John Locke Foundation - 2021 Annual Report
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One team. One fight.<br />
One voice for freedom.<br />
<strong>2021</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />
<strong>2021</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> | 1
One team. One fight.<br />
One voice for freedom.<br />
<strong>2021</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>
© <strong>2021</strong> <strong>John</strong> <strong>Locke</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
4800 Six Forks Road, Suite 220<br />
Raleigh, NC 27609<br />
(919) 828-3876 |<br />
All rights reserved.
Contents<br />
Message From Our CEO.........................................................................................Page 7<br />
Fighting For You at the People’s House............................................................ Page 10<br />
Speaking the Truth Through Fact-Based Research..................................... Page 14<br />
Defining Digits..........................................................................................................Page 16<br />
One Voice For Freedom: The Merger................................................................. Page 19<br />
The Carolina Journal..............................................................................................Page 20<br />
Rooted In Principles and Looking Ahead........................................................ Page 25<br />
Why <strong>Locke</strong>?................................................................................................................Page 26<br />
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If Not Us, Then<br />
Who? If Not Now,<br />
Then When?<br />
Message From Our CEO<br />
Just months into my<br />
tenure as CEO, that was<br />
our thought as COVID-19<br />
measures threatened our<br />
civil liberties; violent protests<br />
threatened public safety; and<br />
unprecedented government<br />
spending, along with massive<br />
labor market issues, threatened<br />
our economic stability.<br />
With freedom threatened on<br />
multiple fronts, there was an<br />
urgency for us to examine how<br />
we deploy our resources. At<br />
the same time, we partnered<br />
with the Civitas Institute on<br />
a judicial issues educational<br />
outreach campaign. Civitas CEO<br />
Donald Bryson and I watched<br />
our organizations work together<br />
successfully for a common<br />
purpose. It occurred to us we<br />
should continue working as a<br />
cohesive unit.<br />
From Think Tank to<br />
Battle Tank<br />
Freedom’s opponents will<br />
always have more resources<br />
because they have government,<br />
big government advocates, and<br />
those who stand to gain from<br />
big government to fund them.<br />
The financial disadvantage<br />
just means we have to be<br />
smarter with our resources<br />
and how we deploy them. With<br />
freedom as a common goal<br />
and the authoritarian Left as<br />
the common opponent, we<br />
could ill afford a Hunger Games<br />
scenario between Civitas and<br />
<strong>Locke</strong>.<br />
On Jan. 1, <strong>2021</strong>, the intellectual<br />
forces that have driven three<br />
decades of freedom-forward<br />
research and policy reforms<br />
in North Carolina merged our<br />
capabilities, ensuring that<br />
North Carolinians’ liberties are<br />
robustly defended and advanced<br />
as we enter this next decade.<br />
By merging our capacities,<br />
we could reallocate resources<br />
from duplicative overhead into<br />
expanding research, grassroots<br />
outreach, government<br />
affairs, social media and<br />
communications, and news<br />
coverage — all of which you’ll<br />
read about in the following<br />
pages.<br />
With this change, we’ve<br />
marshaled the strategic forces<br />
<strong>2021</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> | 7
2,000<br />
3,000<br />
1,500<br />
2,500<br />
1,000<br />
2,000<br />
2019 2020 2019 2020<br />
1,505<br />
Donors<br />
2,730<br />
Donations<br />
necessary to continue the battle<br />
for freedom and free markets<br />
in the new decade. For the sake<br />
of today and tomorrow’s North<br />
Carolinians, we moved from<br />
think tank to battle tank.<br />
One Team. One<br />
Fight. One Voice For<br />
Freedom.<br />
Egos are checked at the<br />
door. We all have pet issues<br />
and projects that capture<br />
our attention, but ultimately<br />
freedom is the goal. We envision<br />
a North Carolina where freedom<br />
is so much a part of the fabric<br />
of the state that we aren’t even<br />
needed. Until then, we will be<br />
on the front lines. Depending<br />
on what drives freedom’s<br />
opponents at any given<br />
moment, we can respond. Best<br />
of all, we have the ability to go on<br />
offense.<br />
Based on our investors’<br />
response, they like the<br />
combined forces. We are<br />
grateful to and humbled by all<br />
who invested time, treasure, and<br />
faith in us. We want you to be<br />
proud of your partnership with<br />
us. One team. One fight. One<br />
voice for freedom.<br />
<strong>Locke</strong>’d and loaded,<br />
Amy Cooke<br />
CEO<br />
CEO Amy Cooke joined <strong>Locke</strong> in<br />
January 2020.<br />
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<strong>Locke</strong>’s Jon Sanders, senior fellow of regulatory studies and<br />
research editor, digs deep into the data to help lawmakers and<br />
citizens better understand the impact of regulatory burdens on the<br />
lives of North Carolinians.<br />
<strong>Locke</strong>’s Paige Terryberry assesses state fiscal policies, providing<br />
lawmakers guardrails for funding core services while ensuring North<br />
Carolinians keep more of what they earn.<br />
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Fighting For You at the<br />
People’s House<br />
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Respected By Our Allies.<br />
Feared By Our Foes.<br />
Reputation Is Earned<br />
Credibility is the currency of<br />
public policy. The <strong>Locke</strong> team<br />
has it, giving us entree into the<br />
discussions where decisions are<br />
made, and giving us the ear of<br />
the leaders who ultimately make<br />
the calls. Thanks to our expanded<br />
capacities, strategic focus, and<br />
strong relationships, <strong>Locke</strong>'s<br />
influence with lawmakers is<br />
stronger than ever.<br />
As of October <strong>2021</strong>, the General<br />
Assembly continues this year's<br />
work, yet freedom has already<br />
notched another winning session.<br />
All indications point to more<br />
successes as the fall plays out and<br />
final decisions are made on state<br />
spending and revenue, as well as<br />
other key areas that have direct<br />
impact on how we live our lives and<br />
the opportunities to come.<br />
These new dividends can be traced<br />
directly to the <strong>Locke</strong>-influenced<br />
tax and regulatory reforms that<br />
have been implemented each year<br />
since 2013. Taxpayers are being<br />
respected through a reformed<br />
rate structure, the state's savings<br />
accounts are at an all-time high,<br />
debt is being paid down, and<br />
investments are being made in<br />
long-term obligations that were<br />
once ignored.<br />
Signed Into Law<br />
HEALTH CARE: A higher threshold<br />
will be implemented for the medical<br />
equipment covered by the state's<br />
antiquated and anti-competitive<br />
Certificate-of-Need law, which<br />
gives bureaucrats the power to<br />
decide who can and can't expand or<br />
build new facilities or add diagnostic<br />
tools to better serve patients.<br />
Redistricting rules will now prohibit<br />
the use of political data when<br />
drawing election maps, quashing<br />
the temptation of bad actors<br />
to unfairly influence election<br />
outcomes.<br />
CRIMINAL CODE: A working group<br />
will proceed with a sweeping review<br />
and clean-up of the sometimes<br />
hidden regulatory crimes buried in<br />
the rules of various agencies of the<br />
state and local governments.<br />
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<strong>Locke</strong>’s Government Affairs<br />
team fights hard for North<br />
Carolinians<br />
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“Credibility is the currency<br />
of public policy. The <strong>Locke</strong><br />
team has it.”<br />
Prospects For<br />
Tomorrow<br />
Our legal experts have helped<br />
put Gov. Roy Cooper on notice<br />
that his long-term, singlehanded<br />
vice grip on emergency<br />
powers will be reined in and<br />
shared by other statewide<br />
elected officials.<br />
North Carolinians lacking a<br />
stable broadband connection<br />
are closer to enjoying a level<br />
playing field for education,<br />
health care, and careers, thanks<br />
to our work on regulatory and<br />
technical issues.<br />
<strong>Locke</strong>’s Terry Stoops adds his education expertise to Lt. Gov. Mark<br />
Robinson’s F.A.C.T.S. Task Force.<br />
Entrepreneurs and job creators<br />
will have an easier pathway<br />
into the marketplace with new<br />
products and services through<br />
our leadership on, and support<br />
of, innovative oversight for<br />
start-ups.<br />
The most vulnerable Tar Heels<br />
will have greater access to<br />
medical care through our work<br />
to free doctors and nurses from<br />
antiquated and unnecessary<br />
rules that prevent them from<br />
practicing where they're most<br />
needed.<br />
Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson and<br />
lawmakers have tapped our<br />
team to help educate parents<br />
about the ugly Marxist roots<br />
of Critical Race Theory and<br />
how it is being used to shame<br />
and divide children in North<br />
Carolina classrooms.<br />
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Speaking the Truth<br />
Through Fact-Based<br />
Research<br />
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Return On Investment<br />
Energy Crossroads ▶<br />
A study released in June, called<br />
“Energy Crossroads,” exposed<br />
the need for nuclear energy<br />
and natural gas as we enter into<br />
this next decade. This authors’<br />
well-researched conclusions<br />
stand in opposition to Gov.<br />
Cooper’s misguided energy<br />
recommendations.<br />
Emergency Powers<br />
No governor, regardless of<br />
party, should have unchecked,<br />
long-term power to mandate<br />
and prohibit the actions of<br />
North Carolinians. <strong>Locke</strong><br />
established coalitions and<br />
led the calls for reform to the<br />
Emergency Management Act to<br />
restrain unilateral powers of the<br />
governor’s office.<br />
COVID-19 Clarity<br />
Through data-driven analysis,<br />
<strong>Locke</strong> has separated itself<br />
from the pack, providing<br />
clear-minded perspective on<br />
the threat of the virus to the<br />
populace and the insidious<br />
consequences of government<br />
lockdowns on our children and<br />
on our economy.<br />
Effective Education<br />
The newly-formed Center for<br />
Effective Education immediately<br />
gained traction. Director Terry<br />
Stoops was appointed by Lt. Gov.<br />
Mark Robinson to the F.A.C.T.S.<br />
Task force, which investigates<br />
political bias in the classroom.<br />
The Center has also published<br />
examples of Critical Race<br />
Theory (CRT) being injected<br />
into the classroom, exposing<br />
as a lie the claim that CRT is<br />
not in schools. The Center’s<br />
push for transparency has<br />
helped showcase the need for<br />
accountability to parents related<br />
to CRT and controversial social<br />
studies standards. Rounding out<br />
the Center’s work is a revamp<br />
and expansion of <strong>Locke</strong>’s North<br />
Carolina History Project, which<br />
will develop unbiased history<br />
curriculum to counter the<br />
dubious 1619 Project.<br />
Taxpayer Bill of RIghts<br />
<strong>Locke</strong>’s vocal support for<br />
a Taxpayer Bill of Rights<br />
(TABOR) and the importance of<br />
budgetary restraint prompted<br />
budget writers to be very<br />
mindful of TABOR limits when<br />
crafting their <strong>2021</strong>-22 budget<br />
plans, despite the availability of<br />
billions in surplus revenue.<br />
The State Budget<br />
The Senate’s budget plan<br />
included a complete phaseout<br />
of the corporate income<br />
tax, a move <strong>Locke</strong> has urged<br />
lawmakers to adopt.<br />
Election Integrity<br />
The newly-formed Civitas<br />
Center for Public Integrity<br />
critiqued redistricting<br />
legislation, providing<br />
recommendations for<br />
more effective redistricting<br />
guidelines. In September,<br />
Center Director Andy Jackson<br />
testified before the Joint<br />
Redistricting Committee to<br />
offer recommendations on<br />
redistricting guidelines.<br />
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Defining Digits:<br />
Connecting With Carolina<br />
9<br />
4,567<br />
5<br />
5<br />
46<br />
2<br />
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Defining Digits:<br />
Connecting With Carolina<br />
Facebook<br />
LOCKE<br />
37,652<br />
+205%<br />
<strong>Locke</strong>’s Kitty Hawk Club, hosted by communications associate<br />
Brenee Goforth, features engaging interviews with special guests.<br />
8,448<br />
+5.4%<br />
<strong>Locke</strong>’s Private FB GRoup<br />
1,412<br />
+13.9%<br />
Twitter<br />
LOCKE<br />
11,900<br />
3,274<br />
Email<br />
Subscribers<br />
91,674<br />
+113%<br />
12,124 recipients +371%<br />
CJ DAILY<br />
25,038 recipients +835%<br />
ON LOCKE<br />
7,260 recipients +120%<br />
*All growth numbers are from January 1, <strong>2021</strong> to July <strong>2021</strong><br />
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<strong>Locke</strong> and The Carolina Journal featured in...<br />
And many more...<br />
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One Voice For Freedom: The Merger<br />
JLF + CIVITAS = LOCKE. Since merging, <strong>Locke</strong>’s efficiency and effectiveness have poised us for<br />
great success. The team has worked to merge JLF & Civitas assets, establish sound practices, and<br />
streamline services between both organizations.<br />
Internship Program<br />
The <strong>Locke</strong> internship program<br />
was created and our first cohort<br />
of college students joined our<br />
team for the summer of <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
They worked with multiple<br />
departments across the<br />
organization, wrote several<br />
op-eds, and participated in a<br />
summer-long seminar series on<br />
the principles of free-market,<br />
limited government thought.<br />
Facilities<br />
The new office space buildout<br />
has been completed and<br />
will serve as dedicated space<br />
for Carolina Journal employees<br />
and interns. We completed a<br />
media room expansion, with<br />
equipment upgrades and a<br />
state-of-the-art studio space<br />
for expanded video capabilities.<br />
In addition, we have opened our<br />
Baber Conference Center up<br />
for use to the following partner<br />
organizations: NC Center Right,<br />
the North Carolina Institute of<br />
Political Leadership, and the<br />
Bastiat Society.<br />
EA Morris Fellowship<br />
The E.A. Morris program trains<br />
a new generation of leaders,<br />
developing their skills to bring<br />
together public and private<br />
institutions to solve society’s<br />
problems. The program is well<br />
underway for <strong>2021</strong>. Applications<br />
for the 2022 cohort opened<br />
October <strong>2021</strong>. We are in the<br />
process of creating an alumni<br />
program for former participants.<br />
The merger of JLF and Civitas has been challenging, but<br />
rewarding, as the newly formed <strong>Locke</strong> has become a force<br />
for freedom across the state. It is our honor to fight for<br />
North Carolinians.<br />
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Shifting the Conversation<br />
This year, The Carolina<br />
Journal has focused efforts<br />
on using our resources and<br />
grassroots supporters to shift<br />
the conversation in North<br />
Carolina toward individual<br />
liberty. We focus on the rights<br />
of North Carolinians to run<br />
their businesses, maintain<br />
autonomy over their medical<br />
decisions, and teach their<br />
children critical thinking skills<br />
in an environment free of<br />
intimidation and uncertainty.<br />
To that end, we have been able<br />
to pivot in a quickly changing<br />
news environment to update our<br />
print product, Carolina Journal,<br />
expand social engagement<br />
with grassroots movements<br />
and lawmakers, and build on<br />
relationships with local news<br />
outlets to share content.<br />
Print Edition<br />
This year, Carolina Journal’s print<br />
product was redesigned to be a<br />
larger paper with fewer pages.<br />
We are using the increased<br />
space to change to a more<br />
readable, slightly larger font, an<br />
updated logo and masthead,<br />
using Carolina Journal, because it<br />
is the original state journal, and<br />
a trusted source of printed news<br />
and analysis. We also added<br />
more regular templated features<br />
like Bills to Watch, a monthly<br />
civics lesson, a visual table of<br />
contents, and a more elaborate<br />
double truck with infographics.<br />
The redesign maintains the<br />
tradition of excellence that CJ<br />
readers have come to expect,<br />
but helps readers better<br />
navigate the print product, know<br />
what to expect, and reduce the<br />
labor hours required to produce<br />
it. The print edition is now<br />
printing seven issues per year,<br />
producing a savings of more<br />
than $62,000. Those savings are<br />
being directed into additional<br />
daily resources to cover news<br />
and issues as they unfold.<br />
Digital<br />
Our goal is to update the<br />
website to put more content on<br />
the home page, expand social<br />
engagement, and improve<br />
Search Engine Optimization<br />
(SEO) with training and tracking.<br />
We will launch the redesign of<br />
the CJ website to include more<br />
stories on the home page and<br />
create more cohesive branding<br />
across the products. We are also<br />
adding more briefs, updates,<br />
photo essays, and videos. We<br />
are improving the daily work<br />
rhythm to include more use of<br />
the breaking news banner and<br />
a higher level of story turnover<br />
throughout the day, and more<br />
stories scheduled to post over<br />
the weekends.<br />
With ongoing work on our<br />
strategic plan, we are developing<br />
a close relationship with<br />
stakeholders inside and outside<br />
of the organization to ensure<br />
that each story works toward<br />
<strong>Locke</strong> goals over the long term.<br />
$62,000<br />
Amount of money saved by reducing<br />
the frequency of the print edition of<br />
The Carolina Journal<br />
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Community<br />
Relationships<br />
We are working to build<br />
communication with local<br />
papers and build partnerships<br />
among college groups to<br />
increase visibility among<br />
younger readers and increase<br />
their exposure to the concepts<br />
of liberty and free markets.<br />
In June we launched the CJ<br />
Newswire, which goes to more<br />
than 130 editors of small papers<br />
across the state. The newswire<br />
is distributed each morning<br />
with top-performing CJ stories,<br />
sometimes breaking ones, and<br />
art whenever possible. Papers<br />
began using them immediately,<br />
with about 75 using at least one<br />
article a week, resulting in an<br />
estimated $10,000 per week in<br />
earned media.<br />
Growth Potential<br />
Among the most valuable<br />
growth areas for CJ is the<br />
increasingly close relationship<br />
with <strong>Locke</strong>’s government affairs<br />
team. On several occasions<br />
over the past few months, we<br />
have been able to coordinate<br />
coverage on key bills and issues<br />
to multiply our organizational<br />
impact. Examples include the<br />
state budget, energy bill, and<br />
donor privacy.<br />
CJ’s new office build out.<br />
What’s Next?<br />
For fall and beyond, we are<br />
working to grow the video<br />
presence of CJTV with the new<br />
build-out and new equipment.<br />
Plans are being formulated to<br />
make full use of the new video<br />
resources through videos and<br />
news updates from the field,<br />
opinion panels, quick lives from<br />
the legislature, and a TikTok<br />
video series explaining basic<br />
principles of free speech,<br />
capitalism, economics, civics<br />
lessons, and interesting stories<br />
from history.<br />
130<br />
Number of editors of small<br />
papers receiving stories via<br />
CJ Newswire<br />
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<strong>Locke</strong> Summer <strong>2021</strong><br />
Interns: Rachel Hall, Kelly<br />
Fitzgerald, Carter Riley, and<br />
Ewan Hayes.<br />
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Rooted In Principles and Looking Ahead<br />
Engaging with supporters<br />
and growing the army of<br />
fighters for freedom isn’t simply<br />
‘checking the box’ for the <strong>Locke</strong><br />
team. We savor the opportunity<br />
to reach out. Core to our<br />
mission is to persuade others to<br />
join our coalition.<br />
We hope to talk with you at one<br />
of the many events and forums<br />
we have planned.<br />
<strong>Locke</strong> History Tour<br />
We cherish the rich history of<br />
our state, and the incredible<br />
stories of those who were<br />
instrumental in our state and<br />
federal constitutions. Watch for<br />
our calendar of events that meld<br />
enjoyment and learning.<br />
Grassroots<br />
Networking<br />
We’re stronger as a cohesive,<br />
well-oiled movement. Watch<br />
for opportunities to join us by<br />
engaging and deploying your<br />
voice on critical issues in your<br />
city or county and building the<br />
freedom coalition neighbor by<br />
neighbor. You are the key to the<br />
future.<br />
New Legislator<br />
Training<br />
When elections are over, our<br />
work begins in earnest. We will<br />
continue to host meetings,<br />
education sessions, and oneon-one<br />
conversations to give<br />
new lawmakers the intellectual<br />
grounding to defend and<br />
advance freedom and free<br />
markets. Our training is a <strong>Locke</strong><br />
tradition that has planted the<br />
seeds for policy victories and for<br />
the development of statewide<br />
leaders.<br />
Leadership and<br />
Fellowship Conference<br />
In early 2022, join us in the<br />
capital city. Meet conservative<br />
leaders from across the state,<br />
hear the very latest about the<br />
decisions facing our state and<br />
the choices that will determine<br />
freedom’s fate. Watch for more<br />
information in the fall.<br />
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Why <strong>Locke</strong>?<br />
They say that with age comes wisdom. True<br />
enough. But some things are universal, not tied to<br />
time or circumstance. Freedom is untethered and<br />
open to all who choose to embrace it. It's an aching<br />
in the soul to make our own choices, to help others<br />
in need, to explore new opportunities, and to pass<br />
on this love of life to our kids and grandkids.<br />
That's what we do. Fighting for good policy is how<br />
we love our neighbors. We can't do it alone. We need<br />
you to help us fight for what's right - and to win.<br />
Your tax-deductible donation will be put to use<br />
immediately and with precision to secure wins and<br />
advance the goals presented on these pages. If you<br />
like what you see, you will like what's to come.<br />
Freedom is our mission. Follow us.<br />
Visit to make your gift today,<br />
or call 919-828-3876.<br />
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4800 Six Forks Rd., #220<br />
Raleigh, NC 27609<br />
919-828-3876<br /><br />
johnlockefoundation<br />
@johnlockenc<br />
<strong>John</strong> <strong>Locke</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong><br />
johnlockefoundation1<br />
johnlockefoundation<br />
Freedom is our mission.<br />
Follow us.