions to be the only true and proper ones. This is like a<br />

prison <strong>for</strong> the mind. Until we could move past our ethnocentrism, we<br />

would be trapped, with little opportunity to change and grow.<br />

<strong>Cultural</strong> relativism: the antidote to ethnocentrism. This is the<br />

idea that we must understand other people's ideas, ideals,<br />

assumptions and beliefs relative to their own culture. We have to<br />

suspend judgment and try to understand the world in their terms. 2<br />

<strong>The</strong> beauty <strong>of</strong> this activity is that once we find our way into a<br />

different perspective, we can then look back on our own culture with<br />

new eyes.<br />

Participant Observation: the hallmark method <strong>of</strong> anthropology.<br />

We do not just observe other people in our attempts to understand<br />

them. We join in. Only then can we move closer to their experience<br />

and understand them with depth and detail.<br />

While these may seem like nothing more than bold-faced terms in<br />

a textbook, to be memorized and then <strong>for</strong>gotten, they were like firebombs<br />

<strong>for</strong> my mind. <strong>The</strong>y were a constant reminder that my hard-set<br />

ideas about what was right, true, or possible might be wrong. It was<br />

as if a curtain had been drawn back <strong>for</strong> me to look at the world <strong>for</strong><br />

2 This does not mean we withhold judgment <strong>for</strong>ever and deny all judgement (which would<br />

be "moral relativism"). We simply suspend our judgment so that we can understand them.<br />

As Scott Atran, an anthropologist who studies terrorists such as ISIS notes, the key is to<br />

"empathize with people, without always sympathizing." Empathy allows anthropologists to<br />

understand others from their perspective, regardless <strong>of</strong> how reprehensible that perspective<br />

might seem.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

the first time, and each <strong>of</strong> the thousands upon thousands <strong>of</strong> different<br />

beliefs and practices visible there would be a challenge to my own.<br />

I learned about cultures that challenged my perceived limits <strong>of</strong><br />

human potential. <strong>The</strong> Tarahumara <strong>of</strong> central Mexico can run over<br />

400 miles without stopping. <strong>The</strong> Moken <strong>of</strong> Thailand can intentionally<br />

control the pupils <strong>of</strong> their eyes to see more clearly underwater as they<br />

dive <strong>for</strong> clams, while also willfully decreasing their heart rate so they<br />

can hold their breath <strong>for</strong> five minutes or longer! <strong>The</strong> Inuit survive the<br />

Arctic winter by tracking and killing seals under several feet <strong>of</strong> ice.<br />

<strong>The</strong> !Kung <strong>of</strong> southern Africa find food and water in one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

seemingly most desolate deserts on the planet. <strong>The</strong> Jenna Kuruba <strong>of</strong><br />

India start making friends with elephants from the time they are small<br />

children, training them and eventually riding on their giant backs,<br />

walking through life together as lifetime partners.<br />

<strong>Anthropology</strong> can introduce you to cultures where fat is a mark<br />

<strong>of</strong> health and beauty, or where beauty is not a prominent mark <strong>of</strong><br />

worth at all. Places where the body is an integrated part <strong>of</strong> who you<br />

are, useful and functional in the world, not a thing to be obsessively<br />

carving or pumped so that you can be swole, cut, ripped, or chiseled.<br />

Some differences are cute. Others are disturbing. You might find<br />

a place where dogs or horses are considered good eating, or where<br />

pork and beef are <strong>for</strong>bidden.<br />

It can transport you to places where people per<strong>for</strong>m strange<br />

superstitious rituals, only to discover that these rituals are<br />

sophisticated ways <strong>of</strong> managing their culture and environment. For<br />

example, the complex water temples <strong>of</strong> the Balinese, which have<br />

managed water distribution across their rice terraces on the island <strong>for</strong><br />

over 1200 years—and recently came to the rescue and saved the<br />

island from environmental collapse when new agricultural<br />

technologies were introduced.<br />

<strong>Anthropology</strong> introduces you to worlds without clocks or<br />

calendars. Places where time is measured by the song <strong>of</strong> birds or the<br />

pangs <strong>of</strong> a hungry stomach rather than the digits <strong>of</strong> a clock. Places<br />

where there are no deadlines or jobs. No grades or schools. No laws,<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

lawyers, or judges. No politicians or rulers. Places where<br />

smartphones, cars, and electricity are known but <strong>for</strong>bidden.<br />

You can find differences that seem to cut to the very essence <strong>of</strong><br />

how we perceive the world. <strong>The</strong>re are cultures where the locus <strong>of</strong><br />

thinking is believed not to be in the head, but somewhere near the<br />

heart – or where the notion <strong>of</strong> "thinking" is not separated at all from<br />

the notion <strong>of</strong> "feeling." <strong>The</strong>re are cultures that believe there is not<br />

just one soul, but several.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are places where success is measured by how much you<br />

give away, not by the size <strong>of</strong> your house or the cost <strong>of</strong> your car.<br />

Places where winning isn't everything. Places where faith is about<br />

being com<strong>for</strong>table with the unknown, not with how firmly you<br />

believe.<br />

When anthropology is done right, none <strong>of</strong> these things strike you<br />

as exotic oddities. Rather, they are exciting possibilities. <strong>The</strong>y make<br />

you reconsider your own taken-<strong>for</strong>-granted assumptions. <strong>The</strong>y can<br />

make you wonder: If there are humans in the world who can run over 400<br />

miles without rest, or dilate their pupils under water, or hold their breath <strong>for</strong> five<br />

minutes, or find food in an Arctic winter or desert summer … or make friends<br />

with elephants … why can't I?<br />

All this cultural diversity was new to me, and much <strong>of</strong> it was<br />

cracking me open to examine parts <strong>of</strong> my world and worldview I had<br />

never even seen be<strong>for</strong>e. <strong>The</strong> cracks reached deep into my everyday<br />

life.<br />

My girlfriend had just broken up with me. She was the first love<br />

<strong>of</strong> my life, and at the time I was sure that she was "the one." Now<br />

here was a guy presenting me with the idea that the very notion <strong>of</strong><br />

"the one" was nothing but a cultural construction unique to my<br />

culture, time and place. He shared stories about cultures where one<br />

man might have many wives ("polygyny") or where one woman<br />

might have many husbands ("polyandry"). He shared stories about<br />

cultures where marriage was not primarily about romance but about<br />

more practical matters <strong>of</strong> subsistence and partnership. While we all<br />

dutifully set about to memorize these new terms, I couldn't help but<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

see that the very terms <strong>of</strong> my life were changing. A core ideal that<br />

had been the central organizing principle <strong>of</strong> my life – the idea <strong>of</strong> "the<br />

one" that I had to find to live a happy life, the idea that each one <strong>of</strong><br />

us might have a soulmate made just <strong>for</strong> us – was clearly not an idea<br />

universally shared across cultures. It was an idea that was contingent<br />

on a vast array <strong>of</strong> cultural and historical <strong>for</strong>ces. <strong>The</strong> world, it seemed,<br />

had a lot to teach me about love that I just didn't know yet.<br />

<strong>The</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essor spoke s<strong>of</strong>tly and smoothly, as if unaware <strong>of</strong> the<br />

fact that he was lobbing intellectual fire-bombs into the audience and<br />

blowing minds. What on the one hand seemed like a bunch <strong>of</strong> simple<br />

facts to be memorized <strong>for</strong> an exam carried much deeper and more<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>ound messages <strong>for</strong> me – that the world is not as it seems, that we<br />

know the world only through our own cultural biases, that even the<br />

little things matter, that taken together all the little things we do make<br />

the world what it is, and that if we are willing to challenge ourselves,<br />

truly understand others with empathy, and shed the com<strong>for</strong>t <strong>of</strong> our<br />

familiar but sometimes blinding, binding, and taken-<strong>for</strong>-granted<br />

assumptions, we can make the world a better place.<br />

<strong>The</strong> idea that our most central ideas, ideals, beliefs and values are<br />

culturally constructed was liberating. It was also terrifying. I found<br />

myself struggling with questions I had never considered be<strong>for</strong>e. I<br />

kept going to the pr<strong>of</strong>essor with my questions, hoping <strong>for</strong> answers.<br />

But he never <strong>of</strong>fered any.<br />

He just smiled.<br />

Three years later I landed in Port Moresby, the capital city <strong>of</strong><br />

Papua New Guinea. It was as far from my small-town Nebraska<br />

upbringing as I could imagine, both geographically and culturally. If I<br />

wanted the answers to my questions … if I wanted to understand just<br />

how different people could be … if I wanted to explore the vast<br />

range <strong>of</strong> human potential and possibility … this seemed like the place<br />

to be.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Port Moresby was once described by Paul <strong>The</strong>roux as "one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

most violent and decrepit towns on the face <strong>of</strong> the planet." It<br />

frequently tops the Economic Intelligence Unit's annual survey as the<br />

world's most unlivable city. <strong>The</strong>re are the normal struggles <strong>of</strong> an<br />

impoverished city: water rationing, intermittent electricity, lack <strong>of</strong><br />

sanitation, and rampant corruption. But what really sets it apart is its<br />

crime rate. Foreign Policy named it one <strong>of</strong> five "murder capitals <strong>of</strong> the<br />

world." Unemployment runs from 60-90%, and opportunistic crime<br />

is a common way <strong>for</strong> people, even the most respectable people, to<br />

make ends meet.<br />

But none <strong>of</strong> this could dampen my young spirit. I was a twentythree-year-old<br />

small-town boy from Nebraska, eager to explore the<br />

world. Perhaps it was my small-town upbringing that had given me<br />

this sense <strong>of</strong> faith and trust in other people. I had an unwavering<br />

belief that there are good people everywhere. Open up to people and they<br />

will open up to you, I thought. Every place on the planet has its charm,<br />

and it can usually be found in the spirit <strong>of</strong> the people themselves. I<br />

was looking <strong>for</strong>ward to diving into the life <strong>of</strong> this busy little city. I left<br />

the hotel on my first morning in the city with a full spirit and a fullyloaded<br />

backpack, ready <strong>for</strong> an all-day adventure.<br />

It was a calm and beautiful morning in the tropical paradise. Palm<br />

trees slowly swayed above me in the morning breeze. <strong>The</strong> streets<br />

were empty, except <strong>for</strong> two teenage boys walking my way. "Hey!<br />

Moning!" they shouted.<br />

What an exuberant and kind greeting, I thought.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y speak Tok Pisin in Papua New Guinea, a creole with words<br />

drawn from English, German, Malay, Portuguese and several local<br />

languages. Fortunately, about 80% <strong>of</strong> the words come from English,<br />

so it is fairly easy to pick up <strong>for</strong> an English speaker.<br />

"Moning! Moning!" I called back.<br />

"Nogat! Moni! Moni!" one <strong>of</strong> the boys responded tersely, and the<br />

two, now just 20 steps away, quickened their pace and approached<br />

me with clear determination.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

I had misunderstood them, but I was clear on what they wanted<br />

from me now: <strong>The</strong>y wanted my money. I glanced to my left and right<br />

and saw no hope <strong>of</strong> escape. Fences covered in razor wire crowded<br />

the street on both sides, locking me in. Razor wire, I thought. Why<br />

hadn't I noticed that be<strong>for</strong>e? It was an intimidating reminder <strong>of</strong> just how<br />

dangerous this place might be.<br />

I continued to try to win them over, still hoping that I could<br />

trans<strong>for</strong>m this interaction into a polite inconsequential morning<br />

ritual. Perhaps if I could just be charming enough, they would let me<br />

pass; or if not charming, at least so naïve that they might take pity on<br />

me. "Morning!" I replied even more cheerfully, walking confidently<br />

toward them, and hopefully, right past them.<br />

"Nogat! Moni! Moni!" he responded, slapping his pockets <strong>for</strong><br />

emphasis.<br />

I thought maybe I could get by them with a little humor. I<br />

pretended that I still didn't understand, and acted as if they were<br />

teaching me proper pronunciation and the proper gestures that go<br />

along with the greeting. "Moni!" I said cheerfully with my best and<br />

broadest smile while I slapped my pockets with exuberance. I hoped<br />

they might just laugh at the stupid <strong>for</strong>eigner and let me pass.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y did not think I was very funny. <strong>The</strong>y blocked me, looking<br />

angrier than ever.<br />

"Moni!" the boy on the left said sternly, as he pulled back his<br />

jacket to reveal a 24-inch machete.<br />

I turned my back to them, hoping that if they struck me with the<br />

machete the first slash would hit my oversized 40-pound backpack,<br />

and I ran.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y must have paused <strong>for</strong> a moment, because I had 10 steps on<br />

them be<strong>for</strong>e I could hear them coming. But I was no match <strong>for</strong> two<br />

fit teenagers as my 40-pound pack bounced clumsily on my back.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y were closing in fast.<br />

I came to a street corner and veered right. A large group <strong>of</strong> young<br />

men turned to see me coming. In my moment <strong>of</strong> fear, I expected the<br />

worst from them. Blood-red betel nut juice oozed from their lips.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Everything seemed to be in slow motion <strong>for</strong> me now. One <strong>of</strong> the<br />

men spit his blood-red wad onto the pavement as the whole group<br />

turned my way and scowled. I started wondering just how bad this<br />

was going to get. I resigned myself to the attack that was to come,<br />

and recalled that a friend <strong>of</strong> mine, also an anthropologist, had been<br />

stabbed over 30 times in an attack in Port Moresby, and survived. I<br />

wondered if I would be so lucky.<br />

"Hey!" the men shouted toward me.<br />

With razor wire on both sides <strong>of</strong> me, and a 24-inch machete in<br />

pursuit, I had no choice but to keep running toward them. Two <strong>of</strong><br />

the young men seemed to lunge toward me with raised arms, ready to<br />

strike.<br />

And then it was over.<br />

<strong>The</strong> two young men who appeared to be lunging <strong>for</strong> me were<br />

lunging <strong>for</strong> the boys, protecting me, and had chased the perpetrators<br />

into some nearby woods. <strong>The</strong> young men apologized pr<strong>of</strong>usely <strong>for</strong><br />

the behavior <strong>of</strong> the boys and welcomed me to their country.<br />

In the years to come I would find great camaraderie,<br />

conversation, and com<strong>for</strong>t hanging out with locals on street corners<br />

like that one, but at the time I was in no mood <strong>for</strong> conversation. I<br />

was shaken to my core.<br />

I went straight to the airport.<br />

I had no ticket, but I knew I wasn't staying in Port Moresby. I<br />

stared up at the board labeled "Departures" and contemplated my<br />

next move. Brisbane, at the top <strong>of</strong> the list, looked especially<br />

appealing. Australia's legendary Gold Coast would <strong>of</strong>fer surf, sand,<br />

sun, and most importantly, safety. Below Brisbane was a long list <strong>of</strong><br />

small towns in New Guinea, a few <strong>of</strong> which I had heard about in my<br />

anthropological readings.<br />

A big part <strong>of</strong> me just wanted to go to Brisbane <strong>for</strong> a little taste <strong>of</strong><br />

home, security, and normalcy. But the answers to my questions<br />

weren't going to be in Brisbane. <strong>The</strong>y were going to be somewhere<br />

down that list.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

And that's when I realized why my pr<strong>of</strong>essor had been smiling. A<br />

basic insight dawned upon me that would <strong>for</strong>ever change my life:<br />

Great questions will take you farther than you ever thought possible.<br />

I hopped on the next plane to somewhere down that list. But <strong>of</strong><br />

course, the planes from a city like Port Moresby only land in slightly<br />

smaller cities, with only slightly smaller crime problems, so I<br />

immediately jumped on another plane to somewhere on a much<br />

smaller list, and then again, until I was flying into a little grass airstrip<br />

in the center <strong>of</strong> New Guinea where there was no electricity,<br />

plumbing, roads, Internet, phone service, television, or any <strong>of</strong> the<br />

other technologies that we take <strong>for</strong> granted as making up the basic<br />

infrastructure <strong>of</strong> our lives. <strong>The</strong>re was no hotel to check into and no<br />

food to buy. My money would be no good. It was just what I had<br />

been looking <strong>for</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re were a few familiar sights, even in this remote outpost. A<br />

small and simple Baptist church, a two-room schoolhouse, and a<br />

small medical aid post sat at the head <strong>of</strong> the airstrip, made mostly <strong>of</strong><br />

local materials and looking more- or-less like traditional houses but<br />

topped with corrugated steel ro<strong>of</strong>ing.<br />

And there was soccer.<br />

People <strong>of</strong> all ages crowded onto the airstrip after the plane left,<br />

whooping and hollering with joy as the ball sailed this way and that.<br />

Well over 50 people were playing in this single game, while another<br />

100 or so looked on. A young man approached me and started<br />

talking to me in Tok Pisin. I was relieved to hear the language. I knew<br />

enough to get by in it, and I was concerned that perhaps nobody<br />

would speak it in a remote location like this. We soon found out that<br />

we were the same age, 23, and we had one very important<br />

complementary interest. He wanted to learn English, and I wanted to<br />

learn his language. We were soon fast friends. I had an Aerobie flying<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

ring in my bag and we started tossing it around. Soon we were sailing<br />

it down the airstrip and inventing a new game that was like a cross<br />

between Soccer and Ultimate Frisbee. <strong>The</strong> Aerobie would soar<br />

overhead as a sea <strong>of</strong> pursuers rushed after it collectively chanting<br />

"Hoot! Hoot! Hoot!" a call that would become increasingly familiar and<br />

endearing to me over the coming years.<br />

He took me to his home that night, and over the coming days I<br />

was quickly adopted into the family. Almost immediately they started<br />

referring to me as kin, using words like "brother" and "tambu"<br />

(which means "taboo" and is used between in-laws <strong>of</strong> similar age<br />

such as my brothers' wives).<br />

I immersed myself in their lives, craving the full experience <strong>of</strong><br />

what it was like to live and think as they did. I went with them to<br />

their gardens and learned how they cleared the <strong>for</strong>est and then<br />

burned it to create rich nutrients <strong>for</strong> the soil. I helped them harvest<br />

their most important staple crops, like sweet potato, taro, and<br />

bananas. I learned how to start and manage a fire, taking exquisite<br />

care to not waste too much precious firewood while maintaining a<br />

steady ember to light the next fire.<br />

And when they <strong>of</strong>fered me snake, <strong>of</strong> course I accepted. Our<br />

neighbor had found the 15-foot snake in a nearby tree. It had recently<br />

eaten a large rodent, so it was an easy catch, and came with the added<br />

bonus that the rodent could be removed and cooked up as our<br />

appetizer.<br />

After a week <strong>of</strong> eating nothing but sweet potatoes and taro, the<br />

snake tasted like an exquisitely buttered lobster in a five-star<br />

restaurant. But as I ate, I couldn't help but notice that a snake like<br />

that could probably crawl through any one <strong>of</strong> several holes in the hut.<br />

Surely this snake has family, I thought, and they will be coming <strong>for</strong> us. I made<br />

a mental note to seal myself up especially tight that night.<br />

I was already in the practice <strong>of</strong> sealing myself up in my sleeping<br />

bag every night, mostly to protect myself against the bugs and<br />

rodents I would see scurrying around as we sat talking around the fire<br />

every night. But it was the tropics, and we were sleeping by a fire.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Inevitably I would get too hot, slip out <strong>of</strong> my covers, wake up to<br />

something scurrying across my face, wipe it <strong>of</strong>f, and cover myself up<br />

again.<br />

After eating a 15-foot snake found just a few feet from our<br />

house, I was extra-vigilant. But it was no use. I woke up in the middle<br />

<strong>of</strong> the night to find my worst nightmare.<br />

I was outside <strong>of</strong> my sleeping bag, completely exposed to the<br />

elements: And I could feel it, as thick as the one I had just eaten,<br />

laying across my chest. It felt cold, heavy, and about four inches<br />

thick. I couldn't see anything in the dark, but I managed to grab it<br />

with my left hand and throw it <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> me. Or, at least I tried to throw<br />

it <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> me. As I threw it, I went with it. I was wrapped up with this thing<br />

somehow. I eventually managed to wrestle it to the ground and pin it<br />

down with my left hand. I tried to free my right arm so I could pin it<br />

down with two hands, but I just could not move my right arm. I<br />

started to panic and scream.<br />

And that's when I realized …<br />

I had pinned down my own right arm.<br />

My arm had just fallen asleep and had been resting across my<br />

chest.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was no snake.<br />

This started an all-night cackle <strong>of</strong> laughter and richly entertaining<br />

conversation about me. My language skills were not great. I couldn't<br />

quite follow the conversation myself. <strong>The</strong> only word I could clearly<br />

make out was "whiteman," which was invariably followed by a<br />

collective laugh; gabbles <strong>of</strong> "hahahaha!" … and then all together in<br />

unison, "Yeeeeeeeee!!!"<br />

This is just one among many stories I could tell about my early<br />

days in New Guinea. While they would all seem funny, you can't help<br />

but recognize the signs <strong>of</strong> struggle. Such nightmares were just one<br />

manifestation <strong>of</strong> the fears I struggled with every day. <strong>The</strong> food and<br />

water scared me. <strong>The</strong> creatures scared me. <strong>The</strong> plants scared me. I<br />

thought that at any moment I could taste or touch something that<br />

might kill me, and the closest hospital was a seven-day trek over cold<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

and treacherous mountains. I felt uncom<strong>for</strong>table and disoriented<br />

most <strong>of</strong> the time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> people were impossibly kind and welcoming, but I did not<br />

trust them yet. I did not feel worthy <strong>of</strong> the warmth they <strong>of</strong>fered. I felt<br />

like a free-loader and a burden.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y organized a large dance <strong>for</strong> my enjoyment. It was an allnight<br />

affair. <strong>The</strong> men wore their longest and most decorated penis<br />

gourds, covered themselves in red ochre, painted magnificent designs<br />

on their faces and strapped bird <strong>of</strong> paradise plumes to their heads.<br />

Women wore grass skirts, carefully woven leg and arm bands, and<br />

beaded necklaces. And they danced all night. It was surreal in how<br />

magnificent it appeared—and how utterly bored and depressed I felt.<br />

This should be a dream come true <strong>for</strong> any budding<br />

anthropologist. I should have been joyfully decoding the rich<br />

symbolism, but I just felt bored and confused. None <strong>of</strong> it made<br />

sense, and I had no idea why they thought their dance was any good.<br />

It was just a bunch <strong>of</strong> guys monotonously banging a drum as they<br />

bobbed up and down, the women doing the same, back and <strong>for</strong>th, all<br />

night long. Boring.<br />

More than anything, I felt all alone. My language skills were not<br />

good enough to have a real conversation, even with my brothers who<br />

spoke Tok Pisin. Language was reduced to mostly practical matters.<br />

Nobody really knew me. What we wear, how we stand, how we<br />

walk, how we laugh, when we laugh, even a simple glance made in a<br />

certain way can be expressions <strong>of</strong> our selves. But the meanings<br />

associated with all <strong>of</strong> these expressions is continually worked out<br />

within the never-ending dance we call culture. Step onto a new dance<br />

floor, and not only do you feel lost, you might feel like you lost<br />

yourself. My gestures, smiles, and glances were continuously<br />

misconstrued. My jokes (clumsily delivered through broken words<br />

and flailing gestures) fell flat. <strong>The</strong>re seemed to be no way <strong>for</strong> me to<br />

express to them who I really was.<br />

We learned a term <strong>for</strong> all this in our anthropology textbook:<br />

culture shock. Google defines it as "the feeling <strong>of</strong> disorientation<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

experienced by someone who is suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar<br />

culture." But it can be so much more than just "disorientation." For<br />

me, it was a complete loss <strong>of</strong> self.<br />

I fell into a deep depression. My worst moments were the<br />

moments that should have been the best. A picturesque sunset would<br />

not fill me with awe, but with a deep longing <strong>for</strong> the awe that I<br />

should be feeling. Until that moment, I had always thought <strong>of</strong> my<br />

"self" as something inside me that I had carefully shaped over the<br />

years. I worked hard to be smart, funny, and kind, characteristics that<br />

I valued. I thought <strong>of</strong> these traits as something inside me that I<br />

projected outward.<br />

What I discovered in New Guinea was that who we are is also<br />

reflected back to us by the people around us. George Cooley called<br />

this "the looking glass self." As he says, "I am not what I think I am<br />

and I am not what you think I am; I am what I think that you think I<br />

am." When I think that the people around me don't think I am smart,<br />

funny, or kind, I start to internalize those judgments. And when I<br />

thought the people around me in New Guinea did not know who I<br />

was or what I was doing there, I found myself asking those same<br />

questions. I didn't know who I was or what I was doing there.<br />

I may have had great questions to pursue, but I did not feel safe<br />

and com<strong>for</strong>table enough to pursue them. I was not immersing myself<br />

in their lives. And I wasn't learning anything. I rarely spoke. I was<br />

protecting whatever was left <strong>of</strong> my fragile self. I was afraid that if I<br />

tried to speak the local language that I would be mocked and seen as<br />

the village idiot. So I stayed silent.<br />

I was closing down and shutting out the world, counting the days<br />

until the next plane might come and take me home. I made an<br />

amendment to my earlier revelation about questions:<br />

Questions may take you farther than you ever thought possible, but it won't<br />

matter if you can't open up and connect with people when you get there<br />

One morning in the depths <strong>of</strong> my depression, I was walking<br />

along a mountain ridge with two <strong>of</strong> my "brothers" as the sun was<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

rising. From the ridge where we walked we had a breathtaking view<br />

<strong>of</strong> the mountainous green landscape, the sun casting a beautiful<br />

orange glow onto the peaks. We were just above the morning clouds,<br />

and the green <strong>for</strong>ested mountaintops looked like fluorescent islands<br />

in a s<strong>of</strong>t white sea. A crisp blue sky framed the peaceful idyllic vision.<br />

I saw all these things, but I couldn't really experience them. I was<br />

not well. I have always been a happy person. I've never suffered from<br />

depression or even been hampered by a mild malaise. But here I was<br />

viewing what had to be the most spectacular and wondrous vision I<br />

had ever seen, and I was literally collapsing in sadness. My inability to<br />

experience the beauty that I knew was right there in front <strong>of</strong> me<br />

destroyed my spirit. My legs grew weak. I started to stumble. My<br />

knees hit the ground. I knelt <strong>for</strong> a moment, and then simply<br />

collapsed to the ground, crying.<br />

My brothers came to my side. <strong>The</strong>y had tears in their eyes. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

could not have known why I was crying, and yet there they were<br />

crying right along with me. "Brother Mike," they asked, "Why are you<br />

crying?"<br />

All I could think about was home and my wife, so I said, "I miss<br />

my wife."<br />

<strong>The</strong>y started laughing and laughing, tears still streaming down<br />

their faces. "Oh, Mike!" they exclaimed, "we would never miss our<br />

wives! But we miss our kids," they said, starting to cry again. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

shook their heads side to side while quickly tapping their tongues on<br />

the ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> their mouths, a sound I would come to know as the<br />

sound one makes when you are allowing the feelings <strong>of</strong> another to<br />

become your own.<br />

That cry was like the sweat that breaks a fever. I felt renewed<br />

with a new joy <strong>for</strong> life. I immediately started to feel better. Something<br />

about their show <strong>of</strong> empathy made me feel understood and known<br />

<strong>for</strong> the first time in months. I felt like the word "brother" really<br />

meant something, that they would stand by me no matter what, that<br />

they would be willing to walk with me through the arduous learning<br />

process <strong>of</strong> understanding their language and culture even as I<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

stumbled along. My joy <strong>for</strong> life was back and I was living my dream<br />

<strong>of</strong> diving into a cultural world radically different than the one in<br />

which I had been raised.<br />

I have never learned faster than in those coming months. My fear<br />

was gone. I started playing with the local language, trying it out with<br />

my brothers and friends. I didn't care that I sounded like a two-yearold<br />

or the village idiot. Because soon I was sounding like a three-yearold,<br />

and then a four-year-old.<br />

That's when I learned the true meaning and power <strong>of</strong> participant<br />

observation. I wasn't just learning to speak the language. As I opened<br />

myself up to this new culture, it was as if the whole ethos <strong>of</strong> the<br />

culture started to course through my veins. I could feel my whole<br />

body re-arrange itself into their postures and habits. My back<br />

loosened, my arms swung a little more freely, and my feet came alive,<br />

feeling the terrain like an extra set <strong>of</strong> hands. I learned to walk with a<br />

springy step over mountains I once had to crawl up and down. I<br />

tuned my senses to see and understand the world as they did. I<br />

learned to see the stories a plant could tell and to hear birds as clocks<br />

and harbingers <strong>of</strong> what was to come. I learned the joy <strong>of</strong> growing<br />

your own food, and <strong>of</strong> hunting, trapping, skinning, and feasting. I<br />

learned the values <strong>of</strong> humility, calm and patience required to live in a<br />

small community with people you have always known and will always<br />

know. I learned to feel the cool wind coming down over the<br />

mountain as a signal <strong>of</strong> the coming rain.<br />

Some years later, another dance was arranged. This time, they did<br />

not don their best penis gourds and headdresses. We did. I did not<br />

feel like an imposter anymore. <strong>The</strong> dance did not feel like a<br />

per<strong>for</strong>mance <strong>for</strong> me. It just seemed like something fun to do<br />

together. As I started to drum and bounce along with them I<br />

immediately noticed that something wasn't quite right. My tailfeather<br />

wasn't bouncing, it just hung limply <strong>of</strong>f my backside. Women were<br />

pointing and laughing at me. Apparently, this dance that I originally<br />

saw as simple and boring was more complex than I thought. My<br />

brother pulled me aside and showed me how to "pop" by backside<br />


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up, making my tailfeather soar up and down. <strong>The</strong> ladies shrieked with<br />

approval. Throughout the evening women flirtatiously pulled and<br />

tugged on the bounding and bouncing tailfeathers <strong>of</strong> their favorite<br />

dancers, and soon I saw people coupling up and disappearing into the<br />

woods.<br />

It would be easy to stand <strong>of</strong>f to the side <strong>of</strong> this dance and try to<br />

decipher some deep meaning <strong>for</strong> it, the men and women both<br />

dressed as birds, moving this way and that way in an apparently<br />

timeless tribal pattern. But on this night I saw meanings that could<br />

not be deciphered from the outside. I saw meanings that could only<br />

be understood by joining in the dance yourself. It was fun. It was<br />

riddled with anticipation, excitement, and apprehension. My bachelor<br />

friends were especially nervous, hoping to catch the eye <strong>of</strong> their latest<br />

crush. Nervous laughter and teasing bounced around the open fire<br />

when we took breaks from the dance. And having rested, the boys<br />

would shake their tailfeathers ever more vigorously, hoping to win<br />

the hearts <strong>of</strong> their favorite girls.<br />

As we danced under the full moon I reflected on the true power<br />

<strong>of</strong> those three terms at the heart <strong>of</strong> anthropology and how they had<br />

changed my life. "Ethnocentrism" challenged me to ask questions<br />

that ended up taking me halfway around the world. "<strong>Cultural</strong><br />

relativism" challenged me to make real connections with people, to<br />

truly open up to them and understand the world from an entirely<br />

different point <strong>of</strong> view. And "participant observation" challenged me<br />

to try new things, to join the dance <strong>of</strong> this other culture, immersing<br />

myself in a different way <strong>of</strong> life.<br />

Asking questions, making connections, and trying new things are<br />

the essence <strong>of</strong> this science <strong>of</strong> human beings. But I have found them<br />

to be much more than that. <strong>The</strong>y are also the foundation <strong>for</strong> being<br />

the best human you can be.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Challenge One: Talking to Strangers<br />

Your first challenge is to approach a stranger and engage them in<br />

"big talk" (as opposed to "small talk"). Hear their story and ask if you<br />

can share it on Instagram with #anth101challenge1<br />

Objective: Practice the anthropological mindset <strong>of</strong> asking questions,<br />

making connections, and trying new things.<br />

Capturing and telling the stories <strong>of</strong> humans in compelling ways is an<br />

essential component <strong>of</strong> anthropology, and these days that means<br />

mastering multiple <strong>for</strong>ms <strong>of</strong> storytelling in multiple media<br />

(photography, video, audio, as well as text).<br />

But capturing a great story is not just capturing a good picture. You<br />

will need to practice the art <strong>of</strong> anthropology – asking questions,<br />

making connections, and trying new things. Try to move past "small<br />

talk" and into "big talk." Ask big questions and <strong>of</strong>fer your own<br />

answers too.<br />

Try to get in a positive mindset as you approach strangers, and let<br />

that carry you through this challenge. Remember that people are<br />

different, and these differences represent the vast range <strong>of</strong> human<br />

potential and possibility.<br />

Go to <strong>for</strong> additional photo-taking tips<br />

and "big talk" inspiration.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Lesson Two<br />

Culture<br />

You can respond to human differences with hate or ignorance, or you<br />

can choose to open up to them and ask questions you have never<br />

considered be<strong>for</strong>e.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />


<strong>The</strong>re are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet<br />

an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says,<br />

"Morning, boys, how's the water?" And the two young fish swim on <strong>for</strong><br />

a bit, and then eventually one <strong>of</strong> them looks over at the other and goes,<br />

"What the hell is water?" — David Foster Wallace<br />

Culture is like water to us. We're so immersed in our own ideas<br />

and assumptions that we can't see them. It can be useful to jump out<br />

<strong>of</strong> the water now and then. This is one <strong>of</strong> the great virtues <strong>of</strong><br />

encountering someone or some place that is radically different from<br />

what we know. We see the contrast between how we do things and<br />

how they do things, and we can then see ourselves in a new light.<br />

<strong>The</strong> art <strong>of</strong> seeing can be broken up into four parts. First, we have<br />

to see our own seeing—that is, see how we see the world,<br />

recognizing our own taken-<strong>for</strong>-granted assumptions, and be able to<br />

set them aside. Second, we have to "see big," to see the larger<br />

cultural, social, economic, historical, and<br />


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political <strong>for</strong>ces that shape our everyday lives. Third, we have to "see<br />

small," paying close attention to the smallest details and<br />

understanding their significance. And finally, we have to "see it all,"<br />

piecing all <strong>of</strong> this together to see how everything we can see interacts<br />

from a holistic point <strong>of</strong> view.<br />

Learning to see in this way is the essence <strong>of</strong> learning. As Neil<br />

Postman points out, "<strong>The</strong> ability to learn turns out to be a function<br />

<strong>of</strong> the extent to which one is capable <strong>of</strong> perception change. If a<br />

student goes through four years <strong>of</strong> school and comes out 'seeing'<br />

things in the way he did when he started … he learned nothing."<br />

Mastering the art <strong>of</strong> seeing <strong>of</strong>fers many benefits beyond just the<br />

ability to learn. <strong>The</strong> most obvious benefit is that you become better at<br />

building and maintaining relationships. <strong>Being</strong> able to see your own<br />

seeing and set aside your assumptions, see big to see where another<br />

person is coming from, and see small to truly understand them from<br />

their point <strong>of</strong> view can help you through the most challenging <strong>of</strong><br />

relationship troubles. It can help you build better friendships, and<br />

allow you to make more friends across boundaries rarely crossed.<br />

But mastering the art <strong>of</strong> seeing <strong>of</strong>fers something even more<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>ound. When you master the art <strong>of</strong> seeing you will never be bored.<br />

You will see the strange in the familiar, and the familiar in the<br />

strange. And you will have the ability to find significance in the most<br />

mundane moments. As David Foster Wallace says, "if you really learn<br />

how to pay attention … it will be in your power to experience a<br />

crowded, hot, slow, consumer-hell type situation as not only<br />

meaningful, but sacred, on fire with the same <strong>for</strong>ce that made the<br />

stars: love, fellowship, the mystical oneness <strong>of</strong> all things deep down."<br />

While his metaphor <strong>of</strong> a fish in water is useful, culture is different<br />

from water in one very important way: it is not just the environment<br />

around us. It is a part <strong>of</strong> us. It is the very thing that allows us to see<br />

and notice things at all. We see the world through our culture.<br />

Leaping out <strong>of</strong> the water doesn't just allow you to see your own<br />

culture in a new light; it allows you to see your own seeing. And<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

sometimes, even something that looks familiar on the surface might<br />

be the source <strong>of</strong> a revealing difference.<br />


Basketball arrived in my village just one year be<strong>for</strong>e me. Large<br />

groups <strong>of</strong> all ages gathered every afternoon on a dirt court that had<br />

been cleared <strong>of</strong> grass and pounded flat by nothing but bare human<br />

feet. <strong>The</strong> backboards were slats <strong>of</strong> wood carved with axes from the<br />

surrounding <strong>for</strong>est, and the rims were made <strong>of</strong> thick metal wire,<br />

salvaged from some other project. <strong>The</strong>y played every day until<br />

sundown, the perfect end to a day <strong>of</strong> gardening and gathering<br />

firewood. It was a welcome and familiar sight, and I eagerly joined in.<br />

I stepped onto the court and noticed that <strong>for</strong> the first time in my<br />

life, I was taller than everybody else. Even better, the rims had been<br />

set to about 8 feet, perfect <strong>for</strong> dunking. I rushed in <strong>for</strong> a massive<br />

dunk on my first opportunity, putting my team up 6-0. I looked to<br />

my friend Kodenim <strong>for</strong> a high five, but he looked concerned or even<br />

angry as he slapped his hand to his <strong>for</strong>earm as if to say, "Foul! Foul!"<br />

I owned the court. I grabbed a steal and went in <strong>for</strong> another<br />

dunk, looking to Kodenim again <strong>for</strong> a fist pump or cheer. Instead, he<br />

gave me a stern look and pounded his bicep with his hand. He was<br />

trying to send me a signal, but I wasn't getting it.<br />

Later I would find out that he was trying to send me a not-sosubtle<br />

reminder <strong>of</strong> the score. Rather than a "Base 10" counting<br />

system (cycling 1-10 then starting again 11-20 and so on), the<br />

villagers use a "Base 27" system and use their entire upper body to<br />

count it. 1-5 are on the hand, 6-10 along the arm, 11 at the neck, 12 is<br />

the ear, 13 the eye, 14 the nose, and then back down the other side.<br />

6-0, Kodenim slaps his <strong>for</strong>earm. 8-0, he slaps his bicep.<br />

It is a clever system that suits them well. <strong>The</strong>re are no annual<br />

seasons to track in Papua New Guinea, so the most relevant natural<br />

cycle to track is not the path <strong>of</strong> the sun, but the path <strong>of</strong> the moon. A<br />

hunter can start counting from the new moon and know that as the<br />

count gets closer to his eyes (days 13, 14, and 15) he will be able to<br />


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see at night using the light <strong>of</strong> the full moon. Women can use it to<br />

count the days until their next menstrual cycle.<br />

I drifted into the background <strong>of</strong> the game as I tried to figure out<br />

what was going on. <strong>The</strong> other team started scoring, tying the game at<br />

14. "14-14!" the score keeper announced with jubilation, pointing to<br />

his nose. Everybody cheered and walked <strong>of</strong>f the court. Where's<br />

everybody going? I thought. It's tied up. "Next basket wins!" I suggested.<br />

Kodenim took me aside. "Mike, we like to end in a tie," he said, and<br />

then he smiled the way you smile at a four-year-old who is just<br />

learning the ways <strong>of</strong> the world, and gently recommended that I not<br />

do any more dunking. "People might be jealous."<br />

<strong>The</strong> story illustrates the power <strong>of</strong> different types <strong>of</strong> cultural<br />

differences. Some differences, like the Base 27 counting system, are<br />

intellectually interesting, but they do not threaten our core beliefs,<br />

assumptions, or our moral sense <strong>of</strong> right and wrong. Such differences<br />

are fun to consider and give us an emotionally easy way to play with<br />

cultural differences and "see our own seeing."<br />

Other differences, like the preference to end a game in a tie, are a<br />

little more challenging, because they <strong>for</strong>ce us to recognize that many<br />

<strong>of</strong> our core ideas and ideals are actually culturally constructed. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

take what seem to be obvious and natural ideas – like the idea that<br />

sports are meant to be won or lost – and show that things need not<br />

be this way. We can then ask new questions. Why do we value competition<br />

while they do not? What advantages are there to favoring competition vs. favoring<br />

a tie? What does this difference say about our society? What role has this<br />

obsession with winning played in my own development? Would my life be better or<br />

worse without the emphasis on winning?<br />

And then there are differences that shake you to your core. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

are hard to see because they challenge your most foundational ideas,<br />

ideals and values. <strong>The</strong>y might make you question everything about<br />

what you thought was right and wrong, real and unreal, possible and<br />

impossible.<br />

I was about to find out that the most interesting difference I<br />

encountered on that basketball court that day was not the tie game or<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

the interesting method <strong>of</strong> counting. It was that last thing Kodenim<br />

said to me: "People might be jealous."<br />

A few weeks later, Kodenim would fall ill and be fighting <strong>for</strong> his<br />

life. His once-strong physique would wither until his arms and legs<br />

looked like little more than a skeleton, while his stomach would<br />

enlarge and become so distended that people would describe him as<br />

"pregnant." He would put the blame <strong>for</strong> his illness on jealousy and<br />

claim that someone – probably my adoptive father – was working<br />

witchcraft on him. With lives and reputations on the line, it would<br />

not be so easy to just put aside my own beliefs, ideals, and values or<br />

"see my own seeing." I would need more tools, more ways <strong>of</strong> seeing.<br />


A basic assumption that anthropologists make about culture is<br />

that everything is connected. Culture is a complex system made up <strong>of</strong><br />

many different but interrelated elements. You cannot understand any<br />

one part <strong>of</strong> a culture without understanding how it is related to other<br />

parts in the cultural system. Understanding culture will ultimately<br />

require that we take a holistic perspective. We have to practice<br />

"seeing big."<br />

Given the complexity <strong>of</strong> culture, it can be useful to have a model.<br />

Anthropologists have devised many models and metaphors <strong>for</strong><br />

understanding culture. Many <strong>of</strong> them refer in some way to the idea<br />

that culture can be divided into three levels: infrastructure, social<br />

structure, and superstructure. Here we will use the "barrel model"<br />

developed by anthropologist Harald Prins to demonstrate what these<br />

levels refer to and how they are interrelated.<br />

<strong>The</strong> model captures three key features <strong>of</strong> culture:<br />

1. It is structured.<br />

2. It is pervasive and present in all aspects <strong>of</strong> our lives,<br />

from our economy to our worldview.<br />

3. Each element <strong>of</strong> culture is integrated with the other<br />

elements.<br />


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First, by using the word "structure," the model expands upon our<br />

common-sense notions <strong>of</strong> culture. Most people tend to think <strong>of</strong><br />

culture as "the beliefs and practices <strong>of</strong> a group <strong>of</strong> people," but<br />

this definition hides the ways in which the vast complex <strong>of</strong> beliefs<br />

and practices in a group ultimately <strong>for</strong>m into <strong>for</strong>midable<br />

structures that shape our lives, just as wood and nails can be<br />

joined into complex patterns to <strong>for</strong>m the structure <strong>of</strong> a house or<br />

building. We do not define a house as "wood and nails" because<br />

it would tell us nothing about the <strong>for</strong>m <strong>of</strong> those wood and nails.<br />

In the same way, we cannot simply describe culture as "beliefs<br />

and practices" because the long-term patterns <strong>of</strong> beliefs and practices<br />

become as real and <strong>for</strong>midable as the walls <strong>of</strong> a house. <strong>The</strong>y <strong>for</strong>m a<br />

structure that shapes our lives just as surely as wood and nails can<br />

<strong>for</strong>m a structure that shapes a room.<br />

<strong>Cultural</strong> structures can be difficult to see, so there is <strong>of</strong>ten a sense<br />

<strong>of</strong> "seeing beneath the surface <strong>of</strong> things" in order to understand why<br />

we do the things that we do. This is an especially exciting part about<br />

obtaining the ability to "see big." When we see big we are seeing big<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

patterns and structures that are usually hidden from our everyday<br />

consciousness.<br />

It is like pulling back the curtain on the workings <strong>of</strong> the world or<br />

cracking open the box <strong>of</strong> culture to see what really makes us tick. <strong>The</strong><br />

model then teases apart three different levels <strong>of</strong> structure, further<br />

expanding our notion <strong>of</strong> culture beyond mere "beliefs and practices."<br />

Culture can be divided into infrastructure, social structure, and<br />

superstructure, or, in other words, our economy (technologies,<br />

techniques, exchange & distribution systems); social organization<br />

(social, political, and family structures); and our worldview (ideas,<br />

ideals, beliefs and values).<br />

<strong>The</strong> model demonstrates that culture permeates our lives, from<br />

how we make a living (economy) to what we live <strong>for</strong> (our ideals and<br />

values).<br />

But perhaps the most important piece <strong>of</strong> the model is the double<br />

arrows, which point to the fact that culture is integrated and dynamic.<br />

Change one thing and you change them all. A shift in the<br />

environment or a new technology can have pr<strong>of</strong>ound effects on<br />

social structure or worldview, and vice versa.<br />

"Seeing big" takes practice. You cannot just memorize this model<br />

and suddenly be a master <strong>of</strong> seeing big. Structure is hard to see, and<br />

seeing the complex relationships between different levels <strong>of</strong> structure<br />

can be even harder. Unlike simple math, when you try to understand<br />

a culture, there is no point at which you will know beyond doubt that<br />

you "have it right." But despite this uncertainty, it is absolutely<br />

necessary.<br />

Let's start our practice by using the barrel model to examine<br />

American culture. We can begin by simply plugging in some simple<br />

descriptions <strong>of</strong> American infrastructure, social structure and<br />

superstructure.<br />

Our infrastructure might be described as industrial or postindustrial<br />

with a global capitalist economy. To survive, we each must<br />

find a job, earn money, and then exchange this money <strong>for</strong> food and<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

other goods. Our exchanges are meant to be efficient and simple<br />

exchanges <strong>of</strong> commodities.<br />

Relationships are hidden or minimized. We usually have no idea<br />

who grew our food, who packaged it, who delivered it, or even who<br />

sold it to us. We certainly do not feel obligated to them in any way<br />

once we have paid <strong>for</strong> the goods.<br />

This shapes and is shaped by a worldview with a owerful sense <strong>of</strong><br />

independence and individualism. I earned my money. I bought these things.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are mine now. Choices are abundant, and we can demonstrate to<br />

others who we are by the choices we make.<br />

We not only choose what we will eat, wear, or drive. We also<br />

choose what jobs we will do, who we will marry, and where we will<br />

live (mobility). Our political system further enshrines the value <strong>of</strong><br />

choice as we vote to choose who will represent us and make our<br />

laws.<br />

We value and nurture individualism in our schools when we give<br />

out individual grades or champion a student's unique creativity. We<br />

celebrate and elevate sports and movie stars <strong>for</strong> their unique<br />

individual talents. We seek individual salvation or enlightenment. <strong>The</strong><br />

values <strong>of</strong> independence, individualism, choice and freedom permeate<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

our lives, from infrastructure, to social structure, to<br />

superstructure.We can try to tease apart the culture and find causal<br />

relationships. Does capitalism cause individualism? Or does individualism<br />

cause capitalism? Or more broadly, does infrastructure cause superstructure or vice<br />

versa?<br />

But the closer we look, the more we find these elements <strong>of</strong><br />

culture are so intimately connected that there is no way to pull them<br />

apart. Instead <strong>of</strong> saying that one element shapes another, we <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

say that one element "shapes and is shaped by" another.<br />

Capitalism shapes and is shaped by individualism. Individualism<br />

shapes and is shaped by the American political system. <strong>The</strong> American<br />

labor market shapes and is shaped by individualism. This kind <strong>of</strong><br />

relationship is called "mutual constitution." Both elements are<br />

"constituted" (made up <strong>of</strong> and made possible by) each other.<br />

If our value on individualism waned, capitalism would change as<br />

well. If capitalism changes, so do our individualistic values.<br />

Now let's look at Nekalimin culture. A quick sketch <strong>of</strong> the key<br />

elements <strong>of</strong> their culture plugged into the barrel model looks like this:<br />

Let's do a quick tour <strong>of</strong> their land to see what this looks like in<br />

reality. <strong>The</strong>y live in a tropical mountain rain<strong>for</strong>est with rocky soils<br />


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and very little wild game. <strong>The</strong>re is not enough game to support the<br />

culture, so they cannot survive on hunting alone. <strong>The</strong> soil is rocky,<br />

low in nutrients, and most <strong>of</strong> it is shaded by the <strong>for</strong>est canopy.<br />

However, by cutting down the <strong>for</strong>est they let the sunshine in and<br />

they can burn what they cut as a way <strong>of</strong> adding nutrients to the soil<br />

<strong>for</strong> their taro, sweet potato, and bananas.<br />

Here is a picture <strong>of</strong> my father in his garden that has recently been<br />

cleared, burned and planted.<br />

<strong>The</strong> nutrients from the burn will last about five years. After this,<br />

the area must be left alone so the <strong>for</strong>est can regenerate <strong>for</strong> about 30<br />

years and then be cleared and burned again.<br />

One immediate impact <strong>of</strong> this gardening practice is on the size<br />

and location <strong>of</strong> villages. A typical village has no more than 10 houses<br />

and a total population ranging from about 30 to 80. Anything larger<br />

requires longer and longer walks to access gardens and sources <strong>of</strong><br />

firewood. Villages also move about every 5-10 years as the nutrients<br />

from a burned area are depleted and left to regenerate.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are no markets or money exchanges. Food and goods are<br />

shared and exchanged as gifts rather than bought and sold as<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

commodities. When someone gives a gift, they do not expect<br />

immediate payment. As I discovered, <strong>of</strong>fering immediate cash<br />

payment can be <strong>of</strong>fensive, as it suggests that you are trying to end the<br />

relationship and not have to remember them.<br />

In this gift economy, it is the relationships that have lasting value,<br />

not goods or money. People work hard to maintain strong<br />

relationships because they know they can then call on them when<br />

they are in need. <strong>The</strong>re is no incentive to hoard goods, since most <strong>of</strong><br />

their goods (like sweet potatoes and bananas) would rot and wither<br />

away.<br />

As the nutrients <strong>of</strong> their current gardens are depleted, people<br />

have to think about where they will make their next garden. This<br />

gives them still more incentive to maintain good relationships. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

will have to make a claim on land and with no written records or<br />

deeds <strong>of</strong> ownership, those claims will depend on a general consensus<br />

that their claims are valid. <strong>The</strong>se claims are made through clan<br />

membership, which is flexible enough to allow people to move from<br />


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one clan area to another as long as their claims are recognized by<br />

current clan members.<br />

With such a strong emphasis on good relations, there is no need<br />

<strong>for</strong> <strong>for</strong>mal or written laws, rules or policies. <strong>The</strong>re are no lawyers,<br />

rulers, or police. All people have a natural incentive to be good and<br />

to build and maintain good relationships with others because their<br />

livelihood depends on it. Since nobody has any <strong>of</strong>ficial power over<br />

anyone else, and there is no division <strong>of</strong> labor, it is mostly an<br />

egalitarian society, with very little difference in status and wealth.<br />

So unlike the American worldview which is dominated by the<br />

ideas and ideals <strong>of</strong> individualism and independence, the Nekalimin<br />

worldview is dominated by a focus on relationships. This focus on<br />

relationships dominates their consciousness and allows them to see<br />

and think about the world in a very different way than we do. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

see and understand their connections and relationships to each other<br />

and their land much more sharply. <strong>The</strong>y are keenly conscientious and<br />

aware <strong>of</strong> the complex relationships that link them to others and are<br />

able to do extraordinarily complex relationship calculus as they try to<br />

solve social problems. <strong>The</strong>y believe in spirits <strong>of</strong> nature with whom<br />

they must maintain strong relationships, <strong>of</strong>fering small bits <strong>of</strong> pork to<br />

the spirit <strong>of</strong> a grove or hillside in hopes that they will have good<br />

health and a good harvest. <strong>The</strong>y do not see themselves as individuals<br />

separated from the world. <strong>The</strong>y see themselves and their bodies as<br />

intimately connected to other people and the world around them.<br />

And they believe in witchcraft. As Kodenim grew ever more ill, a<br />

shaman was called in to investigate. He went into a trance, the house<br />

started shaking, and a small bundle <strong>of</strong> food, smaller than a golf ball,<br />

fell in front <strong>of</strong> him, as if it had fallen from the spirit world and right<br />

into our own. He picked it up and confirmed Kodenim's worst fears.<br />

He had been bewitched.<br />

<strong>The</strong> shaman explained that the small packet <strong>of</strong> food that came to<br />

him in a trance was a piece <strong>of</strong> sweet potato that Kodenim had eaten.<br />

It had been placed under the spiky roots <strong>of</strong> a pandanus fruit, which<br />

was now causing his stomach pain and swelling. <strong>The</strong> shaman could<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

not identify the witch, but suggested that Kodenim try to find out<br />

who the witch might be, address the core problem between them in<br />

order to heal the relationship, and ask the witch to stop. Every night<br />

until he could solve this problem, the witches would be feasting on<br />

his body, and he would continue to wither away and die.<br />

Despite my growing capacities to "see big" and understand these<br />

beliefs within a larger cultural context that places strong emphasis on<br />

relationships, I simply could not go along with the idea that Kodenim<br />

was being consumed by witches. I begged his family to let me take<br />

him to a hospital on the next flight out, but Kodenim himself<br />

refused. By his reckoning, his only chance <strong>of</strong> survival was to stay and<br />

fix his relationships. As a compromise I took pictures <strong>of</strong> his swollen<br />

belly and skeletal-thin limbs and attached them to a letter to a friend<br />

<strong>of</strong> mine, a doctor at the Mayo Clinic specializing in tropical diseases.<br />

Maybe he would know what was wrong and we could still save<br />

Kodenim.<br />

Meanwhile, I knew that I was failing as an anthropologist in my<br />

ef<strong>for</strong>ts to truly "see" and understand my New Guinea friends.<br />

<strong>Human</strong>s are meaning-makers. We make sense <strong>of</strong> the world. <strong>The</strong><br />


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anthropologist has endless faith that no matter how odd or exotic a<br />

belief might seem, it will make sense once all the details are laid out<br />

and understood. For this, I would need yet another tool.<br />


Anthropologists are passionate connoisseurs <strong>of</strong> the little things.<br />

We want to understand the blooming, buzzing complexity <strong>of</strong> life in<br />

all <strong>of</strong> its nuance and detail. <strong>The</strong>re are no details to small. Clif<strong>for</strong>d<br />

Geertz calls it "thick description," and in the seminal article <strong>of</strong> the<br />

same name he famously spends several pages describing the many<br />

meanings one might imply or infer from something as simple and<br />

small as the wink <strong>of</strong> an eye. Our goal, as Geertz writes, is to see the<br />

"Grand Realities" <strong>of</strong> "Power, Change, Faith, Oppression, Work,<br />

Passion, Authority, Beauty, Violence, Love, and Prestige" in the give<br />

and take detail and minutia <strong>of</strong> everyday life so as to "take the capital<br />

letters <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> them."<br />

We must pay close attention not only to what is said, but also<br />

who said it, how they said it, who they said it to, when, where, and if<br />

at all possible to decipher, why. Long-term fieldwork <strong>of</strong> many<br />

months or even several years is a must <strong>for</strong> this kind <strong>of</strong> seeing. It takes<br />

time not only to learn the language but also to tune your senses and<br />

start to see what matters and what does not.<br />

Understanding a culture in its own terms (following the<br />

foundational premise <strong>of</strong> cultural relativism) means that we must<br />

understand all the details and nuance <strong>of</strong> their worldview. Just by<br />

using the word "witchcraft" to translate their beliefs, we are already<br />

putting them into our own terms. For us, witchcraft is a backwards<br />

superstition standing against a more rational and scientific<br />

understanding <strong>of</strong> the world. We associate it with beliefs wiped out by<br />

the Enlightenment several hundred years ago.<br />

<strong>The</strong> more I started paying attention to the little things, the more I<br />

understood that these local beliefs that I was categorizing as<br />

witchcraft were actually just one piece <strong>of</strong> a much larger, richer, and<br />

more convincing worldview. I started noticing the care and concern<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

given to analyzing each and every gift exchange. I noticed how each<br />

gift was given along with a short and carefully delivered speech about<br />

where the materials came from, who made it, who delivered it, and<br />

who cared <strong>for</strong> it along the way. I noticed how they talked about such<br />

gifts as "building a road" or "tying a string" between the two parties<br />

so that they would always remember each other. And soon, this<br />

careful attention to relationships and the gifts that bind them was<br />

helping me understand why dunking a basketball or otherwise<br />

showboating, or looking to crush your opponent, is not valued. I<br />

started noticing a great deal <strong>of</strong> concern about jealousy and other<br />

elements that could eat away at a relationship.<br />

What eventually emerged from these close and careful<br />

observations was an entirely different understanding <strong>of</strong> health and<br />

well-being. <strong>The</strong>y understand themselves to be physically made up <strong>of</strong><br />

their relationships. It starts from the basic recognition that the food<br />

they eat becomes who they are. This is, <strong>of</strong> course, actually true. We<br />

process the food we eat and its energy fuels our growth. For them,<br />

every piece <strong>of</strong> food they ever consume from the time they are a small<br />

child is a gift, and they are taught to know where it came from and all<br />

<strong>of</strong> the people that helped bring it into their hands and into their<br />

bodies.<br />

<strong>The</strong> food was created through the hard work <strong>of</strong> others tending<br />

the gardens and is itself made up <strong>of</strong> the nutrients <strong>of</strong> the earth. <strong>The</strong><br />

nutrients <strong>of</strong> the earth are in turn made up from the death and decay<br />

<strong>of</strong> plants, animals, and their own ancestors. As they take in this food<br />

it literally becomes them, and as the food itself is made up <strong>of</strong> the<br />

relationships that made it, so their bodies are made up <strong>of</strong> the<br />

relationships that made the food and brought it into their being. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

understand that every last element – every atom – <strong>of</strong> their body was<br />

in one way or another given to them by their relationships. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

literally are their relationships.<br />

It makes perfect sense, then, that when they get sick, they would<br />

turn to an analysis <strong>of</strong> their relationships. From our Western<br />

perspective, based on a model <strong>of</strong> the body as a separate individual,<br />


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we think that it is impossible that one body could magically harm<br />

another body simply by willing harm and placing their food in a<br />

bundle at the base <strong>of</strong> a pandanus tree. We call it "witchcraft." But if<br />

you see yourself as actually made up <strong>of</strong> your relationships to others<br />

and the land, it makes sense. So when Kodenim became ill, he and<br />

his closest friends started analyzing his relationships, taking inventory<br />

<strong>of</strong> all the times Kodenim had wronged another person. He had stolen<br />

a pig from my father, so my father was at the top <strong>of</strong> the list. He had<br />

also lied to Kenny, killed and eaten Ona's chicken, and had a strained<br />

relationship with his in-laws, who were especially upset with him.<br />

My father <strong>of</strong>fered to wash Kodenim as a show <strong>of</strong> his innocence.<br />

Washing is a ritual thought to "cool" the witchcraft. If my father was<br />

the witch, the soap and water would cool his witchcraft and remove it<br />

from Kodenim.<br />

Kodenim knelt be<strong>for</strong>e my father as he stirred the water, and my<br />

father began to wash him. He prayed as he washed, calling on God to<br />

be his witness that he had no reason to harm Kodenim, that he loved<br />

him, and that they were really just one family. He reminisced about<br />

how Kodenim's father was like a brother to him, and that he had<br />

always looked upon Kodenim like a son <strong>of</strong> his own. I swallowed hard<br />

with emotion, knowing their history and the gravity <strong>of</strong> the situation,<br />

and noticed that Kodenim's friends and family who were standing<br />

nearby were also in a somber reflective mood, their eyes moist as<br />

they held back their tears.<br />

Kodenim's health did not improve. So a few days later, a much larger<br />

ritual was arranged. Kenny (whom he had lied to) and Ona (he stole<br />

her chicken), as well as all <strong>of</strong> my father's extended family, attended.<br />

<strong>The</strong> event started with an open admission <strong>of</strong> the wrongs Kodenim<br />

had done, followed by heartfelt statements <strong>of</strong> <strong>for</strong>giveness <strong>for</strong>giveness<br />

from Kenny, Ona, and others he had wronged. <strong>The</strong>n Kodenim took<br />

a seat on a log as dozens <strong>of</strong> people lined up to wash him. This time<br />

there was no holding back the emotion <strong>of</strong> the moment. One by one,<br />

those he had wronged as well as their extended families moistened<br />

their hands and washed his head, <strong>of</strong>ten saying a prayer <strong>of</strong> care and<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

<strong>for</strong>giveness as they did this. Kodenim looked especially ill. People<br />

lingered long after the ritual, like they didn't want to let Kodenim or<br />

this special moment go.<br />


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<strong>The</strong> next day, the plane came in with news from my friend at the<br />

Mayo Clinic. He said that they would need to do blood tests to find<br />

out more, but even then he was not confident that anything could be<br />

done. He recommended staying in the village.<br />

Kodenim died two days later.<br />

<strong>The</strong> aftermath was difficult. Kodenim's family was hurt and<br />

angry, as we all were, and came to my father asking <strong>for</strong><br />

compensation. <strong>The</strong>y wanted a huge amount <strong>of</strong> wealth by local<br />

standards – several bushknives, two axes, clothes, bags, bows and<br />

arrows. Altogether, their request was many times the wealth <strong>of</strong> any<br />

single individual.<br />

<strong>The</strong> request deeply <strong>of</strong>fended and angered me. It challenged my<br />

most fundamental understandings <strong>of</strong> justice. Kodenim had stolen a<br />

pig from my father, causing a rift in the relationship. His family was<br />

sure it was this that had killed him. Maybe my father did not work the<br />

witchcraft himself, but he should have been looking after him more<br />

carefully, especially since Kodenim lived in the same village as my<br />

father. On my scales <strong>of</strong> justice, we were the ones who were wronged,<br />

and we were the ones who deserved payment. Kodenim had stolen<br />

from us, not the other way around.<br />

I felt lost and confused, and tried to drift into the background<br />

and grieve Kodenim's death in my own way. I started spending more<br />

time alone, and when I was around other people, I always brought<br />

my camera and just hid behind the viewfinder. In this way, I could<br />

pretend to be doing "work" and hope to not be bothered, but my<br />

father called my bluff. "My son," he said, looking into the camera,<br />

"why don't you use that thing to show them I am not a witch!" and<br />

then gave a hearty laugh. He liked to play the "stupid old man" who<br />

didn't understand these new technologies like cameras, but he knew<br />

perfectly well that my camera could not exonerate him. He just<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

wanted me to stop hiding. I realized something very important in that<br />

moment:<br />

Participation is not a choice.<br />

Only how we participate is a choice.<br />

Sitting back and doing nothing is in itself a <strong>for</strong>m <strong>of</strong> participation.<br />

You can't pretend like your actions do not matter and stand <strong>of</strong>f to<br />

the side <strong>of</strong> social life.<br />

But what to do? I did not want to contribute to the compensation<br />

as I was being asked to do. I would need to finally put it all together<br />

and practice the full art <strong>of</strong> seeing.<br />


No matter how good you get at seeing your own seeing, seeing<br />

big, and seeing small, you can never really see the world as they see it.<br />

You can't "go native" and be just like them. Despite my best ef<strong>for</strong>ts, I<br />

could not really bring myself to believe that Kodenim had been killed<br />

by witchcraft, and that the death could have been avoided if my<br />

father had nurtured a healthier relationship with him.<br />

"<strong>Being</strong> true to yourself" is an equally troublesome strategy. If you<br />

simply stick to your own ideas, ideals, beliefs, and values, then you<br />

are refusing to learn and grow. You fail to nurture any true empathy<br />

and understanding.<br />

What is needed is some method that can be practiced day in and<br />

day out that slowly moves us closer and closer toward understanding.<br />

It has to be something we can remember when times get hard,<br />

something that can keep us on track even when our own feelings,<br />

emotions, fears, and biases start clouding our vision.<br />

It was during hard times like these that I turned to the most<br />

important tools in the anthropologist's toolkit: Communication,<br />

Empathy, and Thoughtfulness. We have to keep talking to people<br />

(communication), work toward understanding them in their own<br />

terms (empathy), using and revising our knowledge and models as we<br />


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go (thoughtfulness). As we improve in each one <strong>of</strong> these areas, the<br />

others improve as well. Communicating helps us understand their<br />

perspective (empathy) and revise our analytical models<br />

(thoughtfulness).<br />

As our empathy improves, we can communicate better and<br />

improve our thoughtfulness, and as our thoughtfulness improves we<br />

are better able to imagine our way into their perspective (empathy)<br />

and communicate more clearly with them. We can summarize these<br />

relationships like this:<br />

Seeing small had allowed me to understand their logic. Seeing big<br />

allowed me to see how this logic fit in with other elements <strong>of</strong> their<br />

culture. <strong>The</strong> more I communicated, empathized, and thought<br />

through the matter, the more I started to understand – not as an<br />

academic studying the matter, but as a human being deeply enmeshed<br />

in the matter myself. From that insider perspective, I now realized<br />

that witchcraft beliefs were an integral part <strong>of</strong> a much larger system<br />

that had remained hidden until then.<br />

What was apparent as an insider was that our choice to pay or not<br />

pay the compensation would have life and death consequences <strong>for</strong><br />

the village. We could pay the compensation, thereby reconnecting<br />

two family networks and saving the village, or we could simply<br />

choose to move out and start a new village. It turns out that<br />

witchcraft, more than the depletion <strong>of</strong> nutrients in the soil, is the<br />

engine that keeps people moving. Most villages trace their origin to a<br />

witchcraft accusation. If you stand on a high peak and look at the<br />

villages dotting the landscape, you are looking at a history <strong>of</strong><br />

accusations, deaths, and failed compensations.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Most villages are made up <strong>of</strong> no more than a handful <strong>of</strong> families.<br />

When someone gets sick or dies, they analyze their relationships to<br />

find a strained relation. Usually one <strong>of</strong> the most strained relationships<br />

is between two families within the village. In this case, Kodenim's<br />

family blames my family. When Kodenim died, it was not just<br />

Kodenim that died. Kodenim, like anyone else in the culture, is also<br />

seen as a node in a vast network <strong>of</strong> relations. His death leaves a vast<br />

void in the network that must be repaired, or it threatens to tear apart<br />

the fabric <strong>of</strong> the society. Large compensation gifts can repair this<br />

void by reconnecting the extended families and networks that<br />

Kodenim once connected.<br />

<strong>The</strong> entire model <strong>of</strong> culture we laid out earlier now makes sense<br />

in a whole new way. "Witchcraft" is not just this strange belief. It is<br />

an integral part <strong>of</strong> their entire culture.<br />

"Witchcraft" makes sense at every level <strong>of</strong> culture. First, at the<br />

level <strong>of</strong> superstructure we can say that it is logical in that it makes<br />

sense within a sound and logically consistent worldview that focuses<br />

on relationships. Furthermore, witchcraft is generally called upon to<br />

explain why someone is sick, not how. Many people can <strong>of</strong>fer<br />

sophisticated biomedical explanations <strong>for</strong> how someone died, but<br />

this only explains how; it does not explain why this particular person<br />

died at this particular time. Nobody has an answer <strong>for</strong> "the big Why"<br />

<strong>of</strong> death. Many in the West turn to explanations such as "it was<br />

God's will" or it was just "bad luck." <strong>The</strong>se are no more scientifically<br />

verifiable than witchcraft.<br />

Second, at the level <strong>of</strong> social structure, we can say that it is sociological.<br />

It makes sense socially. Witchcraft beliefs encourage people<br />

to be kind to each other and take care <strong>of</strong> their relationships in the<br />

absence <strong>of</strong> <strong>for</strong>mal rules and laws. Furthermore, if a relationship does<br />

sour, there are rituals such as the washings described earlier that heal<br />

relationships.<br />

And finally, at the level <strong>of</strong> infrastructure, we can say that<br />

witchcraft beliefs are ecological. <strong>The</strong>y make sense <strong>for</strong> the<br />

environment. As villages grow to over fifty people, they tend to break<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

up and split apart due to witchcraft accusations. This is ecologically<br />

sound, because it keeps people spread out and well within the total<br />

carrying capacity <strong>of</strong> their land. Rather than suffering massive<br />

ecological collapse and starvation during a drought, their low<br />

population density spread over many miles <strong>of</strong> land is sustained even<br />

through hard times.<br />

<strong>Being</strong> able to truly see and understand this put me at ease. I now<br />

realized that my contribution to the compensation would heal the<br />

relationships <strong>of</strong> a village I had come to deeply love and care about.<br />

<strong>The</strong> size <strong>of</strong> the gift <strong>for</strong>ced my father to call in debts <strong>of</strong> friends and<br />

friends <strong>of</strong> friends, his whole network <strong>of</strong> relations. <strong>The</strong> gift was large<br />

not only as a sign <strong>of</strong> respect and love <strong>for</strong> Kodenim and his family, it<br />

also assured us that they would never <strong>for</strong>get us and that they would<br />

one day give something in return. <strong>The</strong>se gifts would make their way<br />

back through the vast network we had to call upon to bring this gift<br />

together. Still more gifts would then be given in return, and so on.<br />

We were retying the ties that once bound us together, filling the void<br />

left by Kodenim's departure.<br />

<strong>The</strong> gifts were set out at the center <strong>of</strong> the village early one<br />

morning. Kodenim's father led his entire extended family down the<br />

path and into the village to collect the bounty. <strong>The</strong>re had been much<br />

strain in these relationships ever since Kodenim first stole my father's<br />

pig. Kodenim's father examined the pile <strong>of</strong> gifts that had been<br />

brought <strong>for</strong>th. All the wealth in the world cannot replace a son, and<br />

no father wants to bury their child. But the sentiment was strong and<br />

well- received. He thanked my father and they extended hands <strong>for</strong> a<br />

handshake, tears in their eyes. <strong>The</strong> handshake soon collapsed into a<br />

hug which others joined in on, while others clapped and cried.<br />

My own spirit was still aching from the loss <strong>of</strong> Kodenim. But as I<br />

watched the tears flow down the cheeks <strong>of</strong> my father, Kodenim's<br />

father, and the others who had gathered <strong>for</strong> that hug, I realized<br />

something that filled my soul with gratitude and peace:<br />

This was a beautiful death.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

In his final days, Kodenim was able to publicly admit his every<br />

sin. He was <strong>of</strong>fered heartfelt <strong>for</strong>giveness from those who he had<br />

wronged, all because <strong>of</strong> their beliefs in witchcraft. It may not have<br />

cleared his body <strong>of</strong> whatever it was that killed him, but it sure seemed<br />

to cleanse his soul. He died at peace.<br />

And the hole he left in our world was filled with gifts, kindness,<br />

and good will.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />


"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end <strong>of</strong> all our exploring will be to<br />

arrive where we started and know the place <strong>for</strong> the first time."<br />

–T. S. Eliot<br />

If viewing an exotic and very different culture can help us leap<br />

out <strong>of</strong> the water <strong>of</strong> our own culture to truly see it, the Nacirema need<br />

to be high on our list <strong>of</strong> cultures to examine. In 1956, cultural<br />

anthropologist Horace Miner's original article about the Nacirema<br />

provided an in-depth look at their ritual behaviors that show, in<br />

Miner's words, "the extremes to which human behavior can go." <strong>The</strong><br />

work was so shocking and revealing that the article went on to be the<br />

most widely read article in the history <strong>of</strong> <strong>Anthropology</strong>.<br />

As Miner explains in the article, the Nacirema are obsessed with<br />

the body, which they believe is intrinsically ugly and prone to debility<br />

and disease. Each Nacirema household has a shrine or sometimes<br />

several shrines in which private rituals are per<strong>for</strong>med to mitigate what<br />

they see as ever-present and pervasive threats to their bodies. Various<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

charms provided by medicine men are ingested, and they per<strong>for</strong>m<br />

several rites <strong>of</strong> ablution throughout the day using a special purified<br />

water secured from the main Water Temple <strong>of</strong> the community.<br />

Since Miner's time, the Nacirema have started building very large<br />

temples called "mygs" that contain rows and rows <strong>of</strong> various body<br />

torture devices which they use to punish their own bodies. <strong>The</strong><br />

devices are designed to tear and damage muscles, causing them to<br />

swell. Others are designed to completely exhaust the body and use up<br />

all <strong>of</strong> its energy so that the body starts to consume itself in order to<br />

provide energy <strong>for</strong> movement.<br />

While the Nacirema believe that these rituals make their bodies<br />

stronger and more resilient to disease, the primary purpose <strong>of</strong> these<br />

rituals seems to be to trans<strong>for</strong>m the shape <strong>of</strong> the body to con<strong>for</strong>m to<br />

Nacirema ideals. <strong>The</strong>se ideals are so extreme that they are beyond the<br />

reach <strong>of</strong> natural human capacity. To achieve these ideals, some<br />

Nacirema go so far as to have ritual specialists cut them open and<br />

inject liquids into areas <strong>of</strong> their body that they desire to be larger, or<br />

remove s<strong>of</strong>t body tissues and make other parts <strong>of</strong> their body smaller.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se new temples are just one example <strong>of</strong> how cultures are<br />

always changing, and over the past 70 years, the Nacirema have<br />

changed dramatically. For the Nacirema <strong>of</strong> Miner's study in 1956,<br />

even simple black-and-white televisions were a new and exotic<br />

technology. Today the Nacirema can be found across the social<br />

media landscape on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube.<br />

This <strong>of</strong>fers us the ability to observe this exotic culture simply by<br />

tuning in to their YouTube channels.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the more interesting rituals <strong>of</strong> the Nacirema is the strecnoc.<br />

Hundreds and sometimes thousands <strong>of</strong> people attend these rituals<br />

which take place around a large, elevated ritual plat<strong>for</strong>m known as an<br />

egats. <strong>The</strong> rituals are <strong>of</strong>ten at night, so he egats is lit up in spectacular<br />

fashion. Attendees gather in the dark around the egats and <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

consume mind-altering substances such as lohocla and anaujiram while<br />

they wait <strong>for</strong> the ritual leader to arrive. Attendees are <strong>of</strong>ten shaking<br />

with anticipation as they wait <strong>for</strong> the ritual to begin, and the first<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

sighting <strong>of</strong> the ritual leader on the egats can send attendees into a<br />

frenzy <strong>of</strong> excitement, jumping up and down, screaming, with arms<br />

high in the air as if struggling to reach out and touch the ritual leader<br />

and feel their power.<br />

In the late summer <strong>of</strong> 2013, I decided to examine one <strong>of</strong> these<br />

rituals in more detail. I did a YouTube search and watched the mostwatched<br />

strecnoc <strong>of</strong> recent days. A large effigy <strong>of</strong> a bear, one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

most dangerous and feared animals among the Nacirema, was placed<br />

at the center <strong>of</strong> the egats. <strong>The</strong> bear was approximately 30 feet tall and<br />

styled to look like the small toy bears <strong>of</strong> Nacirema children.<br />

Nacirema children, who are <strong>of</strong>ten required by their parents to<br />

sleep alone (a rare practice across cultures around the world), <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

sleep with these small toy bears, seeing them as protectors and <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

building up strong imaginary friendships with them.<br />

Suddenly, a door opened up in the stomach <strong>of</strong> the large bear and<br />

the ritual leader stepped out from inside. Dancers in toy bear<br />

costumes rushed in from the sides <strong>of</strong> the egats to join her. Together<br />

they took to the center <strong>of</strong> the egats and started doing a special dance<br />

that is normally only per<strong>for</strong>med in the privacy <strong>of</strong> one's own room. It<br />

is an especially wild dance, not really meant <strong>for</strong> anyone to see, in<br />

which you simply allow your body to do whatever it feels like doing.<br />

This <strong>of</strong>ten results in a steady but awkward thrusting or shaking<br />

motion while the arms spontaneously mimic whatever is heard in the<br />

music. If a handheld string instrument is being played, the arms<br />

might move as if to hold it (ria ratiug). If drums are being played, the<br />

arms move as if to play the drums (ria smurd), and so on. It is a very<br />

fun <strong>for</strong>m <strong>of</strong> dance to do, but it is usually not meant to be seen, and<br />

some attendees were uncom<strong>for</strong>table watching it, especially as the<br />

ritual leader moved more deeply into this private dance and let her<br />

entire body move freely but awkwardly. Even her tongue seemed to<br />

be out <strong>of</strong> control, flailing wildly about her face.<br />

"Make some noise!" the ritual leader called to the attendees. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

screamed into a frenzy as she started the core <strong>of</strong> the ritual, the gnos.<br />

<strong>The</strong> gnos is a poetry per<strong>for</strong>mance set to music and dance. <strong>The</strong> gnos<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

began with a voice entering the room, projected from somewhere<br />

outside <strong>of</strong> the egats:<br />

It's our party we can do what we want.<br />

It's our party we can say what we want.<br />

It's our party we can love who we want<br />

We can kiss who we want<br />

We can see who we want<br />

As the voice continued to poetically espouse these core Nacirema<br />

ideals <strong>of</strong> freedom and free choice, the ritual leader continued to<br />

demonstrate these values with her body. She bent over and started<br />

shaking her backside in an attempt to isolate a contraction <strong>of</strong> her<br />

gluteus maximus muscles which then send the fatty area <strong>of</strong> the<br />

buttocks region into a wave-like motion known as gnikrewt. This is<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten interpreted as being very sexually suggestive, and the mixture <strong>of</strong><br />

childhood toys along with such sexually suggestive dancing (tongue<br />

flailing about, buttocks shaking), was simply too much <strong>for</strong> some <strong>of</strong><br />

the attendees.<br />

Some were especially shocked because this ritual leader had until<br />

recently been known as Annah Anatnom, a hero among children.<br />

And she is the daughter <strong>of</strong> another famous ritual specialist, Yllib Yar<br />

Suryc, who is best known <strong>for</strong> his wholesome family-friendly<br />

per<strong>for</strong>mances such as "Some Gave All," (a tribute to military families)<br />

and "Achy Breaky Heart."<br />


Michael Wesch<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Ultimately, the Nacirema were deeply divided on the quality <strong>of</strong> the<br />

per<strong>for</strong>mance. It seemed as if there was no middle ground. You either<br />

hated it, or you loved it.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Even as the media criticized her per<strong>for</strong>mance, with many saying<br />

that it was likely the end <strong>of</strong> her career, the ritual leader, Yelim, turned<br />

their words to her advantage and celebrated the event as a great<br />

success.<br />

As an anthropologist, I thought it was one <strong>of</strong> the most significant<br />

artistic per<strong>for</strong>mances I had ever seen, a telling portrait <strong>of</strong> what it is<br />

like to grow up among the Nacirema. <strong>The</strong> toy bears, the awkward<br />

“dance like nobody’s watching” dancing that you do in your room as<br />

a young child, and the ritual dress that included a cartoon mouse on a<br />

little girl's tutu were clear marks <strong>of</strong> childhood, all <strong>of</strong> which were shed<br />

throughout the per<strong>for</strong>mance. <strong>The</strong> bears trans<strong>for</strong>med into full- bodied<br />

voluptuous women. <strong>The</strong> little girl's tutu was shed to reveal a fleshtoned<br />

bikini, and the awkward and childish dancing trans<strong>for</strong>med into<br />

a sexual feast <strong>of</strong> humping, grinding, and gnikrewt. She was shedding<br />

the skin <strong>of</strong> her childhood, initiating herself into her own adulthood<br />

right in front <strong>of</strong> our eyes, struggling to show the world that she is<br />

now a full adult, not that little girl Aannah Anatnom.<br />

Those Nacirema who had to turn away and just couldn't stand to<br />

watch it were probably seeing a little too much <strong>of</strong> their own awkward<br />

childhood and transition to adulthood, <strong>for</strong> the Nacirema transition to<br />

adulthood is always awkward. It is, as they say, a "hot mess."<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> cost <strong>of</strong> their core values <strong>of</strong> freedom and choice is that there<br />

are no limitations or guidelines on how to grow up properly. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

are no clearly defined rules <strong>for</strong> what it means to be an adult. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

are no clearly defined pathways <strong>for</strong> becoming independent. Instead,<br />

there are options at every turn <strong>of</strong> life. <strong>The</strong> Nacirema cherish these<br />

options. But they also make growing up very, very hard.<br />

Children are raised with the idea that they can "be whatever they<br />

want to be." <strong>The</strong>y are taught to question and distrust any message<br />

that attempts to tell them who they are or how they should behave.<br />

"Be true to yourself," is a commonly espoused Nacirema proverb.<br />

Yelim echoed these sentiments in her per<strong>for</strong>mance, "We don't take<br />

nothing from nobody." But because they "don't take nothing from<br />

nobody," like advice or values, they are left with nothing to guide<br />

them. <strong>The</strong>y set <strong>of</strong>f on a lifelong quest to figure out what they want to<br />

do and who they want to be. "Who am I?" is a question that<br />

dominates the Nacirema psyche.<br />

As a result, many Nacirema make it their life goal to "find" their<br />

"self." Though most Nacirema take this goal <strong>for</strong> granted, it has not<br />

always been this way. Even in Miner's time, the 1950s, things were<br />

different. Back then people were <strong>of</strong>ten encouraged to con<strong>for</strong>m and<br />

follow the rules <strong>of</strong> society. But by the late 1970s, books like William<br />

Glasser's "<strong>The</strong> Identity Society" and Christopher Lasch's "Culture <strong>of</strong><br />

Narcissism" documented a shift from a culture that valued humility<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

and "finding one's place" to one that valued self-expression and<br />

"finding one's self."<br />



It is obvious at this point that the Nacirema are not some exotic<br />

culture, but are in fact American, and that "Nacirema" is just<br />

"American" spelled backwards. This was Miner's trick. He <strong>for</strong>ced us<br />

to see the strange in the familiar and used the art <strong>of</strong> seeing like an<br />

anthropologist on his own culture.<br />

This trick is one method <strong>of</strong> "seeing your own seeing" without<br />

going to an exotic culture. You can find the exotic right around you,<br />

and the more mundane, the better. Because when you reveal that<br />

even the most mundane beliefs and practices that make up your life<br />

can be viewed as strange and exotic, they also become contingent,<br />

which is a fancy way <strong>of</strong> saying that they need not exist or that they<br />

could have been different. Our beliefs and practices are contingent<br />

upon the historical and cultural conditions that led to them. And<br />

once we recognize them as contingent, we can ask new questions<br />

about them.<br />

What is a self? Is it really a thing? Or is it something you do? Would it be<br />

better to say that we "create" ourselves rather than "find" it? And what did that<br />

other great poet, Marshall Mathers, mean when he said "You gotta lose<br />

yourself"? Is it possible that you have to lose your self in order to find your self? If<br />

so, what is this "self" that must be lost? Am "I" the same thing as my "self"? If<br />

they are the same, how can I say "I" need to find my "self"? Can "I" really find,<br />

lose, or create my "self" or do I just need to let the "I" be my "self"?<br />

<strong>The</strong>se are a special kind <strong>of</strong> questions. <strong>The</strong>se questions do not<br />

require answers; the questions are insights in themselves. <strong>The</strong>y give<br />

you new alternatives <strong>for</strong> how to think about your life. <strong>The</strong>y give you<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

a little bit <strong>of</strong> freedom from the limited perspectives <strong>of</strong>fered by your<br />

taken-<strong>for</strong>-granted assumptions, ideas, and ideals.<br />

Michel Foucault, a social theorist and historian who has had a<br />

large impact on anthropology, says that this kind <strong>of</strong> analysis is a way<br />

<strong>of</strong> "making things more fragile." It shows that "what appears obvious<br />

is not at all so obvious." In his work, Foucault he tries to show that<br />

many <strong>of</strong> the "obvious" facts <strong>of</strong> our lives that we take <strong>for</strong> granted can<br />

be "made fragile" through cultural and historical analysis. In this way,<br />

we "give them back the mobility they had and that they should always<br />

have." <strong>The</strong> ideas and ideals <strong>of</strong> our culture do not have to have total<br />

power over us. We can play with them, make them more fragile, and<br />

thereby take some <strong>of</strong> that power back.<br />

This particular power <strong>of</strong> the anthropological perspective has been<br />

at the heart <strong>of</strong> anthropology since its founding in the late 1800s.<br />

Franz Boas, the father <strong>of</strong> American <strong>Anthropology</strong>, said that his<br />

whole outlook on life had been determined by one question:<br />

How can we recognize the shackles that tradition has laid upon us?<br />

For when we recognize them, we are also able to break them.<br />


Body Ritual Among the Nacirema, by Horace Miner<br />


Michael Wesch<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Challenge Two: Fieldwork <strong>of</strong> the Familiar<br />

Your challenge is to do fieldwork in your own culture, find the<br />

strange in the familiar, and produce a compelling photo essay <strong>of</strong> your<br />

insights.<br />

Objective: Practice the anthropological method <strong>of</strong> seeing your own<br />

seeing – to see the strange in the familiar – and to understand how<br />

our taken-<strong>for</strong>-granted everyday life is actually contingent on specific<br />

historical and cultural conditions.<br />

Start by thinking <strong>of</strong> things that are done in your culture that might<br />

strike an Anthropologist from Mars as strange. For example, the<br />

Nacirema keep small animals called teps, heal themselves through the<br />

ritual <strong>of</strong> gnippohs, spend lots <strong>of</strong> time obsessing over their bodies while<br />

they ezicrixe, spend 13 to 25 years <strong>of</strong> their lives simply training <strong>for</strong> the<br />

complexity <strong>of</strong> their lives in special places called loohcs, etc.<br />

Next, go to a location where you can really observe this behavior. Try<br />

to come up with four or five interesting observations about this<br />

behavior. <strong>The</strong>se observations will be the text <strong>of</strong> your essay. <strong>The</strong>n,<br />

take a photograph <strong>for</strong> each <strong>of</strong> your key points that captures what you<br />

are trying to say. This will help you construct your final photo essay<br />

that will include four or five compelling images along with the text.<br />

Submit your essay on Instagram with #anth101challenge2<br />

Go to <strong>for</strong> additional tips and<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Lesson Three<br />

Evolution<br />

When we open up to such questions, we open ourselves up to our<br />

higher nature. It was asking questions, making connections and trying<br />

new things that brought us down from the trees, and took us to the<br />

moon.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

WHO ARE WE?<br />

<strong>The</strong> mountainous interior <strong>of</strong> New Guinea <strong>of</strong>fers some <strong>of</strong> the<br />

most treacherous hiking challenges in the world. It is as rough and<br />

steep as any other mountain range, but then it is blanketed with a<br />

thick, wet rain<strong>for</strong>est teeming with painful fire ants, sharp stones, and<br />

slick mud. My colleague Dan Jorgensen, who did fieldwork just a few<br />

valleys away, calls it "vertical rain<strong>for</strong>est."<br />

In preparation <strong>for</strong> this, I bought the best boots I could af<strong>for</strong>d –<br />

stiff and strong, with mean-looking teeth promising plenty <strong>of</strong><br />

traction. But they were no match <strong>for</strong> these mountains. My friends<br />

skittered up and down mountains with ease in their bare feet while I<br />

clobbered and hobbled along. Every step <strong>of</strong> mine seemed so heavy<br />

and clumsy compared to the graceful and light dance they did as they<br />

bounced from tone to stone. We all spent a lot <strong>of</strong> time on the ground<br />

– me crawling on all fours gazing down in terror over the mountain<br />

ledges that would surely end my life, them sitting casually upmountain<br />

taking in the good view and enjoying a smoke.<br />

Going down was much worse than going up. I usually took a "sit<br />

and slide" approach, seeing no plausible way to stay on two feet and<br />

get down safely. Meanwhile they bounded down the same precipice<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

with ease, usually carrying heavy bags full <strong>of</strong> garden produce,<br />

firewood, or even babies.<br />

One day about eight months into my time there, my wife and I<br />

were gathering bamboo <strong>for</strong> a new chicken pen. Fresh bamboo is very<br />

heavy, and the 14-foot bundles we put together were especially<br />

unwieldy. Our shoulders shrieked with pain as we lumbered along the<br />

slick trail home. After struggling <strong>for</strong> some time, an eight-year-old girl<br />

who could not have weighed more than 60 pounds swooped<br />

alongside my wife, swung her load <strong>of</strong> bamboo onto her back, and<br />

walked <strong>of</strong>f as quickly as she had arrived, leaving us trailing far behind.<br />

Though my wife felt a little ashamed that she had been rescued by an<br />

eight-year-old, she was happy to be rid <strong>of</strong> the load, and walked on<br />

toward home as I continued to struggle, heaving the load 30 feet,<br />

then 20 feet, then just 10 feet at a time, then stopping to rest and rub<br />

my aching shoulder, letting the tall and imposing load stand beside<br />

me. I didn't dare let it fall, <strong>for</strong> I knew I would never be able to stand<br />

it up again.<br />

Be<strong>for</strong>e long an old woman caught up, carrying a bag full <strong>of</strong> sweet<br />

potatoes on her head. Watching me struggle with the load, she<br />

<strong>of</strong>fered to help. She appeared frail and weighed no more than 100<br />

pounds. I was sure she would simply collapse under the weight, so I<br />

refused. But she was insistent. She wedged her shoulder into the<br />

standing bundle, found the balance point, let the weight sway onto<br />

her shoulder, and skittered <strong>of</strong>f toward the house with that quick and<br />

light New Guinea step I had come to admire. I had to walk-run-walk<br />

like a child with his parents just trying to keep up, but she scurried<br />

further and further ahead as I struggled with the uneven terrain. By<br />

the time I arrived home, she had already dropped <strong>of</strong>f the bamboo<br />

and was on her way.<br />

My wife stood on the veranda, laughing. "Haha!" she teased, "I<br />

was feeling really bad until I saw you trailing behind that old woman<br />

carrying your bundle!" We marveled at the display <strong>of</strong> strength we had<br />

just seen. Here were two very strong, fit, young Americans shown up<br />

by a small child and a frail old grandmother.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

I had always seen myself as a fit guy with great balance and<br />

athleticism, but the things that ordinary New Guineans <strong>of</strong> all ages<br />

could do simply astonished me. <strong>The</strong>y crossed raging rivers <strong>of</strong> certain<br />

death on small wet logs without breaking stride. <strong>The</strong>y would come to<br />

what I would consider a cliff, the end <strong>of</strong> the trail, and bound straight<br />

down it without hesitation or comment. <strong>The</strong>y climbed trees I would<br />

consider unclimbable, and then walk out on a thin branch 30 feet<br />

above the ground as if it were the earth itself, and slash branches<br />

above them with a machete while not holding on to anything to<br />

secure themselves.<br />

Yet there were some things we could do that they could not. A<br />

20-foot steel pole, part <strong>of</strong> an old radio tower, had been abandoned in<br />

the village <strong>for</strong> some 30 years from an unfinished colonial project. It<br />

probably weighed about 150 pounds. My wife and I could both deadlift<br />

it. Nobody else in the village, even the strongest looking men,<br />

could do so. So at least we had that on them. We could do the<br />

relatively useless task <strong>of</strong> dead-lifting a uni<strong>for</strong>m, unnatural, perfectly<br />

balanced steel bar <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> the ground, but we couldn't carry a bundle<br />

<strong>of</strong> heavy, unwieldy, slippery, and bumpy bamboo. We could not<br />

navigate their paths and makeshift "bridges" without sometimes<br />

reverting to crawling. We could not harvest our own tree fruit. We<br />

could not carry large bundles <strong>of</strong> firewood on our heads. In short, we<br />

might be "strong" and "fit" by American standards, but we simply<br />

could not do any <strong>of</strong> the basic tasks required <strong>for</strong> survival in New<br />

Guinea.<br />

Watching such feats was a continuous reminder <strong>of</strong> another<br />

question that had brought me there: Who are we as human beings?<br />

What are we capable <strong>of</strong>? On a deeper level, the question is not just<br />

about physical abilities, but also about our intellectual abilities as well<br />

as our moral capacities and inclinations. What is our nature? When<br />

my friends stopped and cried with me on the mountain, were they<br />

tapping into some deep aspect <strong>of</strong> our human nature, or was that an<br />

aspect <strong>of</strong> their culture? Are we inherently good or bad? Are empathy<br />


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and compassion natural inclinations, or are we more prone to be<br />

jealous and judgmental?<br />

To explore these questions, we need to expand our view beyond<br />

humans today and look to our evolutionary past. We have to look at<br />

our closest animal relatives, as well as the fossil record, to explore<br />

what we can learn about our ancestors.<br />

Evolution has been a touchy and controversial topic since<br />

Charles Darwin first introduced the idea in 1859. Darwin himself<br />

waited 23 years be<strong>for</strong>e publishing <strong>The</strong> Origin <strong>of</strong> Species, because he<br />

knew it would contradict the account <strong>of</strong> creation in Genesis and set<br />

<strong>of</strong>f a broad public debate. Around the same time, Charles Lyell<br />

published evidence that the earth was much older than the Biblical<br />

6,000-year-old timeline. Ever since, those <strong>of</strong> us who grow up in<br />

cultures with a Biblical tradition have had to wrestle with difficult<br />

questions about how to square scientific knowledge with our religious<br />

faith.<br />

While evolution is still strongly debated in public, it has long been<br />

firmly accepted in science. While critics like to point out that it is<br />

"just a theory," the phrase misunderstands the definition <strong>of</strong> scientific<br />

theory. A scientific theory is not an unproven hypothesis. <strong>The</strong><br />

National Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences defines a theory as "a wellsubstantiated<br />

explanation <strong>of</strong> some aspect <strong>of</strong> the natural world."<br />

<strong>The</strong>ories are not tentative guesses or even well-reasoned hypotheses.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y take in a wide range <strong>of</strong> well-established facts and laws and make<br />

sense <strong>of</strong> them. "<strong>The</strong>ories," the Academy notes, "are the end points <strong>of</strong><br />

science."<br />

So evolution, like any scientific theory, is not something to be<br />

simply believed or disbelieved. It is to be understood and<br />

continuously reassessed based on the evidence. As Stephen Jay<br />

Gould points out, evolution is not only a theory, it is also an<br />

established scientific fact due to the mountains <strong>of</strong> data and<br />

observations supporting it. Nothing is absolutely certain in science,<br />

so "scientific fact" does not mean "absolute certainty." Rather, a<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

scientific fact is something that is "confirmed to such a degree that it<br />

would be perverse to withhold provisional assent."<br />

Does this mean that God does not exist and that the Bible is<br />

wrong? This is a difficult question that each <strong>of</strong> us has to answer <strong>for</strong><br />

ourselves. Most Americans who become college-educated end up<br />

accepting evolution (73%) and many <strong>of</strong> them see God as guiding the<br />

process or having planned the process out from the beginning <strong>of</strong><br />

time (41%). Many pr<strong>of</strong>essional evolutionary scientists hold this view<br />

as well, and it af<strong>for</strong>ds them the great joy <strong>of</strong> exploring the vastness <strong>of</strong><br />

our world and its history. As my friend and colleague Keith Miller,<br />

who is both an evangelical Christian and an evolutionary scientist,<br />

wrote in a now-famous article on the theological implications <strong>of</strong><br />

evolution, "Our continually developing scientific understanding <strong>of</strong><br />

cosmic history should produce great awe at God's incalculable power<br />

and wisdom ... He instructed Job to contemplate the created<br />

universe. When we contemplate the universe today should we not,<br />

even more than Job, be overwhelmed by God's greatness?"<br />

So one reason to study evolution is to simply stand in awe <strong>of</strong> the<br />

unfolding cosmos that has ultimately led to this moment right now.<br />

But there are other, more practical reasons as well. Studying<br />

evolution helps us understand who we are at the biological level. It<br />

helps explain how and why we get stressed, why we are prone to<br />

getting fat, and why we are prone to fall into bad habits. Most <strong>of</strong> us<br />

will die <strong>of</strong> a disease that is caused by a mismatch between the<br />

environments that we evolved to survive in, and those that we live in<br />

today. Understanding our evolutionary past can help you stay alive. It<br />

can also explain why we are prone to fall in love, feel jealous, or rage<br />

with hate or fear. Our biology is always a part <strong>of</strong> our lives. We tend<br />

to deny this fact, but the more we acknowledge it and learn about it,<br />

the better we will be able to handle the ups and downs <strong>of</strong> everyday<br />

life, stay healthy, and perhaps even do some things that we never<br />

thought possible.<br />

As a small-town kid from Nebraska, I also had to wrestle with<br />

these questions. It was a constant source <strong>of</strong> discussion and debate in<br />


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my college dorm, <strong>of</strong>ten taking us deep into the early hours <strong>of</strong> the<br />

morning. While my own conclusions are irrelevant to your own, I<br />

simply want to note that I am grateful that my conclusions allowed<br />

me to open up to the wealth <strong>of</strong> research and in<strong>for</strong>mation emerging<br />

out <strong>of</strong> evolutionary science today, as they have greatly enriched my<br />

life. <strong>The</strong>y have helped me understand who we are, our human<br />

potential, and most importantly, helped me regain much <strong>of</strong> the<br />

human potential I had lost through years <strong>of</strong> unhealthy habits. While<br />

this chapter cannot possibly tell the entirety <strong>of</strong> the human story or<br />

pass on all <strong>of</strong> the wisdom to be gathered from an understanding <strong>of</strong><br />

human evolution, I hope that it can serve as an invitation <strong>for</strong> you to<br />

explore more.<br />



Step into the Tai Forest <strong>of</strong> Africa and you will hear a wild<br />

cacophony <strong>of</strong> calls, sounds, and melodies that would have been<br />

familiar to our ancient ancestors. Birds singing, monkeys hooting,<br />

bugs chirping, frogs croaking, and a multitude <strong>of</strong> other sounds fill the<br />

air. Listen closely enough, and you can start to tune into the<br />

conversation.<br />

Klaus Zuberbuhler has spent years studying the calls <strong>of</strong> the<br />

primates in this <strong>for</strong>est. In one study, he started by playing leopard<br />

sounds and then listened <strong>for</strong> the response. Diana monkeys sitting in<br />

the <strong>for</strong>est canopy always responded with the same recognizable alarm<br />

call. He played the shrieks <strong>of</strong> an eagle and heard what he thought was<br />

the same call. But back in his lab he created a spectrogram <strong>of</strong> the calls<br />

and discovered that they were actually different calls. <strong>The</strong> Diana<br />

monkeys were distinguishing threats from above, like eagles, from<br />

threats from below, like leopards, with subtle variations in pitch.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y were singing, and using their songs <strong>for</strong> survival.<br />

One day, Klaus was walking through this <strong>for</strong>est when, suddenly,<br />

his ability to tune into this conversation became a matter <strong>of</strong> life or<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

death. Diana monkeys were sounding an alarm from high in the trees<br />

above him. A leopard was in the area. As he moved through the<br />

<strong>for</strong>est, the calls moved closer and seem to follow his every move. <strong>The</strong><br />

leopard was stalking him! He kept his ears tuned into the Diana<br />

monkeys overhead and quickened his pace, walking with anxious<br />

deliberation toward the safety <strong>of</strong> his camp. He dared not run.<br />

Inside Klaus's body, an ancient stress response kicked in. He was<br />

filled with a rush <strong>of</strong> adrenaline. Without making any conscious<br />

decisions, he cashed in on the fat he had stored up <strong>for</strong> just such an<br />

occasion. It was trans<strong>for</strong>med into glycogen, which raced through his<br />

bloodstream, powered by his racing heart. His awareness heightened.<br />

Meanwhile, all <strong>of</strong> his body's long-term projects ceased. <strong>The</strong> body shut<br />

down repair, growth, and reproduction. His body was fully primed<br />

and in the moment. No time <strong>for</strong> long-term goals now.<br />

This basic biological stress response is one that he shares with the<br />

monkeys, as well as the leopard and all other creatures <strong>of</strong> the animal<br />

kingdom. Everyone in that life or death drama is completely in the<br />

moment as their fight or flight response kicks in.<br />

<strong>The</strong> monkeys above swarmed the leopard. <strong>The</strong>y did not run<br />

away. <strong>The</strong>ir calls could be heard across monkey species, allowing<br />

monkeys <strong>of</strong> different types to <strong>for</strong>m a sort <strong>of</strong> monkey alliance,<br />

constantly calling out and staring down at the leopard from multiple<br />

angles to let the leopard know they had him in their sights. Leopards<br />

like to attack by ambush. As the monkeys swarmed overhead, the<br />

leopard knew its cover was blown, and it gave up the hunt. Klaus<br />

made it safely back to camp, saved by his distant brothers and sisters,<br />

exhilarated by the experience <strong>of</strong> hearing, and actually understanding,<br />

the language <strong>of</strong> these distant relatives, separated by over 20 million<br />

years <strong>of</strong> evolution. For a moment, he remembered that he too was<br />

part <strong>of</strong> that great monkey alliance.<br />

Though the Diana monkeys <strong>of</strong> today are not the Diana monkeys<br />

<strong>of</strong> 20 million years ago, fossil evidence shows that creatures that<br />

looked very much like Diana monkeys existed 20 million years ago,<br />


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and are likely the common ancestor <strong>of</strong> ourselves and those monkeys<br />

who were sounding the alarm from those trees.<br />

How did we split and become separate species? In order <strong>for</strong> new<br />

species to occur, there has to be some <strong>for</strong>m <strong>of</strong> reproductive isolation.<br />

This usually happens as populations become geographically isolated<br />

from one another and end up occupying different environments.<br />

Slowly, generation after generation, some genes are passed on while<br />

others are not, and given the different environments, the two<br />

populations eventually become so different they can no longer<br />

reproduce with one another. <strong>The</strong>y are now permanently isolated<br />

reproductively, and have become separate species.<br />

<strong>The</strong> past 25 million years in East Africa have been an especially<br />

prime period <strong>for</strong> speciation among primates. Climate changes, along<br />

with high levels <strong>of</strong> volcanic activity, dramatically reshaped the Earth.<br />

creating numerous environmental niches within a fairly small<br />

geographic region. Populations that found themselves in lush jungle<br />

rain<strong>for</strong>ests adapted very differently from those who found<br />

themselves in more sparsely vegetated woodlands or open savannahs.<br />

By 13 million years ago, our ancestors split from orangutans, and by<br />

eight million years ago, from gorillas. We split from chimpanzees and<br />

bonobos (a.k.a. pygmy chimpanzees) by about six million years ago.<br />


<strong>The</strong> ability to sing is shared widely among birds and mammals.<br />

And while our closest relatives are quite good at communicating<br />

through singing, the most complex use <strong>of</strong> a "singing" language<br />

among mammals might not belong to them, but to prairie dogs.<br />

While they may not share much DNA with us, they do share a similar<br />

challenge. Much like the early hominids who first came down from<br />

the trees, prairie dogs are easily spotted in the wide-open grasslands<br />

by a vast range <strong>of</strong> predators. Singing is a survival strategy.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Prairie dogs have created different calls <strong>for</strong> coyotes, badgers, and<br />

hawks, all <strong>of</strong> which require different defense responses. In<br />

experimental situations, biologist Con Slobodchik<strong>of</strong>f has<br />

demonstrated that prairie dogs can sing different chirps to indicate<br />

the shape, color, speed, size, and mode <strong>of</strong> travel <strong>of</strong> a potential<br />

incoming threat.<br />

While not as sophisticated as the songs <strong>of</strong> prairie dogs, most<br />

birds and mammals have at least some rudimentary singing abilities<br />

that allow them to communicate. <strong>The</strong> simplest singing systems in the<br />

animal kingdom involve two sounds, a low-pitched growl <strong>of</strong>ten used<br />

as a threat, and a higher pitched melody used to indicate friendliness,<br />

submission, or vulnerability. A dog growls deeply as a threat, and<br />

yelps or squeals meekly when threatened. A dog might also use a<br />

high-pitched whimper as he cuddles into a human, a clear request <strong>for</strong><br />

a pet or cuddle. Weaver birds, crows, guinea pigs, rats, Tasmanian<br />

devils, elephants, and monkeys use low and high tones in similar<br />

fashion. "Simply stated," noted Eugene Morton <strong>of</strong> the National Zoo<br />

after a review <strong>of</strong> over 70 species, "birds and mammals use harsh,<br />

relatively low-frequency sounds when hostile and higher-frequency,<br />

more pure tonelike sounds when frightened, appeasing, or<br />

approaching in a friendly manner." Linguist John Ohala notes that<br />

these pitch variations are part <strong>of</strong> a universal "frequency code" that<br />

extends across species, in which low, deep, full sounds indicate<br />

dominance and aggression, while high thin sounds indicate<br />

harmlessness, submission, or a plea <strong>for</strong> connection. You tap into it<br />

every time you lower your voice to admonish your dog or raise your<br />

voice to ask <strong>for</strong> a snuggle.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is significant evidence that our ancestors were using a<br />

much more complex singing system to connect and collaborate.<br />

Thousands <strong>of</strong> miles from the cacophony <strong>of</strong> the Tai <strong>for</strong>est or the<br />

chirping <strong>of</strong> prairie dogs on the North American Plains, Ann Fernald<br />

was sitting in an obstetrics unit in Germany listening to some<br />

interesting songs as well, those coming from the mothers <strong>of</strong> newborn<br />

humans. <strong>The</strong> hospital attracted mothers from all over the world;<br />


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many languages, and many cultures. But when they spoke to their<br />

babies it was as if they were all tapping into that same evolutionary<br />

heritage that Klaus was trying to uncover in the Tai Forest. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

raised their pitch, exaggerated their emotional tone, slowed down,<br />

shortened their sentences, and <strong>of</strong>ten repeated themselves. <strong>The</strong>y were<br />

using that ancient singing language, and though they were coming<br />

from many different cultures and speaking many different languages,<br />

Ann knew the tunes. It was there that she discovered four universal<br />

songs <strong>of</strong> baby-talk:<br />

1. <strong>The</strong> approval song with its rising and then falling pitch<br />

(GOOD girl!);<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> warning and prohibition song with its short, sharp<br />

staccato (No! Stop!);<br />

3. <strong>The</strong> lingering and smooth, low frequency com<strong>for</strong>t song<br />

("oh …. poor little baby …" ); and<br />

4. <strong>The</strong> song she calls "<strong>The</strong> Attention Bid," a high, rising<br />

melody, <strong>of</strong>ten used <strong>for</strong> asking questions and calling<br />

attention to objects ("Where's the BALL?").<br />

To explore just how universal these songs might be, Greg Bryant<br />

and Clark Barrett <strong>of</strong> UCLA recorded English-speaking mothers<br />

talking to their babies and went into the Amazon rain<strong>for</strong>est to see if<br />

the Shuar, a group <strong>of</strong> remote hunter- horticulturalists, also knew the<br />

tunes. <strong>The</strong>y did.<br />

<strong>The</strong> universality <strong>of</strong> the songs indicates that they are very old. Our<br />

first ancestors probably knew similar tunes. We hear similar tunes<br />

among our closest relatives, gorillas and chimpanzees. When lowland<br />

gorillas hear strange sounds or spot obscured observers, they sound a<br />

mild alert that Dian Fossey called the "question bark." <strong>The</strong> bark, with<br />

a rising intonation that falls at the end, was described by Fossey as<br />

sounding like "Who are you?"<br />

Jane Goodall describes "inquiring pant-hoots" that rise in pitch,<br />

like human questions used by chimpanzees. After the pant-hoot a<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

chimp will listen quietly <strong>for</strong> a response from another chimp, and in<br />

getting one, learns the whereabouts and identities <strong>of</strong> other chimps<br />

nearby. Long be<strong>for</strong>e full human languages developed 100,000 years<br />

ago, we were probably sending messages through simple songs like<br />

these. And the songs we sang said a great deal about who we were.<br />

We asked questions. We showed compassion <strong>for</strong> one another. We<br />

helped each other avoid dangers, and we <strong>of</strong>fered each other<br />

encouragement. Taken together, they represent four key capacities:<br />

teaching, learning, cooperation and compassion. All would have been<br />

great assets as we walked <strong>of</strong>f into the dangerous open grasslands.<br />


As you think about just how vulnerable Klaus was as he walked<br />

through a <strong>for</strong>est full <strong>of</strong> dangerous predators like that leopard,<br />

consider just how astounding it is that we ever evolved to come<br />

down from the trees at all. Yet we did. About six or seven million<br />

years ago, we start to see the tell-tale signs <strong>of</strong> bipedalism (walking on<br />

two legs) emerging. Hominid bones found from that time show a<br />

pelvis starting to tilt sideways, an S-shaped spine, and a stiffened foot<br />

with upward curving toes, all <strong>of</strong> which would help us walk without<br />

waddling but reduced our capacities to climb trees.<br />

But why? Why would we come down from the safety <strong>of</strong> the trees<br />

where fruit was plentiful and predators were not? How could we even<br />

begin to escape or compete with the big cats who could run up to 60<br />

mph and had powerful jaws and ferocious fangs and claws? We had<br />

no weapons – natural or man-made – and weren't even as tall or large<br />

as we are today. We were just 4 feet tall and weighed about 110<br />

pounds, the size <strong>of</strong> a husky third-grader.<br />

How did we do it? Why did we do it?<br />

We probably had no choice. <strong>The</strong> Earth was cooling and <strong>for</strong>ests<br />

were shrinking, especially in East Africa, where our ancestors lived.<br />

Dense rain <strong>for</strong>ests were giving way to woodlands and open<br />

grasslands. Fruit dwindled along with the dwindling <strong>for</strong>ests. What<br />


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fruit was left was being eaten up by monkeys who had developed<br />

abilities to eat unripened fruit, picking over the trees be<strong>for</strong>e we could<br />

even get to them.<br />

As fruit sources dwindled, one strategy <strong>for</strong> survival was to simply<br />

get better at obtaining fruit. <strong>The</strong> ancestors <strong>of</strong> chimpanzees did this,<br />

using their remarkable agility to swing through trees in order to get at<br />

hard-to-reach fruit, and to occasionally pick <strong>of</strong>f unsuspecting prey.<br />

Another strategy was to adapt to a fruitless diet where there was less<br />

competition. <strong>The</strong> ancestors <strong>of</strong> gorillas did this, moving to a diet <strong>of</strong><br />

leaves and growing to large sizes that slowed their metabolism,<br />

requiring fewer calories.<br />

But while these strategies could work in dense <strong>for</strong>ested<br />

environments, they would not work in lightly <strong>for</strong>ested woodlands and<br />

grasslands where our ancestors lived. Leaves and fruit were not as<br />

plentiful. Instead <strong>of</strong> focusing on just one food source, we developed<br />

abilities eat many kinds <strong>of</strong> food, including meat, and to move more<br />

efficiently on land so that we could cover more ground and thereby<br />

gather more food. We also retained some <strong>of</strong> our climbing abilities so<br />

could exploit a wide range <strong>of</strong> foods in the trees, on the ground, and<br />

under the ground (roots and tubers).<br />

In other words, we didn't give up on tree-climbing and become<br />

bipedal overnight. One <strong>of</strong> the best-preserved skeletons from four<br />

million years ago, nicknamed 'Ardi,' shows that our ancestors at this<br />

time retained grasping toes and other features that would still allow<br />

them to climb remarkably well by modern human standards, but they<br />

were also not as efficient at walking as we are.<br />

Many people assume we became bipedal so we could use tools,<br />

but we wouldn't start using tools <strong>for</strong> at least a million years after we<br />

first started walking. <strong>The</strong> original advantage <strong>of</strong> walking on two legs<br />

was efficiency. While chimps only walk about 1.5 miles a day, a<br />

modern human can walk about six miles a day using the same<br />

amount <strong>of</strong> energy. Our earliest ancestors were probably not as<br />

efficient at walking as we are today, but even a slight increase in<br />

efficiency would have allowed them to travel and gather foods over a<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

wider range and still maintain the calorie balance they needed to<br />

survive and reproduce.<br />

Over time, the more efficient walkers were more likely to<br />

reproduce, and so generation after generation we became more and<br />

more adapted to walking, able to cover more and more territory.<br />

While standing up made us more visible to predators, it also<br />

allowed us to spot them and take away the element <strong>of</strong> surprise, just as<br />

those Diana monkeys did <strong>for</strong> Klaus. This is where our ancient ability<br />

to sing would be so important.<br />

Singing, collaborating, and walking on two legs would set <strong>of</strong>f a<br />

cascade <strong>of</strong> changes that would make us who we are today. With our<br />

hands free, we could carry food back to our young and elderly,<br />

broadening our abilities to share, and eventually develop more<br />

sophisticated tools and technologies. Each technology not only<br />

improved our abilities to acquire food, but would also change how<br />

we worked and lived together. <strong>The</strong> hominid brain grew as we were<br />

able to obtain more calories to fuel its growth, and it needed to grow<br />

in order to deal with the increasing demands <strong>of</strong> cooperation and<br />

navigating increasingly complex social relationships.<br />

By 2.5 million years ago, we were fully committed to life on the land.<br />

Our capacities to climb and live in the trees had dwindled along with<br />

the size <strong>of</strong> our arms, fingers, and toes. We could no longer grab a<br />

branch with our feet or swing ef<strong>for</strong>tlessly from tree to tree. But our<br />

legs were now long, straight, and efficient. We were no longer just<br />

walking. We were running, but be<strong>for</strong>e we could run efficiently, we<br />

would have to develop yet another key adaptation.<br />



Our growing brains required a constant source <strong>of</strong> energy, which<br />

would have been difficult to maintain if it also required a constant<br />

source <strong>of</strong> food in sometimes unpredictable and sparse environments.<br />

Fortunately, we got fat. Fat is rich in energy, storing nine calories in<br />


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each gram (vs. just 4 calories per gram <strong>of</strong> carbohydrate or protein).<br />

When food was scarce, we could call upon the fat reserves we stored<br />

on our bodies to sustain us. Those who could survive through the<br />

leanest <strong>of</strong> times would be those who would reproduce to create the<br />

next generation. And generation after generation, we got fatter.<br />

<strong>The</strong> average monkey is born with about 3 percent body fat, while<br />

we humans are born with fifteen percent. A healthy human child will<br />

blossom to an energy-potent 25 percent body fat be<strong>for</strong>e settling back<br />

down into the teens in adulthood. A typical female hunter-gatherer<br />

has a body fat <strong>of</strong> about 15 percent, while a male weighs in at about 10<br />

percent – thin by American standards, yet still much fatter than<br />

chimpanzees.<br />

Getting fat was essential to our survival, and to this day we<br />

maintain a remarkable ability to pack it on when the feeding is good.<br />

Our tastes evolved to help us gorge on high calorie foods whenever<br />

they were available, so we have natural cravings <strong>for</strong> fatty or sweet<br />

foods, both <strong>of</strong> which are especially high in calories.<br />

As we gained the capacity to store fat, we also lost our fur and<br />

covered our skin with sweat glands, allowing us to stay cool even in<br />

the heat <strong>of</strong> the African equatorial sun. While other animals have to<br />

rely on circulating air through their bodies as quickly as possible by<br />

panting, we can simply let the air move around us as we sweat,<br />

making us the most efficient air-cooled bio-engine on the planet.<br />


By two million years ago, our ancestors started to look very<br />

different from chimpanzees. Our bodies became more adapted <strong>for</strong><br />

life on the ground, not in the trees. Our legs grew longer and thinner<br />

near the ends, giving us a longer and lighter step. Our toes got<br />

shorter, our butts got bigger, and our arms grew shorter, allowing us<br />

to be more stable and efficient while running. Our heads became<br />

more separated from the shoulders, creating the need <strong>for</strong> the nuchal<br />

ligament, used to stabilize the head. Our joint surfaces expanded to<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

reduce the shock <strong>of</strong> each footfall. <strong>The</strong> plantar arch and Achilles<br />

tendon gave us more elastic energy. Our legs became biological<br />

springs. <strong>The</strong> springy arch <strong>of</strong> our foot increases our running efficiency<br />

by 17%.<br />

<strong>The</strong> combination <strong>of</strong> running adaptations makes running only 30-<br />

50 percent less efficient than walking. By 2004, the research team <strong>of</strong><br />

Daniel Lieberman, Dennis Bramble, and David Carrier had identified<br />

26 adaptations in the human body that were necessary <strong>for</strong> running<br />

that are not required <strong>for</strong> walking. As Chris MacDougal famously<br />

summarized, we were "Born to Run."<br />

Despite all these remarkable adaptations <strong>for</strong> running, we're not<br />

very fast compared to other animals. <strong>The</strong> fastest land animals have<br />

four legs, allowing them to thrust themselves to speeds well over 40<br />

mph and sometimes, as in the case <strong>of</strong> the cheetah, to over 60 mph.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fastest humans can only run about 27 mph.<br />

But despite being slow, we had several key advantages. Our<br />

ability to sweat would allow us to move around in the heat <strong>of</strong> the day,<br />

while the most dangerous predators and scavengers rested in the<br />

shade. Though we did not yet have spear-tipped projectiles <strong>for</strong><br />

hunting, we would have been able to gather plant foods and scavenge<br />

<strong>for</strong> meat across great distances in the heat <strong>of</strong> the day. Walking on two<br />

legs also freed our hands and allowed us to enter potentially<br />

dangerous situations to find or scavenge whatever we could, grab it,<br />

and then quickly carry it back to safer ground.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se abilities might also help explain a peculiar mystery in the<br />

archaeological record. By 1.9 million years ago, there is evidence that<br />

we were successfully hunting wild game such as kudu and wildebeest.<br />

But stone spear heads do not appear until 300,000 years ago, and it is<br />

nearly impossible to kill a large animal with a wooden tipped spear<br />

unless you're very close to the animal, which is impossible if the<br />

animal is not in some kind <strong>of</strong> distress. So if we were successfully<br />

hunting large game 1.9 million years ago, long be<strong>for</strong>e the invention <strong>of</strong><br />

adequate weapons – how did we do it?<br />


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It turned out that being fat, sweaty, and able to cooperate is a<br />

deadly weapon. Lieberman's research team found that our running<br />

abilities, combined with our ability to burn fat reserves and cool<br />

ourselves with sweat, allowed us to jog faster and farther than most<br />

quadrupeds can sustain, especially in the hot midday sun. All we had<br />

to do was flush an animal like a kudu or wildebeest out <strong>of</strong> the herd<br />

and scare it into a gallop. It would need to pant to cool down, but it<br />

cannot pant while running. If we could keep it on the run over a long<br />

period <strong>of</strong> time, it would collapse <strong>of</strong> heat exhaustion. We could<br />

literally run our prey to death. <strong>The</strong>y called it "persistence hunting."<br />

Lieberman and his team had the biological markers and the<br />

mathematical evidence to support their claim. But while there were<br />

several stories <strong>of</strong> persistence hunting in cultures around the world,<br />

there had not been a confirmed observation that such a feat was<br />

possible.<br />

<strong>The</strong> evidence they needed would come from a college dropout<br />

driven by a very big question. In the early 1980s, Louis Liebenberg<br />

was taking a philosophy <strong>of</strong> science class at the University <strong>of</strong> Cape<br />

Town when he started asking the big question <strong>of</strong> how humans ever<br />

came to contemplate big questions in the first place. He had a hunch<br />

that the first complicated thinking might have come from the<br />

challenge <strong>of</strong> tracking wild game, which would have <strong>for</strong>ced early<br />

humans to use a great deal <strong>of</strong> imagination and reasoning to decode<br />

the path and whereabouts <strong>of</strong> an animal based on a few tracks in the<br />

earth. Like all great questions, the question took him farther than he<br />

ever thought possible, and be<strong>for</strong>e long he was trekking out into the<br />

desert to find one <strong>of</strong> the last bands <strong>of</strong> the Kalahari Bushmen still<br />

living a more or less traditional way <strong>of</strong> life. After finally finding them,<br />

he settled in and lived with them <strong>for</strong> four years.<br />

One day they invited him on a hunt. <strong>The</strong>y walked <strong>for</strong> nearly<br />

twenty miles be<strong>for</strong>e finally coming upon a herd <strong>of</strong> kudu. <strong>The</strong>y started<br />

running. <strong>The</strong> herd scattered, allowing them to separate one from the<br />

herd. Each time the kudu ran under a tree to rest. they would flush it<br />

out into the sun while corralling it away from the herd, keeping it<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

isolated. After a few hours <strong>of</strong> being chased, the kudu started to falter,<br />

and then fell to the ground. <strong>The</strong> Bushmen had their prey, and Louis<br />

had unequivocal evidence that persistence hunting is not only<br />

possible, but still happening today.<br />

This means that <strong>for</strong> the past two million years, our ancestors have<br />

been routinely walking and running 20 miles to chase down wild<br />

animals. <strong>The</strong> traits that allowed them to do this are the same traits we<br />

have today. Yet today, few <strong>of</strong> us can run even a few miles at a time,<br />

let alone 20.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Raramuri <strong>of</strong> the Copper Canyons <strong>of</strong> Mexico also engage in<br />

persistence hunting, running deer and wild turkeys to death. By<br />

frightening large turkeys into a series <strong>of</strong> take-<strong>of</strong>fs, they eventually tire<br />

and lack the strength to get away from the hunters.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Raramuri give us an enticing glimpse into the full potential <strong>of</strong><br />

our endurance running bodies. Reports <strong>of</strong> their astounding running<br />

abilities reached bestselling author and sports journalist Chris<br />

MacDougal, who eventually found his way to their homeland to see<br />

them in action and write the bestselling book Born to Run. He reports<br />

that the Raramuri (also known as the Tarahumara) regularly run over<br />

100 miles at a single go.<br />

Most remarkably, Raramuri <strong>of</strong> all ages can run like this. In fact, it<br />

is <strong>of</strong>ten the elders – those over 50 years old – who are the fastest. In<br />

1992, a few Raramuri came to the U.S. to race in the Leadville 100, an<br />

ultra-marathon <strong>of</strong> 100 miles over the Colorado Rockies. <strong>The</strong>y wanted<br />

to bring their best, so they brought Victoriano Churro, a 55-year-old<br />

Raramuri grandfather.<br />

Historian Francisco Almada reports that a Raramuri man once<br />

ran 435 miles without stopping, and reports <strong>of</strong> others running over<br />

300 miles are not uncommon.<br />

What allows the Raramuri to run so far, over such tough terrain,<br />

and <strong>for</strong> so long (well into old age), is that they run with that same<br />

gentle skitter step I had come to admire among my friends in New<br />

Guinea. Like our ancestors, they are running barefoot or with very<br />

thin homemade sandals. This <strong>for</strong>ces them to stay light on their feet,<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

taking short quick strides and landing on the ball <strong>of</strong> their <strong>for</strong>efoot in<br />

order to absorb the impact, rather than striding out and striking their<br />

heel, the style preferred by most runners shod in thick-soled running<br />

shoes.<br />

Noting the low injury rate among barefoot runners around the<br />

world, Dan Lieberman did a study <strong>of</strong> the Harvard track team,<br />

comparing athletes who were <strong>for</strong>efoot strikers (barefoot style) versus<br />

those who were heel strikers. <strong>The</strong> injury rate <strong>for</strong> heel strikers was 2.6<br />

times that <strong>of</strong> <strong>for</strong>efoot strikers.<br />

But perhaps the most striking feature <strong>of</strong> the running style that<br />

Chris MacDougal and others found among the Raramuri, and that I<br />

witnessed among my friends in New Guinea, is the pure joy they take<br />

in running. It is not a penance <strong>for</strong> indulging in too much food. It is<br />

not "exercise" or "working out." It is fun. "Such a sense <strong>of</strong> joy!"<br />

legendary track coach Joe Vigil exclaimed as he watched the Raramuri<br />

laugh as they scrambled up a steep mountainside 50 miles into the<br />

Leadville 100.<br />

When Ken Choubler, the race's founder, saw the Raramuri<br />

running after over 50 miles on his grueling mountain course, he<br />

would tell MacDougal that they looked normal—"freakishly ...<br />

normal." <strong>The</strong>y didn't have their heads down, face grimacing with<br />

pain, just trying to tough it out. <strong>The</strong>y were enjoying themselves.<br />

"That old guy?" MacDougal writes, "Victoriano? Totally cool. Like he<br />

just woke up from a nap, scratched his belly, and decided to show the<br />

kids how the big boys play the game."<br />

Victoriano, age 55, won the race that day, edging out a younger<br />

Raramuri runner <strong>for</strong> the win. <strong>The</strong> top non-Raramuri competitor was<br />

six miles back.<br />



Taken all together, the evidence suggests that starting<br />

approximately two million years ago, we were still relying on the<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

gathering <strong>of</strong> fruits, nuts, and tubers over a wide area as our primary<br />

means <strong>of</strong> subsistence. We scavenged and hunted when opportunities<br />

arose, and we were starting to develop some basic stone tools to cut<br />

and process our food.<br />

A positive feedback loop started to emerge. <strong>The</strong> better we got at<br />

obtaining food, the more calories we had to grow our brains. As our<br />

brains grew, we got better at obtaining food. By about 500,000 years<br />

ago, we had enough intelligence to invent a stone-tipped spear<br />

capable <strong>of</strong> penetrating thick animal hides at great distances, and our<br />

upright running bodies were adapted to throw them with a <strong>for</strong>ce and<br />

accuracy unmatched among all other animals. A chimpanzee can be<br />

trained to throw, but they can only throw at about 20 mph. A human<br />

can wind their upright body up like a rubber band and let the<br />

rotational <strong>for</strong>ce <strong>of</strong> their full body, along with the rotation <strong>of</strong> their<br />

shoulder, combined to generate speeds <strong>of</strong> up to 9,000 degrees <strong>of</strong><br />

rotation per second. Even a mediocre human athlete can throw up to<br />

70 mph with remarkable accuracy. Most impressively, we could not<br />

only throw accurately enough to hit a rabbit, we could hit a moving<br />

rabbit. Our ability to hit a moving rabbit requires yet another key<br />

human skill: imagination.<br />

Neil Roach, anthropologist at George Washington University,<br />

told MacDougal that "this ability to produce powerful throws is<br />

crucial to the intensification <strong>of</strong> hunting." Once we could obtain a<br />

steadier high-quality source <strong>of</strong> meat, "this dietary change led to<br />

seismic shifts in our ancestors' biology, allowing them to grow larger<br />

bodies, larger brains, and to have more children."<br />

<strong>The</strong> positive feedback loop would continue as we domesticated<br />

fire approximately 400,000 years ago, allowing us to obtain more and<br />

more high-quality calories from our foods by cooking them. We<br />

could also stay warm in colder climates, expanding into new<br />

territories, and share stories and in<strong>for</strong>mation as we sat around the fire<br />

well into the night, having artificially extended the day <strong>for</strong> the first<br />

time.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

By 200,000 years ago the first modern humans, Homo sapiens, had<br />

arrived. Genetically, they were us. If you could transport a newborn<br />

from 200,000 years ago into the present, they would learn our<br />

language, go to school, and fit right in. Every human on the planet<br />

today can trace their roots back to these African ancestors, 200,000<br />

years ago. We had dark skin to protect us from harsh ultraviolet rays<br />

<strong>of</strong> the sun. Compared to the animals we evolved from, we were fat<br />

and sweaty. But we could run long distances, throw, make tools, use<br />

our imaginations, and perhaps most importantly, communicate and<br />

collaborate better than any other creatures in the world.<br />

Communication and collaboration allowed us to develop even<br />

more sophisticated technologies, including clothing, that would allow<br />

us to spread out <strong>of</strong> Africa and settle all over the world. Our trade<br />

networks expanded, allowing innovations to be shared over greater<br />

and greater distances. <strong>The</strong> archaeological record shows an explosion<br />

<strong>of</strong> creativity starting around 50,000 years ago, sometimes called the<br />

Creative Explosion. A technique <strong>for</strong> the mass manufacture <strong>of</strong> thin stone<br />

blades was discovered. Tools became more sophisticated and<br />

versatile. Atlatls, notched sticks into which we placed the butts <strong>of</strong> our<br />

spears, increased the amount <strong>of</strong> <strong>for</strong>ce we could use to hurl those<br />

spears, achieving faster speeds and more power. Nets and fishhooks<br />

allowed us to expand our diets to more seafood, while new methods<br />

<strong>of</strong> food preparation such as grinding and boiling allowed us to use<br />

and process more and more <strong>of</strong> the calories available to us. We told<br />

stories, painted pictures, made jewelry, and developed a rich,<br />

symbolic world that would tie us together into larger, more complex<br />

groups.<br />

In short, we invented culture. We asked questions, made<br />

connections, and tried new things. From that moment <strong>for</strong>ward, the<br />

pace <strong>of</strong> our cultural innovation would far outstrip the human body's<br />

ability to adapt to the new environments we created.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />


<strong>The</strong> Story <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Human</strong> Body by Daniel Lieberman<br />

Born to Run by Chris McDougall<br />

RadioLab Podcast: Wild Talk<br />

RadioLab Podcast: Musical Language<br />


Michael Wesch<br />



Our adaptations developed over millions <strong>of</strong> years in woodlands<br />

and open grasslands, where food was <strong>of</strong>ten low in calories and<br />

sometimes hard to find, not calorie-dense, plentiful and sitting on<br />

supermarket shelves; a place where cats were large and a constant<br />

threat to your life, not domesticated house pets; a place where you<br />

had to walk or run to get your food, not drive your car or submit an<br />

order on Amazon. Most importantly, it was a place where a strong<br />

desire <strong>for</strong> calorie-rich foods and an ability to store them as fat were<br />

useful strategies <strong>for</strong> surviving and passing on your genes, a place<br />

where a stress reaction that sends adrenaline rushing through your<br />

body could save your life, and a place where you wouldn't have to<br />

think about how to sneak in your exercise <strong>for</strong> the day. As such, we<br />

now struggle against our most basic instincts and impulses to<br />

maintain our minds and bodies in good health.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />


<strong>The</strong> ailments that come about from the mismatch between how<br />

we have evolved and the environments we now inhabit are called<br />

mismatch diseases. Mismatch diseases result from one <strong>of</strong> three<br />

conditions: (1) too much <strong>of</strong> something, (2) too little <strong>of</strong> something, or<br />

(3) new things or behaviors we have not yet adapted to. For example,<br />

compared to the environments <strong>of</strong> our ancestors, we have (1) too<br />

much fat and sugar, (2) too little movement and exercise, and (3) we<br />

aren't biologically adapted to the complexities <strong>of</strong> modern life, such as<br />

complex social networks, economic pressures, media, social media,<br />

and many others.<br />

As a result, we suffer from several mismatch diseases related to<br />

overeating, lack <strong>of</strong> exercise, and high stress. Obesity, Type 2 diabetes,<br />

cavities, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure and other stressrelated<br />

ailments that lead to strokes, heart attacks and other illnesses<br />

are just a few <strong>of</strong> the mismatch diseases that might result.<br />

Remember Klaus's stress reaction as he fled from the leopard?<br />

<strong>The</strong> problem is that modern life can potentially induce a series <strong>of</strong><br />

similar reactions, but while Klaus's situation was brief (a few minutes)<br />

with simple decisions and actions (evade the leopard) and a clear<br />

ending point (safety back at camp), many <strong>of</strong> our modern stressors are<br />

long-lasting (What am I going to do with my life?, 30-year<br />

mortgages), involve complex decisions, may not require any action<br />

(and there<strong>for</strong>e no outlet <strong>for</strong> all that extra energy and adrenaline), and<br />

have no clear ending point. Many people today live with a constant<br />

feeling <strong>of</strong> stress, and the health implications are tremendous. Longterm<br />

stress wreaks havoc on our cardiovascular system, which can<br />

lead to adult-onset diabetes. Our amygdala, which controls our fear<br />

response, grows and becomes hyper-reactive, leading to anxiety<br />

disorders. Our dopamine, which controls emotion, is depleted,<br />

leading to depression. And our frontal cortex, the place where we<br />

make decisions, atrophies, leading to poor judgment. Ultimately,<br />

Robert Sapolsky notes, "Most <strong>of</strong> us will have the pr<strong>of</strong>ound<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Westernized luxury <strong>of</strong> dropping dead someday <strong>of</strong> a stress-related<br />

disease."<br />

A large number <strong>of</strong> addictions might also be considered mismatch<br />

diseases. We evolved to crave calories, sex, love, friendship, security,<br />

com<strong>for</strong>t, and novelty. Modern technology provides what are known<br />

as "supernormal stimuli" in all these areas. A supernormal stimulus<br />

takes key features from the natural objects we have evolved to crave<br />

and magnifies those aspects that are most stimulating, while <strong>of</strong>fering<br />

very little or none <strong>of</strong> the actual reward we need.<br />

In the 1950s, birds were tricked into preferring fake eggs with<br />

more vibrant colors over their own. In the human domain, a glazed<br />

donut is a cheap calorie-bomb loaded with a perfect ratio <strong>of</strong> fat and<br />

sugar stimuli encased in a s<strong>of</strong>t <strong>for</strong>m that's as easy to digest as it is to<br />

hold in your hand. It gives us all <strong>of</strong> the pleasure <strong>of</strong> eating a rich meal<br />

with none <strong>of</strong> the nourishment. We evolved to crave fat and highcalorie<br />

foods, and to gorge on them when we could; but the abilities<br />

to pack on the fat did not evolve in the context <strong>of</strong> cheap, plentiful<br />

donuts, greasy cheeseburgers, and sugary, high-calorie drinks. Our<br />

tastes and ability to store fat are a mismatch <strong>for</strong> today's environment<br />

<strong>of</strong> abundance, so we now face health risks from being too fat.<br />

But we have "junk food" in other domains as well. Pornography<br />

<strong>of</strong>fers supernormal sexual stimuli while providing none <strong>of</strong> the love,<br />

connection, and <strong>of</strong>fspring that may result from real sex. Movies, TV<br />

shows, and video games provide a constant onslaught <strong>of</strong> novelty,<br />

excitement, and drama without any need to get out <strong>of</strong> our chairs.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se supernormal stimuli not only exaggerate the things we have<br />

evolved to crave (sex, love, novelty, excitement), but do so without<br />

us having to put ourselves at any risk, socially or physically.<br />

In short, there is a "junk food diet" available in virtually every<br />

domain <strong>of</strong> our needs and desires. When we feel stressed, lonely,<br />

hungry, or any <strong>of</strong> the other evolutionary triggers that would normally<br />

spring us into action to go out into the world to find food or a mate,<br />

we can instead gorge on pizza, donuts, porn, and movies. While none<br />

<strong>of</strong> these things will make us "sick" or addicted in moderation, they<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

are dangerous in excess, and it's worth considering how we might<br />

experience life differently without them.<br />

Junk food, porn and Netflix have become so common in our<br />

culture as to become the norm. About 74% <strong>of</strong> American men and<br />

64% <strong>of</strong> American women are overweight. On average, we watch over<br />

five hours <strong>of</strong> TV every day. And while few people admit to watching<br />

porn, a recent study by the Max Planck Institute estimated that 50%<br />

<strong>of</strong> all Internet traffic is sex-related.<br />

Most people would probably not even consider the idea that we<br />

can be "addicted" to something as mundane and normalized as junk<br />

food, porn, or Netflix. We tend to reserve the word "addiction" <strong>for</strong><br />

hard drugs and alcohol. But recent studies in the science <strong>of</strong> addiction<br />

are demonstrating that there are deep and important changes inside<br />

the brain <strong>of</strong> those who have behavioral addictions that are similar to<br />

those with drug addictions.<br />

At a biological level, our cravings are driven by dopamine, a<br />

neurotransmitter in the reward circuitry <strong>of</strong> the brain that plays a key<br />

role in elevating our motivation to take action. Dopamine levels rise<br />

in anticipation <strong>of</strong> a reward or when under high stress, encouraging us<br />

to act. Supernormal stimuli make dopamine levels spike, which is why<br />

they are so difficult to resist. However, when we indulge in these<br />

supernormal stimuli too <strong>of</strong>ten, we become desensitized to dopamine.<br />

Everyday pleasures seem bland and unsatisfying. We lack motivation,<br />

and when normal stimuli are no longer enough, we're <strong>for</strong>ced to seek<br />

out supernormal stimuli to give us that rush <strong>of</strong> dopamine, and key<br />

brain changes emerge that are similar to those we see in substance<br />

addicts. <strong>The</strong>re is reduced activity in the areas <strong>of</strong> the brain that control<br />

willpower and reduced abilities to handle everyday stresses, which<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten trigger more relapses into the addictive behavior. This can lead<br />

to a vicious cycle in which we feel very little pleasure and lack the<br />

willpower to avoid our "junk food diet" when we face even a minor<br />

stress. We take the edge <strong>of</strong>f with a little indulgence, which only makes<br />

us want more while reducing our willpower and stress-resistance.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Most importantly, we become more and more numb to the pleasures<br />

<strong>of</strong> everyday life.<br />


<strong>The</strong> dorsal fin <strong>of</strong> a killer whale in the wild stands strong and<br />

straight, an awe-inspiring symbol <strong>of</strong> their power as it crests over the<br />

water. But if you've ever seen a killer whale at SeaWorld, you'll notice<br />

that their fins curl lazily over to one side, a condition sometimes<br />

called "floppy fin syndrome." Scientists hypothesize that lack <strong>of</strong><br />

movement, constant turning in tight spaces, dietary changes, and<br />

other aspects <strong>of</strong> captivity cause the condition. Though it's not lifethreatening,<br />

it is a powerful symbol <strong>of</strong> how artificial environments<br />

can shape a biological body.<br />

Our bodies are no different. We have crafted an artificial<br />

environment with s<strong>of</strong>t chairs, beds, and pillows where the ground is<br />

always firm and perfectly flat, complete with transport devices that<br />

allow us to sit in com<strong>for</strong>t as we transport ourselves from one artificial<br />

com<strong>for</strong>t pod to the next, and the temperature is always about 72<br />

degrees. We prepare food on counters, not squatting on the ground.<br />

We sit on toilets rather than squatting in the woods. We walk on<br />

sidewalks while wearing padded shoes with raised heels.<br />

As a result, our bodies are like the floppy fins <strong>of</strong> SeaWorld. Katy<br />

Bowman, an expert in biomechanics and author <strong>of</strong> several bestselling<br />

books on natural human movement, refers to the floppy fin as a<br />

"disease <strong>of</strong> captivity," and claims that so are our "bum knees,<br />

collapsed arches, eroded hips, tight hamstrings, leaky pelvic floors,<br />

collapsed ankles" and many more modern ailments. <strong>The</strong>se diseases <strong>of</strong><br />

captivity are a special subclass <strong>of</strong> mismatch diseases that affect the<br />

alignment and function <strong>of</strong> our bodies.<br />

As a quick test <strong>of</strong> just how much <strong>of</strong> your own basic ability to<br />

move like our ancestors has been lost, try to sit in a deep squat with<br />

your feet flat on the ground. This is a natural rest position <strong>for</strong><br />

humans. You see children playing in this position <strong>for</strong> long periods<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

without experiencing any discom<strong>for</strong>t. People all over the world who<br />

live in environments with few chairs can rest in this position well into<br />

old age. Most Americans have lost the ability to get into this position<br />

by age 20, and only a very small percentage find the position<br />

com<strong>for</strong>table and restful. In a survey <strong>of</strong> resting positions worldwide,<br />

anthropologist Gordon Hewes found that deep squatting "has a very<br />

wide distribution except <strong>for</strong> European and European-derived<br />

cultures."<br />

While this may seem like an unimportant skill, it's a quick<br />

demonstration <strong>of</strong> our lost potential and has serious implications <strong>for</strong><br />

our health, abilities, and longevity. An inability to squat may indicate<br />

weak glutes or a weak core, which are essential to balance and basic<br />

human movements like running, walking, and jumping. Your hips<br />

might lack the flexibility and mobility they once had. Hip mobility is<br />

essential <strong>for</strong> stability and balance, so tight hips put you at risk <strong>for</strong><br />

serious injury. And the movements we make to adjust <strong>for</strong> tight hips<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten lead to back pain and other ailments. As you age, these<br />

conditions become a matter <strong>of</strong> life and death. As Katy Bowman<br />

points out, "the more you need to use your hands and knees to get<br />

up from the floor, the greater your risk <strong>of</strong> dying from all causes."<br />

Perhaps it's a telling sign <strong>of</strong> just how damaging our com<strong>for</strong>ts might<br />

be that Katy Bowman chooses to live in a house with almost no<br />

furniture.<br />

Another test: try walking or running barefoot – but go easy on<br />

this one. Don't try to go out and run 100 miles like a Raramuri, or<br />

even one mile if it's your first try in a while. <strong>The</strong> muscles and tendons<br />

that hold up your arch and give you the spring you need to run<br />

barefoot are probably weak with underuse. You might seriously injure<br />

yourself because <strong>of</strong> your dependence on shoes. You probably won't<br />

get very far anyway because <strong>of</strong> the pain on your skin. Without the<br />

natural callouses <strong>of</strong> barefoot humans, every little pebble and stick will<br />

deliver piercing pain, and you may find many surfaces either too hot<br />

or too cold. Your feet are like prisoners trapped in the dark, sensory-<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

deprived caves <strong>of</strong> com<strong>for</strong>table shoes, coming out into the light <strong>for</strong><br />

the first time. It will take a while to adjust to the light.<br />

It's worth it, though. Over time your feet will adapt and regain<br />

much <strong>of</strong> their lost potential. Your skin contacting the Earth will<br />

deliver key signals to your brain to make you more sure-footed and<br />

balanced. Your posture and flexibility will improve as you stand flatfooted<br />

without an artificially raised heel or supported arch, and over<br />

100 muscles and 33 joints that have weakened in their captive state<br />

will be set free to strengthen and unleash their full potential, helping<br />

you become stronger, faster, injury-resistant, and more agile. Harvard<br />

anthropologist Dan Lieberman notes that in the Kenyan villages<br />

where he works, most people grow up barefoot and he has yet to<br />

encounter a fallen arch or many <strong>of</strong> the other foot ailments that plague<br />

many Americans.<br />

"We aren't really sick," says Katy Bowman, "we are just starved."<br />

We are missing key nutrients, "movement nutrients." Our bodies are<br />

made up <strong>of</strong> cells. When cells get activated, they get fed with oxygen,<br />

which flushes out cellular waste and revitalizes them. We feed our<br />

cells by using them, by putting them under load. Those muscles and<br />

tissues we put under more load grow and stay healthy, while those we<br />

don't use wither and die. When it comes to body tissues, you either<br />

use it or lose it. Your body changes shape as some parts grow<br />

stronger and others wither. <strong>The</strong> alignment <strong>of</strong> your body parts shifts<br />

as some muscles pull more strongly on your joints than others.<br />

Ultimately, the shape and alignment <strong>of</strong> your body is the result <strong>of</strong> how<br />

you move.<br />

Instead <strong>of</strong> "exercise," Katy Bowman suggests that we need a steadier<br />

and balanced diet <strong>of</strong> movement. Someone who exercises regularly<br />

works out <strong>for</strong> about 300 minutes per week. But our ancestors were<br />

moving 3,000 minutes per week; and their movements fed all their<br />

body tissues, not just a few select spots. Bowman suggests moving<br />

away from modern com<strong>for</strong>ts that restrict movement and reduce<br />

muscle load, such as shoes, chairs, desks and sidewalks. She<br />

recommends incorporating as much natural movement into your<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

everyday life as possible. Replace that short drive with a nice walk or<br />

run. Even better, run it barefoot. Even better than that, get <strong>of</strong>f the<br />

sidewalk and let your feet and legs receive the rich movement<br />

nutrients <strong>of</strong> balancing along uneven surfaces with small surprises at<br />

every step.<br />

Recent headlines point out that "sitting is the new smoking," with<br />

consequences <strong>for</strong> your health that are worse than smoking. <strong>The</strong><br />

problem is that many people are replacing sitting with standing by<br />

using standing desks, but this is only slightly better than sitting.<br />

"Standing is the new sitting," Bowman says. We need to move.<br />

A steady diet <strong>of</strong> rich and varied movements will strengthen your<br />

full body and bring it into alignment. When your body is in<br />

alignment, your muscles can work together with your joints and the<br />

elastic power <strong>of</strong> your tendons to get the most out <strong>of</strong> every<br />

movement. Tom Myers, an expert in human anatomy, suggests it<br />

might be worth considering the entire human body not as a collection<br />

<strong>of</strong> 600 muscles, but just one, held together by a stretchy rubbery<br />

tissue connected throughout your body known as the fascia. <strong>The</strong><br />

fascia is "a crisscross <strong>of</strong> fibers and cables, an endless circulatory<br />

system <strong>of</strong> strength," he told Chris MacDougal. "Your body is rigged<br />

like a compound archery bow ... left foot to the right hip, right hip to<br />

the left shoulder, and it's tougher than any muscle." Such power is<br />

the result <strong>of</strong> millions <strong>of</strong> years <strong>of</strong> evolution. Our bodies are exquisitely<br />

crafted <strong>for</strong> complex, precise, and powerful movements such as<br />

running long distances, throwing with great precision, and fine tool<br />

making. Yet few humans ever utilize even a fraction <strong>of</strong> this potential,<br />

and the potential withers be<strong>for</strong>e it can be materialized.<br />


French Naval Officer Georges Hebert traveled the world and<br />

noticed that he found the fittest and most capable people in the most<br />

remote French colonies. Of the indigenous people <strong>of</strong> Africa and the<br />

mountain tribes <strong>of</strong> Vietnam, he famously noted that "<strong>The</strong>ir bodies<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

were splendid, flexible, nimble, skillful, enduring, resistant, and yet<br />

they had no other tutor in Gymnastics but their lives in Nature." He<br />

found strong, fit women in such places that assured him that<br />

gendered differences in strength were largely cultural.<br />

In 1902, he was stationed at Martinique when a violent volcano<br />

eruption turned the normally idyllic island retreat into a living hell. A<br />

black cloud moved out from the volcano at 420 mph, and<br />

superheated steam <strong>of</strong> over 1,000 degrees shot into the nearby city <strong>of</strong><br />

Saint-Pierre, killing 30,000, the entire population <strong>of</strong> the city, in a<br />

matter <strong>of</strong> minutes. <strong>The</strong>re were only two survivors in the main city.<br />

Thousands continued to fight <strong>for</strong> their lives where the initial blast<br />

had spared them. It was a horror <strong>of</strong> hot steam, scorched earth, and<br />

fiery rain, with pit vipers slithering violently about as they were<br />

chased <strong>of</strong>f the mountain by the coming heat.<br />

Hebert's job was to go into that hell and rescue as many people as<br />

possible. He coordinated the rescue <strong>of</strong> over 700. Afterwards, he<br />

would reflect on what allowed some people to survive while others<br />

perished. He learned that those who survived had a remarkable<br />

capacity to move spontaneously and creatively to avoid danger, while<br />

those who perished simply froze in fear and hopelessness.<br />

Driven by a desire to train people <strong>for</strong> future calamities, he<br />

dedicated himself to understanding human movement. He watched<br />

children play and identified "10 natural utilities" (walking, running,<br />

crawling, climbing, balancing, jumping, swimming, throwing, lifting,<br />

and fighting), and created outdoor training facilities where people<br />

could practice these basic skills. <strong>The</strong>y looked like playgrounds <strong>for</strong><br />

adults. He had one firm rule: No competing. He felt that competition<br />

would encourage people away from true fitness. Once people start<br />

competing, they start focusing on specializing some movements over<br />

others, and end up out <strong>of</strong> balance and unable to per<strong>for</strong>m with the<br />

spontaneity and creativity <strong>of</strong> our full human potential.<br />

He called his method "methode naturelle," the natural method,<br />

and it was based on one simple mantra: "be fit to be useful." Hebert<br />

saw no use in appearing physically fit, with large biceps and large<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

chest muscles. He simply wanted his navy recruits and anyone else<br />

who used the method to be able to per<strong>for</strong>m when it mattered.<br />

Though he was averse to competition, he wanted to prove the worth<br />

<strong>of</strong> his methods, so he put a bunch <strong>of</strong> ordinary navy recruits through<br />

the program and soon had them per<strong>for</strong>ming as well as world class<br />

decathletes.<br />

He also released a short film demonstrating his own talents. In<br />

the film, he leaps out <strong>of</strong> his dining room chair, runs outside, and<br />

scales a 30-foot tree in seconds, leaps down from branch to branch,<br />

and then proceeds to climb up the sides <strong>of</strong> buildings with equal<br />

speed, first by himself and then with a child on his back. He then<br />

races to catch a moving train and leaps <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> the moving train from a<br />

towering bridge into the water below.<br />

Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, all <strong>of</strong> his recruits died, along with his method, in<br />

the grim and deadly days <strong>of</strong> World War One. By the end <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Second World War, the methods were all but <strong>for</strong>gotten.<br />

As Europe and America rebuilt into increasingly post- industrial<br />

economies with more and more jobs that required sitting <strong>for</strong> long<br />

hours, people sought the most efficient ways possible to exercise,<br />

trying to squeeze their daily dose <strong>of</strong> movement into smaller time<br />

frames and smaller spaces. Specialized weight machines, treadmills,<br />

and stationary bikes trans<strong>for</strong>med gyms into big business where<br />

steroid-injected hard-bodied men and impossibly skinny women were<br />

the icons <strong>of</strong> good health. (Think back to the "Nacirema.")<br />

<strong>The</strong> machines are not designed to make us useful. <strong>The</strong>y are<br />

designed to shape our bodies toward cultural ideals that are displays<br />

<strong>of</strong> superficial fitness rather than true health and wellbeing. Women<br />

are encouraged to lose weight, so they tend to focus on fat-burning<br />

aerobic exercises rather than strength and agility. Men are encouraged<br />

to build broad shoulders and large chests, so they focus on lifting<br />

heavy weights with their upper bodies, <strong>of</strong>ten losing mobility in their<br />

shoulders and making them more prone to injury and less able to do<br />

basic human movements.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Many <strong>of</strong> our gym exercises pull our bodies more and more out <strong>of</strong><br />

alignment, like the floppy fins <strong>of</strong> SeaWorld. Overwork your chest,<br />

and your shoulders shift <strong>for</strong>ward. <strong>Art</strong>ificially isolate your quads, and<br />

you create imbalances in your legs that can lead to knee problems. A<br />

healthy, functional body is a body that is aligned through a healthy<br />

mix <strong>of</strong> diverse movements.<br />

<strong>The</strong> worst effect <strong>of</strong> this focus on appearances is that the body<br />

itself becomes alienated from our being. It becomes an object to be<br />

manipulated and shaped to fit this ideal, rather than an integral part<br />

<strong>of</strong> our being. We focus on how we look rather than the simple joy <strong>of</strong><br />

moving.<br />

Recently, Hebert's methods are being rediscovered and<br />

reinvented in a number <strong>of</strong> different movements. Free-running<br />

parkour groups are spreading all over the world and look to Hebert<br />

as one <strong>of</strong> their founding fathers, taking his mantra <strong>of</strong> "be fit to be<br />

useful" as a core gospel. Erwan Le Corre, founder <strong>of</strong> movant, is<br />

perhaps the most dedicated student <strong>of</strong> the method. He tried to track<br />

down any remaining ancestors <strong>of</strong> Hebert's method, and then set<br />

about immersing himself in studying those who had inspired Hebert.<br />

Ido Portal, who studies movement practices all over the world –<br />

from Afro-Brazilian Copoeira to the many martial arts <strong>of</strong> Asia –<br />

incorporates a vast range <strong>of</strong> movements into his everyday life to<br />

explore the boundaries <strong>of</strong> human movement potential. Portal sees<br />

this as a deeply human pursuit, tied to our evolution. "Movement<br />

complexity is by far the reason why we became human," he says,<br />

"<strong>The</strong> reason <strong>for</strong> our brain development is related to movement<br />

complexity."<br />

Today there is a new emergence <strong>of</strong> natural training methods<br />

around the world <strong>of</strong>ten going under the name "functional fitness."<br />

Cross Fit, the world's most successful and fastest-growing fitness<br />

movement, encourages their trainers to eliminate mirrors and focus<br />

on helping people be more functional rather than just looking good.<br />

Others, like the BarStarrz and other "body weight warriors" are<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

finding ways to use nothing but their own body weight and the<br />

objects in their environment <strong>for</strong> their training.<br />

By 2015, America's fastest growing sport was obstacle racing.<br />

American Ninja Warrior became one <strong>of</strong> America's most popular TV<br />

shows, and hundreds <strong>of</strong> thousands tested themselves in Tough<br />

Mudders, Warrior Dashes, and Spartan Races, intense obstacle races<br />

that require a diverse array <strong>of</strong> human movements and endurance.<br />

Though there is a competition element to many <strong>of</strong> these events, most<br />

people are simply there to see if they can complete the course, and<br />

cooperation is <strong>of</strong>ten essential. Many <strong>of</strong> the obstacles cannot be<br />

overcome without the aid <strong>of</strong> others. Once someone receives aid, they<br />

usually pay it <strong>for</strong>ward. And as they do, they seek to find that same joy<br />

in moving through the world that Hebert witnessed around in remote<br />

African villages, that Coach Vigil saw as the Raramuri ran, and that I<br />

saw among my friends in New Guinea.<br />


By my mid-30s, I was well on my way to falling victim to any one<br />

<strong>of</strong> the many mismatch diseases that plague our time, and I had<br />

already developed several diseases <strong>of</strong> captivity. I could not sit in a<br />

squat. I could not even run. At 29, I tore my meniscus and developed<br />

a mysterious hip pain that no doctor could explain. Every time I tried<br />

to go <strong>for</strong> a run, I would wake up the next day with a swollen knee<br />

and an immovable leg. So I gave it up. I became mostly sedentary,<br />

dedicating myself to my work. By 35, my body had adapted to life in<br />

a chair. My weight was creeping upward. I couldn't touch my toes. A<br />

couple <strong>of</strong> flights <strong>of</strong> stairs started to feel like a chore. I also started<br />

developing a number <strong>of</strong> other health issues, such as high cholesterol<br />

and high blood pressure. Our bodies not only evolved to run, throw,<br />

and squat, we had to conserve energy every chance we could, so we<br />

evolved to rest and seek com<strong>for</strong>t. I found com<strong>for</strong>t in abundance and<br />

gorged on it.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Fortunately, we not only developed adaptations to seek com<strong>for</strong>t,<br />

store fat, and feel stress, we also developed the power to intentionally<br />

reflect on our activities and change them. <strong>The</strong> core <strong>of</strong> our humanity,<br />

the ability to ask questions, make connections, and try new things<br />

<strong>of</strong>fers a way out.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se abilities are reflected in the evolution <strong>of</strong> the brain. <strong>The</strong><br />

oldest part <strong>of</strong> the brain lies at the core <strong>of</strong> the brain at the stem: the<br />

basal ganglia. Named the "reptilian complex" by neuroscientist Paul<br />

MacLean, it evolved hundreds <strong>of</strong> millions <strong>of</strong> years ago. It guides our<br />

basic autonomic body processes and is responsible <strong>for</strong> instinctual<br />

cravings and behaviors. On top <strong>of</strong> this is what MacLean calls the<br />

"paleomammalian complex," sometimes simplified as the "mammal"<br />

brain. It evolved along with the first mammals and is responsible <strong>for</strong><br />

emotions, long-term memory, and more complex behaviors.<br />

Surrounding all <strong>of</strong> this is the newest part <strong>of</strong> the brain, the neocortex.<br />

It is responsible <strong>for</strong> higher order cognition, complex behavior,<br />

language, and spatial reasoning. In humans, the neocortex has grown<br />

to become 76% <strong>of</strong> the brain.<br />

As our neocortex expanded, we became less and less controlled<br />

by nature and more by culture, less by impulse and more by reason,<br />

less by instinct and more by habit.<br />

Habit is the compromise between being completely controlled by<br />

our instinct and being completely free to make intentional decisions<br />

about whatever we want to do. It is the trade-<strong>of</strong>f we have made<br />

between instinct and reason in order to maintain speed and<br />

efficiency. Though we have become more and more adept at making<br />

complex decisions, it would be too slow and inefficient to have to<br />

make decisions about every single thing we ever did on a day-to-day<br />

basis. To improve speed and efficiency, our brains developed the<br />

ability to do our most repetitive routines without making any<br />

decisions at all. We could do them by habit.<br />

Habit <strong>for</strong>mation works by passing control over the most routine<br />

behaviors to the more primitive basal ganglia. As we do a routine<br />

over and over again our brain can determine what prompts the<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

routine to begin ("the cue") and what prompts it to end ("the<br />

reward") and creates a "chunk" <strong>of</strong> automatic behavior. Brushing your<br />

teeth is a "chunk." You get the cue (time <strong>for</strong> bed) and without<br />

wrestling with any complex decisions simply go through the motions<br />

<strong>of</strong> putting the toothpaste on the brush, brushing your teeth, and<br />

rinsing the brush. "Chunking" allows complex activities to be<br />

controlled by the super-efficient "lizard brain" <strong>of</strong> the basil ganglia.<br />

Habits were essential to our evolutionary success, but as we<br />

know, not all habits are good. Because habits are controlled by the<br />

same region <strong>of</strong> the brain as our instincts and impulses, some habits<br />

can feel like unchangeable urges that are out <strong>of</strong> our control, but we<br />

can change them.<br />

In <strong>The</strong> Power <strong>of</strong> Habit, Charles Duhigg tells the story <strong>of</strong> a woman<br />

named Lisa, an overweight smoker who struggled to hold a job and<br />

pay <strong>of</strong>f her debts. When her husband left her <strong>for</strong> another woman, she<br />

hit rock-bottom. Alone, depressed and without any feeling <strong>of</strong> selfworth,<br />

she decided she needed some kind <strong>of</strong> goal to straighten out<br />

her life. She set the goal <strong>of</strong> trekking across the deserts <strong>of</strong> Egypt. She<br />

had no idea if such a trip were even possible, but she did know that<br />

the only way to make such an arduous journey would be to quit<br />

smoking. She gave herself one year to prepare.<br />

<strong>The</strong> only significant intentional decision she made was to quit<br />

smoking, and she did so by going <strong>for</strong> a jog each time she felt the urge<br />

to light up. As Duhigg points out though, this one simple change<br />

changed everything. It "changed how she ate, worked, slept, saved<br />

money, scheduled her workdays, planned <strong>for</strong> the future, and so on."<br />

She made that trip to Egypt, and within four years she was a happily<br />

engaged home-owner and marathon runner with a steady job as a<br />

graphic designer.<br />

<strong>The</strong> key to changing our habits is understanding how they work.<br />

A habit is made up <strong>of</strong> three parts, which together make up what<br />

Duhigg calls "the habit loop." First, there is a cue – a trigger that tells<br />

your brain to follow a chunk <strong>of</strong> automatic routine behavior. <strong>The</strong><br />

second piece is the routine itself. <strong>The</strong> final piece is the reward. If the<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

reward is strong, the habit is rein<strong>for</strong>ced and becomes more and more<br />

engrained and automatic.<br />

What allowed Lisa to change is that she did not attempt to<br />

change the cue (the urge to light up). Cues come from outside <strong>of</strong> our<br />

control. <strong>The</strong>y are in our environment or deeply embedded in our<br />

brain. After years <strong>of</strong> smoking she could not remove the urge or sit<br />

idle and simply resist it. Her brain was telling her that she had to act,<br />

so she did. But she changed how she acted. She replaced the "chunk"<br />

or routine <strong>of</strong> smoking with running. Importantly, running <strong>of</strong>fered her<br />

brain a sufficient reward – a runner's high, a feeling <strong>of</strong> good health,<br />

and a sense <strong>of</strong> accomplishment – so the new routine received<br />

additional rein<strong>for</strong>cement each time she did it. Eventually, it became a<br />

habit and she no longer needed to make a conscious decision to go<br />

running. It became automatic.<br />

To change a habit, you have to study the cues that trigger the<br />

habit and understand the true reward that you seek. For example, if<br />

you have a habit <strong>of</strong> eating ice cream every night with your friends, it<br />

might not just be the satiating taste <strong>of</strong> ice cream that you crave. <strong>The</strong><br />

true reward might be that it's a break from the stress <strong>of</strong> studying, or<br />

time out with friends. Carefully note the time and circumstances <strong>of</strong><br />

your next ice cream craving. Are you stressed or overwhelmed by<br />

your work? Are you feeling lonely? Are you hungry? Do an<br />

experiment to see if just a walk down the hall and a chat with friends<br />

fulfills your needs, or if you are just hungry, grab a healthy snack and<br />

see if that gets you past the urge. Whatever creates a sufficient reward<br />

can become your new habit.<br />

Sometimes you have to do more and actually change the<br />

environment around you. Make it easy <strong>for</strong> yourself to engage in good<br />

habits and more difficult to engage in bad habits.<br />

For example, as I adapted to my inactive life <strong>of</strong> chairs and cars<br />

that was leading to the demise <strong>of</strong> my health, my bike ended up stored<br />

away on a hard-to-reach hook in the garage overhanging my car. In<br />

this environment, the bike was simply too far out <strong>of</strong> reach to seem<br />

like a reasonable possibility. Removing the bike would require<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

backing the car out, getting out a ladder, and then trying to keep my<br />

weak and stiff body balanced on the ladder while lifting the bike <strong>of</strong>f<br />

the hook and down onto the ground. It would have never happened<br />

had my neighbor not given me a new bike seat <strong>for</strong> my two-year-old<br />

old son that I felt obligated to try out to show that I appreciated the<br />

gift.<br />

After trying out the bike seat, I was too lazy to put the bike back<br />

on the hook, and just stuffed the bike back into the garage behind the<br />

car. Suddenly there was a shift in my environment. When I walked<br />

out to my car to drive to work the next morning, the bike was behind<br />

the car. As I was moving the bike out <strong>of</strong> the way, I remembered the<br />

fun I'd had on it with my son the day be<strong>for</strong>e, and the next thing I<br />

knew, I was riding the bike to work.<br />

I parked the bike behind the car again that day and every day.<br />

Every morning <strong>for</strong> several weeks I would struggle with the decision<br />

<strong>of</strong> whether or not to bike or take the car. Taking the car involved<br />

moving the bike out <strong>of</strong> the way, driving the car out <strong>of</strong> the garage, and<br />

then re-parking the bike in the garage be<strong>for</strong>e leaving <strong>for</strong> work. It was<br />

complicated, so the bike kept winning. Within a few weeks, I wasn't<br />

even asking myself whether I should take the bike or the car. It was a<br />

habit. And it stuck. No amount <strong>of</strong> snow or cold weather could break<br />

it. <strong>The</strong> next year I didn't even bother buying a parking pass. Two<br />

years later I sold the car.<br />

I started looking at my other habits. At work, I <strong>of</strong>ten found<br />

myself checking Facebook and cruising the Internet. I found that the<br />

cue was stress. Each time I felt stressed and overwhelmed, I sought<br />

relief on the Internet. I decided to replace the routine <strong>of</strong> Internet<br />

surfing with push-ups. So each time I started feeling stressed, I did<br />

push-ups. It cleared my head, gave me a quick rush <strong>of</strong> endorphins,<br />

and I could get back to work.<br />

I started making a habit <strong>of</strong> breaking habits and trying new things.<br />

My body started to trans<strong>for</strong>m. Be<strong>for</strong>e long, I looked and felt as good<br />

as I had when I was twenty years old. But soon I surpassed even that<br />

and started feeling stronger, lighter, and more agile than I ever<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

thought possible. I started thinking back to my friends in New<br />

Guinea and the remarkable things they could do. Could I do those<br />

things? I wondered.<br />

I learned to do handstands, then some basic gymnastics, and then<br />

turned to people like Erwan Le Corre and Ido Portal, who were<br />

exploring the limits and potential <strong>of</strong> human movement.<br />

As I was writing this chapter, I started another new habit:<br />

running. I made a simple rule <strong>for</strong> myself: If I'm taking the kids, take the<br />

bike. If not, run. I strapped on a backpack and started running<br />

everywhere. I ran slow, easy, and smooth, using the light barefoot<br />

step <strong>of</strong> our ancestors that I had seen in New Guinea and that<br />

MacDougal saw among the Raramuri. My body immediately began to<br />

adapt. My muscles ached <strong>for</strong> a few days, but quickly grew stronger to<br />

adjust to the new loads. Within just a few weeks it was a habit. I<br />

didn't even bother to go to the garage anymore to grab the bike. I just<br />

stepped out into the cold morning air and let it rip.<br />

I was most concerned about how the experiment would affect my<br />

bad hip and knee. As I expected, they ached through the first two<br />

weeks, and I was sure that I would be giving up on running <strong>for</strong> good<br />

after 28 days. But by week three, the pain seemed to be subsiding.<br />

By Day 28 I felt so good I couldn't stop. I kept running. I had<br />

come to enjoy the freedom <strong>of</strong> moving through the world without a<br />

car or bike to worry about. Everything I needed was always right with<br />

me. I felt free, fast, light, and agile. And I enjoyed the steady stream<br />

<strong>of</strong> endorphins that came with the ongoing "runner's high" I received<br />

in little bits throughout a day <strong>of</strong> running here and there.<br />

One day, while listening to a good book on my headphones, I ran<br />

<strong>for</strong> 90 minutes – only stopping because I had to run to a meeting. I<br />

was sure that after a long run like that, I would soon be feeling the<br />

familiar hip and knee pain that would leave me immobile <strong>for</strong> a day or<br />

so. But I woke up the next day with no pain. I started running longer<br />

and longer distances, blissfully absorbing audiobooks as I ran. Using<br />

the light, elastic gate <strong>of</strong> our ancestors, I skittered along trails just as<br />

my friends in New Guinea do. Even after a 20-mile day, I didn't feel<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

tired or winded. Instead I felt a blissful calmness. I started wondering<br />

where my limit might be.<br />

So one ordinary Wednesday, I set <strong>of</strong>f running into a brisk 36-<br />

degree morning. My feet skittered across the earth with ease, and I<br />

felt as if I were being carried gently along by the continuous whirl <strong>of</strong><br />

my feet doing what they were meant to do. My breath was steady and<br />

easy. I lost myself in the deep thought <strong>of</strong> a good book. Three hours<br />

later, I noticed that my friend's class was getting out, so I stopped in<br />

to visit with him. I had already run 18 miles and I wanted to know,<br />

Could I run a marathon?<br />

After a brief chat with my friend, I hit the trail again. <strong>The</strong> next 8<br />

miles were as blissful as the first 18. It was a strange experience. I<br />

have been enculturated to believe that running 26.2 miles is almost<br />

superhuman, and most certainly extreme and dangerous. I have been<br />

led to believe that you have to be crazy to do it, that you only do it<br />

when you really have "something to prove." I would never have<br />

thought that it could be fun, enjoyable, or relaxing.<br />

Relaxing? Strange as it may seem, that is what I felt above all other<br />

feelings as I finished. I felt deeply relaxed. My friends were amazed,<br />

and said they couldn't believe that I was able to train <strong>for</strong> a marathon.<br />

I felt confused by the word "train." At no point did I ever feel like I<br />

was "training" <strong>for</strong> anything. I realized that instead <strong>of</strong> "training," I had<br />

simply slowly been changing my habits over the past six years. I went<br />

from a lifestyle that involved a lot <strong>of</strong> sitting in cars, at desks, and on<br />

s<strong>of</strong>as to a lifestyle <strong>of</strong> constant movement. By the time I ran the<br />

marathon, I was habitually moving a minimum <strong>of</strong> 8 to 10 miles per<br />

day.<br />

<strong>The</strong> best way I can describe it is that I just got into the habit <strong>of</strong><br />

moving, and one day I just happened to run 26 miles.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />


Natural Born Heroes by Chris McDougall<br />

Move Your DNA by Katy Bowman<br />

<strong>The</strong> Power <strong>of</strong> Habit by Charles Duhigg<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Challenge Three: <strong>The</strong> 28 Day Challenge<br />

Your challenge is to try something new or change a habit by<br />

dedicating yourself to doing it every day <strong>for</strong> 28 days.<br />

Objective: Practice trying new things, experience more, and to reflect<br />

more deeply on how humans learn and create new habits, as well as<br />

how you, specifically, can better identify what conditions or<br />

techniques work best <strong>for</strong> you when you are trying to learn something<br />

new or change your habits.<br />

Step 1: Choose something you would like to do (or stop doing) over<br />

the next 28 days. Take a picture <strong>of</strong> yourself doing this thing and post<br />

it to Instagram #anth101challenge3<br />

Ideas: Slow Media Diet, Slow Carb Diet, running, a new instrument,<br />

movement, exercise, gratitude, writing, or stop doing something (smoking,<br />

sugar, alcohol, video games, Netflix, porn)<br />

Step 2: Post regular updates <strong>of</strong> your progress. Post videos <strong>of</strong> your<br />

progress if possible. It is always fun to really see how much you have<br />

learned.<br />

Step 3: At the end <strong>of</strong> 28 days, reflect on the following:<br />

How successful were you?<br />

Under what conditions were you most successful?<br />

What were your barriers to success<br />

How can you get past them?<br />

What did you learn about how you learn?<br />

For details and inspiration go to<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Lesson Four<br />

Language<br />

Our most basic assumptions are embedded in the basic elements <strong>of</strong> our<br />

everyday lives.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />


On her first day as a sign-language interpreter <strong>for</strong> a local<br />

community college, Susan Schaller spotted a deaf man sitting alone<br />

and intensively studying the people around him in a Reading Skills<br />

class. She introduced herself with a greeting gesture and her name<br />

sign, as if to say, "Hi, my name is Susan." He copied her, as if to say<br />

back, "Hi, my name is Susan."<br />

What's your name?" she asked. "What's your name?" he<br />

responded. He studied her carefully, copying her every move, and<br />

asking <strong>for</strong> her approval with his eyes. She soon realized that this 27-<br />

year-old man, named Ildefonso, had no concept <strong>of</strong> language. "We<br />

were only inches apart, but we might as well have been from different<br />

planets; it seemed impossible to meet."<br />

She could not help but recognize his desire to learn, and felt<br />

called to teach him. It was long, arduous, and frustrating work.<br />

Nothing she did seemed to break through.<br />

Eventually, she settled on the idea <strong>of</strong> doing an "imaginary<br />

Ildefonso skit" in which she would talk to an empty chair as if<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Ildefonso was sitting there, then pop over to the other chair to<br />

respond, thereby modeling a conversation between herself and an<br />

imaginary Ildefonso. It was a bizarre scene and felt strange. Week<br />

after week she had these imaginary conversations. "I began to worry<br />

about my sanity," she writes.<br />

After a grueling, mind-numbing, and apparently hopeless session,<br />

Ildefonso suddenly perked up. "<strong>The</strong> whites <strong>of</strong> his eyes expanded as if<br />

in terror," Schaller writes. He was having a breakthrough. He sat still,<br />

as if pondering the revelation, and then excitedly started looking<br />

around the room, "slowly at first, then hungrily, he took in everything<br />

as though he had never seen anything be<strong>for</strong>e." He started slapping<br />

his hands down on objects and looking <strong>for</strong> Susan to respond.<br />

"Table," she signed as he slapped his hand on the table. "Book," she<br />

signed as he touched a book, and then "door," "clock," and "chair" in<br />

rapid succession has he pointed around the room. <strong>The</strong>n he stopped,<br />

collapsed his head into his arms folded on the table, and wept.<br />

"He had entered the universe <strong>of</strong> humanity, discovered the<br />

communion <strong>of</strong> minds. He now knew that he and a cat and the table<br />

all had names ... and he could see the prison where he had existed<br />

alone, shut out <strong>of</strong> the human race <strong>for</strong> twenty- seven years."<br />


When I first arrived in the rain<strong>for</strong>ests <strong>of</strong> New Guinea, I saw three<br />

things: trees, bushes, and grass. Of course, there was a wide range <strong>of</strong><br />

different types <strong>of</strong> trees, bushes, and grasses, but having no language<br />

<strong>for</strong> them, they disappeared into a large mass <strong>of</strong> stimuli that I simply<br />

knew as "the <strong>for</strong>est." I had no language to make sense <strong>of</strong> what I was<br />

seeing – no web <strong>of</strong> meanings to create the background upon which<br />

what I saw could take on some significant definition. I could not tell<br />

food from foul, or medicine from poison, and I was completely<br />

mystified by the meanings my friends could glean from the <strong>for</strong>est as<br />

we walked. With their eyes always scanning their surroundings, they<br />

were constantly reacting to the messages they could see and hear,<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

variously lighting up with delight and sighing with disappointment,<br />

laughing, groaning, shaking their head this way and that as they went.<br />

Anxious to explore their world <strong>of</strong> meanings, I set about learning<br />

the language. <strong>The</strong> first phrase I could identify seemed to be a<br />

common greeting, as I heard it over and over again every morning as<br />

we watched people stroll by the house on their way down the<br />

mountain toward their gardens. "Neliyongbipkatopbani!" they would<br />

sing out as they passed. I wrote it down and repeated it to my brother<br />

Lazarus, asking him what it means.<br />

"It means, I am going to the garden." he said. "Great!" I thought to<br />

myself, a subject, verb, and an object. I could use this to start<br />

unlocking the language using a technique we call frame substitution.<br />

With frame substitution, the researcher uses a known phrase as a<br />

"frame" and just tweaks ("substitutes") one part <strong>of</strong> it to see what<br />

changes.<br />

"How do you say, He is going to the garden?" I asked.<br />

"Eliyongbipkatopbana." <strong>The</strong> words were too fast <strong>for</strong> me to decipher<br />

where one word stopped and another began, so I ran them all<br />

together in my notebook.<br />

A pattern was emerging. <strong>The</strong> change in subject from "he" to "I"<br />

had changed the beginning and end <strong>of</strong> the phrase<br />

(Neliyongbipkatopbani vs. Eliyongbipkatopbana).<br />

I sat still and pondered the revelation <strong>for</strong> a moment and then<br />

excitedly started asking <strong>for</strong> more words. I felt like Ildefonso<br />

awakening to a new world. I was having a breakthrough. I excitedly<br />

started scribbling notes into my notebook. Other bits <strong>of</strong> language I<br />

had recorded suddenly made sense. It was as if had broken a code<br />

and a world <strong>of</strong> mystery was revealing itself to me. Like Ildefonso<br />

pointing in rapid succession to tables, books, doors, clocks, and<br />

chairs, I also started gathering new terms using the framework <strong>of</strong> this<br />

sentence as a starting point. I asked how one would say "she is going<br />

to the garden" and found the beginning and end changed again. I<br />

started rattling <strong>of</strong>f different subjects, from he and she and on to they<br />

and we.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

<strong>The</strong>n I was ready to discover the pronoun and verb ending <strong>for</strong><br />

"you."<br />

"How would you say, 'You are going to the garden?'" I asked.<br />

"Neliyongbipkatopbani," he answered, which was already<br />

established as "I am going to the garden."<br />

"No, no." I corrected, "You are going to the garden."<br />

"Neliyongbipkatopbani," he responded again.<br />

"No, no!" I responded in frustration. "You! You are going to the<br />

garden."<br />

"No, no," he said. "I'm staying right here. You are still very<br />

confused."<br />


One <strong>of</strong> the biggest challenges <strong>of</strong> learning a language among<br />

people who do not read and write is that they do not necessarily<br />

think about their language as a collection <strong>of</strong> discrete words in the<br />

same way that we do.<br />

Likewise, one <strong>of</strong> the biggest challenges <strong>of</strong> learning a language<br />

among people who do read and write is that they don't not always talk<br />

like they write. Learning the written <strong>for</strong>m may be entirely different<br />

from learning how to speak. One <strong>of</strong> comedian George Carlin's<br />

favorite English words was "ommina," as in "Ommina go catch the<br />

bus and head home." <strong>Human</strong>s can make about 4,000 different<br />

sounds. About 400 <strong>of</strong> these are used in languages around the world,<br />

with most languages using about 40 different sounds. <strong>The</strong> sounds a<br />

language uses are called phonemes. <strong>The</strong>se sounds include consonants<br />

and vowels, and in some languages there are also clicks and tones.<br />

If you do not learn a phoneme when you are young, it can be<br />

difficult to speak and understand later in life. English speakers<br />

struggle to understand the tones in a tonal language. Japanese<br />

speakers <strong>of</strong>ten struggle to pronounce the "r" sound used in many<br />

languages. And the plethora <strong>of</strong> unique "clicks" used in Khoisan<br />

languages <strong>of</strong> southern Africa are difficult <strong>for</strong> everyone except the<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Khoisan. English-speakers learning Korean <strong>of</strong>ten struggle not only to<br />

say certain words but also to distinguish words like pul and phul,<br />

which both simply sound like "pull" to an English speaker, but phul<br />

uses an aspirated 'p' thereby distinguishing the word as "grass" rather<br />

than "fire."<br />

Sometimes these phonemic differences create unique abilities in<br />

the cultures and speakers that use them. <strong>The</strong> Piraha <strong>of</strong> the Amazon<br />

use just 11 sounds, including three tones. <strong>The</strong> heavy use <strong>of</strong> these<br />

tones allow the Piraha to whistle messages to one another through<br />

the rain<strong>for</strong>est across great distances. In West Africa, speakers <strong>of</strong> tonal<br />

languages can use "talking drums" that allow the drummer to vary the<br />

pitch to mimic speech and send messages up to five miles. Tonal<br />

languages might also have an effect on human abilities. In one study,<br />

Diana Deutsch found that Mandarin speakers were nine times more<br />

likely than English speakers to have perfect pitch, the remarkable<br />

ability to precisely name any pitch, whether it comes from a piano or<br />

the hum <strong>of</strong> an air conditioner.<br />

Though the local language contained a few new phonemes that<br />

made it difficult <strong>for</strong> me to learn, I was <strong>for</strong>tunate that many <strong>of</strong> the<br />

people in the village spoke Tok Pisin, a creole that had developed<br />

over the past few centuries <strong>of</strong> contact with Europeans. <strong>The</strong> language<br />

is a mix made up <strong>of</strong> mostly English-derived words along with some<br />

German and local words. I had no trouble saying "You are going to<br />

the garden" in Tok Pisin (you simply say "yu go long gaden.") Tok Pisin<br />

has become a national lingua franca, facilitating communication <strong>for</strong><br />

speakers <strong>of</strong> over 800 different languages in Papua New Guinea. With<br />

a relatively small vocabulary made up <strong>of</strong> many familiar words, I was<br />

able to converse in the language in a month and became fluent soon<br />

after that.<br />

But it was the local language that enchanted me. As psychologist<br />

Lera Boroditsky notes, "If people learn another language, they<br />

inadvertently also learn a new way <strong>of</strong> looking at the world." I sensed<br />

that I was on the verge <strong>of</strong> a new way <strong>of</strong> seeing the world.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

I changed tactics and returned to the foundations <strong>of</strong> frame<br />

substitution to build on what I already knew. "How would you say,<br />

'he is going to the house'" I asked. "Emiamkatopbani." Now the code<br />

was breaking again. I noticed that the only change between that<br />

phrase and the phrase <strong>for</strong> going to the garden was am vs. yongbip, and<br />

could conclude that these were the words <strong>for</strong> house and garden,<br />

respectively. I excitedly asked <strong>for</strong> more and started filling my<br />

notebook. I reveled in my new language abilities. Mastering a<br />

common greeting like this gave me something to hold onto in what<br />

was otherwise a sea <strong>of</strong> unfamiliar sounds. But then a new mystery<br />

emerged the next morning. A man walked by my house as I was<br />

sitting on the veranda and said, "Neli yongbip kametbani." By the time<br />

I unraveled what he meant by the statement, I was <strong>for</strong>ced to realize<br />

that they were not just speaking differently. <strong>The</strong>y were thinking<br />

differently too.<br />


Vivian: Have you ever transcended space and time?<br />

Edward: Yes. ... No. Uh, time not space. ... No, I don't know<br />

what you're talking about.<br />

- I Heart Huckabees<br />

<strong>The</strong> man was passing from the other direction, heading uphill,<br />

and that turned out to be the key difference. Kametbani indicated<br />

that he was going uphill, while katopbani indicated going downhill.<br />

Using frame substitution I found a vast collection <strong>of</strong> words indicating<br />

specific directions. This does not seem particularly different from<br />

English, in which we might say "I'm heading down there / up there /<br />

over there / etc." <strong>The</strong> key difference is not that we can say these<br />

things. It is that they have to. <strong>The</strong> direction indicator is built right into<br />

their grammar, so they have to say which direction they are facing or<br />

going every time they say hello. In this way, it is similar to<br />

Pormpuraaw, spoken by Australian Aborigines on the northern tip <strong>of</strong><br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Queensland, Australia. As Lera Boroditsky says, "If you don't know<br />

which way is which, you literally can't get past hello."<br />

In some languages these directional orientations take the place <strong>of</strong><br />

left and right, so a speaker might say, "your north shoe is untied" or<br />

even "your north-northwest shoe is untied." As a result, people who<br />

speak languages like this exhibit the uncanny capacity <strong>for</strong> dead<br />

reckoning. <strong>The</strong>y know exactly which direction is which at every<br />

moment <strong>of</strong> the day. Even small children know exactly what direction<br />

they are facing, even in unfamiliar territory after long travels. Stephen<br />

Levinson recounts that a speaker <strong>of</strong> Tzeltal (a Mayan language in the<br />

Mexican state <strong>of</strong> Chiapas) was blindfolded and spun around over 20<br />

times in a dark house, yet he still knew which way was which.<br />

I knew very little about all this at the time. I only knew that my<br />

friends in New Guinea were experiencing the world differently than I<br />

was. I felt much like Wilhelm von Humboldt must have felt when, in<br />

the early 1800s, he started to realize that American Indian languages<br />

had radically different grammatical structures from European<br />

languages. "<strong>The</strong> difference between languages is not only in sounds<br />

and signs but in worldview," he proclaimed. While he recognized that<br />

any thought could be expressed in any language, he became keenly<br />

aware <strong>of</strong> the fact that a language shapes thought by "what it<br />

encourages and stimulates its speakers to do from its own inner<br />

<strong>for</strong>ce." In other words, if you have to figure out what direction you<br />

are facing every time you greet someone, you get pretty good at<br />

telling direction.<br />

Enchanted by the possibilities <strong>of</strong> new ways <strong>of</strong> thinking, linguists<br />

and anthropologists set about documenting undocumented grammars<br />

in earnest. By the early 1900s, Edward Sapir emerged as one <strong>of</strong> their<br />

most prominent leaders. "What fetters the mind and benumbs the<br />

spirit is ever the dogged acceptance <strong>of</strong> absolutes," Sapir wrote in his<br />

Introduction to the Study <strong>of</strong> Speech. Like Humboldt, Sapir saw a path<br />

toward new ways <strong>of</strong> seeing and thinking about the world through the<br />

documentation <strong>of</strong> languages. Sapir championed the idea as the<br />

"principle <strong>of</strong> linguistic relativity." Much as Einstein's <strong>The</strong>ory <strong>of</strong><br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Relativity has done, Sapir thought linguistic relativity could disrupt<br />

our ways <strong>of</strong> seeing and understanding the world.<br />

Sapir's most famous student and colleague was Benjamin Whorf,<br />

a genius fire inspector with a degree in chemical engineering who was<br />

fascinated by languages. While working as a fire inspector, he noticed<br />

that several tragic fires were caused by people carelessly smoking next<br />

to "empty" gas barrels. Of course, the "empty" barrels were actually<br />

full <strong>of</strong> highly flammable gas vapor.<br />

Most famously, Whorf became interested in Hopi concepts <strong>of</strong><br />

time. He noted that in English we talk about time as a "thing" and<br />

objectify it as seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc. It was a brilliant<br />

analysis starting from the insight that time is not really a "thing" but<br />

is simply the experience <strong>of</strong> duration, <strong>of</strong> a "getting later." <strong>The</strong> Hopi,<br />

he argued, have "no words, grammatical <strong>for</strong>ms, constructions or<br />

expressions that refer directly to what we call 'time.'" He tied this into<br />

a broader observation <strong>of</strong> how our grammar shapes how we talk and<br />

think. For example, our grammar obliges us to provide a subject <strong>for</strong><br />

every verb, so we say "it rains" or "the light flashes" when in fact<br />

neither the rain nor the light even exist without the action itself.<br />

When a light flashes the Hopi simply say rehpi. Whorf would go on to<br />

claim that our grammar made it difficult <strong>for</strong> us to understand<br />

Einstein's <strong>The</strong>ory <strong>of</strong> Relativity, which merges time and space, matter<br />

and energy, but make it easy to understand Newton, in which objects<br />

do specific actions. He suggested that if science had emerged within<br />

an Amerindian language, the <strong>The</strong>ory <strong>of</strong> Relativity might have been<br />

discovered much sooner.<br />

Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, his claims about Hopi time may have gone too far.<br />

<strong>The</strong> idea that the Hopi have no concepts <strong>of</strong> time was discounted in<br />

the opening quote <strong>of</strong> Ekkehart Malotki's comprehensive book on<br />

Hopi Time, in which Malotki quotes a Hopi man using several<br />

concepts <strong>of</strong> time that Whorf assumed did not exist:<br />

<strong>The</strong>n indeed, the following day, quite early in the morning at the hour when people<br />

pray to the sun, around that time then, he woke up the girl again.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Whorf fell into disrepute among many linguists after this, but<br />

nobody expressed the core insight that language can shape thought<br />

more eloquently or <strong>for</strong>cefully. His works revealed what Stephen<br />

Levinson called a "seductive, revolutionary set <strong>of</strong> ideas." Levinson<br />

goes on to note that "many eminent researchers in the language<br />

sciences will confess that they were first drawn into the study <strong>of</strong><br />

language through the ideas associated with Benjamin Lee Whorf."<br />

As linguists have turned away from Whorf, what was once known<br />

as the "Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis" or as Sapir dubbed it, "the Principle<br />

<strong>of</strong> Linguistic Relativity," is being re-shaped as what Guy Deutscher<br />

has called the Boas-Jakobsen principle. Deutscher points out that<br />

unlike Whorf, who pushed the notion that language shapes thought<br />

too far, Boas and Jakobsen championed a more tempered approach<br />

that, as Jakobsen summarized, "languages differ essentially in what<br />

they must convey and not in what they may convey." In this way,<br />

language shapes how we think by <strong>for</strong>cing us to think about certain<br />

things over and over again – like direction <strong>for</strong> my friends in New<br />

Guinea.<br />

Over the past 30 years, careful controlled experiments have<br />

shown that language does indeed shape how we think. For example,<br />

in one task researchers asked participants to look at three different<br />

toy animals in a row setting on a table. <strong>The</strong> animals might be placed<br />

from left to right, facing "downhill" <strong>for</strong> example. Participants have to<br />

memorize the order <strong>of</strong> the animals and then turn around and place<br />

the animals in the same order on another table behind them. This<br />

<strong>for</strong>ces the participant to make a decision about which answer is<br />

"right." One right answer would be to place the animals from left to<br />

right, but now left to right is not "downhill," it is "uphill." In such<br />

experiments, almost all speakers <strong>of</strong> Tzeltal (a language that requires<br />

speakers to know which direction they are facing) chose to orient the<br />

animals from right to left in a "downhill" orientation, while almost all<br />

Dutch speakers did the opposite.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Though this may seem like a minor difference, Lera Boroditsky<br />

points out that how we think about space can affect how we think<br />

about other things as well. "People rely on their spatial knowledge to<br />

build other, more complex, more abstract representations," she notes,<br />

"such as time, number, musical pitch, kinship relations, and<br />

emotions." For example, the Kuuk Thaayore <strong>of</strong> northern Queensland<br />

in Australia arrange time from east to west rather than left to right.<br />

When they were asked to arrange cards that indicated a clear<br />

temporal sequence such as a man aging or a banana being eaten, they<br />

arranged the cards from east to west, regardless <strong>of</strong> which direction<br />

they were facing. Mandarin speakers think <strong>of</strong> time as moving<br />

downward so next month is the "down month" and last month is the<br />

"up month."<br />

Beyond time and space there are other interesting grammatical<br />

differences across languages that may shape how we think, but these<br />

domains have not been investigated thoroughly. For example, the<br />

Matses <strong>of</strong> the Amazon rain<strong>for</strong>est have the most complex system <strong>of</strong><br />

verb <strong>for</strong>ms that linguists call "evidentials." <strong>The</strong>y operate much like<br />

tenses but require speakers to indicate precisely how they know what<br />

they know. In Matses, if you want to say, "he is going to the garden"<br />

you have to indicate whether you know this by direct experience, you<br />

are inferring it from clear evidence, you are conjecturing based on<br />

previous patterns, or you know it from hearsay. In the West we have<br />

a vast complicated philosophical field called Epistemology to explore<br />

how we know what we know. <strong>The</strong> Matses may be master<br />

epistemologists just by virtue <strong>of</strong> how they are required to speak.<br />


That our grammar affects how we think is now well- established,<br />

but what about our words? In one famous example, <strong>of</strong>ten mistakenly<br />

attributed to Whorf, the Eskimo are said to have hundreds <strong>of</strong> words<br />

<strong>for</strong> snow. This is not exactly true on a number <strong>of</strong> counts. First, there<br />

is no single Eskimo language, and many languages spoken in the<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

region use polysynthetic word structures that allow them to make an<br />

infinite number <strong>of</strong> words from any root. For example, a complex<br />

phrase like "Would you like to go window shopping with me" can be<br />

expressed in just one word. In such a system, there are endless<br />

possibilities building from the root words <strong>for</strong> snow (<strong>of</strong> which there<br />

are only two). However, linguist David Harrison notes that the Yupik<br />

identify at least 99 distinct sea ice <strong>for</strong>mations including several that<br />

are essential to life and death on the ice, such as Nuyileq, which<br />

indicates crushed ice that is beginning to spread out and is dangerous<br />

to walk on. It should not be surprising that the Yupik would have so<br />

many words <strong>for</strong> sea ice <strong>for</strong>mations. Of course, an avid skier also has<br />

several words <strong>for</strong> snow and ice that are unknown to most English<br />

speakers, such as chunder, powder, moguls, zipper bumps, and<br />

sastrugi. Just as we learned in the previous section, our language does<br />

not limit us from perceiving new things and inventing words <strong>for</strong><br />

them, but once we have a word <strong>for</strong> something and start habitually<br />

using that word, it is much easier to see it.<br />

I experienced this myself in New Guinea. As I learned the<br />

language, the <strong>for</strong>est came alive <strong>for</strong> me in the same way that the whole<br />

world came alive <strong>for</strong> Ildefonso as he discovered language. <strong>The</strong> more<br />

words I learned, the more I came to see and understand the<br />

significance <strong>of</strong> the world around me. <strong>The</strong> monotonous diet, which<br />

had consisted <strong>of</strong> little more than taro, sweet potato, and bananas, was<br />

greatly enhanced as I came to recognize over thirty types <strong>of</strong> taro and<br />

sweet potato, and over fifty types <strong>of</strong> banana, each with its own<br />

distinct texture and flavor.<br />

Sometimes, the words people use to describe the world clearly<br />

reflect and support the social structure and core values <strong>of</strong> their<br />

culture. One particularly well-documented example is in the domain<br />

<strong>of</strong> kinship terms. For example, Hawaiians use same word (makuahine)<br />

<strong>for</strong> mother as they do <strong>for</strong> aunt, a reflection <strong>of</strong> the importance they<br />

place on family and their tendency to live in extended families. If you<br />

were born into a culture where wealth is passed through the father's<br />

line (patrilineal systems) you might refer to your father's sister as<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

"mother-in-law," indicating that her children (your "cousins" in our<br />

system) are suitable marriage partners. This <strong>for</strong>m <strong>of</strong> cousin marriage<br />

can be advantageous because it keeps the wealth within the<br />

patrilineage. If you marry outside the patrilineage, the family wealth<br />

would need to be divided. Our own system, which distinguishes one's<br />

closest blood relatives (mother, father, brother, sister) from more<br />

distant relatives (aunts, uncles and cousins), reflects and supports a<br />

social structure and core values emphasizing independent nuclear<br />

families.<br />

<strong>The</strong> core idea here is that we use our words to divide and<br />

categorize the world in certain ways which then influence how we see<br />

and act in the world. But how far does this go? For example, if we<br />

imagined a culture that had no word <strong>for</strong> blue, would the people <strong>of</strong><br />

that culture experience "blueness"? Could they see it? Would they see<br />

it just as you or I see it?<br />

This is the question that struck William Gladstone in 1858 when<br />

he noticed something peculiar about Homer's epic classics, <strong>The</strong> Iliad<br />

and <strong>The</strong> Odyssey. <strong>The</strong>re were very few color terms throughout both<br />

texts, and the few times that colors were mentioned, they seemed a<br />

little <strong>of</strong>f. Honey is described as green, the daytime sky is black, and<br />

the sea is described as the color <strong>of</strong> wine. <strong>The</strong>re seemed to be no word<br />

<strong>for</strong> what we would normally call "blue." After careful study,<br />

Gladstone came to the conclusion that the Greeks might have seen<br />

the world very differently from us, perhaps mostly in black and white<br />

with the occasional shade <strong>of</strong> red.<br />

Nine years later, Lazarus Geiger found that the color blue was<br />

also missing from the texts <strong>of</strong> ancient India, and from biblical<br />

Hebrew. He attempted to unveil the deep history <strong>of</strong> numerous<br />

languages and found that the word <strong>for</strong> blue was a relatively recent<br />

invention in each one. Furthermore, he noticed that the order in<br />

which colors were added to a language seemed to follow a universal<br />

pattern. First a language would have words <strong>for</strong> black and white, then<br />

red, then yellow or green, then yellow and green, and finally blue.<br />

Over the next twenty years, anthropologists and missionaries<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

gathered color terms from all over the world and the universal<br />

pattern was confirmed.<br />

Geiger wondered whether or not people without words <strong>for</strong> such<br />

colors could see the colors or not. "Can the difference between them<br />

and us be only in the naming," he wondered, "or in the perception<br />

itself?" Do they really not see the color blue? Thus opened up to<br />

science one <strong>of</strong> our favorite old philosophical nuts. Is the "blue" you see<br />

the same "blue" that I see? Is it possible to know?<br />

Ten years later the question was one <strong>of</strong> the hottest topics <strong>of</strong> the<br />

age. Anatomist Frithi<strong>of</strong> Holmgren suspected that a deadly train crash<br />

in 1875 was caused when the conductor failed to see and obey a red<br />

stop light. He set about testing other conductors <strong>for</strong> color-blindness<br />

and promoted the importance <strong>of</strong> color perception <strong>for</strong> international<br />

safety. In this environment, Hugo Magnus suggested that colorblindness<br />

was a vestige <strong>of</strong> relatively recent human abilities. <strong>The</strong> ability<br />

<strong>of</strong> our retina to see colors had been evolving, he argued, and it would<br />

continue to evolve. Red was the first color we saw because it was the<br />

most intense, followed by yellow and green. He proposed that the<br />

ability to see blue was a relatively recent human ability, and suggested<br />

that so-called "primitive" tribes saw the world <strong>of</strong> color much as we<br />

see it at twilight, with muted gradations and only the most intense<br />

colors easily distinguished.<br />

But color tests around the world failed to confirm that people <strong>of</strong><br />

different cultures varied in their ability to perceive color differences.<br />

Nubians, Namibians, and Pacific Islanders had no trouble sorting and<br />

matching color samples.<br />

But there was still the mystery <strong>of</strong> why Homer would describe the<br />

sea as "wine-dark" or honey as green, and why the word <strong>for</strong> blue<br />

would be so late in coming in the evolution <strong>of</strong> languages.<br />

Sometimes we have some basic assumptions built into our<br />

questions that lead us astray. If you ask, "how did humankind's sense<br />

<strong>of</strong> color evolve over the past 3,000 years since Homer?" then you are<br />

already assuming that our sense <strong>of</strong> color has evolved. It is easy<br />

enough to discard that assumption, but harder to see and discard a<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

much deeper assumption about the nature <strong>of</strong> color itself. We think <strong>of</strong><br />

colors in terms <strong>of</strong> hue, which is dependent on the color's wavelength<br />

and is independent <strong>of</strong> its intensity or lightness. What is apparent now<br />

is that many languages, including that <strong>of</strong> Homer's, were not<br />

describing "color" as we think <strong>of</strong> it at all, but were instead describing<br />

intensity. <strong>The</strong> Greeks did not classify colors by hue, but by darkness<br />

and lightness. Kyaneos referred to darker colors such as dark blue,<br />

dark green, violet, brown, and black while glaukos referred to lighter<br />

colors such as light blue, light green, grey or yellow.<br />

So why does "red" come first in the history <strong>of</strong> languages,<br />

followed by yellow, green, and finally blue? We do not know <strong>for</strong> sure,<br />

but there may be a mix <strong>of</strong> reasons both natural and cultural. Our<br />

closest primate relatives show increased excitement around the color<br />

red, which may signal danger (blood) or sex, and experiments with<br />

humans also show physiological effects. Red is <strong>of</strong> great importance<br />

symbolically in most cultures, and red dyes are the easiest to find and<br />

manufacture, with most cultures having some source <strong>for</strong> red dye that<br />

is <strong>of</strong>ten used in art and skin decoration. Yellow and green are<br />

important in identifying the health and ripeness <strong>of</strong> many plants, and<br />

yellow dyes are also fairly easy to find and manufacture. Blue is not<br />

especially important or easy to find and manufacture. Indeed, blue<br />

dyes do not appear until about three thousand years ago, and its rarity<br />

conferred it a special status in early civilizations.<br />

More importantly, some color words in other languages carry<br />

other important meanings that can change how they are used. For<br />

example, anthropologist Harold Conklin notes that the Hanunoo <strong>of</strong><br />

the Philippines say that the brown-colored section <strong>of</strong> freshly cut<br />

bamboo is "green" since green is not exclusively a color term but a<br />

label <strong>of</strong> freshness.<br />

While it is now well-established that people <strong>of</strong> different cultures<br />

can see all the same colors, there is some evidence that our color<br />

words shape how we see them. For example, neuropsychologist Jules<br />

David<strong>of</strong>f worked with the Hemba in Africa, who do not have a word<br />

<strong>for</strong> blue. When he showed them 12 color samples, 11 that we would<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

call "green" and 1 that we would call "blue," they could not<br />

determine that the "blue" one was the odd one out. But, they have<br />

many words <strong>for</strong> different shades <strong>of</strong> green, and when shown a pallet<br />

<strong>of</strong> 12 green squares with one slightly different they immediately saw<br />

the difference. English speakers cannot do this. (You can try at<br /> His work suggests<br />

that once we name a color, it is easier to notice it, and we <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

collapse color differences toward our modal version <strong>of</strong> a color,<br />

making it difficult to distinguish between different shades that match<br />

the same category. In other words, when people who have no word<br />

<strong>for</strong> blue look out at a sky that they categorize in the same color<br />

category as black, the sky probably appears a bit darker than it does<br />

to us.<br />


Though grammar and words can be shown to shape how we see<br />

and think about the world, linguists George Lak<strong>of</strong>f and Mark<br />

Johnson have proposed that the most pr<strong>of</strong>ound influence on our<br />

thought is at the level <strong>of</strong> metaphor. <strong>The</strong>y point out that metaphors<br />

are pervasive throughout our language and <strong>of</strong>ten unnoticed. For<br />

example, we <strong>of</strong>ten unconsciously use the metaphor ARGUMENT IS<br />

WAR to describe an argument. We say that claims are defended or<br />

indefensible. We attack and demolish our opponents, shooting down their<br />

points, hoping that we can win. To drive home the significance <strong>of</strong> this<br />

metaphor, they ask us to consider what it would be like if we lived in<br />

a culture that instead used an ARGUMENT IS A DANCE metaphor<br />

in which the participants try to dance together, find the beauty in<br />

each other's moves, and ultimately create something beautiful<br />

together.<br />

<strong>The</strong> key point <strong>of</strong> Lak<strong>of</strong>f and Johnson is not just that we use<br />

metaphors in how we talk. It is that "human thought processes are<br />

largely metaphorical." As Neil Postman notes, "A metaphor is not an<br />

ornament. It is an organ <strong>of</strong> perception ... Is light a wave or a particle? Are<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

molecules like billiard balls or <strong>for</strong>ce fields? Is history unfolding according to some<br />

instructions <strong>of</strong> nature or a divine plan?" In virtually every domain <strong>of</strong> our<br />

lives and worldview, metaphors are operating, shaping our<br />

perception.<br />

Most <strong>of</strong> the metaphors we use in our thought are what they call<br />

"dead" metaphors; that is, that we do not see them as metaphors at<br />

all. Take <strong>for</strong> example the metaphorical concept that Michael Reddy<br />

has called the "conduit metaphor," in which we think <strong>of</strong> ideas as<br />

objects and words as containers <strong>for</strong> those ideas. We put ideas into the<br />

containers (words) and send them (along a conduit) to other people.<br />

After careful analysis, Reddy notes that about 70% <strong>of</strong> all expressions<br />

we use about language are based on this metaphor. We say that we<br />

have ideas, that sometimes they are hard to capture in words, and that<br />

sometimes it is hard to get an idea across.<br />

This metaphor lies at the heart <strong>of</strong> many "common sense" notions<br />

<strong>of</strong> education, which, as it turns out, are incomplete and misguided.<br />

<strong>The</strong> common-sense notion is that a teacher's job is to put ideas into<br />

words and send them to the students, who then will have the ideas.<br />

Massive lecture halls on college campuses have these assumptions<br />

built right into them, with fixed stadium seating facing the front <strong>of</strong><br />

the room where the pr<strong>of</strong>essor takes control <strong>of</strong> over a million points<br />

<strong>of</strong> light on giant screens, all specifically designed to help the<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essor "convey" the ideas into the heads <strong>of</strong> the students.<br />

But this is not a complete picture <strong>of</strong> how learning works. Ideas<br />

do not just flow into people's heads and fill them up. When a new<br />

idea enters the mind <strong>of</strong> another, it enters a complex system with its<br />

own structure <strong>of</strong> interests, biases, and assumptions. <strong>The</strong> learner does<br />

not just absorb ideas whole. But precisely what is going on when<br />

learning happens is difficult to describe, and so we must rely on other<br />

metaphors.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are a wide range <strong>of</strong> possibilities beyond the "Mind is a<br />

container" metaphor that can open us up to new possibilities. For<br />

example, Reddy suggests that we might think <strong>of</strong> the mind as a<br />

toolmaker. When new ideas come to us that we think might be<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

useful, we use the idea to make a tool. But because my experience,<br />

interests, problems, and biases are different than yours, I make a<br />

different tool.<br />

This, like the "mind is a container" metaphor, strikes us as<br />

partially true, though also incomplete. But by expanding our<br />

metaphor vocabulary. we constantly open ourselves up to new<br />

possibilities <strong>for</strong> how we think about the most important aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

our lives.<br />

Consider some <strong>of</strong> those really big questions that are constantly on<br />

our minds in the modern world: Who am I? What am I going to do? Am I<br />

going to make it? All <strong>of</strong> them are propped up on unexamined dead<br />

metaphors. Understanding what these metaphors are and how they<br />

shape our thoughts and actions might help us find answers to these<br />

questions, or perhaps lead us to new questions.<br />

For example, when asking the question "Who am I?", we will<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten say that we are trying to "find ourselves." This is a metaphor,<br />

and it can shape your thoughts and actions. <strong>The</strong> attempt to find the<br />

self assumes that there is a solid core self to be found. To find it, we<br />

might try different career paths, bounce between relationships, or<br />

travel from place to place looking <strong>for</strong> it. And each time we fail to find<br />

it, we feel a little more "lost." <strong>The</strong> experiences seem wasted. But if we<br />

change the metaphor and instead see our task as one <strong>of</strong> "creating<br />

ourselves," those same experiences can be seen as part <strong>of</strong> the creative<br />

process, each one becoming a part <strong>of</strong> who we are as we go about<br />

creating the self. Of course, neither <strong>of</strong> these is precisely right. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

are both incomplete, but each fills in gaps the other missed. <strong>The</strong><br />

notion <strong>of</strong> creating yourself overlooks the fact that we are all<br />

inherently different—that we all have different tendencies, capacities,<br />

and limits; while the notion <strong>of</strong> finding yourself can overlook our<br />

capacities to change and create new tendencies, develop new<br />

capacities, and overcome limits.<br />

And then there's the possibility that both <strong>of</strong> these metaphors put<br />

too much emphasis on the self altogether, and perhaps we should be<br />

considering a different metaphor. As the great poet Marshall Mathers<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

once noted, "You better lose yourself, in the moment, you own it, you<br />

better never let it go." Of course, losing yourself may mean moving<br />

beyond language altogether. This is what happened to neuroscientist<br />

Jill Bolte Taylor during a stroke: the language center <strong>of</strong> her brain shut<br />

down. She says, "I lost all definition <strong>of</strong> myself in relation to the<br />

external world... Language is the constant reminder 'I am.'" And how<br />

did she feel in this state? "I had joy. I just had joy," she told Radiolab<br />

in an interview.<br />

I found a peace inside <strong>of</strong> myself that I had not known be<strong>for</strong>e ... pure silence ... you<br />

know that little voice that says, "Ah, man, the sun is shining"? Imagine you<br />

don't hear that little voice ... you just experience the sun and the shining. ... It was<br />

all <strong>of</strong> the present moment.<br />

Though we are not likely to be willing to give up our language, we<br />

can try to take control <strong>of</strong> it, and doing so requires that we recognize<br />

that even simple verbs such as is or does are, in the words <strong>of</strong> Neil<br />

Postman, "powerful metaphors that express some our most<br />

fundamental conceptions <strong>of</strong> the way things are." We are hungry. <strong>The</strong><br />

Spanish "have hunger." This distinction is perhaps not very interesting<br />

or meaningful until we put it into other domains. We might have the<br />

flu but we do not have criminality. People do crimes and we have large<br />

systems in place to find out exactly who did a crime and why. Of<br />

course, these ideas can change. Not long ago one could be angry but<br />

could not have anger. Now, new ideas about how anger works allow<br />

people to recognize how anger can be seen as a treatable condition<br />

<strong>for</strong> which people can receive much-needed help.<br />

<strong>The</strong> key idea is that metaphors permeate our thoughts and deeply<br />

shape how we make sense <strong>of</strong> the world. <strong>The</strong>y do not necessarily<br />

reflect the unchanging and absolute nature <strong>of</strong> reality. Metaphors are<br />

the primary lens through which we make meaning <strong>of</strong> the world. As<br />

long as our metaphors are dead and unexamined, they control us and<br />

our thought patterns. When we examine the metaphors that guide us,<br />

we gain the freedom to create new ones and become meaning-<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

makers. As Neil Postman once famously noted, "word weavers are<br />

world-makers."<br />


Ellen Langer, pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> psychology at Harvard University, ran<br />

a simple experiment in which she gave two groups <strong>of</strong> students an<br />

object. One group was told, "This is a dog chew toy" while the other<br />

group was told, "This might be a dog chew toy." Later, when an<br />

eraser was needed, only the group that was told that the object<br />

"might be" a dog chew toy thought that it might also be used as an<br />

eraser.<br />

<strong>The</strong> key difference is in how our minds pay attention to things<br />

and ideas we consider pliable and conditional vs. those we consider<br />

fixed and absolute. When we think <strong>of</strong> things and ideas as pliable and<br />

conditional we play with them, and by playing with them, we become<br />

more likely to find new, creative uses <strong>for</strong> them as well as remember<br />

them later on.<br />

If I knocked on your door and <strong>of</strong>fered you $10,000 <strong>for</strong> a 3' x 7'<br />

slab <strong>of</strong> wood, what would you do? Most people become frustrated<br />

that they do not have a pile <strong>of</strong> wood nearby, but they are holding a 3'<br />

x 7' slab <strong>of</strong> wood in their hand, the door itself! When we name<br />

something ("door"), it tends to become fixed and absolute as that<br />

thing in our mind, and disappears as all the other things it might<br />

become. We fall into the trap <strong>of</strong> categories. As Nobel Prize-winning<br />

physicist Niels Bohr says, "Our thoughts have us, rather than us<br />

having them."<br />

To pay attention to these alternatives and to be aware <strong>of</strong> the<br />

pliable and conditional aspects <strong>of</strong> our world is to be mindful. <strong>The</strong><br />

power <strong>of</strong> mindfulness is wonderfully summarized by Ken Bain, who<br />

notes that "all <strong>of</strong> us possess enormous power to change the world<br />

and ourselves by shifting the language and categories we employ.<br />

Maybe I'm thinking about this wrong. Is there a different way <strong>of</strong> seeing my<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

problem? Are there different words I might use? <strong>The</strong> brain becomes more<br />

creative. Life becomes more exciting and fun."<br />

This power to change the self by changing our words is welldocumented.<br />

In one experiment, Langer and her team ran a short<br />

seminar <strong>for</strong> maids at large hotels designed to in<strong>for</strong>m them that their<br />

jobs were good exercise. "Although actual behavior did not change,"<br />

Langer reports, they "perceived themselves to be getting significantly<br />

more exercise then be<strong>for</strong>e." Remarkably, their bodies actually<br />

reflected this change. Over the next month they lost an average <strong>of</strong><br />

two pounds over the control group. <strong>The</strong>y lost ½% body fat and their<br />

blood pressure dropped 10 points.<br />

Langer points out that such results are largely the result <strong>of</strong> the<br />

placebo effect. And what is the placebo effect? It is the power <strong>of</strong><br />

your mind to actually change your body and heal itself. When you<br />

change your beliefs in a way that is thoroughly convincing to your<br />

mind, your brain chemistry actually changes. In fact, every drug in the<br />

world is actually already present in the brain. That's why they work.<br />

Our brain has receptors <strong>for</strong> them. "Every pharmacological agent or<br />

drug that there is," Tor Wager told Radiolab's Jad Abumrod, "there is<br />

a chemical produced by your brain that does that thing"<br />

( But the power to<br />

change the self by changing your language does not stop with the<br />

physical self. It runs deep into the very essence <strong>of</strong> how you<br />

understand yourself as well.<br />


Most <strong>of</strong> us have deep unconscious understandings <strong>of</strong> ourselves<br />

that are not always flattering. We tend to push away these dark parts<br />

<strong>of</strong> ourselves and rarely examine them. In doing so, we might also be<br />

pushing away the parts <strong>of</strong> ourselves that make us who we are.<br />

When we adopt a mindful approach to the world, we see<br />

ourselves as pliable and conditional rather than fixed and absolute.<br />

We can see our capacity <strong>for</strong> growth and change. This helps us see<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

those darker parts <strong>of</strong> ourselves because we recognize that they might<br />

not always be so dark. In fact, we might even see these dark aspects<br />

<strong>of</strong> ourselves as the source <strong>of</strong> our greatest gifts.<br />

When Gillian Lynne was a little girl, her teacher was <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

frustrated with her. She would not sit still in the classroom,<br />

constantly dancing around the room. <strong>The</strong> teacher asked her mother<br />

to have her examined. After looking her over, the doctor turned on<br />

the radio and left the room to retrieve her mother. <strong>The</strong> doctor<br />

brought her mom to the door and asked her to look inside. Gillian<br />

was being Gillian, dancing around the room to the music. "Your<br />

daughter is not sick," the doctor said. "She's a dancer."<br />

Gillian's mom promptly removed her from school and enrolled<br />

her in dance school. She went on to be one <strong>of</strong> the greatest dancers<br />

and choreographers <strong>of</strong> modern times, best known <strong>for</strong> her work in<br />

Cats and Phantom <strong>of</strong> the Opera.<br />

What appeared to be a weakness in one context (dancing around<br />

the classroom) has become a great strength and widely celebrated in<br />

another (dancing across the stage). In this way, our weaknesses may<br />

in fact be strengths. Perhaps we are mistaken in separating them. As<br />

word weavers making new meanings, perhaps a new word can help<br />

us see parts <strong>of</strong> ourselves that otherwise remain hidden: strengthness.<br />

A strengthness can be any apparent weakness that is a strength in<br />

another context or generates strength over time. For example, one<br />

<strong>for</strong>mer student struggled greatly with anxiety and panic attacks. Over<br />

her years <strong>of</strong> struggle with this weakness, she developed a remarkable<br />

capacity to calm herself in times <strong>of</strong> stress. Years later, when her<br />

boyfriend was struggling with the stress <strong>of</strong> graduate school, she was<br />

able to pass on some <strong>of</strong> her wisdom to help him calm himself. He<br />

went on to finish his Ph.D. thanks to her remarkable abilities, and so<br />

did she. Now a practicing Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, she has<br />

helped hundreds <strong>of</strong> patients overcome the same debilitating anxiety<br />

and panic attacks that once plagued her.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

New words like "strengthness" can help us see ourselves and the<br />

world in new ways. <strong>The</strong>y shape how we see. We act based on what<br />

we "see." As Neil Postman sums it up:<br />

If we "see things" one way, we act accordingly. If we see them in another, we<br />

act differently. <strong>The</strong> ability to learn turns out to be a function <strong>of</strong> the extent to which<br />

one is capable <strong>of</strong> perception change. If a student goes through four years <strong>of</strong> school<br />

and comes out "seeing" things in the way he did when he started, he will act the<br />

same.<br />

Which means he learned nothing.<br />


A Man Without Words by Susan Schaller<br />

My Stroke <strong>of</strong> Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey, by<br />

Jill Bolte Taylor<br />

Through the Language Glass by Guy Deutscher<br />

Metaphors We Live By<br />

by George Lak<strong>of</strong>f & Mark Johnson<br />

Teaching as a Subversive Activity, by Neil Postman<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Challenge Four: Word Weaving<br />

Your challenge is to invent a word, phrase, or metaphor that you<br />

think would make the world a better place and then try to spread it<br />

among your friends.<br />

Objective: See your own seeing by reflecting on the language and<br />

metaphors you use and how you might choose different language or<br />

metaphors to change the way you think and act. New perspectives<br />

open up new questions, so this might also help you ask new<br />

questions and make new connections to new ideas.<br />

Step One: Invent a word, phrase, or new metaphor. Examples in this<br />

lesson included "strengthness" and new metaphors about arguments,<br />

education, and the self. What about love? Maybe we could use a<br />

different word to describe our complex feelings. Or maybe we could<br />

re-imagine metaphors like "falling in love." Anything goes.<br />

Step Two: Introduce the word, phrase or metaphor in basic<br />

conversation as if the word has always existed and see if your friends<br />

catch on and start using it themselves.<br />

Step Three: If they ask about it, give them a strong pitch as to why it<br />

should exist.<br />

Step Four: Show us or tell us about your adventure. Post a video or<br />

share your story with #anth101challenge4<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Lesson Five<br />

Infrastructure<br />

“We shape our tools and then our tools shape us.”<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />


In the late 1960s, anthropologist Edmund Carpenter was hired as<br />

a communications consultant <strong>for</strong> what was then the Territory <strong>of</strong><br />

Papua and New Guinea. Colonial administrators were seeking advice<br />

on how they might use radio, film, and television to reach, educate,<br />

unite, and "rationalize" remote areas <strong>of</strong> the territory as they moved<br />

toward independence. It gave Carpenter what he called "an<br />

unparalleled opportunity to step in and out <strong>of</strong> 10,000 years <strong>of</strong> media<br />

history." He recorded and created some <strong>of</strong> the most remarkable<br />

events in local media history throughout the territory, such as the<br />

first times people actually saw their own photographs in Polaroids.<br />

When I arrived in New Guinea 35 years later, I stepped <strong>of</strong>f a<br />

plane onto a remote landing strip and walked one hour down a road<br />

made <strong>for</strong> cars that no cars travel, that goes nowhere, built as part <strong>of</strong> a<br />

government development project. It ends a few hundred meters from<br />

Telefolip, what was once the sacred spiritual center <strong>of</strong> the Telefomin<br />

people. I did not know that Edmund Carpenter had been there, but<br />

upon my first glimpse <strong>of</strong> the village, I immediately recognized it from<br />

a picture in Carpenter's book. <strong>The</strong> picture, taken 35 years ago,<br />


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features a movie camera sitting on a tripod in the center <strong>of</strong> the<br />

village. A Telefol man leans over hesitantly as if trying to steal a peek<br />

through the viewfinder. A young boy scurries out <strong>of</strong> the view <strong>of</strong> the<br />

lens.<br />

I reached out to Carpenter to find out more about his time in<br />

Telefolip, and he generously sent me copies <strong>of</strong> over 30 hours <strong>of</strong> film<br />

footage he took during his time in New Guinea. In one haunting<br />

sequence, he snaps Polaroids <strong>of</strong> two men standing outside their<br />

house and hands them the photos. Carpenter recounts that when he<br />

first gave people pictured <strong>of</strong> themselves, they could not read them.<br />

To them, the pictures were flat, static, and lifeless—meaningless. He<br />

had to point to features on the images and features <strong>of</strong> their own<br />

faces. Finally, "recognition gradually came *into the subject's face.<br />

And fear."<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

You can see it in the film footage. <strong>The</strong> man with the hat suddenly<br />

seems self-conscious about the hat. He hesitantly takes it <strong>of</strong>f,<br />

hesitantly puts it back on, and finally just stands awkwardly with his<br />

hat <strong>of</strong>f, staring at the image and then back to the camera that took<br />

the image.<br />

<strong>The</strong> other man retreats to a house to be alone, staring at his<br />

image <strong>for</strong> over 20 minutes.<br />


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Carpenter describes their reactions as the "terror <strong>of</strong> selfawareness,"<br />

evidenced by "uncontrolled stomach trembling." He<br />

describes the depths <strong>of</strong> the effect as one <strong>of</strong> "instant alienation,"<br />

suggesting that it "created a new identity: the private individual." He<br />

argued that the Polaroid and other recording media created a<br />

situation in which, "<strong>for</strong> the first time, each man saw himself and his<br />

environment clearly and he saw them as separable."<br />

As an anthropologist, he understands that such a change is not<br />

likely to come from just one small event, but it participated in a<br />

whole host <strong>of</strong> other changes that were currently underway in New<br />

Guinea, such as the arrival <strong>of</strong> schools and missions, and the<br />

preparations to move toward national independence and selfgovernment.<br />

Nonetheless, he could not shake the sense that these<br />

media <strong>for</strong>ms were having dramatic effects on their consciousness.<br />

He describes one village where he handed out Polaroids with<br />

great regret. He says that when he returned to the village months<br />

later, he didn't recognize the place. "Houses had been rebuilt in a new<br />

style. . . . <strong>The</strong>y carried themselves differently. <strong>The</strong>y acted differently. .<br />

. . In one brutal movement they had been torn out <strong>of</strong> a tribal<br />

existence and trans<strong>for</strong>med into detached individuals, lonely,<br />

frustrated, no longer at home— anywhere."<br />

Such experiences left Carpenter disillusioned about the effects <strong>of</strong><br />

technology, especially communication technologies, on indigenous<br />

peoples, and concerned about the effects <strong>of</strong> media everywhere. "I felt<br />

like an environmentalist hired to discover more effective uses <strong>of</strong><br />

DDT," he lamented.<br />

When I stepped into the village thirty-five years later, the oncethriving<br />

spiritual center <strong>of</strong> Telefol life had been reduced to a ghostly<br />

shell <strong>of</strong> what it once was. <strong>The</strong> once magnificent men's house had<br />

recently collapsed. <strong>The</strong>re were no plans to rebuild.<br />

<strong>The</strong> other houses have all been abandoned. <strong>The</strong> residents have<br />

moved into Western style pre-fab houses lined perfectly along that<br />

government road that doesn't go anywhere. Powerlines power up<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

radios, televisions, refrigerators, and lights. Traditional houses have<br />

been made into "kitchens" reserved <strong>for</strong> cooking.<br />

While powerlines had not yet reached the region <strong>of</strong> New Guinea<br />

where I ultimately settled in to do my research, many <strong>of</strong> my friends<br />

were eager <strong>for</strong> photographs <strong>of</strong> themselves and their families. I set up<br />

a simple solar panel system that gave me about two hours <strong>of</strong> power<br />

each day to write notes on my laptop, and a simple printer that I<br />

could use to print pictures. I took a picture with my brothers along<br />

with a middle-aged man, and then printed it to give to them. <strong>The</strong><br />

older man looked at the picture and excitedly pointed to my brothers,<br />

naming them as he pointed. <strong>The</strong>n he pointed to the man in the<br />

middle, himself, and said, "Who is that?" He saw himself so rarely that<br />

he did not even recognize himself. I would see this happen over and<br />

over again. It rarely happened with younger people, who <strong>of</strong>ten had<br />

small mirrors they used <strong>for</strong> shaving or decorating their faces. But<br />

many older villagers did not grow up with mirrors, and have never<br />

sought to own one.<br />

Contrast this with our own everyday practices. How many times<br />

per day do we engage in the practice <strong>of</strong> objectifying the self into an<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

image? Or study the self in image <strong>for</strong>m? How many glances into the<br />

mirror? How many Snapchats? How many scrolls through the photo<br />

gallery on our phones, Facebook, or Instagram? It's so <strong>of</strong>ten that we<br />

need not even be looking at a mirror or image. Most <strong>of</strong> us have a<br />

pretty good sense <strong>of</strong> how we look in our mind's eye. We adjust this<br />

or that button, untuck our shirt just so, tuck our hair back behind our<br />

ear, or adjust our hat ever so slightly as we imagine how others might<br />

be seeing us at any given moment. We are constantly aware <strong>of</strong><br />

ourselves as objects that are constantly under the scrutiny and<br />

judgment <strong>of</strong> others.<br />

We take mirrors and photographs <strong>for</strong> granted, yet clearly they<br />

have a pr<strong>of</strong>ound effect on those who have never encountered them.<br />

Is it possible that they also have a pr<strong>of</strong>ound effect on us that has<br />

since gone unnoticed? What if you gave up mirrors and all images <strong>for</strong><br />

a week, a month, or a year? Would your consciousness change?<br />

Carpenter braved the possibility <strong>of</strong> career suicide to publish his<br />

studies on these matters. He was severely criticized by some leading<br />

anthropologists <strong>for</strong> his media experiments. He had anticipated the<br />

criticism in the book itself, admitting, "It will immediately be asked if<br />

anyone has the right to do this to another human being, no matter<br />

what the reason."<br />

His defense, although framed within the context <strong>of</strong> a generation<br />

ago and half a world away, should still resound with us today. "If this<br />

question is painful to answer when the situation is seen in<br />

microcosm," he asked, how is it to be answered as millions <strong>of</strong> people<br />

are allowing new media to permeate their lives, "the whole process<br />

unexamined, undertaken blindly?"<br />

His point is that we live a life completely immersed in<br />

technologies. But do we really understand how they shape us? We<br />

usually look at them as great com<strong>for</strong>ts, wonderful conveniences,<br />

important necessities, or the source <strong>of</strong> fantastic experiences. But how<br />

do they change us? And how might we be different if we gave them<br />

up or if these technologies never existed?<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />



This quote from media scholar John Culkin is sometimes literally<br />

true. Over long periods <strong>of</strong> time, the interaction between humans and<br />

their tools can even reshape our DNA. Over the millions <strong>of</strong> years<br />

that we have been using hand tools, there has been an evolutionary<br />

advantage to having nimble and dexterous fingers. Over time, our<br />

hands evolved an ability to manipulate objects with increasing<br />

precision, allowing us to create more precise objects which in turn<br />

create an ever- increasing advantage on more precise hand control.<br />

Our hands and our hand-tools co-evolved in their complexity. Fire is<br />

another example <strong>of</strong> a tool that changed our DNA. Fire allowed us to<br />

cook our food so that we no longer had to spend hours <strong>of</strong> our day<br />

chewing fibrous meats and tubers. Over time, we can see in the<br />

skeletal record that our jaws have become weaker and less robust<br />

since the invention <strong>of</strong> fire.<br />

<strong>The</strong> power <strong>of</strong> technologies to literally shape our bodies is<br />

beautifully demonstrated by this famous photo published by Phil<br />

H<strong>of</strong>fman in <strong>The</strong> American Journal <strong>of</strong> Orthopedic Surgery in 1905.<br />

Shoes have not yet been around long enough to actually change<br />

our DNA. If you go barefoot long enough, or from a young enough<br />

age, you can also attain the amazing ability to spread your toes,<br />

engage all <strong>of</strong> your nature-given talents <strong>for</strong> balance and agility, and<br />


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handle the roughest <strong>of</strong> surfaces without the aid <strong>of</strong> shoes. Similarly,<br />

coats and sophisticated climate controls like air conditioning and<br />

heating have reduced our ability to withstand cold and heat. Our<br />

com<strong>for</strong>ts make us weaker.<br />

<strong>The</strong> idea that "we shape our tools and then our tools shape us" is<br />

sometimes mistaken as a claim <strong>for</strong> technological determinism, the<br />

idea that technology determines how we live, think, and act. But it<br />

would be wrong to only point out how our tools shape us. As noted<br />

in Lesson Two, cultures are complex and interrelated in such a way<br />

that no one element completely determines the other elements <strong>of</strong> the<br />

system. Instead, each element "shapes and is shaped by" another.<br />

As we noted then, modern capitalism shapes and is shaped by<br />

modern individualism. American individualism shapes and is shaped<br />

by the American political system. <strong>The</strong> American labor market shapes<br />

and is shaped by individualism. And so on. In other words, culture is<br />

made up <strong>of</strong> a complex web <strong>of</strong> relationships <strong>of</strong> "mutual constitution"<br />

and it is this idea that we point to with the phrase, "we shape our<br />

tools and then our tools shape us."<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

We can now use the "barrel model" introduced in Lesson 2 as a<br />

guide to a pr<strong>of</strong>ound set <strong>of</strong> questions about technologies and how<br />

they might affect us. At the level <strong>of</strong> infrastructure, how does a new<br />

technology shape our subsistence and economy? What other<br />

technologies will it make more important or necessary? What<br />

technologies might it displace and make obsolete?<br />

When one technology requires or strongly influences the<br />

adoption <strong>of</strong> another technology, we call it entanglement, and when<br />

you follow the lines <strong>of</strong> entanglement far enough, you arrive at the<br />

realization that a new technology can have far-reaching effects far<br />

beyond what was originally intended.<br />

Take the example <strong>of</strong> clothing. In the late 1970s, the first clothes<br />

started to arrive in the New Guinea village through trade networks<br />

with neighboring clans where they had government aid posts and<br />

missions. <strong>The</strong>n, in the early 1980s, missionaries started bringing in<br />

clothes and giving them to the locals. Many people immediately<br />

converted to Christianity in hopes <strong>of</strong> receiving the luxurious goods,<br />

and missionaries worried that they might be creating "clothes<br />

Christians" – people whose faith was only worn on the skin and did<br />

not penetrate to the soul.<br />

Though the clothes <strong>of</strong>fered com<strong>for</strong>t and protection from the<br />

elements that the natives had never experienced be<strong>for</strong>e, they<br />

presented a host <strong>of</strong> new problems. First, they had to be washed, so<br />

they needed soap. <strong>The</strong>y could not be dried effectively in their huts<br />

due to the smoke and the thatch ro<strong>of</strong>s infested with insects hungry<br />

<strong>for</strong> cloth, so they needed new houses with tin ro<strong>of</strong>tops. <strong>The</strong> tin<br />

ro<strong>of</strong>tops required nails to hold them in place. <strong>The</strong> nails required<br />

hammers to nail them in. <strong>The</strong> tin was square and standardized, so<br />

they needed some basic geometry and trigonometry to design their<br />

new houses. Geometry and trigonometry required that they go to<br />

school. School required paper, pens, and backpacks to carry it all.<br />

And all <strong>of</strong> this required money. As it turns out, clothes are deeply<br />

entangled with a vast range <strong>of</strong> other technologies that would<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

ultimately encourage remote New Guinea villagers to join the global<br />

economy.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are examples <strong>of</strong> entanglement all around us. For example,<br />

if you take a walk starting from the center <strong>of</strong> my hometown <strong>of</strong><br />

Manhattan, Kansas, you will notice that the homes near the center <strong>of</strong><br />

town built prior to 1930 usually have large front porches and no<br />

garages. If they do have a garage it is almost always separated from<br />

the house and was built much later than the original house. <strong>The</strong><br />

reason <strong>for</strong> the absence <strong>of</strong> the garage is obvious. <strong>The</strong> garage is a<br />

technology entangled with cars, <strong>of</strong> which there were very few prior to<br />

1930. But what about the front porch? As we walk away from the<br />

town center and enter the neighborhoods built after 1950, suddenly<br />

the front porch is gone.<br />

What happened? Air-conditioning. Large front porches allowed<br />

people to stay cool in the summer, and had the pleasant side-effect <strong>of</strong><br />

creating "front porch culture" where people would sit and greet their<br />

neighbors, creating strong social bonds. <strong>The</strong> air-conditioner<br />

eliminated the need <strong>for</strong> these porches, and they disappeared, along<br />

with that sense <strong>of</strong> community. Now the most prominent feature on<br />

the front <strong>of</strong> most suburban homes is a large double-wide garage<br />

door.<br />

This example makes it clear that technological change is not<br />

limited to technology. Technologies shape how we make a living<br />

(infrastructure), how we connect, collaborate, and interact with one<br />

another (social structure), and can even participate in a wide range <strong>of</strong><br />

cultural changes that lead to new core values and beliefs<br />

(superstructure). To see how this can happen, let's take a brief look at<br />

the last 12,000 years <strong>of</strong> human history.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />


<strong>Human</strong>s have been hunting and gathering their food <strong>for</strong> over two<br />

million years. Viewed on that time-scale, it really is only yesterday that<br />

we were still living without most <strong>of</strong> the technologies we take <strong>for</strong><br />

granted today. As Jared Diamond calls it, the world <strong>of</strong> hunters and<br />

gatherers is best understood as "the world until yesterday." Up until<br />

just 12,000 years ago, all humans everywhere lived basically the same<br />

way. In the popular imagination we were hunters, and indeed we<br />

were. But the evidence suggests that we acquired the vast majority <strong>of</strong><br />

our calories from <strong>for</strong>aging: gathering fruits, nuts, tubers, and other<br />

foods.<br />

Our simple manner <strong>of</strong> making a living had significant effects on<br />

how we lived and what we lived <strong>for</strong>. Using simple tools such as<br />

baskets and string bags <strong>for</strong> carrying the foods they find, and bows,<br />

arrows, spears, and blowguns <strong>for</strong> hunting, a typical <strong>for</strong>ager can<br />

produce only enough food <strong>for</strong> themselves and a small family. So we<br />

lived in small bands <strong>of</strong> no more than about one hundred people.<br />

When an area was picked over, we needed to move to where the<br />

picking was better. When a herd moved on, we needed to move with<br />

them. So we lived with few possessions that might weigh us down.<br />

This basic pattern <strong>of</strong> life was the foundation <strong>of</strong> all human life <strong>for</strong><br />

over two million years. <strong>The</strong>re were a few key inventions that changed<br />

human life over the course <strong>of</strong> these two million years; fire about<br />

400,000 years ago, language about 200,000 years ago, and the<br />

"Creative Explosion" about 50,000 years ago that brought about the<br />

first clothing, fish nets, art, and more sophisticated stone blades. But<br />

the foundation <strong>of</strong> our survival, the way we harnessed energy from the<br />

Earth, remained <strong>for</strong>aging and hunting.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are very few <strong>for</strong>aging cultures in existence today, but we<br />

can learn something from the few that we do observe. Most<br />

remarkable is their vast knowledge and awareness <strong>of</strong> the natural<br />

world. Wade Davis tells <strong>of</strong> a Waorani hunter in the Ecuadorian<br />

Amazon who could smell and identify the urine <strong>of</strong> an animal from up<br />


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to 40 paces away. Foragers manage to find food in even the most<br />

extreme environments. <strong>The</strong> San Bushmen <strong>of</strong> the Kalahari desert in<br />

southern Africa notice small things that you and I would not notice<br />

in their desert landscape that allow them to track wild game <strong>for</strong> miles<br />

or that tell them where to dig to retrieve roots and tubers. Some<br />

tubers can be squeezed to retrieve water in a landscape otherwise<br />

devoid <strong>of</strong> this basic human necessity. At the other extreme, Inuit <strong>of</strong><br />

the Arctic look <strong>for</strong> subtle signs on the barren white ice that indicate<br />

where a seal might be coming up to breathe. <strong>The</strong>y make a small hole<br />

in the ice and wait, spearing the seal as it comes up <strong>for</strong> a breath. To<br />

you and me, it looks like these people are pulling something out <strong>of</strong><br />

nothing.<br />

Since their mode <strong>of</strong> subsistence can only support a small, sparse<br />

population, the social structures <strong>of</strong> these societies are simple and<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mal compared to the complex bureaucracies and government<br />

systems <strong>of</strong> modern states. <strong>The</strong> average person in a remote band will<br />

almost never encounter a stranger. Disputes can be settled without<br />

the need <strong>for</strong> <strong>for</strong>mal laws, lawyers or judges. Social order can be<br />

maintained simply by the mutual desire to maintain good<br />

relationships with one another and to support one another as needed.<br />

With no need <strong>for</strong> <strong>for</strong>mal social institutions, there are no <strong>for</strong>mal<br />

leaders, no <strong>of</strong>fices to hold, no authority to lord over others.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no need <strong>for</strong> money or marketplaces. People simply<br />

gather food and share it with others in a gift-based economy. In a<br />

gift-based economy, you benefit by giving to others when you have<br />

more than you need because you know they will give back when they<br />

have more than they need. In this way, giving a gift provides<br />

insurance against hard times. As such, people in gift economies place<br />

a high value on their relationships, which can feed them when the<br />

going gets rough, rather than material goods that are simply<br />

burdensome to carry around and may mark you as wealthy and<br />

burden you with requests <strong>for</strong> gifts from others.<br />

This value on relationships extends to the natural and animal<br />

world as well. Hunting cultures revere the animals they hunt. <strong>The</strong>y<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

are deeply thankful <strong>for</strong> them, and <strong>of</strong>fer thanks to the animals they kill<br />

<strong>for</strong> giving themselves to them. <strong>The</strong>ir myths and rituals celebrate the<br />

animals and <strong>of</strong>ten speak <strong>of</strong> a covenant made between the hunters and<br />

their prey. For example, the Niitsipai <strong>of</strong> North America (<strong>of</strong>ten<br />

referred to as the Blackfoot) tell the story <strong>of</strong> a young girl who <strong>of</strong>fers<br />

to marry a bison if the herd would just sacrifice themselves so her<br />

people could survive. <strong>The</strong> bison agree to this and teach her their song<br />

and dance <strong>of</strong> life, the famous "buffalo dance," which they per<strong>for</strong>m so<br />

the bison will continue to give themselves to the people in exchange<br />

<strong>for</strong> renewed life through the dance.<br />

In this way, the tools they use take a role in shaping all aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

their lives, from the way their societies are ordered and maintained, to<br />

their core values, religious beliefs, rituals, and knowledge.<br />

Though they lack the technologies and material goods that we<br />

associate with wealth and affluence, Marshall Sahlins once described<br />

them as "the original affluent society." Studies <strong>of</strong> their work habits<br />

show that <strong>for</strong>agers only work to gather food <strong>for</strong> about 15 to 20 hours<br />

per week, and this "work" includes hunting and berry-picking,<br />

activities that we consider high-quality leisure activities. Indeed, most<br />

<strong>of</strong> them do not distinguish between "work" and "leisure" at all. <strong>The</strong>ir<br />

affluence is not based on how much they have, but in how little they<br />

need.<br />

A popular story illustrates the point nicely. A rich businessman<br />

retired to a fishing village in Mexico. Every morning, he went <strong>for</strong> a<br />

walk and saw the same man packing up his fishing gear after a<br />

morning <strong>of</strong> fishing. He asked the man what he was doing. "I caught<br />

some fish to take home to my family. I'll take a siesta while they cook<br />

this up, wake up to a nice dinner, and then pull out my guitar and<br />

sing and dance into the night. <strong>The</strong>n I'll wake up and do it again."<br />

"I'll tell you what," the businessman said. "I have been very<br />

successful in my life, and I want to pass on all my knowledge to you.<br />

Here's what you need to do. Fish all day, and have your wife sell the<br />

surplus at the market. Save your money and buy a boat so you can<br />

catch more fish. Save that surplus and buy a whole fleet <strong>of</strong> ships.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Eventually you can invest in a packaging and supply company and<br />

make millions."<br />

"That sounds good," the fisherman said. "<strong>The</strong>n what?"<br />

"That's the best part. You sell your business and all <strong>of</strong> your<br />

assets, buy yourself a nice little cottage on a beach in Mexico, go<br />

fishing every morning, take siestas, wake up to a nice meal and then<br />

pull out your guitar and sing and dance into the night."<br />


Starting about 12,000 years ago, humans domesticated plants and<br />

animals and started farming and raising livestock. Wheat, barley, pigs,<br />

goats, sheep, and cattle were domesticated in the Middle East. Maize,<br />

manioc, squash, gourds and llamas in the Americas. Taro in New<br />

Guinea. Rice, beans, and pigs in China. All over the world,<br />

simultaneously and independently, <strong>for</strong>agers shifted from their<br />

nomadic way <strong>of</strong> life and settled into growing villages to cultivate<br />

crops.<br />

Given the apparently idyllic life <strong>of</strong> leisure, hunting, and gathering<br />

berries, why did humans start farming, build massive cities, complex<br />

technologies and burgeoning bureaucracies that ultimately sentence<br />

our youth to 13 to 26 years <strong>of</strong> schooling just to understand how to<br />

live and operate in this complex world?<br />

Of course, the apparently idyllic life <strong>of</strong> <strong>for</strong>agers that provided<br />

ample leisure time was also riddled with the dangers <strong>of</strong> infectious<br />

disease, dangerous animals, deadly accidents, intertribal violence and<br />

unpredictable weather patterns that could reduce food and water<br />

supply. Infant mortality rates were high, and it was difficult to<br />

provide adequate care <strong>for</strong> elders if they were lucky enough to live that<br />

long.<br />

But the life <strong>of</strong> an agricultural peasant a few thousand years later<br />

was probably worse. We know that the turn toward agriculture<br />

eventually led to the tremendous wealth <strong>of</strong> our current times, but<br />

agriculture did not produce this wealth overnight. <strong>The</strong> first farmers<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

would have faced the same dangers <strong>of</strong> infectious diseases, animals,<br />

accidents, violence and weather <strong>of</strong> their <strong>for</strong>aging ancestors, but<br />

instead <strong>of</strong> walking around picking berries and hunting, they made a<br />

living by toiling in the fields under the brutal sun. <strong>The</strong>y became<br />

dependent on a diet with fewer foods and nutrients. So we're back to<br />

the original question. Why did we do it?<br />

<strong>The</strong> answer proposed by Yuvaal Hurari, author <strong>of</strong> the recent<br />

best-seller Sapiens: A Brief History <strong>of</strong> <strong>Human</strong>kind, is that humans fell<br />

into what he calls "<strong>The</strong> Luxury Trap." One generation reasons that it<br />

will make their life easier if they domesticate and plant a few seeds so<br />

they can establish more permanent villages. Life is good and food is<br />

plentiful <strong>for</strong> several generations. But as the carrying capacity rises, the<br />

people have more children. After a few generations, what started out<br />

as a luxury has become a necessity. Eventually the land can barely<br />

support the burgeoning population, and people have to work harder<br />

than ever to make a living.<br />

Once humans started planting crops, the same piece <strong>of</strong> land that<br />

could support a few dozen people could support a few hundred. And<br />

once humans started irrigating that land and using animal-pulled<br />

plows, that same piece <strong>of</strong> land could support a few thousand. As<br />

Harari notes, the same area that could support about a hundred<br />

"relatively healthy and well- nourished people" hunting and <strong>for</strong>aging<br />

could now support "a large but cramped village <strong>of</strong> about 1,000<br />

people, who suffered far more from disease and malnourishment."<br />

It didn't matter that life was harder, less enjoyable, and more<br />

precarious <strong>for</strong> the agricultural peasant than it was <strong>for</strong> the nomadic<br />

<strong>for</strong>ager. <strong>The</strong>re was no going back. "<strong>The</strong> trap snapped shut," as Harari<br />

says.<br />

<strong>The</strong> broad sweep <strong>of</strong> changes that came along with the<br />

domestication <strong>of</strong> plants and animals were so revolutionary that they<br />

are <strong>of</strong>ten referred to as the Neolithic Revolution. Growing societies<br />

required increasingly complex institutions to manage them.<br />

Government, law, taxes, markets and bureaucracy were all <strong>for</strong>med in<br />

the wake <strong>of</strong> the Neolithic Revolution. Over time, the clear trend was<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

toward greater production and wealth, a greater diversity <strong>of</strong> products<br />

to consume with this wealth, and a greater diversity <strong>of</strong> jobs to<br />

produce the goods, manage the wealth, and provide services to an<br />

ever-growing population. But there were negative effects as well.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se farming societies were less efficient than our <strong>for</strong>aging<br />

ancestors, burning far more energy per human. Social and economic<br />

inequality rose, and we worked longer and harder than ever be<strong>for</strong>e.<br />

For better or worse, human society and culture was <strong>for</strong>ever changed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> changes <strong>of</strong> the Neolithic Revolution set the stage <strong>for</strong> another<br />

revolution nearly 12,000 years later: the Industrial Revolution. As<br />

revolutionary as the domestication <strong>of</strong> plants and animals might have<br />

been, most <strong>of</strong> what we take <strong>for</strong> granted today was still not in<br />

existence just 250 years ago at the dawn <strong>of</strong> the Industrial Revolution.<br />

At that time, over 90% <strong>of</strong> humans were working in agriculture.<br />

Today, less than 40% <strong>of</strong> humans are farming, and the number is as<br />

low as 2% in industrialized nations like America. <strong>The</strong> Industrial<br />

Revolution ushered in an age in which more work would be done by<br />

machines than by muscle. Be<strong>for</strong>e the Industrial Revolution there<br />

were no cars, planes, phones, TVs, or radios. No suburbs, parking<br />

lots, or drive-thrus. No Coke, Pepsi, or Starbucks. No grades or<br />

compulsory schools. No Prozac, Zantac, or Zol<strong>of</strong>t. No Tweets,<br />

Snaps, or Finstas. No texting or emojis.<br />

But by far the most dramatic change that occurred in the wake <strong>of</strong><br />

the Industrial Revolution was what Harari calls "the most<br />

momentous social revolution that ever befell humankind: the collapse<br />

<strong>of</strong> the family and the local community and their replacement by the<br />

state and the market." Prior to the Industrial Revolution, Harari<br />

estimates that less than 10 percent <strong>of</strong> the products people commonly<br />

used were purchased at the market. People were still mostly reliant on<br />

their families and communities <strong>for</strong> food, shelter, education, and<br />

employment. When they had trouble, they turned to their families. As<br />

Harari summarizes, the family was "the welfare system, the health<br />

system, the education system, the construction industry, the trade<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

union, the pension fund, the insurance company, the radio, the<br />

television, the newspapers, the bank and even the police."<br />

New communication and transportation technologies enabled<br />

markets and governments to provide these services in ways that<br />

enticed people out <strong>of</strong> the security <strong>of</strong> their families and into the<br />

marketplace as individuals. People became more mobile – physically,<br />

socially, and morally. But, as Harari notes, "the liberation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

individual comes at a cost." Our strong ties to family and community<br />

started to wither, a trend that has continued to the present day.<br />

We are enculturated to think <strong>of</strong> technological change as good, but<br />

all <strong>of</strong> these technologies and changes have some negative side effects,<br />

and many <strong>of</strong> them can be understood in terms <strong>of</strong> Harari's notion <strong>of</strong><br />

the luxury trap. For example, cars were invented to make it quicker<br />

and easier to get from one place to another. In response, Americans<br />

spread out into the countryside, creating suburbs, and now spend<br />

nearly a full hour getting to and from work on average. In some<br />

cities, the average is nearly two hours, more than eliminating the<br />

supposed advantage <strong>of</strong> the car. Our communities trans<strong>for</strong>med to<br />

accommodate the car. By far the largest public spaces sponsored by<br />

tax dollars are highways and parking lots. In order to accommodate<br />

cars, our communities had to spread out into the familiar suburban<br />

sprawl. In many suburbs, basic services and necessities are no longer<br />

reachable on foot, and the car, which was once a luxury, has become<br />

necessity. People rarely walk anywhere, reducing our physical health<br />

while also making it less likely <strong>for</strong> us to know and interact with our<br />

neighbors. That trap has snapped shut too.<br />

But perhaps even more harrowing is to examine the cost <strong>of</strong> our<br />

technologies on the environment. Since the Neolithic Revolution<br />

there are now just 40,000 lions but over 600 million house cats.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are 1.6 billion wild birds on the planet but over ten times as<br />

many chickens. In total, humans and their domesticated pets and<br />

livestock make up nearly 90% <strong>of</strong> all large animals on the planet. If<br />

current trends continue, 75% <strong>of</strong> species will be extinct within the<br />

next few centuries.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

<strong>Human</strong>s also produce over 300 million metric tons <strong>of</strong> plastic<br />

every year, some <strong>of</strong> which is drawn by ocean currents into the Great<br />

Pacific garbage patch, an island <strong>of</strong> trash bigger than the state <strong>of</strong><br />

Texas.<br />

Carbon dioxide levels continue to rise due in part to the burning<br />

<strong>of</strong> fossil fuels, raising global temperatures and leading to more<br />

extreme weather events. Sea levels have risen seven inches over the<br />

past 100 years, and in the next 100 will rise high enough to threaten<br />

major cities such as New York, Mumbai, and Shanghai.<br />

Overall, our impact is so great that we will leave a lasting imprint<br />

on the earth. <strong>The</strong> International Commission on Stratigraphy is<br />

debating whether or not to <strong>for</strong>mally declare that we have entered a<br />

new epoch in the history <strong>of</strong> the earth, the Anthropocene.<br />

We know that we simply cannot go on living as we do without<br />

burning through our resources and disrupting climate patterns to a<br />

point that the earth may not be hospitable to human life. For these<br />

reasons, Jared Diamond once suggested that what appeared to be our<br />

greatest technological triumph, the domestication <strong>of</strong> plants and<br />

animals that set all <strong>of</strong> these <strong>for</strong>ces in motion, might actually have<br />

been our greatest mistake.<br />


We now sit at the brink <strong>of</strong> what many think is yet another<br />

revolution in human affairs. One harbinger <strong>of</strong> what might be to come<br />

is the supercomputer Watson. Developed by IBM, in 2011 they set it<br />

up to compete against the greatest Jeopardy players <strong>of</strong> all time. As the<br />

74-time Jeopardy champion Ken Jennings fell further and further<br />

behind, he conceded the match in the final round by writing on his<br />

final answer, "I <strong>for</strong> one welcome our new computer overlords."<br />

Computers are becoming more powerful every moment. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

drive cars, do taxes, trade stocks, manage complex budgets, play<br />

chess, write music, and even write articles we read in newspapers and<br />

online. <strong>The</strong>y are even addressing problems and challenges that we<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

struggle to comprehend. Scientists at Cornell University created a<br />

computer program, Eureqa, which can analyze large data sets to find<br />

patterns and create <strong>for</strong>mulas that match the data. Eureqa has been<br />

able to discover <strong>for</strong>mulas that scientists could not, and sometimes<br />

even finds a <strong>for</strong>mula that works, but scientists don't understand why it<br />

works.<br />

<strong>The</strong> stock market is now dominated by computer algorithms,<br />

with over 75% <strong>of</strong> all trades being made by computers. Computers<br />

read headlines and make trades based on incoming news in<br />

milliseconds, be<strong>for</strong>e a human even has time to finish reading the<br />

headline.<br />

As CGP Grey notes in his video, "<strong>Human</strong>s Need Not Apply,"<br />

humans have spent years creating "mechanical muscles" (large<br />

machines) to augment and replace manual labor. Now "mechanical<br />

minds" are making human brain labor less in demand. Some robots<br />

have already taken jobs. ATMs are so ubiquitous they have become<br />

invisible, but they replaced many human bank tellers. Similarly, selfcheckout<br />

machines at supermarkets are reducing the demand <strong>for</strong><br />

cashiers.<br />

Uber already has self-driving cars picking up passengers in cities<br />

around the United States. This may be disruptive to our culture in<br />

ways that we cannot yet comprehend. Without labor costs, Uber may<br />

be able to <strong>of</strong>fer luxurious and convenient rides <strong>for</strong> anybody anywhere<br />

<strong>for</strong> a cost so low that fewer people will decide to purchase a car. Just<br />

as the Internet has started to provide meta-data and signals meant<br />

only <strong>for</strong> robots, so our cities might soon be redesigned to<br />

accommodate robot drivers. But even this is too limited a vision.<br />

Self-driving cars are really part <strong>of</strong> an automated transportation and<br />

delivery system that will be able to ship everything everywhere – by<br />

land, air, and sea, a system which currently employs more people than<br />

any other major economic sector in the United States. Within the<br />

next ten years, the demand <strong>for</strong> labor in this sector could collapse.<br />

Meanwhile, s<strong>of</strong>tware algorithms are reducing the demand <strong>for</strong> tax<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essionals, lawyers, journalists and many other fields. And Watson<br />


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is not only great at Jeopardy. Watson works in the medical field, and<br />

some see it as the predecessor <strong>of</strong> a future “Dr. Bot” that will provide<br />

sophisticated personal diagnoses.<br />

Some bots are even producing creative works like art and music.<br />

David Cope, a pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> music at UC Santa Cruz, has developed a<br />

computer program that can analyze scores <strong>of</strong> music from a particular<br />

composer and then create new music that sounds like it was written<br />

by that composer. <strong>The</strong> music is good enough that it has fooled top<br />

music critics and pr<strong>of</strong>essionals into thinking it was produced by a<br />

talented human.<br />

In short, it appears that if you are not in the process <strong>of</strong> creating<br />

an algorithm, you might be replaced by one. And <strong>of</strong> course, even<br />

your job as a s<strong>of</strong>tware engineer creating algorithms might not be safe.<br />

Already, many engineers create learning algorithms that are designed<br />

to write new algorithms on their own.<br />

Some see this as the beginning <strong>of</strong> what is called "the Singularity."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Singularity is a state <strong>of</strong> runaway technology growth, a point<br />

beyond which human thought can no longer make sense <strong>of</strong> what is<br />

happening. Futurists like Ray Kurzweil think this moment is coming<br />

soon – within our lifetimes - and it will arrive when a machine is<br />

created that is smart enough and capable enough to design and create<br />

its own replacement. At that point, the replacement will design and<br />

create its own replacement, and that replacement will create its<br />

replacement, and so on, with each one better than the last, so that<br />

within a very short period <strong>of</strong> time there will be a computer so<br />

intelligent and capable that humans will be baffled by its power. We<br />

will likely have no way <strong>of</strong> comprehending it other than in divine<br />

terms. We will probably think <strong>of</strong> it as a god.<br />

Kurzweil also predicts that as computers continue to become<br />

smaller and faster at an exponential rate, we will soon have<br />

molecular-sized nanobots operating in our bloodstreams to battle<br />

disease. He believes that advancements such as these will allow<br />

people alive today to live well into their 100s, and he predicts that by<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

then we will have non-biological alternatives <strong>for</strong> living matter that<br />

will replace our bodies and allow us to live <strong>for</strong>ever.<br />

He also predicts that nanobots and other technologies will<br />

enhance our cognitive capacities and allow us to enter fully immersive<br />

and realistic virtual realities. We will be able to act and move in these<br />

worlds just as we do in the real world, but these worlds could be<br />

populated by artificial intelligent beings, or other humans who have<br />

entered the world with us – much like an MMORPG – but it will feel<br />

entirely real. Noting that millions <strong>of</strong> ordinary people are already<br />

spending more time in virtual worlds than they do in the real world,<br />

Edward Castranova predicts that we may see a mass exodus to the<br />

virtual world.<br />

All these changes bring up fundamental questions about what it is<br />

to be human. Kurzweil and his colleagues are transhumanist. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

are on a quest to enhance human capabilities and overcome disability,<br />

disease, and death. It may sound crazy, but we are all transhumanist<br />

in a sense. We all support and believe in the fight against cancer and<br />

other diseases. We support and believe in treatments that allow<br />

people with disabilities to live with them or overcome them. And we<br />

do everything in our power to avoid death <strong>for</strong> ourselves and loved<br />

ones, assuming our health is good. As science and technology<br />

progress, will we eventually draw a line and say: beyond this, we let<br />

people die? Beyond this, we let people suffer with their disability or<br />

disease?<br />

And what if we do overcome death? Will life still have the same<br />

meaning? If you were going to live <strong>for</strong>ever, would you be in school<br />

right now? And what are you in school <strong>for</strong>, if all the jobs are done by<br />

robots? It could create an existential crisis in which we lose our sense<br />

<strong>of</strong> meaning and significance. Others think that this future may create<br />

a literal existential crisis, in which hyper-smart and logical robots<br />

realize that humans are a drain on the planet and reason that there is<br />

no reason <strong>for</strong> our existence at all.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Perhaps we should be grateful <strong>for</strong> our limits. Our limits may<br />

bring us pain, struggle, and suffering, but they also bring meaning to<br />

our lives.<br />


Oh, What a Blow That Phantom Gave Me!<br />

by Edmund Carpenter<br />

<strong>The</strong> World Until Yesterday<br />

by Jared Diamond<br />

Sapiens: A Brief History <strong>of</strong> <strong>Human</strong>kind<br />

by Yuval Noah Harari<br />

<strong>The</strong> Second Machine Age<br />

by Eric Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />


Four years after I first arrived in New Guinea, new media arrived<br />

in the village. It wasn't cell phones, the Internet, or even television. It<br />

was writing, which came in the <strong>for</strong>m <strong>of</strong> census and law books,<br />

sponsored by the state. Of the 2,000 people who lived in the region,<br />

only 10 could read and write effectively, and they were the ones who<br />

would try to carry out the state mandate to census the population and<br />

bring them under the rule <strong>of</strong> law.<br />

Doing a census sounds easy. All you have to do is list people's<br />

names in a book. <strong>The</strong> problem with doing this in these remote<br />

villages was that many people did not have <strong>for</strong>mal names. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

already knew everybody they encountered and usually used a<br />

relationship term to refer to them, like mother, father, sister, brother,<br />

friend, trading partner, etc. Eventually they settled on creating<br />

"census names" <strong>for</strong> which they adopted the English term "census<br />

name" into their language.<br />

As anthropologist Roger Rouse has pointed out, the emergence<br />

<strong>of</strong> individualism as we know it today emerged from the micro-rituals<br />

and routines <strong>of</strong> what he calls the "taxonomic state," such as<br />


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censusing and mapping, which allow the state to see its citizens. As<br />

people in the village took on fixed, static names, they could start to<br />

build more stable individual identities which might one day be<br />

objectified in the <strong>for</strong>m <strong>of</strong> an identity card such as a passport or<br />

driver's license.<br />

Inspired by the clean, straight lines <strong>of</strong> their books, the census<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficials dreamed <strong>of</strong> eliminating the haphazardly built traditional<br />

villages in favor <strong>of</strong> houses built along clean, straight lines, with each<br />

house numbered to match the census book. <strong>The</strong> villages would have<br />

the additional advantage <strong>of</strong> having high populations, making it easier<br />

to govern the people from a central location while also increasing<br />

their population numbers so that they would receive more funding<br />

from the state. <strong>The</strong>ir lives were quite literally being made over "by the<br />

book."<br />

At the same time as the census came in, so did the rule <strong>of</strong> law.<br />

Until then, all disputes had been settled out in the open as affairs <strong>of</strong><br />

the local community. <strong>The</strong> goal was not to establish guilt but to heal<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

the relationship. When law came to the village, individuals were taken<br />

into the courthouse and measured against the letter <strong>of</strong> the law. <strong>The</strong><br />

court is not necessarily interested in healing relationships but in<br />

determining motives, intentions, and guilt, all <strong>of</strong> which are intimately<br />

tied into the logic <strong>of</strong> individualism.<br />

Several people resisted these changes. <strong>The</strong>y did not want to move<br />

into new houses and villages. <strong>The</strong>y liked how they lived and settled<br />

disputes. So the government leaders held a meeting. First, it was<br />

decided that the only people who could vote were those who could<br />

read and write. <strong>The</strong>n, they voted on whether or not they could <strong>for</strong>ce<br />

people to move into the new villages. <strong>The</strong> vote was unanimous, and<br />

soon after that they began <strong>for</strong>cing people to move, sometimes by<br />

burning down their houses.<br />

<strong>The</strong> next two months were a dark time. Stress and tensions rose.<br />

Witchcraft accusations ran rampant. Angry villagers on the brink <strong>of</strong><br />

losing their homes campaigned vociferously to preserve their homes<br />

while those in favor <strong>of</strong> the government plan tried to sell their vision<br />

<strong>of</strong> future prosperity.<br />


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But what was perhaps most remarkable about this sequence <strong>of</strong><br />

events was how it ended. As the bickering continued, the architects<br />

<strong>of</strong> the movement looked around at the changes they had created and<br />

did not like what they saw. <strong>The</strong>y felt seduced by the counts in the<br />

census book into thinking <strong>of</strong> their friends, kin and neighbors as<br />

nothing more than numbers. <strong>The</strong>y felt seduced by the clean lines <strong>of</strong><br />

their village plans into creating villages that looked clean and rational<br />

but were not very functional. <strong>The</strong> doorways all faced the same way,<br />

whereas traditionally they could position their doorway in such a way<br />

as to be open to kin but private from passersby. <strong>The</strong>y started to<br />

recognize that there were important reasons why they had lived as<br />

they lived, and they felt seduced by their new technologies into<br />

imagining an alternative way <strong>of</strong> life that they ultimately found that<br />

they did not want.<br />

This is one <strong>of</strong> the great paradoxes <strong>of</strong> technology. It empowers<br />

people in ways they have never been empowered be<strong>for</strong>e, and those<br />

who master the technology seem to be the ones who benefit the<br />

most. But technologies <strong>of</strong>ten have unintended consequences, and in<br />

retrospect, it might be those who seem most empowered by the<br />

technology who are in fact overpowered and seduced by the<br />

technology itself.<br />

I returned to the United States soon after these events in 2003.<br />

Wikipedia had just launched. Facebook would launch the following<br />

year, followed by YouTube, then Twitter, and the whole new<br />

mediascape we now call "social media."<br />

Thinking about how new media had affected my friends in New<br />

Guinea, I wondered how these new media might affect us. How<br />

might we be seduced by the technology to promote changes we do<br />

not intend?<br />


When TV came into our homes over 50 years ago it immediately<br />

trans<strong>for</strong>med our relationships in a way that can actually be seen in the<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

arrangement <strong>of</strong> the furniture. Everything had to be arranged to face<br />

the box in the corner. For many people, this arrangement replaced<br />

the dining room, so instead <strong>of</strong> family dinners spent around a table,<br />

they were now spent around the box in the corner. And <strong>for</strong> 50 years,<br />

the most important conversations <strong>of</strong> our culture happened inside that<br />

box. <strong>The</strong>y were controlled by the few (a few large TV networks) and<br />

designed <strong>for</strong> the masses (to win over a large audience). So they were<br />

always entertaining, even the serious ones. Our politics became<br />

entertainment and spectacle, made to fit between commercial breaks.<br />

In such ways, our media technologies shape our conversations, and<br />

taken altogether our conversations create our culture which Neil<br />

Postman grimly described in 1985 as one <strong>of</strong> irrelevance, incoherence,<br />

and impotence.<br />

Postman recounts that the Lincoln-Douglas political debates <strong>of</strong><br />

1858 unfolded over the course <strong>of</strong> seven hours, with each candidate<br />

allowed an hour or more to respond in front <strong>of</strong> an attentive crowd. It<br />

was a true debate. Now we have sound-bites. If you can't state your<br />

argument in eight seconds or less, it's no good <strong>for</strong> TV. And in 1985<br />

there was little you could do about it. Postman challenged his readers<br />

to imagine sitting in front <strong>of</strong> a television watching the most serious<br />

and "important" newscast available and ask yourself a series <strong>of</strong><br />

questions, "What steps do you plan to take to reduce the conflict in<br />

the Middle East? Or the rates <strong>of</strong> inflation, crime and unemployment?<br />

... What do you plan to do about NATO, OPEC, or the CIA?" He<br />

then says that he "shall take the liberty <strong>of</strong> answering <strong>for</strong> you: You<br />

plan to do nothing." In 1985, we had few options, and that was<br />

precisely Postman's point. <strong>The</strong>re was no talking back to the media.<br />

All media are biased, Postman noted. <strong>The</strong> <strong>for</strong>m, structure, and<br />

accessibility <strong>of</strong> a medium shapes and sometimes even dictates who<br />

can say what, what can be said, how it can be said, who will hear it,<br />

how it will be heard, and how those messages may or may not be<br />

retrieved in the future. Postman coined the term "media ecology,"<br />

noting that media become part <strong>of</strong> the environment all around us,<br />

trans<strong>for</strong>ming how we relate to one another in all aspects, from art to<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

business, public politics to private family life. While any technology<br />

can have an effect on society, the change brought about by a change<br />

in media is especially pr<strong>of</strong>ound, because a medium serves as the <strong>for</strong>m<br />

through which all aspects <strong>of</strong> culture are expressed, experienced, and<br />

practiced.<br />

A major new medium "changes the structure <strong>of</strong> discourse"<br />

Postman notes, "by encouraging certain uses <strong>of</strong> the intellect, by<br />

favoring certain definitions <strong>of</strong> intelligence and wisdom, and by<br />

demanding a certain kind <strong>of</strong> content."<br />

Consider Postman's own narrative about how electronic media<br />

remade American culture. In the mid-1800s, the telegraph brought<br />

new <strong>for</strong>ms <strong>of</strong> discourse to the nation. For the first time, in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

could travel faster than a human being and was no longer spatially<br />

constrained. <strong>The</strong> type <strong>of</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation was different, though, as the<br />

telegraph did not allow <strong>for</strong> lengthy exposition. People increasingly<br />

knew more <strong>of</strong> things, and less about them. Such news from distant<br />

lands could not be acted upon, so its value wasn't tied to its use or<br />

function, but to its novelty, interest, and curiosity. This created a<br />

discourse <strong>of</strong> "irrelevance, incoherence, and impotence" that we still<br />

recognize today on television. Postman pointed out that virtually all<br />

aspects <strong>of</strong> American culture—economics, politics, religion, and even<br />

education—had trans<strong>for</strong>med into entertainment. We were, to borrow<br />

the title <strong>of</strong> the book, "Amusing Ourselves to Death."<br />

Postman was writing in 1985, at the dawn <strong>of</strong> cable television,<br />

with its sudden onslaught <strong>of</strong> television options beyond traditional<br />

networks. In a famous novel written that year, Don Delillo describes<br />

a noxious cloud that may be seen to represent the mélange <strong>of</strong><br />

decontextualized and disembodied in<strong>for</strong>mation that began<br />

oversaturating our everyday experience, the phenomenon<br />

anthropologist Thomas de Zengotita simply called, "the blob."<br />

"What do people do in relation to the nameless, the odorless, the<br />

ubiquitous?" asks DeLillo. "<strong>The</strong>y go shopping, hunt pills ... " and<br />

ultimately find themselves coming together in the long lines <strong>of</strong> the<br />

superstore, "carts stocked with brightly colored goods ... the tabloids<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

... the tales <strong>of</strong> the supernatural and the extraterrestrial ... the miracle<br />

vitamins, the cures <strong>for</strong> cancer, the remedies <strong>for</strong> obesity ... the cults <strong>of</strong><br />

the famous and the dead."<br />

Postman's notion <strong>of</strong> media ecology reminds us that media<br />

become the environments in which we live. <strong>Human</strong>s are meaningseeking<br />

and meaning-creating creatures, and the media we use<br />

populate our environment <strong>of</strong> meanings. It is in this environment <strong>of</strong><br />

meanings that we search <strong>for</strong> our sense <strong>of</strong> self, identity, and<br />

recognition. "Onslaught," a famous Dove TV commercial ,<br />

demonstrates what this is like <strong>for</strong> a young girl immersed in our<br />

current media environment. It shows a young girl bombarded by a<br />

flurry <strong>of</strong> media messages telling her to be impossibly thin with<br />

perfect skin, shining flowy hair, large breasts and buttocks, and more<br />

than anything, that how she looks is her primary measure <strong>of</strong> value.<br />

<strong>The</strong> commercial quickly progresses to a future in which the girl has<br />

low self-esteem, false body-image, and an unending desire to "fix"<br />

herself through the consumption <strong>of</strong> beauty products and plastic<br />

surgery. <strong>The</strong> lyrics underscore the point, "Here it comes la breeze will<br />

blow you away/all your reason and your sane sane little minds."<br />


<strong>The</strong> Onslaught video was made <strong>for</strong> the media environment <strong>of</strong><br />

1985 or 1995, but it was released in 2007. Large corporations no<br />

longer had a monopoly on visual media. Rye Clifton posted a remix<br />

<strong>of</strong> the commercial on YouTube called, "A message from Unilever."<br />

He points out that Unilever is the parent company <strong>for</strong> both Dove<br />

(the creator <strong>of</strong> this wonderful program rallying against the sins <strong>of</strong> the<br />

beauty industry) and Axe (the creator <strong>of</strong> many <strong>of</strong> the more<br />

objectifying and distasteful ads that are creating the problem in the<br />

first place). Using imagery from Axe as the "breeze that will blow you<br />

away," bombarding the young girl with objectifying imagery from<br />

Unilever's own ad campaign, thereby reveals their hypocrisy.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Another, created by Greenpeace (2008), shows a young girl in<br />

Indonesia taking in a flurry <strong>of</strong> images <strong>of</strong> the trees in the environment<br />

around her being destroyed to clear the way <strong>for</strong> palm plantations<br />

providing palm oil <strong>for</strong> Dove products. <strong>The</strong> song is the same, but with<br />

parody lyrics, "<strong>The</strong>re they go, your trees are gone today, all that<br />

beauty hacked away. So use your minds." <strong>The</strong> video ends with the<br />

young Indonesian girl walking away from a recently cut down <strong>for</strong>est,<br />

and a subtitle that reads "98% <strong>of</strong> Indonesia's lowland <strong>for</strong>est will be<br />

gone by the time Azizah is 25. Most is destroyed to make palm oil,<br />

which is used in Dove products."<br />

<strong>The</strong> video raced to over 1 million views on YouTube. Two weeks<br />

later, Greenpeace activists were invited to the table with senior<br />

executives at Unilever who then signed an immediate moratorium on<br />

de<strong>for</strong>estation <strong>for</strong> palm oil in Southeast Asia (Greenpeace 2009).<br />

Greenpeace noted that it was the single most effective tactic they had<br />

ever used.<br />

Recall Postman's challenge in 1985. "What are you going to do<br />

about [major world issues you hear about on TV]… ?" He can no<br />

longer take the liberty <strong>of</strong> answering <strong>for</strong> us. We are no longer<br />

constrained to doing nothing. We can talk back. We can create.<br />

While the mass media <strong>of</strong> television and major newspapers were<br />

one-way, controlled by the few, and made <strong>for</strong> the masses, the<br />

Internet <strong>of</strong>fers a plat<strong>for</strong>m in which anyone can be a creator. It is not<br />

controlled by the few, and content can be created <strong>for</strong> niche<br />

audiences. More importantly, the Internet allowed us to experiment<br />

with new <strong>for</strong>ms <strong>of</strong> collaboration and conversation. Wikipedia allowed<br />

anybody anywhere to contribute their knowledge to create the<br />

world's largest encyclopedia, just as eBay allowed anybody anywhere<br />

to sell to anybody anywhere else who had access to the Internet.<br />

Blogs allowed anybody anywhere to launch their own content<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>ms. YouTube allowed anybody anywhere to publish their own<br />

video channels.<br />

In late 2007, four Kenyans came together to create Ushahidi,<br />

which means "witness" in Swahili. Ushahidi allowed people with<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

ordinary cell phones to contribute important location-based<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation in times <strong>of</strong> crisis. <strong>The</strong>y invented it in the chaos <strong>of</strong> riots<br />

that erupted after the Kenyan national elections. As traditional media<br />

outlets were overwhelmed and inadequate, Ushahidi allowed 45,000<br />

people who didn't even know each other to work together as citizen<br />

reporters to provide key life-saving in<strong>for</strong>mation. <strong>The</strong> creators <strong>of</strong> that<br />

plat<strong>for</strong>m then gave it away <strong>for</strong> free online so that others could use it.<br />

After the Haiti earthquake <strong>of</strong> 2010, some Tufts University students<br />

implemented Ushahidi Haiti and started receiving thousands <strong>of</strong><br />

messages such as, "We are looking <strong>for</strong> Geby Joseph, who got buried<br />

under Royal University." <strong>The</strong>se messages were then mapped, not on<br />

Google Maps – which was not good enough at the time – but on<br />

Open Street Maps, an open plat<strong>for</strong>m that allowed volunteers all over<br />

the world to trace satellite imagery to provide the most highlydetailed<br />

maps available. A U.S. Marine also sent a note to Ushahidi<br />

Haiti, to say, "I cannot overemphasize to you what the work <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Ushahiti/Haiti has provided. It is saving lives every day. I wish I had<br />

time to document to you every example, but there are too many...<br />

<strong>The</strong> Marine Corps is using your project every second <strong>of</strong> the day to<br />

get aid and assistance to the people that need it most."<br />

Social media plat<strong>for</strong>ms have played key roles in major democratic<br />

uprisings around the world. In Egypt, protestors used Facebook,<br />

YouTube, and Twitter to inspire mass protests against President<br />

Mubarak, who had used his power to silence dissent and stay in <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

<strong>for</strong> over 30 years. After 18 days <strong>of</strong> mass demonstrations, Mubarak<br />

stepped down.<br />

But social media can also be used by dictators and terrorists. In<br />

the wake <strong>of</strong> failed protests in Iran in 2009, the government posted<br />

pictures <strong>of</strong> protestors and <strong>of</strong>fered rewards <strong>for</strong> identifying them,<br />

effectively using the Internet to extend their control and surveillance.<br />

And <strong>for</strong> several years, ISIS has effectively used slick video campaigns,<br />

radio shows, podcasts, and high-production-quality online magazines<br />

to attract young people from all over the world to join their cause.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

We are discovering that a media environment that allows<br />

anybody anywhere to produce anything anytime and share whatever<br />

they find with anyone creates major challenges <strong>for</strong> our culture. Longstanding<br />

institutions such as major newspapers are closing. Essential<br />

occupations such as journalism are dwindling as many journalism<br />

majors now move into "content marketing" jobs, creating social<br />

media content to promote brands and products.<br />

Just as the mediascape dominated by television favored content<br />

that was entertaining (even about serious topics), so does social<br />

media. But we now live in an "attention economy" in which our lives<br />

are so immersed in media that we simply don't have time to pay<br />

attention to it all. In the battle <strong>for</strong> our attention, content creators<br />

create shocking false headlines combined with surprising, shocking,<br />

or near-pornographic imagery as "clickbait."<br />

Meanwhile, plat<strong>for</strong>ms like YouTube and Facebook use<br />

sophisticated algorithms to predict what we might like based on our<br />

friends, previous likes, and shopping history. We end up only seeing<br />

what Facebook thinks we will want to see, and end up living in what<br />

Eli Pariser has called "filter bubbles."<br />

<strong>The</strong> 2016 US presidential elections magnified these problems.<br />

Democrats and Republicans lived in alternate media universes<br />

throughout the campaign season. <strong>The</strong>y did not share the same basic<br />

facts about what was true and untrue, and both sides leveraged<br />

attacks at the other <strong>for</strong> producing "fake news." And since anybody<br />

anywhere can produce anything anytime, there was plenty <strong>of</strong> fake<br />

news going around, some <strong>of</strong> which was produced by people outside<br />

the United States with vested interests in the election outcome.<br />

What can we do? <strong>The</strong>re are online petitions to encourage<br />

Facebook and Google to stop personalizing our content in such a<br />

way that creates filter bubbles, and to create technologies that stop<br />

the spread <strong>of</strong> fake news. But some scholars, such as Evgeny<br />

Morozov, worry about such online petitions. Morozov worries that<br />

true activism that involved real people organizing in the streets is<br />

now being replaced by slacktivism, easy little "likes" and clicks done<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

from the privacy <strong>of</strong> one's home that do not create lasting connections<br />

with real people who share similar activist goals.<br />

Thirty years ago, scholars like Neil Postman worried that the<br />

major media corporations were using mass media to create a media<br />

environment that created a culture <strong>of</strong> irrelevance, incoherence, and<br />

impotence. Now, it seems that we might be doing it to ourselves.<br />


Today, a new medium emerges every time someone creates a new<br />

web application. A little Tinder here, a Twitter there, and a new way<br />

<strong>of</strong> relating to others emerges, as well as new ways <strong>for</strong> contemplating<br />

one's self in relation to others. Listing our interests, joining groups,<br />

and playing games on Facebook; sharing photos and videos on<br />

Instagram or Snapchat; swiping left or right on Tinder; sharing our<br />

thoughts, ideas, and experiences on blogs; and following, being<br />

followed, and tweeting on Twitter are not only ways <strong>of</strong> expressing<br />

ourselves, they are new ways to reflect on who we are, <strong>of</strong>fering new<br />

kinds <strong>of</strong> social mirrors <strong>for</strong> understanding ourselves. And because<br />

these technologies are changing so quickly, we are not unlike those<br />

villagers seeing a photograph <strong>of</strong> themselves <strong>for</strong> the first time. We are<br />

shocked into new <strong>for</strong>ms <strong>of</strong> sudden self-awareness.<br />

Unlike those villagers who barely know their own image, most<br />

kids today have grown up with parents posting their<br />

accomplishments on Facebook and then transitioned to having their<br />

own accounts in high school. <strong>The</strong>y know how to craft their best self<br />

<strong>for</strong> the camera, and they're more com<strong>for</strong>table than ever snapping<br />

picture after picture <strong>of</strong> themselves, crafting beautiful pages full <strong>of</strong><br />

themselves and their likes and activities on Facebook and Instagram,<br />

and sending out little snippets <strong>of</strong> their lives on Snapchat. <strong>The</strong> era <strong>of</strong><br />

the selfie is upon us.<br />

I recently started noticing something strange about the pr<strong>of</strong>ile<br />

pictures my students were using on the online portal <strong>for</strong> my course.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y were all beautiful. When I face my students in person they look,<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

on the whole, like you would expect any large group <strong>of</strong> more or less<br />

randomly selected college students to look. <strong>The</strong>y look normal. On<br />

the whole, they look average. But online, they are magnificent! <strong>The</strong><br />

women have flawless skin, bright white smiles, and beautiful hair.<br />

<strong>The</strong> men look as if they were cut right out <strong>of</strong> an adventure magazine.<br />

Upon closer examination, it becomes apparent that what I am seeing<br />

is the filter.<br />

Most <strong>of</strong> these pictures have been lifted from their social media<br />

accounts, where one can find more <strong>of</strong> the filter. Blur effects filter out<br />

skin blemishes. Color filters make the images look pr<strong>of</strong>essional and<br />

aesthetic. And <strong>of</strong> course, the only pictures that are posted are the<br />

ones that make it past their own critical eye, which serves as yet<br />

another filter. As a result, social media gives us a steady media stream<br />

<strong>of</strong> beautiful people doing amazing things, and those people are our<br />

friends.<br />

And it isn't just young people. My Facebook feed is full <strong>of</strong> images<br />

<strong>of</strong> smiling families sharing a night out, going to school, playing at<br />

parks, and competing in their latest sporting events.<br />

Television media gave us a steady stream <strong>of</strong> beautiful people<br />

doing amazing things, and this could sometimes make us feel<br />

inadequate or that our lives were not interesting or exciting. But we<br />

could always com<strong>for</strong>t ourselves in knowing that the imagery was fake<br />

and produced by a marketing machine.<br />

But now every one <strong>of</strong> us is our own marketing machine,<br />

producing a filtered reality <strong>for</strong> our friends to consume. Essena<br />

O'Neill rose to Internet celebrity status on Instagram, and then<br />

suddenly quit, going back to re-caption all <strong>of</strong> her old images to reveal<br />

how they had been filtered. In one picture she sits on the beach,<br />

showing <strong>of</strong>f sculpted abs. "NOT REAL LIFE," she writes. "Would<br />

have hardly eaten that day. Would have yelled at my little sister to<br />

keep taking them until I was somewhat proud <strong>of</strong> this. Yep so totally<br />

#goals." It can be inspiring to see your friends, or other people that<br />

do not seem so different from you, looking amazing and doing<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

amazing things. But as Essena O'Neill discovered, it can also feed<br />

into a culture <strong>of</strong> feeling inadequate.<br />

Sometimes the consequences are devastating. Madison Holleran,<br />

a track athlete at Penn, seemed to have it all. Smart, beautiful, athletic<br />

and at one <strong>of</strong> the top schools in the world, she seemed to have it<br />

made. And her Instagram account showed it. We see her smiling as<br />

she rides piggyback on a handsome boy. We see her proudly showing<br />

<strong>of</strong>f her new Penn track uni<strong>for</strong>m. We see her smiling in front <strong>of</strong> a row<br />

<strong>of</strong> beautiful houses, dressed in a beautiful dress. Indeed she seemed<br />

to have it all. <strong>The</strong> last entry is a beautiful array <strong>of</strong> floating lights over<br />

a park in the city. She took it just one hour be<strong>for</strong>e she took her own<br />

life.<br />

Writing about the event <strong>for</strong> ESPN, Kate Fagan noted that she<br />

talked to her friends as they scrolled through Instagram, saying, "This<br />

is what college is supposed to be like; this is what we want our life to<br />

be like." Think <strong>of</strong> it as "the Instagram Effect" – the combined effects<br />

<strong>of</strong> consuming the filtered reality <strong>of</strong> our friends.<br />

We have a tendency to compare our insides to people's outsides.<br />

Even be<strong>for</strong>e Instagram people were filtering their beliefs and<br />

appearances to put on a good show, but social media has the<br />

potential to magnify the effect. We see other people's lives through<br />

sophisticated filters, each image, post, and tweet quantified in likes.<br />

Seeing ourselves in a Polaroid is nothing new to us, but seeing<br />

ourselves with such a clear quantification <strong>of</strong> our "like"-ability and<br />

consuming a steady stream <strong>of</strong> filtered lives most definitely is.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> constant seeking <strong>of</strong> likes and attention on social media<br />

seems <strong>for</strong> many girls to feel like being a contestant in a never-ending<br />

beauty pageant," reports Nancy Jo Sales in her book American Girls. A<br />

recent study shows that there has been a spike in emotional problems<br />

among 11- to 13-year-old girls since 2007, the year Apple's iPhone<br />

ushered in era <strong>of</strong> the always-on mobile social networking world.<br />

Since then, the "second world" <strong>of</strong> social media has become more<br />

important than the real world <strong>for</strong> many teens, as the complexities <strong>of</strong><br />

teenage romance and the search <strong>for</strong> identity largely take place there.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

A 2014 review <strong>of</strong> 19 studies found elevated levels <strong>of</strong> anxiety and<br />

depression due to a "high expectation on girls in terms <strong>of</strong> appearance<br />

and weight." Over half <strong>of</strong> American teenage girls are on unhealthy<br />

diets. <strong>The</strong> American Academy <strong>of</strong> Facial Plastic and Reconstructive<br />

Surgery reported an increase in plastic surgeries among teens due to a<br />

desire to look better on social media.<br />


When Carpenter reported on the radical cultural changes that<br />

were in part brought about by people seeing their images in a<br />

Polaroid, he did so in hopes that we would analyze our own use <strong>of</strong><br />

technology as well.<br />

To analyze the effects <strong>of</strong> my tools on me, I once tried to avoid all<br />

visual images <strong>for</strong> a month. I stopped watching TV. I used an image<br />

blocker on my web browser (Wizmage <strong>for</strong> Chrome) and configured<br />

my phone to not load images. Of course, I couldn't avoid all images.<br />

I still caught a glimpse <strong>of</strong> a billboard or product box now and then.<br />

But I lived more or less without the supernormal stimuli <strong>of</strong><br />

photoshopped and surgically enhanced beautiful people living<br />

apparently extraordinary lives beyond any life that I could ever<br />

imagine <strong>for</strong> myself.<br />

Within just a few days, I started to notice a difference. I found<br />

ordinary people and ordinary life much more interesting, engaging,<br />

and beautiful. Three weeks later, I was in an airport and felt a surge<br />

<strong>of</strong> joie de vivre as I entered the mass <strong>of</strong> humanity. I was surrounded by<br />

beautiful people doing extraordinary things. Every one <strong>of</strong> them<br />

seemed to have an attractive quality and something interesting to say.<br />

Just a month earlier, I would have entered that same mass <strong>of</strong> people<br />

and seen nothing but overweight, unstylish, unkempt, and<br />

unattractive people. But within a few weeks removed from the<br />

onslaught <strong>of</strong> media, my consciousness had changed.<br />

It struck me that media puts us in a state <strong>of</strong> passive consumption.<br />

In media worlds, people and their lives exist <strong>for</strong> our enjoyment. <strong>The</strong>y<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

are objects and characters to like or dislike, rather than complex<br />

people with complex histories and experiences to engage and interact<br />

with. As I stopped seeing people as objects, I saw beauty and worth<br />

in each <strong>of</strong> them. Without the distraction <strong>of</strong> media, I freed up several<br />

hours <strong>of</strong> my day that I spent exercising, talking to friends, and being<br />

out in the world.<br />


Amusing Ourselves to Death<br />

by Neil Postman<br />

Here Comes Everybody<br />

by Clay Shirky<br />

<strong>The</strong> Net Delusion: <strong>The</strong> Dark Side <strong>of</strong> Internet Freedom, by<br />

Evgeny Morozov<br />

What Made Maddy Run<br />

by Kate Fagan<br />


Michael Wesch<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Challenge Five: <strong>The</strong> UnThing Experiment<br />

Your challenge is to give something up and live without a key<br />

technology <strong>for</strong> at least 48 hours.<br />

Objective: Practice the art <strong>of</strong> seeing. See your seeing as you observe<br />

how this technology might shape your assumptions. See big – how it<br />

is an integral part <strong>of</strong> a larger cultural system. See small – how it<br />

might shape our most mundane routines (or even our bodies). See it<br />

all - how our lives and culture might be different (<strong>for</strong> better and <strong>for</strong><br />

worse) without it.<br />

Step 1. Give something up, like shoes, chairs, or cars. Or try giving<br />

up some <strong>for</strong>m <strong>of</strong> virtual communication plat<strong>for</strong>m <strong>for</strong> at least 48<br />

hours, and potentially a week or more.<br />

Step 2. Post daily updates using #anth101challenge5, reflecting on<br />

the following:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

What do you miss about using the thing?<br />

What have you gained by not using it?<br />

How have you changed? Any insights? Do you see the world<br />

or other people any differently?<br />

Step 3. Continue the experiment until you have some significant<br />

results. (Extend the time frame or move up a level if you do not have<br />

any significant insights.)<br />

Step 4. Use your insights to reflect on the key lesson: "We<br />

create our tools and then our tools create us."<br />

Learn more at<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Lesson Six<br />

Social Structure<br />

Most <strong>of</strong> what we take as "reality" is a cultural construction – "realized"<br />

through our unseen, unexamined assumptions <strong>of</strong> what is right,<br />

true, or possible.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />


Nimakot Village, Papua New Guinea<br />

Late one morning, a large argument broke out in the central<br />

clearing <strong>of</strong> the village. A young man and woman named Matius and<br />

Rona sat looking dejected and ashamed near the center <strong>of</strong> the scuffle.<br />

<strong>The</strong> two teenagers had been discovered sneaking <strong>of</strong>f together the<br />

previous night, and had been dragged into the clearing by their<br />

families. Rona's brother sat next to her, armed with his 29-inch<br />

machete, and looked menacingly at Matius. Matius averted his eyes<br />

and stared down at the ground, picking at the grass with his fingers as<br />

the chaos <strong>of</strong> the argument swirled around him. Rona's mother<br />

stormed across the lawn, demanding that the boy's family give her a<br />

large pig. Others from the girl's family nodded with approval and<br />

encouraged her to continue. I sat with a group <strong>of</strong> locals about 20<br />

meters away from the main action. One <strong>of</strong> the local women turned to<br />

me with a tear in her eye as the argument escalated. Crying with tears<br />

<strong>of</strong> joy, like a mother watching her own daughter on her wedding day,<br />

she said, "This is just like when I got married!"<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are no <strong>for</strong>mal ritual "weddings" in this part <strong>of</strong> New<br />

Guinea, but events like this <strong>of</strong>ten mark the moment that a man and<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

woman announce their commitment to one another. By the end <strong>of</strong><br />

the vigorous discussion, the "bride price" had been set. Matius would<br />

need to give the bride's family 95 items such as string bags, clothes,<br />

and machetes. At a total market value <strong>of</strong> nearly $3,000 USD, the<br />

request was many times the amount <strong>of</strong> wealth <strong>of</strong> any typical villager.<br />

He would have to call upon his entire family <strong>for</strong> help, but even that<br />

would not be enough. <strong>The</strong> challenge <strong>of</strong> building such a tremendous<br />

amount <strong>of</strong> wealth would become an all-consuming and tremendously<br />

stressful task <strong>for</strong> the next several years <strong>of</strong> his life. At stake was his<br />

entire future – children, family, respect – even his most basic sense <strong>of</strong><br />

manhood.<br />

Maasai Boarding School, Kenya<br />

When Esther was 14, she learned that her father planned to give<br />

her away in marriage to an older man. She ran away to her older<br />

sister's house, who helped her enroll in a school far away. But her<br />

father rushed the wedding plans, and her mother tracked her down<br />

and removed her from the school. Still hoping that she could escape<br />

the arranged marriage, she went to the District Officer, who told her<br />

about a rescue center sponsored by an international aid team that<br />

hopes to save young girls like Esther from early marriage and give her<br />

a chance at school.<br />

Her father came to the rescue center to retrieve Esther, but the<br />

headmistress would not allow it, declaring Esther "a school child."<br />

Her father disowned her on the spot. He replayed the scene to<br />

anthropologist Caroline Archambault. "Esther will be your child," he<br />

told the school. "You will give her a husband and she will never set<br />

foot in my house again."<br />

Madurai Village, Tamil Nadu, South India<br />

For as long as Mayandi could remember, there was only one right<br />

girl <strong>for</strong> him, his cousin. As the firstborn boy in a Kallar family <strong>of</strong> the<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Tamil, it was not only his right, but also "the right thing to do" to<br />

marry his mother's brother's daughter. <strong>The</strong> girl was quite literally the<br />

right girl <strong>for</strong> him, and they had a word <strong>for</strong> it, "murai."<br />

Mayandi understood that it might seem cruel to an outsider<br />

unfamiliar with their customs that someone should be <strong>for</strong>ced to<br />

marry someone. As he told American anthropologist Isabel Clark-<br />

Decés about their customs, he joked that the "right" person is not<br />

always "all right." Young Tamil girls would <strong>of</strong>ten tease each other<br />

about the "right" boys they were destined to marry. Mayandi struck<br />

the pose <strong>of</strong> a young girl talking to her girlfriend and joked, "Runny<br />

Nose is here to see you!" or "Eggshell Eyes is at your door!"<br />

But Mayandi, like many other young Tamil, came to love and<br />

desire his "right" girl very much. It would bring status and honor to<br />

the family to marry her. His in-laws would not be strangers and<br />

would always feel welcomed in his house. He imagined a wonderful<br />

life <strong>for</strong> himself, his bride-to-be, and their growing family.<br />

But tragedy struck as they approached marriageable age. <strong>The</strong><br />

bride-to-be's father got involved in a deadly fight that sent him <strong>of</strong>f to<br />

prison, and she had to move into the city. Mayandi was desperate to<br />

still make things work out and pressed his mother to arrange the<br />

marriage, but it wasn't to be. She married another man two years<br />

later.<br />

Mayandi was devastated. He refused to marry <strong>for</strong> the next 20<br />

years. Finally, after much pressure from his family, he relented and<br />

married his sister's daughter. <strong>The</strong>y now have two children.<br />

Edinburgh, Scotland<br />

Rabih is not worried about collecting money so that he can pay<br />

<strong>for</strong> a bride. He is not worried about his sister being pulled out <strong>of</strong><br />

school and being <strong>for</strong>ced to marry a man against her will, and he<br />

would never dream <strong>of</strong> marrying his cousin. Rabih has his own set <strong>of</strong><br />

troubles as he pursues love and marriage.<br />


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Rabih is "in love," as they say in his culture. As he sits in his<br />

room daydreaming about her, his mind wanders to fantasies <strong>of</strong> their<br />

future together. He lets his mind run free and wonders whether or<br />

not she might be "the One," his "soul mate" who will "complete<br />

him." It is his highest ideal, and the thing he wants more than<br />

anything in his life.<br />

Feelings <strong>of</strong> passionate love are not unknown throughout the<br />

world. Anthropologists have documented them in nearly every<br />

culture they have studied, and have found evidence <strong>for</strong> romantic love<br />

going back thousands <strong>of</strong> years. But there is something historically and<br />

culturally unique about the feelings <strong>of</strong> people like Rabih. In the words<br />

<strong>of</strong> philosopher Allain de Botton, who tells the story <strong>of</strong> Rabih in <strong>The</strong><br />

Course <strong>of</strong> Love, finding and falling in love "has been allowed to take on<br />

the status <strong>of</strong> something close to the purpose <strong>of</strong> life," and this feeling<br />

should be the foundation upon which a marriage should be built.<br />

"True love" is everlasting, and thought to be the most important part<br />

<strong>of</strong> a good marriage. If passion fades, it was not "true love."<br />

This is precisely what worries Rabih. He has been in love be<strong>for</strong>e.<br />

He has hurt and been hurt. How can he be sure that this is the one?<br />

How can he make sure that their passion <strong>for</strong> one another will<br />

continue to burn?<br />

In this chapter, we'll explore love and marriage in four different<br />

cultures. In order to understand their radically different ideas, ideals,<br />

and practices, we will have to use our anthropological tools <strong>for</strong> seeing<br />

our own seeing, seeing big, seeing small, and seeing it all. We'll have<br />

to examine many different dimensions <strong>of</strong> culture – infrastructure,<br />

social structure, and superstructure – to see how they all come to<br />

bear on ideas and practices <strong>of</strong> love and marriage.<br />

Culture, as we have seen in the preceding chapters, is a powerful<br />

structure, but this structure is con-structed. <strong>The</strong> structure is nothing<br />

but the total sum <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong> our actions, habits, ideas, ideals, beliefs,<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

values and practices, no matter how big or small. A cultural structure<br />

is a powerful <strong>for</strong>ce in our lives. It provides the context and meaning<br />

<strong>for</strong> our lives. But, at the same time, our collective actions make the<br />

structure.<br />

We make the structure.<br />

<strong>The</strong> structure makes us.<br />

This exploration will not only help us understand how different<br />

cultural realities get "real-ized," but might also help us understand our<br />

own realities in new ways. Such an exploration might even help speed<br />

us along on our own journeys toward understanding those perplexing<br />

questions about love that Rabih is trying to answer. As Alain de<br />

Botton notes, it will ultimately be Rabih's ability to see past his<br />

cultural conventions that will allow him to live up to his cultural<br />

ideals. He suggests that Rabih will need<br />

" recognize that the very things that he once considered romantic –<br />

wordless intuitions, instantaneous longings, a trust in soul mates – are<br />

what stand in the way <strong>of</strong> learning how to be with someone. He will<br />

surmise that love can endure only when one is unfaithful to its beguiling<br />

opening ambitions, and that, <strong>for</strong> his relationships to work, he will need<br />

to give up on the feelings that got him into them in the first place. He will<br />

need to learn that love is a skill rather than an enthusiasm."<br />


Nimakot, Papua New Guinea<br />

Matius had big plans <strong>for</strong> the day. He would be seeing one <strong>of</strong> his<br />

trading partners from a distant village, and hoped that he could ask<br />

him to support him in his quest to pay his bride price. It didn't<br />

bother Matius that his trade partner would be part <strong>of</strong> a planned<br />

attack on his village. In fact, he seemed excited by the prospect.<br />


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As word <strong>of</strong> the pending attack spread, all <strong>of</strong> the men from the<br />

village, along with a few close friends and kin from other villages,<br />

came in from their garden houses and hunting excursions, filling the<br />

village with a sense <strong>of</strong> intense anticipation. Men per<strong>for</strong>med chants<br />

and dances in the village clearing, pumping themselves up <strong>for</strong> the<br />

attack, while women peeked out through the cracks and darkened<br />

doorways <strong>of</strong> village huts, anxiously awaiting what was to come.<br />

We built a barricade <strong>of</strong> trees, limbs, and vines along the main<br />

path, but we knew this would do little more than slow them down.<br />

Around noon, we heard a twig snap just beyond our barrier, and<br />

the village erupted into a frenzy <strong>of</strong> action. "Woop! Woop! Woop!" we<br />

heard the attackers call out, as dozens <strong>of</strong> them crashed our barricade<br />

and came rushing down the mountain into our village. <strong>The</strong>ir faces<br />

were painted red and their hands dripped with what looked like<br />

blood, but they were not armed with spears or bows. <strong>The</strong>y were<br />

armed instead with sweet potatoes dripping with delicious and fatty<br />

red marita sauce. <strong>The</strong>y smashed the dripping tubers into our faces,<br />

<strong>for</strong>cing us to eat, attacking us with kindness and generosity.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y left as quickly as they came, but the challenge was set. We<br />

were to follow them back to their village and see if we could handle<br />

all the food they had prepared <strong>for</strong> us. We had to navigate a series <strong>of</strong><br />

booby traps and sneak attacks <strong>of</strong> generosity along the way, sweet<br />

potatoes and taro being thrown at us from the trees. When we finally<br />

arrived at the edge <strong>of</strong> the village, their troops gathered <strong>for</strong> one last<br />

intimidating chant. <strong>The</strong>y circled in and yelled as loudly as they could<br />

<strong>for</strong> as long as they could, letting the giant collective yell drown out in<br />

a thumping rhythmic and barrel-chested "Woop! Woop! Woop!" We<br />

responded in kind with our own chant, and then charged in <strong>for</strong> the<br />

food.<br />

As we entered the village, we found a giant pit filled with red<br />

marita juice filled to the brim with hundreds <strong>of</strong> sweet potatoes and<br />

taro. It was bigger than a kiddie pool, no less than six feet across and<br />

nearly two feet deep. <strong>The</strong> marita seeds that had been washed to<br />

create this pool littered every inch <strong>of</strong> ground throughout the entire<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

village. It was no wonder that the attack had taken several days to<br />

prepare.<br />

We settled in <strong>for</strong> the feast with gusto, dozens <strong>of</strong> us taking our<br />

turn at the pit. But an hour in we were starting to fade, and the<br />

waterline <strong>of</strong> our pool <strong>of</strong> food seemed barely to budge. Our hosts<br />

laughed in triumph and started boasting about how they had gathered<br />

too much food <strong>for</strong> us to handle, giving credit to those among them<br />

who cleaned it, processed it, thanking each contributor in turn, and<br />

then proudly boasting again that their generosity was too much <strong>for</strong><br />

us. We left, defeated, but already taking stock <strong>of</strong> our own marita<br />

produce and planning a return attack in the near future.<br />

This is a world without money, banks, or complex insurance<br />

policies. <strong>The</strong>ir items <strong>of</strong> value (like marita and sweet potatoes) cannot<br />

be stored indefinitely without spoiling. So large events like this serve<br />

a similar function as our banks and insurance companies. When they<br />

have a windfall <strong>of</strong> marita they give it away, knowing that when we<br />

have a windfall <strong>of</strong> marita we will return the favor. Such events<br />

strengthen social bonds and trade relationships, which are essential to<br />

survival in tough times.<br />

For decades, most economists built their models on rational<br />

choice theory – the assumption that all humans are selfish and seek<br />

to maximize their own material gain. But these beliefs and values may<br />

be a reflection <strong>of</strong> our own socially constructed realities revolving<br />

around money in a market economy, rather than human nature. In<br />

these New Guinea villages, they struggle instead to demonstrate their<br />

generosity and minimize their material gain. <strong>The</strong>y are not trying to<br />

accumulate wealth. Instead, they are trying to nurture relationships<br />

through which wealth can flow. This does not mean they are not<br />

rational, but when applied in New Guinea, rational choice theory has<br />

to account <strong>for</strong> the different motives and values created within the<br />

cultural context <strong>of</strong> different economic systems.<br />

Anthropologists describe the difference between these economic<br />

systems as gift economies and market economies. In both economies, the<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

same items might be exchanged and distributed, but in one they are<br />

treated as gifts and in the other they are treated as commodities.<br />

Take, <strong>for</strong> example, a bag <strong>of</strong> sweet potatoes. In a gift economy,<br />

the bag <strong>of</strong> sweet potatoes is given with no immediate payment<br />

expected or desired. Instead, the giver hopes to strengthen the<br />

relationship between themselves and the recipient. <strong>The</strong> giver will<br />

likely give a brief biography <strong>of</strong> the potatoes, who planted them,<br />

tended them, harvested them, and so on, so that the recipient<br />

understands their connection to several people who have all<br />

contributed to the gift. In a commodity economy, that same bag<br />

becomes a commodity. It has a price, something like $5, and the<br />

recipient is expected to pay this price immediately. Once the price is<br />

paid, the transaction is over.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are strong practical reasons <strong>for</strong> gift economies and market<br />

economies. Gift economies tend to thrive in small communities and<br />

where most things <strong>of</strong> value have a short shelf-life. Wealth is not easily<br />

stored, and there are no banks or currencies <strong>for</strong> them to store their<br />

wealth in either. <strong>The</strong> best way to "store" wealth is to nurture strong<br />

relationships. That way, when your own maritas are not ripe or your<br />

garden is out <strong>of</strong> food, all <strong>of</strong> those people that you have given to in<br />

the past will be there to give to you.<br />

But beyond these practical reasons <strong>for</strong> the gift economy, are also<br />

some pr<strong>of</strong>ound implications <strong>for</strong> the core values, ideas, and ideals that<br />

emerge in gift economies. In gift economies, people are constantly<br />

engaged in relationship-building activities as they give and receive<br />

gifts throughout the day. <strong>The</strong> constant reminders <strong>of</strong> where the gift<br />

came from and all the hands that helped give them a pr<strong>of</strong>ound sense<br />

<strong>of</strong> interdependence. Along with this sense <strong>of</strong> interdependence comes<br />

a value on relationships rather than things. Most "things" are quickly<br />

consumed, rot, and fall apart. It is far more beneficial to have a<br />

strong network <strong>of</strong> relationships than a big pile <strong>of</strong> slowly rotting sweet<br />

potatoes.<br />

It is only in this context that we can begin to understand the<br />

practice <strong>of</strong> "bride price" in New Guinea, and why Matius must face<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

this seemingly impossible task <strong>of</strong> gathering $3,000 worth <strong>of</strong> items in<br />

exchange <strong>for</strong> his bride. From the Western perspective grounded in<br />

the logic <strong>of</strong> a market economy, this looks like he is "buying" a wife.<br />

But from the logic <strong>of</strong> a gift economy, he is building and<br />

strengthening a vast network <strong>of</strong> social relationships that will soon<br />

unite his network with the network <strong>of</strong> his bride.<br />

<strong>The</strong> day turns out to be a great success <strong>for</strong> Matius. His trading<br />

partner has agreed to support him. His gift will join with the gifts <strong>of</strong><br />

many others. And when Matius gives this bundle <strong>of</strong> gifts to his<br />

bride's family, they will spread those gifts throughout their network.<br />

By the logic <strong>of</strong> the gift economy, these people will give back, and a<br />

large cycle <strong>of</strong> giving will be created that unites two large networks<br />

that intersect at the new node created by the union <strong>of</strong> the bride and<br />

groom.<br />


Maasai Boarding School, Kenya<br />

A similar gift logic operates among the Maasai as well. When<br />

Esther's father arranged <strong>for</strong> her marriage at age 14, he was following<br />

a customary system in which the parents <strong>of</strong> both the bride and<br />

groom agree on the marriage terms <strong>for</strong> their children while they are<br />

still young. <strong>The</strong> bride price is paid over the course <strong>of</strong> the entire<br />

marriage. "<strong>The</strong>re is probably no greater gift, as viewed by the Maasai,<br />

then having been given a daughter," notes Dr. Achimbault. "Marriage<br />

is understood and valued as an alliance <strong>of</strong> families."<br />

Esther's father has three wives and 26 children. This practice <strong>of</strong><br />

having many wives, known as polygyny, is common among<br />

pastoralists like the Maasai. This practice can be especially perplexing<br />

to any Westerner who believes in "true love." In a recent BBC<br />

program, a BBC reporter approached some Maasai teenage boys and<br />

asks directly, "What does love mean to you?" <strong>The</strong> boys laugh shyly<br />

and one <strong>of</strong> them rocks back and <strong>for</strong>th uncom<strong>for</strong>tably with a broad<br />


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smile on his face. "That's a real challenge!" one exclaims and asks his<br />

friend to answer, who just giggles and turns away.<br />

<strong>The</strong> reporter presses on the issue <strong>of</strong> polygyny. "When you do get<br />

married, are you going to take more than one wife or just one?" she<br />

asks. One boy answers matter-<strong>of</strong>-factly, "I will take one or two but<br />

no more than two."<br />

She is taken aback by the nonchalance <strong>of</strong> his answer. She<br />

counters by joking with him, saying if he only takes one he can have<br />

her, but she would never be involved in a polygynous marriage. <strong>The</strong><br />

man starts laughing. "But the work would be very hard <strong>for</strong> just one<br />

wife," the young man explains. "You would have to look after the<br />

cows, goats, water, and firewood – all on your own!"<br />

Recent anthropological studies by Dr. Monique Borgerh<strong>of</strong>f<br />

Mulder support the man's argument and show that polygynous<br />

households among the Maasai have better access to food and<br />

healthier children.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the Maasai women wants to show the reporter that<br />

polygamy is actually good <strong>for</strong> them, and takes her to see the most<br />

senior wife <strong>of</strong> a polygynous family. She lives in a beautiful brick<br />

home, far superior to most <strong>of</strong> the other homes in the region. <strong>The</strong><br />

economic incentive <strong>for</strong> polygyny seems clear, but the reporter is still<br />

skeptical about the quality <strong>of</strong> the marriage relationships. "Don't you<br />

get jealous <strong>of</strong> the other wives?" the reporter asks.<br />

"No, no. Never."<br />

"Do you argue?"<br />

"No ... we're friends. We never fight. We are all the same age. We<br />

tell stories. We have fun."<br />

Marriage practices like this are especially mystifying <strong>for</strong> people in<br />

the West. For many Westerners, love is our biggest concern and our<br />

strongest value, so when we find cultures that practice arranged<br />

marriage or polygamy, we find it strange and immediately infer that<br />

there may be a violation <strong>of</strong> basic human rights. But if we look at all<br />

humans through all time, it is our ideas about love that are strange.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Over 80 percent <strong>of</strong> all cultures worldwide practice polygyny (one<br />

man married to more than one woman) and a handful <strong>of</strong> others<br />

practice polyandry (one woman married to more than one man). As<br />

hinted at by the response from the Maasai teen that the work <strong>of</strong> a<br />

household would be very difficult <strong>for</strong> just one woman, the common<br />

reasons given <strong>for</strong> why these <strong>for</strong>ms <strong>of</strong> marriage <strong>of</strong>ten come down to<br />

practicality. <strong>The</strong>re is no mention <strong>of</strong> love.<br />

Such marriages <strong>of</strong>ten make sense within the culture and<br />

environment. For example, in Tibet, where arable land is scarce and<br />

passed down through males, several brothers may marry one woman<br />

in order to keep the land together. As anthropologist Melvyn<br />

Goldstein has pointed out, if the land were divided among all sons in<br />

each generation, it would only take a few generations <strong>for</strong> the land to<br />

be too small to provide enough <strong>for</strong> the families.<br />

Despite these apparent practical benefits, the value and<br />

romanticism we place on love makes the idea <strong>of</strong> young girls like<br />

Esther being married <strong>of</strong>f at a young age unpalatable to most<br />

Westerners. When Esther's father attempts to remove her from<br />

school and arrange her marriage, he seems to be upholding<br />

oppressive patriarchal values.<br />

But Esther's father is practical and he wants what is best <strong>for</strong> his<br />

children. He has sent most <strong>of</strong> his kids to school in hopes that they<br />

can find new ways to make a living. However, school is far away and<br />

expensive. Due to the dangers and difficulties <strong>of</strong> getting to school,<br />

most girls enter school late, just as they are reaching reproductive age.<br />

This creates a risk <strong>of</strong> early pregnancy, which will get them kicked out<br />

<strong>of</strong> school and greatly limit their marriage prospects. Furthermore, the<br />

schools have high drop-out rates and even those who finish are not<br />

guaranteed a job.<br />

Pastoralism – the traditional way <strong>of</strong> making a living – has become<br />

more difficult due to frequent droughts brought about by climate<br />

change. Land privatization poses an additional problem, since a<br />

pastoralist is now constricted to the land to which he has a legal right.<br />

In times <strong>of</strong> drought and scarcity, movement across vast land areas is<br />


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essential. One strategy <strong>for</strong> increasing the land one has access to is to<br />

create alliances between lineages through strategically arranged<br />

marriages. When Esther's father tried to pull her out <strong>of</strong> school, he did<br />

so because he saw an opportunity <strong>for</strong> her to have a secure future as a<br />

pastoralist with access to good land.<br />

After laying out these essential pieces <strong>of</strong> context, Archambault<br />

makes the case that we should be skeptical <strong>of</strong> simple "binaries" that<br />

frame one side as "modern" and empowering <strong>of</strong> females and the<br />

other as "traditional" and upholding the patriarchy. Such binaries are<br />

common among NGOs promoting their plan to improve human<br />

rights. But through the lens <strong>of</strong> anthropology, we can see our<br />

assumptions, see the big picture, and see the details that allow us to<br />

understand the cultural situation, empathize with the people<br />

involved, and ultimately make more in<strong>for</strong>med policy decisions.<br />


Madurai Village, Tamil Nadu, South India<br />

Sunil's marriage prospects looked good. In an arranged marriage<br />

among the Tamil, families carefully consider the wealth, status,<br />

reputation, and earning potential <strong>of</strong> potential marriage partners. Sunil<br />

had it all, and he was on his way to earning a prestigious law degree.<br />

But then he was struck by katal – an overwhelming sense <strong>of</strong> intense<br />

and dumbfounded longing <strong>for</strong> another person that we might call<br />

"love" in English. <strong>The</strong>y say it is a "great feeling" that can "drive you<br />

crazy" and compels you to "do things you would not ordinarily do."<br />

It is a "permanent intoxication," as one 18-year old Tamil put it.<br />

Love like this is known all over the world. Anthropologist Helen<br />

Fisher looked at 166 cultures, and found evidence <strong>of</strong> passionate love<br />

in 147 <strong>of</strong> them. As <strong>for</strong> the rest, she suspects that the ethnographers<br />

just did not pay attention to it. <strong>The</strong> Tamil are no different. <strong>The</strong><br />

feeling <strong>of</strong> love may not be the foundation <strong>for</strong> their arranged<br />

marriages, but that does not mean the Tamil do not feel love.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Sunil described the girl as "smart, free, funny, and popular." He<br />

met up with her every day after class, and soon he was, as he says,<br />

"addicted" to her. Addiction might be the right word. Fisher studied<br />

brain scans <strong>of</strong> people in love and found that the caudate nucleus and<br />

ventral tegmental area <strong>of</strong> the brains lit up each time they were shown<br />

an image <strong>of</strong> their lover. <strong>The</strong>se are areas <strong>of</strong> the brain associated with<br />

rewards, pleasure, and focused attention. Other studies have found<br />

that falling in love floods our brain with chemicals associated with<br />

the reward circuit, fueling two apparently opposite but mutually<br />

sustaining emotions: passion and anxiety. Overall, the studies reveal a<br />

chemical pr<strong>of</strong>ile similar to someone with obsessive-compulsive<br />

disorder.<br />

When two people share these feelings together, they can<br />

experience a shared euphoria like almost no other experience<br />

available to humankind. But when only one person feels this<br />

obsessive-compulsive <strong>for</strong>m <strong>of</strong> passionate love – or when one person<br />

stops feeling it while the other still feels it – it can unleash a<br />

devastating psychological breakdown.<br />

Sunil's romance was rocky. <strong>The</strong>y started disagreeing and using<br />

harsh words with one another. After a fight one night, Sunil worried<br />

that she would leave him. His obsession gripped him with a flood <strong>of</strong><br />

anxiety. He tried calling her at 2 am, but she did not answer.<br />

Desperate to talk to her, he went to her college early the next<br />

morning in hopes <strong>of</strong> catching her be<strong>for</strong>e her first class. "She was so<br />

happy to see me in the pathetic state I was in," Sunil lamented. When<br />

she called later to break <strong>of</strong>f the relationship, Sunil completely broke<br />

down. He became an alcoholic and had to drop out <strong>of</strong> law school.<br />

After two years <strong>of</strong> pain and trouble, he finally got over her,<br />

stopped drinking, and finished law school. But by then he had already<br />

missed out on his best opportunity <strong>for</strong> a successful arranged marriage<br />

with his favorite cousin. <strong>The</strong> perfect match, someone he had thought<br />

about marrying since the time he was a teenager, had come <strong>of</strong> age<br />

while he was drinking away his sorrows and had already married<br />

someone else (a different cousin).<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Sunil's story represents an interesting tension at work as Tamil<br />

society continues to change. A more urban and mobile society creates<br />

more opportunities <strong>for</strong> young people to meet strangers and to feel<br />

katal <strong>for</strong> them. Education and career opportunities take young people<br />

far from home and family. <strong>The</strong> culture is starting to value<br />

individualism, free choice, and autonomy – all <strong>of</strong> which come<br />

together to make love marriages seem attractive. A common theme<br />

<strong>of</strong> Indian movies and television shows is the tension between love<br />

and arranged marriages.<br />

However, most Tamil do not elope and create love marriages.<br />

From the standpoint <strong>of</strong> the family, the reasons are clear. As<br />

anthropologist Clark-Decés points out, "<strong>The</strong> basic explanation <strong>for</strong><br />

this is that marriage is too important to be left to chance individual<br />

attraction – in fact, a child's marriage is the most important and <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

the most expensive decision a South Asian family ever has to make."<br />

Worldwide, arranged marriages are especially common when a<br />

significant transfer <strong>of</strong> wealth is at stake, such as a large inheritance,<br />

bride price, or dowry. In India, marriage usually entails very large gifts<br />

between the families, <strong>of</strong>ten the equivalent <strong>of</strong> three years <strong>of</strong> salary or<br />

more. When the wealth <strong>of</strong> an entire extended family is on the line,<br />

everybody in the extended family has a vested interest in the union<br />

and arranged marriages are the norm and ideal.<br />

It is not surprising then that the parents <strong>of</strong> bride and groom<br />

would prefer an arranged marriage. However, Clark- Decés and other<br />

anthropologists note that arranged marriage remains the norm and<br />

ideal among youth as well. Young men like Sunil want to achieve<br />

success and respectability within the ideals and values <strong>of</strong> their culture.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y view marriage as the union <strong>of</strong> two families, not just two people.<br />

And ultimately, "<strong>for</strong> them, an arranged marriage is a sign <strong>of</strong> parental<br />

love."<br />

This preference <strong>for</strong> arranged marriages has a pr<strong>of</strong>ound impact on<br />

how people grow up. As Clark-Decés points out, the social category<br />

<strong>of</strong> "bachelor" is non-existent. Tamil youth do not spend a great deal<br />

<strong>of</strong> time in their teens and twenties worrying about who to date or<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

how to date, since that is rarely the road toward marriage. Instead,<br />

they focus primarily on attaining significant status markers that<br />

confer wealth and prestige, such as their education. Whereas college<br />

in the United States is <strong>of</strong>ten seen as a place to meet a potential mate,<br />

college in South India is a place where one earns a degree to elevate<br />

their status <strong>for</strong> an arranged marriage.<br />

It is not that love is absent or impossible in arranged marriages,<br />

but it is not the primary basis upon which marriages are <strong>for</strong>med. In a<br />

recent survey, 76% <strong>of</strong> Indians said they would marry someone if they<br />

had the right qualities, even if they were not in love. Only 14% <strong>of</strong><br />

Americans would do so. As Leena Abraham found in a study <strong>of</strong><br />

college students in Mumbai, love marriages are "seen as an<br />

arrangement beset with enormous insecurity."<br />


Love marriage was once uncommon in the West as well. It was<br />

not until the Industrial Revolution and the broad cultural changes<br />

that came with it that love marriage became the norm. With the<br />

Industrial Revolution, individuals were no longer tied to land held in<br />

the family name. <strong>The</strong>y became more mobile and less dependent on<br />

family and community <strong>for</strong> survival. People started orienting their<br />

lives more toward the market, and they could use the state <strong>for</strong> a<br />

safety net, weakening their dependency on relationships and family.<br />

This increased individualism had two competing effects. On the<br />

one hand, it gave people more freedom. <strong>The</strong>y became accustomed to<br />

making individual choices every moment <strong>of</strong> the day. But this freedom<br />

came with a cost. As they had more and more choices about what to<br />

buy, what to do, and how to act, they were also increasingly troubled<br />

with the question <strong>of</strong> whether or not they were choosing the right<br />

thing to buy, the right thing to do, or the right way to act. <strong>The</strong>y came<br />

to suffer from a sense <strong>of</strong> what Emile Durkheim called anomie, a<br />

condition in which society provides little guidance and leaves people<br />

feeling lost and disconnected.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Feeling empowered by the power to choose, yet feeling lost and<br />

disconnected, romantic love marriage emerged as the perfect<br />

solution. We go searching <strong>for</strong> "the One" who can make us "feel<br />

whole" and "completes us." This is the key to understanding just how<br />

different we are from those Massai teens. <strong>The</strong>y live in small, closeknit<br />

communities full <strong>of</strong> tight bonds to family and friends. Large,<br />

close-knit families are still the ideal in India as well. <strong>The</strong>y do not need<br />

more intimacy. <strong>The</strong>y have enough <strong>of</strong> it already. We, on the other<br />

hand, <strong>of</strong>ten feel alone, lost, and insecure. We crave intimacy. We<br />

crave a sense <strong>of</strong> validation. And we find that through love.<br />

Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, this sets up an impossible situation. With the<br />

breakdown <strong>of</strong> family and community, we <strong>of</strong>ten turn to our lovers <strong>for</strong><br />

intimacy, friendship, and economic support. One person is expected<br />

to provide all <strong>of</strong> this and passion at the same time. "We now ask our<br />

lovers <strong>for</strong> the emotional connection and sense <strong>of</strong> belonging that my<br />

grandmother could get from a whole village," notes family therapist<br />

Sue Johnson. But the security necessary <strong>for</strong> the intimacy and<br />

friendship we crave along with the everyday trials and mundanity <strong>of</strong><br />

running a household can kill passion.<br />


Edinburgh, Scotland<br />

"For most <strong>of</strong> recorded history, people married <strong>for</strong> logical sorts <strong>of</strong> reasons:<br />

because her parcel <strong>of</strong> land adjoined yours, his family had a flourishing<br />

grain business, her father was the magistrate in town, there was a castle<br />

to keep up, or both sets <strong>of</strong> parents subscribed to the same interpretation<br />

<strong>of</strong> a holy text … what has replaced it – the marriage <strong>of</strong> feeling …<br />

What matters is that two people wish desperately that it happen, are<br />

drawn to another by an overwhelming instinct, and know in their hearts<br />

that it is right."<br />

- Allain de Botton<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

In his book <strong>The</strong> Course <strong>of</strong> Love, philosopher Allain de Botton tells<br />

the love story <strong>of</strong> Rabih and Kirsten, along with his cutting<br />

observations about love and marriage. After a whirlwind romance,<br />

Rabih proposes to her, hoping to capture the feelings he and Kirsten<br />

have <strong>for</strong> each other and preserve them <strong>for</strong>ever. Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, you<br />

cannot freeze a feeling, or marry one. You have to marry a person<br />

with whom you once shared a feeling. And feelings are not<br />

necessarily <strong>for</strong>ever.<br />

In A Natural History <strong>of</strong> Love, anthropologist Helen Fisher<br />

identifies two kinds <strong>of</strong> love: the burning fire <strong>of</strong> romantic passionate<br />

love, and the enduring intimacy and calm <strong>of</strong> companionate love.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se two loves have very different chemical pr<strong>of</strong>iles in the brain.<br />

Romantic love is a rush <strong>of</strong> dopamine, a drop in serotonin, and a rise<br />

in cortisol that creates an intense passion and desire. Companionate<br />

love activates the attachment circuits <strong>of</strong> the brain. It is oxytocin-rich<br />

and induces a loving calm and sense <strong>of</strong> security. Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, this<br />

sense <strong>of</strong> calm and security can actually work against our feelings <strong>of</strong><br />

passion. Passion thrives on insecurity. <strong>The</strong> reason <strong>for</strong> our obsessive<br />

ruminations and fluttering hearts is in part the very frightening idea<br />

that we might lose this person or that they might not return our love.<br />

<strong>The</strong> more we try to freeze the feeling by "locking in" the relationship<br />

through promises, proposals, or other means <strong>of</strong> entanglement, the<br />

more we drive it away. A desire <strong>for</strong> connection requires a sense <strong>of</strong><br />

separation. <strong>The</strong> more we fuse our lives together, the less passionate<br />

we become.<br />

This is not a problem in many cultures where passion in marriage<br />

is not required or expected. But in the West, there is a strong sense<br />

that "true love" burns with passion <strong>for</strong>ever. If passion fades, it isn't<br />

"true love."<br />

So as Rabih and Kirsten squabble in Ikea over which drinking<br />

glasses to purchase <strong>for</strong> their apartment, there is a lot more at stake<br />

than mere aesthetics. This will be one <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> little squabbles<br />

that are unavoidable when merging two lives, but they will always<br />

reflect deeper concerns and misgivings each one has about the other<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

person. Such squabbles will be the main <strong>for</strong>um where they will try to<br />

shape and shift one another, make adaptations and compromises in<br />

who they are, and assess the quality <strong>of</strong> their relationship.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se negotiations are fraught with tension because <strong>of</strong> another<br />

ideal <strong>of</strong> "true love"—that it is unconditional, and that if someone<br />

truly loves you they will unequivocally accept you <strong>for</strong> all that you are<br />

and never try to change you. Each little push or prod feels like a<br />

rejection <strong>of</strong> the self.<br />

Behind these feelings are deep and pr<strong>of</strong>ound cultural<br />

assumptions about love itself. We tend to focus on love as a feeling.<br />

But according to a landmark book by psychologist Erich Fromm, our<br />

focus should not be on "being loved" so much as it should be on the<br />

act <strong>of</strong> loving and building up one's capacity to love. This insight runs<br />

counter to the cultural ideal <strong>of</strong> "true love" which says that when we<br />

find the right person, love will come easily and without ef<strong>for</strong>t. As a<br />

result <strong>of</strong> our misunderstandings about love, Fromm argues, "there is<br />

hardly any activity, any enterprise, which is started with such<br />

tremendous hopes and expectations, and yet, which fails so regularly,<br />

as love."<br />

This basic insight is easy to accept intellectually, but it is quite<br />

another thing to incorporate it into your everyday life. For Rabih and<br />

Kirsten, it is the arrival <strong>of</strong> their first child that helps them understand<br />

love as something to give rather than something to merely feel and<br />

expect to be given. <strong>The</strong> helpless and demanding baby gives them<br />

ample practice in selfless love <strong>of</strong> another without any expectation <strong>of</strong><br />

return.<br />

Un<strong>for</strong>tunately <strong>for</strong> Rabih and Kirsten, their ability to love their<br />

child does not translate into an act <strong>of</strong> loving <strong>for</strong> one another. In the<br />

midst <strong>of</strong> sleepless nights, diaper changes, and domestic duties, there<br />

is little love left to give after caring <strong>for</strong> the baby. Over the coming<br />

years, Rabih and Kirsten admire each other greatly <strong>for</strong> the patience<br />

and care shown <strong>for</strong> their children, but also feel pangs <strong>of</strong> remorse and<br />

jealousy that such love and kindness had become so rare between<br />

them.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

One would think that after so many years <strong>of</strong> marriage, people<br />

would stop needing a sense <strong>of</strong> validation from the other. But, de<br />

Botton notes, "we are never through with the requirement <strong>for</strong><br />

acceptance. This isn't a curse limited to the inadequate and the weak."<br />

So long as we continue to care about the other person, we are<br />

unlikely to be able to free ourselves from concerns about how they<br />

feel about us.<br />

Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, Rabih and Kirsten need very different things to<br />

feel a sense <strong>of</strong> validation. Rabih wants to rekindle the passionate love<br />

they once shared in sexual union. But after a long day <strong>of</strong> giving her<br />

body and self to her children, Kirsten does not want to be touched.<br />

She needs time to herself, and Rabih's "romantic" proposals feel like<br />

just another thing to put on her long "to do" list <strong>for</strong> others.<br />

Allain de Botton's Story <strong>of</strong> Love recounts many twists and turns<br />

in the love story <strong>of</strong> Rabih and Kirsten. It is an honest portrayal <strong>of</strong> a<br />

true love story in which seemingly mundane arguments about who<br />

does more housework take their rightful place alongside more<br />

dramatic affairs and bouts <strong>of</strong> jealousy. Though they <strong>of</strong>ten feel<br />

distance between them, they go through everything – raising kids,<br />

watching their own parents grow old and die – together.<br />

It is only after all <strong>of</strong> this – 13 years after saying their vows – that<br />

Rabih finally feels "ready <strong>for</strong> marriage." He is ready not because he is<br />

finally secure in an unequivocal faith in a perfect love with his soul<br />

mate <strong>for</strong> whom he feels an unbounding and never-ending sense <strong>of</strong><br />

passion, but because he has given up on the idea that love should<br />

come easily. He is committed to the art <strong>of</strong> loving, not just a desire to be<br />

loved, and looks <strong>for</strong>ward to all that his life, his wife, and his children<br />

might teach him along the way.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />


“Ethnographic Empathy and the Social Context <strong>of</strong> Rights:<br />

‘Rescuing’ Maasai Girls from Early marriage” by Caroline S.<br />

Archambault. American Anthropologist 113(4):632-643.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Right Spouse: Preferential Marriages in Tamil Nadu, by<br />

Isabelle Clark- Decés<br />

<strong>The</strong> Course <strong>of</strong> Love: A Novel<br />

by Alain de Botton<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />


Daniel has no eyes. Born with an aggressive eye cancer, they were<br />

removed be<strong>for</strong>e his first birthday. From an early age, Daniel realized<br />

that he could sense what objects are around him and where they are<br />

by clicking and listening <strong>for</strong> the echoes. Ever since then, like a bat, he<br />

uses echolocation to find his way around the world. It has allowed<br />

him to run around his neighborhood freely, climb trees, hike alone<br />

into the wilderness, and generally get around well as someone with<br />

perfect vision. "I can honestly say that I do not feel blind," he says.<br />

In fact, he never thought <strong>of</strong> himself as "blind" until he met<br />

another boy named Adam at his elementary school. By then, Daniel<br />

was already riding bikes, packing his own lunch, and walking to<br />

school by himself. Adam, in contrast, had always attended a special<br />

school <strong>for</strong> the blind and had a constant supply <strong>of</strong> helpers to escort<br />

him through the world and guide him through his daily routines.<br />

Daniel was frustrated with Adam's helplessness. He couldn't<br />

understand why Adam couldn't do things <strong>for</strong> himself or join in games<br />

on the playground. Even worse, the other kids started to mix Daniel<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

and Adam up. <strong>The</strong>y were "the blind boys." For the first time, Daniel<br />

felt what it was like to have society define him as "blind." And he was<br />

shocked and frustrated to discover that society did not expect any<br />

more from him than they did from Adam.<br />

He had trouble making sense <strong>of</strong> it until he found a book by<br />

sociologist Robert Scott called <strong>The</strong> Making <strong>of</strong> Blind Men. In that book,<br />

Scott suggests that blindness is socially constructed. From the first<br />

powerful paragraph onward, Scott argues that "the various attitudes<br />

and patterns <strong>of</strong> behavior that characterize people who are blind are<br />

not inherent in the condition but, rather, are acquired through<br />

ordinary process <strong>of</strong> social learning."<br />

To most people, this sounds shocking and farfetched. How can<br />

blindness be "socially constructed"? Blindness seems to be a matter<strong>of</strong>-fact<br />

physical reality, especially in the case <strong>of</strong> Daniel, who has no<br />

eyes. But Scott doesn't mean to question this physical reality. Instead,<br />

he wants to challenge the assumptions that create a social role <strong>for</strong><br />

blind people as "docile, dependent, melancholy, and helpless."<br />

Throughout his research, he meets many people like Daniel who defy<br />

these expectations, but finds others who have been conditioned to fit<br />

the stereotype. "Blind men are made," Scott declares emphatically,<br />

"by the same process <strong>of</strong> socialization that have made us all."<br />

Scott moves the discussion beyond blindness to point out that we<br />

are all "made." Our self-concept is our estimation <strong>of</strong> how others see<br />

us given our culture's core beliefs, expectations, and values. This selfconcept<br />

in turn shapes how we perceive the world and engage with it.<br />

In other words, most <strong>of</strong> what we take as "reality" is socially<br />

constructed, "real-ized" through our unseen, unexamined<br />

assumptions about what is right, true, or possible.<br />

Scott reveals three processes through which our realities – such<br />

as "blindness" – are real-ized.<br />

1. Beliefs and expectations: <strong>The</strong> first is the process <strong>of</strong><br />

enculturation through which we learn the basic<br />

"common sense" beliefs and values <strong>of</strong> our culture.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

From an early age, people learn a set <strong>of</strong> stereotypical<br />

expectations and beliefs about blind people as "docile,<br />

dependent, melancholy, and helpless." Blind people<br />

take on these beliefs and expectations as part <strong>of</strong> their<br />

self-concept.<br />

2. Behaviors and interactions: Second, these beliefs<br />

become guidelines <strong>for</strong> our behaviors and interactions<br />

with others. In this way, even if a blind person has the<br />

<strong>for</strong>titude to reject the stereotypes <strong>of</strong> blindness put upon<br />

them, they might be denied opportunities <strong>for</strong> more<br />

independence by the expectations <strong>of</strong> others who do not<br />

allow the blind person to take on a job or do other<br />

things <strong>for</strong> themselves.<br />

3. Structures and institutions: Third, these beliefs and<br />

behaviors are woven into larger institutions and other<br />

social structures through which the beliefs and<br />

behaviors are rein<strong>for</strong>ced. Institutionalized norms, laws,<br />

behaviors, and services shape our beliefs about what is<br />

right, true, and possible.<br />

Scott found that blind people were encouraged to attend special<br />

schools and follow specific job tracks designed to accommodate their<br />

disabilities. <strong>The</strong>y were <strong>of</strong>fered free rides, escorted by hand through<br />

their daily activities, and had many <strong>of</strong> their daily tasks done <strong>for</strong> them.<br />

While these are all well-intentioned services, Scott also noticed that<br />

they rein<strong>for</strong>ced the message that "blind people can't do these things."<br />

When Scott did the original research <strong>for</strong> his book in the 1960s, nearly<br />

2/3 <strong>of</strong> blind American students were not participating in gym class.<br />

He worried that by treating blind people as helpless, they were<br />

becoming more helpless.<br />

Many studies support this concern. Even rats seem to change<br />

their behavior based on what people think <strong>of</strong> them. In a remarkably<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

clever experiment, psychologist Bob Rosenthal lied to his research<br />

assistants and told them that one group <strong>of</strong> rats was "smart" and<br />

another group "dumb." <strong>The</strong>y were, in fact, the same kind <strong>of</strong> rats with<br />

no differences between them, yet the "smart" rats per<strong>for</strong>med twice as<br />

well on the experimental tests as the "dumb" rats. Careful analysis<br />

found that the expectations <strong>of</strong> the experimenters subtly changed the<br />

way they behaved toward the rats, and those subtle behaviors made a<br />

big difference.<br />

Other studies have found that teacher's expectations <strong>of</strong> students<br />

can raise or lower IQ scores and a study <strong>of</strong> military trainers found<br />

that their expectations can affect how fast a soldier can run. As<br />

psychologist Carol Dweck explains, we convey our expectations<br />

through very subtle cues, such as how far we stand apart and how<br />

much eye contact we make. <strong>The</strong>se subtle behaviors make a difference<br />

in how people per<strong>for</strong>m.<br />

While we all understand the power <strong>of</strong> our own belief on our own<br />

behavior, these studies demonstrate that other people's beliefs can<br />

also affect us. This link between belief and behavior can become a<br />

vicious circle. A teacher's low expectations make a student per<strong>for</strong>m<br />

poorly. <strong>The</strong> poor per<strong>for</strong>mance justifies and re-en<strong>for</strong>ces the low<br />

expectations, so the student continues to per<strong>for</strong>m poorly, and so on.<br />

Daniel Kish was raised by a mother who refused to let society's<br />

expectations <strong>of</strong> blindness become Daniel's destiny. She let him roam<br />

free and challenged him to find his own way to make his way in the<br />

world. As a result, Daniel's mastery <strong>of</strong> echolocation allowed him to<br />

"see" and distinguish trees, park benches, and poles. He now enjoys<br />

hiking in the woods, bike rides, and walking around town without any<br />

assistance or seeing aids.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se abilities are reflected in his brain. Brain scans show that<br />

Daniel's visual cortex lights up as he uses echolocation. His mind is<br />

actually creating visual imagery from the in<strong>for</strong>mation he receives<br />

through echolocation, so despite not having any eyes, he can see.<br />

Recent studies suggest that he actually sees with the same visual acuity<br />

as an ordinary person sees in their peripheral vision. In other words,<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

he may not be able to read the words in a book, but he knows the<br />

book is there.<br />

<strong>The</strong> story <strong>of</strong> Daniel Kish is a fitting opening <strong>for</strong> this lesson,<br />

because it reveals how a trio <strong>of</strong> <strong>for</strong>ces – beliefs, behaviors, and<br />

structures – can shape how we see the world and ourselves. From an<br />

early age we are immersed in beliefs, behaviors and structures that tell<br />

us how to be a man or a woman, what it means to be "white,"<br />

"black," or "Asian," and what qualifies as "handsome," "beautiful," or<br />

"sexy" among many other ideals and values that will <strong>for</strong>m the<br />

backdrop against which we will <strong>for</strong>m our sense <strong>of</strong> who we are.<br />


In the toy section <strong>of</strong> a store, you are likely to find an aisle <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>t<br />

"girly" colors like pink and purple populated with dolls and<br />

playhouses. <strong>The</strong> next aisle has colder colors and sharper edges with<br />

guns and cars. Be<strong>for</strong>e they can put together a full sentence, most<br />

children will know which toys are <strong>for</strong> boys and which are <strong>for</strong> girls.<br />

Do these different interests <strong>of</strong> boys and girls reflect innate biological<br />

differences, or is the socialization <strong>of</strong> boys and girls so powerful that it<br />

already starts to appear at a very young age?<br />

An issue <strong>of</strong> Ladies Home Journal in 1918 assigned blue to girls and<br />

pink to boys. It wasn't until the 1940s that American culture settled<br />

into the now familiar and taken-<strong>for</strong>-granted idea that pink is <strong>for</strong> girls<br />

and blue is <strong>for</strong> boys. But while the color <strong>of</strong> the toys is obviously a<br />

cultural construction, the boy's affinity <strong>for</strong> cars and trucks and the<br />

girl's affinity <strong>for</strong> dolls continues to be the subject <strong>of</strong> wide-spread<br />

debate in neuroscience, biology, psychology, and the social sciences.<br />

In 1911, Thorndike suggested that the reason boys like trucks and<br />

girls like dolls is that men are more interested in "things and their<br />

mechanisms" and women are more interested in "persons and their<br />

feelings." Though highly controversial, a meta-study by Su, Rounds,<br />

and Armstrong in 2009 that analyzed dozens <strong>of</strong> studies on the topic<br />

found that men and women across multiple cultures see themselves<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

differently, as "Women reported themselves to be higher in<br />

Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Warmth, and Openness to Feelings,<br />

whereas men were higher in Assertiveness and Openness to Ideas."<br />

<strong>The</strong> differences were modest but statistically significant, and they<br />

seemed to confirm gender stereotypes. Other studies reveal similar<br />

results. Though there is no total scientific consensus, there is a strong<br />

contingent <strong>of</strong> scientists concluding that there are small but significant<br />

differences between men and women in their personality traits and<br />

interests. Con<strong>for</strong>ming to the expectations <strong>of</strong> gender stereotypes, on<br />

average, women are slightly better than men when it comes to verbal<br />

reasoning, feeling, and empathy, while men on average are slightly<br />

better at systems thinking and spatial visualization. On average,<br />

women are more agreeable while men are more aggressive and<br />

assertive. <strong>The</strong> largest difference is that on average, women are more<br />

interested in people while men are more interested in things.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se differences are subtle, and there is a lot <strong>of</strong> overlap between<br />

men and women. If you were to pick a man or woman at random<br />

and try to guess if they would be above average in any <strong>of</strong> these traits,<br />

you would only improve your odds very little if you went with the<br />

stereotype. But even a small difference can matter a great deal when<br />

looking at what roles and careers people choose to pursue; indeed, a<br />

small difference in an average can make a big difference at the<br />

extremes. <strong>The</strong>se subtle differences might potentially explain why<br />

women are so vastly under-represented in STEM fields but make up<br />

the majority <strong>of</strong> nurses and clinical psychologists (due to an interest in<br />

people vs. things). <strong>The</strong>y might also explain why women are less wellrepresented<br />

in leadership positions (due, potentially, to men being<br />

more aggressive and less agreeable).<br />

Are these differences real and permanent? Are they biological or<br />

cultural? <strong>The</strong> stakes <strong>of</strong> this debate are high. If these gender<br />

differences are real, innate, and unchangeable, then there may be little<br />

reason to suspect wide-spread discrimination and bias as the reason<br />

behind gender inequality. It might instead be a product <strong>of</strong> gendered<br />

choices and inclinations. Proponents <strong>of</strong> this position argue that we<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

already have equal opportunity laws in place and a culture that<br />

promotes and champions the freedom to pursue your dreams. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

suggest that perhaps the gender gap and apparent inequality is just a<br />

product <strong>of</strong> individual choices.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are high stakes <strong>for</strong> men as well. Gender stereotypes that<br />

propose that men are more violent, courageous, and strong-willed,<br />

along with gender roles that ask men to provide <strong>for</strong> the family, serve<br />

the country, and sacrifice themselves <strong>for</strong> others while showing no<br />

signs <strong>of</strong> emotion or weakness, lead to many negative outcomes <strong>for</strong><br />

men. While it is easy to look at the fact that 80% <strong>of</strong> all political<br />

leadership positions and 93% <strong>of</strong> the Fortune 500 CEOs are men and<br />

think that men have all the privilege, we should also consider the<br />

effect <strong>of</strong> gender stereotypes on the vast majority <strong>of</strong> men. Men's<br />

Rights Activists point out that men make up 97% <strong>of</strong> combat<br />

fatalities. <strong>The</strong>y do more dangerous work, making up 93% <strong>of</strong> all work<br />

fatalities. Because they are stereotyped to be less nurturing, they lose<br />

custody in 84% <strong>of</strong> divorces. <strong>The</strong>y also struggle more in school,<br />

making up just 43% <strong>of</strong> college enrollments. <strong>The</strong> problems start early,<br />

as they are nearly twice as likely as girls to repeat kindergarten.<br />

With such high stakes, a constant flurry <strong>of</strong> articles, blog posts,<br />

YouTube videos, and message boards create a highly contentious and<br />

polarized cultural space where the origin and value <strong>of</strong> stereotypes is<br />

vehemently argued.<br />

Contrary to what we would expect if these differences were<br />

biological and innate, they differ in magnitude across cultures.<br />

However, contrary to what we might expect if the differences were<br />

cultural, they are more pronounced in cultures where sex roles are<br />

more egalitarian and minimized, such as in European and American<br />

cultures. In Northern Europe, where gender equality is highest,<br />

gender differences in career choice are the most pronounced.<br />

Proponents <strong>of</strong> the biological thesis suggest that this is definitive<br />

pro<strong>of</strong> that these differences are innate and not socially constructed.<br />

But there are many critics <strong>of</strong> these studies. <strong>The</strong>y point out a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> flaws in the studies that replicate gender stereotypes while<br />


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<strong>of</strong>fering little evidence that the stereotypes are actually true. For<br />

example, many <strong>of</strong> the most-cited studies ask participants to selfreport<br />

on their level <strong>of</strong> empathy or respond hypothetically to<br />

prompts such as "I really enjoy caring <strong>for</strong> people" or "When I read<br />

the newspaper, I am drawn to tables <strong>of</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation, such as football<br />

league scores or stock market indices." Critics have found that in<br />

research situations in which people are reminded <strong>of</strong> their gender and<br />

gender stereotypes, the differences are magnified, but in situations<br />

where their gender is minimized the differences go away. A careful<br />

review <strong>of</strong> these studies by scholars like Cordelia Fine have found<br />

these self-report studies are unreliable in predicting actual behavior or<br />

actual ability, and the content <strong>of</strong> the questions themselves signal<br />

gender stereotypes (men like football and stock markets) that reveal<br />

little about how men and women actually think and more about how<br />

they have been culturally conditioned.<br />

In short, the studies that attempt to suggest that gender<br />

differences are entirely rooted in biology continually come up short,<br />

but that is not to say there are not real biological differences. As<br />

biologists Anne Fausto-Sterling has summarized the situation, the<br />

brain "remains a vast unknown, a perfect medium on which to<br />

project, even unwittingly, assumptions about gender." But despite<br />

these unwitting assumptions, the cutting-edge research in psychology<br />

and neuroscience have demonstrated that there are real sex<br />

differences in the brain that should not be overlooked. Ongoing<br />

research is focusing less on whether gender is strictly biological or<br />

strictly cultural, and instead how biology and culture intersect in the<br />

creation <strong>of</strong> gender, trying to understand gender as a biocultural<br />

creation.<br />


Gender roles and stereotypes are pervasive in all cultures, and<br />

while there is some variation, there is also considerable overlap. All<br />

over the world and across almost all cultures, men hold more<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

positions <strong>of</strong> leadership in economic, political, and religious domains,<br />

while women are most <strong>of</strong>ten the primary caregivers. Throughout<br />

much <strong>of</strong> human history, women would have been the primary source<br />

<strong>of</strong> sustenance <strong>for</strong> growing babies through breast feeding, leaving it to<br />

the man to do more work outside the home to bring home food.<br />

Men tend to be associated with public activities, while women are<br />

more associated with domestic activities. <strong>The</strong>se differences usually<br />

also entail differences in status and power, so that globally we see<br />

pervasive inequality between men and women.<br />

In Nimakot, Papua New Guinea, traditional religious beliefs<br />

practiced until the 1980s were centered around the great ancestress<br />

Afek. Temples throughout the region marked key places where she<br />

literally "gave birth" to the key elements <strong>of</strong> the culture. Women's<br />

reproductive powers were highly revered and feared. Menstrual blood<br />

was seen as dangerous and polluting. During their periods, women<br />

were required to stay in a small menstrual hut away from the main<br />

village, and women were never allowed into the men's house, where<br />

the most sacred rituals surrounding the ancestress took place. So<br />

while it may appear that women are given a l<strong>of</strong>ty status in light <strong>of</strong> the<br />

culture revolving around an ancestress, in practice women were<br />

locked out <strong>of</strong> positions <strong>of</strong> sacred and political power, and <strong>for</strong>ced into<br />

confinement <strong>for</strong> three days <strong>of</strong> every month.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are a wide range <strong>of</strong> approaches and opinions on these<br />

matters, even within the same culture or religion. Some Muslim<br />

women, <strong>for</strong> example, see the wearing <strong>of</strong> the hijab head-covering as<br />

oppressive, refuse to wear it, and encourage other women to give it<br />

up as well. But other Muslim women argue that it is their right and<br />

choice to wear the hijab as an expression <strong>of</strong> their submission to God,<br />

and that it gives them the freedom to move about in public without<br />

the leering and objectifying eyes <strong>of</strong> men. Some <strong>of</strong> these same Muslim<br />

women argue that it is the scantily-clad Instagram model obsessed<br />

with her looks, morphing her body through diets, postures, and<br />

surgery, who is truly overcome and controlled by the gaze <strong>of</strong> men.<br />


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<strong>The</strong>re is also considerable cultural variation in the total number<br />

<strong>of</strong> genders. <strong>The</strong> socialization <strong>of</strong> "men" and "women" starts at a very<br />

young age. By the time we are making the wish-list <strong>for</strong> our fifth<br />

birthday, we already take it <strong>for</strong> granted that there are two distinct<br />

categories <strong>of</strong> children: boys and girls. But a quick review <strong>of</strong> gender<br />

roles and categories around the world demonstrates that many <strong>of</strong> our<br />

ideas about gender are socially constructed and can exist in very<br />

different ways in different cultures.<br />

It is commonly assumed that one is just born male or female, and<br />

while it is true that there are important biological differences <strong>for</strong>med<br />

at birth and ongoing differences that emerge throughout life, these<br />

are not easily put into a simple binary <strong>of</strong> male and female.<br />

To understand this complexity, anthropologists find it useful to<br />

distinguish between sex and gender. Sex refers to an individual's<br />

biological traits while gender refers to cultural categories, roles,<br />

values, and identities. In short, sex is biological. Gender is cultural.<br />

In India there is a third gender called the Hijra. Hijra are people<br />

who were usually born male but live their lives as a third gender,<br />

neither male nor female. Some are born intersexed, having both male<br />

and female reproductive organs. Texts dating back 4,000 years<br />

describe how Hijra were thought to bring luck and fertility. Several<br />

Native American cultures have also traditionally recognized a third<br />

gender and sometimes ascribed special curing powers to them. <strong>The</strong><br />

Bugis on the island <strong>of</strong> Sulawesi recognize five genders. What we call<br />

"transgendered men" or "transgendered women" have a ready and<br />

identifiable role and place in their society. To these they add a fifth,<br />

the Bissu. Bissu are androgynous shamans. <strong>The</strong>y are not merely<br />

thought to be gender neutral or non-binary. A better translation is<br />

that they are "gender transcendent." <strong>The</strong>y are thought to have special<br />

connections to the hidden world <strong>of</strong> "batin." <strong>The</strong> Bugis believe that all<br />

five genders must live in harmony.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se more complex systems that move beyond the simple<br />

binary <strong>of</strong> male and female may be better suited <strong>for</strong> the realities <strong>of</strong><br />

human variation. Over 70 million people worldwide are born<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

intersexed. <strong>The</strong>y have chromosomes, reproductive organs, or<br />

genitalia that are not exclusively male or female. In societies where<br />

such variations are not accepted, these individuals are <strong>of</strong>ten put<br />

through painful gender assignment surgeries that can cause<br />

psychological troubles later on if their inner identity fails to match<br />

with the identity others ascribe to them based on their biology.<br />


To understand how gender might be socially constructed, we can<br />

remove the references to blindness from the example in the opening<br />

story and create a sort <strong>of</strong> "Mad Libs" <strong>for</strong> the social real-ization <strong>of</strong><br />

gender. You could fill in the blanks below with the expectations<br />

associated with either gender to create a short summary <strong>of</strong> how that<br />

gender is socially constructed.<br />

1. Beliefs and expectations: From an early age, people<br />

learn a set <strong>of</strong> stereotypical expectations and beliefs<br />

about men/women as "__________." Men/women<br />

take on these beliefs and expectations as part <strong>of</strong> their<br />

self-concept.<br />

2. Behaviors and interactions: Second, these beliefs<br />

become guidelines <strong>for</strong> our behaviors and interactions<br />

with others. In this way, even if a man/woman has the<br />

<strong>for</strong>titude to reject the stereotypes put upon them, they<br />

might be denied opportunities <strong>for</strong> ____________ by<br />

the expectations <strong>of</strong> others who do not allow the<br />

men/women to ________.<br />

3. Structures and institutions: Third, these beliefs and<br />

behaviors are woven into larger institutions and other<br />

social structures through which the beliefs and<br />

behaviors are rein<strong>for</strong>ced. Institutionalized norms, laws,<br />

behaviors, and services shape our beliefs about what is<br />

right, true, and possible.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Together, these three concepts make up a trio <strong>of</strong> real-ization,<br />

with each element relating to and re-en<strong>for</strong>cing the others. You could<br />

draw the relations between them like this:<br />

In a landmark set <strong>of</strong> essays called "Making Gender,"<br />

anthropologist Sherri Ortner explores the relationships between these<br />

domains as a way <strong>of</strong> exploring how gender roles, stereotypes, and<br />

relationships might change or get reproduced in our everyday actions.<br />

She notes that this involves "looking at and listening to real people<br />

doing real things ... and trying to figure out how what they are doing<br />

or have done will or will not reconfigure the world they live in." For<br />

her, the anthropological project consists <strong>of</strong> understanding the cultural<br />

constraints <strong>of</strong> the world, as well as the ways in which people actively<br />

live among such constraints, sometimes recreating those same<br />

constraints, but sometimes changing them.<br />

Consider the first element: beliefs and expectations. Cordelia Fine<br />

asks you to imagine that you are part <strong>of</strong> a study in which the<br />

researcher has asked you to write down what males and females are<br />

like according to cultural lore. You might resist the idea that people<br />

can be stereotyped, but you would have no trouble reproducing the<br />

stereotype. "One list would probably feature communal personality<br />

traits like compassionate, loves children, dependent, interpersonally<br />

sensitive, nurturing ... On the other character inventory we would see<br />

agentic descriptions like leader, aggressive, ambitious, analytical,<br />

competitive, dominant, independent, and individualistic." She<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

concludes by noting that you would have no trouble knowing which<br />

one matches which gender.<br />

Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, even if you don't buy into these stereotypes, you<br />

can't help but take them into account in <strong>for</strong>ming your own selfconcept.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are part <strong>of</strong> the cultural framework and meaning system<br />

upon which we craft our identity and sense <strong>of</strong> self. Even if we<br />

explicitly choose to craft an identity against these stereotypes, we do<br />

so in full acknowledgment that we are doing so, and that we may<br />

need to be prepared <strong>for</strong> how the world might receive us. A woman<br />

who demonstrates an aggressive leadership style will likely be<br />

perceived more negatively than a man with the same approach, while<br />

a stay-at-home dad who shows emotion easily may be openly<br />

ridiculed <strong>for</strong> not properly providing <strong>for</strong> his family. In short, we do<br />

not craft our identities in a social vacuum and must account <strong>for</strong><br />

cultural stereotypes as we navigate the world.<br />

In this way, beliefs and expectations shape the second element;<br />

behaviors and interactions. We have probably all experienced<br />

ourselves bending our personalities ever so slightly to accommodate a<br />

particular situation. If we are around people we think might hold<br />

stronger traditional gender stereotypes, we are likely to change our<br />

behavior to match their expectations. Controlled studies by Stacy<br />

Sinclair in which women are told that they are about to meet with a<br />

charming but sexist man led these women to self-assess themselves as<br />

more stereotypically feminine.<br />

Other studies prime students with gender stereotypes and then<br />

give them moral dilemmas to see how they will respond. For<br />

example, in a study by psychologist Michelle Ryan, one group <strong>of</strong><br />

participants was asked to brainstorm ideas <strong>for</strong> debating gender<br />

stereotypes and another was not. <strong>The</strong>n they were asked to solve a<br />

moral dilemma. Among those who had brainstormed the ideas <strong>for</strong><br />

debating gender stereotypes, women were twice as likely to respond<br />

to the moral dilemma by <strong>of</strong>fering empathy and care-based solutions<br />

in line with gender stereotypes.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

In other words, whenever the gender stereotype is in mind,<br />

people shape their behavior in relation to that stereotype. It is<br />

surprisingly easy to bring the stereotype to mind. When researchers at<br />

American University added a small checkbox to indicate your gender<br />

as male or female to the top <strong>of</strong> a self-assessment, women started<br />

rating their verbal abilities higher and math abilities lower than when<br />

the checkbox was not on the <strong>for</strong>m.<br />

Psychologists who study "stereotype threat" call this "priming." It<br />

is a technique used in the lab to "prime" research participants with a<br />

gender stereotype, role, or identity be<strong>for</strong>e doing another task to see<br />

how it effects the outcome. But these effects go far beyond the lab,<br />

because while the "priming" done in the lab is <strong>of</strong>ten very subtle, we<br />

live our lives completely immersed in situations that can prime these<br />

gender stereotypes. As evidence <strong>of</strong> this, consider the constant barrage<br />

<strong>of</strong> advertisements we see online, on TV, and in our social media<br />

feeds that reproduce gender stereotypes and consider their effect.<br />

When researcher Paul Davies showed research participants<br />

advertisements <strong>of</strong> women in beauty commercials or doting over a<br />

brownie mix and then asked them to take an exam, he found that<br />

women attempted far fewer math problems than they did if they were<br />

shown more neutral ads. <strong>The</strong>y also were less likely to aspire to careers<br />

in STEM fields after seeing these commercials. Psychologists Jennifer<br />

Steele and Nalini Ambady conclude that "our culture creates a<br />

situation <strong>of</strong> repeated priming <strong>of</strong> stereotypes and their related<br />

identities, which eventually help to define a person's long-term<br />

attitude towards specific domains."<br />

As a result <strong>of</strong> the stereotypes and behaviors they influence, we<br />

end up creating the third element: structures and institutions. Women<br />

who resist the stereotype and pursue STEM fields, attempt to climb<br />

corporate ladders, or pursue political success will find fewer and<br />

fewer other women alongside them as they move up the ranks. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

find themselves in male-dominated institutions that rein<strong>for</strong>ce and<br />

reproduce the stereotypes. Despite the progress made over the past<br />

50 years, they may still face discrimination in hiring and promotion,<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

or they may find that their ideas or opinions are not <strong>of</strong>ten accepted,<br />

or they may find themselves immersed in a masculine culture where<br />

they find it difficult to fit in and be effective.<br />

Meanwhile, in Armenia, women make up about half <strong>of</strong> computer<br />

science majors (vs. 15% in America). Hasmik Gharibyan suggests<br />

that this is because Armenians do not expect to have a job they love.<br />

Jobs are <strong>for</strong> financial stability. Joy is to be found in family and<br />

friends, not a job. We see a similar pattern in other developing<br />

countries, so that contrary to many expectations, those countries with<br />

more traditional views <strong>of</strong> gender have less gender inequality.<br />

As mentioned earlier, many <strong>of</strong> those who favor a biological<br />

explanation take this as evidence that men and women have innately<br />

different interests and abilities leading them down different career<br />

paths when they have total freedom <strong>of</strong> movement. However,<br />

sociologists Maria Charles and Karen Bradley argue that these<br />

differences result from our strong cultural emphasis on individual<br />

self-expression. Unlike developing countries, self-expression plays a<br />

large role in career choice over practical considerations. <strong>Being</strong> an<br />

anthropology major or an engineering major is as much an identity as<br />

it is a career.<br />

In this way, a culture that values self-expression may exaggerate<br />

and exacerbate the stereotypes and frameworks that provide the raw<br />

material from which people construct their selves. While the impact<br />

<strong>of</strong> stereotypes may seem small in any particular situation, we are<br />

never not in a situation, and these effects add up and result in<br />

substantially different and gendered behavioral patterns, interests,<br />

and worldviews. <strong>The</strong>se behaviors, interests, and worldviews then<br />

become a part <strong>of</strong> the social world that others must navigate, thereby<br />

perpetuating the stereotypes.<br />

We do not know yet how this social construction interacts with<br />

biological processes in the brain, but as anthropologists, sociologists,<br />

psychologists, biologists, and neuroscientists continue their<br />

explorations into how gender is made, we will likely see many<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

important new discoveries in the field demonstrating the complexities<br />

<strong>of</strong> this biocultural creation.<br />


Most Americans publicly proclaim that they are not racist, but all<br />

Americans know the common stereotypes and how they map on to<br />

each racial category. <strong>The</strong> idea that there are "blacks" "whites" and<br />

"Asians" goes largely unquestioned. But many anthropologists<br />

propose that when we look at the entire global human population,<br />

the notion <strong>of</strong> race is a myth. It is a cultural construction. As<br />

biological anthropologist Alan Goodman notes, "what's black in the<br />

United States is not what's black in Brazil or what's black in South<br />

Africa. What was black in 1940 is different from what is black in<br />

2000." Scientists like Goodman note that if you lined up all the<br />

people on the planet in terms <strong>of</strong> skin color you would see a slow<br />

gradation from light skin to dark skin and at no point could you<br />

realistically declare the point at which you transition from "black<br />

people" to "white people."<br />

How did our skins get their color? Skin color is an adaptation to<br />

sun exposure. Populations in very sunny areas along the equator have<br />

evolved to produce more melanin, which darkens the skin and<br />

protects them from skin disorders as well as neural tube defects that<br />

can kill unborn children. Populations in less sunny areas have evolved<br />

with less melanin so that their lighter skins can absorb more Vitamin<br />

D, which aids in the absorption <strong>of</strong> calcium, building stronger bones.<br />

When anthropologists argue that race is a myth, they are pointing<br />

out that variations in skin color cannot be neatly categorized with<br />

other traits so that people can be clearly separated into clear types<br />

(races) along the lines created by our cultural concept <strong>of</strong> race. For<br />

example, some populations in the world that have dark skin have<br />

curly hair, while others have straight hair. Some are very tall, and<br />

some are very short. <strong>Human</strong>s have a tendency to create categories<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

based on visual traits like skin color because they're so prominently<br />

visible. But, as anthropologist Marvin Harris notes, organizing people<br />

into racial types according to skin color makes as much sense as<br />

trying to organize them according to whether or not they can roll<br />

their tongues. Skin color, like tongue-rolling, is highly unlikely to<br />

correlate with any complex behavior such as intelligence, discipline,<br />

aggression, or personality, in part because these complex behaviors<br />

are strongly shaped by culture and there<strong>for</strong>e the racial categories and<br />

stereotypes in any given culture will have a pr<strong>of</strong>ound effect on those<br />

behaviors.<br />

This is not to say there is not significant human variation across<br />

populations, but cutting-edge DNA studies from revolutionary<br />

studies in genetics have shown that the boundaries <strong>of</strong> what might be<br />

considered "populations" have always been changing. As geneticist<br />

David Reich points out, there were different populations in the past,<br />

but "the fault lines across populations were almost unrecognizably<br />

different from today." So while different populations differ in bodily<br />

dimensions, lactose tolerance, disease resistance, and the ability to<br />

breath at high altitudes, these differences do not fall into neat, fixed,<br />

unchanging, and scientifically verifiable racial categories.<br />

Currently, most anthropologists maintain that race is a social<br />

construction with no basis in biology. However, some<br />

anthropologists are now arguing that our social constructions are<br />

having a real impact on biology. For example, if someone is socially<br />

classified as "black," they are more likely to live in conditions with<br />

limited access to good nutrition and healthcare. In short, as Nancy<br />

Krieger recently noted, "racism harms health," and this means that<br />

different races have different biology, but this biology is in part<br />

shaped by social <strong>for</strong>ces.<br />

At the root <strong>of</strong> these health inequalities is continued racial<br />

segregation. Why, 50 years after the Civil Rights movement, are our<br />

cities still segregated? Why do white families have over 10 times the<br />

net worth <strong>of</strong> black families? Why are whites almost twice as likely to<br />

own a home? Why are blacks twice as likely to be unemployed? Why<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

are black babies 2.5 times more likely to die be<strong>for</strong>e their first<br />

birthday?<br />

Race is real-ized through the same triad <strong>of</strong> <strong>for</strong>ces that real-ize<br />

gender and blind men in the previous examples.<br />

At the level <strong>of</strong> beliefs, studies show that Americans hold implicit<br />

biases even when they claim to deny all racial biases. For example,<br />

Yarka Mekawi and Konrad Bresin at the University <strong>of</strong> Illinois<br />

recently did a meta-analysis <strong>of</strong> the many studies involving the<br />

"shooter task" in which people are asked to shoot at video images <strong>of</strong><br />

men with guns but avoid shooting men who are not holding guns.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y found that across 42 studies, people were found to shoot armed<br />

black men faster than armed white men, and slower to decide to not<br />

shoot unarmed blacks. Such studies are increasingly important in an<br />

age <strong>of</strong> social media that has brought several police shootings <strong>of</strong><br />

unarmed blacks under public scrutiny and inspired widespread<br />

protests such as the Black Lives Matter movement. <strong>The</strong>se studies<br />

reveal that the stereotype that blacks are prone to anger and violence<br />

lays a claim on the consciousness <strong>of</strong> whites and blacks, even when<br />

those individuals are committed to overcoming racial bias.<br />

Our beliefs, conscious and unconscious, affect our behavior.<br />

When researchers sent out identical resumes with only the names<br />

changed, they found that resumes with "white-sounding" names like<br />

Greg and Emily were 50% more likely to receive a call-back versus<br />

resumes with "black-sounding" names like Jamal and Lakisha.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se biases are <strong>of</strong>ten shared across races, so that blacks and<br />

whites hold the same stereotypes, and these stereotypes affect how<br />

they act and per<strong>for</strong>m. For example, Jeff Stone at the University <strong>of</strong><br />

Arizona set up a mini-golf course and announced to the players that<br />

it was specially designed to measure raw athletic ability. Black players<br />

outper<strong>for</strong>med white players. <strong>The</strong>n, without changing the course at all,<br />

he announced that the course was specially designed to measure one's<br />

ability to see and interpret spatial geometry. White players<br />

outper<strong>for</strong>med black players.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

But we fail to see how the ideas become real-ized without also<br />

looking at structure and the impact <strong>of</strong> institutionalized racism.<br />

Institutionalized racism is <strong>of</strong>ten misunderstood as institutions and<br />

laws that are overtly racist, or as an institution that is permeated with<br />

racists people or racist ideology. <strong>The</strong>se misunderstandings lead<br />

people to claim that a city and its institutions cannot be described as<br />

having institutionalized racism if the city or its institutions are<br />

operated by blacks.<br />

Institutionalized racism is better viewed not as the willful creation<br />

<strong>of</strong> racists or racist institutions, but as the cumulative effect <strong>of</strong><br />

policies, systems and processes that may not have been designed with<br />

racism in mind, but which have the effect <strong>of</strong> disadvantaging certain<br />

racial groups.<br />

For example, consider the insurance industry. Insurance<br />

companies do not usually have racist policies or overt racists working<br />

within them. In fact, when they are found to have any racist policies<br />

or racist employees, they face legal sanctioning. Nonetheless, they do<br />

have a set <strong>of</strong> policies that disadvantage blacks disproportionately to<br />

whites. <strong>The</strong>y charge <strong>for</strong> auto-insurance based on ZIP code, which<br />

includes a calculation <strong>for</strong> how likely it is that your car might be stolen<br />

or damaged. Since more blacks live in poor, high-crime areas, this<br />

policy has the effect <strong>of</strong> disadvantaging them.<br />

In many states and cities, school funding is also tied to ZIP code.<br />

It is also much more difficult to get a loan in some ZIP codes.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e, one <strong>of</strong> the most powerful <strong>for</strong>ces that continuously recreates<br />

racial prejudices is a structure that includes black poverty and<br />

segregated cities created after hundreds <strong>of</strong> years <strong>of</strong> slavery and <strong>of</strong>ficial<br />

segregation. Even though <strong>of</strong>ficial segregation is now a thing <strong>of</strong> the<br />

past, its legacy lives on as black families are more likely to live in<br />

poverty and in impoverished neighborhoods where it is more difficult<br />

to find and receive loans, a good education, and good opportunities.<br />

On average, blacks continue to have less wealth, less education, fewer<br />

opportunities, and live in impoverished areas with higher crime rates.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se characteristics then get associated with blackness, thereby<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

supporting the stereotypes that in<strong>for</strong>m the practices that continually<br />

re-create the structure <strong>of</strong> segregation.<br />

As Stokely Carmichael and Charles Hamilton argued when<br />

coining the term "institutional racism," we all rightly protest and take<br />

action when someone dies as the victim <strong>of</strong> a racist hate crime, but fail<br />

to see the problem when<br />

"...five hundred black babies die each year because <strong>of</strong> the lack <strong>of</strong> power,<br />

food, shelter and medical facilities, and thousands more are destroyed<br />

and maimed physically, emotionally and intellectually because <strong>of</strong><br />

conditions <strong>of</strong> poverty and discrimination in the black community ..."<br />

That was written over 50 years ago, in 1967. Black poverty in the<br />

inner city remains a problem, exacerbated by many historical trends<br />

and <strong>for</strong>ces. Recognizing the triad <strong>of</strong> <strong>for</strong>ces involved in real-ization<br />

(beliefs, behaviors, and structures) is essential to overcoming racim.<br />

If we only try to rid ourselves <strong>of</strong> our biased beliefs, we run the risk <strong>of</strong><br />

not addressing important practices and structures that perpetuate<br />

those beliefs.<br />

This potential to raise awareness, liberate our thinking, see our<br />

seeing, and potentially build a better world is why social scientists<br />

have been so excited about the idea <strong>of</strong> the social construction <strong>of</strong><br />

reality <strong>for</strong> the past fifty years. But given that the future <strong>of</strong> reality is at<br />

stake, such discussions can become highly politicized and<br />

contentious, especially when the discussions might impact public<br />

policy or social norms.<br />

This kind <strong>of</strong> investigation allows us to see into the processes<br />

through which our culture is made, and may even give us an<br />

opportunity to push back and re-make culture. But how far can this<br />

go? Can we really see the makings <strong>of</strong> our own realities and then just<br />

re-make them? This is not something to be answered in a single<br />

book, but to be continually discussed and debated in our everyday<br />

lives. Indeed, such a debate is the engine <strong>of</strong> culture and cultural<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

change itself. However, we can make three important points <strong>of</strong><br />

departure:<br />

1. Socially constructed realities shape and are shaped by<br />

physical reality in many complex ways.<br />

2. Because the future <strong>of</strong> reality is at stake, discussion and<br />

debate about socially constructed realities tend to be<br />

highly politically charged and contentious.<br />

3. Socially constructed realities are "made up" but they are<br />

still "real" and have real consequences. "Time" and<br />

"money" may be social constructions, but they are still<br />

really real. <strong>The</strong> fact that 2:30 pm is a social construction<br />

and part <strong>of</strong> a larger cultural set <strong>of</strong> beliefs emphasizing<br />

order and efficiency doesn't mean you can blow <strong>of</strong>f<br />

your 2:30 pm appointment to protest this set <strong>of</strong> social<br />

constructions and not face any social consequences.<br />


Invisibilia Podcast: How to Become Batman<br />

<strong>The</strong> Making <strong>of</strong> Blind Men<br />

by Robert A. Scott<br />

Delusions <strong>of</strong> Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and<br />

Neurosexism Create Difference, by Cordelia Fine<br />

Skin: A Natural History<br />

by Nina G. Jablonski<br />

Race – <strong>The</strong> Power <strong>of</strong> an Illusion,<br />


Michael Wesch<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Challenge Six: Get Uncom<strong>for</strong>table<br />

Your challenge is to do at least one hour <strong>of</strong> fieldwork, immersing<br />

yourself in a cross-cultural or sub-cultural experience – a place, event,<br />

activity that makes you uncom<strong>for</strong>table. Do fieldwork and write up a<br />

“thick description” <strong>of</strong> your experience.<br />

Objective: Experience more, experience difference, and experience<br />

differently – to practice using communication, empathy, and<br />

thoughtfulness to really experience the world from a different cultural<br />

position.<br />

1. Stretch yourself to experience a different cultural or subcultural<br />

reality. For example, if you are atheist, go to church. If you are<br />

Christian, go to a Buddhist retreat. In short, do something you would<br />

probably never otherwise do and open yourself up to the experience.<br />

2. Make sure that it is “cultural” in that it involves engaging and<br />

interacting with people.<br />

3. After the event, write up a “thick description” <strong>of</strong> your experience.<br />

A thick description is an exquisitely detailed description <strong>of</strong> the<br />

setting, participants, activities, interactions, and social dramas playing<br />

out that allow the reader to feel ad if they are really there.<br />

Go to <strong>for</strong> additional tips and<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Lesson Seven<br />

Superstructure<br />

We fail to examine our assumptions not just because they are hard to<br />

see, but also because they are safe and com<strong>for</strong>table. <strong>The</strong>y allow us to<br />

live with the flattering illusion that "I am the center <strong>of</strong> the universe,<br />

and what matters are my immediate needs and desires."<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />


<strong>The</strong> ideal marriage among the Sumbanese <strong>of</strong> Indonesia is <strong>for</strong> a<br />

woman to marry her father's sister's son, and <strong>for</strong> a man to marry his<br />

mother's brother's daughter. Like the marriages among the Tamil,<br />

these cousin marriages are arranged by elders and thought to be far<br />

too important to be left up to individual choice. <strong>The</strong>se marriages<br />

create alliances between clans which are further rein<strong>for</strong>ced through<br />

ceremonies involving an elaborate exchange <strong>of</strong> valuables such as<br />

horses, pigs, ivory, and gold. For the Sumbanese, this is simply the<br />

right thing to do.<br />

One day, the anthropologist Web Keane was discussing these<br />

matters with an elder Sumbanese woman when she turned the tables<br />

and asked him about American marriage practices. Keane told her<br />

that individuals choose their own partners, that we rarely or never<br />

marry cousins but otherwise there are no rules, and that we do not<br />

host an elaborate exchange <strong>of</strong> goods like the Sumbanese. "She was<br />

visibly appalled," Keane notes. With a sense <strong>of</strong> shock she exclaimed,<br />

"So Americans just mate like animals!"<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

On the surface, this story is a reminder <strong>of</strong> the vast differences<br />

between us. Our cultures seem to encapsulate very different morals,<br />

ethics, and values. Marriage practices are just one expression <strong>of</strong> what<br />

at root seem to be vastly different ideas and ideals. <strong>The</strong> American<br />

marriage system rests on ideals <strong>of</strong> individualism, freedom, liberty, and<br />

choice. If we really stop to imagine a young girl marrying her cousin<br />

at the behest <strong>of</strong> her elders, we can't help but feel as appalled as the<br />

Sumbanese woman above. <strong>The</strong> Sumbanese system seems to be<br />

denying her most fundamental right to live a free life, fall in love, and<br />

pursue happiness under her own terms. But beneath the surface we<br />

might also perceive a few important similarities. First, both<br />

systems are supported by moral and ethical values. Americans may<br />

disagree on the specifics <strong>of</strong> the ethical system, but we recognize it as<br />

an ethical system and understand the value <strong>of</strong> such constraints. We<br />

might even agree with the sentiment that, as Keane summarizes it,<br />

"being ethical makes you human."<br />

<strong>The</strong> problem <strong>of</strong> different morals and ethics raises some<br />

challenging questions. As noted earlier, great questions can take us further<br />

than we ever thought possible. But questions can be disconcerting too,<br />

especially those that might lead us to question our moral and ethical<br />

foundations. Are there universal principles <strong>of</strong> right and wrong?<br />

Where does our morality come from? Does it have natural or divine<br />

origins? Are we born with a sense <strong>of</strong> morality or do we learn it? <strong>The</strong><br />

implications <strong>of</strong> how we answer these questions will impact everything<br />

about how we live and find meaning and purpose in life. <strong>The</strong> stakes<br />

are high.<br />

Morality provides many benefits to human societies. <strong>The</strong>y keep<br />

people in line and allow us to live in relative peace and harmony.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y can provide a sense <strong>of</strong> direction, meaning, and purpose. And<br />

they <strong>of</strong>ten put us in accord with the natural world around us as well,<br />

providing rules and directions <strong>for</strong> how to treat the world and the<br />

other creatures with whom we live.<br />

But morality can also drive us apart. Many <strong>of</strong> the most intense<br />

conflicts and wars stem from real or perceived moral differences.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Even within a single culture there can be virulent conflict over moral<br />

principles. As I write these words there are several protests planned<br />

in America today in the ongoing battles that have been dubbed the<br />

"culture wars." <strong>The</strong> culture wars pit ardent conservatives against<br />

progressive liberals on issues <strong>of</strong> abortion, women's rights, LGBTQ<br />

rights, free speech, political correctness, racial inequalities, global<br />

warming, and immigration, among many others. Over the past few<br />

years, the culture wars have become even more explosive, with<br />

protests and counter-protests <strong>of</strong>ten erupting into violence.<br />

In the midst <strong>of</strong> these conflicts there is a growing sense that we<br />

simply cannot talk or have a civil discussion anymore. We live in<br />

different media worlds inside the filter bubbles created by social<br />

media. One person's facts are another's "alt-facts." Is there any hope<br />

to find common ground?<br />

In this lesson, we will be exploring the roots and many<br />

flourishing branches <strong>of</strong> morality, but ultimately our goal will be to use<br />

the anthropological perspective to try to see our own seeing, see big,<br />

and see small, so that we can "see it all" – see and understand our<br />

own moral foundations as well as those <strong>of</strong> others in hopes that we<br />

can have productive conversations with people who see the world<br />

differently. To do this, we will have to open ourselves up to the<br />

anthropological method to experience more (other moral ideas and<br />

systems), experience difference (by truly understanding the roots and<br />

foundations <strong>of</strong> those systems), and experience differently (by<br />

allowing ourselves to imagine our way into a new way <strong>of</strong> thinking, if<br />

only temporarily, to truly understand a different point <strong>of</strong> view).<br />


Imagine the following dilemma: A woman is dying and there is<br />

only one drug that can save her life. <strong>The</strong> druggist paid $200 <strong>for</strong> the<br />

materials and charges $2,000 <strong>for</strong> the drug. <strong>The</strong> woman's husband,<br />

Heinz, asked everyone he knows <strong>for</strong> money but could only collect<br />

$1,000. He <strong>of</strong>fered this to the druggist but the druggist refused.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

Desperate, Heinz broke into the lab and stole the drug <strong>for</strong> his wife.<br />

Should he have done this?<br />

This is the famous Heinz dilemma, created by Lawrence<br />

Kohlberg to analyze how people think through a moral dilemma.<br />

Kohlberg was not interested in whether or not people thought Heinz<br />

acted morally. He wanted to know how they justified their answer.<br />

From their responses he was able to construct a six-stage theory <strong>of</strong><br />

moral development proposing that over the course <strong>of</strong> a lifetime,<br />

people move from a "pre-conventional" self-centered morality based<br />

on obedience or self-interest to a more "conventional" grouporiented<br />

morality in which they value con<strong>for</strong>mity to rules and the<br />

importance <strong>of</strong> law and order. Some people move past this<br />

"conventional" morality to a "post-conventional" humanistic morality<br />

based on human rights and universal human ethics.<br />

Kohlberg proposed that these are universal stages <strong>of</strong> moral<br />

judgment that anyone in any culture may go through, but still allowed<br />

<strong>for</strong> a wide range <strong>of</strong> cultural variation in the group-oriented<br />

conventional stages based on local rules, customs, and laws. His postconventional<br />

stages represent a universal morality but only a very few<br />

people can see their way past their own cultural conventions to see<br />

and act on them. In his studies, just 2% <strong>of</strong> people responded in a way<br />

that reflected a model <strong>of</strong> morality based on universal human ethics,<br />

and in practice he reserved the highest stage <strong>of</strong> moral development to<br />

moral luminaries like Gandhi and Mother <strong>The</strong>resa.<br />

However, some saw Kohlberg's "universal" morality as biased<br />

toward a very specific model <strong>of</strong> morality that was culturally and<br />

politically biased in favor <strong>of</strong> liberal American values. By placing this<br />

"humanistic morality" as beyond and more developed than morality<br />

based on con<strong>for</strong>mity or law and order he was placing his own cultural<br />

values at the pinnacle <strong>of</strong> human moral achievement. Kohlberg's<br />

stage-theory model provided justification <strong>for</strong> a liberal secular<br />

worldview that championed questioning authority and egalitarianism<br />

as more advanced and developed than religiously-based moral<br />

worldviews that valued authority and tradition.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong>n Kohlberg's <strong>for</strong>mer student Elliot Turiel discovered that<br />

children as young as five <strong>of</strong>ten responded as "conventional" in some<br />

contexts but "post-conventional" in others. When children were<br />

asked whether or not it was okay to wear regular clothes to a school<br />

that requires school uni<strong>for</strong>ms, kids said no, except in cases in which<br />

the teacher allowed it. <strong>The</strong> kids recognized that these rules were<br />

based on social conventions. But if you asked them if it was okay if a<br />

girl pushed a boy <strong>of</strong>f a swing, the kids said no, and held to that<br />

answer even in cases in which the teacher allowed it or there were<br />

explicitly no rules against it. In this case, the kids were not basing<br />

their moral reasoning on social conventions. Turiel suggested that<br />

these were moral rules, not conventional rules, and moral rules were<br />

based on a universal moral truth: harm is wrong.<br />

This moral truth discovered by Turiel as he analyzed the<br />

discourse <strong>of</strong> children reflects the wisdom <strong>of</strong> "<strong>The</strong> Golden Rule,"<br />

which is found in religious traditions all over the world. <strong>The</strong> words <strong>of</strong><br />

Jesus ("Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.") are<br />

echoed in the Analects <strong>of</strong> Confucius ("Do not do to others what you<br />

do not want them to do to you."), the Udana-Varga <strong>of</strong> Buddhism<br />

("Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.") and<br />

the Hadiths <strong>of</strong> Islam ("None <strong>of</strong> you truly believes until he wishes <strong>for</strong><br />

his brother what he wishes <strong>for</strong> himself."), as well as many others. But<br />

evidence <strong>of</strong> a universal human morality might go beyond what is<br />

written in our texts. It might be written in our DNA.<br />


Two dominant theories <strong>of</strong> human nature have been debated <strong>for</strong><br />

centuries. One suggests that we are inherently good, peaceful,<br />

cooperative, empathic and nurturing. <strong>The</strong> other argues that we are<br />

inherently evil, violent, competitive, and selfish. In the 17 th Century,<br />

Thomas Hobbes argued that our societies are composed <strong>of</strong> selfish<br />

individuals and that without a strong social contract en<strong>for</strong>ced by<br />

government we would be engaged in a "war <strong>of</strong> all against all," that we<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

would be unable to cooperate to build technologies, institutions, and<br />

knowledge, and that ultimately our lives would be "solitary, poor,<br />

nasty, brutish, and short." Against this conception stood Jean-Jacques<br />

Rousseau with his image <strong>of</strong> the Noble Savage living in accord with<br />

nature in peaceful and egalitarian communities beyond the corruption<br />

<strong>of</strong> power and society.<br />

Many early popular anthropological accounts <strong>of</strong> indigenous<br />

people aligned with Rousseau's vision. Countering popular<br />

stereotypes <strong>of</strong> violent "savages," work such as that <strong>of</strong> Margaret Mead<br />

and Elizabeth Marshall Thomas portrayed indigenous people like the<br />

!Kung San as "<strong>The</strong> Harmless People" – hunter-gatherers living<br />

peaceful lives despite the absence <strong>of</strong> <strong>for</strong>mal laws and governments.<br />

However, over the past few decades anthropologists have<br />

acquired more detailed statistics on these groups, and the rates <strong>of</strong><br />

violent death among hunter-gatherers appears much higher than what<br />

we find in large state-based societies, even when massive atrocities<br />

like the World Wars are taken into account. Violent death rates<br />

among males <strong>of</strong> the Jivaro and Yanomamo have been reported to be<br />

over 45%. Adding more data to the side that humans are inherently<br />

violent, anthropologist Carol Ember estimated that 64 percent <strong>of</strong><br />

hunter-gatherer societies are either in a war or will be in one within<br />

the next two years. Under the weight <strong>of</strong> this evidence, linguist Steven<br />

Pinker declared that the "doctrine <strong>of</strong> the Noble Savage" had been<br />

"mercilessly debunked."<br />

But proponents <strong>of</strong> a better human nature note that just because<br />

we are naturally aggressive does not mean that we do not also have<br />

other important traits. Looking to our closest primate ancestors we<br />

find ample evidence <strong>of</strong> violent territorial behavior, but primatologist<br />

Franz de Waal sees a s<strong>of</strong>ter side as well. After a violent skirmish<br />

among chimpanzees he watched as the two fighters retreated to the<br />

tree tops. Soon one <strong>of</strong> them held out a hand in the direction <strong>of</strong> the<br />

other. <strong>The</strong>y slowly moved closer to one another and reconciled with<br />

a hug. He had originally been tasked with studying aggression and<br />

conflict among chimps, but it was clear to him that chimpanzees<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

valued their relationships and found ways to repair them when they<br />

were damaged.<br />

In further field observations and lab tests, de Waal pieced<br />

together a vast array <strong>of</strong> evidence suggesting that primates exhibit two<br />

pillars upon which a more complex human morality can be built:<br />

empathy and reciprocity.<br />

In one simple field test, he showed a looping video <strong>of</strong> a chimp<br />

yawning to see if chimps experience yawn contagion. Other studies<br />

among humans had shown that yawn contagion correlates with<br />

empathy. When chimps see a video <strong>of</strong> a chimp they know yawning,<br />

they "yawn like crazy" he says. This mimicry is a basic building block<br />

<strong>of</strong> empathy, an ability to imagine our way into another's emotions<br />

and perspective.<br />

This perspective-taking is <strong>of</strong> utmost necessity when cooperating<br />

on complex tasks and we find it not only in primates but other<br />

mammals as well. Chimpanzees and elephants are able to cooperate<br />

on the task <strong>of</strong> pulling in a food tray to obtain food. And chimpanzees<br />

will cooperate with another chimp even when there is nothing in it<br />

<strong>for</strong> them, showing that these actions go beyond mere selfishness.<br />

In another study they let a chimpanzee purchase food with<br />

tokens. If the chimp paid with a red token, only they got food. If they<br />

paid with a green token, both the chimp and another chimp next<br />

door received food. If chimps were purely selfish, we would expect<br />

random selection <strong>of</strong> tokens, so that over time 50% would be red and<br />

50% would be green. However, chimps tend to make prosocial<br />

choices by selecting the green token that fed the other chimp as well.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se pro-social tendencies extend into more elaborate notions<br />

<strong>of</strong> fairness as well. In a study <strong>of</strong> capuchin monkeys one monkey was<br />

paid in cucumber and the other in grapes. By the second round <strong>of</strong><br />

payments the first monkey was furious and demanded fairness,<br />

throwing the cucumber back at the researcher and demanding the<br />

grape. Among chimpanzees the same test elicited even more complex<br />

behavior. <strong>The</strong> chimp receiving the grapes refused grapes until the<br />

other chimp also received grapes.<br />


Michael Wesch<br />

For decades, de Waal found himself struggling against a strong<br />

consensus among scientists that deep down, humans are violent,<br />

cruel, aggressive, and selfish. <strong>The</strong>y proposed that only a thin veneer<br />

<strong>of</strong> human-made morality kept the world from falling apart. But his<br />

work was leading him somewhere else. Each experiment revealed that<br />

our evolutionary history had placed deep within us the capacity <strong>for</strong><br />

empathy, cooperation, reconciliation, and a sense <strong>of</strong> fairness. "Our<br />

brains have been designed to blur the line between self and other," de<br />

Waal noted on our capacity <strong>for</strong> empathy. "It is an ancient neural<br />

circuitry that marks every mammal, from mouse to elephant."<br />

De Waal seemed to be confirming Turiel's findings. Turiel had<br />

found a basic universal morality in five-year-old children that showed<br />

that we place an innate value on fairness and see harm to others as<br />

inherently wrong. De Waal now found this same basic morality<br />

among monkeys and apes, suggesting that the foundations <strong>of</strong> our<br />

morality run very deep in our biology and evolutionary history.<br />


Despite these apparent universals in the domains <strong>of</strong> harm and<br />

fairness, anthropologists did not need to look far to see a vast array<br />

<strong>of</strong> different moral standards reflected in the beliefs, practices, taboos,<br />

and rituals around the world. Aside from the most titillating accounts<br />

<strong>of</strong> human sacrifice, head-hunting, and ritualized cannibalism were<br />

many others that defied categorization into a simple scheme that<br />

placed principles <strong>of</strong> harm and fairness as the two pillars <strong>of</strong> morality.<br />

In the 1980s, anthropologist Richard Shweder started working<br />

with Turiel to examine the cross-cultural evidence <strong>for</strong> a universal<br />

morality. Together, they determined that there was simply not<br />

enough evidence yet. <strong>The</strong>y recognized that the five-year-olds may<br />

have simply picked up the principles <strong>of</strong> fairness and harm through<br />

socialization. <strong>The</strong>y needed a more thorough study <strong>of</strong> moral<br />

development in other cultures to determine if these moral principles<br />

were made by nature or culture.<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Being</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Shweder knew a great way to get started. He had done extensive<br />

fieldwork in the Hindu temple town <strong>of</strong> Bhubaneswar in India. As he<br />

describes it, it is<br />

"...a place where marriages are arranged, not matters <strong>of</strong> 'love' or free<br />

choice, where, at least among Brahman families, widows may not<br />

remarry or wear colored clothing or ornaments or jewelry; where<br />

Untouchables are not allowed in the temple; where menstruating women<br />

may not sleep in the same bed as their husbands or enter the kitchen or<br />

touch their children; where ancestral spirits are fed on a daily basis;<br />

where husband and wives do not eat together and the communal family<br />

meals we find so important rarely occur; where women avoid their<br />

husbands' elder brothers and men avoid their wives' elder sisters, where,<br />

with the exception <strong>of</strong> holy men, corpses are cremated, never buried, and<br />