Nor'West News: October 21, 2021

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Thursday, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />

Connecting you with your neighbourhood<br />


‘I feel happy and proud<br />

to represent my school’<br />

• By Fiona Ellis<br />


international swimmer is<br />

difficult in the era of Covid,<br />

as Luka Willems discovered<br />

when the lockdown was<br />

announced last March.<br />

The Papanui High School<br />

student was due to fly to<br />

Turkey that very day to<br />

represent New Zealand in<br />

the Down’s syndrome World<br />

Swimming Championships.<br />

However, the 18-year-old<br />

is doing well without leaving<br />

his home turf.<br />

He is one of several from<br />

schools in the Nor’West <strong>News</strong><br />

area to win a Zonta Sports<br />

Award, recognising South<br />

Canterbury’s top young<br />

athletes.<br />

• Turn to page 6<br />

WINNING: Papanui High<br />

School student Luka<br />

Willems has been named<br />

as the top outstanding<br />

young sports sportsman<br />

with a disability in the<br />

30th Zonta Sports<br />

Awards. ​<br />

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Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> 20<strong>21</strong><br />

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Your local community newspaper connects<br />

neighbours in the following suburbs<br />

28,748 homes every week.<br />

Harewood • Burnside • Bishopdale • Bryndwr<br />

Fendalton • Merivale • St Albans • Mairehau<br />

Papanui • Casebrook • Redwood • Styx Mill<br />

Regents Park • Northwood • Belfast • Strowan<br />

what’s on<br />

this week<br />

Mobile Discovery Wall<br />

Thursday, Friday, Saturday,<br />

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,<br />

Wednesday, all day, at Papanui<br />

Papanui Library<br />

Go along and see the the discovery<br />

wall at Tūranga’s smaller, mobile ‘sibling’.<br />

Local heritage comes to life with<br />

this unique interactive touchscreen<br />

technology that lets you explore the<br />

history of Christchurch. Try it out as<br />

it visits community libraries around<br />

our city.<br />

Celebrating your stories, digital photo exhibition. Thursday,<br />

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, all day at Bishopdale<br />

Library. Go along and view images and highlights from the annual<br />

Christchurch City Libraries photo hunt from 2008 through to 2020.<br />

Pictured – family barbecue, 1981, an entry by Dave Reynolds in the 2013<br />

photo hunt. ​<br />


Monique Maynard<br />

Ph: 0<strong>21</strong> 372 481<br />

monique.maynard@starmedia.kiwi<br />

NEWS<br />

Fiona Ellis<br />

Ph: 0<strong>21</strong> 914 407<br />

fiona.ellis@starmedia.kiwi<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


www.starmedia.kiwi<br />

Women’s Public Speaking<br />

Friday, 12.30-1.30pm<br />

The Village Presbyterian Church, 460<br />

Papanui Rd<br />

Do you get tongue-tied when you<br />

are asked to speak? Or are you already<br />

a confident speaker, but want to<br />

become even better? Go along to this<br />

Toastmasters group where you can<br />

gain the skills you need to become a<br />

better, more confident speaker.<br />

Antique Bottle & Collectables<br />

Show<br />

Bishopdale YMCA, 13a Bishopdale<br />

Court<br />

Saturday and Sunday, 10am-3pm<br />

Go along and see this national exhibition<br />

hosted by the Christchurch<br />

Antique Bottle & Collectables Club<br />

Inc, offering a unique insight to New<br />

Zealand’s social history. Over 100 Exhibits<br />

to be enjoyed by all. Collectors<br />

and antique dealers will have stalls<br />

with all manner of items for sale. All<br />

welcome – gold coin entry.<br />

Bible Reading Group<br />

Mondays 10.30am-noon<br />

Abberley Park Hall, 15 Abberley Cres<br />

A small non- denominational<br />

group reading the Bible for hope and<br />

encouragement. For more details<br />

pphone Veronica on 960 7655 or 0<strong>21</strong><br />

022 92613.<br />

Cards at the Papanui Club<br />

Monday, 1.15-3.15pm, Tuesday,<br />

1-3.15pm, Wednesday, 1.15-3.15pm<br />

Papanui Club, 310 Sawyers Arms Rd<br />

Join others for a different card<br />

game each day. Monday is Flag 500,<br />

Tuesday is Cribbage and Wednesday<br />

is Euchre. All welcome for $2. Masks<br />

are required to attend under alert<br />

level 2. Phone Alan on 0<strong>21</strong> 173 3388<br />

for more information.<br />

Scottish Country Dancing<br />

Tuesday, 7.45-9.45pm<br />

Heaton Intermediate School hall, 125<br />

Heaton St<br />

Go along if you want to take part in<br />

the fun exercise. All you need to take<br />

is some soft shoes. The first night is<br />

free for beginners. Phone 0<strong>21</strong> 480 802<br />

for more information.<br />

Elizabeth Bridge Club<br />

Wednesday, 1-4pm<br />

Christchurch Bridge Club Rooms, <strong>21</strong><br />

Nova Pl<br />

Go along and join others for a<br />

game of bridge every Wednesday.<br />

Arrive at 12.50pm for a 1pm start.<br />

If you do not have a partner, phone<br />

Maureen at 0<strong>21</strong> 646 123.<br />

Not-for-profit organisations can<br />

send their What’s On listings<br />

tonorwest@starmedia.kiwi<br />

<br />

Ever thought of<br />

becoming a Rotarian<br />

but never been asked?<br />

Here’s your opportunity, at the Rotary<br />

club of Bishopdale-Burnside we invite<br />

you to join our team!<br />

You may be a professional, a business person a tradesman or<br />

retired…. regardless of your background we would welcome you<br />

to become a member of our club.<br />

• Rotary gives you the opportunity to give back to the community that supports<br />

you and the business you work in.<br />

• Rotary isn’t all about fundraising and being involved in projects, it promotes<br />

networking, self-improvement, great fellowship and through our weekly<br />

meetings, the opportunity to listen to interesting and inspirational speakers.<br />

• Having fun in everything we do is the key.<br />

• Bishopdale-Burnside Rotary meets on Monday nights, starting 5.30 for 6.00pm<br />

and welcomes men and woman of all ages wanting to be involved in their<br />

community.<br />

If you are interested or would like to know more please contact Garry<br />

027 271 7033 or visit www.bishopdale-burnside-rotary.com<br />

<br />

I’m always impressed when<br />

locals come to me with a solution<br />

as well as a problem, so it’s been a<br />

real pleasure to work alongside<br />

Rangiora resident Matt<br />

Hennessey, who wants to address<br />

the rise in mental health factors in<br />

emergency callouts.<br />

Rather than come and complain to<br />

his MP, Matt has front-footed this<br />

issue, meeting with myself and the<br />

local police, communicating clearly<br />

with the community, and coming<br />

up with a plan of attack.<br />

Matt and I have launched a<br />

petition on change.org, calling for<br />

the Canterbury District Health<br />

Board (CDHB) to establish a<br />

mental health co-response<br />

service. This would see a mental<br />

health professional joining<br />

emergency responders to attend<br />

to mental health emergency calls.<br />

Currently police and the fire<br />

service are the first responders to<br />

<br />

all emergency callouts, despite 20<br />

per cent of Canterbury police<br />

callouts deal with mental health<br />

crises.<br />

At the other end of the petition<br />

process, I was pleased to join<br />

Grant Harris to present our<br />

Marshland Rd petition to the<br />

Christchurch City Council earlier<br />

this month.<br />

Grant is another great example of<br />

a local identifying an issue and<br />

coming up with a plan to address<br />

it. The reduced speed limit of<br />

60kmh along Marshland Rd,<br />

between Prestons Rd and Chaney<br />

Corner, was a reflection of the<br />

underinvestment in Canterbury’s<br />

roading network.<br />

The council’s own public<br />

consultation indicated most<br />

people are of the same opinion,<br />

so it was good to be able to bring<br />

this back to the council to<br />

reconsider its merits.

Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> 20<strong>21</strong> 3<br />

• By Fiona Ellis<br />

THE CITY council’s<br />

controversial proposal to<br />

stop through traffic and right<br />

turns for cars at a Bryndwr<br />

intersection has been criticised<br />

as “unworkable” by community<br />

board members.<br />

The Papanui-Innes Community<br />

Board submissions committee<br />

has made a submission to<br />

the city council on its proposal<br />

for the third and final section<br />

of the Nor’West Arc cycleway,<br />

linking Papanui to Canterbury<br />

University.<br />

Those<br />

driving on<br />

Aorangi Rd<br />

will find their<br />

options at the<br />

Wairakei Rd<br />

intersection<br />

limited to a<br />

Bridget<br />

Williams<br />

left turn if the<br />

plan is implemented<br />

as part<br />

of the 4km roading changes.<br />

This proposal garnered both<br />

criticism and praise from those<br />

who use the route, as reported<br />

by Nor’West <strong>News</strong> last month.<br />

The city council needed to<br />

show the reasoning behind the<br />

design, board chair Bridget Williams<br />

said.<br />

“There isn’t a narrative<br />

explaining why we got that particular<br />

option,” Williams said.<br />

“It’s about taking people on<br />

the journey.”<br />

The submission requested<br />

more information about other<br />

options for the intersection “so<br />

that the community has the<br />

opportunity to decide which option<br />

would work best for them”.<br />

“The board supports safety<br />

improvements at this intersection<br />

. . . but does not support<br />

stopping traffic from using<br />

Aorangi Road to cross Wairakei<br />

Road,” the submission stated.<br />

It was also concerned that<br />

the city council design did not<br />

match the reality of the intersection<br />

layout, Williams said.<br />

“It gave the illusion of the two<br />

roads not marrying up.”<br />

However, city council head of<br />

transport Lynette Ellis said the<br />

designs were accurate.<br />

“Aorangi Rd on either side of<br />

Wairakei Rd are proposed to be<br />

Intersection plan ‘unworkable’<br />

In Brief<br />

slightly offset from each other,<br />

although are currently aligned,”<br />

Ellis said.<br />

The board also criticised the<br />

proposed 40km/h speed limit<br />

for the route its submission,<br />

arguing that narrower streets<br />

would encourage lower speeds<br />

without changing the speed<br />

limit.<br />

“The board recommends that<br />

the speed limit is reviewed after<br />

the cycleway is completed to<br />

provide an evidence base for<br />

whether a reduced speed limit is<br />

necessary.”<br />

The city council had developed<br />

two options for the<br />

cycleway design along both Ilam<br />

and Aorangi Rds.<br />

In Ilam Rd, the choice was<br />

between one-way cycleways<br />

on each side of the road or a<br />

CROSS-<br />

ROADS: A<br />

city council<br />

proposal<br />

would see<br />

traffic unable<br />

to turn right<br />

onto Wairakei<br />

Rd from<br />

Aorangi Rd.<br />

PHOTO:<br />

GEOFF<br />

SLOAN<br />

two-way cycleway on the west<br />

side of the road, and the board<br />

supported the latter.<br />

For Aorangi Rd, the choice<br />

was between a two-way<br />

cycleway on the west side of the<br />

road or a shared path for cyclists<br />

and pedestrians on the west<br />

side of the road, and the board<br />

supported a shared path.<br />

Retaining more car parks<br />

for area residents was the<br />

motivation behind both<br />

choices.<br />

Removing the silver birch<br />

trees on Aorangi Rd was a proposal<br />

supported by the board,<br />

provided two trees were planted<br />

to replace every tree taken out.<br />

The board has asked to speak<br />

to its submission at the project<br />

hearing, although no date has<br />

yet been set for this.<br />



A total of $3990 has been<br />

allocated to those planning<br />

community events this summer<br />

in the Fendalton-Waimairi-<br />

Harewood Community Board<br />

area. The funds are part of the<br />

city council’s Summer with your<br />

Neighbours programme. The<br />

sum has been divided between 36<br />

applicants, with grants ranging<br />

from $200 to $30.<br />



The $126,000 Northgate<br />

Community Services Trust<br />

kitchen upgrade project has<br />

secured another $5000 of<br />

funding. The grant was approved<br />

by the Fendalton-Waimairi-<br />

Harewood Community Board<br />

from its discretionary response<br />

fund at a meeting on Monday.<br />

This follows a $4000 grant made<br />

by the Papanui Innes Community<br />

Board in its most recent<br />

meeting.<br />



City council contractor Citycare<br />

warns the work starting this week<br />

along Papanui Creek and the<br />

Upper Dudley Creek diversion<br />

may result in elevated levels of<br />

noise and traffic. The work is set<br />

to continue until mid-January<br />

2022.<br />

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Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> 20<strong>21</strong><br />

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Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> 20<strong>21</strong> 5<br />

STRONG BOND: Tegan Lawrence, Minh Lengoc, Rebecca Fraser and Nicole<br />

Sullivan are reunited at Jellie Park pool following Minh’s cardiac arrest.<br />


Quick response<br />

saves swimmer’s life<br />

WHEN 74-YEAR-OLD Minh Lengoc<br />

visited Jellie Park for his daily swim on<br />

May 24 he had no inkling that his heart<br />

was about to stop beating.<br />

The retired scientist had spent about 45<br />

minutes swimming lengths in the pool –<br />

as he did most days – and was gathering<br />

up his gear when he went into sudden<br />

cardiac arrest and collapsed.<br />

Lifeguards Kristina Sammut and Nicole<br />

Sullivan were quickly at his side. Finding<br />

him unresponsive and without a pulse,<br />

they immediately started cardiopulmonary<br />

resuscitation while other staff called<br />

111 and ran to fetch one of the facility’s<br />

two Automatic External Defibrillators and<br />

oxygen.<br />

Both Sammut and Sullivan were taught<br />

CPR as part of their lifeguard training,<br />

but Sullivan admitted doing CPR on a real<br />

person was very different to doing it on a<br />

mannequin.<br />

She could hear Minh’s ribs crack as she<br />

pumped his chest, but she knew she had<br />

to keep going, so she fought back her tears<br />

and concentrated on what she needed to<br />

do to keep him alive.<br />

Lifeguard supervisor Tegan Lawrence<br />

had heard the emergency call come over<br />

the radio and rushed to the pool to help<br />

resuscitate Minh.<br />

Lawrence gave him oxygen while the<br />

other two lifeguards took turns doing<br />

compressions. They then used the<br />

defibrillator to shock Minh’s heart back<br />

into a normal rhythm before<br />

THE ST ALBANS Cricket Club is ready<br />

to roll this season after receiving a $10,000<br />

equipment grant to be used for buying<br />

cricket balls.<br />

It is one of multiple grants made by the<br />

New Zealand Community Trust in the<br />

Canterbury region last month, totalling<br />

$1,424,688.<br />

Other grants to organisations based in<br />

the Nor’West area made by the trust from<br />

the proceeds of gambling machines it<br />

operates include:<br />

-$125,000 to Canterbury Hockey<br />

Association for salaries of the technical<br />

development officer, hockey development<br />

manager, facilities caretaker manager<br />

competitions and events manager,<br />

paramedics arrived.<br />

Minh was rushed to hospital where he<br />

spent five days in an induced coma and<br />

underwent open heart surgery.<br />

“The doctors said I was a very lucky<br />

person because nine out of 10 people<br />

would have died,’’ Minh said.<br />

Doctors were initially concerned the<br />

cardiac arrest may have starved his brain<br />

of oxygen and caused irreparable damage,<br />

but miraculously Minh was able to be<br />

discharged from hospital after three weeks.<br />

One of the first things he did was return<br />

to Jellie Park to thank the staff who had<br />

saved his life. It was very emotional<br />

moment for him and his wife Thao, who at<br />

one stage had been planning his funeral.<br />

It was emotional too for all the staff who<br />

had rushed to his aid.<br />

“When we got the opportunity to see<br />

him again, I hugged him and bawled my<br />

eyes out,’’ said Sullivan.<br />

City council head of recreation,<br />

sports and events Nigel Cox said he was<br />

incredibly proud of how the entire team at<br />

Jellie Park responded to the emergency.<br />

“They stayed calm and applied their<br />

emergency training and as a result Dr<br />

Lengoc is still alive today. You couldn’t ask<br />

for a better outcome than that. The staff<br />

have formed a real bond with Dr Lengoc<br />

and it is going to be really great for them<br />

to see Dr Lengoc back swimming at the<br />

pool,’’ Cox said.<br />

Minh is planning to restart his regular<br />

swim sessions in November.<br />

Sports clubs get grants<br />

community participation manager,<br />

community development manager and<br />

chief executive.<br />

-$50,000 to Touch Canterbury for<br />

salaries of the regional development<br />

manager and administration, junior<br />

module and representative<br />

coordinator.<br />

-$35,000 to Waimairi Tennis Club for<br />

salaries of the club manager, head coach,<br />

and junior administrator.<br />

-$7000 to St Bede’s College for rugby<br />

jerseys.<br />

-$5000 to Merivale Papanui Cricket<br />

Club to pay for a contractor.<br />

-$2500 to St Albans Park Sports Club for<br />

chemicals and pesticides.<br />

My vets and nurses are<br />

always up for a challenge<br />

and castrating a pig is right<br />

up there. Vet Kirsty was up<br />

for the job and needed to<br />

do quite a bit of research<br />

on safest drugs to use and<br />

the surgical procedure itself<br />

which is different from a dog<br />

castration.<br />

Hatter, a 6 month old pig<br />

weighing 24kg was neutered<br />

so he didn’t breed with the 2<br />

year old Kune Kune pig, Alice,<br />

both who reside in the house,<br />

often seen draped over the<br />

sofas. Hatter was adopted<br />

when only a few weeks old<br />

as he was found alone on a<br />

sheep farm. He needed round<br />

the clock feeding and nursing<br />

and has ended up being a<br />

great companion for Alice.<br />

Hatter trotted into the clinic and<br />

headed into his hospital run for his<br />

day in the dog ward. Imagine the<br />

dogs surprise seeing a pig walk into<br />

their space. Macy was terrified when<br />

she heard Hatter squeal and made<br />

a run for my consult room. Pigs are<br />

very vocal and get stressed easily<br />

which is why Kirsty gave Hatter<br />

Midazolam<br />

up his nose<br />

to chill him<br />

out before<br />

his sedative.<br />

Kirsty placed<br />

an intravenous<br />

catheter,<br />

which she<br />

read was<br />

difficult, but<br />

she got the<br />

vein in one<br />

shot. Once<br />

sedated,<br />

Hatter was<br />

masked with<br />

Oxygen and<br />

Isoflurane,<br />

attached to<br />

blood pressure<br />

and SpO2<br />

monitoring<br />

equipment<br />

and then fully<br />

prepared<br />

for surgical<br />

castration. Pigs<br />

lose body heat<br />

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easily so he was actively warmed<br />

with hotties and heat pads. The<br />

surgery itself went well and Kirsty<br />

placed intradermal dissolving sutures<br />

so Hatter had nothing to chew out!!<br />

His recovery was fantastic and he<br />

was pleased to see his mum on<br />

pickup.<br />

Hatter is really smart and has learnt<br />

commands, enjoys enrichment<br />

games and<br />

lots of cuddles.<br />

When asked<br />

to lie down,<br />

he flops down<br />

expecting a<br />

belly rub. He<br />

gets on with all<br />

his extended<br />

family including<br />

two Bichons,<br />

Ben and Cooper,<br />

a bossy Turkey<br />

called Ricki and<br />

4 cats. He really<br />

enjoys attention<br />

from visitors and<br />

isn’t scared of<br />

anything.<br />

I wonder<br />

what surgical<br />

challenge<br />

presents itself<br />

next month?<br />

Dr Michele<br />

McMaster<br />

McMaster & Heap

6<br />

Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> 20<strong>21</strong><br />

Celebrating sporting achievements and<br />

THE 30TH Zonta Sports<br />

Awards have been announced<br />

for 20<strong>21</strong>.<br />

THe annual awards were<br />

initiated by the Zonta Cub of<br />

Christchurch South in 1990.<br />

THey were<br />

initially a<br />

service project<br />

to celebrate<br />

the sporting<br />

achievements<br />

and<br />

Tamsin Mills<br />

contributions<br />

of talented<br />

young women<br />

but were then expanded to<br />

recognise the achievements of all<br />

young Cantabrians.<br />

Final results:<br />

Category 1 – The award for the<br />

most valued contribution to a<br />

team by a young sports woman<br />

or sportsman who is not eligible<br />

for nomination in Categories 4<br />

or 6.<br />

Girls winner – Tamsin Mills,<br />

Rangi Ruru Girls’ School,<br />

waterpolo.<br />

Highly commended: Rebecca<br />

Coulson, St Andrew’s College,<br />

rowing.<br />

Finalists: Saskia Simmers,<br />

Rangi Ruru, volleyball.<br />

Boys winner:<br />

Junior Harris,<br />

St Bede’s<br />

College, rugby.<br />

Highly<br />

commended:<br />

Alex Carrodus,<br />

St Andrew’s,<br />

Junior Harris<br />

rowing.<br />

Finalists: Max Hill-<br />

Cattermole, Shirley Boys High<br />

School, hockey.<br />

Category 2: The award<br />

for contribution to sports<br />

administration by a young<br />

woman and a young man in<br />

a position of umpire, referee,<br />

coach or tutor<br />

Girls<br />

winner: Chloe<br />

McMurdo,<br />

Christchurch<br />

Girls’ High<br />

School,<br />

Chloe<br />

McMurdo<br />

Blake<br />

Richards<br />

badminton.<br />

Finalists:<br />

Maia Jeffs,<br />

Papanui High<br />

School, netball.<br />

Lilly Okey,<br />

Rangi Ruru ,<br />

netball. Dayna<br />

Simpson,<br />

Rangi Ruru,<br />

basketball.<br />

Boys<br />

winner: Blake<br />

Richards, St<br />

Andrew’s, waterpolo.<br />

Highly commended: Isaac<br />

Aitken, Christ’s College,<br />

waterpolo. Callum Hackston,<br />

Christ’s, hockey.<br />

Category 3: The award for the<br />

most outstanding achievement<br />

by a young sports woman and<br />

a young sportsman with a<br />

disability.<br />

Girls winner: Sarah James,<br />

Avonside Girls’ High School,<br />

wheelchair racing.<br />

Highly commended: Una<br />

Kinajii-Reding, Rangi Ruru,<br />

para athletics. Alisha Mill,<br />

Avonside Girls’, boccia.<br />

Finalists: Gabriella<br />

Smith, Christchurch Girls’,<br />

swimming.<br />

Boys winner: Luka Willems,<br />

Papanui, swimming.<br />

Highly commended: Jacob<br />

Lowson, Papanui, athletics.<br />

Rorie Poff, St Thomas of<br />

Canterbury College.<br />

Finalists: Josh Rae, Papanui,<br />

athletics, cross-country,<br />

road race, tennis. Emerson<br />

Toomalatai, Shirley Boys’ High<br />

School, athletics, rugby league,<br />

basketball.<br />

Category 4: The award for the<br />

most outstanding individual<br />

achievement by a young<br />

sportswoman and a young<br />

sportsman specialising in one<br />

sport.<br />

Girls winner: Emily<br />

Bowden, Christchurch Girls’,<br />

rowing.<br />

Highly commended: Orla<br />

Fitzgerald, Christchurch<br />

Girls’, rowing. Jorja Miller,<br />

Christchurch Girls’, sevens.<br />

Amelia Sykes, Avonside Girls’,<br />

cycling.<br />

Titles won at regional and national level<br />

• From page 1<br />

He is excited to have won the<br />

category for most outstanding<br />

achievement by a young sports<br />

sportsman with a disability.<br />

“I feel happy and proud to represent<br />

my school,” Luka said.<br />

He has won titles at club,<br />

school, regional and national<br />

championship events.<br />

The South Island Secondary<br />

School Swim Championships in<br />

June went particularly well, and<br />

he took home three gold medals,<br />

coming first in three para<br />

categories – 100m freestyle, 50m<br />

freestyle and 50m breaststroke.<br />

He has also qualified to take<br />

part in the next DSISA World<br />

games to be held in Portugal in<br />

2022.<br />

“I think anyone can swim.<br />

Everyone needs to be safe in the<br />

water,” Luka said.<br />

His achievements were due<br />

to plenty of training, and he<br />

practised up to five times a week<br />

as part of Jellie Park’s Jasi Swim<br />

Club.<br />

“I do practice a lot. It keeps me<br />

fit and healthy and I am getting<br />

faster and faster. . . I like having<br />

muscles.”<br />

However swimming was also<br />

fun and a good way to make<br />

friends, he said.<br />

PRACTICE: Swimmer Luka<br />

Willems trains up to five<br />

times a week with Jellie<br />

Park’s Jasi Swim Club.<br />

Dust is a serious concern for<br />

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“A local team for local people”

Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> 20<strong>21</strong> 7<br />

contributions of talented students<br />

Finalist: McKenzie Bailey<br />

McDowell, Kaiapoi High<br />

School, softball. Seraphine Cox,<br />

Christchurch Girls’, fencing. Lose<br />

Faingaanuku, St Andrew’s, netball.<br />

Orla Fitzgerald, Christchurch<br />

Girls’, rowing. Isabella<br />

Galvan, St Andrew’s, netball.<br />

Kiera Hall, Rangi Rurul, athletics-cross-country.<br />

Jess Hendren,<br />

Rangiora High School, athleticshigh<br />

jump. Ruby Hewitt Rangi<br />

Ruru Girls’, skiing- free-ride.<br />

Freya Lodge Whitham, Christchurch<br />

Girls’, football-futsal. Kyla<br />

Lynch-Brown, Avonside Girls’,<br />

touch. Zoe McMeeken, Lincoln<br />

High School, football. Aaliyah<br />

Metcalf, Lincoln, netball. Molly<br />

Moffat, Rangi Ruru, equestrianeventing.<br />

Tessa Reid, Rangi<br />

Ruru, hockey. Pippa Russek,<br />

Emily Bowden<br />

Rangi Ruru, ice hockey. Hannah<br />

Shatford, Christchurch Girls’,<br />

artistic swimming. Molly Spark,<br />

St Andrew’s, multi-sport. Kate<br />

Taylor, Marian College, football.<br />

Georgia Thomson, St Andrew’s,<br />

rowing. Emma Todd, Papanui,<br />

korfball. Eve Weston, Rangi<br />

Ruru, waterpolo.<br />

Boys winner: Joshua Book,<br />

Christ’s, basketball.<br />

Highly commended: Thomas<br />

McGibbon, Cashmere High<br />

School, canoe racing-kayaking.<br />

Finalists: Oliver Cosgrove,<br />

St Thomas of Canterbury,<br />

football. Jack Coulthard, St<br />

Thomas, rugby. Matthew Fairbrother,<br />

Shirley Boys’, mountain<br />

biking-enduro. Lochie Frazer, St<br />

Andrew’s, waterpolo. Charlie Hazlett,<br />

Cashmere, athletics. Isaac<br />

Hutchinson, St Bede’s, rugby.<br />

Tyler Tapa-Wither, St Thomas of<br />

Canterbury, touch. Taiko Torepe-<br />

Ormsby, St Andrew’s, swimming.<br />

Richie Tupuailei, St Thomas,<br />

rugby. Jacob Turner, Rangiora,<br />

mountain biking. Alexander<br />

Wayman, St Bede’s, mountain<br />

biking. Jackson Wright, St Bede’s,<br />

touch.<br />

Category Five: The awards for<br />

the most outstanding team of<br />

young sportswomen and sportsmen<br />

or mixed team.<br />

Girls winner: Burnside High<br />

School, volleyball senior A team.<br />

Highly commended: Rangi<br />

Joshua Book<br />

Ruru, rowing under 18 coxed<br />

eight. Christchurch Girls’, cricket<br />

first XI. Christchurch Girls’, rowing<br />

under 18 coxed four.<br />

Finalists: Burnside High<br />

School, beach volleyball senior<br />

A pair. Rangi Ruru, hockey 1st<br />

XI. Lincoln, clay target shooting.<br />

Christchurch Girls’, cycling,<br />

sevens rugby and rowing-under<br />

18 pair. Rangi Ruru waterpolo<br />

senior team.<br />

Boys winner: Christ’s rowing<br />

under 18 coxed eight.<br />

Highly commended: St Bede’s<br />

sevens rugby.<br />

Finalist: Shirley Boys’ tennis.<br />

Mixed winner: Lincoln touch.<br />

Finalists: St Andrew’s adventure<br />

racing and multisport.<br />

Category Six: The award for<br />

the best all round young sportswoman<br />

and young sportsman<br />

who has achieved in more than<br />

one sporting code<br />

Girls winners: Kyla Lynch-<br />

Brown, Avonside Girls’, touch,<br />

basketball. Tessa Reid, Rangi<br />

Ruru, rowing, hockey.<br />

Finalists: Orla Fitzgerald,<br />

Christchurch Girls’, rowing,<br />

cycling. Georgia Gold, Rangiora<br />

, netball, basketball, touch.<br />

Taylor Holdem, Burnside,<br />

volleyball, football, athletics.<br />

Hayley McKellow, Rangi Ruru<br />

Girls’ cricket, hockey, touch.<br />

Aaliyah Metcalf, Lincoln, netball,<br />

athletics, ki-o-rahi. Jorja Miller,<br />

Christchurch Girls’, sevens,<br />

rugby, highland dancing. Abbey<br />

Moody, Rangi Rurul, waterpolo,<br />

athletics, netball. Emily Reeves,<br />

Rangiora, gymnastics-tumbling,<br />

trampolining, cheerleading. Nia<br />

Surman, Lincoln, rhythmic gymnastics,<br />

volleyball. Kate Taylor,<br />

Marian, football, futsal, touch,<br />

athletics.<br />

Boys winner: Liam Alexander,<br />

Christ’s, rowing, hockey.<br />

Finalists: Isaac Hutchinson,<br />

St Bede’s, rugby, sevens, touch.<br />

John Mottus, Lincoln, ki-o-rahi,<br />

athletics, futsal. Cameron Slee,<br />

St Andrew’s, cricket, hockey,<br />

waterpolo, swimming.<br />


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Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> 20<strong>21</strong> 9<br />

‘His dedication has created a legacy’<br />

JOHN “THOMMO” Thompson<br />

was a driving force at the<br />

Burnside West Christchurch<br />

University Cricket Club.<br />

Club secretary Gareth Gibson<br />

said the Merivale man, who<br />

died last week aged 85, had filled<br />

many roles at the club, from<br />

president to groundsman.<br />

“He spent countless hours over<br />

the years on pitch preparation<br />

for Saturday games on Burnside<br />

Park, but also on preparing<br />

pitches for junior cricket,”<br />

Gibson said.<br />

“His dedication has created a<br />

legacy at Burnside Oval, which<br />

continues to be recognised as<br />

one of the finest club cricket<br />

grounds in New Zealand.”<br />

Joining the club in 1958,<br />

Thommo was made a life member<br />

in 1992 and served as club<br />

president from 1983-1985 and<br />

again from 2008.<br />

He was also a keen player in<br />

the club’s second-grade team<br />

through the 1960s.<br />

“He was a medium pace<br />

bowler and an aggressive lowerorder<br />

left-hand batsman,” said<br />

Gibson.<br />

“Later, for over 20 years, he<br />

was a regular member of the<br />

Burnside presidents’ team where,<br />

in spite of the good-natured camaraderie<br />

of the grade, he never<br />

lost his competitive instincts.”<br />

Gibson said: “Rather than a<br />

vocal comment at a beaten batsman,<br />

he developed a very good<br />

stare and pose which clearly<br />

indicated to the batsman that<br />

he had very little time left at the<br />

crease.”<br />

Thommo also acted as the<br />

club’s delegate to the Canterbury<br />

Cricket Association, which made<br />

him a life member of the association<br />

in 2001.<br />

He was also an underage selector<br />

for Canterbury teams from<br />

1983 until 1996.<br />

A dedicated and no-nonsense<br />

approach also made Thommo<br />

the automatic choice to manage<br />

the Canterbury Shell Cup and<br />

Trophy team for five years beginning<br />

with the 1996/97 season,<br />

Gibson said.<br />


John “Thommo”<br />

Thompson filled<br />

many roles at the<br />

Burnside West<br />

Christchurch<br />

University Cricket<br />

Club over the years,<br />

from president to<br />

groundsman. ​<br />

“On and off the park,<br />

Thommo’s service to the cricket<br />

was immeasurable. He was the<br />

true embodiment of a good<br />

club man, and he will be missed<br />

dearly by us all.”<br />





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10<br />

Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> 20<strong>21</strong><br />

Soon I<br />

can shop<br />

wi h my<br />

pj’s on<br />

Online shopping<br />

coming soon to<br />

Northwood<br />

and Prestons

Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> 20<strong>21</strong> 11<br />

Hospital care package initiative extended<br />

SUPPORT: Joy and Stella Reid prepare one of the care<br />

packages aimed to comfort parents and caregivers who<br />

are in hospital with their sick children.<br />

THE CHARITY One Mother to<br />

Another is boosting support to<br />

Christchurch Hospital after chief<br />

executive Joy Reid experienced<br />

the distress of an unwell child<br />

needing hospital care.<br />

“We spent many nights in<br />

the paediatric medical ward – a<br />

ward One Mother to Another<br />

did not, at the time, support,”<br />

Reid said.<br />

Starting this month, the charity<br />

will now provide 270 monthly<br />

care packages to the hospital’s<br />

paediatric medical and surgical<br />

wards, as well as The Princess<br />

Margaret Hospital mothers and<br />

babies unit.<br />

The Somerfield mother of<br />

three knows all too well the fear<br />

and heartache of having a child<br />

in hospital.<br />

All three of her children have<br />

spent time in various neonatal<br />

and paediatric wards and it has<br />

served to make her determined<br />

to help others in similar circumstances.<br />

In 2016, Reid co-founded One<br />

Mother to Another, a charity<br />

that encourages parents and<br />

caregivers in hospital with their<br />

children, together with friend<br />

Christina Buckland, after both<br />

women experienced the pain<br />

of having a child so sick they<br />

needed hospital care.<br />

For the past five years, the<br />

charity has provided care packages<br />

to three South Island neonatal<br />

wards and Christchurch’s<br />

intensive care unit.<br />

Earlier this year, Reid found<br />

herself again in the vulnerable<br />

position of being in and out of<br />

hospital as her new daughter<br />

Annabelle struggled with health<br />

challenges in her first months<br />

of life.<br />

“I was again reminded how<br />

distressing it is to be in this<br />

situation. No matter your age,<br />

culture or social status, watching<br />

your child struggle and not being<br />

able to fix it is a huge burden<br />

for parents.<br />


DELIVERY: Joy<br />

Reid delivers<br />

One Mother to<br />

Another care<br />

packages to<br />

Christchurch<br />

Hospital.<br />

“While in the ward, I became<br />

determined to find a way to<br />

expand our care package initiative<br />

so we could encourage and<br />

support the parents and carers in<br />

the paediatric wards too.”<br />

Paediatric surgical ward<br />

charge nurse manager Tarsha<br />

Greer said family stays in the<br />

hospital were often unexpected<br />

and stressful.<br />

“It is fantastic for our staff to<br />

be able to provide families and<br />

whanau with a small treat of<br />

pure kindness,” Greer said.<br />

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12<br />

Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> 20<strong>21</strong><br />

Sweet treats for dessert or a snack<br />

With daylight<br />

saving here, there’s<br />

a promise of<br />

summer and warm<br />

temperatures to<br />

come. These cold<br />

desserts are plentiful<br />

for when visitors are<br />

due<br />

Cheesecake slice<br />

Serves 10<br />

Ingredients<br />

Base<br />

2 packets Super Wine or plain<br />

Digestive Biscuits, place in food<br />

processor<br />

2 teaspoons cinnamon<br />

250gm butter (melted)<br />

Process the biscuits into fine<br />

crumbs and tip into large bowl,<br />

add cinnamon and butter and<br />

mix together thoroughly. Press<br />

crumbs into largest springform<br />

pan (or even bigger container if<br />

one is available) that has been<br />

well greased and lined baking<br />

paper, chill in the fridge while the<br />

filling gets made.<br />

Filling<br />

2 cups caster sugar, place in<br />

mixer bowl with<br />

1kg cream cheese<br />

500g sour cream<br />

2 teaspoons vanilla paste<br />

6 eggs (beaten)<br />

Zest of four lemons<br />

Directions<br />

When cold, cut into wedges.<br />

Blueberry cheesecake<br />

Serves 6<br />

Beat caster sugar/cream cheese<br />

until smooth, add sour cream, Ingredients<br />

vanilla paste and eggs, mix well<br />

until smooth and well blended.<br />

Add lemon zest and mix<br />

through thoroughly. Pour<br />

mixture over base, place in oven<br />

on a biscuit tray to allow for any<br />

63<br />

spillage,<br />

x<br />

and bake for<br />

180<br />

1hr and<br />

50min, or until golden, puffed<br />

and set in the centre, turn oven<br />

off and leave in oven to go cold<br />

(overnight is fine).<br />

125gm cream cheese, place in<br />

mixer bowl with<br />

1 egg<br />

¼ cup caster sugar<br />

30g butter<br />

1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste<br />

1/3rd cup blue milk<br />

1 cup self-raising flour (sifted)<br />

125gm (1 punnet) blueberries<br />


Use<br />

blueberries as<br />

a garnish for<br />

cheesecake<br />

or as an<br />

ingredient.<br />

Directions<br />

Mix cream cheese/egg/caster<br />

sugar/butter/vanilla bean paste<br />

together for 2-3min until light<br />

and creamy.<br />

Add milk and beat on low to<br />

combine, add flour, mix through<br />

thoroughly, then fold blueberries<br />

through.<br />

Melt butter onto and drop large<br />

serving spoonfuls of batter onto a<br />

hot surface. Cook through.<br />

Whipped cream cheese topping<br />

Ingredients<br />

125gm cream cheese, place in<br />

mixing bowl with<br />

2 tablespoons caster sugar<br />

2 teaspoons blue milk<br />

2 teaspoons vanilla bean paste<br />

Extra blueberries<br />

Directions<br />

Beat cream cheese/caster sugar/<br />

milk/vanilla bean paste for 1-2<br />

minutes until fluffy. A little more<br />

milk may be added to make<br />

the mixture more spreadable, if<br />

desired.<br />

Easy pavlova<br />

Serves 6<br />

Ingredients<br />

8 large egg whites, place in mixer<br />

with two cups caster sugar,<br />

1 desert spoon malt vinegar, 1<br />

desertspoon vanilla essence<br />

Directions<br />

Beat a full speed for 12-15min<br />

until very stiff.<br />

Mould mixture into shape<br />

on a well greased tray that has<br />

been lined with at least two<br />

thicknesses of baking paper and<br />

splashed with a tiny amount of<br />

water.<br />

Bake at 150 deg C for 30min,<br />

then reduce temperature to 100<br />

deg C or 1 hour.<br />

Let it go completely cold in<br />

the oven.<br />

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Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> 20<strong>21</strong> 13<br />

Our long weekend deals last even<br />

longer than the long weekend.<br />

TV DEALS<br />

Sharp picture and<br />

sharp prices on TVs.<br />

70” 4K LED TV<br />

$1999<br />

less than<br />

$15<br />

9068337 70UP8050PVB<br />

per week for<br />

36 months on<br />

interest free*<br />


Queen, King, Super<br />

King. Same price.<br />

Up to<br />

68% off<br />

Chiropractic HD Limited Edition<br />

All sizes<br />

$2499<br />

9069927 | 9069926 | 9069928 Valid until 2 Nov 20<strong>21</strong>.<br />

50% off<br />

selected<br />

Up to<br />

Beds #<br />

40% off<br />

Kitchen Appliances #<br />


Big bargains on big<br />

brand whiteware.<br />

696L Double Door<br />

Fridge Freezer<br />

$1699 $5799<br />

less than<br />

$13<br />

per week for<br />

36 months on<br />

interest free*<br />


Put your feet up for<br />

less this long weekend.<br />

Cody 5 Seater Leather Powered Recliner Lounge Suite<br />

9070157 Available in Black (pictured), Element, Grey & Silver.<br />

was<br />

$8299<br />

less than<br />

$24<br />

Recliner: $1599 $2399 | 3 Seater: $2659 $3899<br />

per week for<br />

60 months on<br />

interest free*<br />

30% off<br />

selected Dining &<br />

Bedroom furniture #<br />

30% off<br />

selected Lounge<br />

Suites & Recliners #<br />

inc.<br />

20% off<br />

selected Nursery #<br />

Strictly<br />

limited stock.<br />

Louie 4 Piece Bedroom<br />

Suite with 2 Drawer<br />

Queen Slatbed 90668<strong>21</strong><br />

$2499<br />

was<br />

$3999<br />

$11<br />

less than<br />

per week for<br />

60 months on<br />

interest free*<br />

60<br />

Boom 3 Wireless<br />

Bluetooth Speaker<br />

$189<br />

$5<br />

less than<br />

per week for<br />

52 weeks on<br />

EasyCard**<br />

months 36 months<br />


on beds & furniture $1499 & over*<br />

9053197<br />


on everything $499 & over*<br />

Nespresso Creatista<br />

Uno TM Coffee<br />

Machine<br />

9049598<br />

$429<br />

less than<br />

$10<br />

per week for<br />

52 weeks on<br />

EasyCard**<br />

Offers valid until Tuesday 26th <strong>October</strong> 20<strong>21</strong>, while stocks last, unless otherwise stated. Some products on display in selected stores only – please call 0800 764 847 to check availability. Personal shoppers only. *Apple, selected computers, game<br />

consoles, gift cards, clearance items and some promotional items are not available in conjunction with interest free offers. Flooring available on a maximum of 18 months interest free. Exclusions, fees, terms, conditions and credit criteria apply.<br />

Available in-store only. Equal instalment amounts include one-off booking fee of $45.00, annual fees of $45.00 p.a., and security registration fee of $8.05, and exclude insurance. Current interest rate of 23.95% applies to any unpaid balance and<br />

after expiry of (any) interest free period. See in-store or visit smithscity.co.nz/interest-free for details. # Discount is off our full retail price and not available in conjunction with any other offer.

14<br />

Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> 20<strong>21</strong><br />




SUDOKU<br />

Every row, column and box should<br />

contain the digits 1 to 9.<br />


WordBuilder<br />

115<br />

6<br />

S Y A<br />

F H L<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7 8 9<br />

<strong>21</strong>5<br />

words of three or more letters,<br />

How<br />

including<br />

many<br />

plurals,<br />

words<br />

can you<br />

of<br />

make<br />

three<br />

from<br />

or<br />

the<br />

more<br />

six<br />

letters, using including each letter plurals, only once? can No you foreign<br />

words or words beginning with a capital are<br />

make from the six letters, using<br />

allowed. There's at least one six-letter word.<br />

each only once? TODAY<br />

No Good words 12 beginning Very Good 16 with Excellent a capital 20<br />

Solution 114: nor, not, onto, opt, pont, poo, poor,<br />

are<br />

port,<br />

allowed.<br />

pot, pro, PRONTO,<br />

There’s<br />

PROTON,<br />

at<br />

roo,<br />

least<br />

root,<br />

one<br />

rot, ton,<br />

too, toon, top, tor, torn, troop.<br />

six-letter word.<br />

Good 12 Very Good 16 Excellent 20<br />

10 11<br />

12 13 14<br />

DECO<br />

11<br />

15 16 17<br />

19 20 <strong>21</strong> 22<br />

23 24<br />

18<br />

25 26<br />


No.115<br />

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 <strong>21</strong> 22 23 24 25 26<br />

P Z O U Q T C H Y D K S W<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

L E X G A F J I M R N V B<br />

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 <strong>21</strong> 22 23 24 25 26<br />

A<br />

Decoder<br />

Across<br />

7. Lateral (8)<br />

9. Eavesdrop (colloq) (6)<br />

10. Lodgings (inf) (4)<br />

11. Hanging calcium column<br />

1 10 11 12 13<br />

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D<br />

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z<br />

15 25 3 15 19 24 14 14 20 19 13 24<br />

(10)<br />

12. Smear (6)<br />

14. Stamp out, subdue (8)<br />

15. Gun dog (6)<br />

6 6 10 10 24 10<br />

16 12 10 9 12 10 19<br />

16. Hope for (6)<br />

19. Winter Olympic sport (8)<br />

<strong>21</strong>. Discomfort (6)<br />

23. Essential (10)<br />

24. Scope (4)<br />

25. Help (6)<br />

26. Mariner (8)<br />

Down<br />

1. Figure of speech (6)<br />

2. Tidings (4)<br />

3. Tolerable (8)<br />

4. Abscond (6)<br />

5. Associate with (10)<br />

6. Aversion (8)<br />

8. Thinly spread (6)<br />

13. Opposite (10)<br />

15. Brief struggle (8)<br />

17. Cooking pot (8)<br />

18. High jinks (6)<br />

20. Rough shelter (4-2)<br />

22. Portions (6)<br />

24. Con trick (4)<br />

12 2 25 15 24 20 26 20 14 14 9 2<br />

3 11 12 23 12 12<br />

All puzzles copyright<br />

<strong>21</strong> 3 9 15 <strong>21</strong> 6 10 18 9 15<br />

14 7 9 1 4<br />

20 13 25 19 14 17 12 20 16 24<br />

T H E P U Z Z L E C O M P A N Y<br />

www.thepuzzlecompany.co.nz<br />

<strong>21</strong> 5 8 5 24 15<br />

24 9 16 9 17 18 14 25 5 5 24 5<br />

A D D<br />


Each number in our DECODER grid represents a different<br />

letter - there is a number for all 26 letters of the alphabet.<br />

Each Enter number the given represents letters into a different all squares letter with of the matching alphabet. numbers. Write the<br />

given The challenge letters into now all squares is to work with out matching which letters numbers. are Now represented work out<br />

which by the letters other are numbers. represented As you by the get other letters, numbers. enter As you them get into the<br />

letters, the main write grid, them and into the the reference main grid and grid. the To reference keep track grid. Decoder of the<br />

uses<br />

letters<br />

all<br />

you<br />

26 letters<br />

have<br />

of<br />

found,<br />

the alphabet.<br />

cross them off the alphabet provided.<br />

9 5 25 19 8 6 6 20 5 1 12 2<br />

17 11 17 5 16 11<br />

25 16 5 24 14 10 16 9 8 25 2 23<br />

O A K<br />

2 14 5 16 16 25 1<br />

23 8 25 5 25 19 10 16 17 25 2<br />

22 24 12 19 3 25 24<br />

<strong>21</strong> 14 2 6 5 25<br />

25 16 16 19 <strong>21</strong> 2 20 1 16 20 24 25<br />

18 19 22 <strong>21</strong> 5 19<br />

17 2 3 19 8 11 4 17 8 25 <strong>21</strong><br />

2 7 8 20 2 12 5<br />

2 1 2 4 5 11 20 2 13 5 26 1<br />

15 2 19 17 19 16<br />

2 22 10 8 2 14 10 16 26 2 25 25<br />

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

A<br />

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 <strong>21</strong> 22 23 24 25 26<br />

O<br />

K<br />


No.114<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

U Z W O M L V J X N D C K<br />

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 <strong>21</strong> 22 23 24 25 26<br />


S Q<br />

&<br />

P H<br />

NINE<br />

E T R I<br />

MILE<br />

B A F G Y<br />

25 16 15 24 19 4 18 25 3 13 24 14<br />

15 25 11 20 26 24<br />

by the other numbers. As you get the letters, enter them into<br />

the main grid, and the reference grid. To keep track of the<br />

letters you have found, cross them off the alphabet provided.<br />

Each number in our DECODER grid represents a different<br />

letter - there is a number for all 26 letters of the alphabet.<br />

Enter the given letters into all squares with matching numbers.<br />

The challenge now is to work out which letters are represented<br />

116<br />

115<br />

WEST<br />

COAST<br />

Crossword<br />

Across: 7. Sideways,<br />

9. Earwig, 10. Digs, 11.<br />

Stalactite, 12. Bedaub, 14.<br />

Suppress, 15. Setter, 16.<br />

Aspire, 19. Biathlon, <strong>21</strong>.<br />

Unease, 23. Imperative,<br />

24. Span, 25. Assist, 26.<br />

Seafarer.<br />

Down: 1. Simile, 2. <strong>News</strong>,<br />

3. Passable, 4. Decamp, 5.<br />

Fraternise, 6. Distaste, 8.<br />

Sparse, 13. Antithesis, 15.<br />

Skirmish, 17. Saucepan,<br />

18. Antics, 20. Lean-to, 22.<br />

Shares, 24. Scam.<br />

WordBuilder<br />

ash, ashy, fay, fays, flash,<br />

FLASHY, flay, flays, fly, half,<br />

has, hay, lah, lash, lay, lays,<br />

sal, say, shaly, shay, shy, sly,<br />

slay, yah.<br />

Sudoku<br />


116<br />


Tauranga Bay is one of the jewels of the ‘Untamed Natural Wildeness’ of the Buller District...and one of the prime recreational areas for locals and visiting tourists<br />

DID YOU KNOW...<br />

Westland Mineral Sands Co. have lodged a Resource Consent Application with the Buller District Council for a proposed Mineral Sand Mining operation in the sand dunes behind the Oceanview Subdivision on Okari Road, Nine Mile Beach, Cape Foulwind.<br />

-As this has been Publicly Notified our only chance of stopping it is through the submission and hearing process. Public ublic Submissions are due 5pm this Tues 26th <strong>October</strong> - Email submissions to WCRC- rc@wcrc.govt.nz & also on behalf of applicant- heather.mckay@tprl.co.nz<br />

-A Submission Pack is available from www.wcrc.govt.nz/services/consents-compliance/publicly-notified-consent-applications/current-publically-notified-consents/westland-mineral-sands-heavy-mineral-project-okari<br />

-WMS are processing maybe up to 2.5 MILLION tonnes of sand and exporting up to 500,000 tonnes of HMC (Heavy Mineral Concentrate) to China up to the next 10 years and this HMC will be transported along Okari Road, through Tauranga Bay & Carters Beach on its way to Westport.<br />

-Major safety concerns about the very narrow

Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> 20<strong>21</strong> 15<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Real Estate<br />

HOME WANTED 3-4<br />

bedrooms. Looking in Nor<br />

West areas, Beckenham<br />

or Somerfield. Prefer<br />

permanent material brick<br />

and post 1990 build. Don’t<br />

mind if it needs some TLC<br />

- anything considered.<br />

Cashed up buyer. Phone<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 372 479<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

AAA Buying goods<br />

quality furniture, beds,<br />

stoves, washing machines,<br />

fridge freezers. Same day<br />

service. Selwyn Dealers.<br />

Phone 980 5812 or 027<br />

313 8156<br />

AAA Buying goods<br />

quality furniture, beds,<br />

stoves, washing machines,<br />

fridge freezers. Same day<br />

service. Selwyn Dealers.<br />

Phone 980 5812 or 027<br />

313 8156<br />

TOOLS Garden,<br />

garage, woodworking,<br />

mechanical, engineering,<br />

sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />

buyer, ph 355-2045<br />

ADD SOME<br />

COLOUR<br />


Trades & Services<br />

ROOF<br />

PAINTING 24/7<br />

Rope & harness<br />

a speciality,<br />

no scaffolding<br />

required,<br />

30 years of<br />

breathtaking<br />

experience.<br />


20% OFF other<br />

roof quotes<br />

Exterior staining,<br />

exterior painting,<br />

water blasting.<br />

Moss and mould<br />

treatment $300.<br />

Phone Kevin<br />

027 561 4629<br />

BETTER<br />


Better job. Better<br />

Price. Better ring Grant<br />

0277402508<br />


George Lockyer. Over<br />

40 years bricklaying<br />

experience. UK trained.<br />

Insurance work, EQC<br />

repairs. Heritage<br />

brickwork & stonework<br />

a speciality. No job too<br />

small. Governers Bay.<br />

Home 329 9344. Cell<br />

027 684 4046. E mail<br />

georgelockyer@xtra.co.nz<br />


New builds, alterations,<br />

decks, fencing. 30 yrs in<br />

the trade has given me<br />

ability to build to a high<br />

standard. Free quotes. Ph<br />

Brent 027 241 7471<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Exp. Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching.<br />

Phone John on 0800<br />

003181, 027 240 7416<br />

jflattery@xtra.co.nz<br />


Prompt, quality. Call Jack<br />

027 206 0080<br />



No obligation free<br />

quote! Spouting repairs/<br />

replacement /cleaning Call<br />

0508 SPOUTING<br />


You Grow I Mow. Free<br />

quotes. Phone Chris 0<strong>21</strong><br />

252 1801<br />


local professional, int/<br />

Ext,roofs,wallpaper, call<br />

or text Corban 027 846<br />

5035<br />


your vege garden for<br />

Spring & Summer crops.<br />

Free quotes. Ph Murray<br />

027 694 5275<br />


Best price guarantee Tony<br />

0275 588 895<br />


Best price guarantee Tony<br />

0275 588 895<br />

TILING<br />

Flooring - Splashbacks -<br />

Wall incl tile removal, reg<br />

master tiler, ph Dave 027<br />

334 4125<br />


& all camera tapes<br />

converted to DVD or<br />

USB. Video taping<br />

special occasions, www.<br />

grahamsvideo.co.nz ph 03<br />

338-1655<br />

Trades & Services<br />

• Father & son Plumbing<br />

Business with over 40<br />

years experience.<br />

• Bathroom alterations a<br />

specialty.<br />

• Cylinder replacements.<br />

• We do all small jobs.<br />


Trades & Services<br />



Exposed Aggregate<br />

Stamped Concrete Plain<br />

Concrete Resurfacing<br />

Things we offer...<br />

Competitive/affordable pricing<br />

Attention to detail<br />

Professional service<br />

free quotes/insurance scopes<br />

Cell 0278 145 848<br />

www.drivecrete.co.nz<br />

Call us now for fast friendly service.<br />

Get your problems sorted out<br />

quick smart - on time!!<br />


Phone Eugene now.<br />

Phone 03 377 1280 | Mobile 0<strong>21</strong> 898 380<br />




Solid timber furniture<br />

A fantastic range<br />

of traditional and<br />

contemporary<br />

furniture designs.<br />

We can also help you<br />

with any custom made<br />

furniture requirements.<br />

19 Elgin St, Sydenham. Ph: (03) 366 9<strong>21</strong>9<br />

www.gavincoxfurniture.co.nz<br />

Bec | Perfect Fit Bed Customer<br />

This bed is amazing! I used to wake up with a lot of pain. Now I spring<br />

“out of bed and my day begins! …The best purchase I’ve ever made!”<br />

Painters and Decorators Ltd<br />

Canterbury Owned and Operated<br />

A husband and wife team<br />

Specializing in:<br />

• Roof Painting<br />

• Interior/exterior<br />

residential<br />

• Small commercial<br />

painting<br />


Noel 027-411-3596<br />

kemp.painters@gmail.com<br />

kemp painters and decorators<br />

We offer<br />

free quotes<br />

Quality not<br />

Quantity<br />



Call us now for fast friendly service.<br />

Get your problems sorted out<br />

quick smart - on time!!<br />

Phone<br />

Eugene<br />

now.<br />

Phone 03 377 1280 | Mobile 0<strong>21</strong> 898 380<br />


by<br />

Up to<br />

50 % Off<br />

*Call for Terms<br />

& Conditions<br />

Off<br />

*<br />


Dominion Trading Co Ltd<br />

• Scrap metal buyers<br />

• Canterbury owned & operated<br />

• Top prices paid $$$<br />

• Open Saturday morning<br />

Open Mon-Fri 8am – 4.30pm Sat. 8.30am-12.30pm<br />

www.happyscrappy.co.nz<br />

03 343 9993 333 Blenheim Rd<br />




For: Outdoor Privacy, Windbreak, Decorative.<br />

All Styles made to your requirements.<br />

Optional: Painting, Installation, & Local Delivery Service.<br />

Phone or Email your measurements<br />


Email: towntrellis@xtra.co.nz Phone: 03 3494995<br />

Address: 38A Waterloo Road<br />


16<br />

Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> 20<strong>21</strong><br />


Halloween is coming!<br />

Ray White Papanui and Rotary<br />

Papanui are delighted to put on this<br />

free Papanui community activity<br />

for children 12 years and under<br />

(accompanied by an adult). Come<br />

in your costume and join in the<br />

Halloween fun at St James Park!<br />

We have made changes to our normal<br />

format to comply with current Covid<br />

2 levels so this year there will be a<br />

contactless Halloween character<br />

scavenger hunt for the children to<br />

participate in.<br />

The characters will be available for the<br />

children to find from 4.30pm - 5.30pm<br />

on Friday 29 <strong>October</strong> 20<strong>21</strong> at St James<br />

Park, Papanui.<br />

Due to this being under Alert Level 2<br />

rules and contactless you will need to<br />

download (and print if you prefer) the<br />

scavenger hunt sheet and bring it with<br />

you. You can find the scavenger hunt<br />

sheet by either:<br />

What makes a property management expert?<br />

While I was driving around the<br />

city on the weekend I spotted a<br />

large signboard boasting “Property<br />

Management Experts” and it got me<br />

thinking about what gives a person<br />

the right to claim the title of being<br />

a property management expert? Is<br />

it perhaps someone who has taken<br />

care of their own small portfolio of<br />

properties? Perhaps someone who has<br />

been working in real estate sales? Or<br />

someone who joined the industry a<br />

year or two ago?<br />

In actual fact, none of those<br />

backgrounds would, in my opinion,<br />

make someone an expert in their field,<br />

and like anything, expertise comes<br />

with both knowledge and experience.<br />

With property management currently<br />

being an unregulated industry it does<br />

mean that anyone could make those<br />

claims regardless of qualifications or<br />

• Coming and collecting the<br />

scavenger hunt sheet from the Ray<br />

White Papanui office prior to the<br />

day | 7 Winston Avenue, Level 1,<br />

Papanui<br />

• Email papanui.nz@raywhite.com<br />

and we will send you a copy, or<br />

• Scan the QR code and download<br />

your scavenger hunt sheet<br />

Rotary Papanui has been serving the<br />

local community for over 60 years and<br />

is proud to partner with Ray White<br />

Papanui to bring some Halloween fun<br />

for our Papanui families to enjoy. We<br />

had such a blast last year and can’t wait<br />

to do it all over again, level 2 style!<br />

COVID-19 protocol<br />

will be followed in<br />

accordance with<br />

the current Level 2<br />

status.<br />

experience, so if you are contacting an<br />

“expert” make sure you find out what<br />

exactly it is that makes them experts!<br />

Experience is the real key when it<br />

comes to property management,<br />

as every day we come across a new<br />

scenario and often a new problem to<br />

solve, so the longer you have been<br />

doing the job, the more likely you will<br />

have the tools and solutions required.<br />

On top of this, ongoing education is<br />

now more than ever so important<br />

as legislation is constantly being<br />

introduced, with the Amendments<br />

to the Residential Tenancies Act<br />

becoming part of the industry’s<br />

everyday language!<br />

If you are looking at employing an<br />

expert property manager some of<br />

the key things to look out for are –<br />

experience, training, qualifications,<br />

systems and processes (including<br />

an audited trust account), flexibility,<br />

tenacity, problem-solving,<br />

communication skills, determination,<br />

and often a thick skin. While some of<br />

these characteristics may lead you to<br />

think you need an absolutely “hard<br />

nosed” person to do the job, it is also<br />

important that your property manager<br />

is great at working with people and<br />

has empathy because great working<br />

relationships with their tenants as<br />

well as their landlords will ultimately<br />

convert to better outcomes for<br />

everyone.<br />

Katrina Green,<br />

Operations Manager<br />

Property Management<br />

027 606 0030<br />

Vanessa Golightly<br />

Licensee Agent &<br />

Business Owner<br />

027 664 9292<br />

Stuart Morris<br />

Licensee Agent<br />

& Auctioneer<br />

027 422 6395<br />

Katrina Green<br />

Operations Manager<br />

Property Management<br />

027 606 0030<br />

Richie Eggelton<br />

Licensee Salesperson<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 089 65594<br />

Claire Morris<br />

Licensee Agent &<br />

Business Owner<br />

027 662 4822<br />

Ben McNab<br />

Licensee Salesperson<br />

& Auctioneer<br />

027 427 7232<br />

Tracy Thomson<br />

Licensee Salesperson<br />

027 440 3035<br />

Maria Paterson<br />

Licensee Salesperson<br />

027 543 4689<br />

Feature Properties<br />

Hasna Ngara<br />

Licensee Salesperson<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 262 4943<br />

Jana Schleehauf<br />

Licensee Salesperson<br />

022 090 1227<br />

47 Te Hurunui Drive, Pegasus<br />

Vanessa Golightly & Maria Paterson<br />

9 Park Street, Rangiora<br />

Vanessa Golightly & Maria Paterson<br />

106 Prestons Road, Redwood<br />

Vanessa Golightly & Maria Paterson<br />

Olivia Hendry<br />

Executive Assistant<br />

Georgia Tuuta<br />

Executive Assistant<br />

Estelle Schuurman<br />

Property Manager<br />

Joy Coughlan<br />

Mortgage Broker<br />

027 223 3572<br />

161 Mays Road, St Albans<br />

Vanessa Golightly & Maria Paterson<br />

2/22 Buccleugh Street, Phillipston<br />

Tracy Thomson & Hasna Ngara<br />

1/64 Ranfurly Street, St Albans<br />

Tracy Thomson & Hasna Ngara<br />

Level 1, 7 Winston Avenue, Papanui<br />

Phone (03) 352 0567 | rwpapanui.co.nz | /RayWhitePapanui Morris & Co Limited | Licenced REAA 2008

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