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NEW<br />

FOR <strong>2022</strong><br />





Courses<br />

Feel reassured that your<br />

safety is our priority<br />

We’ve been working hard to ensure<br />

you’ll be safe when you arrive at one of<br />

our risk assessed venues; allowing us<br />

to provide a safe training environment<br />

for you, our speakers, sponsors and<br />

our employees.<br />

Should you be unable to attend<br />

your course or module because of<br />

COVID-19 restrictions, we will transfer<br />

you to an alternative date or course.<br />

Before your course:<br />

We request that you do not attend if<br />

you are showing signs of COVID-19<br />

or if you have been in contact with<br />

someone displaying symptoms of<br />

COVID-19 or someone who has<br />

tested positive for COVID-19.<br />


New for <strong>2022</strong><br />

Delegates attending practical surgery<br />

and ultrasound courses will have<br />

access to our world leading learning<br />

platform for two weeks before and<br />

after the course date. This will enable<br />

pre-reading of notes and access to<br />

additional learning resources such as<br />

videos and a discussion forum.<br />

improveinternational.com<br />

enquiries@improveinternational.com | 01793 759 159<br />

Orthopaedic<br />

5 Introduction to<br />

Orthopaedic Surgery<br />

6 Stifle Disease<br />

7 TTA Rapid<br />

8 TPLO Masterclass<br />

9 Canine Thoracic Limb<br />

Trauma Surgery<br />

10 Feline Pelvic Trauma<br />

11 Neurosurgery Masterclass<br />

Soft Tissue<br />

Surgery<br />

13 Essential Emergency Surgery<br />

14 Next Steps in Soft Tissue Surgery<br />

15 Skin Reconstruction<br />

16 Head and Neck Surgery<br />

17 Laparoscopic Bitch Spay<br />

18 Emergency Surgeries and<br />

Procedures Practical Weekend<br />

19 Eyelid and Corneal Surgery<br />

20 Peritoneal Dialysis<br />

Dentistry<br />

22 Feline Dentistry<br />

23 Canine Dentistry<br />

Medicine<br />

25 Canine Endoscopy<br />

Masterclass<br />

26 Feline Endoscopy<br />

Masterclass<br />

Ultrasound<br />

28 Introduction to Small<br />

Animal Ultrasound<br />

29 Abdominal Ultrasound<br />

29 Advanced<br />

Abdominal Ultrasound<br />

30 Echocardiography<br />

30 Advanced Echocardiography<br />

31 Ultrasound for<br />

the Emergency Patient<br />

Interprofessional<br />

33 Canine Reproduction<br />

34 CPR in Association<br />

with RECOVER<br />

35 Basic Cardiology<br />

35 Advanced Cardiology<br />

36 Techniques in<br />

Local Anaesthesia<br />

37 Wound Management<br />

in General Practice<br />

38 Emergency and Critical Care<br />

of the Wildlife Patient<br />

39 Nursing Management of<br />

Chronic Pain and<br />

Rehabilitation<br />

40 Cytology and Haematology<br />

41 Introduction to Oncology<br />

and Chemotherapy<br />

in General Practice<br />

Nurses<br />

43 Schedule 3 Surgery<br />

44 Emergency Techniques<br />

for the Veterinary Nurse<br />

44 Nursing the Neonatal<br />

and Paediatric Patient<br />

45 Ultrasound Triage of<br />

the Emergency Patient<br />

47 Locations & Practical<br />

Training Centres<br />

48 Course Calendar <strong>2022</strong><br />

Masterclass/Advanced<br />

Purely Practical<br />

Bring a Dog<br />

2<br />


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Our practical orthopaedic surgery courses cover a variety<br />

of techniques, delivered by world-class speakers in our<br />

state-of-the-art training centres in Swindon and Sheffield.<br />

Includes:<br />

Advanced Level Courses<br />

Purely Practical Courses<br />

1 Day Course Timings<br />

09:00 Registration<br />

09:30 Course starts<br />

17:00 Course finishes<br />

2 Day Course Timings<br />

Day 1<br />

09:00 Registration<br />

09:30 Course starts<br />

17:00 Course finishes<br />

Day 2<br />

08:30 Registration<br />

09:00 Course starts<br />

16:30 Course finishes<br />

“Probably the best practical<br />

CPD I have ever attended.<br />

Would highly recommend<br />

Improve to others wanting<br />

to improve their skills.”<br />

Sponsored by VOI<br />



£1,329 + VAT<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

29 - 30 November <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

17 - 18 March <strong>2022</strong><br />

15 - 16 September <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speakers<br />

James Grierson<br />

Neil Burton<br />

Overview<br />

This two-day practical course is designed to provide a solid grounding in how<br />

to deal with common orthopaedic problems and build confidence in surgical<br />

approaches and techniques.<br />

You will be taught relevant surgical anatomy and the sympathetic handling of<br />

tissues, key surgical approaches to bones and joints, fracture planning and<br />

repair (pins, plates, cerclage and tension band wires), correct use of screws<br />

(lag, position and plate screws), osteochondrosis, cranial cruciate ligament<br />

disease, patellar luxation and hip and elbow dysplasia.<br />

A combination of lectures and practical sessions will revise relevant surgical<br />

anatomy to enable you to undertake, with confidence, the surgical management<br />

of common articular problems, including femoral head and neck arthroplasty,<br />

surgery for osteochondrosis, lateral retinacular suture placement for the cruciate<br />

deficient stifle and techniques to correct medial patellar luxation.<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

4<br />


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01793 759 159 | www.improveinternational.com 5

Sponsored by Orthomed<br />

Sponsored by Vi<br />



Overview<br />

Overview<br />

£1,329 + VAT<br />

Venue & Date<br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

4 October <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

1 day course<br />

Speakers<br />

Scott Rutherford<br />

This highly practical course will cover all aspects of two of the most<br />

commonly seen surgical procedures in your practice; cruciate disease and<br />

patellar luxation.<br />

The course will include pathology and diagnosis as well as treatment options<br />

for CCL disease, meniscal injury and patellar luxation.<br />

You will learn techniques for dealing with cranial cruciate ligament disease<br />

featuring MMP; biomechanics and theoretical foundation, case selection, MMP<br />

technique and key steps of the procedure.<br />

You will also be guided on treatment selection in patellar luxation, featuring<br />

RidgeStop; a novel surgical technique for the treatment of patellar luxation.<br />

This is a simple, affordable alternative to sulcoplasty surgery that can be used<br />

alone, as the sole treatment for patellar luxation or as an adjunct to<br />

re-alignment operations.<br />

You will gain an overview of the pathogenesis and treatment selection in<br />

patellar luxation, a review of current surgical treatment options, introduction to<br />

RidgeStop, its application, case presentations and a practical session using<br />

synthetic bone models which you can take home.<br />

£1,769 + VAT<br />

Venue & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

23 - 24 May <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speaker<br />

Steve Butterworth<br />

The course outlines the development of the TTA Rapid procedure. TTA Rapid<br />

is fully explained, including the technique, the implants and instrumentation,<br />

the aftercare, potential complications and how to avoid them. A paper exercise<br />

demonstrates the calculation of cage size for the correct tibial tuberosity<br />

advancement. Dry bone and cadaver exercises follow.<br />

You will learn the theory of how and why TTA Rapid works, the implants and<br />

instruments used, learn to perform the TTA Rapid technique and how to<br />

minimise complications. Sawbones and implants are provided to take back to<br />

practice for client and colleague education purposes.<br />

This course is designed for those already familiar with stifle surgery and the<br />

diagnosis of cranial cruciate ligament disease. The meniscal examination will<br />

not be a focus. Previous experience of osteotomy techniques is not required<br />

but is an asset.<br />

CPD Hours<br />

6<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

6<br />


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Sponsored by VOI & IMV<br />


Sponsored by VOI<br />



Overview<br />

Advanced Level Course<br />

Overview<br />

Advanced Level Course<br />

Cranial cruciate ligament failure is, arguably, the most common cause of<br />

serious hindlimb lameness in the adult dog. Over the past 15-20 years,<br />

the ‘biomechanical’ techniques have come to the fore and although debate<br />

continues, it is generally accepted that these techniques offer better outcomes<br />

in all but the smallest of patients.<br />

This two-day practical course will take a minimal-lecture format. The course<br />

notes will be made available in advance of the first day. Please ensure you<br />

have read them before attending. All of your time will be spent in the practical<br />

training facilities mastering simple and complex fracture repair, management of<br />

dislocations/luxations and carpal arthrodesis.<br />

£2,789* + VAT<br />

Venue & Dates<br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

15 - 16 March <strong>2022</strong><br />

5 - 6 July <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

This two-day Masterclass is designed to provide you with an understanding<br />

of how Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy (TPLO) fits into the plethora of<br />

treatment options for the cruciate deficient stifle and how to plan and execute<br />

the procedure.<br />

A combination of lectures and practical sessions will revise relevant surgical<br />

anatomy and the biomechanics of TPLO, principles of the surgery, surgical<br />

technique, post-operative care and potential complications; thus, enabling you<br />

to undertake the TPLO procedure, with confidence.<br />

In order to participate fully in this course, you should be familiar with the<br />

application of bone plates and screws in small animal orthopaedics.<br />

£1,329 + VAT<br />

Venue & Dates<br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

19 - 20 May <strong>2022</strong><br />

10 - 11 October <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

In this highly practical course, you will learn surgical approaches to the bones<br />

and joints of the canine thoracic limb, repair a variety of radial, ulnar and<br />

olecranon fractures and reduce and repair lateral condylar fractures. You will<br />

gain understanding in treating elbow and shoulder luxation appropriately, the<br />

specific difficulties involved with managing Y-fractures and the core principles<br />

behind pancarpal arthrodesis.<br />

You should have a solid understanding of the principles of fracture fixation, lag<br />

screw fixation, surgical approaches and orthopaedic surgical techniques. This is<br />

not a basic course.<br />

Speakers<br />

Andrew Craig<br />

Speaker<br />

James Grierson<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

*This includes one night’s accommodation<br />

8<br />


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Sponsored by VOI<br />



Overview<br />

Sponsored by Vi<br />



Overview<br />

Advanced Level Course<br />

£1,329 + VAT<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

24 - 25 October <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

8 - 9 June <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speaker<br />

James Grierson<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

This two-day course will take a minimal-lecture format. The course notes will<br />

be made available in advance of the first day. Please ensure you have read<br />

them before attending.<br />

All of your time will be spent in the practical training facilities, learning the<br />

core principles behind surgical management of pelvic trauma in the cat, how<br />

to confidently approach the hip surgically and the specific difficulties involved<br />

with managing hip luxation, how to manage sacroiliac separations and treating<br />

coxofemoral luxation. You will also perform capsulorrhaphy, toggle-rod and<br />

femoral head and neck ostectomy and repair pelvic fractures including ilial<br />

shaft and acetabular fractures.<br />

You should have a solid understanding of the principles of fracture fixation, lag<br />

screw fixation, surgical approaches and orthopaedic surgical techniques. This is<br />

not a basic course.<br />

£2,950 + VAT<br />

Venue & Dates<br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

7 - 9 February <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

3 day course<br />

Speakers<br />

Sebastien Behr<br />

Bill Oxley<br />

Andrew Craig<br />

CPD Hours<br />

18<br />

A three-day masterclass comprising of lectures and practical learning (more<br />

than 50% of your time will be spent in the practical facility). You will have the<br />

opportunity to practise your neurosurgical skills, while under the guidance of<br />

experienced neurosurgeons. A maximum of 18 delegates will guarantee an<br />

intimate learning environment to advance your skills.<br />

During the three days, you will learn how to perform the neurological<br />

examination, the limitations of the examination in the clinical setting in order to<br />

improve patient assessment and localisation, available imaging techniques in<br />

identifying intervertebral disc disease and the major differential diagnoses.<br />

You will gain experience in interpreting image findings for cervical intervertebral<br />

disc disease, the surgical approach to the cervical vertebral column and<br />

landmarks for locating the correct surgical site, deciding when to perform surgery<br />

on dogs with vertebral fractures, options for stabilisation of the thoracolumbar<br />

vertebral column and the placing of plates, screws, pins and/or cement in the<br />

thoracolumbar vertebral column.<br />

After the course, you will have the confidence to perform routine<br />

hemilaminectomies, corpectomies and ventral slots. You will have a good<br />

grounding in lumbosacral stabilisation, thoracolumbar fractures, disc associated<br />

wobblers syndrome and atlantoaxial subluxation.<br />

If you are an experienced surgeon looking to expand your neurosurgical<br />

techniques, this course is for you.<br />

10<br />


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Expert speakers delivering the latest techniques covering a<br />

variety of soft tissue surgery procedures.<br />

Includes:<br />

Advanced Level Courses<br />

Purely Practical Courses<br />

1 Day Course Timings<br />

09:00 Registration<br />

09:30 Course starts<br />

17:00 Course finishes<br />

2 Day Course Timings<br />

Day 1<br />

09:00 Registration<br />

09:30 Course starts<br />

17:00 Course finishes<br />

Day 2<br />

08:30 Registration<br />

09:00 Course starts<br />

16:30 Course finishes<br />

“The theory integrated<br />

with the practical sessions<br />

was fantastic and all the<br />

additional hints and tips<br />

to make life easier for us<br />

and safer for the animals<br />

were brilliant!”<br />

Sponsored by MILA & Swann Morton<br />



£1,329 + VAT<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

23 - 24 June <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

20 - 21 October <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speakers<br />

Howard Seim III - Swindon<br />

Paul Aldridge - Sheffield<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

Overview<br />

This course is designed to teach you the technical aspects of a variety of<br />

emergency surgical procedures. Some theory will be included, but the main<br />

emphasis will be on practical learning.<br />

The topics covered encompass emergency surgical procedures frequently<br />

seen in veterinary practice, including gastropexy for treatment of GDV, rapid<br />

splenectomy, urethral retropulsion, urethrotomy, urethrostomy, perineal hernia<br />

repair, oesophagostomy tube placement, emergency tracheostomy, laryngeal<br />

tie-back, diaphragmatic hernia repair and chest drain placement.<br />

You will revise the important anatomic structures associated with each<br />

procedure and learn how to quickly and safely perform these emergency<br />

surgical procedures in veterinary practice.<br />

12<br />


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Sponsored by MILA & Swann Morton<br />



Overview<br />



Overview<br />

This course is designed to teach you the technical aspects of a variety of<br />

soft tissue surgical procedures. Some theory will be included, but the main<br />

emphasis will be on practical learning.<br />

This one-day course will have a minimal lecture format. The course notes will<br />

be made available in advance of the first day. Please ensure you have read<br />

them before attending.<br />

£1,329 + VAT<br />

Venue & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

25 - 26 June <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

24 - 25 November <strong>2022</strong><br />

The topics covered encompass surgical procedures frequently seen in<br />

veterinary practice, including salivary gland resection, scrotal urethrostomy,<br />

anal sacculectomy, laryngeal tie-back, lateral ear resection, total ear canal<br />

ablation-lateral bulla osteotomy (TECA-LBO), 15-minute gastropexy,<br />

diaphragmatic hernia repair and rapid splenectomy.<br />

Emphasis will be placed on the technical aspects used to perform each<br />

procedure. Videos of clinical case material will be used extensively throughout<br />

the lectures to help illustrate each technique before practising them in our<br />

state-of-the-art wet-lab facilities.<br />

You should leave feeling confident performing a variety of practical soft tissue<br />

surgery techniques and with an understanding of recent developments and<br />

new techniques in soft tissue surgery.<br />

£789 + VAT<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

1 September <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

10 February <strong>2022</strong><br />

All of your time will be spent in our practical training facilities learning the<br />

difference between random pattern flaps, axial pattern flaps, free skin grafts<br />

and mastering the surgical skills required to close traumatic or surgical skin<br />

defects in various anatomical locations.<br />

By the end of the day, you will be confident in performing axial pattern<br />

flaps, having practised a variety (time allowing), including caudal auricular,<br />

omocervical, thoracodorsal, cranial/caudal superficial epigastric, superficial<br />

brachial, dorsal iliac, caudal, scrotal, genicular and reverse saphenous.<br />

You will also gain an understanding of free skin grafts and how to manage<br />

them to maximise their chances of success and the use of negative<br />

pressure wound therapy to confidently speed up wound healing.<br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Course Length<br />

1 day course<br />

Speakers<br />

Howard Seim III - Swindon<br />

Paul Aldridge - Sheffield<br />

Speaker<br />

Guillaume Chanoit - Swindon<br />

Jon Hall - Sheffield<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

CPD Hours<br />

6<br />

14<br />


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01793 759 159 | www.improveinternational.com 15

Sponsored by KARL STORZ, ETHICON, Swann Morton & Newco Surgical<br />



Overview<br />


Overview<br />

£789 + VAT<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

2 September <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

11 February <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

1 day course<br />

Speaker<br />

Guillaume Chanoit - Swindon<br />

Jon Hall - Sheffield<br />

This one-day course will have a minimal lecture format. Notes will be available<br />

on the learning platform in advance of the course and should be read prior to<br />

attending.<br />

All of your time will be spent in our practical training facilities learning lateral<br />

wall resection (LWR) and/or total ear canal ablation/lateral bulla osteotomy<br />

(TECA-LBO).<br />

The course also covers anatomy of the larynx, BOAS surgery (including options<br />

for the nasal planum and soft palate), approaching a ‘tieback’ with confidence,<br />

surgical options for thyroidectomy/parathyroidectomy, treating mandibular<br />

salivary mucocele and the surgical options and complications associated with<br />

maxillectomy and mandibulectomy.<br />

£1,459 + VAT<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

13 - 14 June <strong>2022</strong><br />

4 - 5 August <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

22 - 23 February <strong>2022</strong><br />

13 - 14 October <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speaker<br />

Philip Lhermette<br />

For the majority of clinics, looking to branch out into rigid endoscopy, the<br />

laparoscopic bitch spay is a core procedure and the main reason for investing<br />

in equipment. As a routine procedure, done on a regular basis, it will bring in<br />

the revenue required to pay for the additional equipment. Once your clinic<br />

has the required equipment, it also opens up a plethora of other laparoscopic<br />

procedures that you can offer, benefitting both the clinic and your clients.<br />

Many clients are keen to pursue this minimally invasive surgical approach, for<br />

their pets and this practical course will ensure your clinic is able to provide this<br />

service with confidence.<br />

At the end of the course, you should feel confident in the following; the<br />

equipment required and instrument handling, basic laparoscopic principles,<br />

electrosurgery and haemostasis, laparoscopic ovariectomy and laparoscopic<br />

ovariohysterectomy.<br />

CPD Hours<br />

6<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

16<br />


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01793 759 159 | www.improveinternational.com 17

Sponsored by VYGON & Swann Morton<br />




Overview<br />

Sponsored by VSP<br />


Overview<br />

Any emergency situation within the veterinary practice can be stressful for the<br />

clinical team. This two-day course aims to provide you with the knowledge and<br />

practical confidence to carry out a variety of surgeries and procedures.<br />

A two-day practical course giving you the opportunity to discuss and perform<br />

ophthalmic surgery, including entropion and ectropion, resecting eyelid<br />

neoplasms and keratectomies.<br />

£1,329* + VAT<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

23 - 24 July <strong>2022</strong><br />

15 - 16 October<br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

12 - 13 November<br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Day One – Emergency Surgical Procedures<br />

Covers procedures that the clinician may need to perform, including gastropexy,<br />

cystotomy and urethrostomy/urethrotomy, diaphragmatic hernia and splenectomy.<br />

Day Two – Emergency Procedures<br />

Covers procedures that the clinician may be unfamiliar with (or has only performed<br />

a few times) need to be carried out rapidly and under pressure.<br />

The second day aims to provide you with the necessary skills to confidently carry<br />

out the following procedures back at your own practice; placing a tracheostomy<br />

tube, thoracocentesis, chest drain placement and management, when and how to<br />

place feeding tubes, placing central lines and their indications and intra-osseous<br />

needle placement.<br />

The price of this course includes overnight accommodation on Saturday, dinner<br />

on Saturday evening and breakfast on Sunday morning.<br />

£1,329 + VAT<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

6 - 7 April <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

7 - 8 November <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

By the end of the course, you will also be confident in the aetiology, diagnosis<br />

and management of third eyelid conditions, corneal anatomy, physiology and<br />

wound healing. You will also learn corneal repair and reconstruction, including<br />

direct suturing, conjunctival grafts and corneo-conjunctival transposition.<br />

Discussion relating to the anatomy and physiology of the cornea, eyelids and<br />

third eyelid will take place and consideration given to the conditions affecting<br />

these areas, including those associated with breed-related conformation.<br />

Speakers<br />

Paul Aldridge (Day One)<br />

Tom Towey (Day Two)<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

Speaker<br />

Ben Blacklock<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

*This includes one night’s accommodation<br />

and course dinner on the Saturday evening<br />

18<br />


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01793 759 159 | www.improveinternational.com 19


£1,299 + VAT<br />

Venue & Dates<br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

11 - 12 June <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speaker<br />

Dr Bogdan-Alexandru Vitalaru<br />

Overview<br />

The increasing number of renal cases seen in practice and the conditions<br />

generating this pathology as secondary impairment (leptospirosis, babesiosis,<br />

various poisonings) represent a fundamental need for developing peritoneal<br />

dialysis in cats and dogs.<br />

Alongside dialysis, renal patients need complex medical services (IV adjuvant<br />

therapy, enteral nutrition, feeding tubes), hospitalisation and continuous<br />

assisted care necessitating a knowledge of this procedure.<br />

Uraemia, renal disease and acute poisoning are some of the frequently<br />

encountered medical conditions in dogs and cats. In cases of acute kidney<br />

injury, a fast diagnosis, as well as initiating a treatment course, such as<br />

peritoneal dialysis, is more likely to lead to full recovery.<br />

This two-day practical course will cover; approach to peritoneal catheter<br />

placement, suture and care, diagnostic techniques to monitoring the peritoneal<br />

dialysis patient including problems and complications. You will also learn<br />

the surgical technique for omentectomy, formulating an understanding of<br />

peritoneal dialysis fluids and the fluid exchange procedure.<br />



IN THE DOG<br />


Our dentistry courses have been designed to give you the<br />

necessary skills to do primary dental work well, helping you<br />

achieve greater health benefits for your patients.<br />

2 Day Course Timings<br />

Day 1<br />

09:00 Registration<br />

09:30 Course starts<br />

17:00 Course finishes<br />

Day 2<br />

08:30 Registration<br />

09:00 Course starts<br />

16:30 Course finishes<br />

“This has been an excellent<br />

opportunity to practise<br />

surgical techniques with the<br />

support and guidance of an<br />

expert.”<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

20<br />


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01793 759 159 | www.improveinternational.com 21

Sponsored by Freelance & Midmark<br />

Sponsored by Freelance & Midmark<br />


Overview<br />


Overview<br />

£1,329 + VAT<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

19 - 20 September <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

13 - 14 January <strong>2022</strong><br />

A series of lectures and practical sessions over two days will cover the essentials of<br />

feline dentistry and the unique problems and pathologies that it poses.<br />

The course is held in a dedicated wet-lab, complete with modern dental units and<br />

radiography, video displays and superb lecture facilities.<br />

Delegate numbers will be limited to ensure one-to-one training, your own<br />

specimens and minimal sharing of equipment.<br />

This two-day course aims to familiarise you with feline dental anatomy, oral<br />

examination and charting, dental radiographic skills, identifying and managing cases<br />

with periodontal disease, tooth resorption, chronic gingivostomatitis, oro-facial pain<br />

syndrome, oral tumours and facial trauma.<br />

Following the course, you will return to practice with the confidence to develop<br />

dentistry in your clinic, from a business perspective, engaging clients in the<br />

importance and techniques of home care.<br />

£1,329 + VAT<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

16 - 17 May <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

17 - 18 November<br />

Dental procedures are the bedrock of all small animal practice. If you do<br />

primary dental work well, you will achieve greater health benefits for your<br />

patients than you will by developing any other skill.<br />

Dentistry usually accounts for at least 25% of small animal practice income.<br />

Investing in your dental equipment and training will represent the most<br />

cost-effective development of your practice.<br />

This two-day practical course will teach the principles of COHAT (Complete<br />

Oral Health Assessment & Treatment), dental radiography and its benefits for<br />

patients and practices and also techniques for dental extractions.<br />

During the course, you will take part in discussions relating to improving<br />

client communication in order to improve compliance with recommendations<br />

for dental care, thus improving patient health.<br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speaker<br />

Matthew Oxford<br />

Speaker<br />

Matthew Oxford<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

22<br />


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Sponsored by KARL STORZ<br />



Our practical courses stretch your skills in a variety<br />

of areas key to everyday practice.<br />

Includes:<br />

Advanced Level Courses<br />

Purely Practical Courses<br />

Interprofessional Course<br />

1 Day Course Timings<br />

09:00 Registration<br />

09:30 Course starts<br />

17:00 Course finishes<br />

2 Day Course Timings<br />

Day 1<br />

09:00 Registration<br />

09:30 Course starts<br />

17:00 Course finishes<br />

Day 2<br />

08:30 Registration<br />

09:00 Course starts<br />

16:30 Course finishes<br />

“There was plenty of time<br />

for questions to ensure<br />

understanding and great<br />

one-to-one support in<br />

the practical sessions.”<br />



£2,249 + VAT<br />

Venue & Dates<br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

11 - 12 July <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speakers<br />

Kate Murphy<br />

Dr Elise Robertson<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

Overview<br />

This two-day course will focus on the techniques of both flexible and rigid<br />

endoscopy in the dog. You will gain an overview of selecting and handling<br />

endoscopes and cover the techniques used in the endoscopy of<br />

the upper and lower intestinal tract, the respiratory tract and lower<br />

urinary tract.<br />

Advanced Level Course<br />

You will enjoy the opportunity to perform endoscopy at our impressive wet-lab<br />

facility in Sheffield, with plenty of hands-on opportunities over the two days and<br />

with delegate numbers limited to 12, you will receive an unsurpassed teaching<br />

experience.<br />

You will be guided through the use of flexible and rigid endoscopy, including<br />

vaginourethrocystoscopy in the bitch, obtaining endoscopic biopsies and<br />

endoscopic foreign body removal, J-manoeuvre and negotiating the pylorus.<br />

24<br />


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£1,749 + VAT<br />

Venue & Dates<br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

17 - 18 October <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speaker<br />

Dr Elise Robertson<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

Overview<br />

Advanced Level Course<br />

A practical course running over two days that will provide an overview of selecting<br />

appropriate equipment and safe handling skills for the upper/lower gastrointestinal<br />

tract and upper/lower respiratory tract, in the feline patient.<br />

You will be guided through the subject of flexible and rigid endoscopy, in our<br />

state-of-the-art, wet-lab facility in Sheffield. Delegate numbers will be limited to<br />

twelve, offering plenty of one-to-one mentoring time.<br />

The areas covered will include; careful ‘driving skills’ for flexible endoscopy,<br />

in vivo, limiting the risk of iatrogenic damage to both patient and equipment,<br />

obtaining endoscopic biopsies and endoscopic foreign body removal, proficiency in<br />

J-manoeuvre and pyloric and ileocolic sphincter intubation in the cat.<br />

By the end of the two days, you will also be confident in the techniques required<br />

for the safe use of a 1.9mm x 30-degree oblique integrated telescope for rostral<br />

rhinoscopy and how to safely collect biopsy samples from the nasal cavity.<br />



Our practical ultrasound courses will provide you<br />

with all the latest techniques delivered by world-class<br />

speakers in various locations in the UK.<br />

Includes:<br />

Advanced Level Courses<br />

1 Day Course Timings<br />

09:00 Registration<br />

09:30 Course starts<br />

17:00 Course finishes<br />

2 Day Course Timings<br />

Day 1<br />

09:00 Registration<br />

09:30 Course starts<br />

17:00 Course finishes<br />

Day 2<br />

08:30 Registration<br />

09:00 Course starts<br />

16:30 Course finishes<br />

“Excellent – first time I have<br />

been on an Improve course,<br />

would like an even more<br />

advanced course now.”<br />

Learn with your<br />

best friend<br />

Photo provided by<br />

Dr Elise Robertson BS BVetMed MACVSc<br />

(Feline) DipABVP (Feline) FHEA FRSB<br />

MRCVS ABVS ® American Board-Certified<br />

Diplomate Feline Practice<br />

New for <strong>2022</strong><br />

All ultrasound courses are limited to nine delegates for<br />

optimal one to one tuition and hands-on experience<br />

In order to get the most from our programmes, please bring<br />

your dog, if possible.<br />

Please contact Improve International or our Practical<br />

Coordinator for further information.<br />

Your help is much appreciated.<br />


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Sponsored by IMV<br />



BRING<br />

A DOG<br />


BRING<br />

A DOG<br />

Overview<br />

Abdominal Ultrasound<br />

Overview........<br />

£1,599 + VAT<br />

£1,599 + VAT<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

24 - 25 January <strong>2022</strong><br />

A two-day course designed for veterinary surgeons with limited experience in<br />

diagnostic ultrasound. By the end of the course, you should be able to achieve<br />

a good level of proficiency in the practical scanning of the normal abdominal<br />

organs and the heart.<br />

You will receive advice on how to choose an ultrasound machine for<br />

your practice and hands-on experience of scanning the liver and spleen,<br />

gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and reproductive tract.<br />

You will also be guided through standard echocardiographic views and the<br />

useful ultrasonographic measurements needed to make a diagnosis.<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House,<br />

Swindon*<br />

13 – 14 June <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House,<br />

Sheffield**<br />

1 - 2 September <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speakers<br />

Abby Caine*<br />

Fintan McEvoy**<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

A two-day course, designed for delegates with an intermediate level of<br />

knowledge in veterinary abdominal ultrasound. Case based examples will<br />

help you consolidate your knowledge and the practical nature of this course<br />

will enable delegates to improve their technique rapidly.<br />

Over the two days, you will review machine set up and learn how to<br />

recognise common artefacts, perform a basic Doppler examination and<br />

consider the ultrasonographic appearance of various common abnormalities.<br />

Delegates will go away with the confidence to identify normal and abnormal<br />

ultrasonographic appearance of the abdomen including; liver, spleen,<br />

gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and pancreas. You will also perform<br />

elementary abdominal Doppler examination and learn how to perform<br />

invasive ultrasound guided procedures.<br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

20 - 21 July <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speakers<br />

Michael O’Cathasaigh - Swindon<br />

Fintan McEvoy - Sheffield<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

Advanced Abdominal Ultrasound<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House,<br />

Swindon<br />

13 July <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House,<br />

Sheffield<br />

3 November <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

1 day course<br />

Speakers<br />

Pete Mantis<br />

CPD Hours<br />

6<br />

Overview........<br />

£799 + VAT<br />

This course is ideal for veterinary surgeons familiar with abdominal<br />

ultrasound and are ready to perform more challenging examinations.<br />

Learn to use expert techniques to identify the pancreas, adrenal glands,<br />

peritoneum and medial iliac lymph nodes and using the Doppler for<br />

examining larger blood vessels. Understand how to perform and interpret<br />

ultrasonographic examination of the right limb and body of the pancreas,<br />

both adrenal glands and the peritoneal cavity. You will also understand<br />

basic techniques for the identification of portosystemic shunts and basic<br />

approaches for the identification of large blood vessel thrombi.<br />

Advanced Level Course<br />

28<br />


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Sponsored by IMV<br />


BRING<br />

A DOG<br />



BRING<br />

A DOG<br />

Echocardiography<br />

Overview........<br />

£1,599 + VAT<br />

Overview<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House,<br />

Swindon*<br />

19 – 20 Sept <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House,<br />

Sheffield**<br />

3 - 4 May <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speakers<br />

Luca Ferasin*<br />

Chris Linney**<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

Advanced Echocardiography<br />

On day one, understand the changes seen in common acquired and<br />

congenital cardiac diseases in dogs and cats, as well as common<br />

artefacts which are often confused for cardiac pathology.<br />

On day two, learn and apply the theory of Doppler while understanding<br />

its application in acquired and congenital disease in this hands-on<br />

practical course.<br />

Overview........<br />

£799 + VAT<br />

£799 + VAT<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

6 April <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

27 November <strong>2022</strong><br />

A practical day, aimed at vets in general practice, wishing to learn the power of<br />

‘FAST’ ultrasound scanning for assessing their patients rapidly and with confidence.<br />

It is also a great option if you are working towards a General Practitioner Certificate<br />

(GPCert) or Postgraduate Certificate (PgC) in Emergency Medicine and Surgery.<br />

Throughout the day, you will learn; how to rapidly triage the emergency patient<br />

using ultrasound, assessment of the acute abdomen, quick and safe evaluation<br />

of the dyspnoeic dog and cat, and also, rapidly identify abdominal fluid/ internal<br />

bleeding/ pleural effusion/ pneumothorax/ pulmonary oedema.<br />

You will have a practical and fully interactive, case-based experience, of realistic<br />

emergencies and critical patients. This will include practical teaching of<br />

ultrasound-guided abdominocentesis, thoracocentesis and FNA.<br />

You will leave the course feeling confident in POCUS (Point of Care Ultrasound),<br />

AFAST and TFAST.<br />

Venue & Date<br />

Alexandra House,<br />

Swindon<br />

21 November <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

1 day course<br />

Speakers<br />

Luca Ferasin<br />

CPD Hours<br />

6<br />

You will focus on more advanced echocardiographic measurements, with an<br />

emphasis on when to use them and how to interpret them. You will revisit<br />

optimising the standard right-sided echocardiographic views and then<br />

concentrate on the left-sided standard views and Doppler echocardiography.<br />

This course is for veterinary surgeons who already have some experience<br />

performing echocardiography in practice or who have attended the<br />

Echocardiography course and want to enhance their skills. You will gain<br />

practical experience in standard echocardiographic views and how to<br />

optimise them, the theory and use of Doppler echocardiography and<br />

advanced echocardiographic measurements.<br />

Course Length<br />

1 day course<br />

Speaker<br />

David Mackenzie<br />

CPD Hours<br />

6<br />

Advanced Level Course<br />

30<br />


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Our interprofessional courses are suitable for veterinary nurses and<br />

veterinary surgeons, particularly new graduates and vets wanting to<br />

refresh their skills.<br />

Prices are the same for individual vets and nurses (except in the case of<br />

CPR-RECOVER) with a 10% discount on the overall price if a vet and<br />

nurse attend together from the same practice. For the discount to be<br />

applied, please telephone when booking a nurse and a vet together.<br />

Includes:<br />

Includes:<br />

Advanced Level Courses<br />

Purely Practical Courses<br />

BRING<br />

A DOG<br />

“The interprofessional courses are a great way of<br />

cementing a team approach to the management<br />

and care of both our patients and their owners”<br />


£1,329 + VAT<br />

Venue & Dates<br />

Guide Dogs for the Blind,<br />

Warwickshire<br />

31 March - 1 April <strong>2022</strong><br />

15 - 16 September <strong>2022</strong><br />

Overview<br />

A two-day course, with a mixture of lectures and practical sessions, that will<br />

give you an understanding of the clinical investigation of infertility in breeding<br />

dogs and bitches.<br />

This course is aimed at the primary care clinician with an interest in small<br />

animal reproduction. The course is limited to a maximum of eight delegates<br />

to ensure an optimum learning environment.<br />

You will gain knowledge in the following areas; endocrinology and physiology<br />

(male and female), measurement of progesterone, vaginal cytology, ultrasound<br />

of the reproductive tract, use of exogenous hormones, semen collection/<br />

evaluation and artificial insemination techniques.<br />

1 Day Course Timings<br />

09:00 Registration<br />

09:30 Course starts<br />

17:00 Course finishes<br />

2 Day Course Timings<br />

Day 1<br />

09:00 Registration<br />

09:30 Course starts<br />

17:00 Course finishes<br />

Day 2<br />

08:30 Registration<br />

09:00 Course starts<br />

16:30 Course finishes<br />

Learn with your<br />

best friend<br />

In order to get the most from our programmes, please bring<br />

your dog, if possible.<br />

Please contact Improve International or our Practical<br />

Coordinator for further information.<br />

Your help is much appreciated.<br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speaker<br />

Gary England<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

32<br />


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NEW FOR <strong>2022</strong><br />

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BRING<br />

A DOG<br />

Overview<br />

Basic Cardiology<br />

Overview........<br />

£699 + VAT<br />

£899 + VAT (Nurses)<br />

£1059 + VAT (Vets)<br />

£1762 + VAT (Nurses & Vets)<br />

This new and exciting two-day course is delivered in association with the<br />

Reassessment Campaign on Veterinary Resuscitation (RECOVER). This<br />

course is designed for vets and nurses to learn alongside each other as a<br />

team with the aim of increasing theoretical knowledge and practical expertise<br />

in a resuscitation situation. It is also suitable for vets or nurses to attend as<br />

individuals and take their learning directly back to the practice team.<br />

The five important aspects covered are preparedness and prevention, basic life<br />

support (BLS), advanced life support (ALS), monitoring and post-cardiac arrest<br />

care and vital topics such as:<br />

• Training on effective leadership during and after CPR<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House,<br />

Swindon<br />

7 - 8 March <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speakers<br />

Heidi Ferasin<br />

Charlotte Pace<br />

CPD Hours<br />

6<br />

A two-day course encompassing both theory and practical elements, you<br />

will gain a thorough understanding of cardiac patients and their care<br />

requirements.<br />

The course will outline common cardiovascular disorders in both canine<br />

and feline patients. You will also become familiar with cardiac and lung<br />

auscultation, blood pressure monitoring (uses and techniques) and<br />

obtaining and interpreting ECGs and radiographs.<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

21 - 22 February <strong>2022</strong><br />

• Creating the perfect crash cart<br />

• Introducing simulation training within your team<br />

• Critical care of the patient that survives CPR with a focus on<br />

non-specialist techniques that can be used in primary care practice<br />

Advanced Cardiology<br />

Overview........<br />

£699 + VAT<br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

1 - 2 March <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speaker<br />

Emily Thomas<br />

Kathryn Latimer-Jones<br />

By completing this course, you will be RECOVER Rescuer certified, which<br />

is the only CPR certification that is recognised by the American College<br />

of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (ACVECC) and the Veterinary<br />

Emergency and Critical Care Society (VECCS).<br />

In order to achieve RECOVER Rescuer certification, you will be required to<br />

have completed both online BLS and ALS courses provided by RECOVER<br />

prior to attending.<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House,<br />

Swindon<br />

20 - 21 October <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speakers<br />

Heidi Ferasin<br />

Charlotte Pace<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

This course is intended for nurses and vets who already have a good<br />

understanding of basic cardiac principles and nursing care and wish to<br />

expand their knowledge and practical abilities.<br />

Over the two days, you will learn the principles of echocardiology, staging<br />

of common cardiac disorders, how to approach a cardiac emergency<br />

(stabilisation and monitoring) and the principles and application of<br />

interventional cardiology including pacemakers, valvoplasty and PDA<br />

occlusion.<br />

In addition, you will gain practical experience in echocardiology and ECG<br />

interpretation.<br />

CPD Hours<br />

20.5<br />

Advanced Level Course<br />

34<br />


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NEW FOR <strong>2022</strong><br />

Sponsored by VYGON<br />

NEW FOR <strong>2022</strong><br />



Overview<br />



Overview<br />

£469 + VAT<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

15 September <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

9 March <strong>2022</strong><br />

Local anaesthetic techniques are potentially the most effective form of<br />

analgesia for many small animal surgeries, yet they are often underused in<br />

general practice. In this course you will gain a comprehensive insight into<br />

the common local anaesthetic drugs and blocks used which a competent<br />

veterinary nurse can administer under Schedule 3.<br />

This course is suitable for both veterinary nurses and surgeons wishing to<br />

update their knowledge of local anaesthetic techniques and those studying<br />

further qualifications in anaesthesia.<br />

Over one day, you will understand the benefits of incorporating a local<br />

anaesthetic technique into any anaesthetic for a painful procedure, how local<br />

anaesthetics work, how to place different local anaesthetic blocks and how<br />

to use local anaesthetic techniques safely. There will also be an explanation<br />

of the use of techniques such as transcutaneous nerve stimulation and<br />

ultrasound-guided techniques.<br />

£429 + VAT<br />

Venue & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

22 June <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

21 February <strong>2022</strong><br />

This course provides comprehensive training in wound management, from the<br />

fundamentals of wound physiology to the latest information on dressings and<br />

technology to assist healing.<br />

The topics covered include the differences in wound healing between canine<br />

and feline species, the concept of wound bed preparation and demonstration<br />

of the application of dressings and bandages.<br />

Teaching this course is Georgie Hollis who has lectured nationally and<br />

internationally and has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles on wounds<br />

and their management. Georgie is the founder of the Vet Wound Library<br />

which provides members with access to telemedicine support on wound<br />

management in practice.<br />

Course Length<br />

1 day course<br />

Course Length<br />

1 day course<br />

Speaker<br />

Nicola Grint<br />

Speaker<br />

Georgie Hollis<br />

CPD Hours<br />

6<br />

CPD Hours<br />

6<br />

36<br />


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NEW FOR <strong>2022</strong><br />



Overview<br />

NEW FOR <strong>2022</strong><br />




Overview<br />

Vets and nurses have a professional responsibility to attend to physical injuries<br />

of wildlife patients that are brought into practice. This can come with difficulties<br />

for the clinical team, through lack of knowledge or low confidence when<br />

dealing with these cases.<br />

Pain recognition is a subjective and complex field as chronic pain will have a<br />

substantial impact on a patient’s ongoing quality of life. For the veterinary team,<br />

it is imperative that you are able to identify and measure the degree of pain<br />

being felt in order to manage it correctly.<br />

£429 + VAT<br />

Venue & Date<br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

18 July <strong>2022</strong><br />

This course aims to provide understanding in relation to ethics, behaviour,<br />

husbandry and rehabilitation.<br />

When approaching the treatment and rehabilitation of wildlife cases, the aim<br />

should always be that the patient not only thrives but survives on release. By<br />

the end of the day, you will feel confident that this can be achieved in practice.<br />

£699 + VAT<br />

Venue & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

18 - 19 July <strong>2022</strong><br />

This interprofessional course aims to delve into the mechanism of nociception<br />

and pain modulation looking at pain classification, assessment techniques and<br />

the various methods available to manage chronic pain in your patients.<br />

On this course you will learn the main mechanism of nociception and pain<br />

modulation, pain classification (acute vs chronic pain; adaptive vs non-adaptive;<br />

somatic vs visceral), assessment techniques for evaluating muscular pain and<br />

superficial sensory disturbances and the various methods of managing<br />

chronic pain.<br />

Course Length<br />

1 day course<br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speaker<br />

Stacey Vickery<br />

Speaker<br />

Sanne Melis<br />

CPD Hours<br />

6<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

38<br />


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Overview<br />

NEW FOR <strong>2022</strong><br />

Sponsored by VYGON<br />




Overview<br />

£429 + VAT<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

13 April <strong>2022</strong><br />

22 November <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

25 July <strong>2022</strong><br />

7 December <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

1 day course<br />

Speaker<br />

Kostas Papasouliotis<br />

This is an interactive workshop, giving you the ideal grounding for identifying<br />

common haematological and cytological abnormalities using the microscope as<br />

part of the ‘in-clinic lab’.<br />

Carefully chosen smears from suitable haematology and cytology cases will<br />

allow a hands-on approach under guidance from the course tutor to build your<br />

confidence in cell identification and appreciation of morphological changes.<br />

Course notes will be available in advance, however formal classroom lectures<br />

will not occur as part of this practical day.<br />

Your time will be spent practising microscopy techniques, including preparing<br />

diagnostic blood smears, preparing quality cytology slides from a skin mass and<br />

including selection/application of stains, differentiating between normal and<br />

abnormal red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Also included is the<br />

analysis of a cytology slide to differentiate between inflammatory, infectious and<br />

malignant cells and the features of benign and malignant neoplastic cells.<br />

We hope that at the end of the day, you will return to your clinics full of<br />

enthusiasm for diagnostic microscopy.<br />

£429 + VAT<br />

Venue & Date<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

25 July <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

1 day course<br />

Speaker<br />

Owen Davies<br />

CPD Hours<br />

6<br />

Oncology is becoming one of the most common disciplines employed in<br />

general practice. Client education regarding canine and feline cancers is<br />

paramount to the future of the pet’s welfare. The veterinary nurse has an<br />

integral part in communication between the client and the veterinary surgeon,<br />

administration of treatment, health and safety of clients/veterinary staff and<br />

support in chemotherapy units/clinics.<br />

Areas covered during this course include the biology of neoplasia, ethics of<br />

treatment, oncological emergencies and sample preparation and interpretation.<br />

This course is an introduction to the role of the oncology nurse and setting up<br />

an oncology clinic. It will also benefit veterinary surgeons wishing to set up an<br />

oncology service within general practice.<br />

CPD Hours<br />

6<br />

40<br />


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Sponsored by BRAUN & VYGON<br />

NURSE<br />



You can feel confident and supported to tackle the<br />

key areas required in practice.<br />

1 Day Course Timings<br />

09:00 Registration<br />

09:30 Course starts<br />

17:00 Course finishes<br />

2 Day Course Timings<br />

Day 1<br />

09:00 Registration<br />

09:30 Course starts<br />

17:00 Course finishes<br />

Day 2<br />

08:30 Registration<br />

09:00 Course starts<br />

16:30 Course finishes<br />

“With high quality speakers guiding<br />

you step-by-step, I feel confident to<br />

take this back to practice and use my<br />

new knowledge and skills.”<br />

Learn with your<br />

best friend<br />

In order to get the most from our programmes, please bring<br />

your dog, if possible.<br />

Please contact Improve International or our Practical<br />

Coordinator for further information.<br />

Your help is much appreciated.<br />

£439 + VAT<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

11 January <strong>2022</strong><br />

12 April <strong>2022</strong><br />

26 September <strong>2022</strong><br />

9 December <strong>2022</strong><br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

4 February <strong>2022</strong><br />

6 April <strong>2022</strong><br />

19 July <strong>2022</strong><br />

21 November <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

1 day course<br />

Speaker<br />

Tom Towey<br />

CPD Hours<br />

6<br />

Overview<br />

This course will cover the theory and practical elements of Schedule 3 nursing<br />

for RVNs and will include the opportunity to learn and practise a variety of<br />

surgical management techniques within our excellent wet-lab facilities.<br />

You will gain experience in suturing wounds, lump removal and biopsy, aural<br />

haematoma management and ear tip and tail and digit amputation within a<br />

variety of exciting classroom and practical sessions.<br />

42<br />


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NEW FOR <strong>2022</strong><br />

Sponsored by IMV<br />




BRING<br />

A DOG<br />

Emergency techniques<br />

for the veterinary nurse<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Benchmark House,<br />

Sheffield<br />

29 - 30 November <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

2 day course<br />

Speakers<br />

David Mackenzie<br />

CPD Hours<br />

12<br />

Overview........<br />

£699 + VAT<br />

A two-day course encompassing both theory and practical elements, you<br />

will gain a basic and thorough understanding of cardiac patients and<br />

their care requirements.<br />

The course will outline common cardiovascular disorders in both canine<br />

and feline patients. You will also become familiar with cardiac and lung<br />

auscultation, blood pressure monitoring (uses and techniques) and<br />

obtaining and interpreting ECGs and radiographs.<br />

£529 + VAT<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Alexandra House, Swindon<br />

7 April <strong>2022</strong><br />

Overview<br />

This course is aimed at qualified veterinary nurses, working in both first opinion<br />

and referral practice, who have a keen interest in emergency medicine. It would<br />

be particularly beneficial for those working towards the Nurse Certificate in<br />

Emergency and Critical Care.<br />

Learn the principles of FAST ultrasound scanning, becoming adept at Point<br />

of Care Ultrasound, AFAST and TFAST by the end of the day and gaining<br />

understanding in how this technique can be used to support emergency and<br />

critical patients.<br />

Throughout the day, a variety of practical sessions will cover how to rapidly<br />

triage the emergency patient using ultrasound, quick and safe evaluation of<br />

the dyspnoeic dog and cat, how to identify abdominal fluid, as well as internal<br />

bleeding, pleural effusion, pneumothorax and pulmonary oedema.<br />

Nursing the Neonatal<br />

and paediatric patient<br />

Venues & Dates<br />

Benchmark House,<br />

Sheffield<br />

6 October <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

1 day course<br />

Speakers<br />

Tom Towey<br />

CPD Hours<br />

6<br />

Overview........<br />

£429 + VAT<br />

Neonatal survival in both the canine and feline patient can be improved<br />

by effective neonatal care and the appropriate management of the bitch/<br />

queen pre-and post-partum.<br />

This course will look further into the differences in the bitch and queen’s<br />

reproductive cycles, parturition process and the management of parturition<br />

complications. It will also give an insight into the appropriate management<br />

of neonatal and paediatric patients, including congenital disorders,<br />

neonatal/paediatric emergencies and anaesthesia. It will give confidence<br />

when approaching the nursing care of the whelping bitch and her puppies<br />

in practice.<br />

Benchmark House, Sheffield<br />

28 November <strong>2022</strong><br />

Course Length<br />

1 day course<br />

Speaker<br />

David Mackenzie<br />

CPD Hours<br />

6<br />

A case-based approach to emergencies and critical patients will be used for<br />

you to gain confidence in a triage situation or in those emergency situations<br />

when the vet is already busy. This course is capped at nine places to ensure<br />

the optimal learning experience.<br />

44<br />


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What you can expect from Improve International<br />



Great<br />

combination<br />

of practical<br />

and theoretical<br />

content<br />

Brilliant<br />

Introduction<br />

to Ultrasound<br />

course, liked the<br />

addition of other<br />

laparoscopic<br />

procedures<br />

Laparoscopic<br />

Bitch Spay<br />

Very good,<br />

very applicable<br />

and excellent<br />

practical element<br />

Feline Pelvic<br />

Trauma<br />

Good content,<br />

nice how things<br />

are catered<br />

to everyone’s<br />

specific needs<br />

Abdominal<br />

Ultrasound<br />

Excellent, quite<br />

possibly the<br />

best one to date<br />

Schedule 3<br />

Surgery<br />

A very positive<br />

and enthusiastic<br />

speaker,<br />

just the right<br />

amount of theory<br />

and practical<br />

Echocardiography<br />

Our outstanding veterinary<br />

practical training facilities<br />

in Swindon and Sheffield<br />

enable you to put theory into<br />

practice with the guidance of<br />

our expert speakers so you<br />

can get the most out of your<br />

learning experience.<br />

Both facilities are fitted with<br />

top quality dental, surgical<br />

and diagnostic equipment and<br />

brand new instrumentation for<br />

orthopaedic and soft tissue<br />

procedures. We also provide<br />

you with full PPE for any<br />

practical session.<br />

Progress your learning using the<br />

latest technology and equipment<br />

We recognise that veterinary professionals want to train in surroundings<br />

with the latest equipment and teaching aids which enable them to rapidly<br />

develop the key skills necessary to make the greatest impact in practice.<br />


improveinternational.com<br />

enquiries@improveinternational.com | 01793 759 159<br />

46<br />


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Course Calendar <strong>2022</strong><br />

January<br />

February<br />

March<br />

April<br />

Date Type Course Location Page<br />

13 - 14 Feline Dentistry Sheffield<br />

11 Schedule 3 Surgery Swindon<br />

24 - 25 Introduction to Small Animal Ultrasound Swindon<br />

4 Schedule 3 Surgery Swindon<br />

7 - 9 Neurosurgery Masterclass Sheffield<br />

10 Skin Reconstruction Sheffield<br />

11 Head and Neck Surgery Sheffield<br />

21 - 22 CPR in Association with Recover Swindon<br />

22 - 23 Laparoscopic Bitch Spay Sheffield<br />

21 Wound Management in General Practice Sheffield<br />

1 - 2 CPR in Association with Recover Sheffield<br />

7 - 8 Basic Cardiology Swindon<br />

9 Techniques in Local Anaesthesia Sheffield<br />

15 - 16 TPLO Masterclass Sheffield<br />

17 - 18 Introduction to Orthopaedic Surgery Sheffield<br />

31 - 1 Canine Reproduction Warwickshire<br />

6 Schedule 3 Surgery Sheffield<br />

6 Ultrasound for the Emergency Patient Swindon<br />

6 - 7 Eyelid and Corneal Surgery Swindon<br />

7 Ultrasound Triage of the Emergency Patient Swindon<br />

12 Schedule 3 Surgery Swindon<br />

13 Cytology and Haematology Swindon<br />

May<br />

June<br />

July<br />

Date Type Course Location Page<br />

3 - 4 Echocardiography Sheffield<br />

16 - 17 Canine Dentistry Swindon<br />

19 - 20 Canine Thoracic Limb Trauma Surgery Sheffield<br />

23 - 24 TTA Rapid Swindon<br />

8 - 9 Feline Pelvic Trauma Sheffield<br />

11 - 12 Peritoneal Dialysis Sheffield<br />

23 - 24 Essential Emergency Surgery Swindon<br />

25 - 26 Next Steps in Soft Tissue Surgery Swindon<br />

13 - 14 Laparoscopic Bitch Spay Swindon<br />

13 - 14 Abdominal Ultrasound Swindon<br />

22 Wound Management in General Practice Swindon<br />

5 - 6 TPLO Masterclass Sheffield<br />

11 - 12 Canine Endoscopy Masterclass Sheffield<br />

13 Advanced Abdominal Ultrasound Swindon<br />

18 Emergency and Critical Care of the Wildlife Patient Sheffield<br />

18 - 19 Nursing Management of Chronic Pain and Rehabilitation Swindon<br />

20 - 21 Introduction to Small Animal Ultrasound Swindon<br />

23 - 24 Emergency Surgeries and Procedures Practical Weekend Swindon<br />

25 Cytology and Haematology Sheffield<br />

25 Introduction to Oncology and Chemotherapy Swindon<br />

19 Schedule 3 Surgery<br />

48<br />


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Course Calendar <strong>2022</strong><br />

August<br />

September<br />

October<br />

Date Type Course Location Page<br />

19 Laparoscopic Bitch Spay Swindon<br />

1 Skin Reconstruction Swindon<br />

1 - 2 Abdominal Ultrasound Sheffield<br />

2 Head and Neck Surgery Swindon<br />

15 - 16 Canine Reproduction Warwickshire<br />

15 Techniques in Local Anaesthesia Swindon<br />

15 - 16 Introduction to Orthopaedic Surgery Sheffield<br />

19 - 20 Feline Dentistry Swindon<br />

26 Schedule 3 Surgery Swindon<br />

4 Stifle Disease Sheffield<br />

6 Nursing the Neonatal and Paediatric patient Sheffield<br />

10 - 11 Canine Thoracic Limb Trauma Surgery Sheffield<br />

13 - 14 Laparoscopic Bitch Spay Sheffield<br />

15 - 16 Emergency Surgeries and Procedures Practical Weekend Swindon<br />

17 - 18 Feline Endoscopy Masterclass Sheffield<br />

20 - 21 Advanced Cardiology Swindon<br />

20 - 21 Essential Emergency Surgery Sheffield<br />

24 - 25 Feline Pelvic Trauma Swindon<br />

November<br />

December<br />

Date Type Course Location Page<br />

3 Advanced Abdominal Ultrasound Sheffield<br />

7 - 8 Eyelid and Corneal Surgery Sheffield<br />

12 - 13 Emergency Surgeries and Procedures Practical Weekend Sheffield<br />

17 - 18 Canine Dentistry Sheffield<br />

21 Advanced Echocardiography Swindon<br />

21 Schedule 3 Surgery Sheffield<br />

22 Cytology and Haematology Swindon<br />

24 - 25 Next Steps in Soft Tissue Surgery Sheffield<br />

27 Ultrasound for the Emergency Patient Sheffield<br />

28 Ultrasound Triage of the Emergency Patient Sheffield<br />

29 - 30 Introduction to Orthopaedic Surgery Swindon<br />

29 - 30 Emergency Techniques for the Veterinary Nurse Sheffield<br />

7 Cytology and Haematology Sheffield<br />

9 Schedule 3 Surgery Swindon<br />

50<br />


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Ready to take that next step?<br />


Call Us<br />

Email Us<br />

Visit Us Online<br />

Tel: 01793 759 159<br />

Email: enquiries@improveinternational.com<br />

improveinternational.com<br />

Alexandra House<br />

Whittingham Drive<br />

Wroughton<br />

Swindon SN4 0QJ<br />

ImproveCPD<br />

@improvecpd<br />

improve-international<br />

Improve International UK<br />

Registration Terms and Conditions:<br />

Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. In the event of a fully booked course, applicants will be<br />

offered first refusal for the next available date. Confirmation and enrolment details will be sent to confirm booking.<br />

© Copyright 2021 Improve International Ltd.<br />

All commercial copying or reproduction constitutes an infringement of copyright and is prohibited.

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