29.09.2021 Aufrufe


COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD *********************************** https://anerrtahajimmaepub.blogspot.com/?enjoy=B09DN1FJRB *********************************** 75 Day Hard Challenge - Workout and Mental Health Journal - Men's Edition: Undated Planner with Habit Tracker and Meal Planning Notebook - Weightloss Book with Motivational Quotes for 75 Days b Are you ready for a real challenge? b These 75 days will change your life so far! You will introduce better habits into your life and learn discipline. A new, healthier life and a great feeling after completing the challenges are guaranteed.It is not easy to change your habits, but you know well that it is possible. In addition to exercise equipment, a good plan is also important. Therefore, this log book will be the perfect complement. u You will not only change physically, but also mentally. u You just need to follow a few rules every day:Eat healthyDrink 1 gallon of waterExercise 2 times for 45 minutes, including once outsideRead the 10 pages of the nonfiction bookTake photo of your progress every day b What's inside? b Page with your current weight and your resultsProgress Tracker 1 - 75 daysWeek planner with space to plan meals and shoppingDay planner with a checklist, schedule and a place to note down meals, activities, reading refletions and other thingsTwo additional spaces for your own habitsDaily dose of motivational sentences that will keep you never giving upTips



75 Day Hard Challenge - Workout and Mental Health Journal - Men's Edition: Undated Planner with Habit Tracker and Meal Planning Notebook - Weightloss Book with Motivational Quotes for 75 Days

b Are you ready for a real challenge? b These 75 days will change your life so far! You will introduce better habits into your life and learn discipline. A new, healthier life and a great feeling after completing the challenges are guaranteed.It is not easy to change your habits, but you know well that it is possible. In addition to exercise equipment, a good plan is also important. Therefore, this log book will be the perfect complement. u You will not only change physically, but also mentally. u You just need to follow a few rules every day:Eat healthyDrink 1 gallon of waterExercise 2 times for 45 minutes, including once outsideRead the 10 pages of the nonfiction bookTake photo of your progress every day b What's inside? b Page with your current weight and your resultsProgress Tracker 1 - 75 daysWeek planner with space to plan meals and shoppingDay planner with a checklist, schedule and a place to note down meals, activities, reading refletions and other thingsTwo additional spaces for your own habitsDaily dose of motivational sentences that will keep you never giving upTips


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