Good Relations Week 2021 - Programme

Good Relations Week 2021 will run from Monday 20th to Sunday 26th September 2021 and it will re-introduce a programme of face-to-face events, alongside an expanded virtual offering in the largest showcase of cross community and multi-cultural arts, history, music and culture. The theme for this year’s showcase is ‘Brighter Days Ahead’ as it celebrates the efforts of young people in their everyday lives to break down barriers and unite communities. It will explore many of the challenges today’s youth are facing including sectarianism and racism, cultural diversity, isolation, mental health, education, employment and the environment, and acting as a catalyst for change. This year’s blended programme of face-to-face and virtual events will include workshops, lectures, discussion panels, podcasts, storytelling and personal testimonies, exhibitions, music and theatre performances, archive video and new short films and lots more. Plenty of activities to get involved with across they City and district. www.derrystrabane.com/goodrelationsweek

Good Relations Week 2021 will run from Monday 20th to Sunday 26th September 2021 and it will re-introduce a programme of face-to-face events, alongside an expanded virtual offering in the largest showcase of cross community and multi-cultural arts, history, music and culture.
The theme for this year’s showcase is ‘Brighter Days Ahead’ as it celebrates the efforts of young people in their everyday lives to break down barriers and unite communities.
It will explore many of the challenges today’s youth are facing including sectarianism and racism, cultural diversity, isolation, mental health, education, employment and the environment, and acting as a catalyst for change.
This year’s blended programme of face-to-face and virtual events will include workshops, lectures, discussion panels, podcasts, storytelling and personal testimonies, exhibitions, music and theatre performances, archive video and new short films and lots more. Plenty of activities to get involved with across they City and district.



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Register at derrystrabane.com/goodrelationsweek​

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong><br />

<strong>Week</strong> <strong>2021</strong> will run from<br />

Monday 20th to Sunday 26th<br />

September <strong>2021</strong> and it will<br />

re-introduce a programme of<br />

face-to-face events, alongside<br />

an expanded virtual offering in<br />

the largest showcase of cross<br />

community and multi-cultural<br />

arts, history, music and culture.<br />

The theme for this year’s<br />

showcase is ‘Brighter Days<br />

Ahead’ as it celebrates the<br />

efforts of young people in their<br />

everyday lives to break down<br />

barriers and unite communities.<br />

It will explore many of the<br />

challenges today’s youth are<br />

facing including sectarianism<br />

and racism, cultural diversity,<br />

isolation, mental health,<br />

education, employment and the<br />

environment, and acting as a<br />

catalyst for change.<br />

This year’s blended programme<br />

of face-to-face and virtual<br />

events will include workshops,<br />

lectures, discussion panels,<br />

podcasts, storytelling<br />

and personal testimonies,<br />

exhibitions, music and theatre<br />

performances, archive video<br />

and new short films and lots<br />

more. Plenty of activities to get<br />

involved with across they City<br />

and district.<br />

2 <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

Monday 20th September • 10am<br />

ZOOM<br />

Living with Imperial<br />

Legacies: Empires,<br />

Racism, Slavery &<br />

Colonialism<br />

Presentation & Workshop<br />

delivered by Johnston McMaster<br />

This presentation and workshop will<br />

explore the history of empires from<br />

the beginning of empires to modern<br />

European empires, the slavery on<br />

which they were built and the racially<br />

constructed world they created. The<br />

legacies will be explored as will the<br />

role of theology in both supporting<br />

and resisting empires. Understanding<br />

where we have come from should<br />

help us understand where our 21st<br />

century is going or needs to go if we<br />

are to survive as humans and as a<br />

planet.<br />

Monday 20th September • 6pm<br />


‘Brighter Futures’<br />

Street Performance<br />

Young people from Enagh Youth<br />

Forum will engage in four <strong>Good</strong><br />

<strong>Relations</strong> workshops looking at<br />

the causes of ‘community division’<br />

and contested space in Derry and<br />

beyond. This will culminate in a street<br />

performance by the Youth Forum<br />

promoting Strathfoyle as a safe and<br />

shared space for everyone.<br />

Enagh Youth Forum, Parkmore Drive, Strathfoyle<br />

Contact: Eamonn O’Donnell • enaghyf@gmail.com<br />

Contact Maureen Hetherington to book a Zoom slot<br />

via email: mhetherington@thejunction-ni.org<br />

The Junction, Bishop Street, Derry/L’Derry<br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 3

Mon 20th - Sat 25th September • Daytime<br />


Exploring Cultures<br />

Through Art<br />

Young people from the Triax area and ​<br />

the Fountain Youth Club will come<br />

together to explore and celebrate<br />

their culture and create a piece of<br />

community art. Three workshops<br />

will take place throughout the week<br />

exploring their cultures with the last<br />

session involving the making of the<br />

art piece. This will be shared on BBHF<br />

and Fountain social media accounts.<br />

Bogside & Brandywell Health Forum<br />

Gasyard, Lecky Road, Derry<br />

Michaela O’Hagan: michaela@bbhealthforum.org<br />

Monday 20th - Saturday 25th September •<br />

Time: Various<br />


Imagined<br />

Landscapes ~<br />

Void Visionaries x<br />

Peaball<br />

Using graffiti workshops to explore<br />

our shared space, Donal O’Doherty<br />

will work with a group of young<br />

people over three sessions to explore<br />

what Derry in the future means to<br />

culturally diverse groups. The finished<br />

murals can be seen - TBC<br />

Void Gallery, Waterloo Place, Derry<br />

Maeve Butler: engage@derryvoid.com<br />

4 <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

Monday 20th - Saturday 25th September •<br />

Time: Various<br />


Various <strong>Good</strong><br />

<strong>Relations</strong> Activities<br />

Currynierin Women’s Group will<br />

host various activities during <strong>Good</strong><br />

<strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong>. These will include a<br />

multi-cultural cooking demonstration,<br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> quizzes, and much,<br />

much more. These activities will<br />

help the women’s group come back<br />

together after lockdown and increase<br />

a sense of community belonging.<br />

Currynierin Women’s Group, Currynierin, Derry<br />

Emma Hayward: Emmarhayward91@gmail.com<br />

Tuesday 21st September • 1pm<br />

Saturday 25th September • 1pm<br />


History of the<br />

Headstones Tour<br />

A cross community tour of Derry City<br />

Cemetery suitable for all age groups.<br />

Learn the history of our people and<br />

City where every headstone has<br />

a tale to tell. A tour like no other<br />

that encounters our Edwardian and<br />

Victorian industrialists, philanthropists,<br />

criminals and poor. Hear tales of love,<br />

hate, politics and adventure, world<br />

wars, plagues and heroism. All in a<br />

beautiful setting overlooking the City<br />

and River Foyle. On Tuesday 21st the<br />

Mayor will join the tour and he might<br />

meet a few interesting characters on<br />

the way!<br />

History of the Headstones, City Cemetery<br />

Seamus Breslin: jpbreslin@outlook.com<br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 5

Tuesday 21st September • 4pm<br />


The Mid-Autumn<br />

Festival<br />

Sai Pak will celebrate their annual<br />

Mid-Autumn Festival at The Playtrail,<br />

Derry. There will be Chinese food,<br />

Chinese lantern making workshops<br />

and participants will be taught how to<br />

play the traditional Chinese game of<br />

Ma Jong. This event is opened to the<br />

public and it is envisaged that it will<br />

help reduce hate crime and give the<br />

community a better understanding of<br />

Chinese Culture. Please register with<br />

Sai Pak before 9th September for<br />

catering purposes.<br />

Sai Pak Chinese Community Association,<br />

Ebrington Centre, Waterside<br />

saipakcca@gmail.com<br />

Tuesday 21st September • 7pm<br />


Pop-Up Gaeltacht<br />

The Droichead Project will celebrate<br />

GR week by bringing together ’nontraditional’<br />

learners of Irish from their<br />

outreach programme and young Irish<br />

speakers from Club Óige Setanta.<br />

They will have the opportunity to<br />

practice their cupla focal at a pop-up<br />

Gaeltacht and share their love of the<br />

language at a conversation circle in<br />

Cultúrlann Uí Chanáin.<br />

Déanfaidh Tionscadal an Droichid<br />

eiliúradh ar Sheachtain an<br />

Deachaidrimh trí fhoghlaimeoirí<br />

‘neamhthraidisiúnta’ na Gaeilge, a<br />

bhíonn ag foghlaim tríd an chlár forrochtana<br />

atá ar siúl acu, a chur ag<br />

caint le Gaeilgeoirí óga ó Chlub Óige<br />

Setanta. Beidh deis acu cúpla focal a<br />

úsáid agus an grá atá acu don teanga<br />

a roinnt ar Pop Up Gaeltacht agus<br />

ar Chiorcal Comhrá i gCultúrlann Uí<br />

Chanáin.<br />

Cultúrlann Uí Chanáin, Great James Street, Derry<br />

catherine@culturlann.org<br />

6 <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

Tuesday 21st September • 7pm~9pm<br />


Fiction and the<br />

Troubles<br />

Panel Discussion<br />

FWIN will provide a copy of the book<br />

‘Guard Your Heart’ by local author Sue<br />

Divin to 20 members of their group.<br />

The members will read this book<br />

and discuss this during a two-hour<br />

workshop. The book is based on a<br />

fictional account of the impact of The<br />

Troubles on two young protagonists,<br />

both born on the day of the <strong>Good</strong><br />

Friday Agreement.<br />

Wednesday 22nd September • TBC<br />


Future Leaders,<br />

Future Ambitions<br />

Panel Discussion<br />

A panel discussion comprised of<br />

past and present participants of the<br />

Future Leaders <strong>Programme</strong>, focused<br />

on their aspirations and ambitions for<br />

the future of community work and<br />

peacebuilding activities in the North<br />

West.<br />

Holywell Trust, Bishop Street, Derry<br />

gerard@holywelltrust.com<br />

Foyle Womens’ Information Network<br />

Bishop Street, Derry/L’Derry<br />

amandaleightofwin@gmail.com<br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 7

ONLINE<br />

Wednesday 22nd September • 10am<br />


Celebrating Youth<br />

Creativity<br />

The Churches Trust will showcase<br />

the creative work (digital, literacy,<br />

artwork) generated by young people,<br />

who participated in T:BUC-themed<br />

projects, during Covid. The event will<br />

include the launch of the ‘Creative<br />

Well Being book’, a key output of<br />

the ‘Community of Homes’ project,<br />

focused on breaking down barriers,<br />

and uniting communities.<br />

Wednesday 22nd September • 11.30am<br />


‘Deaf Voices’<br />

Performance<br />

The Foyle Deaf Association choir<br />

will perform a selection of their<br />

repertoire using the mediums of<br />

Irish Sign Language and British Sign<br />

Language. ‘Deaf Voices’ will showcase<br />

the talent of its Deaf performers and<br />

help celebrate cultural diversity and<br />

inclusiveness across all sectors.<br />

Foyle Deaf Association, The Diamond, Derry<br />

Foyledeaf.info@gmail.com<br />

121 Spencer Road, Londonderry<br />

leonabradley@thechurchestrust.org.uk<br />

8 <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

Wednesday 22nd September • 6pm~8pm<br />


Multi-Cultural<br />

Workshops<br />

YMCA will organise a number of<br />

multi-cultural workshops for young<br />

people in the area. This will include<br />

exploring cultures such as Indian,<br />

Chinese and Polish. The young people<br />

will also be able to sample some<br />

authentic foods from these Cultures.<br />

YMCA, Glenshane Road, Drumahoe<br />

Catriona, Lisa & Ciara<br />

Tel: 028 71 301 662<br />

Wednesday 22nd September • 6pm<br />


Meet the Author<br />

Q&A Dialogue<br />

The Churches Trust will organise and<br />

host a workshop where Sue Divin,<br />

author of ‘Guard Your Heart’, will<br />

discuss the key themes of the book,<br />

share with the participant group the<br />

reasons for writing the book and her<br />

journey into writing. Following Sue’s<br />

presentation, participants, who will<br />

have read the book, will then have<br />

an opportunity to enter a more indepth<br />

discussion with a Q&A dialogue<br />

session exploring the themes.<br />

The Churches Trust, Spencer Road, Waterside<br />

leonabradley@thechurchestrust.org.uk<br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 9

Wednesday 22nd September • 7pm<br />


LGBTQ+ Information<br />

Session<br />

Melmount Forum are planning to hold<br />

an information session with LGBTQ+<br />

bringing people of all ages together<br />

with the sole objective of gaining<br />

understanding and knowledge of<br />

the barriers faced by young people<br />

in their daily lives, not only due to<br />

Covid-19 but also due to opposed<br />

opinions of what people deem right<br />

and wrong. From this we hope that<br />

we can build stronger community<br />

cohesion, understanding, respect and<br />

inclusion for this marginalized group.<br />

Melmount & East Bank Estate Community<br />

Associations Forum, Ballycolman Estate, Strabane<br />

melmountforum@gmail.com<br />

Thursday 23rd September • 11am~4pm<br />


Traveller Living<br />

History Project<br />

WHSCT Traveller Health and Wellbeing<br />

<strong>Programme</strong> as part of <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong><br />

<strong>Week</strong> will host the highly acclaimed<br />

Traveller Living History Project in Guildhall<br />

Square. Meath Travellers Workshops<br />

Ltd have re-created a real life picture<br />

of Traveller life in the 1950‘s. The scene<br />

includes a fully restored Barrel Top Wagon,<br />

a traditional tent, a flat cart, working tinsmith,<br />

storytelling Traveller woman and<br />

of course, a campfire. WHSCT recognises<br />

the importance of Traveller culture, history<br />

and identity. We also believe in sharing<br />

this unique part of Irish life with the wider<br />

community. By literally setting this scene,<br />

visitors can visit the camp and spend time<br />

learning about what Traveller life was like<br />

fifty years ago. So come along, view the<br />

wagon and hear the stories and see the<br />

traditional skills of Travellers.<br />

GSAP, Unit C3 –C4 Northside Village Centre,<br />

Glengalliagh Rd., Derry BT48 8NN<br />

Marie McLaughlin, Traveller Development Officer:<br />

Marie.Mclaughlin@westerntrust.hscni.net<br />

10 <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

Thursday 23rd September • 11:30am<br />


Cultural Cooking<br />

Demonstration<br />

Donemana will celebrate <strong>Good</strong><br />

<strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> by bringing young<br />

people from St. Michael’s and<br />

Donemana Primary Schools together<br />

to the Drummond Centre to learn<br />

about Chinese Culture and taste<br />

authentic Chinese cuisine.<br />

Dennett Interchange, Brook Road, Donemana<br />

dennettinterchange@gmail.com<br />

Thursday 23rd September • 6:30pm~9:30pm<br />


REACH Across<br />

Cross Community<br />

Informal Debate &<br />

Storytelling Sessions<br />

REACH Across will organise a <strong>Good</strong><br />

<strong>Relations</strong> event that will initially<br />

reflect on our past cross-community<br />

programmes through the stories and<br />

experiences of former members and<br />

leaders. The 2nd part of the event<br />

will allow current members to discuss<br />

current <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> issues and<br />

proposals, so that they can contribute<br />

to a Shared Future and to ‘Brighter<br />

Days Ahead’.<br />

REACH Across, Bishop Street, Derry<br />

Reach_across@hotmail.com<br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 11

Thursday 23rd September • 7pm~9pm<br />


Multi-Cultural<br />

Workshops<br />

Tullyally Community Association will<br />

organise a number of multi-cultural<br />

workshops for young people in the<br />

area. This will include exploring<br />

cultures such as Indian, Chinese and<br />

Polish. The young people will also be<br />

able to sample some authentic foods<br />

from these Cultures.<br />

Tullyally Community Association<br />

Glendermott Valley Business Park, Waterside<br />

Centre Project Manager: Karen McLaughlin<br />

Tel: 028 71 329 822<br />

Thursday 23rd September • 7pm<br />


Café Culture<br />

BBI will organise a Café Culture event<br />

which will provide young people<br />

with an opportunity to challenge<br />

stereotypes and misconceptions<br />

about other cultures within our<br />

community in a safe and respectful<br />

setting. Some of the key speakers will<br />

be from PUL traditions, LGBTQ+, exprisoners<br />

and the BAME community.<br />

Bogside & Brandywell Initiative, Gasyard,<br />

Lecky Road, Derry<br />

tina@bbinitiative.org<br />

12 <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

Friday 24th September • 10am<br />


Shared Learning<br />

Educational Visit<br />

15 young people from Strabane<br />

Town will get the opportunity to be<br />

involved in an educational trip to two<br />

museums in Derry City. This will allow<br />

the young people to see both sides<br />

of the political/religious divide via<br />

these local museums and learn about<br />

some of our history which will help<br />

to increase their understanding of<br />

community belonging.<br />

Fountain Street Community Development<br />

Association, Fountain Street, Strabane<br />

Aodhán Harkin • Co-ordinatorfscda@hotmail.com<br />

Friday 24th September • 6pm<br />


Culture Evening<br />

An interactive evening to re-introduce<br />

face to face events for the pupils<br />

who attend St Mary’s Primary School<br />

and their families. This event will<br />

take place outdoor and will include<br />

different events, live music and a few<br />

interactive games. This event is to<br />

encourage ‘Brighter Days Ahead’ for<br />

the school pupils.<br />

St. Mary’s PTFA, Melmount Road, Strabane<br />

stmarysmelmountptfa@gmail.com<br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 13

ONLINE<br />

Saturday 25th September • 11am~1pm<br />


Bonsai Workshop<br />

NW Japanese Cultural Group will<br />

organise an in-person workshop for<br />

young people introducing Bonsai,<br />

an art of producing small trees that<br />

mimic the shape of real life trees. This<br />

century old practice reflects many<br />

aspects of the Japanese Culture.<br />

Growth of the tree and our own<br />

personal growth go hand in hand as<br />

the bonsai tree matures with you. We<br />

will let you pick up your own trees in<br />

this workshop and you can start your<br />

own Bonsai! To book your place on<br />

this workshop please contact Junko<br />

via email: nwjapanesecg@mail.com<br />

North West Japanese Cultural Group,<br />

Bishop Street, Derry<br />

nwjapanesecg@mail.com<br />

Saturday 25th September • 1pm<br />


‘Brighter Days<br />

Ahead’<br />

Online video<br />

The Indian Hindu Association is<br />

going to organise a discussion<br />

between young people from different<br />

cultures and traditions, exploring<br />

their backgrounds to help increase a<br />

sense of community belonging and<br />

to celebrate cultural diversity. This in<br />

turn will promote this year’s theme of<br />

‘Brighter Days Ahead’ for the young<br />

people that are involved in the panel<br />

discussion.<br />

Indian Hindu Association, Sevenoaks, Derry<br />

Chugh28m@yahoo.co.uk<br />

14 <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

Sunday 26th September • 2pm<br />


First Screening of<br />

‘Celebration Event’<br />

This will be the first screening of a<br />

video that was recorded of the events<br />

which our young people organised<br />

during the COVID-19 pandemic.<br />

This included Chinese folk dancing,<br />

Chinese New Year celebrations<br />

through Zoom, singing and learning<br />

Chinese language and art together<br />

in classes. The young people will also<br />

speak about their experiences and<br />

struggles during the Pandemic and<br />

the brighter days ahead for everyone.<br />

This event will be held online over<br />

Zoom. Please contact Yang to book<br />

your slot via email:<br />

zhouyangbetter@gmail.com<br />

Mandarin Speakers Association,<br />

Bishop Street, Derry<br />

zhouyangbetter@gmail.com<br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 15

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong><br />

<strong>Week</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

www.derrystrabane.com/<br />

goodrelationsweek​<br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> Officers<br />

Amanda Biega<br />

amanda.biega@derrystrabane.com<br />

Derg & Waterside<br />

Angela Askin<br />

angela.askin@derrystrabane.com<br />

Ballyarnett & Foyleside<br />

Martin Gallagher<br />

Martin.gallagher@derrystrabane.com<br />

Moor & Strabane Town<br />

Pauline O’Neill<br />

pauline.oneill@derrystrabane.com<br />

Sperrin & Faughan<br />

For further information<br />

on alternative formats<br />

please call 028 71 253 253.

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