Ashburton Courier: October 21, 2021

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OCTOBER <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong> |www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz |Phone: 308 7664<br />

Popular principal calling time<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

The popular school leader at<br />

‘Happy Hampstead’isretiring<br />

after <strong>21</strong> years in the principal’s<br />

role.<br />

PrincipalPeter Melrose, 64,<br />

will finish up at Hampstead<br />

School at theend of theyear;<br />

retiring after a41year<br />

teachingcareer.<br />

He has spent much of that<br />

time at schools in Mid<br />

Canterbury.<br />

‘‘I have been privileged to<br />

have the role at Hampstead for<br />

the last <strong>21</strong> years and I’ve<br />

thoroughly enjoyed my timein<br />

education.’’<br />

Mr Melrosesaid hisstory at<br />

Hampstead was not abouthim,<br />

but rather about the people he<br />

had worked alongsideand who<br />

had shared the samecommon<br />

purpose of benefitting the<br />

children.<br />

‘‘To be ateacher or a<br />

principal you have to love<br />

being around kids. You get to<br />

see life from their point of<br />

view and you’re also tasked<br />

with educating them and<br />

taking them forward.’’<br />

Mr Melrosewas raised in<br />

Christchurchand taughtinthe<br />

garden city after graduating<br />

from teachers college.<br />

He taught at St Joseph's<br />

School in <strong>Ashburton</strong> for four<br />

years before taking on the sole<br />

teacher role at 13­pupil Lake<br />

Coleridge School.<br />

His firstfull principaljob<br />

was at Fairton School,where<br />

he stayed for nine years,<br />

beforeayear in North<br />

Canterbury at Waikari school.<br />

Mid Canterbury lured him<br />

back and he became principal<br />

at Hampstead in Term 4,1999.<br />

‘‘I still remembermy<br />

interview at the school ­there<br />

was an interviewpanel of 13<br />

Departing Hampstead School principal Peter Melrose with his<br />

school leaders.<br />


and it wassomewhat<br />

daunting,’’ he said.<br />

Therehad beenchallenges<br />

in the earlyyears including a<br />

looming school debtfrom a<br />

system called Banked Staffing,<br />

which had been worked<br />

throughand resolved; the<br />

school was nowinahealthy<br />

financial position.<br />

Thehallmark of lifeat<br />

Hampstead Schoolwas being<br />

able to focus on what wasgood<br />

for the childrenasthe bottom<br />

line, he said.<br />

‘‘I recognise allthose on the<br />

boards andPTA, whohave<br />

come forthand taken up roles<br />

and haveworkedfor the<br />

benefitofall students and the<br />

school as awhole.’’<br />

In 1999 the school roll was<br />

250 and today it was<br />

approaching 400,with more<br />

growth expected.<br />

‘‘The roll today features<br />

children from various cultures<br />

and the school is richer for it.’’<br />

While numbers had grown,the<br />

look of the school had not<br />

changed too much during his<br />

time.<br />

‘‘As youwalk through the<br />

main doors you get the impact<br />

of the school fields and the<br />

facilities andthat is avery<br />

positive impression.’’<br />

Mr Melrose said it had been<br />

areal pleasure to see past<br />

pupils move through<br />

educationand pursuecareers<br />

and relationships.<br />

It was important that pupils<br />

be thebestthey can andwere<br />

happy and contributedto<br />

society.<br />

Covid lockdowns over the<br />

past 18 months had shown him<br />

he could keep busy in<br />

retirement and now was the<br />

right time for him to bowout,<br />

he said.<br />

It will give him will be more<br />

timefor gardening, walking,<br />

reading and travelaround<br />

New Zealand.<br />

Mr Melrose willcontinue his<br />

association with Community<br />

House Mid Canterburyand the<br />

White Ribbon campaign, and<br />

will explore art and craft<br />

opportunities, as well as<br />

spending more timewith<br />

family.<br />

Hampstead School assistant<br />

principal ClaudineCampbell<br />

will take on the role of acting<br />

principal in Term 12022, while<br />

the board of trustees looks for<br />

anew principal.<br />

Popular Peter will be ahard<br />

act to follow.<br />

PAGE 4<br />

Students seek<br />

scrap metal<br />

PAGE 5<br />

Crime fighter<br />

tells his story<br />

PAGE 8<br />

Kids buzzing<br />

about bees<br />



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NEWS<br />

2 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />

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Delivered<br />

to all homes,lifestyle<br />

blocks and farms in<br />

MidCanterbury<br />

and Geraldine<br />

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<br />

news<br />

Daniel Tobin<br />

Editor<br />

308 7664<br />

027 628 7679<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Reporters<br />

Mick Jensen<br />

mick.jensen@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Toni Williams<br />

toni.williams@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

advertising<br />

Jann Thompson<br />

Sales Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

027 587 6351<br />

jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Karen Gane<br />

Sales Account Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 510 804<br />

karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

getintouch<br />

Editorial<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Advertising<br />

info@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

CreativeManager<br />

murray.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Accounts<br />

accounts@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

Distribution/Deliveries<br />

mary.summerfield@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Office<br />

office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

03 308 7664<br />

199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

2388023<br />

24<strong>21</strong>874<br />

Lightning sets bed ablaze<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Ahouse on Winchmore<br />

Dromore Road, just north<br />

of <strong>Ashburton</strong>, was struck by<br />

lightning on Monday<br />

afternoon.<br />

David Bleach, who runs a<br />

farm on the property, was<br />

working with acolleague in<br />

ashed out the back when<br />

the storm hit bringing a<br />

downpour of rain, thunder<br />

and lightning.<br />

David said he heard his<br />

daughter Grace yelling<br />

what he thought was<br />

‘‘house on fire’’.<br />

‘‘So Icame running over<br />

and she said ‘Dad the<br />

house is on fire!’ and she<br />

was calling the fire brigade<br />

at the same time.’’<br />

David was able to grab a<br />

fire extinguisher and put<br />

out the flames; the father<br />

and daughter’s quick<br />

actions saved the house.<br />

‘‘It was bloody lucky<br />

Grace was home because<br />

we wouldn't have seen it<br />

from the shed until it was<br />

well involved,’’ David said.<br />

When the lighting struck<br />

Grace was sitting in the<br />

dining room on her laptop<br />

studying for auniversity<br />

test happening that<br />

afternoon.<br />

‘‘The whole room lit up,<br />

then there was really loud<br />

thunder then the smoke<br />

alarms went off, and I<br />

realised there was afire in<br />

the bedroom,’’ Grace said.<br />

‘‘I looked in the bedroom<br />

and could just see flames<br />

and Ithought I’m not f...ing<br />

with that,’’ she said.<br />

So she ran out to call for<br />

Above, David Bleach and pooch Smudge survey the damage. Below, the burnt bed.<br />


help.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> deputy chief<br />

fire officer Jeff Marshall<br />

said it was unclear exactly<br />

where the lightning hit the<br />

house.<br />

‘‘But it came out around a<br />

power socket that set fire to<br />

some bedding.<br />

‘‘Luckily the damage was<br />

minimal but it could have<br />

been ahell of alot worse,’’<br />

he said.<br />

Lightning strikes on a<br />

house are uncommon, ‘‘but<br />

there was alot of lightning<br />

in this area at the time, and<br />

the lighting picked an area<br />

of ahouse for whatever<br />

reason and then came out a<br />

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socket. Luckily Grace was<br />

here and saw it happen<br />

because it would have been<br />

awhole different story if<br />

no­one was home.’’<br />

Meanwhile Grace missed<br />

the test she was studying<br />

for, but feels having her<br />

house catch fire was a<br />

pretty good excuse.<br />

MSA meeting calls for change<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Club&MSA will hold<br />

aspecialgeneral meeting at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>TrustEvent Centre on<br />

November 1.<br />

MSAClubpresidentGaryFransen<br />

has receivedarequest from75club<br />

membersstating they‘‘have no<br />

confidence in the committeeofthe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Club and MSA due to<br />

recent management or<br />

mismanagement of the club’s<br />

affairs.’’<br />

The notice says that if avote of no<br />

confidence is passed by the<br />

membership, the incumbent<br />

committee would be dissolved.<br />

‘‘An interim committee of threeto<br />

four persons be elected from the<br />

meetingtogovern the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Club<br />

&MSA until new electionscanbe<br />

calledfor underthe club’s<br />

constitution.’’<br />

Duethe potentialconflict of<br />

interest the club decided it wouldbe<br />

inappropriate for the president or<br />

vice­president or anyother committee<br />

membertochair the meeting, so it has<br />

been proposedMark von Dadelszen, a<br />

barristerfromHastings, be appointed<br />

to chair the meeting, this motion will<br />

be put to the vote at the beginningof<br />

the November1meeting.<br />

Forthe resolutions to pass they<br />

must be supported by the votes of no<br />

less than two­thirds of those financial<br />

club members present at the meeting.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />

3<br />

Four year consent for Smiths <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Resource consent for up to four<br />

years has been granted for the<br />

Smiths <strong>Ashburton</strong> (Smiths City)<br />

tenancy at the former Bunnings<br />

building at 363 West Street.<br />

Building owner Tricroft<br />

Properties Ltd applied for<br />

resource consent for its tenant<br />

because the premises did not<br />

comply with <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Council’s new Plan Change 4<br />

which has effectively removed<br />

‘‘retail’ from the limited<br />

commercial activities in the<br />

Business Czoned area.<br />

The plan change was done to<br />

give priority to the development<br />

of retail in the town centre<br />

(Business A) and in in response<br />

to anumber of large scale<br />

resource consents granted<br />

outside of it, including the<br />

Kmart consent granted nearly<br />

two years ago.<br />

In his decision, released<br />

earlier this week, commissioner<br />

Ken Fletcher acknowledged the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> CBD was in astate of<br />

decline, and growth in retail<br />

over the past decade had been<br />

in the adjoining large format<br />

retail zone.<br />

He said he would have<br />

declined the resource consent<br />

application had it not been for<br />

some unique circumstances.<br />

They included the current lack<br />

of any large sites available for<br />

Smiths <strong>Ashburton</strong> in Business A<br />

or B, the timing of the<br />

application, which coincided<br />

with the Plan Change 4process,<br />

and the fact that the plan<br />

change had not had time to work<br />

within the market to<br />

accommodate the retailer in the<br />

Business Azone.<br />

He said afour­year duration<br />

consent gave Smiths <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

Tricroft and the market time ‘‘to<br />

work within the provisionsof<br />

the post­Plan Change 4plan to<br />

put together asuitable<br />

redevelopment within the<br />

Business AorBzones’’.<br />

Such aredevelopment would<br />

reinforce and strengthen the<br />

town centre and enhance the<br />

amenity of the town, Mr<br />

Fletcher said.<br />

Tricroft general managerTony<br />

Gilbert said Tricroft was<br />

disappointed with the resource<br />

consent application decision.<br />

‘‘We werehopingfor a<br />

decision thataligns with and<br />

supportsthe long term<br />

aspirations of Smiths <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

in Mid Canterbury.Wewill take<br />

our time to explore our options,”<br />

he said.<br />

The resource consent decision<br />

comes with landscaping, lighting<br />

and transportation conditions.<br />

Smiths <strong>Ashburton</strong>has been<br />

operating out of the West Street<br />

location since May, pending the<br />

decisionofthe resource consent<br />

process.<br />

Tricroft agreed the remaining<br />

two thirds of the former<br />

Bunnings building willbeused<br />

for retailactivities permitted in<br />

Business C, whichallow for<br />

trade and yardbased suppliers,<br />

recreational facilities and<br />

entertainment activities.There<br />

is a15­workingday appeal<br />

period.<br />

Sewer work<br />

continuing<br />

Contractorsworking on the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

ReliefSewer (ARS) line have reopened<br />

the intersection of BeachRoad East and<br />

MiltonRoad South after laying the<br />

wastewater pipeacross the road.<br />

The project is aheadofschedule,<br />

despite highgroundwater levels on<br />

MiltonRoad South affecting the pipelaying,<br />

and shouldbefinished by the end<br />

of March next year.<br />

The Seipp Construction teamislaying<br />

one section of pipeline fromthe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> River alongMilton Road<br />

South to WakanuiRoad. The intersection<br />

of Milton RoadSouth and Beach Road,<br />

which was closed whilethe pipewas laid<br />

acrossBeach Road, has now reopened to<br />

traffic.<br />

MiltonRoad South from the river to<br />

Beach Roadremainsclosed to traffic<br />

(except for residents). The section<br />

between Beach Roadand WakanuiRoad<br />

is on targettoopen before Christmas,<br />

however the riverend will not be<br />

reinstated until the end of February.<br />

The team is encounteringhigh<br />

groundwater levels along Milton Road<br />

South and is havingtouse sheet piling to<br />

screenwaterfrom work sites.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Contracting Ltd (ACL) has<br />

been laying the second sectionof<br />

pipeline along Wakanui Road (from the<br />

MiltonRoad intersection) and Albert<br />

Street, and north across land nearthe<br />

Geoff Geering subdivision to Mill Creek.<br />

The pipe will then follow alongsideMill<br />

Creek to Bridge Street.<br />

The work along Wakanui Road and<br />

AlbertStreet is now complete and the<br />

roads have been reinstated.<br />

ACL has closed the footbridgeover Mill<br />

Creek (connecting Geoff Geering and<br />

Braebrook subdivisions) while their<br />

teams are workinginthat area. The<br />

footbridgeisexpectedtobeclosed for up<br />

to two weeks.<br />

Choir cancels<br />

MidCanterburyChoir hasmadethe<br />

decisiontocancel its Christmas Concerts<br />

forthis year, including aconcert for<br />

schools setfor December9atStStephen’s<br />

Church, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Choir manager Carol Gunn said having to<br />

cancel theannual concertswasvery<br />

disappointing.<br />

‘‘In Level 2itisnot practical forusto<br />

rehearsewith masks andsocial distancing<br />

andwefeltthatit was better to make the<br />

decisionnow,’’ shesaid.<br />

‘‘Thisbrings ourtotal of cancelled<br />

performances to six forthis yearand thank<br />

goodness wemanaged to getour Messiah<br />

concert done and dusted in Level 1.’’<br />

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1398<br />

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STOCK<br />

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2475<br />

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NEWS<br />

4 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />

Community<br />

bus change<br />

The MidCanterbury Connectorcommunity<br />

transportservice has changed theway it<br />

operates.<br />

Theconnector, whichisrun through the Mid<br />

Canterbury Community VehicleTrust,<br />

providestransport fromrural areas of the<br />

district into <strong>Ashburton</strong>, andwill now operate<br />

on demandrather thanontwo set days.<br />

“The trusthas trialledthe service operating<br />

Tuesdays andWednesdays for thelast nine<br />

months, but feedbackfrom passengersand the<br />

community has tolduspeople would prefera<br />

moreflexible service,operatingMondayto<br />

Friday between 8.30am and4.30pm,’’Mid<br />

Canterbury Community VehicleTrustchair<br />

Liz McMillan said.<br />

‘‘Thatway if you need to come into<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>for say adental appointment on a<br />

Friday morning, you will be abletocall and<br />

bookthis in.<br />

‘‘The new service will operateaccordingto<br />

Level 2guidelines, so there willbealimitofno<br />

morethan three passengers perjourney,’’ she<br />

said.<br />

Thenew service, which beganonMonday, is<br />

looking for morevolunteer drivers. Full<br />

inductionand training will be provided.<br />

People wantingtouse the connector service<br />

needtocall 03 928 8164 two daysahead of<br />

needingaride.<br />

Anyone keentobeavolunteerdrivercan<br />

call 027 586 6556 for moreinformation.<br />

Dog park work<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Dog Parkshould be openagain<br />

by Christmas after renovations and<br />

improvements following May’s historic<br />

rainfall and flood.<br />

The dog park, near the Tinwald bridge, was<br />

under waterwhen theriver peaked in the one<br />

in 200­year event,and fences werelostand<br />

sinkholes created.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Councilcommunity<br />

services manager Steve Fabish saidthepark<br />

would be better than before, with anew<br />

entrance being created at the endofCass<br />

Street, near thenew Kmartredevelopment<br />

and car park.<br />

“In the future, there will be separate areas<br />

for large and small dogs. There arealsolarge<br />

trees that have become problematic and a<br />

bankthat hasbeenscoured out.<br />

‘‘All of these issues will be addressed in the<br />

repair.’’<br />

Ride TheEagle<br />

ReviewedbyRowenaHart<br />

This is a surprisingly heartfelt comedy<br />

whose charms creep up on you.<br />

SusanSarandon wasthe perfect actress to<br />

playthe part of theMum.<br />

Ifirst noticed her in the wonderful Thelma<br />

and Louise movie.<br />

The story goes like this -When the Mum<br />

dies she leaves her log cabin toher son.<br />

BUT toactually get it he has to find her<br />

instructions andfollowthem through.<br />

As he attempts the tasks,asstrange as they<br />

seem,amazing things begin to happen.<br />

It isagentle, quiet movie. Certainly for<br />

adults as there are amillion superlatives<br />

thrown around when everyone gets<br />

excited!<br />

Kirsty Clay<br />

Residential/Lifestyle Sales Consultant<br />

P 03 307 9199<br />

M<br />

027 3087557<br />

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kirsty.clay@pb.co.nz<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

MetalCorp <strong>Ashburton</strong> branch manager AaronBroadbent, left, with <strong>Ashburton</strong> College TeenAg Club members Claudia<br />

Thomas, 17, and Logan Williams, 15, who are collectingscrap metal for fundraising.<br />


Scrap metal sought for fundraiser<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Members of the <strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

TeenAg Clubare collecting scrap<br />

metal and batteriesasaway to fund<br />

farm tripsand club equipment.<br />

Theclub,which has 25 members of<br />

studentsfrom across Year 9to13,<br />

meets threeorfour timesaterm.<br />

Theyhave arange of guest speakers,<br />

but are keentohear from moreand<br />

increase farm visitopportunities.<br />

Clubchairperson Claudia Thomas,<br />

17, saidinthe pastcoupleofyears<br />

therehad been limited chances to<br />

visit farms due to covid disruption,<br />

but therewere plans in placefor<br />

upcoming trips.<br />

Theclub hadbeen up and running<br />

since2016, and members in the past<br />

had visited South Island Seeds,<br />

Methven Vets, Midlands Apiaries and<br />

abull studfarm.Somemembers and<br />

agriculture students also helped with<br />

floodrecovery clean­upthis yearat<br />

properties along<strong>Ashburton</strong>Staveley<br />

Road, or Greenstreet.<br />

‘‘The clubiscurrentlyinthe<br />

processoforganising atrip out to a<br />

croppingfarm in Rakaiaearly next<br />

month,’’ Claudia said.<br />

‘‘Visits like thisare valuable for our<br />

members as it givesthem an insight<br />

intohow these businesses and farms<br />

run so thatitcan create interest<br />

within ourmemberstopursue a<br />

career in the wider rural industry.’’<br />

Thestudents all haveaninterest in<br />

agriculture in someform,and come<br />

fromavarietyofrural and urban<br />

backgrounds. Thevisits ­and guest<br />

speakers ­were away to seedifferent<br />

farmoperationsand learnmore<br />

about the agricultural industryfirst<br />

hand.<br />

‘‘At thisstagewehave hadone<br />

guest speaker which wasBryn Price<br />

fromAgriTraining,they arealso our<br />

clubsponsor,’’ Claudia said.<br />

‘‘Wedohavesome companies that<br />

we are looking to approachtocomein<br />

and speaktothe club,this includes a<br />

broad rangeofcompanies in theMid<br />

Canterburyregion.These fundsthat<br />

we are looking to raise fromour<br />

metalfundraiser will enable us as a<br />

clubtoget in more guest speakers<br />

and make more visits,’’ shesaid.<br />

TheTeenAg Club members aimed<br />

to create an environment forlikeminded<br />

studentstolearn more about<br />

the rural industryandwere keen to<br />

hear fromanyone with scrap metal<br />

lying about their properties who<br />

wouldbekeentodonate it to their<br />

club.<br />

Anyscrap metal can be droppedto<br />

MetalCorp,inTinwald, on the corner<br />

of Melcombe and Shearman streets,<br />

and addedtothe <strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

YoungFarmers account.<br />

Clubmembers can also be<br />

contactedtocollect scrap metal if<br />

needed.<br />

MetalCorp <strong>Ashburton</strong> branch<br />

manager AaronBroadbentsaid any<br />

type of metalincludingcopper wire,<br />

lead nails stainless steel,farm<br />

machinery, car parts,tin or<br />

household appliancescould be<br />

droppedoff for recycling,aswell as<br />

car and tractor batteries.<br />

Thegraded metal was loaded on to<br />

trucksfor shredding or shipping out<br />

of the MetalCorp basein<br />

Christchurch.<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />

5<br />

Crime fighter Mark shares his story<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Mark Van Leewardenhas<br />

packedalot into his lifesince<br />

leaving <strong>Ashburton</strong>inhis teens.<br />

The62­year­old had abounty<br />

of $80,000onhis head in the<br />

1970s because of hisworkinthe<br />

murky world of covert policing.<br />

As well as being an<br />

undercover cop, he’sbeena<br />

detective, retrained as a<br />

barrister and for anumberof<br />

years atop international fraud<br />

investigator.<br />

His fulland interestinglifeis<br />

outlinedinhis memoir called<br />

Crimetime: FromUndercover<br />

Cop to International<br />

Investigator.<br />

Thebookwas released<br />

earlier this month andis<br />

already on the bestsellers list.<br />

Ironicallyone of the first<br />

crimescenes Van Leewarden<br />

sawwas in the former<br />

SomersetHotel in <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

which hislate­father Kees<br />

managed.<br />

‘‘I was19atthe time and Dad<br />

brought me in to check out a<br />

burglary.<br />

‘‘Thieves hadgot in through<br />

the roof andhad used ropes to<br />

climbdown.<br />

‘‘I could seehow things had<br />

transpired and thatsparked an<br />

interestinme.’’<br />

After workingonlocalfarms,<br />

and drivingtractors in<br />

Australiafor awhile, he took<br />

up his dad’s suggestion of<br />

joining thepolice.<br />

After spending 15 months in<br />

uniforminDunedin he was<br />

tapped on theshoulder for<br />

undercover work anddeployed<br />

to Auckland.<br />

‘‘Itwas the bigsmoke and a<br />

bitofaneye openerfor alad<br />

from theSouthIsland.’’<br />

Van Leewarden immersed<br />

himself intothe criminal<br />

underworldand made<br />

connections.<br />

He fenced stolen equipment<br />

and gunsand was involved<br />

with drugdealsinnightclubs.<br />

After witnessingamurderby<br />

asenior crime figure he was a<br />

markedman for awhile.<br />

An excerpt from his memoir<br />

states:‘‘It was simple.Iwasthe<br />

evidence. If Ididn’t makeitto<br />

trial, convictions wouldnot<br />

hold up.’’<br />

He disappeared to asafe<br />

houseonthe SouthIsland<br />

while the casecame to court.<br />

Van Leewardensaiditwas a<br />

Mark Van Leewarden.<br />

time forreflection and<br />

‘‘massagingatortured mind’’.<br />

He laterreturned to<br />

Aucklandand worked as a<br />

detective before electing to<br />

complete alaw degree.Hewas<br />

called to the Barin1992.<br />

Van Leewardensaid he saw<br />

hiscareer changeasafusion of<br />

investigation andthe law.<br />

Investigating international<br />

fraud has takenhim around the<br />

world.<br />

One caseinvolved a<br />

Malaysianoffenderand fraud<br />

of $20 million.<br />

‘‘I was due to meet the<br />

offender in ahotel in Penang,<br />

butbefore it happened the FBI<br />

gotwindofa$1m contracton<br />

him andathreat to bombhis<br />

hotel room.<br />

‘‘Mymeeting didn’t happen,<br />

butthe offender was broughtto<br />

justice,’’Van Leewardensaid.<br />

In another$100mfraud case<br />

in New York heactedfor 330<br />

victimsliving in30countries.<br />

The Ponzi scam involvedthe<br />

Russian mafia andeventually<br />

ended with five convictions<br />

and achunk of the money<br />


recovered.<br />

Thefraudstoriesare<br />

outlined in hisbookand have<br />

also featured in crime lectures<br />

theauthor has delivered in the<br />

Middle East.<br />

Van Leewardenhas plenty of<br />

fond memoriesofhisformative<br />

years in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

He enjoyed schooland<br />

growing up in the town, and<br />

wasarepresentative rugby<br />

playerand firstfivefor Mid<br />

Canterbury at variousage<br />

groups.<br />

His mumColleenand other<br />

relatives still livein<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

and he drops in occasionally.<br />

‘‘All those years ago when I<br />

wasundercover cop Icame<br />

home forsome restand<br />

relaxation andmum could see<br />

me deteriorating. Ihad to<br />

adoptthe criminalpersonafor<br />

my job, but shecould see it was<br />

affecting my health and shelet<br />

thetop brassknowit.’’<br />

Crimetime: From<br />

Undercover Copto<br />

International Investigator is<br />

available at Whitcoullsand<br />

Paper Plus andonline.<br />

Mark Van Leewarden, with the ball, playing rugby for Mid<br />

Canterbury as a17­year­old in 1976.<br />

Indulging in his longtime interest in motorbikes.<br />

On the job in Bahrain.<br />



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2015 Holden Barina CD,<br />

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2011 Mitsubishi Outlander,<br />

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2010 Toyota Landcruiser V8<br />

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$63,990<br />

2017 Holden CommodoreSV6,<br />

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$33,990<br />

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NEWS<br />

8 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Kids suit up to learn about beekeeping<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

There was abuzz of excitement<br />

on an Eiffelton property last<br />

week when childrenhad the<br />

opportunity to give beekeeping<br />

ago.<br />

Local businessThe Little<br />

HoneyCoshowed agroupof<br />

children whatisinvolvedwith<br />

keepingbees including getting<br />

suitedupinto abee suitsothe<br />

kidscould get up close and<br />

personal with bees.<br />

The Little Honey Co owner<br />

Reagan Martin said it was<br />

great to let kids come out and<br />

see howbeehives work, ‘‘and<br />

theparents as wellare always<br />

quite fascinated,it’s agreat<br />

hobby for kids and parents to<br />

get into.’’<br />

Giving children thechance to<br />

see bees up close and to<br />

understandthey aresafe if<br />

handled correctly is one of the<br />

goals.<br />

‘‘It is important not to be<br />

scared of bees,becausethey<br />

are veryimportantfor the<br />

whole ecosystem.<br />

‘‘Oneinevery three bitesof<br />

foodcomesfromapollination<br />

source,’’ Reagansaid.<br />

Thechildrengot handson<br />

pumpingbee smoker’s which<br />

helpcalmthe bees and<br />

handling the traysofbeesfrom<br />

thehives.<br />

Reagan andwife Sarah set<br />

up the business threemonths<br />

ago, the coupleplantorun<br />

their own beehives, supply<br />

commercialcrop pollination<br />

andhost beekeepingcourses.<br />

‘‘Soitsall about teaching<br />

kids andadults howtorun<br />

their bees and do wellwith<br />

them.’’<br />

TheLittle Honey Co produce<br />

three types of honey with hives<br />

situatedaround the region.<br />

‘‘Wetry to keepthe hives<br />

withina45minute drive, keep<br />

them local to where we are<br />

living.’’<br />

As wellasthe school holiday<br />

programmes they alsooffer a<br />

beekeepingcoursefor adults<br />

teaching howtorun and<br />

manage ahomebeehiveto<br />

produce their own honey.<br />

Therewill be more courses<br />

forchildren duringthe next<br />

school summer holidays.<br />

for more informationvisit<br />

www.thelittlehoneyco.nz<br />

The Little Honey Co owner<br />

Reagan Martin lets children get<br />

up close to abeehive.<br />



Unhappy with bridgelocation<br />

Iattended the<strong>October</strong> 6<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District Council (ADC)meeting to<br />

listen to the debate and to adopt(or<br />

reject) the findings of Stantec<br />

consultantsregardingthe second<br />

urban <strong>Ashburton</strong> bridge.Tohear<br />

ADCCEO HamishRiachstate(and<br />

also reportedinthe Guardian) ‘‘If the<br />

council wanted to pay 100 per centof<br />

the bridge,they canput it anywhere<br />

theylike.’’<br />

This statementisgrossly<br />

misleading! ThereisNOfunding in<br />

place forabridge constructed on<br />

Chalmers Avenue.<strong>Ashburton</strong>ians, be<br />

aware that theadoption of this report<br />

setsinconcrete that thesecond<br />

urban bridge location will now be<br />

Chalmers Avenue.<br />

It was alsoveryinteresting to hear<br />

Stantec report thatthere was no<br />

reasonasuitable bridgecouldnot be<br />

constructedalongside thecurrent<br />

SH1bridge afterhearingfor years<br />

fromthe council that‘‘this would not<br />

be possible’’.<br />

As we've known all along it is<br />

possible. It's aStateHighwayand<br />

would be funded by NZTA.<br />

Councillors are elected to ensure<br />

thatthe wishesofthe public are given<br />

dueconsideration.<br />

Iwas at the public meetingheld at<br />

theIntermediate Schoolwherethe<br />

public voted 100 per cent againsta<br />

bridge at theend of Chalmers<br />

Avenue.<br />

Why have councillorsgone against<br />

thewishes of the public?<br />

Bev Skates<br />

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06 Tin 20<strong>21</strong> Snow

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />

9<br />

FRESH<br />

FOODS<br />

WEEK<br />

on now<br />

Mt Hutt College students Dante Davidson, 14, and Alice Jackson, 15,<br />

working for donations for travel on the Spirit of Adventure.<br />


Adventure ahoy<br />

Mt Hutt College students have<br />

been embracing chances to<br />

fundraise money for afive­day<br />

trip on the Spirit of Adventure<br />

next month.<br />

They have helped out at the<br />

annual Peak to Pubrace,put<br />

their names in thering for a<br />

swim/watersports challenge and<br />

lastweekend were washing some<br />

pretty dirty cars in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Year 10 students Alice<br />

Jackson, 15,and Dante Davidson,<br />

14, said ten college students ­all<br />

in Year 10 ­were heading<br />

offshore on the adventureafter<br />

being selected to takepart by<br />

their school.<br />

Such wasthe interestthat<br />

students names were drawn from<br />

ahat, Alice said.<br />

Those on board forthe<br />

November 14 to 19 voyagewill be<br />

Maddie Webb,Ella Burrowes,<br />

Alice Jackson, Kerstin Burrows,<br />

Genna Oates,James Clark, Dante<br />

Davidson, Patrick McHugh,<br />

Flynn Cudmore andHenry King.<br />

Each student has to raise<br />

around $1300 each; thetrip<br />

departs from, andreturns to,<br />

Tauranga.<br />

Thestudents involved were at<br />

Repco <strong>Ashburton</strong> on Saturday<br />

morning washing asteady<br />

stream of cars in varying states of<br />

need; many were thick withdust.<br />

Some studentshave also been<br />

using aswimspace at Flow Pool<br />

and Studio,inMethven to<br />

complete 25km of sponsored<br />

swimming.<br />

Thestudents areplanning<br />

another carwash eventnext<br />

weekend in Methven and<br />

encourage anyonewho is able to<br />

come along andget their car<br />

washed.<br />

They will be based at Methven<br />

Motors, from 9am.<br />

Vitor LittleOz EasyPeel<br />

Mandarins 750g Prepack<br />

Product of Australia<br />

Pams Fresh<br />

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Chicken Breast Fillets<br />

$<br />

6 99 ea<br />

$ 12 99<br />

kg<br />

Fish, game results<br />

ThreeMid Canterbury<br />

candidates have beenelectedto<br />

the Central South Island Fish&<br />

Game Council by huntersand<br />

anglers through recent<br />

elections, but two others have<br />

missedout.<br />

DeanRattrayhasbeen<br />

elected to the council alongside<br />

Steve Bannister andSteve<br />

Gerard.<br />

The men were among 10<br />

candidates who had put their<br />

names forward foreightplaces<br />

in theCentralSouth Island<br />

region, which extends fromthe<br />

southbank of theRakaia River<br />

in the north, to Moeraki in the<br />

south.<br />

Mr Bannister topped the<br />

voting with 434 votes ahead of<br />

Linn Koevoet (416) from Waitaki<br />

and NicNiles (414) from<br />

Mackenzie. Those to missout on<br />

election from<strong>Ashburton</strong> were<br />

Andrew Simpson andCraig<br />

McKenzie.<br />

Thesuccessfulcandidatesare<br />

set to take office over thenext<br />

few weeks andwillspend their<br />

term managing,maintaining,<br />

andenhancing the sports fish<br />

and game bird resources in<br />

their regions.<br />

Fish andGame New Zealand<br />

acting chief executiveDianna<br />

Taylor said theelectionswere<br />

an important foundation of Fish<br />

and Game; theyenabledanglers<br />

andhunters to be involvedin<br />

the managementoftheirsport<br />

andhave their views<br />

represented by like­minded<br />

people.<br />

ThethreeMid Cantabrians<br />

willbejoined on theCentral<br />

South Island council by Paul<br />

Centofanti, John Dewit, Linn<br />

Koevoet,Nic Niles and Clark<br />

Stanger.<br />

Thevoting returnpercentage<br />

was24.56percent,with 42.35<br />

percent done through online<br />

voting and57.65 percent by post.<br />

Harris Meats FreshNZ<br />

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facebook.com/FourSquareNZ<br />

Specials availableSouthIslandonly from Monday18th <strong>October</strong>untilSunday 31st<br />

<strong>October</strong>20<strong>21</strong>orwhilestocks last. Wine and beer availableatstoreswithanoff<br />

licence.Wineand beer purchases restricted to persons aged 18 years old and over.

Deaths<br />

CRAWFORD, Marylin Ann:<br />

Peacefully at Rosebank<br />

Residential Care <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

after along illness, on<strong>October</strong><br />

20, 20<strong>21</strong>, aged 81 years. Dearly<br />

lovedwifeofthe late Kevin and<br />

mother of Jayne, and Paule,<br />

and grandmother of Jack, and<br />

Molly.<br />

Reunited with Kevin at last.<br />

Messages to; c/- The Crawford<br />

Family, PO Box 6035,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7742. A service<br />

to celebrate Marylin’s life will<br />

be held graveside, atArundel<br />

Cemetery, Pratt Road, Peel<br />

Forest on FRIDAY <strong>October</strong> 22,<br />

at 1pm.<br />

Family Notices<br />

Memorial Service<br />

SMITH; Helen Esme,<br />

12.4.1931 – 30.8.20<strong>21</strong>:<br />

Karen, Grant, Brent, Vicki and<br />

family would like to invite and<br />

welcome you to a memorial<br />

afternoon to be held at 2pm,<br />

Friday 22nd of <strong>October</strong> at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Club and MSA, in<br />

their Social Hall.<br />

We would also like to take<br />

this opportunity to sincerely<br />

thank everyone who sent their<br />

heartfelt sympathy and love by<br />

cards, calls and flowers. It was<br />

of great support at the very sad<br />

time when our loving mother<br />

slipped from our lives. Thanks<br />

again toall.<br />

Love you Mum, you were<br />

‘Simply the Best’.<br />

NEWS<br />

10 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />

Readersflock tobooksale<br />

0800 2MEMORY<br />

027 637 1229<br />

Deaths<br />

MANSON Phyllis Margaret,<br />

on <strong>October</strong> 15, 20<strong>21</strong>. Passed<br />

away peacefully at <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

aged 72 years. Dearly loved<br />

wife of Alan. Much loved<br />

mother of Peter, Terry, Aaron,<br />

and Brendon, and loved<br />

stepmother of John, Ricky and<br />

Nicola, Michelle and Jason,<br />

and Justin. Loved Nana of all<br />

her grandchildren. Messages<br />

to the Manson family c/- PO<br />

Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. A<br />

Memorial service tocelebrate<br />

Phyllis’ life will be held at<br />

our chapel, cnr East and Cox<br />

Streets, <strong>Ashburton</strong> on Friday<br />

<strong>October</strong> 22, commencing at<br />

2.00pm.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

Family<br />

Notices<br />

Birth, engagement,<br />

anniversary, death,<br />

acknowledgement, and<br />

in memoriam notices<br />

will be charged $18<br />

foramaximum of 35<br />

words, thereafterona<br />

per-line basis of $2.50<br />

for5words.<br />

Deadline forthese<br />

notices 4pm Tuesday<br />

prior to Thursday<br />

publication date.<br />

Family owned,<br />

locally owned<br />

22 MooreStreet,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

0800 263 6679<br />

2413353<br />

Bookarama opened its doors on Monday at the Tancred Street sports hall, with asteady stream of bookworms filling<br />

bags with books, magazines and puzzles. The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Rotary Club project has been running for 42 years and the<br />

funds raised support local initiatives and causes. Bookarama is open today until 5.30pm, and Friday until 8.30pm. It<br />

finishes at noon on Saturday.<br />


Complete<br />

Local Care<br />

Since 1982<br />

Names and information are sought for this photo dating back to the 1930s.<br />

Names sought for photo<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Western Ward<br />

councillor Rodger Lethamis<br />

keen to find out abit more<br />

aboutafamily photo he<br />

recently unearthed.<br />

He believes the photo<br />

dates back to 1937 or 1938<br />

anditfeatureshis late father<br />

Selwyn.<br />

It was found in an old<br />

satchel.<br />

Mr Letham is guessing the<br />

photo showstwo opposing<br />

hockeyteams because of the<br />

clothing worn.<br />

‘‘Dad played for the<br />

BarrhillHockey Club back<br />

in the day and I’m just<br />

interested in gettingsome<br />

names, or finding out what<br />

theoccasion wasfor the<br />

photo.<br />

‘‘Tomeitlooks like apostgame<br />

gathering and Ithink<br />

there might be aLemon<br />

family member in the front<br />

row, but I’m just notsure.’’<br />

Mr Letham’s father is<br />

pictured on the extreme left<br />

of the back row and lived to<br />

the grandage of 91.<br />

Anyone withinformation<br />

about the photo can emailus<br />

via<br />

office@ashburtoncourier.<br />

co.nz or call 3087664.

Our longweekend dealslasteven<br />

longer than thelong weekend.<br />

TV DEALS<br />

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60 months on<br />

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Boom 3Wireless<br />

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Offers validuntil Tuesday26th<strong>October</strong> 20<strong>21</strong>,while stocks last, unless otherwisestated. Some products on display in selected stores only –please call 0800764 847tocheck availability.Personalshoppers only.*Apple, selected computers,game<br />

consoles, gift cards, clearance items and some promotional items are not available in conjunction with interest free offers. Flooring available on amaximum of18months interest free. Exclusions, fees, terms, conditions and credit criteria apply.<br />

Available in-store only.Equal instalment amountsinclude one-off booking feeof$45.00,annual fees of $45.00 p.a., andsecurityregistrationfee of $8.05, andexclude insurance. Current interest rate of 23.95%appliestoany unpaid balanceand<br />

afterexpiryof(any) interest free period. Seein-storeorvisit smithscity.co.nz/interest-freefor details. #Discount is offour full retail priceand not available in conjunctionwithany other offer.







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<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 34<br />

<strong>21</strong> <strong>October</strong> 20<strong>21</strong><br />

DeputyPrincipal Message<br />

Term Four and End-of-Year<br />

This term is usually marked by araftofend-of-year<br />

activities, including thoseassociatedwith farewells<br />

to our students who areleaving<strong>Ashburton</strong>College<br />

at the endof20<strong>21</strong>.<br />

Assemblies and Prize-Givings:<br />

Information Will Follow<br />

However, this year, the Blues and Final Assembly<br />

where students are recognised for their Sporting<br />

and Cultural achievements; the announcement of<br />

the winning House for 20<strong>21</strong>; the Year 13 Graduation Ceremony and Year<br />

11 and12Prize-givingnow need to have adifferentformatfromprevious<br />

years,asoutlined in the Forthcoming Events section.<br />

These decisions willbecommunicatedwith families and students.<br />

School Transport<br />

As per the Government’s COVID-19 update on Monday 11<strong>October</strong>, new<br />

guidelines have been given toschools with regard tostudents wearing<br />

facecoverings when on school transport.<br />

Thedetailaroundthis is furtherthrough this newsletter and,again, we do<br />

thankyou foryour assistancewith this.<br />

Head Students 2022<br />

Eleven students, four boys and seven girls, have put their name forward<br />

to be considered foraHead Student position for2022.<br />

The rigorous process of choosing for the four positions of Head and<br />

Deputy students, started with voting by their peers inYear 12, and staff.<br />

This year, nine candidates will speak to the whole school followed by<br />

another round of voting from all students and staff.The ninecandidates<br />

then have an interview with the Principal, Head ofSenior School, a<br />

Deputy Principal and the Mayor, before all information is collated, and<br />

adecision ismadeand thenannounced at the Year 11/12 Prize-giving.<br />

Additional Leadership Opportunities<br />

There are many more leadership opportunities available for Year 13<br />

students next year. Sixty six students have already indicated they wish<br />

to have aleadershiprole in 2022 and willattend the Leadership Camp at<br />

Mt Hutt Retreat, from 26 Januaryto28January2022.<br />

It is here the Student Executive and House Captains are elected after<br />

threedaysofteam-building activities.<br />

Appreciation to 20<strong>21</strong> Head Students and Year Group Legacy<br />

Iwould like to acknowledge the wonderful work the20<strong>21</strong> HeadStudents<br />

–Thomas Patterson, Milli Sullivan, Alex Rielly and Easterlin Faamausili -<br />

have done this year and the legacy their year group will leave. This is<br />

amulti-language welcome sign to<strong>Ashburton</strong> College, which will serve<br />

as an inclusivewelcome forour ever-growing, ethnically-diverse student<br />

population.<br />

Helen Shore-Taylor<br />

DeputyPrincipal •Tumuaki Tuarua<br />

Information<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College Year 9<br />

Academic Scholarships for2022<br />

Criteria and application forms arenow available<br />

from your child’s school.<br />

TheClosing Date forapplicationsis<br />

Monday 15 November 20<strong>21</strong>, 12 noon.<br />

Theacademic examinations will be held at <strong>Ashburton</strong>College<br />

on Monday22November from 9:00am–11:15am.<br />

Enquiries and applications to be made to<br />

Sheena Tyrrell,ManagementAdministrator,<br />

Email: ts@ashcoll.school.nz<br />

Phone: 308 4193, extension 812; 027 247 8003.<br />

Please notethatthese Scholarships are<br />

Academic ExcellenceScholarships.<br />

Reminders: NCEA Exams –Please Note Dates<br />

and Arrangements<br />

NCEA External Exams<br />

• End of Year external exams will now start two weeks later,<br />

commencing Monday 22 November and running through until<br />

Tuesday 14 December.<br />

• External Portfolios in Art, and Design and Visual Communication<br />

deadlines willalso be pushed out by twoweeks.<br />

Level3Visual Art; Levels 1-3 Technology andLevel 1DVC –<br />

ChangedSubmission Dates<br />

With the extended lockdownand subsequentdisruption to learning,NZQA<br />

has extended the time available toschools to develop and collect relevant<br />

candidate evidencerequiredfor external assessmentfor subjects/standards<br />

whereevidenceissubmitted.<br />

Thedeadline forthisis10 November 20<strong>21</strong>.<br />

Information<br />

COVID Level2Arrangements –<br />

Information and Reminders<br />

Year 9-13 Students Required to Wear Masks on School Transport<br />

As per the Government’sCOVID-19 update on Monday11<strong>October</strong>,<br />

new guidelines have been giventoschools with regardtostudents<br />

wearing facecoverings when on school transport.<br />

College families were advised of this by email on Wednesday13<strong>October</strong>.<br />

This is amandatory requirement.<br />

Face coverings arerequired to be worn by Year 9to13students when on<br />

school transport, at all AlertLevels.<br />

This means daily school bus travel,<br />

plus anytravel in school vehicles (mini-vans,cars) when on school trips.<br />

We have to advise –that‘no mask means no travel’<br />

in anyofthe abovecircumstances.<br />

We thank youfor,and appreciate,your assistancewith this,<br />

in whatisanever-changing environment.<br />

Reminder re College Protocols<br />

Illness–Students MustStayatHomePlease:<br />

Level2Guidelines arebeing followed.<br />

If your child has acold or is unwell they should not be attending College.<br />

Whereastudentcomes to school sick,beadvised we will<br />

contactyou to ask youtocollect them from College.<br />

Forthcoming Events<br />

Please note: dates are as at the time of publishing. Alterations, due to<br />

COVID-level restrictions will be advised to relevant groups as soon as<br />

details areknown.<br />

<strong>October</strong><br />

<strong>21</strong> Year 12 Business Studies Market Day, Chessboard<br />

25 Labour Day–Public Holiday<br />

27 Year 12 Animal Handling Group 3, Mayfield<br />

Year 11 Outdoor Education Tramp,Woolshed Creek<br />

28 National ‘Shake Out’day<br />

Cultural and Sporting Blues Presentations (toberecorded and<br />

available to viewonthe College website)<br />

28-29 Year 9/10 Matesand Dates<br />

29 CANCELLED –AorakiSports Awards Evening,Timaru<br />

(Awardsstill to be made)<br />

30 Canterbury SecondarySchools’Dressage,McLean’s Island,<br />

Christchurch<br />

30-31 SISS 7’sTournament, Timaru<br />

November<br />

01 Year 9/10 Matesand Dates<br />

01-03 Year 12 Outdoor Education, Hanmer Springs<br />

02 Shave foraCure<br />

03 Year 12 Chainsaws Day3,location tba<br />

Cultural Bites<br />

Year 9/10 Matesand Dates<br />

BoardofTrustees meeting,TurretRoom, Menorlue,6:15pm<br />

05 Staff vStudent Chess Match, College Chessboard<br />

End-of-Year and Senior Prize-Giving Dates<br />

We remind families that, due to the startofNCEA examsbeingpushed<br />

back, ithas been decided to also move back the following dates. Due<br />

to Covid Level2restrictions we nowadvise thefollowing adjustments:<br />

SeniorStudentPrize-givingDates 20<strong>21</strong><br />

These will nowbeheld on-siteatCollege,inschool time and withoutan<br />

audience. However, thepresentations willberecordedand available to<br />

viewonthe College web-site. Further details will be senttofamilies.<br />

• Year 13 -Wednesday10November<br />

• Year 11 and 12 -Monday 15 November<br />

Last dayofschool attendance forSenior Students as follows:<br />

• Year 13 last dayofschoolThursday11November<br />

• Years 11 and 12 last dayofschoolWednesday17November<br />

Last dayofschool attendance and Prize-givings forJunior Students:<br />

Pleasenoteslightchanges to these dates, and achange from previous<br />

prize-givingtimes.<br />

• Year 9 Thursday09December: Prize-giving 5:30pm,<br />

College Auditorium<br />

• Year 10 Thursday09December: Prize-giving 7:30pm,<br />

College Auditorium<br />

Forthcoming Public HolidayDates:<br />

Labour Day<br />

Monday25<strong>October</strong><br />

CanterburyAnniversaryDay Friday12November<br />

Additional College Date foryour Diaries:<br />

Thursday 25 November ACCORD TeacherOnly Day<br />

(MoE/PPTA/NZEI)<br />

(Collegeclosedfor instruction)<br />

Events<br />

OutdoorEducation Mountain Biking<br />

During the past few weeks of Term Three all Outdoor Education<br />

studentshit the <strong>Ashburton</strong>MountainBiketrack to work on their skills<br />

and fitness leading to their upcomingtripsinTerm Four.<br />

Forthcoming Trips<br />

Head of Outdoor Education Luke Martin said that, due tolockdown, both<br />

theYear11and Year 12 trips were postponedand will be happeningearly in<br />

Term Four when both groups will be heading to Hanmer Springs to tackle<br />

the downhill trails.<br />

Year 10 students will be testing their fitness later inthe term with an<br />

overnight trip toHakatere, biking the river trail the whole way there and<br />

back.<br />

Skills<br />

At all Year levels the skill level varies greatly,and Luke said it hasbeen great<br />

seeing the more able riders helping their peers and giving them tips to<br />

improvetheirown riding.<br />

Additionally, after all classes get the basics of fixing apuncture -just in<br />

case(!) -it’sofftothe track.<br />

It’s nevernicefalling off on asharpslipperyturn or going over the handlebars<br />

afterbraking toohard, but foracoupleofYear 10 studentsithappened.<br />

Fortunately therewerenoserious injuries and it makesfor somegreat chat<br />

amongsteach otherafterwards. Apparently this usually endsupwith some<br />

crazystory of they were going‘real fast’or‘did areally big jump’.<br />

Track Repairs<br />

Sincethe floods, the work thathas gone intogetting the damaged parts of<br />

the track back<br />

to arideable<br />

condition<br />

has been<br />

amazingand,<br />

as aschool,<br />

Luke noted<br />

we really<br />

appreciate<br />

this especially<br />

as it is sucha<br />

greatresource<br />

forustouse<br />

forstudents.<br />

ScienceStudents Learn About LocalWaterways<br />

Information provided by Anna Gray<br />

On Friday10September members of the Year 12 Scienceclass went to<br />

Argyle Park to learn about our local waterways. Errol and Kelvin from<br />

WaterWatch Lincoln came down to join our class,sowecould taketests<br />

and runexperiments on the creek forour internal assessment.<br />

We learned many different things about the aspects of water, how water<br />

can be affected, and about the living organisms in the water. For example:<br />

oxygen levels,nitratelevels,the conductivityofthe water, salts and minerals<br />

in the water, and we even got aclose-up look at some insects that were<br />

found in the creek.<br />

We got to carry out many different tests, using special equipment. The<br />

knowledge and information we gathered with the help of Errol and Kelvin<br />

really benefited us withnew general knowledge and skills.<br />

(Pictured right, left to right): Anna Gray and<br />

Ruby Gray measuring Nitrate and Phosphate<br />

levels in water, with Riley Tindall helping them.<br />

It was really great tosee everything in person<br />

which really helped when writing our reports.<br />

We also learned that human activity has ahuge<br />

impactonour waterways and thatitisimportant<br />

to look after the ecological health of the river<br />

because it gives a place for many animals<br />

and insects to live, and provides water for our<br />

community.<br />

Sustainability isalso very important as, if we want the rivers and creeks to<br />

be around for years to come, weneed to act more sustainably and think<br />

about whatweare doing thatisnegatively affecting our waterways and do<br />

our best to stop.<br />

(Pictured above,left, lefttoright): -SemisiBalenaisa and Dion Reid collecting<br />

watersamples forvariousmeasurements,with MattyColcord, in thegroup<br />

collecting data.<br />

(Pictured above, right, front, left to right): Kane McDonnell and<br />

Ashton McGrath measuring water temperature and oxygen levels; helped<br />

by Waterwatchpersonnel.

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 34<br />

<strong>21</strong> <strong>October</strong> 20<strong>21</strong><br />

Events<br />

Staff vStudentExecutiveDodgeball Challenge<br />

This entertaining challenge took place onthe final day ofTerm Three,<br />

with the Student Executive desperate to avenge previous losses<br />

against the staff.<br />

Staff Team Captain Luke Martin, in the true spirit of serious sporting<br />

clashes, introduced the dynamic squad of teachers, and set the scene and<br />

intent of the teachers. Feel free to read these through, designed to have the<br />

students shaking in their sports shoes.<br />

• Withahip,hop andalittle twirlshe will make your dodgeball lifehell-it’s<br />

Ms Julia Bell<br />

• He’sjumpier than the frogs he dissects in Science-it’sMrPeteLee<br />

• He’s stealth, he’s sneaky, he’s so fast he will leave avapour trail -it’s<br />

Mr James List<br />

• She’s good with numbers, but she only needs one to knock you out -it’s<br />

Ms Stacey Monk<br />

• You’ll beflattened like apanini when Vannini is done with you -it’s Mr<br />

Jason Vannini<br />

• He’ll be throwing dodgeball haymakers all day-it’s Mr Jono Hay<br />

• The RedHouse Leader is coming forblood -it’sMissGeorgia Keenan<br />

• Don’t mess with TheBrucenator-it’sMrs Abbey Bruce<br />

• Hehas got aDodgeballScholarship from the Uni of Canterbury–it’sour<br />

studentteacher Oliver McKeown<br />

• The real Tongan Thor -it’s MrTevita ‘Asi (pictured above,infull flight with<br />

ball in hand)<br />

• IndubiousGerman‘Ist der volkerBallgott’it’sthe German Dodgeball God<br />

-MrTom Kitchen<br />

• You’ll behistory when Mr Sandrey is through with you -it’s MrPatrick<br />

Sandrey<br />

• He’s been here since the beginning of time, your Grandparents and<br />

Parentswill know him better than youdo-it’s Mr Dave Christensen<br />

Thetwo referees –Ben Middleton forthe students and Jayne Cornelius for<br />

the staff –did theirbest to control the antics.<br />

However, although the matches ebbed and flowed, the students were no<br />

match(again)for the mightofthe staff and their Dodgeball prowess.<br />

(Pictured above,leftand right): Head BoyThomasPatterson and DeputyHead<br />

BoyAlexRielly winding up foraction.<br />

Thecompetition ended in awhitewash, with the staff team taking<br />

their spoils 3-0, and retaining the prestigious<br />

StudentvStaff Competitions Trophy.<br />

(Pictured above): Teams’photo, but with the trophyfirmly held,centrefront<br />

row, by (leftand right) Tevita ‘Asi and Jason Vannini.<br />

Congratulations<br />

Junior Boys’BBasketball Team Triumphed<br />

in Competition<br />

Three College teams contested the South Canterbury Secondary Schools’<br />

Basketball Competition finals,onFriday17September.<br />

Trophyand Grade Winners<br />

TheCollege Junior Boys’Bteam broughthome theBGrade trophy, for<br />

their fine efforts.<br />

Finals PlayResults<br />

Teacher Andrew Shepherd said that unfortunately the Junior Ateams, on<br />

this occasion, couldn’t quite‘get going’intheir respectivegames.<br />

The results were -<br />

•Junior Boys’BGrade Final:<br />

•Junior Girls’AGrade Final:<br />

•Junior Boys’AGrade Final:<br />

AshColl Junior Boys’B46 –14over<br />

Timaru Boys’High School<br />

AshColl Junior Girls’A23 -33against<br />

Waimate High School<br />

AshColl Junior Boys’A28 -38against<br />

Timaru Boys’High School<br />

Junior Boys’BTeam<br />

(Pictured left, back row,<br />

lefttoright):<br />

Oliver Williams,<br />

Jaykob Argyle,<br />

Elliott Ward, SamJessep,<br />

Josh King.<br />

(Middle row,lefttoright):<br />

Riley Wall,Guy Ward,<br />

Riley Broker,<br />

Riley Prendergast.<br />

(Front row):<br />

Oliver-Jack Munro.<br />

(Absent): Niel Vincente.<br />

Coach of the team was<br />

TarynDouglas,and<br />

Manager MelKing.<br />

AGrade Team Members<br />

AshColl Junior Girls’ ATeam –Jorja Abernethy, Briar Clark, Casey Cousins,<br />

Libby Feutz, Izzy Harris, Harriet Hill, Grace Johnston, Hannah Joyce,<br />

Taylor Lamont, Yasmin Larry, Penny Marriott, Holly Ngutu, Milla Overend,<br />

Angel Spooner.<br />

AshColl Junior Boys’ A Team – Jaykob Argyle, Newel Buenafe,<br />

Daniel Ditmer, Nikau Forsyth-Pakinga, Ashlin Hala’ufia, Sam Jessep,<br />

Josh King, Jesse Nieman, Kingsley Olawale, Taniela Palavi, TomPatterson,<br />

Olly Prince,Elliott Ward, Oliver Williams.<br />

TC Trusler-Clarkselectedfor<br />

CanterburyUnder 19 Rugby<br />

TC Trusler-Clarkwho plays forthe Mid Canterbury Combined team (AshColl<br />

and Mt Hutt Colleges), also plays in the Christchurch competition, for the<br />

High School Old Boys’RugbyFootballClub and, mid-September,was named<br />

in theCanterburyUnder19Red Team.<br />

The Canterbury Rugby Football Union (CRFU) says that 20<strong>21</strong> has seen the<br />

return ofthe Canterbury Girls’ Representative Programme, but in aslightly<br />

different format.<br />

With Level 4lockdown, there was the need to change the South Island<br />

Tournament programme, resulting in the Canterbury Rugby Union<br />

gettingtogether with other Provincial Unionsfromaround theSouthIsland<br />

to create anew path forwardinthe female representativespace.<br />

20<strong>21</strong> has also brought ashift in the age range from Under 18 to Under 19<br />

to allow more female players to not only experience ahigh-performance<br />

environment and have an opportunity to play for Canterbury, but<br />

alsohelping to prepare themfor higher opportunitieslikeFarah PalmerCup<br />

in thefuture and beyond.<br />

TwoTeamsSelected<br />

As aresult, Canterbury selected forty five players making up two teams,<br />

Canterbury Red and Canterbury Black. The team has now played a<br />

tournament fixture ofthree games inOamaru against Otago, Southland<br />

and a Barbarians side (a team made up of amixture of provincial unions)<br />

winning all three games by impressivemargins:being35-10 againstOtago,<br />

35-0against Southland and57-5 against the Barbarians side.<br />

(Pictured right):<br />

TC Trusler-Clark going<br />

in foratry in the game<br />

against Southland.<br />

CRFUFemale<br />

Development<br />

Manager Liz<br />

Worthingtonsaid they<br />

have seen some real<br />

depth developing<br />

withinour female<br />

game, so they took<br />

the opportunityto<br />

get as many of them<br />

involved as possible in<br />

thisprogramme.<br />

In addition to looking at cluband school games, they alsoheld atrial,which<br />

helped selection of the girls named in the Red and Black teams, for what<br />

was an exciting opportunity for them to pull on the Canterbury jersey and<br />

connectwith what it meanstoplayfor Canterbury.<br />

First PlaceatAorakiSecondarySchools’<br />

Table Tennis Championships 20<strong>21</strong><br />

Held on the last dayofTermThree,this year’s tournament washosted<br />

at theBarryButler TableTennis Stadium in Timaru.<br />

College Sports Co-ordinator Darion Gray said that it was sosatisfying<br />

to see our young people donning school colours and playing with such<br />

enthusiasm and passion. This year there was no Festival Grade in order to<br />

lessen entries to remain withinCovid number requirements.<br />

TheChampionship Grade wascomprised of nineteams.<br />

Teams<br />

College had two teams involved –the AshColl 1team of Ollie Bubb and<br />

Tyler Leonard; and the AshColl 2team of Jack Ellis and Tristin Wills.<br />

Reportedly there weremanytoughbattles and very close results in most of<br />

the matches played.<br />

Final Results<br />

1st place <strong>Ashburton</strong>College 1<br />

2nd place Mountainview HighSchool 2<br />

3rdplace Roncalli College Gold<br />

Belowwelookatour players in action:<br />

(Pictured above far end): Ollie Bubb in action against Roncalli College<br />

opposition.<br />

(Pictured above, far end): Jack Ellis vRoncalli College, with College player<br />

Tristin Wills scoring.<br />

(Pictured above, far end): Tyler Leonard also against Roncalli College<br />

opposition.<br />

(Pictured above, far end): Tristin Wills against Mountainview High School<br />



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RURAL<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />

17<br />

Vaccination to support business<br />

Mid Canterbury dairy farmers<br />

Dinuka and Nadeeka Gamage<br />

believe vaccination against<br />

Covid­19 is vital to help protect<br />

their family, staff and<br />

business.<br />

The 20<strong>21</strong> Canterbury/North<br />

Otago Share Farmers of the<br />

Year contract milk 980 cows<br />

for Dairy Holdings Ltd at<br />

Ealing near <strong>Ashburton</strong>, where<br />

they employ three full­time<br />

staff.<br />

Dinuka said getting<br />

vaccinated was important,<br />

especially for rural<br />

communities.<br />

‘‘The vaccine is part of our<br />

plan to shield our business<br />

from the virus. “All five of us,<br />

and our 15­year­old son, have<br />

had the first dose of the<br />

vaccine. We’re booked in to<br />

have our second dose this<br />

month.”<br />

The Gamage’s are from Sri<br />

Lanka and their staff come<br />

from India and Argentina.<br />

Until the borders reopen, they<br />

remain cut off from their<br />

whānau.<br />

“We’re like many people<br />

working in New Zealand’s<br />

primary sector, we haven’t<br />

seen our families overseas for<br />

along time,” he said.<br />

“The more people we can get<br />

fully vaccinated, the sooner<br />

borders will hopefully reopen<br />

to allow travel and help ease<br />

workforce issues.”<br />

It’s asentiment echoed by<br />

Federated Farmers, which is<br />

encouraging all farmers to<br />

support their staff to get<br />

vaccinated.<br />

Federated Farmers<br />

employment spokesperson<br />

Chris Lewis knew farmers<br />

were flat­tack with calving and<br />

lambing, and now mating was<br />

starting on dairy farms.<br />

‘‘But there’s nothing more<br />

important than the health of<br />

your family, your staff and<br />

their families.<br />

“If your nearest urban centre<br />

has awalk­in vaccination<br />

centre, or aGPclinic is willing<br />

to take ashort­notice booking,<br />

you might even send in astaff<br />

member with afew dollars to<br />

pick up amorning or afternoon<br />

tea shout for the rest of the<br />

team.”<br />

Lockdowns and limits on<br />

gathering sizes have forced the<br />

cancellation of events such as<br />

field days, discussion groups,<br />

sporting fixtures and A&P<br />

shows.<br />

Photo above: Dairy farmers Nadeeka and Dinuka Gamage know<br />

how important covid vaccinations are, especially for rural<br />

communities, right, Fonterra chief executive officer Miles Hurrell<br />

getting his covid vaccination.<br />

Rural Women New Zealand<br />

president Gill Naylor said<br />

everyone needed social<br />

connections.<br />

‘‘In rural New Zealand we<br />

often work on our own or<br />

within small teams, more so<br />

now with current staff<br />

shortages, so social and<br />

networking opportunities are a<br />

lifeline for our mental health<br />

and wellbeing.”<br />

“High vaccination rates are<br />

one of the tools that will enable<br />

restrictions to be eased.”<br />

The primary sector’s largest<br />

employers have been part of<br />

workplace pilots to make it<br />

easier for workers to be<br />

vaccinated.<br />

Dairy co­operative Fonterra<br />

employed more than 12,000<br />

people across its New Zealand<br />

manufacturing sites,<br />

distribution centres, offices<br />

and Farm Source stores.<br />

Fonterra’s director of global<br />

quality and safety Greg<br />

McCollough said more than<br />

7500 vaccines had been<br />

administered to employees.<br />

“Vaccinations were<br />

available on­site at most of our<br />

workplaces. Where there were<br />

too few employees at any one<br />

office or site, those people<br />

were given time to go to<br />

workplaces where the<br />

vaccination clinics were<br />

happening.”<br />

“We made it as easy as<br />

possible for people who work<br />

on our sites to have<br />

vaccinations.”<br />

The dairy co­op’s<br />

vaccination drive was part of<br />

sector­wide efforts to prevent<br />

disruptions during the busy<br />

spring period, when milk<br />

production peaks.<br />

“Keeping milk collection<br />

and processing going is crucial<br />

for our farmers, the welfare of<br />

animals and to continue<br />

getting milk on the table for<br />

New Zealanders,” he said.<br />

The meat processing<br />

industry is New Zealand’s<br />

largest manufacturing sector<br />

and directly employs more<br />

than 25,000 people.<br />

As summer loomed it was<br />

vital the sector’s processing<br />

capacity was not affected by<br />

positive cases of covid. Some<br />

processors had offered on­site<br />

vaccinations.<br />

High vaccination rates also<br />

enabled horticulture<br />

businesses to operate<br />

efficiently again and source<br />

workers to harvest crops.<br />

Vegetables New Zealand<br />

general manager Antony<br />

Heywood said approaching the<br />

busy summer season the<br />

workforce doubled to harvest<br />

strawberries and seasonal<br />

vegetables.<br />

‘‘High vaccination rates will<br />

ensure people can move freely<br />

to where they are needed to<br />

pick crops.’’<br />

Vaccinations were free and<br />

one of the most powerful tools<br />

against covid.<br />

IN BRIEF<br />


Overcoming difficulties and<br />

challenges of disaster recovery<br />

will be the focus of afloodrecovery<br />

speaker eventorganised<br />

byRural Support Trust, Waitaha<br />

Primary Health and<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

DistrictCouncil next month. The<br />

free RecoveringWell event, with<br />

guest speakers psychologist and<br />

author Michael Hempseed, and<br />

rural health advocate Pup<br />

Chamberlain, isonatthe MtHutt<br />

Memorial Hall, Methven on<br />

November 3from7pm.<br />

Learnwhatscience says about<br />

long term impacts of adisaster,<br />

how you can look outand support<br />

thosestruggling, and learn some<br />

strategies to strengthen your<br />

resilience.<br />

Anyone can attend butmust<br />

register at Eventbrite.co.nz<br />


Woolsof NewZealand(WNZ)and<br />

Primary WoolCo-operative(PWC)<br />

shareholders areencouragedto<br />

register for aseriesofonline<br />

meetingsaheadofavote on the<br />

proposed merger of operations<br />

between WNZ and Primary Wool<br />

Co-operative-owned CP Wool.<br />

Underthe proposed merger, the<br />

grower-owned export and<br />

marketing company WNZ and<br />

PWC will remain theshareholding<br />

vehicles while anew entity will<br />

jointly own the combined trading<br />

business of WNZ and CPW.<br />

Voting papers have been sent to<br />

shareholders.<br />


The NewZealandagriculture,land<br />

use and forestry sectorhas been<br />

ranked No 1of32nations forthe<br />

way it is gettingto grips with<br />

climatechangeissues.<br />

Thejust-published Net Zero<br />

ReadinessIndex (NZRI),global<br />

consultancy KPMGexamined 103<br />

indicatorsofcommitmentand<br />

performance on decarbonizingin<br />

32countries; responsible for<br />

around three-quarters of global<br />

emissions.<br />

It rankedNZ’s overall national<br />

performanceatNo9,withNorway,<br />

the UKand Swedentaking outthe<br />

top three places. On the<br />

agriculture, landuse andforestry<br />

leaguetable, NewZealand wasat<br />

No 1, withthe report’s authors<br />

notinghighlevelsofforest<br />

biomass, low levels of food loss, a<br />

comparatively high numberof<br />

agriculturalclean tech companies<br />

and theHeWaka EkeNoa<br />

government and food and fibre<br />

sector climate action partnership.<br />

Pastoral growth<br />


Growingcompliance challenges on­farm has<br />

seenCarrfields Grain &Seed increase its<br />

pastoralagronomy teamtomeetgrowing<br />

demand for on­farm services. The teamhas<br />

grown fromone pastoral agronomist to six in<br />

just six months.<br />

Thereare nowrepresentatives spread<br />

across somekey South Island locationsof<br />

North Canterbury, Mid Canterburyand<br />

CentralOtago.<br />

CarrfieldsGrain &Seed NewZealand<br />

sales manager Lyndon Anderson said the<br />

growth in the team is theresult of astrategic<br />

business decision to invest further into<br />

pastoralagronomy.<br />

“Weidentified aclear opportunity to add<br />

value in the pastoral agronomy space, while<br />

also working more closely with farmers to<br />

navigate apath through the myriad changes<br />

facing thepastoral sector from aregulatory<br />

and compliancepoint of view,” he said.<br />

“Farmers are facing numerous challenges<br />

... the business foresaw aneed to have<br />

representatives to help farmers tackle these<br />

issues and adapt to change, he said.<br />

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RURAL<br />

18 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Sunflowers aworthy option<br />

Growing sunflowers to produce<br />

high­oleicoil could provide<br />

additional income for New<br />

Zealand growers as a<br />

rotationalcropduringthe<br />

summer period, newresearch<br />

hasfound.<br />

Foundationfor Arable<br />

Research(FAR)has finished<br />

its three­year project looking<br />

at crop options to raise<br />

profitability andprovide<br />

alternative land uses.<br />

The project received $90,000<br />

throughthe Ministry for<br />

Primary Industries’(MPI’s)<br />

Sustainable Farming Fund and<br />

high­oleicvarieties of<br />

sunflowers were identifiedasa<br />

promising crop.<br />

FAR general manager<br />

business operations Ivan<br />

Lawrie said research had<br />

shown New Zealand had the<br />

conditions to grow successful<br />

sunflower crops with yield<br />

potential more than 4.5tonnes<br />

perhectare.<br />

‘‘What’s more, consumer<br />

demand is strong forhigh­oleic<br />

sunflower oil, which is atopquality<br />

oil withahigher smoke<br />

point than regularsunflower<br />

oil,and many sought­after<br />

health attributes, including<br />

low saturatedfat content and<br />

high monounsaturated fat,’’ he<br />

said.<br />

The project focused on<br />

sunflower agronomy during the<br />

past two years,working with<br />

Pure Oil NZ,which provided<br />

grower contracts and extracted<br />

the oil fromthe seed.<br />

FAR’s Ivan Lawrie among sunflowers at Chertsey back in 2019.<br />


Researchers were especially<br />

interested in determining how<br />

growers could produce a<br />

profitable crop in sufficient<br />

quantities to meet demand.<br />

They trialledtwo linesof<br />

hybrid seeds from France.<br />

‘‘We’ve established that<br />

growers need at least 60,000<br />

plants per hectare to havea<br />

successful crop.<br />

‘‘Growers needreasonably<br />

big paddocksto contendwith<br />

bird damage because<br />

unfortunatelybirds are<br />

especially keen on the<br />

sunflowers. The project has<br />

lookedatsome of the optical<br />

and sonic devicescurrently<br />

availabletodeter birds, and<br />

further work is required in this<br />

area."<br />

Sunflowers hadthe<br />

advantage of growing at atime<br />

of yearwhen there was limited<br />

competition from other crops.<br />

They also requiredminimal<br />

chemicals or fertilisers to<br />

grow, were low cost, and<br />

‘‘prettymuch self­sufficient<br />

until they’re ripe and ready to<br />

harvest.’’<br />

‘‘In addition, as adeeprooting<br />

plant, sunflowers<br />

providegood soil aeration and<br />

soil conditioning for the next<br />

crop in therotation.<br />

Sunflowershave proven to be a<br />

good predecessor cropfor<br />

wheat, for example,’’ he said.<br />

And nothingwent to waste in<br />

theprocessingofsunflower<br />

seeds; crushedseed,with oil<br />

extracted, wasagoodanimal<br />

feedfor equine and general<br />

feed markets.<br />

Beingclose to processing<br />

plants waskey,MrLawrie said.<br />

‘‘Our trials havemostly been<br />

conducted in Mid and North<br />

Canterbury because that’s<br />

where the oilcrushing plant is<br />

based. Butwe’re increasingly<br />

getting calls fromgrowers in<br />

other regions, including the<br />

North Island, whoare keento<br />

giveitago.<br />

‘‘However, they’dneed to<br />

factorinthe cost of freightto<br />

gettheir sunflowers<br />

processed.’’<br />

Thehigh­oleic sunflower oil<br />

produced so far by themore<br />

than 20 growers involvedinthe<br />

project wasusedbysnack<br />

manufacturers to makehigh<br />

quality potato chips.<br />

Thesunflower oil could also<br />

be purchasedinits extravirgin<br />

form from supermarkets across<br />

NewZealand under thebrand,<br />

The GoodOil.<br />

‘‘The demand is currently<br />

domestic but thereispotential<br />

to create someexports if we get<br />

thevolumes up.’’<br />

Finalists<br />

named<br />

Mid Canterbury business<br />

woman Rebecca Miller, of<br />

MilkIQ, has been named a<br />

finalist in theWestpac<br />

Champion Business Awards.<br />

Mrs Miller, whofarms at<br />

Ealing andischairperson of<br />

theFederated FarmersMid<br />

Canterbury Sharemilkers'<br />

Section, is up against two<br />

other finalistsinthe<br />

ChampionEmerging Leader<br />

award; Matty Lovell,of<br />

Electrifyand Anytime Fitness<br />

andRenee Walker, of Alliance<br />

Group and Christchurch<br />

Symphony Orchestra.<br />

Mt Hutt Ski Area is also a<br />

finalist in theChristchurch<br />

Casino Champion Customer<br />

Experience ­Medium/Large<br />

Enterprise category. Theyare<br />

up against Catalyst<br />

PerformanceAgronomy and<br />

Hanmer Springs Thermal<br />

Pools &Spa.<br />

Canterbury Employers’<br />

Chamber of Commercechief<br />

executiveLeeannWatson said<br />

thefinalistsdemonstrated a<br />

strong focusadapting to an<br />

ever­changing business<br />

environment,due to covid<br />

lockdowns,new Delta alert<br />

levelrestrictions, along with<br />

their focus on staff wellbeing.<br />

There were14award<br />

categories coveringarange of<br />

businesssizes, focus, and<br />

various stages of growth. The<br />

finalists represent arangeof<br />

sectors and the winnerswill<br />

beannounced November 24.<br />

Choosing the right helmet<br />

This Motorcycle Awareness Month,<br />

we’reasking all road users to look<br />

again formotorcyclists. Motorcyclists<br />

can be hardtosee andone look before<br />

turning is not enough.<br />

All road users need to look again to be<br />

sure the road isclear before turning.<br />

Someother toptips youcan taketoensurethe safety of<br />

motorcyclists on the road include:<br />

Slow down behind motorcyclists.<br />

Check your blind spots.<br />

Drivetothe conditions.<br />

Always use your indicators.<br />

Know that motorcycles canappearquickly.<br />

Motorcycle indicators don’tautomatically turn off.<br />

Makesurethe rider is turning before pulling out.’<br />

www.rideforever.co.nz<br />

Let’sget this straight –open-facehelmetsare significantly less safe than<br />

others.That much should be obvious when 34.6% of head impacts in crashes<br />

aretothe chin area.<br />

Flip-front or system helmets suffer<br />

from afew related weaknesses<br />

versus aconventional full-face.<br />

One is that the chinbar lock<br />

doesn’talways keep thechin bar in<br />

place in acrash. Ifyou lookatthe<br />

tests published by SHARP,you’ll<br />

see apercentage figure forflipfront<br />

helmets. It shows how often<br />

the chin bar stayed closed during theirimpacttests.The lowestfigureis17%,<br />

andseveral others only stayedclosed 20%ofthe time.<br />

Another downside of flip-front or systemhelmets is that, even if the chinbar<br />

stays in place, thestructural integrity of atwo-piece helmet is acompromise<br />

versus aonce-piece full-face. Finally,eventhough you’renot meant to,some<br />

peopleride along with the chin piece up, as though it’s an open-face helmet.<br />

So, aflip-front lid is better than an open-face,but the best design for protection<br />

is always full-face.<br />

How the helmet should fit<br />

How ahelmet fits youcan be as important as how it performs in tests. Fora<br />

start, youmustnot be able to remove it without undoingthe chin strap. To test<br />

for this, youtry to roll the helmet forwardoff your head.The chin strapshould<br />

adjust to fit closely underyourchin without feeling likeit’sstranglingyou.<br />

Next come thecloseness and comfort ofthefit. The helmet should fit snugly<br />

and evenly allaroundyour head, with no pinching or loose areas. Above all, the<br />

helmet mustfitclose enough that it won’t move around on your head,but not<br />

so it gives youaheadache.<br />

Buying ausedhelmet<br />

Avoid buyingaused helmet. Helmets should be replacedroughly everythree to<br />

fiveyears,mainly becausethe impact-absorbing liningand the inner liner will<br />

have deteriorated. And you’ll neverknow if ahelmet hasbeen dropped ontoa<br />

hardsurface,which can mean theshell is compromised.

thetrust<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong>Licensing Trust AndGroup<br />


Forthe year ended31March 20<strong>21</strong><br />


FORTHE YEAR ENDED31MARCH 20<strong>21</strong><br />


FORTHE YEAR ENDED31MARCH 20<strong>21</strong><br />


20<strong>21</strong> 2020 2019 20<strong>21</strong> 2020 2019<br />

$ $ $ $ $ $<br />

Revenue 2,238,538 2,764,350 2,747,<strong>21</strong>4 1,468,409 1,903,918 1,932,047<br />

Cost of Sales (299,659) (402,377) (384,193) (299,659) (402,377) (384,193)<br />

Gross Profit 1,938,879 2,361,973 2,363,0<strong>21</strong> 1,168,750 1,501,541 1,547,854<br />

Other Revenue 581,488 116,420 199,511 639,335 131,743 <strong>21</strong>8,559<br />

Fair Value MovementinInvestmentProperties (43,483) 976,494 366,142 (35,<strong>21</strong>4) 649,497 527,273<br />

Less Expenses (1,294,419) (2,157,650) (1,839,233) (1,089,112) (1,877,3<strong>21</strong>) (1,451,443)<br />

Less FinanceCost -Interest (130,185) (181,837) (195,919) (89) (46) (415)<br />

Gain/(Loss) on Disposal (1,794,965) - - (1,794,965) - -<br />

Operating SurplusbeforeTax and Donations (742,685) 1,115,400 893,522 (1,111,295) 405,414 841,828<br />

Income Tax(Expense)/Credit - - - - - -<br />

Operating SurplusbeforeDonations (742,685) 1,115,400 893,522 (1,111,295) 405,414 841,828<br />

Less Grants (99,451) (61,536) (66,904) (99,451) (61,536) (66,904)<br />

Net Profit/(Loss) forthe period (842,136) 1,053,864 826,618 (1,<strong>21</strong>0,746) 343,878 774,924<br />

Other ComprehensiveIncome 339,786 - - 339,786 - -<br />

Total ComprehensiveIncome (502,350) 1,053,864 826,618 (870,960) 343,878 774,924<br />


AS AT 31 MARCH 20<strong>21</strong><br />


20<strong>21</strong> 2020 2019 20<strong>21</strong> 2020 2019<br />

$ $ $ $ $ $<br />

CurrentAssets 5,168,582 1,6<strong>21</strong>,648 3,171,098 4,945,343 1,3<strong>21</strong>,122 2,949,456<br />

Non-CurrentAssets 19,875,534 24,536,742 22,161,653 11,049,415 15,687,285 13,702,937<br />

Total Assets 25,044,116 26,158,390 25,332,751 15,994,758 17,008,407 16,652,393<br />

CurrentLiabilities 439,227 582,298 638,774 238,186 374,674 365,626<br />

Non CurrentLiabilities 3,203,522 3,672,375 3,844,124 7,973 14,174 11,086<br />

Total Liabilities 3,642,749 4,254,673 4,482,898 246,159 388,848 376,712<br />

Net Assets <strong>21</strong>,401,367 <strong>21</strong>,903,717 20,849,853 15,748,599 16,619,559 16,275,681<br />

Total Equity <strong>21</strong>,401,367 <strong>21</strong>,903,717 20,849,853 15,748,599 16,619,559 16,275,681<br />

President’s Report<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Licensing Trust<br />

Theprevious 2years have been challenging forthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> LicensingTrust<br />

in much the same way that they have been for many other businesses.The<br />

occurance of Covid-19 rightatthe end of the2020 financial year caused afew<br />

headaches but had little impactonthe financialstatementstoMarch 2020.It<br />

wasearly in the 2020/<strong>21</strong>financial year where we sawthe impactofCovid-19<br />

flowthrough andimpactour financialperformance. With theDevon Tavern<br />

closed for 8Weeks revenue from hospitality operations plummeted but<br />

duetoour new business model we were not as exposedtothis eventaswe<br />

would have been previously, consequently our financial position remained<br />

strong.The impactontenantsofboth ALT&SAL wassignificant although to<br />

varying degrees.Our tenantsplayanimportantroleinthe financial strength<br />

of boththe ALTand group andour focuswas on working with tenants who<br />

needed support totry and ensure their ongoing operation, this included<br />

providingsignificantrentrelief and support. In March20<strong>21</strong> we sold the Hotel<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> to our tenant, Johny Singh. This was asignificant step towards<br />

our long term goal of reducing our exposure to hospitality and diversifying<br />

into other investment types. This includes our investmentportfolio managed<br />

by Jarden which held just over $2.5m at31March 20<strong>21</strong> and has continued<br />

to grow since through strong returns and continued investment. The<br />

importantpointfor us is that thenew business model we have put in place<br />

has proven its worth. While we were not unscathed we have de-risked our<br />

business model and areseeing the benefits of not operating in acompetitive<br />

andchallenging hospitalityenvironmentwhile at thesame time seeing the<br />

ongoing benefits of an increasingly diversified investment model.<br />

We have continued to work on our new businessmodel and have previously<br />

announcedthatweintend to reconstituteasaCommunityTrust,webelieve<br />

thatthe CommunityTrust concept is amuchbetter fit forusand our current<br />

operations especially as we are nolonger retailers of hospitality direct to<br />

our community anymore. Wewill be adopting our new brand on <strong>October</strong><br />

28th and from that point intime we will be known asthe Braided Rivers<br />

CommunityTrust.<br />

Changes in Covid-19 alert levels have resulted in challenging trading<br />

conditions for hospitality businesses in particular. While we now have<br />

minimal direct exposure tothis we do have indirect exposure through<br />

our leased hospitality venues. Weare still alandlord inthis space and are<br />

continuing tosupport our tenants, we also don’t have the same direct risk<br />

we wouldhavehad when operating these sites ourselves.<br />

Aqualified audit report has been received for both the 2020 and 20<strong>21</strong><br />

financial years. In2020 ALT did not revalue the shares it holds inDBSIB and<br />

continued tovalue them atcost, inaddition we continued to value the<br />

Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong> per our directors valuationpolicyrather than obtaining an<br />

independent market valuation.Inboth cases it wasconsidered thatthe time<br />

andcostofthese valuations would provide limitedvaluegiven the impactof<br />

Covid-19 on reporting at thattime.Inthe financial year ended 31 March20<strong>21</strong><br />


20<strong>21</strong> 2020 2019 20<strong>21</strong> 2020 2019<br />

$ $ $ $ $ $<br />

Net Flow from Operating Activities 471,571 236,319 678,237 25,<strong>21</strong>6 (233,433) 398,734<br />

Net Flow From Investing Activities 3,831,035 234,698 (1,981,709) 3,839,304 337,701 (1,376,477)<br />

Net Flow From FinancingActivities (472,742) (247,926) 380,929 - - -<br />

NetIncrease/(Decrease) in Cash held 3,829,864 223,091 (922,543) 3,864,520 104,268 (977,743)<br />

AddOpening Cash BroughtForward 830,253 607,162 1,529,705 618,588 514,320 1,492,063<br />

Ending Cash Carried Forward 4,660,117 830,253 607,162 4,483,108 618,588 514,320<br />


FORTHE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 20<strong>21</strong><br />

PARENT Retained Revaluation Total<br />

Earnings Reserve Equity<br />

$ $ $<br />

Balanceat1April 2018 15,500,757 - 15,500,757<br />

Total Comprehensive Income 774,924 - 774,924<br />

Balanceat31March 2019 16,275,681 - 16,275,681<br />

Total Comprehensive Income 343,878 - 343,878<br />

Balanceat31March 2020 16,619,559 - 16,619,559<br />

Total Comprehensive Income (1,<strong>21</strong>0,746) - (1,<strong>21</strong>0,746)<br />

Other Comprehensive Income - 339,786 339,786<br />

Balanceat31March 20<strong>21</strong> 15,408,813 339,786 15,748,599<br />

GROUP Retained Revaluation Total<br />

Earnings Reserve Equity<br />

$ $ $<br />

Balanceat1April 2018 20,023,235 - 20,023,235<br />

Total Comprehensive Income 826,618 - 826,618<br />

Balanceat31March 2019 20,849,853 - 20,849,853<br />

Total ComprehensiveIncome 1,053,864 - 1,053,864<br />

Balanceat31March 2020 <strong>21</strong>,903,717 - <strong>21</strong>,903,717<br />

Total ComprehensiveIncome (842,136) - (842,136)<br />

Other ComprehensiveIncome - 339,786 339,786<br />

Balanceat31March 20<strong>21</strong> <strong>21</strong>,061,581 339,786 <strong>21</strong>,401,367<br />

aqualified report was also issued despite the Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong> being sold<br />

and the shareholding in DBSIB being revalued.The Balance Sheet at March<br />

20<strong>21</strong> is not in question and the qualified reportrelatedtothe issues from the<br />

previous year beingremediated.<br />

The financial year ended 31 March 2020 started well and financial<br />

performance was strong as we bedded down our new operating strategy<br />

where we operate more asalandlord and continue to work on diversifying<br />

our investmentpolicyfor thebenefit of our community.After allowingfor the<br />

impact ofdeferred maintenance and covid-19 on our financial statements,<br />

underlyingfinancialperformance wasahead of our $500k target.In20<strong>21</strong>this<br />

strategy continued to pay dividends, despite the loss reported onthe sale<br />

of theHotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>.Returns from our investmentportfolio managed by<br />

Jarden were very strong and proved their worth. As aresult our normalised<br />

performanceincreasedconsiderably on theyear prior.<br />

We continuetoown andoperate the DevonTavern, this is our only remaining<br />

site. This sitecontinues to perform well andgenerate strong financial results<br />

while servicing an importantsegment of our community.The DevonTavern<br />

remainsclosed under both Level3and 4covid restrictions but has performed<br />

very well when openfor business.<br />

Financial performance across our rental properties has remained positive<br />

driven through strong occupancy as the result of long term positive<br />

relationships with tenants who tend torenew their leases. The impact of<br />

Covid-19 on our tenants has been real but varied, wehave endeavoured to<br />

balance our community responsibility for managing community funds and<br />

the needs of our tenants. Weunderstand that without tenants wedonot<br />

have abusiness model and sotake along term, collaborative approach to<br />

working with our tenants forthe benefit ofboth parties.<br />

The introduction of ALT’s new granting policy has seen distributions to<br />

community organisations and initiatives atamore sustainable level while<br />

allowing us to reinvest in our business. We have now implemented a<br />

granting policy and account for Somerset <strong>Ashburton</strong> Ltd which will allow<br />

us to further increase charitablesupporttoour community.Our association<br />

with the Lion Foundation continues to playakeyrole within ourcommunity.<br />

We have apositive ongoing relationship with the Lion Foundation which<br />

enables grants tocommunity organisations and initiatives of around $1.5m<br />

annually through our local RegionalGrantsCommittee.<br />

If Imightconclude,the changes ahead forour CommunityTrust areonesof<br />

planned evolution,not revolution. We build on the work of previousboards<br />

and the decisions they made to move to the Community Trust model. Isee<br />

no reason whatsoever to move from that model and it is about staying the<br />

courseinturbulent waters.Indoing so we will build resiliencyand it willbe<br />

aroundfor the next 100 years.<br />

Chris Robertson<br />

President<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Licensing Trust<br />



Notestothe Summary<br />

Financial Statements<br />

Forthe Year ended 31st March20<strong>21</strong><br />

These are the summary consolidated financial<br />

statements ofthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> Licensing Trust for the<br />

year ended 31 March20<strong>21</strong>.<br />

The specific disclosures included in these summary<br />

financial statements have been extracted from the<br />

full annual financial statements dated 31 March<br />

20<strong>21</strong>. Thefullannualstatements dated16September<br />

20<strong>21</strong> have been prepared in accordance with the<br />

New Zealand Equivalents to International Financial<br />

Reporting StandardsReduced DisclosureRegime (NZ<br />

IFRS RDR). This summary financial report cannot be<br />

expected toprovide as complete anunderstanding<br />

asprovided by thefull financial report of the income<br />

statement,balancesheet and cash flows of theTrust.<br />

Aqualified audit opinion has been received on the<br />

full financial reportfor theyear ended 31 March20<strong>21</strong>.<br />

This summary financial report has been examined<br />

by our auditor for consistency with the full financial<br />

statements. These summary financial statements<br />

were approved forissue by the Boardmembers on 16<br />

September 20<strong>21</strong>.<br />

These are the summary consolidated financial<br />

statements of <strong>Ashburton</strong> Licensing Trust and the<br />

Somerset <strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust Group, these are for<br />

profit entities. The summary consolidated financial<br />

statements comply with FRS-43: Summary Financial<br />

Statements and are presented in New Zealand<br />

currency, rounded to thenearest wholedollar.<br />

The full consolidated financial statements, upon<br />

whichthese summary financial statementsare based,<br />

have beenprepared to complywith the New Zealand<br />

equivalents tothe International Financial Reporting<br />

Standards Reduced Disclosure Regime (NZ IFRS<br />

RDR) and NZ GAAP as deemed appropriate for profit<br />

orientatedentities.<br />

Afull setofthe annualaccounts,including President’s<br />

Report can be obtained from the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Trust Head Office, Level 2, Somerset House, 161<br />

Burnett Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, or download from<br />

www.ashburtontrust.co.nz<br />



5BaringSquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong> |POBox 94, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, NewZealand 7740 | Telephone (03) 307 7700 | Website ashburtondc.govt.nz<br />

Historichall setinfinalslab pour<br />

Historic Pioneer Hall will be concreted intothe final floorslabpour this week.<br />

Contractors working on the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council’s new<br />

library and civic building will<br />

this week undertake a delicate<br />

concrete pour inside the heritagelisted<br />

Pioneer Hall, which isbeing<br />

incorporated intothe new facility.<br />

The hallwas built in 1916 and will havea<br />

newfutureaspart of the children’s library.<br />

Itsroof will eventually be removedand the<br />

red brick walls will be absorbed into the<br />

newbuilding.<br />

Contractor Naylor Love Canterbury plans<br />

to pour anew structural floor slab inside<br />

the hallonThursday<strong>21</strong><strong>October</strong>,aspart of<br />

the finalground floor structural slab poor.<br />

Pioneer Hall’svaried history will form part<br />

of areading nook in the library; the hall<br />

wasthe town’s first museum but has had<br />

many uses overthe years.<br />

Naylor Love CanterburyRegional Director<br />

Graeme Earl said the last ofthe concrete<br />

foundations had been poured forthe two<br />

main buildings. All the main building’s<br />

large timber wall panels havebeen stood<br />

up and beams, columns and structural<br />

steel is nowbeing installed.<br />

“Over the next month, people will see<br />

more of the laminated veneer lumber<br />

beams being installed as well as the<br />

construction of a cantilevered floor<br />

adjacent to Havelock Street.”<br />

He said engineered timber flooring units<br />

would be installed on topofthe beams.<br />

HamishRiach -Chief Executive<br />

Keep up vaxmomentum<br />

The response by people in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistricttoSuper<br />

Saturday wasgreattosee -almost<br />

nineout of every10people<br />

eligible forthe vaccineinour<br />

districthavehad theirfirst dose<br />

and morethan half arenow fully<br />

vaccinatedwith twodoses.<br />

As the countrywaitsfor further details<br />

of vaccination targets andhow those<br />

will impact our daily lives, thepush<br />

continuestohaveasmany people as<br />

possible protectedfromCovid-19.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Districtwas among the<br />

topfivelocal territorial authorities<br />

to improvevaccination rateslast<br />

weekend: 577 people received their first<br />

doseand 1316 their second.<br />

We knowit’shardtotaketime off work<br />

or thefarm to attend avaccination<br />

clinic, so thank youtoall who did.<br />

The work continues forthose in the<br />

primaryhealth sector, with clinics still<br />

operationalfor bookedand drop-in<br />

people.<br />

As aregion, the Canterbury District<br />

Health Boardishoping to have90<br />

per cent of the eligible population<br />

vaccinatedwithone dose by this<br />

Labourweekend. Nowisagood time<br />

to talk with friends and family,and help<br />

themget overthe line too.<br />

People areencouraged to book online<br />

at BookMyVaccine.nz to find aclinic<br />

nearesttothem; walk-ins(with no<br />

appointment) areavailable at Life<br />

PharmacyonEastStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Covid hasimpactedseveral Council<br />

eventsand uncertaintieshaveforced<br />

the cancellations of BiteNiteand<br />

Christmas-themed nights,but we are<br />

determinedtopop up smallerevents<br />

and activities where wecan, or support<br />

community groups with great ideas.<br />

Our Businessofthe Year Awards are<br />

continuing and it’sgood to see people<br />

voting fortheirfavouriteretailer.<br />

Therehavebeen 10 nominations in<br />

the People'sChoicefor retail category,<br />

which is decidedbypublic text vote<br />

–keep alookout on shopwindows in<br />

There are about 30 people on site each<br />

day, though that number will increase as<br />

the projectprogresses.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Mayor Neil Brown said<br />

Councillorshadalsobeendiscussingsome<br />

of the internal design features, including<br />

the use of floorcoveringsmade from wool<br />

growninthe district.<br />

Work has also begun on a detailed<br />

landscaping designplan forBaring Square<br />

East, which will be revamped while the<br />

libraryand civicbuilding is constructed.<br />

“Weare keeping acloseeye on thewhole<br />

project because of international freight<br />

and supply chain issues that might put<br />

pressure onthe completion date at the<br />

end of 2022,”Mayor Brownsaid.<br />

town forvoting codes and don’t be shy<br />

about sending us your vote,itwon’t<br />

cost youacentbut it willhelp our<br />

retailers.<br />

The awards have other categories,<br />

including excellence in primary<br />

industries,export and not-for-profit,<br />

and an awardfor afuturebusiness<br />

leader. Nomination forms and criteria<br />

areavailable on Council’swebsite<br />

until 30 Novemberand finalists will be<br />

announced in December.<br />

Let’shope the biggala night to<br />

announcewinnersinFebruarywill<br />

be free of mostofthe current covid<br />

restrictions.<br />

Thursday,<strong>21</strong><strong>October</strong>20<strong>21</strong> | ISSUE 51<br />

Take abreak<br />

to boost<br />

your mental<br />

resilience<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council is<br />

partnering with Mid Canterbury<br />

Rural Support Trust, Federated<br />

Farmersand Waitaha Primary Health<br />

to host aspecialeventon Wednesday<br />

3November about the mental cost of<br />

floodand disasterrecovery.<br />

Thefree event,whichstarts at 7pm, will be<br />

at the Mt Hutt Memorial Hall and include<br />

guest speakers Michael Hempseed and<br />

local Craig Wiggins.<br />

Mr Hempseedis the authorofBeing aTrue<br />

Hero, abook used by the New Zealand<br />

police, Fire and Emergency, GPs and<br />

counsellors, as well as many parents and<br />

teachers.<br />

He iscoming to Methven following the<br />

big floods in May and will speak about<br />

overcoming thedifficulties andchallenges<br />

of disasterrecovery.<br />

Heavy rain caused a 200-year flood in<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> River in May of this year,<br />

the river breached its banks and flooded<br />

farmland. The Hinds River and adjacent<br />

farmlandweresimilarly affected.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Mayor Neil Brown said Mid<br />

Canterbury had been through alot with<br />

the floods and then ongoing recovery.<br />

"People mightreally benefit from coming<br />

alongon3November.You will hear about<br />

what science says are the long-term<br />

impacts of adisasterand howtolook out<br />

forthose who arestruggling.<br />

"You’lllearn some strategies to strengthen<br />

your ownresiliencetoo."<br />

Mr Hempseed’s talk will cover the<br />

psychological impacts of adisaster and<br />

how to protect yourself, why sleep is<br />

important and signs when someone may<br />

notbecoping.<br />

Mr Wiggins will bring his local experience<br />

and rural perspective and talk about<br />

looking after neighbours, your own<br />

wellbeing and knowing when to ask for<br />

help.<br />

The event is able to be held at Alert level2.<br />

FLOOD<br />



WELL<br />

Alltickets<br />

areFREE<br />

but must be<br />

registered<br />

through<br />

Eventbrite.<br />

www.bit.ly/3FpzIA7<br />

1 Thursday,<strong>21</strong><strong>October</strong> 20<strong>21</strong> |ISSUE 51<br />


Newsewer line on trackfor Marchfinish<br />

Contractors working on the new<br />

wastewater pipeline from Bridge<br />

Street to Milton Road South are<br />

ahead ofschedule, despite having<br />

to deal with continuing high<br />

groundwater levels.<br />

The pipeline is being laid about five<br />

metres below the ground, requiring<br />

sheet piling to stabilise the trench<br />

during construction and pumps tokeep<br />

groundwaterout of the work area.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council Infrastructure<br />

Services Group Manager Neil McCann<br />

saidthe $10 million projectwas on target<br />

to be complete bythe end ofMarch and<br />

had been given the tick of approval by<br />

Government engineersrecently.<br />

"We are still encountering high<br />

groundwaterlevelsmorethanakilometre<br />

from the <strong>Ashburton</strong> River, following the<br />

Mayfloods. But that,andcovid lockdowns,<br />

have not adversely affected the work<br />

timeframe."<br />

The section of thepipeline along Wakanui<br />

Road and Albert Street iscomplete and<br />

both roads have been reinstatedfortraffic,<br />

and the intersection of Beach Road East<br />

and Milton Road South hasalso re-opened<br />

after the pipeline was laid across Beach<br />

Road.<br />

MiltonRoadSouth from theriver to Beach<br />

Road remainsclosed to traffic (exceptfor<br />

residents). The section between Beach<br />

Road and Wakanui Road is on target to<br />

Institute'slong life on show<br />

DisplaysbyMidCanterburyWomen’s<br />

Institute branches have pride of<br />

place in the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Museum<br />

this spring with aspecial display<br />

celebrating their efforts since1930.<br />

Institute members have created 11bays<br />

for the display –called For Home and<br />

Country –and it alsofeatures information<br />

about how Women’s Institute started<br />

locally andnationally.<br />

Each ofthe bays says something special<br />

about the women who went to institute<br />

meetings and the big and little events in<br />

their lives. Itemsonshowrangefromtea<br />

cups tohomemade jam and Lady Diana<br />

memorabilia.<br />

Institutemembershadaprivate viewing of<br />

the display on Monday beforeitopened to<br />

the public.<br />

Mid Canterbury Federation Women’s<br />

Institute president Mavis Wilkins was<br />

amongthosetoseetheexhibitionandsaid<br />

it was great the project had been able to<br />

go ahead. Masks werewornand numbers<br />

were limited inside the Murney Room at<br />

open beforeChristmas, however, the river<br />

endwill notbereinstateduntilthe end of<br />

February.<br />

Mr McCann said it was onMilton Road<br />

South thatthe groundwater wasstill high.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Contracting Ltd (ACL) is<br />

currently laying asectionofpipeline along<br />

Mill Creek, between Geoff Geering and<br />

Braebrook subdivisions. Afootbridgeover<br />

the creekconnectingthe twosubdivisions<br />

is closed foruptotwo weeks.<br />

"In total, ACL and Seipp Construction<br />

teamshavelaid 70 percent of the 5.1km<br />

of new wastewater pipeline,” MrMcCann<br />

said.<br />

themuseum as institutememberstook a<br />

trip downmemorylane.<br />

The national Federation of Women’s<br />

Institutes marked 100 years in February<br />

and over the years up to 30 groups<br />

operated around Mid Canterbury. Over<br />

time, someamalgamatedorclosed.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council Community<br />

Services Manager Steve Fabish said the<br />

history of Women’s Institutes in Mid<br />

Canterbury was on show and he hoped<br />

people wouldpay avisit.<br />

"There’s plenty of memories that are<br />

part of this display and plenty of family<br />

connections. These groups played an<br />

important role in the social fabric of the<br />

district overthe years."<br />

Institute members still meet regularly to<br />

share skills and companionship, while<br />

having funwith drama, musicand crafts.<br />

The museum display also includes<br />

clothing, photographs and the RugbyCup,<br />

which was donatedbytheMid Canterbury<br />

Rugby Union in appreciation ofcatering<br />

services provided by members during the<br />

Britishand Irish Lions Tour of 1950.<br />

"Engineering inspectors from<br />

the Department of Internal<br />

Affairs were onsite recently<br />

because the Government subsidised a<br />

large portion of the project, andtheywere<br />

impressed with the progress of the work<br />

thus far.<br />

"We know the project has caused some<br />

disruption for people, but the new<br />

wastewaterpipeline is needed as thetown<br />

grows and more houses connect toour<br />

wastewaternetwork."<br />

Forafull update on the ARSproject, visit<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz/ARS.<br />



Meetings areheld in the Council<br />

Chambers, 137 Havelock Street,<br />

(unlessotherwiseadvised).<br />

ParkingStrategy SubmissionHearings<br />

Thursday<strong>21</strong><strong>October</strong>,9am<br />

(live-streamed)<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> WaterZoneCommittee<br />

Tuesday26<strong>October</strong>,1pm<br />

Road SafetyCo-ordinating<br />

CommitteeMeeting<br />

Tuesday2November,9.30am<br />

Biodiversity Advisory Group<br />

Tuesday2November,1pm<br />

Council Meeting<br />

Wednesday 3November,1pm<br />

(live-streamed)<br />

Council ActivityBriefings<br />

Wednesday 10 November,9am<br />

Audit &Risk Committee<br />

Wednesday 10 November,1pm<br />

(live-streamed)<br />

Youth Council<br />

Wednesday 10 November,4.00pm<br />

Council Meeting<br />

Wednesday 17 November,1.00pm<br />

(live-streamed)<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>WaterZoneCommittee<br />

Tuesday23November, 1.00pm<br />




Therewill be no change to kerbside<br />

collections on Labour Day, Monday<br />

25 <strong>October</strong>. The<strong>Ashburton</strong> Resource<br />

RecoveryPark will remain open but the<br />

Rakaia ResourceRecoveryPark will<br />

be closed.<br />



The <strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil seeks<br />

tenderstograze the landdescribed<br />

below:<br />

Fairfield Road, Fairton, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

• Area3.7 ha approximately<br />

• Legal Description: LOT 1 DP 47253<br />


RES<br />

Afive-year (5) year grazinglicence is<br />

proposed withacommencement of 01<br />

November 20<strong>21</strong>.<br />

Tenderersmay tender by completing<br />

the appropriatetender documentation<br />

whichmay be obtained from Council’s<br />

Customer ServicesDepartment at<br />

5Baring SquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong>,by<br />

phoningCouncil on 03 3077700 or by<br />

emailing info@adc.govt.nz.<br />

Tendersare to be enclosed in an<br />

envelope enfaced “Fairfield Road, Fairton<br />

LicencetoOccupy” and aretobeeither<br />

delivered or posted to reachCouncilby<br />

closing timeof4pm, Wednesday 27<br />

<strong>October</strong> 20<strong>21</strong>.<br />

Tenders forthe sections close with The<br />

Chief ExecutiveOfficer,<strong>Ashburton</strong>District<br />

Council, POBOX94, ASHBURTON7700.<br />

Highest or anytendernot necessarily<br />

accepted.<br />

Officer forenquiries –Ann Smith,<br />

PropertyOfficer<br />


Pursuant to theTransport (Vehicular<br />

Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965,<br />

noticeisherebygiven thatfor the<br />

purpose of allowing Enduranz Eventsto<br />

hold the MissionMtSomersRace the<br />

following roadswill be closed to ordinary<br />

vehicular traffic(withthe exception<br />

of emergencyvehicles)for theperiod<br />

indicatedhereunder.<br />

Roads to be closed:<br />

· SYMES ROAD,for the whole length<br />

Period of Closure:<br />

From 5.30am until 3.30pmon<br />

Saturday, 30 <strong>October</strong> 20<strong>21</strong><br />

It willbeanoffenceunderthe above<br />

regulationsfor any person otherwise<br />

than underauthority of an authorised<br />

permittouse the roads forordinary<br />

vehiculartraffic during theperiod of<br />

closure.<br />

NMcCANN<br />

InfrastructureServices Group Manager<br />


A1.7km section of Thompsons Track<br />

will be closed forsix weeks from 1<br />

November so theroadsurfacecan be<br />

dug out,widenedand strengthened.<br />

It isthe first of twosections on<br />

Thompsons Track to be rehabilitated, the<br />

second willbedone next year.<br />

ThompsonsTrackwillbetemporarily<br />

closed between JamiesonsRoadand<br />

LineRoadon1November andtraffic<br />

will be able to detour around thework<br />

siteusing Pannetts Road, Lauriston<br />

Barrhill Road andWinchmoreLauriston<br />

Road.<br />

This workshould be complete by<br />

Christmas.<br />

The work is part of a$2.3million<br />

rehabilitation contractawarded to<br />

HEB Construction.Two sectionsof<br />

ArundelRakaia GorgeRoadwillalsobe<br />

rehabilitated.<br />


5Baring Square West<br />

Mon, Tue, Wed &Fri 8.30am -5pm<br />

Thursday 9am -5pm<br />


180 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

Mon -Fri 9.00am -8.00pm<br />

Sat10am-1pm | Sun 1pm -4pm<br />


20 River Terrace<br />

Mon -Fri 6.00am -9.00pm<br />

Sat&Sun 7.00am -7.00pm<br />



327 WestStreet<br />

10am -4pm daily.Closed Public Holidays.<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz Thursday,<strong>21</strong><strong>October</strong> 20<strong>21</strong> |ISSUE 51<br />


NEWS<br />

22 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />

Santa’s helpers<br />

sought for parade<br />

Santa’s little humanhelpers<br />

havebeen mending, darning<br />

and cleaninginpreparation for<br />

this year’s annualstreet<br />

parade.<br />

And it’s been abig job, with<br />

hundreds of costumepieces to<br />

sort ahead of theDecember<br />

event, which is takinganew<br />

route this year in downtown<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

TheHyundai Mid Canterbury<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Santa Parade is<br />

planned for December 4from<br />

12.30pm.<br />

Organiser Carol Johns said<br />

the new routewill start, as<br />

usual fromMonaSquare, but<br />

will runalong CassStreet<br />

heading towardsWills Street.<br />

It will then loop around<br />

Victoria Street(in frontofthe<br />

Devon) andreturn along Cass<br />

Street.<br />

Theroute replaces theusual<br />

East Streetroute,which has<br />

undergone major works as part<br />

of the town’s revitalisation<br />

project.<br />

Enthusiastic volunteers are<br />

neededfrom 11.30am to wear<br />

the many colourful, costumes<br />

available for theSanta parade,<br />

which can be the highlightof<br />

many children'sweek, Mrs<br />

Johns said.<br />

Anyoneinterested can<br />

contact her via the parade’s<br />

Facebook page.<br />

Shewould also be keen to<br />

hearfrom anybusiness, or<br />

individual,keen to sponsor<br />

somenew costumesincluding<br />

characters from arange of<br />

Carol Johns, left, and Sheena<br />

Clark ­Santa’s little human<br />

helpers ­sorting parade<br />

costumes.<br />


children's book and movies.<br />

The parade is oneoftwo<br />

eventsinthe central business<br />

district that day beingplanned<br />

byMrs Johns and helpers.<br />

The other is the Mid Town<br />

Mardi Gras with stalls, raffles,<br />

food/beverages, live music and<br />

entertainment lined up to<br />

attendthe festiveevent.<br />

Scores of stallholders,<br />

organisationsand groups are<br />

keentoreturn to downtown<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>and selltheir wares<br />

or promote their causes,Mrs<br />

Johns said.<br />

The Mardi Gras, cancelled<br />

lastmonth due to covid, is<br />

plannedtorun from 9am to<br />

4pm, alongthe newly revitilised<br />

oneway systems of Tancredand<br />

Burnett streets.<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Drama rules for actors<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

There have been highs and<br />

lows for local drama students<br />

over the past few months.<br />

Big Little Theatre<br />

Company (BLTC) actors Bella<br />

Casey Solly and Penny Nell<br />

were all set to take part in the<br />

national finalsofThe<br />

National Young Performer of<br />

the Year, but were left<br />

disappointed when after<br />

months of hard work, covid<br />

forced the cancellation of the<br />

competition.<br />

In contrast, fellow students<br />

Caleb McNulty and Gus Casey<br />

Solly are still on astage high<br />

after nailing full marks in<br />

recent prestigious Trinity<br />

exams for acting.<br />

The four young actors will<br />

come together later this<br />

month to show their<br />

impressive performance<br />

skills to invited guests.<br />

They will be joined by<br />

BLTC students Zoe Ritchie<br />

and Maddie Webb,who are<br />

preparing for Grade 6drama<br />

exams, in afull programme<br />

that will deliver ahigh<br />

standard and variety of work<br />

that includes Shakespeare,<br />

comedy, improvisation and<br />

poetry.<br />

BLTC director Jackie<br />

Heffernan said the six<br />

performers were outstanding<br />

students, hard working and<br />

committed to improving their<br />

skills.<br />

It had been such ashame<br />

for Bella and Penny to have<br />

missed taking part in the The<br />

Talented Big Little Theatre Company drama students (back row<br />

fromleft) Caleb McNulty, Gus CaseySolly, Penny Nell, (front from<br />

left) Bella Casey Sollyand Zoe Ritchie.<br />

National Young Performer of<br />

the Year competition after<br />

putting so much work into it.<br />

‘‘They were due to deliver<br />

15 minute solo routines and<br />

had been working on<br />

portfolios for months.<br />

‘‘The opportunity has gone<br />

for them and also the chance<br />

to be crowned, but the<br />

process has been fabulous.’’<br />

Caleb and Gus gaining full<br />

marks in the Trinity pairs<br />

exams at Grade 8had been<br />

very well deserved, she said.<br />

They had been assessed<br />

independently, with Caleb<br />

choosing work from The<br />

Curious Incident of the Dog<br />

in the Night, and Gus reading<br />

from King Lear.<br />

Mrs Heffernan said the last<br />

18 months had been an awful<br />

time for actors and young<br />

people.<br />

It had truly tested their<br />

resolve and she was so proud<br />

of the way BLTC students had<br />

stepped up to take everything<br />

in their stride.<br />


Processquality NewZealand<br />

beefand lamb –noprior<br />

experiencerequired.<br />


Come andworkinamodern factory<br />

with greatpeople.<br />

Immediate startand variousshifts<br />

available.<br />

Competitve hourly rates and<br />

additionalbonuses.<br />

Full training provided with opportunities<br />

to upskilland earn more.<br />

Entrylevel jobs available in allareas.<br />

WAVE26402<br />

Don’t miss out, getyourapplicationinNOW!<br />

VisitusatSPM Malvern, 1044 TwoChain Road,<br />

Burnham, applyonourwebsite southpacificmeats.co.nz<br />

or call us on 03 3476681.<br />


The Rakaia School Jubileecommittee have been busy<br />

planningafun weekendtocelebrate this significant<br />

milestone. With three days of celebrations planned,<br />

we welcome past andpresent students,<br />

staffand boardmemberstoshare this occasion.<br />

Registrationforms availableonline at rakaia.school.nz<br />

or by phoning03302 7113<br />

We look forwardtocelebrating150 yearsof<br />

Rakaia School andcreatingmemories<br />

thatwill be cherishedfor yearstocome.<br />

Friday 4th March<br />

Duringthe dayour currentschool<br />

childrenwill enjoyaday of celebrations<br />

thatwill include games, lunchand<br />

festivalactivities. Fridayevening<br />

gives youachancetocatchup with<br />

some familiar facesand collectyour<br />

registrationpack.<br />

Saturday 5th March<br />

The daywill beginwithacommunity<br />

street parade andmoveonto reunion<br />

activities thatwillinclude oldphoto’s<br />

andmemorabilia,speeches, decade<br />

photographs, cutting of the cake and<br />

afternoon tea. The eveningwillbecasual<br />

diningand achancetoshare oldstories<br />

whileenjoyingaliveband.<br />

Sunday 6th March<br />

Ourcelebrationscometoaclose with a<br />

reflections service (all denominations<br />

welcome) before headinghomewith<br />

fabulous newmemoriesofRakaiaSchool.<br />

Bakker Bulbs<br />

Rakaia Seed Cleaning<br />

Rakaia<br />

Thank youtothese businesses forsupporting this page<br />


NEWS<br />

24 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />

Kai for Kids trustee Jaz McCully, left, gives Snow MacKenzie, and daughter Ella, 14, hamburgers following their covid vaccinations<br />

on Super Saturday at Eastfield Health, in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />


Covid vaccination drive success<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>ian Snow<br />

MacKenzie got his second<br />

covid vaccination dose last<br />

weekend, alongside his teen<br />

children, and then enjoyed a<br />

hamburger on offer from Kai<br />

for Kids Charity.<br />

Mr Mackenzie ­and his<br />

teenagers ­were among the<br />

hundreds of Mid Cantabrians,<br />

aged 12 and over, who turned<br />

out in force to get their first or<br />

second covid vaccinations last<br />

weekend as part of the Super<br />

Saturday covid vaccination<br />

push.<br />

Some were doing it for the<br />

community good, many to<br />

protect family and friends<br />

from the infectious Delta<br />

variant, and others, still on the<br />

fence, were lured in by the<br />

offer of giveaways such as<br />

hamburgers, sausages,<br />

flavoured milks, bottles of<br />

water, coffee and vouchers.<br />

Nationwide there was agoal<br />

to reach 100,000 vaccinations.<br />

It was exceeded with afinal<br />

tally of 130,002 vaccinations<br />

carried out; 17,090 in<br />

Canterbury.<br />

Canterbury District Health<br />

Board acting senior<br />

responsible officer for the<br />

Covid­19 response Ralph La<br />

Salle said Super Saturday was<br />

real success in the region with<br />

Canterbury rated the top DHB<br />

area for vaccinations.<br />

‘‘Thanks to the efforts of our<br />

vaccination teams, volunteers<br />

and the Canterbury<br />

community.<br />

‘‘We’d like to give amassive<br />

shout out to all of our amazing<br />

staff and volunteers, and all of<br />

those businesses who donated<br />

prizes as an added incentive<br />

for people to get involved,’’ he<br />

said.<br />

‘‘Feedback from<br />

Cantabrians has been<br />

overwhelmingly positive ... the<br />

kai and activities provided by<br />

vaccination teams seemed to<br />

be abig hit, with many<br />

commenting on their fun<br />

experiences at clinics.’’<br />

However despite Super<br />

Saturday’s success, Mr La<br />

Salle said it was important to<br />

keep improving vaccination<br />

coverage across Canterbury.<br />

It would also mean more<br />

certainty, and achance to<br />

reconnect New Zealanders<br />

with the world.<br />

‘‘Approximately 86 percent<br />

of our eligible enrolled<br />

population is now either fully<br />

vaccinated, has had asingle<br />

dose or is booked to receive<br />

their vaccination.<br />

‘‘We’re urging anyone yet to<br />

receive their vaccinations to<br />

get vaccinated to not only<br />

protect their whānau, but so<br />

we can all enjoy everything a<br />

classic Kiwi summer has to<br />

offer.<br />

Mr La Salle said in the event<br />

of covid reaching Canterbury,<br />

the district was ‘‘well placed to<br />

manage any cases of Covid­19<br />

confirmed in the region.<br />

‘‘We care for people with<br />

infectious diseases that spread<br />

in the same way as Covid­19<br />

each year, and our teams have<br />

well established protocols for<br />

managing any cases.<br />

There was also frequent<br />

communication with primary<br />

care providers who knew what<br />

to do if asuspected case was to<br />

make contact, or arrive at their<br />

practice.<br />

As arural generalist hospital<br />

any <strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital<br />

patients requiring Intensive<br />

Care Unit (ICU)­level care<br />

would be transferred to the<br />

region’s tertiary hospital in<br />

Christchurch, he said.<br />

If covid presented in<br />

Canterbury there was safe<br />

management practice in place<br />

of covid­positive patients in<br />

the community which had<br />

been in place for some time.<br />

It included information<br />

about how an exposure event<br />

would be managed at ageneral<br />

practice level.<br />

In addition to the upgraded<br />

33 bed Parkside Ground<br />

Medical space at Christchurch<br />

Hospital ­the DHB currently<br />

has 36 physical beds within the<br />

ICU and Children’s High Care<br />

areas at the hospital, and also<br />

32 negative pressure rooms<br />

across its facilities.<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Covid<br />

record<br />

website<br />

goes live<br />

Kiwis can now view their Covid­<br />

19vaccination records through<br />

the new My Covid Record<br />

website.<br />

It is the first step towards<br />

providing vaccination<br />

certificates.<br />

MinistryofHealth National<br />

Digital Services groupmanager<br />

MichaelDreyer said whānau,<br />

communities andbusiness<br />

wanttosee areturn to amore<br />

normallife as soon as possible.<br />

‘‘MyCovid Recordisone of<br />

the tools we’re putting in place<br />

to help enableustoopenup<br />

New Zealand,” he said.<br />

“Thanks to the hard work of<br />

New Zealanders, we have over<br />

80 percent of the eligible<br />

population vaccinated with<br />

their first dose, whichgives us<br />

more options forthe future.<br />

‘‘Being fullyvaccinated will<br />

helpushaveaclassicKiwi<br />

summer.<br />

‘‘Tomake that happen, we’re<br />

making it as easy as possible for<br />

peopletoprove they’ve been<br />

vaccinated.<br />

Covid­19test results will be<br />

available on My CovidRecord<br />

laterthismonthand<br />

vaccination certificates ­<br />

available foruse within New<br />

Zealand and abroad­from late<br />

November.<br />

“The exacttiming for when<br />

and where vaccinationproof<br />

will be required are still being<br />

finalised.<br />

‘‘The Government is also<br />

consulting with the business,<br />

hospitality and eventssectors<br />

on the finer details of how it<br />

will work.<br />

“There is plenty of time to<br />

createanaccountonMyHealth<br />

Record,and the Ministryof<br />

Health will be prompting<br />

peopleoverthe coming weeks<br />

to create an account, starting<br />

with those who received their<br />

vaccinations earlier in the<br />

year,’’ hesaid.<br />

The planisfor two different<br />

vaccination certificates –one<br />

for usewithin NewZealand and<br />

one forinternational travel<br />

withmorepersonal<br />

information so it can be used<br />

alongside your passport.<br />

The certificates will include<br />

aQRcode,but therewill be<br />

alternative options for people<br />

who do not have internet or<br />

needdifferent access options.<br />

040 trainsNmodels<br />

03 307 0155<br />

www.040trainsnmodels.co.nz<br />

150 Racecourse Road,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

10am -4pm Tuesday, Wednesdayand<br />

Thursdayorbyappointment<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />

25<br />

Menzshed members, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Christian School students and<br />

teachers with some items made by students.<br />

Skills shaped<br />

by Menzshed<br />

Well­made metal and wood<br />

items were lined up at the<br />

Menzshed this weekmade by<br />

studentsfrom <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Christian School. They have<br />

been tinkering away since<br />

February making bookcases,<br />

mirror frames, coat stands and<br />

picnic benches using the<br />

Menzshed’s equipment and<br />

makingthe most of the<br />

knowledge and experience of<br />

the members.<br />

The schoolcontacted the<br />

Menzshed to use their facilities<br />

last year and after asuccessful<br />

trial period, the Menzshed<br />

agreed to host five students<br />

working towards their NCEA<br />

levels.<br />

Menzshed members<br />

volunteered their timeand<br />

knowledge to the students<br />

helping them hone arange of<br />

skills fromwelding to wood<br />

joinery. This year’scourse has<br />

wound up but the partnership<br />

is set to continue next yearwith<br />

10 students.<br />

Menzshed president Richard<br />

Durie said the partnership was<br />

part of the Menzshed’s<br />

communityoutreach.‘‘We are<br />

happy to have groups of people<br />

on site to share the facilityand<br />

share the knowledge,’’ he said.<br />

The members were<br />

impressed with the quality<br />

works the students produced<br />

andtheir creative projects.<br />

Insulation to<br />

warm the cockles<br />

Canterbury charitable trust<br />

Community Energy Action<br />

(CEA) has installed insulation<br />

in 1500 homesacross<br />

Canterbury and the West Coast<br />

in the past twelve months,<br />

mostly free of charge to the<br />

homeowner.<br />

It’s seen thousands of people<br />

benefit from warmer, drier<br />

and easier to heat homes, as a<br />

result of insulation available<br />

to low incomehomeowneroccupiers.<br />

The organisation has been<br />

working on making homes<br />

warmerand driersince1994<br />

andhas been aregistered<br />

provider of government<br />

subsidies forinsulation since<br />

the beginning of the schemes<br />

in 2009. They havehelped<br />

more than100,000 people<br />

since,and continue to this day.<br />

The Government’s Warmer<br />

Kiwi Homessubsidy of 80<br />

percentistoppedupby the<br />

Trustto100 percentand offers<br />

free insulation to eligible<br />

households.<br />

CEA chief executive<br />

Caroline Shone said agreat<br />

deal had been achieved<br />

through the insulation<br />

programmes, but after 12 years<br />

of insulation subsidies there<br />

was still demandinthe area.<br />

“These subsides in the main<br />

are for people whohavealow<br />

incomeand areoften<br />

struggling to makeends meet,”<br />

she said.<br />

“They simply cannot afford<br />

theinsulationtheyneedto<br />

keep warmand healthy at<br />

home, at an affordable price.<br />

Having ahealthy homeisa<br />

basichuman right and weare<br />

privileged that we canhelp.”<br />

The trust funding was<br />

supportedonthe West Coast<br />

by Development WestCoast<br />

andWestCoast Community<br />

Trust, and throughout<br />

CanterburybyOrion,<br />

MainPower, The Rata<br />

Foundation andalsoPegasus<br />

Health.<br />

CEA also offeredfree energy<br />

advice and/or double­layered<br />

recycled curtainsifpeople<br />

needed them.<br />

“Now theweatherisgetting<br />

warmer,many people tend to<br />

forget about insulation. We<br />

are busy insulating homes all<br />

year andwewould like to<br />

encourageanyonethinking<br />

they mayneedinsulation,to<br />

contact us sooner rather than<br />

later,’’ she said.<br />

Manypeopleleft their<br />

enquiries to thetrust until<br />

autumn or winter, which by<br />

then could mean abit of await.<br />

‘‘We simplycannot help<br />

everyone as quickly as we<br />

would liketo... wewould like<br />

people to come forward and<br />

get in touch now.”<br />

Free insulation is available<br />

to low income owneroccupiers<br />

and owneroccupiers<br />

in eligible areas.<br />

People can contact thetrust at<br />

0800 GETWARM, or visitwww.<br />

cea.co.nz to findout if they are<br />



26 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


1 2 3 4<br />

5 6<br />

7 8 9<br />

10<br />

11 12<br />

13<br />

14 15<br />

16 17<br />

18 19 20<br />

<strong>21</strong><br />

22 23<br />

22/10<br />

Across<br />

1. Sheepish sortofjoint that gets<br />

sleeved (3,2,6)<br />

7. Breaking arelic veryquietly held to<br />

makeone lame(7)<br />

9. Take asoundlook at bridgesupporter<br />

(4)<br />

11. He wasswitched on to beginwith,<br />

being nimble(5)<br />

12. One was advised there wouldbe<br />

strife with adonkey (6)<br />

14. Happy occasions to visit Tees, if so<br />

disposed(11)<br />

18. The bureau is no longer being<br />

chilled (6)<br />

20. Manytimes,five is afactor __(5)<br />

22. Abird onewill get readytofire (4)<br />

23. Putsinfor something in signsof<br />

battering (7)<br />

24. Is caught, held –and got readytobe<br />

done up? (11)<br />

Down<br />

2. How to make its peelinthe form of a<br />

letter (7)<br />

3. It is asuitable rendezvous (4)<br />

4. One, in repeatedlygetting on,may<br />

haveone in tears(5)<br />

5. Leading Socialistwithacommonill<br />

will tell oneoff (5)<br />

6. The lady at theunion meeting (5)<br />

8. Aphetically, aboy whowas learning<br />

histrade (8)<br />

10. As muchascan be carried behind<br />

theshafts? (8)<br />

13. Woman seen theday before (3)<br />

15. TwiceTen engages theEastina<br />

friendlyrelationship (7)<br />

16. 30ssong thatwas light<br />

entertainment? (5)<br />

17. Do so with teeth strikingly(5)<br />

19. There aresome terrifichuddles<br />

roundthe cape (5)<br />

<strong>21</strong>. An omen onecan put one’s name<br />

to (4)<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Fill the grid so that every column, everyrow and 3x3<br />

box containsthe digits1to 9.<br />

24<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11<br />

12 13 14 15<br />

16<br />

17 18 19 20<br />

<strong>21</strong> 22<br />

23 24<br />

Across<br />

1. Sword (5)<br />

4. Woollen ball (3-3)<br />

8. Totally disorganised<br />

(7)<br />

9. Person travelling<br />

over snow (5)<br />

10. Gentlepush(5)<br />

11. Kiln (7)<br />

12. Product sample(6)<br />

14. Quirk (6)<br />

17. Nurture (7)<br />

19. One of a seriesof<br />

steps(5)<br />

<strong>21</strong>. After dark(5)<br />

22. Knowledge,<br />

expertise (4-3)<br />

23. Extreme fear(6)<br />

24. Late(5)<br />

Down<br />

1. First rate(6,2,4)<br />

2. Facial hair (5)<br />

3. Drastic (7)<br />

4. Calm (6)<br />

5. Ascrooge (5)<br />

6. Paper-foldingart (7)<br />

7. Insect (colloq)(6-6)<br />

13. Illegallyimport or<br />

export(7)<br />

15. Pull, twist out of<br />

shape (7)<br />

16. Close-fitting<br />

necklace(6)<br />

18. Bury(5)<br />

20. Stronglydislike (5)<br />



Across: 1. Sabre,4.Pom-pom,8.Chaotic,9.Skier,10. Nudge,<br />

11. Furnace, 12. Tester,14. Oddity, 17.Nourish, 19.Stair,<strong>21</strong>.<br />

Night,22. Know-how,23. Terror,24. Tardy.<br />

Down: 1. Second to none, 2. Beard,3.Extreme,4.Pacify,5.<br />

Miser,6.Origami, 7. Creepy-crawly, 13. Smuggle, 15.Distort, 16.<br />

Choker,18. Inter, 20.Abhor.<br />


Across: 1. Legofmutton 7. Cripple 9. Pier11. Lithe12. Warned<br />

14. Festivities 18.Office 20.Often 22.Cock 23. Indents24.<br />

Buttonholed.<br />

Down: 2. Epistle3.Meet4.Onion 5. Scold 6. Bride 8. Prentice 10.<br />

Cartload 13. Eve15. Entente 16. Torch17. Gnash 19.Fichu <strong>21</strong>.<br />

Sign.<br />

TARGET<br />

chirp choir coir cork<br />

croft crop firth fork fort<br />

forth frit frock froth ichor<br />

PITCHFORK porch pork<br />

port prick prof profit rich<br />

rick rift riot rock thorp thrip<br />

torc torch tori trick trio trip<br />

trophic tropic<br />


EASY<br />

TARGET<br />

K O P<br />

T R C<br />

H F I<br />

Good 18<br />

Very Good 26<br />

Excellent 31+<br />


How many words of four letters or more can you<br />

make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />

Each letter may be used only once and all<br />

words must contain the centre letter.<br />

No words starting with acapital, no plurals<br />

ending in sunless the word is also averb, e.g.<br />

he fires the gun.<br />

Mark<br />

Totty<br />

With overtwo years-experience inthe real estate game now,<br />

Mark has proven his worth with an ever-growing list of great<br />

results and happyclients.<br />

He prides himself on his professional, honest and personable<br />

approach to real estate.<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 664 113 •mark.totty@raywhite.com<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> •Tinwald •Methven •rwashburton.co.nz •03307 8317<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury PropertyLimited Licensed (REAA 2008)

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Tennis season<br />

opening asmash<br />

SPORT<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />

27<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Lions Club golf tournament convener David Robertson, left, with avid golfers John<br />

Richards, Murray Wackrow, Tonee Hurley and Janice Dunlop ahead of tee­off for the annual golf<br />

fundraiser at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Club.<br />


Lions golf fundraiser<br />

Southern Junior Ctennis players Braxton Mills, 7, (left) and Beau<br />

Kirwan, 8, get their eye in during their game against aduo from<br />

Allenton Rurus on Saturday. The first­time players were among<br />

hundreds in the tennis fraternity, young and old, who took to the<br />

courts at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust Tennis Centre last weekend for the<br />

start of season play. The tennis centre is set to host the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Trust Junior Open Tournament this weekend for players aged 18<br />

and under, before inter club tennis returns next weekend.<br />

Golfers of all abilities linedup<br />

to play in the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Lions<br />

Club annualfundraising golf<br />

day last week.<br />

Nearly 100 golfers helped to<br />

raise money for two<br />

organisations: Hospice Mid<br />

Canterbury and the<br />

Christchurch Disc GolfClub,<br />

who are setting up adisc<br />

course at Smallbone Reserve,<br />

next to EA NetworkCentre in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Lion’s golf tournament<br />

convener David Robertson<br />

said the annual event at the<br />

Brandon Course was<br />

supported by the<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Golf Club,whichdonatedthe<br />

use of thecourse for the<br />

popular day,whichwas made<br />

even better by fine weather.<br />

Individuals and businesses<br />

were encouraged to pay $250<br />

to sponsor ateamoffour in the<br />

golftournamentand there<br />

were plenty of raffles with<br />

goodprizes to inspire golf<br />

handicaps andan entertaining<br />

day out.<br />

Your LOCAL real estate<br />

company is CELEBRATING!!<br />

1st<br />

in<br />

NZ to bring you 3D virtual reality<br />

marketing 4years ago!<br />

Trevor &the TEAM at RENZ are giving away<br />

$2000 from EVERY sale to CELEBRATE<br />

this GREAT achievement !<br />

That’s right... just LIST &SELL with your LOCAL<br />

that puts YOU first and get $2000...SIMPLE !<br />

T&C’s apply<br />

Starts 1August and ends 31<strong>October</strong> 20<strong>21</strong><br />

Scan for free appraisal<br />

Contact:<br />

admin@renz.net.nz<br />

308 6173 or do it online with our<br />

FREE no obligation market appraisal<br />

191 Burnett St, <strong>Ashburton</strong>

What'smy<br />

property worth?<br />

It's FREE to<br />

find out!<br />





191 BurnettSt, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

308 6173 or admin@renz.net.nz<br />

3D VIRTUAL<br />


Trevor Hurley Real Estate Ltd LREA 2008 -MREINZ<br />

Your LOCAL real estate<br />

company is CELEBRATING!!<br />

st<br />

1in NZ to bring you 3D virtual<br />

reality marketing 4years ago!<br />

Trevor &the TEAM at RENZ<br />

are giving away $2000<br />

from EVERY sale to CELEBRATE<br />

this GREAT achievement !<br />

*<br />

"A" ForAwesome & Affordable!<br />

ID: W723<br />

This spaciousstandalone townhouse is situatedinaprime Allentonlocation close to all amenities.<br />

Modern, sunnyand space galoregreetsyou in thehub of the home.<br />

Excellentindoor outdoor flow, three good sized bedrooms, masterwith ensuiteplus largewalk in<br />

wardrobe. Fully fenced at the rear with easycaresection plusattached double garaging.<br />

This property ticksall the boxesand is definitely amustsee!<br />

Negotiable Over $579,000<br />

3 2 2<br />

That’s right... just LIST &SELL with<br />

your LOCAL that puts YOU first and<br />

get $2000...SIMPLE !<br />

T&C’s apply<br />

Starts 1August and ends 31 <strong>October</strong> 20<strong>21</strong><br />

*information supplied by Matterport and based on packages sold to NZ in 2017<br />

Contact: sales@renz.net.nz<br />

308 6173 or do it online with our<br />

FREE no obligation market appraisal<br />

Scan for free<br />

appraisal<br />

WhyBuild -UpmarketFamily Home<br />

ID: ROL001<br />

*Quality build here<br />

*Premium exterior brick<br />

*Schweigen fittings<br />

*Steel frame construction<br />

*Kitchenhas 3way boiling tapware *Double waterfiltration<br />

*Evolution silentdisposal waste<br />

*Exclusive landscaping package<br />

Setinaprivatedispositionoverlooking the popular Acland Park this three bedroom twobathroom home willappeal<br />

to those astuteand discerning purchaserswho appreciate quality,style and space.<br />

Exceptional opportunity hereand promptaction is strongly recommended!<br />

Negotiable Over $649,000<br />


1946ArnoldValleyRoad,<br />

Moana,LakeBrunner<br />

Surrounded in nativebush<br />

with wildliferightonyour<br />

doorstepthis exceptionally<br />

3 2 2<br />

privateproperty offersthe<br />

ultimate lifestyle!<br />

This would be agreat<br />

business ventureoffering<br />

exceptional opportunities<br />

forthe buyer,this property<br />

could beusedutilised as a<br />

lodge, an Air BnB,hunting<br />

lodge, wedding venue,<br />

wellness retreatoreven<br />

anudistcamp...it's that<br />

private! Fivebedroom<br />

lodgeplusfullycontained<br />

one bedroom cottage with<br />

carport & gashot water.<br />

OffersOver$759,000+GST<br />

(if any)<br />

5 3 2<br />

ID: LB05<br />


Proud supporters of the HeartFoundation of NewZealand! Wedonatefromevery property sold!<br />

TwoHomes In One!<br />

•House divided into two<br />

flats, currently rented for<br />

$560p/w.<br />

•Openplan kitchen/<br />

dining. Insulatedceiling &<br />

underfloor.<br />

•Double garage,easycare<br />

section<br />

•Outdoor entertaining patio<br />

•Fantasticinvestment<br />

opportunity with potential<br />

to add value<br />

OffersOver$469,000<br />

3 2 2 ID: E731<br />

PrivateSanctuary Or luxury<br />

HolidayHome ID: BP0003<br />

This stunning 4.8ha property,<br />

setinalittle piece of paradise<br />

on the BanksPeninsula<br />

would be the ultimate retreat<br />

forthose seeking achangeof<br />

lifestyle. Surrounded by NZ<br />

nativebush, with an amazing<br />

viewtothe Akaroa Harbour,<br />

this beautiful homestead is<br />

amustsee! Four shedsone<br />

with 3phase power, twowith<br />

3baystostableyour horses<br />

or an animal of your choice.<br />

Fullydeer fenced with13<br />

paddockswith troughs.<br />

$2,200,000<br />

5 3 2<br />

Manager/Sales Consultant<br />

Trevor Hurley<br />

0275 435 799<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Manu Otene<br />

022 308 6885<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

027 433 9695<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Julie Srhoy<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 354 885<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Manoj Rana<br />

022 453 1964<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Deborah Roberts<br />

0<strong>21</strong>0 752 180

’<br />

Armand van der Eik<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 597 527<br />

Bruce McPherson<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

027 242 7677<br />

List andSell<br />

with us!<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

027 461 2614<br />

Denise Russell<br />

027 432 9717<br />

1st <strong>October</strong>-31 December20<strong>21</strong><br />


Thevendor will receive a<br />

2minute grocery dash and grab*<br />

at <strong>Ashburton</strong> NewWorld.<br />

Call todaytosecure your<br />

free no obligation appraisal.<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

027 290 6606<br />

Kim Miller<br />

027 236 8627<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

027 410 6<strong>21</strong>6<br />

03 307 8317<br />

*T &C’s Apply<br />

Mark Totty<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 664 113<br />

Big Mike<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 272 0202<br />

JustinWaddell<br />

027 437 1111<br />

Margaret Feiss<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 751 009<br />

ShirleyFitzgerald<br />

027 220 1528<br />

RayWhiteMid Canterbury<br />

03 307 8317 96Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

rwashburton.co.nz<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA2008)


31 Church Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 9:45am -10:15am 3 1 0 AHB30052<br />

24 Melcombe Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30am -11:00am 3 1 2 AHB30050<br />

66 Nuffield Dve, Methven 11:00am -11:45am 4 1 2 MVN30008<br />

33 Manchester St,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:15am -11:45am 3 1 0 AHB30095<br />

50 Belt Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00pm -12:30pm 3 1 2 AHB30078<br />

180 ChalmersAvenue, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:45am -1:15pm 5 1 2 AHB30011<br />



91 Seafield Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

*4 bedroom familyhome with modern brick cladding &slate<br />

roof<br />

*1.<strong>21</strong>41 hectares zoned Residential D<br />

*Subdividable land with potential for 3lots.<br />

*Established quality trees provide asheltered park like setting<br />

*Secure workshop and garden shed<br />

*Compliant log fire<br />

Abeautiful setting for thefamily to move to the country.<br />

ForSale<br />

Offers over$820,000<br />

View<br />

by appointment only<br />

4 1 2<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

027 242 7677<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30100<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

22 Galbraith Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2 1 2<br />

*Two double bedrooms, Modernised bathroom<br />

*Reclad 2008, Insulated ceiling and underfloor<br />

*Heat pump -compliant log fire (CCC 2010) -wall heater<br />

*Double garage (CCC 2006)<br />

*Well fenced section<br />

ForSale<br />

POA<br />

View<br />

by appointment<br />

Kim Miller<br />

027 236 8627<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30099<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

8Woodham Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

4 1 5<br />

AshburyGrove, Tinwald<br />

*Fullyrenovated home in handyAllenton location<br />

*Double garage with two new auto doors<br />

*Open plan kitchen/dining living area<br />

*Great family home or retirement<br />

*Space topark acaravan onanew concrete pad<br />

ForSale<br />

POA<br />

View<br />

by appointment only<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 597 527<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

027 242 7677<br />

As aresult of high demand resulting insteady sales only<br />

afew lots are still available. If you are in the market fora<br />

section tobuildyour next home we recommend you act<br />

quickly!!<br />

ForSale<br />

POA<br />

View<br />

by appointment only<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

027 242 7677<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB300353<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30359<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

Kim Miller<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 236 8627<br />

Denise Russell<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 432 9717<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 290 6606<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 461 2614<br />

Margaret Feiss<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 751 009<br />

ShirleyFitzgerald<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 220 1528<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 242 7677<br />

Janene McDowell<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 287 3388<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 597 527<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 410 6<strong>21</strong>6<br />

Mike Grant ncre<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 272 0202<br />

Mark Totty<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 664 113<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 438 4250<br />

JustinWaddell<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 437 1111<br />

Carey VonLubke<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 697 6948<br />

96 TancredStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 307 8317<br />

rwashburton.co.nz<br />

36 McMillanStreet, Methven 03 303 3032

trusted<br />

20<strong>21</strong> GUIDE<br />

trades &services<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 308 7664 or email karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Lubes WOF<br />

Allmechanical repairs<br />

Interior and Exterior Painting<br />

Interior Plastering<br />

Wallpapering<br />


Help in person by appointment<br />

Thursday9.15am -1.45pm<br />

Ph 0508 CANLAW<br />

(0508 226 529) to makean<br />

appointment.<br />

Help by phone Infoline<br />

03 371 3819 or 0508 226 529<br />

<strong>21</strong>5 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


Does your garden need monthly<br />

maintenancetokeep it tidy and<br />

looking good through the seasons?<br />

Or perhaps just need aone off tidy<br />

or pruning completed?<br />

We can help!<br />

Allgarden wasteremoved<br />

ContactCAROLYN Phone: 027 2675403 or 3082333<br />

Email: cccolt@xtra.co.nz<br />

2422640<br />

2379231<br />

2396257<br />



Victoria Street,<br />

TheTriangle,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone: (03) 308 6772<br />

•Restoration<br />

•Modifications<br />

•Rust Removal<br />

2414204<br />

•Custom Fabrications<br />

•WOF Reports<br />

• MagWheel Repairs &Painting<br />

16 Cass Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. 03 308 0387<br />

johnsons.panelpaint@gmail.com<br />

www.johnsonspanelpaint.co.nz<br />



Phone Quentin andPhil on<br />

027 282 8908 or 027 2828909<br />


Lawnmowing and<br />

Lawn Maintenance<br />

Hedges<br />

Garden tidy<br />

Dethatching<br />

David &Debbie Sewell<br />

Phone 027 4171732 l evenings 3078355<br />

2422635<br />

2399842<br />

2422670<br />

Bridgestone<br />

Tyre Centre<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

• New tyre sales<br />

• Wheel alignments<br />

• Wheel balancingand<br />

puncturerepairs<br />


03 307 8438<br />

ForPassenger,Commercial<br />

and Farm Vehicles<br />

Proudly locallyownedand operated<br />

CnrCox &East St.<br />

Book nowon03 307 8438<br />

Conditions apply.Includes up<br />

to 4.5 litres of Penriteoil and a<br />

standardoil filter.<br />

Seein-storefor details<br />

2379279<br />

2414184<br />



Experts in glass<br />

“we clean to a<br />

standard,<br />

not aprice”<br />

308-3918<br />

<strong>21</strong>4Wills Street<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.ashburtonglass.co.nz<br />

office@ashburtonglass.co.nz<br />


ashburtoncranes2015@gmail.com<br />

UNDER NEW<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


Same exceptional CleaningServices<br />

level of service<br />

&quality cleaning<br />

• regular full house cleans<br />

• one off spring cleans<br />

• farm houses<br />

• builders cleans<br />

• <br />

100% LOCAL<br />

03 307 2656<br />

www.ashburtoncleaning.co.nz<br />

2414182<br />

2414181<br />

Letthe team at<br />

Insideout takecareof<br />

all your painting and<br />

property maintenance<br />

Your Digital<br />

TV Experts<br />

• Aerial/Dish installations and repairs<br />

• Prewirefor TV/Audio and controlsystems<br />

• TV wall mounting • Cell phone aerials<br />

• Home theatreinstallation<br />

• Authorised SkyTVtechnician<br />

Servicing<br />

• Painting<br />

• Carpentry<br />

• Renovations<br />

• Projectwisdom<br />

• Maintenance&repairs<br />

2010 LTD<br />

Call Shanetodayon03307 7071<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Geraldine<br />

Methven Rakaia<br />

andeverywhereinbetween<br />


TV &AUDIO<br />

PH 308 7332 /027 277 1062<br />

ashburtontvandaudioltd.co.nz<br />

2414188<br />


trusted<br />

20<strong>21</strong> GUIDE<br />

trades &services<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 308 7664 or email karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Ash Solar Power<br />

South Island<br />

www.ashsolarpower.com<br />


Automotive<br />

Diagnostics &<br />

Servicing<br />

03 308 6646<br />

•Automotiveservicing,repairs<br />

and diagnostics<br />

•Latest scan tools and<br />

servicedata<br />

2422656<br />

•All makes and models including<br />

European and Japanese<br />

•Vehicle transportand recovery<br />

TheBig Blue Shed<br />

CnrJohn &McLean Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2422659<br />

We offer the following:<br />

• Gutter and DownpipeCleaning • Weed Spraying<br />

• Moss,Mouldand Lichen Spraying • Spider Proofing<br />

• Gorse and BroomSpraying • FenceLineSpraying<br />

• Chimney/Flue Cleaning $90 • Heat Pump Service$90<br />



Call Allan on 027 209 5026 an let us know howwecan help<br />


GLASS<br />

Wilsons Windscreens 2018 Ltd<br />

We areyour one stop glass shop for<br />

AUTO and HOUSE<br />


“Your placeorours”<br />

2414203<br />

152 Wills Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Ph.308 8485<br />

2427631<br />

Forall your tyre requirements,<br />

see the localexperts<br />

•Wheelalignments<br />

•Wheelbalancing<br />

197Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> l www.neumannstyres.co.nz<br />

Phone 03 308 6737 (24 hrs –after hours call out applies)<br />

2414198<br />


*Awnings/Shade sails/Dropblinds*Auto seat covers &repairs<br />

*Hay&bin covers *PVC covers &repairs<br />

*Ute tonneau covers *Furnitureupholsteryrepairs<br />

*Commercial<br />

PHONE TRAVIS HOWDEN 027 922 4544<br />

2379146<br />

Ashb<br />

hbut<br />

rton,R Rolles<br />

leston<br />

ton&Ch<br />

Chrit<br />

ist chu rch<br />

•Paving •Irrigation •Lawns<br />

•Planting •Fences •Pergolas<br />

•Water features •Outdoor fires<br />

•Raised planters •Decks<br />

•Stonework•Brick &blockwork<br />

•Artificialgrass and more...<br />

Email –Aaron@theoutdoorspace.co.nz<br />

Phone0800 688 365 /0<strong>21</strong> 542 402<br />

www.theoutdoorspace.co.nz<br />

2414200<br />

Our authorised techniciansns<br />

service and repair all<br />

makes and models of<br />

sewing machines and<br />

overlockers<br />

OPEN 7DAYS9.30am -4.30pm<br />

Main South Road, Tinwald <strong>Ashburton</strong> | Phone 307 6277<br />

www.anniesquilts.co.nz<br />

2372825<br />

•Manufacturer and supplier of<br />

Rylock aluminium windows and doors<br />

•Retrodouble glazing installers foradrier,<br />

warmer,quieter home<br />

Forafreequote, contactDavid &Lorayne Oakley<br />

PHONE 308 8493. EMAIL: owdrylock@gmail.com<br />

8A John Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2396040<br />

Electrician<br />

Residential and Commercial<br />

<br />

<br />

Repairs and renovations<br />

Kitchens and bathrooms<br />

Sheds,garages,workshops<br />

Tagand test<br />

Competitiverates, free quotes<br />

Simon 0<strong>21</strong> 576 044<br />

simon@simonthesparky.co.nz<br />

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PC Repairs, Set-up and Tutoring<br />

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forsale<br />

•PCRepairs/Sales •Networks/Servers<br />

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Robin Johnstone 67 Aitken Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

P: 03 308 1440 C: 027 768 4058<br />

robinbj@xtra.co.nz<br />

2422645<br />

115 Archibald Street,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone /Fax: (03) 307 2354<br />

Email tincanup@xtra.co.nz www.tinwaldcanvas.co.nz<br />

Sales l Service l Repairs<br />


P 03 308 7982 - E cliff@mckayanddonaldson.co.nz<br />

W www.mckayanddonaldson.co.nz -734 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2396047<br />

2376525<br />

Protect what<br />

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HartleyCurd 0<strong>21</strong> 328 301<br />

Keeping our communitysafefor over25years<br />



34 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> MSA Petanque Club<br />

Canterbury Singles<br />

Championship<br />

Winner Stephane Maontel Chch<br />

Runner up Robbie Sihamau Cav<br />

3rd =Chris Taylor Ash<br />

3rd =Richard Browne<br />

Consolation<br />

Winner Nicolas Xavier Chch<br />

Runner up Paul Tamagushiku Chch<br />

3rd =David Beer Chch<br />

3rd =Pat O'Shea Chch<br />

Plate<br />

Winner Jackson Gallagher<br />

Runner up Neville Frost Dunedin<br />

3rd =Les Clesrwater Chch<br />

3rd =Roger Hamilton Alex<br />

Consolation<br />

Winner Karen Stephen Dun<br />

Runner up Stephen Fitzgerald<br />

3rd =Jonathan Crum Ash<br />

3rd =Mark Richardson Dun<br />

Bowl<br />

Winner Alain Carpentier Chch<br />

Runner up Maryon Beer Chch<br />

3rd= Bernice Laird Ash<br />

3rd =Trevor Nish Ash<br />

Canterbury Doubles<br />

Championship<br />

Winner Nicolas Xavier Chch<br />

Runners up Jackson Gallagher Dun, Paul<br />

Tamagushiku Chch<br />

3rd = Jan Guilford, Ash, Maryon Beer,<br />

Chch<br />

3rd =Bruno Falco, Michelle Saban Chch<br />

Consolation<br />

Richard Browne, Neville Bensdorp Ash<br />

Runners up Karen Stephen, Dun, James<br />

Nicolson-Plank Chch<br />

3rd =Peer Marriott, Ash, Alice Maguigan<br />

Chch<br />

Plate<br />

Winner Chris Taylor, Ash, Robbie Sihamau<br />

Cav<br />

Runners up Mark Richardson, Neville<br />

Frost Dun<br />

3rd =Pat O'Shea, Les Clearwater Chch<br />

3rd =Bernice and Roger Hamilton Alex<br />

Consolation<br />

Winners Sandra and Lindsay Hay Alex<br />

Runner up Linda Millard, Jonathan Crum<br />

Ash<br />

3rd =Karen Crum, Ash, Stephen Fitzgerald<br />

Chch<br />

3rd =Joan Healy, Kate Marriott Ash<br />

Veterans golf<br />

Results from 18th <strong>October</strong><br />

1st =on39Murray Beach, Trev Kerr and<br />

David Fisher<br />

2nd =on38DRobertson, CAlexander, D<br />

Osborn, K Borland, J Duncan, I Beach, A<br />

Dixon and GMunro<br />

Next game Trip North 11.00am Start<br />

Amberley<br />

November 15th Methven visit by Selwyn<br />

Vets<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Club<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Club 9hole finalists (from left) Peter Woods, Sam<br />

Prince, Jenny Matthews, Tonee Hurley, Murray Lister, Tong King,<br />

Elaine King and Joy Nicholas.<br />

Men’s Club Championship Final Winners;<br />

Senior: Owen Miller.<br />

Intermediate: Blair Snowball.<br />

Junior A: Matt Tait.<br />

Junior B: George Brown.<br />

Men’s Club Championship Plate Final<br />

Winners;<br />

Senior: Paul May.<br />

Intermediate: Tim Newton.<br />

Junior A: Mitchell Stoddart.<br />

Junior B: Bryan Donaldson.<br />

Ladies Club Championship Final Winners;<br />

Silver: Sharon Bradford<br />

Bronze 1: Marilyn Walker<br />

Bronze 2: Liz Cabout<br />

Ladies Club Championship Plate Winners;<br />

Bronze 2: Jeanette Montgomery<br />

Bronze 1: Leigh Wackrow<br />

Silver Plate: Wendy Parr<br />

9Hole Club Championship Winners;<br />

Men: Sam Prince<br />

Ladies: Tonee Hurley<br />

9Hole SEGA GOLF Championship Winners;<br />

Men: Tong King<br />

Ladies: Joy Nicholas<br />

Sunday 17/10/20<strong>21</strong><br />

Competition: Sutherland Cup (Combined<br />

Stableford)<br />

The Winners of the Sutherland Cup and<br />

Radius Care players of the day was: Murray<br />

Wackrow and Grieg Fleming 75pts<br />

2nd Grieg Sparrow and Pat Turton 74pts<br />

Other good score were; Paul Greer &Sam<br />

Luscombe 71pts and Bev Chinn &Vince Carr<br />

67pts<br />

Twos: Shane Beaven and Gavin Douglas<br />

Nearest The Pins:<br />

Hole 4# South Island Seeds &Processing<br />

Co: Tufuga Sa<br />

Hole 8# Three Stogies (Brown Bombers)<br />

Tom Blacklow<br />

Hole 12# Dock’s Seafood Bar & Grill:<br />

Dylan Stoddart<br />

Hole 14# Value Plus: Wendy Hopwood<br />

Hole6# Hamish Niles Shout: Murray<br />

Wackrow<br />

Hole 9# Ton’s Thai Longest Putt: Ryan<br />

Stoddart<br />

Bonus Spot Prize:<br />

Alluvial Restaurant Tinwald Spot Prize:<br />

Brian Fauth<br />

Birdie Jackpot Hole: 14#<br />

Nett Eagle Jackpot Hole: 17#<br />

Saturday 9Hole Competition<br />

Nett Medal<br />

Harvey Bakehouse Winner of the day:<br />

Peter Woods 36 Nett<br />

2nd Hughie Murchie 38 Nett<br />

3rd Gavin Johnston 39 Nett<br />

2’s Hughie Murchie<br />

Saturday Golf 23/10/20<strong>21</strong>:<br />

Morning report 7;30am for 8:00am Tee<br />

Off.<br />

Afternoon report 12:00pm for 12:30pm<br />

Tee Off.<br />

9Holers report 1:00pm to 1:30pm for start.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf 9Holers<br />

The finals of the club championships were<br />

held on Saturday 16th <strong>October</strong> and it was a<br />

great day. Congratulations to all of the finalists<br />

for qualifying and playing. Several others<br />

came along to caddie and/or cheer for the<br />

players. The results were: Men's 9 Hole<br />

Champion - Sam Prince d. Peter Woods.<br />

Women's 9Hole Champion -Tonee Hurley d.<br />

Jenny Matthews. Men's Sega Golf Trophy -<br />

Tong King d. Murray Lister and Women's Sega<br />

Golf Trophy -Joy Nicholas d. Elaine King<br />

Allenton Bowling Club<br />

On Saturday 16th <strong>October</strong> the Anama<br />

Tray Open 2-4-2 pairs was competed for with<br />

a good number of teams results were as<br />

follows:<br />

First: John Forde, Kelvyn O’Connor 3wins<br />

19 ends 36 points<br />

Second: Jock O’Connor, Liam O’Connor 3<br />

wins 19 ends 27 points<br />

Third: Donalda Watson, Martin Watson 3<br />

wins 19 ends 40 points<br />

Fourth: Bruce Hopwood, Trevor Johnson<br />

2wins <strong>21</strong> ends 33 points<br />

Fifth: Richard Kane, Hayden Cowan 2<br />

wins 19 ends 34 points<br />

Events being held for the week starting<br />

Monday18th <strong>October</strong><br />

Tuesday 19th Ladies Club Day<br />

Friday 22nd Allenton Friday Triples<br />

Saturday 23rd Combined Club Day<br />

Saturday 23rd Centre Mixed Pairs section<br />

play<br />

Sunday 24th Centre Mixed Pairs post<br />

section<br />

Run and Walk <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Prizegiving Results 20<strong>21</strong> season -members<br />

gathered on Friday 15 <strong>October</strong> at Mania-<br />

O-Roto scout hall for our annual prize giving.<br />

While some disruption occurred throughout<br />

our season due to Covid-19 restraints, members<br />

adapted to our new normal and managed<br />

another successful season, which we can all<br />

be grateful for. Results are:<br />

Walkers: AHC Cross Country Walk Womens<br />

winner - Stacey Hooper; AHC Cross<br />

Country Walk Mens winner -Noel Batty; AHC<br />

Most Improved Walker -Stacey Hooper; AHC<br />

Most Outstanding walker -Kelvin Leach; AHC<br />

Road Champs first on handicap women -Lori<br />

Rusbatch; AHC Road champs first on handicap<br />

men -Kelvin Leach; Clinton Trophy winner<br />

3km estimated time Turkey Trot - Lynda<br />

Bayne; E Stringer shield Fastest time men<br />

road champs - Dave Strong; Gilbert Walk<br />

winner 3km handicap -Nicky MacKenzie;<br />

Greymouth Cup veteran fastest half marathon<br />

walk - Judith Crozier; Hood Family Trophy<br />

fastest women walker road champs -Alison<br />

Conway; Johnny McGrath Memorial Trophy<br />

5km Walk - Stacey Hooper; Strong Walk<br />

winner sealed handicap 3km - Noel Batty;<br />

Most Inspiring Walker over 80 -Colin Phillips.<br />

Runners: AHC Most Improved Runner -<br />

Eamon Hooper; AHC Best Interclub Colt or<br />

Girl - Jack Hooper; Alastair Keen Trophy<br />

outstanding performance road relay -Jeremy<br />

Hayes; Baker Challenge Cup 5miles winner<br />

senior mens cross country -Shaun Clark; B<br />

Clemens Cup U16 girls cross country champion<br />

-Carina Lupse; BLynn Cup senior road<br />

handicap championship 8miles -Shaun Clark;<br />

Clinton Challenge winner veteran men handicap<br />

cross country - Jason Pickard; Carter<br />

Challenge U14 Boys cross country champion<br />

-Jack Hooper; Egan Family Shield Veteran<br />

Mens cross country championship -Ronnie<br />

Campbell; Gerald Whiting Shield ladies handicap<br />

cross country - Gabby Simpson; Giller<br />

Family Cup Best half marathon run on ability -<br />

Gabby Simpson; Harney Family Trophy<br />

Ladies road champs first across the line -<br />

Gabby Simpson; Jack Feron Trophy winner on<br />

handicap over 50 mens road champs -Gary<br />

Whiting; John Gamblin winner Road champs<br />

first across the line - Shaun Clark; John<br />

Gamblin Challenge Trophy fastest marathon -<br />

Ronnie Campbell; John McBrearty Trophy<br />

Junior Colts Champ - Jack Hooper; Judith<br />

Stewart Trophy Veteran womens road<br />

champs - Gabby Simpson; McIntosh Inter<br />

Club Trophy winner -Eamon Hooper; Percy<br />

Brown Memorial fastest time ladies handicap<br />

cross country -Gabby Simpson; Peter Larkin<br />

Standardbreds Ltd shield winner 3km handicap<br />

road race -Flynn Gooseman; Rosebury<br />

Trophy Veteran womens cross country championship<br />

-Gabby Simpson; Shurrock/Glasson<br />

Trophy fastest time Veteran Mens road<br />

champs -Jeremy Hayes; The McLennan<br />

Challenge Senior Road Championship Fastest<br />

time - Shaun Clark; Wilson Rosebowl<br />

winner 3km estimated time Turkey Trot -Mike<br />

O’Callaghan;<br />

Specials: Gordon Clinton Trophy Seasons<br />

best veteran -Alison Conway; Noel Lochhead<br />

Shield most enthusiastic member -Viv Strong<br />

&Steve Skilling.<br />

Tinwald Cycling Club<br />

The tough windy conditions had its say in<br />

Tinwald Cycling Club’s, White Fox and Jones<br />

Lawyers, 45km handicap event around the<br />

Dawsons Road block on Sunday.<br />

The conditions set up achance for the<br />

scratch markers to work their way through the<br />

field for victory, and they took the opportunity,<br />

finding the front inside the final 3kilometres.<br />

Larry Neal had the best of the four up<br />

sprint to claim the major spoils, and in doing so<br />

recording the fastest time of 63.02.<br />

Kyle Gray who continues to impress,<br />

picked up second place.<br />

Steve Hands secured the final podium<br />

position.<br />

Tony Ward dug deep to take fourth place.<br />

The ever improving Mike Pearce, and Cole<br />

Harris rounded out the top six.<br />

The juniors and division 2 contested a<br />

15km handicap ride.<br />

Front marker Tom Reid produced atop<br />

shelf effort to keep the chasing marks at bay to<br />

lift the trophy.<br />

It was agreat day for the Reid stable, with<br />

Tom’s big sister Leah Reid laying down her<br />

best ride of the season to secure second<br />

place.<br />

Isabel Wall was in the thick of the finish to<br />

record awell-deserved third placing.<br />

Cooper Spillane made his trip north<br />

worthwhile with asolid ride to record fourth<br />

place.<br />

Fifth place getter Mitch Brookland claimed<br />

fastest time honours, riding the distance in<br />

22.29.<br />

Fellow scratch marker Cam Anderson was<br />

hot on his tail in sixth pace.<br />

Ryan Spillane had the final to take the win<br />

in Division 2, from Kerry Clough and Kenny<br />

Johnston.<br />

Next week the Club will contest a48km<br />

handicap event around the Grahams Road<br />

block.<br />

trusted<br />

20<strong>21</strong> GUIDE<br />

trades &services<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 308 7664 or email karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


E-info@talbotsecurity.co.nz E - ty 519 62c East Dobson Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> rton P-(03) P - (03 307 ) 307 2409 2409 Anytime 24/7<br />

e 24/7<br />

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<strong>Ashburton</strong>’ s only 100% loc ally ow ned and operated security company<br />

2375720<br />

JukeBox Hire<br />

Weddings,<strong>21</strong>st,<br />

PrivateFunctions<br />

Sound Systems &Lighting Hire<br />

Phone DJ Dave<br />

03 308 5106<br />

027 251 0015<br />

www.soundmanagement.co.nz<br />

2396045<br />




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2422660<br />

Integrity Estate Services specialise in;<br />

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Kate Webster 027 500 1033<br />

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RICHARD ORR -027 240 1226<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Business owners<br />

Build customers,sales<br />

and profits,with us ...<br />

Print, OnlineandMobile24/7<br />

Over<br />

16,065<br />

copies<br />

delivered<br />

every<br />

Thursday<br />

Staveley<br />

Mount Somers<br />

Alford Forest<br />

Valetta<br />

Mayfield<br />

77<br />

Ruapuna<br />

Arundel<br />

Orari Bridge<br />

Geraldine<br />

77 1<br />

Ealing<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Forks<br />

Moranan Maronan<br />

Hinds<br />

Lowcliffe<br />

Methven<br />

Winchmore<br />

Willowby<br />

Lauriston<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Wakanui<br />

Chertsey<br />

Rakaia<br />

ContactJann Thompson 03 308 7664 jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

1<br />

1<br />

24<strong>21</strong>614<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />

35<br />


Michael Houstoun/The Rodger FoxBig Band<br />

Sunday 24th <strong>October</strong> 2-30pm<br />

Adult $58* /Senior $48* /Student $38*<br />

Two ofNew Zealand’s best loved musicians,<br />

classical pianist Michael Houstoun and<br />

foremost jazz trombonist and big band<br />

leader Rodger Fox bring their acclaimed<br />

concert series to the South Island. Also<br />

featuring special guest supreme jazz<br />

vocalist, Erna Ferry.<br />

TheMerryLittle ChristmasMarket<br />

28th November 11-30am until 4pm<br />

Gold Coin Donation<br />

Join us for the Merry Little Christmas<br />

Market this November.Agreat event to<br />

purchase unique Christmas presents with<br />

awide array of stalls. We are now taking<br />

registrations. Please email<br />

casey@ateventcentre.co.nz<br />

or phone 027-292-2601.<br />



BOOK<br />

NOW<br />

Frank Talbot Quartet<br />

Saturday 30th <strong>October</strong>, 7pm<br />

Adult $25* /Senior $20* /Student $20*<br />

Exciting original jazz music from one of New<br />

Zealand’s finest saxophonists, Frank Talbot.<br />

Hailing from Devonport, Talbot moved to<br />

Wellington in 2016 where he’s quickly made a<br />

name for himself, as aConcerto Competition<br />

finalist, twice winner of the annual combo<br />

competition and section leader in the big<br />

band. Frank is one not to be missed.<br />

03 307 2010 <strong>21</strong>1A WillsStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700 admin@ateventcentre.co.nz<br />

SELL<br />

EXERCISE Cubii. Only<br />

10months old. Seldom<br />

used. Excellent condition.<br />

$500. Phone 307 0232.<br />


9kg cylinders<br />

$27.50<br />

Askaboutour<br />

deliveryservice<br />

Anysizecylinder filled<br />

17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone 307 2707<br />

2422689<br />

Up to<br />

50 % Of<br />

*Call for Terms<br />

&Conditions<br />

SELL<br />

LPG<br />


Small LPG cylinders<br />

Off Street Parking<br />

Available<br />

Arthur Cates Ltd<br />

26 McNally Street<br />

Ph 308 5397<br />

Riverside Industrial Estate<br />


2422683<br />

ASHBURTON Scrap Metal<br />

Recyclers buy heavy metal<br />

etc. Free light-grade metal<br />

in-yard dumping 9am-5pm<br />

weekdays &9.30-11.30am<br />

Saturdays. 117 Alford Forest<br />

Rd, (behind<br />

PlaceMakers). Phone 03<br />

308 8033 or 027 249 6625.<br />

Off<br />

*<br />

For more information<br />

www.ateventcentre.co.nz<br />


Stuck for aChristmas gift idea?<br />


Why not give them an <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Trust Event Centre gift voucher so<br />

they can come and see the show<br />

of their choice when they want?<br />

*Service fees apply<br />





Forall othermedicalassistance outside of normal<br />

hoursplease phone your generalpracticeteam,24/7,<br />

to speak withahealth professional whowill giveyou<br />

free health advice on what to do or wheretogoifyou<br />

need urgentcare.<br />

If youdon’t have aregular generalpractice, call any<br />

GP team 24/7 forfreetelephone health advice.<br />

All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />

passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />

New Zealanders’tobringsome form of ID.<br />

The<strong>Ashburton</strong> Duty Practice for...<br />

Saturday23rd<strong>October</strong> is<br />

Tinwald Medical Centre, 33 Archibald Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Consultations will be by appointmentonly.<br />

To make an appointmentcall your regular GP 24/7.<br />

Sunday24th <strong>October</strong> is<br />

ThreeRivers Health, 7-11 Allens Road,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Consultations will be by appointmentonly.<br />

To make an appointmentcall your regular GP 24/7.<br />

Monday25th <strong>October</strong>(Labour Day) is<br />

MooreStreet Medical Centre,MooreStreet,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Methven and Rakaia: Formedical attention on the<br />

weekend and public holidays please telephone<br />

MethvenMedical Centre on 03 302 8105<br />

or Rakaia Medical Centre on 03 303 5002.<br />

Details foraccessing the afterhoursservices will be<br />

on the answer phone.<br />


Wises Pharmacy,CountdownComplex,<br />

East Street will be open on ...<br />

Saturday from 9.00am until 1.00pm<br />

Sunday from 10.00am until 1.00pm<br />

At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open<br />

normal trading hours during the week,and on<br />

Saturdaymorning from 9.30am to 12.30pm.<br />

Closed Sundays and Public Holidays<br />

Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />

Phone the healthline on 0800 611 116<br />

Brought<br />

toyouby<br />

CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755<br />

AndreGrob<br />

Chiropractor<br />

Tues 9am-5pm<br />

03 308 9516<br />

www.ashburtonchiropractic.co.nz<br />

2395599<br />

Check out our website www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Delivered to over 15,950 homes everyweek<br />

Phone 308 7664 l office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>


36 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


Machine Operator<br />

Norwest Seed Processing Ltd<br />

Methven<br />

We areasmall family run business located5minutes out of Methven. We have<br />

afull-time position available foranewmachine operatortoassist our current<br />

team members. You will be expectedtohave ahigh focus on<br />

qualityofthe product, the efficiencyofthe plantand your ownsafety.<br />

Duties includebulk seed inwards,forkliftdriving,dispatch, general labouring,<br />

bagging and stacking seed. The applicantwill need to have agood level of<br />

physical fitness with the abilitytoperform manual lifting,team playerwith an<br />

excellentworkethic and prepared to work shifts.<br />

Applicants must hold aNew Zealand Citizenship or Residency.<br />

Please contactCaraWilson on 30<strong>21</strong>724 forfurther details or email<br />

office@nwsprocessing.co.nz, include acopyofyour CV and acover letter.<br />

Loyal Interior Plastering<br />

Want anew start?<br />

LoyalInterior Plastering is seeking an additional full<br />

time interior plasterer.<br />

As avalued staff member, you will have access to<br />

the latest equipment and technology, plus the<br />

opportunity to learn within our busy but friendly<br />

team. While experience is preferred, it is not<br />

essential as the rightperson will receivefull training.<br />

Start date is negotiable and will bediscussed at<br />

time of the interview. Competitive wages offered,<br />

based on experience.<br />

All applicants must have NZ residency or hold a<br />

current NZ Visa.<br />

If youare interested in this position,<br />

pleasephoneBruceon027 3847118<br />

2428047<br />

No experienceneeded,<br />

just agoodattitude!<br />

We’ve gotanumber<br />

of jobs availablefor<br />

agriculturallabourers.<br />

Excellentworkhours<br />

Part-time or full-time<br />

hours available<br />

Short-term roleswith<br />

opportunity to longtermworkonoffer<br />

Great rates<br />

Great fit for semi<br />

retired, dayworkers, or<br />

working around school<br />

hours<br />

Email us your CV<br />

jobs@agstaff.co.nz<br />

or call us on<br />

0800112<strong>21</strong>1<br />

to startASAP.<br />

Checkout Operator<br />

Full time<br />

Mitre 10MEGA have avacancy for aCheck out<br />

operator. This position is full time (40 hours per<br />

week) with aTuesday–Saturdayroster.<br />

The successful applicant will require the<br />

following skills:<br />

• Great customer serviceskills<br />

• Able to work in ateam environment<br />

• Good numerical accuracy<br />

• Previous experiencewould be preferred.<br />

If you think you are the person we are looking<br />

for, please email your c.v. and covering letter to<br />

HR.<strong>Ashburton</strong>@mitre10.co.nz<br />

Applications close on Tuesday 26th <strong>October</strong> 20<strong>21</strong>.<br />

2428354<br />

2365805<br />

JobOpportunities<br />

Gym Instructor<br />

Are you passionate about health and fitness and enjoy helping others to<br />

reach their goals? We’re looking for apart-time Gym Instructor be on the<br />

floor providing exceptional customer service and encouragement to our<br />

clients. To ensureour customers get thebest, you’ll needtohold arelevant<br />

qualification or have previous experience in theindustryaswell as being able<br />

to work on apart-timerostered basis.<br />

Applications close Tuesday, 26 <strong>October</strong>20<strong>21</strong>.<br />

Seasonal Lifeguards<br />

We have multiple fixed-term lifeguard positions available over the summer<br />

seasonwith amixture of weekdayand weekendshiftsrangingfrom4hours<br />

through to8hours. Weare looking for individuals who are 16orolder and<br />

abletoswim200m under sixminutes. Full training willbeprovided.<br />

Applications close Wednesday,3November 20<strong>21</strong>.<br />

To findout moreaboutthese vacancies<br />

and what the<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil<br />

has to offer you-go to our website.<br />

www.ashburtondc.govt.nz/careers<br />

2428866<br />


Afull time position has become available in our<br />

Panel and Paintshop foraQualified Spray Painter.<br />

Theposition requires<br />

• Good work ethics<br />

• Have ahigh standardindetail and finish<br />

• Tobereliable<br />

• The abilitytoworkunsupervised<br />

• Toworkinateam and meet production deadlines<br />

• NZresidencyorvalid NZ work visa<br />

Please send resume and coverletter to<br />

TheGeneral Manager<br />

Bus and Truck Body Work Ltd<br />

PO Box51, <strong>Ashburton</strong>7740<br />

Phone Keith on 0274 274 007 or 307 0378<br />

Email busandtruckbodywork@xtra.co.nz<br />


EGGS. Local, fresh and freerange.<br />

Weekly deliveries<br />

direct to your door around<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Regular or<br />

occasional orders, you<br />

choose. Dolma Eggs,<br />

0<strong>21</strong>1160252, or email d.<br />

raisbeck@xtra.co.nz<br />

POTATOES; Nadine, Red<br />

Rascall and Agria $1.25kg,<br />

or pre-ordered 10kg bags<br />

$10. Phone 03 308 3195 or<br />

027 531 9103. 81 Elizabeth<br />

Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

SELL<br />

VICTOR Rotary Lawnmower.<br />

19", 4stroke, 163cc motor.<br />

Electric start ignition,<br />

comes with a mulcher.<br />

Phone 027 640 3981.<br />


ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />

types, specializing in<br />

Decramastic and Long Run<br />

Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />

roofs not a problem. —<br />

Spraymaster 027-433-7780.<br />

2423431<br />

Customer service<br />

FixedTerm<br />

Seasonaldepartment<br />

Mitre10MEGA<strong>Ashburton</strong>has avacancyfor a<br />

customer serviceperson in our busy Seasonal<br />

departmentselling outdoor living products.<br />

This position is part-time and aFixed Term<br />

Sunday –Tuesday total 24hours per week<br />

commencing from now–31stJanuary2022.<br />

Skills required are:<br />

• Great customer serviceskills<br />

• Physically fit and able to lift<br />

• Abilitytoworkun-supervised<br />

If youthink youare the person we arelooking<br />

for, please email your c.v. and covering letter<br />

stating which position youare applying forto:<br />

HR.<strong>Ashburton</strong>@mitre10.co.nz<br />

Applications close on<br />

Wednesday,<strong>October</strong> 27, 20<strong>21</strong>.<br />


GLASS<br />

Wilsons Windscreens 2018 Ltd<br />

Is it time forachange?<br />

Wilson Windscreens Ltd is a locally owned<br />

company in <strong>Ashburton</strong>, seeking staff members to<br />

join our small team.<br />

We work on alarge variety ofvehicles, with some<br />

overtime available to serviceour customer base.<br />

Applicants must be:<br />

•Hardworking<br />

•Haveahigh work ethic<br />

•Havegood communication skills<br />

•Haveaclean driver’s licence<br />

Theassistant role could become an apprenticeship<br />

forthe rightperson and will have ongoing training.<br />

If this sounds likeyouplease sendyour<br />

application via email with anyrelevant<br />

references to office@wilsonwindscreens.co.nz<br />

2428435<br />

2428459<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


Want to get<br />

paid for your<br />

weeklywalk?<br />

I’mMarythe Delivery<br />

Supervisor forthe <strong>Courier</strong>.<br />

I am looking for reliable<br />

people to deliver the <strong>Courier</strong><br />

each Thursday in the Tinwald,<br />

Hampstead and Allenton areas.<br />

If you are keen to find out more<br />

about this opportunity, please<br />

send me an email or give me a<br />

call and we can talk further.<br />

Please email mary.summerfield@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

or phone Mary on 03 308 7664<br />

forfurther details.<br />

Job Vacancy<br />

Position:<br />

Location:<br />

Hours of Work:<br />

Date Issued:<br />

Refugee SettlementSupportCaseworker<br />

(registered Social Worker)<br />

SaferMid CanterburyOffices,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

26hours perweek<br />

<strong>October</strong>20<strong>21</strong><br />

The Refugee Settlement Support Service, Safer Mid Canterbury <strong>Ashburton</strong>, is<br />

looking foranew team member.Weare seeking someone who has abackground<br />

in Social Work and who islooking for achallenging and rewarding role as a<br />

Settlement Support Caseworker. The Refugee Settlement Support Service is<br />

contracted by MBIE to assist former refugees to participate fully and integrate<br />

socially and economically in their new community during their first 12 months<br />

in New Zealand.Ifyou like achallenge, enjoyengaging with people from diverse<br />

cultures,like working in an environmentwherenoday is the same,and areateam<br />

player, then this could be the perfect job for you. As caseworker you will be the<br />

primary support person for newly arriving families, overseeing their settlement<br />

process forthe first twelvemonths.This role also entails working alongside other<br />

agencies and services involved with the families.Our serviceiscurrently assisting<br />

in the settlementofformer refugees from Afghanistan.<br />

The person applying for this job must be a registered Social Worker with<br />

relevant experience and/or training in afield that furnishes them with the skills<br />

and experienceneeded foraposition of this type.Weare looking forcandidates<br />

with the following key attributes:<br />

• Abilitytorelate with and supportpeople from differentcultural backgrounds.<br />

• Agood understanding of relevantsocial services and agencies.<br />

• Understanding of confidentialityand privacyact practices.<br />

• Knowledge and/or experienceofrefugee or migrant settlementexperience.<br />

• Computer skills,including Exceland Word<br />

• Excellenttimemanagementand organisational skills<br />

• Hold acurrent motor vehicle driver’s licence and willing to travel tofulfil job<br />

requirements<br />

• Liveand work in the <strong>Ashburton</strong>region<br />

• Empathy with humanitarian causes<br />

• Enthusiasm and commitmenttoworkasateam member<br />

• High degreeofcultural competency<br />

To read the job description and download an application form go to:<br />

www.safermidcanterbury.org.nz careers page.<br />

Applications close Friday5th of November<br />

Forfurther question’s please contactAni Koperu on 03 308 1395<br />



Dangerous GoodsCourse<br />

NZTAApproved Course Provider,MITO&Competenz Assessor<br />

Dangerous Goods Course-½dayMondaymornings<br />

CommunityHouse,<strong>Ashburton</strong>oryour work place<br />

Forfurtherinformation<br />

PhoneChristine027 245 2563<br />

2406572<br />

TRAVEL<br />

2425064<br />

2426815<br />

WHITE Herons, November.<br />

Whale Watch, December.<br />

DBB Hotels. Special Offer;<br />

Air Safaris Grande Traverse,<br />

Southern Alps,<br />

November. Booking now.<br />

John and Kathleen Lawler,<br />

Rakaia 03 302 7328<br />


EIFFELTON Hall Society<br />

AGM. Tuesday 2nd<br />

November 20<strong>21</strong>, at 5pm, at<br />

the Eiffelton Hall. All welcome.<br />

Enquiries, phone<br />

027 220 4400<br />


ALTERATIONS; Sewing,<br />

mending and trouser hemming,<br />

curtain alterations<br />

and curtain making. Call<br />

Michelle on 027 352 7248.<br />

BUILD work to do? Contact<br />

Kiwi Building and Maintenance<br />

Ltd. Alterations,<br />

Renovations, New builds.<br />

Qualified Tradesmen.<br />

Phone Cawte 027 418<br />

7955.<br />

CARPET 2YOU -for all your<br />

flooring needs. Supplier<br />

and installer of carpet and<br />

vinyl, re-stretch and repair,<br />

carpet cleaning. Phone<br />

Mike Gill 027 491 4<strong>21</strong>0.<br />

CARPET Cleaning. Powerful<br />

equipment and fast drying.<br />

Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />

Experienced owner/operator.<br />

Phone John Cameron<br />

at Supersucker. 027 435<br />

1042 or 308 1677<br />

CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />

servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />

surrounding districts, $60<br />

per chimney. Phone<br />

Rodney on 03 324 2999<br />

and leave amessage.<br />

CHARLIES Blind Cleaning<br />

Service -same day service<br />

and repairs. Charlie can<br />

supply new blinds and<br />

tracks and will hang<br />

drapes. Ph 03 307 1936 or<br />

020 4169 0342<br />

COMPUTER repairs, sales,<br />

training, setup wirelessnetworks,<br />

spyware<br />

cleanup. On-site day or<br />

evening. Low fees. Call<br />

Robin Johnstone, Networks<br />

Firewalls and PC’s Ltd, 308<br />

1440 or 027 768 4058<br />

CONCRETE Services -<br />

Driveways, paths, patios,<br />

mowing edging. Decorative<br />

Concrete Specialist operating<br />

locally with 30 years<br />

experience. No job too big<br />

or small. Contactless service<br />

offered. Phone Paul<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 152 1966.<br />

DENTURES; Dr Peter<br />

Rumping, retired Dentist,<br />

repairs existing dentures.<br />

Phone 027 220 9997.<br />

DRIVEWAYS, Patios and<br />

Paths, Plain Concrete, Coloured<br />

Concrete or Exposed<br />

Agregate Concrete.<br />

Paveco, 13 Robinson<br />

Street. 100% local. Phone<br />

307 6466 for aquote.<br />

ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />

farm equipment<br />

service and maintenance,<br />

WOF repairs, machining<br />

and welding. Odd jobs a<br />

speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />

Can collect. Phone<br />

Malcolm 0274 754 241.<br />

FIRE Extinquisher sales and<br />

servicing. On farm/<br />

contractors - trucks/tractors/balers/combines/cars/<br />

boats/caravans etc. Phone<br />

Mack at Doors and More on<br />

027 396 0361<br />


GUTTER Cleaning. Using a<br />

vacuum system to clean<br />

FLY control and spider out the debris is a faster<br />

proofing. For all your and cleaner process. Call<br />

domestic and industrial Allan on 027 209 5026.<br />

pest control needs phone LAWN Mowing. No job too<br />

AJ Kerr at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest small. Call Les Smith, From<br />

Control on 03 308 8147 or The Ground Up, for acompetitive<br />

quote. Ph 027 840<br />

027 432 5447<br />

FURNITURE Removals. For 0201 or 03 308 1500.<br />

all your household removal<br />

needs - urban, rural lifestyle,<br />

office relocations -<br />

LOCKSMITH/Door repairs.<br />

Keys/locks, sliding and bifold<br />

door roller repairs.<br />

call Nudges Furniture<br />

Removals, phone 027 224<br />

Mobile service. Call Nigel at<br />

0609.<br />

Doors and More. Ph 027<br />

516 7104<br />

GARDENING, mowing,<br />

pruning, fertilising, projects NETTLETON Decorators,<br />

or general spruce ups? Call qualified tradesman, is<br />

Andrew at Spruce Gardens available for interior and<br />

to get the job done right. exterior painting, plus plastering,<br />

stopping, skimming<br />

027 765 2899 or 03 307<br />

1693.<br />

and wallpapering. Phone<br />

sprucegardens@xtra.co.nz James on 0274 865 283.<br />



FOR: Mobile Sandblasting<br />

Painting<br />

OF: Structural Steel<br />

Trailers<br />

Farm Machinery<br />

Car Parts<br />

Shipping Containers<br />

Concrete, Brick Rendering<br />

Free quotes -Competitive rates<br />

Phone Kurt 027 332 4549 or Neil 0274 362 900<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />


37<br />



<strong>Ashburton</strong>Club &MSA givesnoticethataSpecial General Meeting will be held<br />

at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust Event Centre, <strong>21</strong>1 Willis Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, on Monday, 1<br />

November 20<strong>21</strong> at 6pm.<br />

The business of the meeting will be to consider and, ifthought fit, to pass the<br />

following motions:<br />

1. Procedural Motion: “THAT, notwithstanding Rule 20 of the Club<br />

Constitution, Mr Mark vonDadelszen,Barrister,ofHastings,beappointedas<br />

the independentChairperson of this SpecialGeneral Meeting.”<br />

2. Substantive Motion as notified in the request for the Special General<br />

Meeting:<br />

“The undersigned have no confidence inthe Committee of the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Club &MSA due to recent management ormismanagement ofthe Club’s<br />

affairs.”<br />

“If the vote of no confidence ispassed by the membership, the incumbent<br />

Committee would be dissolved.”<br />

“An interim committee of 3to4persons beelected from the meeting to<br />

Govern the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Club &MSA until new elections can be called for<br />

under the Club’s constitution.”<br />


The wording of the substantive motion as set out above is worded exactly<br />

as received (although the three paragraphs were not divided into separate<br />

paragraphs in that request). Under the Rules, this is the only business that can<br />

be considered at the meeting (Club Rules 9(c) and 11(b)). To be passed, each<br />

resolution must be supported bythe votes ofnot less than two-thirds of those<br />

financial Club members presentatthe meeting(Club Rule 9(c)).<br />


The Club President has received arequest, signed by not less than 75 financial<br />

Club members, to call aSpecial GeneralMeeting to address item 2ofthe above<br />

business, which is available to view on the official Club notice board and on<br />

request from the Club General Manager. The President has therefore called a<br />

Special General Meeting under Club Rule 11(a).Fourteen clear days’noticeofthe<br />

meetingmust be givenbyadvertisement and on the official Club noticeboard.<br />

Duetoapotential conflictofinterest,having regardtothe natureofthe request<br />

to address item 2ofthe above business, itwould be inappropriate for the<br />

President, Vice-President, or anyother Committee member to chair the<br />

meeting(as isnormally required under Club Rule 20).<br />

On the recommendation of the Club’s lawyers, itistherefore proposed that Mr<br />

Mark von Dadelszen, an experienced independent chairperson and lawyer and<br />

author of Members’Meetings and LawofSocieties (both in their 3rdEditions), be<br />

appointedtochair the meeting.Members will be asked to vote on thatmotion<br />

first at the meeting.<br />


No Club member shall be allowed tovote byproxy at the Special General<br />

Meeting (Club Rule 9(a)).<br />

By order of theClub President<br />

Gary Fransen<br />

13 <strong>October</strong> 20<strong>21</strong> 2428309<br />

2414231<br />


PAINTER for all your painting<br />

needs. No job too small,<br />

inside or outside. Professional<br />

friendly service.<br />

Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />

027 200 1619.<br />



Rockcote. Waterproofing.<br />

Texture/Specialist<br />

Coatings.<br />

The Finishing Company<br />

03 307 8870 2416189<br />

SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />

Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />

control for homes, offices<br />

and cars. Phone Craig<br />

Rogers 307 6347, member<br />

Master Tinters NZ. www.<br />

windowtinter.co.nz<br />

TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />

block, glare, heat control,<br />

safety, security, privacy,<br />

frosting films, solar protective<br />

window films. Free<br />

quotes, 20 years local service.<br />

Phone 0800 368 468<br />

now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br />

tintawindow.co.nz<br />


AWESOME OFFICE space<br />

for lease, rent or hire. Park<br />

like setting. Indoor and outdoor<br />

areas. North West<br />

town boundary. Must view.<br />

Phone 0274 754 241<br />


RENT ME!<br />

Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroomoroffice.<br />

Fully insulatedand<br />

double glazed forwarmth.<br />

Threeconvenientsizes:<br />

Standard3.6m x2.4m,<br />

Large 4.2m x2.4m<br />

Xtra-large 4.8m x2.4m.<br />

Visit our displaycabin<br />

418WestStreet or callfor a<br />

freebrochure.<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

2422687<br />

0800 58 78 22<br />

STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />

units available, long or<br />

short term. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Storage<br />

Facilities. Contact us<br />

on 0274 362 636 or www.<br />

ashburtonstoragefacilities.<br />

co.nz<br />

STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Self storage, variety<br />

of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />

Storage 03 307 0401 or<br />

phone/text 0<strong>21</strong> 554 570


38 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 20<strong>21</strong><br />



HospiceMid Canterbury<br />

Dealing withalifelimiting illness?<br />

We can supportyou and<br />

your family to make<br />

everyday count.<br />

Allservices arefree.<br />

Phone 307 8387 or 027 227 8387 email manager@hospicemc.nz<br />

www.hospicemc.nz facebook hospicemidcanterbury<br />

Dr Christopher McGrath<br />

PhD(Otago), MSc, DO(UK)<br />

Expert<br />

musculoskeletal care for your pain<br />

2427593<br />

Consulting Osteopath, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Appointments/contactthrough web site<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 0222 6378<br />

www.countrypractice.nz<br />


Thursdayand Saturday5.30pm -8pm<br />

Wednesdaylunch from 12pm<br />

OpenTuesdaytoSunday<br />

ThursdayHappyHour<br />

4.30pm -6pm<br />

Membership Draw &Raffles<br />

LintonLounge available to hirefor<br />

Christmas and privatefunctions.<br />

Ourclub andbistro operates responsibly<br />

under the Covid Level2restrictions<br />

Courtesy vanruns every<br />

Thursday, Friday&Saturdayfrom4pm.<br />

Join the RSA (the friendly Club)<br />

12-14 Cox Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 7175<br />

Members, guests and affiliates all welcome<br />




$140 PER CORD<br />



3cordgreen<br />

$330<br />

1cordgreen<br />

$110<br />

1corddry<br />

$140<br />

C.O.D. in town<br />

Adams Sawmill<br />

Malcolm McDowell Rd<br />

Phone<br />

308-3595<br />


2414491<br />


2346051<br />

SAVE $100. on next winters<br />

firewood. Old Man Pine 6m 3<br />

$495.00. Limited supply.<br />

WINZ accredited. Free<br />

delivery to most of Mid-<br />

Canterbury. Phone 027 297<br />

7563.<br />


GARDENERS Specials.<br />

Sheep or Cow manure<br />

$8/bag. Medium-square linseed<br />

straw $50. Mediumsquare<br />

pea straw $60.<br />

Phone Alan 027 496 7136,<br />

Ian 027 286 3697. AHinds<br />

Lions Project.<br />


Rhododendrons from $15.<br />

91 Pye Road The Downs<br />

Geraldine. Wednesday to<br />

Saturday 10am to 4pm or<br />

by arrangement. phone 03<br />

6938332 or 0274311815<br />

PAUL’S Garden Nursery,<br />

101 Harrison St, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Tomato, vegetable and<br />

flower plants,14 varieties of<br />

seed potatoes, seed yams<br />

and farm fresh, free range<br />

eggs available. Enquiries to<br />

Paul 027 278 1354. Open 7<br />

days.<br />


Nowisthe time to dig in our topqualitymushroom<br />

compost to your vegetable garden. Ideal to replenish nutrients<br />

used by previous crops and improvethe soil structure.<br />

It also adds beneficial micro-organisms to thetired soil.<br />

$50 per cubic metreor$10 bag.<br />

Freedelivery within town boundary.<br />

Open 6daysaweek at our Tinwald yard,<br />

208 Maronan Road. Phone 0<strong>21</strong> 129 8936 or 03 308 3331<br />

2417586<br />

2386391<br />


Peter Blacklow<br />

Call in atalk to the people who know ...<br />

PETE’S<br />

PICK<br />

Full range of engineering supplies and accessories forall your repairs<br />

&maintenance. Kerrick hot &cold waterblasters &industrial vacuumcleaners.<br />

Esseti welders &accessories. Stockists and distributors of Trailer Equipment.<br />

Locally owned &operated family business for 68 years<br />


South Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> PHONE (03) 308-3147<br />

Email office@blacklows.co.nz FREEPHONE 0800 452 522<br />

Thank youMid Canterbury<br />

foryour continued<br />

supportofour shelter.<br />

Kittenfood donations for the<br />

upcoming season would be<br />

greatlyappreciated.<br />

Tuesday-Saturday<br />

9:30am -noon<br />

Phone 308 4432 or<br />

027 332 9286<br />

Kindly sponsored by<br />

180<strong>21</strong>6<br />

2422677<br />



At Hinds School we focus on bringing learning<br />

to life through exploring, empowering and<br />

challenging our students. As aschool we pride<br />

ourselves on knowing our learners and shaping<br />

education and learning programmes to best<br />

support our students. Aspecialfeatureof our rural<br />

school is the year 1-8 structure and growth of our<br />

students as activecontributing learners. Weaim for<br />

our students to leave Hinds School ascapable and<br />

confident learner’s;as wellrounded individualswho<br />

have strong Hinds Dispositions and can embrace<br />

challengeand opportunity.<br />

The Hinds Board ofTrustees invites applications<br />

from parents/ caregivers who wish to enrol their<br />

child at Hinds School for 2022. Enrolment atthe<br />

school is governed by an enrolmentscheme.<br />

Alimited number ofout-of-zone places will be<br />

available for 2022. An enrolment scheme is<br />

available from the school officeHinds.<br />

For students seeking enrolment, the deadline for<br />

out-ot-zone applications for 2022 is3pm, Monday<br />

1stNovember20<strong>21</strong>.<br />

We would appreciate parents/caregivers living<br />

within Hinds School enrolment zone who intend<br />

to enroltheir childat anytime during thenext year<br />

notifying usoftheir child’s enrolment for 2022 by<br />

1stNovember, to assist with school planning.<br />

Application formsare available at the schooloffice,<br />

03 3037208 or via email office@hinds.school.nz<br />

Weinviteparents to contactthe officetolearn more<br />

aboutour school andjoinusforatour.<br />

2423024<br />

K<br />

CRC<br />


Brake parts cleaner.600g.<br />

$51.246p k<br />


6 PACK<br />

BONUS<br />


pack+GST<br />


Good qualitysecondhand furniture,<br />

household,garden and workshop items.<br />

No TVsorcomputers please.<br />

Phone John 307 6229, Dave 307 4349, Clarrie 308 9629<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Pakeke Lions Club Charitable Trust<br />

Serving our Community-Helping LocalCharities<br />

CharityMarketGarage Sale January2022<br />




Linea sliding table saw, Stroke sander,<br />

CKM heavy dutythicknesser planer,Janssens edge<br />

bander,Chisel mortiser,scaffolding,SCM spindle<br />

moulder,Watkinplanner,band saw, assortedjoinery<br />

benches,contractor’s equipment, Alto powertrowel,<br />

trailer,Alto60kg plate compactor, relocatable<br />

office/sleepout,tools &more<br />



At the Cancer Societyweknowhow acancerdiagnosis can<br />

affectevery aspectofyourlifeand we areheretohelp.<br />

Ourservices arefreeand confidential.<br />

If youorsomeone youcareabout hascancer<br />

please contactusfor supportand information.<br />

Nau MaiKiTeKorero Wewelcomeyour call<br />

2427878<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

MidCanterburyCentre<br />

Phone: 307 7691<br />

Facebook:@CancerSocietyMC<br />

www.cancernz.org.nz<br />

EnrolmentScheme Notice<br />

The Fairton School Board has implemented an<br />

enrolment scheme that has been developed by the<br />

Secretary forEducation.<br />

Under this scheme,effectivefromJanuary1st 2022,<br />

students will be enrolled if they live within the<br />

designatedhome zone.<br />

The enrolment of out of zone students isset out by<br />

the Education andTraining Act2020.<br />

Enrolment Zone information, which includes a<br />

precise description ofthe home zone, is available<br />

from our school office.<br />

Places currentlyavailable for out of zone enrolments<br />

“The small school with the big heart”<br />

2427201<br />

2428846<br />

2428680<br />

Thurs <strong>21</strong>st<br />


10.00 No Time to Die<br />

10.00 Ride the Eagle<br />

12.50 TheLastDuel<br />

1.35<br />

3.30<br />

3.30<br />

5.30<br />

6.00<br />

7.45 No Time to Die<br />

7.50 TheLastDuel<br />

Fri22nd<br />

TheIce Road<br />

Respect<br />

Free Guy<br />

Shang-Chi and the TenRings<br />

Ride the Eagle<br />

10.00 Queen Bees<br />

10.00 Juniper<br />

11.40 Ride the Eagle<br />

12.00 No Time to Die<br />

1.15 TheIce Road<br />

3.00 Respect<br />

3.15 TheLast Duel<br />

5.30 Free Guy<br />

6.00 Juniper<br />

7.40 No Time to Die<br />

7.50 TheLast Duel<br />

Sat23rd&Sun 24th<br />

10.00 Ainbo Amazon Princess<br />

10.00 PawPatrolthe Movie<br />

11.35 Juniper<br />

11.40 Free Guy<br />

1.15 No Time to Die<br />

1.45 TheBoss Baby2<br />

3.40 Juniper<br />

4.10 TheIce Road<br />

5.30 Shang-Chi and the TenRings<br />

6.10 Ride the Eagle<br />

7.50 No Time to Die<br />

8.00 TheLast Duel<br />

Mon25th<br />

10.00<br />

10.00<br />

11.35<br />

11.40<br />

1.15<br />

1.45<br />

3.40<br />

4.10<br />

5.30<br />

6.10<br />

7.50<br />

8.00<br />

10.00<br />

10.00<br />

11.45<br />

12.50<br />

1.30<br />

3.30<br />

3.30<br />

5.30<br />

6.00<br />

7.45<br />

7.50<br />

Ainbo Amazon Princess<br />

PawPatrolthe Movie<br />

Juniper<br />

Free Guy<br />

No Time to Die<br />

TheBoss Baby2<br />

Juniper<br />

TheIce Road<br />

Shang-Chi and the TenRings<br />

Ride the Eagle<br />

No Time to Die<br />

TheLast Duel<br />

Tues 26th &Wed 27th<br />

No Time to Die<br />

Ride the Eagle<br />

PawPatrolthe Movie<br />

TheLast Duel<br />

TheIce Road<br />

Respect<br />

Free Guy<br />

Shang-Chi and the TenRings<br />

Ride the Eagle<br />

No Time to Die<br />

TheLast Duel<br />

NO COMPS<br />

Juniper,The Last Duel,<br />

No Time to Die<br />

M<br />

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R16<br />

Mr Kool icecreams is<br />

available forbirthday<br />

and Christmas parties,<br />

school fairs,corporate<br />

and social events.<br />

Will also be carrying out<br />

street sales,solisten<br />

out forthe bells!<br />

Pleasetextmeon<br />

0<strong>21</strong>0 467 467.<br />

PETS<br />

2423723<br />

EXPERIENCED House-sitter<br />

available to care for your<br />

animals, at your place,<br />

while you are away. Phone<br />

027 693 7376.<br />


FRIESIAN Hereford Cross<br />

Calves for sale. Well bred<br />

calves with nice markings,<br />

10 days old. Mid-<br />

Canterbury. Please phone<br />

027 507 7030 or 0274 310<br />


Areyou ready forthe newseason?<br />

We are!<br />

197 Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> l www.neumannstyres.co.nz l Phone 03 308 6737 (24 hrs –after hours call out applies)<br />


Andrew<br />

Sam James Hamish Andre Kerry Tony<br />

James Hamish Tony Kerry<br />

Jaco Andrew Mike Callum Mitch Kieran Jack Elliot David

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