North Canterbury News: September 02, 2021

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Thursday,<strong>September</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>1 | Issue961 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Don’t burst your<br />

bubble quite<br />

yet!<br />

Covid-19 hits community events<br />



Covid­19 has scuttledmany <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> eventsand thrown others into<br />

turmoil.<br />

The Waikari Hospital centennial, <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Wearable Arts show,the<br />

KaikouraWhale Run, the Kaiapoi Spring<br />

Festival and Kaikoura Hop haveall been<br />

affected.<br />

For asecondtime, adisheartened<br />

committee organising the Waikari Hospital<br />

centennial, has had its plans to celebrate<br />

the hospital’s 100thbirthday thrown into<br />

disarray.<br />

It has now decided to cancelany formal<br />

celebration, and is optingtolook at an<br />

afternoonteam whenalert levels allow.<br />

Initially thecommittee had planned the<br />

centenary for <strong>September</strong> lastyear, 100<br />

years to the day when the hospital’s<br />

opening ceremony was held.<br />

Covid­19 intervened with an autumn<br />

outbreak,sothey pushed the celebrations<br />

out ayear. Butthis year’s celebrations have<br />

suffered thesame fate and plans to hold<br />

hospital tours,plant acommemorative<br />

tree, enjoy acatered lunch, cut acentennial<br />

cake and enjoy adisplay of memorabilia<br />

this Saturday, <strong>September</strong>4,have again<br />

been thwarted.<br />

Aplay had also been specially written for<br />

the occasion by Denise Dent, aformer<br />

teacher at Hurunui College. It was to be<br />

performed by localactorsand contained<br />

both historical interest and goodhumour.<br />

The committee is now looking at holding<br />

an afternoon tea when alert levels permit.<br />

ACentennialBooklet by Doc Sidey is<br />

available for purchase at $15 per copy.To<br />

place an order please ring 03 3144277.<br />

Rangiora<br />

The much anticipated <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Wearable Arts has postponedits showon<br />

Saturday in the Rangiora Town Hall,until<br />

further notice.<br />

But the organisers of the show are<br />

encouraging people nottoget despondent.<br />

Instead they urge them to getcreative,let<br />

their imagination run wild, and get their<br />

entries in, becausenow they have extra<br />

time to come up with an entry.<br />

Event organiser, JaneAnderson, and<br />

sponsorship co­ordinator, LindsaySnell<br />

Waikari Hospital ... Celebrations have been cancelled as Covid­19 once again scuttles the hospital’s 100th year birthday celebration.<br />

say the event is open to all ages acrossfive<br />

categories, and can provide afamilyfriendly<br />

project to do while waiting for<br />

CovidAlertlevels to drop, and children go<br />

back to school.<br />

‘‘Younger students can go crazy with<br />

agricultural and farming themes. The more<br />

mature studentscan get darkand<br />

mysterious withdreams and nightmares, or<br />

produce somethingtotally unique for the<br />

open category.<br />

‘‘Adultscan have fun withgeometrics or<br />

see where theircreativity takes them for<br />

the opencategory,’’ they say.Anew Light it<br />

Up class hadalso been planned forfamilies<br />

or teamsofadults.<br />

The show would havemarked the startof<br />

apartnership with McAlpines Mitre 10<br />

MEGA Rangiora as principal sponsor of the<br />

event, whilethe OxfordFarmers Market’s<br />

whichsponsors the mainprize was alsoto<br />

continuethis year.<br />

Entryforms can still be requested or<br />

general enquiriesmade through<br />

northcanterburywearablearts@gmail.com<br />

(or text: <strong>02</strong>1 073 5844).<br />

Keep up to date with all the news and<br />

developments through the Wearable Arts<br />

Facebookpage.<br />

Amberley<br />

Rock`n' Wheels, which had beenplanned<br />

for thisSunday, Father’s Day, has been<br />

postponed until Sunday,October 17 at the<br />

Amberley Domain.<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

Covid­19 has also dampenedefforts to<br />

celebrate spring in Kaiapoi.<br />

Planningfor Kaiapoi's annualspring<br />


festival is on hold as organisers wait for<br />

more certainty aroundalert levels.<br />

Organisers had hopedtobeginthe<br />

festival on <strong>September</strong> 12, withthe big<br />

finale,‘‘party in the park’’,beingpromoted<br />

on Facebookfor <strong>September</strong>19.<br />

Last year's‘‘party in the park’’ was also<br />

postponed, but that was due to the weather,<br />

as astormblew through the region on the<br />

day, forcing the event to be rescheduled<br />

during Labour Weekend.<br />

‘‘I can't see that it will be back to level 1<br />

by <strong>September</strong>12,’’ All Together Kaiapoi<br />

(ATK)co­ordinator LindaDunbar says.<br />

‘‘Fornow we're just waiting to see when we<br />

will be out of level3.’’ ATK is alsoplanning<br />

a3­on­3 basketballcompetition this month,<br />

but it alsodepends on alert levels.<br />

Continued Page 2

NEWS<br />

2 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

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Readership: 48,000 weekly<br />

Circulation: 30,150copiesdelivered<br />

to EVERY farm, RD, lifestyle block<br />

and home inWaimakariri, Hurunui<br />

&Kaikoura every Thursday.<br />

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Post-lockdown in the spotlight<br />


Planning remains in place, should the<br />

Waimakariri district's economy need a<br />

boost following the latest Covid­19<br />

lockdown.<br />

Waimakariri District Council<br />

recovery manager Simon Hart says last<br />

year's Covid­19 recovery plan remains<br />

in place, but given the way the region<br />

bounced back last year it may not be<br />

required.<br />

Last year's post­lockdown bounce<br />

saw Waimakariri's retail spend get<br />

back on track quickly and end the year<br />

well ahead of 2019 levels.<br />

‘‘We do have arecovery plan that<br />

still sits in the background with 27<br />

candidate projects which could be<br />

called on to stimulate the local<br />

economy, but I'm not picking that it's<br />

going to be needed at this stage.’’<br />

Under Alert Level 4the council was<br />

in the response phase under the<br />

leadership of emergency management<br />

adviser Brennan Wiremu.<br />

‘‘We've been monitoring it pretty<br />

closely through Civil Defence and<br />

working alongside our local agencies<br />

to assess whether there's any need in<br />

the community,’’ Mr Hart says.<br />

Council staff assessed whether there<br />

were any isolation issues with people<br />

Iconic Kaikoura events postponed<br />

From Page 1<br />

Two iconic Kaikoura events have<br />

beenpostponed due to Covid­19<br />

uncertainty.<br />

The Kaikoura Hop will now be held<br />

fromNovember 24 to 28,while the<br />

Whale Runhas been postponed until<br />

March.<br />

Lastyear's Kaikoura Hop went<br />

ahead under Alert Level2,but<br />

organiserDoug O'Callahan saysthat<br />

was aone off.<br />

‘‘We'vegot to be practical. We lost<br />

money last year running it under level<br />

2, so we need to do it under level 1.<br />

‘‘I think moving it to November is<br />

going to be the best thing for Kaikoura,<br />

so we are going to put apositivespin<br />

on it.’’<br />

While the timing willnot suit<br />

everybody, Mr O'Callahan is confident<br />

there willbebenefits with the move.<br />

‘‘There's lotsofadvantagesand<br />

disadvantages with the timing. At that<br />

timeofthe year we should get better<br />

weather and more daylight hours<br />

which willallowfor moreactivities.<br />

‘‘Wehad to push it out farenough<br />

awaytoensure we didn't have to do<br />

another rolloverorcancelit.’’<br />

For now, Mr O'Callahan is in ‘‘crash<br />

mode’’ as he back tracksonthe event<br />

planning.<br />

For more information, like Kaikoura<br />

Recovery manager ...<br />

Simon Hart.<br />


unable to access key supplies, but<br />

found no issues.<br />

Mr Hart says social recovery<br />

planning put in place by the council's<br />

community team, working alongside<br />

local social service agencies, following<br />

last year's lockdown had paid off.<br />

‘‘The sense is there's no great<br />

immediate need that can't be managed<br />

by our existing structures. It means<br />

Kaikoura Hop ... Iconic event pushed out until November.<br />

Hop on Facebook.<br />

Kaikoura SuburbanSchool has been<br />

feeling asenseofdeja vu, afterlast<br />

year'sWhaleRun was cancelled due to<br />

the region being under Alert Level 2.<br />

The uncertainty aroundalert levels<br />

again this year has createdsome<br />

anxiety, but rather than cancel the<br />

event for the second year running,<br />

The Widest Music Variety<br />

Tune in nowtolistenon104.9 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

and103.7 Hanmer Springs andKaikoura<br />

most people are coping for the time<br />

being.’’<br />

While the immediate focus was on<br />

wellbeing and public safety, Mr Hart is<br />

keeping awatching brief on any<br />

possible economic fallout from the<br />

latest lockdown.<br />

‘‘There will be some economic<br />

activity concerns, but for now it<br />

remains alittle unclear because it's<br />

still quite early.<br />

‘‘But the economists are starting to<br />

get their heads around what concerns<br />

there might be.’’<br />

Mr Hart is confident lessons learnt<br />

in last year's lockdown will help local<br />

businesses come through.<br />

‘‘A lot of people have learned alot of<br />

things in both the private and public<br />

sectors and we saw some amazing<br />

transformations from businesses being<br />

able to trade online and keep<br />

operating under Covid restrictions, so<br />

Iimagine those businesses will be<br />

going back to those playbooks.’’<br />

For now Enterprise <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> is working with local<br />

employers to offer advice around what<br />

support is available, including wage<br />

subsidies.<br />

The move to Alert Level 3has<br />

allowed more businesses to trade,<br />

albeit with restrictions.<br />




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organisers have optedtohold it on<br />

Saturday, March 12.<br />

Thosewho havealready registered<br />

can email kaikourawhalerun@ks.<br />

school.nz to advise if they would like<br />

to have theirregistration held forthe<br />

new date, or it can be fully refunded.<br />

For more information, likeKaikoura<br />

WhaleRun on Facebook.

Hurunui attractive to visitors<br />


Lockdown has been asetback for<br />

Hurunui Tourism. but it is not all bad<br />

news.<br />

In ayear of challenges and hurdles<br />

for the tourismindustry, Hurunui<br />

Tourism has claimed the top spot for<br />

spend,setting businessesupfor success<br />

post lockdown.<br />

The regionaltourism operator<br />

recorded an increase of 28.6 percent on<br />

electronic cardspend, making Hurunui<br />

New Zealand’s leading region for the<br />

year ending June 2<strong>02</strong>1.<br />

Visit Hurunui spokesman Shane<br />

Adcocksays the strong spendwill<br />

hopefully meanlocal operators are in a<br />

far better position to facethe next<br />

phase of the country’s fightagainst<br />

Holiday ruled out to make face masks<br />


When JanneClare’s 7­day­a­week business<br />

was ruled‘‘non­essential’’during last<br />

year’s Covid­19 lockdown she considered<br />

taking aholiday.<br />

‘‘To begin withIdid think Ishould use<br />

the time in lockdown to have aholiday,’’<br />

she said.<br />

But instead of that the ownerofJannz<br />

CraftShop, in Oxford’s Main Street,<br />

decided to do something to helpothers by<br />

making reusable, biodegradable face<br />

masksand the sidelineisnow an<br />

important part of her business.<br />

Initially Janne had searched online to<br />

find aface maskshe could buy just for<br />

herself.<br />

She found plenty to choose from, but<br />

none of them impressed her.<br />

‘‘They had too many layers,the qualityof<br />

the fabric and lining were not greatand<br />

many were using gauze as alining which is<br />

dangerousasyou can breathe in gauze<br />

fibres,’’Janne says.<br />

She decided to make her own mask<br />

usingher sewing machineand materials<br />

available in her craftshop and eventually<br />

decided to sell them through her business.<br />

Making the masks was achallenge,but,<br />

as a‘‘non­essentialbusiness’’, getting<br />

Government approval to sell them<br />

provided an even bigger hurdle to clear.<br />

‘‘I hadtoget accreditation fromthe<br />

Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)and<br />

the Ministry of Business,Innovation and<br />

Employment (MBIE) to change this(non<br />

essential business) status so Icould sell<br />

the masks,’’ she says. ‘‘Thisinvolvedalot<br />

of emails,phone calls and research.’’<br />

Although face masks have been<br />

declared mandatory during the current<br />

Covid­19 lockdownrestrictions, during last<br />

year’s lockdown Government officials told<br />

Jannemasks did not provide protection<br />

against the virus so they werenot<br />

considered to be an essential item she<br />

Covid­19.<br />

‘‘Our tourismoperatorshave worked<br />

tirelessly this past year to ensureour<br />

region remains attractive to domestic<br />

visitors and these figures prove they<br />

havecracked it.<br />

‘‘ Despite the current lockdown,<br />

which Iknow has beenahuge blow for<br />

operators,Iamconfident our region<br />

will pull through and be ready to host<br />

visitorswith that unparalleled <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> hospitalityonce more, Mr<br />

Adcock says.<br />

Visitorsare beingdriven to the region<br />

across arange of channels, with traffic<br />

to the Hurunui Tourism websiteup96<br />

percent at the same time last year.<br />

The spending datashows the high<br />

value of tourismfor the region, Mr<br />

Adcock says.<br />

Janne Clare ... Face masks have become an important part of the Oxford retailer’s<br />

business.<br />

could sell online.<br />

‘‘So Idid more research and changed<br />

the thinking from ‘it won’tstop you getting<br />

the virus’ to ‘itwill stopyou –the wearer–<br />

spreading your bugstoothers’.’’<br />

Eventually she was given Government<br />

approval to sell her masks with<br />

accreditation from MPI and MBIE.<br />

Janne provides apamphlet with each<br />

mask outlining how to carefor it and how<br />

long the maskcan be used.<br />

Each mask comeswith acustom­made<br />

strap,made by Kaiapoi­based<br />

TechMedics, using 3D printers,which<br />

enables the wearer to adjustitfor a<br />

comfortable fit.<br />

‘‘The strap alsostops any chafing or<br />

‘‘As aregion, we have taken some<br />

risks this year to attract new and<br />

existing visitors, launching abrand new<br />

event in the HanmerSpringsAlpine<br />

WinterFestival being one of them, and<br />

it is reassuring to see that Cantabrians<br />

and those visiting from out of town are<br />

supporting us in these ventures.’’<br />

Spending in the region has continued<br />

to increase overthe pastyear.<br />

For the year ending April 2<strong>02</strong>1 Visit<br />

Hurunui experienced the third­ highest<br />

growthinvisitorspendingat19.6%<br />

(comparedtothe rest of NZ).<br />

For the year ending April 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

tourism spend for Hurunui was<br />

$118.3m, up 20% on April2<strong>02</strong>0.<br />

Hurunui Tourismisnow working on<br />

new marketing campaigns to attract<br />

domestic visitors post­lockdown.<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />


discomfort from the elastic behind your<br />

ears,’’she says.<br />

Janne also sellsface shields, made by<br />

TechMedicsand hand sanitisermade by<br />

Cust’s BackRoad Soap.<br />

Although demandfor Janne’s masks<br />

dropped off after New Zealand’s lockdown<br />

restrictionswere lifted last year, interest<br />

has increasedagainduring this lockdown.<br />

‘‘There is alot more information now<br />

fromhealth professionals aroundthe<br />

world that masks might be agood idea –<br />

evenjust to stop the spread of colds,’’<br />

Janne says.<br />

Her masks can be boughtfrom Jannz<br />

Craft Shop49a Main St, Oxford, or online<br />

fromjannzcraftshop.com.<br />

MattDoocey<br />

MP for Waimakariri<br />

Kaiapoi Office<br />

03 3270514•kaiapoi@parliament.govt.nz<br />

137 Williams Street<br />

RangioraOffice<br />

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Level1Conway Lane,188 High Street<br />

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NEWS<br />

4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

Taking Covid in their stride<br />


There are positive signs local<br />

businesses can bounce back<br />

quicklyfrom the latest<br />

lockdown.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> businesses<br />

have largely been taking the<br />

latest Covid­19lockdown in<br />

their stride, says Enterprise<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> (ENC)<br />

business developmentmanager<br />

Miles Dalton.<br />

‘‘The general feeling is that<br />

businesses are much better<br />

prepared this time around, and<br />

alreadyknow whatfinancial<br />

supportisavailable from the<br />

Government,’’hesays.<br />

‘‘Last timewewere all thrown<br />

into an unprecedented<br />

situationand businesseswere<br />

understandablystruggling to<br />

make senseofitall on the fly.<br />

‘‘This time, mostbusinesses<br />

know what’s available, how to<br />

apply and how to manage their<br />

business and staff, whether<br />

they are required to close or<br />

are operating as an essential<br />

supplier.’’<br />

Supportagencies, such as<br />

ENC, arealso better prepared<br />

this time around, Mr Dalton<br />

says.<br />

‘‘Across the board, the<br />

applicationprocesses,<br />

eligibility criteria and support<br />

pathways haveall been<br />

thoroughlytried and testednow<br />

so it’sall running abit more<br />

smoothly.’’<br />

Earlierthisyear ENC was<br />

awardedacommendation from<br />

Economic Development New<br />

Zealandfor the efficient and<br />

responsive system it created for<br />

Lockdown ... Miles Dalton is supporting local businesses from his home<br />

office.<br />


responding to more than 900<br />

businessesduring the 2<strong>02</strong>0<br />

lockdown.<br />

‘‘Thissystem is always ready<br />

to swing backinto action,’’ Mr<br />

Daltonsays.<br />

Despite dire economic<br />

predictions during last year’s<br />

lockdown, the Waimakariri<br />

economy hasfaredsurprisingly<br />

well in the months since.<br />

The latesteconomic report<br />

showing the region'sGDP was<br />

up 5.4 percent for the year<br />

ended on June30, ahead of the<br />

national growthrate of 4.2%.<br />

‘‘The 2<strong>02</strong>0 lockdown affected<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> lessthan<br />

some other parts of New<br />

Zealand largely because we<br />

rely less on international<br />

tourism,’’ Mr Dalton says.<br />

‘‘The continuedreportingof<br />

economic growth shows we are<br />

also aresilient and robust<br />

community, and thisisn’t going<br />

to change.’’<br />

Businesses requiring<br />

information, assistance, advice<br />

or support are encouragedto<br />

visit the Enterprise <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> website at www.<br />

northcanterbury.co.nz, or<br />

email office@enterprisenc.co.<br />

nz. Businessoperators<br />

concernedabout the viability of<br />

their business shouldcontact<br />

the Ministry of Social<br />

Development at www.msd.govt.<br />

nz/.<br />

Spring time ... Floral and craft entries at aprevious Scargill<br />

Horticultural and Home Industries Society spring show. PHOTO:FILE<br />

Spring time show<br />

The historic Tipapa<br />

Woolshed, at Greta Valley,<br />

will again be home to the<br />

Scargill Horticultural and<br />

Home Industries Society’s<br />

annual spring show.<br />

The annualspring<br />

celebrationwas movedtothe<br />

Tipapa WoolshedatGreta<br />

Valley after the Scargill Hall<br />

was battered by the 2011<br />

earthquakes.<br />

Organisers have yet to<br />

settle on adate because the<br />

Covid­19 level willhave to<br />

drop to Level 1beforeitsafe<br />

for the show to go ahead.<br />

The show was postponed<br />

last yearbecause of Covid­19<br />

restrictions, so organisers<br />

are hopingthe 111th show<br />

can go ahead with its theme<br />

‘‘Bubbles’’ in the near future.<br />

Therewill be daffodil, cut<br />

flower, decorative,<br />

needlework, cookery,home<br />

produce,art, craft and<br />

photographysections, along<br />

withclasses for children, and<br />

openand noviceclasses.<br />

New classes this year<br />

include Creations fromthe<br />

Shed,such as metal, craftor<br />

woodcrafts,and abottle of<br />

home­brewed beerinthe<br />

homeproduce section.<br />

Entriesare open to<br />

everyone, and you do not<br />

needtobelocal.Thereare<br />

children’s classes, and open<br />

and novice classes.Children<br />

can enter free, whileitis$3<br />

an entry for adults.<br />

There willbestalls outside<br />

of the woolshed—Scentsy,<br />

Rawleighs, vegeseedlings,<br />

herbs, plants, localhoney, a<br />

coffee cartand an icecream<br />

cart, along with live music<br />

and araffle. The society’s<br />

facebook pagewill keep<br />

everyone up to date. Acopy<br />

of the schedulecan also be<br />

found there.<br />

ABOUT<br />


REVIEW<br />

The Council is seeking your views<br />

about representation arrangements<br />

ahead of the October 2<strong>02</strong>2 Local<br />

Body Elections.<br />

The Council are considering our current<br />

arrangements to ward boundaries, number of<br />

elected members, including community boards,<br />

and names of wards, subdivisions and boards.<br />

We’re proposing to retain our current<br />

arrangements with only one minor amendment to<br />

the Rangiora-Ashley Ward subdivision, to better<br />

represent the ratio of urban and rural residents.<br />

To find out more about the proposed change or<br />

the Representation Review, ortosuggest other<br />

changes, please visit our Let’s Talk website.<br />

what do<br />

you think?<br />

Three Waters Reform Programme -<br />

What does it mean to you?<br />

Let us know what you think before<br />

5pm on Monday 27 <strong>September</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>1.<br />

Find out more and have your say at<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk or email to<br />

representation@wmk.govt.nz<br />

We’d love to<br />

hear from you<br />


Simple steps to learn te reo<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

Well prepared<br />

5<br />


Last year 30 million people<br />

worldwide began learning anew<br />

language during the Covid­19<br />

global pandemic lockdown<br />

restrictions.<br />

In New Zealand, the Ministry<br />

of Education figures showed<br />

record enrolments for te reo<br />

lessons in schools last year and<br />

twice as many students on<br />

waiting lists to learn the<br />

language. Desray Lithgow, a<br />

teacher at Oxford’s View Hill<br />

School, who is also studying Te<br />

Putaketanga oteReo at<br />

Christchurch’s Te Wananga O<br />

Aotearoa, and holds community<br />

te reo classes at the Oxford Art<br />

Gallery, says interest in learning<br />

te reo is also growing in the wider<br />

community.<br />

For those people who want to<br />

test their language­learning<br />

skills in alow­key way during<br />

lockdown Desray recommends<br />

peppering sentences with te reo.<br />

‘‘Pop in the words that you<br />

know. Ra instead of day, for<br />

example. Get comfortable with it,<br />

then add another kupu/word,’’<br />

she says.<br />

‘‘My dad is a70­plus year­old<br />

pakeha, he lives in the <strong>North</strong><br />

Island, and Ifind it delightful<br />

that he pops in kupu, not forced,<br />

not complicated, just the odd<br />

word here and there.<br />

‘‘He has been doing it for years<br />

and has built up quite abit of<br />

knowledge, so it has become<br />

natural,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘Peppering your sentences<br />

also gets you speaking some te<br />

reo and takes the pressure off<br />

needing to know sentence<br />

Learning together ... Te reo tutor Desray Lithgow, centre, with pupils in<br />

<strong>September</strong>, 2<strong>02</strong>0. From left: Graeme and Margaret Martin, with Joanne<br />

(front) and Bob Gumbrell (back), Miranda Hales, and Cathy Batchelor, far<br />

right.<br />


structure and tenses etc.’’<br />

When learning anew language<br />

keeping things simple to start<br />

with is the key, Desray says.<br />

‘‘As an adult you have a<br />

sophisticated language that you<br />

use but when you learn te reo or<br />

any second language, remember<br />

that you need to enter at an<br />

infant level.’’<br />

Desray recommends making<br />

good use of the online Maori<br />

Dictionary to find new words in<br />

te reo for everyday use.<br />

But she cautions that words<br />

may have many meanings so it is<br />

important to read through each<br />

to ensure you understand exactly<br />

what you are saying.<br />

Easy listening radio station<br />

Tahu FM (which is 90.5FM<br />

Christchurch or 90.7FM<br />

Kaikoura and nation­wide on<br />

Channel 423 Sky).<br />

Desray also recommends the<br />

free 20­week Te Wananga o<br />

Raukawa University online te<br />

reo course. ‘‘It is amazing but the<br />

demand is huge. You are either<br />

fast or you are last,’’ she says.<br />


Local secondaryschools say<br />

theywere prepared for<br />

lockdown.<br />

Lastyear's lockdown<br />

experience meant local<br />

schoolshad plans in place,<br />

which theywere ableto<br />

implement quickly, despite the<br />

speed of going into lockdown,<br />

principals say.<br />

Kaiapoi HighSchool<br />

principalBruce Kearney says<br />

hisstaff were abletooffer<br />

online lessonswithin two days<br />

of lockdown.<br />

‘‘It wasarelativelyquick and<br />

simpletransition.Wehave<br />

beenplanningfor this since<br />

thestart of theyear.<br />

‘‘Wehaveafairly<br />

comprehensiveCovid plan,so<br />

it wasaquick<br />

implementation.’’<br />

Staff are nowteaching four<br />

daysaweek, with dayfive an<br />

opportunity forstudents to<br />

checkinwith tutors (form<br />

teachers).<br />

Asurvey of parents found<br />

there were justfourstudents<br />

without laptops, whilesome<br />

areas havelimited internet, Mr<br />

Kearney says.<br />

‘‘The waythat we work, we<br />

plan forthe worst and hope for<br />

thebest, so we are settling<br />

down forafourweek lockdown<br />

andanything shorter willbea<br />

bonus.’’<br />

Butthe biggestchallenge is<br />

thetransition to Alert Level 3,<br />

which seesasmallgroupof<br />

staffoncampus teaching<br />

childrenofessential workers,<br />

he says.<br />

Rangiora High School<br />

enjoyed asmoothtransition to<br />

operatingunderAlertLevel4,<br />

associate principal Paul<br />

Donnelly says.<br />

Theexperienceoflastyear's<br />

lockdown andamovetohaving<br />

teachingresources available<br />

online madethe transition<br />

easierhesays.<br />

‘‘The Google suiteispartand<br />

parcelofour learning<br />

platform,sowhether students<br />

areatschoolornot, they can<br />

access learningmaterials.<br />

‘‘The major differencewillbe<br />

teachingstudentsusing Google<br />

Hangout, however, we have<br />

donethisbefore so it is not<br />

new.<br />

‘‘Pastoralcare of our<br />

families is veryimportant so<br />

thepastoralteams,Wananga<br />

teachersand guidance<br />

councillors are checkingin<br />

with students andoffering<br />

help where needed.’’<br />

Theschool'ssenior<br />

leadership hasplanningin<br />

placefor all alertlevels,Mr<br />

Donnelly says.<br />

Oxford Area Schoolmoved<br />

to online classesonMonday,<br />

with staffbusyover the<br />

weekend ensuring allstudents<br />

hadaccess to devices and<br />

learningmaterials,principal<br />

Mike Hart says. ‘‘Inow have an<br />

appreciation of howfar our<br />

students have to travelto<br />

school eachday.’’ Internet<br />

accessinrural areas remains<br />

thebiggest challengeto<br />

learning, he says. Its<br />

anticipated there willbetwo<br />

learningbubbles at school<br />

underlevel3.<br />




Quality drinking water and better environmental<br />

outcomes are agood thing for the country.<br />

But we’re not clear yet whether the Government’s proposed Three Waters Reform<br />

is the best way to achieve this, and what the advantages are for our District.<br />

We want to know what’s important to our community and hear what you think.<br />

Find out more about what the Three Waters Reform could mean for the<br />

Waimakariri District and have your say before 5pm on Sunday 5<strong>September</strong><br />



6 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

In the Electoratewith<br />

MattDoocey<br />

MP forWaimakariri<br />

Authorised by MattDoocey,Level1ConwayLane,188 High Street,Rangiora.<br />

Be careful, keep safe<br />

Thank you Waimakariri, we didit<br />

again.<br />

As we look to the easing of level<br />

restrictions,itisimportant we all<br />

continuetobecarefulsowedon’tlose<br />

the gains we’vemade in keeping our<br />

communities safe.<br />

Level 4was abusytimefor my team<br />

and Iasweset up to work remotely<br />

fromday one, responding to phone calls<br />

and emailsfromour residents who<br />

reached outfor help.<br />

As local MP, I’mabletoescalate<br />

concerns up to ahigh level,which can<br />

often helpingetting an issue moving<br />

again.<br />

At thestartoflockdown, Ireceived<br />

manycallsfromolder residents, and<br />

someessential workers, who found they<br />

had been senttothe back of the<br />

vaccinationqueue when theirjabswere<br />

cancelled.<br />

Iagree thatthis is unfair, and it is<br />

something Ihavebeen highlighting: to<br />

get on top of Delta,wehave to ensure<br />

our peopleinthe regions like<br />

Waimakariri areable to accesstheir<br />

vaccinations.<br />

As Chief Whip,ithas beenhelpfulfor<br />

me to drive theseissues thatI’m seeing<br />

on theground up to Caucus level,and<br />

I’vebeenarranging meetings via Zoom<br />

so we can continue to challengethe<br />

government on its strategies in<br />

confronting Covid­19.<br />

My Caucus and Iweredevastated<br />

whenthe government ruled out thereconveningofthe<br />

Epidemic Response<br />

Committee under safeprotocols.<br />

The committeehad buy­in fromevery<br />

party butLabour. If the government is<br />

makingthe right decisions around<br />

Covid­19, then it should welcome<br />

openingtheseuptoscrutiny.<br />

We owe it to New Zealanders who are<br />

makingsacrificestokeep us safe.<br />

Manyofour small businesses in<br />

Waimakaririare doing it tough as a<br />

resultofhaving to close during<br />

lockdown.<br />

During the 2<strong>02</strong>0 lockdown,weowed a<br />

debtofgratitudetoour small<br />

businessesinWaimakaririwhichkept<br />

local residentsinjobs and which<br />

supported our recovery.<br />

As National’s MentalHealth<br />

spokesperson, Ihavecalledonthe<br />

government to partner with<br />

BusinessNZand regional Chambers of<br />

Commerce to deliveraprogramme to<br />

provide mental­health support to our<br />

small business owners.<br />

Small businesses don’thavethe same<br />

access to EmployeeAssistance<br />

Programmes suchasmental­health<br />

support, so I'mcallingonthe<br />

government to urgently fund support<br />

for small businesses wheremental<br />

health issueshavebeenidentified.<br />

Lastly,with thelockdown,many of<br />

our community eventswerecancelled<br />

to keepour residentssafe.<br />

Someoftheseevents wereto<br />

celebrate important milestones, both<br />

for our community organisationsas<br />

wellasfor individual volunteers,to<br />

recognise andacknowledge their<br />

contributions.<br />

To all those volunteers and<br />

community organisationswho had to<br />

cancel or postpone your events, we say<br />

thank you and Ilookforward to being<br />

abletoattend and celebrate with youas<br />

soonasweare able to meetsafely.<br />

Waimakariri<br />

Focus from Dan Gordon, Mayor<br />

Councillors and staff<br />

ready to support<br />

As Iwrite this columnweare in Level<br />

4and abouttogotoLevel 3.<br />

Iknow we are all looking forwardto<br />

moving down Alert Levels and I’d ask<br />

that everyone continue to follow the<br />

rulestoensurethis lockdown is as<br />

shortaspossible.<br />

Over thistime council staff,<br />

councillorsand myself are working<br />

remotely to make surewecontinue to<br />

support our community.<br />

We are here to help if needed. Phone<br />

0800 965 468 or emailoffice@wmk.<br />

govt.nz.<br />

The council websitewill alwaysbe<br />

up­to­date with what services we can<br />

offerateach Alert Levelsohead to<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz for updates.<br />

Whilewecan’t see people outside<br />

our bubble we can call or message<br />

neighbours, friends and family and<br />

keep in touch.<br />

We have got through thisbefore and<br />

will do so again.<br />

Ihave spent my time in video<br />

conferences which has meant<br />

continuing to meetpeople and help<br />

locals just not in person.<br />

Like most of us, the garden has hada<br />

bit moreattention than usual and the<br />

garage has beentidied.<br />

My catRupert hasenjoyed having<br />

me around home morethan usual and<br />

he has set up afavourite position in<br />

the bookcase of my homeoffice.<br />

Take care.<br />

3Waters Reform<br />

As you will have read, the<br />

Government is proposingchanges to<br />

the way our drinking­water,<br />

stormwater and wastewaterservices<br />

are delivered to residents through a<br />

Three Waters Reform process.<br />

The Governmenthas givencouncils<br />

until the end of <strong>September</strong> to provide<br />

feedback on whether we as aDistrict<br />

wishtoopt­in or opt­out of the<br />

proposed reform.<br />

Before we makeadecisionabout the<br />

nextstage of the reform process we are<br />

keen to hear what our community<br />

thinks.<br />

All ratepayers should have received<br />

aletterwhich lays out the best<br />

information we know to date regarding<br />

the reform proposal.<br />

Included withthe letterisa<br />

feedback form.<br />

You canalso provide feedback<br />

online by visitingwaimakariri.govt.nz/<br />

letstalk.<br />

We had planned aseries of<br />

communitydrop­ins to discussthe<br />

reform proposalsand answerany<br />

questions you may have.<br />

Unfortunately Level 4preventsthis<br />

and thesesessions have been<br />

cancelled.<br />

Your views areimportant and we<br />

strongly encourage receiving your<br />

feedback before<strong>September</strong> 5before<br />

we make aformaldecision on<br />

<strong>September</strong> 28.<br />

Irrespective of AlertLevels, I<br />

welcome contact from anyone who<br />

needsassistance or has an issue that<br />

you may want to discuss.<br />

Emailmeatdan.gordon@wmk.govt.<br />

nz or phone <strong>02</strong>1906437.<br />

I’m alwayshere to help.<br />

Hospital centennial<br />

DearEditor,<br />

It is very sadand very frustratingfor allthe hardworking committeemembers and others<br />

involved to have to canceltheWaikariHospitalCentennial for the second time because<br />

of Covid. Could away be foundtostill celebratethecentennial?<br />

Iwouldliketosuggestthe creationofaWaikari Hospital Centennial fund to be<br />

administeredbythe FriendsofWaikariHospital and used by them to benefit the hospital<br />

—perhaps for aspecialised piece of medical equipment.<br />

Iamprepared to donate my registrationfee of $35 to theFriends for thispurpose,and<br />

Iknowthere areafew people who might also be prepared to do the same, so that some<br />

recognition can be given to mark the greathistoryofthis hospital.<br />

Yours, VScott,Hawarden<br />


This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Ok<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Sep 2 Sep 3 Sep 4 Sep 5 Sep 6 Sep 7 Sep 8<br />

Rise 6:54am<br />

Set 6:03pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

8:17am<br />

8:43pm<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 6:52am<br />

Set 6:04pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

9:09am<br />

9:35pm<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 6:50am<br />

Set 6:05pm<br />

Best 10:<strong>02</strong>am<br />

Times 10:28pm<br />

Fair<br />

Rise 6:49am<br />

Set 6:06pm<br />

Best 10:54am<br />

Times 11:19pm<br />

Rise 6:47am<br />

Set 6:07pm<br />

Rise 6:45am<br />

Set 6:09pm<br />

Best 12:09am<br />

Times 12:34pm<br />

Rise 6:43am<br />

Set 6:10pm<br />

Rise 3:56am<br />

Rise 4:47am<br />

Rise 5:32am<br />

Rise 6:09am<br />

Rise 6:41am<br />

Rise 7:09am<br />

Rise 7:35am<br />

Set 12:37pm<br />

Set 1:33pm<br />

Set 2:36pm<br />

Set 3:45pm<br />

Set 4:56pm<br />

Set 6:08pm<br />

Set 7:21pm<br />

Gentle Sbecoming Gentle SE becoming<br />

Gentle Wbecoming<br />

Moderate SW Moderate Sturning<br />

moderate E<br />

moderate NE<br />

Moderate S<br />

moderate S becoming fresh S<br />

SW<br />

Moderate S<br />

E0.7 mturning<br />

E1.1 m SE 0.7 m E0.8 m SE 0.6 m<br />

SE E0.8 m SE 0.9 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

Fair<br />

People urged to hang on to their rubbish<br />

People arebeing urged to hangontotheirold clothes and rubbishuntil Transfer<br />

Stationsstartoperating normally.<br />

Localcharity shops are finding hordesofunusable household items and rubbish<br />

piling up outside their doorsteps,aspeople dump items from lockdown decluttering<br />

afterhours.<br />

Waimakariri Solid WasteManager KittyWaghorn saysit’s alwaysbeen an issue,<br />

but lockdown has caused abig spike.<br />

‘‘A lot of peopledothe right thing, but there are some who think acharity shop<br />

is arubbish dump.It’s not ok to leaveunwanted household goods and rubbish at the<br />

Salvation Army, or any other charity shoporclothing bin.’’ The Transfer Station and<br />

ReSale Store willre­open for business as normal, as soon as Covid­19 alertlevels<br />

allow.<br />

Best 11:44am<br />

Times<br />

Good<br />

Good<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

12:58am<br />

1:22pm<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 12:36am 2.0 6:44am 0.7 1:25am 2.0 7:31am 0.7 2:11am 2.0 8:18am 0.7 2:56am 2.1 9:04am 0.6 3:40am 2.2 9:51am 0.6 4:24am 2.2 10:38am 0.5 5:11am 2.3 11:25am 0.4<br />

Mouth<br />

1:<strong>02</strong>pm 2.1 7:22pm 0.8 1:50pm 2.1 8:08pm 0.7 2:36pm 2.2 8:53pm 0.6 3:19pm 2.3 9:36pm 0.6 4:<strong>02</strong>pm 2.3 10:19pm 0.5 4:46pm 2.4 11:04pm 0.5 5:32pm 2.4 11:51pm 0.4<br />

Amberley 12:36am 2.0 6:44am 0.7 1:25am 2.0 7:31am 0.7 2:11am 2.0 8:18am 0.7 2:56am 2.1 9:04am 0.6 3:40am 2.2 9:51am 0.6 4:24am 2.2 10:38am 0.5 5:11am 2.3 11:25am 0.4<br />

Beach<br />

1:<strong>02</strong>pm 2.1 7:22pm 0.8 1:50pm 2.1 8:08pm 0.7 2:36pm 2.2 8:53pm 0.6 3:19pm 2.3 9:36pm 0.6 4:<strong>02</strong>pm 2.3 10:19pm 0.5 4:46pm 2.4 11:04pm 0.5 5:32pm 2.4 11:51pm 0.4<br />

12:45am 2.0 6:53am 0.7 1:34am 2.0 7:40am 0.7 2:20am 2.0 8:27am 0.7 3:05am 2.1 9:13am 0.6 3:49am 2.2 10:00am 0.6 4:33am 2.2 10:47am 0.5 5:20am 2.3 11:34am 0.4<br />

Motunau 1:11pm 2.1 7:31pm 0.8 1:59pm 2.1 8:17pm 0.7 2:45pm 2.2 9:<strong>02</strong>pm 0.6 3:28pm 2.3 9:45pm 0.6 4:11pm 2.3 10:28pm 0.5 4:55pm 2.4 11:13pm 0.5 5:41pm 2.4<br />

12:47am 2.0 6:55am 0.7 1:36am 2.0 7:42am 0.7 2:22am 2.0 8:29am 0.7 3:07am 2.1 9:15am 0.6 3:51am 2.2 10:<strong>02</strong>am 0.6 4:35am 2.2 10:49am 0.5 5:22am 2.3 11:36am 0.4<br />

Gore Bay 1:13pm 2.1 7:33pm 0.8 2:01pm 2.1 8:19pm 0.7 2:47pm 2.2 9:04pm 0.6 3:30pm 2.3 9:47pm 0.6 4:13pm 2.3 10:30pm 0.5 4:57pm 2.4 11:15pm 0.5 5:43pm 2.4<br />

12:46am 1.6 6:50am 0.6 1:32am 1.6 7:36am 0.6 2:16am 1.6 8:21am 0.5 3:00am 1.6 9:06am 0.5 3:44am 1.6 9:51am 0.5 4:30am 1.7 10:38am 0.4 5:16am 1.7 11:25am 0.4<br />

Kaikoura 1:10pm 1.7 7:29pm 0.6 1:56pm 1.7 8:14pm 0.6 2:40pm 1.7 8:57pm 0.5 3:24pm 1.8 9:40pm 0.5 4:08pm 1.8 10:23pm 0.4 4:53pm 1.9 11:08pm 0.4 5:40pm 1.9 11:55pm 0.4<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />


HDC in <strong>September</strong><br />

Thelatest local news,viewsand announcements from the council<br />

Meetings,<br />

Events,<strong>News</strong>.<br />

<strong>September</strong> meetings<br />

(Zoom)<br />

8th South Ward Committee 7.00pm<br />

(Venue: Council Chambers, Amberley).<br />

15th Amuri Community Committee<br />

7.30pm (Venue: Hillcrest Chambers,<br />

Culverden).<br />

16th Audit and Risk Committee 9.30<br />

(Venue: Council Chambers, Amberley).<br />

17th Performance Review Committee<br />

(Public Excluded) 3.00pm (Venue:<br />

Councillors' Lounge, Amberley Office).<br />

22nd Hurunui Community Committee<br />

7.30pm (Venue: Hawarden Community<br />

Library).<br />

23rd Operations Committee 9.30am<br />

(Venue: Council Chambers, Amberley).<br />

27th Hanmer Springs Community Board<br />

1.00pm (Venue: The Gallery, Hanmer<br />

Springs Library).<br />

28th Cheviot Community Committee<br />

6.00pm (Venue: Cheviot Library/Service<br />

Centre).<br />

30th Council Meeting 9.30am (Venue:<br />

Council Chambers).<br />

Lockdown news<br />

from HYP<br />

Hurunui youth have been baking up a<br />

storm during lockdown. HDC Youth<br />

Coordinators ran aKiwiana bake off<br />

where youth were to send inphotos of<br />

their baked masterpiece, with prizes to<br />

be won. Below are first, second, and<br />

third place.<br />

Online competitions and activities have<br />

provided great ways to keep our youth<br />

engaged and supported during these<br />

uncertain times.<br />

1st<br />

2nd<br />

Amakeoverfor Carters Rd<br />

It has been more than adecade since Amberley’s main<br />

road upgrade was completed. Increased traffic levels has<br />

meant a more comprehensive Traffic Management plan<br />

has been imposed byWaka Kotahi/NZTA.<br />

The South Ward Committee has decided to remove the<br />

corokia hedging and replace with grass, to the existing<br />

riverstone edging and mown. The grasses along Carters<br />

Rd will be removed and replaced with lime chip or<br />

riverstone.<br />

Please email info@hurunui.govt.nz with your ideas.<br />

In brief<br />


The construction industry has restarted under Alert Level 3.<br />

You can book an inspector, including for your<br />

woodburners. Please book through the usual channels,<br />

and you will be asked additional questions to make sure<br />

the inspection can be undertaken safely.<br />

Phone 03 314 8816 / <strong>02</strong>7 808 6319, email<br />

building@hurunui.govt.nz<br />


Council rates were due for payment on Friday 20 August,<br />

however the country was placed inAlert Level 4.Under the<br />

Council’s rating policy, a 10% penalty would have been<br />

charged for any non-payment of rates on Monday 23<br />

August. Recognising that some ratepayers were unable to<br />

physically make the payment, it has been determined that<br />

the penalty run will be deferred until afull week after any<br />

change to alert Levels.<br />

If there are concerns from ratepayers, please contact the<br />

rates department at rates@hurunui.govt.nz or 03 314<br />

8816.<br />

MTFJupdate<br />

Council is seeking more businesses and youth in our<br />

District to join the Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ)<br />

programme, so we can create positive outcomes and<br />

sustainable work for both parties.<br />

If you are alocal business or know ayouth who would be<br />

interested in joining this venture, please contact Joni or<br />

Chris at HDC, 03 3148816 or email mtfj@hurunui.govt.nz<br />

Asnowystart to lastmonth<br />

At the beginning ofAugust we were living in astunning snow covered<br />

District.<br />

Although scenic, snow comes with its hazards.<br />

It was agreat team effort throughout the District to ensure everyone<br />

kept safe, whether this was keeping off the snow affected roads,<br />

clearing them, or looking out for neighbours and helping with stock.<br />

Thank you everyone, what awinter wonderland it was.<br />

Aword fromyour Mayor,MarieBlack<br />

"Hence this week we launched an<br />

informal conversation’ with everyone<br />

across the Hurunui District, inviting you<br />

to tell us about your initial thoughts on<br />

the Three Waters Reform Programme<br />

proposed by central government."<br />

We have spent some months now looking out from within our safe<br />

shores of New Zealand, grateful for the freedom.<br />

However, during our recent time in lockdown, we were lucky we could<br />

enjoy recreation from our doorsteps to some beautiful local spots. Our<br />

essential workers kept the cogs rolling, and I’m sure Ican speak on<br />

behalf of the entire District when Isay abig thank you.<br />

Ahuge thank you also to the District’s Health centres and volunteers<br />

who are carrying out avery efficient vaccine drive by. Iwas helping<br />

out on Saturday in Waikari and it was anabsolute pleasure to see<br />

such an effective system in place.<br />

We have all become rather creative in keeping ‘normal’ life rolling as<br />

much as we can.<br />

Hence, this week we launched an ‘informal conversation’ with<br />

everyone across the Hurunui District, inviting you to tell us about your<br />

initial thoughts on the Three Waters Reform Programme proposed by<br />

central government.<br />

Many of you have already contacted either myself, councillors and<br />

staff which I welcome, all helping to shape our thinking when we<br />

report back to central government on the proposal.<br />

Due to COVID-19 restrictions we have made creative means to<br />

communicate. We have an information page on the website along with<br />

aFacebook post this week, and information in print which all outlines<br />

how to get in touch; email, phone, and Zoom chats.<br />

Our final two Zoom chats are tomorrow, one during the day and one in<br />

the evening, where you can join in and share your thoughts –please<br />

ring in, email, or see our website for details.<br />

Once we return to ‘normality’ there may be some drop-in sessions too,<br />

and later in the year we will be carrying out aFormal Consultation<br />

process on the Reform proposal, much like how we did for LTP.<br />

Kia kaha, and thank you.<br />

3rd<br />

Fun<br />

fact!<br />

St Helen's Homestead in Hanmer Springs was established in 1858. The third homestead on the site was built<br />

in 1917. White limestone blocks extracted near Waikari were carved onsite and used to insulate the building,<br />

which are still featured within the historic homestead today.<br />

Contact us :<br />

www.hurunui.govt.nz<br />

info@hurunui.govt.nz<br />

03 314 8816

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KaikōuraDistrict Council <strong>News</strong><br />

Three Waters Reform Proposals<br />

The Government is proposing changes to theway NewZealand’s Three<br />

Waters(drinking-water, wastewaterand stormwater) services are delivered to<br />

thecommunity.The proposedchanges affect allcouncils acrossNew Zealand.<br />

KaikōuraDistrictCouncil will not be making anydecisions with regardtothe<br />

reforms without full consultation with ourcommunity. At this stage we are<br />

anticipating thiswilltake placelater in the year.<br />

Rightnow,wewanttobringtoyour attentionsomeofthe current information<br />

provided from central governmentwithregardtothe proposal and to seek<br />

your initialfeedback andviews.<br />

What We Know About The Proposals<br />

Currently most of these services in New Zealand aredelivered by<br />

67 local councils and are paid for by rates. Government is<br />

proposing thatresponsibility for providing these services is<br />

removed from local councilsand transferred to 4large multiregional<br />

entities.<br />

Under this proposal ThreeWaters servicesinthe Kaikoura District<br />

wouldbedelivered byanew entity that covers most ofthe South<br />

Island (covering the Ngāi Tahutakiwā),serving around 900,000<br />

people.<br />

Central government considers that such achangeisrequired<br />

becausesomecommunities currently face very substantial<br />

challenges to renew their infrastructure, provide and maintain<br />

ThreeWatersservices to the higherhealth and environmental<br />

standards that government believes peoplewant.<br />

TheThree Waters Reform proposal is based onabelief that<br />

havingmuch larger organisations deliver these serviceswill<br />

substantially improve efficiencyand resilience, enabling higher<br />

standards to beconsistently provided forrelatively little<br />

additional cost.<br />

The Questions WeHave SoFar...<br />

What exactly are the higher health and environmental standards for<br />

water that the government is proposing,and whatwouldamove to<br />

those standards mean at alocal level?<br />

How could local communities retain astrong say or influenceinrespect<br />

of how their water services are provided under asingle entity that<br />

coversnearly all of the South Island?<br />

How confident can we be that the new entity will achieve the<br />

suggested large cost efficiency improvements?<br />

If the new entity can’t achieve the suggested cost efficiency<br />

improvement, will people be willing to meetthe much highercosts<br />

required to achieve any higher health and environmental standards<br />

being proposed by government?<br />

What assurance is there that smaller communitieswon’t receive poorer<br />

service from an entity that may be strongly focussed on the larger<br />

towns?<br />

Where are the additional skilled personnel required for the new entity<br />

going to come from when there are already severe skills shortages in<br />

NZ?<br />

To what extent will particularcommunities be required to subsidise<br />

other communitiesthrough charges for water?<br />

Whatabsolute assurance is there that thenew large water entities<br />

would not be privatised at some time in the future, recognising that<br />

governments can change laws?<br />

How has the Department of InternalAffairs come up with such high<br />

estimated costs for growth and enhancementofour water<br />

infrastructure whensomuch of our Three Waters<br />

infrastructure has been renewedalready?<br />

Proposed Entity Boundaries<br />

Three Waters Assets and Services transferred from<br />

67 local councils to 4large multi-regional entities.<br />

We Want To Hear From You... What Do You Think?<br />

Currently central government has indicated to councils that they will<br />

be given achoice as to whether or not they opt in or out of the Three<br />

Waters Reform. This is undoubtedly the biggest decision faced by NZ<br />

Councils and their communities in ageneration and could potentially<br />

have consequences that extend beyond just the delivery of three<br />

waters services.<br />

Whilst Kaikōura District Council is not yet at astage where we have to<br />

make this difficult decision, the Government has given councils until the<br />

end of <strong>September</strong> to provide some initial feedback on the proposed<br />

reform. Before we report back to central government, we want to hear<br />

from you.<br />

You can provide feedback online atwww.kaikoura.govt.nz/ourservices/three-waters-reform,<br />

email CEO@kaikoura.govt.nz or<br />

post to PO Box 6, Kaikōura, 7340. Feedback closes 5pm Sunday<br />

19th <strong>September</strong>.<br />

More details of the proposalare available on our website which also<br />

includes links to the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) reform<br />

information. You can also sign up to our newsletter to receive monthly<br />

updates. www.kaikoura.govt.nz<br />

What are your thoughts on...<br />

How important is it for the community to be able to have a<br />

say in respect of how their local services are provided?<br />

How important to you is the continued improvement of<br />

health and environmental standards in respect of Three<br />

Waters (drinking water, wastewater and stormwater<br />

services) relative to what is currently provided?<br />

How willing are you to pay more for any higher standards,<br />

either through rates or water charges?<br />

Are you comfortable with the possibility that by spreading<br />

costs for water services over avery large area that some<br />

communities may be substantially subsidising others?<br />

Are there other aspects of this proposal that are of concern<br />

to you and on which you would like further information to<br />

be provided?<br />

Ph: 319 5<strong>02</strong>6 | www.kaikoura.govt.nz | @ KaikouraDistrictCouncil

NEWS<br />

10 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

Lockdown opening<br />

New World has opened its first<br />

supermarket in lockdown ­<br />

Ravenswood New World ­north of<br />

Woodend.<br />

It was adifferent kind of opening to<br />

the usual fanfare surrounding the<br />

opening of anew store.<br />

Head of Retail Operations at<br />

Foodstuffs South Island, Ross Martin,<br />

says there was no ribbon cutting, or<br />

crowds of shoppers watching on.<br />

‘‘But it was still amomentous<br />

occasion for all. The team has been<br />

working hard to get the store built and<br />

open for this awesome new community<br />

and we really didn’t want lockdown to<br />

stand in the way of that,’’ Mr Martin<br />

says.<br />

Foodstuffs and owner operators of<br />

the store, Justin and Melissa Blackler,<br />

have worked closely with the Ministry<br />

of Business Innovation and Enterprise<br />

at Alert Level 4, and everyone is really<br />

proud to be able to open on time and on<br />

schedule, he says.<br />

All New World stores are 100%<br />

locally owned and operated, with store<br />

owners and their teams having the<br />

flexibility to cater to the specific needs<br />

of their community.<br />

Justin and Melissa Blackler, who live<br />

in Kaiapoi, have moved minutes up the<br />

road from their previous store,<br />

Raeward Fresh Harewood.<br />

‘‘We are looking forward to getting<br />

behind this awesome new community<br />

and are excited to share with them<br />

what is on offer in­store,’’ Justin says<br />

‘‘For us finally to bring this store to<br />

the community is pretty special and<br />

the feedback we have received to date<br />

has been outstanding.’’<br />

The new supermarket employs about<br />

100 locals including in­store butchers,<br />

bakers and deli experts.<br />

Justin and Melissa Blackler<br />

‘‘We are all looking forward to<br />

providing fresh food, great value and<br />

excellent customer service,’’ Justin<br />

says.<br />

The New World Ravenswood<br />

supermarket was built in just over 12<br />

months and features an in­store cafe, a<br />

spacious fresh foods hall, an extensive<br />

craft beer and local wine selection, a<br />

zero­alcohol zone and an Eco Store<br />

refillery station.<br />

It will provide afull­scale grocery<br />

offering for the Ravenswood<br />

community and also cater to the wider<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> community with the<br />

ability to grow as families move into<br />

the residential developments in<br />

surrounding areas.<br />

New World Ravenswood is located at<br />

10 Bob Robertson Drive, Woodend<br />

7691 and will be open seven days a<br />

week from 7am to 9pm.<br />

Walkie Talkies receive grant<br />

The Walkie Talkies have a<br />

spring in their step.<br />

The Kaikoura Netball<br />

Centre’s walking netball<br />

club has been awarded an<br />

ANZ Netball Grant.<br />

ANZ invites netball<br />

clubs and teams<br />

nationwide to apply for a<br />

grant to help them advance<br />

their training and put their<br />

best foot forward on game<br />

day.<br />

Kaikoura Netball Centre<br />

umpire co­ordinator Toni<br />

Batey applied on behalf of<br />

the Walkie Talkies to help<br />

kit out the new walking<br />

netball team which<br />

includes training and<br />

match balls, bibs, spot<br />

markers and agear bag.<br />

Toni says gaining the<br />

grant has been a‘‘bit of a<br />

boost”.<br />

‘‘It relieves the<br />

fundraising pressure and<br />

effort needed to get the<br />

walkers off the ground,’’<br />

she says.<br />

Walking netball is a<br />

recent rule change to the<br />

classic game that removes<br />

running and jumping,<br />

appealing to those unable<br />

to keep up with the fast<br />

pace in regular netball.<br />

Toni says she would love<br />

to be able to play the<br />

senior games, but<br />

physically she can’t.<br />

‘‘This group of ladies<br />

wouldn’t have been<br />

playing any netball ayear<br />

ago,’’ says Toni.<br />

‘‘We’ve tried to contact<br />

other centres near us to<br />

encourage them to make<br />

All ages ... Kaikoura’s Walkie Talkies netballers are taking<br />

it all in their stride.<br />


up ateam.<br />

‘‘We did ademo game in<br />

Culverden and we all<br />

laughed so much. There’s<br />

good banter, and we’re all<br />

very supportive of the<br />

other players,’’ she says.<br />

Toni says club secretary<br />

Demelza Sweeny has been<br />

“instrumental” in getting<br />

the walking team off the<br />

ground and will be<br />

accompanying the team to<br />

the National Masters<br />

competition later this<br />

year.<br />

‘‘We’re working on our<br />

plays and honing our<br />

skills.<br />

‘‘We’ve got agroup of<br />

ladies who haven’t played<br />

together before as ateam,<br />

but we really gel,’’ says<br />

Toni.<br />

Walking netball is totally<br />

new and the Walkie Talkies<br />

hope there will be other<br />

teams formed to compete<br />

against.<br />

ANZ head of<br />

sponsorship, Sue<br />

McGregor, says ANZ is<br />

proud to be supporting<br />

netball from walking<br />

teams like the Walkie<br />

Talkies,right up to the<br />

ANZ Premiership and<br />

Silver Ferns. ‘‘We hope<br />

this grant helps keep the<br />

passion for netball alive in<br />

the community for many<br />

seasons to come.’’<br />




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NEWS<br />

12 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

New role for artist<br />

Local artist Mandy Palmer is<br />

enjoying supporting the<br />

community in anew role.<br />

Ms Palmer took over as<br />

TimeBank Waimakariri coordinator<br />

in July, after the<br />

previous co­ordinator,<br />

Waimakariri District Council<br />

community development<br />

facilitator Martin Pugh,<br />

encouraged her to apply.<br />

‘‘Martin’s great. He’s the one<br />

who sold the role to me and I<br />

decided it would be agreat<br />

way to be apart of the<br />

community.’’<br />

She already has strong<br />

connections through the local<br />

art world, including being<br />

instrumental in establishing<br />

the Pegasus Bay Art Show and<br />

continues to chair the<br />

organising committee.<br />

This year’s art show is the<br />

fifth one and is due to this next<br />

month, with over 80 artists<br />

from throughout <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

as afundraiser for the school.<br />

She describes atimebank as<br />

acommunity of individuals<br />

and organisations, who share<br />

their time rather than paying<br />

for someone.<br />

‘‘The important thing to<br />

remember is that everybody’s<br />

time is equal ­it’s your time<br />

that’s of value.’’<br />

People earn ‘‘time credits’’<br />

by volunteering their time and<br />

they can use those at alater<br />

time or gift them to someone<br />

else.<br />

Since taking over the role,<br />

Ms Palmer has been touching<br />

base with the more<br />

established TimeBank<br />

Hurunui and the Lyttelton<br />

Time Bank to get some ideas<br />

Mandy Palmer<br />

to help TimeBank<br />

Waimakariri to grow.<br />

Established three years ago,<br />

TimeBank Waimakariri now<br />

has 109 members and is<br />

continuing to grow.<br />

‘‘The majority of members<br />

are aged 50­plus, but we would<br />

definitely love to see more<br />

young people. We take people<br />

of any age and schools could<br />

even join,’’ Ms Palmer says.<br />

‘‘There’s so many different<br />

talents in the community. I<br />

just met with the Pegasus<br />

Woodend Women’s Institute<br />

and they want to share<br />

because several of their<br />

members knit and they’ve got<br />

no­one to knit for.’’<br />

To find out more, follow<br />

TimeBank Waimakariri on<br />

Facebook and Instagram or<br />

sign up at waimakariri.<br />

timebanks.org.<br />

Lifeline for Cancer Society<br />


CancerSociety New Zealandhas<br />

been given adigitallifeline after<br />

the charity had to cancel its<br />

Daffodil Day street collections.<br />

The collections were<br />

scheduled for August27and 28,<br />

but had to be cancelled because<br />

of the Covid­19 level 4lockdown<br />

restrictions.<br />

CancerSociety <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> fundraising and<br />

eventsmanager Tiffany Wafer<br />

says having to cancelthe Daffodil<br />

Day street collectionswas ahuge<br />

setback, but the digital daffodil<br />

app initiative would be amassive<br />

help.<br />

‘‘Itisgoing to make ahuge<br />

difference’’.<br />

In <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> there are<br />

plans to reschedule many<br />

fundraising events.<br />

The ANZ Bank, which has been<br />

the main DaffodilDay supporter<br />

for 31 years, raising almost $20<br />

million in that time, matched<br />

Friday’s Daffodil Day donations<br />

made through its ANZ Digital<br />

Daffodilapp dollar­for­dollar up<br />

to $500,000.<br />

The bank was joined in its<br />

DaffodilDay onlineinitiative by<br />

asmall groupoftechnology<br />

entrepreneursand investors,<br />

who want to remain anonymous.<br />

Together they will donate $3 for<br />

every $1 donatedbythe public<br />

through the digital daffodil app<br />

with agoal of raising $1.5 million<br />

for the Cancer Society.<br />

CancerSociety brandand<br />

communications manager Deb<br />

McPherson said although the cut<br />

off for the ANZ Bank’s digital<br />

daffodil initiative was last<br />

Friday, donations and<br />

fundraising via its website www.<br />

daffodilday.org.nzisongoing<br />

with many schoolsindicating<br />

they intend to still do aDaffodil<br />

Day fundraiser onceschools<br />

reopen.<br />

Vaccination delays frustrating -MP<br />

Cantabrians are voicing<br />

frustration over Covid­19<br />

vaccination delays, which will<br />

be further compounded if the<br />

roll­out is scaledback,<br />

WaimakaririMPMatt Doocey<br />

says.<br />

Cantabrians have already<br />

been penalised in the Covid­19<br />

vaccine roll­out, the<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> District Health<br />

Board(CDHB) recordingsome<br />

of the lowestvaccination rates<br />

for priority groups, he says.<br />

Mr Dooceysays the<br />

Government’s failuretoto<br />

orderenoughvaccinations will<br />

likely slowthe process even<br />

more.<br />

‘‘I haveeven heardfrom a<br />

medical professional who is<br />

furious <strong>Canterbury</strong> is lagging<br />

behind other regions,’’ he says.<br />

‘‘While sheisvaccinated,<br />

neither her husband nor her<br />

elderly parents havehad their<br />

jabs yet, despite following all<br />

the guidelines.’’<br />

Thosewho havecalledonMr<br />

Doocey for help include<br />

frontlineand essential<br />

workers, teachers and the<br />

elderly.<br />

‘‘I’mgetting calls from<br />

residentswho had bookings<br />

cancelled when we wentinto<br />

lockdown, and whenthey try to<br />

rebook they havetogotothe<br />

back of the queue.’’<br />

Some were unabletorebook<br />

theirfirst jab before their<br />

scheduled second jab. Mr<br />

Doocey says the CDHB should<br />

have prioritisedcancelled<br />

bookingswhichresultedfrom<br />

the lockdown announcement.<br />

‘‘Last month Ihad elderly<br />

residentsreaching out to me to<br />

say,wewantthis vaccine, we<br />

needit, but we cantget it.<br />

‘‘Now here we are, in<br />

lockdown, with many of them<br />

facing another longand<br />

anxious wait.<br />

‘‘Lets face it, if the vaccine<br />

roll­out had been effectively<br />

managedfrom the start, many<br />

of these now evenmore<br />

vulnerable residents would<br />

havehad their two vaccinations<br />

longago.<br />

‘‘I cannot speakhighly<br />

enough of the great workbeing<br />

carried out by our vaccinators,<br />

local pharmacists and GPs.<br />

‘‘But I’m callingonthe<br />

Governmenttoclearupthis<br />

shambles before more people<br />

findthemselves either at the<br />

backofthe line, or havingtheir<br />

currentvaccination date<br />

delayed.’’<br />

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15 x320ml Bottles, 4.8%<br />

Shop local with<br />







Exclusions mayapplyonsomebrands advertised. Offers end close of trade 5th <strong>September</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>1, while stockslast.Availableatparticipating stores only.Multi Deal only available in store.<br />

Varietals mayvary by store. Limits mayapply.Wholesale (other liquorretail banners)not supplied. Terms and conditions may apply. Available 23rd August -5th <strong>September</strong>2<strong>02</strong>1inclusive.<br />

Pleasesee www.superliquor.co.nzfor details.<br />



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Oils &Automotive Accessories, Postal<br />

Services, Hot Pies, Sandwiches, Rolls,<br />

Groceries and Sweet Treats<br />

For your convenience<br />

Sefton Garage<br />

571 Upper SeftonRoad, Sefton<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.Ph03312-9713<br />


14 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

Social connections important<br />


Chairperson<br />

Waimakariri Age­friendly<br />

Advisory Group<br />

An email from afriend said<br />

she haswritten alist of<br />

chores to do duringthis time<br />

and hopes it will be over<br />

before shegetstothe one<br />

thatsays, ‘‘Wash bathroom<br />

walls.’’<br />

Iremember two friends<br />

years agowho would get<br />

together and springclean<br />

their houses.<br />

Whatagreatidea.<br />

Perhaps thisissomething<br />

we could thinkaboutwhen<br />

we areaskedtohave contact<br />

withonly thoseinour<br />

‘‘bubble’’.<br />

It doesn’tneed to be just<br />

doing chores. Sharing<br />

meals,writingand telling<br />

eachother’s life stories,<br />

gardening, crafts, sorting<br />

photos and papers.<br />

I’m cleaningout drawers<br />

justnow andthe op shops<br />

willbenefitfromthat when<br />

the lockdown is over.<br />

The WaimakaririAgefriendly<br />

Advisory Group,<br />

scheduledtomeet this<br />

week, didn’tdue to the<br />

lockdown.<br />

Madeleine Burdon,our<br />

Age­friendlyfacilitatorwith<br />

the WaimakaririDistrict<br />

Councilcommunity teamis<br />

one of the Civil Defence<br />

team.<br />

Theyare available to<br />

assistanyone needinghelp.<br />

Joanne Gumbrell<br />

We canall helptoo by<br />

makingsureour friendsand<br />

neighboursare OK.<br />

Give themacall,<br />

especiallyifthey livealone.<br />

Socialisolation is not good<br />

foranyone.<br />

Andifyou need help call<br />

someone. One of the<br />

council’s brochures,<br />

entitled Getting Advice,<br />

Shows Strength,has lots of<br />

helpful contacts: seethe<br />

lists on www.waimakariri.<br />

govt.nz or phone 0800 965<br />

468.<br />

Ibelongtothe localU3A<br />

whichhas lecturesevery<br />

month,with ongoing,or<br />

short­term, interestgroups<br />

at othertimes.<br />

Socialising at adistance ... There are lots of ways to<br />

connection, even during lockdown, such as phone calls or online.<br />

Anew one Ihave joined is<br />

Singing for Health andisfor<br />

anyone.<br />

It is not astructured choir<br />

andyou don’tneed to be<br />

able to sing.This activity<br />

hasbeenproven to be good<br />

forour health and is fun. It<br />

also brings us into contact<br />

with other people,also<br />

necessary for our health.<br />


The threethingswecan do<br />

for ourselvesand others<br />

during this time of<br />

uncertaintyare stay at<br />

home, contact othersand get<br />

vaccinated.<br />

Thisisnow availablefor<br />

everyone over the age of 12.<br />

To makeabooking go to<br />

www.bookmyvaccine.govt.<br />

nz or phone 0800 28 29 26.


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

15<br />

BloomfieldCourt<br />

Homelysettingproviding<br />

personalised care,delicious<br />

home cooked meals &rooms<br />

with alovelygarden outlook.<br />

Privatelyowned and<br />

operatedwithin the heartof<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Aged care ... Support is available for elderly people on their own during lockdown. PHOTO: FILE<br />

Support available<br />


Presbyterian Supportiscontinuing to<br />

offer support in lockdown.<br />

Staff are workingfromhometoconnect<br />

withclientsand offeressential services,<br />

but arefindingthereislessdemand<br />

compared to lastyear's lockdown,<br />

Presbyterian SupportupperSouthIsland<br />

areamanagerVicki Lucassays.<br />

‘‘This time aroundolder peopleare able<br />

to get out anddotheirown shopping,so<br />

there hasn't been quite as muchdemand.<br />

‘‘Weweredoingquiteabit of that last<br />

timeand picking up medications.<br />

‘‘The only transportrequest we'vehad so<br />

far is someonewantingaride for a<br />

vaccination, so we hadtoget himcovered<br />

up.’’<br />

As an essentialservice,Presbyterian<br />

Supportcan provide transporttomedical<br />

appointments under lockdownwithsocial<br />

distancing and canaccessthe <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Mini Bus Trust vans if<br />

required.<br />

Under Alert Level 4, staff have been in<br />

contact withclientsbyphoneorZoomto<br />

check on them.<br />

‘‘Our day programme clientsare getting<br />

aphone callonthe day theywere due to go<br />

to their programmetokeep up the<br />

connection,’’ Ms Lucassays.<br />

‘‘Most peoplelookforwardtothe regular<br />

phone call.’’<br />

Withthe move to level 3staff will be able<br />

to conductsocial distance visiting,she<br />

says.<br />

‘‘Wecallthem ‘driveway visits'because<br />

it'sreally standing in the driveway to check<br />

up on people.<br />

‘‘Evenunderlevel4wedid have some<br />

concerns, so we've visitedtwo people. We<br />

justknockonthe doorand thenstand<br />

back.’’<br />

Covid places expo on hold<br />

Covid­19 hasplaced theannual older<br />

person'sexpoonhold.<br />

Funding has been securedfrom<br />

local community boards forthe<br />

WaimakaririOlder Person's Expo,<br />

which is duetobeheldonOctober 7<br />

at the RangioraBaptistChurch.<br />

‘‘Weneedtobeatlevel 1tobeable<br />

to holdit, so here'shoping it will be<br />

backtolevel 1bythen and people will<br />

feelcomfortable coming out,’’<br />

PresbyterianSupportupper South<br />

Island area manager Vicki Lucas<br />

says.<br />

‘‘Wecertainly like runningthem<br />

and it's an awesome thing to do.’’<br />

The olderperson's expo is a<br />

partnershipbetweenPresbyterian<br />

Support, <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Citizens<br />

Advice,the Waimakariri District<br />

Council’scommunity team,<br />

SeniorNetand U3A.<br />

Around 25 service organisations<br />

areexpected to run stalls on the day,<br />

with up to 300peoplelikely to attend.<br />

‘‘We've kept it small because we<br />

didn't know how people feltabout<br />

goingout after Covid­19,’’MsLucas<br />

says.<br />

‘‘We were justkeepingittoservice<br />

providers, but we thought if it went<br />

well we would go gangbusters next<br />

year.<br />

‘‘It didn'thappen last year, so it<br />

wouldbeashame if we had to cancel<br />

it again.’’<br />

134 Rangiora-Woodend Road,Woodend<br />

Forfurther information phone Lyn-Nurse Manager 03 312 7088<br />

Email: nmbloomfield17@gmail.com www.eldernet.co.nz/bloomfieldcourt/<br />

Come and see our<br />

professional friendly<br />

team at Central<br />

Physiotherapy for all your<br />

treatment requirements<br />

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centralphysio@xtra.co.nz<br />

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2413874<br />

We’re your local hearing experts.<br />

The team has grown to include an<br />

independent ear nurse and anew audiologist.<br />

Aone-stop shop for all your hearing health<br />

and healthy hearing requirements.<br />

This FREE classroom-based course will help you re-familiarise yourself with<br />

traffic rules and safe driving practices. It will also increase your knowledge<br />

about other transport options and help you remain independent forlonger.<br />

Grab your friend or partner and join us on Wed 15 Sep2<strong>02</strong>1from10.00am -<br />

2.30pm,atthe Culverden FireStation. RSVPtoWendy Fox, AgeConcern<br />

03 331 7808 by Fri10Sep 2<strong>02</strong>1. Morning teaand lunch provided, we just ask<br />

fora$10.00 pp contributionplease. Supported by the Hurunui DistrictCouncil.<br />

Call 03 423 3158 •Amberley /Rangiora /Cheviot /Hanmer •verasetzaudiology.co.nz

Trees and vegetation<br />

What are you responsible for?<br />

Treestoo close to powerlines areahazardand amajor causeofpower failures duringbad weather.<br />

They canbreak powerlinesand network equipment, resulting in risk of seriousinjury or death as<br />

well as causing widespread powerinterruptions.This inconveniencesfarms and households, affects<br />

business productivity and causes damage to customers’electronic equipment and appliances.<br />

Tree Owners’ Responsibilities<br />

Under theElectricity(Hazards fromTrees) Regulations,<br />

tree ownersare responsiblefor theirtrees; the results<br />

of tree damage to powerlines can beasignificant<br />

cost to atreeowner.Please check your trees,hedges<br />

or shelterbelts regularly. If youare not sure whatto<br />

lookfor,please call us so we can help.<br />

Remember, trees need to be kept asafedistance<br />

away frompower lines and other electricity network<br />

equipment because:<br />

•Children thatclimb trees close to powerlines are at<br />

risk of serious injuryordeath.<br />

•Insevereweather conditions,vegetation can<br />

become electrically ‘live’ and mayelectrocute<br />

anyone comingintocontact withit.<br />

•Treesand vegetation coming into contact with<br />

powerlines cancausepower outages,not just for<br />

the tree owners,but the widercommunity.<br />

•Inbad weather, treescan toppleorbranchesbreak<br />

away causing damagetopowerlines resulting<br />

in apoweroutage. In snoworicy conditions, the<br />

additional weightonthe treecan cause asimilar<br />

scenario.<br />

•Treesclosetolines maycause electricalsparking<br />

resulting in fire.<br />

•Tree roots can grow around underground electricity<br />

cables,rupturingthe insulation and causing power<br />

outages.<br />

WhatdotheElectricity (HazardsfromTrees)<br />

Regulations mean to you?<br />

These regulations are to provide asafe electricity<br />

supply to you and to protect the security of<br />

electricity supply to everyone in the community.<br />

The regulations place responsibilities on tree<br />

owners (you) and the electricity network operator<br />

(MainPower)<br />

Following the regulations will helpensuresecurityof<br />

supplytoyou andthe wider community.<br />

Please don’t wait to be reminded that your trees<br />

needtobecut.Beproactive,regularly inspect your<br />

trees andiftheyare in eitherthe Notice Zone or the<br />

Growth Limit Zone they must be trimmed safely.<br />

Calluson0800309080for afree inspection and a<br />

quotefrom our utility arborists. Be aware that if your<br />

trees cause anyproblems on our network,you can be<br />

charged forall costsofrepair.<br />

Always remember: Touching live<br />

powerlines,ortreesclose to the<br />

lines,can result in serious injury<br />

or death. Please ensurethatyou<br />

engage qualified contractors to<br />

carryout anytrimming work near<br />

powerlines.<br />

Notice and Growth Limit Zones<br />

Theregulationsspecifydifferent zones fortrees<br />

growing close to powerlines andother electricity<br />

network equipment: the Notice Zone and the<br />

Growth LimitZone (illustrated below).<br />

Tree “A”<br />

In Notice Zone<br />

needs trimming soon<br />

Overheadline<br />

Notice<br />

Zone<br />

Tree“B”<br />

In Growth Limit Zone<br />

must be trimmed<br />

Growth<br />

LimitZone<br />

66,000V(high voltage) 5.0 metres 4.0 metres<br />

33,000V (high voltage) 3.5 metres 2.5 metres<br />

11,000V (high voltage) 2.6 metres 1.6metres<br />

400V /230V(lowvoltage) 1.5metres 0.5metres<br />

Notes:<br />

•These distances are from the power line, not the<br />

power pole.<br />

•Thesedistancesare aminimum andapply in all<br />

conditions, including highwind or snow.<br />

•Inmostinstances, thepowerlines that go to a<br />

house or building arelow voltage powerlines.<br />

•Powerlinesthatgodown astreetmay be lowor<br />

highvoltage.<br />

Cut/Trim Notice<br />

If your treeisgrowingwithin the Notice Zone<br />

(TreeA)youwill receive alegal noticefromussaying<br />

that it must be trimmed soonbecause it is growing<br />

tooclose to powerlinesand equipment.<br />

If your treecontinuestogrowinto the Growth Limit<br />

Zone (TreeB)youwill receivealegalnotice from<br />

us requiring the tree to be trimmed (byaqualified<br />

contractor) within aspecified time frame. This is<br />

becausethe treeisnow too close to powerlines and<br />

equipment, and could cause apower outage and /<br />

or harm the public. As youmightexpect, the notice<br />

zones vary depending on thevoltage of the power<br />

lines.<br />

Offences CommittedbyTreeOwners<br />

There are penalties fortreeownerswho do not<br />

comply with awritten request to cut theirtrees, or do<br />

not advise MainPoweron0800 30 90 80 of the time<br />

and locationofthe cutting work.<br />

On summaryconviction, treeowners maybeliable<br />

for afine not exceeding $10,000and afurther fine of<br />

$500 forevery dayonwhich the offence continues.<br />

If your trees are considered an immediatedanger to<br />

ournetwork,MainPowerhas an obligation to remove<br />

anyhazard. If youhave failed to keep your trees<br />

clear of powerlines, or have notresponded to our<br />

requests, thenasthe tree owneryou are responsible<br />

forall costsincurred by us to remove anyhazard.<br />

Cutting Trees NearLiveLines<br />

Trimming treesand vegetation close to powerlines<br />

can be extremelydangerous andmustbeundertaken<br />

by acompetent worker.When selecting acontractor<br />

please ensure theyare trainedtocarry out this work.<br />

MainPowerhas ateamofexperienced andqualified<br />

utilityarborists(arborists trained to work near live<br />

lines).Youmay engage MainPowerarborists, or other<br />

arboristsofyour choosing, butitisessential to ensure<br />

thatanyone working near powerlines is suitably<br />

trainedand qualified to do so.<br />

Fall Hazard Zone<br />

Tree owners should be aware that treespresenta<br />

hazard if theyfall and damage powerlines.Theclosest<br />

atree canbelocatediscalculated on the basis of the<br />

height of treeplus4metres. Check thatyour trees are<br />

outsidethe fall hazard zone andconsider trimmingor<br />

removaltoavoid causing damage and incurring future<br />

costs.<br />

Tree “C”<br />

Tree Cisoutside<br />

the fall zone.<br />

Contact us:<br />

mainpower.co.nz<br />

info@mainpower.co.nz<br />

0800309080<br />

Tree “D” is inside<br />

the fall zone and<br />

would damage<br />

the network.<br />

Further information on the Electricity (Hazards from<br />

Trees) Regulations can be foundonour website:<br />

mainpower.co.nz.<br />

MainPowerprovides afreecomplaintsresolution<br />

service. If youhave anyconcernsoracomplaintabout<br />

aMainPowerservice, please call us on 0800 30 90 80<br />

or email us at feedback@mainpower.co.nz.<br />

If youare not satisfied withthe outcome after<br />

contacting MainPower. UtilitiesDisputes provides<br />

afree andindependent dispute resolution service<br />

forelectricity complaints. MainPower is amember<br />

of this scheme. Contact Utilities Disputesat:<br />


House<br />

and Home<br />



Contact us for curtains, Romans rollers,<br />

cushions &much more.<br />

For afree consultation and<br />

free installation during level two<br />



Phone Maureen 03 327 4919<br />

Mauds Soft Furnishings<br />

88 Williams Street,<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

(up long driveway)<br />

www.mauds.co.nz<br />

Property –Buying and<br />

Selling<br />

We can provide advice:<br />

•First Home buyers –Kiwisaver<br />

withdrawal and Kainga Ora<br />

Subsidy<br />

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•Subdivisions<br />

•Retirement Village –Licences to<br />

Occupy<br />



2350098v8<br />

7Ashley Street, Rangiora | 03 310 6464<br />

admin@law4you.co.nz | www.law4you.co.nz<br />

2351968v5<br />

Blaze King’s Chinook ... The ultra low emission burning status of the Chinook CK30,<br />

shielded burner, allows it be installed into any home.<br />


Clean air technology<br />

Winter is here, so if youneed to turn up the<br />

heat,the Blaze King from Heatstore brings<br />

long lasting,sustainablewarmthtoyour<br />

home.<br />

Acosy home is ahappy home and a<br />

blazing woodfire that lastsall night can<br />

make all the difference.<br />

BlazeKing fires do just that with new<br />

catalytic technology enabling thefire to<br />

produce thermostatically controlled heat<br />

all nightlong.<br />

‘‘People really enjoywakinguptoa<br />

warm home without worrying aboutthe<br />

fire going out during thenight.<br />

They can then add more woodtothe fire<br />

when they get up, turn up the heatand<br />

they’re in acosy home no matter what the<br />

time of the day is,’’ saysHeatstore<br />

commercial manager David Chalklen.<br />

BlazeKing logburners canlast 12 or<br />

more hours without having to be stoked up<br />

and work by using aclean air technology<br />

that raisesthe temperatureofthe smoketo<br />

burning point.<br />

‘‘Being abletogenerate heatfrom<br />

otherwisewasted energy in smoke allows<br />

for amuch cleaner burn, easily meeting<br />

and raising the bar for log burners<br />

available in New Zealand and<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s ultra­low<br />

emission burner (ULEB) standards.’’<br />

Customer feedback has been<br />

phenomenal with customers saying that<br />

they never had afire thatheatsthe whole<br />

home and keeps going all night.<br />

Even thosewho liveinrural areas and<br />

don’tneed to meet the low emission<br />

standards buy Blaze Kings.<br />

BlazeKing hasa40­yearhistoryof<br />

making wood fires and a30­year award<br />

winning history of making catalyticwood<br />

fires, mainly to heat homesinthe freezing<br />

Canadian winter. They arealso very<br />

energy efficientburning up to 30 percent<br />

less wood than aconventional fire.<br />

Heatstore’s showroomisat2/472<br />

BlenheimRoad has over 20 different types<br />

of log and pellet burners on display and<br />

the team are happy to providetheirexpert<br />

knowledge to ensure you make the right<br />

choice for your homeand lifestyle.<br />

The showroom is open Monday to<br />

Saturday, give them acall on 03 3431651or<br />

visittheir website at www.heatstore.co.nz.<br />

2352423v4<br />




19 Beach Road<br />

Ph: 03 319 5562<br />

E. info@thejoinershop.co.nz<br />

www.thejoinershop.co.nz<br />

“Exclusive”<br />

Ravelli ULEB Wood Pellet Fires<br />

Allan Pethig<br />

For all your electrical needs.<br />

Residential &Commercial<br />

Phone 03 313 7144 | <strong>02</strong>7 432 1534<br />

2278923<br />

Fax 03313 2144<br />

Pellet and Wood Fire Specialists<br />

472 Blenheim Road<br />

Sockburn<br />

Phone: 03 343 1651<br />

Open 8:30am -5pm<br />

Sat 10am -3pm<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />

rgrantelectrical@gmail.com<br />

PO Box 69, Rangiora<br />


NEWS<br />

18 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

Food rescue service essential<br />


<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>'s food rescue<br />

service is continuing to operate<br />

during the lockdown to ensure local<br />

families don't go hungry.<br />

As an essential service, it is<br />

business as usualfor Satisfy Food<br />

Rescue in redistributing food to<br />

food banks throughout <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, distributioncoordinatorMichelle<br />

Campbell says.<br />

Volunteers are continuingto<br />

make non­contact collections of<br />

excess foodeach day fromlocal<br />

supermarkets and arereceiving<br />

bulk deliveries from the New<br />

Zealand Food Network.<br />

‘‘We havejust enough food to<br />

service the food banks and other<br />

organisationsweare supporting in<br />

lockdown, but we couldalwaysdo<br />

with more,” Ms Campbell says.<br />

Whilethere has beennoincrease<br />

in demandfrom foodbanks across<br />

the Waimakariri district, “there has<br />

been adefinitespikeinHurunui,’’<br />

Ms Campbell says.<br />

Satisfy Food Rescue supplies<br />

threefood banks in the Hurunui<br />

district, withagrowth in demand<br />

beingexperienced at Culverden<br />

and Cheviot.<br />

In spite of the speed of this year's<br />

lockdown, Hurunui District Council<br />

community activator Roger<br />

Hornblow says food banks across<br />

the regionhave not faced the levels<br />

of demand experienced last year, so<br />

far.<br />

‘‘Satisfy Food Rescue are the<br />

Thumbs up ... Satisfy Food Rescue distribution co­ordinator Michelle<br />

Campbell gives the thumbs up to supporters of the food rescue service.<br />


absolute legends in all of this.<br />

‘‘There is aslight spikeatthe<br />

moment, but we are monitoringthe<br />

situation and thereisnothing out of<br />

the ordinary.’’<br />

But the pressures on food banks<br />

may changethe longer the<br />

lockdown goes on and its ongoing<br />

impactishard to predict,Ms<br />

Campbell says.<br />

Some localorganisationshave<br />

already made some generous<br />

donations since the lockdown<br />

began, withMainPower Stadium<br />

donating asupply of milk and<br />

Happy Hens hasbeen providing<br />

eggs it would otherwise have been<br />

sellingatfarmers' markets, she<br />

says.<br />

‘‘Satisfy can help with noncontactcollections<br />

and can<br />

distribute any excess to support<br />

individuals and families in need.’’<br />

To support SatisfyFoodRescue<br />

contact<strong>02</strong>7­9516052 or go to the<br />

websitesatisfyfoodrescue.org.nz.<br />

Spring flower show<br />

Planningiswell in hand for the<br />

WoodendSpring Flower Show<br />

in October.<br />

Covid­19 restrictions forced<br />

the postponementoflast year’s<br />

show, but the show committee is<br />

confidentthis year’s show will<br />

go aheadonSaturday, October<br />

2.<br />

It began 88 years ago when a<br />

group of farmers' wives, many of<br />

whom were members of the<br />

WoodendAnglican Church, got<br />

together to stage ashow.<br />

At one point the group was<br />

named the Woodend<br />

Horticultural Society. Light<br />

green vases used for the<br />

daffodilsand some trestlesstill<br />

have WHSmarked on them.<br />

Several cups and trophies<br />


Rangiora Bridge Club<br />

Individual: <strong>North</strong>/South:<br />

DesSteere/JanelleCrawley 1,<br />

Denise Lang/Julie Day2,<br />

Warwick Wyatt/Margaret<br />

Barson 3. East/West:Ken<br />

Johns/Gaynor Hurford 1, Tom<br />

Rose/RonaMaslowski2,<br />

Pauline Miller/Bunty<br />

Marshall 3.<br />

Club OpenTeams: Doctors<br />

(FernMcRae/David McRae/<br />

Tony Biddington/Nic van der<br />

Mespel), 1.<br />

RataPairs: N/S:Denise<br />

have the names of people and<br />

families of those involved­<br />

Barker, Bourne, Edwards,Jelfs,<br />

MacDonald, Moody and Percy.<br />

The early schedulescatered<br />

for farmers, with classes for<br />

grains,root crops, eggs,<br />

potatoes, and vegetables. The<br />

wivescould enter in baking,<br />

preserves, handcrafts, daffodils<br />

and cut flowers.<br />

Over time other classes were<br />

added ­more daffodil classes,<br />

children classes,photography,<br />

decorative floral classesand the<br />

‘‘blokes section’’. This year<br />

features anew intermediate<br />

decorative class, with acup<br />

presented in memoryoflong<br />

committee member, the late<br />

ShirleyTull<br />

Lang/JulieDay1,Ant Lilley/<br />

Gail Hallams 2, SueSolomons/<br />

JanRoose 3. E/W: Pat Green/<br />

Noreen Thompson1,Robin<br />

Hassall/Heather Waldron2,<br />

Dave Tocker/AndrewFindlay<br />

3.<br />

Junior Evening: N/S:Kerryn<br />

Lange/KarenManson1,Lynne<br />

John/JohnKennedy2,Jan<br />

Cameron/BernieLukken 3.<br />

E/W:Wayne Hutchings/Stuart<br />

Atkinson 1, Murray Davis/<br />

SharynDavis2,Desley<br />

Simpson/JudithRobinson3.<br />

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On atypical dayyou could startout with abarista-made coffee and atreat at the café,<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

21<br />

Supporting local producers<br />

Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> has been<br />

supporting local producers to keep<br />

operating during lockdown.<br />

Using its Made <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

provenance brand, Enterprise <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> has been connecting<br />

consumers with local food and beverage<br />

businesses.<br />

‘‘Very soon after the lockdown was<br />

announced it became apparent that<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> consumers were<br />

wanting to continue to support local<br />

producers,’’ Enterprise <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> food and beverage business<br />

development manager Alissa Wilson<br />

says.<br />

‘‘We had enquiries as to which Made<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> members were able to<br />

deliver during Level 4and we also had<br />

members contacting us to see if we could<br />

notify consumers that they were open for<br />

business.’’<br />

Checking the Made <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

member database, Ms Wilson found most<br />

were deemed essential food and<br />

beverage businesses by the Government<br />

and compiled an online database.<br />

The database features 39 local<br />

producers who can offer contactless<br />

delivery during lockdown, ranging from<br />

eggs, meat and dairy to pantry staples,<br />

honey, coffee, wine, beer and even gin.<br />

‘‘All of our members offer quality,<br />

fresh, locally produced items,’’ Ms<br />

Wilson says.<br />

‘‘By choosing to support them you are<br />

guaranteed atasty addition to your<br />

pantry or fridge and you're supporting a<br />

local business, whose profit will go back<br />

into the local economy, which is just what<br />

we all need right now.’’<br />

Since lockdown, Ms Wilson has also<br />

been inundated with local producers<br />

keen to sign on as Made <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> members.<br />

‘‘I think the value of becoming aMade<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> member and being<br />

Alissa Wilson<br />

part of acommunity of like­minded<br />

businesses becomes very apparent at<br />

times like this.<br />

‘‘As well as helping to extensively<br />

promote our local producers, we work to<br />

connect our members to suppliers and to<br />

create relationships and collaborations<br />

within our member base.<br />

‘‘Outside of lockdown we also create<br />

and engage in large scale food and<br />

beverage events, giving our members an<br />

opportunity to get their name and<br />

products out to wider audiences.’’<br />

The move to level 3means more local<br />

businesses will be able to operate, with<br />

restrictions.<br />

To find out more, contact Alissa Wilson<br />

on alissa@enterprisenc.co.nz<br />

The database of Made <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> members operating in<br />

lockdown can be found here: https:/<br />

/madenorthcanterbury.co.nz/businessdirectory<br />

and enter ‘lockdown' in the<br />

search box.<br />


Many opportunities for lab technicians<br />

Over thepasttwo years,<br />

more than twomillion<br />

COVID-19tests have been<br />

performedinNew Zealand<br />

alone. However, the<br />

importantworkdoneby<br />

laboratory techniciansgoes<br />

farbeyondhelping fight<br />

global pandemics.<br />

“COVID-19 hasshown<br />

theworld theimportance<br />

of high-quality labtesting,<br />

but labtechnicians do<br />

importantworkacross<br />

many othersectors,”says<br />

Dr GrantBennett, Ara<br />

Instituteof<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />

programme leaderfor laboratory science.<br />

Food manufacturing, environmental<br />

monitoring,quality assurance, human<br />

health,veterinarydiagnostics andproduct<br />

developmentare just some of areaslab<br />

technicians work in.“Thisprofessioncan<br />

take youinsomanydirectionsand you<br />

canmakeareal differencebyhelping<br />

ourcommunity,our environmentand<br />

supporting localindustries,”Grant says.<br />

AraInstitute of <strong>Canterbury</strong>offers three<br />

qualifications foraspiringlab technicians:<br />

twodiplomas andagraduate diploma. Each<br />

is industry drivenand heavilyhands-onwith<br />

afocus on employment.Workplacements<br />

areincludedwiththe Level 6diploma and<br />

thegraduatediploma.<br />

“Our classsizes aresmall,our programmes<br />

arehighlypractical,and ourlabsare<br />

equipped with thesamegearthat’susedin<br />

industry,” Grantsays. “Students gain abroad<br />

range of labskills, but also many transferable<br />

‘soft’skillsessential to employment,such<br />

as workflow management,teamworkand<br />

communication.”<br />

Michelle Knowler studied Ara’s Level 5<br />

DiplomainAppliedScience.“It’s agood<br />

optionifyou’restraightfrom high school,”<br />

shesays. “It’smuchmore practicalthan<br />

theoretical,whichIreallyliked.” Michelle’s<br />

goal is to takeher skillsbacktoVanuatu and<br />

to encourage more womenthere into science<br />

careers.<br />

After completing aBachelorofScience<br />

at OtagoUniversity, SamSuzuki studied<br />

Ara’sGraduateDiploma in Laboratory<br />

Technology. He knew that theadvanced<br />

laboratory experience he’d gain, along<br />

with theexperience he’d getfrom thework<br />

placement,would equiphim with hands-on,<br />

industry relevant skillsthatwould make him<br />

work-ready.<br />

Samwas right. Hisworkplacementwas<br />

at Plant&FoodResearchand nowhe’s<br />

employed thereasalabtechnician/research<br />

associate within itsannualcropsgroup.<br />

Allthree laboratorytechnology<br />

programmes startatAra in February.For<br />

more details, seeara.ac.nz.<br />

Millie<br />

Ara graduate<br />

Nina<br />

Ara student<br />

foracareer in nursing<br />

Equip yourself to makeadifference tothe lives<br />

of others with aBachelorofNursingfromAra,<br />

starting in February.<br />

Applicationsclose on 30 <strong>September</strong>,<br />

places arelimited.<br />

to support your<br />

community<br />

If youhaveapassion for supporting individuals<br />

and families duringchallengingtimesand adesire<br />

to createpositivechangeinyourcommunity,<br />

Ara’sBachelor of Social Work will equip youwith the<br />

skills and knowledge needed to make adifference.<br />

This highly practical degree has astrong bi-cultural<br />

focus and includesextensive work placementsto<br />

ensureyou graduatework-ready.<br />

TheBachelor of Social Work<br />

starts in February.<br />

For details and to apply<br />

visit ara.ac.nz<br />

Check itout today<br />

at ara.ac.nz

From homes to farm buildings and<br />

far beyond -BGBeaven do it all!<br />

Forthe past 43 years BGBeaven, a<br />

well-established Rotherham-based<br />

building company,has been providing<br />

building services throughout <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Its expertise is sought from Amberley<br />

in the south to Kaikoura in the north,<br />

and everywhere in between.<br />

Today it employs 12 builders based<br />

in Kaikoura, Rotherham, Hanmer<br />

Springs and other <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

centres.<br />

Barney and his wife Wendy are<br />

Kaikoura-based, where they are<br />

building their own home to eventually<br />

retire in.<br />

Barney Beaven began building<br />

woolsheds as a21-year-old. Today,he<br />

has replaced many with calf sheds as<br />

dairying has become more prolific in<br />

the region.<br />

However,the company’s work extends<br />

far beyond farmbuildings.<br />

It now provides everything from<br />

repairing weatherboards to building<br />

$2 million architecturally designed<br />

homes.<br />

BGBeaven continues to be in<br />

demand. It has several new homes<br />

on the go, with one in Culverden, and<br />

one in Amberley being built for people<br />

whom the company has built houses<br />

for before.<br />

The company continues to do EQC<br />

repairs on homes and buildings<br />

damaged in the 7.8 magnitude<br />

November 2016 quake, which had its<br />

epicentre in Waiau.<br />

‘‘Wecare about these people. BG<br />

Beaven is now trusted and listened to<br />

by insurance companies,’’<br />

Wendy says.<br />

BGBeaven can get<br />

plans drawn up<br />

for clients from<br />

reputable<br />

Outdoor<br />

companies<br />

it subcontracts<br />

to, and has<br />

project<br />

Living<br />

managers<br />

based in the<br />

Rotherham<br />

office to do<br />

pricing and guide<br />

clients, while also<br />

ensuring buildsmeet<br />

all the building standards,<br />

Kaikoura home ...Progress on the Beaven’s home at<br />

Avoca Street, Kaikoura.<br />

Photo: Supplied<br />

rules and<br />

regulations. A<br />

vacancy is being<br />

advertised for a<br />

project<br />

manager at<br />

present.<br />

Barney andhis wife<br />

Wendy remainthe foundation<br />

of the business. Their move to<br />

Kaikoura follows decades of service<br />

to their local Amuri community.<br />

Wendy an accountant, manages BG<br />

Beaven’s finances. Barney,who was<br />

in the office for about 20 years, has<br />

returned to building in recent times,<br />

while endeavouring to finish their<br />

retirement home.<br />

See your<br />

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Call Anne on 03 35732<strong>02</strong> or visit<br />

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Forthe latest information on visiting ourvillages pleasecallthe village,orvisitsummerset.co.nz/covid-19<br />


MainPower<br />

Live Lines<br />

Issue 199 <strong>September</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

AnnualMeeting<br />

rescheduled<br />

Duetothe nationwidelockdown, theAnnualMeeting of<br />

MainPower New Zealand Limited (MainPower) has been<br />

postponed.<br />

The Annual Meetingwillnow be held at 172FernsideRoad<br />

at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday 23 <strong>September</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>1.<br />

The safety of our staff and community is our priority. If the<br />

region’s lockdown status makesholding aphysical meeting<br />

impractical, theMainPower Boardmay determine to hold<br />

themeeting online.<br />

Notice of anychanges will be published at mainpower.co.nz<br />

ahead of themeeting date.<br />

MainPower’sCOVID-19<br />

response<br />

As an essential serviceprovider,MainPower is responsible<br />

for maintaining asecure supplyofelectricityto<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Our 24-hour fault responseservicecontinues to operate<br />

throughoutall COVID-19Alert Levels.<br />

At AlertLevel 3, some plannedmaintenance work will<br />

resume.<br />

Please do not approach our teams while they areworking<br />

as we have strict safetyguidelines in placetomaintain the<br />

healthand wellbeing of our staff and the community. If you<br />

do have queries, please visit mainpower.co.nz or call<br />

0800 30 90 80 to get in touch.<br />

At AlertLevels 2and 1, allplanned outages willproceed as<br />

scheduled.<br />

Vote now!<br />

We recognise outages may be difficult forsome customers<br />

to manage, however we must ensure we can maintaina<br />

safe, reliable,quality supply of electricity throughout the<br />

network.<br />

Information about currentfaults and planned maintenance<br />

outages is availableatoutages.mainpower.co.nz.<br />

Voting in the MainPowerCommunity<br />

Fund is nowopen.<br />

The $30,000 fund will benefit<br />

communitygroups andschools that<br />

aredoinggreat things forthe <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> region.<br />

Please visit mainpower.co.nz to vote<br />

before Friday 10 <strong>September</strong>.<br />

MainPower fault response team during snowstorm, early August 2<strong>02</strong>1.<br />

MainPower24HourFaults Line<br />

0800 30 90 80

Business as usual under Covid<br />


While it is largely business as usual for<br />

the region's farmers, Covid­19 is having<br />

an impact on the rural sector.<br />

While the move to Alert Level 3isa<br />

step in the right direction, it is still<br />

lockdown and its impact will depend on<br />

how long it remains in place, <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Rural Advisory Group chairperson<br />

Winton Dalley says.<br />

Covid­19 is just the latest challenge to<br />

knock the sector, on top of drought and<br />

flooding.<br />

‘‘I'm not getting any reports of serious<br />

issues. The shearing sector is carrying on<br />

with social distancing and those who I've<br />

spoken to have systems in place,’’ Mr<br />

Dalley says.<br />

‘‘I'm not hearing of any issues in meat<br />

processing in <strong>Canterbury</strong> and I<br />

understand that as an essential service<br />

they have been given priority for Covid<br />

vaccinations.<br />

‘‘And I'm not aware of any supply chain<br />

issues yet. Most products are moving OK.<br />

Things will be abit slower, but there's no<br />

reports of any serious shortages.’’<br />

Rural sector leaders are continuing to<br />

hold regular Zoom meetings to keep up to<br />

Winton Dalley<br />

date on the multiple challenges facing<br />

the rural sector.<br />

Level 4restrictions meant shearing<br />

gangs and freezing works operated at a<br />

reduced capacity and Level 3would<br />

make little difference, so aprolonged<br />

stay in lockdown will potentially lead to<br />

abacklog, Mr Dalley says.<br />

‘‘I wouldn't be surprised if we are in for<br />

tighter restrictions under Level 3than<br />

we were last time and we could be there<br />

for awhile yet.<br />

‘‘For farmers needing to de­stock and<br />

lambs contracted for the spring period, it<br />

will be impacted, so any slow down in<br />

those processes will cause some stress.<br />

‘‘We're also at the peak of calving,<br />

which means the bobby calf kill may be<br />

held up, so there's alot of potential<br />

issues.’’<br />

Covid­19 is causing some delays for<br />

international shipping, impacting on<br />

New Zealand's primary exports and the<br />

ability of farmers and contractors to<br />

import new machinery.<br />

Recruiting staff for the new season is<br />

also achallenge due to border<br />

restrictions and New Zealand's relatively<br />

high employment rate.<br />

After the autumn drought and flooding,<br />

farmers were holding out for some spring<br />

growth, Mr Dalley says.<br />

‘‘All we can do is plan for the worst and<br />

hope for the best and anything better<br />

than that is abonus.’’<br />

The best farmers can do is look after<br />

themselves, their families and staff to get<br />

through the latest challenges.<br />

Shearing essential service in lockdown<br />


Shearing has continued amid the<br />

lockdown.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> shearing<br />

contractor Mark Herlihy says the Alert<br />

Level 4lockdown could not have come<br />

at aworse time for local shearing gangs.<br />

‘‘We're into the last of our pre­lamb<br />

shears, so we're on apretty tight<br />

schedule. It's all hands on deck, but<br />

with the restrictions we've had to cut<br />

down on numbers in our teams’’<br />

Under level 4, teams of two shearers<br />

and two shed hands have been<br />

operating in travelling bubbles and<br />

wearing masks, he says.<br />

‘‘Normally we would have double that<br />

number in ateam and get through the<br />

work alot quicker, so we are pretty<br />

lucky that the farmers are patient, but<br />

they understand there's restrictions’’<br />

The restrictions mean farmers are<br />

putting up QR codes, hand sanitisers<br />

and masks and then staying out of the<br />

sheds.<br />

Some farmers prefer to do their own<br />

woolclassing, which is not possible<br />

under level 4restrictions, so some are<br />

choosing to postpone for acouple of<br />

weeks, Mr Herlihy says.<br />

It also means the shearing teams are<br />

taking their own food and missing out<br />

the usual farm homebaking, as some<br />

Essential service ... Mark Herlihy says shearers were better prepared after the<br />

experience of last year’s lockdown.<br />

farmers ‘‘go out of their way to spoil us’’.<br />

Level 3will make adifference, but<br />

there will still be restrictions, he says.<br />

‘‘The rules will come out through the<br />

contractors association, but it's just<br />

something we have to adapt to.<br />

‘‘It's the new normal. We've been here<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />


before and to be fair, it's probably never<br />

going to be the way it was acouple of<br />

years ago.’’<br />

But after last year's lockdown<br />

experience, Mr Herlihy says most<br />

shearing contractors would have been<br />

better prepared this time round<br />

241<strong>02</strong>73<br />

25<br />


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•Insurance Repairs<br />

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313 0<strong>02</strong>2<br />

Possum Fur<br />


Minimum quantity 5kg -Machine or Hand Plucked<br />

If Hand Plucked, no skin or epidermis.<br />

No Tail Furand No Belly Fur<br />

Buying FurHarvested up to Oct 31 st<br />

Weft Knitting Co. Est. 1982 Christchurch<br />

2400832v2<br />

Merino Possum Knitwear Manufacturer<br />

Phone (03) 379 5314 hugh@weft.co.nz<br />


Localto<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

CALL ARTHUR <strong>02</strong>7 2451601<br />

arthur@robertsonbuilding.co.nz<br />

www.robertsonbuilding.co.nz<br />





163 Stokes Road, Balcairn<br />

Ph (03) 312 9844 or <strong>02</strong>7 205 5724 (AH)<br />

farmbikesnc@orcon.net.nz<br />

www.farmbikeservices.co.nz<br />

2<strong>02</strong>1055<br />


Living Earth compost is ahigh<br />

performance, nutritious brew<br />

made from organic garden waste.<br />

It’s 100% seed and weed free and<br />

ideal for topdressing,vineyards,<br />

orchards and all types of gardens.<br />

LivingEarth compost is perfect if youare looking to:<br />

• Savewater by increasing soil waterretention<br />

• Reducenitrateleaching<br />

• Add organic nutrients whichwill improve soil health<br />

• Improve plants’ resistance to drought<br />

• Reduce soil loss and erosion<br />

Living Earth has been producing quality compostfor over25years. Our compost is produced<br />

to NZS4454:2005 standardand is certifiedorganic.<br />

Get in touch with one of the team today. Asitevisit can be arranged to discuss your needs.<br />

Contact Tony Poole: M<strong>02</strong>1 657992 Etpoole@livingearth.co.nz

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong><br />


Boundary lines are indicative only<br />

Established with sheds galore<br />

580 Rangiora Leithfield Road, Sefton<br />

Sitting in abeautiful sunny setting on this amazing established property is this great three bedroom<br />

Summerhill stone home.<br />

Built to last, this home offers massive potential for incoming purchasers with large spaces that<br />

could be enhanced plus there is already an upgraded kitchen.<br />

Outside the sun-drenched patio and low maintenance gardens are well fenced helping to keep in<br />

your four-legged family members.<br />

There are sheds galore, double garaging and aworkshop space offering several options to store<br />

the essentials and any toys or adapt for hobbies or even an art studio.<br />

All this is set on approximately 4.46 hectares and is the perfect example of afamilylifestyle property<br />

with great shelter, specimen, fruit, and walnut trees plus room for pets and animals and children to<br />

roam and play.<br />

Call today for more information.<br />

Deadline Sale<br />

1pm, Thursday 16 <strong>September</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

3 3 1 2<br />

For further information contact:<br />

Brook Yates<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 807 8093<br />

George Black<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 315 8214<br />

Dean Pugh<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 335 6303<br />

View online @<br />

https://www.bayleys.co.nz/5515925<br />



<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

27<br />

Rangiora 143 Percival Street<br />

Quilters Quarters<br />

Thisbusinessoffers theopportunity to turn your passion intoanincome. Locatedinthe oldcourt housewhichhas<br />

had atotaltransformation, the businessenjoys bright and airy premises with plenty of display space for ahuge<br />

range of fabrics, sewing supplies, knittingsupplies, books andmagazines, needleworkkits, buttons and more.<br />

There is adedicated sewing machineroomwhere machinescanbetried before you buy plusaroom forregular<br />

classes, alwayswellpatronised by enthusiastic hobbyists.Along-withanoffice, staff room and storage the leaseis<br />

for afurtherfouryears with three xthree yearsavailable. Knowledgeablestaff are in place, there’sopportunity to<br />

increaseonlinesales and promote on socialmedia.For priceguidance pleasecall the agent to discuss.<br />

Price by Negotiation<br />

Phone for viewing times<br />

KateMullins <strong>02</strong>7248 8456<br />

kate.mullins@bayleys.co.nz<br />


bayleys.co.nz/5516083<br />

Need To Get Fit Fast?<br />

Tone Up or Body Build, Get ATotal Body Workout<br />

One Machine...<br />

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*Call for Terms<br />

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Call Now! 0800 665 665

What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

All info onchanges to Council services and facilities can be found at waimakariri.govt.nz/covid19<br />

Update onServices at Level 3<br />

As acommunity we will be looking forward<br />

to amove into Alert Level 3this week and we<br />

encourage everyone to continue to follow the rules<br />

and support local businesses when you can who<br />

will have been under pressure.<br />

Council continues to provide arange of services<br />

with the majority of staff working remotely from<br />

home. Full details on how Council services are<br />

operating is available at waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

Some key service changes include:<br />

Transfer stations<br />

Southbrook Resource Recovery Park -Open for<br />

green waste, rubbish disposal and limited recycling<br />

only –expect delays in the first few days. Oxford<br />

Transfer Station -Open for recycling and drop-off<br />

of official Council branded rubbish bags in the skip<br />

during normal opening hours. If you have large<br />

loads of household rubbish you will need to drop it<br />

off at Southbrook.<br />

Kerbside recycling<br />

This service continues as normal. Please make sure<br />

your bins are out by 7am on collection day and<br />

that they are spaced at least 50cm apart.<br />

Rates<br />

Rates instalments<br />

Thank you tothe many people who have already<br />

paid their first instalment rates invoice for the<br />

2<strong>02</strong>1/22 year.<br />

Council service centres will remain closed forcash and<br />

epos payments during Covid Levels 4and 3. If you<br />

usually pay your rates across the counter at aservice<br />

centre we recommend that youconsider an alternative<br />

method of payment. Youcan use our online portal, set<br />

up adirect debit or use internet banking.<br />

Rates rebates<br />

Rates rebates processing will not take place while<br />

Covid restrictions are in place. We will contact you<br />

to re-schedule your appointment when it is safe to<br />

start rebate interviews again.<br />

Remember, you have until 30 June 2<strong>02</strong>2 to claim<br />

your rates rebate.<br />

If you are having trouble paying your rates please<br />

contact usonrates@wmk.govt.nz or 0800 965 468<br />

if you have questions about rates payments or to<br />

discuss apayment plan –we're here to help.<br />

Parks, reserves and community facilities<br />

At AlertLevel 3, youcan exerciseinyourlocalarea<br />

on your own, or with people in your householdbubble.<br />

If you are exercising outside, try to keep a2metre<br />

distance from people who are not in your bubble.<br />

The most important thing is to stay safe and stay<br />

close to home. Go to your local park or beach, not<br />

your favourite one. We encourage people to use<br />

or carryaface mask when out walking due tothe<br />

high numbers ofpeople out and about, and at times<br />

difficulty maintaining physical distancing guidelines.<br />

While our parks and reserves are open –please<br />

don’t use playgrounds, skate parks or dog parks.<br />

These are closed and where possible locked or<br />

have signage in place. Please make sure that your<br />

kids stay out of these spaces too.<br />

And again please clean up aer your dog when you<br />

are out and about –your dog, your mess!<br />

Libraries<br />

Our librarians are keen to connect from their<br />

bubble to yours. You can reach them by email on<br />

library@wmk. govt.nz, by phone on 311 8901, or<br />

via Facebook at facebook.com/waimakaririlibraries.<br />

Please note that libraries are unable to take any<br />

returned items during Alert Level 3. Hold on to<br />

your items and we will let you know when we<br />

are accepting returns again. All loans have been<br />

extended and there will be no overdue fines.<br />

Roading,maintenance and capital works projects<br />

You will notice Council staff and contractors will<br />

be restarting key projects and maintenance work<br />

across the District where it is safe todoso. Site<br />

inspections will be carried out for construction<br />

sites and building inspections completed within<br />

guidelines to keep everyone safe. You can find out<br />

more information at waimakariri.govt.nz/covid-19<br />

Household Junk Burdens Charity Shops<br />

Local charity shops are finding hordes of unusable<br />

household items and rubbish piling up outside their<br />

doorsteps, as people dump items from lockdown<br />

decluttering aer hours.<br />

Solid Waste Manager KittyWaghorn says it’salways<br />

been an issue, but lockdown has caused abig spike.<br />

“A lot of people do the rightthing, but there are some<br />

who think acharity shop is arubbishdump. It’s not ok<br />

to leaveunwantedhousehold goods and rubbishat<br />

charity shops or clothing bins. They shouldn’thaveto<br />

deal with that kindofthing”, says Kitty.<br />

People are urged to hold onto their rubbish for now<br />

until Transfer Stations can operate normally for<br />

dumping unwanted household rubbish. The ReSale<br />

Store will re-open for dropping off household items<br />

in good useable condition as soon as COVID-19<br />

Alert Levels allow. Updates will be posted on the<br />

Council’s Facebook page and website.<br />

Kitty said dumping materials took money away<br />

from the stores’ crucial funding for community<br />

initiatives. Stained mattresses, food, odd shoes,<br />

broken furniture and toys and general rubbish<br />

oen end up becoming acharity shop’s problem.<br />

Proposed Three Waters Reform<br />

There is still time to let us know what you think<br />

about the Government’s Proposed Three Waters<br />

Reform. The Council is encouraging residents to<br />

head online (waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk) to learn<br />

more about the pros-and-cons of reform and share<br />

their feedback before 5<strong>September</strong>.<br />

Roadside Spraying<br />

Chemical control of<br />

vegetation all areas<br />

Residents are advisedthat our vegetation<br />

control contractor(Sicon Ltd) will start roadside<br />

spraying in all areas in <strong>September</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>1.The<br />

chemical used is aglyphosate base(Lion<br />

Herbicide and LI-1000).This willcontinue when<br />

required and weatherpermitting throughto<br />

April 2<strong>02</strong>2.<br />

If any resident has any legitimate concern<br />

about this work, they should contact the<br />

Waimakariri District Council Customer<br />

Services team on 0800 965 468.<br />

Carl Grabowski<br />

Roading Operations Team Leader<br />


RACES<br />

The Stockwater Race Bylaw 2019 isunder<br />

review, we’ve draed some changes and<br />

want tohear your thoughts.<br />

This reviewconsiders the following broad topics,<br />

with somepossible amendments proposed as<br />

aresult: works in private property,road reserve<br />

race maintenance,managed aquiferrecharge,<br />

environmental benefits, ponds, fencing of water<br />

races and biosecurity and contamination risks.<br />

Share your feedback before 5pm on<br />

Tuesday 7<strong>September</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>1.<br />

Have your say waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk

Give usyour<br />

feedback<br />

The Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary<br />

Buildings Policy 2016 is under review.<br />

We’ve draed some changes and want to<br />

hear your thoughts.<br />

We welcome your feedback on thedra Policy to<br />

make surewe’re on the right track before it gets<br />

finalised.<br />

Before adecision is made, we’d like to know<br />

what you think. Share your feedback before<br />

5pm Friday 24 <strong>September</strong>.<br />

Keep your<br />

organics and<br />

recycling<br />

loose.<br />

Recycling and organics<br />

should beloose in<br />

the bin, not in bags.<br />

Plastic bags belong<br />

in the rubbish. That<br />

includes compostable<br />

or biodegradable bags<br />

or packaging.<br />

—<br />

Find out more<br />

collection tips at<br />

rethinkrubbish.co.nz<br />




Have your say waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk<br />

rethinkrubbish.co.nz<br />

YOU<br />

COULD<br />

BE<br />

HERE<br />

Advertise<br />

your business<br />

in our Trades<br />

and Services<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

on<br />

03 313 2840<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

Public Notices<br />

29<br />

Promote wellbeing<br />


The team at Community<br />

Wellbeing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Trust have been on deck and<br />

working remotely to support<br />

the wellbeing needs of<br />

families, children, young<br />

people and the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> community during<br />

Level 4and as the region<br />

moves to Level 3.<br />

Trust manager Deirdre<br />

Ryan says people should<br />

prioritise self­care at this<br />

time.<br />

‘‘Self­care isn’t selfish, it’s<br />

essential,’’ says Deirdre, ‘‘You<br />

can’t pour from an empty<br />

cup.’’<br />

The Five Ways to Wellbeing,<br />

are five simple actions you can<br />

introduce into your life, any<br />

time, and you will begin to feel<br />

the benefits, says Deirdre.<br />

Research shows that the<br />

Five Ways to Wellbeing are<br />

building resilience, boosting<br />

wellbeing and lowering the<br />

risk of developing mental<br />

health problems.<br />

Connect, talk, and listen,<br />

be there, feel connected.<br />

Take notice and<br />

remember the simple things<br />

that bring you joy.<br />

Give your time, your<br />

words, your presence.<br />

Keep learning, embrace<br />

Botanical Expo<br />

An expo, hosted by the<br />

New Zealand AlpineGarden<br />

Society (NZAGS), Avon<br />

Floral Art Group and<br />

National Daffodil Society<br />

and <strong>Canterbury</strong> Daffodil<br />

Circle, is plannedfor<br />

<strong>September</strong> 11 and 12 at the<br />

Lincoln EventsCentre.<br />

The NZAGSwill hold its<br />

Spring Showatthe event,<br />

and the Avon Floral Art<br />

group will hold a<br />

competition to select<br />

participants for the Floral<br />

Artist ofthe Year<br />

competition. There will be<br />

experts to talk to, and<br />

new experiences, see<br />

opportunities, surprise<br />

yourself.<br />

Be active, do what you<br />

can, enjoy what you do, move<br />

your mood.<br />

‘‘We’re all feeling arange of<br />

emotions right now and that's<br />

to be expected,’’ says Deirdre.<br />

‘‘Let’s keep up the kindness,<br />

look after each other, and if<br />

someone you know is finding it<br />

particularly tough right now,<br />

maybe check in with afriend<br />

or whanau member.’’<br />

Useful resources:<br />

Free apps, toolkits and<br />

other digital resources to help<br />

you look after your mental<br />

wellbeing: uniteforrecovery.<br />

govt.nz/wellbeing/mentalwellbeing/free­toolsresources­and­apps/.<br />

You can free call or text<br />

1737 at any time to speak with<br />

atrained counsellor. It is free<br />

and confidential.<br />

Any young person, or<br />

anyone supporting ayoung<br />

person, can call Youthline for<br />

free 24/7. Call 0800 37 66 33.<br />

Youthline also offer text<br />

counselling between 8am and<br />

midnight. Text 234.<br />

The Parenting Helpline is<br />

also free and you can call 0800<br />

568 856 for parenting support<br />

and advice between 9am and<br />

9pm daily.<br />

numerous plantsellers,and<br />

treasuresonsale, stalls, and<br />

workshops on potting up,<br />

garden design,floral art,<br />

vege gardening, tool<br />

sharpening, trough building<br />

and pruning. See Facebook<br />

or Instagram for more<br />

information. Subject to alert<br />

level status.<br />

Covid­19<br />

Community events cannot<br />

be held while the region<br />

remains in Alert Levels 3and<br />

4, but someevents can<br />

resumeunder Alert Level 2<br />

with restrictions.<br />

Larger community events<br />

cannot be held until the<br />

regionreturns to Level 1.<br />

WarMemorial Hall<br />

1AlbertStreet, Rangiora 7400<br />

PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440<br />

www.bsnc.org.nz<br />

(Levels 3&4)<br />

Covid -19 and maintaining asafe space for all<br />

Dear Clients and prospective clients,<br />

•Weremain “open” and ready to provide you with budgeting<br />

supportand advice.<br />

•However, the way we provide this service will be alittle<br />

different to normal.<br />

•Wewon’t beable to come to your home or meet face to<br />

face.<br />

•Wewon’t be able to see walk-in clients.<br />

•PLEASE call us on 03 313 3505 and we’ll contact you<br />

as soon as we can.<br />

•We’ll contact you by phone, mobile, text, Skype, Zoom<br />

or email.<br />

•Wewill try to continue advocating on your behalf with<br />

WINZ, banks, creditors etc.<br />

•Wewill attempt to work with all the other agencies and<br />

food banks and trytodeliver all our normal services.<br />

Email: servicemanager@bsnc.org.nz<br />

Monday to Thursday 09:00 am to 4:00 pm<br />

•However,Ifyou cannotwait to talk with us, then please call<br />

the MoneyTalks helpline on 0800 345 123<br />

BudgetingServices <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Inc., gratefully acknowledges the support<br />

of: MinistryofSocial Development, Oranga Tamariki -Ministry forChildren<br />

and the Rātā Foundation.Affiliated member of:The NationalBuilding Financial<br />

Capability Charitable Trust. Registered Charity Number: CC10710 2407100<br />

Have you recieved<br />

your copy of the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>? No?<br />

Let us know at<br />

info@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Public Notices<br />

Notice of Annual General Meeting<br />

Notice is hereby given that the<br />

Annual General Meeting of<br />


is to be held at<br />

Takahanga Marae<br />

7TakahangaTerrace, Kaikoura<br />

On Saturday 25 th <strong>September</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

at 9.30am<br />

Subject to the covid alert levels this may change.<br />

However we will notadvertise againbut it will be rolled<br />

over to the third week of the following month<br />

The business of such meeting shall be as follows;<br />

1. To receive, consider and approve the annual report<br />

of the Officers.<br />

2. To receive, consider and approve the annual financial<br />

statements from the Treasurer.<br />

3. To appoint an auditor for the ensuing year who shall<br />

audit the financial accounts of the Runanga.<br />

4. To consider such other business as may be accepted<br />

by amajority of the members present with power to<br />

vote at such meetings.<br />

5. There will be aconstitutional change this year on<br />

page 11 section 16, Notices. “Notices of Annual,<br />

Special, Shareholder and Directors Election meetings<br />

called by Rūnanga shall be given (and deemed to<br />

be given) by public notice in those newspapers<br />

circulated within Kaikōura takiwā and no later than<br />

fifteen (15) working days prior to the meeting”.<br />

Proxy votes will not be valid<br />

Hariata Kahu<br />

Chairperson<br />



Vector Free Marlborough Limited wishes to advise that a<br />

ground-based possum detection survey operation is taking<br />

place as we work towards eradicating TB from New Zealand<br />

over the long term. This operation will be conducted as apart<br />

of OSPRI’s TBfree programme.<br />

Before the operation, Vector Free Marlborough staff will seek<br />

written permission from landowners within the operational<br />

area to gain permission before undertaking work. They will<br />

discuss the proposed detection survey methods and answer<br />

any questions.<br />

Amap of the area can be found on the Vector Free Marlborough<br />

website under the Current Operations tab.<br />

Description of control area<br />

Amuri Dog Creek -located immediately to the northwest of<br />

Waiau Township from Lottery River in the East then along the<br />

Waiau River to Cabbage Tree Island in the West and up into the<br />

foothills of the Amuri Range in the <strong>North</strong>.<br />

Operation date<br />

12 July 2<strong>02</strong>1 to 30 <strong>September</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>1 (approximate)<br />

Control methods, equipment used and nature of work<br />

• Detection Devices (non-toxic chew cards affixed to trees<br />

and structures such as fence posts presented with a<br />

blaze of flour and icing sugar from the ground up to the<br />

detection device) will be deployed for 7-8nights<br />

• Leg-hold traps or sentinel kill traps will be deployed for 3<br />

nights at the site when possum activity is detected<br />

• Concurrent Survey -animal carcasses will be retrieved<br />

and submitted for post-mortem<br />

General warning<br />

• Follow advice stated on warning signs<br />

• Donot touch detection devices and traps<br />

• Donot touch possum carcasses<br />

• Keep children under strict supervision in the control area<br />

• Keep pets under supervision.<br />

Warning signs will be erected at all main public entry points<br />

and the public are reminded that it is an offence to remove<br />

any of these signs. Please follow the instructions stated on<br />

the signs.<br />

Forfurther information please contact<br />

Vector Free Marlborough Limited<br />

Free Phone: 0508 548 008<br />

Email: communications@vectorfree.co.nz<br />

Website: www.vectorfree.co.nz<br />

OSPRI helps protect and enhance the reputation of New Zealand’s<br />

primary industries and currently runs the TBfree and National<br />

Animal Identification and Tracing (NAIT) programmes.<br />



30 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

Public Notices<br />

WOODEND Spring<br />

Flower Show, Saturday 2nd<br />

October 2<strong>02</strong>1, 1 - 4pm.<br />

Woodend Community<br />

Centre, School Road. See<br />

gorgeous spring flowers,<br />

photography, crafts, floral<br />

art, and lots more. Enjoy a<br />

Devonshire Tea, browse<br />

plant /craft stalls and buy<br />

Daffodil bulbs for next<br />

season. Entries welcome.<br />

Schedules at Paws Vet<br />

Woodend, Veg NOut and<br />

Libraries in Woodend and<br />

Rangiora also on line and<br />

Facebook. Admission $2<br />

Adults, Children free.<br />

Phone Lyanne Wheeler<br />

<strong>02</strong>10 306 460. Email<br />

lyannewheeler@gmail.com.<br />

Entertainment<br />

Exhibition and Festival 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

Ad# 38665<br />




FESTIVAL 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

It is time to dig out your<br />

Artists' materials and get<br />

creating your Artworks and<br />

Masterpieces for aprize pool<br />

of over $1000+ in CASH and<br />

other goodies at an established<br />

day of fun events and Art<br />

exhibitions. Mark October<br />

23, 2<strong>02</strong>1 in your diaries Now!<br />

Search postanote.co.nz<br />

for more details.<br />

Educational<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary up to<br />

NCEA level 3. In centre<br />

(Rangiora) or interactive<br />

online from your home.<br />

Each student on an individually<br />

tailored programme.<br />

Kip McGrath Rangiora has<br />

been serving the local community<br />

for 30 +years. Give<br />

us acall (03 313 3638) or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online https://www.kipmcgrath.<br />

co.nz/rangiora<br />

Gardening<br />

A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />

to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />

work. Also spraying. Free<br />

quotes. Ph 03 312 0668 or<br />

<strong>02</strong>1 111 4322.<br />

Buying?<br />

Selling?<br />

Trade?<br />

Youcan<br />

find it<br />

all here<br />

in our<br />

classified<br />

section.<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda<br />

todaytosee<br />

howwecan<br />

help you<br />

with your<br />

advertising<br />

313 2840<br />

Public Notices<br />

Proposed Licence -PortRobinson<br />

Coastal Reserves<br />

Pursuant to Section 48A ofthe Reserves Act 1977,<br />

Council propose togrant aten-year licence with two<br />

rights of renewal of ten years plus anadditional right<br />

of renewal of 5years, to the Rural Connectivity Group<br />

Limited foratelecommunicationsfacility.<br />

The land is described as:<br />

•Port Robinson Coastal Reserves -Section 49 BLK<br />

XI Cheviot SD (NZGZ 1982 p2784) situated at45<br />

Cathedral Road, Port Robinson over part ofthe<br />

reserveanarea of approximately36m 2 .<br />

Acopy of the deed of licence and site plans are<br />

available online or for inspection at Hurunui District<br />

Council’s Amberley Office at 66 Carters Road and<br />

Cheviot Library &Service Centre at 39 Hall Street,<br />

Cheviot, during normal opening hours. Any person<br />

objecting or submitting tothis proposal can do so in<br />

writing nolater than 5pm on the 8October 2<strong>02</strong>1. To<br />

make asubmission or objection orto find out more<br />

about thisproposal pleasevisit<br />

www.hurunui.govt.nz-Have your say.<br />

Please direct any queries to Liz Atkins, Ph <strong>02</strong>7 733<br />

2237 or email at liz.atkins@hurunui.govt.nz<br />

2413716<br />

Notice of Annual General Meeting<br />

Notice is hereby given that the<br />

Annual General Meeting of<br />


is to be held at<br />

Takahanga Marae, Kaikoura<br />

On Saturday 25 th <strong>September</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

at 10.30am<br />

Subject to the covid alert levels this may change.<br />

However we will not advertiseagain but it will be rolled<br />

over to the third week of the following month.<br />

The business of such meetingshall be as follows;<br />

1. To receive, considerand approve the annual report<br />

of the Company.<br />

2. To receive, considerand approve the annual<br />

financial statements of the Company.<br />

3. To appoint an auditor for the ensuing year who<br />

shall audit the financial accounts of the Company.<br />

4. To consider such other business as may be<br />

accepted by amajorityofthe members present<br />

with power to vote at such meetings.<br />

Proxy votes will not be valid<br />

Darran Kerei-Keepa<br />

Director<br />

2413639<br />


MainPower New Zealand<br />

Limited Annual Meeting<br />

Due to the nationwide COVID-19<br />

lockdown,the Annual Meeting of<br />

MainPowerNew ZealandLimited<br />

(MainPower) will nowbeheldat<br />

172FernsideRoadat5:30p.m. on<br />

Thursday23<strong>September</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>1.<br />

The safetyofour staff andcommunity<br />

is ourpriority. If theregion’s lockdown<br />

status makesholding aphysical<br />

meeting impractical, theMainPower<br />

Boardmay determinetoholdthe<br />

meeting onlinebyaudio-visual<br />

or audio means. Notice of this<br />

determination will be published on the<br />

Company’s website by 5:00 p.m.on<br />

Tuesday 21 <strong>September</strong>2<strong>02</strong>1.<br />

0800 30 90 80 | mainpower.co.nz<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

School Bus DriversRequired<br />

Would youliketoearnextra income while still<br />

havingmostofyourday free and at the same<br />

time do your community aservice by helping to<br />

provide asafe,highstandardofschooltransport<br />

forour region’schildren.<br />

TorlesseTravelhas positions available forpart<br />

time busdriversinRangiora.<br />

If youhaveaClass 2license, aPassenger<br />

Endorsementand areinterestedindriving on a<br />

part timebasisthenthiscouldbefor you.<br />

Alternatively,ifyou areinterestedinbecoming<br />

abus driver,wecan provide assistance to help<br />

youachieve thecorrect licencing.<br />

If youare interested in this role or wishformore<br />

information, pleasecontact.<br />

manager@torlessetravel.co.nz<br />

Phone: <strong>02</strong>1 198 7358<br />

Trade Quotes Co-Ordinator<br />

and<br />

Sales &Rep Support<br />

Can you work hard and smart?<br />

Do you want to be part of asuccessfulteam?<br />

Do you know the difference between trade and retail?<br />

Can you “live” not just talk, excellent customer service?<br />

Can you help turn our customers and trade partners into<br />

advocates for our business?<br />

Do you want to be apartofagrowing business where you<br />

are valued, can make adifference and are important?<br />

Great, and do you have:<br />

•Experience with trade building supplies<br />

•Experience with residential building<br />

•Experience with quotations and pricing<br />

•The ability to read house plans, and make decisions<br />

from them<br />

•Experience with Microsoft excel, word &outlook<br />

•Exceptional organisational skills<br />

•Ability to problem solve<br />

•Strong people skills<br />

If so, please send us your CV as we are currently looking<br />

for suitable applicants for the position of Trade Quotes Co-<br />

Ordinator at McAlpines Mitre 10 Mega Rangiora.<br />

We offeragreat working environment in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />

with ongoing training and competitive remuneration.<br />

McAlpines have an active drug &alcohol policy in place,<br />

apre-employment drug test and medical will be required.<br />

If you think you can add value to our team please forward<br />

your application including an up to date CV to: Trade<br />

Quotes Co-Ordinator, McAlpines Mitre 10 MEGA, Private<br />

Bag 1003, Rangiora 7440 or email<br />

applications@mcalpines.co.nz<br />

2406993<br />

Public Notices<br />

Notice of Annual General Meeting<br />

Notice is hereby given that the<br />

Annual General Meeting of<br />


is to be held at<br />

Takahanga Marae<br />

7TakahangaTerrace, Kaikoura<br />

On Saturday 25 th <strong>September</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

at 11.30am<br />

Subject to the covidalert levels this may change.<br />

However we will not advertise again but it will be rolled<br />

over to the third week of the following month.<br />

There will be elections for two Pa Trustees<br />

MaaniStirling<br />

Chairperson<br />

2413641<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

ANY old cars, anything pre<br />

1990, unfinished Hot Rods,<br />

Classic Cars. Please call<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 258 8366.<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone <strong>02</strong>7 258<br />

8366.<br />

FALCONS &<br />


WANTED<br />

Suitable for<br />

dismantling or repairs<br />

Ph 313 7216<br />

2412522<br />

Pets<br />


for smaller dogs. We look<br />

after your dog in our home.<br />

"No kennels". Phone today<br />

03 314 6110.<br />


½PRICE -$25 for 10<br />

Plus - DOG BONES<br />

and more<br />

313 0<strong>02</strong>2<br />

241<strong>02</strong>74MEAT2U.NZ<br />

Livestock<br />

HOMEKILL & Wild<br />

Game meat processing. Ph<br />

313 0<strong>02</strong>2. www.meat2u.nz.<br />

Situations Wanted<br />

CAREGIVER available,<br />

wider Rangiora area. Thirteen<br />

years’ experience,<br />

specialist in Manual Handling<br />

and working with<br />

Spinal Bifida, Amputees<br />

and Full-care patients from<br />

teenage to age 60. Contact<br />

for details, referees and<br />

qualifications, phone on<br />

<strong>02</strong>1 596 167.<br />

Trade&Services<br />


PASSION! Local painter<br />

with 30 years of quality and<br />

integrity in all aspects of<br />

painting. Phone Mike on<br />

<strong>02</strong>1 0903 8546.<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

$$$<br />

Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />

Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />

machineryand farm clean<br />

ups, old vehicles etc.<br />

100% locally owned.<br />

Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 695 0480.<br />

2312759<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

reporter<br />

Balclutha – Clutha Leader<br />

Full-time<br />

Motorcycles<br />

SOUTH PACIFIC Motorcycle<br />

Services. Local family<br />

business since 2003. All<br />

types of service and repairs,<br />

all makes and models. Collection<br />

service available.<br />

Please phone 03 312 0066<br />

office@motorbiketours.co.nz<br />

www.motorbiketours.co.nz.<br />

Areyou areporterwith aclear eyeforthe facts,butcan<br />

also spinacolourfulyarn tellingthe storiesthatmatter<br />

to YOUR community?<br />

TheBalclutha team has anexcitingopportunityfor an<br />

ambitiousandadaptablereporter to join them at theClutha<br />

LeaderandOtago Daily Times office. Asamember of<br />

ourBalclutha newsroom youwillworkonwiderange of<br />

storiesandfeatures, coveringthe full gamut of hyper-local,<br />

communityandbreakingnews.<br />

AlliedPress Limited is the largest, independently-owned<br />

media companyinNew Zealand. Employing more than<br />

1100 staffandcontributors acrossits15South Island<br />

locations, the grouphas significantinterestsindigitaland<br />

print media, web, regionaltelevision andcommercial print<br />

operations.The Clutha Leader is publishedonce aweek<br />

anddelivered to 8,000 homes.<br />

Theideal candidate willbeaself-starter posessing:<br />

•Excellentwritingability withakeen interest in news and<br />

storytelling,bothinprint andonline.<br />

•Ahigh degree of personal responsibility and initiative.<br />

•The ability to progress multiple paralleltasksand meet<br />

regular deadlines<br />

•Photography,videoand socialmedia/web skills are<br />

valued.<br />

•Arelevant journalism qualification (orequivalent<br />

experience) wouldbeviewedfavourably.<br />

Aclean, full NZ drivinglicenceisessential.This full-time role<br />

includes rosteredeveningand weekend work shared within<br />

the team.<br />

Acopyofthe job description canbefound at<br />

alliedpress.co.nz/employment.Informal enquiriesaboutthe<br />

role arewelcomedand shouldbedirectedtoSouth Otago<br />

BureauChiefRichardDavison, at richard.davison@odt.co.nz.<br />

If youthink thisrole is foryou, please apply with acovering<br />

letterand CV by Friday, 10 <strong>September</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>1 eithervia SEEK<br />

or by emailingrecruitment@alliedpress.co.nz.<br />

Pleasenoteyou musthavethe right to workinNew<br />

Zealand to apply for thisrole. Disclaimer: AlliedPress is<br />

unable to provide sponsorshiporvisa supportatthis time.<br />


Trade&Services<br />

Log Fires<br />

Pellet Fires<br />

Heat Pumps<br />

Sales<br />

Service<br />

Installations<br />

Free Quotes<br />

03 343 1651<br />

472 Blenheim Rd<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />

Trade&Services<br />


Sew Good Services. For all<br />

your alterations, repairs,<br />

dressmaking, curtains.<br />

Phone 327 5535.<br />

KITCHEN,<br />

renovations,<br />

bathroom,<br />

decking,<br />


pergolas, fencing. Honest<br />

reliable licenced builders.<br />

Ph Don <strong>02</strong>7 727 9162.<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph <strong>02</strong>1<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />


cutting with quality and<br />

removal work. Free quotes.<br />

No job too small. Ph <strong>02</strong>7<br />

442 2219, Fax 03 359 6052<br />

or A/H 03 359 4605.<br />

Trade&Services<br />


arbour work, pruning, tree<br />

removal. Affordable &<br />

friendly service. Telephone<br />

<strong>02</strong>1 111 4322.<br />

qualified.<br />

Copper Beech Tree<br />

Services. Tree removal,<br />

pruning, height reduction,<br />

hedge trimming, shaping,<br />

tree planting, firewood.<br />

Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />

Edwards <strong>02</strong>7 259 6741<br />

copperbeechtreeservices@gmail.com<br />


Time to service your fire.<br />

Accumulation of soot seriously<br />

affects performance.<br />

Latest rotary brush technology.<br />

Free moisture check<br />

concrete on wood. Safety inspection.<br />

All work insured and guaranteed.<br />

From $70 single<br />

story. 0800 SWEEPME or<br />

<strong>02</strong>1 <strong>02</strong>77 1927. Visit<br />

www.sweepnz.co.nz.<br />

Trade&Services<br />


Reg Tradesman<br />

Interior,exterior.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Painters<br />

specialising in decorating for<br />

over 65 at adiscountrate.<br />

Free quotes.<br />

Covering Nth Canty,Oxford,<br />

Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Amberley.<br />

Rob 03 327 7899<br />

or <strong>02</strong>7 432 3520 2227597<br />


Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Contact Geoff at<br />

Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />

03 310 8541 or email<br />

geoff@maxval.co.nz.<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or <strong>02</strong>1 124 4894.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

PAINTER. Qualified local<br />

professional, Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban <strong>02</strong>7 846 5035.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />

RANGIORA Rubbish<br />

Removal and RRR skips.<br />

Wheelie bins any frequency<br />

and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />

9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />

bins for any use, rubbish,<br />

greenwaste, building sites<br />

or just cleanups. Give us a<br />

phone call 313 6957 or for<br />

skips <strong>02</strong>1 313 255.<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

25 + years experience.<br />

Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />

waterblasting. For a free<br />

quote, please ph Steve 03<br />

314 4620 or <strong>02</strong>7 477 1930.<br />

Trade&Services<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 <strong>02</strong>61 or email heather.<br />

norstar@gmail.com.<br />




Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />

horse, all types of animals.<br />

Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />

shelters, runs.<br />

30+ years contract fencing.<br />

Steve is available to help with<br />

your design &planning.<br />

Ph office03312 4747<br />

2091848<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant,<br />

exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or <strong>02</strong>7 654 4568.<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>1<br />

Trade&Services<br />


Forall your painting &<br />

plastering requirements<br />

Local with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone <strong>02</strong>1 344 <strong>02</strong>3<br />

2220615<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

<strong>02</strong>75 379-694<br />

2225862<br />

31<br />

Trade&Services<br />

SHEARER. Hap’sFarm &<br />

Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

health check. — Ph. 03-<br />

423-3713or<strong>02</strong>1-267-4<strong>02</strong>5.<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or <strong>02</strong>1 128 9867<br />

23620<strong>02</strong><br />

<strong>02</strong>7 216 0000<br />

Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

Guide<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Appliance Repairs<br />

Builder<br />

Builder<br />

Butchery<br />



F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />

Ariston,LG, Classique,Haier,<br />

Samsung andmore....<br />

“For best results be sure to useauthorised service”<br />


Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />

2332343v2<br />

• New Builds &Renovations<br />

• Light Commercial /Re-strengthening<br />

• Project Management<br />

• Bathrooms<br />

• Farm Buildings<br />

• House Lifting Re-piling<br />

• Shop Fit Outs<br />

2408831<br />

40+ years experience<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 222 5078<br />

markw.hills@xtra.co.nz<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 312 4709<br />


2227889v2<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />

Electrician<br />

Engineering<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

Daryl Power<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 230 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />

2273277<br />

2089195v2-4/4-S<br />

Allan Pethig<br />

For all your electrical needs. Residential &Commercial<br />

Phone 03 313 7144<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 432 1534<br />

Fax 03 313 2144<br />

rgrantelectrical@gmail.com<br />

PO Box 69, Rangiora<br />

2269236<br />

For your Engineering needs<br />

187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5246 |<strong>02</strong>7 495 2821<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />

YOU<br />

COULD<br />

BE<br />

HERE<br />

Advertise<br />

your business<br />

in our Trades<br />

and Services<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

on<br />

03 313 2840<br />

Glass &Windscreens<br />



Landscaping<br />

For all your landscaping needs<br />

All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />

Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />

and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />

Phone Jeremy <strong>02</strong>1 169 9394<br />

www.blackhill.co.nz<br />

www.facebook.com/blackhillltd<br />

2372616v2<br />

Scrap Metal<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike<strong>02</strong>74 818544 •Robbie <strong>02</strong>74818 <strong>02</strong>7<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

19<strong>02</strong>273<br />

CAP 65<br />

CAP 40<br />

CAP 20<br />

Shingle<br />


Quarry Prices<br />


from $40 per cube<br />

from $23 per cube<br />

from $25 per cube<br />

from $30 per cube<br />

all +gst<br />

Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />

house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />


Ph: KEN <strong>02</strong>7 201 33<strong>02</strong><br />

Email: stress@xtra.co.nz<br />

2009594<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz

RangioraToyota<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

2017 Corolla GX Hatch<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto<br />

•Bluetooth, Camera<br />

•Cruise Control, 37,100km<br />

$<br />

22,995<br />

2013Toyota Prius C<br />

•1.5LHybrid Petrol, Alloys<br />

•Camera, Satnav<br />

•69,100kms<br />

2015Yaris GX Hatch<br />

•1.3LPetrol5-speed manual<br />

$ •Camera, Bluetooh<br />

14,995 $<br />

10,995<br />

•NZ-new<br />

2019 Corolla ZR Hybrid<br />

•1.8L Hybrid Petrol Auto, ElectricBlue<br />

•18” Alloys, Toyota SafetySense,Leather/Suede Interior<br />

•Heads Up Display,Only 35,600km<br />

$<br />

37,995<br />

2015Corolla GX Hatch<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto,<br />

•Rear Camera &Sensors<br />

•62,000km<br />

$<br />

18,995<br />

2015Toyota Ractis<br />

•1.3LPetrolAuto<br />

•45,550km<br />

NOW<br />

•CD/AUX/USB Connectivity<br />

2014 TOYOTA SPADE<br />

WAS$15,995<br />

•1.5Lpetrolauto,<br />

• 4-door/ left side door<br />

•Climate, 5-seater<br />

$<br />

14,995<br />

$<br />

13,995<br />

2016 Corolla GX Sedan<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto,<br />

•Camera ,Bluetooth<br />

•4.5-Star Safety<br />

$<br />

19,995<br />

2011 Toyota Sai<br />

•2.4LHybridPetrol, Auto<br />

•Camera,Keyless NOW<br />

•43,300km<br />

2010 Toyota SaiG<br />

WAS$15,995 •2.4LHybridPetrol, Auto<br />

•Camera, Cruise Control NOW<br />

•Alloys, 62,550km<br />

$<br />

12,995<br />

WAS$15,995<br />

$<br />

12,995<br />

2011 HyundaiElantra Elite<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•Leather,Sunroof<br />

•Camera<br />

$<br />

12,995<br />

2014 Toyota Corolla GX<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto,<br />

•NZNew,Bluetooth,<br />

•Cruise Control<br />

$<br />

13,995<br />

2016 Corolla GX Sedan<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Bluetooth<br />

•ReverseCamera&Sensors<br />

•60,000kms<br />

$<br />

19,995<br />

2<strong>02</strong>1 CorollaSXHatch<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Satnav<br />

•SafetySense,5-star<br />

•Only 350km<br />

$<br />

33,995<br />

2019 CorollaGXHatch<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto<br />

•Satnav ,Radar Cruise<br />

•Only 23,500km<br />

$ 26,995 36,995<br />

2011 Toyota Avensis Wagon<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto,<br />

•Alloys, Camera<br />

•Bluetooth, Keyless<br />

$<br />

14,995<br />

2018 Corolla GX Hatch<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•Satnav,Bluetooth,Camera<br />

•78,850kms<br />

$<br />

22,995<br />

2014 CamryGLSedan<br />

•2.5LPetrolAuto<br />

•Cruise Control, Bluetooth<br />

• 7 Airbags<br />

$<br />

12,995<br />

2011 Toyota Wish Z<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, 6-Seater<br />

•Sunroof,Alloys, Camera<br />

•82,300kms<br />

WAS$15,995<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

2012CamryGLSedan<br />

•2.5LPetrolAuto<br />

2009 Toyota Wish Z<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, 6-seater<br />

•Alloys, Keyless NOW<br />

•88,500km<br />

NOW $ •CD&USB Connectivity<br />

14,995<br />

$<br />

13,995<br />

$<br />

13,995<br />

•Bluetooth<br />

WAS$14,995<br />

2010 Mitsubishi Lancer VRX<br />

•2.4LPetrolAuto<br />

•Alloys, Leather<br />

•80,750kms<br />

$<br />

12,995<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

S<br />

2016 HiluxSR5 4x4<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />

•Sat Nav<br />

•Cruise &ClimateControl<br />

$<br />

46,995<br />

2017 LandCruiser PradoVX<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Leather<br />

•NZ-new,Sat Nav<br />

•Only 43,500km<br />

$<br />

71,995<br />

2019 Peugeot 3008 Active<br />

•1.6L TurboPetrolAuto<br />

•Satnav,5-StarSafety<br />

• Only 21,300km<br />

$<br />

36,995<br />

2007 Toyota Rav4<br />

•2.4LPetrolAutoAWD<br />

•Satnav, Camera<br />

•Cruise Control<br />

$<br />

15,995<br />

2018 Toyota Rav4 GXL<br />

•2.5LPetrolAWD,SafetySense<br />

•Camera, Keyless<br />

•69,600kms<br />

$<br />

34,995<br />

2013Toyota AlphardSC<br />

•2.4LPetrolAuto, 7-Seater<br />

•DualElectricDoors<br />

•25,250kms<br />

2019 Nissan Navara ST 4WD<br />

2018 Nissan Navara RX4x4<br />

•2.3LTurbo Diesel Manual<br />

•Alloys, Bluetooth<br />

•Only 58,100kms<br />

2017 HiluxSRPreRunner<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />

•Alloys, Camera<br />

•Only 60,050kms<br />

2016 Toyota HiluxSR5 Ltd<br />

•2.8L turbodieselauto<br />

•2WD,alloys,leather<br />

•Satnav,hardlid<br />

•2.3LTurbo Diesel Manual<br />

$<br />

36,995 •Camera, Satnav $<br />

44,995<br />

$<br />

41,995<br />

$ $<br />

•61,000kms<br />

71,995<br />

42,995<br />

Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 313-8186any time • www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

2404201<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />


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