WWBA September 2021 Newsletter
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Westchester Women’s Bar Association<br />
SEPTEMBER <strong>2021</strong><br />
<strong>WWBA</strong><br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Celebrates its Second<br />
Virtual Installation of Officers<br />
Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith<br />
O<br />
n Wednesday, June 9, <strong>2021</strong>, <strong>WWBA</strong> installed its officers for the <strong>2021</strong>-22 year,<br />
and for the second year in a row the pervasiveness of COVID-19 forced the<br />
proceedings to be remote. Despite not being together in person, the participants<br />
used the opportunity to celebrate both <strong>WWBA</strong> and each other. Incoming President-<br />
Elect Elizabeth Marcus chaired the evening with true panache!<br />
Immediate Past President Lisa Margaret Smith commended <strong>WWBA</strong>’s members for participating<br />
in her goal for <strong>WWBA</strong> to Give Back to the community during this past year. She<br />
also instituted the first ever <strong>WWBA</strong> President’s Award, to be given to a <strong>WWBA</strong> member<br />
who, in the opinion of the outgoing President, has devoted extraordinary service and<br />
devotion to the work of <strong>WWBA</strong>. The award-a crystal bowl-was delivered in person to<br />
Janeen Thomas a few days after the installation.<br />
The keynote speaker was the Honorable Alexandra D. Murphy, recently elected Justice<br />
of the New York Supreme Court in the 9th Judicial District. Justice Murphy is a longtime<br />
member of the <strong>WWBA</strong>. She spoke compellingly of the pressures exerted by the<br />
pandemic on everyone, including members of the bar, both experienced attorneys and in<br />
particular brand new attorneys. She encouraged all of those in the <strong>WWBA</strong> to serve as<br />
mentors for new attorneys, and to push forward with gender equality in the legal profession.<br />
She encouraged <strong>WWBA</strong> to “double down” on its goals as an organization and as<br />
individuals, particularly to advance the status of women in the legal profession.<br />
The incoming officers and directors who were sworn in by Justice Murphy during the<br />
event included not just Amanda Fried as President and Elizabeth Marcus as President-<br />
SEPTEMBER <strong>2021</strong><br />
Grants for Greater Good<br />
(page 4)<br />
An Interview with<br />
Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith<br />
(page 5)<br />
Wellness Committee<br />
Breathes Deeply and<br />
Ventures Out<br />
(page 6 )<br />
Upcoming Events<br />
(page 10)<br />
<strong>September</strong> 9, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />
news<br />
www.wwbany.org<br />
continued on page 3 ➥<br />
<strong>September</strong> 19, <strong>2021</strong><br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> GENERAL<br />
<strong>September</strong> 22, <strong>2021</strong><br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> BOOK CLUB<br />
<strong>September</strong> 30, <strong>2021</strong><br />
I am not known<br />
for being spontaneous<br />
(even the word<br />
makes me shiver), so<br />
in preparing for my<br />
first President’s message,<br />
I re-read past<br />
<strong>September</strong> messages<br />
for inspiration.<br />
Amanda C. Fried<br />
Lisa Denig, who<br />
is goal-oriented and<br />
driven, shared with us her three goals<br />
for her Presidency: social media, community<br />
service, and social events. Susan<br />
Colson, who thinks globally and acts<br />
locally, focused on the initiatives of<br />
WBASNY and the benefits of a <strong>WWBA</strong><br />
membership. Angela Morcone Giannini,<br />
who is the living embodiment of catching<br />
bees with honey, spoke about collaboration<br />
and gratitude. Robin Carton<br />
(a/k/a Mom), who always strives to shine<br />
the spotlight on others, wrote about the<br />
incredible accomplishments of the various<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Committees.<br />
I’ll admit, this research project led<br />
to a bit of an existential crisis. Who am<br />
I and what do I stand for? Yes, I then<br />
went down the rabbit hole of Hamilton<br />
lyrics and starting singing “If you stand<br />
for nothing, Burr, what’ll you fall for?”<br />
But I digress.<br />
My mother is known for having<br />
trouble saying the word “No,” and although<br />
“no” was apparently my first<br />
word, my favorite word is “why.” If we<br />
have learned anything from this past<br />
year, it has been that past practices are<br />
not always best practices, and that success<br />
requires adaptation and flexibility.<br />
Encouraging each of us to ask “why”–<br />
continued on page 9 ➥<br />
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The Westchester Women’s Bar Association is a Chapter of the Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York
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<strong>WWBA</strong> Member <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />
SEPTEMBER <strong>2021</strong><br />
Published Monthly by the<br />
Westchester Women’s<br />
Bar Association, a Chapter of<br />
the Women’s Bar Association<br />
of the State of New York<br />
~ <strong>2021</strong>/2022 Officers and Directors ~<br />
President AMANDA C. FRIED<br />
President-Elect ELIZABETH Z. MARCUS<br />
Vice Presidents<br />
Treasurer<br />
Corresponding Secretary JILL OZIEMBLEWSKI<br />
Immediate Past ast President<br />
Elected Directors Westchester Board<br />
State Directors Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York<br />
Executive Director ELISABETH CAMPOS<br />
© Copyright <strong>2021</strong> Westchester Women’s Bar Association. All rights reserved.<br />
The opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) only and do not reflect the official position of the Association.<br />
Editor-in-Chief: Jill Oziemblewski • Designed and Printed by IPM Media Group, Inc. (516) 809-0501<br />
<strong>2021</strong>-2022 <strong>WWBA</strong> Committee Chairs<br />
S T A N D I N G C O M M I T T E E S<br />
By-Laws ............................................................................... Kim Berg<br />
Corporate & Commercial ................ Lisa M. Bluestein, Virginia Trunkes<br />
Criminal Law ................. Elizabeth Gazay, Amy Puerto, Christine Paska<br />
Families, Children & the Courts ........... Joy S. Joseph, Lauren Morrissey<br />
Amanda Rieben<br />
Grievance/Ethics ................................................... Deborah A. Scalise<br />
Judicial Screening ........... Hon. Sandra A. Forster, Kimberly C. Sheehan<br />
Judiciary ........................................................ Hon. Linda S. Jamieson<br />
Lawyering & Parenting .......................... Joelle M. Burton, Jennifer Gray<br />
Legislation .................. Natanya L. Briendel, Angela Morcone Giannini<br />
Matrimonial ...... Robin D. Carton, Andrea Friedman, Jennifer Jackman<br />
Annual Dinner ............................................. Robin D. Carton, Amanda Fried<br />
Jennifer L. Gray, Jennifer Johnson<br />
Annual Dinner Souvenir Journal ..................................... Andrea B. Friedman<br />
Appellate Practice .......... Lisa M. Denig, Hon. Sondra M. Miller, Heather Gushue<br />
Archive & Historian .............................................................. Susan L. Pollet<br />
Awards ....................................... Elizabeth Barnhard, Deborah Farber-Kaiser<br />
Bankruptcy ............................. Wendy Marie Weathers, Susan Mills Richmond<br />
Breast Cancer Awareness ........... Adrienne J. Orbach, Hon. Sandra A. Forster<br />
Collaborative Law ........ Kathleen Donelli, Hon. Sondra M. Miller, Lynn J. Maier<br />
Community Outreach .............. Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith, Deborah A. Scalise<br />
Construction Law ................................................................... Aisling Brady<br />
Continuing Legal Education ................................................ Ann M. McNulty<br />
Cyber Law ....................................................................................... TBD<br />
Diversity and Inclusion ........................ Jacqueline Hattar, Stephanie Melowsky,<br />
Janeen Thomas<br />
Domestic Violence ....................... Marian Genio, Beth Levy, Stacey Neumann<br />
Education .................. Allison Morris, Julie P. Passman, , Susan Mills Richmond<br />
Elder, Health Law & Reproductive Rights ....................... Elizabeth A. Cumming,<br />
Moira Laidlaw<br />
Employment Law ........................................................ Kim Berg, Sara Kula<br />
Environmental & Land Use ........................ Lucia Chiocchio, Jennifer L. Gray,<br />
Katherine Zalantis<br />
Gender Dynamics ............................................................................ TBD<br />
Holiday Party and Boutique ............. Jennifer Netrosio-Johnson, Jessica Piperis<br />
Immigration .................. Karin Anderson, Elizabeth Mastropolo, Mayha Ghouri<br />
Insurance ........................................... Michelle Kolodny, Julie A. Mickiewicz<br />
Intellectual Property ............................ Elizabeth M. Barnhard, Theresa Nugent<br />
Judgment Enforcement & Collections ..... Daniel F. Florio, Jr., Michael Giannini<br />
Litigation .................. Angela Giannini, Jacqueline Hattar, Rebecca McCloskey<br />
A D H O C C O M M I T T E E S<br />
Membership ............................................ Sherry Bishko, Marian Genio<br />
Networking ........................................ Jennifer Netrosio, Jessica Piperis<br />
New Lawyers ............................................ Katie Wendle, Aisha Scholes<br />
Professional Development .. Susan Edwards Colson, Stephanie Melowsky<br />
Programs .......................................... Natanya L. Briendel, Amy Puerto<br />
Public Relations ............................................................ Lisa M. Denig<br />
Real Property ....... Anne R. Aicher, Allyson Lanahan, Robbin E. Sweeney<br />
Sponsorship .............................. Susan Colson, Deborah Farber-Kaiser,<br />
Meredith Kenyon<br />
Taxation ........................................................... Patricia Rusch Bellucci<br />
Trusts & Estates ........... Nancy J. Rudolph, Karen J. Walsh, Lonya Gilbert<br />
Long Range Planning ..................................... Lisa M. Denig, Linda Markowitz<br />
Mediation ..................... Hon. Sondra M. Miller, Abby Rosmarin, Lisa M. Denig<br />
Mentor ......................................... Kim Berg, Sherry Bishko, Christine Paska<br />
Past Presidents ...... Angela Giannini, Deborah Scalise, Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith<br />
Practice Management ............................................... Wendy Marie Weathers<br />
Pro Bono ................................................... Marian Genio, Natalie Sobchak<br />
Social Media ................................................................................... TBD<br />
Technology/Website ................................. Donna E. Frosco, Theresa Nugent<br />
Wellness ........................................ Jennifer Netrosio, Susan Mills Richmond<br />
Women in Leadership ........................................................................ TBD<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong><br />
Representatives<br />
Network of Bar Leaders ............................ Angela Morcone Giannini, Robin Carton<br />
Pace Board of Visitors .............................................................................. Lisa Denig<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Foundation President ........................................................... Susan S. Brown<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Representative Director to the WCBA Board .............................. Jennifer Gray<br />
WBASNY Judicial Screening Committee ........... Lisa M. Bluestein, Gail M. Boggio<br />
WBASNY Nominations Committee .............. Lisa M. Bluestein, Gail M. Boggio (Alt.)<br />
WBASNY Awards Committee ............................................................ Deborah Scalise<br />
WBASNY Health Law/Reproductive Rights Committee ........................... Shari Gordin<br />
WBASNY Fundraising Committee .................................................. Andrea Friedman<br />
WBASNY ERA/Women’s Civil Rights Committee ..... Kim Berg, Susan Mills Richmond<br />
WBASNY Labor and Employment Law ....................................................... Kim Berg<br />
WBASNY Legislation Committee .................................................... Natanya Briendel<br />
WBASNY LGBTQ+ Committee ...................................................... Adrienne Orbach<br />
WBASNY Domestic Violence Committee .............................. Susan Pollet, Alayne Katz<br />
WBASNY Press and Public Relations ................................ Angela Morcone Giannini<br />
WBASNY Children’s Rights ................................................................................ TBD<br />
WBASNY Long-Range Planning ..................................................... Linda Markowitz<br />
WBASNY Professional Ethics, Discipline and Practice Committee ........................ TBD<br />
WBASNY Diversity Committee ........................................................... Janeen Thomas<br />
9th Judicial District Representative ..................... Lisa Margaret Smith, Amanda Fried<br />
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Westchester Women’s Bar Association News
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<strong>WWBA</strong> Virtual<br />
Installation of Officers<br />
from page 1<br />
Elect, but also Vice Presidents Natanya L.<br />
Briendel, Jennifer L. Gray, and Julie P.<br />
Passman, Treasurer Deborah Farber-Kaiser,<br />
Corresponding Secretary Jill<br />
Oziemblewski, and Recording Secretary<br />
Amanda Rieben. Incoming State Directors<br />
sworn in included Lucia Chiocchio,<br />
Jacqueline Hattar, Ann McNulty, Susan<br />
Mills Richmond, Angela Morcone Giannini,<br />
Adrienne Orbach, and Janeen Thomas. Incoming<br />
Local Directors included Kim Berg,<br />
Robin D. Carton, Lisa M. Denig, Annette<br />
Hasapidis, and Alison Sloto.<br />
Incoming President Amanda Fried used<br />
the opportunity to make remarks about her<br />
own vision for <strong>WWBA</strong>’s future, basing her<br />
desire for new ways to engage in <strong>WWBA</strong>,<br />
stemming from all the ways <strong>WWBA</strong> has gone<br />
forward during this past year – events and<br />
CLEs via Zoom, social gatherings, including<br />
the “Annual Dinner” via alternative<br />
webcasting sites, and other creative ways of<br />
being together. She focused on the need<br />
for <strong>WWBA</strong> to increase its membership, highlighting<br />
how <strong>WWBA</strong> provides a place for<br />
all to belong. She concluded her remarks<br />
with the commitment to seeing <strong>WWBA</strong> move<br />
forward with hope, compassion, new ideas,<br />
and, now and then, a little bit of fun.<br />
The <strong>WWBA</strong> Foundation used the event<br />
to present the Justice Sondra Miller Scholarship<br />
to Gabriela Taverez, and a new scholarship,<br />
the <strong>WWBA</strong> Foundation’s Board<br />
Scholarship, to Megan Farrell.<br />
Dawn Reid-Green, the new President<br />
of WBASNY, capped off the event with remarks,<br />
greeting and congratulating everyone<br />
on behalf of the officers of WBASNY.<br />
She expressed confidence in the leadership<br />
of Amanda Fried, as <strong>WWBA</strong> moves forward<br />
into a post-COVID existence. She identified<br />
the WBASNY theme for the upcoming<br />
year as “Empowered Women Empowering<br />
Women,” focusing on thematic programming<br />
to support mentoring, career support,<br />
and wellness. President Reid-Green encouraged<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> to include those themes in its<br />
presentations in the upcoming year.<br />
To engage the audience further, a trivia<br />
challenge took place over the course of the<br />
evening. Anyone who missed the evening’s<br />
events, as well as the trivia contest, can see<br />
it here: Westchester Women’s Bar Association<br />
(totalwebcasting.com). ◗<br />
Editor’s Note<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />
“Every life has its kernel, its hub, its epicentre, from which everything flows<br />
out, to which everything returns.” ~ Maggie O’Farrell (from “Hamnet”)<br />
Making Dates and Getting Published<br />
❑ Deadline for newsletter submissions is the 10th of the month prior to publication (submissions<br />
received after the deadline are subject to the discretion of the editor).<br />
❑ Send submissions as email attachments to Jill Oziemblewski at jill_oziemblewski@yahoo.com.<br />
❑ Articles should be 1,000 words or fewer. Remove all pagination, headers, footers or other<br />
formatting, other than bold, underline or italics. Authors are encouraged to submit photographs<br />
for publication with their submissions and include a short biographical statement with<br />
their submissions.<br />
❑ Materials submitted allow the <strong>WWBA</strong> a limited copyright and full permission to reprint the<br />
material in any <strong>WWBA</strong> publication or on its website without additional consent.<br />
❑ Photographs must be high-resolution (150 dpi or more) and the subject and all persons in<br />
each photograph must be fully identified.<br />
❑ First visit the <strong>WWBA</strong> website: www.wwbany.org and click on the calendar at the home page to<br />
view scheduled programs. Conflicts in scheduling will be assessed on a case by case basis, with<br />
priority for early submissions.<br />
❑ Contact Jill Oziemblewski at jill_oziemblewski@yahoo.com to schedule a <strong>WWBA</strong> sponsored<br />
or co-sponsored program, including committee meetings, CLE programs, etc.<br />
❑ Once you have reserved the date with Jill Oziemblewski, proceed with planning your program<br />
and creating your flyer.<br />
❑ Flyers must be approved by the Programs Committee. In advance of the 10th of the month,<br />
please send your flyer to the Program Committee Co-chairs for review and copy the Executive<br />
Director. Once approved, please send your final flyer to the Executive Director, Elisabeth Campos<br />
and the President for publication on the website calendar and the newsletter calendar. The<br />
final flyer will also be emailed to the membership.<br />
❑ We will also consider publicizing programs from outside organizations that may be of interest<br />
to our members.<br />
❑ Post-event: You may report on the success of your program and provide photographs of the<br />
speakers and participants that can be included in an upcoming newsletter. Send your submission<br />
to Jennifer Robinson, following the guidelines above.<br />
A d v e r t i s i n g R a t e s<br />
Full Page Display Ad<br />
5-10 Issues - $525.00 per issue<br />
1-4 Issues - $575.00 per issue<br />
Half Page Display Ad<br />
5-10 Issues - $275.00 per issue<br />
1-4 Issues - $300.00 per issue<br />
Contacts<br />
Jill Oziemblewski, Corresponding Secretary and <strong>Newsletter</strong> Editor-in-Chief: jill_oziemblewski@yahoo.com<br />
Natanya L. Briendel, Programs Committee Co-Chair: tanyabriendel@gmail.com<br />
Amy Puerto, Programs Committee Co-Chair: amy.puerto@yahoo.com<br />
Amanda C. Fried, President: president@wwbany.org<br />
Ann M. McNulty, CLE Chair: ann.m.mcnulty@morganstanley.com<br />
Elisabeth Campos, Executive Director: executivedirector@wwbany.org<br />
Quarter Page Display Ad<br />
5-10 Issues - $165.00 per issue<br />
1-4 Issues - $180.00 per issue<br />
Business Card Ad<br />
5-10 Issues - $60.00 per issue<br />
1-4 Issues - $75.00 per issue<br />
Classified – office space, furniture/equipment, employment & situation wanted (up to 5 lines)<br />
Members - $50.00 first issue; $25.00 each succeeding issue; Non-Members - $75.00 per issue<br />
Back Cover (3/4 page)<br />
5-10 Issues - $650.00 per issue; 1-4 Issues - $700.00 per issue<br />
Deadline for all ads is the 10th of the month prior to publication. Ads are subject to space limitations.<br />
Contact Jill Oziemblewski at jill_oziemblewski@yahoo.com for any questions regarding advertising.<br />
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The <strong>WWBA</strong> Foundation –<br />
Giving Grants for the Greater Good!<br />
Susan S. Brown<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Foundation President<br />
Our Foundation has always been<br />
a source of great <strong>WWBA</strong> pride! My<br />
grateful thanks to the dedicated<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong>F Board and the <strong>WWBA</strong> members<br />
whose generous support, over<br />
more than twenty years, make it possible<br />
for the Foundation to provide<br />
consistent support to the local non-profits<br />
that align with the <strong>WWBA</strong>F mission<br />
“…to eliminate gender bias and promote<br />
the fair and equal treatment of<br />
all people in society, the workplace,<br />
schools and court system.”<br />
In <strong>2021</strong>, in addition to our scholarship<br />
awards, the <strong>WWBA</strong> Foundation<br />
made grants to the following fourteen<br />
non-profits:<br />
Caring for the Homeless & Hun-<br />
gry of Peekskill<br />
(“RISE” [Rehousing<br />
in Supportive Environments] partnership<br />
with My Sisters Place);<br />
FamilyKind (divorced and separated<br />
parent education); Furniture<br />
Sharehouse (furnishings for re-housing<br />
victims of domestic violence and<br />
disaster); Girls Rule the Law<br />
aw, , Inc.<br />
(“Strength Has No Gender” stay-inschool<br />
support for girls interested in<br />
legal education); Hope’s Door (partnership<br />
with Westchester County Domestic<br />
Violence High Risk Team);<br />
Hudson Link for Higher Educa-<br />
tion in Prison (Associate Degree credits<br />
for women incarcerated at Taconic<br />
Correctional Facility); Legal Services<br />
of the Hudson Valley<br />
(Housing Stability<br />
Project); Mental Health Asso-<br />
ciation of Westchester<br />
(CASA [Court<br />
Appointed Special Advocate] for children<br />
in Foster care); My Sisters’<br />
Place in memory of former <strong>WWBA</strong><br />
Executive Director Linda Surace<br />
(legal services for victims of Domestic<br />
Violence and Human Trafficking); Pace<br />
ace<br />
Women<br />
omen’s ’s Justice Center in<br />
continued on page 7 ➥<br />
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Christopher L. Mangold, PLLC<br />
Court Street Abstract, Inc.<br />
Dalco Reporting, Inc.<br />
Margaret<br />
Neubart<br />
Foundation<br />
Promoting equality in the<br />
workplace, schools and courts<br />
www.wwbany.org/foundation<br />
Honorable<br />
Sondra M.<br />
Miller<br />
Walsh & Amicucci, LLP<br />
Welby, Brady &<br />
Greenblatt, LLC<br />
Vouté, Lohrfink, McAndrew,<br />
Meisner & Roberts, LLP<br />
The <strong>WWBA</strong> Foundation thanks its Mocktail sponsors<br />
for their generous contributions to our most<br />
successful fundraiser!<br />
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Michael Henderson, Senior Managing Director<br />
Anthony Forgione, Managing Director<br />
Moira Kiernan, Managing Director<br />
Luis Rivera, Associate Managing Director<br />
To learn about Sterling’s full suite<br />
of services, visit snb.com.<br />
Member<br />
FDIC<br />
Jamie O’Connell<br />
Wealth Director<br />
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White Plains, NY 10604<br />
T 914 299 3050 F 955 498 2839<br />
jamie.o’connell@bnymellon.com<br />
www.bnymellonwealth.com<br />
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Westchester Women’s Bar Association News
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An Interview with the Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith<br />
Susan L. Pollet<br />
Chair of the Archive and<br />
Historian Committee<br />
Q: You presided over the<br />
most difficult year in <strong>WWBA</strong><br />
history. What was the<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> able to accomplish<br />
during the “pandemic year”<br />
of your Presidency?<br />
A: When the year came to a<br />
close and I counted out how<br />
many programs we had presented,<br />
I was amazed to see<br />
that our programs totaled 50!<br />
That number did not include<br />
various public interest efforts,<br />
such as the voter registration<br />
drive, helping at the Food<br />
Pantry in Elmsford, collecting<br />
pet food for a shelter, and<br />
various wellness efforts such<br />
as a spin class, yoga, and<br />
other things. I am extremely<br />
proud of all the work that so<br />
many members put in to<br />
keep the organization running<br />
in its usual efficient<br />
manner.<br />
Q: What were the biggest<br />
challenges the organization<br />
faced during your tenure?<br />
A: Every organization started<br />
off the year 2020 a bit stymied<br />
by the limitations placed<br />
on all of us as a result of the<br />
pandemic, and <strong>WWBA</strong> was<br />
no exception. All of our members<br />
and presenters had to<br />
be coached on the use of<br />
technology, especially at the<br />
start of the year, but it was<br />
no surprise to me that they<br />
caught on quickly. Our extraordinary<br />
Executive Director,<br />
Elisabeth Campos, became<br />
adept at guiding committee<br />
chairs and panelists<br />
through the morass of computer<br />
presentations, and she<br />
is largely responsible for our<br />
success in that regard. The<br />
other major challenge is the<br />
“I was extremely proud to have<br />
served as a public servant in all<br />
of my legal jobs; representing the<br />
citizenry is a very high calling, and<br />
I was delighted to do so, to the<br />
best of my ability. My service as a<br />
Magistrate Judge for more than<br />
two decades leaves me with a<br />
sense of pride like no other.”<br />
challenge that faces all bar associations<br />
in this day and age,<br />
which is membership. Those of<br />
us who are members understand<br />
that we gain tremendous<br />
value from our <strong>WWBA</strong> membership,<br />
but it is often difficult<br />
to explain the value to new recruits.<br />
We did lose members<br />
this year, also due to the economic<br />
downturn. It is my hope<br />
that as the world opens up, and<br />
people are able to gather, that<br />
our membership numbers will<br />
rebound.<br />
Q: What were the highlights,<br />
from your perspective, of your<br />
Presidency?<br />
A: The highlights of my Presidency<br />
are all based on the extraordinary<br />
work of our leadership,<br />
from Officers, members of<br />
the Executive Committee, Directors,<br />
Committee Chairs, and<br />
other volunteers. These amazing<br />
people came forward with<br />
ideas for programs, some of<br />
which were directly related to<br />
the pandemic and its consequences,<br />
issues which had<br />
never been presented before.<br />
The creativity and energy of<br />
these amazing people served to<br />
lead us forward in a year like<br />
no other. I am extremely proud<br />
of the entire leadership team for<br />
this past year.<br />
Q: What were the obstacles<br />
that our members faced during<br />
this pandemic year, and<br />
how did the <strong>WWBA</strong> try to help?<br />
A: The effects of the economic<br />
downturn were a huge problem<br />
for many of our members.<br />
When asked, <strong>WWBA</strong> provided<br />
reduced rate membership to try<br />
to accommodate those who<br />
had suffered the most economically.<br />
Q: As a result of the pandemic,<br />
do you think that there will be<br />
any permanent changes to the<br />
way the <strong>WWBA</strong> does business<br />
going forward?<br />
A: I definitely believe that the<br />
use of technology to allow us<br />
both to present programs and<br />
to view those programs will be<br />
a benefit going forward. Not<br />
every program should be presented<br />
remotely, but many<br />
could and should be. The technological<br />
changes also mean<br />
that we can present programs<br />
from panelists in many different<br />
places, rather than limiting<br />
ourselves to local presenters. It<br />
also opens the possibility of<br />
viewing programs from other<br />
WBASNY Chapters around the<br />
State, giving everyone more<br />
choices.<br />
Q: Please tell our members<br />
Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith<br />
about your career, and<br />
which accomplishments you<br />
are most proud of.<br />
A: I attended Duke University<br />
School of Law in the late<br />
70s, graduating in the spring<br />
of 1980. I will share with our<br />
student members that despite<br />
all my best efforts, I had exactly<br />
one job offer upon<br />
graduation, so I took it, starting<br />
as an Assistant District<br />
Attorney in Kings County in<br />
the fall of 1980. Although I<br />
had some bumps along the<br />
way, I ended up in the Appeals<br />
Bureau under the guidance<br />
of Deputy Bureau<br />
Chiefs Peter Weinstein and<br />
Roseann MacKechnie, and<br />
Bureau Chief Barbara<br />
Underwood. I credit those<br />
three with guiding me to hone<br />
my legal argument and legal<br />
writing skills; those skills<br />
have supported me in every<br />
job I have had since then.<br />
After five years I moved to<br />
Albany, where I took a position<br />
as an Assistant Attorney<br />
General in the New York State<br />
Department of Law (a/k/a Attorney<br />
General’s Office), in<br />
the Appeals and Opinions<br />
Division. I was very proud<br />
during my year in Albany to<br />
continued on page 7 ➥<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />
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Westchester Women’s Bar Committee Activities<br />
Wellness Committee Breathes Deeply and Ventures Out<br />
Susan Mills Richmond<br />
Jennifer Netrosio Johnson<br />
Co-Chairs, Wellness Committee<br />
On June 24 and July 15,<br />
<strong>2021</strong>, the Westchester<br />
Women’s Bar Association<br />
Wellness Committee held<br />
healthful and fun events, the<br />
first a Wellness Bike/Walk on<br />
the North County Trailway in<br />
Elmsford, and the second a<br />
Nature Walk and Meditation<br />
at the Rockefeller State Park<br />
Preserve in Pleasantville.<br />
In the lovely Rockefeller<br />
Preserve, Jennifer Netrosio<br />
Johnson led a small and enthusiastic<br />
group on a very<br />
warm evening, where we enjoyed<br />
not only the beauty of<br />
the natural and bucolic setting,<br />
but also some exercise and the<br />
wellness benefit of a guided<br />
meditation in a clearing by a<br />
giant glacial erratic. Surrounded<br />
by the relaxing<br />
sounds of nature, and the<br />
The Ninth Judicial District Committee<br />
to Promote Gender Fairness in the<br />
Courts recognized the winners of its Annual<br />
High School Essay Contest in a virtual<br />
ceremony held on June 15, <strong>2021</strong>, in<br />
celebration of Women’s History Month.<br />
Supreme Court Justices Terry Jane<br />
Ruderman, Chair of the Committee, and<br />
Charles D. Wood, Co-Chair of the Essay<br />
Contest Sub-Committee, presented the<br />
awards. The generosity of various professional<br />
organizations and bar associations,<br />
including the <strong>WWBA</strong>, enabled the<br />
committee to award cash prizes to the students.<br />
The essay topics were:<br />
Has COVID-19 had a disparate impact<br />
in the workplace based on<br />
gender? Please discuss.<br />
quiet whir of highway not too<br />
far off (which we aimed not to<br />
recognize as the sound of<br />
highway), Jennifer led us<br />
through a series of sensory experiences,<br />
resulting in the<br />
opening of our awareness,<br />
and an invitation for peace.<br />
The Wellness Committee is<br />
looking forward to holding<br />
many more healthful and fun<br />
events with our members!<br />
Please stay tuned for an October<br />
announcement. ◗<br />
Gender Fairness Committee Celebrates Women’s<br />
History Month<br />
Christopher Peticca<br />
Top Row Left to Right: Drew Siskin, Khalilah<br />
Muhammad; Bottom Row Left to Right: Adina<br />
Sasson, Alexander Gordon, Hon. Terry Jane<br />
Ruderman<br />
If so, what are the disparate impacts,<br />
and what, if anything, should<br />
be done about it?<br />
In the freshman/sophomore category,<br />
Khalilah Muhammad from Beacon High<br />
School won first prize, and Adina Sasson<br />
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from Pelham Memorial High School won<br />
second prize. In the junior/senior category,<br />
Drew Siskin from Byram Hills High<br />
School won first prize, and Alexander<br />
Gordon from Hastings High School won<br />
second prize.<br />
The students read their essays to the<br />
more than 50 guests who joined the virtual<br />
ceremony. Those in attendance included<br />
State Supreme Court Justices Matthew<br />
D’Emic, Marguerite Grays, Tracy C.<br />
MacKenzie, E. Jeannette Ogden, and<br />
Charles D. Wood. Representatives of various<br />
local bar associations also attended.<br />
The committee anticipates that this<br />
contest and the traditional in-person<br />
awards breakfast will be held once again<br />
next year, and is hoping for even greater<br />
participation in the district. ◗<br />
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Westchester Women’s Bar Association News
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An Interview with the Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith<br />
from page 5<br />
co-author a brief filed in the<br />
Supreme Court on behalf of<br />
the National Association of<br />
Attorneys General. In 1986 I<br />
moved to Westchester, and<br />
re-joined the Brooklyn District<br />
Attorney’s Office, where<br />
I served as a Supervising Senior<br />
Assistant District Attorney<br />
in the Appeals Bureau.<br />
By happenstance a friend of<br />
a friend told me about an<br />
opening for an experienced<br />
prosecutor in the White Plains<br />
Office of the United States<br />
Attorney for the Southern District<br />
of New York. I was happy<br />
in the DA’s Office, but I interviewed<br />
for the job anyway,<br />
and was fortunate to be selected.<br />
I served in that Office,<br />
investigating and prosecuting<br />
many different federal<br />
crimes, for eight years.<br />
In 1994 I had the opportunity<br />
to apply for a newly<br />
opened Magistrate Judge<br />
position located in the White<br />
Plains Federal Courthouse.<br />
Even though I didn’t have<br />
many of the typical qualifications<br />
– I did not go to an<br />
Ivy League Law School, I was<br />
not on Law Journal, I did not<br />
clerk for a judge, and I didn’t<br />
ever work for a white shoe<br />
law firm – I somehow managed<br />
to be in the right place at the<br />
right time, and I got the job. I<br />
was sworn in March 20, 1995.<br />
I continued in that job for<br />
twenty-five years, six months,<br />
and ten days, retiring on <strong>September</strong><br />
30, 2020.<br />
I was extremely proud to<br />
have served as a public servant<br />
in all of my legal jobs; representing<br />
the citizenry is a very<br />
high calling, and I was delighted<br />
to do so, to the best of<br />
my ability. My service as a<br />
Magistrate Judge for more than<br />
two decades leaves me with a<br />
sense of pride like no other.<br />
Q: Is there anything you<br />
would do differently in your<br />
career if you could go back<br />
and change it?<br />
A: I do not think I would<br />
change anything. As I now enter<br />
my second year of retirement,<br />
I look back at my entire career<br />
with pride, even those “bumps”<br />
taught me an important lesson.<br />
Q: What advice would you<br />
give to new lawyers entering<br />
the legal profession, including<br />
suggestions regarding balancing<br />
family and career?<br />
A: My general advice is never<br />
to stop trying, and never to<br />
memory of former <strong>WWBA</strong> President Karen Z. Bell (Moderate<br />
Means Program placing low to moderate means divorce<br />
and family law clients with private attorneys at reduced fees);<br />
Scales of Justice Academy, , Inc. (one-week summer legal<br />
education program for high school girls); Student Advo-<br />
cacy (“Youth Justice 2.0” program for youth with justice system<br />
involvement); Westchester Children’s Association (distance<br />
learning study re: impact of lack of computer access on<br />
school-age children); and YWCA, White Plains (“GEMS”<br />
[Girls Empowered by Meaningful Support] college prepara-<br />
swerve from doing your best.<br />
Even if you are working for a<br />
terrible supervisor, or working<br />
with terrible colleagues, your responsibility<br />
is to do your best,<br />
notwithstanding those other<br />
people. When you do your best<br />
you position yourself for a step<br />
forward, and good things can<br />
happen.<br />
The issue of balancing<br />
family and career is one that<br />
will challenge each of us in a<br />
different way. I was extremely fortunate<br />
that my husband was<br />
willing to stay home with our<br />
children until they were both full<br />
time in school. If I had not had<br />
that choice, I am sure my career<br />
going forward would have<br />
been different. Every parent,<br />
whether single or in a committed<br />
relationship, has to make a<br />
choice about how to try to contribute<br />
to the family/work life<br />
balance, but every circumstance<br />
is unique. The key for<br />
our society, going forward, it to<br />
make sure that alternatives<br />
such as flex time, work-fromhome,<br />
and affordable childcare<br />
are present and available to all.<br />
Q: Which community activities<br />
and outside interests have<br />
sustained you during your admirable<br />
legal career?<br />
Giving Grants for the Greater Good!<br />
from page 4<br />
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A: Most definitely the <strong>WWBA</strong><br />
has been a mainstay of life<br />
during my career, I originally<br />
joined the Capital District<br />
Chapter when I was in Albany,<br />
and joined the<br />
Westchester Chapter when I<br />
moved to Westchester. I am<br />
also very involved in my local<br />
church, as a member of<br />
Session and a member of the<br />
choir. I served as a member<br />
of the Board of Editors of the<br />
Federal Courts Law Review,<br />
a publication of the Federal<br />
Magistrate Judges Association,<br />
and I still serve on the<br />
Board of Editors of the Federal<br />
Bar Council Quarterly,<br />
the newsletter of the Federal<br />
Bar Council. During the last<br />
few years I have also served<br />
as an advisor to the Rye Neck<br />
High School Mock Trial<br />
Team, which has been great<br />
fun!<br />
Q: What do you hope to<br />
be involved in going forward?<br />
A: Of course I will continue<br />
to be involved with <strong>WWBA</strong>,<br />
this year as Immediate Past<br />
President; I will also continue<br />
to be involved with my<br />
church, and with the Federal<br />
Bar Council. ◗<br />
tion and the “Reading is Fundamental” literacy program at<br />
the Westchester County Court house children’s center).<br />
As we look ahead to another impactful year in which the<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Foundation makes a meaningful difference, I urge<br />
our <strong>WWBA</strong> members to do more to help us carry out our<br />
mission. Help us identify local non-profits that are deserving<br />
of our support; send their contact information to<br />
sbrown@glassmanbrown.com and I will provide a Grant<br />
Request form for consideration by the <strong>WWBA</strong>F board. The<br />
best part of my job is writing the checks! Thank you all for<br />
making it possible. ◗<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />
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Chapter News and Announcements<br />
Announcements & Notes on Members<br />
❑ <strong>WWBA</strong> Member Earns Community Praise – In the July 31, <strong>2021</strong> issue of “The<br />
Record Review,” the local paper for Bedford, Pound Ridge, and Lewisboro, the author<br />
of Bedford’s Talk of the Town led his column with kudos for Katonah resident, and<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> member, Rebecka Levitt<br />
evitt, along with her son Michael. Rebecka and Michael<br />
worked together to plant a small garden between the sidewalk and the road in front of<br />
their house. Rebecka got permission from the town to plant the area, which technically<br />
is part of the town’s curtilage. The plot attracted birds, bees, and even rabbits, as well<br />
as approving words from neighbors. <strong>WWBA</strong> commends Rebecka and Michael for<br />
contributing to the beauty of their community. ◗<br />
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WBASNY Convention a Success!<br />
Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith<br />
The WBASNY Convention was a success<br />
this year, despite having to be remote. On May<br />
21 and 22, <strong>2021</strong>, WBASNY put on a terrific<br />
show which included a Learning Loft, where all<br />
the CLE presentations took place; Connection<br />
Central, where the visitors could find access to<br />
special events, including a Yoga and Meditation<br />
Session presented by <strong>WWBA</strong> member Jennifer<br />
Netrosio Johnson; an entrance to the Installation<br />
Ceremony for new officers; and a Help<br />
Center, always necessary! The efforts of<br />
WBASNY’s Convention Committee and the Executive<br />
Staff were rewarded by a terrific program.<br />
A photo of the Convention site is below.<br />
The CLE offerings included Diversity and Inclusion,<br />
Cybercrime, the Perils of Prenups, Post-<br />
Convention Rights Restoration, Standards in<br />
Sexual Harassment Law, Issues relating to Surrogacy,<br />
Reasonable Accommodations, and Changing Family Law Standards in a Post-<br />
COVID World. Both the Outgoing President’s Reception in honor of Joy Thompson,<br />
and the Incoming President’s Reception in honor of Dawn Reid-Green, were terrific<br />
fun, with great music and conversation, and even instructions on how to make a<br />
chocolate martini! As highlighted in the June newsletter, <strong>WWBA</strong> member Adrienne<br />
Orbach received the Hannah S. Cohn Pro Bono Award at the WBASNY awards ceremony-well<br />
deserved! A photo of the flowers sent by <strong>WWBA</strong> to Adrienne is included<br />
here.<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> also celebrates the induction of our member Shari Gordon as a WBASNY<br />
Vice-President for the upcoming year. <strong>WWBA</strong> also sent flowers to celebrate Shari’s<br />
installation. Any members with questions about WBASNY events should feel free to<br />
reach out to Shari. Next year’s convention will be IN PERSON at the Kartrite Resort in<br />
Monticello, New York. ◗<br />
Become a New<br />
Member Today<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> MEMBERSHIP TODAY<br />
JUNE 1, <strong>2021</strong> TO MAY 31, 2022.<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Membership includes<br />
membership to the Women’s Bar<br />
Association of the State of New York<br />
(WBASNY).<br />
January 31, <strong>2021</strong> is the closing date in<br />
order to count the <strong>WWBA</strong> members<br />
towards our certification to WBASNY and<br />
assure our number of delegates.<br />
Renewing before this date will allow our<br />
Westchester Chapter (<strong>WWBA</strong>) to continue<br />
to be a strong presence in our statewide<br />
organization (WBASNY) while you will<br />
enjoy its many benefits, events,<br />
newsletter and CLE programming.<br />
Hélène Côté, Sherry A. Bishko,<br />
Elisabeth Campos<br />
It is easy to renew by going to the<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Website at www.<strong>WWBA</strong>NY.org.<br />
You can use a credit card or<br />
PayPal to make payment.<br />
Page 8<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News
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Westchester Women’s Bar Association New Members<br />
The Westchester Women’s Bar Association proudly welcomes our newest members:<br />
President’s Message<br />
from page 1<br />
to seek other perspectives and<br />
act with curiosity-is the goal that<br />
I would like to focus on this upcoming<br />
year.<br />
For the sake of clarity, I do<br />
not intend to, as they say (grotesquely,<br />
if you ask me), throw<br />
the baby out with the bath water.<br />
I like babies, and I feel<br />
strongly about honoring tradition.<br />
However, I would like to<br />
encourage members, regardless<br />
of how long they have been part<br />
of our <strong>WWBA</strong> family, to speak<br />
with me about ways that we can<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />
move our incredible organization<br />
forward in this ever-changing<br />
landscape.<br />
To that end, my President’s<br />
message this year may not always<br />
take this form. Be on the<br />
lookout for some other ways that<br />
we can honor our members and<br />
their brilliant contributions to our<br />
organization and the community<br />
at large. And for those of<br />
you who are still reading?<br />
“We’ll never be truly free until<br />
those in bondage have the same<br />
rights as you and me...and I’m<br />
not throwin’ away my shot.” ◗<br />
Page 9
<strong>WWBA</strong> Schedule of Upcoming Events<br />
COMMITTEE DATE/TIME PLACE TOPIC RSVP (also online at www.wwbany.org)<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> in collaboration<br />
with the WCBA, the Bronx<br />
County Bar, and the<br />
Brooklyn Women’s Bar<br />
Association<br />
9/09/21<br />
1:00 p.m. to<br />
2:00 p.m.<br />
Webinar via Zoom<br />
CLE (1.0 Professional<br />
Practice) –<br />
“Moratorium Madness!:<br />
Post Pandemic<br />
Foreclosures –Wendy<br />
Marie Weathers, Esq.<br />
(Clair Gjersten &<br />
Weathers, PLLC)will<br />
present with colleagues<br />
Mary Aufrecht, Esq.<br />
and Erin K. Flynn, Esq.<br />
– this CLE will review<br />
contractual and<br />
statutory preforeclosure<br />
and pending<br />
foreclosure compliance<br />
requirements.<br />
Wellness Committee 9/19/21 To Be Announced One Too Many 5K to<br />
End Child Abuse –<br />
walk to support NYS<br />
Children’s Alliance and<br />
Children’s Advocacy<br />
Center of Westchester<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Board of Directors<br />
& General Membership<br />
Meetings<br />
9/22/21<br />
5:30 p.m. to<br />
7:30 p.m.<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Book Club 9/30/21<br />
6:00 p.m.<br />
Zoom<br />
In Person (Outdoors)<br />
or Zoom<br />
See www.wwbany.org<br />
for details<br />
Book: “American<br />
Disruptor: The<br />
Scandalous Life of<br />
Leland Stanford” by<br />
Roland De Wolk<br />
Register Online at<br />
https://www.wcbany.org<br />
$10 for All Attendees<br />
(1) Register Online at<br />
https://nysca.coalitionmanager.org/<br />
eventmanager/trainingevent/details<br />
/36<br />
(2) Email the <strong>WWBA</strong> at<br />
executivedirector@wwnany.org to<br />
walk as a group<br />
Email Lisa Denig for all relevant<br />
information at<br />
lisadenig@yahoo.com<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> is a chapter of WBASNY, which is an approved provider of CLE credit. Full and partial scholarships for CLE programs based<br />
on financial need are available. For information on the guidelines and procedures for applying, please contact the person running<br />
the program. All requests are strictly confidential. All programs are for transitional credit unless the program states otherwise.<br />
Unless otherwise indicated, events are for <strong>WWBA</strong> members and invited guests only.<br />
The opinions expressed by any program presenter are the presenter’s own, and do not reflect<br />
the official position of the <strong>WWBA</strong>.<br />
Connect<br />
with<br />
us<br />
THE <strong>WWBA</strong> MEMBERSHIP PERIOD FOR<br />
<strong>2021</strong>-2022 BEGINS ON JUNE 1, <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
ODAY AT<br />
WWW.<strong>WWBA</strong>NY<br />
.<strong>WWBA</strong>NY.ORG<br />