Business Strategy E-Magazine August 2021

“Business strategy e-magazine” focuses on the Corporate Governance. Some of the best international professionals and entrepreneurs voluntarily provide with informative management & leadership skills, entrepreneur’s choices, career resources & more that you might need to succeed. This time we are segregating content into four parts : Leadership, Management, Career Byte and Brand – Success Stories. Dr Vaneeta Aggarwal illustrates top 8 trending business ideas thriving through the world pandemic. The leadership skills are explained by Fausto Turco (Italian CEO) while the 5Cs of new Context and new leadership are explained by Paolo Gallo (Former CHRO, World Bank and Founder of a Executive advisory firm). Dr Neeta Pant has contributed another interesting article on managing ones emotions during turmoil. Abhinav Sharma elaborates the changes in hospitality business due to covid 19 & more on cryptocurrency.

“Business strategy e-magazine” focuses on the Corporate Governance. Some of the best international professionals and entrepreneurs voluntarily provide with informative management & leadership skills, entrepreneur’s choices, career resources & more that you might need to succeed.
This time we are segregating content into four parts : Leadership, Management, Career Byte and Brand – Success Stories. Dr Vaneeta Aggarwal illustrates top 8 trending business ideas thriving through the world pandemic.
The leadership skills are explained by Fausto Turco (Italian CEO) while the 5Cs of new Context and new leadership are explained by Paolo Gallo (Former CHRO, World Bank and Founder of a Executive advisory firm). Dr Neeta Pant has contributed another interesting article on managing ones emotions during turmoil. Abhinav Sharma elaborates the changes in hospitality business due to covid 19 & more on cryptocurrency.


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1. Do not command: Give directions

and instructions based

on your skills, but explain why

you would do so. If you are

really convinced that you are

giving those indications, also

explain what the weak aspects

of your decision might be: “I

believe that to do this, you

have to do this, but you may

be faced with these reactions

or this unexpected result. If

that happens, then do so. “ Always

present a plan B to your


2. Do not react by listening to only

one voice: if you get an email

criticizing your team’s activities,

deal with it immediately,

but without attacking. Ask

your employees about the genesis

first, and if you find any

flaws, ask your client for understanding,

and explain your

weaknesses, reassuring him

that you will do your best to

fix them. Ask your team how

to fix it and help them find

the solution, if possible, and

rebuild the error with them to

see the wrong steps, to avoid

another similar error.

3. Smile when you enter the office:

that moment can affect

the work of others for the rest

of the day. Difficult? Are you

bluffing? For 5 minutes think

about the others, and say hello

to everyone if you can. It

doesn’t seem like a big effort,

and it’s still about education!

4. Thanks whenever possible: A

leader always takes the time

to recognize the work of his

team, even publicly, internally

and when he deserves it

also on social networks

5. Look people in the eye, always:

when you are speaking for a

joke, when you are arguing

for an idea, when you are at

odds over a thought or activity,

when you are giving negative

feedback or even when

you thank a person, look into

their eyes, otherwise they

are not sincere your thanks.

Look people in the eye when

they ask to talk to you, it really

shows that you are giving

them time, it’s not a chore!

6. Stay more often in the middle

of the offices, go to see people

while they work, without

the look of a train conductor.

If you are in a large organization,

and it is impossible

for you to reach everyone,

do it systematically and periodically.

Spend some time in

the midst of daily activities,

with the curiosity of wanting

to know what is happening,

let them tell you some difficulties,

anecdote, but without

the checker’s gaze or the gendarme


7. Take responsibility and admit

your mistakes. Leaders are also

wrong and wrong more than

others, because they have to

make many more decisions,

and with more people. Budget

it wrong, never get defensive,

and ask for help so people can

help you when you’re in trouble.

8. You must have courage: in one

of his famous phrases Arnold

H. Glasow said that

“A good leader takes a little more of

his share of the blame, a little less

than his share of credit” There is no

worse thing for one of your team

members to take the blame for an

unfortunate and sometimes ambiguous

situation or outcome”.

22 Issue 14, August2021 | CONTENTS

Issue 14, August 2021 | CONTENTS 23

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