Cricket Calamity takes readers on another under the Caribbean ocean adventure with the Coral Buddies gang. The coral buddies are playing a game of cricket when a massive six takes the corals in search of the ball to a section of the reef they have never been before. This leads to a messy discovery and the coral buddies have to enlist some help from friends.
Cricket Calamity takes readers on another under the Caribbean ocean adventure with the Coral Buddies gang. The coral buddies are playing a game of cricket when a massive six takes the corals in search of the ball to a section of the reef they have never been before. This leads to a messy discovery and the coral buddies have to enlist some help from friends.
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according to my
calculations,it will take
us approximately 6 years
to finish.
look out! get out
the way!
make that 6.1 years.
we can’t do this alone, we
need help.
we can wish upon
a shooting star.