September Gazette 2021

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Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong><br />

<strong>September</strong> pg<br />

<strong>Gazette</strong><br />

The Girgarre<br />

A Girgarre Cottage Publication A <strong>September</strong> July 2020 <strong>2021</strong><br />

Lockdown 6.0<br />




“Eco Opera”<br />

Page 2

Graeme Leak...<br />

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 2<br />


Hi everybody , greetings from Scotland. it’s been a long while since I’ve seen you all. I do hope you are all well and<br />

safe and surviving the crazy times. Here’s a bit of an update on the work that I have been doing lately.<br />

During 2020 I made a new solo performance piece called SAVED. It’s a retro-mechanical music theatre show, by<br />

that I mean the show is full of new sounds made with old technology that I play in a new way. It was due to premiere<br />

at this year’s Edinburgh Festival, however it was impossible to guess whether the festival would actually go<br />

ahead when we were planning last March - April. So we decided to make a film of the show and this film has been<br />

screening as part of a DIGITAL Edinburgh Festival. It has had some very good reviews and my hope is that the film<br />

of the show will be the launchpad for the live version to tour theatres and concert halls when they open up again<br />

in the near future. I am on a promise that the Australian premiere will be at the Girgarre Memorial Hall! If you’ve<br />

like to find out more about SAVED please take a look at my website www.graemeleak.com.<br />


The other project that we have underway is called Eco Opera. Eco Opera is a set of bespoke musical instruments<br />

that are ‘played’ by wind, rain and animals, located in here in Scotland.<br />

The ‘instruments’ in Eco Opera are:<br />

Sonic Tube - a length of tube that captures beautiful droning sounds via a microphone.<br />

Bird Feeder - a set of perches with guitar strings on them for the birds to ‘play’ as they strut, flap and peck their<br />

way around the nuts and seeds<br />

Amplified Fence - a run of high tensile fence wire has microphones fitted on the posts. The slightest touch of the<br />

wire sets off amazing sounds. We set up feeding trays under the wire so the birds land on it and ‘play’ it as well.<br />

We have asked Wallace Williams and Rob Axen if they might help us to create a duplicate set of ‘instruments’ and<br />

we plan to record a global version of the piece. Wallace has built a bird-feeder guitar and both Rob and Wallace<br />

are going to rig an amplified fence. In <strong>September</strong>, Patrick Cronin (who was the producer for ‘Spirit Rising’ in 2018)<br />

will be heading to Girgarre with film maker Cobie Orger to film the sonic tube, the amplified fence and the bird<br />

feeder guitar over a few days. Hazel and I will be filming and recording at exactly the same time here in the UK.<br />

We are going to edit the whole lot together to create a beautiful two-hour episode of amplified environmental<br />

music and sound and we will premiere this film in Girgarre at the Market in October.

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 3<br />

Co-ordinator’s Catch-up<br />

Greetings, I hope this finds you all happy, healthy and sane! Lockdown 6.0,<br />

oh my goodness this one hit fast and too close to home. I had my first<br />

Covid19 test and stint in “Iso”, only 36 hours (before receiving a negative<br />

result) but it was confronting not being able to leave the house. Up until<br />

now I have had relative freedom, working, homeschooling and being able to<br />

do groceries once a week-but the “Iso” experience was not pleasant - so<br />

thoughts and sympathies go to all who are going through it. Please know<br />

that we here, at The Cottage are here to help you if you need assistance.<br />

We have been picking up pharmacy parcels, delivering food and providing<br />

phone support.<br />

Lockdown Update.<br />

It is now more difficult to cancel things<br />

then it is to plan them. So as you will<br />

notice in this edition, activities and events<br />

are still listed. If we are in a lockdown,<br />

these WILL NOT GO AHEAD. If you are able<br />

to check our “socials-Facebook and<br />

Instagram” for updates, please do. If you<br />

are unable to access these avenues and<br />

are not sure, please ring us on 5854 6482.<br />

Power Saving Bonus-PSB<br />

Power Saving Bonus is now available via<br />

telephone, $250 is better in your pocketespecially<br />

at the moment. It takes 5 mins,<br />

just make sure you have a copy of your<br />

latest bill, pension card and account details<br />

on hand. Please ring 5854 64 82. If we<br />

don not answer( as we are swamped with<br />

calls,) please leave your name and number<br />

and we will get back to you ASAP.<br />

“The Butterfly Patch” GCC Edible Garden<br />

In between lockdowns-our very happy seniors enjoying the sun!<br />

(Name in progress-will make sense when you see the upcoming<br />

photo’s). Our edible garden, is looking fabulous! We cannot wait to<br />

show you the latest updates in the next <strong>Gazette</strong> edition, stay tuned—<br />

it is very exciting.<br />

Take care,<br />

Bye for now, Kezia<br />

Food Parcels available Monday to Friday<br />

Meals available (delivered to your door)<br />

Tuesday and Thursday<br />

Enquiries/orders<br />

5854 6482

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 4<br />

Co-ordinator’s Catch-up continued….<br />

AGM Monday 13 <strong>September</strong> 7pm<br />

at the Girgarre Memorial Hall- supper room<br />

We are always looking for new committee members and if you are interested, please drop by The Cottage<br />

to collect a nomination form or one can be emailed to you. Management Committee members play a vital<br />

role in serving their communities and bring passion, commitment, skills and experience to the<br />

Neighbourhood House that they lead. If you are new to committees, there is no need to worry. You will<br />

be provided with all of the information you need; role descriptions, induction packages, as well as<br />

ongoing support and advice from The Cottage team.<br />

This AGM will be in a streamlined meeting due to Covid19, ensure you arrive by 6.55pm as the meeting<br />

will start promptly at 7. Please ensure if you are going to attend that you RSVP to The cottage by Thursday<br />

9 <strong>September</strong>.<br />

For those of you who do not know<br />

Richard let me introduce him. Richard is<br />

a lovely man who is our Vice President<br />

on the Committee of Management and<br />

volunteers his time on a Thursday to<br />

deliver our community meal.<br />

With Richard is Murray, my fur-boy who<br />

has become a regular at The Cottage.<br />

Murray’s quiet, gentle nature is proving<br />

to be a hit with our senior’s and all who<br />

pop in and visit.

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 5<br />

News from Many Makers Gallery Stanhope<br />

The Gallery seems to be closed more than it has been open; however I truly appreciate the support of the local<br />

community in the short period that the gallery was open during August.<br />

The weather is warming up and hopefully as restrictions ease we will see more movement in the area and the<br />

wonderful events which we are becoming known for will happen and there will be more exciting times ahead.<br />

I am inspired every day by creative people and the ‘doers’ in our community – those that think and act in a way<br />

which indicates they have vision and high expectations for our district to become a thriving cultural and<br />

creative destination. This potential is what I felt when I first moved to the area, and although my confidence in<br />

this (and myself) has wavered over the last 12 months, I am always drawn back to the ‘light’ of what the future<br />

offers. We have enormous pride in our past; but we also have hope, courage and a vision for the future.<br />

I look forward to greeting you at MMG soon! In the meantime, I would love for you to follow the Facebook &<br />

instagram pages @manymakersgallery – like, share and invite others. If you have visited and like what you saw,<br />

please consider completing a Google review – they really help! Word of mouth is great too - tell people about<br />

the gallery and encourage them to visit when they can.<br />

Pictured is a lovely mixed media artwork by Mary<br />

Kennedy, featuring textiles & acrylic paint.<br />

Deb 0418252715

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 6<br />

SEPTEMBER <strong>2021</strong><br />



OPEN 10-4 Mon-Sat<br />

www.kyabramtownhall.com.au 0490 371 641 5852 1546<br />



Contemporary Art<br />



“INVERSION work by<br />

Splinter Contemporary Artists<br />




GOWNS from 1910 to<br />

2010 many from<br />

local brides ends<br />

28th Sept.<br />

Gallery Shop &<br />

Book Shop open

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 7<br />


The photo above was taken on the occasion of a fancy dress ball which took place in the Girgarre<br />

Memorial Hall on Wednesday 4 August, 1937. More than 50 couples attended the event with excellent<br />

dance music provided by the Merrymakers orchestra<br />

of Rochester. Held in aid of hall funds, the ball<br />

was an outstanding success both socially and<br />

financially.<br />


The centenary of the formal opening of the<br />

Girgarre Memorial Hall will be celebrated with a<br />

luncheon on Saturday, 5 March 2022 at the hall. All<br />

are most welcome to attend. Please spread the<br />

word to relatives and friends who may wish to join<br />

us in recognising this most important milestone.<br />

Any photos and/or information regarding activities<br />

held at the hall would be most appreciated.<br />

Jenny Wadelton - Mobile: 0409929031


Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 8<br />



Need catering for a<br />

function?<br />

Well, the Gargarro Gardens<br />

Catering Team will be more<br />

than happy to cater for your<br />

needs depending on<br />

numbers.<br />

Phone Bernie Ryan for more<br />

info if you are planning a<br />

function.<br />

Ph: 5857 2407<br />

Mob: 0455 578 722

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 9<br />

Girgarre Fire Brigade<br />

Despite what is happening with the Corona Virus,<br />

the Girgarre Fire Brigade is still available for any<br />

emergencies that may happen in our community.<br />

Hygiene is extremely important to us and we will<br />

endeavour to keep both you and us safe.<br />

Please keep in mind that now the fire restrictions<br />

are over, if you wish to avoid an unwanted visit<br />

from us, you should register your burn off at<br />

1800 668 511<br />

Girgarre Community<br />

Kindergarten<br />

To keep updated on all Kinder information<br />

Find us on Facebook<br />

Girgarre Community<br />

Kindergarten<br />

Stanhope & District Men’s Shed<br />

We are open three mornings a week Mon, Wed<br />

and Fri from 9 to 12 noon. If anyone would like<br />

to call in and see what is on offer they would be<br />

most welcome. Membership is $25 which includes<br />

insurance whilst at the shed.<br />

We offer woodwork, metal work, welding,<br />

leatherwork, a large range of books to read and<br />

a friendly cuppa at around 10am.<br />

Girgarre Community Cottage<br />

Keep up to date with future events and<br />

local information.<br />

Join us on Facebook.<br />


As you know, our well appointed and well used<br />

Girgarre Memorial Hall<br />

and Supper Room<br />

are available for hire.<br />

Contact<br />

Girgarre Post Office<br />

Ph: 5854 6200<br />

Open Monday -Thursday 10am - 3pm

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 10

Writers’ Group<br />

Latest Contribution<br />

by Mirrku Tynkkanen © <strong>2021</strong><br />

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 11<br />

What if …?<br />

I had nothing to do.<br />

I had already cleaned the house throughout the week, made extra meals for the freezer and all the<br />

gardening was done. I looked around and thought, Now what? The day was beautiful, the sun was out<br />

and only a mild breeze. My runners were just waiting to be put on.<br />

“OK, that’s it! We are going for a walk,” I said to my little dog Bonnie. With runners and the leash<br />

on – off we went.<br />

Halfway around the block, there was a garage sale at a house I had visited for years with my mother<br />

when I was young. John and Mary Brown and their children had been friends with our family for as<br />

long as I could remember. Until my mother told Mrs Brown that I had seen her husband kissing another<br />

woman. Soon after, her husband disappeared. Hmm … I wonder what happened to him?<br />

Anyway – Mother never went back, and we were not allowed to go to play there again. Of course, I<br />

could not walk past the house without checking what was there. As I was inspecting all the items, memories<br />

flooded back of my mother and me sitting in the kitchen, enjoying a cup of tea and scones. Bonnie<br />

barked and brought me back to the present. From the corner of my eye, I noticed a book that I had<br />

been looking out for, for ages. It was only a couple of dollars as well! Thankfully, I had some money with<br />

me.<br />

As I continued walking, I glanced at the book, pleased with myself for stopping at the garage sale<br />

and how cheap the book was. Once home, I released Bonnie, gave her a snack, took a packet of chips<br />

and bottle of water for myself, and went outside to my swing seat to enjoy the book. Then Bonnie<br />

jumped up on the seat, paws on my chest, her tongue in my mouth! Yuk! I was so startled that the book<br />

dropped to the ground! I reached out to pick it up when the seat swung back – and I slid down towards<br />

the ground. Suddenly the swing rolled forward, hit my butt and the book went flying! Bonnie saw it go,<br />

jumped up and got hold of it.<br />

“Please Bonnie, give it to me!” But she just looked at my face with her head rolling to the side.<br />

As I pulled it from her mouth, an envelope fell out. I saw “Mary” written on the front. A bit of a<br />

shock and a shiver went through me, as my name is Mary, too!<br />

With a shaking hand I noted the tinge of yellow – so it was old, the envelope still sealed. Hmm.<br />

What if I open it? What would be inside?<br />

What if I leave it alone?<br />

What if it was something important?<br />

What if it was a love letter?<br />

What if the husband with the lover had written a “Dear Mary” letter?<br />

I kept thinking – I have to find out who this Mary is. What if she wanted it back after all this time?<br />

Or what if Mr Brown had found out that it was me who had seen him kissing the woman?… and it was<br />

once meant for me?<br />

My eyes kept going to the envelope.<br />

Oh… do I… or won’t I? As I rubbed my sore knee I thought, Yes. I deserve to know the truth about this<br />

Mary!<br />

Carefully I opened the envelope. I took the folded piece of paper out, holding it for a while, looking<br />

up at the sky, then I turned my eyes to it to read:<br />

“Dear Mary,” it said, “here is the recipe for the ANZAC biscuits you asked for. Anne.”<br />

Mirkku Tynkkanen is a member of the Kyabram Town Hall Writers’ Group. With members diverse in interests, ages and backgrounds, there are some<br />

very interesting and informative discussions while sharing stories, poetry, and the problems of the writer’s craft. KTHWs’G is hosting a writers’ workshop<br />

on October 9 <strong>2021</strong> ($30). Information – as well as for our recent book of original written and art works, Celebrating Women ($20) – can be found on the<br />

KTHWs’G site on Facebook, and the KTH website: kyabramtownhall.com.au , or by direct contact: kyabramwritersgroup@gmail.com

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 12<br />

Girgarre Open Gardens Festival<br />

Sunday 24 th October <strong>2021</strong><br />

Save The Date!<br />

Beautiful gardens, high tea at Bonshaw Estate, Artists, Musicians & Flora Demonstrations. Tickets $20.<br />

All funds raised directly supporting the<br />

Girgarre Community Car and Friends of Gargarro Botanical Gardens.<br />

More details in <strong>Gazette</strong> soon.<br />

Latest updates on Facebook<br />

‘Open Gardens Festival – Girgarre & Surrounds’<br />

Girgarre Community Group INC<br />

Crochet<br />

Group<br />

Annual General Meeting<br />

Monday 13 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

7pm at the Girgarre Memorial Hall Supper<br />

Room<br />

We are always looking for new committee<br />

members and if you are interested, please<br />

drop by the Cottage to collect a nomination<br />

form or one can be emailed to you.<br />

Management Committee members play a<br />

vital role in serving their communities and<br />

bring passion, commitment, skills and<br />

experience to the Neighbourhood House that<br />

they lead. If you are new to committees,<br />

there is no need to worry. You will be<br />

provided with all of the information you<br />

need; role descriptions, induction packages,<br />

as well as ongoing support and advice from<br />

The Cottage team.<br />

Starting Thursday 15 July<br />

@ 10am Stanhope Business Centre<br />

This class will be led by the very talented Kaysha Warren,<br />

with Wendy Douglas and Lyn Emmett assisting.<br />

The initial class is at 11am but future times will be discussed.<br />

The cost is $2 per session<br />

This group is open to the new, experienced and curious,<br />

everyone is welcome.<br />

Group projects and individual works will be undertaken,<br />

whatever makes you HAPPY!<br />

Meet, greet with a cuppa and a chat.<br />

Enquiries please contact Kezia on 0404 686 344<br />

All enquiries please contact Kezia on -<br />

5854 64 82 or email:<br />


Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 13<br />

Tongala & District Memorial<br />

Aged Care Service Inc.<br />

Serving the Community since 1925<br />

R.M McHale Hostel, Koraleigh Nursing Home<br />

for planned & emergency respite care &<br />

permanent residential aged care<br />

Deakin Village – retirement rental units<br />

Memorial Drive Retirement Village<br />

For further information contact:<br />

Sarah Tee, 18 Purdey St, Tongala Vic. 3621<br />

Phone: 03 5859 0800<br />

Email: admin@tongalaagedcare.com.au<br />

“Care in a Friendly Town”

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 14<br />

Do You Need Assistance with filling out the Census?<br />

If you have not yet completed your census, Girgarre Community Cottage<br />

are able to assist you.<br />

We are happy to help you fill out your census.<br />

Please phone to book an appointment.<br />

Enquiries Contact Kezia on 5484 6482 or<br />

0404 686 344

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 15<br />

Girgarre Playgroup<br />

Proudly run by the Girgarre Community Cottage and facilitated by Bernie Smith.<br />

Playgroup is located at Girgarre Community Kindergarten-2 School Road, Girgarre.<br />

Playgroup resumes 2 August, 10-12pm. It is free and open to 0-5year olds. Siblings are welcome and NO<br />

BOOKINGS are needed. Please bring your own snacks. Covid safe procedures are followed as directed by<br />

the Department of Health.<br />

Please support this wonderful group, all are welcomed with open arms (at a 1.5m distance!) Bring a<br />

friend, use it or lose it people!!!! Enquiries Bernie 0448 269 249 or Kezia 5854 6482<br />

Expressions of interest are being sort for a Playgroup leader, 3 hours a week-all enquiries please contact<br />

Kezia on 5854 6482.<br />

Follow us on Facebook Girgarre Playgroup<br />

Position Available<br />

Relief Playgroup Leader (possibility of 3 hours a week ongoing tenure-casual). Mondays 9.30am-12.30pm.<br />

Purpose of the Position<br />

To support children and their families to engage in the Playgroup. To offer support, guidance and liaise<br />

with other children’s services to ensure the optimum outcomes for each child. To offer support to<br />

families in need and refer to other services when required.<br />

Attitudes<br />

It is essential that the person in this position is caring and compassionate and able to interact with people<br />

from all walks of life, including people with disabilities and people from diverse cultural backgrounds. A<br />

passion for community development and a drive to maximise the opportunities the Cottage can provide is<br />

also essential.<br />

This a great opportunity for a parent with young children. Please contact Kezia for more details.

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 16<br />

Group Name Details Contact name Contact number<br />

The Girgarre Community Group Inc. President Duncan Rodrick 0427 391 706<br />

The Girgarre Community Cottage<br />

3rd Monday 7pm<br />

Coordinator Kezia Talbot 5854 6482<br />

0404 686 344<br />

Girgarre Seniors Tuesdays 10:45am Debra Stelzer 5854 6482<br />

Words on Wheels<br />

Girgarre Cottage<br />

Discuss chosen books<br />

3rd Thursdays 6pm<br />

The Cottage 5854 6482<br />

Girgarre Green Thumbs Nursery Nursery Sales Loraine Warde 0438 546 237<br />

Girgarre Open Garden Committee Open Garden Festival Loraine Warde 58546236/0438 546 237<br />

Girgarre Playgroup 0-5 years<br />

Monday 10-12pm,<br />

Jigarre Ukulele (J-Ukes)<br />

1st & 3rd Wed (5th) 1:30pm<br />

Girgarre Kindergarten<br />

Begins 2nd week of term<br />

Play/learn with others<br />

Girgarre Cottage<br />

Bernie Smith 5854 6482<br />

Lyn Cosham 5859 0297<br />

Girgarre Patchwork Quilters<br />

Fridays 9:30am<br />

Quilters and sewing group<br />

Memorial Hall<br />

Nola Marke 5854 8226<br />

Girgarre Line Dancers<br />

Thursdays 2pm $7<br />

Carpet Bowls-Thursdays 7:15pm April<br />

to August<br />

Memorial Hall Gloria Atkins 0400 539 778<br />

All ages.<br />

Memorial Hall<br />

Theo George<br />

Rob Varcoe<br />

0428 740 976<br />

0409 975 997<br />

Girgarre Community Kindergarten Lead Educator Robyn Swan 5854 6368<br />

Girgarre Primary School Principal Peter Caldow 5854 6275<br />

Girgarre Returned Services League<br />

1st Tuesdays 7pm. Feb-Nov<br />

Girgarre Country Fire Authority<br />

1st Monday 7:30pm<br />

Stanhope/Girgarre Lions Club<br />

2nd Wednesday 7pm<br />

President<br />

RSL Club Room<br />

Captain<br />

CFA Meeting Room<br />

President<br />

Stanhope Hotel<br />

Laurie Young 0429 009 515<br />

5854 6303<br />

Maree Gadzinski 5854 6264<br />

Avis Weller 5854 6383<br />

Girgarre Community Church<br />

Sundays 9:30am<br />

Christian Church Ron Gregory 5854 6382<br />

Stanhope and District Men’s Shed<br />

Mon, Wed, Fri. 9am-12<br />

Have fun and create.<br />

3 Tivey Rd. Stanhope<br />

Des Crichton 0457 300 321<br />

Girgarre Facilities Committee<br />

Girgarre Memorial Hall<br />

Girgarre Recreational Reserve<br />

Memorial Hall (Bookings)<br />

Recreation Reserve<br />

Sandy & Barry<br />

Darren Butler<br />

5854 6200<br />

0427 546 332<br />

Girgarre Development Group (DGD)<br />

Last Tuesday, Jan-Nov 7:30pm<br />

Girgarre Improvements<br />

Memorial Hall<br />

Jan Smith 5854 6283<br />

Gargarro Project Gargarro Botanic Gardens Athol McDonald 5854 6324<br />

Friends of Gargarro Garden -<br />

working Bee 4th Sunday of month<br />

Chairperson Bernie Ryan 5857 2407<br />

Girgarre Craft Market<br />

2nd Sundays. 8:30-12<br />

Bookings/enquiries Jan Smith 5854 6283<br />

Girgarre Farmer’s Market Bookings/enquiries Jan Smith 5854 6283<br />

Jigarre Jammers. Feb to Nov<br />

4th Saturday 10:30-4pm $2<br />

Acoustic Music Irene Labbett 0429 149 246<br />

Girgarre Living History<br />

Book title “Girgarre”<br />

Record of local history<br />

Athol McDonald<br />

Jenny Wadelton<br />

5854 6324<br />

5852 2301<br />

Girgarre Football/Netball Club President Brendon Nicholson 0413 022 398<br />

Girgarre Cricket Club President Mick Coyne 0488 296 566<br />

Girgarre Tennis Club<br />

President<br />

Secretary<br />

Josh Maudsley<br />

Fiona Smith<br />

0400 546 766<br />

0408 502 274

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 17<br />


COTTAGE HOURS. The Cottage is<br />

open 10am to 3pm, Monday to<br />

Thursday at 27 Olympic Street,<br />

Girgarre. Coordinator: Kezia Talbot.<br />

Telephone: 5854 6482 for services<br />

listed below.<br />


FOOD BANK. Food parcel available for<br />

those in need. Confidentiality ensured.<br />

Available Monday to Thursday 10am to<br />

3pm.<br />

COMMUNITY CAR. Information and criteria<br />

for bookings. Contact The<br />

Cottage.<br />

SENIOR'S GROUP. Meet weekly for<br />

outings or social events. Meet Tuesdays<br />

10am at the Cottage.<br />


space to hold a meeting, do some training,<br />

hold an event or activity? The Cottage<br />

has a room for hire including tea &<br />

coffee.<br />

Tai Chi with Faye Sizeland. Classes are<br />

at the Hall Mondays 1.00pm, $5.00 per<br />

session.<br />

ITEMS TO HIRE Specialty items<br />

including shower chairs, walkers, porta<br />

cots, child's car seat, wheel chair, baby<br />

bath, high chair, walking sticks.<br />

FREE PLAYGROUP Mondays 10am to<br />

12pm. Held at the Girgarre Kindergarten.<br />

DONATE CLEAN DENIM Ros makes it<br />

into quilts. Stains don't matter.<br />


, mobile phones, routers, bras,<br />

baby items, mastectomy items, cotton<br />

clothing suitable for Fijian climate<br />

www.upliftbras.org. Plastic lids off soft<br />

drink bottles, juices and water bottles<br />

for Envision.<br />

BOOK SWAP Leave a book and take<br />

one. Free Service at the Cottage.<br />


LIBRARY Borrow a book, DVDs, talking<br />

books - thousands of titles can be ordered<br />

& delivered to The Cottage. Book<br />

online at www.campaspe.vic.gov.au/<br />

library<br />


scripts for collection and return. Free<br />

service at the Cottage<br />

VOLUNTEERS WANTED. Teach a class,<br />

join the committee or help out at the<br />

nursery.<br />



Enrolments welcome anytime<br />

www.kyabramkindergaten.com.au or<br />

phone 0428 738 147<br />


Available for your next event. All bookings:<br />

Phone The Post Office5854 6200<br />


Wed & Fri, 9am to Noon. Tea & coffee,<br />

chat, computers, wood and metal lathes.<br />

Phone Des 0457 300 321<br />

WORDS ON WHEELS Everyone<br />

welcome. Stimulating discussions on<br />

topical subjects. 4th Thursday 6pm.<br />

Phone Cottage 5854 6482. ($5 includes a<br />

meal)<br />

PLAY A UKULELE? - the J-Ukes meet on<br />

the 1st, 3rd (and 5th) Wednesday in the<br />

Cottage Utility room from 1.30 - 4pm<br />

($2). All welcome. ON HOLD<br />

Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday take aways.<br />



Come in, relax and enjoy our fabulous<br />

modern facilities<br />





82 ALLAN STREET KYABRAM Ph: 5852 2431<br />

www.kyabramclub.com.au<br />


office@kyabramclub.com.au Kyabram Club Keep up to date on FaceBook

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 18<br />

Kyabram<br />

Bakery<br />

135 Allan St<br />

5852 1208<br />


189 – 197 High Street SHEPPARTON VIC 3630<br />



Ph.: 5831 4838<br />

Fax: 5831 1696<br />

Email: sales@sheppartonworkwear.com.au<br />

Website: www.sheppartonworkwear.com.au

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 19<br />


WHO WE ARE<br />

The Girgarre<br />

Development Group<br />

Celebrating the Achievements<br />

of our town.<br />

Building a Sustainable and<br />

Vibrant Community.<br />

Education<br />

The Girgarre Primary School<br />

Preparing a Path to the Future<br />

The Girgarre Community Kindergarten<br />

We aim to achieve an environment where everyone belongs,<br />

feels welcomed, valued and respected, while providing<br />

learning opportunities for children<br />

through exploration and play.<br />

The Community Cottage<br />

The Community Centre exists to help,<br />

support and encourage people of this rural<br />

area to enrich their lives by developing<br />

friendships and new learning skills.<br />

Sport<br />

The Girgarre Recreation Reserve<br />

The Girgarre Football Netball Club<br />

The Girgarre Tennis Club<br />

The Girgarre Cricket Club<br />

Our active and vibrant community, working together<br />


Girgarre Community Group Inc.<br />

(The Cottage)<br />

A1601 ABN: 66 944 230 131.<br />

27 Olympic St. (P.O. Box 35), Girgarre, 3624<br />

Phone: (03) 5854 6482 Fax: (03) 5854 6484<br />

http://girgarre.com.au/girgarre-community-cottage<br />

E-mail: girgarrenh@bigpond.com<br />

Coordinator: Kezia Talbot<br />

Connect with us on Facebook. Girgarre Community Cottage<br />

www.girgarre.com.au<br />

The Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong><br />

Do you have something you would like us to share?<br />

Deadline for publication is the 20th of the month<br />

Email: girgarregazette@yahoo.com.au<br />

Proudly sponsored by<br />


The Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> is published and distributed<br />

electronically as well as in print to over 400 people via the<br />

Girgarre Post Office. It is also available at: Rob Varcoe’s shop,<br />

228 Allan St Kyabram; Nanneella Store, Rushworth & District<br />

Community Bank; Stanhope and is published on the Girgarre<br />

Website. wwwgirgarre.com.au<br />

The <strong>Gazette</strong> is produced for the benefit of the wider<br />

Girgarre community by the Girgarre Community Group Inc.<br />

(The Cottage).<br />

Join our email list! Drop us a line<br />

EMAIL: girgarregazette@yahoo.com.au<br />

Advertising<br />

Advertising space is available.<br />

Contact the Cottage or the<br />

<strong>Gazette</strong> for details.<br />

The items published and the views expressed in this publication are those<br />

of the contributors, and not necessarily those of the Editor or the<br />

publisher of the <strong>Gazette</strong>

The planning<br />

process<br />

included<br />

brainstorming as a group with our ideas<br />

over many group times. Ideas included<br />

needing a "pink" wedding cake, the bride<br />

having a flower girl and lots of dancing!<br />

On the wedding day the children as a<br />

group helped to make a "wedding sign",<br />

bake the wedding cake (pink of course),<br />

organise the outside ceremony with<br />

chairs and dress up for the event.<br />

The wedding was a simple affair with a<br />

high five between the bride and groom<br />

before a "dance party" and enjoying the<br />

yummy wedding cake.<br />

We also celebrated and commemorated<br />

the Olympics with exploring various facets<br />

including the sports, the Olympic<br />

Rings and we even held our very own<br />

kinder Olympics!<br />

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 20<br />

Did you know Girgarre Community Kindergarten held a "pretend" wedding<br />

late July.<br />

Over a lunchtime during a kindergarten session two children declared<br />

they were going to get married to each other ...... educators questioned<br />

the children about their knowledge of weddings. The ideas were many<br />

and with this we decided as a group we should plan for a wedding.<br />

Robyn Swan. Lead Educator,<br />

Girgarre Community Kindergarten.

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 21<br />

Attention: 2022 Three and/or Four Year Old Group Families:<br />

Please be aware if you have not enrolled for 2022 three and/or four year old group at Girgarre Community<br />

Kindergarten that the enrolment procedure has changed.<br />

Kindergarten Enrolments for Girgarre Community Kindergarten will now be completed by Campaspe<br />

Council from now-on.<br />

The Campaspe website is https://www.campaspe.vic.gov.au/Our-services/Children-families/<br />

Kindergartens alternatively if you have any questions regarding enrolling please call Campaspe Council:<br />

1300 666 535. All future enrolments will be processed through Campaspe Council.<br />

All families who have previously enrolled for 2022 via KPMC earlier in the year- your enrolments are in<br />

the system. Offers of your child's 2022 kindergarten placement will be made in the next few weeks.

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 22<br />

Respect for: |<br />

self | others | learning | environment<br />

Here is a small collection of what’s been happening here at Girgarre Primary….fitness track has been created<br />

many thanks to the Dickman family for all their gear in preparing and spreading. Then we have had<br />

several arty activities with our Regional Arts, Victoria creative worker, Kym Patten. Plywood silhouettes<br />

(kindly cut out by the Stanhope Men’s Shed) rock painting..these rocks will be added to our stone riverbed,<br />

over by the fitness track. And a double whammy with Pyjama Day colliding with Jump Rope for<br />

Heart…both fundraising events organised by our very active Junior School Council. Our active school grant<br />

has seen us purchase a very challenging fitness playground, which has been installed in our tree<br />

line. This facility will be able to be utilised by all of the Girgarre Community. We are just waiting for the<br />

boxing and soft fall to make it safe as houses!<br />

Covid has made a mess of our students being at school but a huge thank you to the staff for organising a<br />

viable remote learning package and for the parents<br />

and students for having a go. Frustrating<br />

times for all our community. Peter Caldow-<br />


Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 23<br />

Education Matters-Girgarre Primary School<br />

Kym, our Creative Worker, is busily working with our students on several projects. Covid lockdowns are affecting the program<br />

but nevertheless some fantastic art pieces have been created. It is the process of discovering, experimenting and seeing what<br />

works and what doesn’t that has captivated the imagination of our children.<br />

Di is continuing to support our children by providing instruction of ukulele and guitar on a Friday. This is available to Gr 3-6 children<br />

only at this stage.<br />

Our fitness playground equipment is to be installed in the week beginning 16 th August. The fitness track through the tree line<br />

looks magnificent. Thanks to the Dickman workforce who dug out the base and laid the crushed rock.<br />

4 of our Gr 5/6 children have been offered placement at this year’s<br />

Somers Camp. Clarification is still being sought as to whether children<br />

from different schools can attend…that and the fact the camp<br />

is located on the Mornington Peninsular. The camp is scheduled<br />

towards the end of this term.

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 24<br />

Jigarre Jammin’ — We’re making Music<br />

Camp – 23 -26 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

Planning any event is a see-saw of changing rules at the moment, isn’t it.<br />

Things can change with the blink of an eye, as we all know. Nonetheless, Jigarre Jammin’ team are planning<br />

to hold one of their popular camp weekends from the 23 -26 <strong>September</strong>. All Covid rules in place at<br />

the time will apply, including checking in with either a QR code or signing the book. Registering to come<br />

to the weekend will be mandatory for campers, as it is for those attending the Saturday session only, due<br />

to limited numbers. The Sunday morning old time Gospel singing session will be held in the hall from 10<br />

until 11am, not in the church. We appreciate the support everyone has offered in the past by adhering to<br />

the rules in place at the time. We want our volunteers, and visitors alike to have a safe and enjoyable<br />

weekend of music. Stay safe everyone. Contact : Irene 0429 149 246 for more info.<br />

Girgarre Moosic Muster to Return in January 2022<br />

Plans are afoot to bring back the Girgarre Moosic Muster in January 2022. The <strong>2021</strong> festival was cancelled<br />

due to the Covid pandemic. However, the resilient Girgarre community has not let the constantly evolving<br />

Covid situation deter them from once again looking to the future. “We have worked hard over many years<br />

to develop some great events,” Chair of the Girgarre Development Group, Jan Smith said recently. “It<br />

doesn’t make sense to have a ‘wait and see’ attitude for 2022,” she said. “Covid is just a set-back, not a<br />

deterrent to building on to the wonderful achievements of our small community. The uncertain times<br />

may still impact our plans - but for now - planning for a Covid safe Muster is going ahead.”<br />

“The past 12 months has seen us gain valuable experience in planning events while things are so fluid. We<br />

are putting that experience to good use. At the moment, the design of the 2022 festival is focussing on<br />

working with the current regulations to create a Moosic Muster that is easy for our wonderful volunteers<br />

to manage, one that also provides a safe and enjoyable event for the public. It will mean some changes to<br />

the running and programming everyone has become accustomed to in the past, but it is promising to be a<br />

wonderful week of activities and music. Something for everyone to look forward to.”<br />

Keep an eye on the Girgarre web page for updates. www.girgarre.com.au and Facebook<br />

https://www.facebook.com/groups/825297504176109 pages for updates on the January 2022 Moosic<br />

Muster, Jigarre Jammin’ and the Girgarre Markets.

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 25<br />

Girgarre Football Netball Club<br />

<strong>2021</strong> – the season that was, and then wasn’t, and then was again, and then wasn’t<br />

(you get the picture!) At the time of writing, we have just had the final two rounds<br />

cancelled due to Lockdown 7.0, in what was already a compromised fixture with not<br />

all teams being able to face up against each other due to previous lockdowns during the season.<br />

It was what we all expected however, and I think most people have been happy to just be able to get<br />

out and play football and netball with their mates after the cancellation of season 2020. However, it<br />

would be devastating to get through to the end and not be able to play finals. This is what the clubs<br />

and KDL Executive are currently working through right now, with no idea of where this current outbreak<br />

will go but putting into place options for a final’s series. This may mean a restructuring of what<br />

the finals will look like, and instead of running over four weekends, it may be less.<br />

It is the first year in a while that we have both our A and B grade netball teams in the top 6, so we<br />

hope to get things up and running again soon so we can see them play to their full potential and hopefully<br />

become <strong>2021</strong> Premiers.<br />

Whilst we may not be currently out on the track and court, there is still lots of work taking place behind<br />

the scenes. Our major raffle has just recently commenced and due to not being able to hand out<br />

physical tickets, we hope that people will still buy and sell tickets virtually. Money can be deposited<br />

directly into our bank account with details for tickets texted to Tenealle on 0439 462 226. The raffle<br />

will be drawn on Saturday 2 nd October which is meant to be our Presentation Night. We hope that this<br />

will still be able to be held as planned.<br />

Bank details: BSB – 633000 Acc – 15085 0899<br />

Use Raffle_Surname as your reference<br />

Stay safe and look out for one another!!<br />

Keep up to date with everything that is happening (and not happening) on our Facebook page Girgarre<br />

Football Netball Club.<br />

Check out GFNC Facebook<br />

page for upcoming<br />

events and current<br />

information for all our<br />


Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 26<br />


Girgarre Tennis Club is now taking names for the upcoming season for both junior and senior<br />

players. The first junior training will take place on 9th <strong>September</strong>, COVID restrictions allowing. If<br />

you or your child is interested in playing, please get in touch with Club Secretary, Fiona Smith, on<br />

0408 502 274, or send an email to girgarretc@outlook.com<br />

The free Hotshots program for children<br />

aged 3-8 will run from late October.<br />

If you have a child interesting in joining in,<br />

you can register your interest, using the<br />

above contact details, to be kept in the<br />

loop. This program is a fun way to learn<br />

the basics of tennis and develop gross<br />

motor skills.<br />

Girgarre Tennis Club wishes to thank<br />

outgoing President Josh Maudsley for his<br />

service to the club and welcomes<br />

Jason Saunders as our new President.<br />


Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 27<br />

Rushworth and District Community Bank is excited and proud to announce that we have appointed a new<br />

Branch Manager. Bridget Dwyer comes from Shepparton with a passion for Community Banking and<br />

experience in understanding rural communities. Please call into the branch and welcome her to our<br />

community.<br />

Starting her tenure with Bendigo Bank in 2014, Bridget is keen to grow the experiences she has gained<br />

from the last seven years. She has worked in many branch roles, as well as having a small stint in Business<br />

Support. Bridget is well qualified for the Branch Manager role with experience and qualifications to meet<br />

the needs of our customers and businesses. Prior to joining us, Bridget was the Assistant Branch Manager<br />

at Shepparton. During her time with Bendigo Bank, she worked very closely with the Greater Shepparton<br />

Connected Community. This passion for communities<br />

drew her to joining us as Branch Manager.<br />

During our recent ups and downs we are most grateful<br />

for the stability provided by our incredible team of<br />

Sharna, Paige and Janelle and the Board thanks both to<br />

our team and indeed our community for their patience<br />

and trust during this time of change.<br />

We look forward to continuing to provide excellent<br />

banking services for our townships and communities. It<br />

is only through your banking with us that we can<br />

continue to support our communities. So, if you are<br />

looking for a bank that helps you, then give Bridget at<br />

Rushworth & District Community Bank a call to<br />

understand how your banking can make a difference to<br />

our communities!<br />


Anyone encountering stray animals, especially unrestrained dogs, is asked to make a report to the Shire<br />

of Campaspe Ranger 1300 666 535. The number is monitored 24/7 and it is suggested that if possible a<br />

photograph be taken as evidence.<br />

Rail Trail Committee

Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>September</strong> pg 28

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