North Canterbury News: August 19, 2021
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Thursday,<strong>August</strong><strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong> | Issue959 |<br />
OPEN7DAYS | Ph:343 3661 | 4Yaldhurst Rd<br /><br />
NC councils<br />
remain staunch<br />
ASunday stroll<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s councils are<br />
remaining firm on their<br />
commitmenttoconsulttheir<br />
communities on theGovernment’s<br />
proposedThree Waters Reforms<br />
beforedecidingwhethertoopt in<br />
or out.<br />
But they believe central<br />
government may change the Local<br />
Government Act2002,toremove<br />
any requirement for themtoengage<br />
withtheir communities.<br />
Thiscomes as the Government<br />
pushesonwith itsproposal to<br />
transfer the managementofthe<br />
three waters —drinking water,<br />
waste water andstormwater—<br />
from67councils nationwide, to<br />
fourlargeentitieswithone<br />
covering mostofthe South Island.<br />
The WaimakaririDistrict Council<br />
is thefirstout of the blocks, with<br />
consultation under waythis week<br />
and open untilSeptember 5, while<br />
the HurunuiDistrict Council is<br />
consulting informally withits<br />
community.<br />
Moreformal consultation willbe<br />
heldafterOctober 1, when the<br />
Government firmsupits proposal.<br />
The Kaikoura District Council<br />
was duetohold aworkshop<br />
yesterday, Wednesday, <strong>August</strong> 18,<br />
between councillors andstaff to<br />
formulateaconsultation plan.<br />
Waimakaririratepayershave<br />
beensent aletter, drop in sessions<br />
are being held, andresidents can<br />
givetheirviews at waimakariri.<br /><br />
‘‘The council’s position remains<br />
that, basedonthe limited<br />
information presented so far, we do<br />
not jointhe Government’s reform<br />
programmeatthis point,’’Mayor<br />
Dan Gordon says.<br />
‘‘Weare notconvinced thatthere<br />
are benefits for the Waimakariri<br />
community, butimportantly we<br />
need to hear fromthe community<br />
before reachingaformal decision.’’<br />
The council haswritten to the<br />
Department of InternalAffairs with<br />
28 questions,but hasyet to receive<br />
aresponse even thoughone was<br />
promised two weeks ago,Mr<br />
Gordon says.<br />
‘‘We allagree that quality<br />
drinking water and environmental<br />
outcomes are agoodthingfor the<br />
country.’’<br />
Waimakariri’sconcerns include<br />
‘‘fair compensation’’for these<br />
public assets, theaccuracyof<br />
Government projections,future<br />
costs to ratepayers,planning coordination,<br />
local representation,<br />
responsivenessduring natural<br />
disasters and the paceofthe<br />
reformprocess.<br />
‘‘At themoment we think thereis<br />
only onesidebeingpresented and<br />
we wantlocals to understand what<br />
thesereformscouldmean for them<br />
if we take partinthiswater reform<br />
process,’’MrGordon says.<br />
HurunuiDistrict Council chief<br />
executive HamishDobbie saysa<br />
more formal Special Consultation<br />
Procedure,whichislaidout in the<br />
Local GovernmentAct, must take<br />
placeoverthe proposed water<br />
reforms.<br />
Apaper willbegoing to council at<br />
itsmonthlymeetingnextweek,<br />
whereadecision on thecouncil’s<br />
positionwillbemade.<br />
‘‘UnderCouncil’sSignificant<br />
Engagement Policy(SEP), it willbe<br />
requiredtoproceedwith aSpecial<br />
Consultative Procedure (SCP),<br />
similar to that of LongTerm Plan<br />
public consultation process,<br />
because under SEP,threewaters is<br />
astrategic asset.Therefore,to<br />
divest of thisassetmust be done<br />
through SCP.‘‘<br />
Continued Page 2<br />
Quite ahandful ... Lawrence Gannaway, of Rangiora, takes his longcoated chihuahuas for a<br />
walk in West Belt last Sunday afternoon.<br />
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NEWS<br />
2 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Grow<br />
customers,<br />
salesand<br />
profits<br />
with <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />
bestread<br />
newspaper<br />
Opening soon ... The brand new supermarket, New World Ravenswood, near Woodend, is scheduled to open next Wednesday, <strong>August</strong><br />
Readership: 48,000 weekly<br />
Circulation: 30,150copiesdelivered<br />
to EVERY farm, RD, lifestyle block<br />
and home inWaimakariri, Hurunui<br />
&Kaikoura every Thursday.<br />
news<br />
Robyn Bristow<br />
Managing Editor<br />
027 312 1581<br />
robyn.bristow<br /><br />
Reporters<br />
David Hill, Shelley Topp.<br />
advertising<br />
DaynaBurton<br />
Sales Co-ordinator<br />
027 312 0089<br />
dayna.burton<br /><br />
AmandaKeys<br />
Advertising<br />
027 536 6224<br />
amanda.keys<br /><br />
Kerryn Clark<br />
Advertising<br />
021 586 138<br />
kerryn.clark<br /><br />
New supermarket opens soon<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s newest supermarket<br />
opens its doors next week.<br />
New World Ravenswood will open at<br />
9am on Wednesday, <strong>August</strong> 25, with a<br />
fullscale offering and alarge format<br />
style, Foodstuffs New Zealand head of<br />
corporate affairs, Antoinette Laird says.<br />
To mark the stores opening there will<br />
be arange of instore promotions,<br />
samplings, and deals, and Waimakariri<br />
Mayor Dan Gordon will visit.<br />
Built in just over 12 months, the new<br />
store will cater to the wider<br />
Ravenswood, Woodend and Pegasus<br />
communities and has capacity to grow as<br />
families move into the residential<br />
developments in surrounding areas.<br />
New owner operators Justin and<br />
Feedback providing useful information<br />
From Page 1<br />
Meanwhile alot of feedback<br />
has been receivedbythe<br />
council through Facebook,<br />
talking to people, people<br />
comingtocouncil, writing<br />
in, and talkingtoelected<br />
membersand officers, Mr<br />
Dobbie says.<br />
Melissa Blackler are ‘‘passionate local<br />
retailers’’ who previously owned<br />
Raeward Fresh Harewood, Ms Laird<br />
says.<br />
‘‘Building asupermarket in abrand<br />
new community is so exciting and New<br />
World stores are owner operated, which<br />
means passionate locals, like Justin and<br />
Melissa, have the flexibility to adapt<br />
their store offering to their locality.<br />
‘‘From bringing all the great value,<br />
choice and convenience New World has<br />
to offer, to growing and supporting this<br />
exciting new community to thrive,<br />
Foodstuffs is apart of almost every<br />
community in New Zealand and being<br />
there right from the beginning is such a<br />
privilege for us.<br />
New World Ravenswood will operate<br />
‘‘This type of informal<br />
feedback is very much<br />
appreciated, and all helps<br />
to build the overall picture<br />
of where our community<br />
sits on this issue.<br />
‘‘We encouragethe<br />
communitytokeep this<br />
feedback coming.’’<br />
The Kaikoura District<br />
Council says it has invested<br />
heavily in its water<br />
infrastructurefollowing the<br />
2016 earthquake and<br />
believes it is in abetter<br />
placethan many other<br />
councils.<br />
It plans to invest $27.2<br />
million over the next 30<br />
yearstoallow for growth<br />
seven days aweek with opening hours of<br />
7am to 9pm and features include an instore<br />
cafe, aspacious fresh foods hall, an<br />
extensive craft beer and local wine<br />
selection, azero alcohol zone and an Eco<br />
store refillery station.<br />
The new supermarket will employ<br />
around 100 locals including instore<br />
butchers, bakers and deli specialists<br />
and there are plans to support the local<br />
community, Ms Laird says.<br />
‘‘Supporting local communities to<br />
thrive is one of the promises every New<br />
World makes to be here for New Zealand<br />
and Justin and Melissa at New World<br />
Ravenswood will be getting involved in<br />
supporting community initiatives.<br />
‘‘We’re not ready to announce the<br />
specifics just yet, but watch this space.’’<br />
and enhancement of its<br />
water infrastructure,<br />
according to its Long Term<br />
Planinfrastructure<br />
strategy.<br />
But the Department of<br />
InternalAffairs is<br />
indicating $280million<br />
would need to be spent over<br />
the next30to50years.<br />
JillianDickie<br />
Advertising<br />
022 024 3092<br />
jillian.dickie<br /><br />
getintouch<br />
Editorial<br /><br />
Advertising<br /><br />
Graphic Design<br /><br />
WINTER<br />
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Can you Hear Us? will be heard<br />
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
3<br />
<strong>2021</strong>055<br />
Can you HearUs?isthe latest catch cry by<br />
Groundswell NZ,afterreceiving no<br />
response fromthe Government following<br />
its Howl of aProtest lastmonth.<br />
It is urgingpeople all aroundNew<br />
Zealandtotoottheirhornsat12.30pm,<br />
this Friday, <strong>August</strong> 20,and every<br />
following Friday at the same time for the<br />
next threeweeks, if they are fedupwith<br />
theincreasing amount of regulations<br />
farmersand othersare havingtomeet.<br />
The Can you HearUs?campaign is<br />
building towardamajor nationwide<br />
protest in November, which organisers<br />
saywill go down in NewZealand's’s<br />
history.<br />
Groundswell spokesmanBryce<br />
McKenziesaystheyare calling fortwo<br />
minutes of people’s timetoshowsupport<br />
forGroundswell’scampaign, and want<br />
every car, bike, truck,train —anything<br />
with ahorn—tootinginsupport.<br />
It follows its nationwide Howl of a<br />
Protest which saw many <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>farmersand othersrollinto<br />
townsontractors,inutes,trucks andon<br />
foot in support of Groundswell’s protest.<br />
The<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>based Rural<br />
Advocacy Networkhas alignedwith<br />
Groundswell, which has its rootsin<br />
Southland,and is now wellestablished on<br />
theWest Coast.<br />
Mr McKenziesaysthere is widespread<br />
concernamongrural andurbanpeople,<br />
councils, and thebusiness sectorabout<br />
thedirection the Government is taking<br />
thecountryand the‘‘tsunami’’ of<br />
unworkable regulationsbeing‘‘rammed<br />
through’’.<br />
Groundswell NZ is alsowriting to all<br />
councilscalling for ahalt to all Resource<br />
Management Act planning processes,<br />
mainlydue to thesignificantnegative<br />
impact zonings likeSignificantNatural<br />
Areas(SNAs), wetlands and landscapes<br />
arehaving on peopleand theirproperty<br />
values.<br />
In tandemitiscalling forall<br />
landowners to declineaccessfor councils<br />
Making apoint ... Organisers of the Rangiora Howl of aProtest,Ken Robinson, of<br />
Summerhill, left, with Shelly Drummond, Andrew Mehrtens, of Oxford, and Craig<br />
McAlllister, of Cust, on the lawn outside the Waimakariri District Council service Centre in<br />
Rangiora’s High Street during last month’s protest.<br />
or their agentswanting to do mapping or<br />
gather informationonprivateland.<br />
‘‘GroundswellNZhas identified serious<br />
implications withthisinformation<br />
gathering that landowners arelargely<br />
unawareof.’’<br />
GroundswellNZ's campaign is<br />
primarilyconcernedabout the<br />
unworkable regulationsincluding<br />
Freshwater, IndigenousBiodiversityand<br />
ClimateChange.<br />
‘‘Weare notagainstthe needfor<br />
regulation or the needtocarefor the<br />
environment,’’ Mr McKenzie says.<br />
‘‘Nor are we calling for ahalt to<br />
addressingenvironmentalissues.<br />
‘‘Weare sayingthere are much better,<br />
proven solutionstoaddressing<br />
environmentalissues thanthe onesize<br />
fitsall approachbeinglegislatedbythe<br />
government.<br />
‘‘There are thousands of community<br />
andprivateenvironmentalinitiatives<br />
happening acrossthe country and we<br />
believe everyone has aroletoplay to<br />
continuethe momentum,’’hesays.<br />
Groundswell NZ hasrecently added the<br />
Three WatersRreformand the Water<br />
Services Billtoits growing list of<br />
unworkableregulations.<br />
It believes duetothe magnitudeof<br />
change being taken with theThree<br />
Waters ReformNew Zealanders should<br />
haveasay through referendumsineach<br />
district and city.<br />
‘‘Groundswell NZ has put astakeinthe<br />
ground and is committed to following<br />
through withits campaign untilthe<br />
Governmentaddresses the legislative<br />
failingsbeing raised by grassroots New<br />
Zealanders.<br />
‘‘Enough is enough.’’<br />
Kairaki tree harvest to take about two months<br />
It’s treeharvesting time in the<br />
Waimakariri district.<br />
Waimakariri District Council<br />
contractorswill begin work this week<br />
harvestingtrees at Kairaki, creating<br />
firebreaks nexttothe Woodend<br />
Christian Campand to the rear of the<br />
Woodend Waste WaterTreatment<br />
Plant,off Gladstone Road.<br />
The work at Kairaki is to harvest a<br />
commercialforest blockwhich has now<br />
reached maturity.<br />
This is in an area that is well away<br />
from any houses, will have aminimum<br />
impactonresidents and shouldtake<br />
around eight weeks to complete.<br />
Work to create afirebreak at<br />
WoodendChristian Campisexpected to<br />
take just afew daystocomplete.<br />
There willbestop /gotraffic<br />
managementonWoodend Beach Road<br />
for ashort time withtrucks using<br />
WoodendBeach and Sandhills roads.<br />
Next week crewswill move to workon<br />
the firebreaks at the rear of the<br />
WoodendWaste Water Treatment<br />
Plant.<br />
The walking track betweenGladstone<br />
and Woodend Beach roadswill be<br />
closed for the duration of these works.<br />
This work is being completed before<br />
the balance of the programme begins in<br />
late <strong>August</strong> /earlySeptember.<br />
Strict healthand safety practices will<br />
be in placethroughout the programmed<br />
work and extracare will be taken<br />
around existing bionodes,native<br />
forestryand plants, waterways and<br />
lagoons.<br />
The walkwayatthe southern end of<br />
the Tuhaitara Coastal Parkbetween<br />
WaimakaririRiver and Reid Memorial<br />
Avenue willbe closed duringthe<br />
Kairaki work.<br />
This will be well signpostedand<br />
should not be accessed at any timeby<br />
the public.<br />
Signage, safetytape and spotters will<br />
be in placethroughout the work and the<br />
publicare asked to pay attention to<br />
signage and stay out of the workareas.<br />
Zanie from<br />
The Crafty<br />
Barber<br />
welcomes<br />
Erin Middleton<br />
to the barbershop,<br />
bringing 20 years of<br />
skill and experience<br />
to assist with all of<br />
your needs.<br />
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to 4 th September<br />
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NEWS<br />
4 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Flood costs Waimakariri $4m<br />
The WaimakaririDistrict Council’s<br />
repair bill fromthe recentflood<br />
eventisexpected to cost almost$4<br />
million.<br />
Roading, bridgeand three waters<br />
infrastructurerepair work is well<br />
underway, following the May 31<br />
floodevent.<br />
Around half of the workisalready<br />
finished, recovery manager Simon<br />
Hart says.<br />
‘‘When we moved from response<br />
to recovery, we endedupputting<br />
together five largework<br />
programmes that contained33<br />
projects.<br />
‘‘Some of those projectsare<br />
pretty big, particularly around<br />
roading repairs which will cost<br />
around $2 million,sowith the three<br />
waters repairs, welfare support<br />
and other costs the total cost to the<br />
council is estimatedtobebetween<br />
$3.5 and $4 million.’’<br />
The council is continuing to<br />
engage with governmentagencies<br />
to see what level of funding support<br />
is available, while its insurance<br />
claimisongoing and aclaim has<br />
been made with Waka KotahiNew<br />
Zealand Transport Agency.<br />
‘‘We will be abletoget a<br />
reasonable sum back, but therewill<br />
stillbeasignificant cost to<br />
ratepayers,’’ Mr Hart says.<br />
Lees Valley, Okuku River and<br />
Waikuku Beach were the worst<br />
impacted areasand repairswill<br />
take some time to complete, but<br />
temporary solutions are in place<br />
for now,hesays.<br />
‘‘It’s all functional and critical<br />
services can continue, but it needs<br />
to be madepermanent. Therewill<br />
need to be comerock stabilisation<br />
Flood damage ... The Lees Valley Road<br />
remains closed to the public as work<br />
continues to repair this slip. PHOTO:FILE<br />
and bridge repairs.’’<br />
Council staff have been working<br />
closely with Environment<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan) engineers, the<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Rural Advisory Group<br />
led by formerHurunui Mayor<br />
WintonDalley, the Ministry of<br />
Primary Industries (MPI),<br />
FederatedFarmers and the <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> RuralSupport Trust to<br />
support theruralcommunities.<br />
Thecouncil has beenworking<br />
with 60 rural properties which<br />
sufferedextensive damage,<br />
including 25 lifestyle properties.<br />
While commercial farms can<br />
apply for assistance from MPI’s$4<br />
millionfund, the 25 lifestyle<br />
properties are left with the Mayoral<br />
Fundtoassist withuninsured<br />
damage, with just $50,000 available<br />
to Waimakariri.<br />
‘‘Weare mindful it was nowhere<br />
nearthe amount that was required<br />
to bringtheseproperties backto<br />
pre floodlevels so we have been<br />
lobbying governmentagencies and<br />
willcontinue to do so,’’MrHart<br />
says.<br />
ECanengineers havebeen out to<br />
in the Waimakariridistrict since<br />
the flood,workinglong hours to<br />
assess thedamageand see what<br />
workcan be donetorepairthe<br />
rivers.<br />
‘‘But that willtake some time as<br />
ECanisworking acrossthe region,<br />
fromTimaru up to Waimakariri,’’<br />
Mr Hartsays.<br />
In contrast to the rural areas,<br />
urban areas held up well to the<br />
flood event.<br />
‘‘Therewere someareas where<br />
we would haveexpected some<br />
localised flooding, but they have<br />
beenmanagedalot better because<br />
of our flood protection works in<br />
recent years, so that’s areal<br />
positive.’’<br />
Overall the Waimakariridistrict<br />
hascome through its latest<br />
challenge and has bounced back<br />
quickly, Mr Hart says<br />
‘‘Ithink it’s areal credit to our<br />
community and how resilient<br />
people are in this district.’’<br />
Movie marathon ... Members of the Oxford<br />
Benevolent and Improvement League, Jeff and<br />
Vicki Strong, of Oxford, in the Town Hall last<br />
Saturday afternoon during the Oxford Movies 100<br />
Year Centenary celebration.<br />
Film marathon<br />
The OxfordBenevolent andImprovement<br />
League has celebrated its 100th anniversary<br />
with afilm marathon in the Oxford TownHall.<br />
The OxfordMovies100 Year Centenary<br />
<strong>19</strong>21<strong>2021</strong> marathon,a12hoursessionbegan at<br />
10am and finished at 10pm last Saturday and<br />
featuredapopular lineup of films beginning<br />
with the <strong>19</strong>42 classic Casablanca and ending<br />
with aNew Zealandmade favourite Goodbye<br />
Pork Pie,which was firstshown in <strong>19</strong>81.<br />
Saturday’ssessionwas organised and run by<br />
Oxford league members Jeffand Vicki Strong,<br />
who dressed up in period costume forthe event.<br />
The league was originallyestablished, on<br />
<strong>August</strong> 2, <strong>19</strong>21, to provideasocial amenityfor<br />
the districtthat could nototherwise be secured.<br />
They chose to do thisbyshowing films in the<br />
town hall.<br />
All profits madebythe leaguefrom the films<br />
they show in the town hallgoback to the Oxford<br />
community. Applications for funding can be<br />
made to the league memberswho then decide at<br />
theirmonthly meetings how the funds will be<br />
allocated.<br />
ABOUT<br />
REVIEW<br />
The Council is seeking your views<br />
about representation arrangements<br />
ahead of the October 2022 Local<br />
Body Elections.<br />
The Council are considering our current<br />
arrangements to ward boundaries, number of<br />
elected members, including community boards,<br />
and names of wards, subdivisions and boards.<br />
We’re proposing to retain our current<br />
arrangements with only one minor amendment to<br />
the Rangiora-Ashley Ward subdivision, to better<br />
represent the ratio of urban and rural residents.<br />
what do<br />
you think?<br />
Spring intoSpring<br />
Exhibition<br />
To find out more about the proposed change or<br />
the Representation Review, ortosuggest other<br />
changes, please visit our Let’s Talk website.<br />
Let us know what you think before<br />
5pm on Monday 27 September <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
Find out more and have your say at<br /> or email to<br /><br />
We’d love to<br />
hear from you<br /><br />
Guest artist Adrienne Pavelka<br />
Fri 27 AUGtoSun 29AUG<br />
Entry $2Children Free<br />
approximately 350original works forsale<br />
watercolour, pastel,acrylic,oil etc.<br />
10am -4pm daily<br />
Rangiora A&P Showgrounds<br />
Ashley St Rangiora
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Cust River stopbank upgrade to cost $75,000<br />
5<br />
ACust River stopbank alongside<br />
O’Roarkes Road in Fernside is<br />
being upgraded by Environment<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> at acost of $75,000.<br />
The stopbankisbeing rebuilt<br />
to achieve better flood<br />
protection.<br />
ECan’srivers manager Leigh<br />
Griffiths says it is beinglifted to<br />
the sameheight as the trueright<br />
bank, withthe riverside batter<br />
being rebuilt.<br />
This is to reduce risk of<br />
erosion and make matinenance<br />
easier.<br />
The upgrade is being done to a<br />
section of the stopbank which<br />
had rottentrees and roots<br />
running through it. Workisalso<br />
being donetoimprove the site’s<br />
safetyand numerous cracked<br />
willows withinthe road reserve<br />
have been felled.<br />
‘‘These trees posedarisk to<br />
cars entering or exiting the<br />
previous carpark as theycaused<br />
blind spots,’’’ Ms Griffiths says.<br />
The work is being completed<br />
as part of awider projectto<br />
improve parking on the site and<br />
extend the existing native<br />
planting block. New fencing is<br />
planned along the O’Roarkes<br />
Road side of the upgraded area.<br />
‘‘We understand that<br />
earthworkssuch as this can look<br />
messy, particularlywhen<br />
undertaken in winter,but we<br />
believe thatthese stopbank and<br />
amenity upgrades willgreatly<br />
improve the area and the<br />
communitywill like it once it is<br />
completed.’’<br />
The work is likelytobe<br />
completedbythe end of the<br />
month or early September.<br />
The upgrade doesnot include<br />
plans to removethe white bridge<br />
at the O’Roarkes Road end of<br />
BridgeRoad which was closedto<br />
vehicles about 10 years ago, but<br />
is still used by pedestrians and<br />
cyclists.<br />
The bridge is aWaimakariri<br />
District Council roading asset.<br />
The council’s roadingand<br />
transport manager on this<br />
project, Joanne McBride, says<br />
the council had not been<br />
approached by ECan with any<br />
concerns aboutthe bridge and<br />
the council has no plans to<br />
removeit.<br />
Work in prgresss ... The stopbank<br />
during upgrade work being done by<br />
Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Before ... The stopbank on the O’Roarkes Road side of the Cust River in Fernside before upgrading work<br />
began.<br />
sick child?<br />
Call your General Practice<br />
(GP) team 24/7 or visit an<br />
urgent care clinic:<br />
• Riccarton Clinic<br />
8am–8pm<br />
• Moorhouse Medical<br />
8am–8pm<br />
Under 14s have free medical visits after-hours<br />
and weekends at urgent care clinics<br />
• X-ray, fracture and wound care available<br />
• Late-night pharmacies and parking on-site<br />
CDHB16AUG21 ED<br />
All clinics open 7days aweek<br />
6 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Eventful Hurunui to<br />
host free workshop<br />
The board of Eventful Hurunui is<br />
hosting afree workshop on Monday,<br />
<strong>August</strong> 30, at The Better Half Leithfield<br />
at 6pm, with Jon Holmes of Events Goals.<br />
Jon will introduce participants to<br />
practical information on how to make<br />
certain your event is successful.<br />
If you want to make your next event a<br />
great success your registration is<br />
welcome on<br />
nz/eventfulworkshops.<br />
Numbers are limited to Hurunui<br />
residents and we look forward to your<br />
attendance.<br />
Events and activities across our<br />
district provide the opportunity for<br />
social cohesion, which is critical for our<br />
wellbeing, the volunteer contribution to<br />
hosting events is significant across our<br />
district and many of these attributes<br />
were celebrated at the annual Hurunui<br />
District community service awards.<br />
Guest speaker Trish Coleman spoke<br />
about the valueofcontribution and<br />
volunteering.<br />
As humans we are‘socialanimals’, our<br />
relationships with others contribute to<br />
feeling good. It’s important to socially<br />
connect with others where we can and<br />
developing healthy relationships can<br />
increase our feelings of happiness,<br />
security, belonging and selfworth.<br />
Scientific studies showthat helping<br />
others boosts happiness, improves our<br />
mood andreduces stressand is likely to<br />
take our mindsoff our own concerns.<br />
Ihave had the privilegeofattending<br />
the annual St John’s volunteer dinner<br />
and several Fire and Emergency NZ<br />
awards ceremonies, these eventshave<br />
celebrated many of our community<br />
members whohave given 100’s of hours<br />
collectively to the wellbeing of our<br />
district.<br />
Being called avolunteer is aprecious<br />
title, one that is admired as it is through<br />
volunteering the true value of serviceto<br />
the community is demonstrated —we<br />
are fortunate to live in acommunity that<br />
values these involvements.<br />
‘‘Together Hurunui’’is aforumthat<br />
provides collaboration for social service<br />
providers to come together on abimonthly<br />
basis with the vision ‘‘thatall<br />
people in the Hurunui are valued and<br />
connected’’.<br />
This network encourages<br />
participation to ensure successful<br />
outcomes for individuals and<br />
communities, it also has been<br />
instrumental in advocating and<br />
supporting positive outcomes for health<br />
and wellbeing in the district.<br />
To all of you who create events both<br />
commercial and not for profit –thank<br />
you for making the Hurunui agreat<br />
place to live, to visit and enjoy.<br />
Spring is just around the corner and<br />
that means ahost of events will be<br />
happening for us to enjoy.<br />
Climate change<br />
and killing cows<br />
Fellow New Zealander’s, it’s not<br />
governments, conglomerates, virtue<br />
signalling political leaders or people<br />
writing endlessdoom and gloomarticles<br />
that will savethis planet.<br />
No, it is you and me and the hundredsof<br />
millionsofpeople around the worldthat<br />
could, if we wanted to, save the planetfrom<br />
further degradation.<br />
Latest researchbyRhodium Group<br />
reports thatChina,India and the USA emit<br />
around 45% of theworld’s greenhouse<br />
gasses.<br />
Chinaalone emits more greenhouse gas<br />
than the entiredeveloped world<br />
combined. Central to this is China,India<br />
and the USA’s reliance on coalfired power<br />
stations.<br />
This energy is used to produce goods<br />
whichhas fuelledrampant consumerism<br />
polluting the world’s atmosphere and<br />
filling our oceans with country sized<br />
islands of plastic. Floating in the Pacific<br />
Oceanisthe ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’<br />
covering1.6 millionsquare kilometres, an<br />
area three timesthe size of France.<br />
We, the peoplewho buy these goods,can<br />
send amarket drivenmessage that would<br />
forcethe demise of coalburningpower<br />
stations used for manufacture.The effect<br />
this wouldhave on the world’s climate is<br />
no better illustrated than what thecovid<br />
lockdowns achieved for the planet’s health<br />
in such afleeting space of time last year.<br />
Governments and interested<br />
corporationsare notgoing to stoppeople<br />
buying the latesttelevisions,smart phones,<br />
computers, fashion clothing, countless<br />
plastic goods and throwaway bling these<br />
countries produce.<br />
Free trades agreements, overwhelming<br />
political pressureand business bottom<br />
lines will stop this solution from ever being<br />
seriously consideredand the reasonswhy<br />
will be trumpetedlong and loud by the<br />
corporateowned media. We the people are<br />
the problemand we the peoplecan be the<br />
solution.Make adecision, the welfare and<br />
continuation of lifeasweknowit, or an<br />
unstoppableplunge into an abyss of<br />
endless adverse weather events.<br />
Are we going to have afutureofGreta<br />
Thunberg inspired youngpeople believing<br />
that reducing New Zealand’scontribution<br />
of greenhouse gasesof0.17 percent (yes<br />
that’sright) less than 1/5thof1%will<br />
somehow save the world?<br />
We could killall the cowsinNew<br />
Zealand, drive electric cars, do everything<br />
we can to reduce our carbon footprint here<br />
in New Zealand and this will save the<br />
world from the worst of extremes of<br />
climate change? Yeahright!<br />
If the governmentsofthe worldare<br />
serious about climatethen they should<br />
deal withthe issuesthat would seriously<br />
give us achancetochange things.Ifthe<br />
world’s leaders compensated South<br />
American countries fromdestroyingthe<br />
Amazonrain forest, ‘the lungsofthe earth’,<br />
stopped encouraging coal fired power<br />
generation for manufacturing and guided<br />
the world’s economies awayfrom<br />
excessiveconsumerism then we would<br />
have the sortofprogress thatwouldsave<br />
the world.<br />
I’m not advocating thatweshouldn’t do<br />
everything we caninNew Zealand to<br />
mitigate climatechange, we must, but if we<br />
reallywant to makeastatement to save the<br />
planetthen we must forgo all the<br />
unnecessary bling of thisconsumer<br />
orientated world and votewith our money<br />
and not our mouths.<br />
Lost and found<br />
Dear Editor,<br />
Nurses needtobepaid more –all<br />
nurses, whoeverfunds them.<br />
Nurses needworkingconditions that<br />
are safe and supported –all nurses,<br />
whoever employs them. DHB nurses are<br />
currently fightingfor what seems like anobrainer–pay<br />
and conditions that respect<br />
and enhance the manaoftheircohort.But<br />
what of nurses who aren’tdirectly<br />
employedbythe DHB’s?<br />
Wheredoes it leave them? Particularly<br />
thoseworking in notforprofitand<br />
communitybasedsettings? Those that<br />
provide safetyand services for our older<br />
people?<br />
The current NZ Nurses Organisation<br />
This<br />
Week<br />
Sun<br />
Fishing<br />
Guide<br />
Moon<br />
Wind<br />
Swell<br />
Pegasus Bay<br />
Tide Chart<br />
3<br />
2<br />
Good<br />
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />
Aug <strong>19</strong> Aug 20 Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug 25<br />
Rise 7:17am<br />
Set 5:48pm<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
9:<strong>19</strong>am<br />
9:50pm<br />
Good<br />
Rise 7:15am<br />
Set 5:49pm<br />
Best 10:20am<br />
Times 10:50pm<br />
claim covers30,000registered nurses–but<br />
only those working forDHBs. Funding of<br />
better pay and conditions for the other<br />
20,000 nurses not directly employedbythe<br />
DHBs are not included.<br />
Minister Littlewas clearwhen<br />
interviewed by Mani Dunlop on RNZ’s<br />
Midday Report (6/8/21) that nonDHB<br />
nurses willneed to wait twoyears.<br />
This is too long. The reality is, atwoyear<br />
wait willsee an increase in DHB nursing<br />
staff –atthe costofthe nurses who work in<br />
your community, in notforprofit settings,<br />
and mostcrucially,inresidential aged<br />
care.<br />
Notforprofit aged care providers have<br />
no other way to raise funds. Our nursesare<br />
Good<br />
Rise 7:14am<br />
Set 5:50pm<br />
Best 11:<strong>19</strong>am<br />
Times 11:47pm<br />
Good<br />
Rise 7:12am<br />
Set 5:51pm<br />
Best 12:14pm<br />
Times<br />
Rise 7:10am<br />
Set 5:52pm<br />
Rise 7:09am<br />
Set 5:54pm<br />
Rise 7:07am<br />
Set 5:55pm<br />
Set 4:55am<br />
Set 5:53am<br />
Set 6:41am<br />
Set 7:<strong>19</strong>am<br />
Set 7:51am<br />
Set 8:17am<br />
Set 8:40am<br />
Rise 1:43pm<br />
Rise 2:50pm<br />
Rise 4:03pm<br />
Rise 5:16pm<br />
Rise 6:28pm<br />
Rise 7:37pm<br />
Rise 8:43pm<br />
Moderate Wturning Moderate SW turning Moderate SW easing Gentle SW turning<br />
Moderate SW Moderate Sturning<br />
SE<br />
S<br />
to gentle SE<br />
S becoming fresh SE<br />
SE<br />
Moderate S<br />
SE 0.7 mturning<br />
E0.5 m SE 0.6 m<br />
NE E1.0 m NE 1.0 m NE 0.9 m NE 1.2 m<br />
3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
effectivelypaid by the DHB,through<br />
funding that is passedon. But thisincrease<br />
won’tflow on. So our nurses will have to<br />
choose to leaveus. And withoutour<br />
nurses,wewill have to reduce the number<br />
of older people we care for in our services.<br />
We mayevenhave to close our services in<br />
some communities.<br />
We need everyone in our communities<br />
to contact theirlocalMPs and let them and<br />
Minister Little know that we want our<br />
nurses paid what they are worth, with<br />
conditions that match.All nurses,now.<br />
Yours,<br />
NikkiHurst, Executive Officer, New<br />
Zealand Council of ChristianSocial<br />
Services.<br />
12:40am<br />
1:05pm<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
1:29am<br />
1:52pm<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
2:14am<br />
2:36pm<br />
Thefollowing property has been<br />
reported as lost to the police in<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> have you seenit?<br />
ASamsungcellphone with red<br />
back and in asalmon colourfolding<br />
case, aset of keys/twoelectronic car<br />
keys/3otherkeys and USB flash<br />
drive, ablackiPhone 7, ablack<br />
leather wallet,and ablackSamsung<br />
Galaxy S10 Plus.<br />
Thefollowingproperty is waiting<br />
to be claimed:<br />
Abox of linen,alanyardwith black<br />
key/silverkey/purplekey/greenand<br />
clearletter “G”/Laserkey chain/<br />
silver flower ring (both at the<br />
KaiapoiStation).<br />
1<br />
0<br />
Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />
Waimakariri 1:10am 2.3 7:21am 0.4 2:08am 2.3 8:<strong>19</strong>am 0.4 3:04am 2.3 9:16am 0.4 3:58am 2.3 10:12am 0.4 4:50am 2.4 11:04am 0.4 5:42am 2.3 11:54am 0.4 6:32am 2.3 12:22am 0.4<br />
Mouth<br />
1:45pm 2.4 8:04pm 0.5 2:43pm 2.5 9:00pm 0.4 3:37pm 2.5 9:53pm 0.4 4:28pm 2.5 10:45pm 0.4 5:18pm 2.5 11:34pm 0.4 6:06pm 2.4<br />
6:54pm 2.4 12:42pm 0.4<br />
Amberley 1:10am 2.3 7:21am 0.4 2:08am 2.3 8:<strong>19</strong>am 0.4 3:04am 2.3 9:16am 0.4 3:58am 2.3 10:12am 0.4 4:50am 2.4 11:04am 0.4 5:42am 2.3 11:54am 0.4 6:32am 2.3 12:22am 0.4<br />
Beach<br />
1:45pm 2.4 8:04pm 0.5 2:43pm 2.5 9:00pm 0.4 3:37pm 2.5 9:53pm 0.4 4:28pm 2.5 10:45pm 0.4 5:18pm 2.5 11:34pm 0.4 6:06pm 2.4<br />
6:54pm 2.4 12:42pm 0.4<br />
1:<strong>19</strong>am 2.3 7:30am 0.4 2:17am 2.3 8:28am 0.4 3:13am 2.3 9:25am 0.4 4:07am 2.3 10:21am 0.4 4:59am 2.4 11:13am 0.4 5:51am 2.3<br />
6:41am 2.3 12:31am 0.4<br />
Motunau 1:54pm 2.4 8:13pm 0.5 2:52pm 2.5 9:09pm 0.4 3:46pm 2.5 10:02pm 0.4 4:37pm 2.5 10:54pm 0.4 5:27pm 2.5 11:43pm 0.4 6:15pm 2.4 12:03pm 0.4 7:03pm 2.4 12:51pm 0.4<br />
1:21am 2.3 7:32am 0.4 2:<strong>19</strong>am 2.3 8:30am 0.4 3:15am 2.3 9:27am 0.4 4:09am 2.3 10:23am 0.4 5:01am 2.4 11:15am 0.4 5:53am 2.3<br />
6:43am 2.3 12:33am 0.4<br />
Gore Bay 1:56pm 2.4 8:15pm 0.5 2:54pm 2.5 9:11pm 0.4 3:48pm 2.5 10:04pm 0.4 4:39pm 2.5 10:56pm 0.4 5:29pm 2.5 11:45pm 0.4 6:17pm 2.4 12:05pm 0.4 7:05pm 2.4 12:53pm 0.4<br />
1:16am 1.7 7:23am 0.4 2:12am 1.7 8:20am 0.4 3:07am 1.8 9:16am 0.3 4:02am 1.8 10:11am 0.3 4:55am 1.8 11:05am 0.3 5:48am 1.8 11:57am 0.3 6:39am 1.8 12:31am 0.4<br />
Kaikoura 1:48pm 1.9 8:09pm 0.4 2:45pm 1.9 9:05pm 0.4 3:40pm 1.9 9:58pm 0.4 4:34pm 1.9 10:50pm 0.4 5:25pm 1.9 11:41pm 0.4 6:15pm 1.9<br />
7:05pm 1.8 12:48pm 0.4<br />
*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />
Hurunui Garden Festival<br />
Thursday28 th<br />
to Sunday 31 st<br />
October <strong>2021</strong><br />
A bounty of gardens to admire and inspire, will<br />
be on show in the Hurunui district this Spring.<br />
The Hurunui Garden Fesval (HGF) has 22 gardens, in six<br />
clusters, on offer, and runs from Thursday, October 28 to<br />
Sunday,October 31 from 9am to 5pmeach day.<br />
Some favourite gardens return, along with seven new<br />
ones. Therewill be maps of each garden to download and<br />
print from the HGF website.<br />
Thisyear forthe first me, there is the opportunitytowalk<br />
inside someofHurunui’s outstanding historic homesteads.<br />
Also on offer is a showcase of local arsts, their<br />
place of work and beauful exhibits for sale.<br />
LyndaHallinan, agardener,author, broadcaster, journalist,<br />
part-me farmer, parent and plantaholic, will join the<br />
fesval for two chats —one during an aernoon tea and<br />
the other will be adinner talk.<br />
For half her life, the former editor of New Zealand<br />
Gardener magazine has been digging up ideas and<br />
inspiraon for growing food and flowers inKiwi gardens.<br />
She lives with her family inthe foothills ofthe Hunua<br />
Ranges, south-east ofAuckland, and iscurrently spling<br />
her me between her large country garden and asmall<br />
colonial coage renovaon project.<br />
She isalso launching anew book, The Joy ofGardening,<br />
this year.<br />
Julia Atkinson-Dunn, from the home and garden website<br /> and author of the beginner’s gardening<br />
book,Petal Power, will speak at three gardens on different<br />
days.<br />
With a background in wring, design and art, Julia<br />
fell firmly in love with gardening while transforming<br />
her small Christchurch patch just 4 1/2 years ago.<br />
The fesvalwas launched in 2018byagroup of keen local<br />
garden owners to help the Hurunui district recover from<br />
the impact of the devastang earthquake of November<br />
2016.<br />
It hasbecomeapopular event, with many visitorsmaking<br />
it along weekend so they can enjoy asmany gardens as<br />
possible, along with the many aracons the district has<br />
on offer.<br />
Hurunui Garden FesvalIncorporated (HGF),iscommied<br />
to invesng back in itscommunity.<br />
If it makes areasonable profit, it will give one graduang<br />
secondary school student, whose home isinthe Hurunui<br />
district, ascholarshiptothe value of $2000towards study<br />
in horculture, agriculture, landscape design or arelated<br />
field, at their choice of university or instuteoftechnology.<br />
The scholarship is on offer now, and is only made when<br />
HGF makes areasonable profit from its annual event.<br />
■ The website shop -( -is<br />
now open for cket sales, including an earlybird special<br />
unl <strong>August</strong> 31-buy 10 and get one free. Admissions is<br />
$10for an adulttovisit eachgarden, payable on the dayas<br />
you enter the garden. Children 18 years ofage and under<br />
accompanied by an adult mayenter forfree.<br />
Please have cash with you, asthe gardens cannot process<br />
electronic payments. Alternately you can purchase a10<br />
cketadmissionpack through the website.<br />
Tickets availablenow from<br />
FOR LESS<br />
Dining<br />
NZ<br />
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FINAL WEEK Loads of bargains in-store<br />
*while stocks last<br />
FREE<br />
WE ARE<br />
HERE<br />
MON-FRI 9:30AM–5:30PM<br />
SAT-SUN 10AM–5:30PM<br />
0800 268 264<br />
Bus pupil safety concerns grow<br />
Schoolbus driver Becky Black is very<br />
aware of the preciouscargoshe has on<br />
board for her daily schoolbus route.<br />
Butshe, and otherschool busdrivers in<br />
theHurunuidistrict, arebecoming<br />
increasinglyconcerned aboutthe safety<br />
of pupils,particularlythe speed vehicles<br />
pass schoolbuses dropping off, or picking<br />
up pupils.<br />
Becky,who does the Amberley busrun<br />
to HurunuiCollege,says people do not<br />
sticktothe speed limit of 20 kph,when<br />
buses arestopped,picking up or dropping<br />
offstudents.<br />
‘‘They just flypastme. It’sconcerning<br />
because childrencan be so unpredictable<br />
aroundroads.”<br />
Schoolbus driverPeterBlack,who<br />
does the HanmerSprings run encounters<br />
similarissues.<br />
“Ifitwas their childrenor<br />
grandchildrenonthe bus, maybe they<br />
wouldbehave differently.<br />
‘‘Childrensometimes runout on to the<br />
road to greet their parents or friends.<br />
‘‘We try to prevent this, but we need<br />
peopletoslowdown.”<br />
Following distances by othervehicles is<br />
also aproblem,Peter and Becky say.<br />
“Onthe openroad whenthere is a<br />
queue following closely, thepressure is<br />
on to let them past,’’Peter says.<br />
Often driver impatience sawsomeone<br />
do arisky overtaking manoeuver.<br />
“I havewitnessed many near misses<br />
duetoroadrage,”saysBecky.<br />
HurunuiDistrict Council’s Road Safety<br />
coordinator Dean Eades says there are<br />
some simple and effectivesafetytipsfor<br />
thosetravelling around school buses.<br />
“Safety is themost important issueon<br />
themindsofparents, drivers and schools.<br />
‘‘Thespeed limit pastaschool bus is<br />
legally 20kph,and this means slowing<br />
down from yourprevious speed andbeing<br />
ready for theunexpected.<br />
‘‘Theconsequences of not slowing down<br />
Safety concerns ... Hurunui District Council’s Road Safety coordinator Dean Eades (left),<br />
with school bus driver Becky Black, and Hurunui College Principal Stephen Beck, outside<br />
Hurunui College.<br />
could be catastrophic,’’hesays.<br />
Deanalso emphasises it is also the<br />
child’s responsiblytotake careasabus<br />
passenger.<br />
‘‘When gettingoff abus on theside of<br />
theroad,children mustremember to go to<br />
thebackofthe bus andcheckfor traffic<br />
before crossing.<br />
‘‘This way you cansee oncoming traffic<br />
andtrafficcan see you.”<br />
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
New name<br />
for Oxford<br />
art gallery<br />
9<br />
The Arts in Oxfordart galleryhas<br />
beenrebranded and will now be<br />
calledOxfordGallery toi o<br />
Waimakariri, trading as Artsin<br />
Oxford.<br />
Thegallery was rebranded to<br />
promote its new direction.<br />
Therebrandincludes anew logo,<br />
designed by Bret De Thier,a<br />
trustee of the Oxford ArtsTrust<br />
which runs thegallery, featuring a<br />
black circle with abrush stroke of<br />
bluepaintthrough thecentreto<br />
createalarge Gfor Gallery<br />
‘‘The crossbarofthe G' suggests a<br />
brush strokeand infuses energy but<br />
importantlyitreferences our<br />
river,’’ the OxfordArt Trust’s<br />
chairwomanAreta Wilkinson says.<br />
‘‘Waimakariri in Maori means<br />
coldwater, hence theblueand the<br />
accompanyingtext places the<br />
gallery in Oxford with the byline toi<br />
o(art of) Waimakariri gives the<br />
galleryawider regional reach.’’<br />
The trustees’ visionfor the<br />
gallery is to serve the Waimakariri<br />
District as acreative centre where<br />
everyone feels enthusiastic,<br />
encouraged and positively<br />
impacted by the arts. Theyalso<br />
wanttomake Oxford‘‘a destination<br />
for the arts’’ by continuing to<br />
producehigh calibre art<br />
exhibitions, workshops,artist<br />
forums andcommunity gatherings<br />
while alsoproviding connections<br />
forthe community andstrategic<br />
partners forcollaboration within<br />
themultiuse spaceatthe gallery.<br />
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Will Water Reform Benefit Waimakariri?<br />
The Government is proposing that three water (drinking<br />
water, wastewater and stormwater) services move from<br />
the 67 councils who currently manage these, into four<br />
large entities.<br />
If the reform goes ahead, Waimakariri District would become<br />
part ofanentity that covers most of the South Island. The<br />
Government has given councils until the end of September to<br />
provide feedback onthe proposal.<br />
Quality drinking water and better environmental outcomes are<br />
agood thing for the country.<br />
But we’re not clear yet whether the Government’s proposed<br />
Three Waters Reform is the best way to achieve this, and<br />
what the advantages are for our District.<br />
We want to know what’s important toour community and hear<br />
what you think.<br />
Find out more about the Government’s Three Waters Reform<br />
and share your thoughts by 5pm, Sunday 5September.<br />
Find out more at<br />
Drop-in sessions<br />
We’re holding aseries of community<br />
meetings to provide more information and<br />
answer any questions you may have.<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
Monday 23 <strong>August</strong> |4.30pm-7.30pm<br />
Meeting Room 1, Ruataniwha Kaiapoi<br />
Civic Centre<br />
Oxford<br />
Wednesday 25<strong>August</strong> |6-9pm<br />
A&P Room, Oxford Town Hall<br />
Loburn<br />
Thursday 26 <strong>August</strong> |4-7pm<br />
Loburn Domain Pavillion<br />
Rangiora<br />
Monday 30 <strong>August</strong> |4.30-7.30pm<br />
Function Room, Rangiora Town Hall<br />
Cust<br />
Tuesday 31<strong>August</strong> |4-7pm<br />
Cust Community Centre<br />
Mandeville<br />
Wednesday 1September |4.30-7.30pm<br />
Mandeville Sports Centre<br />
Woodend<br />
Thursday 2September |4-7pm<br />
Woodend Community Centre<br />
Complete the survey online<br />
<br />
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267918<br />
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$<br />
78<br />
ArtBasin<br />
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Pictured products available from 7:00am,Friday 20 th <strong>August</strong><br />
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912559<br />
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If youfind alower priceonanidentical stocked productlocally, we will beatitby15%<br />
If youfind the same productfromanother Mitre10store or Mitre10website, we’ll match that price.<br />
Excludes trade and special quotes,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The in-storepricemay be lowerthan thatadvertised.
Climate change on<br />
Hurunui programme<br />
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate<br />
Change’s latest report warns that climate<br />
changeiswidespread, accelerating, and<br />
poses asevere risk to people and<br />
ecosystems.<br />
Initiatives are beingput in place<br />
aroundthe worldtolimit global warming.<br />
but they need to accelerate, the report<br />
warns.<br />
In 2015 two of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />
mayorsatthat time, Waimakariri’s David<br />
Ayers and Kaikoura’sWinstonGray,<br />
joined other New Zealand mayorsand<br />
chairs in signing the Local Government<br />
Leaders’ Climate Change Declarationto<br />
acknowledge ``the importance and<br />
urgent need to address climate change<br />
for the benefit of current and future<br />
generations.’’<br />
AlthoughHurunui Mayor at that time,<br />
WintonDalley, did not sign the 2015<br />
declaration his successor Marie Black<br />
says the Hurunui District Council is<br />
working to address climate change.<br />
‘‘Within our StrategicPlan, and<br />
consideringour position as a<br />
predominantly rural council, the changes<br />
of water patterns and prolonged periods<br />
of drought has meant that waterstorage<br />
is something we are very conscious of,’’<br />
she says.<br />
‘‘We are currently working on climate<br />
changeadaptationswhichimpact on<br />
water availability for the District’s inland<br />
areas.’’<br />
Marie is amember of the Climate<br />
ChangeSteeringGroup as part of the<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Mayoral Forum, where ideas<br />
on how to approach climate changeare<br />
regularly discussed and the Hurunui<br />
District Councilispart of It’s Time<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>,whichisa<strong>Canterbury</strong>wide<br />
website aligned with neighbouring<br />
districtcouncils and Environment<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>, to talktothe region about<br />
climate change.<br />
Marieacknowledges thatthe Hurunui<br />
communityhas avarietyofviews on<br />
climate change.<br />
However, she says ‘‘our focus is on<br />
working with peoplewho are keentodo<br />
theirbit,’’and significantclimatechange<br />
initiatives have been achieved in the<br />
district.<br />
Theseincludethe launch of aprojectto<br />
trackthe council’s carbon footprint.<br />
‘‘Themost recent development has<br />
been the installationofsolar panelson<br />
our councilbuildinginAmberley,’’ she<br />
says.<br />
New initiativesaroundactive<br />
transport, drainage and drinking water<br />
reliability havealso been put in place,<br />
and trail networks for walking and<br />
cycling are beingdeveloped.<br />
‘‘We are improving the capacity of our<br />
stormwaternetwork to ensure our<br />
communities are better protectedfrom<br />
largerainfallevents and we are currently<br />
looking to find additional groundwater<br />
sources that are less influenced by<br />
seasonal or climate change patterns.’’<br />
The council is also workingwith its<br />
localcommunitiesdeveloping longterm<br />
plansfor coastal development that suit<br />
the individual desires of each settlement.<br />
24–27<br />
September<br />
<strong>2021</strong><br />
ARTS<br />
showcase<br />
hurunui<br />
Showcasing theArts<br />
by artists of theHurunui<br />
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
11<br />
River in the spotlight<br />
Restoring the natural character of the<br />
Waipara River, planting natives along its<br />
banks, and encouraging the return of<br />
wildlife, are the aims of the newly<br />
formed Waipara Catchment Rivercare<br />
group.<br />
The group also wants to ensure a<br />
healthy environment which can be<br />
enjoyed by walkers and families.<br />
Removing willow trees from the<br />
riverbed, controlling old man’s beard,<br />
and other invasive weeds, are top of the<br />
group’s list, along with atrapping<br />
programme for animal pests, restricting<br />
vehicle access in the river, and planting<br />
natives are actions put forward at a<br />
recent meeting to help achieve the<br />
group’s aims.<br />
Group facilitator, Rima Herber, says<br />
the one representative of the 4WD<br />
community made it clear there were<br />
many who would object to being<br />
excluded from driving in the riverbed as<br />
it was avery valued form of recreation<br />
among offroad vehicle drivers.<br />
Twenty seven people attended the<br />
meeting with several apologies, she said,<br />
with people expressing their<br />
commitment to work to restore the river,<br />
and acknowledging it would be alongterm<br />
undertaking.<br />
Andrew Arps, the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Zone Manager from ECan, told the group<br />
awillow control programme will begin<br />
in September to clear willows from the<br />
main channel of the Waipara River from<br />
half akilometre above the state highway<br />
bridge down to the sea.<br />
The willow trees will be cut down and<br />
removed, and the regrowth sprayed at a<br />
later date.<br />
Waipara River ... Willows will be targeted<br />
during an ECan programme beginning next<br />
month.<br />
It was agreed to create three small<br />
working groups to tackle specific issues<br />
—willows, old man’s beard and<br />
recreational vehicles. These groups will<br />
meet monthly.<br />
The next Waipara Catchment<br />
Rivercare Group meeting will be held at<br />
7pm on Tuesday, <strong>August</strong> 24, in the<br />
Waipara Pavilion, at the Glenmark<br />
Reserve. Leigh Love, alocal fossil<br />
expert, will give apresentation. Mr Love<br />
discovered fossils of birds previously<br />
unknown to science, in the river. One<br />
bears his name, Australornis lovei.<br />
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Mon -Tues 7am -4pm<br />
Wed -Fri 7am -4.30pm<br />
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310 6096<br />
Thursday,<strong>August</strong> 2, 2018 | Issue 808 |<br />
Visit now toview the paper online &more!<br />
NEWS<br />
12 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Youth leader finds her groove<br />
Emily Beltonislooking forward to<br />
getting knowthe youth of<br />
Waimakariri.<br />
The newWaimakariri District<br />
Council youthdevelopment<br />
facilitator hasspent herfirst week<br />
getting to knowyouthorganisations<br />
around the district and is keento<br />
support thegoals of young leaders.<br />
‘‘I thinkitwillbeareally great<br />
opportunity to be able to support<br />
the youth of the district.I’vebeen<br />
meetingafew more people<br />
throughout theweekand thestaff<br />
hereare fantastic.<br />
‘‘I hope thatout of whateverIcan<br />
do, it will be of benefit to the<br />
community andespecially the<br />
youth of thiscommunity.’’<br />
Originally fromGreymouth,<br />
Emily studiedsportand recreation<br />
management at Lincoln University<br />
beforeworkingfor Bowls<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> as ayouth<br />
development coordinator.<br />
Thatrole broughther outto<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,soshe already<br />
has someconnectionswith local<br />
bowlingclubs and community<br />
trusts.<br />
‘‘Itwas time for achange and the<br />
opportunity for professional<br />
development and beingableto<br />
workfor acouncil wastoo good to<br />
passup,’’Emilysays.<br />
She had afirstmeeting with<br />
events group WaiYouth lastweek<br />
and looks forward to the group’s<br />
nextbig event, AllNightParty,<br />
which hasbeen postponed until<br />
OctobertoallowEmilytoget her<br />
feetunderthe table.<br />
‘‘Thatwas fantastic meeting<br />
them. They werevery engagingand<br />
welcoming and Ilikethe energy<br />
Youth facilitator ... Emily Belton is keen to encourage more initiatives like<br />
All Night Party.<br />
that comes fromthem.’’<br />
Emily willbeattending herfirst<br />
Waimakariri Youth Council<br />
meeting at the end of the month<br />
andiskeentohear whatthey are<br />
up to.<br />
‘‘It willbeinteresting to see<br />
wherethe youth councilisat, how<br />
Ifit into thatand how theyfunction<br />
in the community,because Ithink<br />
it’s reallycool that there is ayouth<br />
council.<br />
‘‘My roleisabout facilitating, so<br />
it’s aboutfiguringout what they<br />
want to achieveand helping them<br />
to do it.’’<br />
She is looking forward to helping<br />
the youth council to bring the<br />
DudleyParkprojectfruition, after<br />
the final concept wasapproved by<br />
the RangioraAshley Community<br />
Board earlier thisyear.<br />
Tickets are on salenow for$60<br />
plusbooking feefor theWaiYouth<br />
All Night Party whichwill be held<br />
from8pm to 8am from October 1to<br />
2, visiting multiple locations in<br />
Christchurch. But getinquick. For<br />
moreinformation findWaiYouth<br />
on Facebookand Instagram.<br />
Survey pass mark<br />
for access strategy<br />
Arecent Waimakariri<br />
accessibilitysurvey has<br />
received apositive<br />
response overall,but has<br />
identifiedsome areas for<br />
the council to work on.<br />
Agefriendlycommunity<br />
facilitator Madeleine<br />
Burdon says survey was<br />
designed to helpthe<br />
council track theprogress<br />
of the WaimakaririDistrict<br />
Accessibility Strategy<br />
ActionPlan2017<strong>2021</strong> as<br />
partofthisyear’s review.<br />
‘‘The survey hascreated<br />
an opportunitytohear<br />
frompeople whose needs<br />
are oftenoverlookedand<br />
for thecollatedfeedback to<br />
informcouncilabout how<br />
the deliveryofits services<br />
could be improved,<br />
particularlywith regard to<br />
removingbarriers to<br />
inclusion in everyday<br />
community life.’’<br />
The survey found the<br />
majority of respondents<br />
wereable to access council<br />
buildings and toilets,can<br />
get aroundthe district<br />
easily,can find acar park<br />
easily,know how to keep<br />
themselves safeinan<br />
emergency,have enough<br />
informationtomake<br />
informed decisionsand<br />
feel abletotalk to decisionmakers.<br />
Oneconcernwas<br />
accessingthe council<br />
websiteand Facebook<br />
page, with oneperson<br />
callingfor subtitles and<br />
captionsonall videos and<br />
social media andsign<br />
language interpreters at<br />
community events.<br />
Catchingthe bus was<br />
another area of concern,<br />
withthe majority of<br />
respondentsnoting they<br />
did not finditeasy to catch<br />
the bus,one personnoting<br />
thatthose living in rural<br />
areas wereexcluded and<br />
another felt unsafe on the<br />
bus.<br />
While themajority felt<br />
abletotalk to decisionmakers,<br />
it wasnotedthat<br />
teenagershave concerns<br />
theywillnot be<br />
understood.<br />
Covid<strong>19</strong>QRcodes are<br />
alsoachallenge, withone<br />
respondent noting that<br />
somecodeshave been<br />
placed toohigh or in the<br />
doorway.<br />
‘‘I havebalance issues<br />
and appreciate if Ican<br />
signinaway fromthe main<br />
doorwhere ablebodied<br />
peopleare in ahurry,’’the<br />
respondent said.<br />
Alack of support for the<br />
transition fromschool to<br />
adult servicesand the<br />
absenceofalocalgroup<br />
activityfor those with<br />
intellectual disabilities<br />
werealsonoted.<br />
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NEWS<br />
14 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Local cadets come of age<br />
Rangiora’sair cadets have come of<br />
age and are changing theirname<br />
to reflect their growingstanding in<br />
the community.<br />
The local group has applied to<br />
change its name to 88 Squadron<br />
District of Waimakariri and will<br />
receiveacharterfrom<br />
WaimakaririMayor Dan Gordon<br />
on Sunday, September 12.<br />
Squadron leader Tania<br />
Mackinnon saysthe local groupis<br />
celebrating its five yearsofservice<br />
and now has 65 cadets, 10 officers<br />
and three supplementary staff.<br />
‘‘Thereare about 100 cadet units<br />
in throughoutthe country and we<br />
are one of the newestones and we<br />
have proven ourselves and grown.<br />
‘‘Most of the larger city units<br />
tend to go for acharter with their<br />
local council,sowethoughtitwas<br />
time we did it too and the name<br />
better reflects our representation,<br />
becausewehave cadetsfrom<br />
Oxford,Kaiapoi and Amberley, as<br />
well as Rangiora.’’<br />
Acharter givesmilitary units<br />
permissiontomarch through a<br />
town centre, with the exception<br />
that cadet units do not carry<br />
weapons, she says.<br />
‘‘But it willgive us permission to<br />
walk through the streets.’’<br />
While cadet units were<br />
originally established as military<br />
units after World War 2, these days<br />
their role is to train young people<br />
to become good citizens and to<br />
serve their communities, Tania<br />
says.<br />
‘‘We haveyoung people like<br />
WarrantOfficer Hamish Cookand<br />
he’s an outstanding young man.He<br />
is acadet and was one of our<br />
Community support ... Rangiora Mazda owner Hamish Hide (centre)<br />
presents afour radio set to senior cadets Flight Sergeant Tia Warwick (left)<br />
and Warrant Officer Hamish Cook.<br />
original, founding members.<br />
‘‘Back then he was alittle cadet,<br />
but he’s grown and stepped up as<br />
the unithas grown.’’<br />
The cadets have been invited to<br />
attend countless events<br />
throughout the district and offer<br />
service to the wider community.<br />
Tania says the cadets now<br />
participate in 10 AnzacDay<br />
parades and are involved in other<br />
events such as the BattleofBritain<br />
commemoration.<br />
Cadets willbecollecting in High<br />
Street, Rangiora,onDaffodil Day<br />
on Saturday, <strong>August</strong> 28.<br />
The cadets recentlyacquired a<br />
new working dress from the New<br />
ZealandDefence Forcetowear<br />
while out in the community,<br />
alongside their more formal<br />
uniforms.<br />
Rangiora Mazda recently joined<br />
forceswith Waimak Classic Cars to<br />
sponsor aset of fourradios for the<br />
growing cadet unit to use on their<br />
various training activities.<br />
The publicisinvited to witnessa<br />
paradeoutside the Waimakariri<br />
District Council chambers in High<br />
Streetfrom 1.30pm on Sunday,<br />
September 12, where the unit will<br />
receive acharter from Mayor Dan<br />
Gordon, who will alsoreview the<br />
parade. Following the parade, the<br />
cadetswill have aformaldinner<br />
with cake to celebratetheir fifth<br />
anniversary.<br />
Great friends ... Amberley artist Jodie Anne James (right) and with<br />
her caregiver Rose Tierney.<br />
New diamond artist<br />
Amberley’s JodieAnne James<br />
is provingtobeadab hand at<br />
the relatively new art formof<br />
diamondart.<br />
Jodie Anne became<br />
interested in doing diamond art<br />
after encouragement fromher<br />
special needscaregiver, Rose<br />
Tierney.<br />
‘‘I got Jodie Anne into<br />
diamondart after lockdown.<br />
She has never looked back and<br />
is showingamazingtalent. She<br />
loves it anditissogoodfor her<br />
souland herhandeye coordinationskills,’’Rosesays.<br />
Roseand JodieAnne met 12<br />
years agoatthe Amberley Rest<br />
Homeand havebecome great<br />
friends.<br />
‘‘I usedtohelpJodie Anne<br />
whenshe didthe afternoontea<br />
trolleyatthe resthome and<br />
thenhad thepleasure afew<br />
years latertobecome her<br />
supportworker for the<br />
Florence NightingaleAgency, a<br />
Christchurch company<br />
providing inhome careto<br />
people whoare unable to<br />
support themselves.<br />
Diamond art is acraft hobby<br />
thatwas introduced in <strong>North</strong><br />
America andEurope during<br />
2017.<br />
It is amix between paint by<br />
numbersand cross stitch where<br />
thousands of tiny resin<br />
‘‘diamonds’’are placed on<br />
adhesive canvas to create<br />
sparkly, mosaic, diamond art.<br />
Jodie Anne says she loves<br />
doing theartwork.<br />
‘‘Itisalot of fun andkeeps<br />
me outoftrouble. It is alsoa<br />
great skillfor me to learn and<br />
the finisheddiamond art is<br />
specialbecauseIhavedoneit<br />
all on my ownwithnohelpand<br />
thenRose frames themfor me.’’<br />
Jodie is hopingtoeventually<br />
sellsomeofher artworkand<br />
haveasmall exhibition in the<br />
Amberley Librarytoshowcase<br />
her skills to thewider<br />
Everyone eligiblein<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
can now booktheir COVID-<strong>19</strong><br />
vaccination appointments.<br />
Notyourturn yet?Register your details.<br />
Go<br />
Book an appointmentinone ofthese <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>COVID-<strong>19</strong><br />
vaccinationclinics:<br />
Clinic name<br />
Amberley MedicalCentre<br />
How to book<br />
Book online at<br />
or phone0800 28 29 26<br />
Amuri Community Health Centre Phone the clinic 03 315 6328<br />
Cheviot Community Health Centre Phone the clinic 03 3<strong>19</strong> 8630<br />
Hanmer Springs Health Centre Phone the clinic 03 315 7503<br />
Waikari Health Centre Phone the clinic 03 3144506<br />
Kaiapoi Family Doctors<br />
Kaiapoi Gospel WayOutreach Hall<br />
RangioraDurham Health<br />
RangioraLifePharmacy<br />
RangioraUnichem MedicalCorner<br />
Book online at<br />
or phone0800 28 29 26<br />
Book online at<br />
or phone0800 28 29 26<br />
Book online at<br />
or phone0800 28 29 26<br />
Book online at<br />
or phone0800 28 29 26<br />
Book online at<br />
or phone0800 28 29 26<br />
OxfordCommunity Health Centre Phone the clinic 03 312 4<strong>19</strong>5<br />
Some people mayfind booking easy, andsome mayneedahand.Please<br />
checkinwithyourwhānau and thepeople yousupport iftheyneed help.<br />
Forlocal updates check<br />
www.Vaccinate<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
CDHB16Aug21 CP
NEWS<br />
16 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Students shape future of sport<br />
Two Rangiora High School pupils<br />
are helping to shape New Zealand’s<br />
future Olympians.<br />
JadeKruger and Paris Karaka<br />
are serving on national sports<br />
committees to sharethe viewsof<br />
young people participating in sport.<br />
Bothare highachieving sports<br />
people in their own right,with Paris<br />
having been selected for the New<br />
Zealand under18 women’s touch<br />
squad, the <strong>Canterbury</strong>women’s<br />
senior netballteam and also plays<br />
volleyball.<br />
Jadeplays football, participates<br />
in athletics, is keen to playrugby<br />
sevens and her goal is to represent<br />
New Zealand in the 100 metre and<br />
200 metresprints.<br />
Paris, who is in year 12, is one of<br />
just13pupils serving on the<br />
inaugural School SportNew<br />
Zealand Student Athlete<br />
Commission(SAC)and will be<br />
attendinganationalsports<br />
conference in Rotoruanext month<br />
as part of her role.<br />
‘‘Our focus is to make sports<br />
better andtoencourage more<br />
participation.’’<br />
Ayear 13 pupil, Jade is serving on<br />
the New ZealandSportCoaching<br />
Advisory Committee, which<br />
includes justtwo secondary school<br />
students fromaround the country to<br />
suggestimprovements for coaches.<br />
‘‘Wecontributetoshapingthe<br />
directionofcoaching, identifying<br />
problems and finding solutions.’’<br />
Among the topicsdiscussed are<br />
how to attract more young peopleto<br />
playsport, the pressuresonyoung<br />
sports people and ‘‘Balance is<br />
Better’’.<br />
‘‘Balance is Better’’isanew<br />
Young leaders ... Rangiora High School pupils Jade Kruger (left) and Paris<br />
Karaka are keen to encourage more young people to participate in sport.<br />
coaching programme gaining<br />
traction in secondary schools<br />
aroundthe country, which<br />
encourages cultural changeand<br />
promotes moreyouth participation<br />
in sport, Jade says.<br />
‘‘Balance is Betterisused alot<br />
more in schools in the <strong>North</strong> Island<br />
and they’vefound they have so<br />
many more kids participation<br />
because it’s more fun.<br />
‘‘One school stopped playing<br />
15aside rugby and changed to<br />
sevensand foundthey had more<br />
kids participating becausethey all<br />
get to pass the ballinagame, so it’s<br />
more fun and they’restill<br />
developing the skills.’’<br />
Many young people just want to<br />
play with theirfriends, butasthey<br />
get older and move up the ranks the<br />
pressurescan become more<br />
intense,Paris says.<br />
‘‘I think that’s why lotsofyoung<br />
people drop out, because it gets so<br />
seriousand you have other<br />
priorities, like an after school job<br />
and NCEA.<br />
‘‘Thecommitmentisahuge<br />
thing.’’<br />
Part of the challengeisthe<br />
different expectations between<br />
coaches and players from different<br />
generations andupbringings.<br />
One of thepressures for Paris is<br />
she knows she needs to focus on one<br />
sportifshe wants to progress to the<br />
top level.<br />
Jade hopes to study psychology<br />
and sportsscience next year, while<br />
Parisisinterested in joining the<br />
army or the police.<br />
Greenlights, by Matthew<br />
McConaughey<br />
From the Academy Award winning<br />
actor, an unconventional memoir<br />
filled withraucous stories, outlaw<br />
wisdom, and lessons learnedthe<br />
hard way aboutliving with greater<br />
satisfaction.<br />
Stucktogether, by SarahTuck<br />
SarahTuck is<br />
back with a<br />
fresh<br />
collection of<br />
recipes to<br />
impress your<br />
guestsatdinner parties. Dishes<br />
designed to share with loved ones, you<br />
will fall in love with these imaginative<br />
and scrumptiousplates.<br />
Gardening withdroughtfriendly plants,<br />
by Tony Hall<br />
This is the essentialguide to the plants suited to our changing<br />
climate of warmer,driersummers, written by Kew expert Tony<br />
Hall.<br />
Findout more about recent additions to the library collection<br />
by going to the librarycatalogue at or<br /> or contact your local library.<br />
Heading for the beach ... Participants head to the beach in the<br />
inaugural Art Hike at Tuhaitara Coastal Park on Sunday.<br />
See the Good Sports.<br />
$67.27<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$95.18<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$227.41<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$173.54<br />
PER WEEK<br />
2013 Mitsubishi Galant Fortis<br />
Super Exceed 1800cc with 39,540kms,<br />
Auto Tiptronic, 3Airbags, Alloys, Auto Air Con, CD,<br />
Auto Lights, Cruise Control, Chain Driven, Electric<br />
Mirrors, Factory Privacy<br />
Glass, Half Leather Seats,<br />
Idlingstop, Traction Control.<br />
2015 Peugeot 3008 Allure 1.6<br />
Turbo 1598cc with 83,793kms, Auto Tiptronic,<br />
5Star ANCAP, 6Airbags, Alloys, Auto Lights, AUX/<br />
Bluetooth/CD, Cruise, Dual Zone Climate Control,<br />
ESC, Fog Lights, ISOFIX,<br />
2018 Volkswagen Tiguan<br />
Allspace Highline 4Motion TDi<br />
<strong>19</strong>68cc, Auto Tiptronic, 5Star ANCAP, 7Airbags,<br />
Alloys, Bluetooth, Downhill Descent Control, ESC,<br />
Fog Lights, Heated Leather<br />
$12,990 $18,990<br />
$45,990<br />
Half Leather Seats,<br />
Panoramic Glass Roof.<br />
Seats, Pre-Crash Safety,<br />
Smart Key,Turbo Diesel.<br />
2018 MitsubishiEclipse Cross<br />
VRX 4WD Turbo 1499cc with 25,413kms,<br />
Auto Tiptronic, 360˚ View Camera, 5Star ANCAP,<br />
7Airbags, Alloys, Bluetooth, Android Auto, Apple<br />
CarPlay, Forward Collision<br />
Mitigation, Heated Leather<br />
Seats, NZ New, Smart Key.<br />
$34,990<br />
$57.47<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$1030.60<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$81.96<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$72.16<br />
PER WEEK<br />
2010 Volkswagen Polo TSi<br />
Comfortline 1200cc with 28,742kms, Air<br />
Conditioning, Auto Tiptronic, 6Airbags, CD Player,<br />
ISOFIX, Electric Mirrors, Electric Windows, ESC,<br />
Power Steering, Remote<br />
Central Locking, Traction<br />
Control, Turbo.<br />
$10,990<br />
<strong>2021</strong> Land Rover Range Rover<br />
Vogue SE SDV8 4600cc, 360˚ View Camera,<br />
108kms, 4WD, 6Airbags, Adaptive Cruise, Tiptronic,<br />
Alloys, Android Auto, Apple Car Play, Auto Lights,<br />
Bluetooth,Heated/Cooling<br />
Seats, Lane Keep, Leather,<br />
Glass Roof, Turbo Diesel.<br />
$209,990<br />
2012 Mazda Axela Sport 20S<br />
SkyActiv 2000cc with 47,490kms, Auto<br />
Tiptronic, 6Airbags, Aero Body Kit, Alloys, Auto<br />
Lights, CD Player, Chain Driven, Cruise, I-Stop,<br />
Dual Zone Climate Control,<br />
ESC, Fog Lights, ISOFIX,<br />
Paddle Shift, Smart Key.<br />
$15,990<br />
2013 Toyota Corolla Fielder<br />
Hybrid G 1500cc with 66,888kms, Auto, Centre<br />
Shoulder Belt in Rear, Chain Driven, Climate Air Con,<br />
Electric Mirrors, Electric Windows, ESC, Factory<br />
Privacy Glass, ISOFIX,<br />
Smart Key, Remote Central<br />
Locking, Traction Control.<br />
$13,990<br />
$101.55<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$<strong>19</strong>3.13<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$212.72<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$227.41<br />
PER WEEK<br />
2014 Mazda AxelaHybrid-S<br />
LPackage 2000cc with 56,081kms, Auto,<br />
Alloys, 6Airbags,Bluetooth, BoseAudio, Chain Driven,<br />
Cruise,ESC,Heated Leather Seats, ISOFIX, Smart Key,<br />
MultiFunctional Steering<br />
Wheel, Traction Control,<br />
Trip Computer.<br />
$<strong>19</strong>,990<br />
2016 Toyota Highlander GX 4WD<br />
3456cc with 65,393kms, Auto Tiptronic, Alloys,<br />
5Star ANCAP, 9Airbags, Air Con, AUX/Bluetooth/<br />
USB/CD, Cruise Control, Downhill Descent Control,<br />
Fog Lights, ISOFIX,<br />
NZ New, Traction Control,<br />
Reversing Camera.<br />
$38,990<br />
20<strong>19</strong> Holden Acadia LTZ4WD<br />
3649cc with 62,735kms, Auto Tiptronic, 7Airbags,<br />
Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, AUX/Bluetooth/USB,<br />
Blind Spot Monitoring, Climate Air Con,Cruise, ESC,<br />
Heated &Cooling Seats,<br />
Lane Keep, Smart Key.<br />
$42,990<br />
Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />
2017 Nissan Navara ST-X 4WD<br />
2298cc with 59,231kms, 5Star ANCAP, 6Airbags,<br />
6Speed Manual, Alloys, Auto Lights, Bluetooth,<br />
Climate Air Con, Cruise, ESC, Privacy Glass, Fog<br />
Lights, Heated Seats,<br />
Hill Start Assist, NZ New,<br />
Smart Key, Turbo Diesel. $45,990<br />
$227.41<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$222.52<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$188.23<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$207.82<br />
PER WEEK<br />
2017 Mazda BT-50 GSX 4WD<br />
3.2D 3<strong>19</strong>8cc with 70,261kms, Auto Tiptronic,<br />
6Airbags, Alloys, Auto Lights, AUX/Bluetooth, ESC,<br />
Chain Driven, Cruise, Dual Zone Climate Control,<br />
Fog Lights, Multi Functional<br />
Steering Wheel, Traction<br />
Control, Turbo Diesel.<br />
$45,990<br />
2016 Nissan Navara ST-X 2.3D<br />
4WD 2298cc with 94,213kms, 5Star ANCAP,<br />
Alloys, 6Airbags, Auto Lights, Bluetooth,Cruise,<br />
ESC, Hard Lid, Heated Leather Seats, ISOFIX,<br />
NZ New, NZSat Nav, Roof<br />
Rack, Rev. Camera, Smart<br />
2012 Toyota Hilux 4WD 3.0TD<br />
D/C Ute 2982cc, Air Con, Alloys, Auto, Cruise,<br />
Canopy, Bluetooth/CD/AUX, Dual Airbags, ESC,<br />
Nudge Bar, NZNew, Remote Central Locking,<br />
Roof Rack, Running Boards,<br />
Towbar, Traction Control,<br />
Key, Towbar, Turbo Diesel.<br />
$44,990 $37,990<br />
Tuff Deck, Turbo Diesel.<br />
2016 Isuzu D-Max LS DC 3.0D<br />
4WD 2999cc, 20” Wheels, 5Star ANCAP, Auto<br />
Tiptronic, 6Airbags, Bluetooth/CD/AUX/USB,<br />
Climate Air Con, Cruise, ESC, Fog Lights, Hard Lid,<br />
NZ New, Running Boards,<br />
Tinted Windows, Traction<br />
Control, Turbo Diesel.<br />
$41,990<br />
Stadium Cars Rangiora 03 310 7940 |<br />
609 Lineside Road, Waimakariri, Rangiora OPEN 6DAYS<br />
*Conditions apply. Not available with any other offer. Finance offer subject to credit and lending criteria.<br />
Finance calculation based on 60 month term. No deposit with an annual fixed interest rate of9.95%,<br />
includes an establishment fee of$445. See our website for full disclosure.<br />
*On road costs may apply to some vehicles
Professionals<br />
in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Call Prosser Quirke Accountants<br />
Chartered Accountants &Business Advisors<br />
2299722v3<br />
6Blake Street, Rangiora, New Zealand<br />
ph. 03 313 7824<br />
email.<br />
Experienced<br />
Podiatrist;<br />
2373659v2<br />
Erin Marsden BSc(Pod)<br />
022 1726 049<br /><br />
.Familiar face ... Christine Staines enjoys supporting <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> families through<br />
the John Rhind office in Kaiapoi.<br />
Care, compassion at the end<br />
John Rhind Funeral Directors has been<br />
serving <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> for 15 years.<br />
From its Kaiapoibase, John Rhind is<br />
available to travelacross the Waimakariri,<br />
Hurunui and Kaikoura districts, general<br />
manager Tony Garing says.<br />
“In <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>wework as much<br />
as we can with local people, including<br />
caterers, florists and celebrants.<br />
“We are committed to supporting the<br />
<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> community with all of<br />
the arrangements.”<br />
The only exception is in the preparation<br />
of the body,done at the mortuary in<br />
Christchurch and then returned to<br />
Kaiapoi.<br />
John Rhind Kaiapoi is based in an old<br />
family homeat118 Williams Street.<br />
“One of the biggestassets in Kaiapoi is<br />
our funeral director Christine Staines,<br />
who runsour Kaiapoioffice,”Tony says.<br />
“She is very wellknown in the<br />
community, she knowsalotofpeopleand<br />
she has agood knowledge of the district<br />
and knows the history of Kaiapoi.She’s<br />
always available to talkaboutfuneral<br />
arrangements.”<br />
Christine is supported by the mainoffice<br />
in LondonStreet, Christchurch, which<br />
includes three staff who are <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> residents.<br />
John Rhind offers arange of different<br />
funeral and pricing options, including<br />
fixed price options thatmay suit people’s<br />
budgets or particular typesoffunerals.<br />
“We can caterfor services which are<br />
small and very simple,tothe more<br />
elaborate and involved,” Tonysays.<br />
John Rhind Kaiapoi movedtoits present<br />
location after the earthquakes.<br />
“We wantedsomething that was<br />
welcoming andhomely,sothis was an<br />
obvious choice. It’slike walking into your<br />
grandparent’shome,” Tony says.<br />
Families may choose to have aburial or<br />
acremation. The funeral service can be<br />
held at the Christchurch chapel, the<br />
Harewood Crematorium or John Rhind<br />
can arrange alocalvenue.<br />
“Some families like to have services at<br />
the Kaiapoi Club,the golf club,alocal<br />
church, at home or at the marae and we<br />
often use the <strong>North</strong>brookchapel.”<br />
Contact John Rhind Kaiapoi on (03) 327<br />
7499,<br /><br />
Do you havethe winter<br />
blues, feel lethargic/out<br />
of sorts,cravesomesome<br />
time out?<br />
Call us or book online for a<br />
Hot Stone Massage<br />
Warm stones combined with massage will<br />
calm your nervous system, increase circulation<br />
&leave you feeling relaxed.<br />
2384258v2<br />
31 Blackett Street, Rangiora<br />
Phone 03 313 0349<br />
Email<br /><br />
03 311 8008<br /><br /><br />
$<br />
9,994<br />
$<br />
9,494<br />
$<br />
11,994<br />
$<br />
14,494<br />
$<br />
14,494<br />
2012 TOYOTA RACTIS<br />
62,000KM<br />
1300cc, Full Electronics. Great<br />
Seat Elevation!<br />
$<br />
12,494<br />
STOP<br />
65,000km, 1300cc, 5-door.Great<br />
economical runabout!<br />
$<br />
9,827<br />
2016NISSANNOTE<br />
60,000kms, Alloys, Full Electrics<br />
Front &RearParkingSensors<br />
PLUS Camera!!<br />
$<br />
9,494<br />
43,000km<br />
2-litre,FullElectrics,<br />
6Airbags, Alloys<br />
$<br />
13,394<br />
2013NISSAN JUKE 15RS<br />
76000kms, Full Electrics, Alloys<br />
Reverse Camera.<br />
$<br />
34,744<br />
84,000kms, Reverse Camera<br />
Great Safety&FuelRating<br />
SPECTACULAR in Blue!<br />
$20,494<br />
2012 MAZDA DEMIO 13<br />
60000kms, 1300cc, Full Electrics<br />
FANTASTIC Colour!<br />
$<br />
9,949<br />
95,692km, 1500cc, 5-seater<br />
$<br />
12,794<br />
64,000kms, Alloys<br />
Sports Body Kit!<br />
$<br />
15,494<br />
64,000km, 2000cc,plug-inhybrid,<br />
heatedseats,electricboot, rear camera,<br />
SmartPower 4WD system, Bluetooth/<br />
USB. Looks spectacularinwhite!<br />
$<br />
57,694<br />
2013 MAZDAATENZA 25S<br />
81,144km,2500cc,leatherseats,<br />
looksAMAZINGinRED!<br />
2.5L, 4WD,very popular, towbar<br />
2014TOYOTAVITZ<br />
1500cm, 1300cc, lowkms, FRESH<br />
in SunnyYellow!<br />
58,845km,1800cc, greatkms, late<br />
model, CLASSIC Silver!<br />
PRADO TX<br />
2900km, 2800cc, diesel, 4WD,<br />
PERFECT for towing<br />
$<br />
4,999<br />
$<br />
17,494<br />
$<br />
33,490<br />
$<br />
29,494<br />
$<br />
12,494<br />
2006 NISSAN TIIDA<br />
Full Electrics,Amazing Colour!<br />
TidyWee First Car!!!<br />
2015 SUZUKI S-CROSS SX4<br />
83,000KMS<br />
1600cc, Cruise Control,Alloys,<br />
Very SmartWee Cars.<br />
2015 FORD RANGER TD XL<br />
84,000kms, Manual, Canopy,<br />
Towbar,Alloys, Tool Trays<br />
All prices include on road costs, 12 month registration and new WOF<br />
2018 MAZDA CX-3<br />
30,000kms, Full Electrics, Alloys,<br />
Front &Back Cameras, Bluetooth<br />
5Star Safety Rating<br />
SPORT2.0I<br />
88,000kms,Alloys,FullElectrics<br />
Chain Drive<br />
*Safety ratings are from year ofmanufacture*<br />
NEWS<br />
20 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
68 FalsgraveStreet,Woolston<br />
W:<br />
E:<br />
Ph: 03 3793932/0508 698267<br />
100% <strong>Canterbury</strong> Owned<br />
NZ’s favourite home for<br />
Recycled Hilux &Hiace Parts<br />
The Widest Music Variety<br />
Tune in nowtolistenon104.9 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
and103.7 Hanmer Springs andKaikoura<br />
“Exclusive”<br />
Pellet and Wood Fire Specialists<br />
Ravelli ULEB Wood Pellet Fires<br />
472 Blenheim Road<br />
Sockburn<br />
Phone: 03 343 1651<br />
Open 8:30am -5pm<br />
Sat 10am -3pm<br /><br />
Dunedin City Band<br />
The Rangiora SalvationArmy willbe<br />
hosting the Dunedin City Band for a<br />
Saturday evening concert with Rangiora<br />
Just Brass, alocalchildren’sbrass band,<br />
in the Rangiora Baptist Church,111 East<br />
Belt,from 7pm on Saturday, <strong>August</strong> 28.<br />
The Dunedin City Bandwill also be<br />
performing during the Sunday church<br />
service at the Rangiora SalvationArmy<br />
Corps, 12 Ashley Street, from 10amon<br />
Sunday,<strong>August</strong> 29.<br />
RangioraCommunityPatrol<br />
The Rangiora Community Patrol will<br />
hold afundraising sausage sizzleoutside<br />
PAK’nSAVEonSaturday,<strong>August</strong>21from<br />
10am to 2pm. The patrol, holds a<br />
barbecue every third Saturday.<br />
Swannanoa School<br />
<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>’s Swannanoa School<br />
celebrates 150 years at LabourWeekend.<br />
Arange of activitiesand events are<br />
planned from October 21 to 24 to mark<br />
this momentous occasion and to allow<br />
past pupils, staff, school families and the<br />
community to connect.<br />
Theseeventsinclude the unveiling of a<br />
speciallycommissionedsculpture and<br />
commemorative garden, an invitationto<br />
the communitytojoin the annual Pet<br />
Day, school tours, taking of decade<br />
photos and an informal evening mix and<br />
mingle over dinner.<br />
The weekendwill also see the launch of<br />
the book, History of Swannanoa School.<br />
Checkout what'sonand register now at<br /> or email<br /><br />
Classiccars<br />
The eighth monthly classic car gathering<br />
willtake place on Sunday, <strong>August</strong> 29, at<br />
the BetterHalf Kitchen and Bar, on the<br />
corner of State Highway One and<br />
Ashworth’s Beach Road.From 10am to<br />
2pm.BetterHalf opens at 9am for those<br />
wishingtostartthe day off with cooked<br />
breakfast.<br />
NC BMX day<br />
Raindelayed the registration and Come<br />
andTry BMX Day at the <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> BMX Club, Millton Avenue<br />
Rangiora. It will now be held this<br />
Sunday,<strong>August</strong>22, from12noon to 2pm.<br />
The new season is abouttobegin and<br />
anyone keen to try out BMX are welcome<br />
to go along and see what it is all about.<br />
WaimakaririCountry Music Festival<br />
The Waimakariri Country Music Festival<br />
fundraiser is being heldatthe Ashley<br />
Street showgrounds in Rangiora on<br />
Sunday, <strong>August</strong> 29. The festival starts at<br />
11amand willfinish around 4.30pm.<br />
Admission is $5 per person. Foodfor<br />
sale. All welcome.<br />
Bulbfundraiser<br />
The LionsClub of Pegasus Townis<br />
running aSpring fundraiserselling lily<br />
and freesiabulbs. You can plant lilies<br />
now forChristmas blooms. Thereare<br />
manyvarieties with bagsof4lily bulbs<br />
for $10 and20freesiabulbsfor $5. To<br />
order please contactAnne on 03 313 6124.<br />
Temporary rubbish bags<br />
As supply chain disruptions continue<br />
worldwide,shipping delays have forced a<br />
temporary solution for the supply of tiehandle<br />
Waimakariri District Council<br />
brandedrubbish bags.<br />
The tiehandle bags are supplied by a<br />
Christchurchbased firm,but are produced<br />
by an overseas manufacturer and the<br />
disruptions mean they are unlikely to<br />
arrive in the country for anotherfour to six<br />
months.<br />
‘‘We’vebeen working with our local<br />
supplier to make ashort term supply of<br />
bags that will tie us over for the next few<br />
months,’’ solidwaste asset manager Kitty<br />
Waghorn says.<br />
The temporary bags have aperforated<br />
tearoff tie and are the sameasthose used<br />
before the councilmoved to tiehandle<br />
bags, and are the same volumeand price as<br />
tiehandlebags.<br />
The council movedtotiehandle bags<br />
more than ten years ago, due to feedback<br />
from both the community and the council’s<br />
collection contractors that the tearoff tie<br />
bags were difficult to handle.<br />
The tie often popped off, spilling rubbish<br />
on the street, and were difficult to wrap<br />
around afull rubbish bag.<br />
The tiehandlebags were originally<br />
manufactured locally, but the manufacture<br />
has moved offshore due to low demand<br />
across the country for this styleofbag.<br />
The council acknowledges that the tie<br />
bags are more difficult to handle when they<br />
are full, and anticipate movingback to the<br />
tiehandle bags as soon as stock arrives, Ms<br />
Waghorn says.<br />
‘‘To make it alittle easier to use the tietop<br />
bags, we ask residentsnot to overfill<br />
them.<br />
‘‘Overfilling definitely makes it more<br />
likely that the tie will come off when they’re<br />
being carried to the kerb and also during<br />
pick up.’’<br />
While the councilwaits for the temporary<br />
bags to arrive,residents may seeblue bags<br />
with acouncillogo sticker at the<br />
supermarkets and council services where<br />
bags can be purchased.<br />
Rubbishbags work on auser pays basis,<br />
and the cost of abag coversmanufacturing<br />
of the bag, kerbside collection and landfill<br />
disposal.<br />
$6000+<br />
+<br />
PRIZE<br />
POOL<br />
OR CALL 0800 77 77 10<br />
Winners will be drawn on September 2 and contacted directly. Terms and conditions apply, see our website for details.
We’re having a<br />
CLEAR-OUT!<br />
Lennox 3Seater<br />
WAS $<br />
1699<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
1<strong>19</strong>9<br />
Brix Light /Peyton Grey<br />
7Piece Dining Set<br />
WAS $<br />
1569<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
1149<br />
ON SALE<br />
Buffet<br />
NOW $<br />
649<br />
Entertainment Unit<br />
NOW $<br />
699<br />
Side Table<br />
NOW $<br />
249<br />
Chia Single Trundler<br />
Bunk Bed<br />
WAS $<br />
1299<br />
Fairview Recliner Corner<br />
Suite –River<br />
WAS $ 2999<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
2499<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
999<br />
greatfor<br />
sleEp-overs!<br />
Recliner<br />
comfort!<br />
CHAIRS<br />
Zen PU<br />
$<br />
125<br />
Duke<br />
$<br />
125<br />
ON SALE<br />
Peyton<br />
$<br />
115<br />
Vintage<br />
$<br />
95<br />
Camille<br />
$<br />
75<br />
Dallas King Bed<br />
WAS $ 499<br />
NOW<br />
$v<br />
349<br />
Xander Recliner<br />
WAS $ 799<br />
ALL<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
599<br />
ON SALE<br />
Scantofindstore<br />
250 Moorhouse Ave, Christchurch<br />
0800 TARGET (0800 827438)<br />
SCANQRTOSHOP<br /><br />
Offers and product prices advertised here expire<br />
20/09/21. Sale Excludes Accessories.
22 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
New start for orphan foals<br />
An ex<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> woman is giving<br />
orphaned foals anew leaseoflife.<br />
AnnaMiles, who is originally from<br />
Scargill, has been running the South Island<br />
Foster Foal Servicevoluntarilyfor four<br />
years, matchingorphaned foalswith mares,<br />
which havelost their foals.<br />
‘‘Some peoplechoose to raisedan<br />
orphaned foal themselves, but the ideal<br />
outcomeisifthe foalcan be placed witha<br />
maresothey can learn horsebehaviours.<br />
‘‘Itreallydoesn’tmatterwhat type of<br />
horse, as long as they can get in for their<br />
drink and they’re learningthe behaviours<br />
of beingahorse.<br />
‘‘I’ve had afoal which has grown up to be<br />
aracehorse after being raised by a<br />
children’s pet pony, but Iwouldn’tput abig<br />
foalwith aminiature horse.’’<br />
The foster foal service is offered forno<br />
costand was developedbythe <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Marlborough Westland Otago branch of the<br />
New Zealand Thoroughbred Breeders’<br />
Association.<br />
The service extends to thoroughbreds,<br />
other horses, ponies,Clydesdalesand<br />
miniature horses, and is providedfrom<br />
Do you haveasonordaughteror interested inhorse riding?<br />
✭ Courses everyweekend.<br />
✭ 2, 5&7daySchool Holiday courses.<br />
✭ Private lessons available<br />
Monday toFriday<br />
✭ One day /one night $90 child<br />
✭ Opportunity to compete on our horses.<br />
✭ ½day lessons and treksavailable.<br />
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Experience the magical tölt<br />
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Horse treks around the Brooklands lagoon,<br />
Spencer park beach and forest.<br />
Ranging from 1 - 2.5hrs<br />
Second chance ... Orphaned foals are<br />
getting asecond chance.<br />
<strong>August</strong> 1through to the end of January.<br />
She has developed an extensive database<br />
and is abletocoordinate between different<br />
breeders and checksinwith the larger<br />
studs when required.<br />
Anna encouragespeople to contact her<br />
directly, so she can find matches. Text<br />
02102503472for more information.<br />
Radwood Trailers<br />
Trailer Hire<br />
Braked, Double Horse Floats<br />
Standard Tandem Trailer<br />
also available<br />
2410475<br />
Give us acall<br />
2411283<br />
Bookings Essential<br />
535 Tram Road, Ohoka<br />
027 338 8958<br />
Horse,<br />
Alpaca,<br />
Donkey,<br />
Sheep, Goat<br />
027 354 7<strong>19</strong>4<br /><br /><br />
or contact Inga on<br />
027 505 0542<br />
2410472<br />
Junior rider ... Ohoka’s Molly Moffatt (16) has been named junior rider of the year in the<br />
eventing circuit with her horse Ngahiwi Makem.<br />
Molly top junior rider<br />
Winning the junior rider of the year title<br />
was an unexpectedsurprise for Ohoka<br />
teenager MollyMoffatt.<br />
The Kaiapoi PonyClub rider, who turned<br />
16yearslast week, was crowned junior<br />
(under18) rider of the year on the national<br />
equestrian eventing circuitlast month,<br />
despite it beingher first full season with<br />
her new mountNgahiwi Makem.<br />
‘‘It was areal surprise. Iguess it was our<br />
firstyear together, so Iwas just going outto<br />
get some experience, so it was prettycool to<br />
get some good results in the showswewent<br />
to,’’Mollysays.<br />
‘‘I wasjust wantingtoget to know her<br />
because she’s quite quirky andfunny<br />
around people, but we won our first event<br />
and everything progressedfrom there.’’<br />
The pair competed in just six events<br />
during the 2020/21 year, but won all of her<br />
twostarevents, competedsuccessfully at<br />
threestar level and won the national junior<br />
riderthreedayeventingtitle at Puhinui,<br />
near Auckland.<br />
Othersuccesses for the combination<br />
included the South Islandthreeday<br />
eventing title at twostar levellate last year<br />
and secondplace in the national oneday<br />
eventing championshipsatthreestar level,<br />
both at McLeans Island, Christchurch.<br />
Equestrian is in Molly’s bloodasher<br />
mother, Amanda Brown, was asuccessful<br />
riderand both of her grandmothershave<br />
bred poniesand horses.<br />
‘‘My mother has been avery successful<br />
rider, so it’s pretty cool for me having her<br />
around because she’s got lotsofknowledge<br />
around horses andshe’skind of like my<br />
fulltime coach.’’<br />
Mollyhas been ridingsince she was<br />
4yearsold and firstcompetedinthe<br />
Springston Trophyasan8yearold,<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>ishome to many<br />
horses and riders, from weekend<br />
riders to serious competitors and<br />
everyone in between.<br />
We canhelpyou reach your targetmarket.<br />
Contact us today:<br />
winning the trophy with the EyretonPony<br />
Club in 2015 before transferring to the<br />
Kaiapoi Pony Club towin the trophy for a<br />
second time in 20<strong>19</strong>.<br />
Afterlast year’s Springston Trophy was<br />
cancelleddue to Covid<strong>19</strong>, Mollyislooking<br />
forward to helping Kaiapoi defend the title<br />
in Southland in October.<br />
‘‘TheKaiapoiPony Club are aprettycool<br />
bunch. It’s in Southland this year so it’s a<br />
long drive, but we’re doinglots of<br />
preparation and we have such acool group<br />
of peoplesoit’s goingtobefun.’’<br />
The Springston Trophy is athreeday<br />
eventing teams competition with dressage,<br />
crosscountry and showjumping.<br />
Her brother Sam (12) was also part of the<br />
successful 20<strong>19</strong> Kaiapoi Pony Clubteam.<br />
Sam ridesMarsdenMagic, which is<br />
ownedbythe Taane family, and Ataahua<br />
Masterpiece, bred by their grandmother<br />
Jeanette Brown.<br />
When she’s not riding,Mollyattends<br />
RangiRuru Girl’s School in Christchurch<br />
and is amember of the school’s first XI<br />
hockey team.<br />
‘‘I guess the Olympics would be apretty<br />
cool goal and it would be fun to travel<br />
overseasand stay with the top riders, but I<br />
don’twant to rush anything.<br />
‘‘Fornow, Ijust want to be riding ponies,<br />
become agood rider, producesome good<br />
horses andhave fun alongthe way.’’<br />
Mollyisaversatile rider, havingridden<br />
‘‘a quirky, but hard workingpony’’ Te Ngaio<br />
Raggamuffin, owned by the Geddes family,<br />
on the pony grandprix showjumping<br />
circuit.<br />
She alsowon the round the ring open<br />
hunter pony competition at the 20<strong>19</strong> New<br />
Zealand AgriculturalShowriding Jeanette<br />
Brown’s pony Tironui Firecrackerand<br />
placed third in the same event on her other<br />
grandmother JanMoffatt’spony Moet.
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
23<br />
All clear ... Grace Gormack (14) and Googleit clear afence.<br />
Amberley’srising star<br />
Rising star Grace Gormack has been<br />
riding since the age of 2years.<br />
Now aged 14, the Amberley Pony Club<br />
rider has enjoyed plenty of success in<br />
both show jumping and eventing with her<br />
horses Rosewood Zakee and Googleit.<br />
Zakee, a12yearoldgrey Arab pony, is<br />
Grace’s eventing horse, while 10yearold<br />
Googleit, ablack and white pony, is<br />
‘‘really speedy’’ making her agood show<br />
jumping horse.<br />
‘‘Zakee is really good at dressage and<br />
he’s kind of quick so he’s quite good at<br />
everything,’’ Grace says.<br />
‘‘He’s really honest and Ihave areally<br />
good bond with him.<br />
‘‘Googleit was tough to start with and<br />
struggled abit, but she’s really quick and<br />
she’s honest and she tries her best.’’<br />
Grace and Googleit won the pony class<br />
in the 2020/21 Dunstan Horsefeeds Show<br />
Jumping Circuit, acontest between the<br />
Amberley, Kaikoura, Waiau and Hurunui<br />
pony clubs and added anational pony<br />
rising star title at the show hunter<br />
nationals earlier this year.<br />
She was also part of the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
team with Zakee which won the eventing<br />
championships in Cromwell earlier this<br />
year, beating teams from all over the<br />
South Island and one <strong>North</strong> Island team.<br />
Next up is the Springston Trophy being<br />
held in Southland from October 7to10.<br />
While Grace has twice competed for<br />
the Amberley Pony Club with Zakee, this<br />
Enjoy early bird pricing when you book<br />
and pay your deposit by 31 st <strong>August</strong> on a<br />
Salta Horses workshop for Spring<br />
Salta Horses rates 10 out of 10 with<br />
Michelle Sharp CEO Unicef NZ:<br />
“Whether you are building anew<br />
team, you have someone joining a<br />
well established team, or you have a<br />
business problem tosolve, aday out<br />
of the office at Salta Horses isaunique<br />
and powerful way to promote critical<br />
thinking and team building.”<br /><br />
Ph 021 223 3925<br />
Early bird special<br />
applies to all workshops.<br />
Salta Horses for leadership coaching,<br />
team building, wellbeing and resilience.<br />
2410474<br />
year Grace and Zakee will ride for the<br />
Kaiapoi Pony Club.<br />
‘‘We are honoured to be excepted into<br />
their pony club as Amberley doesn’t have<br />
ateam this year, but Amberley will<br />
always be my pony club,’’ Grace says.<br />
Grace’s father Giles has ridden in<br />
eventing at fourstar level, while her<br />
mum Rachael has also ridden<br />
competitively.<br />
‘‘She is anatural in some ways, but she<br />
works bloody hard,’’ says proud mum<br />
Rachael.<br />
‘‘And she probably wouldn’t be where<br />
she is without Giles, he’s so good with<br />
her.’’<br />
‘‘He’s my coach,’’ Grace adds. ‘‘Even if<br />
he’s competing, he could be just off the<br />
course, but he will there be videoing me.’’<br />
Grace has just added ‘‘a new wee<br />
superstar’’ to her stable, with a3yearold<br />
horse named Polly recently purchased<br />
from Amberley House.<br />
One day Grace says she wants to be like<br />
her father and ride at fourstar level.<br />
Her ultimate goal would be to ride at<br />
the Olympic Games, or at the Burghley or<br />
Badminton horse trials. She also wants to<br />
be apolice officer or adairy farmer.<br />
For now she is in year 10 at Rangiora<br />
High School, where she won the year 9<br />
equestrian prize last year.<br />
Her advice to other young riders is<br />
simple.<br />
‘‘If you’ve got agoal, work real hard<br />
towards it and keep trying. Don’t give up.<br />
It’s worth it.’’<br />
Manufacturers &Suppliers<br />
of quality Stockfeed<br />
for many animals.<br />
Where quality doesn’t cost, itpays.<br />
Your animals will love you for it!<br />
• Get results from our Horse, Calf,Pig &Poultrydiets.<br />
• Stockists of Layer &Pullet Grower Pellets, Chick<br />
Starter crumbles &Oyster Grit,Feeders,Rabbit pellets,<br />
Ruminant nuts, Coprice feeds &Shoof products.<br />
• Lucerne, Timothy,Oaten &Meadow Chaff.<br />
• Fiber Protect, Fiber Ezy,MaxiSoy andSpeedibeet.<br />
• Whole &Rolledgrains &Topfliteavairyproducts.<br />
• Topbrands of vitamin &mineral supplements.<br />
• Equine, Cat &Dog Wormers.<br />
• Calf &Lamb milk powders.<br />
• Cat &Dog biscuits.<br />
Opening hours<br />
For enquiries<br />
Mon to Fri 8:00am -6:00pm Phone: (03) 327 5127<br />
Sat 8:30am -12:00pm Mobile: 027686 <strong>19</strong>22<br />
Closed Sundays and Public holidays<br />
Website:<br />
143 Neeves Road,<br />
Clarkville, Kaiapoi RD1<br />
2364625<br />
On course ... Alltech has been sponsoring equestrian events.<br />
Solutions for equine sports<br />
The recentOlympic Games in Tokyo<br />
have once again highlighted the<br />
stamina, resilience and devotion<br />
athletes give to their chosen sport.<br />
The only sport where animals are<br />
involved is the equestrianevents.<br />
There you witness, not only the<br />
dynamic discipline of the riders,but<br />
the amazing performances of the horses<br />
as they jump, canter, and perform their<br />
vigorous routines.<br />
What does the equine athleteneed to<br />
perform at their best?<br />
Amillion dollar question perhaps!<br />
It has been suggestedto‘‘keep it<br />
simple’’, or ‘‘getback to basics’’. We<br />
should not overlook coreessentialsin<br />
developing atopnotch product.<br />
Alltech’s team of leading scientists<br />
have developed many successful<br />
products for the equine industry<br />
including live yeast culture, chelated<br />
traceminerals and selenium yeast,<br />
mannanoligosaccharides, mycotoxin<br />
binders and other products extracted<br />
from yeast.<br />
Alltech is committed to research and<br />
development, in combination with<br />
strict quality control and production<br />
standards, that guarantee the quality<br />
our customers demand.<br />
Alltech offers two equine products<br />
that are internationallyrenowned and<br />
used by top riders.<br />
LIFEFORCE is aonce aday<br />
supplement essential to maintaining a<br />
healthy horse and will benefit horses at<br />
all ages and levels of work. It contains<br />
YeaSacc® (yeast), SelPlex®<br />
(selenium), and Bioplex® organic trace<br />
minerals zinc, copper and manganese.<br />
The combination of these will<br />
supportaproperly functioning<br />
digestive tract in horses, helping to<br />
improve digestibility and stabilise the<br />
gut flora. These are essential elements<br />
for the equinespecie.LIFEFORCE is<br />
available in two sizes of packaging a<br />
5kg bucket and a1.7kg pouch.<br />
Mycosorb® is Alltech’s natural<br />
solution to mycotoxin challenges.<br />
Unfortunately, horses can be exposed<br />
to mycotoxins by eating any<br />
contaminated feed ingredients.<br />
The extentofthis exposure will<br />
dependonhow muchofthe<br />
contaminated ingredient has beenfed.<br />
Mycosorbhas been granted full<br />
registration fromthe Ministry for<br />
Primary Industriesasamycotoxin<br />
binder.<br />
Ridersaround the country absolutely<br />
love it and use it daily to maintain<br />
stabilityand optimise performance.<br />
Especiallypackaged for the equine<br />
community in 1kg pails, it is available<br />
from the Alltech office in Auckland and<br />
distributors nationwide.<br />
With summer months soon<br />
approaching,this is agood time to<br />
check on the health and performance of<br />
horsesinthe paddocks and stables.<br />
Acheck list may include:<br />
Normal gut function which may<br />
just be acombination of management<br />
and animal factors.<br />
Organic mineral supplementation.<br />
Threat of mycotoxins.<br />
Safeguarding the healthofyour<br />
animals startswith the quality of your<br />
feed.The team at Alltech are here to<br />
help you withyour equine friends. Call<br />
us on 0800ALLTECHfor support.<br />
Copy provided by Alltech (NZ) Limited<br />
Let Alltech® help<br />
you with your team<br />
Leaders in equine nutrition<br /> |0800 ALLTECH<br /> |<br />
Menz shed creates daffodils<br />
The Amberley Menz Shed members have<br />
created 15 large daffodils on standsfor<br />
the Cancer Society <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Centre.<br />
The daffodils will be displayedatsome<br />
of the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> collectionsitesin<br />
Kaikoura, Cheviot, Amberley,Kaiapoi,<br />
Rangiora and Oxford duringDaffodil Day<br />
Rangiora BridgeClub<br />
Oxford Pairs <strong>North</strong>/South: Des Steere/<br />
JudyHayton 1, MargaretFraser/David<br />
McRae 2, Cath Costello/Robyn Dawson 3.<br />
East/West: Gaynor Hurford/Jenny Shore<br />
1, DawnSimpson/Veronica Hall 2,<br />
Margaret Pickering/Janice Pickering3.<br />
Crockford Challenge: Colleen Adam/<br />
Helen Paterson 1, DavidPrice/Richard<br />
Williams 2, TomRose Rona/ Maslowski<br />
3. RataPairs: N/S: Moody Shokry/<br />
Colleen Adam 1, RichardLuisetti/Judith<br />
Driver 2, Fern McRae/David McRae and<br />
Andrew Findlay/Dave Tocker equal 3.<br />
E/W Pauline Miller/Bunty Marshall 1.<br />
Sue Solomons/Jan Roose 2. Kereen<br />
McKay/Janice Pickering 3.<br />
Junior Evening: N/S:Annette Caldwell/<br />
GailDunlop 1, Anne Bagrie/Kate<br />
Whitehead 2, AlisonHowie/Marilyn<br />
Eliet 3. E/W:Stuart Atkinson/Wayne<br />
Hutchings 1, Penny Fisher/Bernie<br />
Lukken 2, TrishWarnes/Diane Graham<br />
3. Plate Pairs: N/S:Dave Tocker/Liz<br />
Duke1,JudyBruerton/Joyce Gray 2,<br />
AnneAnderson/Joy Hayward 3. E/W:<br />
JanicePickering/Maggie Johnson1,<br />
Colin Dick/ElizabethAlabaster 2,<br />
Shirley Symns/Dawn Simpson 3.<br />
Rangiora Golf Club<br />
9Hole competition:Stroke /Club<br />
Championship Qualifying Round 1:<br />
Ladies: PatRoberts 35,Janet Maguire<br />
36, RitaMoore 37c/b, ColeenWhite 37c/b,<br />
on Fridayand Saturday, <strong>August</strong>27and 28.<br />
CancerSociety <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Centrefundraising and events officer<br />
Tiffany Wafersays the daffodilswill<br />
provide an ‘‘enhanced presence’’ for<br />
collectors and people giving adonation.<br />
‘‘Theyare bright and fun and abit of a<br />
talking point.’’<br />
Catherine Boddy37. Men:John Gardner<br />
34, Clifford Boddy 38 c/b, Ross McQueen<br />
38 c/b,Bruce Pugh 38.<br />
Amberley Bridge Club<br />
<strong>August</strong> 9: <strong>North</strong>/South: Shula Guseand<br />
Jan Roose 1, JillCoberger andPaddy<br />
Macfarlane 2, Jim Knight and Kevin<br />
Moore 3. East/West:FayePattinson &<br />
Ian Pettigrew 1, Jenny andBruce Yates<br />
2, Caryl Brown&JanHaley 3. <strong>August</strong> 12:<br />
N/S:MaryWarren and IreneCarson 1,<br />
JudithDriver andJan Roose 2, Denise<br />
Langand May Milne3.E/W: Mary Bain<br />
and Helen Thornburgh 1, Nell McKellow<br />
and Sally Egden2,Pippa Graham and<br />
Douschka Saunders 3.<br />
Amberley Golf<br />
Mid Week Men:JByrne 39,BYates 35,B<br />
Fitzgerald 35, RKeith 34,MBruner34, K<br />
Rayner34, AGenet34.9Holers: Ladies:<br />
HAstell 21, LEdwards<strong>19</strong>. Men: M<br />
Carpenter 17, DPercy 17.<br />
Waimakariri Gorge Women’s Golf<br />
Rosebowl Stableford: 18 Holes: J<br />
Pottinger 39, 1; MRobertson 36, 2; L<br />
Patton 36,3;LAnderson 35, 4; LSmith<br />
24, 5; MTeAwa 32,6;LScott 31, 7; N<br />
Weavers 31, 8; SMardon 30. 9; JBlatch<br />
30, 10. 9Holes: SMcDonald 16, 1; S<br />
Farrar 15, 2.<br />
AmberleySmallboreRifleClub<br />
KBrown99.8,DQuigley 99.6, MBlack<br />
98.7,KQuigley 97.5,IFrazer96.4, P<br />
Wisheart 96.3, GHeaven93.1,OMitchell<br />
92.1,BCraigie90.0,MParker 87.2, C<br />
Rhodes86.2, WParker 86.0,ARoxburgh<br />
72.0,GJennings 63.1. Everyonewelcome<br />
with gear supplied.<br />
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Loss for NC rugby<br />
RUGBY<br />
A143 losstoa<strong>Canterbury</strong>Maori sidemight<br />
not seemanideal build up for<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s annualrugby fixture against<br />
Ellesmere.<br />
But the game was closerthan the<br />
scoreboard indicatedand it alsogave the<br />
selectors the opportunitytotry different<br />
player combinations from that which ran<br />
out theweek before againstBuller.<br />
Two tries to the Maori, one three minutes<br />
into the firsthalf and the other with halftime<br />
beckoningproved the difference.<br />
The first of these tries resulted from an<br />
opportunisticintercept when<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>was hot on attackand lookingto<br />
score.<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> performance in<br />
the first half was loaded with errorsand<br />
lost opportunities. The forwards struggled<br />
25<br />
up front and gaps regularly appeared in the<br />
backline.<br />
The secondhalf produced an improved<br />
performance, withastiffened defence line<br />
and aforward pack that refused to be<br />
outmuscled.<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> was well lead by<br />
captainJosh Maynard fromnumbereight<br />
and standout performancescamefrom<br />
lockAlex Kennedy and blind side loosie<br />
Jessie Houston.<br />
Brook Retallick’s positionalkicking was<br />
accurate and he kicked apenalty.<br />
Fullback Digby Heard looked for work at<br />
every opportunity.<br />
In addition to the gameagainst<br />
Ellesmere, <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>will also play<br />
aCantabriansXVthis Saturday and Otago<br />
Country at Cromwell on September 4, a<br />
gamethat had beenarrangedfor<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Country but was subsequently<br />
scrapped.<br />
Ellesmere, comingalosstoMid<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>, was swamped4522 by the<br />
Cantabrians XV lastSaturday.<br />
Volunteer drivers needed<br />
The<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> MiniBus Trust<br />
needsmore volunteer driverstocontinue<br />
providingits communitytransport service.<br />
Thetrust is anotforprofitorganisation<br />
coordinated, managedand runby<br />
volunteers to provide alternative,<br />
accessible transport for<strong>North</strong><br />
Cantabrians aged60yearsorolder, or<br />
thosewith adisability.<br />
Drivers must have apleasant,patient<br />
personality andhaveaClass1driver’s<br />
licence. They must alsobeabletopassa<br />
medical fitness test,whichwillbepaidfor<br />
by thetrust,and apolice test, whichwillbe<br />
arrangedbythe trust.<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Mini BusTrust<br />
trusteeGreg Wright says thetrust’s<br />
vehiclesprovide transportat``very<br />
nominalrates’’, with pickup andreturn<br />
forRangiora’s PresbyterianSupport's<br />
TotaraClub during the week, plus a<br />
Rangiora shoppers’ bus onTuesday and<br />
Thursday.<br />
There arealsoplans to possibly provide<br />
aweeklyKaiapoiserviceifthe demand is<br />
there.<br />
The vehicles,which includeawheelchair<br />
hoist, arealsoavailablefor selfdrive,<br />
shortterm hire andare considered<br />
idealfor family outings. Thoseinterested<br />
in volunteering to be aminibus driver,<br />
learning more about the trust, or<br />
interested in hiringone of thevehicles,<br />
cancall Roni Jordanon(03)2612889.<br />
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*Terms and conditions apply. The standard scheduled 5Year servicing isincluded (different terms and conditions apply to different models). Contact Archibalds for more details orvisit
NEWS<br />
26 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Planting day kicks off environmental project<br />
The Waimakariri District<br />
Council’s Arohatia te awa<br />
(cherish the river) project has<br />
been launched with aplanting<br />
day in Tuahiwi.<br />
The council asked for<br />
community support at the<br />
planting day, which was held on<br />
public land alongside the Cam<br />
River on Saturday morning.<br />
Around 32 volunteers turned<br />
out and planted 1000 native<br />
seedlings at the site.<br />
The environmental project<br />
aims to involve residents in<br />
restoring the health of<br />
Waimakariri’s rivers and<br />
streams through riparian<br />
planting and also create asense<br />
of ownership for this natural<br />
resource by fostering<br />
connections with the<br />
environment.<br />
The council aims to create<br />
cycle and walk ways, and<br />
ecological corridors that raise<br />
awareness of this significant<br />
natural public asset, as well as<br />
providing safe spaces for<br />
people to exercise and transit.<br />
Saturday’s planting day was<br />
the first step in the planned<br />
network of ecological corridors<br />
which will be developed during<br />
the coming years as funding<br />
becomes available and will be<br />
incorporated into the wider<br />
plans of Waimakariri district<br />
walking and cycling networks.<br />
Community projects officer<br />
for parks and recreation, Mike<br />
Kwant, said the degradation of<br />
quality of freshwater in New<br />
Busy day ... Waimakariri district councillor Niki Mealings helps out<br />
during the Cam River community planting day last Saturday to enhance<br />
biodiversity.<br />
Zealand was one of the most<br />
pressing issues facing the<br />
country.<br />
‘‘New Zealanders want to<br />
swim, fish, gather mahinga kai<br />
and enjoy fresh water as our<br />
parents and grandparents did,’’<br />
he said.<br />
‘‘We also need clean water to<br />
drink to both support our<br />
population’s health as well as a<br />
sustainable economy.<br />
‘‘Our freshwater ecosystems<br />
are suffering as aresult of<br />
urban development,<br />
agriculture, horticulture,<br />
Helping the environment ... Ohoka Primary School pupil Max Wood<br />
completes some community service as part of the William Pike<br />
Challenge, with his father Nick Wood in the background.<br />
forestry and other human<br />
activities.’’<br />
It is hoped that Arohatia te<br />
awa will help correct the<br />
damage done to the district's<br />
waterways.<br />
Mike said the idea for the<br />
project came from Waimakariri<br />
district Cr Sandra Stewart.<br />
‘‘She is the driving force<br />
behind the project,’’ he says.<br />
‘‘It was her vision and she was<br />
at the planting day last<br />
Saturday, welcoming<br />
volunteers to the site and<br />
helping them do the work.’’<br />
From theWaimakariri River<br />
in thesouth to Kekerengu<br />
in thenorth, the<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
hasgot it covered.<br />
Reaching<br />
48,000<br />
readers<br />
every week
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Weekend ramblings in Waimakariri<br />
27<br />
Market day ... Stallholder Kay Millist, of West Eyreton, left, with customer Diane Penney,<br />
of Sefton, at the Rangiora Sunday Market in the Blake Street carpark, last Sunday morning.<br />
On the beach ... Sand art created during the inaugural Art Hike at Tuhaitara Coastal Park,<br />
in Waimakariri, which was led by artist and park ranger Adele Jackson last Sunday.<br />
And they are off ... The kids' race during the JD Duathlon Mandeville, held at the Mandeville Sports<br />
Centre last Sunday morning.<br />
Family time ... Joy Hayward, of Rangiora, left, with her daughter, Gina<br />
Hayward, right and grand daughter, Harriet Hayward, aged 3, with her Peter<br />
Rabbit, and the family’s dogs —wirehaired foxterrier cross, Billie, left,<br />
samoyed, Bailey, and beagle, Scarlett, during awalk through the Ashley<br />
Rakahuri Regional Park last Sunday afternoon.<br />
Fun in the park ... The Molloy family of Rangiora, parents Louise and David with their<br />
children Taylor, aged seven, far left, Max, aged four, and Paige, aged nine, enjoying time<br />
together at Rangiora’s Elephant Park last Sunday afternoon.<br />
Switching roles ... Paul Howells is often the bike course director for other<br />
events, but raced for achange in the JD Duathlon Mandeville which was held<br />
at the Mandeville Sports Centre last Sunday morning.<br />
NEWS<br />
28 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
POSSIBILITIES: Budding designers and entrepreneurs are in with the chance for their products to be stocked by Ballantynes as part of the store’s Bring<br />
it to the Boardroom competition, which was won in 2016 by Marlee and Jo.<br />
Retail opportunity for budding designers<br />
CENTRALCITYdepartment<br />
storeBallantynesisagain running<br />
itsBring it to theBoardroom<br />
competition, offering<br />
budding designers andentrepreneursthe<br />
opportunitytosubmit<br />
their productsand potentially<br />
have them sold in thestore.<br />
Finalists willbeselected from<br />
theentries andinearly September<br />
will provide apresentation<br />
to Ballantynes’buyers and<br />
executive team,who saythey<br />
will be lookingfor itemsthatare<br />
innovative andhavethat“special<br />
Kiwiflair”.<br />
The winnerreceivesthe rights<br />
to sell their productexclusively<br />
at Ballantynes forupto<br />
12 months or whilestockslast,<br />
retaining100 percentofthe<br />
product’s sales revenue. Additionally,<br />
thewinnerwill benefit<br />
from expert mentoringand a<br />
promotionalpackage.<br />
The competitionwas launched<br />
in 2016,torun everysecond<br />
year.However,due to Covid, last<br />
year’s competitionwas postponeduntil<br />
<strong>2021</strong>.<br />
“This is ourthirdtime doing<br />
Bringittothe Boardroom<br />
andweare reallyhappy to have<br />
this back on ourcalendar. For<br />
us,this is aboutgivingbackto<br />
ourcommunity,” says chief executive<br />
Maria O’Halloran.<br />
“Wewanttoopenupan<br />
avenue forthose entrepreneurs,<br />
budding designers andcreators<br />
from across thecountry to<br />
showcase their work andalong<br />
theway,gainaninsight into the<br />
wholeretailprocess. We’reso<br />
excitedtosee what unfolds.”<br />
Marketingmanager Shelley<br />
Gayford says theprevious<br />
competitions have seen adiverse<br />
range of products beingput<br />
forward, includingchildren’s<br />
items, fashionaccessories and<br />
pantry items.<br />
Winnersofthe 2016 editionof<br />
Bringittothe Boardroomwere<br />
Lianne de Jong andLee ScheepersfromMarlee<br />
andJo, who<br />
presentedarange of children’s<br />
keepsakebooks, whichare still<br />
beingsoldatBallantynes.<br />
“Westarted sellingthe Marlee<br />
andJoproduct just after they<br />
wonthe BallantynesBring it to<br />
theBoardroom competitionback<br />
in 2016,”MsO’Halloran says.<br />
“Tothisday,their product<br />
continuestobeverypopular<br />
with ourcustomers–theyoffer<br />
aproduct with areal pointof<br />
difference andsomethingno<br />
othersupplier offersinour store.<br />
It is greattosupport localand we<br />
have lovedwatching, andbeinga<br />
part of,Lee andLianne’ssuccessfuljourney.“<br />
Anyone canregistertheir<br />
interest online, www.ballantynes.<br />,providing<br />
theproduct they aresubmitting<br />
is notcurrently beingsoldina<br />
physicalstore,isnot alreadyin<br />
commercial arrangementswith<br />
anothercompany anddoesnot<br />
infringe on thecopyright, patent<br />
or trademark of anotherproduct<br />
or brand.<br />
RegistrationscloseonMonday,<br />
<strong>August</strong> 23, <strong>2021</strong>, with the<br />
finalists taking their productsto<br />
theBallantynes’ boardroomon<br />
Saturday,September 4, <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
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NEWS<br />
30 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Challenges remain<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> farmers remainon<br />
‘‘a knifeedge’’,asongoing rain is<br />
stretching the feedsupplies on<br />
droughtstricken farms.<br />
Morethan two months on from the<br />
May 31 floodevent, <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rural<br />
AdvisoryGroup chairperson Winton<br />
Dalley says alack of quality feed is<br />
threatening the conditionofpregnant<br />
stock and mothers nurturing new born<br />
animals.<br />
While farmers seem to have escaped<br />
the recent threat of snow,the lack of<br />
quality feed continuestoleave farmers<br />
‘‘hanging by aknifeedge’’, Mr Dalley<br />
says.<br />
‘‘Somefarmershave reluctantly<br />
accepted thattheirusually high<br />
standard of stock is unrealistic,asno<br />
amount of expensive supplementary<br />
feeding can take the place of quality<br />
pasture and green fodder, especially<br />
for heavilypregnant stock.<br />
‘‘The autumn drought has caused this<br />
situation whichcannot be expected to<br />
be overcomeuntil well into spring.’’<br />
In recent weeks Mr Dalley has visited<br />
farmers throughout the Hurunui<br />
district to gaugethe extent of feed<br />
shortages.<br />
While some farmers in coastal areas<br />
haveexperienced some pasture growth<br />
due to the warmerthan normal soil<br />
temperatures, inland farmers have not<br />
beensolucky.<br />
‘‘For the coastalfarmers, the<br />
relatively mild weather has given them<br />
abit of alift,but there’s no substantial<br />
quantities of high quality pasture.<br />
‘‘The inland areas haven’t had much<br />
growth and there’s considerablymore<br />
concern for feed availability.’’<br />
FederatedFarmers<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> president Caroline Amyes<br />
sayswhile conditionsare more positive<br />
Challenging conditions ... Former Hurunui<br />
Mayor Winton Dalley is continuing to<br />
advocate for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> farmers<br />
facing ongoing challenges arising from<br />
drought and flooding.<br />
thanthey were two to three months ago,<br />
the wet winterisnot helping stress<br />
levels.<br />
‘‘The snow wasn’t as bad as it was<br />
forecast and it meltedpretty quickly,<br />
but soil moisturelevelsare high.<br />
‘‘We’re in the thickofcalving and<br />
lambing is getting underway for some,<br />
so it makesitalittlebit harder. If it<br />
keeps goinglike thisitwill start to<br />
wearpeople down abit.<br />
‘‘But farmersare very resilientand<br />
are usedtochanging weather.’’<br />
As springapproaches, farmers will<br />
be looking forward to some more<br />
sunshine to get some spring growth so<br />
theycan get backontrack after a<br />
challenging period, Ms Amyes says.<br />
Meat sector careers open<br />
Young New Zealanders are being<br />
encouraged to MeatYour Career.<br />
New Zealand’s meat processing and<br />
exporting sectorhas launched a<br />
campaign to help address the industry’s<br />
chronic shortage of employees, with a<br />
new website<br />
which highlights the widerangeof<br />
employment opportunities.<br />
The campaign also aimstochange<br />
perceptionsofwhat working in the<br />
industry is like.<br />
The website includes videos featuring<br />
peopleworking in the industry talking<br />
about their roles,adescription of the<br />
types of positions available and guidance<br />
on remuneration.<br />
The recruitment drive is underpinned<br />
by asocial media campaign targeting<br />
potentialemployees and makingthem<br />
aware of the opportunities in the sector.<br />
‘‘The industry is about 2000workers<br />
short andthisresults in reduced<br />
production and robs New Zealandof<br />
important exportrevenue,’’ Meat<br />
Industry Associationchiefexecutive<br />
Sirma Karapeeva says.<br />
‘‘This campaign is focused on letting<br />
Kiwis knowour innovative and<br />
progressive sector is at the cuttingedge<br />
of food manufacturing.<br />
‘‘Our peopleare worldleaders in<br />
producing andexporting quality and<br />
nutritious food to morethan 100 markets<br />
across the globe. We offer arange of<br />
exciting roles, competitive salaries,<br />
strongcareer pathways and an<br />
incrediblydiverseworkforce.’’<br />
There are rolesinthe industry for<br />
those without any formal qualifications<br />
or experience as well as for those who<br />
havecompleted trainingortertiary and<br />
postgraduate study, Ms Karapeeva says.<br />
‘‘Wehave graduates working in many<br />
areas of the industry including sales and<br />
marketing, international trade,<br />
Carving out afuture ... Career<br />
opportunities in the red meat sector are<br />
being promoted.<br />
communications,IT, new product<br />
development and food science.<br />
‘‘There are strongcareer paths to<br />
enablegraduates to progress from entry<br />
level to more senior and management<br />
roles.<br />
‘‘There are alsomany opportunities in<br />
processingfor people of different ages,<br />
stagesoflife and levelsofexperience,<br />
from schoolleavers to those looking for a<br />
careerchangeorareturn to the<br />
workplace.’’<br />
The sector directly employs more than<br />
25,000workerswith the vast majority in<br />
regionalNew Zealand, where meat<br />
processorsare oftenthe largest single<br />
employer in manytowns.<br />
The red meatsectorgenerated $9.3<br />
billion in exports lastyear.<br />
The website canbereached at: www.<br /><br />
TheMarvel Health Scan Screens the<br />
Body for the hidden cause of disease<br />
Medical Scientistshave shown that thenervesinthe gut<br />
areconnected to andcommunicatewiththe brain.<br />
Studies stronglyassociate ahealthy gutwithabetter<br />
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Youmay have heardofthe term ‘leakygut’, which<br />
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When theintestinalwall becomesdamaged,toxins<br />
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Also,studies showalinkbetween chronic gutproblems<br />
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248<br />
Hikoki Media Player<br />
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Pictured products available from 7:00am,Friday 20 th <strong>August</strong><br />
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Excludestrade and special quotes,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The in-storepricemay be lowerthan thatadvertised.
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6<br />
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$<br />
141<br />
26ccLine Trimmer<br />
322607<br />
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$<br />
148<br />
Hitachi22ccLine Trimmer<br />
307189<br />
Pictured products available from 7:00am,Friday 20<br />
th <strong>August</strong><br />
2<br />
only<br />
4<br />
only<br />
now<br />
$<br />
155<br />
Stanley26ccLine Trimmer<br />
321889<br />
now<br />
$<br />
325<br />
Makita 25ccLine Trimmer<br />
307463<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
31<br />
Tool review ... Overseer is an agricultural management tool that assists in examining<br />
nutrient use and movements within afarm to optimise production and environmental<br />
outcomes.<br />
Farmers not surprised<br />
Thereare ‘‘no surprises’’ for <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> farmers in last week’s Overseer<br />
report.<br />
Federated Farmers <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
presidentCaroline Amyes says the findings<br />
of the recent review of the nutrientloss<br />
modelling toolOverseer,conducted by the<br />
Ministries for the Environment and<br />
Primary Industries, were consistentwith<br />
what farmers alreadyknew.<br />
‘‘We don’t wantinput controls, so<br />
Overseer has been usefulinthat regard.We<br />
have always known that there hasbeen<br />
some challenges, so havingitasa<br />
regulatorytool has been achallenge.<br />
‘‘Thefeedback from farmers so far has<br />
been:‘we are not verysurprised’.<br />
‘‘We willwait and see whatregulations<br />
come out of this and what Overseer 2looks<br />
like.’’<br />
DairyNZ strategy and investment leader<br />
Dr David Burger says sciencebased<br />
managementand modelling reviews, such<br />
as the recentGovernment report into<br />
Overseer, helps improvenutrient<br />
managementfor the environment and farm<br />
businesses.<br />
‘‘Overseerisvital in helpingfarmers, the<br />
sector and councils understand farm<br />
management, particularly nutrient and<br />
greenhouse gas losses to the environment.<br />
‘‘Therefore, we must have ahigh levelof<br />
confidence in it as atool.<br />
‘‘It’s pleasing Government is committed<br />
to supporting Overseer and aredevelopment,<br />
while lookingatother tools to<br />
improve nutrient management and onfarm<br />
outcomes.’’<br />
Dr Burgersaid DairyNZ research shows<br />
nitrate leaching measurementsfrom farm<br />
system experimentsare generally wellaligned<br />
with Overseer predictionswhere<br />
actual climate data has been used on dairy<br />
land.<br />
‘‘Ourresearch and experiencewith<br />
farmers tells us Overseer is an important<br />
tool for helpingdairy farmers manage<br />
nitrogenand reducelosses from farms.<br />
‘‘Falling back on input controls or<br />
Caroline Amyes<br />
reliance on risk factors is not an adequate<br />
substitute for output modelling, especially<br />
when we haveanincreasingly<br />
sophisticated range of nitrogen<br />
managementoptions that Overseer enables<br />
farmers to model.<br />
‘‘Farm systems are complex and there<br />
are arange of waysfarmerscan reduce<br />
theirfootprint.Overseer allows farmers to<br />
modeldifferent options in the contextof<br />
theirfarm system –enabling innovation<br />
and flexibility.’’<br />
Greenpeace lead agriculture campaigner<br />
Christine Rose says the reportundermines<br />
confidence in the system that has<br />
supported dairy conversions and<br />
intensification.<br />
‘‘Because Overseer has been used to<br />
defend the overapplicationofsynthetic<br />
nitrogenfertiliser and has beenembedded<br />
in resourceconsents,the wholedairy<br />
modeland its environmental impacts are a<br />
houseofcards.<br />
‘‘Instead of relying on an industrytool<br />
that does abad jobofmeasuring nitrate<br />
pollution as it seeps into rivers or<br />
contaminates people’s drinking water,the<br />
Governmentmust deal to the problemat<br />
source by phasing out polluting synthetic<br />
nitrogenfertiliser altogether.’’<br />
Covenant ... Around 180,000 hectares of private land has been placed in QEII National<br />
Trust covenants.<br />
QE2 Trust funding boost<br />
FederatedFarmersisrelieved to see the<br />
government put more money towards the<br />
Queen ElizabethIINationalTrust, to help<br />
landowner endeavours to protect and<br />
enhance areas of special native<br />
biodiversityonprivately owned land.<br />
Conservation Minister KiriAllan<br />
recentlypledged $8 million to go to the<br />
Jobs forNature programme.<br />
This shouldallow the QEIITrustto<br />
increasethe number of sites protectedby<br />
covenants by 264 duringthe next four<br />
years.<br />
Morethan4600 unbreakable covenants<br />
havebeenestablished since <strong>19</strong>77, covering<br />
180,000 hectares of privateland.<br />
FederatedFarmersboardmember and<br />
environment spokespersonChris Allen<br />
saysthe willingness of landowners to<br />
voluntarily covenant and protect privately<br />
owned properties haslong exceededthe<br />
ability forQEII to meet demand.<br />
‘‘Thisissoundinvestmentand<br />
partnershipbythe government.QEIIisan<br />
entitytrusted and respected by farmers,<br />
andalthough the covenants involve<br />
protection of specialsitesinperpetuityit<br />
remains avoluntary initiative.<br />
‘‘It’suptolandownerstodecide if<br />
applying to the trust provides thebest<br />
opportunitiesfor theirland.<br />
‘‘Biodiversity, climatechange andwater<br />
qualityare integratedissues,and funding<br />
to help incentivisenative plantingand<br />
protection can provide multifaceted<br />
solutions.’’<br />
Placing acovenant on apieceofland<br />
essentiallyprotectsitforever, Mr Allen<br />
says.<br />
Having additionalJobs for Nature<br />
assistancewill enable greaterrestoration<br />
opportunitiesfor privatelyowned land<br />
with highbiodiversity.<br />
‘‘We remindgovernmentthatthis is a<br />
great first step, but more incentives and<br />
support will be neededifthey truly want<br />
NewZealand to meet its biodiversity<br />
objectives, giventhe high costs associated<br />
with that activemanagementand<br />
protection,including fencingand pest/<br />
weed control.’’<br />
Federated Farmers hopes the<br />
governmentdoesn’tjust see this as afouryearproject,<br />
andthatitwill remain<br />
committed to helpinglandowners<br />
maintain special biodiversity areas on<br />
privatelyowned land,for thegood of the<br />
entirecommunity,MrAllensays.<br />
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SPORT<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Lower grade Rangiora teams make finals<br />
HOCKEY<br />
The <strong>Canterbury</strong> Hockey<br />
Association finals for <strong>2021</strong> are<br />
thisweekend,and whilethe<br />
Rangiora HockeyClub's top<br />
teams will not feature in any of<br />
the major playoffs, several of<br />
the lower grade and midweek<br />
teams are vying for grade titles.<br />
The Rangiora CBK division 1<br />
men’s team booked aplacein<br />
the 5/6 playoff gameagainst<br />
University of <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Spartansafter ahard fought 10<br />
win over Avonlast weekend.<br />
The two sides drew lasttime<br />
theymet, so this should be a<br />
close encountertobeplayed at<br />
MainPower turf at 12.30pm on<br />
Saturday.<br />
After losing to Hornby last<br />
weekend, the Rangiora CBK<br />
division 1women willbelooking<br />
to finishthe seasononahigh in<br />
the 7/8 playoff against<br />
University of <strong>Canterbury</strong> Huns.<br />
Thisgame will be playedat<br />
11amonSaturday at MainPower<br />
turf.<br />
Rangiora Rampage plays<br />
SouthernUnited at MainPower<br />
turfonSaturday morningfrom<br />
8.15am in the Kwik Sticks<br />
7aside division 3boys 5/6<br />
playoff, while the Kwik Sticks<br />
7aside division 5girlsteam<br />
Rangiora Rebelsalso plays at<br />
8.15am.<br />
The bestplaced Rangiora<br />
Junior teams are the Rascals<br />
which will be playing the final of<br />
the KwikSticks 11aside girls<br />
against Harewood at Nga Puna<br />
Wai at 8.25am Saturday.<br />
On Sunday Rangiora<br />
Korimako play in the Sunday<br />
super league (SSL)<br />
championship final against<br />
Waikirikiri Tuis from 2pm at<br />
Nga Puna Wai.<br />
To reach the final Korimako<br />
had to account for an improving<br />
Rangiora Piwakawaka team last<br />
weekend, which wasn'taseasy<br />
as the 40 scoreline would<br />
suggest.<br />
At MainPower Hockey Turf on<br />
Sunday Rangiora'stwo SSL<br />
championship men's teamswill<br />
meetfor bragging rights in their<br />
lastgame of the season.<br />
Colts finished thirdonthe<br />
table, just one point ahead of<br />
the Oddfellows, but with its last<br />
clash rainedoff and Oddfellows<br />
Sticky situation ... Lilly van Rooy of the Rangiora Rubys Kwik Sticks<br />
7aside team in action against Harewood.<br />
winningits earlier encounter<br />
it's hard to pick aclear favourite<br />
ahead of this game.<br />
In midweek open men's<br />
action RangioraAhas finished<br />
the regular seasonunbeaten<br />
and is odds on favouritetotake<br />
the Division 2crownupagainst<br />
Marist Gooses,which it<br />
comfortablybeat afortnight ago.<br />
Rangiora Allsortswill play off<br />
againstHarewoodinthe 5/6<br />
playoff.<br />
Rangiora HurunuiHares<br />
ended the regular season at the<br />
top of division1inthe midweek<br />
open women’scompetition and<br />
was playing off against Carlton<br />
Redcliffs for afinalsspot as this<br />
report wenttoprint.<br />
The Rangiora Hurunui Hawks<br />
comfortablyaccounted for<br />
Southern United lastweek<br />
giving them the semifinals bye<br />
and a5/6 playoff againstthe<br />
winner of the wooden spoon<br />
playoffnext Tuesday night.<br />
Results:<br />
Division 1: Men: Rangiora<br />
CBK 1(Damian Allerby 1) beat<br />
Avon 0.<br />
Women: Rangiora CBK 0lost<br />
to Hornby Wildcats 3.<br />
Sunday Super League<br />
Championship, Men: Rangiora<br />
Colts 2(JustinMeyers 1, Giles<br />
Witt 1) beat University of<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Celts1.MVP: Giles<br />
Witt. RangioraOddfellows 1lost<br />
to University of <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Apache3.<br />
Women:Rangiora Korimako 4<br />
(PoppyGriffithJones 2,<br />
Ashleigh Merrick1,Tayla<br />
Flemming 1) beat Rangiora<br />
Piwakawaka 0. MVP: Ashleigh<br />
Merrick (Korimako), TinaJames<br />
(Piwakawaka).<br />
MidWeek Open: Men:<br />
Rangiora A6beat University of<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Romans 1. Rangiora<br />
Allsorts 3(Jon Green 3) defeated<br />
MaristMooses 1.<br />
Women:Rangiora Hurunui<br />
Hares 2(Rose Johnston 1, Kelly<br />
McNicholson 1) beat Carlton<br />
Redcliffs 1. Rangiora Hurunui<br />
Hawks 5(AnnekeCameron 2,<br />
Maddi Plimmer 2, Kelly Morris<br />
1) defeated Southern United 1.<br />
Platinum Grades:Men:<br />
Rangiora B2lost to Waikirikiri<br />
Falcons 3.<br />
Women:Rangiora A2(Amelia<br />
Green 1, NikitaWarnock 1) lost<br />
to Waikirikiri 3.<br />
Kwik Sticks 11aside Grades:<br />
Boys: RangioraRenegades0<br />
lost to Avon 10. MVP:Aaron<br />
Eyles.<br />
Girls:Rangiora Rascals3<br />
(Felicity AntoniukNewall2,<br />
33<br />
Family affair ... Amelia Plimmer of Rangiora Korimako (in white)<br />
evades the tackle of her aunt, Sharlene Bush of Rangiora Piwakawaka<br />
at the weekend.<br />
Cate Ambury1)beat Avon 0.<br />
MVP: Felicity AntoniukNewall.<br />
Kwik Sticks 7aside Grades:<br />
Boys:Rangiora Rampage 3<br />
(Marcel Rich, Riley<br />
Girdlestone) losttoSouthern<br />
United Sand Lizards6.MVP:<br />
Marcel Rich. RangioraRangers<br />
0lost to HSOB/Burnside 4.<br />
MVP: Joel Pulley.<br />
Girls: Rangiora Rebels 0lost<br />
to St Margarets 4. MVP: Danielle<br />
Petrie. Rangiora Rainbows 2<br />
(RubyTaylor 2) beat HSOB/<br />
Burnside 0. MVP: Brooklin<br />
Glass. Rangiora Rubys1<br />
(Imogen Abernethy 1) lostto<br />
Harewood3.MVP: Imogen<br />
Abernethy.<br />
Kiwi Sticks Grades: Boys:<br />
Rangiora Rogues vs Marist,<br />
game called off at halftime due<br />
to weather.<br />
Girls: Rangiora Rabbits 2<br />
(Catherine McKellow 2) drew<br />
with HinemoaKaiapoi2.MVP:<br />
FreyaClark. Rangiora Raiders<br />
1(ZaraCartwright1)defeatedSt<br />
Andrews PrepSchool 0. MVP:<br />
Zara Cartwright. Rangiora Road<br />
Runners 14 (ErinCook 6,<br />
SammyFrostSmith 2, Rose<br />
West 2, Bella Cherry 2, Logan<br />
Stevenson1,Neve Fantham 1)<br />
defeated Southern United Sea<br />
On attack ... PJ Mackintosh<br />
carries the ball against HSOB/<br />
Burnside.<br />
Horses 1. MVP:Erin Cook.<br />
Mini Sticks Grades: Boys:<br />
Rangiora Roadsters0lost to<br />
Southern UnitedSnakes 4.<br />
MVP:Jack McLean.<br />
Girls: Rangiora Rockets 5<br />
(ShayleeEastmond 2, Ruby<br />
Hutchison 2, Ila Bavis 1) beat<br />
Southern United Starlings0.<br />
MVP: Vida Berry. Rangiora<br />
Rock Stars 4(Anita Mones<br />
Cazon 3, VioletMellor 1) beat<br />
HinemoaKaiapoi0.MVP:<br />
Charlotte Hawes.<br />
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The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
35<br />
Coming into land ... The Westpac Rescue Helicopter is avital lifeline to rural<br />
communities in an emergency.<br />
Chopper missions increase<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s Westpac Rescue<br />
Helicopter recorded a40percent<br />
increase in mission numbersfor the first<br />
six monthsofthisyear, reflecting afocus<br />
on fastertreatment and better patient<br />
outcomes.<br />
The new helipad at Christchurch<br />
Hospital, which cantake two choppers<br />
at atime,has been agamechanger for<br />
the service withmore than500 landings<br />
since it opened last November,chief<br />
executive Christine Princesays.<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> based crew flew404<br />
missions betweenJanuary 1and June<br />
30, compared with289 forthe same<br />
periodlastyear.<br />
Lastmonth sawawhopping 97<br />
missions across<strong>Canterbury</strong>and the<br />
WestCoast, including eight missionsin<br />
one day,withthe majoritybeing<br />
classified as accidents and medical<br />
emergencies.<br />
‘‘The Covid lockdown could account<br />
for someofthe overall increase when<br />
we compareagainstthe previousyear,<br />
but the increase is an ongoingtrend. By<br />
thistimelast year lockdownwas over<br />
and theincrease has continued<br />
strongly,’’ Ms Prince says.<br />
In one weekend this month crew<br />
respondedtoeight missionsacross the<br />
region,includingcardiac,maternity,<br />
severalinterhospitaltransfers and<br />
accidents, shesays.<br />
‘‘Asanticipated,mission numbers<br />
haveincreasedthiswinter, withmore<br />
people travelling locally andan<br />
increased risk of accidentinjuriesand<br />
medicalmissionsinthe coldermonths.<br />
‘‘Intrauma cases, such as road<br />
accidentsand medical emergencies,<br />
getting emergency treatment to a<br />
patientatthe scene within60minutesof<br />
an incident increases thepatient’s<br />
chanceofmaking afullrecoverybyover<br />
80%.Inremote and hardtoreach areas,<br />
the rescue helicopter service can mean<br />
the differencebetween lifeand death.’’<br />
Public Notices<br />
“The Key of Knowledge ..“(Luke 11:52)<br />
Environmentally, morally and economically, affairs<br />
encompassing the Planet appear perplexing. Many<br />
World leadershave takenresponsibleand demanding<br />
roles to come upwith answers tobring peace of<br />
mind totheir people. Many start off with high hopes<br />
and good intentions, but very soon, it becomes<br />
obviousthere are many streams of thought, different<br />
approaches toaproblem, many ideologies. Unless<br />
there is mutual outlook it is very difficult to formulate<br />
solutions, let alone achieve them. The Bible -God’s<br />
word, isanunchanging rock, in an ever changing<br />
world, revealingtruth,hope andsolutionsfor avery<br />
troubled world. Those who have ears tohear and<br />
eyestosee,today is theday of opportunity.<br />
Bible address -Sunday,<strong>August</strong>22 nd 7.00pm<br />
Kaiapoi CommunityCentre-SewellStreet<br />
FOR INFORMATION PHONE 03 352 5453<br />
website-bibletruthandprophecy<br />
Waimakariri Country Music<br />
Festival<br />
<br />
Admission: $5 per person<br />
Venue: Rangiora Showgrounds,<br />
Ashley St<br />
Date: Sunday 29 th <strong>August</strong><br />
Time: 11am –4.30pm approx.<br />
Bring cord charts<br />
Food for sale<br />
2410896<br />
2411007<br />
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house or flat wanted, excellent<br />
refs. Please phone<br />
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Half house or<br />
cottagewith garage.<br />
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furn or u/f.<br />
Rangiora WoodendRoad<br />
or fairlyclose.<br />
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Securityexperience,<br />
canwatch commercial<br />
premises.<br />
John 021168 6338<br />
Wanted To Buy<br />
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Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />
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Entertainment<br />
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CASH 4CARS<br />
and 4WD'S<br />
Phone<br />
Automotive<br />
Parts<br />
03 313 7216<br />
CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />
wanted for dismantling or<br />
repair. Phone 027 258<br />
8366.<br />
Motorcycles<br />
SOUTH PACIFIC Motorcycle<br />
Services. Local family<br />
business since 2003. All<br />
types of service and repairs,<br />
all makes and models. Collection<br />
service available.<br />
Please phone 03 312 0066<br /><br /><br />
Pets<br />
for smaller dogs. We look<br />
after your dog in our home.<br />
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REBELLION. 03 314 6110.<br />
GITBOX<br />
Performing live at Balcairn<br />
Hall, an Arts On Tour NZ<br />
event. Six acoustic guitars<br />
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Saturday 21st <strong>August</strong> at<br />
8pm. Supper, raffles, alcohol<br />
free, CD sales. Tickets<br />
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48,000 readers<br />
every week
What’s happening in your<br />
community…<br />
COVID-<strong>19</strong> Delays Rubbish Bag Supply<br />
As supply chain disruptions continue worldwide,<br />
shipping delays of more than four months has<br />
forced the Council to find atemporary solution for<br />
thesupplyoftie-handle WaimakaririDistrict Council<br />
branded rubbish bags.<br />
The tie-handle bags are supplied by a<br />
Christchurch-based firm but are produced by an<br />
overseas manufacturer, and the disruptions mean<br />
they likely won’tarrive inthe country for another<br />
four to six months.<br />
“We’ve been working with our local supplier to make<br />
ashort term supply of bags that will tide us over for<br />
the next few months”, says Council’s Solid Waste<br />
Asset Manager Kitty Waghorn.<br />
The temporary bags have aperforated tear-off<br />
tie. They are the same as those used before the<br />
Council moved totie-handle bags, and are the<br />
same volume and price.<br />
The Council movedtotie-handle bags more than ten<br />
yearsago,due to feedbackfromboththecommunity<br />
and Council collection contractors that the tear-off<br />
tiebagswere difficulttohandle. Thetie oen popped<br />
off, spillingrubbish onthestreet, andwere difficult to<br />
wrap around afull rubbish bag.<br />
The Council acknowledges that the tie bags are<br />
more difficult to handle when they are full, and<br />
anticipate moving back to the tie-handle bags as<br />
soon asstock arrives.<br />
“To make it alittle easier to use the tie-top bags,<br />
we ask residents not to over-fill them. Over-filling<br />
definitely makes itmore likely that the tie will<br />
come off when they’re being carried to the kerb<br />
and also during pick up”, says Kitty.<br />
While the Council waits for the temporary bags to<br />
arrive, residents may see blue bags with aCouncil<br />
logo stickeratthe supermarkets andCouncilServices<br />
where bags can be purchased. These will cost the<br />
sameasthe tie-handle bags, andcan be usedinthe<br />
same way as our usual Council-branded bags.<br />
Bags can be purchased from New World Rangiora,<br />
New World Kaiapoi, Rangiora Pak’N SAVE, New<br />
World <strong>North</strong>wood and New World Prestons Road,<br />
Countdown Rangiora as well asall Council Service<br />
Centres and theSouthbrookResourceRecoveryPark.<br />
Tsunami Presentation Viewable Online<br />
Did you miss the recent Know Your Zone tsunami<br />
information evenings? The recorded livestream<br />
can now beviewed online on the Council’s website,<br />
Facebook page and YouTube channel.<br />
Hear from the experts about the science behind the<br />
new tsunami evacuation zones and learn practical<br />
things you can do at home to be better prepared.<br />
Watch at<br />
CHOP<br />
THE<br />
MOP<br />
Jason ClementsfromWaimakaririLibraries<br />
will Chop the Mop,saying goodbye to<br />
his beardand trademark long hair at this<br />
fundraising event forthe Cancer Society.<br />
Featuring special guest poetryreadings by:<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Cancer Society Writers Group<br />
John Allison |Ben Brown |Doc Drumheller<br />
Ciaran Fox |Bernadette Hall<br />
RangioraLibrary<br />
Thursday 26<strong>August</strong> •6.30-8pm (entry bykoha)<br />
To support this Chop the Mop fundraising effort visit:<br /><br />
Register Now<br />
In association with:<br /><br />
03 311 8901<br />
Should the Council support aproposal<br />
to make changestothe the level of development<br />
contributionsrequiredin<strong>North</strong>requiredin<strong>North</strong> East<br />
Rangioratosupport growth in this area<br />
throughtheprovision of infrastructure?<br />
TheareafromKippenberger Avenue<strong>North</strong> through to<br />
ColdstreamRoadand and acrosstoGolfLinksRoad has<br />
beenidentifieddasanarea an area forfuture residentialgrowth.<br />
Before adecision ismade, we’d like to know<br />
what you think. Share your feedback before<br />
5pm on Tuesday 24 <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
Have your say<br />
The Waimakariri<br />
Event Funds<br />
Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> is<br />
inviting organisers of Waimakariri<br />
events to apply for one of two<br />
event funds.<br />
The funds offer between $500 and $10,000<br />
towards events held in the Waimakariri District.<br />
The current funding round isopen now<br />
until 31 <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
Check out the criteria for the Waimakariri<br />
Regional Events Fund and apply online at<br /><br />
Check out the criteria for the Waimakariri<br />
Event Fund and apply online at<br /><br />
or contact Khloe Peck, 03 327 5735 or<br /><br />
The Waimakariri Regional Events Fund is Ministry of Business,<br />
Innovation and Employment funding and the Waimakariri Event Fund<br />
is Waimakariri District Council funding. Both are administered by ENC.<br />
<strong>2021</strong>/22 Rates<br />
Instalment Due<br />
We’d like toremind you that the first<br />
instalment of the <strong>2021</strong>/22 rates is due<br />
on 20 <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> and the last day to<br />
claim adiscount for earlier payment<br />
is approaching.<br />
Please note that a10% penalty will beadded toany<br />
part of the first instalment that remains unpaid aer<br />
27 <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
If you are going to pay the total rates to claim the<br />
discount, please do so along with any arrears by<br />
27 <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
If youare havingdificultypaying your rates, we encourage<br />
youtoget in touch with usat totalk<br />
throughpayment options.<br />
Online<br />
Go to<br />
(credit card payments incur aconvenience fee).<br />
Internet Banking<br />
Accountnumber: 010877-0129222-00<br />
Usethe valuation number on your rates invoiceasreference.<br />
If youare paying ratesonmore than oneproperty, email<br />
details of<br />
In Person<br />
Epos and cash payments are welcome atany Council<br />
service centre.
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
37<br />
Give usyour<br />
feedback<br />
Slam Poetryatthe<br />
Kaiapoi Library<br />
One of theworld’sleading slam poets,<br />
RikTheMost, brings Slam Poetrytothe<br />
Waimakariri District, withalunchtime<br />
performance.<br />
Kaiapoi Library<br />
Wednesday 25<strong>August</strong> •12.30pm<br />
Register Now<br /><br />
03 311 8901<br />
In association with:<br />
Assistance is available for groups and<br />
individuals who are keen toprovide arts<br />
and cultural activities in the Waimakariri<br />
District from the Creative Communities<br />
New Zealand Scheme.<br />
The next CreativeCommunities round will close<br />
Monday 23 <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong>,for eventsoractivities<br />
thattakeplace between 1October <strong>2021</strong>and<br />
1October 2022.<br />
The Application Form and Guide for Applicants is<br />
available from Council Service Centres and Libraries or<br />
from the Council website at<br />
If youhaveany questions please contact<br />
the administrator,Ben Eldridge<br />
Phone03311 8901or0800965 468<br />
Email<br />
Enrolment Scheme<br />
2022<br />
Amberley School -Broomfield School -Leithfield School<br />
The BoardsofTrustees from Amberley,Leithfield and Broomfield Schools would like to notifyparents who wish<br />
to enrol their children atthe above schools for 2022. Enrolment at these schools isgoverned byanenrolment<br />
scheme, the details of which are available from the respective school offices.<br />
Applications for out of zone places are now being invited.<br />
The BoardofTrustees at Amberley School has determined that there are up to 5placesatthe<br />
New Entrant levelfor out of zone students in 2022.<br />
The BoardofTrustees at Broomfield School has determined that there areupto7places at the<br />
New Entrant level, and up to 3placesatthe Year 6level in 2022<br />
The Board ofTrustees at Leithfield Schoolhas determined that thereare up to 7places at the<br />
New Entrant levelfor out of zone students in 2022.<br />
The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within<br />
the school’s home zone. Parents of students who live within the home zone should also apply by this date to<br />
assist the schools to plan appropriately for the remainder of the year. Students who live in the home zone are<br />
entitled to enrol atthe school.<br />
The deadline for receipt of applications for out of zone places is 3pm Friday 24th September <strong>2021</strong>. If aballot<br />
for out of zone places is required, it will be held on Monday 27th September <strong>2021</strong>. Parents will be informed of<br />
the outcome by 1st October <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
Applications from out of zone students will be processed in the following order of priority:<br />
First priority will be given tostudents who have been accepted for enrolment in an approved special<br />
programme. (Thispriority categoryisnot applicable at listed schools.)<br />
Second priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.<br />
Thirdpriority will be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.<br />
Fourth priority will be given to applicants who are children of former students<br />
Fifth priority will be given to applicants who are children of board employees.<br />
Sixth priority will be given to all other applicants.<br />
Forfurther information, including application forms, please contact the relevant school office.<br />
Board of Trustees<br />
Amberley School, Broomfield School, Leithfield School<br />
Together Hurunui Project Facilitator -<br />
Part time -12monthsFixed term role<br />
Do you enjoy working for the community? Possess<br />
projectfacilitation skills? Relish workingwith people?<br />
• Exceptional organisational skills<br />
• Enthusiasm and aproven ability todevelop and<br />
managearange of community wellbeing projects<br />
• Confidentand self-motivated<br />
• 15hoursper week<br />
Together Hurunui supports several project groups to<br />
identify gaps inservicedeliveryand advocate for these<br />
services and facilitate networks and project meetings.<br />
This role aims toensure the projects are working<br />
towards an outcome where ‘All People in the Hurunui<br />
arevalued andconnected’.<br />
As our new Project Facilitator you will beresponsible<br />
for programming and supporting the planning and<br />
implementation ofprojects around identified priorities<br />
in theTogether Hurunui plan.<br />
To excel in the role, you will have a background<br />
in community engagement, working with people,<br />
knowledge of local community groups and services<br />
and exceptional relationshipmanagement skills.<br />
For more information about the position description<br />
contact RheaDuffy, CommunityPartnerships Manager<br />
on 021 2586586 or email<br />
To applyfor thisjob go to:<br /><br />
&enter ref code: 5608832.<br />
Applicationsclose27<strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 2409590<br />
Personal<br />
Rural Lady -Friendship/Companionship<br />
Aslim petite lady, with blonde hair and green eyes.<br />
Tired of being alone, she would like to find agenuine<br />
gentleman with similar interests. She enjoys tramping,<br />
cooking and swimming, keeping fit, traveling and<br />
countrydrives. To meet, Please call &Quote code 51<br />
0800 446 332<br />
2410995<br />
Public Notices<br />
2409258<br />
Each year Otago University offers an experience of<br />
university life and study in the summer<br />
holidays (January) for students who will be in<br />
year 12 or 13 that year.<br />
Entryiscompetitive so students are expectedtohave<br />
high grades at NCEA level in their subject(s) of choice.<br />
See<br />
about/index.html<br />
Each year the RotaryClubofRangiora is willing<br />
to sponsor asuitable applicant from the Waimakariri or<br />
Hurunui areas to attend this event to the amount<br />
of $800.<br />
BEFORE APPLYING to ‘Hands-On at Otago,’ any<br />
student seeking this sponsorship needs to submit their<br />
CV to Rotarian Alan Missen (<br />
BEFORE 31st <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
The successful applicant will be notified as soon as<br />
possible.<br />
2404740<br />
Public Notice–HurunuiDistrict<br />
Plan Change4–Intensive Primary<br />
Productionand Effluent Disposal<br />
Plan Change 4tothe Hurunui District Plan will<br />
becomeoperativeon27<strong>August</strong><strong>2021</strong>.<br />
The Hurunui District Plan isavailable toview<br />
online:<br />
Forqueries, please contact the Duty Planner on<br />
03<br />
2410341<br />
SECTION 101, SALE<br />
ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />
Hospo Brothers Limited<br />
has made application to the<br />
District Licensing Committee<br />
at Rangiora for the issue of<br />
an On Licence in respect of<br />
the premises situated at 14<br />
Southbrook Road, Rangiora<br />
7400 known as The Brook<br />
Bar.<br />
The general nature of the<br />
business conducted (or to be<br />
conducted) under the licence<br />
is Bar and Restaurant.<br />
The days on which and the<br />
hours during which alcohol<br />
is (or is intended to be)<br />
sold under the licence are:<br />
Sunday - Thursday 8am -<br />
11pm, Friday -Saturday 8am<br />
-1am (following day).<br />
The application may be<br />
inspected during ordinary<br />
office hours at the office<br />
of the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee at 215<br />
High Street, Rangiora.<br />
Any person who is entitled<br />
to object and who wishes<br />
to object to the issue of the<br />
licence may,not later than 15<br />
working days after the date of<br />
the publication of this notice,<br />
file anotice in writing of the<br />
objection with the Secretary<br />
of the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee at<br />
Private Bag 1005, Rangiora.<br />
No objection to the issue<br />
of alicence may be made<br />
in relation to amatter other<br />
than a matter specified in<br />
section 105(1) of the Sale<br />
and Supply of Alcohol Act<br />
2012.<br />
This is the first publication of<br />
this notice.<br />
2409986v1<br />
Farming Notices<br />
HAY for sale, Claas round<br />
bales. Text 027 435 423.<br />
Machinery Sales<br />
<strong>19</strong>50 Petter 7.5hp diesel<br />
engine, ex demo unit, plus<br />
stand $1500. Please phone<br />
03 310 8382.<br />
Livestock<br />
HOMEKILL & Wild<br />
Game meat processing. Ph<br />
313 0022.<br />
Gardening<br />
A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />
to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />
work. Also spraying. Free<br />
quotes. Ph 03 312 0668 or<br />
021 111 4322.<br />
Firewood<br />
DRY WATTLE two years<br />
old, $700 6m2. Dry Old<br />
Man Pine, $540 6m2.<br />
Phone 03 312 8726 Rangiora.<br />
FIREWOOD logged -<br />
ready to saw up, 7km from<br />
Rangiora, $10m3. Please<br />
text 027 435 4023.<br />
SPLIT Old Man Pine 3.7m<br />
@ $260, Split Hardwood<br />
Mix 3.7m @$360. Mobile<br />
021 993 497.
38 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
The Utilities and<br />
Roading Committee<br />
meeting previously<br />
advertised for<br />
Tuesday24<strong>August</strong><br />
<strong>2021</strong> at 3:30pm to be<br />
held in the Function<br />
Room, Rangiora<br />
Town Hall, has been<br />
SarahNichols<br />
Governance Manager<br />
2411385<br />
Public Notices<br />
A. G. M.<br />
The Annual General Meeting of the above society will<br />
be held at the Health Hub<br />
on 31 <strong>August</strong> at 7.00pm.<br />
This will be followed by the normal bi-monthly meeting.<br />
All welcome<br />
2404330<br />
WarMemorial Hall<br />
1AlbertStreet, Rangiora 7400<br />
PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440<br /><br />
Covid-<strong>19</strong> and Level 1–Keeping everyone safe<br />
Dear Clients and prospective clients,<br />
•WeARE open and ready to provide you with<br />
budgeting supportand advice.<br />
•WeARE able to meet with you face-to-face. Strictly<br />
by appointment only.<br />
•Wewillbeabletosee walk-in clients. Please phone<br />
first<br />
•Home visits are by arrangement only.<br />
•Wewill trytocontinue advocating on your behalf<br />
with WINZ, banks, creditors etc.<br />
•Weregularly workwith other supportagencies and<br />
food banks; to provide you with additional<br />
assistance.<br />
Phone: 03 313 3505<br />
(please leave amessage and we’ll get back to you)<br />
Email:<br />
Monday to Thursday 09:00 am to 4:00 pm<br />
• However, Ifyou cannot wait to talk with us, then<br />
please call the MoneyTalks helpline on 0800 345 123<br />
First Aid Training<br />
Meditrain South Central<br />
are conducting Workplace<br />
(one day) and Refresher First<br />
Aid training (half day)<br />
in Culverden on:<br />
23 rd <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
2300807<br />
YOU<br />
COULD<br />
BE<br />
HERE<br />
Advertise<br />
your business<br />
in our Trades<br />
and Services<br />
Phone<br />
Amanda Keys<br />
on<br />
03 313 2840<br />
To enroll onto these courses<br />
or for further details,<br />
please contact us on<br />
0508 428 428 or book on-line at:<br /><br />
Meditrain is registered with NZQA as a Private<br />
Training Establishment (PTE).<br />
Our courses are recognised by the Ministry of<br />
Education and meet the minimum workplace<br />
requirements specified by Worksafe NZ.<br />
2409926<br />
2405005<br />
24 to 27<br />
Sept <strong>2021</strong><br />
GRAPHIC Society. AGM<br />
to be held on September<br />
14th at 7pm, MainPower<br />
Oval, Coldstream Road,<br />
Rangiora. All welcome.<br />
WOODEND Spring<br />
Flower Show, Saturday 2nd<br />
October <strong>2021</strong>, 1 - 4pm.<br />
Woodend Community<br />
Centre, School Road. See<br />
gorgeous spring flowers,<br />
photography, crafts, floral<br />
art, and lots more. Enjoy a<br />
Devonshire Tea, browse<br />
plant /craft stalls and buy<br />
Daffodil bulbs for next<br />
season. Entries welcome.<br />
Schedules at Paws Vet<br />
Woodend, Veg NOut and<br />
Libraries in Woodend and<br />
Rangiora also on line and<br />
Facebook. Admission $2<br />
Adults, Children free.<br />
Phone Lyanne Wheeler<br />
0210 306 460. Email<br /><br />
Situations Vacant<br />
Trade Quotes Co-Ordinator<br />
and<br />
Sales &Rep Support<br />
Can you work hard and smart?<br />
Do you want to be part of asuccessfulteam?<br />
Do you know the difference between trade and retail?<br />
Can you “live” not just talk, excellent customer service?<br />
Can you help turn our customers and trade partners into<br />
advocates for our business?<br />
Do you want to be apartofagrowing business where you<br />
are valued, can make adifference and are important?<br />
Great, and do you have:<br />
wouldliketowelcome you<br />
to give bowlsago<br />
<strong>August</strong> 21 st &<strong>August</strong>28 th<br />
10am–12pm&1pm–3pm<br />
03 313 8082 or<br />
021 0273 5220<br />
AWAKEN<br />
•Experience with trade building supplies<br />
•Experience with residential building<br />
•Experience with quotations and pricing<br />
•The ability to read house plans, and make decisions<br />
from them<br />
•Experience with Microsoft excel, word &outlook<br />
•Exceptional organisational skills<br />
•Ability to problem solve<br />
•Strong people skills<br />
If so, please send us your CV as we are currently looking<br />
for suitable applicants for the position of Trade Quotes Co-<br />
Ordinator at McAlpines Mitre 10 Mega Rangiora.<br />
We offeragreat working environment in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />
with ongoing training and competitive remuneration.<br />
McAlpines have an active drug &alcohol policy in place,<br />
apre-employment drug test and medical will be required.<br />
If you think you can add value to our team please forward<br />
your application including an up to date CV to: Trade<br />
Quotes Co-Ordinator, McAlpines Mitre 10 MEGA, Private<br />
Bag 1003, Rangiora 7440 or email<br /><br />
2406993<br />
2407889b<br />
Withi h Michael h l andd Linda d Livengood<br />
His Presence Church invites you to hear<br />
international speakers, Michael and Linda<br />
Livengood, who will be speaking at the Pipe Band<br />
Hall located in the New World car park, Rangiora.<br />
Saturday 21 <strong>August</strong> at 7pm<br />
2410079<br />
Sunday 22 <strong>August</strong> at 10am<br />
Formore information contact:<br />
Susan 022 494 5540 |Ron 027215 4359<br />
Citizens Advice Bureau<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Invites you to celebrate with us<br />
Join us on<br />
Saturday, 21<strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
11 am –1pm<br />
Forthe GRAND OPENING of ournew<br />
premises at 209 HighStreet, Rangiora<br />
Don’t forget -iflifeserves you lemons,<br />
CAB is here to help.<br />
2409534<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Phone 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222<br />
Email<br />
Website<br />
WANTED!!<br />
Discount Drainage is on<br />
the hunt for Experienced<br />
Drainlayers who are<br />
motivated and wanting<br />
to get ahead.<br />
We are a growing<br />
drainlaying company<br />
and need a passionate<br />
drainage team to handle<br />
our busy workload.<br />
We do avariety of work<br />
including New Residential<br />
Builds, Earthquake<br />
Relays, Alterations and<br />
Renovations, CCTV<br />
Inspections, Blocked<br />
Drains etc.<br />
We are based near<br />
Rangiora, so this position<br />
would ideally suit<br />
someone from <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> or willing to<br />
travel.<br />
Good work references and<br />
proof of qualifications<br />
are essential.<br />
Apply today by<br />
emailing acover letter<br />
and acopy of your c.v. to:<br />
admin@discount<br /><br />
CLASS 2 labourer<br />
required, Class 4 Hydro<br />
truck driver for local Civil<br />
Construction company. If<br />
you are keen and looking<br />
for career growth, contact<br />
Daphne at Superior Personnel,<br />
03 313 6180 or pop<br />
into Unit 1/6 Cone Street,<br />
Rangiora<br /><br />
LOCAL factory work<br />
available for a variety of<br />
shifts, traffic control.<br />
Immediate starts for the<br />
right people. For more<br />
information, contact<br />
Daphne at Superior Personnel<br />
03 313 6180 or pop into<br />
Unit 1/6 Cone Street,<br />
Rangiora.<br /><br />
0800 WIDE SPAN<br />
tintawindow<br />
advanced film solutions<br />
99% uv block<br />
fade protection<br />
heat control<br />
reduce glare<br />
25 Years Experience<br />
privacy films<br />
frosting designs<br />
non-darkening films<br />
Workmanship Guaranteed<br />
Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />
UV<br />
block<br />
Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />
03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />
ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />
Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />
& operated. Covering all<br />
areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />
Professional, guaranteed,<br />
service. Firebox<br />
repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />
0800 661 244.<br />
AFFORDABLE concrete<br />
cutting with quality and<br />
removal work. Free quotes.<br />
No job too small. Ph 027<br />
442 22<strong>19</strong>, Fax 03 359 6052<br />
or A/H 03 359 4605.<br />
arbour work, pruning, tree<br />
removal. Affordable &<br />
friendly service. Telephone<br />
021 111 4322.<br />
ARBORIST qualified.<br />
Copper Beech Tree<br />
Services. Tree removal,<br />
pruning, height reduction,<br />
hedge trimming, shaping,<br />
tree planting, firewood.<br />
Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />
Edwards 027 259 6741<br /><br />
BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />
Tree felling, topping,<br />
shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />
removed, stump grinding,<br />
branch chipping.<br />
Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />
327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />
BUILDERS Father &Son<br />
team. Amac Builders are<br />
available to help you with<br />
your building needs. High<br />
standards, low overheads.<br />
No job too small. Check us<br />
out on fb. Amac Builders<br />
Ltd. Ph 027 318 4400.<br />
Time to service your fire.<br />
Accumulation of soot seriously<br />
affects performance.<br />
Latest rotary brush technology.<br />
Free moisture check<br />
on wood. Safety inspection.<br />
All work insured and guaranteed.<br />
From $70 single<br />
story. 0800 SWEEPME or<br />
021 0277 <strong>19</strong>27. Visit<br /><br />
TUITION available. Primary<br />
and secondary up to<br />
NCEA level 3. In centre<br />
(Rangiora) or interactive<br />
online from your home.<br />
Each student on an individually<br />
tailored programme.<br />
Kip McGrath Rangiora has<br />
been serving the local community<br />
for 30 +years. Give<br />
us acall (03 313 3638) or<br />
book your free assessment<br />
online https://www.kipmcgrath.<br /><br />
Trade &Services<br />
DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />
Professional tile cleaning,<br />
tiled shower restoration,<br />
mouldy silcone, shower<br />
glass & we can even<br />
recolour your old grout!<br />
For all your tile and grout<br />
issues call Grout Pro for a<br />
free, no obligation quote.<br />
Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />
Sew Good Services. For all<br />
your alterations, repairs,<br />
dressmaking, curtains.<br />
Phone 327 5535.<br />
Log Fires<br />
Pellet Fires<br />
Heat Pumps<br />
Sales<br />
Service<br />
Installations<br />
Free Quotes<br />
03 343 1651<br />
472 Blenheim Rd<br /><br />
KITCHEN, bathroom,<br />
renovations, decking,<br />
pergolas, fencing. Honest<br />
reliable licenced builders.<br />
Ph Don 027 727 9162.<br />
METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />
Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />
Wrought Iron,<br />
Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />
General Metalwork. No job<br />
too big or too small. Ph 021<br />
265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />
Find us on facebook/<br />
Glenmark Metal Worx.<br /><br />
PAINT & wallpaper<br />
services. Wayne Bryant,<br />
exterior, interior. Qualified<br />
tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />
313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />
PAINTER & Decorator.<br />
25 + years experience.<br />
Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />
waterblasting. For a free<br />
quote, please ph Steve 03<br />
314 4620 or 027 477 <strong>19</strong>30.<br />
PAINTER. Qualified local<br />
professional, Int / Ext,<br />
roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />
text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />
POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />
parts &sales for over 40<br />
years. All main brands serviced.<br />
Grossman Trade<br />
Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />
Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />
ROOFER. All roof repairs,<br />
roof painting, water blasting,<br />
moss treatment,<br />
repointing, gutter cleans &<br />
snow straps. And more.<br />
Free quotes. Phone Nathan<br />
027 516 6609.<br />
RANGIORA Rubbish<br />
Removal and RRR skips.<br />
Wheelie bins any frequency<br />
and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />
9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />
bins for any use, rubbish,<br />
greenwaste, building sites<br />
or just cleanups. Give us a<br />
phone call 313 6957 or for<br />
skips 021 313 255.<br />
For all your printing<br />
requirements. T-shirts,<br />
Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />
polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />
Please phone Heather 03<br />
313 0261 or email heather.<br /><br />
SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />
Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />
crutching, drenching,<br />
tailing, feet trimming &<br />
health check. — Ph. 03-<br />
423-3713 or 021-267-4025.<br />
Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />
horse, all types of animals.<br />
Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />
shelters, runs.<br />
30+ years contract fencing.<br />
Steve is available to help with<br />
your design &planning.<br />
Ph office03312 4747<br />
2091848<br />
Forall your painting &<br />
plastering requirements<br />
Local with 30 years<br />
experience<br />
All workmanship<br />
Guaranteed.<br />
Phone 021 344 023<br />
2220615<br />
Bill’s Liquid<br />
Waste<br />
Blair Tavendale<br />
Ph 03 314 9371<br />
0275 379-694<br />
Pride &Quality Painting<br />
&Decorating Services<br />
20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />
service. For all your painting<br />
needs, phone: Martin 310<br />
6187 or 021 128 9867<br />
2362002<br />
Movemen Ltd<br />
2Men &agood sized truck.<br />
From $150 plus GST per hour.<br />
Kaiapoi based.<br />
Call Gerard<br />
027 668 3636<br /><br />
240<strong>19</strong>53<br />
You dump it...<br />
Blair pumps it...<br />
027 216 0000<br />
2225862<br />
Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Contact Geoff at<br />
Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />
03 310 8541 or email<br />
Trusted Trades &<br />
Professional Services<br />
Guide<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email<br />
Appliance Repairs<br />
Builder Builder Butchery<br />
F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />
ASKO,Ariston, LG,Classique,<br />
Haier, Samsung and more....<br />
“For best resultsbesuretouseauthorised service”<br />
Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />
<strong>19</strong>13020<br />
• New Builds &Renovations<br />
• Light Commercial /Re-strengthening<br />
• Project Management<br />
• Bathrooms<br />
• Farm Buildings<br />
• House Lifting Re-piling<br />
• Shop Fit Outs<br />
2408831<br />
40+ years experience<br />
027 222 5078<br /><br />
OxfordButchery<br />
Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />
We cankill&process yourstock<br />
FourGenerations of Frahms<br />
since <strong>19</strong>57<br />
Ph 312 4205<br />
Oxford<br />
1680439<br />
Number one<br />
old-fashioned bacon<br />
&ham curing.<br />
A/H 312 4709<br />
Chiropractic Services<br />
Computer Repairs<br />
Construction &Concrete<br />
Digger Hire and Construction<br />
Dr Jess Ross<br />
ACC RegisteredDrChiropractic<br />
Monday &Thursday |03313 0350<br />
Injury, accidents and maintenance<br />
Libi McKinnon Physiotherapy<br /><br />
027 868 2574<br />
ACC Registered Provider | Tuesday &Friday<br />
2089<strong>19</strong>5v2-4/4-S<br />
Select Health<br />
51 Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />
2344089v2<br />
Bruce Evans<br />
131 Ohoka Road<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
03 327 3111<br />
021 293 6331<br /><br /><br />
Computer Repairs &upgrades<br />
Prompt professional services<br />
Phone 03 313 7144<br />
027 432 1534<br />
Fax 03 313 2144<br /><br />
PO Box 69, Rangiora<br />
Electrician<br />
2276525v2<br />
Virus &malware removal<br />
New &UsedPC’s4Sale<br />
Allan Pethig<br />
For all your electrical needs. Residential &Commercial<br />
All Construction & Concrete Work<br />
•Driveways, patios &paths<br />
•Bridges and Culverts<br />
•Floors, foundations<br />
•Sheds and buildings<br />
•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />
•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />
•Excavation and cartage<br />
•Precast concrete<br />
•Insulated panels<br />
Daryl Power<br />
027 230 9401<br /><br /><br />
YOU<br />
COULD<br />
BE<br />
HERE<br />
2273277<br />
ECOM Digger Hire<br />
and Construction<br />
•9 ton Komatsu with rubber pads.<br />
•Excavotor can be dry hired or with<br />
one of our expert operators.<br />
•Attachments available:<br />
•Post driver<br />
•Concrete/rock breaker<br />
•Grab bucket<br />
•Tilt bucket<br />
•Rock bucket<br />
No job<br />
too big<br />
–Nojob<br />
too small<br />
admin@ecomconstruction<br /><br />
2384249<br />
2269236<br />
Engineering<br />
For your Engineering needs<br />
187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />
Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br /><br />
Glass &Windscreens<br />
Advertise<br />
your business<br />
in our Trades<br />
and Services<br />
Phone<br />
Amanda Keys<br />
on<br />
03 313 2840<br />
Handyman<br />
Handyman available for<br />
small projects, jobs, general<br />
maintenance, installs, fences<br />
or sheds, general welding<br />
and heat pump cleaning.<br />
Call AJack of All on<br />
022 581 3505 for afree,<br />
no obligation, reasonable quote 2408521<br />
2364105<br />
Heating<br />
Air to Water Heat Pump for Heating and Cooling<br />
Wood Fired Central Heating<br />
Thursday,<strong>August</strong> 2, 2018 | Issue 808 |<br />
Visit now toview the paper online &more!<br />
Landscaping<br />
For all your landscaping needs<br />
All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />
Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />
and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />
Phone Jeremy 021 169 9394<br /><br /><br />
2372616v2<br />
Scrap Metal<br />
•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />
Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />
Ph (03)338 7000<br />
Mike0274 818544 •Robbie0274818 027<br />
Locally owned and operated<br />
<strong>19</strong>02273<br />
CAP 65<br />
CAP 40<br />
CAP 20<br />
Shingle<br />
Quarry Prices<br />
from $40 per cube<br />
from $23 per cube<br />
from $25 per cube<br />
from $30 per cube<br />
all +gst<br />
Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />
house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />
Ph: KEN 027 201 3302<br />
Email:<br />
2009594<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email
RangioraToyota<br />
Signature<br />
CLASS<br />
2017 Corolla GX Hatch<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto<br />
•Bluetooth, Camera<br />
•Cruise Control, 37,100km<br />
$<br />
22,995<br />
2013Toyota Prius C<br />
•1.5LHybrid Petrol, Alloys<br />
•Camera, Satnav<br />
•69,100kms<br />
2015Yaris GX Hatch<br />
•1.3LPetrol5-speed manual<br />
$ •Camera, Bluetooh<br />
14,995 $<br />
10,995<br />
•NZ-new<br />
20<strong>19</strong> Corolla ZR Hybrid<br />
•1.8L Hybrid Petrol Auto, ElectricBlue<br />
•18” Alloys, Toyota SafetySense,Leather/Suede Interior<br />
•Heads Up Display,Only 35,600km<br />
$<br />
37,995<br />
2015Corolla GX Hatch<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto,<br />
•Rear Camera &Sensors<br />
•62,000km<br />
$<br />
18,995<br />
2015Toyota Ractis<br />
•1.3LPetrolAuto<br />
•45,550km<br />
NOW<br />
•CD/AUX/USB Connectivity<br />
2014 TOYOTA SPADE<br />
WAS$15,995<br />
•1.5Lpetrolauto,<br />
• 4-door/ left side door<br />
•Climate, 5-seater<br />
$<br />
14,995<br />
$<br />
13,995<br />
2016 Corolla GX Sedan<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto,<br />
•Camera ,Bluetooth<br />
•4.5-Star Safety<br />
$<br />
<strong>19</strong>,995<br />
2011 Toyota Sai<br />
•2.4LHybridPetrol, Auto<br />
•Camera,Keyless NOW<br />
•43,300km<br />
2010 Toyota SaiG<br />
WAS$15,995 •2.4LHybridPetrol, Auto<br />
•Camera, Cruise Control NOW<br />
•Alloys, 62,550km<br />
$<br />
12,995<br />
WAS$15,995<br />
$<br />
12,995<br />
2011 HyundaiElantra Elite<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />
•Leather,Sunroof<br />
•Camera<br />
$<br />
12,995<br />
2014 Toyota Corolla GX<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto,<br />
•NZNew,Bluetooth,<br />
•Cruise Control<br />
$<br />
13,995<br />
2016 Corolla GX Sedan<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto, Bluetooth<br />
•ReverseCamera&Sensors<br />
•60,000kms<br />
$<br />
<strong>19</strong>,995<br />
<strong>2021</strong> CorollaSXHatch<br />
•2.0L PetrolAuto, Satnav<br />
•SafetySense,5-star<br />
•Only 350km<br />
$<br />
33,995<br />
20<strong>19</strong> CorollaGXHatch<br />
•2.0L PetrolAuto<br />
•Satnav ,Radar Cruise<br />
•Only 23,500km<br />
$ 26,995 36,995<br />
2011 Toyota Avensis Wagon<br />
•2.0L PetrolAuto,<br />
•Alloys, Camera<br />
•Bluetooth, Keyless<br />
$<br />
14,995<br />
2018 Corolla GX Hatch<br />
•2.0L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />
•Satnav,Bluetooth,Camera<br />
•78,850kms<br />
$<br />
22,995<br />
2014 CamryGLSedan<br />
•2.5LPetrolAuto<br />
•Cruise Control, Bluetooth<br />
• 7 Airbags<br />
$<br />
12,995<br />
2011 Toyota Wish Z<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto, 6-Seater<br />
•Sunroof,Alloys, Camera<br />
•82,300kms<br />
WAS$15,995<br />
Signature<br />
CLASS<br />
2012CamryGLSedan<br />
•2.5LPetrolAuto<br />
2009 Toyota Wish Z<br />
•2.0L PetrolAuto, 6-seater<br />
•Alloys, Keyless NOW<br />
•88,500km<br />
NOW $ •CD&USB Connectivity<br />
14,995<br />
$<br />
13,995<br />
$<br />
13,995<br />
•Bluetooth<br />
WAS$14,995<br />
2010 Mitsubishi Lancer VRX<br />
•2.4LPetrolAuto<br />
•Alloys, Leather<br />
•80,750kms<br />
$<br />
12,995<br />
Signature<br />
CLASS<br />
S<br />
2016 HiluxSR5 4x4<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />
•Sat Nav<br />
•Cruise &ClimateControl<br />
$<br />
46,995<br />
2017 LandCruiser PradoVX<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Leather<br />
•NZ-new,Sat Nav<br />
•Only 43,500km<br />
$<br />
71,995<br />
20<strong>19</strong> Peugeot 3008 Active<br />
•1.6L TurboPetrolAuto<br />
•Satnav,5-StarSafety<br />
• Only 21,300km<br />
$<br />
36,995<br />
2007 Toyota Rav4<br />
•2.4LPetrolAutoAWD<br />
•Satnav, Camera<br />
•Cruise Control<br />
$<br />
15,995<br />
2018 Toyota Rav4 GXL<br />
•2.5LPetrolAWD,SafetySense<br />
•Camera, Keyless<br />
• 69,600kms<br />
$<br />
34,995<br />
2013Toyota AlphardSC<br />
•2.4LPetrolAuto, 7-Seater<br />
•DualElectricDoors<br />
•25,250kms<br />
20<strong>19</strong> Nissan Navara ST 4WD<br />
2018 Nissan Navara RX4x4<br />
•2.3LTurbo Diesel Manual<br />
•Alloys, Bluetooth<br />
•Only 58,100kms<br />
2017 HiluxSRPreRunner<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />
•Alloys, Camera<br />
•Only 60,050kms<br />
2018 Toyota Highlander GXL<br />
•3.5LPetrolAutoAWD<br />
•Satnav,7-Seater,Leather<br />
•5-Star Safety<br />
•2.3LTurbo Diesel Manual<br />
$<br />
36,995 •Camera, Satnav $<br />
44,995<br />
$<br />
41,995<br />
$ $<br />
•61,000kms<br />
71,995<br />
49,995<br />
Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 313-8186any time •<br />
2391723<br />
Signature<br />
CLASS<br />
<br />
Pictured products available from 7:00am,Friday 20 th <strong>August</strong><br />
S <br />
<br />
S <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Spend them &<br />
Earn them here<br />
If youfind alower priceonanidentical stocked productlocally,wewill beatitby15%<br />
If youfind the same productfromanother Mitre10store or Mitre10website, we’ll match that price.<br />
Excludestrade and special quotes,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The in-storepricemay be lowerthan thatadvertised.
<br />
2<br />
only<br />
2<br />
only<br />
now<br />
$<br />
98<br />
Mana Basin Mixer<br />
178877<br />
now<br />
$<br />
48<br />
Talento Sink Mixer<br />
158502<br />
Pictured products available from 7:00am,Friday 20<br />
th <strong>August</strong><br />
now<br />
$<br />
145<br />
Volt Noir Shower overhead<br />
290454<br />
3<br />
only<br />
now<br />
$<br />
152<br />
Foreno<br />
TapHouse Pack<br />
158790<br />
3<br />
only<br />
<br />
6<br />
only<br />
16<br />
only<br />
now<br />
$<br />
125<br />
Jobmate<br />
2000w water blaster<br />
304879<br />
now<br />
$<br />
14<br />
Jobmate<br />
Patio Brush Kit<br />
232509<br />
Pictured products available from 7:00am,Friday 20 th <strong>August</strong><br />
1<br />
only<br />
1<br />
only<br />
now<br />
$<br />
212<br />
Waterblaster<br />
<strong>19</strong>2774<br />
now<br />
$<br />
151<br />
Makita BlowerKit<br />
329483<br />
S <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Spend them &<br />
Earn them here<br />
If youfind alower priceonanidentical stocked productlocally,wewill beatitby15%<br />
If youfind the same productfromanother Mitre10store or Mitre10website, we’ll match that price.<br />
Excludestrade and special quotes,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The in-storepricemay be lowerthan thatadvertised.
24<br />
MONTHS<br />
on purchases $799 &over<br />
<br />
WANT IT NOW?<br />
Payfor it using your<br />
AirpointsDollars<br />
20% deposit<br />
Paycash price only<br />
No booking or<br />
insurancecharge<br />
or 12 MONTHS<br />
Terms, Conditions&Credit Criteria apply<br />
Pictured products available from 7:00am,Friday 20 th <strong>August</strong><br />
Remember, 1=$1<br />
When youspend$75 or more.<br />
Seein-store forterms &conditions.<br />
<br />
<br />
S <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Spend them &<br />
Earn them here<br />
If youfind alower priceonanidentical stocked productlocally, we will beatitby15%<br />
If youfind the same productfromanother Mitre10store or Mitre10website, we’ll match that price.<br />
Excludes trade and special quotes,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The in-storepricemay be lowerthan thatadvertised.