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FALL 2021
Charming Jeollabuk-do, South Korea
CHEESE p. 12
HIKING p. 16
SAUCE p. 20
BAEKJE p. 26
276 Hongsan-ro Wansan-gu,
Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do
phone-al +82-63-280-6112
Jeollabuk-do’s International Magazine
Fall 2021 • Issue 24
Registration No. ISSN: 2508-1284
276 Hongsan-ro Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do
phone-al +82-63-280-6112
Jeonbuk Life Magazine is published by the
Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs (JBCIA).
Publisher JBCIA Secretary General Youngho Lee
Manager Yujeong Seo
Managing Editor Dianne Pineda-Kim
Copy Editor Bethany McCall
Graphic Designer Aaron Snowberger
Dianne Pineda-Kim, Aaron Snowberger, Satabdi Acharya,
Bethany McCall, Brittany Singler, Divine Quinito
Seong Jin Lee
Jeonbuk Life is a quarterly project of the Jeollabuk-do
Center for International Affairs (JBCIA) which is a specialized
public diplomacy agency established by the Jeollabuk-do
Provincial Government. Our goal is to spread news to
Jeollabuk-do’s international community, as well as to carry
news of Jeollabuk-do throughout Korea and abroad. This
magazine publishes once per season.
※ Jeonbuk is an abbreviation of Jeollabuk-do.
Fall is here! It's the time of year when people
once again spend more time outside as the
weather cools down and the air dries up.
Chuseok has come early on the calendar this
year, although judging by the temperatures outside and
the ripening fruits and vegetables, it's right on time.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has changed many
things about normal life over the past two years,
including Chuseok traditions and Jeollabuk-do's annual
fall festivals. Last year, most festivals were canceled, but
this year, many have moved at least partially online or
will be socially distanced in some fashion. Read along
in this issue as we investigate how the pandemic has
affected both Chuseok traditions and fall festivals.
Also in this issue, we take readers on a tour through
Imsil (famous for cheese and its fall cheese festival),
Jeongeup (famous for maple leaf viewing hiking tours in
the fall), Sunchang (famous for gochujang and its annual
fall sauce festival), Iksan (home of one of Baekje's last
kings, King Mu, and a host of other historic treasures),
and Jeonju (the seat of administrative power of the
entire Jeolla region, including Jeju Island, during the
Joseon dynasty).
Join us as we explore these unique locations and
experiences through Jeollabuk-do, including more
stories from the people of Jeollabuk-do: an English
teacher in Jeonju and a rose gardener in Jeongeup. We
hope that you find the content both interesting and
helpful, and we wish you all a safe and happy Chuseok
and a wonderful fall!
Aaron Snowberger
JB Life Designer
Yujeong is a JBCIA Associate
Program Officer of the
International Exchange &
Cooperation Dept. and an
editor of JB Life. She loves
to travel around Korea and
to tell people how beautiful
Jeollabuk-do is.
Dianne is an editor for
Groove Korea, Soompi,
and writes about travel,
food, and Korean pop
culture. She has published
two books under Skyhorse
Publishing, NY.
Aaron is JB Life's graphic
designer as well as a
computer programmer
and educator. He's lived in
Jeonju for almost 15 years.
Bethany has experience
as an editor, writer, and
educator. She enjoys
helping people find their
voice in writing because
she believes everyone has
a story to tell.
Brittany is an English
instructor at JBNU. She
enjoys exploring and
writing about her travels.
Writing, reading, hiking,
and the occasional video
game are some of her
Satabdi is an international
student studying for her
master's degree in Jeonbuk
National University in the
College of Natural Science.
In her free time, she enjoys
exploring Korea.
Divine is a freelance English
instructor currently teaching
at the Community Center
in Jeongeup City. Through
teaching, she's discovered
her passion to help students,
and she hopes to inspire and
empower expats in Korea.
A special "Thank you" to
the JBCIA Supporters who
helped translate the article
summaries in this issue:
김나은, 김진희, 박태경,
오예은, 김민정, 장은정,
강여정, 황희선, 왕팡팡,
윤석훈, 양해정, and 장다연.
If you would like to get
involved and contribute to
the next issue of Jeonbuk
Life magazine, email:
ISSUE 24 • FALL 2021
Jeollabuk-do's Olympic Glory p. 6-7
Meet the Tokyo Olympic athletes from Jeollabuk-do.
⚱ Back to Baekje p. 26-29
Find Baekje history at two sprawling Iksan sites.
전라북도 올림픽의 영광
번역: 박태경
全 北 奥 运 会 的 荣 耀
번역: 황희선
The Summer Olympic Games to be held in Tokyo
in 2020 were postponed for a year because of
he COVID-19 pandemic. For a while, there was
a worldwide worry that the games might not
take place at all. But even with the inevitable troublesome
news stories preceding the lighting of the Olympic torch
in Tokyo, the games eventually got underway. From
archery and fencing to taekwondo and volleyball, Korea’s
national team had a great showing, and Jeollabuk-do
sent 20 athletes, two of whom medaled in their events.
The following is a list of athletes from Jeollabuk-do, their
events, and how they performed at the Olympics. We are
proud to have such a great team represent this province!
The table to the right shows the full list of athletes
representing Jeollabuk-do at the Tokyo Olympics. Some
were born here, others now work in Jeollabuk-do-based
businesses and government offices.Overall, it's a great
showing for Jeollabuk-do athletes with two bronze
medalists, and four fourth place finishers!
2020년 도쿄올림픽이 신종
코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나
19) 여파로 1년 연기되었습니다.
한동안 전 세계적으로 게임이
아예 열리지 않을 수도 있다는
우려가 있었습니다. 하지만 도쿄
올림픽 성화 점화를 앞두고
불가피한 골칫거리 뉴스가
나왔음에도 불구하고 결국
대회는 진행되었습니다. 양궁,
펜싱, 태권도, 배구까지 우리나라
대표팀이 멋진 모습을 보여주었고,
전체 메달 수에 아쉬움을 표하는
사람들도 있었지만, 전북은 20명의
선수를 파견했고 그중 2명은 각종
종목에서 메달을 땄습니다. 다음은
전북에서 온 선수들의 명단과
그들의 종목과 올림픽에서의
활약상입니다. 우리는 이 지역을
대표하는 훌륭한 팀을 갖게 된
것에 대해 자랑스럽게 생각합니다!
由 于 新 冠 肺 炎 的 大 流 行 ,2020
年 东 京 奥 运 会 已 推 迟 一 年 。 有
一 段 时 间 , 有 人 担 心 这 种 比 赛
可 能 根 本 不 会 在 全 球 范 围 内 举
行 。 尽 管 在 东 京 奥 运 圣 火 点 燃
之 前 传 来 令 人 不 安 的 消 息 但 比
赛 还 是 举 行 了 。 在 射 箭 、 击 剑 、
跆 拳 道 、 排 球 方 面 , 韩 国 国 家 队
的 表 现 出 色 。 也 有 人 对 拿 到 的
奖 牌 总 数 表 示 失 望 但 全 北 派 出
了 20 名 运 动 员 , 其 中 2 人 在 各 项
目 中 获 得 了 奖 牌 。 以 下 是 全 北
运 动 员 的 名 单 和 他 们 在 运 动 项
目 和 在 奥 运 会 上 的 表 现 。 我 们
为 拥 有 一 支 代 表 该 地 区 的 优 秀
团 队 而 感 到 自 豪 !
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
Event Group Name Affiliation / Birthplace Olympic Result
Artistic Gymnastics Team/Individual LEE Junho Jeollabuk-do Government 22nd
Athletics Men's Marathon SHIM Jungsub Korea Electric Power Corporation 49th
Badminton Women's Doubles KONG Heeyong Jeonbuk Bank Bronze Medal
Badminton Women's Doubles SHIN Seungchan Incheon International Airport 4th
Men’s Doubles
Mixed Doubles
SEO Seungjae Samsung Life Insurance / Jeonju 9th
Baseball Pitcher CHA Woochan LG Twins / Gunsan 4th
Boxing Women's Light (57-60kg) OH Yeonji Ulsan Metropolitan City Hall / Gunsan 9th
Cycling Road Race NA Ahreum Samyang Corp 38th
Equestrian Dressage Individaul KIM Dong Seon Jeollabuk-do Eqestrian Federation 55th
Team Epee
Individual Epee
KWEON Youngjun Iksan City Hall Bronze medal
Football Goal keeper SONG Bumkeun Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors FC 5th
Football Defender LEE Youhyeon Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors FC 5th
Football Midfielder JEONG Seungwon Daegu FC / Jeonju 5th
Men's 81kg
Mixed Team
LEE Sungho Korea Racing Authority 9th
Rowing Women's Single Sculls JEONG Hyejeong Gunsan City Hall 24th
Swimming Butterfly 100/200m MOON Seungwoo Jeonju City Hall Failed to qualify
Freestyle 400/800/1500m
Freestyle 4x200m Relay
HAN Dakyung Jeonbuk Sports Council Failed to qualify
Volleyball Team match LEE Soyoung Korea Ginseng Corp 4th
Volleyball Team match OH Jiyoung KIXX 4th
Weightlifting Men's 96kg YU Dongju Jinan-gun Office 8th
7 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
One of the most
interesting and
exciting ways to
experience the
culture, nature, and food of
Jeollabuk-do is to take part
in one of its many festivals.
Three years ago, we ran a
feature story detailing 27 different fall festivals that
happen between September and November. This
list of 27 festivals included food, culture, and nature
festivals, with each of Jeollabuk-do's 14 cities
and counties hosting at least one major festival.
However, since the beginning of the COVID-19
pandemic, most have either been canceled or
moved online. In this article, we will revisit 17 (plus
one) of the 27 festivals featured in the Fall 2018
magazine that are currently scheduled for fall 2021,
to give you some fun fall options.
코로나 시기의 가을 축제
번역: 김나은
전라북도의 문화, 자연, 음식을 체험할 수
있는 많은 흥미로운 방법 중 하나는 축제에
참여하는 것입니다. 대부분의 축제들은
가을에 개최됩니다. 3년 전, 우리는 9월과 10
에 개최되는 27개의 가을 축제들을 JB Life
잡지에 특집기사로 실었었습니다. 이 27개의
축제들은 음식 축제, 문화 축제, 전라북도의
14 시군이 주최한 주요 자연 축제로
구성되었습니다. 그러나 코로나 감염병
발생 이후, 이 중 많은 축제들이 취소되거나
온라인의 진행 형태로 전환되었습니다.
이번 기사에서는 2018 가을 호에 실렸던 27
개의 축제들에 각각 방문한 후 코로나가 그
축제들에게 어떤 영행을 주었는지, 그리고
축제들의 어떤 역량이 사람들을 계속해서
참여하게 하는지에 대해 설명해보도록
新 冠 时 期 的 秋 季 庆 典
번역: 장은정
体 验 全 罗 北 道 的 文 化 、 自 然 、 饮
食 等 多 种 有 趣 的 方 法 之 一 就 是
参 加 庆 典 。 而 大 部 分 的 庆 典 都
在 秋 季 举 行 。3 年 前 , 我 们 在 JB
Life 杂 志 上 刊 登 了 9 月 、10 月 举
行 的 27 个 秋 季 庆 典 的 特 别 报
道 。 这 27 个 庆 典 由 饮 食 庆 典 、 文
化 庆 典 、 全 罗 北 道 14 个 市 · 郡 主
办 的 主 要 自 然 庆 典 组 成 。 但 在
新 冠 肺 炎 疫 情 发 生 后 , 其 中 许
多 庆 典 被 取 消 或 转 换 为 网 上 进
行 的 形 式 。 在 本 篇 报 道 中 我 们
将 为 大 家 介 绍 在 2018 年 秋 季 刊
所 登 载 的 27 个 庆 典 就 发 生 新 冠
疫 情 后 受 到 了 哪 些 影 响 、 并 且
庆 典 的 哪 些 能 量 促 使 人 们 可 以
继 续 参 加 等 的 有 关 内 容 。
Fall Festivals 2021
Dates Name Website Region
8.2-12.31 Int'l Fermented Food Expo (online) Jeonju
8.28-9.5 Muju Firefly Festival Muju
9.7-10.9 Wanju Wild Food Festival (online) Wanju
9.10-9.12 Int'l Intangible Culture Film Festival Jeonju
9.24-9.25 Jeonju Cultural Festival Jeonju
9.25-9.26 Jeongeup Cultural Festival Jeongeup
9.29-10.3 Gimje Horizon Festival (on/offline) Gimje
9.29-10.3 Sori Music Festival Jeonju
10.7-10.10 Imsil N Cheese Festival Imsil
10.8-10.10 Jinan Red Ginseng Festival (online) Jinan
10.8-10.17 Iksan Cultural Festival (on/offline) Iksan
10.9-10.31 Gunsan Time Travel Festival (on/offline) Gunsan
10.14-10.17 Moyang Fortress Festival Gochang
10.14-10.17 Namwon Heungbu Festival Namwon
10.15-10.17 Sunchang Sauce Festival Sunchang
10.22-10.24 Sasun National Beauty Competition Imsil
10.28-10.31 Jangsu Hanwoo and Apple Festival Jangsu
10.29-10.31 Gochang Rural Film Festival (new) Gochang
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
Muju boasts the largest
population of fireflies in
the country, and every
year in September it hosts
its annual Firefly Festival.
Visitors can experience 80
programs in six areas such
as exploring the natural,
unpolluted habitat of
these insects and enjoying
various themed and
cultural performances and
The Wild Food Festival is
a representative festival
of Korea. It is a three-day
festival that offers a
variety of attractions,
experiences, and foods,
including eating fried
locusts, pig noses, and
chicken heads; playing with
rice straw and visiting rice
fields; and participating in
various other contests in
nearby fields and streams.
Muju Firefly Festival
Wanju Wild Food Festival
Int'l Fermented Food Expo
Intangible Culture Film Fest
Jeonju Night Festival
Jeongeup Cultural Festival
The International Fermented
This festival is the only film
Jeonju, the city with the
This festival celebrates
Food Expo is the largest in
festival in Asia that aims
most Korean hanok houses
the rich cultural heritage
the province. Participating
to raise public interest
and traditional culture,
of Jeongeup amidst the
companies and research
in intangible cultural
holds a special night festival
beautiful red autumn
institutes introduce new
heritage. There are film
that combines a cultural
leaves. Events include a
products and provide
screenings, performances,
heritage program with
street parade, song and
information about the latest
and lectures on intangible
modern, nontraditional
celebration performances,
industry trends.
cultural heritage.
cultural contents.
and a fireworks show.
전주 국제 발효 식품 엑스포
전주 문화재 야행
9 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
This festival showcases
the beautiful agricultural
culture of the Korean
people in the golden
wave horizon of harvest
fields. It provides a
traditional farming
cultural experience for
foreigners and unites all
ages of people who enjoy
the natural environment
with the theme of the wide
plains horizon.
This world and music
festival is held every fall
in Jeonju. It features many
high-quality performances
from dozens of nations
around the world. Both
the outdoor and indoor
performance areas are
beautiful spaces that
harmonize nature with
the best sound facilities,
bringing the natural world
to life with music.
Gimje Horizon Festival
Sori Music Festival
Gunsan Time Travel Festival
Jinan Red Ginseng Festival
Iksan Night Festival
Moyang Fortress Festival
In Gunsan, many cultural
Jinan is South Korea’s only
Visitors are invited to the
Moyang Fortress, also known
assets from the Japanese
red ginseng special zone,
beautiful royal palace of
as Gochang Town Fortress,
colonial era are preserved
and every October, the Red
Iksan, filled with the breath
played an important role as
around the original city
Ginseng Festival takes place
of Baekje. The festival
an outpost defending the
center. This festival seeks
in the Maidong Theme Park
includes events focused
Honam area. The fortress
to preserve the history and
near Maisan. At the market,
on the history of Iksan and
has been remodeled and
establish a correct historical
red ginseng can be bought
its five-story stone pagoda
opened to the public since
view of the period.
at a discount.
in Wanggung-ri.
진안 홍삼 축제
익산 문화재 야행
고창 모양성제
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
The Imsil N Cheese Festival
is held in Imsil, the mecca
of the Korean cheese
industry. Inside the Imsil
Cheese Theme Park, over
10,000 chrysanthemums
are exhibited as visitors
get a chance to taste and
experience the creation of
fresh dairy and agricultural
products. There's also a
cheese-wheel race and a
pizza-making experience.
Performances, exhibitions,
and experience programs
with the theme “sauce”
are held in Sunchang
where history, traditional
culture, and the natural
environment meet. Over
60 programs in seven
areas include a tteokbokki
party, traditional bibimbap
making, a tightrope
performance, and a
national cooking contest.
임실 N 치즈 축제
Imsil N Cheese Festival
Sunchang Sauce Festival
Namwon Heungbu Festival
Sasun Cultural Festival
Hanwoo & Apple Festival
Rural Film Festival
This local, cultural festival
Legend tells of four
The Jangsu Hanwoo
Gochang is the birthplace
is held in Namwon and
beautiful women who
and Apple Festival is an
of Korea's agricultural life
celebrates the story of
one day disappeared
eco-friendly festival that
industry. Thus, this film
together in the mist of
focuses on the “Red Color”
festival seeks to rediscover
originated there. It is a
the beautiful Saseondae
of natural and agricultural
the value of agriculture
traditional folk story of two
lake. Therefore, a beauty
products such as beef,
and inspire the pride
brothers — one kind, one
contest is televised from
apples, omija (magnolia
of farmers to nurture a
cruel — and their relationship.
this location each year.
berries), and tomatoes.
culture of agricultural life.
제26회 흥부제
장수 한우랑 사과랑 축제
고창 모양성제
11 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
Words & photos by BRITTANY SINGLER
The city of Imsil, located about an hour
south of Jeonju, has a reputation for being
the “city of cheese” — and, I might add, is
home to some impressive cherry and pear
blossom trees.
The first time I went to Imsil in October, it was a bit
chilly with some misty, brooding skies and a sharp
breeze. We went to the Imsil Cheese Theme Park
(임실치즈테마파크). It has a fun European-looking
village, where you can wander about and get some
fun and unique eats. There are many vibrant flowers,
a lovely bridge, and, if you plan for it, you can also sign
up to make a gigantic pizza with many other people!
Everyone dons an apron, gloves, and a wonky chef
hat and throws cheese and other ingredients all over
a massive pizza. It was quite unforgettable! There
is also a giant cheese-wedge building that offers a
lookout over the area. When I went, the group even
organized a cheese-wheel rolling contest. That was a
laugh! Imsil is known for its quality cheese, because
it has stretches of rolling green hills that are home
to many of Korea’s cattle.
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
임실: 치즈의 도시
任 实 : 奶 酪 之 城
번역: 김민정
번역: 윤석훈
The rolling hills were splendid,
went to Sumjin (섬진) River. At
전라북도 전주시에서 남쪽으로
任 实 郡 位 于 全 罗 北 道 全 州
and being a child at heart, I had
the time, there was a little tree
한두 시간 떨어진 곳에 위치한
以 南 一 两 个 小 时 的 地 方 ,
my fun rolling down those hills,
field that seemed to have been
임실군은 '치즈의 도시'로
以 “ 奶 酪 之 城 ” 而 闻 名 , 不
as did a few other tourists. I
planted somewhat recently. In
유명하기도 하지만 여러 종의
过 也 是 白 花 树 种 类 很 多
was really struck by the beauty
the future, it may just sprout
흰 꽃나무들이 많은 곳이기도
的 地 方 。 我 第 一 次 去 任 实
of the hilly green landscape,
into a grand orchard of snowy
합니다. 임실에 처음 간 것은
是 在 十 月 的 秋 天 , 冷 风 吹
which is a bit rare to see in
flower-topped trees. Keep Imsil
안개가 조금 낀 음울한 하늘에
过 阴 沉 的 天 空 , 还 夹 着
Korea. It reminded me a bit of
on your list for some hidden
차가운 바람이 부는 10월의
一 点 点 雾 气 。 我 们 去 的 任
my Colorado hometown with
white flowers. There is a lovely
实 奶 酪 主 题 公 园 , 有 一 个
its cresting hills. The cloudy
river with some picturesque
갔던 임실치즈테마파크에는
很 有 意 思 的 欧 式 村 , 可 以
day was magnificent and
views of the mountains nestled
돌아다니면서 흥미로운 체험을
四 处 走 走 、 体 验 有 趣 的 ,
melancholic to me, so I loved
nearby, and a nice walking path
하고 특별한 먹을거리를 맛볼
品 尝 特 色 美 食 。 那 里 展 开
every moment of it. There
that cuts right through the
수 있는 재미있는 유럽풍의
着 有 漂 亮 的 绿 色 野 田 供
was a stunning gazebo placed
serene river to the other side.
마을이 있었습니다. 그곳에는
牛 漫 步 。 还 有 准 备 了 一 个
in the middle of one of the
You may hear the soft sound of
소들이 돌아다니기에 좋은
体 验 活 动 , 你 可 以 和 朋 友
hills, and it really struck me as
the breeze through the trees
초록 들판들이 멋지게 펼쳐져
组 个 群 做 一 个 大 比 萨 。 公
looking straight out of Pride
and the gurgle of the river near
있었고 친구들과 그룹을
园 内 有 很 适 合 拍 照 、 可 以
and Prejudice. It was a stunning
your feet. I recommend Imsil
만들어 거대한 피자를 만들어
俯 瞰 下 面 公 园 的 瞭 望 台 。
place for a few pictures.
in all seasons! Try the cheese
볼 수 있는 체험활동도
所 以 我 希 望 你 一 定 要 访
at least once, to see what you
问 任 实 。
The second time I traveled to
think of it. Is it overrated or
안에는 사진을 찍기에 좋고
Imsil, it was in mid-March when
the real deal? Rest assured,
아래에 위치한 공원을
the white blossoms of pear
however, that Imsil is more
내려다 볼 수 있는 전망대도
trees were in full bloom. We
than just the cheese.
13 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
The Remaking of Chuseok
Rituals and Traditions
Words & Photos by DIVINE QUINITO
추석 의례와
전통의 재창조
번역: 박태경
中 秋 礼 仪 和 传
统 再 创 造
번역: 강여정
추석은 한가위라고도
합니다. 한국의 주요 명절 중
하나입니다. 전 세계의 다른
많은 추수 축제와 마찬가지로
추분 무렵의 명절입니다.
한국은 매년 음력 8월 15일을
추석으로 지정하였습니다.
전통적으로 추석에는 고향을
방문하여 조상을 기리는
제사인 차례를 지내고
벌초를 합니다. 그들은
추수 감사절 전에 잡초를
자르고 식물을 다듬고
그 구역을 청소합니다.
한국인 대부분은 가족과
조상의 집을 방문하지만
일부 사람들은 해외여행을
선호합니다. 이 시기의 여행
티켓은 보통 3개월 전에
매진됩니다. 또한 교통체증
때문에 현지 여행이 가장
힘든 시기입니다. 그러나
전염병이 우리를 덮친 후
상황이 바뀌었습니다.
원래 이 계절은 한국 전역에서
전통 문화를 경험할 수 있는
가장 좋은 시기입니다.
그러나 백신은 여전히
많은 사람들에게 공급되지
않기에 우리는 여전히
주의를 기울여야 합니다.
그래서 저는 학생들에게
코로나가 추석을 어떻게
변화시켰는지 물어보기로
했습니다. 이들의 추석은
팬데믹 전후로 어떻게
中 秋 节 也 叫 秋 夕 , 是 韩 国
的 主 要 节 日 之 一 。 和 全 世
界 其 他 许 多 秋 收 庆 典 一
样 , 是 秋 分 时 节 的 节 日 。
韩 国 每 年 的 农 历 8 月 15
日 是 中 秋 节 。 在 传 统 的 中
秋 节 时 期 将 回 乡 祭 祖 , 扫
墓 。 人 们 在 感 恩 节 前 除 掉
墓 地 的 杂 草 、 修 剪 植 物 、
打 扫 周 围 区 域 。 大 部 分 韩
国 人 都 会 访 问 亲 人 并 祭
祖 , 但 一 部 分 人 更 喜 欢 海
外 旅 行 。 这 个 时 期 的 旅 行
票 一 般 在 三 个 月 前 就 会
售 空 。 另 外 , 由 于 交 通 堵
塞 , 这 时 也 是 当 地 旅 行 也
是 最 困 难 的 时 期 。 但 是 传
染 病 袭 击 了 我 们 以 后 情
况 发 生 了 变 化 。
以 前 , 这 个 季 节 就 是 韩 国
全 区 域 体 验 传 统 文 化 的 最
好 时 期 。 但 是 由 于 疫 苗 仍
然 无 法 供 应 给 很 多 人 , 因
此 我 们 仍 然 需 要 注 意 传 染
病 。 所 以 我 决 定 问 一 下 同 学
们 , 新 冠 病 毒 是 如 何 改 变 中
秋 节 的 , 他 们 的 中 秋 节 在 抗
疫 前 后 有 何 不 同 呢 ?
Chuseok, also known as Hangawi, is one of the
major holidays in South Korea. This harvest
festival is held every year on August 15 of the
lunar calendar. Traditionally, people spend the
holiday visiting their ancestral hometowns, performing
a memorial service for their ancestors, and cutting the
weeds, trimming the plants, and cleaning their family
Although most people visit their families and hometowns,
some travel abroad instead. Usually tickets are sold out
well in advance of Chuseok, and it’s the hardest time to
travel domestically because of heavy traffic. But after the
pandemic hit, things changed.
Originally, Chuseok is the best time to experience
traditional culture throughout Korea. But since many still
haven’t been fully vaccinated against coronavirus, we still
need to exercise caution.
So I decided to ask my students about how their Chuseok
celebration changed before and after the pandemic. We
talked about the following topics:
• What are things that your family used to do during Chuseok?
• How did you celebrate Chuseok in 2020?
• How are you going to spend this year’s holiday?
• What are the pros and cons of canceling the traditional
way of celebrating Chuseok?
Some responses have been edited for length and clarity.
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
Avril: A housewife
My in-laws and my family live in Jeongeup. We are
basically in the same neighborhood. We used to play a
lot of traditional games and cook meals together. Last
year, some of my relatives were quarantined at that time.
I hope it won’t happen again. This year most of us got the
vaccine already so we decided to gather again. I actually
like for my family to have a reunion and catch up.
Angel: A retired nurse and a full-time housewife
Jason: A researcher and lecturer at the Korea Institute
of Toxicology Department of Inhalation Research
My two younger brothers’ families and my family gather
at my parents’ house every holiday. We used to go to
karaoke and danced the night away with our laughter.
Due to the pandemic that’s going on, we just have dinner
at home and visit our ancestral tomb before the holiday.
One of the pros of canceling the traditional way of
celebrating the holiday is that family feuds disappear.
Every year, my family holds a memorial service and visits
my father-in-law’s tomb before 10 a.m. Getting up early
and preparing food and the rituals is very time and
energy consuming. The pandemic makes things simpler.
Vera: A retired business woman
Last Chuseok, I went to Jeju Island with my daughterin-law
as soon as the holiday was over. Usually on
holidays, tourists flock, traffic is jammed, and many
people go back home. This year, after visiting my family
gravesite with my siblings, we might go on a trip.
Lucy: A civil servant
One of the cons of COVID-19 is I couldn’t meet my
nephews and nieces. I missed them. We used to gather
on the holidays, but last year I left early before my brother
from Seoul came because I’m afraid of COVID-19.
Lisa: A retired Korean history teacher
Because my husband is the eldest son, our holiday
is the same. My family and my daughter-in-law and
my son-in-law visit my house. We usually share meals
together that I prepare. We do the memorial service
for our ancestors. The thing that changed during the
pandemic is we can’t travel anywhere like we used to.
Lucy: A microorganism researcher
My family used to gather at my parents-in-law’s house in
Yeongdong. We used to cook different kinds of Korean
pancakes. This time, we will just stay in Jeongeup.
Esther: A preschool teacher
My uncles, aunts, and my family used to play go-stop and
hold a memorial service at home. One of the advantages
of the pandemic holidays is that my mom cooks less. She
doesn’t have to prepare a lot of food for my family and
Minjae: A civil engineer
We used to visit my in-laws in Namyang. My mother-in-law
and my brother-in-law cooked together, and I cleaned
the rooms and did the dishes. Last year, we didn’t go
to Namyang. I think some of the pros of canceling the
traditional way of celebrating Chuseok are that we don’t
have to climb up the mountain to visit the ancestral tomb
and don’t have to cook a lot of food.
15 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
정읍 걷기 여행 꿀팁
번역: 오예은
井 邑 徒 步 旅 行 小 贴 士
번역: 황희선
2021년 제32회 정읍사문화제
일시 : 2021년 9월 25일
(토) ~ 26일(일) / 2일간
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
정읍을 떠올리면 가장 먼저 생각나는
것은 아마도 내장산국립공원일 것입니다.
정읍은 전주와 광주, 두 개의 대도시 사이에
위치한 작은 도시입니다. 정읍은 오랫동안
조선의 8경 중 하나로 잘 알려져 왔지요.
이곳에 11년째 살고 있는 저조차도 매년
매 계절 경이로운 풍경에 놀랍니다. 한국의
이 지역에서 제가 좋아하는 한가지는
바로 날씨입니다. 한국의 사계절은
뚜렷이 구별되어 왔습니다. 계절이 바뀔
때 정읍의 모습은 말 그대로 놀랍습니다.
정읍의 경관은 아름다운 단풍잎뿐만
아닙니다. 여러분이 정읍의 아름다운 시골
풍경 사이를 거닐어보고 싶다면, 방문할
여러 다른 장소들이 있습니다. 제가 정읍
여행에서 가장 좋아하는 팁들을 공유할
테니, 함께 해요!
提 到 井 邑 首 先 想 到 的 可 能 就 是 内 藏 山
国 立 公 园 了 。 井 邑 是 一 个 位 于 全 州 和 光
州 两 大 城 市 之 间 的 小 城 市 。 井 邑 作 为 朝
鲜 八 景 之 一 而 闻 名 , 就 连 住 在 这 里 11 年
的 我 也 会 为 一 年 四 季 的 井 邑 美 景 惊 叹
不 已 。 在 韩 国 这 一 地 区 我 最 喜 欢 的 一 件
事 就 是 天 气 。 韩 国 的 四 季 有 着 明 显 的 区
分 , 季 节 交 替 时 , 井 邑 的 面 貌 简 直 令 人 惊
叹 。 井 邑 的 风 景 不 只 是 美 丽 的 枫 叶 。 如
果 您 想 在 井 邑 美 丽 的 乡 村 风 光 中 漫 步 ,
还 有 其 他 几 个 地 方 可 以 参 观 。 我 要 分 享
一 些 我 最 喜 欢 的 井 邑 旅 游 小 贴 士 让 我 们
一 起 来 分 享 吧 !
전북 정읍시 수성동 615-1
정읍 문화재 답사 세번째 코스는 정읍 초대
현감을 지낸 이 충무공을 기리기 위해 세운
전라북도 정읍시 시기동
정읍 천변 벚꽃로 전경
Words & Photos by
Perhaps when you think of Jeongeup, you first
think of Naejang Mountain National Park,
which is known for its beautiful autumn foliage.
Jeongeup is a small city located between the
two metropolitan cities of Jeonju and Gwangju. It has
long been well known as one of the eight scenic views of
Joseon. I have been living in Jeongeup for 11 years now,
but it always fills me with awe in every season of the year.
One thing I love most here in Korea is the weather. Korea’s
four seasons are truly distinctive, and Jeongeup is simply
amazing throughout all of them. But Jeongeup is not just
about beautiful autumn leaves.
Jeongeup's riverside has plenty of options to enjoy. There
are some courts for volleyball, foot volleyball, basketball,
Korean wrestling, and a path where you can jog and bike.
One of the symbols of Jeongeup is the Chrysanthemum
Park in Okjeongho Lake. Before the pandemic, the park
hosted an annual chrysanthemum festival, selected
as one of the five representative festivals of Korea in
My two favorite hiking trails in Jeongeup are Chosan
and Chungnyeolsa Temple. We can actually enjoy
nature around downtown without having to go far
away, as Chungnyeolsa is located just behind city hall.
Chungnyeolsa was built to commemorate the naval hero Yi
Sun-sin of the Imjin War (1592-1593), who was appointed
as a local official by the first governor of Jeongeup. If I
have extra time in the morning for a longer hike, I head
to Chosan, which is a bit steeper than Chungnyeolsa and
a short drive from downtown. I like Chosan because you
can see a lot of tall pine trees and wild mushrooms, and
there is a rock route. It’s like you’re doing rock climbing
instead of your regular hiking trip.
The best time to hike is usually in the spring or fall. But
for me, winter and summer hiking are both fine too. Just
avoid staying outside too long in the summer. There’s
plenty to enjoy in Jeongeup all year long. Since the
pandemic started, it’s better to avoid Seoul or any big
cities for now unless you have some important business
there, just to be safe. Who says that you need to go far
to enjoy your day off?
17 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
Garden Rose
Words & Photos by AARON SNOWBERGER
Chulmin Park never expected
to become a farmer back in
his hometown. He was first
a military officer, serving his
country for six years after university.
Then he became a manager at a lucrative
English academy in Jeonju. He’d always
expected to work in the city, but
eventually the stress of the academy
prompted him to quit and start his own
new endeavor: one of Jeonju’s first
study cafes and roasting centers, called
Winning Story. Now, he’s moved on to
another new venture, and after three
years of hard work, the future of Garden
Rose Farm looks promising.
In his hometown of Jeongeup, Chulmin’s
plot of land includes three massive
greenhouses and a large outdoor
garden. In time, he will build 10 more
large gardens in various locations in
Jeollabuk-do; educate cafe owners,
hobbyists, and gardeners about proper
rose garden care; and turn Rose Garden
Farm into an experience center.
Four years ago, he traveled to Europe
with a group of other Korean cafe
owners as their interpreter in order
to study the cafe culture there. After
spending time in England, Germany, the
Netherlands, and Austria, he became
impressed with not only European cafe
culture but also the gardening culture,
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
particularly rose gardens. The passion of
the rose gardeners rubbed off on him,
and a spark of an idea took hold in his
mind: to bring the best of European rose
gardening culture back to Korea.
His rose garden farm in Jeongeup isn’t the
first in Korea, but there still aren’t many
others yet, so he is a bit of a pioneer in this
field that he expects to continue growing.
In May 2020 he participated in the Jeonju
Garden Culture Festival. The organizing
group was pleased with his roses, and
even interviewed him for their YouTube
channel. These days, he wants to meet
more farmers, gardeners, and business
owners to make connections regarding
garden roses and other garden flowers
and provide education about how to grow
them and build rose gardens.
For now, Chulmin’s focus is on learning
and educating other Koreans about
garden roses. In England, he realized
what garden roses can do for people
and their value in connecting business,
lifestyle, health, and wellness. He wanted
to deliver those values to the people of
Jeollabuk-do. Even though running the
farm isn’t easy, Chulmin’s business is
growing, and he is happy to be able to give
positive energy to the people of his village.
In the future, he hopes to provide more
support, education, and roses to the city
of Jeonju and the people of Jeollabuk-do.
정원 장미 농장
번역: 김민정
庭 院 玫 瑰 农 场
번역: 왕팡팡
For more information, he encourages
people to look his farm up on Naver Cafe
(정원장미농장). He shares what he’s learning
and growing with the members of his Naver
Cafe, and sometimes they gather for further
education and farming activities in order to
“learn by doing” and “learn together.”
박철민씨는 고향으로 돌아가
농부가 되겠다고 생각해 본적이
없었습니다. 그는 대학 졸업 후
군인으로 6년간 복무했었고
전주에서 인기 있는 영어 학원의
매니저가 되었습니다. 그는
항상 도시에서 일할 것이라고
생각해왔었으나 결국에는
학원에서의 스트레스로 일을
그만두게 되었고 전주에 새로이
도입되고 있던 스터디카페이자
로스팅 센터인 위닝스토리를
시작하였습니다. 그리고 새로운
사업을 시작하고 3년 동안
열심히 일한 끝에, 정원장미
농장의 미래는 유망해 보이기
시작했습니다. 그는 고향인
정읍에 있는 그의 땅에서 거대한
그린하우스들 세 채와 큰 야외
정원을 조성했습니다. 조만간
그는 전라북도의 다양한 곳에 10
개의 큰 정원들을 더 지으려고
합니다. 카페 주인들, 취미로
하는 사람들, 정원사들에게 장미
정원의 적절한 관리법에 대해
교육시키고, 그의 농장을 장미
정원 체험 센터로 바꾸려고
합니다. 4년 전, 장미 정원사들의
열정과 그 정원들의 아름다움을
직접 보고 온 유럽 여행에서
돌아왔을 때, 그의 야망은 아직
꿈에 지나지 않았고 지금, 그의
꿈은 현실에 더 가까워졌으며,
앞으로 4년간 더 큰 미래로 나아
갈수 있을 것입니다. 그는 2020
년 5월 전주에서 열린 전주 정원
박람회에 참여하였고, 미래에
전주시와 전라북도 도민들에게
더 많은 지원, 교육, 그리고
장미꽃들을 제공해 줄 수 있기를
朴 哲 民 从 未 想 过 归 隐 田 园 ,
他 大 学 毕 业 后 从 军 6 年 , 退 役
后 在 全 州 一 家 知 名 的 英 语 培
训 学 校 担 任 经 理 。 他 一 直 以
为 自 己 会 在 城 市 工 作 , 但 最
终 因 学 校 压 力 较 大 而 辞 职 ,
继 而 来 到 了 全 州 新 型 烘 培 学
习 中 心 WinningStory 开 始 了
新 的 事 业 , 经 过 3 年 的 砥 砺 奋
进 , 使 玫 瑰 园 农 场 未 来 大 有
可 为 。 他 在 故 乡 井 邑 建 造 了 3
个 巨 大 的 绿 色 大 棚 和 一 个 大
规 模 的 户 外 庭 院 。 不 久 的 将
来 , 他 将 在 全 罗 北 道 内 建 10
个 大 型 庭 院 。 为 咖 啡 馆 的 主
人 们 , 兴 趣 爱 好 者 , 庭 院 管 理
者 讲 授 玫 瑰 园 的 专 业 管 理 方
法 , 并 将 他 的 农 场 转 换 成 玫
瑰 园 体 验 中 心 。4 年 前 , 他 亲
眼 目 睹 园 丁 们 的 热 情 和 玫 瑰
园 的 美 丽 , 从 欧 洲 归 来 时 , 还
只 空 有 鸿 鹄 之 志 , 现 在 成 功
近 在 咫 尺 , 未 来 的 4 年 将 会 鹏
程 万 里 。2020 年 5 月 , 他 参 加
了 在 全 州 举 行 的 全 州 庭 院 博
览 会 , 希 望 之 后 可 以 为 全 州
市 及 全 罗 北 道 的 人 们 提 供 更
多 的 支 援 , 教 育 与 玫 瑰 。
19 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
A brief history of Korea’s most influential chili
concoction and spicy adventure in Sunchang
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
调 料 与 完 美
번역: 장은정
양념과 완벽
번역: 김나은
调 料 不 仅 是 使 食 物 变 美
味 的 手 段 , 也 是 所 有 文 化
的 重 要 要 素 。 在 韩 国 , 调
料 象 征 着 他 们 特 别 的 料
理 文 化 与 国 民 的 自 豪 感 。
辣 椒 是 泡 菜 、 辣 椒 酱 、 韩
国 传 统 发 酵 食 品 与 各 种
小 菜 的 基 本 。 辣 椒 的 起 源
在 1500 年 末 , 韩 国 很 多 古
文 献 中 都 可 以 找 到 种 植
辣 椒 的 记 录 。 但 是 , 一 些
研 究 者 主 张 辣 椒 并 非 韩
国 土 著 植 物 , 而 是 通 过 贸
易 进 口 的 。 据 民 族 食 品 杂
志 介 绍 ,“ 淳 昌 辣 椒 酱 是
朝 鲜 时 代 受 国 王 们 喜 爱
的 美 味 而 闻 名 ”。
位 于 淳 昌 的 几 家 博 物
馆 和 游 乐 园 正 努 力 向 游
客 介 绍 这 些 有 价 值 的 酱
料 。 淳 昌 发 酵 窑 洞 是 为
了 展 示 世 界 多 种 酱 汁 而
设 计 的 最 大 发 酵 窑 洞 ,
年 均 温 度 维 持 在 15 度 。
양념은 음식을 맛있게 하는
수단일 뿐만 아니라, 모든
문화에서 중요한 요소입니다.
한국에서 양념은 그들의
특별한 요리 문화와 국민적
자부심을 상징합니다.
고추는 김치, 고추장, 한국의
전통 발효 음식과 다양한
반찬의 토대입니다. 고추의
기원은 1500 말에 고추를
심고 재배했다고 기록된
한국의 많은 고문서에서
찾을 수 있습니다. 그러나
몇몇 연구자들은 고추가
한국의 토착 식물이 아니고
무역을 통해 수입되었다고
주장합니다. Journal of
Ethnic Foods에 따르면, “
순창고추장은 조선시대
왕들이 즐겨 먹던 맛으로
유명하다.”고 설명합니다.
순창에 위치한 몇 박물관과
놀이공원은 이 가치 있는
소스를 방문객들에게
소개하기 위해 노력하고
있습니다. 순창 발효소스
토굴은 세계의 다양한 소스를
전시하기 위해 연 평균
온도를 15도로 유지하도록
고안된 제일 큰 발효
It’s easy to take common condiments like salt,
pepper, vinegar, soy sauce, and ketchup for
granted. After all, these seasonings are just
everyday staples that occupy a small space in
your kitchen or dining table. But taking a closer look,
all of these came from spices that were among the
most valuable items of trade in history. For thousands
of years, spices and seasonings like pepper, cinnamon,
saffron, nuts, and seeds have been used for both
culinary and medicinal purposes. Spices were not just
little tools to help give the food some flavor, they were
important to all cultures. Early uses written in historical
records included embalming, religious ceremonies,
tradition, and survival. Nations fought wars for spices
that eventually changed the world.
In Korea, one spice symbolizes their distinctive culinary
culture and national pride. Gochu (Korean chili) is the
spice that started it all: kimchi, gochujang (red chili
paste), traditional Korean fermented food, and various
banchan (side dishes). In fact, most Korean main and
side dishes could not be prepared without gochu.
According to the Journal of Ethnic Foods (www., the origin of gochu can be traced
back to many old Korean documents supporting the fact
that Koreans have been planting and harvesting gochu
for the last 1,500 years. Other researchers claim that
gochu is not native to Korea and it came to the peninsula
as a result of trade. But despite its debatable origins,
gochu undeniably holds an indelible space in the Korean
identity and food landscape.
Gochujang is a chili pepper paste
that has a sweet, savory, and spicy
taste, but with so much complexity
that enables it to enhance and
deepen several Korean dishes.
21 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
Out of many seasonings and dishes that
are produced from gochu, gochujang
has become the most fundamental.
It is a chili pepper paste that has a
sweet, savory, and spicy taste, but with
so much complexity that enables it to
enhance and deepen several Korean
dishes. Koreans call it the “mother of
jangs,” with the word jang (장) meaning
“fermented sauces,” which include
doenjang (soybean paste), ssamjang
(Korean dipping sauce for meat), and
ganjang (soy sauce).
Made with red chili pepper powder,
glutinous rice, fermented soybeans, and
salt, gochujang usually takes six to 12
months to develop its distinctive sweet
and spicy flavor.
Sunchang, a sleepy yet flourishing
town in Jeollabuk-do, is known for its
distinctive gochujang. According to
the same research journal mentioned
above, “Sunchang Gochujang is one
variety known for its great taste that
was often consumed by kings during
the Joseon Dynasty.” The journal
claims that the first reference to
gochujang is found in the Hyangyak-
Jipsongbang. Sunchang gochujang
was enjoyed in the royal court,
as described in the Ojuyeonmun-
Jangjeonsanko and Somunsaseol.
Several old newspapers from the
Joseon dynasty contained recipes
of medicines to aid digestion that
included gochujang as one of the
What makes Sunchang a prime cultivator
of gochujang is that its “geography,
with characteristic mountainous
basins, provides high temperatures
and humidity that is suitable for the
fermentation of gochujang.”
Gochujang in Sunchang is highly
revered by the locals as their main
product that is now sold around
Korea and exported to the rest of
the world. Several museums and
amusement parks in Sunchang are
dedicated to introducing this valued
sauce to visitors. One museum in
particular is a must-visit for tourists
looking for a spicy adventure.
What makes Sunchang a prime cultivator
of gochujang is that its ‘geography, with
characteristic mountainous basins, provides
high temperatures and humidity that is
suitable for the fermentation of gochujang.’
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
The Balhyo Sauce Togul (발효소스토굴)
or Sunchang Fermentation Sauce
Cave is the largest fermentation cave
designed to maintain an average
annual temperature of 15 degrees
Celsius to display various sauces
from around the world. Once you
enter, you will be greeted by glass
windows and rows of sauces and
spices, each labeled with a flag of
the country from which they came.
Sunchang Sauce Festival
Once you go deeper, you’ll see trick art, a VR
experience, and media art galleries, which
make it a great place for both children and
adults to enjoy. Who knew learning about
gochujang could be this fun?
So the next time you think about tossing or
putting aside your spices, remember that
these have a long history, passed on through
generations, crafted and cultivated by experts —
so you can have that delicious kick to your meal.
Performances, exhibitions, and experience programs
with the theme “sauce” are held in Sunchang where
history, traditional culture, and the natural environment
meet. Over 60 programs in seven areas include a
tteokbokki party, traditional bibimbap making, a
tightrope performance, and a national cooking contest.
10.15 (Fri) ~ 10.17 (Sun)
발효소스토굴 / Sunchang Balhyo Fermentation Sauce Cave
Address: 전라북도 순창군 순창읍 백산리 805-9 / 805-9,
Baeksan-ri, Soonchang-eup, Sunchang-gun, Jeollabuk-do
Phone number: 063 - 653 - 6159
Operating hours: 9:00 - 18:00 daily
Admission: 2,500 KRW for adults / 1,000 KRW for students
Fall 2021 • Issue 24
As It Is
This cafe in Sunchang invites people
to get lost in its magical world
아름다움 그대로
순창의 이 카페는
사람들을 마법의
세계로 안내합니다
번역: 김진희
Looking to escape the city crowds, my friends
and I decided to go to Sunchang, a quiet county
in Jeollabuk-do that is known for its tranquil,
beautiful nature spots and delicious cuisine. On
our way up to the breezy mountains, we chanced upon a
hidden cafe that was full of pleasant surprises.
도시의 인파를 피해
친구들과 나는 조용하고
아름다운 자연과 맛있는
산으로 가던 중 우연히
발견한 숨은 카페는
기분 좋은 놀라움으로
가득했습니다. “그대로
이름은 참 시적이었어요.
카페의 외관은 작고
오래된 집처럼 보였으나,
커피를 마시면서 순창의
장엄한 자연과 산들을 잘
볼 수 있는 크고 네모난
창문이 있습니다.
美 丽 原 样
淳 昌 的 这 个 咖 啡 馆 将
人 们 带 入 魔 法 世 界
번역: 강여정
为 了 避 开 城 市 的 人 流 ,
我 和 朋 友 们 一 起 去 了
以 安 静 美 丽 的 自 然 和 美
食 著 称 的 全 罗 北 道 的 淳
昌 。 在 去 往 微 风 吹 过 山
上 的 途 中 , 偶 然 发 现 了
隐 藏 的 咖 啡 馆 , 充 满 了
令 人 愉 快 的 惊 喜 。 叫 " 依
然 存 在 ", 咖 啡 厅 的 名 字
很 有 诗 意 。 咖 啡 馆 的 外
观 看 起 来 像 一 座 小 而 古
老 的 房 子 , 内 部 有 又 大
又 方 的 窗 户 , 游 客 们 一
边 喝 咖 啡 , 一 边 可 以 欣
赏 到 窗 外 淳 昌 庄 严 的 自
然 和 群 山 。
By the entrance, there were curious little tents set up
in a sprawling garden, some with picnic baskets, mats,
and pillows, others with outdoor seats. Light bulbs lined
the cafe’s perimeter, leading us to the main door. Far
from the typical modern and commercial cafes that dot
every neighborhood in Korea, every corner of this cafe
captivates visitors, making them feel like they stepped
into a different world. The cafe goes by an appropriately
poetic name: 그대로그렇게, or As It Is.
There’s something disarmingly charming about how
mismatched everything is, from the rustic furniture to the
unfinished (perhaps intentionally) structures outside that
have been turned into photo spots. Being there felt like
we were walking down the rabbit hole to a wonderland
that we could only imagine in fairy tales. The cafe was
designed like a small old house, with tall, square windows
allowing visitors to get a good view of Sunchang’s majestic
nature and mountains as they sip on their coffee. The
cafe’s exterior has a vintage feel but the inside is modern
and minimal just like the latest trends today.
On one side is an empty, seemingly abandoned house
with no roof and with its wooden beams exposed. Several
poetic lines are written on the walls to touch the hearts
of visitors: “You, me, we are as it is,” and “Everything that
looks beautiful looks like you.”
As you go further, you’ll see a beautiful, inviting bed
with pristine white sheets, flowers, and lace trappings
sitting lazily outside, waiting for anyone to rest or take a
photo or two. There are so many other enchanting details
in this cafe you shouldn’t miss: the little piano by the
garden, the old swing tied with ropes, the big mirror in
the middle of it all. Perhaps that’s what the cafe’s name
stands for: there is no explanation needed, just enjoy
your time here, and love it for what it is.
Address: 전라북도 순창군 쌍치면 용전길 5-3 /
5-3 Yongjeon-gil, Ssangchi-myeon, Sunchang-gun, Jeollabuk-do
Weekdays: 12:00 - 18:00 · Weekends: 12:00 - 20:00
Mobile number: 010-5377-1223
25 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
다시 백제로
백제의 역사를 찾아서 익산 왕궁리,
미륵사, 그리고 익산국립박물관으로
번역: 오예은
2015년 유네스코 세계문화유산으로 지정된 익산 일대 2
곳을 포함해 펼쳐진 백제역사유적지에서는 수백 년 전 삶을
엿볼 수 있습니다. 백제 말기 무왕(재위 600~641)이 세운
궁궐과 사찰인 왕궁리와 미륵사의 고고학 유적지를 둘러본
뒤, 미륵사 옆에 있는 익산국립박물관을 방문해 유물을
살펴보고 전성기에 어떤 모습이었는지 더 알아보세요.
무왕은 왕궁리를 궁궐로 사용하였고, 일부 역사가들은 그가
백제의 수도를 익산으로 완전히 옮겼다고 믿고 있습니다.
이곳에는 큰 왕당, 장인의 공방, 정원, 상하수도 시설 등이
있었습니다. 이후 사찰로 개축되었으며, 현재도 5층 탑이
남아 있어요. 삼국시대의 가장 오래된 화장실 시스템도
볼 수 있답니다.미륵사 석탑은 아마도 익산의 가장 눈에
띄는 상징일 것입니다. 전설에 따르면, 무왕과 그의 부인
선화공주가 미래의 부처인 미래불 또는 미륵불에 대한
비전을 가지고 창건하였다고 합니다. 사찰에는 원래 석탑
3개가 있었는데, 2개의 석탑이 3번째 목탑을 중심에 두고
있었습니다. 오늘날 서 있는 동쪽은 9층 석탑의 현대식
재건축이며, 서쪽은 6층 석탑을 부분적으로 복원한 것입니다.
복원된 석탑은 국보 제11호로 한국에서 가장 오래된
석탑이에요. 백제역사유적지는 현재 매년 8월 상인과 예술
공예, 음악, 역사 재현 등의 문화제를 개최하고 있습니다.
자세한 내용은
festival 을 참조해 주세요.
Words & photos by
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
再 次 回 到 百 济
想 要 探 索 百 济 的 历 史 , 请 参 观 益 山 王
宫 里 、 弥 勒 寺 和 益 山 国 立 博 物 馆
번역: 왕팡팡
您 可 以 在 百 济 历 史 遗 址 一 瞥 数 百 年 前 的 生 活 , 其 中 包
括 益 山 的 两 个 遗 址 于 2015 年 被 指 定 为 联 合 国 教 科 文
组 织 世 界 遗 产 。 在 探 索 了 百 济 末 期 武 王 (600-641 年 在
位 ) 建 造 的 王 宫 里 和 弥 勒 寺 的 考 古 遗 址 后 , 参 观 弥 勒 寺
旁 边 的 益 山 国 立 博 物 馆 。 看 看 文 物 并 了 解 更 多 关 于 它
鼎 盛 时 期 的 各 种 样 貌 。
武 王 将 王 宫 里 用 作 宫 殿 , 一 些 历 史 学 家 坚 信 他 把 百 济
的 首 都 完 全 迁 到 了 益 山 。 这 里 曾 有 很 大 的 王 堂 、 工 匠
的 工 坊 、 庭 院 、 上 下 水 道 设 施 等 等 。 宫 殿 被 改 建 成 为 了
寺 庙 , 现 在 还 保 留 着 五 层 塔 。 还 可 以 看 到 三 国 时 代 最
古 老 的 卫 生 间 系 统 。 弥 勒 寺 石 塔 或 许 是 益 山 最 耀 眼 的
象 征 。 据 传 说 , 武 王 和 他 的 夫 人 善 花 公 主 怀 着 对 未 来 佛
祖 未 来 佛 或 着 弥 勒 佛 的 蓝 图 而 创 建 。 寺 庙 原 来 有 3 个 石
塔 , 其 中 2 个 石 塔 以 第 3 个 木 塔 为 中 心 。 今 天 矗 立 在 东
侧 的 是 9 层 石 塔 的 现 代 复 原 塔 , 西 侧 的 是 6 层 石 塔 的
部 分 复 原 。 复 原 的 石 塔 作 为 国 宝 第 11 号 , 是 韩 国 历 史 最
悠 久 的 石 塔 。 百 济 历 史 遗 址 在 每 年 的 8 月 都 会 举 办 商 人
和 艺 术 工 艺 、 音 乐 、 历 史 再 现 的 文 化 节 。 详 细 内 容 请 参
Designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in
2015, the sprawling Baekje historic areas,
including two sites in Iksan, offer a glimpse
into life centuries ago. Along with Goguryeo
to the north and Silla to the east, Baekje was one of the
ancient kingdoms of Korea’s Three Kingdoms period.
Baekje moved capitals several times from its founding
in 18 BCE until its eventual fall to Silla in 660: from the
banks of the Han River (present-day Seoul) to Ungjin
(present-day Gongju) to Sabi (present-day Buyeo).
It was during the Sabi period that King Mu, Baekje’s
penultimate ruler from 600 to 641, established a palace
and large Buddhist temple in Iksan — and what some
historians believe served as a new, if short-lived, capital
city of late Baekje. While little remains of the onceextensive
building complexes, ongoing excavation and
research begun from the 1970s has revealed more details
about the structures that once existed and uncovered
some exquisite artifacts that attest to the skill of Baekje
craftsmanship and the kingdom’s place in the cultural
development of East Asia.
Find Baekje history in Iksan at
Wanggung-ri, Mireuksa, and
the Iksan National Museum.
Iksan National Museum, adjacent to the Mireuksa Temple
site, opened in early 2020 as the newest of Korea's
national museums. Explore Wanggung-ri and Mireuksa
to get a sense of their scale and layout before visiting
the museum to view artifacts from the sites and learn
more about what the palace and temple were like in their
27 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
Small clay crucibles for crafting with
gold and glass. Elegantly shaped
garden stones, some of which may
have been imported from China.
A roof tile stamped with “subu,”
which some researchers interpret as
“capital.” These are just a few of the
items recovered from the Wanggung-ri
site that show Iksan as a place where
artisans worked, where the king
conducted official business, and
where trade was carried out between
Baekje and neighboring countries
like China and Japan. Wanggung-ri,
built as a palace by King Mu and later
converted into a Buddhist temple,
remains as a landscape of raised earth
foundations showing how the original
buildings were laid out, from a large
royal hall in the front to a garden in the
back. The one building now standing
is a five-story pagoda from the site’s
period as a temple. The pagoda was
disassembled and renovated in 1965,
and stunningly intricate relics found
within can be seen at Iksan National
Museum, although historians are
divided on whether they date back to
Baekje or a later period.
Well, the pagoda’s not exactly the
only building on site. An interesting
reconstruction stands at the northwest
corner of Wanggung-ri: a Baekjestyle
toilet! The restroom facilities
uncovered here are the oldest large
toilet system found from the Three
Kingdoms period. They’re positioned
slightly downhill from Wanggungri’s
drainage system and above
large, deep waste pits. Researchers
could confirm their use as toilets by
identifying common human parasites
such as roundworm. Other materials
uncovered from the waste pits include
ruler-shaped wooden sticks used to
clean oneself after going to the toilet.
The English translator here settled on
“shit stick,” and while it may not be
the most elegant phrasing, I have to
appreciate the alliteration.
Wanggung-ri’s information center is
closed for renovation until the end of
2021, but the parking lot and site itself
are open to visitors.
Address: 전북 익산시 왕궁면 왕궁리 631-30
Iksan Wanggung-myeon Wanggung-ri 631-30
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
The Mireuksa stone pagoda is
perhaps the most recognizable
symbol of Iksan. As with most legends
about the life of King Mu, the story of
the founding of Mireuksa Temple is
found in Samguk Yusa. It tells of a
vision of Maitreya (called Mireuk in
Korean), or the future Buddha, that
appeared to the king and his wife,
Princess Seonhwa. At Seonhwa’s
request, construction began on the
temple at the site of their vision.
The Baekje World Heritage Center
details Mireuksa’s unique layout,
which consisted of a row of three
pagodas each paired with its own
prayer hall, reflecting the three
sermons of Maitreya. Visitors today
can see two stone pagodas: a partially
restored six-story pagoda to the
west and a modern reconstruction
of a nine-story pagoda to the east.
Originally a third wooden pagoda
stood between them. The crumbling
western pagoda underwent an
extensive restoration process from
2001 to 2018.
The guide we met during our visit
explained that Korean archaeologists
who worked on the restoration were
even able to file for several new
patents thanks to the innovative
techniques developed during the
project, such as seamlessly fusing
original stones with new ones. For
UNESCO status, at least half of the
structure had to use the original
building materials, leaving it in its
current truncated state rather than
being rebuilt to its full height. But the
pagoda’s asymmetrical shape gives a
sense of what it has endured from
639 to today as the oldest surviving
stone pagoda in Korea, designated
National Treasure No. 11. As with the
pagoda at Wanggung-ri, Mireuksa’s
stone pagoda held beautifully
crafted relics that are on display in
the museum.
Address: 전북 익산시 금마면 기양리 32-9
Iksan Geumma-myeon Giyang-ri 32-9
The Baekje historic areas now host a heritage
festival every August with vendors, arts and
crafts, music, and historical reenactments. For
more information, visit:
29 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
Baekje World Heritage Festival
백제 세계 유산 축전
Iksan Night Festival
익산 문화재 야행
The Baekje historic areas (Iksan,
Buyeo, and Gongju) now host a
heritage festival every August with
vendors, arts and crafts, music, and
historical reenactments. For more
information, visit:
Visitors are invited to the beautiful
royal palace of Iksan, filled with
the breath of Baekje. The festival
includes events focused on the
history of Iksan and its five-story
stone pagoda in Wanggung-ri.
백제 세계 유산 축전
익산 문화재 야행
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
익산의 왕실 이야기
백제의 마지막 왕들 중 하나의 발자취를 따라서
번역: 오예은
益 山 王 室 故 事
追 随 百 济 最 后 一 位 国 王 的 脚 步
번역: 황희선
겸손한 마 농부였던 서동이 공주의 마음을 얻고 백제의 30
번째 왕인 무왕이 되기까지, 그의 전설적인 삶을 따라가기
위해 익산을 방문해 보세요. 삼국유사의 서동 전설에 따르면,
용 아버지와 인간 어머니를 둔 서동은 익산의 동쪽 끝에서
발견할 수 있는 연꽃 연못에서 태어났습니다. 젊은 마 농부
시절에 서동은 신라로 여행을 떠났고, 그곳에서 선화공주와
사랑에 빠져 그녀의 마음을 사로잡기 위한 노래를 지었습니다.
그는 공주와 함께 백제로 돌아와 이후 무왕으로서 왕좌에
올랐습니다. 익산의 서동공원에는 연인들이 클래식한 낭만을
되살릴 수 있는 사랑스러운 코스가 있습니다. 여러분은 익산
쥬얼리박물관 근처의 레스토랑 ‘본향’에서 저녁 식사를 하며
마로 만든 음료와 음식들을 체험할 수 있어요. 마지막으로,
서동이 태어난 곳 주변에서 당신은 그가 생을 마감한 장소가
어디인지 아마 알 수 있을 것입니다. 무왕과 선화공주의 것이라
여겨지는 쌍릉을 보려면 짧은 길을 따라가 보세요. 둘 중 더 큰
무덤에서 발견된 나무 관의 유물과 무덤 내부의 복원 모습은
익산국립박물관에서 볼 수 있습니다.
访 问 益 山 了 解 一 位 谦 虚 的 麻 农 薯 童 。 从 赢
得 公 主 的 芳 心 到 成 为 百 济 第 30 代 国 王 武
王 的 传 奇 人 生 。 根 据 三 国 遗 事 的 薯 童 传 说 :
龙 父 人 母 的 薯 童 出 生 在 益 山 的 一 个 荷 塘 东
端 。 在 麻 农 年 轻 的 时 期 薯 童 前 往 新 罗 , 在 那
里 他 爱 上 了 善 化 公 主 。 为 了 赢 得 她 的 芳 心
写 了 一 首 歌 。 他 带 着 公 主 回 到 百 济 , 后 来 登
上 了 武 王 的 宝 座 。 益 山 薯 童 公 园 有 一 个 可
爱 的 路 线 情 侣 们 可 以 在 这 里 重 温 经 典 的
浪 漫 。 在 益 山 珠 宝 博 物 馆 附 近 的 “ 本 乡 ” 餐
厅 享 用 晚 餐 时 , 大 家 可 以 品 尝 到 用 大 麻 制
成 的 饮 料 和 食 物 。 最 后 在 薯 童 出 生 的 地 方
大 家 可 以 发 现 他 死 亡 的 场 所 。 沿 着 短 路 可
以 看 到 被 认 为 属 于 武 王 和 善 化 公 主 的 双 陵
墓 。 在 益 山 国 立 博 物 馆 可 以 看 到 , 再 其 中 较
大 的 墓 葬 中 发 掘 的 木 棺 遗 物 和 坟 墓 内 部 修
复 模 样 。
Follow the footsteps of one of the last Baekje kings.
Words & photos by BETHANY MCCALL
Go anywhere in Iksan and
you’ll find shops, streets,
and parks bearing the
names Seodong, King
Mu (Muwang), or Seonhwa. Travel
through historic sites in Iksan to relive
the story of how the yam farmer
Seodong married the Silla princess
Seonhwa and became King Mu of
Baekje, reigning from 600 to 641.
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
East of downtown Iksan is a small lotus
pond noted as Seodong’s birthplace.
According to Samguk Yusa, which
dates back to the 13th century and
records legends and history of Korea’s
Three Kingdoms period (Seodong’s
entry leaning heavily toward legend),
a woman living near this pond had a
child with a dragon. No need to take
this origin story literally; a dragon
parent generally symbolizes someone
from the royal family. Historical groups
such as the Baekje World Heritage
Center identify Seodong’s father
as King Beop, although others have
suggested that he may have been the
son of the earlier King Wideok.
Seodong’s birthplace has a few
explanatory signs, statues of Seodong’s
parents of legend, and a short boardwalk
around part of the pond, with plans
for more expansive facilities to be
completed by 2022. When the pond’s
lotus flowers are in full bloom, it seems
majestic enough for a dragon’s romance.
Seodong’s Birthplace: 전북 익산시 금마면
서고도리 589-8
Iksan Geumma-myeon Seogodo-ri 589-8
Samguk Yusa also records Seodongyo,
or the song of Seodong, one of Korea’s
earliest surviving hyangga poems.
The young Seodong supported his
mother by farming ma, a type of
thin, white yam. While traveling in the
neighboring kingdom of Silla selling
yams, Seodong was captivated by
Princess Seonhwa. With no way to
profess his love directly, he instead
composed a somewhat bawdy song
about her with lyrics suggesting that
they were meeting for nightly trysts,
and he gave ma to local children if
they would memorize the lyrics and
sing it around town. Eventually the
song’s popularity grew so that even
the king heard it and believed it.
Enraged that his daughter would
dare have a secret love affair, the
Silla king banished Seonhwa. She
met Seodong after leaving the city
and agreed to accompany him back
to Baekje. (Disclaimer: While their
love story worked out in the end,
triggering your crush’s exile is not
generally recommended as a dating
When Seonhwa showed him the gold
she had brought from Silla, Seodong
said it could be found all over the
mountains where he raised his yams
— he had simply never realized its
value. With Seodong’s knowledge
of ma and Seonhwa’s knowledge of
gold, the couple accumulated enough
wealth and power for Seodong to
ascend the throne as King Mu, the
30th king of Baekje.
The unconventional love story of
Seodong and Seonhwa began in the
Silla kingdom, but there are spots in
Iksan to appreciate their romance.
A short drive from Seodong’s
birthplace is Seodong Park. Near
the entrance you can find a trail
celebrating Seodong and Seonhwa
with cutely decorated photo spots
for couples. Walk a bit more to see
the impressive Muwangru building
surrounded by fountains and statues,
or keep going to the boardwalk that
crosses through more lotus plants.
Stop by Bonhyang near the Iksan
Jewelry Museum to try a meal with
ma. Don’t confuse their mayak
with its usual meaning in Korean of
illegal drugs — here, it means food
harnessing the medicinal benefits of
ma. Their front sign boasts of their
mayakbap, or “yam’s power rice.” You
can also order a bottle of mayakju, a
locally produced alcohol that mixes
ma with other traditional medicine
ingredients like ginseng and licorice.
With 13% alcohol by volume, it gives
a clean finish to your meal. The
inside of Bonhyang is decorated with
murals about Seodong and Seonhwa,
while the outside seems to bear the
remnants of a children’s party palace.
If you want to take pictures with a
witch and a dinosaur while feeling
the power of ma, this is your spot.
Bonhyang Hanjeongsik: 전북
익산시 왕궁면 금광길 54-17
Iksan Wanggung-myeon
Geumgwang-gil 54-17
Finally, pay your respects at Iksan
Ssangneung, the twin burial mounds
believed to belong to King Mu and
Princess Seonhwa. When the tombs
were excavated in 1916 they had
already been plundered, so no relics
remain. However, according to Korea’s
Cultural Heritage Administration,
the inner tomb structure resembles
that of other royal burial mounds of
the late Baekje period. The tombs’
proximity to Mireuksa, established by
King Mu, also links them to the king
and his bride. Researchers concluded
that a skeleton found in the larger
tomb was that of a man in his 60s
who died in the seventh century, a
match for King Mu. The remnants of
the wooden coffin found with the
skeleton and a reconstruction of the
tomb’s interior can be viewed at the
Iksan National Museum.
Iksan Ssangneung: 전북 익산시 석왕동 산 55
Iksan Seokwang-dong San 55
Seodong Park: 전북 익산시 금마면 동고도리
Iksan Geumma-myeon Donggodo-ri 533-2
33 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
Jeonbuk Life Magazine 34
Travel through
Korea’s past
decades in this
From the outside, Jokbal Jijeon looks like a
typical Korean drinking place that just happens
to serve jokbal (pigs’ feet). But once you enter,
you’ll get lost in a visual overload of posters,
toys, old pictures, food wrappers, cassette tapes, bottles,
and a variety of knickknacks from the past.
과거로부터의 폭발
이 식당에서
한국의 지난 수십
년을 여행하다
번역: 김진희
전주에 있는 이 식당은 족발을
파는 한식 술집입니다.
포스터, 장난감, 옛날 그림,
음식 포장지, 카세트테이프,
병 같은 과거에서 온
다양한 소품들로 가득 채운
인테리어가 독특했습니다.
가족, 친구, 지인들로부터
세대에 걸쳐 이어져
내려오는 한국 대중문화의
관람객들은 향수에 젖거나,
배우는 즐거움을 누리고
있습니다. 다른 도시에서
즐겨 찾는 전주의 향토
从 前 开 始 的 爆 发
在 这 个 餐 厅 里 可 以 遨
游 韩 国 过 去 的 数 十 年
번역: 강여정
在 全 州 的 这 个 饭 馆 是 卖 猪
蹄 的 韩 式 酒 馆 。 用 海 报 、 玩
具 、 古 画 、 食 品 包 装 纸 、 盒
式 磁 带 、 瓶 子 等 过 去 各 种
物 品 装 饰 的 非 常 独 特 。 欣
赏 着 从 家 人 、 朋 友 、 熟 人 那
里 世 代 相 传 的 韩 国 大 众 文
化 痕 迹 , 使 游 客 们 沉 浸 在
乡 愁 中 或 享 受 学 习 的 乐 趣 。
这 里 也 是 其 他 城 市 游 客 喜
欢 光 顾 的 全 州 乡 土 美 食 店 。
Passed down from generations of families, friends, and
acquaintances, these remnants of Korea’s pop culture
have grown into a huge collection that is plastered all
over the walls, doors, and even on the ceiling of the
restaurant. You wouldn’t know where to look first as each
piece of memorabilia holds significance behind its old
frays and discoloration. These are not mere decorations.
Packed within these walls are items dating as far back as
the ’50s, most of them from Korea’s golden eras of music,
film, and entertainment.
Locals often come here not only to enjoy the restaurant’s
famous jokbal and bibim naengmyun (spicy cold noodles),
but also to reminisce about their favorite old movies, pop
stars from the ‘90s, their time spent using floppy disks
and bulky, noisy computers, and toys they played with in
childhood. It’s the good old days that would make anyone
smile, whether young or old.
You’ll also discover many hidden secrets about what your
parents or grandparents found entertaining or useful back
in the day! The restaurant has become a local treasure in
Jeonju that even visitors from other cities flock to. So if
you’re feeling nostalgic, come eat and drink beer in this
restaurant that will either remind or educate you about
Korea’s flourishing pop culture before the development
of K-pop as we know it today.
족발지존앤뜨락비빔국수 / Jokbal Ji-jeon
Address: 전북 전주시 덕진구 아중로 175-1 / 175-1 Ahjung-ro, Deokjin-gu,
35 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
Jeolla Gamyeong
The restoration of the Joseon dynasty’s governmental buildings
that oversaw the entire southwestern region of Korea for 500 years
Words & Photos by AARON SNOWBERGER
Around 1390,
in the early
years of the
Joseon dynasty,
First, in 2000, the site was
designated as Jeollabuk-do
Monument No. 107. Then,
the provincial government
Before restoration work
began on Jeonju’s Hanok
Village, Gaeksa was originally
the main attraction in
directly between Gaeksa
and Poongnammun on the
way to the Hanok Village.
In the coming years, this
Jeolla Gamyeong was
complex moved to its current
the downtown shopping
attraction will certainly be
established to oversee
location in Shinsikaji. The
center, and Poongnammun,
included in any walking tour
the affairs of Jeolla-do.
historical site, then freed
near the Hanok Village, was
course of historic Jeonju
At that time, Jeolla-do’s
up, was surveyed and
another historic attraction
that includes the Hanok
jurisdiction included not
excavated in 2006, and in
in the Nambu Market area.
only Jeollabuk-do but also
2007 the Jeolla Gamyeong
Jeollanam-do, and Jeju
Restoration Master Plan
With the success of the
Island as well. In early
was commissioned. After
Hanok Village restoration
1921, a new provincial
some long and contentious
project, Jeonju has
government complex was
discussions about the
built on the same location,
extent of the restoration,
upwards of 10 million
and the main office
the project eventually got
tourists per year (before
building, Seonhwadang,
underway by 2015, and the
COVID-19). And now with
remained until it was
first phrase was completed
the completion of the first
completely destroyed in
in 2019. Now, downtown
phase of the restoration of
a fire in 1951. Almost 50
Jeonju has another unique
Jeolla Gamyeong, including
years later, several changes
and historically significant
various interactive and
prompted a restoration of
technological attractions,
the complex, beginning
Jeonju has another tourist
with Seonhwadang.
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
전라 감영
500년 동안 대한민국의 서남지역
전체를 관장했던 조선 왕조 청사 복원
번역: 김민정
全 罗 监 营
500 年 来 监 督 整 个 大 韩 民 国 西 南
地 区 的 朝 鲜 王 朝 政 府 厅 舍 的 修 复
번역: 윤석훈
조선 왕조 초기인 1390년 즈음, 전라도의 정무를
관장하기 위해 전라감영이 만들어졌습니다. 그
당시 전라도의 관할 지역은 전라북도(전라도의
북쪽 지역) 뿐만 아니라 전라남도(전라도의 남쪽
지역)와 제주도까지 포함하였습니다. 1921년 초,
전라감영이 있던 터에 새로 전라북도 도청 청사가
지어졌으나, 감사의 집무실이었던 선화당은 1951년
화재로 완전히 소실되기 전까지 그 자리에 보존되어
있었습니다. 50년이 흐른 후, 몇 가지 변화들이 (
선화당) 재건의 시작을 야기했습니다. 먼저 2000
년에는 전라 감영의 터가 전라북도 기념물 107
호로 지정되었고, 도청 청사 건물이 현재 위치한
신시가지로 이전되었습니다. 그제야 비워진 전라감영
터는 2006년에 탐사 및 발굴되었고 2007년에 전라
감영 복원 계획이 시작되었습니다. 복원에 대한 많은
토론이 길게 이어진 끝에, 프로젝트는 2015년에
시작되었고 2019년에 1단계가 완료되었습니다.
현재 전주 시내에는 독특하고 역사적인 또 다른 중요
명소들이 있습니다. 전주 한옥마을에 복원 작업이
시작되기 전에는 객사가 시내의 쇼핑센터 주요 명소였고
한옥마을 근처에 있던 풍남문이 남부 시장 근처에
있는 역사적 명소였습니다. 그리고 한옥마을 복원
프로젝트의 성공과 함께 전주시는 (코로나-19 발생 전)
매년 천만명의 관광객을 지속적으로 유치해왔습니다.
그리고 이제, 전라감영 복원 프로젝트의 1단계 완성과
그에 포함된 다양한 상호적, 기술적 명소들과 함께
전주는 객사에서 한옥마을로 가는 길에 있는 풍남문
사이에 또 다른 관광 명소가 생겼습니다. 앞으로는
이 명소가 한옥마을을 포함한 역사의 도시 전주의
도보여행 코스에 필히 포함될 것입니다.
朝 鲜 王 朝 初 期 1390 年 左 右 , 为 了 监 督 全 罗 道
的 政 务 创 建 了 全 罗 监 营 。 那 时 候 , 全 罗 道 管
辖 不 仅 包 括 全 罗 北 道 ( 全 罗 道 北 部 地 区 ),
还 包 括 全 罗 南 道 ( 全 罗 道 南 部 地 区 ) 和 济 州
岛 。1921 年 初 , 在 全 罗 监 营 旧 址 上 建 成 了 一
座 新 全 罗 北 道 道 厅 厅 舍 , 监 司 的 办 公 室 宣 化
堂 是 直 到 1951 年 在 一 场 大 火 中 完 全 被 烧 毁
之 前 , 一 直 保 存 在 那 里 。 经 过 50 年 后 , 几 个 变
化 导 致 ( 宣 化 堂 ) 重 建 的 开 始 。 首 先 2000 年 全
罗 监 营 址 被 指 定 为 全 罗 北 道 纪 念 物 107 号 ,
道 厅 厅 舍 大 楼 已 迁 至 目 前 所 在 的 新 市 。 这 才
空 置 的 全 罗 监 营 址 , 于 2006 年 进 行 了 勘 探 和
挖 掘 , 而 2007 年 全 罗 监 营 修 复 计 划 开 始 了 。
经 过 多 次 关 于 修 复 的 冗 长 讨 论 , 该 项 目 于
2015 年 启 动 , 第 一 阶 段 于 2019 年 完 成 了 。
目 前 , 全 州 市 内 还 有 独 特 历 史 意 义 的 重 要 景
点 。 在 全 州 韩 屋 村 开 始 修 复 工 作 之 前 , 客 舍
是 市 内 的 主 要 购 物 中 心 。 以 及 靠 近 韩 屋 村 的
丰 南 门 是 南 部 市 场 附 近 的 历 史 景 点 。 随 着 韩
屋 村 修 复 工 程 的 成 功 , 而 且 全 州 市 ( 在 疫 情
之 前 ) 每 年 持 续 吸 引 了 1000 万 游 客 。 而 现 在 ,
随 着 全 罗 监 营 修 复 工 程 的 第 一 阶 段 的 完 成
和 这 里 包 括 的 各 种 相 互 、 技 术 的 景 点 一 起 ,
全 州 的 另 一 个 旅 游 景 点 位 于 从 客 舍 到 韩 屋
村 途 中 的 丰 南 门 之 间 。 以 后 , 这 个 景
点 肯 定 会 被 列 入 包 括
韩 屋 村 在 内 的 历
史 城 市 全 州 的 徒
步 之 旅 。
Jeolla Gamyeong was established to oversee the affairs of
Jeolla-do. At that time, Jeolla-do’s jurisdiction included not only
Jeollabuk-do but also Jeollanam-do, and Jeju Island as well.
동고산을 오르며
한국어 번역 : 서유정
전주 한옥마을에서
가까이 위치한 동고산은
등산하기에도 좋았다. 1
시간만 내어 바쁜일상속에서
벗어나 과거의 시간으로 잠시
되돌아 가보는것을 추천한다.
길을 따라 걷다보면,
각양각색의 모양을 한 돌들과,
절벽들을 마주할 수 있을
것이다. 정상으로 가는 다양한
길 중 어디에서 시작하느냐에
따라 약 2시간 이내의 시간이
걸린다. 가을에 이곳을
방문한다면, 붉은 단풍으로
덮혀진 아름다운 장관을 보며
대자연에게 감사하는 마음이
절로 생길것이다. 정상에
올랐다면, 확 트인 도시를
내려다보며 꼭 담고 가야할
3가지 포인트가 있다. 그
지점에선 높은 빌딩들, 그리고
필자가 제일 마음에 들어한
도심 속 흐르는 강물의 사진
등등 사진들을 찍을 수 있다.
爬 上 东 固 山
중국어 번역 : 김명화
东 固 山 距 离 全 州 韩 屋 村
非 常 近 , 山 路 也 不 复 杂 ,
适 于 爬 山 。 建 议 大 家 抽 出
一 个 小 时 , 脱 离 忙 碌 的 日
常 生 活 , 暂 时 回 到 过 去 的
时 间 。 沿 路 走 下 去 , 你 会
看 到 各 式 各 样 的 石 头 和
悬 崖 峭 壁 。 通 往 山 顶 的 道
路 有 很 多 条 , 随 着 从 哪 条
路 出 发 , 将 会 需 要 2 小 时
以 内 的 时 间 。 秋 天 来 到 这
里 , 可 以 看 到 被 红 色 枫 叶
覆 盖 的 美 丽 壮 观 景 象 , 自
然 会 产 生 感 恩 大 自 然 的
心 情 。 登 上 山 顶 后 , 可 以
俯 瞰 开 阔 的 城 市 , 一 定 要
看 3 个 关 键 亮 点 。 在 该 地
点 可 以 拍 摄 到 高 楼 大 厦 、
还 有 笔 者 最 喜 欢 的 在 城 市
中 心 流 淌 的 河 水 照 片 等 。
Words & Photos by
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
Donggosan is a great hiking place that is very
close to Jeonju’s Hanok Village. Take some
time out of your busy day and go back in
time. When walking along the path, you can
enjoy the scenery of strange rock formations and cliffs.
Depending on where you begin your journey, the trek
to the top can be done in as little as two hours. In the
fall, there are wonderful views of the mountain, thanks
to the beautiful autumn foliage.
Relax in the quiet and peace of the distinct rustling
of the bamboo forest leaves as you walk along the
path leading toward the temple. Head out early in the
morning or late evening to appreciate how amazing
the temple looks at sunrise and sunset. Wandering the
temple, basking in the afternoon sun while peacefully
observing the surrounding area, and hiking to the
mountain’s summit are all prime activities for visitors
to Donggosan, especially in the fall and spring.
At the top there are three different viewpoints in the
mountain where you can enjoy a clear view of the city.
From here you can take photos of almost the whole city,
including the river flowing below, which I found very
satisfying when taking photos.
If you visit the temple, also head just up the road to walk
along the paths of the royal tombs. The surrounding forests
are calm and peaceful and the buildings numerous, which
means this temple could take some time to walk around
and truly enjoy, but it’s worth the short walk into the hills.
When coming down from the mountain I visited
Donggosa Temple. The temple is one of my favorites as
it’s beautiful, clean, and quiet. It’s off the beaten path and
just stunning, especially if you visit in the spring around
Buddha’s birthday to see all of the lotus lanterns hanging
around the temple. The place is blessed with immense
natural beauty to offer you the perfect backdrop for
your calm, peaceful, and spiritual experience. The main
goal of Buddhism is to get away from agony and the
cycles of reincarnation and to attain nirvana. The temple
features one amazing and tall statue of Buddha. Buddha
standing alone in the mountain itself creates a peaceful
atmosphere. The place is surrounded by beautiful views.
If you are willing to
enjoy a short trip to a
mountain and don’t
want to be crowded
at the same time,
Donggosan is one of
the best choices for
you. I really enjoyed
it and am happy to
share it with other
hiking lovers.
39 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
전북행 티켓팅 완료!
한 캐나다 출신 교사가 "
고요한 아침의 나라"에서의
경험을 공유합니다.
번역: 박태경
全 北 行 的 票 已 订 完 !
一 位 出 身 加 拿 大 的 教 师
分 享 了 她 在 “ 早 晨 平 静
的 国 家 ” 中 的 经 历 。
번역: 황희선
Anthony Pettit은 한국에 온 지 2년이 된 원어민
영어 선생님입니다. 캐나다 온타리오주 토론토
인근 마을 출신으로 한국에서의 첫 직장 생활로
1년 동안 광주에 있다가 지금은 전주시에서 두
번째 학원과 계약하여 일하고 있습니다. 일을
마친 후 그는 교육 학위를 마치기 위해 잠시
캐나다로 돌아갈 계획입니다. 이 인터뷰에서
저는 그에게 한국에서의 경험, 그가 여기까지
오게 된 이유, 직면한 어려움, 그리고 한국에
대해 배우고 사랑하게 된 점에 관해 물었습니다.
모든 것을 처음 경험하는 캐나다인의 눈으로
한국을 재발견하는 방법을 읽어보세요.
Anthony Pettit 是 一 位 来 韩 国 工 作 2 年 的
英 语 教 师 。 出 生 在 加 拿 大 安 大 略 省 多 伦 多
附 近 的 一 个 小 镇 , 在 韩 国 的 第 一 份 工 作 就
是 位 于 在 光 州 , 工 作 了 一 年 之 后 , 目 前 在 全
州 的 第 二 所 学 院 工 作 。 结 束 后 , 他 计 划 暂 时
回 加 拿 大 完 成 自 己 的 学 业 。 在 这 次 采 访 中 ,
我 问 了 他 在 韩 国 的 经 历 , 为 什 么 来 这 里 的
理 由 和 面 临 的 挑 战 , 以 及 是 什 么 让 他 学 习
和 热 爱 韩 国 等 问 题 。 请 阅 览 一 下 用 加 拿 大
人 的 眼 光 发 现 首 次 经 历 的 崭 新 的 韩 国 !
Some responses have been edited for length
and clarity.
"I really enjoy teaching and living in South Korea as
I am able to learn about a new country." - Anthony
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
One teacher from Canada shares his
experience in the “Land of Morning Calm”.
Can you tell me something about yourself?
Hi, I’m Anthony. I’m an English teacher. I come from
Ontario, Canada. I live near Toronto. I really like to travel.
I’ve been to different countries. I like to play sports —
hockey, of course. I used to go to the gym here in my first
year, but I do weightlifting at home now. On weekends,
I try to do a little bit of traveling and meet some friends.
How long have you been living here?
What brought you to Jeonju?
I’ve been in Korea for just over two years. My first year was
in Gwangju, and a friend offered me a job in Jeonju last
year. So now, I’ve signed another contract for another year.
Did you know anything about this country before you came
here? Why Korea? You have a brother in Japan, right?
Yes. I mentioned earlier that I like to travel. I specifically
chose Korea because I heard that the pay is decent and I
heard that there’s a lot of sightseeing to do. Back home,
we never really talked about Korea so I was really curious
about this country. I knew something about its population.
I had heard about Kia, Hyundai, Samsung, and LG. And
Korean cosmetics and fashion are a big thing too. I had
heard about K-beauty. I also heard it’s a safe country, and
it’s close to Japan, so whenever I want to visit my brother
there it’s easier — of course, not right now due to COVID-19.
Did you ever experience any language barrier
or any miscommunication here?
Like when going to the hospital, I use translation apps
and use some of my Korean. And it really depends on
where you’re going. In tourist spots, people can actually
speak some English. But when you go to smaller cities,
it’s a little bit complicated trying to get around, especially
when taking taxis. But no major issues.
So far, how’s Korea treating you? How’s the weather here?
I can say that summer here burns. The humidity is high.
I don’t mind walking for 30 or 40 minutes, but summer
here is way hotter and more humid than Canada. I like
fall. It’s cool and trendy when it comes to wardrobe.
Winter is good. Spring is a nice time too. In Canada we
have a long winter. We got a lot of snow. So pretty much
the weather here is great.
How’s the food?
Korean food is delicious. I didn’t really expect it to be
this good. To be honest, I haven’t tried Korean cuisine in
Canada. We have more Chinese and Japanese restaurants.
So when I came here it was really different, but I like
kimchi. My favorite is the white one, baek kimchi. Korean
barbecue, ramen, and mandu are pretty good too.
41 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
Can you tell me something about your work?
What are the differences between schools
and students here versus back home?
I work at a hagwon from Monday to Friday. I’m an English
teacher. Work hours really depend on where you work and
the pay is pretty decent. It’s actually different working
here in Jeonju and Gwangju.
My second choice is Busan. You can actually get the big
city experience; the beach is great.
My third choice is tough, actually. I think I like Seoul. It
has many things there, like authentic restaurants. But I
haven’t explored Seoul that much because it’s far from
here. So, I’m not really sure if I can call it my favorite.
And studying culture here and back home is quite
different. Most Korean kids are expected to study, study,
and study more. In Canada, we usually start school around
9:00 and finish around 3:00 and that’s pretty much it.
We also have some extracurricular activities which are
optional. But here, they have a lot of different kinds of
hagwons, and students have two or three hagwons to
attend to after school.
How do you typically spend your days off? Can you
tell me about the places that you’ve been? What are
your top three favorite places here in Korea?
Because of the things happening right now, we can’t
really travel far. On weekends, I like going to Gaeksa
in downtown Jeonju. They have different kinds of food
there. And I love to go sightseeing. It’s nice to go to a park
and walk around. There’s a lot of things to see even just
in Jeonju alone. The Hanok Village, for example, I’ve been
there a few times, but there’s always something to do.
But I have also been to different cities and places around
Korea. And my favorite so far is Gangneung. I went there
last summer. It was small, easy to go around, and had
lots of views. It was really great and a fun place to visit.
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
I like Gwangju and of course Jeonju. This is my home.
Are you planning to stay longer?
Not after my next contract here because I have to go
back to school. I want to get a degree in education and I
need time off to improve myself and maybe try to work
in a different place. I think coming back with something
different would be nice. I’d like to try other things
aside from working in a hagwon. It’s time to begin new
adventures and take on new challenges.
What do you want to tell people who would
like to work here? Can you give them some tips
or advice before deciding to come here?
Do your research, make sure that what the parties have
agreed to do for and with each other are stated clearly
on your contract. You can actually ask other teachers
about their experiences. Understand your contract.
Expectations are quite high but that’s OK as long as you
do your job. It’s better if you know some basic Korean.
Know the culture. Don’t limit yourself when making
friends with the local people. And enjoy.
산 (san)
사 (sa)
강 (gang)
도 (do)
도 (do)
시 (si)
군 (gun)
Korean is a very unique language
that is generally classified
by linguists as a "language
isolate" — meaning it cannot
be classified into a larger language family.
(English, for example, can be classified as
an Indo-European language, and Mandarin
Chinese can be classified as a Sino-Tibetan
language.) The linguistic homeland of the
Korean language has been suggested to
be Manchuria in northern China, where
there has historically been great overlap
between various ethnic groups including
Koreans, Mongols, Manchus, and Han
Chinese, among others.
The Goguryeo kingdom of Korea occupied
roughly half of Manchuria in the 5th
century AD, and there are aspects of the
Manchu script — the official language of
the Qing dynasty from the mid-17th to
the 20th century — present in hangul, the
alphabet developed by a team of scholars
under King Sejong in the 15th century.
Hangul was developed as a phonetic
alphabetic writing system intended to aid
in the reading of hanja (Chinese characters)
that had been incompletely adapted to
the Korean language beginning in the
first century AD with the introduction of
Buddhism to the peninsula.
But even after the creation of hangul,
scholarly and political documents
continued to be written primarily in
hanja, and it wasn't until the late 19th
century that hangul gained widespread
official use. Even as late as the 1920s,
Korean newspapers were using hanja in
100% of political headlines, 80% of social
headlines, and 60% of body copy.
Today, hanja is not used to write native
Korean words, and even its use in political
news stories has fallen to between 1%
and 5%. However, the Standard Korean
Language Dictionary, published by the
National Institute of Korean Language,
estimates that 57% of the 510,000 words
in the Korean language, or about 290,000
words, have a Chinese hanja origin.
Therefore, having at least a rudimentary
understanding of hanja can help a Korean
language learner develop a deeper
knowledge of the language, including a
wider vocabulary and an ability to make
mental connections between words that
山 - 산 (san) = mountain
Naejangsan ( 內 藏 山 ) or
Naejang Mountain
寺 - 사 (sa) = temple
Donggosa ( 東 固 寺 ) or Donggo
江 - 강 (gang) = river
Han Gang ( 漢 江 ) or Han River
島 - 도 (do) = island
Jeju-do ( 濟 州 島 ) or Jeju Island
(not the same as Jeju Province
( 濟 州 道 ))
道 - 도 (do) = province
Jeollabuk-do ( 全 羅 北 道 ) or
North Jeolla Province (buk
( 北 ) = north)
市 - 시 (si) = city
Jeonju-si ( 全 州 市 ) or Jeonju City
郡 - 군 (gun) = county
Imsil-gun ( 任 實 郡 ) or Imsil
share the same hanja characters.
43 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
Get a taste of
Korean history
through these
Words by
번역: 김진희
번역: 강여정
Sageuk (사극) in
Korean refers to
historical drama
series, films, and
theatrical plays that
depict the early days
of Korea. In the early
stages of filmmaking in
Korea, local directors
and writers began
working on telling
the stories of folklore,
legends, mythology,
and historical figures.
The most popular
films were about the
lives of royalty during
the Joseon dynasty
and the heroes of the
time. Today, sageuk
dramas remain as
vibrant as ever. Here
are some K-drama
that can give you a
glimpse of Korea’s
glorious past.
사극은 한국의 과거를
묘사하는 드라마, 영화 및
연극을 말합니다. 다음은
한국의 영광스러운 과거를
엿볼 수 있는 추천할 만한
历 史 剧 是 指 描 写 韩 国 过 去 的
电 视 剧 、 电 影 和 戏 剧 。 通 过 以 下
可 以 看 到 韩 国 光 荣 的 历 史 , 并
且 也 是 值 得 推 荐 的 K- 电 视 剧 。
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
❶ Dae Jang Geum, Jewel in the Palace 대장금, 궁중의 보석 | 大 长 今 , 宫 中 的 宝 石
Stars: Lee Young Ae, Ji Jin Hee, Hong Ri Na
If you haven’t already watched or
heard about this drama, it’s one of the
most popular sageuk dramas that was
considered as the propeller of the Hallyu
wave. This is based on the true story of
Jang Geum, the first female royal physician
of the Joseon dynasty. As a young girl,
Jang Geum became an apprentice cook
with a gift for cooking and skills to cure
the king of his various ailments through
medicine and food. It shows the struggles
of women, the political conflicts, and
competition within the palace.
조선 최초의 궁중 여의사인 장금이의
실화를 바탕으로 한 작품입니다.
这 是 一 部 以 朝 鲜 第 一 位 宫 廷 女 医 生
长 今 的 真 实 故 事 为 背 景 的 作 品 。
❷ Moon Embracing the Sun 해를 품은 달 | 拥 抱 太 阳 的 月 亮
Stars: Kim Soo Hyun, Han Ga In
A love story about a young king that spans especially how women from distinguished
decades. It’s also a peek at the inner politics families would vie for the coveted position
of the palace, the power dynamics, and of being the king’s queen.
수십 년에 걸친 젊은 왕의 사랑
이야기로 궁 안에서 벌어지는 정치를
엿볼 수 있는 드라마입니다.
是 通 过 数 十 年 年 轻 国 王 的 爱 情 故
事 , 来 窥 见 宫 内 发 生 的 政 治 的 电 视
剧 。
❸ Sungkyunkwan Scandal 성균관 스캔들 | 成 均 馆 绯 闻
Stars: Park Min Young, Park Yoochun, Yoo Ah In, and Song Joong Ki
A young woman disguises herself as a man were confined to the home, this drama
to enter the prestigious Sungkyunkwan shows how one woman outsmarted her
school for scholars who will be trained to male counterparts to prove that women can
serve in the palace. At a time when women do anything they can do — if not better, too!
궁에서 일 할 인재를 양성하는 명문
학교인 성균관에 입학하기 위해
남자로 변장한 여자의 이야기입니다.
这 是 一 个 女 孩 为 了 进 入 在 宫 里 培
养 工 作 人 才 的 名 牌 学 校 成 均 馆 , 而
乔 装 成 男 子 汉 的 故 事 。
❹ Empress Ki 기황후 | 奇 皇 后
Stars: Ha Ji Won, Ji Chang Wook
Loosely based on historical events, this
drama is about a female slave who grows
up as an activist and saves girls from
being sent away and sold into slavery.
She meets the king of Goryeo as well as a
prince from Mongolia, the next emperor
of China, whom she falls in love with.
역사적 사건을 기반으로 한 이
드라마는 노예에서 황후가 된 여성이
노예로 팔려가는 소녀들을 구하는
该 剧 以 历 史 事 件 为 基 础 , 讲 述 了 从
奴 隶 变 成 皇 后 的 女 性 , 并 救 助 被 贩
卖 成 奴 隶 的 少 女 的 故 事 。
❺ Jumong 주몽 | 朱 蒙
Stars: Song Il Gook, Han Hye Jin, Kim Seung Soo, Song Ji Hyu
This drama tells the life of Jumong, tale, portraying the bravery and heroism
founder of the Goguryeo Kingdom. Epic of the main character.
battles are fought and won in this majestic
고구려를 건국한 주몽의 일대기를
그린 드라마입니다.
这 是 一 部 描 写 建 立 高 句 丽 的 朱 蒙 生
平 传 记 的 电 视 剧 。
❻ Iljimae 일지매 | 一 枝 梅
Stars: Lee Joon Ki, Han Hyo Joo
This is the tale of the Korean “Robin Hood”
during the Joseon dynasty. It is the story
of a hero who robs corrupt government
officials and gives back to the poor.
To symbolize his presence after every
robbery, he leaves behind a picture of a
plum tree branch, giving him the name
조선 시대의 '로빈후드' 이야기로
부패한 공직자의 재산을 빼앗아,
가난한 백성들에게 돌려주는 영웅의
这 是 朝 鲜 时 代 的 " 罗 宾 汉 " 故 事 , 把
抢 夺 的 腐 败 公 职 人 员 的 财 产 , 还 给
贫 困 百 姓 的 英 雄 故 事
45 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
The Center’s Best Practices in
the Era of COVID-19 Announced
코로나19 시대, 전라북도국제교류센터
English : 양해정 • 한글 : 서유정
On August 25, the Jeollabuk-do Center
for International Affairs participated in
The Academy of Public Diplomacy Local
Governments of the Korea Foundation,
Workshop for Local Government International Exchange
Practitioners, and announced the best practices operated
by the center in the post-coronavirus era.
Participants who are members of internationalexchange-related
organizations from all over the country,
including Daejeon, Gwangju, Seoul, Suwon and more,
attended the event.
전라북도국제교류센터는 지난 8월 25일 한국국제교류재단의
공공외교 지자체 아카데미 지자체국제교류 실무자 워크숍에 참가하여
포스트 코로나 시대 국제교류센터가 운영하고 있는 우수사례에 대해
이날 참석자들은 서울, 수원 등 수도권을 포함하여 대전광역시,
광주광역시 등 전국에 있는 국제교류 유관기관, 국제교류 실무자들이
특히 전라북도국제교류센터는 “코로나19 시대 전라북도국제교류센터
우수사례”라는 주제로 4가지의 우수한 사업을 우리나라 전 국제교류
실무자들에게 소개하는 시간을 가졌다.
In particular, the Jeollabuk-do Center for International
Affairs had time to introduce four excellent projects to
all international exchange practitioners in Korea under
the theme of Best Practices of the Jeollabuk-do Center
for International Affairs in the COVID-19 Era.
랜선 힐링 투게더 전북 사업은, 스페인어 전문 유투버 장민이 제작한
전라북도 14개 시군 V-log로서, 14개 시군을 모두 여행하면 각 지역별
체험기, 명소 방문기 등을 영상으로 제작한 프로젝트이다. 조회수 약
5만 건 이상을 기록하며 세계 사용언어 2위를 차지하는 스페인어로
전라북도를 홍보하는데 긍정적 영향을 펼쳤다고 평가받고 있다.
The Online Healing Together Jeonbuk Project is a vlog
of 14 cities and counties in Jeollabuk-do produced by
the Spanish YouTuber Jangmin and is a video project
containing experiences and visits to attractions by
region. It had a positive effect on promoting Jeollabuk-do
in Spanish, which ranks second in the world's spoken
languages, and the videos got more than 50,000 views.
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
The Foreign Video Content Contest was a video contest
for foreigners across the country, and 14 teams out of 39
videos containing stories about foreigners' experiences
visiting Jeollabuk-do were selected and awarded prizes.
외국인 영상 콘텐츠 공모전은 전국에 있는 외국인들을 대상으로
시행한 영상 공모전으로서, 외국인들이 직접 전라북도를 방문하고,
경험한 이야기를 담은 영상 39개 중 14개 팀을 선정하여 수상한 바
The On-tact Traditional Craft Experience Program was
a non-face-to-face experience program operated in 15
institutions from 12 countries by distributing four videos
of making traditional crafts and experience kits produced
by traditional crafts experts. It was an opportunity to
promote Jeollabuk-do’s excellence to foreigners who are
interested in Korea by collaborating with Korean cultural
centers located in countries such as the Netherlands,
Germany, France, and Spain.
Finally, the KOICA Global Training Government Department's
proposal project for 2022 is a program to strengthen the
capacity of local government officials to advance agricultural
technology in Govi-Altai, Mongolia, and is the first large-scale
project for the center, which reserves 500 million KRW in
public funds for about three years, from 2022 to 2024.
With this workshop, various public institutions from regions
such as Jeollabuk-do, Suwon-si, and Gwangju-si were able
to share practices of international exchanges in the post-
COVID-19 era, and it became an in-depth discussion on the
future direction of international exchanges.
온택트 전통공예 체험 프로그램은 코로나로 인하여 해외 대면
프로그램 추진이 어려움에 따라, 도내 전통공예 전문가가 제작한
전통공예 작품 만들기 영상, 체험키트 4가지를 12개국 15개 기관에
배포하여 운영한 비대면 체험 프로그램이다. 네덜란드, 독일, 프랑스,
스페인 등 한국문화원과 협업하여 한국에 관심 있는 외국인들에게
전북의 우수성을 홍보하는 계기가 되었다.
마지막으로 센터가 선정된 2022년도 KOICA 글로벌 연수 정부부처
제안사업은 몽골 고비알타이주 농업기술 선진화를 위한 현지 지역
공무원 역량 강화 연수를 추진시키는 프로그램으로, 2022년~2024
년 약 3년동안 운영 가능한 5억원의 국비를 확보한 센터 최초 대 규모
이번 워크숍을 계기로 전라북도, 수원시, 광주광역시 등 다양한
기관들의 포스트 코로나 시대 국제교류 운영 사례에 대해서 공유할수
있었으며, 향후 국제교류가 나아갈 방향에 대하여 심도있게 논의하는
심도있는 자리가 되었다.
47 Fall 2021 • Issue 24
Toward the 4th Industrial Revolution
and the Korean Wave in the 21st century
21세기, 4차산업과 한류를 향하여
English : 장다연 • 한글 : 김명화
On Saturday, September 4, the Jeollabuk-do Center for
International Affairs held the Third Forum of the Public
Diplomatic Corps in 2021. The forum was held in an
online Zoom conference over the world's hot issues, the
Korean Wave, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and featured
lectures by Professor Ko Jeong-min, Hongik University's Graduate
School of Culture and Arts and Future Strategy.
The first session was a lecture related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Professor Ko Jeong-min began his lecture with the era of the Fourth
Industrial Revolution and explained the history of development and
change of the cultural industry based on this new era. He emphasized
the importance of thinking about the Fourth Industrial Revolution with
a broader view on opportunities and threats of the content industry
and future scenarios.
지난 9월4일 토요일, 전라북도국제교류센터는 2021
년 공공외교단 제3차 포럼을 개최하였다. 이번 포럼은
세계적으로 뜨거운 관심사 한류와 4차산업혁명을
둘러싸고 온라인 줌 회의방식으로 진행하였고 홍익대학교
문화예술경영대학원 교수이자 현 미래산업전략연구소
소장, 문화경제학회 회장, 콘텐츠미래연구회 회장 직을
맡고 계신 고정민 교수님을 어렵게 모셔서 직접 관련
내용에 대한 강의를 들을 수 있었다.
첫 번째 시간은 4차산업혁명과 관련된 내용에 대한
강의였다. 고정민 교수는 4차 산업혁명의 시대부터
시작하여 이를 토대로 한 문화산업의 발전, 변화의 역사에
대해 안내하고, 콘텐츠 산업의 기회와 위협 그리고 향후
미래 시나리오에 대한 폭넓은 시야를 갖고 4차산업혁명에
대해 곰곰이 생각해볼 필요가 있다고 언급하였다.
In particular, he emphasized that the key to harmonious use and
mutual aid in the future is to emphasize that this is a crisis and
a challenge for humans as artificial intelligence and translation
programs, which are closely related to public diplomatic members,
are rapidly developing.
특히 공공외교단원들과 밀접히 연관되어 있는
통번역에 대하여 현재 인공지능이 급속하게 발전하고
번역프로그램도 큰 발전을 가져오고 있기 때문에 이는
인간들에게 위기이자 도전이라고 하면서 향후 조화롭게
이용하고 상부상조하는 것이 관건이라고 강조한 바 있다.
The second session was a lecture on the phenomenon and success
factors of the Korean Wave. The concept of the Korean Wave, the stage
of the spread of the Korean Wave, and the early aspects of the Korean
Wave, such as the propagation path, were interesting. He also mentioned
the success factors supporting the Korean Wave, referring to the impact
of K-pop, K-dramas, Psy's “Gangnam Style,” Parasite, and BTS's success
on the Korean Wave.
Finally, he emphasized that the Korean Wave has a greater
potential for further development in the future along the same
lines as its current success. Despite the weekend forum, many
public diplomatic members attended online to further boost
the atmosphere of the forum and serve as a window for useful
information delivery to public diplomatic members. The center is
going to host the fourth forum in November.
두 번째 시간은 한류의 현상과 성공요인에 대한 강의였다.
한류의 개념, 한류의 확산단계와 전파경로 등 한류의
초기 양상에 대해 흥미진진하게 엿볼 수 있었다. 현재에
이르러서 K-POP, K-드라마, 싸이의 강남스타일, 기생충,
방탄소년단의 성공이 한류에 미치는 영향, 나아가
한국의 문화산업 발전에 큰 기여를 하고 있는 현상까지
언급하며 한류를 뒷받침하고 있는 성공 요인에 대해서도
끝으로 향후 해당 성공비결을 통해 한류는 더욱 큰
발전가능성이 있음을 강조하였다. 주말에 진행된
포럼임에도 불구하고 많은 공공외교단원들이 온라인으로
참석하여 포럼의 분위기를 더 한층 끌어올렸고,
공공외교단원들에게도 유익한 정보전달의 창구가 되었다.
11월은 제4차 포럼을 앞두고 있다.
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
World Scout
2hr 30min
Activity Course
Parking Lot 2
Parking Lot 1
Shade Area (vines)
Assembly Hall Parking Lot 3
Global Youth Leader Center (Operations HQ)
Renewable Energy Theme Park
2023 Saemangeum
World Scout Jamboree Aerial View
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
nnel Area
by City and County
Modern city + the early 19th century
Extreme sports(zipline)
Modern cultural heritage
Renewable energy, hologram,
futuristic automobiles
Glittering treasure of Jeonbuk
Shrines of four regions
Mireuksa Temple
(World Heritage)
Iksan jewelry tour & experience
Slow City with tradition & history
Hanok village treasure hunt
Palbokdong time travel
Hydrogen-fueled car exp
Waves of ripened grains on the horizon
Agricultural exp at
Byeokgolje Reservoir
25th World Scout Jamboree Host city
Julpo Bay Adventure Zone
Marine activities (windsurfing,
banana boat, jet ski, etc.)
Brownsea Island camping (Weedo)
Jikso Stream Nature Adventure
(rock climbing, water activity)
Fortress built with natural stones
Dolmen site
(World Heritage)
Mountain activity (cycling)
Aerial activity (paragliding)
Magnificent view of autumn colors
Climate, astronomy,
finding stars in the sky
Jeonbuk Life Magazine
A city of community culture
Eco-adventure Awards
Noltopia experience
Jinan Plateau: the roof of Korea
History + ecological exp
at Maisan Mountain
Ecofriendly healing + exp
of the clean-air forest
Slow food (red ginseng)
World Scout
supported by
14 cities
& counties
of Jeollabuk-do
Sacred place for Taekwondo
Taekwondo exp +
Poomsae certification course
Slow food (Meoru Wine Cave)
Water leisure activity (rafting)
Origin of Korean cheese: Imsil cheese!
Disaster management &
safety science experience
Extreme sports(shooting)
Slow food (Cheese Theme Park)
Jangsu Gaya: the kingdom of iron
Eco visit: Tteunbongsaem Spring,
the source of Geumgang River
Story of the Gaya confederacy,
the kingdom of iron
paradise of fermentation
Barefoot walking
Slow food (soybean pastes)
City of culture & arts at Jirisan
Gwanghallu Pavilion,
Namwon Yechon (history &
tradition experience )
Jiri Mountain eco visit + Pansori
Section: Culture
The most "Korean" province,
A city cherishing a thousand years of history - Jeonju
A place creating a new culture while keeping its original flavor and taste!
Listen to the various stories of Jeollabuk-do made for a thousand years.
全 州 市
群 山 市
益 山 市
井 邑 市
南 原 市
Jeonju City
Gunsan City
Iksan City
Jeongeup City
Namwon City
金 堤 市
完 州 郡
Hong Kong
全 羅 北 道
鎭 安 郡
茂 朱 郡
Gimje City
Wanju County
Jinan County
Muju County
長 水 郡
任 實 郡
淳 昌 郡
高 敞 郡
扶 安 郡
Jangsu County
Imsil County
Sunchang County
Gochang County
Buan County
Learn more Hanja (Chinese characters) on page 43.
276 Hongsan-ro Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do • +82-63-280-6112