Barbara [en]

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30<br />

Base in moulded concrete.<br />

A transpar<strong>en</strong>t protective paint<br />

is applied to the external<br />

surface, while the hole is<br />

varnished<br />

in matt black.<br />

The protective treatm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

deliberately leaves visible the<br />

natural porosity of the material,<br />

and the lack of uniformity of<br />

color.<br />

The top is available in F<strong>en</strong>ix,<br />

marble or in v<strong>en</strong>eered MDF.<br />

31<br />

Cem<strong>en</strong>t base<br />

Lazy Susan in black F<strong>en</strong>ix.<br />

top<br />

Emperador marble<br />

top<br />

Marquiña marble<br />

top<br />

Carrara marble<br />

Lazy Susan<br />

Black F<strong>en</strong>ix<br />

top<br />

F<strong>en</strong>ix Gold Cortez<br />

top<br />

Walnut<br />

top<br />

Mocha oak

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