FF16 - October 2021
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Founder’s Favourites
Issue 16 - Oct 2021
Alan Cohen
Bruce Levine
Carolyn Chilton Casas
Catherine Coundjeris
Cordelia Hanemann
John Delaney
Sarah Henry
Stella Mazur Preda
Vandana Kumar
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 1
Founder’s Favourites
Issue 16—October 2021
Alan Cohen
Words are Wings 3
Bruce Levine
Lazy Days 4
Musings 5
Flying Free 6
Yesterday’s Rainbow 7
Carolyn Chilton Casas
Dirty Nails 11
Ocean Love 17
Catherine Coundjeris
An Ordinary Adventure 9
Cordelia Hanemann
Diving for Daddy 8
John Delaney
The Moons of Jupiter 10
Sarah Henry
Whitetail Buck 16
Stella Mazur Preda
Terra Incognita 14
Epilogue 15
Vandana Kumar
The Bench Not Taken 18
The Moonrise 18
Founder’s Feedback
Alan Cohen
Words are Wings (p3) I like thinking of invoking
words to support us and then giving them to our
children’s children as keepsakes.
Bruce Levine
Lazy Days (p4) I was drawn to the phrase cascading
dreams, the image of Halcyon Sundays and couples
dozing in hammocks. Musings (p5) I relate to this
poem. I scribble thoughts on everything. Flying Free
(p6) The first stanza captured my attention. Yesterday’s
Rainbow (p7) The tone is sad yet comforting, and I like
the repetition in the beginning and ending.
Carolyn Chilton Casas
Dirty Nails (p11) I love the playfulness described in
this poem. The free feeling of not worrying about being
prim and proper. Ocean Love (p17) I love the seasonal
snapshots and sensory word choices covered in this
Catherine Coundjeris
An Ordinary Adventure (p9) I like the peaceful tone.
The last line summarizes a great message in this poem.
If you make a mess, just start over again until you get it
right. Love it.
Cordelia Hanemann
Diving for Daddy (p8) This poem is fun and has a
comforting ending.
John Delaney
The Moons of Jupiter (p10) I like the awe, the
playfulness and the joy of the children.
Sarah Henry
Whitetail Buck (p16) First person point of views are my
favourite things to read. This buck earned its respect.
Stella Mazur Preda
Terra Incognita (p14) This poem tugged at my heart
strings as it speaks of the reality of climate change and
all the things people are going through.
Epilogue (p15) I was drawn in by the movement and
changes in this piece.
Vandana Kumar
The Moonrise (p18) The phrase in the beginning made
me think “Oh, I love that”: The city takes out its
‘recliners’ / leaves stiff shoulders behind.
The Bench Not Taken (p18) I like the truth and the
humanness. It’s real.
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 2
Words are Wings
Alan Cohen
Words are wings
Invoke the support
Of the invisible
Bear us
Nothing is impossible:
Silence can break
Things can be
Even become
Flowers bloom
Horses breed
Rain falls
Stars shine
We capture them
Keep them
Give them
To our children’s children
And no one is the wiser
Though we all get to fly
Yuriy Mazur | stock.adobe.com
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 3
Lazy Days
Bruce Levine
Floating on rivers of rain
Cascading dreams
Like summer flowers
Parades filled with marching bands
And anthems sung by mixed choirs
Halcyon Sundays
And cool breezes
Floating through tree tops
Creating an umbrella of shade
Perfect for a picnic
Basking in the glow
Of lovers holding hands
Dozing in a hammock
Reading a book
A pale pink sky
A perfect backdrop
For lazy days
moodboard | stock.adobe.com
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 4
Bruce Levine
Thoughts on paper
Important only as a history
Thoughts on paper
Pertaining to anything
Pertaining to nothing
Profound or ridiculous
Memories or memoranda
Flexing the muscles
Of the gray cells
Shaping and reshaping
Sculpting litany
A lexicon of memorabilia
Thoughts on paper
A ledger
A journal
Unspoken meanderings
A labyrinth of moments
Tracings on a page
With a pencil or pen
A computer keyboard
Hot off the press
Or filed for future reference
A target for perusal
Reality or fantasy
Easily discarded
Readily retained
Thoughts on paper
In a drawer
Filling a waste basket
Clever sayings
Reminding the author
Of things overheard
Things to remember
Thoughts out of context
Profound or perfunctory
A paragon of nothing
Simply stated
Елена Рыкова | stock.adobe.com
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 5
Flying Free
Bruce Levine
Flying free
Over the highways
Bound for tomorrow
New promised lands
Opening doorways
Yet to be opened
Trying adventures
Not even planned
No longer chained
By mythic illusions
Scarecrows resolving
Infested minds
Breaking old habits
Never to follow
Long ago bound’ries
Never defined
Seizing the moment
Only the future
Time moving onward
Always at hand
Lars Nissen | stock.adobe.com
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 6
Yesterday’s Rainbow
Bruce Levine
Yesterday’s rainbow
Past but never forgotten
A cardinal visiting
Watching me
Perched on a fence
As I sit alone with my dog
Heaven’s messenger
To commemorate your day
Time gone by
Time yet to come
Yesterday’s rainbow
Past but never forgotten
bonnie | stock.adobe.com
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 7
Diving for Daddy
Cordelia Hanemann
Once I fell in the ocean when/
I didn’t know I fell in the ocean
Michael Palmer
Once I was 5 and climbed the tall ladder
of the high dive. I wore a flowered bikini
bathing suit and a too-large swim cap
and thought I was pretty smart.
I walked the plank, held my nose and jumped,
but I did not know how to swim.
What a thought. I even saw myself
in my too cute bathing suit and cap,
smiling underwater as though returning
to a place I had known and loved.
Under the water it was like some Monet or other
of watery colors rippling overhead.
And then my Daddy
saved me.
Jon Schulte | stock.adobe.com
Cordelia Hanemann is currently a practicing writer and artist in Raleigh, NC. A retired professor of English at Campbell University,
she has published in numerous journals including Atlanta Review, Connecticut River Review, Southwestern Review, and Laurel Review;
anthologies, The Poet Magazine's new anthology, Friends and Friendship, Heron Clan and Kakalak and in her own chapbook,
Through a Glass Darkly. Her poem, "photo-op" was a finalist in the Poems of Resistance competition at Sable Press and her poem
"Cezanne's Apples" was nominated for a Pushcart. Recently the featured poet for Negative Capability Press and The Alexandria
Quarterly, she is now working on a first novel, about her roots in Cajun Louisiana.
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 8
An Ordinary Adventure
Catherine Coundjeris
I went on an ordinary
adventure today.
The sky was a cerulean blue.
I drove down one winding
road after another
over a bridge
uphill and downhill.
Out into a country farm—
It could be the Shire—
where sheep’s wool is spun
into yarn ready
for the knitter’s needles.
A brewery nearby invites
a happy crowd.
And I learned something
new and satisfying…
the clack of needles in
my hands.
Surrounded by masters who
shared their skills with others.
My brain did a turn and
my hands struggled
with the new positions,
but I left exuberant
to think of
potential projects
I could create…
Scarves, gloves, curtains
Leg warmers, and hats…
triumphant I would continue
to knit and purl
during the long winter nights
at home.
My red yarn knotted
into bumpy patterns
with a hole off kilter
on the fourth row.
I will undo the mess
and start again, again
and again
until I get it right.
Adventures worth taking
don’t happen overnight…
Татьяна Андрианова—stock.adobe.com
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 9
The Moons of Jupiter
John Delaney
On the infield of the baseball diamond
he sets up his equipment for the class.
The children keep running in the outfield,
making circles in the damp grass
while they wait to be summoned.
Like small cannons, the telescopes are wheeled
into position to target the moon.
Security lamps on top of the school
distantly scour the shadows—but soon
as night camps, the stars are revealed.
The children line up, taking turns on a stool
to watch a bright wafer melt across the lens.
In farmer’s overalls, smoking his pipe,
the teacher chats with the milling parents
while he changes the lenses on schedule,
explaining their power and type.
The children seem content with just a quick peek—
they jump down and skedaddle in the dark,
zig-zagging in and out of view, each shriek
sparking an evening that’s suddenly ripe
with drama: the teacher has raised his mark:
Jupiter and her moons! What a surprise!
The joy’s contagious among the adults,
who quickly queue to glimpse with their own eyes
what till now has been their children’s lark.
But the specks are small, prove too difficult
to name. Most, trying to comprehend
how something so remote and strange (unplanned)
had swept so suddenly within their ken,
stand quietly, aloof. The children exult
in their game of tag, scuffing up the sand.
Rounding the bases, “Venus,” “Earth,” and “Mars”
they shout as they steal homeward and beyond.
Smaller ones, asleep, are carried to the cars.
“Thanks so much.” “Good-bye.” “Really, it was grand.”
Nick Magwood |Pixabay.com
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 10
Dirty Nails
Carolyn Chilton Casas
My fingernails are rarely
clean. Even when I take
my time with them,
an hour later
my hands are back
in the earth, pulling weeds,
cleaning beds, trimming withered
leaves and flowers past their prime,
transplanting succulents,
my favorite because they grow
so easily and fruitfully
and require little water.
Or sand accumulates
under my clear, pearly edges
from another kind of digging.
The fun in the sunshine my friends
and I adore—with a volleyball,
beside the ocean, pelicans hand gliding
overhead, dolphins and whales
sometimes spied arcing in waves,
the luscious smell of summer
in our noses at any time of year.
For these, I don’t mind
a tiny bit of dirt beneath my nails.
Mel Stoutsenberger | stock.adobe.com
Jethra Tull | stock.adobe.com
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 11
How to
become a
Content contains anything I find
memorable, creative, unique,
visual, or even simple. Accepted
contributors will most likely write
about things that are emotionally
moving. Not sure I will like your
submission? Take a chance! You
have nothing to lose. And who
knows? You may end up being
among the founder's favourites!
Submit today!
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 12
FF—Issue 17 Contest
Details November 1, 2021
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 13
Terra Incognita
Stella Mazur Preda
violent rains beat roofs
with the rhythm of warrior drums
dance on concrete walks
rampant winds fell aging trees
the heavens explode in anger
skies sizzle
ignite like the fourth of July
creeks and rivers seethe with fury
overflow embankments
snake through homes
helpless residents
knee-deep in churning waters
flooded with unending grief
rolffimages | stock.adobe.com
Emily | stock.adobe.com
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 14
Stella Mazur Preda
Stealing bases, the senior years
surreptitiously slide home.
Mountains, once impulsively scaled
now recede to rolling hills.
Tidal waters slowly ebb
relinquishing new treasures
and riveting challenges;
and a new chapter evolves.
serge Nouchi—stock.adobe.com
santypan | stock.adobe.com
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 15
Whitetail Buck
Sarah Henry
My first year in
life went well.
I was a new fawn,
drinking milk to
survive. Antlers
like small buttons
sprouted above my
ears. White spots
on my back helped
me sneak through
the fields without
being attacked by
bears and bobcats.
My head felt big
in the second year.
The antlers grew
as I took on traits
of an older deer.
Weary lay my head
as it wore a crown.
I claimed a large
kingdom next year
by locking antlers
with other males.
We fought for does
during the fall rut.
Then we stopped.
My rack fell off,
just like that. It
landed in a woods
one day. Losing
the shed brought
much relief. My
great crown was
no longer needed
for love and war,
unlike before.
PhotoSpirit | stock.adobe.com
Sarah Henry is retired from a major newspaper. Her poems have appeared in over a hundred journals, most recently Jalmurra, The
Journal of Expressive Writing, Open Door Magazine and The Trouvaille Review. She lives and writes in a small Pennsylvania town.
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 16
Ocean Love
Carolyn Chilton Casas
Let me not forget to notice
all the seasons of the ocean
with an awe-filled soul—
equally winter’s pounding surf
and summer’s gentle swells.
Every bay a changing alchemy
of colors—smoke, sapphire,
aqua, slate, and sky.
Let me not forget to search
September’s waters
for the curved backs of whales,
their tails breaching toward the sun,
dorsal fins of dolphins undulating
smoothly in and out of waves
just beyond the breaks.
The ocean’s briny smell
fills my lungs with longing
for a simpler life.
She urges me to set my cares aside,
float peacefully in her salty arms.
Travis Aguilar—Pixabay.com
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 17
The Moonrise
Vandana Kumar
The moon rises tonight
The city takes out its ‘recliners’
leaves stiff shoulders behind
Peep out of a window
catch a glimpse of the moon
Ask your child if that’s a shape
He says
“A perfect round
No, Wait!
an enlarged orange that no one can eat.”
Towering over the skyline
So hopelessly out of reach
A sun must have set somewhere
for a moon to rise
So bright
Txus Lopez—stock.adobe.com
The Bench Not Taken
Vandana Kumar
I won’t clean that bench today
Somebody’s derrière warmed up here
a little while ago,
He toasted the sun –
As he watched the leaves
dip two shades deeper
into its shade cards
One dog chased a cat
Another took a nap
No human around
A passerby who approved
Let that kindness remain
I won’t clean that bench today
Some lover cleaned a bench someplace else
in bid to impress
then spread a sheet on which
the lady love could rest
AJS1 | Pixabay.com
The ones who sat on the other side
Couldn’t care less
the figs
the twigs
and - anything that fell
was bounty for them
Vandana Kumar is a Middle School French teacher in New Delhi, India. An educator with over 20 years of experience, she is also a French translator
and recruitment consultant. Her poems have been published in various national and international journals and websites like ‘Mad Swirl’, Toronto based
‘Scarlet Leaf Review’, Philadelphia based ‘North of Oxford’, Saint Paul, Minnesota based ‘Grey Sparrow Journal’, UK based ‘Destiny Poets’, ‘Lothlorien
Poetry Journal’, ‘Madras Courier’, Glomag etc. She has featured in anthologies like Houston, Texas based – ‘Harbinger Asylum’, US based ‘Kali Project’
of Indie Blu(e) Publishing etc. She has been part of two projects of the World literature series on Post-modern voices and critical thought. She also writes
articles on cinema that have appeared on websites and journals like ‘Just-cinema’, ‘Daily Eye’, ‘The Free Press Journal’, Boloji.com and The Artamour.
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 18
Contributor Bios
Alan Cohen’s first publication as a poet was in the PTA Newsletter when he was 10 years old. He graduated
Farmingdale High School (where he was Poetry Editor of the magazine, The Bard), Vassar College
(with a BA in English) and University of California at Davis Medical School, did his internship in Boston
and his residency in Hawaii, and was then a Primary Care physician, teacher, and Chief of Primary Care at
the VA, first in Fresno, CA and later in Roseburg, OR. He was nominated for his performance in Fresno
for the 2012 VA Mark Wolcott Award for Excellence in Clinical Care Leadership. He has gone on writing
poems for 60 years and, now retired from medicine, is beginning to share some of his discoveries. He has
had a poem (“Autopsy”) and a medical letter to the editor in the New England Journal of Medicine and,
more recently, an article called “Annals of Communication: Giving a Patient a Diagnosis and Other Idioms In Development”
in the American Journal of Medicine; and has had poems published in various publications. He had an honorable mention in
Ninth Annual Mississippi Valley Poetry Contest; and has had letters to the editor in the New Yorker and Poetry Magazine.
He’s been married to Anita for 41 years, and they’ve lived in Eugene, OR these past 11.
Bruce Levine, a 2019 Pushcart Prize Poetry Nominee, has spent his life as a writer of fiction and poetry
and as a music and theatre professional. Over three hundred of his works are published in over twenty-five
on-line journals including Ariel Chart, Friday Flash Fiction, Literary Yard; over thirty print books
including Poetry Quarterly, Haiku Journal, Dual Coast Magazine, Tipton Poetry Journal, and his shows
have been produced in New York and around the country. Six eBooks are available from Amazon.com.
His work is dedicated to the loving memory of his late wife, Lydia Franklin. A native Manhattanite, Bruce
lives in New York with his dog, Gabi. Visit him at www.brucelevine.com
Carolyn Chilton Casas is a Reiki Master and teacher. Her favorite themes to write about are healing,
awareness, and the life journey. Carolyn’s stories and poems have appeared in Energy, Odyssey, Reiki
News Magazine, The Art of Healing, Touch, and in other publications. You can read more of Carolyn’s
work on Instagram at mindfulpoet_ or in her first collection of poems titled Our Shared Breath.
A former elementary school teacher, Catherine Coundjeris has also taught writing at Emerson College
and ESL writing at Urban College in Boston. She is published in literary magazines, including Proem,
The Dawntreader, Visions with Voices, Nine Cloud Journal, Academy of the Heart and Mind, Bombfire,
and Paper Dragons. Catherine is very passionate about adult literacy.
In 2016, John Delaney moved out to Port Townsend, WA, after retiring as curator of historic maps at
Princeton University. He’s traveled widely, preferring remote, natural settings, and is addicted to kayaking
and hiking. In 2017, he published Waypoints, a collection of place poems. Twenty Questions, a chapbook,
appeared in 2019, and Delicate Arch, poems and photographs of national parks and monuments, is
forthcoming next year.
Stella Mazur Preda is a resident of Waterdown, Ontario, Canada. Having retired from elementary teaching in
Toronto, she is owner and publisher of Serengeti Press, a small press publishing company, located in the Hamilton
area. Since its opening in 2003, Serengeti Press has published 43 Canadian books. Serengeti Press is now temporarily
on hiatus. Stella Mazur Preda has been published in numerous Canadian anthologies and some of US, most notably
the purchase of her poem My Mother’s Kitchen by Penguin Books, New York. Stella has released four previous
books, Butterfly Dreams (Serengeti Press, 2003); Witness, Anthology of Poetry (Serengeti Press, 2004), edited by
John B. Lee; From Rainbow Bridge to Catnip Fields (Serengeti Press, 2007) The Fourth Dimension, (Serengeti
Press, 2012). She is a current member of Tower Poetry Society in Hamilton, Ontario and The Ontario Poetry Society. Stella is currently
working on her fifth book, Tapestry, based on the life of her aunt and written completely in poetic form.
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 19
Founder’s Favourites
Issue 16 - Oct 2021
Thanks for
spending time with
my favourites.
Founder’s Favourites | October 2021—Issue 16 | 20