BSC HealthCheck Instructions

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<strong>BSC</strong> <strong>HealthCheck</strong><br />

<strong>Instructions</strong> to Complete<br />

Getting Started<br />

Start a browser and navigate to the My<strong>BSC</strong> drop down on the <strong>BSC</strong> web site and select <strong>BSC</strong> <strong>HealthCheck</strong>.<br />

You will be prompted to enter your <strong>BSC</strong> username and password. Complete that information and click<br />

submit.<br />

These are the same credentials you use to access your <strong>BSC</strong> Email account. For example, if your<br />

username is jdoe you may enter just jdoe in the username or the fully qualified jdoe@bsc.edu, which<br />

ever you prefer.

Health Check Form<br />

After you login, you will land on the Healthcheck page. Use the form below to indicate symptoms,<br />

exposure, or a positive test from a clinic outside of <strong>BSC</strong>. You must click a response in each box, using<br />

Unknown or No if that item does not apply to you.<br />

This form will size to the available screen for access on a phone or tablet as well as a computer.

You will only be able to have one submission per day per individual. If you attempt to enter additional<br />

information, you will see the screen below.<br />

Also, submisison is allowed only when no prior cases are open for the individual. You may also see this<br />

screen if you attempt to resbumit information on a subsequent day.

Confirmation Email on <strong>HealthCheck</strong> Submission<br />

Once you submit information, you will receive a similar message to the email below.

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