Wifi, Connectivity and Digital Utopiansim

How do we deal with the ever present concept of technology? Nieuwe Vide's Journal of Humanity #03 contains articles and essays by Theo Ploeg, Josepine Bosma, Geert Lovink, Michael Stevenson, Arie Altena and Toon Fibbe. Concept and design by Noa Defesche and Bohye Woo, in an ongoing collaboration with the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague (KABK).

How do we deal with the ever present concept of technology? Nieuwe Vide's Journal of Humanity #03 contains articles and essays by Theo Ploeg, Josepine Bosma, Geert Lovink, Michael Stevenson, Arie Altena and Toon Fibbe. Concept and design by Noa Defesche and Bohye Woo, in an ongoing collaboration with the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague (KABK).


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