Inside NIRMA Fall 2021 - FINAL
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<strong>Inside</strong><br />
Leading the way in Nuclear Information and Records Management<br />
magazine<br />
The Gang’s All Here!<br />
Visit us at: <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>’s 45th Anniversary Conference Edition<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference,<br />
Records Managers,<br />
and the<br />
Pandemic,<br />
nextScan<br />
It’s an Exciting<br />
Time for <strong>NIRMA</strong>!<br />
Messages from<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>’s President<br />
& Vice-President<br />
Optimize Business<br />
Processes with Tech-<br />
Enabled Outsourcing,<br />
iBridge<br />
Scenes from the<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
Conference<br />
Issue # 12, <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong>
Contents<br />
<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
4<br />
6<br />
9<br />
13<br />
Message from the President; It’s an Exciting Time for <strong>NIRMA</strong>!<br />
By Janice Hoerber, Ameren<br />
News from the Vice-President<br />
By Bruce Walters, AECOM<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference, Records Managers, and the Pandemic<br />
By Matt Anderson, Vice President of Marketing, nextScan<br />
Optimize Business Processes with Tech-Enabled Outsourcing<br />
By Desh Urs, CEO and President, iBridge LLC<br />
14<br />
17<br />
20<br />
22<br />
24<br />
27<br />
Reducing Cost and Risks when Digitizing<br />
Micrographic Collections<br />
By Manual Bulwa, Integrated Scanning of America/ISAUSA<br />
Choosing a Records Management Solution that Fits<br />
Your Needs<br />
By Kaycee Jaeger, e-ImageData Marketing Director<br />
Lifetime Member Profile: Meet Frank Kocsis III, CRM/<br />
NS<br />
From the CRM: Wait, What did I do?<br />
By Andy McGavin, CRM, NS<br />
Chronicles of NIM: A Retrospective on Information<br />
Management in Nuclear Power<br />
By Eugene Yang, KISMET Consulting, Inc.<br />
Smartphones or Smart Use<br />
By Bob Larrivee, <strong>NIRMA</strong>’s Director of Technical Programs<br />
Attendees from <strong>NIRMA</strong>’s 45th<br />
Annual Conference briefly removed<br />
masks for a quick photo<br />
commemorating the event.<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>’s 46th Annual Conference<br />
will be August 1-3, 2022 at the JW<br />
Marriott Resort & Spa, Las Vegas<br />
Nevada.<br />
2 <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
in every issue<br />
PDBU NEWS—28<br />
RIMBU NEWS—29<br />
M&MBU NEWS—30<br />
Scenes from the <strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference:<br />
Speakers—5 & 7<br />
Celebration Event—11<br />
First Time Attendees—19<br />
Vendors—23<br />
Board Positions Announced—30<br />
Gil<br />
Brueckner<br />
(top photo),<br />
and Kathi<br />
Cole &<br />
Margie<br />
Janney,<br />
(bottom<br />
photo)<br />
present at<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>’s<br />
45th Annual<br />
Conference.<br />
Check out<br />
the many<br />
Conference<br />
photos<br />
within this<br />
magazine<br />
edition.<br />
Editors<br />
Neal and Sandra Miller<br /><br />
Advertising<br /><br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Headquarters<br />
Sarah Perkins<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Administrator<br />
245 Sunnyridge Ave., #41<br />
Fairfield, CT 06824<br /><br />
In addition to our own<br />
articles, <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
publishes guest articles from<br />
agencies and vendors. Please<br />
be advised that the views and<br />
opinions expressed in these<br />
articles are those of the<br />
authors and do not<br />
necessarily reflect the<br />
opinions of <strong>NIRMA</strong> or its<br />
Board of Directors.<br />
Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 3
A MESSAGE From the<br />
President<br />
Janice Hoerber<br />
It’s an Exciting Time for <strong>NIRMA</strong>!<br />
W<br />
hat an engaging Conference<br />
that unfolded for the 45 th<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Anniversary! It<br />
was wonderful having a<br />
majority of attendance in-person to<br />
network and reminisce and to stroll<br />
through a <strong>NIRMA</strong> Memorabilia<br />
room. We also embraced<br />
technology with Webex enabling<br />
keynote presentations and discussion<br />
with attendees participating from<br />
across the nation. While other<br />
industry associations had to default<br />
to another virtual event, <strong>NIRMA</strong> has<br />
been fortunate to deliver a hybrid<br />
Conference for in-person and virtual<br />
attendance to ensure strong<br />
engagement among the membership<br />
in light of COVID-19 travel impacts.<br />
During the Conference, it<br />
became clear what an exciting time<br />
this is to be involved with <strong>NIRMA</strong>.<br />
A few of my favorite highlights:<br />
• <strong>NIRMA</strong> Lifetime Rich Giska<br />
announced the just-completed<br />
extensive revision cycle for the<br />
ANSI/<strong>NIRMA</strong> Standard CM 1.0<br />
– <strong>2021</strong> for Configuration<br />
Management<br />
• <strong>NIRMA</strong> Board Member Bob<br />
Larrivee immersed us in<br />
technologies that can eliminate<br />
manual processes today in lieu of<br />
digitally automated processes and<br />
introduced us to Spot the Robot!<br />
• Andrew Ysasi, President-Elect<br />
for the ICRM, helped re-ignite a<br />
passion for members to pursue<br />
the ICRM Certifications<br />
available, including the elite<br />
Nuclear Specialist (NS)<br />
• "Bill Gates has entered the chat!"<br />
Past <strong>NIRMA</strong> Board Member<br />
Meg Milligan asked the<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Board to follow up on<br />
the Bill Gates' Foundation<br />
funding of Nuclear Power for<br />
getting the world to a carbonfree<br />
future (Aug 4, <strong>2021</strong> NEI<br /> article)<br />
The <strong>NIRMA</strong> Board of Directors is<br />
aware that the time is now to help<br />
our membership and our industry to<br />
see the future and quickly leverage<br />
the skills and solutions that are<br />
available today. At the Conference,<br />
we heard the barriers that many are<br />
experiencing:<br />
• Not everyone is "on the bus"<br />
and wants change, there are<br />
resistors and slow walkers in our<br />
workplaces<br />
• Some have<br />
tried new<br />
technology<br />
and it never<br />
made it long<br />
enough to<br />
see the<br />
savings with<br />
few people<br />
using it (i.e.<br />
Electronic<br />
Work<br />
Packages)<br />
• Paper is still very much in play –<br />
some Quality Assurance vaults<br />
are overflowing<br />
• Not all organizations have an<br />
electronic signature tool for<br />
work-from-home approvals<br />
Today, the barrier is not always<br />
funding as it once was. Now, the issue is<br />
making these things an organizational<br />
priority in our work places. We need<br />
vendor experts and All-In teams to take<br />
nuclear processes into the future with<br />
technology. <strong>NIRMA</strong> needs to bring more<br />
technology vendors to our Conference to<br />
connect the dots.<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> intends to be on the<br />
forefront to help your organization<br />
streamline and manage information. It<br />
really is about the "I" in <strong>NIRMA</strong>.<br />
We thank our past <strong>NIRMA</strong> legacy<br />
who recognized that long ago. It is a<br />
great time to be involved in this<br />
journey!<br />
4 <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
David Nelson, NRC presenting remotely “Transformation<br />
Initiatives around the NRC”<br />
Laura Williams, ANI presenting remotely “Records – The<br />
Nuclear Liability Perspective”<br />
Bob Larrivee facilitating the preconference<br />
Workshop, “Preparing for<br />
Information Automation”<br />
➔ “Configuration Management Panel<br />
Discussion” with Tim Fleet, Moderator with<br />
panel participants Laurent Perkins, Rich<br />
Giska, and Lona Smith<br />
“History of <strong>NIRMA</strong>” with Past Presidents & Lifetime<br />
Members, (L-R) Rich Giska (remote), Frank Kocsis, Margie<br />
Janney, Moderator Sheila Pearcy, Cheri Susner, Mary<br />
Binkholder, Michelle Smith, and Eugene Yang
Bruce Walters, CRM/NS<br />
T<br />
he <strong>2021</strong> Nuclear<br />
Information Management<br />
Conference was a big<br />
success based on survey<br />
comments. I am particularly<br />
thankful for our many keynote<br />
speakers, general session speakers,<br />
exhibitors, sponsors, marketing<br />
team, and hotel staff who helped<br />
make the conference, well, the<br />
Conference. It takes a lot of effort<br />
and support to pull off such an<br />
endeavor. Thank you all for<br />
stepping up and being a part of the<br />
conference team. And many thanks<br />
to all the attendees who participated<br />
on location at the JW Marriott or<br />
from your home/office. Your<br />
energy and insightful contributions<br />
during the conference were<br />
remarkable and made the <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
45 th Anniversary an event to<br />
remember!<br />
You should know that I am<br />
already making plans for 2022. The<br />
Conference is locked in for August 1<br />
-3, 2022 at our favorite resort. I’m<br />
thinking of topics and speakers that<br />
would be of interest to all of us and<br />
you shared some ideas on the survey.<br />
I have reached out to a number of<br />
potential speakers already and will<br />
continue in the coming months. It's<br />
time to reflect on your career, your<br />
work experiences, what you just<br />
finished, and what YOU could share<br />
with the rest of <strong>NIRMA</strong>! I am ready<br />
to hear from you (or you may hear<br />
from me!).<br />
Speaking of the 2022 <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
Conference, your Board of Directors<br />
met in September to discuss our<br />
<strong>2021</strong> costs and 2022 fees. Eugene<br />
Yang brought up a great point<br />
during the Annual Business Meeting<br />
about the organization’s finances.<br />
That triggered some tough<br />
discussion amongst the Board<br />
members. We are being mindful that<br />
we need to be as cost-conscious as<br />
possible because this is Association<br />
money we are spending.<br />
We have all noticed grocery<br />
prices going up all over the country<br />
and thus, the hotel meal costs have<br />
risen equally. Additionally, in a<br />
nutshell, having a virtual Conference<br />
is expensive.<br />
While we reduce<br />
the overall cost<br />
for meals of<br />
attendees<br />
because fewer of<br />
us are in-person,<br />
we have learned<br />
that we have<br />
significantly more<br />
audio/visual<br />
costs. The final<br />
numbers have<br />
not been<br />
received as I<br />
write this article,<br />
but based on<br />
projected costs, we continue to run<br />
at a deficit and are having to draw<br />
from <strong>NIRMA</strong>'s investment account<br />
to pay expenses. That is not<br />
sustainable regardless of what we<br />
charge for attendance. Our plan is<br />
to return to an in-person conference<br />
in 2022 and future years but know<br />
that COVID-19 realities are out of<br />
our control.<br />
In order for you to make<br />
budgetary plans for 2022, below are<br />
the Board-approved fees for the next<br />
Conference:<br />
Early Bird<br />
by end of July 1:<br />
$1,250<br />
Late Registration<br />
after July 1:<br />
$1,500<br />
Speaker Fee:<br />
$1,000<br />
Exhibitor Fee:<br />
$2,800<br />
The <strong>NIRMA</strong> Membership Fee<br />
will once again remain at $250 for<br />
those who did not attend the <strong>2021</strong><br />
Conference. By end of year, the<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Office will be sending out<br />
Membership reminders to those who<br />
could not participate in <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
I am excited for what the coming<br />
year will bring for <strong>NIRMA</strong> and the<br />
opportunities that all of us have for<br />
networking and education. We are<br />
going to do this, together, and I’m<br />
looking forward to it.<br />
Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 6
Two Former <strong>NIRMA</strong> Presidents (as well as Lifetime<br />
Members), Eugene Yang and Cheri Susner catch up.<br />
Andrew Ysasi, VP, Advocacy, VRC Companies, LLC<br />
presents “IG and Cyber Security”<br />
Whitney McCollum, Assistant General Counsel for Data<br />
Protection & Technology, AECOM presenting remotely “Data<br />
& COVID - Now & Future”<br />
Rich Chaney, nextScan presents “Basics of Document<br />
Control"<br />
Lou Rofrano, Co-Director of PDBU presenting “One<br />
Year Later – Progress Report on the <strong>NIRMA</strong> Mentoring<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong><strong>2021</strong>Conference<br />
Exhibitor,Presenterand<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Conferences,<br />
Records Managers, and the<br />
Pandemic<br />
By Matt Anderson,<br />
Vice President of Marketing, nextScan<br />
L<br />
ooking back over the years,<br />
we fondly remember our first<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> shows before the<br />
pandemic. Everyone was, and<br />
remains warm, friendly, and<br />
inviting. Personally, I remember<br />
experiencing my first <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
conference, with the exhibitors<br />
being welcomed to share a meal and<br />
engage off the floor, which is<br />
unique compared to other events<br />
we attend. Thank you for always<br />
welcoming us to Las Vegas and<br />
your annual conference.<br />
These last two <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
conferences have been much<br />
different. While the friendly and<br />
warm faces are still there, there are<br />
just a lot fewer of them. And while<br />
there have been many negative<br />
changes, we are going to seek out<br />
the positive as well.<br />
The <strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference has<br />
evolved and allowed much more<br />
than only an exhibitor experience.<br />
For nextScan, it has given us the<br />
ability to share our knowledge of<br />
document management with you as<br />
nextScan has been able to<br />
create software<br />
enhancements to help<br />
resolve problems you<br />
encounter. Thank you for<br />
the continued support and<br />
allowing us to present to<br />
this esteemed group.<br />
Continued on next page.<br />
Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 9
Continued from previous page.<br />
well as showcase how our<br />
equipment is designed to solve<br />
some of your recurring problems.<br />
These opportunities often turn into<br />
conversations, allowing us to speak<br />
directly with <strong>NIRMA</strong> members, to<br />
understand their unique challenges,<br />
and propose possible solutions.<br />
Additionally, in response to the<br />
challenges you face, nextScan has<br />
been able to create software<br />
enhancements to help resolve<br />
problems you encounter. Thank<br />
you for the continued support and<br />
allowing us to present to this<br />
esteemed group.<br />
The pandemic has had a<br />
profound impact on all industries<br />
and Records Management was<br />
certainly an area that felt the<br />
increased pressure to keep up with<br />
demands these past 18 months.<br />
COVID has also made everyone<br />
more aware of the<br />
importance of<br />
proper Records<br />
Management<br />
strategies and<br />
techniques to be<br />
able to timely share<br />
information as the<br />
remote working<br />
The future of smart and<br />
clean energy sources is<br />
not going away anytime<br />
soon. As need for energy<br />
continues to grow, our<br />
country will be looking to<br />
nuclear energy to help<br />
provide the carbon-free<br />
energy it will require.<br />
paradigm shift seems to be here for<br />
some time.<br />
We understand that the role<br />
that Records Managers undertake is<br />
critical to keeping nuclear plants on<br />
plan, on task, and on budget. Never<br />
before have so many documents, of<br />
all different formats, file types, and<br />
sizes, been produced and stored.<br />
Understanding where to access,<br />
how to access, and who can access,<br />
has become a challenging task for<br />
Record Managers. Thank you for<br />
all you do for the Nuclear and<br />
Records Management industries.<br />
The future of smart and clean<br />
energy sources is not going away<br />
anytime soon. As need for energy<br />
continues to grow, our country will<br />
be looking to nuclear energy to<br />
help provide the carbon-free<br />
energy it will require. If the current<br />
bipartisan infrastructure bill is<br />
passed, nuclear power reactors<br />
would get $6 billion to shore up a<br />
struggling electrical grid.<br />
We hope everyone that<br />
attended the <strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference<br />
had a great visit and thoroughly<br />
enjoyed the conference. It’s a spot<br />
on our calendar that we mark every<br />
year.<br />
See you in 2022!<br />
10 <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
Scenes from<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>’s 45th<br />
Anniversary<br />
Conference<br />
Celebration<br />
Feeling the<br />
Pressure<br />
to Digitize?<br />
But for budget purposes,<br />
you need an estimate and<br />
proof of concept?<br />
No Problem.<br />
We will come to your site,<br />
provide you with an<br />
estimate and proof of<br />
concept.<br />
All free of cost and with no<br />
obligation<br />
Give us a call at<br />
503.906.2593, no job<br />
is too big or too small.<br />
Optimize Business<br />
Processes with Tech-<br />
Enabled Outsourcing<br />
E<br />
nterprises looking to outsource business<br />
processes in a cost-efficient way should look<br />
for vendors that embrace natural language<br />
processing, artificial intelligence, and machine<br />
learning. These tools deliver significant advantages by<br />
automatically filtering and categorizing large volumes of<br />
content.<br />
Deploying automated solutions to high-volume, lowimpact<br />
processes is key to achieving best-in-class<br />
workflow efficiency. IT and Records Managers who<br />
look for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) partners<br />
that incorporate these technologies will enable smarter<br />
decision-making and greatly enhanced efficiencies.<br />
The foundation of next-generation document control<br />
processes is<br />
Natural Language<br />
Processing<br />
(NPL). NPL is a<br />
branch of<br />
artificial<br />
intelligence (AI)<br />
that allows<br />
computers to<br />
read the text of<br />
digitized<br />
documents.<br />
However, the ability to interpret large quantities of<br />
By Desh Urs, CEO &<br />
President, iBridge LLC<br />
unstructured data relies on trained AI algorithms. The<br />
practical benefit of this approach is minimal-touch,<br />
straight-through processing, which now includes<br />
interpreting topographic legends and symbols in plat<br />
maps and land use documents. In addition, an AIpowered<br />
sorting algorithm can identify and process<br />
details within a single or cluster of records, to extract<br />
information accurately and quickly.<br />
Higher-impact BPO benefits are achievable through<br />
Machine Learning as well. Machine Learning is an<br />
advanced subset of artificial intelligence that focuses on<br />
teaching computers to process data without giving<br />
them explicit instructions on how to do so. Machine<br />
Learning systems can interpret data and identify trends<br />
with minimal or no human intervention. This techenabled<br />
analysis makes it possible for enterprises to<br />
emphasize the value their employees generate.<br />
Machine Learning enables enterprises to automate<br />
analytics processes that traditionally come with steep<br />
operating costs. Enterprises that incorporate Machine<br />
Learning into their operating models can often act<br />
faster and more decisively than their peers, making<br />
enterprise agility one of the most compelling benefits<br />
this technology has to offer.<br />
Business process outsourcing vendors that implement<br />
emerging technologies make process efficiency a core<br />
value. If your organization is not internally leveraging<br />
these emerging technologies, then look for a BPO<br />
partner who does. You will be rewarded with a strategy<br />
that prioritizes efficiency, flexibility, and cost-saving.<br />
Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 13
t<br />
here is ample consensus across most industries<br />
about the need to digitize their micrographic<br />
collections. Reasons include concerns about<br />
film degradation, regulatory compliance,<br />
obsolescence of mechanical viewers, inherent<br />
inefficiencies, contingency planning against natural and<br />
man-made disasters, the irreversible paradigm shift to<br />
remote working and more. The traditional barriers to<br />
entry have been breached by COVID, technological<br />
innovations and the abundance of success stories. There<br />
are also some horror stories mostly associated to<br />
underestimation of the complexities of digitization<br />
projects, especially when undertaken on site, or assigned<br />
to service providers engaged in cutthroat competition.<br />
This article proposes options to reduce risks and<br />
costs. Although it focuses on microfiche, it applies<br />
similarly to roll film and aperture cards. Let’s start by<br />
exploring the Technology and Methodologies<br />
components of the proposed concept.<br />
Technology<br />
(Equipment, Software)<br />
The traditional “rent equipment and good luck” approach<br />
is costly and risky. It implies training, learning curves,<br />
beginner’s mistakes, lack of adequate QC tools and/or<br />
expertise, staff working beyond their core competency,<br />
and more. An ideal solution should allow for:<br />
• All media stays onsite.<br />
• Client’s clerical staff (or temps) undertake “bare<br />
bones” operations (mostly feeding media).<br />
• Service provider undertakes all critical tasks through<br />
remote access, using highly trained experts and<br />
sophisticated technology.<br />
By Manuel Bulwa, Integrated Scanning of America<br /><br />
• Expensive equipment is allocated only during the<br />
bulk digitization phase.<br />
• Day forward capture, if needed, is configured with a<br />
solid scaled down version of the resources used<br />
during bulk capture.<br />
• Low cost/low risk.<br />
To accomplish the above, one or more production<br />
level scanners are installed onsite for the duration,<br />
configured and fine-tuned remotely by experts using<br />
smart glasses at the site to drastically improve support<br />
and training. Smart glasses make possible that local<br />
operators become the hands, eyes and ears of the<br />
remote experts during training and support. (click here<br />
for Tele-Assistance video).<br />
A small workgroup consisting of at least one<br />
preconfigured scan station with a high-volume scanner,<br />
a printer, a robust storage unit, a barcode handgun and<br />
at least one production station are configured with<br />
Internet access, but fully isolated from any local IT<br />
resources. All captured images are stored locally, while<br />
the service<br />
provider<br />
performs all<br />
post-capture<br />
work on the<br />
auxiliary<br />
station(s)<br />
using remote<br />
desktop. No<br />
data needs to<br />
be transferred<br />
out of the<br />
workgroup.<br />
14 <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
Methodologies<br />
An ideal scenario will not only reduce risks and costs,<br />
but it should also eliminate or drastically reduce the<br />
following vulnerabilities:<br />
• Barcode technology and a<br />
barcode gun to manage<br />
smart rescans.<br />
• Efficient production<br />
methodologies successfully<br />
proven on billions of images.<br />
• Ability to find inventoried<br />
and scanned images without<br />
the cost of traditional<br />
indexing or deferring this cost to future budgets.<br />
To find records with minimal or no indexing, we<br />
propose the use of Visual Navigation to mimic digitally<br />
the same process users performed manually when using<br />
(now obsolete) reader printers, i.e.: navigate fiche titles<br />
in a drawer, mount a sheet in the carrier, then navigate<br />
the frames in the carrier until the first frame of the<br />
record is located. Although the steps are quite similar,<br />
there is an overwhelming number of benefits when<br />
operating digitally instead of manually.<br />
The cost savings are significant when compared to<br />
traditional indexing strategies.<br />
The risk reduction is based on<br />
the absence of human errors<br />
interpreting and capturing<br />
index data.<br />
In conclusion, if your<br />
micrographic collection has<br />
not yet suffered degradation,<br />
abuse, misuse, natural or manmade<br />
disasters, you still<br />
depend on in-person staff<br />
attendance and obsolete<br />
equipment. The concept<br />
presented here makes<br />
digitization affordable and<br />
safe.<br />
To accomplish the above, our concept involves the use<br />
of:<br />
• Smart glasses to<br />
perform a creative<br />
video inventory of<br />
physical assets.<br />
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Choosing a<br />
records<br />
management<br />
solution that<br />
fits your needs<br />
By Kaycee Jaeger,<br />
e-ImageData Marketing Director<br />
T<br />
hey say that we’re doomed to repeat history if<br />
we do not study and understand it. Until the<br />
past couple of decades—and even to today—<br />
much of history was recorded on paper<br />
documents. Nuclear corporations and businesses of all<br />
kinds have carefully stored microfilm and microfiche<br />
versions of critical documents for viewing. With many<br />
employees’ workload curtailed due to pandemic<br />
precautions, these documents must become digitally<br />
available to research so work can continue remotely. If<br />
your corporation is looking for a microfilm scanner, it’s<br />
important to ask these five questions to ensure you get<br />
the best value for your budget.<br />
1. Can it do everything we need it to do?<br />
You may have records stored in a variety of formats,<br />
and you need one solution that can best scan and<br />
digitize all of them. Some of the most common formats<br />
that corporations need to have scanned for digital use<br />
include microfilm, microfiche and aperture cards. While<br />
other scanners on the market may be able to handle one<br />
or two types, ScanPro® can handle all of these and<br />
more. It reliably and clearly scans all types of<br />
micrographic media so that you’ll only need one<br />
scanner. It makes the most economic sense, and it will<br />
be far more convenient for corporations that want to<br />
standardize how their micrographic media documents<br />
are scanned and saved for the future.<br />
2. How reliable is it?<br />
When dealing with delicate and sensitive microfilm,<br />
microfiche and others, you need a scanner that works<br />
every time. Employees have deadlines, businesses are on<br />
the clock, and researchers are often in a race to find<br />
answers to questions buried within those micrographic<br />
documents. ScanPro microfilm scanners are famous for<br />
reliability, which makes them the industry standard for<br />
digitizing micrographic documentation. Built with heavy<br />
-gauge steel with smooth ball-bearing movement and<br />
motors that corporations praise for workhorse<br />
reliability, e-ImageData’s ScanPro products produce<br />
clear image quality after years of scanning millions of<br />
images.<br />
3. How consistently does it produce high<br />
quality images?<br />
It's normal for a ScanPro microfilm scanner, scanning<br />
hundreds of documents a week and thousands of<br />
documents a month or more, to produce the same highquality<br />
digital image of the original micrographic media<br />
as it did on the very first day. Some other key benefits<br />
include quick and accurate media positioning each time<br />
for a perfect, easy-to-read scan. Additional features like<br />
wide-range optical zoom and image focus capabilities<br />
help researchers discover things that might have been<br />
missed previously. Automatic film scanning makes the<br />
process quick and easy for high-volume scanning<br />
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Choosing a records management solution<br />
that fits your needs, continued<br />
projects, and the ScanPro is built with the<br />
environment in mind. ScanPro products are also<br />
quiet enough to operate without disturbing your coworkers.<br />
4. How easy is it to use?<br />
Unlike other microfilm scanners, ScanPro is<br />
coupled with a powerful software package called<br />
PowerScan Productivity Suite, a Windows app that<br />
your employees will find intuitive to use. This<br />
reduces the time it takes to learn how to use the<br />
system, even for first time users. This is critical when<br />
research is on a time crunch. The Film Selection<br />
Wizard creates an automatic setup that makes the<br />
process a snap, and also allows you to add custom<br />
photo icons and links to your corporation’s<br />
applications for a smooth process. On-screen help<br />
and look-up features make it easy to get answers to<br />
common questions. No other product on the market<br />
has these powerful, time-saving tools. If your<br />
corporation needs a microfilm scanner that is up and<br />
running quickly with a minimum of hassle and no<br />
wasted time, e-ImageData’s ScanPro with a powerful<br />
software package is the combination you need to<br />
save time and avoid headaches.<br />
5. Can we get a demo before we buy it?<br />
You wouldn’t buy a car without taking it for a test<br />
drive first, and with such an important piece of<br />
micrographic equipment, you should always be able<br />
to get a complete demo that shows you what you can<br />
expect and how to get the most out of your<br />
microfilm scanner. Be sure to contact us today and<br />
let’s talk about your microfilm scanning needs and<br />
how ScanPro can perform for you.<br />
Not a Member of<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>?<br />
join today!<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> is considering the creation of a<br />
Committee focused on emerging<br />
technologies with a perspective on how<br />
they would impact Nuclear Information<br />
Management. An Emerging<br />
Technologies Insight Group would<br />
consist of interested <strong>NIRMA</strong> members<br />
and vendor solution providers. Members<br />
of this group would monitor technologies<br />
such as process automation, robotics,<br />
capture devices, etc. producing articles<br />
and presenting their opinions at the<br />
conference on a panel. Send your<br />
thoughts or interest to<br /> so we can gauge<br />
interest. Thank you!<br />
18 <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
<strong>2021</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference<br />
First-Time attendees<br />
“There is good support<br />
from <strong>NIRMA</strong> to move the<br />
industry forward and explore<br />
new collaboration and records<br />
management options.”<br />
Jorge Biaggini, Fellow Engineer,<br />
Technical Lead for Digital<br />
Design, Westinghouse<br />
“I am new to the nuclear part<br />
of utilities and at a<br />
decommissioned plant that has a<br />
staff of 4. The speakers were good<br />
and very knowledgeable. I think<br />
that building on my knowledge is<br />
key to getting a better<br />
understanding of what I am<br />
required to do in my job.”<br />
Theresa Zuck, Office Technician,<br />
Sacramento Municipal Utility District<br />
(SMUD)<br />
“It was great hearing from others that<br />
have gone through or are going through<br />
the Electronic Records and<br />
Decommissioning Record Management<br />
process. Going over their takeaways, dos<br />
and don’ts, and plans forward was<br />
beneficial and helped answer some of my<br />
questions/concerns I’d had prior to the<br />
conference.”<br />
Lauren Evans, Office Technician, Nuclear<br />
Records Manager, SMUD – Rancho Seco<br />
“I enjoyed Eugene Yang<br />
when he spoke on Electronic<br />
Document and Records<br />
Management in the Nuclear<br />
Industry. NFS is just now<br />
discussing going electronic<br />
with our Document Records<br />
and this information was<br />
very useful and addressed<br />
many questions I had about the process.”<br />
Sherry Street, Configuration Management Specialist I,<br />
Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. (NFS) a BWXT company
Lifetime Member<br />
Profile<br />
Meet Frank Kocsis III<br />
Tell us about the locations you worked at, and<br />
positions you have held?<br />
I have worked at:<br />
• Idaho National Laboratory – Director<br />
Information and Facilities Management<br />
• Source One Management – Vice President Federal<br />
and Nuclear Programs<br />
• Rocky Flats – Program Manager Administrative<br />
Services<br />
• Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant – Director<br />
Administrative Services, Records Manager,<br />
Procedures & Training Manager<br />
• Cleveland Electric/Perry Nuclear Plant – Records<br />
Manager<br />
• Public Service Indiana/Marble Hill Nuclear Plant<br />
– Records Manager<br />
• Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, New<br />
Frank and fellow <strong>NIRMA</strong> Lifetime Member, Cheri Susner➔<br />
Production Reactor Program – Documentation<br />
Management Specialist<br />
• INEL, LOFT Project – Certified Senior Reactor<br />
Operator, Test Engineer<br />
• United States Navy Nuclear Submarine Service –<br />
Propulsion Engineer<br />
20 <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
What are the Professional Affiliations you have<br />
been involved in?<br />
• Nuclear Information & Records Management<br />
Association (<strong>NIRMA</strong>)<br />
• ARMA International (ARMA)<br />
• Project Management Institute (PMI)<br />
• United States Submarine Veterans (USSVI)<br />
What have you found most rewarding about your<br />
membership?<br />
Besides abundant knowledge of the profession I had<br />
chosen, the most rewarding part of being a member of<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> is the life-long professional and personal<br />
relationships I have developed. There has never been<br />
a time when I could not get the information I needed<br />
to help me be successful in my career and program/<br />
project development.<br />
When did you join <strong>NIRMA</strong>?<br />
I joined <strong>NIRMA</strong> in 1980.<br />
What <strong>NIRMA</strong> Leadership positions have you<br />
held?<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> positions I have held were President,<br />
Director, and a Vendor Exhibitor Coordinator.<br />
How did you get started with <strong>NIRMA</strong>?<br />
In 1979 I was a member of the Department of<br />
Energy’s (DOE) New Production Reactor Program<br />
assigned to the Technical Support Office at Three Mile<br />
Island Nuclear Station. Our mission was accident<br />
evaluation and nuclear fuel recovery. My assignment<br />
was development of documentation and configuration<br />
management programs for the Office. A consultant I<br />
hired introduced me to NRMA, now known as<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>. I was able to gain valuable insight into the<br />
nuclear records and information world, which assisted<br />
in the development of our documentation and<br />
configuration management programs.<br />
In what ways were you able to help (mentor) other<br />
members?<br />
Since I have mostly been in Information Management<br />
Leadership positions, I have made sure my staff had<br />
the opportunity to be involved in <strong>NIRMA</strong>, to assist in<br />
their career development. I was involved in the early<br />
development of the Institute of Certified Records<br />
Managers (ICRM), Certified Records Manager (CRM)<br />
– Nuclear Specialist designation. I have always felt that<br />
being a Certified Records Manager would be a<br />
tremendous boost to a career. I have personally<br />
assisted (mentored) several individuals in their quest in<br />
obtaining their CRM. I have also mentored individuals<br />
in other career development activities.<br />
What would you tell others looking to get involved<br />
in <strong>NIRMA</strong> or <strong>NIRMA</strong> leadership roles?<br />
I would tell people to look at my career and let them<br />
know that involvement in <strong>NIRMA</strong> was a significant<br />
driver in my obtaining increasingly more important<br />
Information Management Leadership roles. I would<br />
tell them that a leadership role in <strong>NIRMA</strong> will assist in<br />
their career development and company leadership<br />
position progression.<br />
How did being a member of <strong>NIRMA</strong> assist you<br />
with your career?<br />
For the last forty-two (42) years my career has been<br />
centered around nuclear information/records<br />
management, document & configuration<br />
management/control, and procedures development.<br />
As a member of <strong>NIRMA</strong>, I had the most absolute<br />
networking connections to nuclear industry<br />
Information/Records Management professionals and<br />
vendors as I was developing information management<br />
and procedure programs for my companies and<br />
customers.<br />
Why is it important for you to stay involved?<br />
I am probably the oldest member still involved in<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>. Even after being retired for almost ten years,<br />
I do it for self-satisfaction, to keep abreast of<br />
developing technology, to help the organization where<br />
I can, and to stay in contact with old friends while<br />
making new ones.<br />
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From the CRM<br />
I<br />
Wait, What Did I do?<br />
think we’ve all been there.<br />
You’re at a party, someone asks<br />
what you do, and you say<br />
you’re a Nuclear Records<br />
Manager. After the initial blank<br />
look, you get some variation on the<br />
response, “Huh, what is that<br />
exactly?” Over the years, I’ve<br />
developed a brief canned description<br />
to move the conversation along, but<br />
it strikes me that professionals in<br />
many other fields don’t have to go<br />
through this. “I’m a lawyer.” “I’m in<br />
sales.” “I’m an engineer.” Bam -<br />
question answered! There might be<br />
some follow-up chitchat about the<br />
person’s area of specialty, but<br />
“what’s that?” just isn’t in the<br />
conversation.<br />
If you’re like most nuclear<br />
records and information managers I<br />
know, you might not have started<br />
your career with your sights set on<br />
the job you have now. Personally, I<br />
was a journalism major working a<br />
temporary job as a technical writer at<br />
a nuclear plant, when I sort of<br />
followed the documents I was<br />
writing along their lifecycle from<br />
development and approval into<br />
document control and records<br />
management. I know others who<br />
worked their way into records from<br />
IT or administrative roles,<br />
discovered they liked it and they<br />
were good at it, and stuck around.<br />
In the time I’ve been a <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
member, I sense that many of us fall<br />
into one of two groups:<br />
• I’m relatively new to records<br />
management, and while I’m good<br />
at my job right now, sometimes I<br />
feel there should be more to it,<br />
but I don’t know what I don’t<br />
know.<br />
or<br />
By Andy McGavin, CRM/NS<br />
• I’ve been working in records<br />
management for a long time, I<br />
can handle pretty much anything<br />
that comes my way, but I feel<br />
like I’m in a rut.<br />
(OK, there are also a few <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
rock stars who have really got this<br />
thing down -- I try to hang around<br />
them as much as possible and hope<br />
something rubs off, but they’re in<br />
their own league.)<br />
Fortunately, whether you find<br />
yourself in the first or second group<br />
above, there is something you can do<br />
to fill in the gaps and gain a better<br />
perspective of how your job fits into<br />
the bigger picture: Become certified<br />
as a Records Analyst or a Records<br />
Manager by the Institute of Certified<br />
Records Managers (ICRM).<br />
Why become certified? In my<br />
experience, here are a few reasons<br />
why:<br />
• It tells your current employer<br />
that you’re serious about your<br />
profession and you want to<br />
expand how you can contribute.<br />
• It tells potential employers that<br />
you’re serious about your<br />
profession and it provides an<br />
objective third-party<br />
endorsement of your skills on<br />
your resume. (No kidding -- I get<br />
unsolicited inquiries from<br />
employers on LinkedIn solely<br />
because I have a CRM on my<br />
resume.)<br />
• It adds structure and fills in gaps<br />
around the knowledge you have<br />
picked up more organically<br />
throughout your career.<br />
The ICRM’s records<br />
management certification process is<br />
based on six separate exams (five<br />
multiple choice, one essay) covering<br />
a range of records management<br />
proficiencies:<br />
• Part 1: Management Principles<br />
and the Records and Information<br />
(RIM) Program<br />
• Part 2: Records and Information:<br />
Creation and Use<br />
• Part 3: Records Systems, Storage<br />
and Retrieval<br />
• Part 4: Records Appraisal,<br />
Retention, Protection and<br />
Disposition<br />
• Part 5: Technology<br />
• Part 6: Business Case (two essay<br />
questions)<br />
ICRM offers two certifications:<br />
• Certified Records Analyst (CRA):<br />
Conferred upon completion of<br />
22 <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
Parts 2, 3, and 4, which focus<br />
more on the operational aspects<br />
of records management.<br />
• Certified Records Manager<br />
(CRM): Conferred upon<br />
completion of all 6 Parts,<br />
demonstrating a comprehensive<br />
grasp of Records Management<br />
practices.<br />
There are also three additional<br />
specialty designation exams that<br />
CRAs and CRMs in the nuclear,<br />
federal government, and information<br />
governance areas may choose to<br />
complete after their initial<br />
certification.<br />
Don’t let the idea of six exams<br />
seem overwhelming – if you have a<br />
few years of records and information<br />
management work under your belt,<br />
you’ll find you already know much of<br />
the content. Start with just one exam<br />
in the area you already know the best<br />
and take advantage of ICRM’s study<br />
guides to prepare. When you’ve<br />
completed the first one, start on<br />
another, and before you know it,<br />
you’ll find you’re a CRA.<br />
I’m not sure if it will help with<br />
the job explanation at the next party<br />
you attend, but when you say you’re<br />
a Certified Records Analyst or<br />
Manager, it’s bound to generate some<br />
more conversation.<br />
Scanning America<br />
nextScan / STimaging<br />
AMS Store & Shred, LLC<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> greatly appreciates<br />
our Conference Vendors.<br />
Click on the Vendor picture<br />
to take a look at what each<br />
has to offer to our <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
membership.<br />
For more information, contact<br />
ICRM at<br />
Andy McGavin, CRM/NS, is the<br />
Nuclear Records and Document Manager<br />
for Jacobs Engineering. He has worked in<br />
records and information management roles<br />
in the nuclear and aviation sectors for over<br />
20 years and has been a Certified Records<br />
Manager (Nuclear Specialty designation)<br />
since 2012.<br />
ISAUSA, Integrated<br />
Scanning of America<br />
Crowley ➔<br />
Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 23
A Retrospective on Information Management<br />
in Nuclear Power<br />
i<br />
am continuing with my multi-part series on the<br />
fundamentals of electronic records in the nuclear<br />
industry. In the last issue, I discussed the<br />
evolution of electronic records guidance in the nuclear<br />
industry. This time, I’ll speak to the subject of<br />
electronic records authentication.<br />
“May you live in interesting times.” This purported<br />
Chinese proverb, seemingly a blessing, but drips with<br />
irony; the “interesting times” are usually times of<br />
trouble. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)<br />
certainly has exposed global social and economic<br />
disruption; “work-from-home” went from being a<br />
novelty act practiced by the few to being the “normal”<br />
way of conducting business by millions of employees<br />
around the world.<br />
The nuclear industry has been affected in the same<br />
light. Many workers were asked to telecommute,<br />
leading to a magnitude increase in the use of web-based<br />
teleconferencing platforms. One key issue that emerged<br />
was the review and “signing off” of documents and<br />
records. Plants still need to be compliant to regulations<br />
and safety, so only approved (“latest and greatest”)<br />
procedures, drawings, etc. are used, and quality<br />
assurance records are appropriately signed off.<br />
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary states that<br />
authentication is “an act, process, or method of showing<br />
something (such as an identity, a piece of art, or a<br />
financial<br />
transaction) to be<br />
real, true, or<br />
genuine.” We, in<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>, have<br />
defined<br />
authentication<br />
(<strong>NIRMA</strong> Technical Guideline TG11, Authentication of<br />
Records and Media) as the “act of attesting that the<br />
information contained within a document is accurate,<br />
complete, and appropriate to the work accomplished.<br />
The quality of being valid, authentic/genuine.”<br />
By Eugene Y. Yang,<br />
Principal Consultant<br />
KISMET Consulting, Inc.<br />
In the nuclear industry, I always<br />
say that there are two “types” of<br />
signatures needed. The first type is<br />
to the “technical veracity” contained<br />
in the document – the person<br />
signing is saying that the<br />
information in here is “right” and<br />
“is good to go”. The second type of<br />
signature authenticates the document as a record – it is<br />
valid, authentic, genuine. Most documents or records<br />
that I’ve come across usually have multiple signatures,<br />
of which the last one on a list is the one that<br />
authenticates the record; the ones before that attest to<br />
the completeness and accuracy of the document. In<br />
some cases, I’ve seen one signature – the person signing<br />
is attesting that the information is accurate AND<br />
authenticates the document as a record.<br />
You need to keep possible<br />
endgames in mind when using<br />
electronic authentication/<br />
signatures: you either need to<br />
demonstrate regulatory<br />
compliance or you may need to<br />
go into litigation, which means<br />
your records have to be “good”.<br />
24 <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
“Electronic signatures” are in common practice<br />
now. I use quotes because the implementation of<br />
electronic signature (we in <strong>NIRMA</strong> say<br />
“authentication”) has been broadly executed. I’ve seen<br />
digital signatures, approval emails, scanned-in<br />
documents that were pen-and-ink signed, cut-and-paste<br />
of signature images, use of LAN IDs and passwords,<br />
PIN numbers, two-factor/three-factor authentication,<br />
workflows, ad infinitum. Are any of these “right”? Are<br />
any of these “wrong”?<br />
• The most practiced “electronically approved” record<br />
is the scanned document containing a pen-and-ink<br />
signature. The problems with written signatures:<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Your written signature does not have to reflect<br />
your full legal name (see credit card slips – full<br />
disclosure: I start with an “E” and then it’s<br />
pretty much incomprehensible from there).<br />
Cursive is not being taught in schools today,<br />
which means workers of the future won’t be<br />
“signing” anything.<br />
The scribble can’t be traced to a person.<br />
• The second-most practiced electronic approval is<br />
email approvals.<br />
• Cut-and-paste of signatures – this really is a “don’t<br />
go there” issue, as it’s too easy with today’s<br />
technology to lift the signature and paste it on a<br />
document.<br />
• Digital signatures require the use of encrypt/decrypt<br />
keys and/or an authenticating server that keeps<br />
track of approved users.<br />
• Use of IDs/passwords, PIN numbers, etc. also<br />
require an authenticating<br />
service or server for<br />
tracking approved users.<br />
• Approvals need to be “as<br />
close as possible” to the<br />
object being approved.<br />
The “authentication<br />
separation gap” starts to<br />
emerge. Here’s what I<br />
mean (“tight” to<br />
“looser” as you go down the list):<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
For an electronic record, a scanned image is<br />
good. However, it still requires someone to penand-ink<br />
sign the document. But<br />
the signature is directly on the<br />
document image.<br />
Digital signatures that apply an<br />
“electronic chop” directly to the<br />
electronic are good, but requires<br />
an authentication infrastructure (desktop toolset<br />
for applying the chop, and authentication server<br />
for tracking who’s chop is applied on what<br />
document; that the person who is applying the<br />
chop is legit).<br />
Workflow-based approvals collect an audit trail<br />
that can be a “report” that is appended to the<br />
document, or “associated tightly” with the<br />
document being approved (audit report lists<br />
who approved and on what document [down to<br />
revision and date level]).<br />
ID/Passwords used in data applications record<br />
an audit trail that could also be exported as part<br />
of a document.<br />
You need to keep possible endgames in mind when<br />
using electronic authentication/signatures: you either<br />
need to demonstrate regulatory compliance or you may<br />
need to go into litigation, which means your records<br />
have to be “good”. Especially on this latter point, you’ll<br />
need demonstrate to the satisfaction of the court that:<br />
• The appropriate level and amount of information<br />
surrounding the signing process was retained;<br />
• The system used to retain the information is itself<br />
reliable; and<br />
• The storage system must be rigorously secure from<br />
a physical and technological standpoint.<br />
It’s not about the technology or the tool; it’s about<br />
the PROCESS. The method needs to support and<br />
serve the purpose and retention needs of the process. A<br />
federal regulation or standard does not need to exist as<br />
the federal and state laws establish the legality (such as<br />
UETA or the ESign Act). There is no one correct<br />
method. Any signature method may be used; however,<br />
the ability or need to defend the signature becomes the<br />
requirement. Simple, low-tech methods may serve one<br />
process fine while more robust or secure methods may<br />
be needed for quality-related or legally liable signatures<br />
requiring long term retention.<br />
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direction for use, and the training of personnel in the<br />
use of electronic records. Once these factors are met,<br />
any electronic method is then acceptable, and it is then<br />
up to the company to defend the use.<br />
Bottom Line:<br />
It’s about PROCESS and<br />
as the keys in the legal arena.<br />
The Federal Rules of Evidence provide a good basis:<br />
The appropriate level and amount of information<br />
surrounding the signing process was retained. There is<br />
the “intent to sign” notion – the signature is only valid if<br />
the signer intends to sign. A company venturing into<br />
electronic authentication or signaturing needs to assure<br />
the quality of the software (lifecycle change process,<br />
proper software documentation), policy/procedural<br />
Eugene has been a member of <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
for over 34 years. At the time he joined,<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> had only been in existence for<br />
11 years. He would love to hear about<br />
stories and anecdotes from others, so please<br />
email him at<br /><br />
Eugene’s ➔<br />
Celebration<br />
Night<br />
presentation<br />
received many<br />
accolades.<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>’s Financial Holdings<br />
As of: September 15, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Michelle Smith<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Treasurer<br />
Investment Account $ 123,796.54<br />
Checking Account $ 30,486.33<br />
26 <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
By Bob Larrivee<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>’s Director of Technical Programs<br />
w<br />
hen I hear the term<br />
Smartphone, I envision a<br />
classroom full of phones<br />
learning how to read, do<br />
calculations and eventually graduate<br />
from Smartphone school with the<br />
designation Smartphone duly<br />
conferred upon them. Is it really the<br />
phone that is smart or is it the user<br />
who masters the capabilities of this<br />
device?<br />
No matter, the point is that there<br />
are a lot of these out there being<br />
used for both business and personal<br />
reasons. In fact, according to<br />
Finances Online, “3.8 billion or<br />
48.33% of the world’s population<br />
have smartphones”. As such, many<br />
businesses and workers are using<br />
their Smartphones as the interface to<br />
various applications and process<br />
activities in relation to their roles in<br />
the organization. This could be<br />
monitoring systems, capturing data,<br />
and communicating with operations.<br />
This could prove extremely<br />
beneficial to a Nuclear Power Plant,<br />
in relation to the detection and<br />
prevention of a situation requiring<br />
the plant to go offline. According to<br />
a report by the Idaho National<br />
Laboratories, “When procedure and<br />
work order information is recorded<br />
on a mobile device, there is little or<br />
no lag time for recording it in the<br />
enterprise information systems.<br />
Reducing information lag times also<br />
improves collective situation<br />
awareness, which can greatly<br />
improve accurate and timely<br />
decisions by stakeholders. Research<br />
indicates that wireless technology<br />
reduces group decision making time<br />
by 30 to 40%”.<br />
In My View<br />
The growth of Smartphones and<br />
Smartphones are here, and their<br />
popularity is strongly on the rise.<br />
This means that Nuclear Power<br />
organizations are faced with the<br />
challenge of addressing use of these<br />
devices for business purposes and<br />
governance over their use to<br />
maintain compliance and minimize<br />
RISK. RISK not only being that of<br />
proper use and security but ensuring<br />
these devices will not cause<br />
precarious situations like system<br />
disruption via Electromagnetic<br />
Interference (EMI) transmission. It<br />
is also an indication that Smartphone<br />
use is an opportunity to enhance the<br />
mobility of the workforce through<br />
adoption of Smartphone use for<br />
business purposes. The task at hand<br />
is how?<br />
How do you take your business<br />
applications and make them mobile<br />
ready? Do you approach it from a<br />
web access perspective or do you<br />
think in terms of Smartphone apps<br />
that will meet the need. Perhaps<br />
there is no app that meets your<br />
needs, and you will need to create<br />
one. Let’s not forget the processes<br />
related to all of this. Once the<br />
Smartphone enters your realm of<br />
approved devices, how will that<br />
impact the process? Think in terms<br />
of both access and capture of<br />
information. How will your<br />
employees work differently using<br />
Smartphones compared to the way<br />
things are done today?<br />
My point is this, Smartphones<br />
are here and their use is increasing<br />
rapidly. Forward thinking<br />
organizations will embrace and<br />
leverage this to their advantage.<br />
Imagine being able to cut down<br />
monitoring and communications<br />
time using a Smartphone. Imagine<br />
that you can now provide 24/7<br />
customer service through a<br />
Smartphone app.<br />
The phone itself is not “smart”<br />
but it does provide greater capability<br />
than ever before. It is the user who<br />
must be smart about how to use this<br />
device that makes the difference. It<br />
is the organization that plans and<br />
implements Smartphone use in<br />
alignment with their overall strategy<br />
that establishes differentiation.<br />
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Professional Development<br />
Business Unit (PDBU) News<br />
Tammy Cutts, PDBU Director<br />
i<br />
am writing the last of my<br />
articles as PDBU Director as<br />
I will move into the <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
Secretary position at the<br />
beginning of 2022. I can still recall<br />
my first conference where I met two<br />
of the people who would be the key<br />
factors in getting me into PDBU<br />
and the Directorship, Peggy<br />
Warner and Anita Carter. Peggy<br />
was a long-time member of <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
and had a real passion for<br />
professional development and<br />
learning. Anita was a first-time<br />
attendee along with me. The<br />
constant prodding from Peggy led<br />
Anita into PDBU where Anita later<br />
convinced me to join her as codirector.<br />
My personal and<br />
professional development journey<br />
set out roots that very first year.<br />
The PDBU is all about<br />
development and learning<br />
opportunities. My career in nuclear<br />
has required me to learn about<br />
records management, regulations,<br />
how to be an instructor, and how to<br />
speak to all levels of personnel from<br />
clerks to vice presidents to station<br />
directors and CNOs. As the plant’s<br />
SME for all things records<br />
management, I had to learn to do it<br />
with confidence as well. Some of<br />
this was “learn by doing” at the<br />
plant, but I gained so much<br />
knowledge and experience by doing<br />
the same at <strong>NIRMA</strong> for the past 16<br />
years. Involvement in <strong>NIRMA</strong> has<br />
led me to learn, network, lead<br />
sessions, lead business units,<br />
inspired me to pursue a professional<br />
certification, and now to take on a<br />
role on the <strong>NIRMA</strong> Board. It’s a far<br />
cry from where I started, and I’ve<br />
enjoyed all the steps along the way.<br />
As I move on to the next steps in<br />
my <strong>NIRMA</strong> path, I’m leaving the<br />
PDBU in the capable, energetic, and<br />
very<br />
enthusiastic<br />
hands of<br />
Lou<br />
Rofrano<br />
who has been<br />
my codirector<br />
for<br />
the past two<br />
years. I’d like to take one last<br />
opportunity to exhort you to get<br />
involved in anything that interests<br />
you at <strong>NIRMA</strong> and to grab any<br />
opportunity for learning and<br />
development. My work at the plant<br />
has helped in my roles at <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
and <strong>NIRMA</strong> experience has helped<br />
me at work. I would love to see the<br />
same for you. Listen to the<br />
webinars, lead sessions, get a<br />
certification, network, benchmark,<br />
join a business unit then lead one, be<br />
mentored, mentor others, and watch<br />
what happens.<br />
<strong>2021</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> Board<br />
(Front L-R): <strong>NIRMA</strong> Administrator Sarah<br />
Perkins, President Janice Hoerber,<br />
Treasurer Michelle Smith, Director of<br />
Infrastructure Sheila Pearcy.<br />
(Back L-R): Vice-President Bruce Walters,<br />
Secretary Lona Smith, Director of Tech.<br />
Programs Bob Larrivee.<br />
28 <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
News from the Records &<br />
Information Management<br />
Business Unit (RIMBU)<br />
R<br />
Summary of the RIMBU<br />
Summer <strong>2021</strong> Meeting<br />
IMBU kicked off the Summer <strong>2021</strong> meeting<br />
with a review of the Less with Less Panel and a<br />
discussion around what kind of survey/<br />
benchmarking would be most beneficial to the <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
organization. Topics such as staffing levels and<br />
collateral duties outside RM functions were brought up,<br />
as well as reporting structure and whether current state<br />
organization charts were stable. Controlled distribution<br />
best practices were of interest to the group including<br />
who performs distribution and how to successfully<br />
move that function out of the RM organization. Other<br />
topics included EDMS (Electronic Document<br />
Management System) and program interfaces,<br />
automation of processes, and conversion of microform.<br />
Its clear the RM landscape is evolving as new<br />
technologies emerge and the pandemic increases the<br />
push for automation. <strong>NIRMA</strong> and RIMBU feel it is the<br />
right time to reach out and find what people are doing<br />
well and how they are doing it. Be on the lookout for a<br />
survey from the <strong>NIRMA</strong> organization. Response to the<br />
survey and learning from one another are key to the<br />
success and growth of our RM organizations.<br />
Another topic discussed during the Summer meeting<br />
By Stephanie Price, RIMBU Business Unit Director<br />
was the need to educate and inform the <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
membership on the origins, purpose, and application of<br />
the Technical Guides (TGs). TG‐11, TG-15, TG-16,<br />
and TG-21 in particular, inform the basis for the<br />
records management programs in the industry. This is<br />
especially true for records generated and/or maintained<br />
electronically. RIMBU is currently looking for<br />
opportunities to share more information about the TGs.<br />
2D/3D models are a hot topic in the industry today<br />
and RIMBU was fortunate to have a few of the<br />
conference attendees from Westinghouse speak during<br />
the Summer meeting. There is interest among the<br />
RIMBU team in working with Westinghouse to develop<br />
and provide guidance to the industry on best practices<br />
for maintaining 3D models as long-term, sustainable<br />
records. A sub-committee was formed to take on this<br />
effort and RIMBU looks forward to providing the<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> membership with its perspective on 3D model<br />
maintenance in the future.<br />
Get involved with RIMBU<br />
New members are always welcome! RIMBU is a great<br />
opportunity to benchmark with others in the industry,<br />
share valuable operating experience, and have the<br />
opportunity to influence industry standard guidance in<br />
records management.<br />
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<strong>NIRMA</strong> ANNOUNCES<br />
T<br />
he 2022 Board of Directors election results<br />
were communicated to the attendees at the<br />
<strong>2021</strong> Annual Business Meeting on Day 3 of the<br />
Conference in August. Congratulations to the<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> 2022 Board:<br />
• President: Janice Hoerber<br />
• Vice President: Bruce Walters, CRM/NS<br />
• Treasurer: Lona Smith<br />
• Secretary: Tammy Cutts<br />
• Director of Technical Programs: Bob Larrivee<br />
• Director of Infrastructure: Sheila Pearcy, CRA<br />
2022 Business Unit Directors:<br />
• Membership & Marketing Business Unit (M&MBU)<br />
Director: Kathi Cole, CRM<br />
Co-Director: Denise Pickett, CRM/NS/FED<br />
• Professional Development Business Unit (PDBU)<br />
Director: Lou Rofrano<br />
Co-Director: Gil Brueckner, CRM/NS<br />
• Regulations and Information Management Business<br />
Unit (RIMBU)<br />
Director: Stephanie Price<br />
Front (L-R): Janice Hoerber, Lona<br />
Smith, Sheila Pearcy<br />
Back (L-R): Bruce Walters, Bob<br />
Larrivee<br />
Tammy Cutts ➔<br />
Co-Director: Rhonda Redding<br />
• Technical Advisor to the Board:<br />
Chris Boudreaux<br />
• 2022 Nominating Committee:<br />
Tori Markel<br />
Janine Nice<br />
(M&M) Business Unit News<br />
a<br />
reminder to all <strong>NIRMA</strong> members. If you did<br />
not attend the hybrid conference this year, don’t<br />
forget to renew your membership for 2022. In<br />
January, <strong>NIRMA</strong>’s Administrator will be<br />
sending out invoices to those members who missed this<br />
year’s conference.<br />
It is never too early to begin planning for the next<br />
conference, “<strong>NIRMA</strong>’s 46 th Annual Conference.”<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> is very appreciative of the feedback members<br />
provided to our Post-Conference Survey. The Board<br />
Kathi Cole, CRM<br />
M&MBU Director<br />
wants the 2022 conference to meet the needs of the<br />
novice through the seasoned veterans.<br />
As always, everyone is welcome to join the<br />
Membership & Marketing Business Unit. We hold<br />
monthly conference calls on the first Wednesday of each<br />
month. Email either myself or Denise Pickett to let us<br />
know of your interest and we will add you to the call list.<br /> or<br />
30 <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
Passage of Illinois Energy Legislation<br />
Preserves Nuclear Plants &<br />
Strengthens State’s Clean Energy<br />
Leadership<br />
Preservation of zero-emissions nuclear plants prevents harmful<br />
pollution and supports more than 28,000 jobs, while protecting<br />
consumers from higher energy costs<br />
CHICAGO — Exelon Generation<br />
said today that it is preparing to<br />
refuel its Byron and Dresden nuclear<br />
plants as a result of the action taken<br />
by the Illinois legislature to enact a<br />
comprehensive energy bill. Once<br />
signed by the Governor, the<br />
legislation will strengthen Illinois’<br />
clean energy leadership, protect the<br />
state’s economy by preserving tens<br />
of thousands of jobs and prevent an<br />
increase in pollution and energy<br />
costs that would harm consumers if<br />
the plants closed.<br />
“We commend the Governor,<br />
the General Assembly, our partners<br />
at IBEW Local 15 and the coalition<br />
of labor leaders and members who<br />
worked so hard to pass this roadmap<br />
for rebuilding our economy and<br />
addressing the climate crisis by<br />
investing in clean energy in a way<br />
that ensures that jobs and<br />
environmental benefits are shared<br />
equitably,” said Christopher Crane,<br />
president and CEO of Exelon. “This<br />
new policy offers a better future for<br />
the employees who have run these<br />
plants at world-class levels, the plant<br />
communities that we are privileged<br />
to serve and all Illinoisans eager to<br />
build a clean-energy economy that<br />
works for everyone.”<br />
The legislation promotes jobs<br />
and lowers carbon emissions by<br />
scaling up renewables, investing in<br />
electrification and adopting critical<br />
job training programs and labor<br />
standards. It also creates a process<br />
for the state to procure carbon<br />
mitigation credits from nuclear<br />
plants, which are critical to keeping<br />
Illinois on a path to reach net zero<br />
emissions by 2050. The bill will<br />
mitigate widely acknowledged flaws<br />
in regional energy markets and<br />
compensate nuclear plants for their<br />
clean-energy benefits in much the<br />
same way that wind and solar are<br />
compensated today. It also will put<br />
the state on a path to 100 percent<br />
clean energy at a fraction of the cost<br />
of achieving the same goal with only<br />
renewables.<br />
More than 60 percent of Illinois’<br />
electricity consumption and<br />
approximately 90 percent of its<br />
carbon-free energy comes from<br />
Exelon Generation’s six nuclear<br />
plants in Illinois. Studies have shown<br />
that when nuclear plants close,<br />
plants that burn fossil fuels operate<br />
much more often, increasing<br />
harmful carbon and air pollution,<br />
especially in disadvantaged<br />
communities.<br />
Dresden Generating Station,<br />
located in Morris, Ill., was slated to<br />
retire in November and the Byron<br />
Generating Station, located just<br />
outside Byron, Ill., was scheduled to<br />
begin the defueling process and<br />
permanent shut down starting today.<br />
Despite being among the safest,<br />
most efficient and reliable units in<br />
the nation’s nuclear fleet, Dresden<br />
and Byron face revenue shortfalls in<br />
the hundreds of millions of dollars<br />
because of market rules that allow<br />
fossil fuel plants to underbid clean<br />
resources in regional electricity<br />
markets.<br />
Continued on next page.<br />
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Continued from previous page.<br />
In addition to Byron and<br />
Dresden, the legislation creates an<br />
opportunity to preserve the<br />
Braidwood nuclear plant, which<br />
also is economically challenged<br />
and at imminent risk of premature<br />
retirement. The LaSalle nuclear<br />
plant also will remain operating for<br />
the five-year duration of the<br />
carbon mitigation credit program.<br />
By supporting these always-on,<br />
zero carbon nuclear plants, the<br />
legislation ensures that Illinois<br />
stays on track to meet its climate<br />
goals at the lowest cost to<br />
consumers. Byron alone generates<br />
30 percent more clean energy than<br />
comes from all the solar and wind<br />
ever built in Illinois. An analysis<br />
by an independent consulting firm<br />
found that it would take $29<br />
billion – or more than $6 per<br />
month for every Illinois household<br />
over the next 25 years – to replace<br />
just Byron’s carbon-free energy<br />
with renewable sources, much less<br />
reach 100 percent clean.<br />
In January 2019, the state<br />
committed to reducing greenhouse<br />
gas emissions consistent with the<br />
targets set in the Paris climate<br />
agreement. Emissions-free energy<br />
from the four nuclear plants puts<br />
the state 85 percent toward the<br />
2025 goal versus 20 percent had<br />
they retired prematurely and been<br />
replaced by polluting resources.<br />
Read full article here.<br />
Space developments in the last<br />
two decades have greatly<br />
contributed to our understanding of<br />
our planet’s climate. Satellite<br />
imaging, space exploration, and new<br />
technologies give us an idea of the<br />
big picture and how we can adapt<br />
to address climate change.<br />
For example, satellites in space<br />
have played a critical role in our<br />
understanding of the causes of<br />
global warming by providing us<br />
with a large body of data to<br />
examine the variations in the<br />
Earth’s orbit.<br />
Data from these capabilities<br />
were essential inputs into the<br />
Intergovernmental Panel on<br />
Climate Change’s (IPCC) recent<br />
report that focused on how the<br />
physical science of climate change<br />
informs likely impacts under five<br />
different emissions scenarios.<br />
The report also found that<br />
climate change is happening quicker<br />
than we thought, making the need<br />
to reduce emissions imminent. To<br />
address this, space infrastructure<br />
such as positioning, navigation, and<br />
timing (PNT) can help identify<br />
efficient transportation routes and<br />
sources of emissions, ultimately<br />
aiding mitigation efforts.<br />
NASA’s Earth System<br />
Observatory, the next generation of<br />
Earth science satellites that will<br />
launch in the next decade, reflect<br />
the importance of Earth imaging.<br />
This constellation of satellites is<br />
designed to provide information<br />
about our planet ranging from the<br />
location of forest fires to the sea<br />
level rise to our agricultural<br />
processes. It will be able to collect<br />
data at the regional and local levels<br />
and connect critical interactions<br />
between the atmosphere, land,<br />
ocean and ice, significantly<br />
bolstering our understanding of the<br />
Earth’s climate.<br />
Another large focus of the<br />
initiative is predicting severe<br />
weather and answering questions<br />
surrounding aerosols, which are<br />
particles in the atmosphere that are<br />
a key source of uncertainty in<br />
predicting climate change.<br />
Alongside adding funding to<br />
FEMA, the Biden Administration<br />
announced the development of the<br />
Earth System Observatory,<br />
indicating its support for the<br />
program in understanding how<br />
Continued on next page.<br />
32 <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
US, Europe Risk <strong>Fall</strong>ing Behind as<br />
China Nuclear Industry Expands<br />
China’s nuclear power industry is expanding rapidly<br />
while stumbling blocks in the United States and Europe<br />
puts their industries at risk of being left behind in the<br />
race toward next generation technology.<br />
In the United States, fully<br />
functioning nuclear plants are under<br />
threat of closure due to profitability<br />
concerns and political phase-out<br />
policies, while vital research<br />
infrastructure is being mothballed.<br />
In Europe, single countries are<br />
closing down entire nuclear fleets<br />
while ongoing talks about whether<br />
to include nuclear power in clean-air<br />
taxonomies mean financing costs<br />
remain too high as investors seek<br />
out better returns from less<br />
controversial technologies that have<br />
already passed the ‘green’ test.<br />
The rise of ‘greenwashing’,<br />
whereby products and services are<br />
misleadingly advertised as<br />
environmentally friendly, has taken<br />
up a large part of Environmental,<br />
Social and Governance (ESG)<br />
driven investment, which is still to<br />
be governed under established<br />
regulatory frameworks.<br />
Nuclear energy’s shaky public<br />
image has left it out of the mix and,<br />
consequently, off the books at<br />
investment houses.<br />
Meanwhile, in China a nuclear<br />
power renaissance is being<br />
supported by government-backed,<br />
Chinese technician in the control<br />
room of a nuclear power plant in<br />
Qinshan, in the Zhejiang province<br />
(Source: Reuters/Reinhard Krause)<br />
long-term planning strategies for<br />
reduced carbon emissions from<br />
electricity generation.<br />
“If you had to boil it down to<br />
one word, it’s commitment,” says<br />
Continued on next page.<br />
Continued from previous page.<br />
climate change is impacting<br />
communities.<br />
Space exploration is<br />
foundational to climate science<br />
because it provides us with more<br />
information about the Earth, our<br />
solar system and the role of gases<br />
in our atmosphere, and nuclear<br />
energy has played an important<br />
role powering our missions into<br />
space.<br />
In 1969, NASA launched<br />
Nimbus III, a nuclear-powered<br />
spacecraft, that is the first U.S.<br />
satellite to gather vital<br />
oceanographic data, such as<br />
measurements of sea ice and the<br />
ozone layer.<br />
The spacecraft also measured<br />
atmospheric temperature, water<br />
vapor and ozone, as well as the<br />
amount of ultraviolet radiation<br />
reaching our atmosphere from the<br />
sun.<br />
Cassini, a nuclear-powered<br />
probe into Saturn and its moons,<br />
released the Huygens probe which<br />
collected important data about<br />
what earth may have looked like in<br />
its state before humans evolved.<br />
The mission revealed Titan to be<br />
one of the most Earth-like worlds<br />
we’ve encountered.<br />
Article reprinted with permission<br />
of NEI. Read full article here.<br />
Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 33
Continued from previous page.<br />
US, Europe Risk <strong>Fall</strong>ing Behind as China<br />
Nuclear Industry Expands<br />
CEO and Executive Director of the American Nuclear<br />
Society (ANS) Craig Piercy.<br />
“(In the United States) we see movement in the<br />
right direction, but we haven’t gotten our heads<br />
around the fact that we are going to be in the nuclear<br />
game for decades and this technology is only going to<br />
expand. We’re still thinking about it like a domestic<br />
energy option.”<br />
A government’s commitment, or lack thereof, to<br />
nuclear power has wide ranging implications across the<br />
sector.<br />
Without public commitment to the technology,<br />
financing costs climb, a new generation of potential<br />
nuclear engineers are discouraged to join the<br />
workforce, national laboratories face<br />
fluctuating budgets for long-term projects, and existing<br />
baseload infrastructure is shut down to be replaced by<br />
carbon-spewing alternatives.<br />
China's Nuclear Electricity Production<br />
In the pipeline<br />
In 2020, six reactors were permanently shut down<br />
worldwide while five new reactors started up, leaving a<br />
total of 441 operable nuclear reactors producing a<br />
combined capacity of 392 GWe, according to the<br />
World Nuclear Association (WNA) World Nuclear<br />
Performance Report <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
Of the six shut down, the two Fessenheim reactors<br />
were closed due to a political decision to reduce<br />
nuclear power’s weight in the French electricity<br />
generation mix, while the United States closed two<br />
because of market conditions. Sweden’s Ringhals 1<br />
closed despite calls for it to restart.<br />
In Russia, the Leningrad reactor closed but was<br />
instantly replaced by a new reactor on site.<br />
Of the new startups, aside from the Leningrad<br />
reactor, Belarus connected Ostrovets 1 which was built<br />
on Russian technology and was the first VVER-1200<br />
unit to begin operations outside of Russia.<br />
The Barakah 1 reactor was built in the United Arab<br />
Emirates using South Korean reactor technology.<br />
China alone started two new reactors: the Fuqing 5<br />
and the Tianwan 5.<br />
The two shortest construction times were achieved<br />
by the Chinese reactors due to the advantages of series<br />
builds and the retention of skills through the ongoing<br />
new build program, the WNA report notes.<br />
Fuqing 5 was constructed in 67 months and<br />
Tianwan 5 in 55 months. By comparison Barakah 1<br />
took 97 months and Ostrovets 84 months.<br />
Nuclear reactors under construction in Britain and<br />
the United States have not fared so well, often facing<br />
years of delays and significant cost overruns.<br />
(Source: World Nuclear Association, IAEA PRIS; World<br />
Nuclear Performance Report <strong>2021</strong>)<br />
Article reprinted with permission of Reuters Events<br />
Nuclear. Read full article here.<br />
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August 1-3, 2022