2018 Annual Report

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Published december 2018… with current news & oPPortunities

A Personal Note from Campus

Advocate, Angel Jackson

(pictured above)

each year, rape response (rr) provides our Let’s Talk education Programs

to middle & high school students, parents, teachers counselors & at-risk youth

in dawson, Forsyth, habersham, hall, lumpkin & white counties. The Let’s

Talk series is dedicated to educating adolescents & their parents on healthy

relationship dynamics, boundaries & laws designed to protect them during a

time in their lives when they are most vulnerable. Programs for each grade

level build upon each other & are specifically tailored to address topics

students may encounter. response from parents, teachers, counselors &

students has been positive & enthusiastic.

leah bramlett, counselor at north habersham middle, said “the Let’s Talk

Program teaches students how to keep relationships safe & healthy. originally,

presentations were only given to 8th graders. we loved the program so much,

we wanted all of our students to hear it. now, presentations are offered to 6th,

7th, & 8th graders, parents & educators. the educators do a fabulous job.

Presentations are age appropriate & tactfully taught. i believe this is a needed

program in all middle & high schools.”

rakia marcus, 9th grade counselor at Gainesville high, believes the Let’s

Talk Program is “a must-have for all teenagers. it’s a conversation starter.” rr

educators provided a Let’s Talk Program to a student group at Gainesville high

supervised by ms. marcus called 500 Queens. marcus said that the young

women attending this group “were able to walk away with more knowledge

about healthy boundaries & the signs of an unhealthy relationship. After

attending this program, some of the members were able to help a friend get

out of a very unhealthy situation.”

in addition to comments we receive from counselors, students often provide

feedback on pre & post tests. one middle school student wrote that they

learned “how to have a good relationship & how to have boundaries for me.

Also, how not to make me or someone else uncomfortable.” Another student

said, “i learned that it is VerY important to respect yourself and others, be

comfortable, and it is okay to say no!”

receiving feedback like this from students, counselors, teachers & parents is

why we feel so privileged & honored to teach these classes. our goal is not

just to educate, but to empower individuals to create healthier & safer

environments free of judgment, sexual harassment, bullying & sexual violence.

these comments show that our efforts really make a difference.

there is a quote i read when i feel like i am not doing enough: “helping one

person might not change the world, but it could change the world of one

person.” changing the world of one person, one conversation or one class at a

time, is how change & culture shift happens. the information individuals learn

from our program is invaluable & can be carried with them for a lifetime. not

every single student will need rape response services, but every student will

meet at least one person in their lives that can benefit from a sexual assault



“thank all of you for the support that was given during the hardest time of my life!

love you all so much and will never forget you all!”


rape response serves as a system

of support, advocacy and education

providing services to the community

and survivors of sexual assault while

safeguarding the dignity of each

person served.

Meet RR’s Newest Staff Members

l-r: Jen tarnowski, (Advocacy director)

molly Anderson (educator) and lore

Godina (bilingual Advocate)

Rape Response Staff

l-r Front: claudia deleon, Jeanne

buffington, lore Godina, erica Autry

l-r back: Kayla Garbutt, Gale Adams,

Angel Jackson, Jen tarnowski (not

pictured Anjana Freeman &

molly Anderson)

Free & Confidential • 24 Hours a day, 7 Days a Week 770-503-7273 or 1-800-721-1999 www.raperesponse.com

Page 2


Annual report

More Than a Crisis Line...

rape response is a nonprofit agency providing

24/7 services to sexual assault survivors, ages

13 and older, in dawson, Forsyth, habersham,

hall, lumpkin and white counties. Advocacy in

action for fiscal year 2017-2018 included:

• Crisis Calls extended emotional support to

survivors to address new and ongoing issues

related to sexual violence 1,840

• Counseling provided 310 individual therapy

sessions & 155 participated in group sessions

• Face-to-face Crisis Interventions supported

survivors as they processed the sexual

assault & equipped them with essential tools

needed on their path to recovery 1,586

• Personal Advocacy helped survivors to

navigate health care, law enforcement,

criminal justice & other social service

agencies 1,384

• Information & Referrals connected survivors

to their community for continued support and

healing 1,120

• Medical Accompaniment provided support to

survivors at the hospital during forensic

medical exams 86

• Aftercare Referrals & Information offered

survivors health care exams for sti’s; paid

for by rr & provided by local health

departments 110

• Victims’ Compensation Fund referred and/or

assisted survivors with information &

application regarding reimbursement for

medical expenses or counseling costs 86

• Education Programs provided to 6,350

middle school students, 876 high school

students, 3,512 college students, 183 at risk

youth & 39 parents. the new teacher

education program has been provided to 107

participants this year

• Court Accompaniment supported survivors

during trial & court proceedings 33 days

• Collaborations participated in interagency &

professional engagement opportunities to

benefit survivors 105 agencies/over 6,700



Kayla Garbutt - Fall

Anna roberts - spring

Fall 2018 Volunteer Training

Front row l-r: melissa conti, Jasmine murrillo, Ashlynn echols, molly

Anderson (staff), Gale Adams (staff), lore Godina (staff); back row

l-r: brianna daniels, brenda martinez, naja mcintosh, Kayla Garbutt

(staff), crystal reitsma, siobhan brennan

Jazzmin bailey

siobhan brennon

tatiana burkett*

caitlin carlan

lindsey castille*

melissa conti

marjorie cunningham

brianna daniels

Ashlynn echols

debbie edwards

christine ela*

Jaira Falcon

Jasmine Fortson

Andrea Gaines

Kayla Garbutt

Alyssa Grindle*

heather hollimon

sydney huff

Kalia Jordan

daisy Kitchens

Anna Knight*

Jessica ledbetter

silvia loredo

College Interns


christian martin

brenda martinez

dixie mayes

naja mcintosh

Katiee mcKinstry

Jasmine murrillo

tiffany myers*

Kelsey Payne*

Jennifer reed

olivia reeves*

crystal reitsma

monica roland

rebeca ruelas

melany sanchez

Addrienne session

Angela slay*

sarah strzemienski

Ashley sullins

cheyenne thornton*

christy wade*

elizabeth woodson*

Kara wright*

*Inactive Crisis Line Volunteers


MORE THAN 6,604 HOURS IN 2018!

Volunteer Quarterly Meeting

Free & Confidential • 24 Hours a day, 7 Days a Week 770-503-7273 or 1-800-721-1999 www.raperesponse.com

Page 3



Annual report


blessing Fund, nGcF

criminal Justice coordinating


habersham emc Foundation, inc.

Jackson emc Foundation inc.

Junior league of Gainesville - hall


north Georgia community Foundation

sexual Assault services Program


sawnee emc

united way:

dawson county, Forsyth county,

Greater Atlanta, habersham county,

hall county, white county

Victims of crime Act (VocA)

wells Fargo


First Presbyterian church♥

Grace episcopal church♥

Local Government

Gainesville, habersham, hall, lumpkin

& white (5% Funds)

hall county Government

Business & Community Organizations

Alejandra deleon Photo and design*

belk, inc.♥

chick-fil-A Gainesville and Flowery


Forum communications, inc.♥

Georgia legal services Program

Gerald F. lewis trustees♥



network For Good - Facebook


north Georgia technical college♥

syfan logistics charitable Fund♥

tlc childcare ♥


Jeanne buffington♥ in honor of

Facebook fundraisers

merri benham♥ in honor of sAAm

(sexual Assault Awareness month)

sharon coker♥ in honor of


Andrea conarro♥ in honor of the victims

of school shootings

christopher evans in honor of hope


Kris Jones in honor of wendy


sheriff Janis mangum in honor of sande


rebecka martin in honor of Katie bruner

Joe & caryl roark ♥ in honor of Jeanne


Kittie ross ♥ in honor of Jeanne




lindsey Alexander

ruth Alligood*

sarah Armstrong

sheree bagwell

Farilyn bearden

merri benham♥

william & donna blalock♥

ellen corinne briggs

John & Jane broaddus♥

marshall & Katie bruner♥

robert & ruth bruner

wanda bryant♥

Kris brown♥

tatiana burkett♥(Facebook birthday


Jeanne buffington♥

tracey calvin

caitlin carlan♥ (Facebook birthday


melinder caudell

manuel castro-ortiz♥

harry chapman♥

marie cochran

susan cole

steve & Karen collins♥

Gerald couch♥

Angie cowart

Katie crumley♥

michelle cummings

tina dewaart

cathy drerup

tonya duncan

debbie edwards*

christopher evans

ron & martha Fritchley♥

Kayla Garbutt*

chris Gailey♥

elsa Ann Gaines♥

wendy Glasbrenner♥

heather Goode♥

Jesse & rubi Gonzalez*

monica hayman♥

wesley & laura head

susan hosford

david & shannon hughs♥

Ginger imperiale

carol Jackson

Jo beth James

scott Jones

Kalia Jordan (Facebook birthday


Pattie lecroy

marvin & cleda locey

tenia lovvorn

laurie marsolo

carol martin♥

shelly martin

denika mccray

sean mccusker♥

martha & John nesbitt

John o'sullivan

Jeremy Perry♥

erica Pickens

Akilah Pruitt♥

strother & cindy randolph♥

Farilyn rearden♥

Anna roberts*

dorothy russ

lucy seabolt

Pamela segers

Jim & Gail sargent♥

marta shelton

debbie shelton

carol shirley♥

laurie spiess♥

robert & laura staub

Vince tillirson♥

savonda turner

wanda Vance♥

elisabeth Vaughan♥

John & Janet walden♥

sally walden-crowe♥

lisa warwick

michelle wilkinson-likins

sally wise

leigh stallings-wood♥

marinel wood ♥

trey & morgan wood♥


steven cronic in memory of bimbo


Janelle whalen♥ in memory of Gus


♥ donors giving $100 or more

* in Kind Goods or services

Thank you to all who made Dancing for a Cause a huge success, raising over $212,000!

Presentations & Collaborations

• caminar latino

• department of Family & children’s


• dawson & hall teen maze

• domestic Violence task Force: dawson,

Forsyth, hall, lumpkin & mountain

• Family connection: dawson, Forsyth,

habersham, hall, lumpkin & white

• Forsyth county child sexual Abuse

Prevention initiative

• Forsyth county Faith leaders

• legacy leaders

• Georgia mountain worksource

• Georgia network to end sexual Assault

• Goodwill of north Georgia

• habersham chamber of commerce

• habersham drug court

• hall county Juvenile court

• hall dA’s & solicitor’s offices

• hall/dawson treatment court

• hall rotary club

• Jesse’s house

• Juvenile court, Forsyth & hall

• la Allianza

• la Feria – circle of hope event

• law enforcement Presentations: brenau,

dawson, Gainesville Pd, habersham,

hall, lumpkin, oakwood & white

• lumpkin board of commissioners

• ser Familia

• saint luke’s catholic church

• universities & colleges: brenau, lanier

technical college, north Georgia

technical college, Piedmont, truett

mcconnell & unG

• white county chamber of commerce

North Georgia Technical College

Take Back the Night

Pictured above: nGtc students, rr staff & community members

Forsyth County Legacy Leaders

Jeanne buffington (executive director) with members of

legacy leaders Group

The Jackson EMC Foundation Inc,

Funded by the contributions of the

cooperative’s members, david lee pictured

with rape response staff

United Way of White

County Check


matt Adams and

erica Autry

UNG – Dahlonega Campus

Take Back the Night

Pictured above: unG students, rr staff & sheriff Jarrard

Smart Response Parent Program at Gainesville Middle

School Pictured above: Gms parents, school counselor

monica hayman & Jen tarnowski (rr educator)

Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)

Thank You lunch

Free & Confidential • 24 Hours a day, 7 Days a Week 770-503-7273 or 1-800-721-1999 www.raperesponse.com

P. o. box 2883 • Gainesville, Georgia 30503 • www.raperesponse.com

770-503-7273 • crisis line outside hall county 1-800-721-1999 • Fax 678-928-4209



u.s. PostAGe


Gainesville, GA 30501

Permit #82

CFC-Peach Belt*Dawson*Forsyth*Habersham*Hall*White

Page 4


Annual report

FinAnciAl oVerView

reVenue – $553,290

eXPenses – $536,884

united ways


Federal/state Grants

survivor Program Funds


county Government

survivor Program Funds


contributions, Fundraising,

local Grants, in-Kind


Administration $37,582

survivor services &



boArd oF directors

executive committee 2017-2018


Vice President

Past President



sean mccusker

melissa King

carol martin

Angie hanes

Jeremy Perry


Kris brown

michelle taylor

wanda bryant wanda Vance

Katie crumley elizabeth Vaughan

chris Gailey

camille Viera

monica hayman sally walden-crowe

shelly martin

John walden

carol shirley

trey wood

leigh stallings-wood

note: Federal and state reimbursement schedules and grant cycles overlap fiscal years.

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